Sun Valley Meetings: Annual Entertainment Industry and Silicon Valley Get-Together; Overseeing Allen & Co. Bank has Trilateral Commission origins and CIA and MI6 ties

"There are about 150 people who run the world. Anybody who wants to go into politics; they're all fucking puppets. Okay? There are a 150 and they are all men that run the world. Period. Full stop. They control most of the important assets. They control the money flows. And these are not the tech entrepeneurs. ...
"You get behind the curtain and see how that world works, what you realize is that it is unfairly set up for them and their progneries. Now, I'm not saying that this is something we can rip apart, but [we can try]."
November 10, 2017 interview with Chamath Palihapitiya, Facebook's 2007-2011 chief of Marketing working directly under frequent Sun Valley visitor Mark Zuckerberg, at Stanford Graduate School of Business. Along with Bill Gates and Zuckerberg, Palihapitiya is a 2013 founder of the Sun Valley-dominated open borders group
"Deals just don't get done in Hollywood unless [Allen & Co. is] involved."
Billionaire Sun Valley regular Barry Diller. (July 1, 1996, Forbes, 'Herbert Allen and his merry dealsters'). Allen & Co. is deeply tied to the globalist movement and even the CIA.
"Allen & Co. [is] the ultra-secret investment bank to the media elite."
April 27, 2003, New York Post, 'Gals Who Make Gotham Grand'.
The Sun Valley Meetings were founded in Idaho in 1983 by New York investment banker Herbert Allen. The exact location is the Sun Valley Lodge, built by Pilgrims Society member and leading Eastern Establishmentarian Averell Harriman in the 1930s. Since that time, the Lodge and its surroundings regularly served as a meeting place for the most influential businessmen in the West. Allen continued the tradition.

By this time Allen's main client base had begun to consist of Hollywood moguls and various other entertainment industry figures. In contrast to the much more political Bohemian Grove in California, the annual Sun Valley Meetings were not just set up with "rest and relaxation" in mind - but also to make the process of investing and mergers and acquisitions within the entertainment industry run much smoother. This obviously draws the interest of regular, small-time investors as well, which appears to be the main reason why the Sun Valley Meetings have received far above average annual attention by the media than other superclass NGOs. Still, full attendee lists have only been published on two or three occasions. And there has never been anything close to a full analysis of the meetings. Even at the of the writing of this article, the Sun Valley Meeting's Wikipedia page in only about a 1,000 words long.
The first meeting of the Sun Valley in 1983 only drew 35 participants apart from its only speaker: Herbert Allen. 1 [1] This number grew steadily as the location not only turned out to be an excellent networking opportunity, but also could double as a perfect location for a brief getaway with the family. In between presentations, anything from tennis, hiking, biking, kayaking, or golfing is possible at the Sun Valley. This way, family members will always be entertained.
In 2004, Allen reported to have trouble keeping the number of visitors "down to the 300 or so adults who will fit into Sun Valley's main conference room." 2 A full list of participants from 2012 reveals no less than 628 names. 3 That does not include wives and kids, who much of the time will not be part of the main conference, but it seems that the Sun Valley has continued to expand rather rapidly. With the rise of Silicon Valley and the pace of modern technology, maybe this is only to be expected.
Differences with the Bohemian Grove
The Sun Valley is often compared with the Bohemian Grove, although there are many obvious differences. The Sun Valley Meetings:
- used to be more exclusive, although this has been changing;
- only last 5 days instead of two weeks;
- allow the whole family to attend;
- don't involve any ancient mythology as the Cremation of Care;
- involve far fewer politicians;
- put great emphasis on media corporations;
- don't have a policy against discussions on politics and business.
Clearly, just about the only parallels between the Bohemian Grove and the Sun Valley Meetings is the concept of an elite summer vacation and the fact that the media is kept at a distance.
Differences with the Forstmann Little Conferences
After more than 90 percent of the important members of the Sun Valley Meetings had been gathered for this article, did this author run into something called the "Forstmann Little Conferences". Considering the author's awareness of Ted Forstmann's friendship with key superclass members and the existence of ISGP's huge NGO oversight, once again it was quite amazing to see just how many of these elite groups exist. And just how little is reported on them.
A lack of media attention certainly is true for the Forstmann Little Conferences. Only local media outlets in Denver and Aspen have discussed these meetings. Founded in 1989, it was annually organized in Aspen, Colorado under the auspices of the Forstmann Little investment bank. Ted Forstmann died in 2011 and it is unknown if meetings have continued since. Based on the handful of media reports that exist on it, the annual conferences are generally described as a more secretive version of the Sun Valley Meetings.

However, there are significant different between the Sun Valley and Forstmann Little. While attendee lists are far from complete, it looks as if, in contrast to the Sun Valley Meetings, the Forstmann Conferences feature relatively few mass media, Hollywood and Silicon Valley titans. These titans have been present though: Eric Schmidt of Google, Leslie Moonves of Viacom, Michael Eisner of Disney, Michael Ovitz of Hollywood talent agency Creative Artists Agency, Barry Diller of InterActiveCorp and even Herbert Allen - all of the Sun Valley - are all known to have visited Forstmann Little. Also, a number of leading movie directors and/or actors have attended: Kevin Costner of Oliver Stone's JFK, Da Vinci Code creator Ron Howard, Star Wars creator George Lucas, and director Sydney Pollack, a close friend of Herbert Allen who has also been visiting the Sun Valley annually.
That having been said, Forstmann Little Conferences have featured many elite political reporters (ironically employed by Sun Valley media titans), Eastern Establishment elites of the Rockefeller clique, politicians, and a number of third world leaders. This makes sense considering Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Lady Evelyn de Rothschild, and George Shultz - as well as Disney's Michael Eisner - all were directors of the Forstmann Little bank in the 1990s. They would invite themselves and a lot of their friends and associates, giving Forstmann Little a considerably different, and definitely more politically sensitive character, than the Sun Valley.
On May 12, 2013, one-and-a-half-years after the death of Ted Forstmann, the New York Post reported that Hollywood WME talent agency chief and annual Forstmann Little attendee Ari Emanuel, a notable absentee from Sun Valley Meetings, was working on a replacement of this conference after Forstmann died:
"Ari Emanuel [of WME is] putting together a conference of highfliers. WME has been working closely with Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt to put together the conference with the support of New England Patriots boss Robert Kraft and California philanthropist Eli Broad. ... John Doerr [is a founding member] ... Reps for WME declined comment. Emanuel's new event replaces a slot left vacant last year by Forstmann Little's annual conference because of the death of founder Teddy Forstmann. Notably, Emanuel ... does not attend the Allen & Co. confab in Sun Valley, Idaho."
Nothing has been reported about this new platform since. With the Forstmann Little bank out, it may also have taken on an entirely different character. Looking at the founder, the entertainment industry and Silicon Valley seem to play an important role in it though.
Sun Valley: Trilateral Commission, Coca-Cola and Warren Buffett origins
One thing that has always stumped this author, as well as more than a few journalists writing about the secretive Allen & Co. bank, is just how this bank and the family behind it became such influential power brokers. Ordinarily this is only reserved for individuals who enter the Rockefeller sphere, but, at least on the surface, Allen & Co. is an obscure bank, seemingly with no history of elite ties. Although... when we analyze the founding of the Sun Valley Meetings in 1983 in a bit more detail, one has to reach the conclusion that it actually started life as a spin-off of the powerful Trilateral Commission - founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Without a doubt, Allen & Co. used to be a very insignificant bank. Its major coup was buying Hollywood movie studio Columbia Pictures in 1973 for just $4 per share and, more significantly, selling its share to Coca-Cola in July 1982 for $750 million in both cash and stock. 4 In the process Herbert Allen became a director of Coca-Cola. Because of his existing entertainment industry ties, he became the founder of the Sun Valley Meetings over the following year. Question is: did he do this on behalf of Allen & Co.? Or Coca-Cola? After all, in an unusually revealing 2004 Fortune article, Allen explained that the Coca-Cola deal had been a "watershed" moment for his investment bank:
""It was like you were a parish priest, and the Pope comes along and says you're okay. ... Business poured into Allen simply because it had gained Coke's blessing."
"Herbert Allen was becoming an increasingly influential Coke director... Allen established close ties to the company's CEO, Roberto Goizueta (who died in 1997), and president, Donald Keough, 77. Ultimately Keough, upon his 1993 retirement from Coke, became chairman at Allen & Co. ... Warren Buffett['s] Berkshire Hathaway is the largest owner of Coke [since 1988]." 5
Guess who was president, chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola from 1962 to 1981? That would be J. Paul Austin, a leading member of the establishment. Austin was trustee chairman of the DOD and Eastern Establishment-linked RAND Corporation from 1972 to 1981, a member of the CFR, and in 1973 one of 60 U.S. founding members of the Trilateral Commission. In fact, Austin is the one who introduced Jimmy Carter to the Trilateral Commission as an ideal candidate for the 1976 presidential elections. Soon after, Carter was placed under the wing of Trilateral Commission founders David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski; the rest is history.

Bottom: Buffett celebrating his 50th birthday in 1980 with Katharine Graham.
Donald Keough, the Coca-Cola president Allen grew so close to, was Austin's preferred candidate to follow him up as chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola. Coincidentally, Keough's "Omaha neighbor and lifelong friend" was Warren Buffett 6, who would buy a controlling stake in Coca-Cola in 1988. Buffett's rise through the establishment ranks can be traced back to him becoming a major investor in the Washington Post in 1973, followed by a directorship (until 2011) at this newspaper in 1974, which lasted until 2014. In this position he became the chief financial advisor to Post owner Katharine Graham, who herself, her family and chief editors - Phil Graham, Donald Graham, Ben Bradlee - all were deeply tied in with either the founding CIA clique or the Trilateral Commission. More about this has been written in the Washington Post section of this article, as this intire clique, including Buffett, also became deeply involved in the Sun Valley.
After becoming an "eminence grise" at the Washington Post, in the 1979-1985 period, Buffett could be found on the board of trustees of the Urban Institute, sitting alongside various leading Rockefeller friends and visitors of the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg. He became a member of both the CFR and the Alfalfa Club. In 2002 he was part of Lord Jacob Rothschild's secretive European Economic Round Table. In 2009, together with David Rockefeller, he founded the Good Club, which ended up becoming the Giving Pledge. Similarly, in recent decades, Buffett and his family members have been involved in a variety of very progressive, Democrat-globalist NGOs as DAVOS, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, the Clinton Global Initiative, the ONE Campaign and the Eastern Congo Initiative. The family also is a major financier of "liberal CIA" causes through the family's NoVo Foundation and various other foundations.

Present, in addition, were close David Rockefeller friends James Wolfensohn and Paul Volcker, Bono of U2, Nicky Oppenheimer of South Africa's Anglo-American Corporation (and the Sun Valley), Rothschild-allied Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky and two Bush administration advisors.
It should be clear: the multi-billionaire Warren Buffett, despite hailing from faraway Omaha, is part of the elite of the elite. And through the Washington Post it is entirely possibly that he developed CIA ties early on.
Most relevent here is that Buffett has been an annual visitor of the Sun Valley since at least the early 1990s, when newspapers started reporting on the meetings. With that, he has always been the clearest giveaway of some kind of "power behind the throne" at the Sun Valley Meetings. Today we know: it's Trilateral Commission company Coca-Cola. Without Herbert Allen being accepted to that board in mid 1982, there would be no Sun Valley Meetings, at least not under the tutelage of Allen.
As said, Buffett's friend Donald Keough actually was the preferred choice of founding Trilateral and Coca-Cola chairman and CEO J. Paul Austin as his successor. However, having more faith in Roberto Goizueta, Robert Woodruff, the founder of Coca-Cola and otherwise not particularly tied to the globalist elite, overruled Austin. Thus, Keough came to serve as president and COO of Coca-Cola under chairman and CEO Roberto Goizueta (1981-1997).
Apart from the official position of Goizueta, Keough and Allen emerged as the most influential directors of Coca-Cola in the 1980s, in 1988 supplemented with Keough's life-long friend Warren Buffett. Also, from 1985 until its sale by Coca-Cola in 1989, Keough was chairman of Allen's "baby", Columbia Pictures. Even after Keough left Coca-Cola in April 1993, he is known to have remained a dominant force in the company. In fact, after the scrapping of an age limit, Keough rejoined the board of Coca-Cola in 2004, retiring again in 2013. 7 Warren Buffett's influence was partly continued through his son, Howard Buffett, who served on the board of Coca-Cola Enterprises from about the turn of the century. Later, from 2010-2017, "Howie" served on the main board. 8
From 1993, upon leaving Coca-Cola (a first time), until his death in 2015, Keough was non-executive chairman of Allen & Co. 9 , the company organizing the Sun Valley Meetings - which Keough, of course, visited. In the same period, we find Keough's name appearing on Trilateral Commission membership lists, a group whose meetings he attended until mid 2003 and on whose membership lists he was described as "Chairman of the Board, Allen & Company Incorporated". He also was a director of H.J. Heinz Company, named after Bilderberg organizer and very close David Rockefeller friend, H.J. Heinz, II. Finally, Keough served on the board of the Washington Post Company, a first rate national security position; McDonald's and Barry Diller's large IAC/InterActiveCorp.
Looking at the fact that:
- Herbert Allen had just joined the board of Coca-Cola in 1982 when he set up the Sun Valley Meetings;
- Coca-Cola represented a huge boost in prestige of the Allen & Co. bank;
- Coca-Cola was a major Trilateral Commission company through chairman and CEO J. Paul Austin, who brought President Jimmy Carter to the Trilateral Commission;
- Coca-Cola president, 1993-2015 Allen & Co. chairman, and 1993-2003 Trilateral Commission member Donald Keough, continually visited the Sun Valley for all these years, alongside his close friends and fellow directors Herbert Allen and Warren Buffett;
- former CIA director and October 2007-appointed Allen & Co. managing director George Tenet was invited to the Trilateral Commission in 2008 and stayed a member until at least 2010;
- Coca-Cola has also been represented at the Sun Valley though the likes of CEO Roberto Goizueta, later CEO Neville Isdell, chairman and CEO Muhtar Kent, and directors James D. Robinson III, Robert Nardelli, Barry Diller, Bobby Kotick, Ronald Allen and top superclass member Sam Nunn;
and it's quite safe to say that the Sun Valley Meetings actually were created and overseen by Coca-Cola - and essentially served as an off-shoot to the Trilateral Commission. Instead of bringing political, business, banking and think tank elites together, as is the case with the Trilateral Commission, the Sun Valley aims to bring together the most powerful Hollywood, entertainment industry and Silicon Valley elites to one location.
The question is: are the visitors of the Sun Valley Meetings as universally controlled and globalist-oriented as members of the Trilateral Commission? That certainly appears to be the case. From ISGP's article "Liberal CIA": Hollywood, we've already seen how extremely controlled Hollywood stars - part of the entertainment industry - are. In this article we'll demonstrate the same with Silicon Valley. How exactly this control works, that's a good question.
Allen & Co.: Warren Buffett bank with CIA, MI6 and globalist ties
To recap the previous chapter: here we discussed that Warren Buffett's life-long friend and Coca-Cola partner Donald Keough served as non-executive chairman of the Allen & Co. bank from April 1993 until his death in 2015. 10 In addition, from 1993 until mid 2003, Keough was a member of the Trilateral Commission. Combine this with the fact that Herbert Allen didn't set up his Sun Valley Meetings until he and his bank were elevated from obscurity by founding Trilateral Commission company Coca-Cola in 1982 and it should be clear that Herbert Allen and his bank are little more than a front for key globalist interests. We can find evidence for this when looking at various managing directors of the Allen & Co. bank over the years. Lastly, the deep ties of long-time Sun Valley participant Warren Buffett to the Washington Post since 1973 and the deep ties of the Washington Post leadership to both the Trilateral Commission and the founding CIA clique, should not be overlooked.

