TikTok: Forcing and Brainwashing Western Youths into Race Mixing; Kissinger Friends of the CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg and U.S.-China Relations Committee Always Owned TikTok; not China; Cato- and Putin-Oligarch-Ties As Well
- 14-day TikTok trial: porn, pedos, steroids, disinfo, feminist debates, endless race-mixing
- Pleasing the machines: Secret AI forces users to race mix
- HOT white women 46x overrepresented in Third World migrant sex vs HOT white men
- Loving hotties is key: brief version
U.S. congress (falsely) blames China - Congress dogmatically claims that TikTok is "a weapon [of] the Chinese Communist Party"
- Congress ignores TikTok a CFR member since Aug. 2021
- China's motives, spy scandals, golden shares
TikTok owned by CFR-, Davos- and Kissinger-tied elites from the start - TikTok for "60 percent owned by global institutional investors such as [CFR firms] Blackrock, General Atlantic..."
- TikTok investors timeline: 2012-:
- March 2012-: seed funding ties to Davos and the Kissinger-Greenberg-dominated National Committee on U.S.-China Relations
- July 2012-: Russia's Putin-oligarch state moves from Facebook to ByteDance
- July 2012-: Libertarian Cato Institute starts buying ByteDance stock
- 2014-2020: investors include KKR, General Atlantic, Goldman Sachs, LVMH, Carlyle, etc.
- U.S. owners in detail: KKR, BlackRock, General Atlantic, Carlyle, etc. - key members of the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission
- 2018: Chinese TikTok founder met with Bilderberg steering committee member Peter Thiel and a Kissinger protege
- Concluding remarks
Appendices - A: Tiktok's 2023 congressional hearing summary
- B. Congress criticized en masse for Tiktok "hearing": "disgrace", "ludicrous", "disheartening", "filthy and disgusting", etc.
Lack of content control - TikTok's "Restricted Mode": still "seggs", "daddy", "huge tits", "slutty"
- "Restricted" plus filters: "big dick", "choking", "swallowing", street lingerie and porn stars
- 65% of 8-to-12-year-olds registered as older / adults; TikTok their sex education
Mainstream media silence - Mainstream media (and congress) quietly agree with TikTok sex education to children
- What should we have expected from the media? Basic, "folksy" criticism
- Pedo-pushing the new LGBTQ-P norm
Love - Loving hotties is key
- Another solution? Options on what to view - but unlikely to be implemented
- Notes
"I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days [host laughing hysterically], with what I see other white males say. But it just shows, with very few exceptions, like [Dick Cheney's daughter] Liz Cheney there are so few Republicans in Congress who value truth, honesty, and integrity. And so they'll continue to gaslight the country, the way Donald Trump did."
March 1, 2021 media appearance by John O. Brennan 1, the CIA director over 2013-2017 who visited Bilderberg in June 2017, where he was officially listed as a new "Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc.".
"It appears that young people throughout the world are going on strike and not having children [except in Africa]. ...
"[So] there will be 500 million working-age sub-Saharan Africans with a secondary or higher education [but] in Europe that will fall below 300 million... [This] will lead to the continued movement of people across borders for generations to come. I would argue this is a good thing...
"Vicious hate crimes have scarred societies from Norway to France... Police engage in racial profiling."
June 15, 2012, Sir Peter Sutherland speech at the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Ireland, as the UN Special Representative for International Migration 2006-2017. 2
However, did he speak in this capacity? Or more as the head of Goldman Sachs, BP and the WTO? Or as a Bilderberg steering committee member, the European chair of the Trilateral Commission, and the vice chair of the European Round Table of Industrialists? Considering top people within this network control TikTok, it explains what we see on TikTok.
14-day TikTok trial: porn, pedos, steroids, disinfo, feminist debates, endless race-mixing
Below is a somewhat expanded comment of the author to a November 15, 2022 article entitled 'We wrestle with TikTok: unrest around ungraspable China grows' on NU.nl 3, the Netherlands' dominant news aggregate since late 1999. As predicted - which is why the author videotaped the process from the start - the Nu.nl moderators did not allow this comment to appear among 292 other (similarly long and short) comments.
Pictures have been added into the comment as well here. These are personal, early screenshots of TikTok that the described observations are based on. Not all of them are from the exact two week trial period, but many are:
- Almost no Chinese or Far East Asian videos: Similar to Instagram.
- Animal videos: Much better ones than Instagram.
- U.S. teens on massive amounts of steroids: More than Instagram.
Note: When a person looks considerably more muscular than any fighter in the UFC, which has the strictest drug testing in the world since 2015, and on top of that has the typical ripped "tren-shape" or arms thicker than their neck, it's a pretty good giveaway of steroids. - The top 5% of hottest men and women: More than Instagram.
- Women being ultra-sexual: Nothing but "daddy"-talk, etc. [Obviously not mentioned on Nu.nl: Loving dick in every hole, pretending to give blowjobs and getting fucked, being "sex workers", staring at bulges in grey sweatpants, sleeping with boyfriend's dads, getting fucked by the landlord or boss for money, etc.]
Notes: Girl in the top-right does ASMR blowjobs. Girl at the bottom was the second TikTok a few months earlier after the author giving TikTok "another chance" after wondering why "all the kids like it so much." - Endless western "multiculture" pushing: 80% of non-gaming commercials have at least one black guy, most group-based videos have at least one black person, with even "darkside" videos going viral (black guys asking smiling white women if they want to have a mixed baby with them).
- Making white people look dumber or nerdier than immigrant populations [Not mentioned in the Nu.nl comment]:
The white guy in the left kept guessing that Moroccans in Morocco speak Dutch... It was one of the first videos shown. - Alt right gurus: Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson, all day, every day, mixed in with farmer protest reports.
- LGBTQ and feminist political debates: Also see above. There's massively more alt right / "conservative CIA" representation than Instagram.
Again, among the first "random" personal TikToks: Jordan Peterson debating "feminists", a Turkish-Dutch woman laughing about International Male Day but not its female counterpart, and more "alt right" perspectives on women. This author had never heard of Andrew Tate until seeing him *everywhere* on Tik Tok, finding him obnoxious and seeing from his bio already that he had a bizarre, problematic past with making a fortune from employing cam girls. - Conspiracy disinformation gurus: Alex Jones, David Icke, Graham Hancock, Joe Rogan, Lange Frans, Disclosure Project witnesses, "Jeffrey Epstein-suicided", etc.
- Pedo-pushing: Quite a few videos with jokes about 15-year-old girls being "too old" and where heavy pedo-comments are sanctioned. [Not mentioned in the Nu.nl comment: Softcore pedophile channels exist on Instagram with 10-200k+ followers that keep going unsanctioned.]
Girl on the left claims she is 14 and that guys don't believe her, with the caption going: "Too bad, peanut butter." (doesn't rhyme in English) Translation of middle comments: "The closer to the zero, the tighter around the [dick]." (doesn't rhyme in English) "Too old? 15 or 16 is just the best." "No 8 is best". There were many more. It would be less suspicious if that channel wasn't also feminism and immigration-linked. These too were among the first TikToks that came up.
Similar to all, or most, of the Dutch media, NU.nl, first through Sonoma and since 2020 through De Persgroep, is tightly controlled by Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and even Soros-tied interests for all these years. It has the usual copy-paste-translate narrative we can also find in the New York Times or any other globalist-ran news outlet.
Similar to YouTube and its AI pre-screening system, Nu.nl moderators make sure to never-ever allow (serious, non-veiled, practical) comments critical of Third World immigration, feminism, LGBTQ, unique insights and proof on government corruption, or comments regarding "liberal CIA" or "conservative CIA" financing of sources that the site itself refers to as authorities. Whenever such comments do make it through, they generally get flagged and criticized by activist-, lawyer- and bureaucrat-sounding commentators that dominate the comment section, and are removed in minutes or hours afterwards. The author has various videos showing this process.
With that, Nu.nl is not just an organ of propaganda and censorship, but outright psychological warfare against the population of the Netherlands. However, Nu.nl is a discussion for another article.
Pleasing the machines: Secret AI forces users to race mix
Obviously, for this site the main focus is TikTok's ultra-heavy pushing of interracial dating and sex. Not a whole lot of additional material compared to the orevious section needs to be discussed here. We can make a few additional observations though:
- Without even knowing that TikTok's Chinese sister app, Douyin, openly introduced this technology as far back as 2019 4, with the technology in China similarly being used since that year to confirm IDs with payments 5, from the start it was clear to this author that TikTok uses latest-generation AI - possibly aided by staffers - to identify the races of every person in every video; and then artifically pushes "mixed race" videos to satisfy the West's "racial quotas" that are implemented everywhere: from government, to the media, to big business, to Hollywood movies, to miniserie platforms as Amazon Prime and Netflix.
Let's not forget, "DEI (Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive)-training" (read: unscientific indoctrination) is going on everywhere in western governments and multinationals. And TikTok won't be left behind.
Some personal examples that immediately showed up after the author started using his Tiktok account:
Among the very first TikToks this author ran into, still with a Dutch element present. As the reader can see, the globalist agenda is very much active outside the U.S. as well. - a black guy playfully tossing his white girlfriend into a swimming pool amidst other white couples;
- a black guy standing alone in a completely white festival crowd, in which the debate is supposed to be "no alcohol is no fun";
- a black guy doing crazy dangerous karate moves in an all-white moshpit (this one was much later actually, thinking of it);
- followed later on by endless videos of boys and girls interviewing each other, where coincidentally 70-90% of the time it involves mixed races.
TikTok's very slick multi-racial AI was clear within minutes of joining TikTok, with all videos pretending that the presence of a black guy is not the most noteworthy aspect. No need there for any "darkside" videos even.
This technology was basically not reported on in the western press in 2019, or seemingly at any time after it. At the same time internal documents at ByteDance reveal that the whole area of AI needs to be downplayed to (western) TikTok users. 6 Considering TikTok actually is controlled by top western, globalist multinationals, that may well be, because they are trying to hide this in-your-face-yet-covert algorithm as long as possible.An example from just before this article was uploaded. They come by daily.
Also clear is that in 2022 TikTok's algorithm used to respond to a user steadily pressing "not interested" whenever a (non-Far East Asian) interracial video was shown. If you did that two or three times in a row, TikTok would sharply decrease anything interracial, at least for a few hours or maybe a few days. This effect seems to be getting less though. Similarly, tapping "not interested" with certain women only had/has an effect for few hours to a day as well - such as the women below. Quite peculiar to be honest. - The deviousness of this "ethnic quota" algorithm not only is propaganda, but also that (white) TikTok users are FORCED to include members of other races - primary blacks - into their videos in order for their videos to gain any, or additional, traction. It appears that a lot of TikTokers who do not have an activist / propagandist past, for this reason have decided to join the multi-racial bandwagen. Or at the very least are playing and experimenting with it.
One such example can be seen below, on the right. Actually, this example was spontaneous and building up during the time it took to write this article.
For some reason, TikTok assigned the blond girl in the video labeled "1" here particularly strongly to this author's TikTok at some point in late 2022, no matter how many "not interested" notices were given. Never was there a hint of multi-racial propaganda, also after scrolling down all her historical videos. But all of a sudden a video pops up of her - on another channel - that includes a black guy with Wakanda hair. Coincidence? Maybe. But the black guy looks pretty out of place.
A few days later the video labeled "2" showed up (and not any other, ever, from this channel), after this author already spontaneously used the first video as a screenshot on the right here. Looking at the entire channel, it turned out that video "1" and "2" were far more popular than almost any other video, including the sexy ones, with a similar all-white dancing video with the hyper-popular TikTokker Bryce Hall only gathering 645,000 views. At least one older dancing video with a popular white TikTokker was much more viewed, but the author is not really familiar with the story lines there - which, judging from the comment section, definitely were going on.
Bizarrely - considering this was to be a brief (possible) example of "catering to the algorithm" - at the last second the author noticed that in the second-last video posted on this channel (see the top line) the girls in question had replaced the black guy with a... *PHOTO* of a black guy! It's a fascinating coincidence - also how this video did not garner as many views. Maybe these girls actually were experimenting with the algorithm as well. One thing is for sure: this second channel also has zero history of pushing mixed black-white video's before the one labeled "2" was uploaded. And yes, this author is aware she is partly Latina, which means little if the majority of the "Latina genes" come from Spain.
Granted, it would be more fruitful to carry out interviews with some of the other billion-plus TikTokkers around the world. For now, this will have to do. Mixed race videos are extremely heavily pushed though on TikTok. So much seems certain. And it does make one wonder: propaganda or trying to please a human-programmed AI machine? -
One thing that is also noteworthy, already on Instagram, is the absolute omnipresentness of black hip hop music on white girl's videos in particular. While it may be attractive music to many these days, and we could also ask the music industry where all the white rappers are - key is here a publicly accessible algorithm. Why? Because it is all too easy to program social media with an algorithm that boosts white girls favoring black hip hop music, similar to how black-white interracial videos are given an artificial boost.Another spontaneous TikTok frontpage-suggestion "tease", laying bare a culture shock: 55 million-followers TikTokker Loren Gray basically begging Ski Mask the Slump God to DM her back, after failing to notice a DM of his from 1.5 years earlier. Claims he's one of her "favorite rappers", but mispronounces his name.
You kinda keep going in circles in the Tiktok microcosm: Ski Mask was a (less prominent) associate of XXXTentacion, the depressy "emo rapper" with a cult following partially blamed in the "TikTok suicide" of the 16-year-old Chase Nasca, also at the March 2023 congressional TikTok hearing. Anno 2023 XXXTentacion's songs as 'Jocelyn Flores' contain the YouTube "suicide or self-harm" warnings and national suicide prevention hotlines. 'I Don't Wanna Do This Anymore' is beautiful, at least this author thinks, but the theme is clear. 'Sad' has over a billion views on YouTube. It too talks of suicide. His songs are filled with it.
The debate is not, "Should we have a new PMRC?" But really, "What's up with all these white girls pushing (ghetto) blacks? Why do they get so much favorable treatment from the algorithm?" It's not always bad music, but it does make you feel like you're losing brain cells. Quick too.
What is clear though - from the channel just discussed - is that merely including black hip hop in a TikTok video isn't as "algorithm-boosting" as including an actual (moving) black person.
In an update here: Coincidentally the author's YouTube frontpage started showing a decent amount of sexy "YouTube shorts" videos of a similar type as TikTok. Clicking through them, one thing that has to be said is that the amount of black hip hop background music is much less than on TikTok or even Instagram. So much so, that it's actually weird to hear 1980s and 1990s white music in so many of them... It also should not be a surprise that the videos are considerably less sexual than TikTok's. Good or bad, it makes it clear that TikTok is purposely allowing sexual videos to spread.
As for the last point, the propagandist use of hip hop music is so easy to "speculate" on by this author, because it's not just an American phenomenon. Since the late 1990s the antifa record label Top Notch of Kees de Koning has been flooding the Dutch radio waves with an ever-increasing stream of black and Arab gangster rap, mixed with slick "love" hip hop. Rock singer Anouk has been among his closest associates for decades, together working to ban 'Black Pete' / 'Blackface' while pushing Black Lives Matter. The promotion of black and Arab hip hop - because it's the most multi-racial music for the youth, because it hates the police, and because foreign ethnicities refuse to adapt to western music anyway - has been an increasingly easy-to-spot globalist operation.

Left: The usual anti-marriage material. "Influencer" is just a more recent word for (paid) "propagandist" - maybe even "disinformer".
HOT white women 46x overrepresented in Third World migrant sex vs HOT white men

Two chapters here have been moved into a separate, combined ISGP article, subtlely entitled 'Local Study: HOT White Women 46x Over-represented in Third World Migrant Sex vs Hot White Men; Hidden: H. Pylori, Blastocystis and other STDs among up to 95% of Immigrants'.
This article discusses mainstream studies on interracial attraction, does its own (rather shocking) local study in Rotterdam on mixed-race couples, and also looks at the STDs 50 to over 90% of Third World migrants carry around, namely Helicobacter pylori, Blastocystis parasites, and Tropheryma whipplei. Despite over half of the world population infected with these pathogens, predominantly in the Third World, there's literally no talk about it in the West.
Loving hotties is key: brief version
Very briefly, the only thing that very quickly and positively changed the content TikTok fed to him, was... love. This is discussed in one of the final chapters of all the extra chapters here - which deal with TikTok's role in the sexual corruption of the youth and society as a whole. For the first time even all the unwanted immigration content was filtered out.
It seems so simple, but even in a December 2022 Washington Post article - one of the very few articles to even look with a critical eye at the largely uncontrollable sexual content of TikTok - this is not exactly mentioned as a way to get the content you prefer. In fact, it essentially concludes with, "Deal with it." 7 Luckily for this author, he actually prefers seeing slutty, hot hookers most of the time - and he found a quick way to see barely anything but. One assumes the same works for consistently loving any other content.
Asians were barely *ever* recommended until the author started "loving" them:

All of a sudden the white hookers too were back in full glory, where, over the months of (somewhat) regular TikTok use, they had virtually disappeared:

So, yeah, if you have trouble with the TikTok algorithm, don't read the Washington Post, try to love what you love. And pray that this keeps working.
Congress dogmatically claims that TikTok is "a weapon [of] the Chinese Communist Party"
As detailed in a separate appendix, the March 23, 2023 congressional hearing of TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew was a complete sham. Chew - with his Goldman Sachs and Russian oligarch ties to ByteDance since 2012 - literally didn't admit anything, with congress members having done little research and not asking any penetrating questions either. Worst of all, congress members - and for which they were heavily criticized in YouTube's comment section everywhere - is that they had no interest in answers. They had fully made up their mind, kept bullying with "yes or no" to complex questions, and kept heavily repeating that TikTok is an arm of the "communist Chinese government".
For example, Washington State Republican congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, chair of the Committee in question, angrily and dramatically concluded during her opening statement:
"To the American people watching today, hear this, TikTok is a weapon by the Chinese Communist Party to spy on you, manipulate what you see, and exploit [it] for future generations. ... A data privacy bill is the only way to stop TikTok from ever happening again in the United States." 8
The jovial, somewhat loopy, Republican congressman of Georgia, Buddy Carter, went:

No congressman asked Chew any questions about this aspect that day, even though the Kissinger clique, from all around the world, has been the primary investor in ByteDance since 2012.
"Two-thirds of all the youths in our country are on your app. ... Research has shown that TikTok is the most addictive platform out there. And the reason for that, as we've been told, is because it has the most advanced algorithm. And the Chinese communist party knows this... There are those on this committee, including myself, who believe that the Chinese communist party is engaged in psychological warfare, through TikTok, to deliberate influence U.S. children." 10
The morbidly obese Republican congresswomen named Kat Cammack, after, bizarrely, exposing a TikTok video that called for the assassination of committee chair from before the committee's hearing of the TikTok CEO was even publicly announced, ended her vicious "questioning" / speech with:
"You damn well know that you cannot protect the data and security of the 150 million users of your app - because it is an extension of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]." 11
The committee's ranking member, Democrat congressman Frank Pallone, in a key part of his introduction speech cited by ISGP in the appendice, mentioned "communist" and "China" in all four sentences cited. At a later point in the "debate" he went:
"I don't find what you suggested with Project Texas and this firewall that's being suggested to [condescending look:] *whoever*, will be acceptable to me. I still believe the Beijing communist government will still control and have the ability to influence what you do." 12
It should be clear: after ignoring the China issue for over two decades, Trump being out of office, and China starting to increasingly threaten Taiwan, all of a sudden every politician - even Democrat ones - is expected to heavily criticize China. When it comes to TikTok, they are all meant to focus on the fact that it's parent company is "Chinese".
Congress ignores TikTok a CFR member since Aug. 2021
A first question one may have logically asked at the March 23, 2023 congressional hearing of TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew - a Harvard-graduated Facebook summer intern who briefly worked for Goldman Sachs and led some of the first ByteDance investments through the Davos- and Russian oligarch-tied DST Global - is: "Why did your company decide to join the Council on Foreign Relations in August 2021?" 13 "Who recommended this? Who invited you?" Etc. Chew would have just gone, "I don't know the details on that. Can I get back to you on that?" Because that's basically how he attempted to answer every question, as far as he was even given the chance. But it would have been an important question to ask.
Why? As discussed in ISGP's CFR article, this New York-based think tank, by pretty much any statistic extracted from it, operates as a "super-CIA" that completely dominates America's political process, its mainstream media, its "liberal CIA" "new left" media, its "grassroots" activist groups, and its foreign intervention NGOs. The exact same multinatinals financing the CFR - names that include JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Soros Fund Management, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, BP, and Pfizer - are the exact same corporations that often for decades have funded anything from Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission to Davos, the Munich Security Conference and the China Development Forum, as well as hundreds of other important think tanks and conferences around the world.
China's motives, spy scandals, golden shares
What certainly is an interesting question is why a Chinese company - which never operates fully separate from the Chinese government looking at extensive spy scandals surrounding Huawei 14, and to a lesser extent Xiaomi 15 (yet continue to operate in the West) - pushing Third World immigration onto westerners? And not just that, but also providing westerners with the typical "liberal CIA" versus "conservative CIA" propaganda? China is known to refuse Third World immigrants itself. So why push this subject so hard on "its" TikTok platform?
One argument could be that Chinese nationals and the Chinese government see it as the perfect way to lower the consciousness in the West and in that manner get rid of China's main intellectual and technological competitors. This policy would be quite similar to how various socialist and communist countries as Cuba 16 and Nicaragua 17 didn't mind shipping cocaine into the United States in the 1980s, and how China - by not curbing the export of precursor materials to Mexican drug cartels - largely is responsible for the modern fentanyl opiod crisis in the U.S. 18 Such a policy is possible. Absolutely possible. But maybe a more plausible answer is that it is not China at all that controls the content of TikTok.
Sure, the Chinese govermment, through its "golden shares" a.k.a. "special management shares" system, in which a 1% stake gives it a seat on the board; and through the usual communist pressure tactics on any Chinese owners of the company, will try to influence content on the TikTok platform, at least to an extent. A major point of criticism in that regard has been the suppression of evidence of the (virtual) genocide of the Uyghur population in China's western-most provinces. 19 In fact, it certainly has a "golden share" stake in ByteDance's Chinese companies: news aggregator Toutiao and TikTok's sister company Douyin 20, through which it has been suspected it also exerts a degree of indirect influence over the TikTok. 21 However, a quick look at ownership actually reveals that China does not own ByteDance.
TikTok for "60 percent owned by global institutional investors such as [CFR firms] Blackrock, General Atlantic..."
As Reuters and other media reported on March 15 and 16, 2023, after the Biden administration threatened to ban TikTok if ByteDance did not divest itself of its Chinese owners, ByteDance was not (majority) owned by Chinese investors, let alone the Chinese government, at all:
"ByteDance confirmed that 60% of its shares are owned by global investors, 20% by employees and 20% by its founders." 22
This was reiterated in a March 23, 2023 written statement of TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew to the U.S. congress' House Energy and Commerce Committee:
"TikTok's parent company, ByteDance ... is a privately-held global company, with roughly 60 percent owned by global institutional investors (such as Blackrock, General Atlantic, and Sequoia), approximately 20 percent owned by the company’s founders, and approximately 20 percent owned by its employees - including thousands of Americans. It is not owned or controlled by any government or state entity. ...
"ByteDance's board is comprised of CEO Rubo Liang, Bill Ford of General Atlantic, Arthur Dantchik of Susquehanna International Group, Philippe Laffont of Coatue, and Neil Shen of Sequoia China." 23
The earliest information this author could find that quick of Bytedance's board, also mentioning some of these surprisingly western investors, dates to March 2020, and comes from the ByteDance website (before March 2020 it only listed founder Zhang Yiming on its 'Leadership' page):

