The UFO issue: Your opportunity to truly
learn something about the subject
- Intro
- Examples from mainstream media sources
Related ISGP articles - UFO reports by mainstream media and respected investigators
- UFO history timeline (based on these newspaper reports)
- Crop circle formations
- Roswell disinformation

UFOs? Ah, that silly topic everybody has heard of, but no one knows what to believe about? Well, look no further. These pages contain a large amount of reliable information and will make you an UFO expert in no-time. Over 95% of the information in this section has been taken from mainstream newspaper reports from the past 60 years - and I can guarantee you that you won't believe the stuff that has appeared over the years in these newspapers. It's quite amazing.
A tip: print these newspaper reports and read a few of them every night. It's fun and interesting stuff - and certainly nothing to laugh about.
Of course, the newspaper reports on this site have been carefully selected (I've literally gone over thousands). Especially in later years, over 98% or so of these reports are useless because they have nothing to do with journalism or unbiased reporting. Mostarticles in this area are filled with the opinions of organized "experts" and skeptics who never researched anything, never seen anything and really don't give a damn about the UFO phenomenon. All they want to do is mock, ridicule and intimidate anyone who has an interest in the topic. The only reports that have been taken up are the ones that are rational, (largely) unbiased, and focus on reporting the facts and witness accounts - because this is all that matters.
You might want to keep one other thing in mind: although UFO reports have come in by the hundreds of thousands over the decades, statistically the chance of seeing one still ranges from 1 in several dozen or hundred in a few small areas to as low as 1 in 30,000 or less in most other regions. In other words, the fact that you, your friends and your family haven't seen anything really means very little. Now, some might argue that seeing a UFO can involve more than just dumb luck, but that's a discussion for another day.
Examples from mainstream media sources
The following excerpts all have been taken from newspaper articles and other mainstream sources chronologically organized in its own section here:

"It is the opinion that: a. The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious. ... d. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely."
"We have a new project--Project SIGN--which may surprise you as a development from the so-called mass hysteria of the past summer when we had all the unidentified flying objects or discs. This can't be laughed off. We have over 300 reports which haven't been publicized in the papers from very competent personnel, in many instances--men as capable as Dr. K.D. Wood--and practically all Air Force, airline people with broad experience. We are running down every report. I can't even tell you how much we would give to have one of those crash in an area so that we could recover whatever they are."

"We had a number of reports from reputable people (well-educated, serious-minded folks - scientists and flyers) who surely saw something. There is no question about it: these were things which we could not tie in with any natural phenomena known to our investigators. ... And repeat again: there were some cases we could not explain. Never could."
"28 Jan 1950: Lt Col Lester F. Mathison, Commander, 625th Air Control and Warning Squadron, Elmendorf AFB, reported seeing an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) while walking from the operations building to the squadron orderly room. He described it as three reddish-orange objects about the size and shape of a pencil eraser above a small cirrus clouds approximately 25,000 to 35,000 feet above the ground. They appeared to be moving in trail, in a slightly curved line, heading north before they disappeared. Colonel Mathison called a nearby sergeant to witness the sighting. The objectives disappeared before he arrived. The Alaskan Air Command Intelligence staff ruled out the possibility that the objectives sighted were jet aircraft.
"Colonel Mathison's sighting was a series of UFOs observed during the January-June 1950 period. Sergeant William Y. Harrell, a control tower operator on Elmendorf AFB, spotted two green lights at 0122 hours, 19 April, at an altitude of 200-300 feet over one of the hangars. He and an assistant observed them move in a trail formation to a position within 1,000 feet and about 25 feet above the tower. For a brief moment, one of the lights emitted a very greenish trail. Both lights increased in brightness as they came closer to the tower and appeared to be 24-36 inches in diameter, compact and circular in shape. They appeared to glow, with deep green centers fading to yellowish green on the outer edges. The lights veered away from the control tower and passed on the opposite side of the base water tower, heading southwest towards Merrill Field. The disappeared from view one mile south of Elmendorf AFB. Other personnel on the ground also observed the lights. They appeared to be traveling at 300 miles and hour as they traversed Merrill Field. Intelligence personnel ruled out other aircraft or weather phenomena."
UPDATE: Finally looking to back up the relevant PDF anno 2024, it turns out this passage has been removed from Elmendorf's 'Remembering our Heritage' document, in one uploaded on April 9, 2013 by '' at A 2005 'Remembering our Heritage' version, which may contain the passage is locked away under "Access: Confidential".