Managing director of Allen & Co. since 2001 11, all the way to today 12, is Bill Bradley, a Senator from New Jersey from 1979 to 1997. In 1999 Bradley gave a speech at the Sun Valley, where he was introduced by Herbert Allen, who described Bradley as "his friend of three decades" 13, indicating that their relationship goes back to the 1970s. Hence, it appears to be a friendship that predates the 1982 Coca-Cola deal that gave Allen his starpower and the ability to set up the Sun Valley Conferences. So, what are Bill Bradley's connections apart from his official positions? Let's take a look at ISGP's NGO oversight list and find out:
- Rhodes Scholar and later CFR member.
- Visitor of Bilderberg in 1985.
- Failed to get the Democrat presidential nomination in 2000, which went to Al Gore. His campaign was supported by the likes of Warren Buffett and key Rockefeller economist Paul Volcker. 14
- Immediately after Bradley's senatorship ended, he became vice chairman of the international council of Chase Manhattan / JPMorgan Chase, where he served together with chairman George Shultz; David Rockefeller (until 2004), Henry Kissinger, Riley Bechtel and countless other top elites. 15 He was vice chair from 1997 to 1999, but continued on the council well into the 2000s. 16
- From at least the early 2000s until today an advisory council member of the Eurasia Foundation, along with top superclass members as Madeleine Albright, James Baker, Frank Carlucci, Maurice Tempelsman and various others. 17
- Since at least 2000 a Senior Advisory Committee member of the global "democracy sponsoring" National Democratic Institute for International Affairs of Madeleine Albright, along with long-time top Rockefeller man Cyrus Vance, director Maurice Tempelsman and various other leading superclass members. 18
- From 2005 19 until the 2010s an advisory board member of the London-based private "business intelligence" company Hakluyt, "founded by former officers at MI6 [known to be] incredibly secretive [and with a] blue-blood list of corporate leaders from Britain and the US." 20 Close Rockefeller-CIA allies as Henry Kissinger, whose Kissinger Associates maintained a super-low-profile partnership with Hakluyt around the turn of the century 21, and Frank Wisner II have been other U.S. advisory board members. 22
- Board member of the elite Carnegie Endowment. 25
- Member of the New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY-LEAD), together with David Rockefeller, Edgar Bronfman Sr., Jonathan Soros, William vanden Heuvel and Sen. Bob Kerrey. 26 [26]

Almost as an afterthought, Bill Bradley is a very close friend of Star Wars creator and multi-billionaire film director George Lucas. Together they created an extremely manipulative anti-Trump ad in October 2016 meant to portray the president-to-be as eager to use nuclear weapons. That's more noteworthy for Lucas, however, than a veteran politician as Bill Bradley.

As already briefly mentioned in the previous chapter, in October 2007 Allen & Co. hired George Tenet, Clinton and Bush's CIA director from 1996 to 2004 (thus during the controversial 9/11 event), as one of its managing directors, but, as usual, did not announce this news to the world. Tenet's involvement in Allen & Co. only came out at a later stage through a press release of another company Tenet was involved in. 27 Tenet's appointment to Allen & Co. shouldn't be the biggest surprise in the world, considering Tenet certainly visited the Sun Valley in 2003, 2005 and 2007 to give speeches on national security. Thus he developed a lot of connections here.
Coincidentally, in 2008, months after having been appointed to the Allen & Co. board, Tenet became a member of the Trilateral Commission as well. On a May 2010 membership list Tenet actually is listed as "Managing Director, Allen & Company, New York, NY." The former CIA director did not remain a member of the Trilateral Commission for long though; his name does not appear on an October 2011 or later lists. But Tenet still provided another solid Trilateral Commission link of Allen & Co., apart from Donald Keough in the past, who still served as chairman of Allen & Co. at this point.
Senator Bob Kerrey was appointed a managing director of Allen & Co. in 2014. 28 Kerrey was Democrat governor of Nebraska from 1983 to 1987 and senator from Nebraska from 1989 to 2001. He is very close to Allen & Co. chairman Bill Bradley and even closer to Warren Buffett than Bradley. Kerrey's controversies and superclass connections have included:
- Controversial for heading a 7-man Navy Seal unit that murdered two dozen women and children (some by slitting their throat) in Thanh Phong village as part of a CIA operation in 1969. 29
- Tied to money laundering and all-round corruption during his term as governor of Nebraska in 1983-1987. 30
- Certainly by the time of his senatorship, which included a 1992 attempt for the presidency, accused of being "controlled" by a small clique of Omaha businessmen, including two newspaper owners and Warren Buffett. Supposedly, these people "tell Bobby when to open his mouth, and what to say ... acting as a puppet of forces behind the scenes." 31 Kerrey maintains a close friendship and "mentorship" with Warren Buffett and Buffett's family to this day. 32 Buffett automatically brings in Allen & Co chairman Donald Keough, Buffett's close Trilateral Commission friend.
- Author of the 2001 CFR task force report The United States and Southeast Asia: A Policy Agenda for a New Administration.
- Panelist of the Global Forum 2000 conference in New York City. Rupert Murdoch founded the meeting. Henry Kissinger was chairman. Madeleine Albright gave the opening speech. Other top globalists as James Wolfensohn, Mikhail Gorbachev, Colin Powell and later CFR chair Robert Rubin were panelists alongside Kerrey. 33
- Replacement member of the very elite 9/11 Commission of 2003-2004, which covered up 9/11.
- Together with Allen & Co. chairman Bill Bradley a founding co-chair of the Americans for Campaign Reform (ACR) / over 2011-2017, the advisory board consisting of top superclass members as Lee Hamilton, Frank Carlucci, Carla Hills, Peter Peterson, Paul Volcker and others.
- Together with Allen & Co. leaders Sen. Bill Bradley and William vanden Heuvel, a member of the New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY-LEAD), along with the likes of David Rockefeller, Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Barry Diller and Jonathan Soros. 34
- Co-chair of the Concord Coalition, founded in 1992 by close David Rockefeller friend Peter Peterson, with another close friend, Paul Volcker, serving as vice chair. CFR co-chair Robert Rubin also serves as vice chair. 35
- Trustee of the very progressive, but also quite elite Century Foundation. 36 [36]

There's more. Turns out that a senior advisor to Allen & Co., all the way since 1984, has been William vanden Heuvel. 37 Let's see who this person is:
- In the 1950s a protege of OSS founder William Donovan, as well as Eastern Establishmentarian and Pilgrims Society member Averell Harriman, when Harriman was New York State governor in 1955-1958. 38
- From 1958 to the 1970s he was married to Jean Stein. Jean Stein was the daughter of Jules Stein, the founder of the Music Corporation of America (MCA) 39, the company that dominated (Jewish) Hollywood from the 1950s until its November 1990 sale to Matsushita, with Lew Wasserman being described as "The Godfather" of Hollywood, or "Mr. Hollywood". 40
- In 1946 Stein semi-retired and appointed his main protege Lew Wasserman president of MCA. 41 In 1954, he sold 53 percent of MCA shares to Wasserman and other partners. 42 Stein retired as chairman of MCA until 1973, but remained a director and kept the entire top floor of MCA as his office. 43 He died in 1981. Lew Wasserman became a member of the 1001 Club in the 1970s, along with the British and French Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bechtels and royal houses of Europe.
- In the mid 1950s, Jean Stein was an editor of the Paris Review 44, which co-founder George Plimpton - with whom Stein collaborated at least into the 1980s 45 - admitted to have founded as a CIA front. 46 Apart from that, we see that John Train was an important co-founder and managing editor of the Paris Review in the 1953-54 period, with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan being the initial publisher. 47 Train was a later Pilgrims Society executive; Aga Khan a later 1001 Club member. Both Train and the Pakistani Aga Khans have been accused of sordid intelligence ties and certainly maintained the most elite ties possible. Later in the 1950s, Stein went to work for Esquire.
- Katrina vanden Heuvel, a daughter of William and Jean Stein 48, has been, or is, a director of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a trustee, co-owner and editor of The Nation, a co-founder of Progressive Agenda with Jonathan Soros and the like, and a participant in meetings at George Soros' Open Society Foundations. All of these groups are solidly part of the "liberal CIA" network.
- In the 1950s and early 1960s, when the mafia was at the height of its power, MCA chiefs Jules Stein and Lew Wasserman of MCA were the closest of friends of Sidney Korshak, a mafia don who handled their labor union problems. Along with his friend Meyer Lansky, Korshak was among the most powerful mafia representatives in the country. He was a former consigliere of Al Capone and a representative of the Chicago Outfit, who was trusted by other mafia families as well. In addition, Korshak was close to Nixon national security advisor and secretary of state Henry Kissinger. 49 It shouldn't be forgotten that Kissinger oversaw or was in the know of all the most illegal CIA operations, including those involving the P2 fascist-terrorist lodge and drug trafficking with the mafia.
- In the late 1980s and early 1990s, MCA was tied to sinister mafia and CIA connections through MCA board member Eugene Giaquinto and his FIDCO partner, CIA-mafia man Robert Booth Nichols 50, a very close friend of top FBI conspiracy disinformer Ted Gunderson.
- As an actor, Ronald Reagan was an employee of MCA. This connection helped him become president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) labor union. At the time he was considered "a complete slave of MCA who would do their bidding on anything." Jules Stein and others at MCA convinced Reagan to move into ultraright Republican politics. Once in office in the 1980s, Reagan quashed several investigations into the mafia. 51 Coincidentally, like Nixon's, his administration was dominated by Rockefeller globalists, despite him having been elected on an anti-globalist ticket.
- Vanden Heuvel served as special assistant to JFK's attorney general Robert F. Kennedy in the early to mid 1960s. RFK oversaw (non-rogue) CIA operations against Castro as Operation Mongoose, crushed much of the mafia, but allowed MCA, soon a key Democrat Party organizer, off the hook in a number of major corruption cases - all on the advice of Stein's son-in-law William vanden Heuvel. 52 Vanden Heuvel remained close to RFK and advised him in 1967 not to run for president. 53 RFK ignored the advice and was assassinated by Arab terrorist Sirhan Sirhan during the campaign, of which Vanden Heuvel had still become one of three principal assistants of. 54
- By the early 1960s, while working for RFK, Vanden Heuvel served as president of the Eastern Establishment-ran, CIA-tied International Rescue Committee (IRC). 55 He still was a vice president in the late 1970s.
- By the early 1960s, served as a director of CIA front the Farfield Foundation, together with Pilgrims Society member William A. M. Burden and other Eastern Establishmentarians. 56
- Already in 1969, Vanden Heuvel appeared in a membership of the elite Pilgrims Society.
- From 1977 to January 1981, during the Carter administration, stationed at the United Nations during the Carter administration 1977-1981.
- Chairman of the United Nations Association of the U.S.A. in the 1990s and director until 2007, all these years alongside top superclass members as Ted Turner, Elliot Richardson, John Whitehead, Cyrus Vance, Maurice Greenberg, Thomas Pickering, Frank Wisner II, Lee Hamilton, Princess Firyal of Jordan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and others. 57 Laurance and David Rockefeller, as well as the Ford Foundation, Carnegie Corporation and Allen & Co have all co-financed the United Nations Association. 58
- Vice chair of the World Federation of United Nations Associations. 59 Top new age globalist Maurice Strong used to be president of this association back in 1987-1991. 60 President of Friends of the World Federation of United Nations Associations 2001-2014, continuing here as a director until the present day. 61 Co-author with Jon Bolton and future vice president Joe Biden of the August 2006 National Committee on American Foreign Policy report U.S.-UN Relations (with Policy Recommendations).
- Involved in New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY-LEAD), along with David Rockefeller, Edgar Bronfman Sr., Jonathan Soros, Bill Bradley and Bob Kerrey. 62
- Member of the CFR and the Century Association, both with the likes of the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger.
- Trustee of the Asia Society, director of the Foreign Policy Association, chairman of the Council of American Ambassadors, and chairman of the Roosevelt Institution.
- Honorary chairman of the OSS Society since at least the 2000s alongside most past CIA directors: Robert Gates, Porter Goss, Leon Panetta, David Petraeus, James Schlesinger, William Webster, George H. W. Bush and James Woolsey. 63 The OSS Society is a meeting place of retired CIA officers and DOD special operations community veterans. It's among the top insider groups.
- Recent Pilgrims Society executive who has been sitting on the board of the Pilgrims Foundation (a merger with the William J. Donovan Foundation), together with Henry Luce III, the Drexel banking family, former OSS chief David Bruce, of a major Templar bloodline; former Opus Dei arms dealer Prince Michel de Bourbon, Bernadette Casey Smith, the daughter of Reagan's CIA director William Casey; and former CIA special operations expert General John Singlaub. 64

Small picture: William vanden Heuvel with Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Pilgrims Society member Nelson Rockefeller.
For the longest time, Vanden Heuvel has been suspected of being a CIA operative by individuals such as Bob Feldman who have been looking into Ford Foundation financing. Vanden Heuvel and daughter Katrina certainly are major "liberal CIA" operatives and looking at all the above ties it is hard to see how William vanden Heuvel has not been a lifetime key Eastern Establishment CIA asset - who happens to have historic ties to the top of the mafia and the entertainment industry. Him alone being an advisor since the time that Herbert Allen founded the Sun Valley is indicative of CIA oversight of the Sun Valley Meetings.
"Old friends" Herb Allen "always invites": Bilderbergers, Trilaterals
Speaking of Herb Allen, apart from his friendship with the likes of Warren Buffett and Buffett's Trilateral Commission Omaha neighbor Donald Keough, Allen has a number of "old friends" whom he "always invites" to the Sun Valley and usually sits at the table with. Or sat, because it's been a while. Back in 1999 these friends included director Sydney Pollack and actresses Candice Bergen and Diane Sawyer. 65 Bergen, who used to live at the address where the 1969 Tate / Manson Family murders took place, gives off a "liberal CIA" activist vibe, at least back in the late sixties when she was staging prominent anti-Wall Street protests with Abbie Hoffman. Sawyer used to work at the White House, before becoming a CFR member and a leading anchor at CBS and ABC. Coincidentally, both women dated the controversial Henry Kissinger in their younger years. 66

That's far from all. Other "old friends" whom Allen "always invites", at least back in 1999 67 , were Tom Brokaw, the Senator Bill Bradley, Senator Walter Mondale, Vernon Jordan, Jr. and Robert Strauss. The disgraced Tom Brokaw is best known as NBC Nightly News anchor from 1982 to 2004, and less well-known as a CFR director. Bradley has been discussed at length. At the time he was vice chairman of the super-elite International Council of David Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. Having recently been ousted as New Jersey's senator, Bradley was only beginning to get his shoes wet in the elite NGO network.
Senator Walter Mondale was a founding member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission back in 1973 and visited Bilderberg in 1974 and 1981. At the time of the Jimmy Carter administration he, along with Carter's wife, were associated with Jim Jones, leader of the suicidal Jonestown Cult. From 1986 to 1991 he was chair of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), later taken over by his then-vice chair, top globalist Madeleine Albright. Over the decades Mondale could be found at the CFR, the Bretton Woods Committee, the RAND Corporation and other places.