Reading this statement, this author became worried he may have missed something huge, despite for hours watching the livestream of the TikTok hearing. Going back, it becomes clear why the author missed this part: Chew skips mentioning the names of the American corporate owners and ByteDance directors:
"ByteDance ... is a private company. 60 percent of the company is owned by global institutional investors. 20 percent is owned by the founder. And 20 percent by employees around the world.
"ByteDance has five board members, three of them are American. Now, TikTok itself is not available in mainland China." 24
It should be clear that mentioning any of the above U.S. corporate names in relation to TikTok and "communist China" would pique the interest of a lot of people. Not of congressional members, that is clear. It should be obvious they should have asked deep questions about American corporate ownership, how these helped open western markets, and how they influenced TikTok content.
We never got that. As discussed in detail in an appendix, what we did get was Republican congressmen as Tony Cardenas using their five minutes of question time to ask wonderfully penetrating questions as:
"So I'd like to ask you a question, yes or no, is your revenue going up at TikTok, month after month?"
The answer for that would be a five-second Google-search away. In contrast, the full details of U.S. corporate ownership are not available to this day. A hypothetical question would be:
"Could you please mention some of the major U.S. corporations that own TikTok, their approximate percentages and when they acquired them?"
An easy question to ask one would think. No need either to waste 1 to 3 minutes of every five for each new member of congress for elaborate introductions and a little grandstanding.
TikTok investors timeline: 2012-
Officially the heading here should read "ByteDance". However, TikTok happens to be the better known name, so that is what we went with for the content oversight at the top. ByteDance is the company that released Douyin in September 2016 to the Chinese market, and subsequently released an international version called TikTok in September 2017. Within a year it had massive traction.
Looking for some of the earliest reports on ownership of ByteDance, due to a general lack of articles, one quickly ends up with a September 2018 Hindustan Times article that explains how ByteDance wasn't built up with Chinese money at all:
"What’s remarkable is [ByteDance founder] Zhang [Yiming] was able to do it all without taking money from the twin suns of China's internet: Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Tencent. It’s the first startup to emerge from the dwindling cohort of mobile players that hasn’t sought protection or funds from either of the two. In fact, it’s often locked horns with them, in court and elsewhere. ...
"Zhang [instead] secured investment from Susquehanna International Group. ... Bytedance now counts KKR & Co., General Atlantic and even Sequoia as backers." 25
The Wired China (thewirechina.com), in an August 2020 article, probably did the most detailed breakdown of past ByteDance / TikTok investors. 26 The list is as follows, with supplementation here with additional background information and sources:
- Charlie Cao / Sequoia Capital: Companies surrounding this ByteDance seed investor - U.S.-based, Silicon Valley-tied Sequoia Capital 27, Source Code Capital 28 and to a lesser extent, Ether Capital 29 - were involved in ByteDance fundraisers from March 2012 to December 2017. 30 Cao was a China-based vice president for Sequoia Capital for five years, until about the time he founded his own Source Code Capital in 2014.
Sequoia Capital China founder, Neil Shen Nan Peng, was identified in the previous section as one of four directors of ByteDance in March 2020. 31 Already in November 2019 - when he likely already was a ByteDance board member - was a visitor of the super-elite, China-oriented Bloomberg New Economy Forum, alongside Henry Kissinger, the original advisory board honorary co-chair (and active participant) Bill Gates, former Goldman chair and CEO Hank Paulson, Carlyle head David Rubenstein, Alibaba head Jack Ma and other top globalists to be found in ISGP's Superclass Index. 32 By mid 2021 Neil Shen had joined the advisory board himself, alongside another major ByteDance / TikTok investor, Lei Zhang. 33
Sequoia Capital has only been a recent funder of the CFR, but did join its rather significant "President's Circle" in 2022. 34 Despite the recent CFR and Bloomberg New Economy Forum ties, Neil Shen and his Sequoia Capital had globalist ties right from the start of ByteDance in 2012. Whether he visited in 2012 or earlier is not known but certainly by January 2013 Shen became a regular Davos visitor, attending as "Founding and Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China." 35 Besides the 2013 meeting 36, he also is known to have visited the 2014 37 and 2016 Davos meetings. 38 He could well have visited other years as well.
In June 2013, Neil Shen also visited the Fortune Global Forum 39, held in China. Other attendees here were Kissinger Associates vice chair Joshua Cooper Ramo 40, former British prime minister Tony Blair 41, former Goldman Sachs chair Hank Paulson 42, Mckinsey & Co. global managing director Dominic Barton 43, JPMorgan Chase head Jamie Dimon 44, and more:

- Shunwei Capital: One of at least 5 ByteDance seeds investors in ByteDance on March 9, 2012. 45 The company was founded in 2011 by Tuck Lye Koh, then a fresh veteran of Maurice Greenberg's companies AIG Global Investment Corp. and C.V. Starr Investment Advisors 46; and Lei Jun, the 2010 founder of Xiaomi 47, a brand that was to become a huge name in the mobile phone industry by the mid to late 2010s.
Greenberg has been a decades-long close ally of Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller, featuring near the top of ISGP's Superclass Index, and developed a particular affection for China. This can be illustrated, for example, through his position as vice chairman of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations since 2002. Below he can be seen in early 2018, dominating this National Committee on U.S.-China Relations with Henry Kissinger, through their (then-)new joint "exective vice chair" positions. The board reveals a number of additional early ByteDance / TikTok and U.S. national security ties:

- Yuri Milner: Israeli-Russian who runs the Hong Kong-based venture capital firm DST Global. After his prominent and partly-controversial investments at Facebook, Milner bought himself into a Chinese startup called ByteDance (TikTok) in July 2012, September 2013 and April 2017. 48 This process actually was initiated when current TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew was DST Global's Chinese partner, a position Chew occupied from 2010 to 2015 49, after which he was appointed CFO of Xiaomi 50, another firm Chew invested in on behalf of DST, from 2011. 51 As discussed in the previous section, ByteDance, Xiaomi, Sequoia Capital and Maurice Greenberg's AIG Global Investment Corp. and C.V. Starr Investment Advisors all were very closely intertwined. And as some readers may realize at this point, Shou Zi Chew was appointed CEO of TikTok in May 2021 and would be prominently-yet-farcely-grilled by congress in March 2023.
Milner's involvement for such a long time is interesting. Well before becoming known as a Silicon Valley investor 52, going back to the 1990s, Yuri Milner was a close ally of the pro-West top Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky 53, a Yeltsin supporter and 1990s Davos veteran. Khodorkovsky is best known for having negotiated a covert deal with Lord Jacob Rothschild that transferred all of Khodorkovsky's shares in oil giant Yukos to Rothschild upon his arrest by Putin October 2003. 54 Already in 2001, he, Rothschild and Henry Kissinger set up the Open Russia Foundation. 55 There's more though in terms of geopolitical struggling. In 2002, for example, Khodorkovsky joined George Soros' International Crisis Group, together with Zbigniew Brzezinski and countless other western globalist elites. 56 Hence, Milner had a fascinating early mentor.
Milner himself started generating headlines in the late 2000s, after he began buying himself into Silicon Valley companies. The most notable example was taking a 2% stake in Facebook in 2009, which he increased to 10% in 2010 57, resulting in a good $4 billion profit already in mid 2011. 58 At the time the Facebook share price still was one-tenth of what it would be in 2021.
Milner's investment vehicles were DST Global (to this day) and Mail.ru (VK since 2021), the latter in 2011, running "a clutch of big Russian websites that attracts 70% of the [Russia]'s Web traffic." 59 Both these companies owned Facebook stock. Various articles at the time reported that DST Global was owned for 50% by himself as a partner, with small stakes belonging to Goldman Sachs - where future TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew briefly worked before coming to DST - and Renaissance Capital. 60 This last company was controlled by Russian-Israeli billionaire oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, until 2007 the long-time business partner of Vladimir Potanin. Despite being controversial in relation to privatization scandals of the 1990s and subsequent ties to Putin, this did not prevent Potanin from ending up on the Global Board of Advisors of the Council on Foreign Relations by 2014. 61 Meanwhile, in the 2009-2011 period Milner 62 and Prokhorov 63 both were members of Russia's Presidential Commission on Innovation, set up by Putin henchman Dmitry Medvedev. The purpose of the commission was to try and diversify and modernise Russia's raw materials-dependent economy.
More worrying still with regard to DST Global is an accusaton from the founder of Chatroulette - a global random chat program any globalist would love, but that similar to Omegle became notorious due to the sheer amount of male perverts signing up just to show their dicks 64 - is that Milner behaved "harassing and hounding" when the teenager refused to sell stock in his company to him, instead preferring to talk to American investors. Somehow Milner got wind of the teenager flying to New York City and had a car waiting for him at the airport. 65
Then there's the issue that since 2008 an increasingly sizeable chunk of DST belonged to controversial Uzbek-Russian billionaire oligarch Alisher Usmanov. In May 2009 Forbes reported it to be 32%. 66 According to a Forbes reporter who interviewed Milner in early 2011, Usmanov had greatly increased his share in DST during the period it got involved in Facebook, to the point he had taken it over:
"Mail.ru and DST Global: Milner owns a minority interest in the combined assets of both. He won't say how much; we estimate it's between 10% and 15%. The owner of roughly 75% of DST Global is industrialist Alisher Usmanov, an Uzbek worth $17.7 billion. He owns 27% of Mail.ru." 67
That makes Milner a frontman for Usmanov and at least a partner of Prokhorov, where in the past he had been an aide to Khodorkovsky. That also makes it quite obvious that Milner - even if it fits within a globalist framework - was a tool of Russia's problematic Putin-oligarch state. Through the board of the Russian Geographical Society, Usmanov, Prokhorov and Potanin are easily tied together and to Putin, his chief ministers and aides, and the rest of oligarch society. 68 Usmanov in particular is known to be very loyal to Putin. This can also easily be seen through his 2000-2014 position as CEO of Gazprom Investholding 69 and concurring deputy chairmanship of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), where he served on the board with foreign and other Russian ministers, political elitist Evgeny Primakov, an old mentor of Usmanov; oligarchs as Vladimir Potanin, a vice president of Prokhorov's ONEXIM Group, and Putin aides he had known since studying at MGIMO himself in the 1970s. 70 Unsurprisingly, Usmanov's past is quite intertwined with the KGB. 71
At this point we're still skipping Usmanov's and his parents' ties to Uzbek drug trafficker Gafur Rakhimov 72, in turn, in the 1990s, involved with Russia's most notorious mafia, Solntsevskaya 73 Since 2016 Usmanov has been a close ally of Uzbekistan president Shavkat Mirziyoyev, also through family relations, and has been helping to "open up" the country to international business. 74
Despite all these questionable oligarch and Russian state ties, Milner was welcomed by western business and political elites. The Facebook investment brought Yuri Milner to Davos for a first time in 2010. 75 He visited again in 2011 76, after which he was invited to speak by videolink to Yalta European Strategy (YES), an East-European mini-Bilderberg founded by top Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk. Top superclass economist Larry Summers was among the speakers that year. 77 In May of 2011 he was invited to address the G8 on technology. 78 In late 2011 Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg held his wedding at a $100 million mansion owned by Milner 79, demonstrating the close ties between these men.Davos 2012 group photo, f.l.t.r.: Chelsea Clinton, Yuri Milner, Peter Thiel-representative and Facebook whizkid Sean Parker, Google CEO and Bilderberg steering committee member Eric Schmidt, and Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk, who hosted/funded the panel these people were part of.
In January 2012 Milner again was to be found at Davos. This time he shared a panel with Google CEO Eric Schmidt, a Bilderberg steering committee member and Trilateral Commission member; Facebook's founding president and Peter Thiel-henchman Sean Parker; and top Ukrainian globalist oligarch Victor Pinchuk. 80 Per the usual, George Soros and Bill Gates were part of that Davos meeting. 81
As discussed in the beginning of this section, in July 2012, September 2013 and April 2017 DST Global invested in ByteDance, the first two rounds under the guidance of future TikTok CEO Zhou Zi Chew. By September 2013, quiet DST partner/owner Alisher Usmanov had sold all his Facebook stock, followed by Milner in 2014. 82 It is not clear if DST has sold off its ByteDance / TikTok stock in the mean time, but it certainly is interesting that DST and certain other globalist-oriented firm are able to repeatedly predict top winners in social media from such an early stage.
- Susquehanna Asia Investments: This company participated in the $5 million July 2012 and $10 million September 2013 fundraisers for ByteDance. 83 It is part of the U.S.-based Susquehanna International Group. As can be seen in the previous section, no later than early 2020, Susquehanna's Arthur Dantchik was one of the four board members of TikTok-owner ByteDance.
To further illustrate how this investment grew, Jeff Yass, founder of Susquehanna International Group with Dantchik, owned about 7% of ByteDance's shares in November 2022 that was valued at that point at around $17 billion. 84
Particularly interesting here is that Yass since 2002 has been a director of the elite "libertarian" Cato Institute think tank 85, serving as vice chair anno 2023. 86 Cato has been the home of Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch until 2002 87, the Koch brothers until 2016 88 , as well as other (fake, globalist) "conservatives" - who have nothing but ties to the CFR, Kissinger and other "liberal" elites. These ties are summarized in ISGP's "conservative CIA" oversight on the Cato Institute.
In fact, the "conservative" Cato Institute is so "liberal" that it is about the only think tank in existence that has received heavy funding from both "conservative CIA" foundations as Bradley and Scaife, and "liberal CIA" foundations as Ford, Carnegie and Soros. The following screenshot from Cato's 2012 annual report shows just that:ByteDance director Arthur Dantchik is listed in the same 2012 report as being a co-financier of Cato 89, although he played a very minor role in the institute compared to his Susquehanna business partner, Jeff Yass. Few may have heard his name, but Yass, with his $30 billion fortune, is "the 23rd wealthiest person in America (Forbes) [and] the fifth largest political donor in America (Open Secrets)". 90 He has been the top financier the successful 2021 senate re-election campaign of Rand Paul 91, the son of the famous anti-interventionist old-rightists Ron Paul, whose early political career was bankrolled by the Koch brothers, for example exemplified by Ron Paul having been the initial chair of the Koch-funded Citizens for a Sound Economy NGO. 92 The Koch brothers similarly were involved in Cato, of course. 93
Needless to say, these deep, early Russian and "libertarian" ties of TikTok may well serve as the excuse or reason why TikTok has so much "alt-right", "anti-woke" content, in particular with regard to feminism, compared to Instagram and just about the entire mainstream media and search results of Google.
- Sina Corp. (Weibo): Investor in ByteDance / TikTok from June 2014 until a dispute on content-sharing in December 2017. 94
- Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR): Participated in the $100 million June 2014 and $3 billion October 2018 fundraisers for ByteDance / TikTok. 95 Top U.S. globalist firm discussed in the next chapter.
- General Atlantic: Participated in the $2 billion December 2017 and $3 billion October 2018 fundraisers for ByteDance / TikTok. 96 The initial involvement was three months after the release of TikTok. This involves a top U.S. globalist firm discussed in the next chapter.
- Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs: Led an April 2019 deal with "other top-tier Wall Street and Chinese banks" and the Bank of China to provide ByteDance with a $1.34 billion loan. 97 98 Top U.S. globalist firms, with Goldman Sachs arguably having become the most dominant Bilderberg company. These are not further discussed in the next chapter.
- Hillhouse Investment Management: This company was listed on the website of ByteDance by March 2020 as a major shareholder, alongside KKR and General Atlantic. The 2005 founder and continuous chair of Hillhouse is the Chinese billionaire Lei Zhang / Zhang Lei. If the corporation's name doesn't sound very Chinese, it might be because seed funding for it was provided by Yale University, where a "Lei Zhang Auditorium" exists. Henry Kissinger gave a speech at this hall in 2014. 99
More importantly, in November 2018 Lei Zhang was a founding participant in the China-oriented Bloomberg New Economy Forum (BNEF), which also for that year counted the involvement of Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, former Goldman Sachs chair and CEO Hank Paulson, BlackRock head Larry Fink, Carlyle Group head David Rubenstein, Alibaba head Jack Ma, George Shultz protege Condoleezza Rice, old Cato Institute director Frederick W. Smith and other well-known globalist players. 100 Certainly by mid 2021, and as already partially visibly demonstrated above, Lei Zhang had joined BNEF's advisory board, together with fellow TikTok investor Neil Shen, Condoleezza Rice, Carlyle's David Rubenstein and various other rotating elites. 101 Henry Kissinger had been the original honorary chair (and regular member) of BNEF's advisory board. 102 - Aglae Ventures of Louis Vuitton owner Groupe Arnault: One of three ByteDance / TikTok investors in a July 8, 2019 fundraiser. 103
Since well before the 2019 ByteDance fundraiser, Marie-Josee Kravis, the wife of the KKR founder and co-chair of Bilderberg, has been on the board of Louis Vuitton. The same goes for Lord Charles Powell of Bayswater, another top superclass member who served on the "global board of advisors" of the CFR until late 2017. 104 Through 1990s involvement in the secretive Cercle Pinay meetings, annual involvement in the Munich Security Conferences since the 1990s, and an advisory position at the elite CIA front firm Diligence, LLC in the 2000s, Lord Powell quite clearly is keeping close to intelligence. He's also a bit of a neocon. Albert Frere, Belgium's wealthiest person and close associate of Bilderberg honorary chair Etienne Davignon, was part of the two-man LVMH advisory board until his death in December 2018; the other member being Paolo Bulgari, the great-grandson of the founder of Bulgari jewelry brand. 105 - Tiger Global Management: The second of three investors in ByteDance / TikTok in a July 8, 2019 fundraiser, and also involved in a "private transaction" on March 30, 2020. 106 The Tiger Fund is headed by the billionaire Chase Coleman III, whose father and grandfather were involved in CFR and Pilgrims Society-tied law firms. Coleman also is a descendant of Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch director-general of the colony of New Netherland (New York and New Jersey).
- All Blue Capital: The third of three investors in ByteDance / TikTok in a July 8, 2019 fundraiser. 107 London-headquartered private equity firm that financed cryptocurrencies as Dash and BAT.
- The Carlyle Group: Invested $150 million in ByteDance in December 2020. 108 Top U.S. globalist firm discussed in the next chapter.
Can we put together a list of corporations and the exact percentages that they own in ByteDance? Unfortunately, apart from Jeff Yas and his 7% ownership through Susquehanna, at this point we cannot. We have to make an estimate based on historical involvement and other bits and pieces mentioned here and there.
U.S. owners in detail: KKR, BlackRock, General Atlantic, Carlyle, etc. - key members of the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and "anti-racism" NGOs
In the previous chapters we discussed in some detail the globalist ties of ByteDance / TikTok shareholders and their involvement with Russian oligarchs, Davos, the Cato Institute, the Fortune Global Forum, Maurice Greenberg, Henry Kissinger and the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.
Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, KKR and General Atlantic and Carlyle all were skipped to not completely obstruct the flow of the article. We did not discuss BlackRock, as the only known source as a ByteDance investor is the written statement of TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew in preparation for his March 23, 2023 congressional hearing. 109 When BlackRock invested and how much is not known to this author.
Here are some brief descriptions of these companies with a focus on their globalist ties:
- Goldman Sachs: A CFR financier and the most dominant bank among Bilderberg members these days, with plenty of former partners, chairmen and CEOs deeply involved in globalist NGOs. Readers can follow the links and search a bit for themselves. Let's not even discuss this in detail. There's a reason why "Goldman Sachs" has been increasingly dubbed "Government Sachs". The bank actually became a globalist powerhouse in 1982 when John Whitehead - a friend of David Rockefeller high up in ISGP's Superclass Index - was co-chair, set up the bank's board of international advisors in 1982, and invited Henry Kissinger and Robert McNamara to it. 110
- Morgan Stanley: A financier of the CFR, with countless directors and chairs of the company also involved in globalist NGOs. The company is not as pronounced as Goldman Sachs, but defintely an extremely relevant globalist bank - the furthest thing from a "tool of the communist CCP".
- BlackRock: The world's largest asset manager, founded in 1988 and based in New York City. Among the top financiers of the CFR since at least 2015. Represented at Bilderberg in 2015 by its vice chair. Its chairman and CEO, Larry Fink, has been a trustee of the Rockefeller family's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) since 2010 111, a CFR member since 2012, a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission since 2019, and a trustee of Davos since 2021.
Fink is a "working group member" of the "anti-racist" Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism (CIC), founded by Lynn Forester de Rothschild and her husband Sir Evelyn de Rothschild; and many other NGOs. 112 He's also on the advisory board of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (SEM) in Beijing, China, together with the absolute elite of the elite: Carlyle founder David Rubenstein, Blackstone founder Stephen Schwarzman, AIG chair Maurice Greenberg, Goldman Sachs chair and CEO Lloyd Blankfein, JPMorgan Chase chair and CEO Jamie Dimon, General Atlantic chair Bill Simon, Elon Musk of SpaceX and Tesla, etc., etc. 113 - General Atlantic: William E. "Bill" Ford (III) - a ByteDance board member since at least March 2020 114 - has been CEO of private equity firm General Atlantic since 2007, adding the position of chair in 2021. He first joined General Atlantic in 1991, climbing the ranks.
Ford's later activities heavily overlap with those of Larry Fink of BlackRock. In fact, Ford has been a director of BlackRock since March 2018. 115 Ford too, similar as Fink, is an advisory board member of Tsinghua's SEM school - a virtual Bilderberg. 116
There is much more though. In mid 2006, Ford joined the board of Rockefeller University, alongside David Rockefeller, David's daughter Neva, David's son Dr. Richard Rockefeller (who left as Ford joined), Henry Kissinger's wife Nancy and KKR chairman Henry Kravis. 117
In mid 2015, 2.5 years before starting his investments in TikTok owner ByteDance, Ford became a director of the Henry Kissinger-dominated National Committee on United States–China Relations. Even anno 2023, Ford serves on this board underneath the joint executive vice chairs Maurice Greenberg and Henry Kissinger 118 - both old David Rockefeller friends.
Ford joined the CFR relatively late, in 2016. A year later, in 2017 he was among the most prominent founding steering committee members of the 2017-founded "anti-racist" CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion, with Larry Fink listed among its earliest signers. 119 It's a bit of a rival of the "anti-racist" Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism (CIC) that was just mentioned in relation to Fink and the Rothschilds. Fittingly, Ford has also been on the advisory board of the "United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's Initiative on Digital Identification for Africa".
Similar to BlackRock, General Atlantic has been a major funder of the CFR since at least 2010. Fresh Trilateral Commission member Ajay Banga, a CFR member since 2009, visitor of the China Development Forum in the 2013-2016 period and in general a major globalist of ISGP's Superclass Index, joined General Atlantic as vice chairman in December 2021.
General Atlantic's 1982 founder, Irish-American businessman Chuck Feeney, has always been a globalist outsider with virtually zero presence in globalist NGOs. His Atlantic Philanthropies foundation, which existed from 1982 to 2020, did make various "liberal CIA" grants, with various Rockefeller and Soros-tied persons on its board over the years. Feeney, soon after the Good Club / The Giving Pledge, was founded in 2009, also signed its pledge, along with people as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. Still, the firm's ties to the globalist core stills seem to be in development through names as Ford and Banga - still young in this hierarchy in their early 60s.
- Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR): A 1976 co-founder and the most prominent partner in this New York City-based investment firm was Henry Kravis. In 1994 Kravis married Marie-Josee (Drouin) Kravis (whom we met in the previous section as a LVMH director), forming one of the ultimate power couples of the globalist movement.
His (future) wife first visited a Bilderberg - a group dominated by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger for many decades on end - in 1989, joined the steering committee in 1990 and anno 2023 still is a co-chair of the group. Henry himself has been a very regular Bilderberg visitor between 1992 and 2022. While Henry has been a CFR member since 1992 and a director since 2006, his wife only joined the CFR in 2005. Vice versa, Marie-Josee was a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission from at least 1990 to 1998, a group her husband never joined. Sir Deryck C. Maughan, a partner in KKR from 2005 to 2014 and chair of KKR Asia, was a Trilateral Commission member from about 1994 to 2013, also serving as a Trilateral executive.As discussed above, Marie-Josee Kravis also is tied to ByteDance through investments via Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH). Her husband is just as influential as she is.
The couple has been involved in dozens of NGOs and features high up in ISGP's Superclass Index. Marie-Josee has a long involvement in the neoconservative Hudson Institute, where she has served as vice chair and executive director. Since at least 2002, similar to BlackRock's Larry Fink since 2010, she has been a trustee of the Rockefeller family's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) 120, a board she's chairing as of anno 2023.
In contrast, alongside Blackstone and Goldman Sachs heads, as well as the "conservative" Rupert Murdoch, Henry Kravis has served as a trustee of the David Rockefeller-founded Partnership for New York City (PNYC) since at least 2002 121, still serving on the executive committee anno 2023. At that point fellow-ByteDance investors Bill Ford and Larry Fink also sat on the board of PNYC. 122. In 2004 Henry Kravis joined the board of trustees of Rockefeller University, serving as vice chair from 2005 to 2019, with - once again - fellow future ByteDance shareholder Bill Ford sitting on the board with him since 2006. 123 Kravis has been involved in the Bohemian Grove and visited Davos over 2008-2010. - The Carlyle Group: Considering David Rubenstein has already been discussed above for his NGO ties to early ByteDance / TikTok investors Neil Shen of Sequoia Capital and Zhang Lei of Hillhouse, reports that Carlyle itself has become an investor in TikTok make a lot of sense.
Carlyle Group founder David Rubenstein and the late Frank Carlucci - a former deputy CIA director and defense secretary who was Carlyle chairman from 1992 to 2005 - have been among the most connected globalists, featuring high up in Superclass Index. Both have been exceptionally long members of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission: Carlucci in the 1980s and 1990s, Rubenstein from 2002 to 2020, becoming an executive in 2021-. Rubenstein became a director of the CFR in 2005-, was vice chair from 2012 to 2017, and has served as chairman since 2017. He also visited Bilderberg in 2017.
Needless to say, Rubenstein has been active at the absolute core of the globalist movement, close to David Rockefeller. His firm has also been notorious over 9/11.
2018: Chinese TikTok founder met with Bilderberg steering committee member Peter Thiel and a Kissinger protege
Related globalist interests can be tied to TikTok at an early stage. Apple, under Tim Cook, made its music catalogue available to ByteDance / TikTok in an August 2018. Cook first met with ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming in 2016. He did so again in October 2018, on the side of the China Development Forum meeting for that year. 124
That same year, 2018, a meeting was organized between ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming - then-35-years-old and not exactly a power player himself - and semi-"alt right" billionaire Peter Thiel. 125 The general narrative may be that Thiel was the first outside investor into Facebook in 2004 - serving on the company's board from 2005 to 2022 - and until 2020 was trying to make Facebook's "TikTok clone", Lasso, work. 126 However, he also is one of two founders of the data-mining firm Palantir that received seed funding from the CIA's In-Q-Tel. 127 And, despite being America's most famous "semi-alt-right" billionaire together with his old PayPal partner Elon Musk, he also has been a permanent Bilderberg visitor since 2007 and part of its steering committee since at least 2010. Tied to countless instances of "controlled opposition", ISGP has a detailed biography of Peter Thiel in its "conservative CIA" article. Similar to Cook, Thiel visited the China Development Forum that year, so it could have been related to that meeting.
Organizer of the meeting between Zhang Yiming and Peter Thiel was Ben Harburg 128, a still youthful-looking founder and managing partner of the $1.5 trillon China-focused investment firm MSA Capital. 129 Harburg is the son of the pilot "of several of the flights" 130 that flew Henry Kissinger to China on secret diplomacy trip that helped open up China to the West - i.e. establish big business ties. This certainly goes for a July 9, 1971 trip, an event commemorated on July 9, 2021 by the globalist-oriented National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) with Kissinger and China's vice president Wang Qishan digitally flanking Harburg on stage. 131
It seems quite clear that Harburg is Kissinger protege, and that he benefited from his father's ties. In mid 2019 Harburg was appointed a director of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR) 132, where Henry Kissinger and Maurice Greenberg - both long-time allies of David Rockefeller - still serve as the two executive vice chairs. 133
Similar to Kissinger, Harburg was a Fulbright Scholar, in his case in Germany studying "radicalization of Muslim youth." 134 Subsequently, similar to what one would expect of a Kissinger protege, Harburg held many odd jobs, especially for a future investment banker. He worked for NATO, the State Department and NGOs as a counter-terrorism and "security sector reform" expert in places as the Balkans and Spain's Basque country. 135 At some point he was a "student research associate" at the super-elite Harvard think tank, the Belfer Center, "concentrating on North Korean and Iranian nuclear policy." By 2008 he was "based in Dubai working on a financial services project for The Boston Consulting Group," 136 eventually leading him to the Chinese invesment market. His name first appeared on a Council on Foreign Relations membership list in 2019.
Concluding remarks
The author found this Yiming-Harburg-Thiel tie in a matter of seconds by checking if there was any tie between Henry Kissinger and ByteDance. This would be both expected and relevant, because even into the 2020s, with Kissinger nearing the 100-years-old, he still is the favorite go-between and regular unofficial diplomat for China with regard to the United States. 137 In 2023 China's defense minister Li Shangfu even refused to meet with U.S. defense secretary Lloyd Austin, but was willing to discuss U.S. relations with Henry Kissinger. 138 Considering Kissinger has the number one spot in ISGP's Superclass Index with confirmed involvement in over 170 elite, globalist think tanks and conferences, as well as all the elite firms his Kissinger Associates clandestinely represents, and it is not hard to see why. Various allies of Kissinger, including David Rockefeller and Maurice Greenberg (whom, coincidentally, in the mean time, has been strongly linked to ByteDance / TikTok seed funding since 2012), have largely dominated big business-funded think tank ties to China, for which ISGP has a special Far East Asian-subsection in its NGO index. Since 2021 it even has an index of some of the most elite China players in the Superclass Index.
The main point here is that Zhang Yiming, whose ByteDance / TikTok took over the world no later than 2018-2019, had to have been surrounded by much more elite players in order to conquer either the Chinese or western markets. Why? Because he's a total nobody looking at ISGP's NGO index and related Superclass Index. Seeing Yiming meeting with Thiel alongside a Kissinger protege Ben Harburg in 2018, and seeing how Kissinger-, CFR-, Davos-, Bilderberg-, Trilateral Commission- and National Committee on U.S.-China Relations-tied big business interests started investing in Yiming's right from the start in 2012 and in ever increasing measure, and things start making sense again: we once again have "order out of chaos". We're not just talking elite business ties, but also national security ones. Without these interests' involvement, and their ties to the media, TikTok is unlikely to have ever gained a foothold in the United States.
Therefore, at this point, it is not a surprise anymore that TikTok became a financier of the Council on Foreign Relations since in 2021 139, alongside various ByteDance investors as KKR, General Atlantic, Carlyle, Goldman Sachs and BlackRock - and similar to Silicon Valley bohemoths as Google, Microsoft, Paypal, Meta (Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp), IBM, etc.
One can only surmise that if TikTok did not follow the globalist guidelines on conspiracy disinformation, immigration, LGBTQ and feminism - either through "the left" or "the right" - that it would find itself shut down very quickly. By definition, western media outlets would have never given it the attention to build it up in the first place. Silicon Valley / Sun Valley monopolies as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and various companies tied to Sam Altman's Y Combinator (AirBNB, Dropbox, Reddit, OpenAI, ChatGPT) have only been build up in the first place through selective media attention.
This can be illustrated, for example, by the fact that when the curious semi-"alt right" operator Elon Musk took over Twitter, the entirety of the globalist media not only attempted to push as many advertizers out of Twitter as it could (with help from "liberal CIA"-funded groups as Media Matters, Black Lives Matter, V-Day, etc. 140), all of sudden it also started giving attention to the European Commission-funded Mastodon, created by a Russian antifa Jew in response to rumors that one-time Elon Musk partner and "alt right" Peter Thiel might buy Twitter. 141 Funny how Peter Thiel has been a Bilderberg steering committee member since at least 2010. In another coincidence, Mastodon was partially funded by the European Commission and "has found a particularly receptive audience among privacy-conscious European regulators." 142
This is how the globalist movement builds, maintains and takes away cartels and monopolies: funding and running controlled opposition through deep cover operatives. It's the biggest, most pervasive intelligence agency the world has ever seen.
If anything, what is so odd is that TikTok hosts considerably more "conservative CIA" propaganda than Instagram. That is, until you see the Cato Institute investors, as well as the seemingly major Putin-oligarch-tied investments of DST Global, being so deeply involved. These are known power cliques that have been investigated in the past by ISGP. Seeing them all so deeply involved certainly is a fascinating observation. Why it happens? Hard to say. But it does provide an opportunity to always point the finger to some seemingly opposing establishment: "It's the conservatives!" "No, it's the Russians!" "No, it's... China!" It's a peculiar game.
Another question to ask if whether or not congress is really going to ban TikTok with all the top globalist companies involved. Again, hard to say, all of them made huge profits already and would have advance knowledge of any such legislation, so in the end they can just take their (massive) profits and invest into the next TikTok. Alternatively, congress might succeeed in pushing out the only and last remnents of Chinese influence over TikTok, with these multinationals keeping their shares for a few more years. Who knows? It doesn't really matter. They will always make a profit and they will always be in control of the next TikTok.
One thing the involvement of these global elites does explain, is why TikTok, for years, has been such a haven of pro-Third World immigration propaganda. And that is what this author set out to do with this article.
Tiktok's 2023 congressional hearing summary
On March 23, 2023, coincidentally just days after this author decided to write this TikTok article, TikTok CEO (March 2021-) Shou Zi Chew was grilled in front of the U.S. congress' House Energy and Commerce Committee, during a session that "saw a rare instance of bipartisan cooperation." As for his background, Chew is not fully Chinese. He was born in Singapore, educated at Harvard, a summer intern at Facebook in 2010 and briefly a Goldman Sachs banker. From 2015 to 2019 he was chief financial officer for Xiaomi - a company with a problematic history of spying for China - and served as Xiaomi's international business president from 2019 to 2021.
While Chew essentially, and quite predictably, answered zero questions during the 4.5 hours that the proceedings went on, underneath YouTube videos of the event, Chew became a bit of an unsung hero due to all the abuse he had to endure from American congressmen and -women. Some of the criticism with regard to the proceedings have been cited below.
As somebody who just got done reading a lot of 1987 Kerry Committee reports, and has found many interesting bits and pieces over the years in other old congressional reports, this 2023 committee session was nothing short of a shock. It was the most blatant display of incompetent, hive-minded corruption - something akin to what one would find in Soviet Union, North Korea, or - indeed - China. This is what one would have expected to see:
- A huge amount of pre-research, carried out, amonst other, by experts of the National Security Agency and various app development corporations.
- The establishing of a central list of (remaining) questions.
- One or two really knowledgeable congressmen (assuming congress has those) to ask the questions with the intent of putting the TikTok CEO checkmate.
- A number of national security app programming experts that can immediately flesh out any deceptive answers of the CEO, and formulate additional questions.
- TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew being flanked by his own team of experts to immediately consult or immediately refer to.
What we saw instead was every congress member present being allowed his or her five minutes with Chew. Each of them had his or her little political, lofty grandstanding intro great for media citations, followed by countless, for the most part, *really* superficial questions. We're talking about questions that could sometimes be answered by just doing a single Google search. In other cases any significant pre-study on the subject would have made countless questions moot, and opened the door to much more penetrating questions. Members of congress really did not answer any questions
Worse still was the sheer arrogance of congress members. The 5-minute-rule, and so many congress members wanting to have that ridiculously brief 5-minute-spotlight, caused at least some of the rude, obnoxious behavior. Still this was much worse than when Facebook and Instagram owner Mark Zuckerburg appeared before congress in 2018. The proceedings also make it painfully obvious that members of congress are little more than spineless actors. They all strategized together beforehand how to "get" Chew and what narrative they were going to put out there. That narrative ran as follows:
- Harass Chew into simplified yes-no answers.
- Be dismissive and disrespectful (to show "strength" against China).
- Keep repeating the assertion that "China's communist party" is the sole power behind TikTok.
- Only focus on a handful of past media scandals surrounding TikTok, most notably the "blackout challenge", in which little kids were inspired to choke themselves; and the suicide of Chase Nasca, allegedly due to death-glorifying TikTok videos.
- Avoid subjects the globalist party prohibits.
As for that last point, the following subjects were not questioned:
- Third World immigration propaganda.
- LGBTQ propaganda.
- Feminist propaganda, despite the preponderance of "alt right" views on TikTok.
- The sexualization of America's youth, from 8 years and up.
- That TikTok became popular because of the previous point, and due to pushing in America's mainstream media.
Also skipped, of course, is any narrative as to why for more than two decades America's elite turned a blind eye towards China as it grew, and grew, and grew into a hostile superpower rivaling the United States. But that is a discussion for another time.
A quick summary of the March 2023 congressional hearing
Washington State Republican congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, chair of the Committee in question, angrily and dramatically concludes during her opening statement:
"The DOJ is investigation this surveillance right now [Mr. Chew]. To the American people watching today, hear this, TikTok is a weapon by the Chinese Communist Party to spy on you, manipulate what you see, and exploit [it] for future generations. A ban is only a short-term way to address TikTok and a data privacy bill is the only way to stop TikTok from ever happening again in the United States. I yield back. I now yield to the ranking member."
That ranking is Democrat congressman Frank Pallone, a member of the Progressive Caucus and - tellingly - vice chair of the Native American Caucus. What Pallone basically does is bully Chew with a proposal that wouldn't make the slightest sense to commit to in such an informal, off-the-cuff setting. It appears that with that Pallone is just throwing out little snippets to be used by the media that make him look like a "champion of the people". However, the sleepy, bored dismissals and rude interruptions and him continually reading from a scrap of paper, strongly indicate that he doesn't actually have much interest in anything that is going on, and is literally just acting. Aspects of his narrative:
"Let me just start out by saying, Mr. Chew, that I don't find what you suggested with Project Texas and this firewall that's being suggested to [condescending look:] *whoever*, will be acceptable to me. I still believe the Beijing communist government will still control and have the ability to influence what you do. ...
"You say you're benign, you say you wanna do good things for the public. What about a commitment that you won't sell the data that you collect? Would you commit to that? ... Why not make that commitment to me today? [Quickly cuts off an answer again:] I know other companies do it! I don't think they should without affirmative consent. You said you wanna be a good actor. So why not make that commitment to me today?"
During his opening statement, Pallone read similarly impassionately, never failing to include the word "communist" in almost every sentence of his speech:
"Tiktok collects and compiles vast troves of valuable personal information to create an addictive algorithm that is able to predict with uncanny accuracy which videos will keeps users scrolling, even if the content is harmful [and] inaccurate...
"The combination of TikTok's Beijing-based communist ownership and its popularity, excarbates its danger to our country and to our privacy. The Chinese communist government can compel companies based in Beijing, to share data with the communisty government... National security experts are sounding the alarm warning that the Chinese communist government could require TikTok to compromise device security, maliciously access American user data, promote communist propaganda, and undermine American interests. Disinformation campaigns could be launched by the Chinese communist government, which has already become rife with misinformation and disinformation, illegal activities and hate-speech."
Let's summarize a lot of the other 5-minute sessions of the congressial members:
- Soon after, the 80-year-old Republican congresswoman Anna Eshoo gets her five minutes to talk. Even in her Wikipedia profile picture, anyone can see from her eyes that she is not all there anymore. Unsuprisingly, her drawn-out question largely gets lost in an endless barriage of "uh-uh-uh"'s.
- Bob Latta bashes China, praises the U.S., and is trying to trap Chew into acknowledging that his company is judicially responsible for the death of a 10-year-girl involved in one of TikTok's dangerous self-choke challenges (the "blackout challenge"). At the end, he hastily concludes that TikTok "is a picture-perfect example of why this committee and congress needs to take action immediately and amend section 230."
- Next, Democrat congresswoman Diana DeGette - back in 2007 a co-chair of Hillary Clinton's Health Care Policy Task Force - complains that "computer-savvy kids can actually bypass some of those restrictions quite frequently," not pointing out TikTok actually never really had any functional age restrictions until mid 2022 as long as someone registered as 18+. As examples of "extreme content", DeGette refers to Latta's "blackout challenge", as well as incorrect abortion advice as mugwort and papaya seeds, and hydroxychloroquine being used to cure Covid. She's demanding specific answers on this with regard to AI scrutiny, but can't get those from Chew.
- Republican congressman Richard Hudson, after the usual long, rambling statement in which he complains that, "In reality, TikTok has been functioning as a massive surveillance program," asks the question, "Mr. Chew, does TikTok access the home wifi network?" He corrects himself a bit afterwards by explaining he means what else TikTok communicates with besides the TikTok app itself. It's a terribly vague question, and a danger for Chew to generate unwanted and uncalled media criticism despite the fact that competitors operate no differently. Also, it's a question that app and security experts within the U.S., except for hidden unused backdoors, can easily study beforehand on behalf of a congressman. In all cases it would have been fruitful if the congressmen had done his homework and be more penetrating.
- Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky worries about passwords and credit card numbers being harvested by TikTok. Considering TikTok only supports PayPal the latter seems an undue worry at them moment, what is most noteworth is that Schakowsky moves on with her questions without Chew ever having answered her question.
- Republican congressman Gus Bilirakis' represents the parents of a white kid, Chase Nasca, who committed suicide by stepping in front of a train at age 16, apparently after being peppered with a 1,000 different doomy, death-related TikTok videos. Looking at the screenshots of these messages, the kid was following an unusual amount of black "thug like" individuals as the rapper @xxxtentacion, who was murdered by fellow-blacks after being robbed of his Louis Vuitton bag. [xx - TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress, 1:30:16.] This is a globalist and American problem, not a TikTok problem. Because the globalist movement wants white kids to be inspired by black hip hop and thuggery. Another video shown to congress in relation to Nasca's death involved a person satirizing how additive pain killers and anti-depressants - overly prescribed in the United States - can lead to people killing themselves.
Bilirakis' ratherly shamelessly-exploitative speech involved: "Mr. Chew, your company destroyed their lives. ... Your technology is literally leading to death. ... Mr. Chew, yes or no, do you have full responsibility for your algorithms used by TikTok to prioritize content to its users? Yes or no please?" Chew answers uncomfortably, "Congresman, I would just like to, respectfully, if you don't mind, I would just like to hear it is devastating to hear the news of..." Bilirakis harshly cuts him off with "Yes! Yes! Sir! Sir! Yes! or No! I'll repeat the question!" - Democrat congresswoman Kathy Castor worries about "anxiety" and "body dysmorphia", but seems to come from the "fat is beautiful"-school, as in, "You need to include more ugly, fat people into your algorithm."
- Republican congressman Bill Johnson, a former IT executive, refers to a Citizen Lab report that talks about the virtual similarity in code between TikTok and its Chinese counterpart, Douyin, and that TikTok, as a result of being based on Douyin is "riddled with backdoors and CCP censorship devices" that can be turned on at any moment. When Chew goes, "Congressman, if you give me a bit of time to..." he keeps getting cut off by Johnson: "No! It's a yes or no answer! ... Do you know that aking false and misleading statements to congress is a federal crime?"
- Democrat congressman John Sarbanes could have just interviewed a few teenagers and gotten his facts straight before the meetings, instead of relying on superficial media reports. He asks about the new 60 minute TikTok time limit for teenagers and how it is his understanding "that teens can pretty easily bypass the notification to continue using the app if the want to." Chew is quiet. Instead of waiting for an answer, Sarbanes follows with a little politispeak: "I mean, let's face it, our teens are smarter than we are by half," which is a distraction, because filling in your pin code to continue another 60 minutes doesn't require anyone to be smart. Without having had an answer to his previous question, Sarbanes continues with a softball one: "Do you continue to monitor how many teens exceed the 60 minutes of time limit on that app?" Chew still doesn't give a clear answer, and goes off on a tangent himself now. Sarbanes interrupts him and eventually goes, "I'd love to have the research [you have] on these limits are being implemented and find a way to enforce them." Conclusion? Sarbanes adds nothing to discussion that we don't already know.
- Republican Tony Cardenas introduces himself with a wonderful little speech that goes, "You remind me a lot of Mark Zuckerberg. ... A good dancer, with words. And you are doing the same today. A lot of your answers are a bit nebulous. They are not "yes" or "no"." From there he continues, "So I'd like to ask you a question, yes or no, is your revenue going up at TikTok, month after month?" This information is literally a five-second Google search away...
- During a talk with Republican congressman Tim Walberg of Michigan, actually starts to exlain something about storage locations and data acesss in the United States and overseas, but any meaningful information is lost as Walberg - seemingly feeling the pressure - starts to harass Chew with questions about "communist China." He doesn't listen at a word Chew is saying.
- The black Democrat congresswoman Yvette Clarke of New York mentions she's worried about the non-removal of "child sexual abuse, hate speech, or domestic terrorism," but predictably zooms in entirely on the second aspect: "It is vital that the diverse culture of the United States is reflected online, but I'm concerned that the algoritms and content moderation practices employed by TikTok are ignorant to the fundamental diversity." She indicates she wants open-source algorithms which definitely is not opposed by this author, albeit it for opposing reasons. Chew somehow gets rather uniquely excited to be able to respond, but is barred from doing so due to time constraints.
- The jovial Republican congressman Buddy Carter of Georgia goes: "Two-thirds of all the youths in our country are on your app. ... Research has shown that TikTok is the most addictive platform out there. And the reason for that, as we've been told, is because it has the most advanced algorithm. And the Chinese communist party knows this... There are those on this committee, including myself, who believe that the Chinese communist party is engaged in psychological warfare, through TikTok, to deliberate influence U.S. children."
Carter mentions as TikTok threats the good old "blackout challenge" and other similarly dangerous past trends, as well as one that promoted car theft. Next he asks if Douyin in China promotes the same type of activity, immediatly going, "Yes or no!" - Republican congressman Brett Guthrie reasonably and repeatedly asks: "Bad actors don't seem to be able to access Douyin. ... Your tech company has the technology to prevent it, because you prevent it in China, but you can't prevent it here." Chew, per the usual, stalls with puppydog eyes and superficial fluff: "Congressman, there is no technology that is perfect doing this. We are dealing with the reality of the country we are operating in. ... We are investing a lot in ... this challenge."
- Republican congresswoman Debbie Lesko of Arizona asks questions about TikTok having censored questions about China's genocide against the Uyghur population.
- The five-minute questioning of by a morbidly obese Republican congresswomen named Kat Cammack, with a "Don't Tread on Me" sticker on her laptop and an assistant holding up large signs, is probably the most aggressive and abusive of the day. Almost everything Cammack mentions, Chew denies, or attempts to give some nuance. Cammack doesn't listen at all. Whatever Chew says, she ignores him or rams through her own answers. Hence, once again, nobody learns anything new. Eventually she shows Chew a TikTok video that is still up until that point in which - stunningly - the assassination of committee chairman Cathy McMorris Rodgers is announced in a caption that reads, "Me asf at the, House Energy and Commerce Committee on 03/23/2023'":
"This video has been up for 41 days. It is a direct threat to the chairwoman of this committee; the people in this room. And yet it still remains on the platform. And you expect us to believe that you are capable of maintaining the data, security and privacy of 150 million Americans? Where you can't even protect the people in this room?
[Video cuts to Chew thinks he can answer, but Cammack continues - again:]
I think that is a blatant display of how vulnerable people who use TikTok are. You couldn't take action after 41 days, when a clear threat, a very violent threat, to the chairwoman of this committee and the members of this committee, was posted on your platform. You damn well know that you cannot protect the data and security of the 150 million users of your app - because it is an extension of the CCP. And with that, I yield back."
An obvious point here is that Kammack is massively confusing content screening with data security. Secondly, it's a pretty bizarre coincidence that Cammack was only able to find this one lone video of an announced assassination on TikTok, coincidentally against the committee itself; and that even the FBI apparently waited to do anything with it before the committee meeting. Cammack makes the situation only more suspicious when she says, "This video was posted before this hearing was publicly noticed." As the top comment to a YouTube video on Cammack's confrontation say, "She def posted that 41 days ago." Or another going, "And that's why instead of reporting it when they found it, they waited until this hearing to make a show of it?" 143
After the harsh confrontation, Chew asks the chairwoman Rodgers, the other angry-looking woman in the room who was the intended target of the supposed assassination, "May I respond? Chair?" However, Rodgers doesn't allow it, saying "Well, we're gonna move on."
Congress criticized en masse for Tiktok "hearing": "disgrace", "ludicrous", "disheartening", "filthy and disgusting", etc.
The performance of congresswoman Kat Cammack and committee chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers steered up online citizens quite a bit, to the point that not even YouTube's latest "positive comments get top-ranking"-AI algorithm could save the situation:
- 10,000 likes: ""Can I Respond?" "No, were gonna move on." That's American politics at its finest."
- 6,400 likes: "I have a harder time imagining how individual people VOLUNTARILY elected this woman than how TikTok handles their data security."
- 7,900 likes: "I'm strongly anti TikTok but that rant was ludicrous. If there is no question and no opportunity to respond then how can you even call it a "hearing"?"
- 2,700 likes: "The reaction of the guy directly behind the CEO after he is told that he cant defend himself is hilarious, just goes to show how one sided this all is."
- 2,300 likes: ""Can I respond?" "We're gonna move on" I dont support tiktok but I do support the 1st amendment [skull emoji]"
- 1,900 likes: "The dictatorial behavior of these politicians is beyond belief."
- 1,500 likes: "What does a violent video have anything to do with the privacy and data security of users? [skull emoji]" 144
Below are most of the top reactions from the full Washington Post stream, where similarly not a supportive comment towards congress could be found:
- 3,100 likes: "Can someone please tell me why Congress won’t let Mr. Chu actually ANSWER the questions he’s been asked? This is giving me a headache!"
- 1,800 likes: "As an American Citizen, I don't think this conversation should have been lead by these dinosaur congressmen. This conversation should be lead by the national security agency, by real, fluent, young technology experts."
- 1,600 likes: "The CEO didn't even need to show up, they're answering everything for him."
- 1,200 likes: "Tiktok is a big deal right now and the Congress handled this HORRIBLY. I'm honestly embarrassed for us."
- 1,200 likes: "The stark difference in how they treated Mr. Chew vs how they treated Mr. Zuckerberg is honestly enraging [because] a lot of the privacy and security concerns are similar. So it's really disheartening to see this sort of treatment and blatant disrespect directed at someone who was there to ANSWER questions and not be talked over. I almost felt like there needed to be a lawyer present to object a lot of these questions that were just leading, compound, argumentative, vague and/or worded in a way where the CEO would HAVE to reword it in order to give an honest answer. This hearing was ridiculous on many accounts and honestly a disservice to the people who actually wanted answers on how Tiktok operates in the US."
- 574 likes: "I find it hard how the congress wants to prove their point so hard and pinning Mr chew to the allegations without fully wanting to hear the side views of the CEO. Very strange."
- 310 likes: "Why does congress all of a sudden wanna pretend like they care about children's lives... what a disgrace."
- 224 likes: "You know how bad the congress is when people who don't even like TikTok are defending the CEO. lmao." 145
A full hearing video also was made available by C-SPAN. The comment section here also did not include a single supportive statement on congress. Examples of criticism:
- 2,700 likes: "Filthy and disgusting behavior on behalf of the questioning members. Asking complex questions, refusing to let him answer, and then echoing their own hearsay rhetoric as fact and then running away."
- 2,000 likes: "I love how they tell Mr. Chew he's not answering their questions while restricting him from answering their questions."
- 412 likes: "This is not a congressional hearing, it was an interrogation and cross-examination of a person accused of a crime. Shame on these bullies."
- 275 likes: "Good god, it was dozens of manipulative politicians vs one man and they don’t even give him a chance. It’s so unfair."
- 258 likes: "These people need out of congress forever. Its humiliating as an American to know people like this have power. Also, incredible the level of patience the CEO has."
- 153 likes: "This right here really shows the U.S. citizens who and what our "representatives" actually represent. There will be serious repercussions due to this push for a TikTok ban."
- 100 likes: "Many of the Representatives were rude, interrupted Shou many times, and were extremely judgemental. Honestly, Shou represented Tik Tok well and benefited the company." 146
From the CNBC livestream:
- 475 likes: "The way they disrespected Mr. Chew is appalling as an [Asian] American citizen. They wouldn’t let him answer questions with more than yes or no, cut him off multiple times, and had barely any understanding of how the company operates. It’s a clear indication that the people in power are insufficient at running todays country. Absolutely embarrassing"
- 219 likes: "I'm embarrassed to have these people represent us."
- 114 likes: "While watching the CEO of TikTok sitting in front of our representatives asking him questions, I found myself cheering him on to protect us from our own government."
- 96 likes: "My 1st time seeing govt officials interrogating a single person. They seem to just wanna hear the answer that they wanna hear... pretty sad. ... Thankfully, many commentators on this video presumably Americans), are ashamed of the govt officials too. There is still hope in humanity."
- 92 likes: "The hearing exposes how little these people truly know about the internet and how apps work. They can't make a decision as big as this one based on this sham. Get people who actually know what they're talking about to ask him questions."
- 68 likes: "lmao, i was anti-tiktok before but now seeing this puts me on tiktok's side haha."
- 11 likes: "I am surprised that all questions from these high ranking congressmen and congress ladies were from their own feeling without referring to any tangible evidence. It was so excruciating to answer their questions with logic. From my impression, all their information were from their mainstream media..." 147
- 4 likes: "The CEO does not even know anything about the engineering side. There is no way he can make 100% commitments."
From the Global News livestream comment section:
- 213 likes: "Could the chair be charged for saying lies as they are facts? They have no evidence and things that have been proven to be false but use them as facts."
- 118 likes: "Mr. Chew, I can't believe you're keeping a straight face. I'm proud of your composure. I'd laugh in their face. You should, because we are."
- 117 likes: "I don't think this was a legitime hearing, he was outnumbered, wasn't provided with enough time to answer the question or defend himself, not to mention the conductor of this hearing [smacks] blatantly of impartiality."
- 86 likes: "I'm embarrassed. That was not a hearing. That was a witch trial."
- 76 likes: "Why is the ceo appearing before the committee when they are already saying - whatever you say, we do not believe."
- 75 likes: "This is not "Hearing" but "Interrogation" or "Court Guilty verdict"! The whole purpose is to shove a fire sale "offer" down to TikTok's throat!"
- 66 likes: "I'm getting second hand embarrassment from this. These are really the people who represent our country?"
- 66 likes: "These yes or no answers that they are seeking is just them trying to lead Mr. Chew to criminal offense. In a way they may be trying to premeditate a crime upon Mr. Chew because they won't even let him expand his own answers. You are only allowed to say "yes." If you say "no" they would say he is lying? Wow... They should really be embarrassed and be ashamed of themselves on how they carried themselves in court!!"
- 43 likes: "This hearing literally makes the world look like an Amazing world of gumball or South park episode." 148
Comments from a little-viewed The Independent livestream:
- 12 likes: "Congressmen didn't even let him explain himself, where is the professionalism?"
- 7 likes: "I wonder who posted that threat to the Chairwoman of the committee. And Shou Zi Chew is not given the chance to response." Response: "She probably planted the video herself and thought nobody would notice lol."
- 0 likes: "Ha Ha Ha! Samsung fridge can access your home wifi." 149
Another, less prominent video of the full congressional session demonstrated similar universal resentment among viewers. The top comments here included:
- 10 likes: "Each speaker should have 30 seconds to ask a question and the other should have 30 seconds to answer uninterrupted. It's annoying watching this guy try and answer borderline unanswerable questions and get interrupted 3 words into his explanation/answer every single time."
- 36 likes: "All these politicans are disgusting and wicked. They call this guy to answer questions that [do] not have a [simple] yes or no answer, and even when he attempts to answer, he is wickedly disrespectfully shut down every time. This whole meeting is a complete disgrace."
- 9 likes: "The're asking complex questions and want yes or no answers -__-"
- 6 likes: "I feel embarrassed that these are the fossils that represent the US."
- 23 likes: "It's crazy to me that the representatives allow themselves to talk about a subject for many minutes, ask a deep and nuanced question then only allow Chew to answer the question by yes or no. They really only want to trap him."
- 64 likes: "Their game [is] literally just give a yes / no answer. These congressmen all know the person testifying wants to explain themselves, but they won't listen or give them the time anyways or ask questions in ways that only give them the answer that they want."
- 7 likes: "What's the whole point of asking him to come but simply refused to listen to him." 150
It should be clear that almost everyone agrees that the TikTok congressional hearing was not a "hearing" at all. It was just a limited debate in which both sides were lying, congress was looking to make a political stand against China, and absolutely nothing new of interest was learned. Okay, Chew's statement, "I report to the CEO of ByteDance," was slightly insightful. But that is probably about it.
TikTok's "Restricted Mode": still "seggs", "daddy", "huge tits", "slutty"
Searching Google for 'tiktok too sexual' turned up surprisingly little interest in managing the sexual nature of TikTok by the mainstream media. It did result into a link to TikTok's official page explaining that it has a "restricted mode" that is meant to lessen the "inappropiate content". Fine, let's give that a quick try for 10 minutes. The results can be seen below:

It's hard to say what Tiktok means with "limiting the appearance" of "inappropiate content". It did seem there was a limitation: instead of 50% of videos involving sexual dirty talk, it now was more around 25-35%. That's still one or two orders of magnitude more sexual than even the content Instagram shows without following anyone.
"Restricted" plus filters: "big dick", "choking", "swallowing", street lingerie and porn stars
Now let's also use the option to filter out specific keywords, on top of the "restricted mode". Quite bizarrely, keyword filters cannot be password protected, meaning that any child can temporarily remove the words and put them back before any parents are in sight. After 2 minutes of looking around, it was clear that the sexual content remained, despite going down to about 10-20% of suggested videos. Despite that, still way more sexual than Instagram's spontaneous feeds, and certainly YouTube's:

It should be clear that TikTok has NO intention of actually limiting the sexual content it provides to its users. Already beforehand reading in the TikTok app in the 'Filter video keywords'-section that it only filters the added words from the "video's description or stickers", made it clear that this option is just window dressing. Similar to YouTube, which uses it for highly effective copyright control and subtitles, TikTok can easily scan each video during the upload phase for the words that are spoken and certainly filter out keywords as "big dick", "choking", "sex", etc. Otherwise TikTok could force users to categorize their videos under "sex" very strictly, with stiff penalties if attempts are made to circumvent this categorizing. For that matter, even besides scanning the visual and audio contents, why on Earth doesn't TikTok recognize, in "restricted mode" and with additional anti-sex filters:
- the account name of a porn star? ("AdrianaCheckik")
- sentences like, "What turns you on?"
We're also not even talking about what was discussed in an earlier section, namely that TikTok's AI can identify the races of everyone in videos that are posted. So... it can't correlate the name of a porn star with breasts hanging out of a t-shirt? And, of course, mix this with words spoken in the video? Such as "swallowing"?
None of it makes any sense. It's a joke to even suggest TikTok can't control its sexual content better anno 2023. Or in general what it shows its users and what not. Its agenda clearly is to show as much sexual content to anyone from any age as it can.
65% of 8-to-12-year-olds registered as older / adults; TikTok their sex education
As the following July 2022 British study, involving 1,000 8- to 17-year-old kids, demonstrates, modern youths have been peppered with the above racial integration, LGBTQ and feminist propaganda from at least 2018. All the sexual content is a bonus.