"Military secrecy veils an investigation of the mysterious, glowing aerial objects that showed up on radar screens in the Washington area Saturday night for the second consecutive week. A jet pilot sent up by the Air Defense Command to investigate the objects reported he was unable to overtake the glowing lights moving near Andrews Air Force Base."
"Administration radar operator tracked four UFOs flying over California at speeds up to 3,600 mph [5,760 km/h] last spring. The circumstances were similar to past radar sighting which could not be identified as conventional aircraft."

"A group of more than 50 top commercial airline pilots, all veterans of more than 15 years with major companies, yesterday blasted as "bordering on the absolute ridiculous" the Air Force policy of tight censorship, brush-off and denial in regard to unidentified flying objects - flying saucers. One termed the Air Force policy "a lesson in lying, intrigue and the 'Big Brother' attitude carried to the ultimate extreme." Each of the pilots has sighted at least one UFO, the majority several... Since the appearance of the above article Mr. Lester has informed this Committee that 400 more pilots have joined the list of the original 50."
"Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense... to hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel."

"All they had taken this time was the rectum. But that had been removed in the usual expert manner. The hole was almost a perfect, smooth circle where the blade had been. ... Grass was still hanging from the half-open mouth. The cow hadn't even glanced around. ... Ranchers are comparing notes. In an overwhelming number of cases the animals are missing the same parts: the left eye, left ear, lips, tongue, sexual organs, rectums and sometimes the heart. Eerie enough in itself. But there is more. Some ranchers insist the blood has been drained from the animal. Others agree that, drained or not, there is never a trace of blood on the ground around the carcass. Equally bizarre, no tire tracks or human footprints can be found, even in muddy fields thick with hoof marks, although some animals have been discovered miles from the nearest road, others only yards from houses. Stranger yet, the animals haven't been shot, bludgeoned or slashed to death and there is rarely a sign of struggle. How do they die? Concern has turned into alarm, in some counties into panic. ... Some students of ancient religions and not-so-ancient cults think the mutilations are the work of Satan worshipers... Some people also attribute the mutilations to men from outer space, which may now rank as the second most popular explanation."
"When the jets came to within five miles of the UFO, it fired at the lead jet, disintegrating it before the eyes of the wing man who returned to base terrified for his life," Spaulding said. The documents disclose sightings of unexplained objects over Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana, Loring Air Force Base in Maine and Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Michigan."
"This thing has gotten so highly classified... that it is just impossible to get anything on it... I have no idea of who controls the flow of 'need to know,' because frankly, I was told in such an emphatic way that it was none of my business that I've never tried to make it my business since."
"Clinton had said, 'If I put you over at Justice I want you to find the answers to two questions for me. One, who killed JFK? And two, are there UFOs?'... Clinton was dead serious. I had looked into both, but wasn't satisfied with the answers I was getting."

"It's time to open the books on the question of government investigation of UFOs. It ought be done because it's right. It ought to be done because the American people can handle the truth. And it ought to be done because it's the law."
"On 15 February 1999 an air traffic controller in Scotland noticed something strange on his radar screen. A bright blip on his screen suggested there was a very large object travelling at 3,000mph over the Scottish coastline heading south-west to Belfast. The size of the blip suggested the object was 10 miles long and two miles wide... According to official CAA reports, in the same month that a radar picked up an enormous object flying across Scotland, a pilot flying over the North Sea became startled when his aircraft became illuminated by an 'incandescent' light. Three other aircraft in the area reported seeing a ball of light moving at high speed. Air traffic controllers reported there were no strange aircraft in the area, but five minutes later an operator at a weather station picked up a fast-moving object on his radar... Other documents [1960s] from that time state: 'The press are never to be given information about unusual radar sightings... and [unusual visual] sightings are in no circumstances to be disclosed to the press.'"