Vernon Jordan and Robert Strauss have been law partners in Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP from the 1970s until 1999. Strauss went to Bilderberg in 1982, 1989, 1990 and 1992; and was a Trilateral Commission member in the mid to late 1980s. He's connected - but Jordan is bigger. An old black civil rights activist, Jordan has been visiting Bilderberg annually since 1979, joined the steering committee, and today still is quite a regular visitor as a managing director of the elite Lazard Freres bank, a position he has held since January 2000. The law firm he used to share with Strauss, has since been represented at Bilderberg by others. Jordan was a Trilateral Commission member throughout the 1990s and is a past Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation trustee. Back in the 1980s he served on the board of the (liberal) CIA and Rockefeller-tied New World Foundation, along with (chair) Hillary Clinton. Throughout the 1990s, Jordan possibly was the closest advisor of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Clearly Herb Allen has enjoyed himself some elite company, to the point he comes across as little more than a puppet. He has no significant NGO ties of his own apart from the Sun Valley and the somewhat similar Forstmann Little Conferences.
Allen & Co. summary: globalism, CIA, MI6, Coca-Cola death squads
Despite its small stature and low profile, Allen & Co is solidly under the control of the liberal superclass. So much has been made clear over the past several chapters - and that with plenty of sources. Let's summarize all these ties here. This goes for the bank itself, not for all the "close friends" whom Herb Allen "always invites" to the Sun Valley: Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission visitors as Vernon Jordan, Robert Strauss, Senator Walter Mondale and others.
Herbert Allen | Owner | Founded the Sun Valley Meetings in 1982-1983, right after Allen & Co. signed a huge July 1982 Columbia Pictures deal with key Trilateral Commission company Coca-Cola. This deal elevated Allen & Co. from obscurity. Soon Allen became the most influential director of Coca-Cola, along with fellow Sun Valley participants Warren Buffett and Coca-Cola president Donald Keough, Buffett's long-time Omaha friend. |
Bill vd Heuvel | Senior adv. '84- | Leading UN globalist close to the Rockefellers. Pilgrims Society executive. Protege of OSS-CIA founder Bill Donovan, fellow Pilgrim Averell Harriman and, by the early 1960s, RFK. Married into the CIA and mob-tied MCA. Director of CIA front the Farfield Foundation in the 1960s. Close to most past CIA directors and spec ops community leadership through co-chairmanship of the OSS Society. |
Warren Buffet | De facto adv. '88- | Early direct or direct ties to the Trilateral Commission and the founding CIA clique as leading investor and director of the Washington Post and chief financial advisor to Post owner Katharine Graham - all since 1973. Major ally of David Rockefeller, Lord Jacob Rothschild and deeply involved in "liberal CIA" financing, especially with regard to extremist feminism through the NoVo Foundation. Good friends with black music stars Jay-Z and Akon. |
Donald Keough | Chair '93-'15 | Best friend and Omaha neighbor of Warren Buffett for decades. President of Coca-Cola and arguably the company's biggest influence from the early 1980s until the 2000s. Director of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway. Member Trilateral Commission 1993-03. Died in 2015. |
Sen. Bill Bradley | Man. dir. '01- | Bilderberg 1985. U.S. director of MI6 spin-off firm Hakluyt, along with close CIA and Rockefeller ally Frank Wisner II. Vice chair and International Council member JP Morgan Chase, together with his close ally David Rockefeller and friends as George Shultz, Henry Kissinger and the Bechtel family. Globalist NGO involvement. |
George Tenet | Man. dir. '07- | CIA director 1996-04. Trilateral Commission 2008-10. |
Niall FitzGerald | Senior adv. ±'06- | Chairman and CEO of Unilever 1996-04. Reuters chair 2004-07. Started visiting the Sun Valley no later than 2006. Hakluyt chair 2008-13, advisory board chair 2013-. Top British superclass member to be found at the Trilateral Commission, Davos, and the CFR's global advisory panel. |
Sen. Bob Kerrey | Man. dir. '14- | For decades a close friend of Warren Buffett, who financed his campaigns. Globalist NGO involvement. |
Allen & Company features plenty of other managing directors who do not appear to be relevant at all. Many are rather young and have recently graduated from a major East Coast University who at most have been directors or vice presidents at banks like Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, or Credit Suisse First Boston, with apparently none of them belonging to the CFR or any other important NGO. Thus, it should be clear that none of these individuals play a deciding role in who gets to visit the Sun Valley meetings.

As for the list above, we find a pattern here of not just globalist Eastern Establishment ties through Warren Buffett and the Trilateral Commission, but also to intelligence through the CIA (two times), OSS Society and Hakluyt (two times). This last company was founded in 1995 as a collaboration between MI6 and oil companies Shell and BP. In the late 1990s, Hakluyt drew controversy for infiltrating environmental groups as Greenpeace and undermining its activism against Shell and BP. The Body Shop, a human rights-oriented cosmetics company later involved in the Clinton Global Initiative, was also targeted by Hakluyt on behalf of these companies. 68 These days Hakluyt counts many dozens of top multinationals among its clientele, many of their operations dealing with figuring out whether Russian and Chinese business partners can be trusted, or who key decision makers are in Third World countries. In that sense, the company serves an important role. A main worry is the extent of "deniable operations" - as British intelligence insiders put it 69 - Hakluyt might be performing on behalf of western security services. Anything is possible really at the globalist level. At least in the past, Hakluyt used to have an extremely underreported partnership with Kissinger Associates. 70 Stacked with Clinton and Obama loyalists, Hakluyt also played a key role in opening the politically-motivated Trump-Russia dossier. 71 Thus, even apart from all its international company officers, Hakluyt's allegiance to the globalist cause is unmistaken. And its rather strong ties to Allen & Co., coincidentally with a similar history of secrecy as Kissinger Associates and Hakluyt, is worrying.
Just as worrying and not mentioned until now is that Coca-Cola, the Trilateral Commission and Warren Buffett company that gave Allen & Co. the ability to set up the Sun Valley Conferences and remains a strong presence here to this day, was sued in 2001 for waging "a campaign of terror, using paramilitaries to kill, torture and kidnap union leaders in Colombia." Apparently these operations went on throughout the 1990s. 72 CEO of Coca-Cola from 2000 to 2004, during the time that the allegations surfaced, was Douglas Daft, a member of the Trilateral Commission who was taking policy advice from Warren Buffett, including in July 2002 while both men were visiting the Sun Valley.

Coca-Cola denied, but the accusations kept rumbling over the years. Much of the relevant information can be found on the Campaign to Stop Killer Coke, launched in 2003. In September 2016 new hearings were held in Colombia with family members of the victims, in which Coca-Cola was named among 50 U.S. and Colombian corporations that used to finance the 1997-2004 paramilitary organization Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia / United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC). British Petroleum (BP) and Chiquita, formerly known as United Fruit, are two other corporations accused, with Chiquita already having admitted to financing the AUC to the tune of $1.7 million. 73 BP ties back to the 1953 CIA-MI6 coup against Mohammad Mossadeq, bringing the Shah of Iran to power. Chiquita, as United Fruit, helped fund the 1954 coup against the equally socialist and nationalist inclined Jacobo Arbenz, who was replaced by a murderous military dictator.
We can go in a lot of detail, but the fact is that the AUC was doing the bidding of the CIA, both in anti-FARC operations as in all the accusations of CIA drug trafficking operations. In addition, in 2008, the leadership of the AUC, whose testimonies are considered crucial in figuring out the details of said corporate financing 74, was whisked to the United States and given extremely lenient sentences, followed by asylum offers, this despite being wanted for widespread torture, murder and disappearances back in Colombia. 75
Fascinatingly, the right-wing Alvaro Uribe, Colombia's president from 2002 to 2010 who worked with the CIA and allowed the AUC leadership to be whisked out of the country under the cloak of darkness, later was invited to the board of News Corporation, the ultraconservative news outlet, which for decades has been represented at the liberal Sun Valley Meetings by Rupert Murdoch and sons.
Without judging the situation on the ground in Colombia too much, one assumes that the rather organized big business policy of financing the right-wing, murderous Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) would not have taken place without at least the quiet approval of the CIA, or elements tied to the CIA. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that the CIA and multinationals have been cooperating in trying to undermine "anti-communist" interests. United Fruit, ITT, Freeport Minerals and Anaconda Copper are four such companies discussed in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article in the chapter titled Early CIA ties, "the Company" and corporate coups. This same chapter mentions the prominent role of David Rockefeller in aiding the CIA-backed coup of Pinochet in Chile in 1973. Similar to Buffett and Coca-Cola, the Rockefeller foundations actually have largely been occupied with funding social justice-type, "new left", "liberal CIA" NGOs over the decades. In that sense, Coca-Cola's duplicitous "left-right" funding wouldn't be that unique.
All the ties discussed here, both of Allen & Co. and the strongly overlapping Coca-Cola Corporation, are strongly indicative of the Sun Valley Meetings being overseen by the "Globalist Intelligence Agency" (GIA), a term the author first introduces here to describe the combination of globalist business interests and privatized CIA and other intelligence operations ran through them. It is highly unlikely that anything not sanctioned by "GIA" is invited to these Sun Valley Meetings, unless maybe the goal is to buy up up-and-coming IT or entertainment companies.
Also, Herbert Allen essentially serves as a front man for these globalist interests. By himself, he is nobody interesting. He has pretty much zero major, direct ties to the globalist NGO network - but a lot of his friends and the persons he has brought together at his Allen & Co. bank and annual conferences do. We'll dig deeper into that in the following chapters.
Sun Valley and tech industry changes changes: 2005-2019
The original ISGP article on the Sun Valley Meetings here was published on May 27, 2005. At the time the conclusion was reached that this annual meeting most likely wasn't too significant. This was based on the fact that there really aren't a lot of major Eastern Establishment or CIA figures gathering at these meetings, meaning there aren't that many ties to the CFR, Bilderberg, and the Trilateral Commission - and certainly no conservative think tanks. Also, the meetings are very visible and well-known in comparison to so many other superclass gatherings. Thus, the conclusion became: not too interesting to focus on.
Now, 14 years later, this conclusion has to be revised. First of all, Allen & Co., the organizing agency behind the Sun Valley Meetings, does have plenty of these globalist and CIA ties. This aspect is discussed in the previous set of chapters.