One assumes that TikTok has stood out among youths compared to Instagram and other (social) media platforms in terms of providing fake date of birth data for some very basic reasons. TikTok has always provided virtual pornography, as well as the unique, uncensored perspective of women on dating and sex - something that arguably has never been done in the history of the world. That's also a key reason for TikTok's "addictive nature". It has nothing to do with TikTok having the most nefarious, "most advanced algorithm", as one U.S. congress member concluded in March 23, 2023. He also stated:
"To maximize user engagement and increase profits, TikTok creates and co-creates such content and deliberately targets children in the United States with violent, dangerous, extreme and psychologically disturbing content from which they can't look away."
Yeah, an endless stream of hot women (and men) simulating sex acts and telling the user in which positions and holes they liked to get fucked the most, interspaced with what turns them on in men, is hard to look away from. But that is not at all what congress members or the media has focused on. They only focused on videos that promoted things as car theft, suicide or dangerous challenges as the "blackout challenge" - stuff this author at least has never seen, also not in 2020 when taking his first brief looks at TikTok.
Somehow, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook always were able to greatly limit that content in their algorithms, even with users above the age of 18, but TikTok hasn't.
Considering "restricted mode" plus additionally banned keywords - the latter a feature only introduced in early 2023 - is unable to filter out all kinky TikTok posts, one has to conclude that even the minority of children that filled in their correct date of birth, have been peppered with sexual content.
This is not the main focus of this article though. Congress and the media not being interested, is part of the focus though. In that sense, with the media it remains fascinating that despite hundreds of millions of underage teenagers active on TikTok for years, online it's virtually impossible to get any sense what the 8-to-17 bracket has been seeing on TikTok and how many have been circumventing age restrictions (which barely seems to have worked anyway, looking at 2023's "Restricted Mode"). Why?
- Forums as Reddit and Quora won't allow any discussions regarding the skirting of TikTok age verifications, because it's "illegal".
- For the same reason search engines as Google ban these discussions as well in the first line.
- Media articles on the subject are virtually non-existent.
- Congress, even when inviting a TikTok CEO, has no interest in the sexual content either.
The only way to know for certain how many children are skirting age restrictions with newer accounts anno 2023 (because older accounts don't have to be reverified) is either ask your own children and their friends, or to walk up to a group of high school children and ask them questions. Maybe the author will ask a few passing kids at some point, but luckily the above July 2022 study could be found; otherwise there may be little to nothing out there in the western media.
And they say conspiracies can't be kept, because people always talk... Hmmm... Here we have hundreds of millions of children knowing all about circumventing TikTok's age-restrictions to get to all the "dirty content", yet a few billion adults have no clue at all how any of this works and what exactly kids could see for many years, because these details have never been properly or systematically discussed in the media.
Mainstream media and congress quietly agree with TikTok sex education to children
That brings us back to the fact that when one types in 'tiktok too sexual' in Google, not a lot of useable information comes up. Before deleting it, the author had a whole chapter here dissecting the results. Let's recreate it a bit, because it kinda is important to record in relation to modern propaganda and psychological warfare:
- Relatively few mainstream media websites - despite being artifically boosted by Google as being "authoritative" since at least 2018 during the Trump years - end up in the top 100 results. The generally ever-present New York Times doesn't have a single article listed. Neither do the Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, or any Miami Newspaper.
- A rather lonesome, promising-sounding December 2022 Washington Post article with the title 'How to get sexualized videos out of your TikTok feed, at position 12, essentially concludes that users will just "deal with it" in terms of trying to control TikTok's hyper-sexual content. 151
- The Atlantic has an article about the "transphobic" debate in relation to a "straight, cisgender Christian" male calling everyone "Karens" and not wanting to date a tranny. 152 The Financial Times has an article about how TikTok is "accused of mishandling sexual harassment." 153 The BBC 154, Cosmopolitan 155, Glamour Magazine 156, Jezebel 157, NBC News 158, and HelloGiggles.com 159 *all* are focused on explaining that TikTok's "Mascara trend" is a reference to sexual assault, while Insider.com 160 and Marie Claire 161 worry about how Justin Bieber was "repeatedly sexualized as a teen". The Guardian worries about "celebrity misogynists such as Andrew Tate." 162 TheConversation.com refers to the popular 'Put a Finger Down' trend - which usually is of the fun, naughty kind - by singling out a version about having "been sent unsolicited dick pics, begged for nudes, catcalled, repeatedly asked out after already saying no, and forced to do something sexual when they didn’t want to." 163
- ProPublica.org has an article on how TikTok is used as a platform for children to call attention to family issues, in this case being sent back by the court to a sexually abusive father in Mormom capital Salt Lake City. 164 In contrast, Vox has an article on the dangers of TikTok pulling people into a death-content loop. 165
- All of a sudden you have the top 10 Google results being dominated by Reddit forum pages, Medium articles, little-viewed YouTube videos, super-obscure student newspaper The Ontarion ("Independent News for the University of Guelph Community"), a few activist websites, many feminist; and a site as MovieGuide.org whose only relevant line in the copy-past article in the title; and other generally obscure sites. Forums as GirlsAsksGuys.com and Quora.com are situated a bit lower. Some of the posts are quite decent in relation to the Google search query, but far from all.
- "Sensationalist" and "trashy" newspaper The Sun sits at position 11 all of a sudden 166, with a handful of good articles on the oversexualization existing without much of the politics. 167 Another such newspaper, the Daily Mail, semi-secretly downranked by Google since it took an anti-immigration stance, increasingly so after the 2015 Bataclan massacre in Paris 168 (before it "corrected" itself), also is highly-ranked out of the blue. 169
- A few "conservative elite" sites as the Wall Street Journal 170 (article only indirectly visible) and the New York Post are very decent, revealing how underage teenagers have been peppered with sexual material and that, shockingly, as late as September 2021, TikTok admitted that it doesn't "currently differentiate between videos served to adult and children accounts." 171 The New York Post article though is heavily riddled with feminism, criticizing airsoft guns, Andrew Tate, humoristic comments as "When a woman starts talking, stop listening," and comedians as Theo Von for various similar humoristic comments. 172
A pretty decent 2022 Forbes article that was new in the top 100 'tiktok too sexual' query compared to last month did overly focus on underage girls being turned into "strippers" by a large, adult, pedophile crowd. 173 Again that feminist aspect. A Yahoo article in the Google results referred to the Forbes article and in turn was a copy of a National Review article not visible in the Google results. 174
Also when searching the archives of the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and Boston Globe directly, there barely is any usable content in terms of worries and insights - for society as a whole, parents and the psychological wellbeing of children - regarding TikTok users of 8 and up being exposed to an endless stream of sexual content and related "inappropiate" behavior.
So to summarize, from a basic Google and mainstream media search looking into TikTok's hypersexualization of (young) children:
- the dominant liberal and "liberal CIA" mainstream is pretty much completely useless;
- the conservative elite aspect of the media does ask some questions, mainly with the "child predator" perspective, but generally also has a feminist, "anti-racist" and "anti-self-harm" bend;
- the British "sensationalist" press has occasionally written a useful article on the subject without much political propaganda;
- with absolutely no media outlet daring to question the Third World immigration propganda aspect of TikTok.
One article in the New York Times archive that December 3, 2018, when TikTok still was considerably smaller than Instagram and Facebook, was particularly noteworthy, and not just to this author. In it, Silicon Valley insider Kevin Rose, wrote:
"About an hour after downloading TikTok ... I experienced a bizarre sensation, one I haven’t felt in a long time while on the internet. The knot in my chest loosened ... and the corners of my mouth crept upward into a smile. Was this ... happiness? ...
"Officially, TikTok users must be 13 or older to join. But the age-verification process is easy to circumvent, and ... I stumbled upon several videos starring people who appeared to be much younger. ...
"There are [also] a decent number of videos featuring teenage girls dancing suggestively - which, if you are a 31-year-old newspaper columnist and not a 16-year-old boy, is fairly unsettling." 175
"Easy to circumvent" age restrictions and "teenage girls dancing suggestively"? Age 16? Apparently the author never heard what happened to Chatroulette in 2010... 176 The New York Ties article was a virtual invitation for both underage children and pedophiles around the world to flock to the platform, with the exact same arguments all newspapers and congress would later criticize as propaganda "from communist China." Coincidence or not, this was about one-and-a-half-month after CFR, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission firms KKR and General Atlantic had fully bought themselves into TikTok, with these firms first having bought stock in 2017. 177 We have to ask the question here as well: since when do newspapers as the New York Times build up anything that does not fit either the elite or "liberal CIA" versus "conservative CIA" narrative? Answer: They don't. Hence, the whole world has gathered onto a tiny number of platforms: Google, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Spotify, and next... TikTok.
In the Washington Post archive, the most noteworthy article already has been mentioned: the promising-sounding December 2022 one with the title 'How to get sexualized videos out of your TikTok feed'. Despite being a "Johnny-come-lately"-article, the article starts out unusually revealing, especially considering how the mainstream media generally has been wholly unbothered with the sexual aspect for years:
"On TikTok [with this fully blank, new account], it took until the third video to get a young woman posing suggestively. Within five minutes, the feed had devolved into more-explicitly sexual content... In one video, a young man and woman simulated sex with their clothes on. Another featured the Pornhub logo and a pile of condoms." 178
Anyone looking to finally have some answers to this solution, would likely have been disappointed though:
"To get your feeds right where you want them, you'll need to invest time - days or weeks... [By tapping] you're not interested ... Seek out content you do like. ... Scroll away quickly, consistently [so the AI thinks you're not interested]. ...
"TikTok declined to comment on the issue but has said that it is coming out in the coming weeks with a tool to filter out videos by keywords or hashtags [without password protection, and which doesn't fully work]. It said it would follow up with other tools..." 179
The "not interested"-button literally doesn't work. Some girls this author has "uninterested" 15 times - while scrolling away quickly - and they still keep popping up every few days. It's quite ridiculous. Some of the Washington Post's TikTok "tips" it received for this article came from the Oxford Internet Institute, a globalist think tank listed in ISGP's oversight of NGOs. Among its long-time board members are / were Sir Alex Allan, a former chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee that oversees British intelligence 180; and James Manyika, a Rhodes Scholar, CFR director and Trilateral Commission member deeply involved in Google and Stanford-based AI projects. 181 As it turns out, both served on the board from September 2011 to October 2022 - but a point has been made. Degrees of separation? There barely are any. All the same globalist establishment.
Maybe it and the Washington Post do represent Satan, because the tip to "love" on TikTok was not uttered by The Post or allied interests. Mmmm, that philosophical point again...
This leaves us with The Sun. Particulary a February 24, 2020 article entitled 'Child's Play": Kids can fool TikTok age-check in seconds - unlocking 'sexy' clips and deadly pranks' is very insightful in terms of what was to be seen at TikTok at the time, and how easy it was to see for all ages:
"You can sign up with any email address - even a fake one [and] there's nothing to stop a child choosing a fake date of birth ... giving children access to an endless reel of inappropriate content. ... This post talks about being "horny" and "sh***ing". [Here one of] favourite adult stars, including this image of XXX actress Riley Reid... Many posts reference sexual interactions [such as] "Here comes the dirty stop out" [with a girl walking barefoot out of a house in a miniskirt]. ...
"On the surface, [TikTok] shows short clips of ... dance moves [and such] but there’s a far more sinister side. It’s become a magnet for paedophiles... We've seen kids as young as eight being groomed on TikTok..."
The question, of course, is: why haven't we seen many, many more articles like this in the media? Because parents around the world clearly have been concerned about this issue. More later.
What should we have expected from the media (and congress)? Basic, "folksy" criticism.
What should we have expected of the mainstream media? Well, ironically, the very first Google link to the search query 'tiktok too sexual' was to a July 2021 Reddit post in the "r/Nepal" subreddit. It went:
"I'm not here to moral police anyone. I am genuinely curious why the app, the content there are so hyper-sexualized. I'm asking about the reasons behind the kind of sexual, or sexually suggestive content that is rampant or a norm in the app. Is it Nepali TikTok only or foriegn tiktoks face the same problem? ...
"A 13 years old yesterday posted a video pulling [her] saree down and sexually touching her own neck and belly. They call it saree trend. LMAO." 182
Apparently TikTok's preference for sexual content is a global issue. But the point is: this is a question one would have expected the mainstream media to ask. Or write what we see written in this April 12, 2020 Reddit post that has 164 upvotes:
"I opened [TikTok] up and swiped through some of them and...what the fuck?
"There is a “challenge” where girls (some definitely under 18) are putting ice cubes in their vagina and filming their facial expressions.
"Every third video has a reference to giving head or some other sexual act. Many of them posted by people who have their ages right on their profile and are under 18.
"There is another "challenge" where you walk in on your boyfriend naked and film his reaction. (When it sure looks like half the time the poster and her boyfriend are under 18).
"There is yet another “challenge” where girls are posing doggy style and gradually arch their back from "beginner" to "pro" while sitting on their bed. Seriously? I mean I was a horny teenager once too, but I never publicized any of it for thousands or millions of people to see.
"Tik tok has some guidelines regarding sexual content, but I think it's very lax given the average age of their user base.
"These are just a few examples. It seems like this app is just never ending twerking, sexual references, and bikini dancing being posted by middle/high school age girls. It's weird to me how normal this has become." 183
Not too hard, right, these questions? Below is a random comment from the same thread. Such comments from concerned mothers can be found here and there on places as Reddit and Quora, but in general one has to really search for them, as the mainstream media can't be bothered.
"I've gotten my 12 year old sister to delete it because I've seen so many of what you've mentioned including ones mentioning girls being "choked" and "mouths spit into", despite the fact that the tags I follow are cats and humour." 184
To be clear, this author isn't exactly convinced that sexual content is detrimental to anyone of high school age (12-13 years old). And as the user from Nepal wrote, this is not about "moral policing" anyone. It is simply about trying to figure out why the media, always so interested in asking questions of morality, won't address the basic issue of the youngest of children, apparently all over the world, being kinky sex-educated by TikTok from the age of 8. One would almost start believing the "kinkisation" and sexualization of children is part of a globalist agenda. After all, through our philosophical points earlier, we have already established this network as the forces of Satan. So why wouldn't they?
Pedo-pushing the new LGBTQ-P norm
In the beginning of this article, as part of what this author encountered in his first two weeks on TikTok at random, some of the following pictures were shown. The first set:

Above is the mo.spec channel, ran by a Moroccan about whom nothing is known, but manages to make "jolly" videos that are a *perfect* mix of different immigrant groups in the Netherlands (white, Arab, black, Asian), as well as a little bit of LGBTQ / tranny activism and "jokes" surrounding famous alt right candidate Thierry Baudet. All of his takes seem to come from Dutch media channels - which clearly have become a lot more "diverse" since the author last paid attention to them 20 years ago. It appears mo.spec is an "influencer" channel that has been receiving special status from TikTok, a very common occurance.
In any case, the video at the top in the compilation showed up in the author's recommendations: A guy asks two girls on the street if they have boyfriends and how old they are. After they both say, "15", the guy goes, "Naaah... Shit, again too old!" Admittedly, it's kinda unexpected and funny. But these kind of jokes seem to come with a bit of a price to the soul. The comment section reflects that pretty well, as it contains a good number of creepy pedo comments that really go beyond just "humor":
- 1702 likes: "2x15 is also 30 then together by law they are grown ups. *in-jest emojies*"
- 728 likes: "The closer to the zero, the tighter around the dick." (rhymes in Dutch).
- 48 likes: "But everything under 10 daddy has not seen." (rhymes in Dutch)
- 39 likes: "Is she four then you have more pleasure." (rhymes in Dutch)
- 88 likes: "Too old? 15 or 16 is just best."
- 32 likes: "No 8 is best."
- 0 likes: "Bro, best age is lower than 3."
The persons making these comments, does seem to involve a particular crowd. Many are either Middle Eastern or older-age white guys just yearning to come out of the closet.
Another question to ask is why for some reason these are the only comments massively upvoted. Is it because pedophiles are skulking all these videos, having their little pedo-party? Or does it involve bots encouraging these type of comments? Certainly influencer "mo.spec" thinks the comments are a-okay, because these comments remain up, while not a single anti-immigration comment can be seen underneath his videos, except one he could (annoyingly) counter with, "Just ask your own daughter [why she likes Moroccans]." It's a weird forum anyway seeing Dutch and Arabs interacting with it at the same time. These groups traditionally absolutely hate each other. Sexual attraction is the only real thing to exploit for the globalist movement.
Also shown at the top of this article were some of the following screenshots, all of which came from videos the auther saw in the first two weeks or so on TikTok:

To explain what was seen:
- Girl on the left: "If only I got 1 euro for every time a guy doesn't believe I'm 14. #too bad peanutbutter." (rhymes in Dutch).
- Guy on the left, with the "beautiful motto" caption: Question: "How is the nightlife in Renesse?" The answer: "Well, a lot of 15-year-olds. I'm 18. So that's going to be a crime record. *everybody laughing*"
- Top-right: ESPN clip of a woman uncontrollably fondling a teenage bodybuilder, only to go, "Too bad you're underage. Sorry kid."
- Girl on the right: "Funny weird! Not funny haha! -- when you realize that you don't get hit on by older men as much as you used to when you were 16."
The author is not being a moral crusader here - at all. Any *hot* or otherwise respectful woman can fondle him from high school age - as long as he can slap her around if she goes too far and doesn't stop. At the same time, this author very much prefers to not be sexually exploited online by his parents as a child, or passed around as a toy to adult friends and family - until maybe he's old enough to fend them off... The situation is more serious still with women due to their lack of physical strength, but let them speak their own mind on what the rules for them should be (the hotties vs the fatties). It's not up to this author. This is a tough subject with huge, hyper-sensitive grey zones that are hard to legislate, in particular once social media videos as the above become the norm.
The question here really is if this type of material has been purposely pushed by TikTok - and really the globalist movement that controls it - for all these years. Instagram (traditionally) never pushed this material. YouTube has never let any of this material slip through its algorithm and censorship machine. Therefore, this author has suspected for the longest time that this material is very purposely pushed. In fact, underneath one of the Reddit posts cited in the previous section, the author, very late into writing this article, noticed the following comment:
"A journalist (idk his name) criticized popular Tiktoker Charli D'Amelio for dancing in a bikini to sexual music. She is only 15. Everyone came to her defense. I was like WTF why are you defending her? You are normalizing young girls doing sexual stuff. You don't know who is watching that video. We shouldn't be normalizing this stuff!" 185
Charli D'Amelio? The author vaguely heard of her... Turns out that at the time of this writing, she has just passed 150 million TikTok followers. Back in March 2020, which is the period the person above is talking about, she had about 40 million followers and was about to surpass the number #1 girl on TikTok, Loren Grey, whom we mentioned earlier in this article for publicly begging for the attention of black rapper "Ski Mask the Slump God". So we do know was watching that video: the entire world.
Going back to read up on the 2020 "controversy" surrounding Charli D'Amelio at the time, it's the usual mindtrip. First of all, barely anything related to the controversy appears to have been discussed in the mainstream media. The one or two newspapers who did discuss it, went along with the irrationality by staying "neutral" - as they do with all the over-the-top feminist and LGBTQ material. 186 Much of the discussion seems to have taken place on social media at the time. As for the "mindtrip" element, that's what Charli herself put the world through:

Little Charli just wants to "feel happy .. wearing a swimsuit on the beach." "Just let me breath, okay!" The comments almost sound like age groups and generations being set up against each other, similar to what is happening to races, genders, the "in-between genders", sexual preferences and "black lives" versus "blue lives". But fine, the pictures in the newspaper(s) show that D'Amelio just wants to dance on the beach in her bikini. It is debatable if such a video should be accessible to anyone above the legal age, but so be it.
Except... that when you watch the video itself - and ignoring the "winggirl of color" (not a knock on the girl, just a fact) - it instantly becomes clear that Little Charli is playing a very sneaky and not-at-all "subtle" game. The exact lyrics she is playbacking to, the gentures she makes, and the camera angle focusing straight on her underage pussy can only lead to one conclusion: Little Charli wants the world to... well, let the reader fill that in for him- or herself. Certainly it can be argued that D'Amelio was spreading "soft"-porn of the pedophile kind on a global scale. And that she was aware of it, before she did so. You could even interprete the lyric, "Can't take a big dick, but I can suck on it" as being *very* suggestive of pleasing grown up men as "a little girl".
Male celebrity gossiper Perez Hilton apparently wasn't quite up-to-date yet with the latest "LGBTQ-P" thing and dared posting a mildly critical and rather normal comment underneath D'Amelio's TikTok clip. This is what the commentator above was talking about. Hilton got a boatload in the face, was at risk of being canceled, likely through "liberal CIA"-type activism; and didn't know how quick to bring out his "inner pedophile tranny":

The above "reasoning" is very insidious, of course; and could be considered very slick propaganda that pits "young" versus "old", in the meantime upsetting all traditional relations and sexual bundaries between the two as well. It also fits D'Amelio's line of arguing that the author just referenced - without being aware of this second part at that time.
It's fascinating, you back up the above D'Amelio video, and you are in the possession of child (soft) porn. You watched it? You watched child porn. You found it a "little sexy", "mildly sexually arousing", or got hard from it? Jerked off to it even? You are definitely a pedophile and now there are tons of (in denial or not) "pedo hunters" looking to cut off your testicles and put an axe into your head. It's that simple. And these thoughts and worries is very much what TikTok, D'Amelio and her backers are pushing onto the world.
Speaking of D'Amelio's "backers", many may go, "Ah, Little Charli is just a little crazy." Whether that be "good crazy" or "bad crazy". But it is not quite that simple when Charli is mere weeks away from becoming the biggest TikTok star with over 40 million followers, and on top of that has Hollywood agencies, multinationals and big media all tying their reputations and financial interests to her name. A brief list:
- Jan. 15, 2020: Together with her whole family, D'Amelio signed with United Talent Agency 187, a Hollywood talent agency with past and present representation involving Jim Carrey, Dave Chappelle, Will Ferrell, Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller, Anthony Hopkins, Sigourney Weaver, Don Cheadle, Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lopez, Kirsten Dunst, the Coen Brothers, Judd Apatow, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Megyn Kelly, Lara Logan, etc.
- Feb. 2020: D'Amelio starred in a Superbowl commercial involving hummus 188, by a brand owned by PepsiCo 189, a company tied into the CFR and, in the past, the Trilateral Commission.
Fascinatingly, the whole Superbowl ad involves D'Amelio dismissively saying, "OK, [baby] boomer." to an older man enjoying his hummus. Based on a TikTok trend of late 2019, it is more of a devisive political statement, similar to the shenanigans surrounding the above pedo-video of hers, than an actual commercial. - Feb. 2020: Together with her sister, D'Amelio was part of a UNICEF "anti-online bullying & body-shaming" campaign. 190 Without a doubt the sisters have received tons of abusive comments, but at the same time it's obvious Charli is not the best mascot for such a campaign. As one random Reddit poster explained:
"What i cant wrap my head around is when people put out sexual content, and get angry when they get sexual comments." 191
You can't wrap your head around it, because globalist propaganda is not supposed to be rational, nor is it meant to lead to solutions. These campaigns are just tools for more (online) censorship and control.
YouTube's 2023 "positivity comments only" policy is one major example of that. As far as the author has seen (and backed up), even videos related to mass murdering dictator Idi Amin show the first 30 comments or so going "Legend!!!", "One love" and "Great speech against colonialism". Similar support appears underneath a loopy James Brown video in which he jokes away accusations that he "assaulted his wife with a lead pipe". The comments are nothing but "Legend", "Looks like the coolest lab technician ever!", etc. Critical comments just get automatically ghosted by AI or downranked, because they are "not positive", "not fun", "not inclusive", etc. Very dystopian. And very much what we see here with D'Amelio. - Feb. 13, 2020: New York Times article about how D'Amelio took (uncredited) dance inspiration from the 14-year-old Jalaiah Harmon, similar to other stars. 192
- Feb. 16, 2020: Harmon & D'Amelio playbacks black hiphop song 'The Renegade' with lyrics that include, "Bitch ... Gucci ... Saint Laurent ... Prada," etc. 193 It really makes one wonder why the fashion industry loves gangster hip hop...
- April 6, 2020: D'Amelio teaches propaganda-inclined Hollywood star Kristen Bell a TikTok dance for Nickolodeon's #KidsTogether campaign with regard to depression over the Covid epidemic. 194
- April 7, 2020: TikTok collaboration between Charli D'Amelio and Procter & Gamble to push "social distancing" with regard to the Covid epidemic. 195 Procter & Gamble is another long-time CFR and Trilateral Commission financier.
- May 31, 2020: D'Amelio vocally supports the "liberal CIA" and big business-backed Black Lives Matter movement, along with almost all other social media celebrities. 196
At the time of this writing it actually turns out that Charli D'Amelio is dating Landon Barker 197, whose sister, Alabama Barker, has been making waves for the last decade as a first-rate, underage pedophile magnet. (She's young, so let's make clear there's no hatred or bullying here; just facts) She made the news in 2019 after exposing she received flirty, invitational DMs from a 7-years-older drummer, eventually when she was 13 and he was 20. 198 One wonders about all the DMs from guys who did not share her father's profession... In 2021 even TikTok banned her account, after "dancing inappropriately" in front of her brother and dad. 199 In 2022 one of Alabama's PrettyLittleThings ad was banned in the U.K. for portraying the 16-year-old in too sexual a manner. 200 Ironically, the way she was dressed in that ad - while untenable anywhere where the age of consent isn't 16 - was considerably milder than some of the selfies she has posted. In between these events, there's been all kinds of criticism on Alabama and her father.
In all fairness, she seems very close with her father and he might be one of the best dads to have. But it is not just an odd situation; it's a "Manchurian" situation. First there's Travis Barker marrying a Kardashian, the most "immigrant hungry" family on the planet. But since well before that, he has been one of the core members of Blink-182, the punk band of frontman Tom DeLonge, who became one of the biggest UFO disinformers of the 2010s. Looking at DeLonge's elite and national security ties, he basically became the new Steven Greer. DeLonge rejoined Blink-182 in October 2022. Strange coincidenes like that... they stack up.
Speaking of strange coincidences, the author knew of Alabama, but for a variety of reasons didn't want to talk about her. Yet here we are. The author had seen her Instagram, probably around her 15th birthday in December 2020, and already back then thought it should definitely not be accessible to adults, especially not in a state where the age of consent is 18 instead of 16. We're not even talking about the four thug-life negroes in the garden being the only-posted "friends" for that evening.

That last aspect nobody talks about, except maybe in some strange way in January 2023 when Alabama posted a TikTok video dancing sexually to (yet another) ghetto hip hop song (again) surrounded by black girls. In fact, because all the black girls were in the background, *and* it was sexual, *and* it was bit over the top, *and* she was underage (in California), she got the usual "privileged"-backlash over it. It's ironic, because, although she's part of a first-rate Hollywood Illuminati family, all she did was cater to TikTok multi-racial algorithm.
Now, back to Charli D'Amelio in March 2020: Is there any evidence that the media, her talent agency, or any corporation she dealt with has tried to tone down the above pedophile-soft-porn-on-a-global-scale behavior? No, not the slightest. If anything, one would have to conclude that they are the ones (heavily) encouraging this behavior and even are very likely to specifically be looking to build up someone who does this: underage and almost exclusively pushing black, sexual hiphop. The author tapped on five other TikTok videos of D'Amelio, and four of them featured similar type of music with lyrics ranging from, "He like it doggy style, cause I make that ass drop." (2022) to "And this time, we're gonna get fucking." This behavior is encouraged and likely demanded. Imagine if D'Amelio opposed the Black Lives Matter movement? She'd see all her contracts canceled and possibly her TikTok account as well within hours, all with excuse of "racism". No protest or petition would be able to help her.
Whether or not the father of the D'Amelio sisters running for the Massachusetts senate in 2018 201 - before the sisters became famous - and his potential connections from that, has anything to do with his subsequent children's fame, is a good question. What is not a question is that social media, with its secret programming code, literally can make any person famous. I.e., any "liberal CIA" or "conservative CIA" asset, the mainstream media not even be required.
We could give additional examples, also here from the Netherlands of a 12-year-old posting similar and sometimes even more sexual things as Charli d'Amelio, not being asked questions about it by the media or anyone else, and even being considered acceptable by the Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission-tied royal family now for promotional shoots.
We're getting into a lot of Instagram-tied, "too close to home" and maybe even "too shocking to be the first"-content though. A lot of it also is more closely tied to Instagram. So let's cut things off here. The conclusion remains the same: LGBTQ-P is here to stay.
Loving hotties is key
So, lot's of criticism on TikTok in this article. Most of it unplanned, because it originally was strictly just about immigration pushing and who the owners of TikTok are. All this "inappropiate" stuff is something that is important - but not really core.
In any case, by the time this author wanted to upload this TikTok article, it was noticed that the content, after so many months, had increasingly turned away from what actually kept him interested: hot women doing pointless, slutty things. It's nice seeing animal videos, tornados, or amazing new science developments, but if there's not a solid stream of hot girls in there, what's the point of even opening the app? The author might swipe away within three seconds and roll his eyes about all the superficiality and repetitiveness, but what else is new when dealing with women? Or even most men? It's not like the army of steroid-infused bodybuilders give off any advice this low-T beta male hasn't already been aware of for years. In fact, women on TikTok giving insights into their brains with regard to dating and sexual preferences, when genuine, actually is always appreciated.
Whether or not the decrease in sexual content is due to pressure on TikTok, or because the app doesn't think the author is interested in it, is hard to say. But TikTok was getting a little geeky to investigate and analyze without all the women. Following anyone or any channel is not something the author prefers doing in a general sense, because he likes endless variation and very few creators have structurally good material. So the only thing left to do, the only thing left to try - to moderate TikTok's recommended content - was.... give love.
Turns out, after loving every hot white and (Far East) Asian woman a 7.5 or higher, magical things started happening. A first observation was that TikTok actually started recommending waaaay more Asian women than ever before. These were recommended in just in few minutes:

White girls too. Dancing in tiny pink panties, big fake tits, "bad wolves", and similarly bad, snaky "pure blood"-obsessed, magical Slytherin girls - it's all there in a matter of minutes:

Things are getting philosophical real quick here in a "love trumps all kinda thing". The whole world coming to see hookers in Amsterdam's Red Light District, white girls all of a sudden preferring to date white guys, and black women or prostitutes are situated in foreign countries all of a sudden (the the West), dating white guys - over there:

Initially the algorithm kept referring to the same girls, but if you "send some love" to *all* girls you think are decently pretty, it's starts giving you a broad spectrum of girls - which is exactly what this author likes to see. It's not exactly as if this keeps the author entertained for years on end. But it's kinda nice to pull out the phone once a day or once every week, when needing a break; see some pretty girls, some new crazy trends, a few animals, a tornado or two - and get back to work. Personal relations, in the end, are far more important, of course.
Another solution? Options on what to view - but unlikely to be implemented
One thing that does continue to fascinate this author throughout the existence of Instagram and TikTok in particular, is how absurdly little control there is for the user to decide exactly what content should appear on their front pages. The love button certainly dramatically improved the personal content quality in a matter of minutes, but at the same time we shouldn't forget that the "not interested"-button basically does not have a purpose. For the rest, it is not as if:
- there are proper integrated search engines to find pages with particular content (this especially goes/went for Instagram);
- options to decide which content one wants to see and not want to see, in particular on the front page.
Shouldn't it be normal that a user can *easily* shut down any sexually explicit content? Or Third World immigration propaganda for that matter? Or LGBTQ debates? And to take it further: specify exactly what content he or she is interested in seeing? And easily switch between them depending on the mood via templates? One moment a user might want to see pretty girls, another time dating tips. A user might want to predominantly see 'white boys and girls', and sometimes switch over to 'only black girls', 'mixed', or 'Far East Asian', 'Chinese', 'Japanese', etc. A user might want to see 'all random content' from Japanese TikTokkers or Instagrammers. Maybe he wants to take a look at kinky Siberian girls, who knows? All not possible to specify. Even within certain categories you "love", it's still very much a take-it-or-leave-it approach from the social media giants.
Below a partial outline can be found of 'content options' that might be desirable for any social media platform.
Select on/off or a percentage
- Areas of the world to view content from:
- The West
- Europe:
- Norway
- Spain
- Greece
- Romania
- Etc.
- North America:
- Canada
- United States
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Middle East
- Russia
- Far East Asia
- Africa
- Ethnicity to view content from:
- White
- Black
- Latino
- Far East Asian
- Indian
- Mixed: black-white
- Mixed: black-Far East Asian
- Etc.
- Animals:
- Dogs
- Cats
- Horses
- Lions
- Etc.
- Dating tips and experiencies
- Sexual expression
- Beautiful people:
- Male
- Female
- Tranny male
- Tranny female
- Fitness
- Sports
- Art
- Landscapes and travelling
- Feminism
- Third World immigration issues
- Music
- Movies
- Games
This is just a rough, partial outline of options that would make social media more enticing to this author at least than what it is today - also for the latest news in various countries all over the world. The main reason we do not have a system like this, most likely is that it is not desired by globalist elites that white people can shut themselves off from 'mixed race' and Third World immigration-type videos, or anything else political. It may also not be desired that Third World countries are aboe to shut themselves off from similar western influences.
- *) March 1, 2021, John Brennan on MSNBC's Deadline, without any racial provocation.
*) March 2, 2021, New York Post, 'Ex-CIA chief John Brennan ‘increasingly embarrassed’ to be a white man'. - cmsny.org/address-by-sir-peter-sutherland-on-migration-as-a-moral-issue/ (date speech: June 15, 2012; accessed: May 17, 2021; Center for Migration Studies).
- 2022, Nu.nl, 'TikTok: ongemak rond ongrijpbaar China groeit' ('We wrestle with TikTok: unrest around ungraspable China grows').
- *) Sep. 23, 2019 tweet of @mbrennanchina (Matthew Brennan): "Chinese TikTok now has in-video search. Search someone's face to find more videos of them. Search in-video products or clothes and buy directly."
*) Oct. 4, 2019, South China Morning Post, 'Chinese short video app Douyin introduces reverse-image search function as way to boost ad revenue': "The new function was spotted by China tech analyst Matthew Brennan..." - Aug. 22, 2019, Business Insider, 'A futuristic Chinese TikTok video shows a woman paying for vending machine items with no money or card — just her face'.
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'C-SPAN', 'TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress'. The document in question is brought up to the TikTok CEO at some point. He denies knowing about it. The author has forgotten where exactly in this hours-long hearing the relevant question was asked.
- Dec. 14, 2022, Washington Post, 'They came to TikTok for fun. They got stuck with sexualized videos': "[1.] Say you’re not interested... [2.] Seek out content you do like: Look up hashtags and keywords for your core interests, follow those creators and read or engage in the comments. [3.] Train yourself to look away... [4.] Give it time... [Early on in the article it comes closest to saying you need to "love" content to get more of it (randomly):] TikTok uses recommendation algorithms to decide which videos a person will see, drawing on a wide range of signals such as whom the person follows and what the person has liked."
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'C-SPAN', 'TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress'.
- The following article is quite fascinating in this regard: October 10, 2018, followcn.com, 'Miles Kwok tells about Wang Qishan's meeting with Wall Street bankers'. The article is partially copied in ISGP's Bilderberg membership list. It is related to the founding of the China-US Financial Roundtable.
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'C-SPAN', 'TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- cfr.org/membership/corporate-members (accessed: Aug. 16, 2021 - March 22, 2023; TikTok still absent on the July 29, 2021 list): "This list is current as of August 9, 2021. ... Affiliates: TikTok."
- *) May 25, 2019, Wall Street Journal, 'Huawei's Yearslong Rise Is Littered With Accusations of Theft and Dubious Ethics'. Full article can be read here: prosperousamerica.org/press-mention-huaweis-yearslong-rise-is-littered-with-accusations-of-theft-and-dubious-ethics/ (accessed: April 22, 2023).
*) Dec. 19, 2019, Los Angeles Times, 'The war against Huawei'. This article (also) is a long summary of Huawei spy scandals.
*) Dec. 17, 2021, Bloomberg, 'Chinese Spies Accused of Using Huawei in Secret Australia Telecom Hack; Software update loaded with malicious code...'. - April 30, 2020, Forbes, 'Exclusive: Warning Over Chinese Mobile Giant Xiaomi Recording Millions Of People’s ‘Private’ Web And Phone Use': "The device’s default Xiaomi browser, it recorded all the websites he visited, including search engine queries... The device was also recording what folders he opened and to which screens he swiped, including the status bar and the settings page. All of the data was being packaged up and sent to remote servers in Singapore and Russia, though the Web domains they hosted were registered in Beijing ... hosted by another Chinese tech giant, Alibaba, which were ostensibly rented by Xiaomi."
- *) Nov. 21, 1991, Washington Post, 'High-Ranking Cuban Officials Aided Cocaine Cartel, Noriega Trial is Told'
*) April 8, 1993, Seattle Times, 'The U.S. Drug Case Against Cuba -- Smuggling Probe Names Raul Castro, Other Officials'. - March 22, 1985, UPI, 'U.S. says Nicaragua trafficking in drugs'.
- *) March 28, 2023, German Marshall Fund, 'China Global Podcast: China's Role in the US Fentanyl Crisis'.
*) Feb. 7, 2022, Politico, 'The war on drugs puts a target on China; As the fentanyl death toll ticks up, U.S. legislators slam Beijing’s regulatory loopholes and rue political tensions.' - March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'C-SPAN', 'TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress'. Republican congresswoman Debbie Lesko asks about the Uyghur genocide.
- March 29, 2023, Business Insider, 'TikTok parent ByteDance has special stock owned by China’s government. Here’s how ‘golden shares’ give Beijing influence over the social-media giant.'.
- Ibid.
- March 16, 2023, Reuters, 'TikTok says US threatens ban if Chinese owners don't sell stakes'.
- docs.house.gov/meetings/IF/ IF00/20230323/ 115519/HHRG-118-IF00-Wstate-ChewS-20230323.pdf (accessed: March 30, 2023).
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'C-SPAN', 'TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress'.
- Sep. 28, 2018, Hindustan Times, 'This 35-year-old unknown has created the world’s most valuable startup'.
- Aug. 16, 2020, The Wire China, 'Who Really Owns ByteDance?'.
- Sep. 26, 2014, chinamoneynetwork.com, 'Source Code Capital Raises $100M For Its Maiden Fund': "Source Code Capital, founded in the summer by former vice president of Sequoia Capital China Charlie Cao...".
- Ibid.
- cbinsights.com/company/ether-capital/financials (accessed: April 29, 2023): "Ether Capital has 1 investors: ... 5/28/2015... Source Code Capital, 1 Series A, [Charlie] Yi Cao [of Sequoia and SCC]..."
- Aug. 16, 2020, The Wire China, 'Who Really Owns ByteDance?'.
- Bytedance.com/english (accessed: March 3, 2020): "Yiming Zhang, Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board. ... Arthur Dantchik, Board Director. William Ford, Board Director. Phillippe Laffont, Board Director. Neil Shen, Board Director."
- Oct. 3, 2018, Bloomberg.com, 'Bloomberg New Economy Forum Announces Preliminary Speaker and Participant Line-Up for the Second Annual Event in Beijing on Nov 20-22, 2019' (PDF).
- bloombergneweconomy.com/nef2021/leadership/ (accessed: July 29, 2021; first webarchive of this url, which seems to have been originally blocked from archiving): "Zhang Lei, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Hillhouse Capital Management Group: Advisory Board Member. ... Henry A. Kissinger pnot advisory board anymore] ... Condoleezza Rice [Advisory Board Member] ... David M. Rubenstein [of Carlyle; advisory board member] ... Neil Shen: Steward, Sequoia Capital; Founding & Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China, Advisory Board Member.".
- See the backed up donor lists in ISGP's CFR article.
- January 2013, official WEF / Davos participants list. See ISGP's Davos article to download the list.
- flickr.com/photos/ worldeconomicforum/8408335102 (accessed: April 22, 2023): " 23JAN13 - Neil Shen Nanpeng, Founding and Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China, Hong Kong SAR, gestures during the session 'China's Growth Context - Unleashing Entrepreneurial Innovation' at the Annual Meeting 2013 of the World Economic Forum in Davos..."
- flickr.com/photos/ worldeconomicforum/12116877366 (accessed: April 22, 2023): "DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 24JAN14 - (FLTR) ... Victor L. L. Chu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, First Eastern Investment Group, Hong Kong SAR; World Economic Forum Foundation Board Member; Global Agenda Council on Japan, Neil Shen Nan Peng, Founding and Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China... Nouriel Roubini.... at the Annual Meeting 2014 of the World Economic Forum [on] January 24, 2014."
- flickr.com/photos/ worldeconomicforum/24226640090 (accessed: April 22, 2023): "21JAN16 - Neil Shen Nan Peng, Founding and Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China, Hong Kong SAR speaks during the session 'The Future of 'Made in China'' at the Annual Meeting 2016 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 21, 2016.".
- flickr.com/photos/ fortunelivemedia/8983731534 (accessed: April 22, 2023): "Fortune Global Forum 2013, Saturday, 8 June, 2013. ... Neil Shen, Founding Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China.".
- June 6, 2013, Fortune, 'Transcript: Fortune Global Forum town hall'.
- June 28, 2013, China Daily, 'Forum provides venue for brainstorming'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- June 6, 2013, CNN Money / Fortune, 'Jamie Dimon: Prepare for more volatility': "The message delivered by JPMorgan (JPM) CEO Jamie Dimon to delegates at the Fortune Global Forum in Chengdu, China..."
- Aug. 16, 2020, The Wire China, 'Who Really Owns ByteDance?'.
- April 14, 2020, Forbes, 'China Optimism, Xiaomi Ties Help Shunwei CEO Debut On 2020 Forbes Midas List': "Koh, 48, a Singapore native who holds degrees from Stanford and the National University of Singapore, started his career as an analyst with Deutsche Bank and AIG Global Investment Corp. at home. In 2003, he moved to Beijing ... at about the time of China’s ascension into the World Trade Organization, and became a vice president for the Singapore government-run Government of Singapore Investment Corp. In 2008, he later joined old AIG colleagues at C.V. Starr Investment Advisors, before setting up Shunwei with Lei in 2011."
- Ibid.: "Tuck Lye Koh [and] then little-known Chinese entrepreneur Lei Jun... In 2011, the duo decided to co-found their own investment company in Beijing, Shunwei Capital. Time has been good to both. Lei is now the billionaire CEO of one of the world’s largest smartphone brands, Xiaomi..."
- Aug. 16, 2020, The Wire China, 'Who Really Owns ByteDance?'.
- June 30, 2015, Wall Street Journal, 'Shou Zi Chew Joins Xiaomi as CFO': "Shou Zi Chew, a Singaporean, had joined billionaire investor Yuri Milner's DST Global in 2010, and was involved in the company's investments in Xiaomi and other Chinese tech companies, Xiaomi said.";
*) May 11, 2016, The Information, 'Private Tech CFOs to Watch': "[Chew:] Previous job: DST Global Partner, 2010 to 2015." - Jul. 1, 2015, Vox, 'Xiaomi Taps DST Investment Partner Shou Zi Chew to Be CFO'.
- Ibid.: "Chew, the Hong Kong-based partner of DST Investment Management Ltd, first helped the prominent late-stage technology fund invest in Xiaomi in 2011."
- Nov. 30, 2011, Wired UK, 'How a Russian tycoon is buying his way into the Silicon Valley elite'.
- Ibid.: "He went to work for ... Mikhail Khodorkovsky [in the 1990s.] Milner proposed to Khodorkovsky that they try a legal takeover -- American style, and the first ever in Russia -- of a confectionery company."
- Nov. 2, 2003, Washington Times, 'Arrested oil tycoon passed shares to banker': "[They] have passed to renowned banker Jacob Rothschild..."
- openrussiafoundation.org/ Board_of_Trustees.asp (accessed: Dec. 3, 2003; website up mid 2003 - Dec. 2005): "The Board of Trustees: [5 total:] Mikhail B.Khodorkovsky. The Honourable Henry Kissinger ... Lord Jacob Rothschild, OM GBE... held a meeting on June 17, 2003... the previous Board of Trustees meeting in September 2002.".
- May 4, 2004, International Crisis Group Africa Report report no. 79, 'Biting the Somali Bullet', p. 24, Appendix D (not the first board where Brzezinski and (the in Oct. 2003 arrested) Khodorkovsky jointly appear, which goes back to 2002): "ICG Board of Trustees: ... Zbigniew Brzezinski ... Mikhail Khodorkovsky ... Martti Ahtisaari, Chairman. ... Stephen Solarz, Vice-Chairman. ... Gareth Evans, President & CEO. ... Morton Abramowitz ... Richard [A.] Allen ... Victor Chu ... [Gen.] Wesley Clark ... Carla Hills ... Ellen Johnson Sirleaf ... Wim Kok..."
- Sep. 27, 2010, New York Times, 'The Value of a Piece of Facebook': "Yuri Milner [bought a] 10 percent stake in Facebook largely through the secondary market. His Digital Sky Technologies paid $200 million for a 2 percent stake..."
- March 9, 2011, Forbes, 'The Billionaire Who Friended the Web'.
- Ibid.
- May 27, 2009, Forbes, 'Facebook's New Billionaire Backer.': "Goldman Sachs and Renaissance Partners have also reportedly given financial backing to the [DST] fund. [Usmanov] buying half of Renaissance Partners' 4% stake."
- 2014 annual report, CFR, p. 71: "Global Board of Advisers: ... Chair: David M. Rubenstein ... Vladimir Potanin (Russia)..."
- Sep. 28, 2017, Forbes, 'A Q&A With Internet Guru Yuri Milner: Moving On From Russia And The Future Of E-Commerce': "My only involvement with the Russian government was serving from 2009 to 2011 as a member of a Presidential Commission on Innovation formed by the president Dmitry Medvedev. ... I was interacting mostly with the economic bloc of the government, like the minister of economy."
- Sep. 25, 2011, Moscow Times, 'Prokhorov Off Commission'.
- June 13, 2010, Techcrunch, 'Chatroulette Enlists Shawn Fanning In The Fight Against The Masturbators'.
- May 10, 2010, New Yorker, 'Roulette Russian: The teen-ager behind Chatroulette.'
- May 27, 2009, Forbes, 'Facebook's New Billionaire Backer: Russian steel magnate Alisher Usmanov is now an indirect backer of the social networking site.': "Facebook just got a rather generous investment from Digital Sky Technologies, a Russian fund that's paying $200 million for a 1.96% stake. ... Alisher Usmanov ... reportedly has a 32% stake in [DST]. ... A spokesman for Digital Sky would not confirm Usmanov's participation, but a source familiar with the company said Usmanov had a "substantial" stake. Usmanov is understood to have come on board in 2008 when he bought a stake in the fund, and since then he has increased his shareholding. Earlier this week the Russian daily Kommersant reported that he had upped his holding in Digital Sky to 32%, from 30%, by buying half of Renaissance Partners' 4% stake. Usmanov also owns Kommersant."
- Mar 9, 2011, Forbes, 'The Billionaire Who Friended the Web'.
- rgo.ru/en/society/structure/board-trustees (accessed: Oct. 11, 2017): "
- Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society, President of the Russian Federation.
- Shoigu Sergei ... President of the Russian Geographical Society, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. ...
- Aven Pyotr ... Chairman of the Board of Directors at Alfa banking Group.
- Alekperov Vagit ... President of Open Joint Stock Company LUKOIL. ...
- Albert II, The reigning monarch of the Principality of Monaco. ...
- Vekselberg Viktor...
- Dudley Robert Warren, Group Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, BP plc.
- Deripaska Oleg ...
- Evtushenkov Vladimir ... Chairman of the Sistema...
- Ivanov Sergei ... Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office.
- Lavrov Sergei ... The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation...
- Potanin Vladimir...
- Prokhorov Mikhail...
- Timchenko Gennady...
- Usmanov Alisher Burkhanovich, Director-general of Gazprominvestholding..." - Oct. 15, 2014, Interfax, 'Usmanov leaves position as Gazprom Investholding CEO': "Usmanov became the head of Gazprom Investholding in 2000. His contract was set to expire in February 2015."
- fnd.mgimo.ru/126429.phtml (accessed: Feb. 6, 2010; "Состав Попечительского совета МГИМО (У) МИД России"): "Composition of the Board of Trustees of MGIMO (U) MFA of Russia: "
- Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
- Potanin Vladimir Olegovich, President of Interros Company, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
- Usmanov Alisher Burkhanovich, CEO Gazprominvestholding LLC, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees. ...
- Bogdanchikov Sergei Mikhailovich, President of NK ROSNEFT. ...
- Drachevsky Leonid Vadimovich, Vice President of ONEXIM Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MMC Intergeo. ...
- Andrey Kostin, President-Chairman of the Board of JSC VTB Bank. ...
- Primakov Evgeny Maksimovich...
- Prikhodko Sergey Eduardovich, Assistant to the President [Putin] of the Russian Federation...
- Remchukov Konstantin Vadimovich, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta. ...
- Fedun Leonid Arnoldovich, Vice President of OAO NK LUKOIL.
- Cherkesov Viktor Vasilievich, Head of the Federal Agency for the Supply of Arms, Military, Special Equipment and Materiel.
- Chemezov Sergey Viktorovich, General Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies".
- Shodiev Fattah Kayumovich, Member of the Board of Directors of the Eurasian Bank, shareholder of the Eurasian Corporation of Natural Resources.
- Yakunin Vladimir Ivanovich, President of JSC "Russian Railways".
- Yastrzhembsky Sergey Vladimirovich, Businessman." - *) craigmurray.org.uk/archives/ 2007/10/usmanov_truth_w/ (accessed: April 25, 2023; due to his association with Axis for Peace of 9/11 no-plane disinformer Thierry Meyssan, Murray, despite having been a U.K. diplomat is not to be (fully) trusted.).
*) craigmurray.org.uk/archives/ category/usmanov/ (accessed: April 25, 2023).
*) indymedia.org.uk/en/ 2007/09/380565.html (accessed: April 25, 2023; 'Craig Murray censored for attacking Alisher Usmanov, potential Arsenal chairman').
*) Nov. 19, 2007, The Guardian, 'Usmanov's responses to Guardian questions': "On graduating from the Moscow State Institute for International Relations [MGIMO] you worked for the Foreign Economic Association of the Soviet Peace Committee. The Soviet Peace Committee is now widely regarded as having been an organisation that worked closely with the KGB and was influenced by the KGB. Some would describe it as having been a KGB front. [Usmanov:] I do wonder about the thought process which makes you think that a person who spent 6 years in prison after a framed-up case by the KGB, has any relation to KGB. ... I have never been a KGB member."
*) Oct. 14, 2007, The Times, 'Arsenal billionaire, Alisher Usmanov, recalls six years in penal colony': "He is on good personal terms with President Vladimir Putin and is often summoned to the Kremlin by officials seeking his opinion. ... He describes Putin as a “blessing for Russia”...
[He was] imprisoned in 1980. ... Although he was fully absolved in 2000 and no longer has a criminal record, rumours about his past persist. ... Craig Murray, the outspoken former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, has accused Usmanov of links with organised crime but has offered no proof. Usmanov rejected the charges and threatened to sue Murray “if he can first prove that he is completely sane”. ...
“I was jailed on trumped-up charges and lost six years of my life as a result of infighting within the KGB,” he said. ... It is all a far cry from the teenaged Usmanov’s dream of becoming a diplomat. His father held a powerful post in the Uzbek judicial system, his mother was a Russian language teacher and as a child of the elite, he was sent away at the age of 18 to study at the State Institute for International Relations [MGIMO] in Moscow. There, he read international law, Arabic and French and planned to join the Soviet diplomatic service in the Middle East. He also became close friends with fellow students Sergei Yastrzhembsky and Sergei Prikhodko, both now aides to Putin, and was later a pupil of Yevgeny Primakov, who went on to head Russia’s foreign intelligence service and was subsequently appointed foreign minister and prime minister.
“People say now that I’m well connected in the Kremlin,” he said over a lunch... “Some of the people I know in the Kremlin have been close friends for decades. I’m not an oligarch because I’ve never received any favours from the state. I’m a businessman and don’t do politics.”
After graduating in 1976 Usmanov returned to Uzbekistan where he worked for the Komsomol, the Communist party youth organisation. But his ambitions of travelling the world as a diplomat came to an abrupt end when he was 27. A power struggle broke out between the KGB in Moscow and its Uzbek arm over the appointment of a new chairman of the Uzbek KGB. The local secret police backed a general who was the father of Bakhodir Nasimov, one of Usmanov’s closest childhood friends. But Moscow favoured another candidate, who saw Nasimov’s father as a potential threat. According to Usmanov, the Moscow nominee sought to destroy his rival’s career by framing his son, the young Nasimov, who was a junior KGB officer. ...
That they were jailed despite being the children of high-ranking officials demonstrated that the charges were politically motivated, Usmanov said. “If I’d really committed a crime, my father, as deputy prosecutor, was sufficiently influential to have spared me an eight-year sentence. He couldn’t come to my rescue because the charges were trumped up for political reasons.” Instead of being sent to a relatively safe penal colony for state officials, he was locked up in an ordinary one. He survived after a prison strongman took a liking to him and warned others not to harm him. Nasimov was less fortunate. He lost his mind and according to Usmanov is still in a mental institution." - *) europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/CRE-6-2007-09-25-INT-2-428_EN.html (accessed: April 25, 2023): "Debates: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 - Strasbourg: Towards a common European foreign policy on energy (debate): Thomas Wise (IND/DEM). – Madam President, ... Gazprom is not a private company. It is a state-controlled tool of Russian foreign policy. It is, moreover, in the hands of President Putin’s political henchmen and, allegedly, organised crime. Take, for example, Alisher Usmanov. This gentleman, the son of a Communist apparatchik, is Chairman of Gazprom Invest Holdings, the group that handles Gazprom’s business activities outside Russia. He is the man we are doing business with. He is the man who cuts off gas supplies if client states dare to question Gazprom’s demands. Allegedly a gangster and racketeer, he served a six-year jail sentence in the Soviet Union in the 1980s, his eventual pardon coming at the behest of Uzbek mafia chief and heroin overlord Gafur Rakhimov, described as Usmanov’s mentor. ... According to Craig Murray, the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, it was Usmanov who ordered the cutting off of supplies to Georgia earlier this year. Please take note, Madam President, the Kremlin has now refused to sanction the construction of a pipeline to the EU over Georgian territory. These are the people you want to do business with."
*) Nov. 19, 2007, The Guardian, 'Usmanov's responses to Guardian questions': "Mr. Wise mentioned one Gafur Rakhimov. You are on record as saying that you have known Mr Rakhimov for many years. Is this correct? What can you tell us about your relationship with Mr Rakhimov, and what can you say about these allegations against him?[Usmanov:] As I've explained previously, I only knew him since he was a neighbour of my parents. I have never had, nor do I have any business dealings with him." - *) 1999, BBC Panorama, 'The Billion Dollar Don': "[FBI special agent 1976-1998, Bob Levinson:] In May of 1995, the number 2 man in the most powerful gang, the Solntsevskaya organization, a man by the name of Victor Averin, was celebrating a birthday. Traditionally the birthdays are used as an excuse to get members of the group together, primarily the leaders, brigade leaders. And so a meeting was planned. We got wind of it. [Narrator:] The FBI saw Averin's birthday guest list as a who's still who of Russian organized crime. There was Sergei Mikhailov, alleged head of the notorious Solntsevskaya organization, a gang linked by the FBI to Mogilevich; Gafur Rakhimov, the most powerful gangster in Uzbekistan, allegedly a major trafficker of heroin into Europe; Jamal Khachidze, narcotics, Moscow; and Aleksander Sedov, reputedly one of the most vicious killers in Russia. ... By remarkable twist of faith, Mogilevich flew in for the party, but it appears that his plane arrived late. [Interviewer:] Were you intending to go to that party? [Semion Mogilevich:] Yes."
*) Jan. 16, 2003, Compromat.ru (original from Stringer-agency.ru), 'Михаил Черной: "Моим хобби, если можно так сказать, является помощь хорошим, честным людям."' ('Michael Cherney: "My hobby, so to speak, is to help good, honest people"'): "The first contacts with the criminal underworld Michael [Cherney, a Mossad-tied oligarch] got in Uzbekistan. Along with his brother Leo, Michael created the first industrial cooperative in Uzbekistan. ... The money for the promotion of their business, the Cherney brothers acquired through links with the Uzbek criminal community, especially with Gafur Rakhimov [allied with Solntsevskaya; close since his youth with oligarch Alisher Usmanov] and Tofik Arifova. The questionable cooperative was used by criminal organizations to launder the proceeds of racketeering, prostitution, trafficking in arms and drugs. Also in Uzbekistan, Cherney met with Iskander Makhmudov, which is still considered his most reliable partner, along with Oleg Deripaska." - Nov. 16, 2017, Carnegie Moscow, 'Alisher Usmanov: Uzbekistan’s Oligarch of Choice'.