Secondly, back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Sun Valley Meetings still were dominated by Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry. However, illegal file sharing and websites as YouTube continued to take money out of the music industry throughout the 2000s and 2010s. Hollywood has become less influential as well, in part due to illegal file sharing, but also due to other forms of home cinema: from widescreen televisions becoming affordable to miniseries - with high quality special effects - being increasingly popular, many of them created and online distributed by the likes of Netflix.
Meanwhile, Silicon Valley, a reference to a cluster of leading IT companies situated in the southern San Francisco Bay Area, has exploded in significance. Back in 2005, the main Silicon Valley giants were Microsoft and Google. Google Video and YouTube were both launched in early 2005, months before the publication of ISGP's original Sun Valley Meetings article. At the time, these services still were hardly known to the public and were a far cry from offering HD quality. Modern smartphones didn't exist yet and thus Silicon Valley giant Apple hadn't yet revived its image - which it did starting in 2007 with the first Iphone.
Today's giant Reddit forum first went live in June 2005, weeks after ISGP's original Sun Valley article. Social media still was in its infancy at this point, with Facebook not being born until 2006 and Instagram not until 2010. Whatsapp only was released in 2009. Lodging marketplace Airbnb wasn't released until 2008; Taxi service Uber not until 2009. Spotify was launched in 2006, but didn't receive worldwide fame until the mid 2010s. The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was developed in 2009. Only over the course of 2017 did cryptocurrencies start to receive worldwide fame among investors, although its full potential has not yet been recognized by the masses even in 2019.
It should be clear: a lot has changed since 2005. What also has changed is online censorship. But a bit more on that later.
Sun Valley-represented media conglomerates and companies
At the moment of this writing, roughly 254 important participants have been included, complete with biographies, in ISGP's Sun Valley Meetings historic membership lists. Below the reader can see a list of companies these people control. Many additional names can be added if one starts looking for ordinary directorships, but the companies below have been represented by a founder, chairman, CEO, president, or majority shareholder.
Hollywood & Media |
Organizer |
Investors (many)
AT&T | Allen & Company | Bain Capital |
Bertelsmann (German) | Bridger Capital | |
Clear Channel | Silicon Valley |
Crumpton Group (CIA-DOD) |
Comcast | Activision Blizzard | KKR (Henry Kravis) |
Columbia Tristar | Adobe | Morgan Stanley |
Cox Enterprises | Airbnb | RRE |
Creative Artists Agency | Amazon | Tiger Fund |
Discovery, Inc. | Apple | Torch Hill Investment (CIA-DOD) |
Disney | AT&T | |
Dreamworks | Baidu (China) |
Other companies
General Electric | Dropbox | Berkshire Hathaway (Buffett) |
Liberty Media | eBay | Coca-Cola (Buffet) |
Marvel / DC Comics | Fiat / Ferrari | |
MGM | Forward (AI) | MacAndrews & Forbes |
MPAA | Mattel | |
Paramount | Intel | NBA, NFL, MLB |
Pixar | Nike | |
Seagram | Microsoft | Power Corp. |
Sony | ||
Universal Studios | Neuralink (Musk) |
Univision Comm. | Nextdoor | Alfalfa Club |
Viacom | Nokia | Bilderberg |
Vivendi | OpenAI (Musk) | CFR |
WarnerMedia | Palantir | CIA |
Paypal | DAVOS / WEF | |
TV stations sample
European Round Table | |
ABC | Quora | FCC |
AMC | (pro-immigration) | |
Black Entmt. TV (BET) | Shutterstock | FCC |
Cartoon Network | Skype | Department of Health |
CBS | Snapchat | IMF |
CNN | SolarCity (Musk) | Mayors: Chicago, LA, NYC |
Comedy Central | SpaceX (Musk) | Trilateral Commission |
Discovery Channel | Spotify | |
ESPN | Sprint |
Print/online news
Fox News | Tesla (Musk) | Alex Spinger (German) |
History Channel | Tinder / all dating aps | Daily Beast |
HBO | Foreign Affairs | |
Hulu | Uber | Heast Publishing |
MSNBC | Washington Post | |
MTV | Yahoo | New York Times |
Netflix | Y Combinator | News Corp. |
Nickelodeon | YouTube | Playboy |
The CW |
Core membership and categories of visitors
Considering only a handful of Silicon Valley giants and entertainment conglomerates dominate the market, if only the absolute top CEOs and owners of Sun Valley corporations would be invited to the event, there wouldn't be very many attendants at all. Fact is, second-in-commands or division chiefs within the larger conglomerates also visit continually. Whoever has a certain required expertise or the authority to make certain deals, will be invited.
Analyzing the compiled biographies of 254 Sun Valley Meetings participants since the early 1990s, plus, more superficially, various full membership lists, it appears that Sun Valley visitors, roughly in order of importance, consist of the following:
- Whoever is presently relevant in tech, from promising start-ups to the famous Silicon Valley giants: The most recognizable and/or long-term visitors include Paul Allen and Bill Gates of Microsoft, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt of Google, Brin's wife and sister-in-law Anne and Susan Wojcicki of Google-owned YouTube and 23andMe, Jerry Yang and Terry Semel of Yahoo!, Steve Jobs and Tim Cook of Apple, Jeff Bezos of Amazon and the Blue Origin space company, Reed Hastings of Netflix, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp; Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn (and previously Paypal), Elon Musk of Tesla and SpaceX.
Important names too are Alex Karp and Peter Thiel of the CIA and DOD-tied Palantir Technologies, with Thiel being a co-founder of PayPal. As of this writing, both Karp and Thiel are Bilderberg steering committee members, as is Google CEO Eric Schmidt. 76 Reid Hoffman, an old partner of Thiel in PayPal, started to annually visit Bilderberg in 2011, four years after Thiel and Schmidt. - Chiefs and managers of the "Big Five" media conglomerates - Disney (ABC)/Fox, Comcast (NBCUniversal), General Electric, Viacom (CBS) and AT&T: WarnerMedia (CNN) - and their countless subsidiaries, as well as a number of foreign counterparts, such from Sony, Vivendi and Bertelsmann: Sumner Redstone and proteges Leslie Moonves and Philippe Dauman of Viacom (CBS); and Brian Roberts, the son of Comcast (NBCUniversal) founder Ralph Roberts (visited), have been among the long-time visitors. So have various Disney leaders, which will be listed later in this oversight. Rupert Murdoch and sons have been mainstays since the 1990s, one of many indications that they are not nearly as conservative as the Fox News network they have controlled for so long.
Back in the 1990s Trilateral Commission member Gerald Levin of Time Warner was a regular. Jeff Immelt, chairman and CEO of General Electric (ABC) from 2000 to 2017, visited occasionally over the years. In addition, tons of (media) division chiefs - such as Jeff Zucker, CEO of NBCUniversal 2007-10 and then president of CNN Worldwide from 2013 - or shorter-ruling CEOs of these "Big Five" have been visiting the Sun Valley over the years.
Latin-American superclass billionaire Gustavo Cisneros ('11, '12) has also attended. Cisneros belonged to the 1001 Club, visited Bilderberg, sat on the CFR's global advisory panel, and has been one of David Rockefeller's closest friends and allies, certainly in Latin America. - Smaller, still "independent" media outlets: Representatives of media not owned by the "Big Five" nor part of Silicon Valley include John Hendricks and David Zadlav of Discovery, Inc. which controls the Discovery Channel, Animal Planet and the Travel Channel. Another is John Malone of Liberty Media and also of Discovery, Inc. Despite being huge, Liberty Media does not fall into the "Big Five" category.
- Hollywood moguls, whose corporations these days are almost exclusively part of the afore-mentioned wider media conglomerates: The most recognizable old guard names include Jack Valenti of the MPAA, a Lew Wasserman protege; Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen, formerly of DreamWorks (and also Disney and Geffen Records); Michael Eisner and his protege Bob Iger of Disney; and Michael Ovitz of artist agency CAA. Edgar Bronfman, Jr. used to be a big name around the turn of the century when his family owned MCA for a number of years.
- Venture capital firms and wealthy individual investors: The largest venture capital firms at the Sun Valley are the likes of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts - visitor Henry Kravis is a major Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg-linked member, along with his wife - and Bain Capital. Back in 1999 and around the time of the Dot Com bubble, Stanley Druckenmiller, then lead portfolio manager of George Soros' Quantum Fund was attending.
Specifically for Silicon Valley there are venture capitalists as Marc Andreessen (co-founder Netscape in 1994) and Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz, a firm that invested early in top Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange Coinbase; and Sam Altman of Y Combinator and Reddit, also an early investor in Airbnb (a Y Combinator client) and Spotify.
As for the wealthy independent investors, the billionaire husband of Salma Hayek, Francois-Henri Pinault, is one. The mysterious Aviv Nevo is another. Stanley Druckenmiller is still around. Most curious is probably billionaire Bilderberg executive committee member Peter Thiel. Thiel is a co-founder of PayPal, financed the creation of Ethereum, was the first to finance Facebook and Spotify, and has many other peculiar ties, including to the CIA and DOD through his Palantir firm.
Various individuals likely looking to invest or make occasional media-related deals have included elites as Jonathan Oppenheimer ('11) of the mining family behind Anglo-American Corporation and De Beers - and involved in the 1001 Club; Bilderberg steering committee member John Elkann ('11, '12), grandson and heir to Bilderberg steering committee member Gianni Agnelli of Fiat; and Andre Desmarais ('12, '13) of the Rockefeller-allied Trilateral Commission family behind Canada's huge Power Corporation. Billionaire Trilateral Commission visitor Michael Bloomberg is an occasional visitor since at least 1999, and is likely to be present both as an investor and former New York City mayor. - Sports representatives or maybe just "other": NBA, NFL and MLB commissioners are a major example of sports representatives at the Sun Valley. There are also occasional visitors as the Black Lives Matter-allied basketball star LeBron James ('09). One could throw all sports, along with non-tech and non-audio/video companies, in the same "other" category, such as Philip Knight of Nike - or even Coca-Cola. There are not too many corporations like this. Sun Valley regular Bobby Kotick, a past director of Yahoo! and Coca-Cola, but since 2008 predominantly the CEO of computer game company Activision Blizzard, might also be labeled under "other".
- One-time or occasional visitors: Apart from people who tag along or incidentally have some business to discuss, the best-known names in this category often are politics-related. Names that come to mind include J. Gordon Brown ('98), nine years before becoming British prime minister; Rothschild-allied anti-Putin oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky (reportedly in '03), anti-neocon Israeli security state representative Martin Indyk ('09, '11, '12), Obama secretary of state John Kerry ('14), Libertarian politician Rand Paul ('14, spotted with Peter Thiel) and Ivanka Trump ('17), daughter of Donald Trump, by then despised by the entirety of the liberal elite.
Various actors have attended as well, from Morgan Freeman ('05) to the super-globalist Ashton Kutcher ('09, '11) - but usually have specific business to discuss. - Allen & Co. and old Coca-Cola leadership, which forms the founding and overseeing clique of the Sun Valley: Key individuals here, apart from Herbert Allen, are directors of Trilateral Commission company Coca-Cola, such as Donald Keough (Allen & Co. chair), his old Omaha neighbor Warren Buffett and at least half a dozen more. Allen & Co. advisors and officers include elite "liberal CIA" asset William vanden Heuvel; top superclass member Niall FitzGerald, who came in as a Reuters chairman; former CIA director George Tenet, and senators Bill Bradley and Bob Kerrey.
- Herb Allen's "old friends": Overlaps with the above category. Until at least 1999, key Clinton couple advisor, past Rockefeller and Ford Foundation trustee, Bilderberg steering committee member and Trilateral Commission member Vernon Jordan, Jr. (a rare black person in these circles) was among the individuals Allen "always invites because they're old friends." Fellow superclass member and law partner Robert Strauss, news anchor and CFR director Tom Brokaw, founding Trilateral Commission senator Walter Mondale, and future Allen & Co. senator Bill Bradley, then a vice chair of David Rockefeller's International Council of Chase Manhattan Bank, were others mentioned in the same breath. Also listed were former Henry Kissinger girlfriends Diane Sawyer and Candice Bergen.
- A handful of media owners, journalists and news anchors: Mathias Dophner of Axel Springer, the owner of Business Insider and a Bilderberg steering committee member, is a known visitor. Elite-favored news anchors as Tom Brokaw - mentioned before - and the disgraced Charlie Rose - a past Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and Pilgrims Society member - led various panels for many years. Washington Post owner Katharine Graham and her son, Donald Graham, were/are known to be close friends of Warren Buffett, as are many regular Sun Valley participants. 77 For obvious reasons, only a handful of small-time journalists of the most trusted publications have been allowed at the conference.
Singling out the Bilderbergers and Trilaterals
It should be clear by now that more than a few Sun Valley participants are, or have been, members of Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission. A list of these names has been organized below. Keep in mind that Trilateral Commission dates can be off by a year, very occasionally two, because of gaps in membership lists available to this author and because it's generally impossible to tell too specifically when exactly a person joined or left. For example, if you have a list of August 2008 and May 2009, it's impossible to say if someone joined or left in late 2008 or early 2009.
- Sen. Walter Mondale, a "close friend" of Herbert Allen: Founding Trilateral Commission member in 1973. Bilderberg 1974 and 1981.
- Vernon Jordan, a "close friend" of Herbert Allen: Bilderberg annually since 1979, joined the steering committee, and today still is quite a regular visitor. His law firm has also been represented at Bilderberg by others. Trilateral Commission throughout the 1990s. Past Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation trustee.
- Robert Strauss, a "close friend" of Herbert Allen: Vernon Jordan's long-time law partner. Bilderberg 1982, 1989, 1990, 1992. Trilateral Commission member in the mid to late 1980s.
- C. Michael Armstrong of AT&T and later Comcast: Trilateral Commission member overlapping with his time as AT&T chairman and CEO 1997-2002. Also CFR and Alfalfa, as various others here.
- Henry Kravis of KKR: Bilderberg annually since 1992. Trilateral Commission member.
- Marie Josee Kravis: Trilateral Commission throughout the 1990s. Bilderberg annually since 1992 and immediate steering committee - to the present day. President of American Friends of Bilderberg Inc. Trilateral Commission member. Vice chair and decades-long leading light in the neocon American Enterprise Institute, along with Dick Cheney.
- Eric Schmidt of Google: Bilderberg annually since 2007; steering committee. Member of the Trilateral Commission from at least 2015.
- Peter Thiel of Palantir, PayPal and Facebook: Bilderberg annually since 2007; steering committee.
- Alex Karp of Palantir: Bilderberg annually since 2012; steering committee.
- Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, PayPal and later Microsoft: Bilderberg annually since 2011.
- John Elkann, heir to top globalist Gianni Agnelli (Fiat): Bilderberg annually since 2005; steering committee. Trilateral Commission member from about 2010 to 2016.
- Andre Desmarais of Power Corporation: Trilateral Commission member since at least 1998, following up his father, Paul Desmarais, Sr. His father visited Bilderberg in 1982. His brother, Paul, Jr., visited Bilderberg in 2006 and 2008. The family is top superclass and were close David Rockefeller allies.
- Mathias Dophner of Axel Springer (Business Insider, etc.): Bilderberg annually 2005-2007 and again since 2014; steering committee.
- Katharine Graham of the Washington Post: Bilderberg 1988, 1990, 1991, 1994. Trilateral Commission member from about 1990 to about 1996.
- Donald Graham of the Washington Post: Bilderberg 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012. Trilateral Commission member from roughly 2003-2017.
- Charlie Rose of the Charlie Rose Show: Bilderberg 2002, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012. Trilateral Commission member from the mid 2000 to 2011. Member Pilgrims Society.
- Niall FitzGerald of Allen & Co., Hakluyt, Reuters, etc.: Briefly a Trilateral Commission member at the turn of the century.
- Sen. Bill Bradley of Allen & Co. and Hakluyt: Bilderberg in 1985. Close David Rockefeller ally.
- Donald Keough of Coca-Cola and Allen & Co.: Trilateral Commission 1993-2003. Warren Buffett neighbor and friend.
- George Tenet of Allen & Co.: Trilateral Commission 2008-2010. 9/11's CIA director.
- Gerald Levin of Time Warner: Trilateral Commission 1995-2008.
- William Esrey of Sprint and United Telecom: Bilderberg 1989, 1990, 1992. Member Trilateral Commission in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
- Gustavo Cisneros: Bilderberg 2010. Long-time close David Rockefeller ally at the CFR, MoMa, the 1001 Club, Chase Manhattan and other places. Also at the Clinton Global Initiative for 2006, 2007 and 2010.
- Fernando Rodes Vila of ad and PR company Haves: Spanish member of the Trilateral Commission 2011-2016.
- J. Gordon Brown, one-time Sun Valley visitor: Bilderberg 1991.
- John Kerry, one-time Sun Valley visitor: Bilderberg 2012. In-law of past key Bilderberg steering committee H.J. Heinz, II, a close David Rockefeller ally.

In addition, a 2015 list of the Trilateral Commission reads: "Marne Levine, Chief Operating Officer, Instagram, Menlo Park." On a January 2017 list, which still includes Levine, we find: "Joseph K. Hurd, III, Director, Emerging Business, Facebook, Menlo Park." Both men can also be found on lists from 2018.
It should be clear that there has been major overlap among leading Sun Valley participants with Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. These groups are situated at the core of the globalist movement - and arguably also privatized CIA operations - and these days clearly consist of more than just bankers, industrialists and diplomats. They move along with the times and are very aware of what is happening in the entertainment industry and Silicon Valley.
Open Borders propaganda by all key Sun Valley visitors
Looking at the overlap between upper-tier Sun Valley participants with Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and the globalist movement in general and all of a sudden it's not so strange to see that so many of these Sun Valley participants are raging Third World immigration propagandists. Considering these people control just about the entirety of Silicon Valley (i.e., social media, operating systems and search engines), Hollywood, TV stations and the recording industry, this is a huge problem. ISGP has run into a variety of examples of this unified control. Let's turn this too into a point summary:
- Apart from tinkering with its algorithm (and censoring ISGP), Google was actively helping Hillary Clinton, who received just 37% of the white vote, get elected by exclusively driving Latino voters to the polls. 78 It didn't work. On November 11, 2016, three days after the Trump election, Google held an extensive "Thank God It's Friday" meeting. Labeled "Confidential - Internal Only", a copy of the video was leaked to Breitbart and made available in September 2018. 79
In the video, Google founder Sergey Brin looks like he hasn't slept in days while his CEO, CFO and the vice president of "People Operations" are virtually breaking out in tears while addressing the immigration issue. Despite superficial claims to the contrary, it is very, very clear that anti-globalist opinion absolutely is not allowed at Google. Even when during the second half of the meeting questions are allowed from employees, it is noteworthy to mention that the first employee to do so is an activist from "Lesbians Who Tech". A quick check reveals that this is a major Silicon Valley NGO financed by Google itself, as well as the CIA, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Nike, Amazon, Microsoft, and various additional Sun Valley corporations. Putting spokespersons for these groups at the front of internal Q&A's is quite the convenient way to additionally stifle dissent.F.l.t.r.: Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google founders; VP of "People Operations" Eileen Naughton, CEO Sundar Pichai, CFO Ruth Porat, and CLO and VP of Global Affairs Kent Walker, every single one a cookie-cutter pro-Third World immigration globalist. They all come across as submissive employees.
Page and Brin have visited the Sun Valley, along with Bilderberg steering committee member Eric Schmidt, these days the CEO of Google's holding company, Alphabet, Inc.
An extensive transcript of this video has specifically been created for this article, because it clearly demonstrates just how cult-like working conditions at Google are:- Google founder Sergey Brin: "OK folks, I know this is probably not the most joyous TGIF [Thank God It's Friday meeting] we've had. Let's face it, most people here are pretty upset and pretty sad because of the election. BUT... there is another group that we should also think about - who are very excited about the legalization of pot [as per George Soros' agenda] [laughter]. ...
But on a more serious note, as myself, as an immigrant, a refugee, I certainly find this election deeply offensive. And I know many of you do too. And I think this is a very stressful time and it conflicts with many of our values. I think it's a good time to reflect on that and hopefully we are going to share some thoughts on that today.
I guess there are two dominant reasons to be upset: one is that apparently so many people don't share many of the values that we have. I guess we have known that for many months now. ... And secondly, confronting the reality of an administration that is now forming and we have no idea what it is going to do is the honest truth. ...
It's uncertain for many of us here, especially for immigrants or minorities - women. So I don't have great answers for you up here today, but it's important that we chat about it and are thoughtful about it in the coming months. And with that, Sundar." - Google CEO Sundar Pichai: "I'm glad we are getting together at a moment like this. ... You have a lot of polarization. It's a deeply divided country. ... I think we can all agree that this election was particularly hard. There was a lot of rhetoric. And there were a lot of groups targeted. ... There is a lot of fear within Google. We have a lot of females. ... There are a lot of people who are very afraid. And as Sergey pointed out, women, blacks, [people with immigration] status, [the] LGBTQ community and I can go on. There is a lot of fear. So I think it is important to be aware of that fear and reach out. I would be sensitive and try and have conversations... Nothing will change. We will always stand up [at Google] for the values we believe in. And especially in our society, you stand up for the people who are minorities. That's what defines a society and we will continue to do that. [pretends to become teary-eyed; a loud applause follows]"
- Google VP of Global Operations Kent Walker: "So it was a shock to all of us, the results of the election. ... It showed an incredible level of division... What can we do to reach out to people whose perspective we've a hard time understanding? ... This is not the first time we've seen this rising tide of nationalism, populism, and concern. ... Not just Brexit, but new parties coming onto the scene. We've seen it through Germany, France; Italy has a referendum next month. ... Globalization, immigration, and you are afraid, and you are trying to look for answers. And that fear ... is fueling xenophobia [and] hatred... It's fueling a distrust of experts and a disregard of traditional institutions. And we are trying to figure out: how do we respond to that? What are the next steps for us before the world comes into this environment of tribalism that is self-destructive? ... There are cycles of these things that can often last 5, 10 years [the Nazis and World War II?] before people feel they've had a chance to vent that anger [with a Holocaust and 80 million dead?]. ...
Prime minister Matteo Renzi in Italy talks about two worlds: the world of the wall and the world of the square. The world of the wall, the world of the fortress, the world of the silo - isolation and defensiveness - and the world of the square, the piazza, the market place, where people come together in a community and enrich each other's lives. The tools that we build help people come into the world of the square. ...
We need to be able to work together. We need to have each other's back. We need to stand together in a time that is going to be incredibly difficult. As we advocate for our values. ... And let me turn it over to first [CFO] Ruth [Porat] and then [VP] Eileen [Naughton] about how we internally can continue this work of building bridges." - Google CFO Ruth Porat: "So, for what it's worth, I've been a very long-time Hillary [Clinton] supporter. But, as Ken said, I very much respect the outcome of the Democratic process. [Now looks like she is about to cry] I wanna take you back to 8:30 p.m., Tuesday night. I was at home with friends and family watching the election returns, and as we started to see the direction of the voting I reached out to someone close to me who was at the Javits Center, where the big celebration was supposed to occur in New York City, somebody who had been working on the campaign. ... I got back a very sad, short text that read, "People are leaving. Staff is crying. We are gonna lose." Phoeh! [Virtually starts crying] That was the first moment I really felt we were gonna lose. And it was this massive kick in the gut... It was really painful. ...
My father was a refugee to this country ... because you would never be discriminated against... Hillary said, "We are a great country, because we are a good country." And I firmly believe that. [Another Hillary Clinton quote.] A lot of people clearly felt disenfranchised, left out..." - Google VP of People Operations Eileen Naughton: "[Virtually crying:] I've seen so many instances and examples of Googliness in the last two days. The hugs is one. I have seen open and heartfelt communications. I feel people feel safe sharing their thoughts. ... I see Googlers show up for each other. Spontaneous groups. Employee resource groups holding sessions. ... Tips for how to get through hard times. ... Let's internalize the kindness and keep it with us. ...
I've seen this trying to intellectualize and understand the election results, much this year as Googlers earlier this year, when I was in London, tried to understand the vote of the British people to exit the European Union [Brexit]. "
- Google founder Sergey Brin: "OK folks, I know this is probably not the most joyous TGIF [Thank God It's Friday meeting] we've had. Let's face it, most people here are pretty upset and pretty sad because of the election. BUT... there is another group that we should also think about - who are very excited about the legalization of pot [as per George Soros' agenda] [laughter]. ...
As the reader can see, the situation at Google is rather extreme. The passive-aggressiveness towards anything non-globalist-Democrat is absolutely terrifying. The Google leadership is literally telling its employees: "You can vote for whomever you want, but WE are ALL massively distraught about Hillary's loss and anything Trump stands for is xenophobic, racist and hateful. But yeah, you can feel safe sharing your thoughts." Would you? Unlikely. Even as Democrat supporter, you should have the feeling, "I need to get out of here. Fast."
- Turns out, it's the exact same climate over at the CIA and DOD-tied Silicon Valley firm Palantir. Coincidentally, Palantir was founded by two Bilderberg steering committee members - both also Sun Valley participants: Peter Thiel and Alex Karp. Thiel pretends to be a supporter of Donald Trump, but has all the hallmarks of a top controlled opposition asset. Alex Karp, on the other hand, is the usual cookie-cutter globalist. In a leaked video tape Palantir CEO Alex Karp was seen addressing his company staff in virtually the same way as was going on at Google. This video already leaked in April 2017 and dates back to late 2015, when Trump had just arrived on the scene as the dominant Republican candidate:
"This is off the record, but like, I respect nothing about the dude [Trump]. ... It would be hard to make up someone I find less appealing. ... So you inherit $50 million in the '70s, and you ... have $20 billion now. ... That's not a good return! ... [He's] a bully... In any case, I don't care if you guys vote for him. ...
"We should throw out all immigrants [Trump says]. Who's gonna do the work? It's like, it makes no sense. [He] is bringing up the worst that a society can bring up, which is like, blame the people that work really hard and that we need and that are coming here at the risk of their life - instead of the [racist] dysfunction that you may have helped create. Why is that person so successful? [But] I don't care if you guys vote for him." 80