- Jan. 27, 2010 YouTube upload by 'TechCrunch', 'Yuri Milner, DST, Talks About Facebook & Zynga Investments [at Davos]': "This is my first time [at Davos]". ... For us, the logical thing is to raise capital globally. Because we see ourselves as global investors.
- Jan. 27, 2011, Dealbook - New York Times, 'The Man Behind the Facebook Deal' (title-tag reads: 'DealBook Speaks to Yuri Milner in Davos')
- Sep. 23, 2011, Reuters, 'The advent of the global brain'.
- Nov. 30, 2011, Wired, 'How a Russian tycoon is buying his way into the Silicon Valley elite': "Usmanov became the head of Gazprom Investholding in 2000. His contract was set to expire in February 2015."
- Nov. 5, 2017, The Guardian, 'Russia funded Facebook and Twitter investments through Kushner investor'.
- Jan. 25, 2012, Forbes, 'Davos, Day 1: Meet The Billionaire Players (And See Where They're Partying)': "... first Facebook president Sean Parker is here on behalf of Founders Fund ... he launched with fellow billionaire Peter Thiel... On Thursday morning, he'll take part in a roundtable on philanthropy hosted by Ukrainian steel tycoon Victor Pinchuk. Parker will be joined by ... Eric Schmidt of Google and Yuri Milner..."
- Ibid.
- Nov. 5, 2017, The Guardian, 'Russia funded Facebook and Twitter investments through Kushner investor'.
- Ibid.
- Nov. 7, 2022, tradealgo.com, 'Billionaire Trader with TikTok Riches Backs GOP in Hopes of a Win': "Jeff Yass, one of the biggest Republican Party benefactors, owns about 7% of TikTok parent ByteDance Ltd. This comprises just over half of his $33 billion fortune, according to an analysis by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.".
- cato.org/people/directors.html (accessed: Aug. 6, 2002; first archive with Jeff Yass): "Board of Directors: ... Theodore J. Forstmann ... David H. Koch ... Jeffrey S. Yass..."
- cato.org/about/leadership (accessed: March 31, 2023): "Board of Directors: ... Jeffrey S. Yass: Vice Chairman, Cato Institute; Managing Director, Susquehanna International Group, LLP. ... Howard S. Rich, Chairman, U.S. Term Limits. ... David C. Humphreys, President & CEO, TAMKO Building Products, Inc."
- *) cato.org/people/directors.html (accessed: Jan. 26, 2002; last archive with Rupert Murdoch): "Board of Directors: Peter Ackerman [of] Rockport Financial Ltd. ... Theodore J. Forstmann ... David H. Koch... Rupert Murdoch... Frederick W. Smith, Chairman & CEO, FDX Corporation."
- cato.org/board-of-directors (accessed: Jan. 29, 2016; last year with a Koch on the board): "David H. Koch, Executive Vice President, Koch Industries, Inc. ... Jeffrey S. Yass, Managing Director, Susquehanna International Group, LLP.".
- 2012 annual report, Cato Institute, pp. 37-39: "Institutional Support: ... Bradley Foundation ... Carnegie Corporation ... Carthage Foundation ... Donner Foundation. Earthart Foundation ... [Soros'] Foundation to Promote Open Society [Soros] ... Marijuana Policy Project ... [Soros']Open Society Foundations ... Ploughshares Fund ... Sarah Scaife Foundation ... Ebay ... Facebook ... Google...
Cato Club 200: ... Arthur Dantchik ...
Board of Directors: ... David H. Koch ... Jeffrey S. Yass, Managing Director, Susquehanna International Group." - Oct. 31, 2022, The Courier Journal, 'Why billionaire Jeff Yass’ favorite politician on the national scene is Rand Paul: Opinion'.
- Ibid.: "During the current election cycle Jeff Yass has provided about 83% of all the money taken in by Paul’s two super PACs."
- *) June 1, 1985, Reason Magazine, 'Interview with Ron Paul': "Although no longer a congressman, he is still very active in politics as chairman of the Washington-based Citizens for a Sound Economy, a public-interest lobbying organization working for free trade and deregulation."
*) Oct. 18, 2010, NBC News, 'Business' arm-length embrace of the Tea Party': "A libertarian nonprofit called FreedomWorks, which grew out of Citizens for a Sound Economy, a group founded in 1984 by billionaires Charles and David Koch..." - cato.org/people/directors.html (accessed: Aug. 6, 2002; first archive with Jeff Yass): "Board of Directors: ... Theodore J. Forstmann ... David H. Koch ... Jeffrey S. Yass..."
- Aug. 16, 2020, The Wire China, 'Who Really Owns ByteDance?'.
- Aug. 16, 2020, The Wire China, 'Who Really Owns ByteDance?'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- April 10, 2019, TechInAsia.com, 'In brief: Bytedance gets $1.3b big bank loan'.
- March 25, 2014, Salon, 'Yale claims it was keeping Kissinger talk secret because of limited seating'.
- Oct. 3, 2018, Bloomberg.com, '400 of the World’s Most Influential Business and Government Leaders to Attend Bloomberg’s First-Ever New Economy Forum in Singapore on November 6-7, 2018' (PDF).
- bloombergneweconomy.com/nef2021/leadership/ (accessed: July 29, 2021; first webarchive of this url, which seems to have been originally blocked from archiving): "Zhang Lei, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Hillhouse Capital Management Group: Advisory Board Member. ... Henry A. Kissinger pnot advisory board anymore] ... Condoleezza Rice [Advisory Board Member] ... David M. Rubenstein [of Carlyle; advisory board member] ... Neil Shen: Steward, Sequoia Capital; Founding & Managing Partner, Sequoia Capital China, Advisory Board Member.".
- See two notes back for source.
- Aug. 16, 2020, The Wire China, 'Who Really Owns ByteDance?'.
- 2017 annual report, CFR, p. 79: "Global Board of Advisors: ... Charles David Powell (United Kingdom), Lord of Bayswater... Chair: David M. Rubenstein, Vice Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Cofounder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Carlyle Group. ... Vladimir Potanin (Russia), Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Management Board, MMC Norilsk Nickel... [etc.]" Certainly already on the 2014 board.
- *) lvmh.com/group/about-lvmh/governance/board-of-directors/ (accessed: Aug. 21, 2018): "Bernard Arnault, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer... Marie-Josée Kravis.* Lord Powell of Bayswater. ... Advisory Board Members: Paolo Bulgari. Albert Frere [great-grandson of the founder of luxury jeweler Bulgari]. ... * Independent Director."
*) lvmh.com/group/about-lvmh/governance/board-of-directors/ (accessed: April 23. 2023): "Bernard Arnault: Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. ... Marie-Josée Kravis 1 ... Advisory Board Member: ... Lord Powell of Bayswater... 1: Independent Director." - Ibid.
- Ibid.
- May 20, 2021, South China Morning Post / Yahoo News, 'ByteDance and McDonald’s are thriving in post Covid-19 China by riding e-commerce boom, says private-equity backer Carlyle': "Carlyle invested US$150 million in ByteDance in a round of fundraising that pegged the private company's value at US$180 billion as of December last year."
- docs.house.gov/meetings/IF/ IF00/20230323/ 115519/HHRG-118-IF00-Wstate-ChewS-20230323.pdf (accessed: March 30, 2023).
- goldmansachs.com/our-firm/history/moments/1982-international-advisory-board.html (accessed: April 26, 2023): "In 1982, Goldman Sachs establishes a board of international advisors... Early members of the board included ... Henry Kissinger [and] Robert McNamara... John C. Whitehead observed that this new board would "contribute greatly to the further development of [the] firm’s international activities"..."
- moma.org/about/trustees (accessed: Nov. 15, 2010): "Honorary Chairman: David Rockefeller ... President: Marie-Josée Kravis [wife of Henry of KKR] [Regular trustees:] John Elkann [Agnelli]. Laurence D. Fink. ... Vartan Gregorian ... David Rockefeller, Jr. Sharon Percy Rockefeller... Life Trustees: ... Peter G. Peterson ... David Rockefeller ...Honorary Trustees: ... Maurice R. Greenberg ..."
- inc-cap.com/leadership/ (accessed: Sep. 8, 2015): "Working Group: ... Dominic Barton ... Sir Evelyn de Rothschild ... Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild ... Tony Elumelu ... Mo Ibrahim ... Paul Polman ... Dr. Adam Posen. Judith Rodin, President, The Rockefeller Foundation ... Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation. ... " Extra names by Aug. 23, 2016: "Jeff Conway ... Laurence D. Fink ... Lord Brian Griffiths, Director, Goldman Sachs... Indra Nooyi ... Eric Spiegel, President, Siemens Corporation ... Paul Tudor Jones ..."
- sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/ About_SEM/Advisory_Board/ Advisory_Board_Members.htm (accessed: July 6, 2022): "Henry M. Paulson, Jr. ... Chairman: Tim Cook ... Jamie Dimon ... Laurence D. Fink ... William E. Ford ... Maurice R. Greenberg ... Henry R. Kravis ... Jack Ma ... Elon Musk ... David M. Rubenstein ... Stephen A. Schwarzman ... Ratan N. Tata ... John L. Thornton ... Jacob Wallenberg ... Mark Zuckerberg..."
- Bytedance.com/english (accessed: March 3, 2020): "Yiming Zhang, Founder, CEO and Chairman of the Board. ... Arthur Dantchik, Board Director. William Ford, Board Director. Phillippe Laffont, Board Director. Neil Shen, Board Director."
- March 15, 2018, Sec.gov, 'BlackRock Elects New Independent Directors; Bill Ford, Peggy Johnson and Mark Wilson join BlackRock’s Board of Directors'.
- sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/en/ About_SEM/Advisory_Board/ Advisory_Board_Members.htm (accessed: July 6, 2022): "Henry M. Paulson, Jr. ... Chairman: Tim Cook ... Jamie Dimon ... Laurence D. Fink ... William E. Ford ... Maurice R. Greenberg ... Henry R. Kravis ... Jack Ma ... Elon Musk ... David M. Rubenstein ... Stephen A. Schwarzman ... Ratan N. Tata ... John L. Thornton ... Jacob Wallenberg ... Mark Zuckerberg..."
- rockefeller.edu/corp/board.php (accessed: Aug. 14, 2006): "Board of Trustees: ... David Rockefeller, Honorary Chairman and Life Trustee ... Brooke Astor * ... William E. Ford ... [David Rockefeller daughter] Neva R. Goodwin, Ph.D. ... Nancy M. Kissinger ... Henry R. Kravis, Vice Chairman ... Trustees Emeriti: ... Maurice R.Greenberg ... John C. Whitehead."
- ncuscr.org/board-directors/ (accessed: April 29, 2023): "Executive Vice Chairs: Maurice R. Greenberg [and] Henry A. Kissinger. Vice Chairs: Evan G. Greenberg ... Thomas H. Kean ... Directors: ... [Adm.] Dennis C. Blair ... William E. Ford, Chairman and CEO, General Atlantic... Joshua Cooper Ramo [of Kissinger Assoc.]..."
- *) July 25, 2017, ceoaction.com, 'Nearly 100 New CEOs Join The CEO Action...': "Only one month after 175 CEOs came together to launch the CEO Action... Here is what [the] steering committee [members] have said about the initiative: ... General Atlantic CEO Bill Ford..."
*) ceoaction.com/ceos/ (accessed: Oct. 11, 2017 - March 30, 2023): "General Atlantic: Bill Ford* ... *Denotes Steering Committee Member." - moma.org/about/trustees (accessed: Nov. 15, 2010): "Honorary Chairman: David Rockefeller ... President: Marie-Josée Kravis [wife of Henry of KKR] [Regular trustees:] John Elkann [Agnelli]. Laurence D. Fink. ... Vartan Gregorian ... David Rockefeller, Jr. Sharon Percy Rockefeller... Life Trustees: ... Peter G. Peterson ... David Rockefeller ...Honorary Trustees: ... Maurice R. Greenberg ..."
- pfnyc.org/publications/ pfnyc_brochure.pdf (accessed: March 16, 2007): "Board of Directors 2007: ... Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman & CEO, The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. ... Henry R. Kravis, Founding Partner [KKR] ... K. Rupert Murdoch, Chairman & CEO, News Corporation ... Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman & CEO, amp;The Blackstone Group ... FOUNDING CHAIRMAN: David Rockefeller."
- pfnyc.org/board-of-directors/ (accessed: May 1, 2023): "Board of Directors: ... Jamie Dimon, Chairman & CEO, JPMorgan Chase & Co. William E. Ford, Chairman & CEO General Atlantic LLC ... Evan G. Greenberg [son of Mauric] ... Stephen A. Schwarzman ... Steven R. Swartz, President & CEO Hearst ... Laurence D. Fink, Chairman & CEO, BlackRock."
- rockefeller.edu/corp/board.php (accessed: Aug. 14, 2006): "Board of Trustees: ... David Rockefeller, Honorary Chairman and Life Trustee ... Brooke Astor * ... William E. Ford ... [David Rockefeller daughter] Neva R. Goodwin, Ph.D. ... Nancy M. Kissinger ... Henry R. Kravis, Vice Chairman ... Trustees Emeriti: ... Maurice R.Greenberg ... John C. Whitehead."
- Oct. 12, 2018, Pandaily.com, 'Tim Cook Visited Headquarters of Bytedance in Beijing').
- Nov. 2, 2022, Ben Harburg for Fortune, 'The last American venture capitalist in Beijing'.
- July 2, 2020, Business Insider, 'Facebook is dumping its failed TikTok clone Lasso to make way for its other TikTok clone on Instagram'.
- June 24, 2015, Financial Times, 'Palantir goes from CIA-funded start-up to big business': "The company was originally funded from In-Q-Tel, the Central Intelligence Agency's not-for-profit venture capital arm...".
- Nov. 2, 2022, Ben Harburg for Fortune, 'The last American venture capitalist in Beijing'.
- msacap.com (accessed: March 30, 2022; 'Leaders' section: "Ben Harburg: Founder and Managing Partner. ... Tufts ... Fulbright Scholar ... Directors of the National Committee on US-China Relations ... Board of Advisors ... Carnegie-Tsinghua Center.... Ben first came to China in 2004 while working for Motorola’s strategy group in Beijing. Ben started his career with The Boston Consulting Group...".
- Nov. 2, 2022, Ben Harburg for Fortune, 'The last American venture capitalist in Beijing'.
- July 9, 2021 tweet of @BenHarburg: "It was an honor to share a stage with Vice President Wang Qishan and Secretary Henry Kissinger to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Kissinger's Secret Trip to China on July 9, 1971. @NCUSCR 1/3.".
- ncuscr.org/about/board-directors (accessed: Aug. 19, 2019; first archive with Harburg on it): "Chair: Carla A. Hills ... Executive Vice Chairs: Maurice R. Greenberg [and] Henry A. Kissinger. [Regular directors:] Benjamin D. Harburg, Managing Partner, MSA Capital.".
- Ibid.
- Spring 2008 issue, Discourse magazine of Tuft's Institute for Global Leadership, pp. 94-95.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Examples of Xi - Kissinger meetings:
*) March 17, 2015, Bangkok Post, 'When Kissinger met Xi: 'entire world' a topic for China, US': ""You will always get a warm welcome when you visit China," Xi told Kissinger. "You are the ice-breaker for ties between the two countries." ... Kissinger had "insightful views and deep understanding about China's opening-up and reform". Kissinger thanked Xi for "interrupting" his reform work "to see a private citizen who is visiting China"."
*) Sep. 23, 2015, fmprc.gov.cn, 'Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the Welcoming Dinner Hosted by Local Governments And Friendly Organizations in the United States': "Seattle, 22 September 2015. Dr. Henry Kissinger ... Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker ... Chairwoman Carla Hills of the National Committee on US-China Relations, Chairman Mark Fields of the US-China Business Council... Good evening, everyone. Thank you, Dr. Kissinger, for your kind introduction."
*) Dec. 2, 2016, Reuters, \China's Xi says 'watching closely' following U.S. election': "Xi Jinping told ... Henry Kissinger on Friday [on a visit in China]..."
*) Nov. 8, 2018, fmprc.gov.cn, 'President Xi meets Henry Kissinger': "Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also met with Kissinger on Thursday."
*) Nov. 22, 2019, Xinhuanet.com, 'President Xi meets Kissinger': "Kissinger said he had visited China for nearly 100 times in the past 50 years..."
*) March 28, 2023, Heleen Mees for the Volkskrant, 'Xi Jinping volgt het draaiboek van Henry Kissinger' (just an extra to remember this Dutch economists' ties: Finance ministery 1992-1998, European Commission 1999-2000. Moved to New York City in 2000. Advisor Ernst & Young early 2000s. "Powerfeminist". Founder and head of Women on Top 2006-2011, to drive more women into top positions. Worked for Hillary Clinton in her 2006 Senate campaign. Columnist NRC Handelsblad 2006-2010, Het Financieele Dagblad 2012-2016. Contributed to Project Syndicate, the CFR's Foreign Policy. Researcher Erasmus University 2009-2010. Assistant professor Tilburg University 2010-2012. Assoc. professor Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York 2012-2013. Accused of and lost counter-cases of stalking regarding Citigroup chief economist Willem Buiter, whom she apparently sent 700 emails and contacted on the phone under fictional identities. University Columnist Volkskrant anno 2023. - July 19, 2023, CNN, 'Henry Kissinger meets with China’s top diplomat and sanctioned defense minister in Beijing'.
- cfr.org/membership/corporate-members (accessed: Aug. 16, 2021 - March 22, 2023; TikTok still absent on the July 29, 2021 list): "This list is current as of August 9, 2021. ... Affiliates: TikTok."
- May 3, 2022, CNN, 'Brands should force Twitter to uphold content policies under Musk, advocacy groups say': "Coca-Cola (CCEP), Disney (DIS) and Kraft (KHC) are facing calls to boycott Twitter [by] more than two dozen civil society groups. ... "Your brand risks association with a platform amplifying hate, extremism, health misinformation, and conspiracy theorists,” the letter [link] said."
*) accountabletech.org/wp-content/uploads/Letter-to-Twitter-Advertisers.pdf (accessed: May 1, 2023): "Media Matters for America [at the top] ... Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter will further toxify our information ecosystem... Sincerely, ... Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. Center for Countering Digital Hate. Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC). ... Fair Vote UK. Free Press. Friends of the Earth. Gender Equity Policy Institute. GLAAD. Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. ... Kairos. ... NARAL ... V-Day/One Billion Rising. Women's March/" - Nov. 7, 2022, Reuters, 'Mastodon: What is the social network hailed as a Twitter alternative?': "Rochko started Mastodon in 2016, when rumours were spreading that ... Peter Thiel wanted to buy Twitter. "A right-wing billionaire was going to buy a de facto public utility [Twitter] that isn't public," Rochko told Reuters earlier this year.".
- Nov. 8, 2022, EuroNews.com, 'What is Mastodon, how is it different to Twitter and how do I sign up?'.
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by "Bloomberg Television", 'Rep. Cammack Says TikTok Video Is Direct Threat to Her'. youtube.com/watch?v=a6dqqmsveak (accessed: March 25, 2023).
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by "[The] Guardian News", 'TikTok CEO shown video threatening committee chair during Congress hearing' (accessed: March 25, 2023 and again on April 20, 2023, with much higher likes for the same comments.).
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by the "Washington Post" channel, 'TikTok CEO appears for the first time before Congress- 3/23 (FULL LIVE STREAM)' (accessed: April 20, 2023).
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'C-SPAN', 'TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congress'.
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'CNBC Television', 'TikTok CEO Shou Chew testifies about the app's privacy and data security practices — 3/23/23'.
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'Global News', 'TikTok hearing: Company building "firewall" to seal off US data from foreign access, CEO says | Full'.
- March 23, 2023 YouTube upload by 'The Independent', 'Watch again: TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before Congressional committee'.
- Exact video lost unfortunately.
- Dec. 14, 2022, Washington Post, 'How to get sexualized videos out of your TikTok feed'.
- April 7, 2021, The Atlantic, 'The Sexual Identity That Emerged on TikTok'.
- March 14, 2023, Financial Times, 'TikTok accused of mishandling sexual harassment allegations'.
- Feb. 2, 2023, BBC, 'Mascara: What is the TikTok trend all about?': "Boo."
- Jan. 27, 2023, Cosmopolitan, 'What’s TikTok’s mascara trend really about?'.
- Feb. 2, 2023, Glamour Magazine, 'The ‘mascara’ trend is empowering people to discuss sexual assault on TikTok – but are code words enough?'.
- Jan. 27, 2023, Jezebel, 'Julia Fox Didn’t Realize ‘Mascara’ Was Code for Sexual Assault on TikTok. Neither Did I!'
- Jan. 31, 2023, NBC News, 'Two mascara controversies rattled TikTok last week. What is everyone so upset about?'.
- Feb. 21, 2021, HelloGiggles.com, 'This Heartbreaking TikTok ‘Mascara’ Trend Isn’t About Makeup'.
- March 6, 2023, Insider.com, 'Clips of Justin Bieber being sexualized as a teen are resurfacing on TikTok as people say they have newfound sympathy for him'.
- March 7, 2023, Marie Claire, 'Clips of Justin Bieber Being Repeatedly Sexualized as a Teen Are Going Viral on TikTok'.
- Feb. 28, 2023, The Guardian, 'Teen girls are struggling. They need our help'.
- April 29, 2021, The Conversation, '#MeToo on TikTok: Teens use viral trend to speak out about their sexual harassment experiences'.
- Feb. 26, 2023, ProPublica.org, 'Barricaded Siblings Turn to TikTok While Defying Court Order to Return to Father They Say Abused Them'.
- Oct. 26, 2022, Vox, 'TikTok won’t stop serving me horror and death'.
- Feb. 27, 2020, The Sun, 'Prying Eyes: How ‘supercharged catnip’ TikTok is fuelling the sexualisation of young girls and exploitation of teens'.
- Feb. 27, 2020, The Sun, 'Child's Play: Kids can fool TikTok age-check in SECONDS - unlocking ‘sexy’ clips and deadly pranks'.
- Sep. 5, 2016, The Guardian (Ford and Rockefeller Foundation-funded), 'Newspapers publish anti-immigration stories - but what is to be done?': "Analysis reveals Daily Express and Daily Mail lead the way in negative coverage of asylum-seekers, refugees and immigrants."
- The author would swear another, older Daily Mail article showed up in the Google query a month ago, but this one is decent too: Dec. 17, 2022, Daily Mail, 'Gin-swigging mom denies "pimping" her teen daughter out on TikTok: Ex-CEO of firm says Florida teen - who shot to fame posting "hypersexual" gyrating videos at 15 - caused censorship dilemma... and says it's "creepy" men are being fed such videos'.
- Sept. 8, 2021, Wall Street Journal, 'How TikTok Serves Up Sex and Drug Videos to Minors'.
- Sep. 8, 2021, Daily Mail, 'TikTok's algorithm is promoting sexual content, drugs and alcohol to children as young as 13, shocking [WSJ] investigation reveals': "An investigation by the Wall Street Journal explored the TikTok for you page. It involved 31 "automated" accounts registered as 13 to 15 year old teenagers. [A] teenage user was shown a series of sexually oriented videos. ... TikTok said they don't currently differentiate between videos served to adult and children accounts, but were working on a new filter tool for younger accounts. ... The WSJ accounts were also shown over 100 videos promoting pornography sites and sex shops from accounts labelled as adults only."
- March 7, 2023, New York Post, 'I pretended to be a 14-year-old boy on TikTok — what I saw terrified me'.
- April 27, 2022, Forbes, 'How TikTok Live Became 'A Strip Club Filled With 15-Year-Olds'.
- April 27, 2022, Yahoo News, 'TikTok Livestream Facilitates Sexual Exploitation of Minors, Experts Say'.
- Dec. 3, 2018, New York Times, 'TikTok, a Chinese Video App, Brings Fun Back to Social Media'.
- June 13, 2010, Techcrunch, 'Chatroulette Enlists Shawn Fanning In The Fight Against The Masturbators'.
- ..
- Dec. 14, 2022, Washington Post, 'How to get sexualized videos out of your TikTok feed'.
- Ibid.
- oii.ox.ac.uk/people/profiles/alex-allan/ (accessed: April 26, 2023): "former chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee and Head of Intelligence Assessment, UK Cabinet Office. Positions at the OII: Advisory Board Member, September 2011 - October 2022."
- oii.ox.ac.uk/people/profiles/james-manyika/ (accessed: April 26, 2023): "Advisory Board Member, September 2011 - October 2022."
- reddit.com/r/Nepal/comments/ olmp8z/ok_why_is_tiktok_ so_hypersexualized/ (accessed: April 19, 2023; posted: July 16, 2021.
- reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/ comments/g02eh7/tik_tok_has_too_ relaxed_rules_regarding_sexual/ (accessed: April 19, 2023; Post date: April 12, 2020
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- March 6, 2020, Business Insider, '‘Shut the hell up about people’s bodies’: TikTok’s biggest teen star clapped back at commenters who criticized her for filming a dance in her bikini'.
- Sep. 24, 2021, Yahoo News: Movies, 'Inside the life of 17-year-old Charli D'Amelio': "On January 15 2020, the entire D'Amelio family officially signed with United Talent Agency (UTA).".
- Jan. 30, 2020, Forbes, 'As Super Bowl Advertisers Flock To TikTok, CMOs Are Cautiously Curious': "Earlier today, TikTok star Charli D'Amelio posted a preview of a Super Bowl ad she and former NFL quarterback Boomer Esiason star in for Sabra, the Pepsi-owned hummus brand.".
- Ibid.
- Feb. 11, 2020, Insider.com, 'One of TikTok's biggest stars say she gets hundreds of thousands of hate comments every week, often focusing on her body and weight': "In a new video for Unicef, the pair shed light on the perils of finding fame on the platform. ... Both Charli, 15, and Dixie, 18, have struggled to overcome the impact of cyberbullying and body shaming on their daily lives."
- reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/ comments/g02eh7/tik_tok_has_too_ relaxed_rules_regarding_sexual/ (accessed: April 19, 2023; Post date: April 12, 2020
- Feb. 13, 2020, New York Times, 'The Original Renegade: A 14-year-old in Atlanta created one of the biggest dances on the internet. But nobody really knows that.'.
- Feb. 17, 2020, Insider.com, 'The original 'Renegade' dance creator performed at the NBA All-Star Game and met up with Charli D'Amelio for a TikTok Collab'.
- April 6, 2020, Nickelodeon Facebook post, '#KidsTogether | Distance Dance with Kristen Bell and Charli D'Amelio'.
- April 7, 2020, Adweek.com, 'TikTok Star Charli D'Amelio and P&G Create Dance Challenge for Social Distancing'.
- May 31, 2020, Business Insider, 'TikTok star Charli D'Amelio spoke out in support of George Floyd protests and the Black Lives Matter movement': "D'Amelio said that she was speaking out as an influencer who has “a job to inform people on the racial inequalities in the world right now.”"; June 3, 2020, Seventeen.com, 'How Charli D'Amelio, Bryce Hall and More TikTok Stars Have Responded to the Black Lives Matter Movement; They're protesting, tweeting, and donating.': "Charli D'Amelio [supported]... David Dobrik ... shared his experience on Instagram. "Yesterday I attended one of the protests in Santa Monica," he wrote. "Feeling the energy of fellow humans demanding to be acknowledged, heard and respected was OVERWHELMINGLY impactful."The YouTuber also shared that he donated $50,000 to various organizations furthering the movement, including The Innocence Project, Color of Change, the ACLU, Unicorn Riot, and the Black Lives Matter Global Network. ... Madison Beer joined protests in Santa Monica over the weekend where she was teargassed. ... Jaden Hossler [@jxdn]: "George Floyd Memorial Fund: http://gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd. ..." ... Bryce has been tweeting a lot about the movement [urging] fans to focus more on BLM than their hiatus."
- Feb 4, 2023, Cosmopolitan, 'Charli D’Amelio and Landon Barker Just Gave Their First Joint Interview as a Couple': "Charli and Landon have been together since June 2022..."
- Aug. 2, 2019, Perez Hilton, 'Travis Barker 'Disgusted' Over Musician's 'Predatory' Alleged Messages To His 10-Year-Old Daughter!'.
- Dec. 3, 2021, The Sun, 'TikTok Timeout: Travis Barker’s 15-year-old daughter Alabama’s TikTok ‘BANNED’ due to ‘guideline violations’ as she’s ripped by trolls'.
- Aug. 10, 2022, The Independent, 'PrettyLittleThing advert banned for portraying 16-year-old Alabama Barker in a 'sexual way': The Advertising Standards Authority deemed the advert to be ‘socially irresponsible’'.
- damelioforsenate.com (accessed: Aug. 16, 2018).