- The same type of repressive climate to be found at Google and Palantir is notoriously present at Facebook - and with that Instagram and Whatsapp, all owned by Caligula look-alike, mega-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg - who also happens to be a frequent visitor of Sun Valley, alongside quite a few additional Facebook executives. Of these, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg probably has been developing the largest number of globalist connections. This makes sense, considering she is a protege of top superclass member Larry Summers.
- In December 2015, after the Paris Bombings, Zuckerberg spoke out against Trump's proposed Muslim immigration ban, writing on his Facebook, "As a Jew, my parents taught me that we must stand up against attacks on all communities. ... You are always welcome ... and [we will] create a peaceful and safe environment for you." 81
- In February 2016 Zuckerberg made the news after internal dissent about the Facebook's promotion of the Soros and Ford Foundation-financed group Black Lives Matter. Employees repeatedly crossed out the word "black" and replaced it with "all", despite Zuckerberg and fellow officers expressly forbidding this. Zuckerberg labeled the actions "malicious". 82
- Two months months later a speech of Zuckerberg was discussed by the Washington Post and other outlets, in which Zuckerberg could be heard saying: "As I travel around the world, I'm starting to see people and nations turning inward against this idea of a connected world and a global community. I hear fearful voices for building walls and distancing people they label as others. For blocking free expression, for reducing immigration, for slowing trade, and in some cases around the world even for cutting access to the internet. It takes courage to take hope over fear..." 83

- In 2013 Mark Zuckerberg was a co-founder of pro-Third World immigration propaganda group, together with Microsoft founder Bill Gates, long-time Peter Thiel advisor Sean Parker, Bilderberg regular and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, and "angel investor" (in Reddit and the like) Ron Conway. Among the "Major Contributors" of are listed: Google CEO and Bilderberg steering committee member Eric Schmidt, Airbnb founder Brian Chesky, media boss and Coca-Cola director Barry Diller, Stanley Druckenmiller, the former lead investor of Soros' Quantum Fund; Y Combinator founder and key Reddit co-founder Paul Graham, and Netflix founder Reed Hastings. 84
What do these individuals of have in common? Well, apart from their Silicon Valley involvement, they are all visitors of the Sun Valley Meetings. Sean Parker actually may be the only exception here, although his (former, long-time) boss, Peter Thiel, most certainly is a visitor of the Sun Valley.
Needless to say, whether Republican or Democrat-oriented, all these individuals are rabidly pro-open borders and anti-Trump. So, by the way, is later Y Combinator president and Reddit director Sam Altman. But more on Reddit later.
We can go into a lot of additional detail here, but it should be clear that in Silicon Valley or even the much wider Sun Valley Meetings, dissent from the globalist line is not appreciated. Far more scary is that the exact same globalist rhetoric and buzzwords can be heard wherever one goes. For example, also among Hollywood actors and a great many musicians, almost like some bigger organizing force is briefing all these CEOs and their minions exactly on what to say whenever they decide to open their mouth.
The buzzwords literally are everywhere. Also at Apple. On December 3, 2018 Apple CEO and Nike director Tim Cook, the protege of the almost worshipped Steve Jobs (both have visited the Sun Valley), gave an award acceptance speech to the Anti-Defamation League. In his speech he bombastically said:
"We only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence: you have no place on our platform. [Loud applause] We have always prohibited music with a message of white supremacy. Why? Because it is the right thing to do? And as we showed this year, we won't give a give a platform to violent conspiracy theorists on the app store."
What does this even mean? Most likely it's a reference to the army of online Nazi conspiracy disinformation trolls, who fall under the "conservative CIA" umbrella and exist for the express purpose of associating conspiracy research with bogus and "hateful" propaganda. If I were asked to appear in front of the Anti-Defamation League, I would just say that I don't agree with Holocaust denial and Naziism, but I won't censor all of it. Why? Because the only reason that this type of propaganda is out-of-control is because of the activity of government trolls drawing massive attention to it. Of course, pretty much no one prominent has ever uttered that rather obvious opinion.
Anyway, what I primarily am indicating with this is that I'm a person. An actual person. All these top CEOs, or even countless actors and musicians, do not come across as real persons. The second the subject of Third World immigration comes up, their personality becomes zombie-like and it sounds like some pre-recorded audiotape is being played. It's truly bizarre. Even if you have your own selfish corporation interests, you can't get that type of uniformity with some very serious, invisible control structure. People would dissent or joke about the words they use. But nothing like it has really leaked out.
Media cartel: music 80% owned by "Big Three"; TV 90% by "Big Four"
Anyone going back a few chapters and looking at the oversight of represented corporations at the Sun Valley will probably go, "That's a lot of media power in one place." It most certainly is; it's just about all of the media that is represented at the Sun Valley. The Sun Valley is particularly interesting in light of mild and very infrequent acknowledgments in mainstream outlets that over 2018, 70% of the music recording business and 80% of the music streaming business (75% on average) is controlled by just three corporations: Vivendi, Sony and AT&T: WarnerMedia. 85

Worse, these three corporations are part of even larger entertainment conglomerates, one of which, AT&T: WarnerMedia, is just one of four such conglomerates controlling 90% of American television channels and Hollywood studios as well. The other three are: Disney/Fox, Comcast and Viacom (General Electric used to own NBC / NBCUniversal). Sony, a founding and very dominant Trilateral Commission company, owns the last remaining Hollywood studio:

As the reader can see, especially in the first oversight, the Sun Valley Meetings basically is the only (known) place where all these interests are brought together in one place. This includes:
- countless sub-divisions of these conglomerates, such as Hollywood studios, news corporations, and individual television channels;
- smaller "independent" entertainment conglomerates;
- as well as this network's main competition: Silicon Valley corporations.
In that sense, the Sun Valley Meetings really are the Illuminati of Entertainment - from where it might immediately makes sense why organizer Allen & Co. has so many globalist and intelligence connections: for any establishment, keeping control over the entirety of the media is top priority.
The ridiculousness of this situation might easiest be realized when considering that in order to be a famous music artist, one more or less has to be in the employ of either Vivendi, Sony or AT&T: WarnerMedia. Why? Because they own every major record label. The music of all your favorite iconic artists was and generally still is being released by these three companies.
There are exceptions, of course. Superstars U2, Madonna, Jay-Z, Shakira and Nickelback have been signed to Live Nation, many for more than a decade by now. 86 Live Nation is not owned by the "Big Three". Thus technically it can be seen as "independent", a so-called "indielabel". That's not exactly the case though. Live Nation is controlled by Liberty Media. Live Nation chairman Greg Maffei is president and CEO of Liberty Media, whose chairman from 1990 all the way to today, John C. Malone, has been an important visitor of the Sun Valley since at least 1995. Malone, worth $7.5 billion at the moment, is America's largest private landowner with 2.2 million acres in his possession, more even than new age globalist and past CNN owner Ted Turner - an old Sun Valley visitor from back in the 1990s. Malone, who is intensely private, has served on the boards of the elite Libertarian-but-pro-open borders CATO Institute and the liberal elite-dominated Nature Conservancy.
Also very fitting, Malone serves on the board of Discovery, Inc. (DCI), the owner of the Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, the Travel Channel, TLC and other TV channels. Similar to Liberty Media, as of this writing, DCI is not part of the "Big Four" or "Big Five" owning 90% of the U.S. media. Hence, it is tempting to think of this outlet too as "independent". However, multi-billionaire John Malone of Liberty Media sits on the board. On top of that, the company is controlled by 1982 Discovery Channel founder John S. Hendricks, a regular visitor of the Sun Valley since at least 1999.
In line with these "discoveries", readers of ISGP's article on the 1963 JFK assassination may remember the Discovery Channel being mentioned as a media outlet that has blatantly and very deliberately spread disinformation on the assassination, to the point that one immediately has to conclude that anyone truly independent would never sanction the airing of this type of manipulation. In December 2018 DCI's Travel Channel allowed the airing of Megan Fox's Legends of the Lost, which, among other things, included an interview with Fox's hero Graham Hancock, a master-manipulator in the Ancient Aliens franchise. Fox herself has become a huge promoter of these type of theories.
This is nothing new, of course, for these type of channels. The History Channel, owned by a variety of Sun Valley-represented media conglomerates, is airing its 13th season of Ancient Aliens at the time of this writing (ironically also featuring Megan Fox). The whole show is nothing but ridiculous Coast to Coast AM-borrowed conspiracy disinformation along the same lines as pushed by anyone from Erich von Daniken to Graham Hancock.
It should be clear that whether or not media outlets belong to the "Big Three" in music or the "Big Five" in overall entertainment, there is no evidence of any type of independent investigative reporting. The "liberal CIA" network of news media, from The Nation to Mother Jones, is not represented at all in the Sun Valley, but still is thoroughly under the (semi-)covert control of the globalist movement. The situation appears to be the same with smaller media corporations being invited to the Sun Valley.
Can ISGP creator become a famous singer?
To illustrate the massive unfairness of this business: With ISGP I already experience a giant, unprecedented boycott from the mainstream media and the alternative media, supplemented with extreme Google ranking penalties. I've been observing this since 2015, immediately after restarting ISGP, and writing about it since late 2017, roughly six months before conservative media outlets began bashing Facebook, Twitter and Google on a daily basis over this type of censorship. Absolutely ZERO mainstream or alternative media outlets have given attention to it. And Google has just continued to harass and downrank ISGP as it sees fit. Why? Because nobody is penalizing them for it. Nobody even knows. Nobody cares. Few can even comprehend that such a thing could be happening in our modern "democratic" society.
So what do you think will happen if I turn out to be a very talented singer? Would I be able to get signed by a major record label? All of whom owned by a handful of Sun Valley and Trilateral Commission corporations? Interesting question, isn't it? Would I be able to get signed by any minor record label? Maybe, but for large-scale distribution - especially combined with Billboard 200 notices, airtime on MTV or other music channels, and reviews and discussion by half-decent media outlets - you absolutely NEED one of the "Big Three" music companies and the handful of entertainment conglomerates that either own, or are tightly allied to them. Literally, if less than a dozen CEOs in the U.S., the EU and Japan decide that your music and its content is not acceptable, you're done: no distribution, no airtime, nothing. They can ban you from the TV as easily as they can from the record business, simply because they own it all.
Probably the only record label for me to sign a contract with is one which isn't looking for any distribution deals with the "Big Three" or related superclass-owned record labels. But even these have to worry about infiltration by the security services and see their company get pulled apart. When your content is as sensitive as ISGP, it really seems as if nowhere is safe.
Alternately, releasing your content on Spotify, iTunes, or YouTube means absolutely nothing. If no media is giving attention to your work, it's near impossible to get any traction. And if there's a chance you get traction, it's all too easy to get down-ranked to the max, or, increasingly, even be deleted without (good) explanation. Who is going to come to your aid? Certainly not all the media outlets owned by this handful of entertainment conglomerates. Certainly not the "liberal CIA"-financed "new left" media. Certainly not the entire security state-ran conspiracy community. We already know that - because of what ISGP has been writing about and dealing with for all these years.
Silicon Valley: the world cartel
Media cartels are not the only problem. The tech industry has them too and here they are even easier to spot.
Enter Google. Looking at Statcounter-provided statistics, Google dominates the search engine market on average for 90% throughout the West and also Latin America (really 96-98% among researchers). Now with the increasingly extreme censorship implemented by the Google search engine alone, it only makes alarm bells surrounding a monopoly ring louder. Predictably, as controversy rises surrounding the company, it is increasingly often argued that Google is a company, and not a government, and thus has the right to its own opinions and political stances based on the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Their actually have been (seemingly incorrect) arguments that Google's search engine dominance in the U.S. is "only" about 67-87% and that there still exists "competition". Well, just looking at ISGP, which is only heavily targeted by Google: definitely not. Google censorship alone absolutely ruins your site when it comes to online presence and overall ranking.
Besides, who is to say that that competition isn't also censoring similar political content to an extent? The number 2 and 3 search engines are Microsoft's Bing and Yahoo!, two Silicon Valley companies deeply involved in the Sun Valley - alongside Google. They compete, but at the same time they're all friends and have the same globalist opinions. If any of these search engines increases in prominence, it's far from unlikely that they will start censoring ISGP as well. Bing already has ISGP ranked a bit lower here and there than Yahoo!, which receives its search results from Bing.
The 4th-largest search engine is, which prides itself on "privacy" (Google, for example, logs all your queries, unless you disable it manually). For the time being, it has not been part of the Sun Valley. However, there are establishment and "liberal CIA" elements to be spotted with DuckDuckGo that might become a problem down the line. As early as November 2011, it received an investment of Union Square Ventures, founded by Sun Valley visitor Fred Wilson and a co-funder of the propagandist Data & Society Research Institute alongside "liberal CIA" foundations as Ford, Soros, Hewlett, Gates, MacArthur, Knight and others.
Since this 2011 investment, DuckDuckGo has worked closely with the "liberal CIA"-backed, anonymous Tor network and browser. It has been supported as a search engine option by Apple's Safari and the "liberal CIA" browser Firefox since the fall of 2014. It has partnerships with Yahoo! and Microsoft's Bing since 2016. It is also a co-financier of something called the "LEAP Encryption Access Project", along with "liberal CIA" NGOs and corporations as Google, Hivos, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, and the Wallace Global Fund. 87
This is just what comes up in the first few minutes of research. From this, we have to conclude that DuckDuckGo hasn't been "independent" from a very early stage. This means that not a single search engine of any half-decent size can be labeled as "independent" from the Sun Valley network - which at the top is strongly interlinked with the Trilateral Commission in particular.
We just mentioned Firefox, a web browser. What are the dominant web browsers? Chrome, created by Google, is the dominant one these days. It has a bit more competition than its search engine, but its position has been increasingly dominant. Then there's Apple's Safari, Mozilla's Firefox, Microsoft's Edge and, for those really focused on anonymity, there's Tor. However, as just mentioned, both Firefox and Tor have "liberal CIA" backing, with Microsoft, Google and Apple being Silicon Valley and Sun Valley giants. The former two, in addition, are known "liberal CIA" financiers. So yeah, where's the independence?
Then you look at popular email providers: luckily there are more other options here, but Microsoft's Hotmail, Live and Outlook addresses; Google's Gmail, and Yahoo! all are ranked at the top. You often need these accounts to log into other services provided by these conglomerates, such as the Google-owned YouTube.
We can also look at mobile phones. There are quite a few brands, but the operating systems basically are all based on Apple's IOS or Google's Android, with the latter looking to approach 90% market dominance in the next few years. Microsoft has tried to compete, but has failed for the time being. Alternatives like Kai OS and Tizen exist at this moment, but have already been scooped up by the likes of Google, Intel and Samsung.
The situation with operating systems for desktop and laptop PCs might be the most uncompetitive of all. The only realistic choice for the past decades have been versions of Microsoft Windows. Apple may have been "big" in Silicon Valley as well, but was slowly but surely going out of business. The fact that Apple made it all the way to 2007, when the first iPhone was able to largely turn its image and profits around, should be considered one of the biggest mysteries of all time. Apple desktops and laptops might look more attractive (why Windows manufacturers never closed that gap effectively is another mystery), but performance-wise, they have always have sold for three times the price. A Windows laptop for $400 always has had roughly the same performance as a $1200 one of Apple. Then there's the problem that tons of software doesn't work on them. And whatever you can run on them, often isn't "more stable" than on a properly-managed Windows PC.
While it may be different in California or the U.S. as a whole, over here in Europe, Apple computers and printers really used to be a thing for eccentrics. In my teens I worked at a large computer store and would make a game out of spotting Mac users - before they arrived at the counter asking if we had any Apple printer cartridges. They almost always had artsy, scatter-brained, disheveled-looking features. Can't recall one instance in which I was wrong. The funny thing is that since the Apple iPhone has come out, that you hear a lot of women in particular saying they want a Macbook. However, they seldom buy one, because they realize it's just too much money. So yes, how did Apple make it into the modern era? Good question. Maybe the fact that Laurance Rockefeller was an early investor 88, plus favorable media attention, plus Silicon Valley eccentricism, and having been part of Silicon Valley and the Sun Valley for so long have played important roles. Despite being expensive, Apple's iPhones are pretty decent though.
Getting back on track, the desktop and laptop market is almost fully dominated by Windows. And increasingly, we see the problems that brings with it. The company has been fined repeatedly for exploiting the dominant position of its operating system in relation to distributing its Internet Explorer browser and Windows Media Player program. The problems are much bigger than this, of course. Starting in the 2000s they:
- introduced expensive licensing agreements for their Windows and Office products;
- introduced cumbersome and futile measures to try and protect their software from being copied (upgrade your ram or CPU and your windows stops working, etc.);
- started to artificially create dumbed-down "Home" versions of their operating system, selling "Pro" versions at a premium;
- forced the entire world on to newer versions of Windows that often were buggier and simply less good than previous versions (Windows 8 was the absolute worst; Windows ME and arguably Vista were somewhat useless "upgrades"; XP (Pro) was Windows 2000 in a nicer shell; Windows 95, 98, 2000 and Windows 7 were major improvements; with a huge amount of tweaking and some luck with avoiding bugs Windows 10 is a bit better here and there than Windows 7 - but unbelievably invasive)
- released versions of Windows that became more and more invasive, with the 2015 release of Windows 10 being the ultimate example.
Microsoft would never-ever be able to get away with these things if there actually existed healthy competition. With Windows 10, they'd be forced to integrate a classic shell option with the press of a button. They'd be forced to protect people's anonymity at the press of a button. They'd be forced to give people the option of stopping the automatic update system indefinitely, which can only be done at the moment through virtually hacking your Windows registry and firewall in a multitude of ways. They'd be forced to focus on basic bug-fixing for older PCs (for example, a huge, years-long issue is that many laptops don't automatically recharge under Windows 10; the search, compared to Windows 7, is horrible; etc.).
Microsoft doesn't really care, of course, because there's no realistic alternative to their Windows system. The reason seems obvious: who has the funds and capability to create an operating system from scratch - which has to be super-easy to learn or otherwise roughly has to look like Windows - that is guaranteed to work with tens of thousands of different pieces of hardware and millions of pieces of software? We are so far in the computer age that only a giant tech company, possibly with government support, can attempt to undertake such an endeavor.
Companies as dominant as Microsoft and Google don't have to necessarily be broken up. There's a huge potential for efficiency here. As a hardware and software designer, it's cost and time efficient to have to make your product work on one or two operating system, rather than on a dozen. With search engines, this case is already harder to make. Filing copyright infraction notices and countering allround censorship is much less time-consuming with one dominant search engine, then having to deal with half a dozen prominent ones. Still, the solution is the same: as companies grow in size, the level of government regulation needs to increase as well. These companies need to be prevented in every possible way from using their dominant position to undermine competition and/or hoarding profits at the expense of the economy as a whole. Microsoft needs public/government-overseen quality control. Google and other search engines need to be forced to make public manual ranking penalties that deviate from their basic, fair-for-all ranking algorithms. This is not just to prevent monopolistic behavior on the economic front, but also political disinformation and censorship.
We can go on. Alternative online payments have been dominated for a long time by PayPal. How this company has been able to survive in the age of (ignored or demonized) cryptocurrency is absolutely fascinating, because it charges extremely high transaction fees - especially for European users. Does this have something to do with the "PayPal Mafia"'s strong continued influence in Silicon Valley and the Sun Valley, from Peter Thiel to Reid Hoffman and Elon Musk? Or any past and present ties of these individuals to Bilderberg and the CIA's In-Q-Tel? (more about that later) Very likely. At the moment Google Pay, of Bilderberg Eric Schmidt; Apple Pay, of the globalist Tim Cook; and Amazon Payments, of the CIA-tied Jeff Bezos; are considered the main competitors. It's all elite. It's all Silicon Valley. It's all Sun Valley.
The main question here, of course, is if truly independent tech industry competition can reach a global market without the aid of Silicon Valley cartel, which appears to be rather closely allied in its globalist outlook with the media cartel. What if the Swedish creator of Spotify preferred to remain largely independent? Would he still have been able to garner enough international media attention and rely on smaller corporations or non-profits for financing? After all, shouldn't the best man get the media attention? What if he turns out to be a vocal supporter of ISGP? Do you have to sell out to the Silicon Valley cartel in order to even have a chance of being successful? One certainly gets that impression.
Look at the cryptocurrency industry. Even corporations here with billions in public funding - but not any establishment funding - have been fully ignored by the media. No investigations, nothing. Money hardly seems to matter. It's more about what establishment interest has already taken a position in your company.
IPOs versus ICOs: media attention tied to establishment control?
Speaking of cryptocurrency, there's another problem with this massive concentration of power that we see best with the Sun Valley. Persons familiar with cryptocurrency, probably know what ICOs are: Initial Coin Offerings. No media attention is given to them at all. In fact, cryptocurrency has been ignored and then attacked relentlessly by the superclass-owned media. You have to go to a handful of specific sites and try to find what little information you can about the company. But here's the nice thing: anybody, no matter how rich or poor, can buy coins - which to a large degree can be seen as shares. Often there's a cap on how many coins any individual can buy, just to keep a fair distribution. There are a few drawbacks with the coin business, but the most wonderful thing is that it is fair - to the public. And thus it has been an extremely popular business.
Now look at its older Wall Street counterpart: Initial Public Offering (IPO). This is a rather ancient, ridiculous and nepotistic process, even more so in the United States where banks are exploiting the public with transaction fees and the like, much more than in the EU. Start-ups, or any company really, looking to release shares for fundraising will have to get a big establishment bank to do it for them. If one of these banks decides to accept, they will first approach "institutional investors" - i.e., their superclass friends - to buy in shares at the lowest possible price. The involvement of these "institutional investors" will then aid in giving credibility to the IPO, so that maybe at the end of the distribution process average bums like you and me can buy whatever is left, often at an already inflated price. Often average people can't buy in at all. They have to wait until the public stock exchange listing of a company share. 89
As a person mainly familiar with coins, post-ICO opening prices generally are two, three, four times higher than the ICO price. Max I've seen is an opening price 20 times higher than the ICO price. This means if you bought in for $5,000, you end with $100,000 if you immediately sell during the public listing. Clearly the whole (pre-)IPO buying-in business for select investors is a pretty shady. Big business gets in at the lowest price and automatically gives a boost to the price post-IPO due to their involvement.
I personally only started paying attention to IPOs over 2017-2018 for a variety of reasons. A big one was reading that Prorsus Capital in Mexico, a key company in the NXIVM cult - tied to the Bronfmans, Richard Branson and CIA drug trafficking-linked Mexican presidential family - reported that it had "gained access to a pre-IPO round of financing for Facebook, Inc." in one of its "most successful operations". How on Earth did that happen? Well, most likely because a group of elite-tied banks and corporations were sharing the Facebook pie before the public was allowed to buy the left-overs at higher prices.
Mind you, Mark Zuckerberg came from super-elite Phillips Exeter Academy and Harvard, with his first investor being "conservative CIA" billionaire and "PayPal Mafia" leader Peter Thiel. Almost certainly Facebook became the dominant social media platform in the 2006-2017 period due to access; which competing programmers did not have. If the cryptocurrency business has shown us one thing is that there is plenty of talent to be found outside of Silicon Valley.
More examples can be discussed, but the main point of this section is that the majority of young, talented app developers simply can't get access to funding or the media unless they go through the establishment and all its apparent private sector intelligence operations. As an example, later Silicon Valley giants as Reddit and Airbnb benefited enormously from a ground floor Y-Combinator investment, which provided them with access to media as and various major Silicon Valley investors.
Mind you, more than a few cryptocurrency coins have been created or financed by questionable "liberal CIA"-type propagandists. To this day we don't even know who created Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency. How much sense does that make? Or that Peter Thiel funded the second-most famous, Ethereum? A lot of strange stuff appears to be going on behind the scenes.
It was in June 2013 that the affair of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden began. Over the following days, weeks and months, many documents on various apparently illegal NSA spy programs were leaked: Stellar Wind, Boundless Informant, Bullrun, Blarney and, of course, PRISM. With PRISM the accusations from the Snowden camp - through leaked internal Powerpoint slides - were that top Silicon Valley firms, one-by-one, were handing over full access to their customer databases, allowing the NSA and FBI to store literally every social media, (smart)phone, search engine query, of all citizens making use of the services and products of these Silicon Valley firms. The accused firms included "Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Skype, AOL and PalTalk..." 90 One apparent internal slide looked as follows:

This aspect of PRISM was first "exposed" by close Snowden-ally Laura Poitras in the Washington Post on June 7, 2013 91, an establishment newspaper that, curiously, is not averse to peddling conspiracy disinformation. We see that with regular "second gunman"-pushing related to the RFK assassination or the bogus whistleblower account of Gwenyth Todd, whom later was tied to 9/11 "truth". In the Post article, a still anonymous Edward Snowden states, "They quite literally can watch your ideas form as you type." One of the provided slides read, "98 percent of PRISM production is based on Yahoo, Google and Microsoft; we need to make sure we don't harm these sources." Problem is, seeing how the network of Snowden has been financed by "liberal CIA" foundations as Soros, Ford and Google, you can't take any of these claims at face value.
In addition, if 98 percent of the in formation in 2012-2013 came from Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!, then at the very least it seems that Facebook was not being mined on a large scale. Not at that point at least. For the rest, we simply have no details. It appears that Google and Facebook were correct when explaining they only handed the FBI and NSA access to accounts when required to do so by FISA court. The accusation that these companies made it easier than required to do so, means nothing either. They're tech companies. They specialize in automation and efficiency; that might have been all that they were doing. 92 Also, in case they are focused on tracking down terrorists, it's not a bad thing.
Once again, and probably not by coincidence, the mainstream media failed to provide us with the correct answers on a sensitive issue. The controversy surrounding the Snowden documents just kept switching gears without anything overly serious being exposed. If they brought attention to anything, it is that the top tier of Silicon Valley is considered a major national security asset by the security services, with quite a bit of interaction existing.
Maybe the more pressing answer is to what extent Facebook, Instagram and Twitter executives and dedicated personnel can tap into private conversations at will. Twitter, through undercover filmed engineers and other staff by Project Veritas, admitted that a review staff of "at least, three or four hundred people" have access to Direct Messages. 93 In the video of Project Veritas, one former employee says, "We're not as creepy as Facebook or Google, but we know some stuff." The details are not clear though. Obviously, Project Veritas takes things out of context; after all, it receives "conservative CIA" financing. It also should be clear that Twitter has staff to comb through flagged DMs. And the fact that "a machine" looks at your Direct Messages isn't to strange either, because it's the only way to get rid of privately-sent spam or propaganda messages. Facebook and Instagram do this as well. 94 It's the details that matter most here - and we don't have them.
It is not hard to image though that it would be very easy for Mark Zuckerberg or other programmers to build a secret back-door into their social media platforms and read whatever they desire. It would also be all too easy for the FBI or CIA to infiltrate the review sections of Silicon Valley corporations to downrank search engine content or spy on certain individual's private email or social media messaging.
Remember, I myself experienced this in 2005, although I can't be certain I was using a Hotmail account in that period already.
Looking at the multi-thousands of trolls active on the platforms of these Silicon Valley giants, and it doesn't seem like the leadership is overly concerned about this type of infiltration and interference. In fact, it's likely they are fully on board with it.
For now, all we have is Mark Zuckerberg secretly agreeing with Cambridge Analytica in 2015 to extract the personal details, friends lists and likes of 87 million Facebook users, mainly U.S. ones. Strangely, Cambridge Analytica was linked to "conservative CIA" assets Steve Bannon and the Mercer family, resulting in the information being used in the pro-Trump and pro-Brexit campaigns. One wonders if this had anything to do with the subsequent scandal becoming so prominent in 2018: it would be one more argument against Brexit and in favor a Trump impeachment. In any case, the Cambridge Analytica would be very useful for intelligence services to spot potential terrorists, government dissenters and other misfits. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden did make an interesting comment regarding this dual purpose of ad targeting and surveillance in a March 17, 2018 tweet (@Snowden):
"Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as "surveillance companies." Their rebranding as "social media" is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense."
It's not that simple though, but an ad business certainly is an ideal cover for an intelligence agency running a datamining or surveillance operation.
Evidence Silicon Valley giants are elite CIA fronts?
In the previous section we learned that the ties between Silicon Valley and the NSA may not be as bad (yet) as certain media have made it out to be. However, this does not mean that the fully ignored question whether or not Silicon Valley firms actually are part of a superclass CIA network is off the table. Over the years, ISGP established in great detail that the Rockefeller family and friends, often operating through the Trilateral Commission, CFR and Bilderberg, in reality all are part of a narrow-minded, uniform, globalist, national security - i.e. CIA - network.
We know about the dogmatic open borders and anti-(genuine) conspiracy stances of Silicon Valley giants. And we know they give free reign to literally thousands upon thousands of national security trolls spreading conspiracy disinformation on their platforms. Something is up. And it is tied to the elite and seemingly the CIA. So, once more, in more detail, let's discuss any elite and CIA ties of the largest Silicon Valley firms.
Google, YouTube and 23andMe
Google was developed at Stanford University, with the older, globalist-tied Eric Schmidt, being put in charge as CEO in 2001, the second Google started catching steam. Schmidt was locked into the Rockefeller elite since at least 1999, when he became a founding director of the New America Foundation. A decade after his Google appointment, with Google becoming the chief lobbying force in Washington, the launch of the Google Ideas / Jigsaw foreign policy think tank, and Schmidt becoming Obama's key strategist, Schmidt was appointed a Bilderberg steering committee member. In 2015 he joined the Trilateral Commission as well.
Over the years, Google under Schmidt, has not just been running the search engine with a virtual monopoly in that business (complete with massive censorship), but also divested into anything from artificial intelligence and self-driving cars (the horror!) to private space exploration through Elon Musk's SpaceX.
Only after this article was fully finished, did this author run into a leaked 2011 Stratfor memo, partly based on Schmidt's own words, that read: "GOOGLE is getting WH [Obama White House] and State Dept. support & air cover. In reality, they are doing things the CIA cannot."
In 2006 Google bought YouTube, which quickly developed a virtual monopoly on video sharing on the internet. CEO of YouTube since February 2014 is Google co-founder Susan Wojcicki, whose sister, Anne, is married to Google founder Sergey Brin. Anne Wojcicki also is the founder of 23andMe, the most famous DNA analytics corporations around.
PayPal is a company that is impossible to overlook, in no small part due to its "PayPal Mafia" - Bilderberger Peter Thiel, Bilderberger Reid Hoffman, Elon Musk, etc. - that has continued to operate at the highest echelons of Silicon Valley. One interesting question is how this online payment company has continued to expand in prominence, despite charging almost criminally high fees ($0.57 on a $5 donation as of this writing) and there existing more than a dozen much better cryptocurrency alternatives, which are just as fast and have no fees or near free fees?
Palantir Technologies was founded in 2003 by the often-mentioned-here "PayPal Mafia" head Peter Thiel, who became chairman; and Alex Karp, who became CEO. Palantir is a high technology data mining and sifting firm, much like a private NSA. Needless to say, all kinds of government agencies have been among its clientele.

Very important is the fact that Palantir initially was allowed entry into the otherwise closed off Washington (insider) "Beltway" through a meeting arranged at the home of top neocon superclass member Richard Perle, a former chair of the Defense Policy Board and all-round notorious warmonger. This meeting brought Thiel and Karp together with none other than Admiral John Poindexter, at that point the newly-appointed head of DARPA's Information Awareness Office / Total Information Awareness (TIA) program, which would be defunded in late 2003 after too many worries about illegal mass surveillance were raised in the media. 95 The program continued in all kinds of quiet ways, with Palantir apparently being the key quiet private-sector component. Certainly it would be in trusted hands with a "conservative CIA" asset as Peter Thiel.
There's more. The CIA's In-Q-Tel firm, founded by CIA director George Tenet in 1999, was an early investor in Palantir 96, once again signifying the early establishment approval of the company. Tenet ended up becoming a good friend of Alex Karp, with the Sun Valley's Allen & Co. bank, which has been employing Tenet since 2007, becoming another investor in Palantir. 97 There's also former chief investor of George Soros' Quantum Fund, Stanley Druckenmiller, a Sun Valley visitor, who also is an important investor in Palantir. 98
Thiel ended up becoming a Bilderberg regular in 2007 and soon joined the steering committee. Alex Karp joined the steering committee roughly a decade later 99
Facebook was founded in February 2004 at Harvard University. Founder Mark Zuckerberg previously went to the super-elite New Hampshire prep school, the Phillips Exeter Academy, once home to the likes of superclass members as Senator Jay Rockefeller, David Rockefeller, Jr., Rockefeller friend H.J. Heinz, III and John Negroponte. These ties actually were discussed in ISGP's 2017 article Psychedelics & Elitism article, because "liberal CIA" psychedelics community spook-turned-Silicon Valley tech pusher Stewart Brand also graduated from here.
"Web oracle" Sean Parker, whom the CIA tried or seemingly actually recruited back in the day 100 and who previously helped built Napster, the first file-sharing app that ruined the music business, became founding president of Facebook in the summer of 2004 and subsequently brought the CIA and DOD-tied billionaire Peter Thiel in as the first outside investor. 101

Count how often Peter Thiel appears in this section.
Months later, Facebook signed a much bigger $12.7 million deal with both Thiel and Accel Partners 102, the latter over the years tied to key Sun Valley, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission financial firm KKR 103, of the Kravis couple; and the Blackstone Group, of close David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger friend Peter Peterson. Not entirely insignificant is the fact that Accel Partners founder and head, Jim Breyer, who joined Blackstone in 2016 104, shared a directorship of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) - which Breyer chaired - with Gilman Louie, the initial chairman of the CIA's venture capital firm In-Q-Tel. 105 Mind you, Thiel's Palantir company had been funded by In-Q-Tel just a year before he joined Facebook.
Along similar lines, Accel's Breyer shared a directorship of BBN Technologies - which back in 1979 carried out the peculiar echolocation study for the JFK assassination - with Dr. Anita Jones, a director of In-Q-Tel since 2002. 106 Looking deeper, from 1989 to 1992 Jones served as a trustee of the elite DOD-tied Mitre Corporation, which oversaw the secretive JASON Group. From 1993 to 1997, during the Clinton years, Jones served as Director of Defense Research and Engineering. With that, she was the overseer of such secretive bodies as the Defense Science Board and DARPA, including early stages of the Information Awareness Office / Total Information Awareness (TIA) program.
In April 2006, Peter Thiel, Jim Breyer's Accel and Greylock Partners raised $27.5 million in funding for Facebook. Greylock's senior partner, Howard Cox, is another former chair of the NVCA, and had become a director of the CIA's In-Q-Tel firm. 107 Less than 1.5 years later Facebook had more than 50 million users and was worth more than $15 billion. At that point the full Facebook board still consisted of CEO Mark Zuckerberg (25% ownership), Peter Thiel and James Breyer of Accel, with David Zse of Greylock put on the supervisory board. 108
Most important here, of course, is that all three initial investors and board members maintained pretty darn close ties to the CIA's In-Q-Tel firm. Actually, many of these In-Q-Tel questions here already were raised in a Guardian article of January 2008. 109 These ties largely fell to the background as Facebook grew in popularity over the next decade, apart from a handful of "internet conspiracy theory" articles and videos. Even the satirical Onion News Network did a piece on it in March 2011, describing Facebook as "the massive online surveillance program ran by the CIA [that] has replaced almost any other CIA information-gathering program since it was launched in 2004."
After the investments from Thiel, Accel and Greylock, additional media attention followed and Facebook blew up. In 2007 Thiel started attending Bilderberg meetings, soon ending up as a steering committee member. In 2010 Bilderberger and former member of Thiel's "PayPal Mafia", Reid Hoffman, a Sun Valley member, joined Facebook investor Greylock. In April 2012 Facebook acquired Instagram, which over the course of 2017 and 2018 largely came to serve as its follow up as the most-preferred social media - and soon ended up being represented in the Trilateral Commission. In February 2014 Facebook acquired the hyper-popular app Whatsapp, a follow-up of SMS.
As for additional board members, in December 2007, Mark Zuckerberg met Sheryl Sandberg, involved in Google and in launching Google's philanthropic arm, at a Christmas Party. He decided she'd be a "perfect fit" as Facebook's COO and announced her joining the company in March 2008. 110 She's been a Facebook representative to the Sun Valley on more than a few occasions since then. Interesting detail is that Sandberg is a key protege of top superclass member Larry Summers 111, a veteran of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission who is close to the Rockefeller clique. Zuckerberg knows how to pick 'em.
Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen - a Sun Valley regular - joined Facebook in 2008. Sun Valley visitor Donald Graham, a member of the (once) Washington Post-owning, Bilderberg-visiting Trilateral Commission family, joined in December 2008. Obama operative Erskine Bowles and Reed Hastings, the Sun Valley-visiting Netflix founder and Microsoft director whose family ties to Skull & Bones' Henry Stimson, joined in 2011. 112
Facebook's popularity among teens appears to have peaked in 2014-15, after which Instagram started to become more and more popular. But it has been owned by the same elite network.
While putting together the "conservative CIA" oversight in March 2019 it was noticed that Mike Cernovich, a peculiar "alt right" activist who had a try-out at Infowars as Alex Jones' co-host, used to be married to a very early Facebook Intellectual Property (IP) lawyer who got wealthy off company stock. Cernovich actually wrote at one point that he has been "a guest at Sheryl Sandberg's house and ate dinner with Mark Zuckerberg." One wonders what the chances of this happening are.
The potentially CIA-tied Sean Parker 113, Facebook's first president, kept working as a key advisor and representative of Bilderberg steering committee member and likely CIA-asset Peter Thiel through Thiel's Founders Fund. Parker is the one responsible in not just making Thiel the first investor in Facebook, but also in Spotify. Thiel and Parker invested in 2009, 7-8 years later before Spotify became the leading streaming music platform throughout the West. Much of this had to do with Parker bringing in additional investors as Ari Emanuel of WME, Sun Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, Sun Valley "angel investor" Ron Conway, Snoop Dogg and others - and negotiating a deal with Warner and Universal for Spotify. 114
Tesla and SpaceX
Elon Musk is the "playboy businessman" behind the Tesla electric car company, the Boring tunnel company, Solarcity and SpaceX, the latter founded in 2002. Back in the 1999-2002 period, Musk made a fortune as a key member of the "PayPal Mafia", alongside future Bilderbergers Reid Hoffman and the apparently CIA-tied Peter Thiel (all these men ended up at the Sun Valley).

Musk has been visiting the Sun Valley since at least 2015.
Update: By 2024 Musk was working with Alex Jones, generational Pilgrims Society member Tucker Carlson, Andrew Tate and other "conservative CIA" propagandists to get Trump re-elected, only to help run the administration.
In 2001 Musk tried to buy ICBM missiles from the Russians, the only ones with affordable missile technology. He was not taken seriously, to the point of being spat on. Musk returned in February 2002, not just with a suitcase full of money, but with leading NASA, Pentagon and space corporation official Mike Griffin 115, who 6 months later came to serve as president and COO of the CIA's venture capital firm In-Q-Tel. 116 To the benefit of Musk, from 2005 to 2009 Griffin served as NASA administrator and under Trump came to serve as the Pentagon's official in charge of technology development.
In 2008 the Founders Fund of Peter Thiel, by then a Bilderberger, became the first outside investor into SpaceX, this to the tune of $20 million. By this time Musk was trying to launch DOD and NASA satellites into space, as well as the ashes of astronaut Gordon Cooper. 117 As a result of the investment, "PayPal Mafia" member and Founders Fund co-founder Luke Nosek joined the board of SpaceX. In 2017 Nosek left the Founders Fund to focus more exclusively on SpaceX. 118
Google invested $1 billion in January 2015, prompting Don Harrison, Google's vice president for corporate affairs to join SpaceX's board. 119 By then, Google's long-term CEO, Eric Schmidt, was a Bilderberg steering committee, alongside Peter Thiel.
The first successful missile launch of SpaceX was in 2010, after which the personality cult around Elon Musk only increased. Musk most certainly had the dream early on, but at the same time one has to acknowledge that CIA and DOD-linked officials and Bilderberg corporations basically have allowed him to set up a private space program.
Airbnb, programmed by a Harvard graduate, essentially was a dead project until the two non-Harvard founders were steered towards Silicon Valley venture capital firm Y Combinator, founded by Harvard graduates Paul Graham and Trevor Blackwell. Anno 2018 Y Combinator-backed companies are worth over $80 billion.
The extensive connections of Y Combinator drew in additional Silicon Valley investors, provided access to the media, and quickly resulted in the Airbnb founders becoming multi-billionaires. 120 Without Y Combinator, it's unlikely anyone would ever have heard of them. Either the service wouldn't have existed today, or others with a similar idea would have been picked up.
Interestingly, today both Paul Graham and Brian Chesky are prominent supporters of the elite pro-Third World immigration group 121 Also, on June 1, 2016, all three Airbnb founders joined The Giving Pledge of David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. 122
Y Combinator / Reddit
Apart from Dropbox, leading crypto exchange Coinbase and Weebly, Y Combinator also was the ground-floor investor in Reddit, the world-famous forum on everything, first set up in June 2005. Reddit is generally considered the idea of its creators, Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian of the University of Virginia. However, they came to Y Combinator with an idea of a "mobile food ordering business", were rejected, and subsequently were told by Y Combinator founder Paul Graham, "You guys need to build the front page of the Internet" - which would become the slogan of Reddit. 123 So despite majority owning the company, they were just crack programmers building the idea of Graham. Huffman and Ohanian sold the company at a very early stage, in late 2006, making them decent multi-millionaires instead of near billionaires. Over the years they kept working on their product, however. Ties with Y Combinator remained close as well. Y Combinator president Sam Altman was among the first dozen users of Reddit, is a major personal investor, and serves on the (low-profile) board of directors of Reddit. 124 In November 2014 he served as interim CEO of Reddit for 8 days. 125
By November 2018 Reddit had an estimated 330 million users and was the sixth most-visited website in the world. Funny enough, already in September 2005, Wired magazine, in an article on the March 2005-founded Y Combinator, featured Reddit quite a bit and reported that it is "already live [with] more than 600 registered users". 126 600 users? That's it? In other words: "Yeahh! Go visit! Check it out!" I can name other forums and websites with 600 readers/users, but they never get any attention. Clearly it pays off to know many powerful people and to have access to the media.

Reddit has been of special interest to ISGP. It's basically a forum created to put all other forums out of business. In a way, that's great, because it brings just so many millions of people together to exchange their ideas. Less awesome is that all conspiracy sub-forums, similar to all other past and present conspiracy forums, are completely controlled by what one assumes must be the CIA. As discussed the article A History of Security State Harassment of ISGP, if a no-karma user submits an ISGP-related article - which needs approval to get posted - the moderators pretty much always prevent it from being published. In fact, at least one user appears to have observed that in various sub-reddits links to ISGP are automatically ghosted. 127 Apart from the mountains of conspiracy disinformation being pushed on the sub-forums by seemingly thousands of government trolls, this censorship is a dead giveaway of CIA-type infiltration. From my personal experience, this type of censorship is unique to conspiracy-related sub-reddits. Anywhere else I never had a problem getting posted. This is apart from the fact that moderators and most long-term surviving users seemingly all are anti-conservative liberal propagandists, something a lot of users are aware of. 128
Unsurprisingly, Reddit has had trouble with trolls, even more so because its founders were fully dedicated to "free speech". By 2015 there was so much criticism about trolling and hateful sub-reddits that steps were taken: Huffman came back to the company, was appointed CEO, introduced new guidelines on what can and cannot be said, and provided moderators with tools to ban abusive posters. Over the next few years many sub-reddits also were "quarantined", meaning they become impossible to find through the Reddit search, they can't be monetized, and users will have to provide more personal data in their registry form. Thus, in September 2018 the 9/11 Truth sub-reddit was "quarantined", with a permanent message appearing that read: "It may contain a high degree of misinformation. If you are seeking historic information about the September 11 attacks, please visit ..." As the reader can see, massive trolling, in this case with 9/11-no-plane and Jews-did-it theories, is extremely effective: it shuts down all rational debate and in the end the only option left is to ban all debate. Google did the same thing in April 2017 as a solution to thousands of disinformative websites being created.
Reddit's problem for the most part simply is one of "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" infiltration, control over politically sensitive sub-reddits, and the stifling of all decent, rational debate here. That's the real issue Reddit's owners need to address. They're not acknowledging it, or doing anything about it. At this point Reddit is not even showing the number of dislikes a post gets. This is incredibly important. For example, when, in the past, I made a rational but controversial post, I noticed that all likes are canceled out by a massive number of downvotes. If Reddit would simply change its algorithm to base posts' prominence on upvotes and provide the downvotes for reference, that would already change a lot. If it lists the users who upvoted and downvoted a particular post - such as with Facebook - it would actually become very easy to figure who the trolls are. In fact, based on IP activity, Reddit owners might just be able to figure out what government agencies are behind the trolling. But they have done none of that. Or even spoken about it.
None of this is very surprising, of course, looking at how Sam Altman has been comparing Trump to an emerging Hitler 129 and Paul Graham has been tweeting relentlessly against Trump as well, accusing Trump of being a Russian puppet and all the other usual propaganda. 130 It's hard to imagine they are not solidly part of the "liberal CIA" wing. And did we already mention that in September 2014 Sam Altman raised $50 million in additional investment for Reddit, much of the funds coming - once again - from CIA-tied Bilderberg steering committee member Peter Thiel? 131
No, there is definitely something odd about Y Combinator and Reddit. At the very least Reddit has grown to be a hub where only lefty-liberal "anti-racists" are safe. It likely good be a lot bigger if there wasn't so much stifling of "unwelcome" stances.
Y Combinator / Reddit: Aaron Swartz
Initially, I couldn't find enough peculiar ties to Y Combinator and Reddit for them to be discussed here. This changed upon seeing that the earlier-mentioned September 2005 Wired article about a freshly-founded Y Combinator and Reddit, featured a picture of Reddit founder Steve Huffman, sitting on a couch at Y Combinator next to... Aaron Swartz.

Swartz was an internet wizkid who has written "liberal CIA" all over him. At age 14, in 2000, he created the RSS feed 1.0 standard. In 2001-2002 he coded the first set of online copyright licenses developed by Creative Commons under the leadership of Stanford and Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig, who came to serve as his "mentor". 132
The biography of Lessig is nothing short of stunning. He is a first-rate "liberal CIA" asset who sat or sits on the boards of Rockefeller, Ford and Soros foundations-funded NGOs as Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Brave New Films, Free Press, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Sunlight Foundation, MapsLight and apparently quite a few others. At Harvard, Lessig also served as director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, named after the peculiar Mossad- and Russian oligarch-allied billionaire who was to be found in the elite 1001 Club. Edmond's widow, a good friend of the Rothschilds 133, finances the center. More peculiar still is that in the 2008-2009 period Lessig was to be found on the board of trustees of Freedom House, a first-rate CIA front loaded with both neocons and hawkish liberal elites. 134
In the summer of 2005 Swartz, after his freshman year, left Stanford to work on projects at Y Combinator. Here he co-created Reddit and worked on his own Infogami project. 135 This project would later be used as the platform for the Open Library project of the Soros-backed Internet Archive.
Swartz was a long-time leading editor of Wikipedia who in 2006 ended up 6th of 17 such editors available for election to the Wikimedia Foundation's board of trustees. 136 Wikipedia receives key support from Soros and allies, with about 1,500 hardcore admins making 75% of the edits, mainly consisting of larger texts contributed by ordinary users. Aaron, who attended several speeches of Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, was one of these people for a while. 137
In 2009, together with operatives of the Soros-funded group, Swartz founded the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which received two early $4,000 contributions from George Soros personally. 138 In 2010 Swartz was appointed a research fellow at Harvard's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, headed by his old "liberal CIA" mentor Lawrence Lessig. 139 Also in 2010 Swartz was a key founder of Demand Progress, funded by the Ford Foundation and the Ford and Soros-backed New Venture Fund. 140
That's not all. Together with a person named James Dolan, Swartz built the anti-NSA spying platform SecureDrop that allowed journalists to anonymously send documents back and forth. It was used by Wikileaks - with its extensive Soros, Google and other "liberal CIA" ties - and various major media outlets, with Dolan teaching everyone how to use it.
Next Dolan became the first full-time employee at the Soros-Ford-Rockefeller-backed Freedom of the Press Foundation, housing Wikileaks leaders, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and allied "liberal CIA"-type whistleblowers. In 2015 Dolan went to work for 141, which earlier in the year received massive financing from the CIA-tied Bilderberg steering committee member Peter Thiel 142.
Tragically, Swartz committed suicide in January 2013, while he had a potentially huge fine and lengthy prison sentence hanging over his head for having illegally downloaded copyrighted Jstor documents at MIT. He got into trouble while being a "Safra fellow studying ethics at Harvard's Berkman Center" 143, putting him under the full oversight of his old, super-elite, national security-tied mentor Lawrence Lessig. Incredibly, Swartz's activist partner, James Dolan, committed suicide in December 2017. 144
Anyone in doubt that there was something odd about Aaron Swartz? Fact is that, through Lawrence Kessig, Swartz already was on the radar of the "liberal CIA" network for a number of years when he decided to leave Stanford and work for Y Combinator on Reddit and other projects. From there he quickly moved on to become one of the more key players in the "liberal CIA" activist and hacktivist network financed by foundations as Soros, Ford and Rockefeller. Combine this with what we know now of Reddit and Airbnb and we have to conclude that Y Combinator, founded by two Harvard graduates, is a bit of a fishy firm as well.
Reddit, of course, is doing its best as well in trying to end the white race. Its 'Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability' rules section on, in the months before the 2020 elections, came to include the explanation:
Together with Elon Musk, Y Combinator chairman Sam Altman is the co-founder and co-chairman of the non-profit artificial intelligence company OpenAI. Musk left OpenAI's board in 2018 to avoid a conflict of interest with Tesla. Altman, Musk and top Bilderbergers Reid Hoffman and Peter Thiel have been listed as the most key financiers of OpenAI since the company was founded in December 2015. 146 Microsoft, Amazon, Nvidia and GitHub are some of the additional financiers. We already discussed the past CIA/In-Q-Tel ties of "PayPal Mafia" leaders Elon Musk and Peter Thiel.
In November 2022 OpenAI released ChatGPT, causing a near instant AI revolution.
Already mentioned is the hyper-popular Netflix, a company that streams online series and movies. It was founded in the 1997-1998 period by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as the first mail order rental and buying business for DVDs. One would think this type of business couldn't get any less elite. However...
Marc Randolph came from a very prominent Austrian family. His father was nuclear engineer Stephen Bernays Randolph. If this middle name sounds familiar, it's because Marc Randolph's paternal great-uncle was Edward Bernays, an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda. Already in 1912, as a 21-year-old editor of the Medical Review of Reviews, Edward Bernays founded the Medical Review of Reviews Sociological Fund Committee, with John D. Rockefeller, Jr., two Vanderbilts and the FDR couple joining the board. Soon after Bernays established himself as the father of corporate and government propaganda. In that capacity, he was part of the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference in the wake of World War I, promoted the pro-black NAACP in 1920, ran the 1929 "feminist" "Torches of Freedom" PR campaign that got women smoking en masse, consulted with U.S. Information Agency, Army and Navy during World War II; and after the war did the same for American corporations as CBS, United Fruit, General Electric and Procter & Gamble. In case of United Fruit, Bernays' efforts closely paralleled the agenda of the CIA to demonize "the communists" in Guatemala. Eventually, in 1954, the CIA organized a coup here, largely through United Fruit, in which former CIA director General Walter Bedell Smith, the Dulles brothers, John J. McCloy (all Pilgrims and Rockefeller men) were involved. Bernays' uncle, and because of that Marc Randolph's paternal great-granduncle, was famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, with Bernays considering "himself as a kind of psychoanalyst to troubled corporations."
Reed Hastings actually is the more prominent co-founder of Netflix and also a regular Sun Valley participant these days. In his case, his maternal great-grandfather was attorney, financier, scientist, inventor and philanthropist Alfred Lee Loomis, whose first cousin was Henry Stimson, the Yale Skull & Bones member who held cabinet-level positions in the administrations of William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, Franklin Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman. Marine Corps officer training in the early 1980s. After graduating from Maine-based liberal arts college Bowdoin College, Hastings joined the Peace Corps "out of a combination of service and adventure", and went to teach high school math in Swaziland from 1983 to 1985. Eventually he received his MA in Computer Sciences from Stanford University in 1988.
In 1997, Hastings founded the seemingly insignificant company Netflix with Randolph. However, by 2000, a good 1.5 years before Netflix became profitable, Hastings was appointed to California's State Board of Education, became its president, and in November of that year co-financed Proposition 39, related to education, with Silicon Valley philanthropist John Doerr. Already in 1999 Doerr visited the super-elite Forstmann Little Conferences, alongside the likes of Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell and the Rothschilds. Later on, Doerr appeared in the Clinton Global Initiative (2006), the ONE Campaign and The Giving Pledge alongside the Buffetts, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, etc.
Soon after Netflix started to become a decent player in Silicon Valley, Hastings became a director of Microsoft (2007-2012) and Facebook since June 2011. After the pro-Third World immigration group was founded in 2013, Hasting joined that as well, alongside many other Silicon Valley leaders. 147
Netflix achieved global fame around 2016-2017. In March 2018 it was announced that Barack Obama's national security advisor, Susan Rice 148, a key protege of top superclass member Madeleine Albright, would join the board of directors. Two months later, in May, it was announced that Barack Obama and wife signed a production deal with Netflix. 149 It should be clear though, that these type of elite ties were never unusual for the Hastings and Randolph families. And it makes one wonder to what extent the long-standing elite ties of their families played a role in the rise and success of Netflix.
Washington Post
The Washington Post really needs to be added to this list as well. First, in recent years it has become clear to ISGP that the Washington Post is a rather aggressive peddler of disinformation. In 2007 it dedicated a lengthy article to bogus whistleblower and later 9/11 conspiracy disinformer Gwenyth Todd. Over the years it has published countless articles pushing the bogus idea that a second shooter was present at the RFK assassination. Also its 2013 "expose" based on slides of Edward Snowden that top Silicon Valley firms were giving the NSA carte Blanche in datamining all information from their clients, appear to have been a huge exaggeration. Instead, the slides referred to a streamlining process for filing requests to spy on certain suspicious social media or search engine users.
Secondly, as discussed in detail in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article, on October 20, 1977 Watergate Reporter Carl Bernstein wrote a 25,000 word article in Rolling Stone entitled The CIA and the Media, exposing in great detail the CIA's ties to various major media outlets, including Time-Life, the New York Times and the Washington Post. In this article, Post publisher and owner Phil Graham was described as "probably [Frank] Wisner's closest friend", with Bernstein adding, "Wisner, deputy director of the CIA [1950-1965], was the Agency's premier orchestrator of "black" operations. [He] liked to boast of his "mighty Wurlitzer," a wondrous [big media] propaganda instrument he built."

Phil Graham died early, in 1963, but his wife, Katherine, took over as publisher, chair and CEO of The Post until 1991, later followed by her son, Donald Graham. Managing editor at the Washington Post from 1965 to 1968 and then executive editor from 1968 until 1991 - all under Katharine Graham - was Ben Bradlee, who was known to be friendly with CIA director Richard Helms, CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton, and for some time was the brother-in-law of Cord Meyer, a leading officer in the CIA covert operations department. In addition, the Grahams and Bradlee were involved in the Alibi Club with CIA director Allen Dulles and other Agency officials. Despite all these close ties to the CIA leadership (and countless suicides and other strange deaths), in November 1973 a supposedly clueless Katharine Graham was informed by CIA director William Colby that none of the her staffers were CIA, although he refused to address that question with regard to freelancers. One wonders to what extent this question of CIA ties to The Post was just a formality, as Henry Kissinger had become a good friend of Graham by this time. Kissinger was overseeing global CIA operations through his chairmanship of the 40 Committee.
Third: apart from a ton of CIA controversy, something else happened at the Washington Post in 1973 that is extremely interesting. This is the year that Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway took a major position in the newspaper, which came to amount to 28% 150 and over the decades increased dozens of times in value. 151 As a result, Buffett served on the board of the Washington Post from 1974 until 2011, all these decades serving as Katharine Graham's most important financial advisor. After her retirement, he served in the same capacity to Katherine's son, Donald, even after he resigned from the board of directors in 2011. 152It primarily is his Washington Post position that first brought Warren Buffett to the attention of Eastern Establishment elites. His Post involvement predates his 1988 investment in Coca-Cola, which made him majority shareholder of this company, and his subsequent continued involvement in Allen & Co.'s Sun Valley Meetings and the entertainment industry as a whole.
In August 2013, two years after Buffett resigned and with the Washington Post in the ownership of the Graham family for 80 years, billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post in a private capacity. Soon after, Buffett relinquished his stake in The Post, transferring the funds to a Graham family-owned Miami television station. 153
It seems far from impossible that the Sun Valley ties played a role in The Post deal having come together. Warren Buffet, Katharine Graham, Donald Graham, who sat on the board of Facebook from 2009 to 2015; and Jeff Bezos all have been regular visitors of the Sun Valley, with the Grahams, of course, also attending Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission over the years. Buffett's close friend and Sun Valley and Coca-Cola ally, Donald Keough, also was a long-time member of the Trilateral Commission. It's a very closely-knit network.
The ties of The Post to Silicon Valley go deeper. In recent years, the editorial board of the Washington Post has included Rockefeller Foundation trustee and Aspen Institute president and CEO Walter Isaacson; former Soros agent and "liberal CIA" asset Arianna Huffington, Gianni Agnelli heir, Bilderberger and Sun Valley visitor John Elkann; eBay founder and Clinton Global Initiative regular Pierre Omidyar, Nicolas Berggruen of the Omidyar-funded Berggruen Institute, and long-time Google CEO and Bilderberg steering committee member Eric Schmidt. 154 It's Sun Valley and Silicon Valley all the way.
Amazon: Blue Origin
At this point, we can't skip Sun Valley regular Jeff Bezos, who in early 2019 had an estimated fortune of $159 billion. Bezos was educated at Princeton, worked in a mid-level position at Banker's Trust, before setting up Amazon in late 1994. Amazon established its online presence extremely early, struggled greatly at times, but arguably is the most attractively-designed online store. Hence, there appears to be little question as to how it became so popular.

However, by 1999, Bezos not only was attending the Sun Valley Meetings and the TED Talk and Silicon Valley-linked annual Billionaires' Dinners of Edge Foundation, he also was invited to the secretive Forstmann Little Conferences. Other participants that year? Conrad Black, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and anti-terrorism czar Richard Clarke (pre-Bush 43 administration), CIA director George Tenet, Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild, John Doerr, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Colin Powell, Richard Branson, etc.
Clearly by this time Bezos already was hobnobbing with the elite of the elite. This may also be tied into the fact that he founded his space exploration company Blue Origin in 2000. His competition here involves superclass member Richard Branson and the earlier-discussed CIA/In-Q-Tel-tied SpaceX of Elon Musk. It's unlikely you can shoot rockets into space without being fully trusted by the security state. Certainly since 2013, Bezos seems to be exactly that.
In March 2013, it came out that Bezos was negotiating a $600 million, 10-year cloud computing contract with the CIA 155, allowing the CIA and NSA in particular to share information and services much more easily with all other U.S. intelligence services. 156 Months later, in August 2013, while working on the CIA deal, Bezos bought the Washington Post 157- which, looking at the conspiracy disinformation it pushes and general sway it has over public opinion, should be considered a serious national security asset. Certainly in past decades The Post was deeply tied to the CIA and certainly to the present day is stacked with Bilderberg elites. All this is discussed and sourced in the previous section.
Around 2015, Bezos was invited to join Google's Eric Schmidt and others on the national security-tied Defense Innovation board. Bezos declined over logistical reasons, but continued to be a regular Pentagon advisor. 158 In line with this, in mid 2018, the ACLU and other "liberal CIA" groups expressed great worry about Bezos, largely in secret, selling Amazon's high-tech face-recognition software, Rekognition, to the U.S. government, without putting any limits in place. The worry here is that in the future this type of software will allow the government to track all citizens nationwide in real-time.
However and whenever Jeff Bezos became a trusted insider to the security state is hard to say, but he certainly appears to be one. While details matter, Bezos does not necessarily come across as a man of the people. Over September-October 2018, "liberal CIA" activist Bernie Sanders had to force him to pay his 350,000 employees a living wage. 159 Quite possibly Bezos retaliated and demanded a few things in return. Just six months later, in April 2019, Bezos was criticized for operating a "worker productivity system" that can even automatically fire employees if their input is too low, without any involvement of a supervisor. 160 Leave it Silicon Valley to turn the novel 1984 into reality.
#MeToo accusations

One recent development that gives us an indication just how hard it is to determine what is going on behind the scenes, is the #MeToo movement. The movement and its accompanying hashtag first emerged in October 2017, in the wake of sexual abuse and harassment allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein - best known maybe as the patron of "liberal CIA" film/documentary makers Quentin Tarantino and Michael Moore. In about a month time, over 90 women made accusations against Weinstein, spanning several decades and involving inappropriate commenting, sexual coercion, sexual assault and even rape. 161 Despite the fact that the #MeToo movement has been headed by a small army of unhinged, globalist, feminist actresses, with Weinstein it is more than clear that the industry and the media basically allowed him to do as he pleased. This is relevant in relation to this article - because Weinstein was an annual visitor of the Sun Valley Conferences since at least the 2000s.
In May 2018, another Sun Valley regular, famous PBS interviewer Charlie Rose, saw his career ended after 27 women accused of sexual harassment. 162 Rose served a similar role as a frequent penalist and main interviewer at the Forstmann Little Conferences. Well-connected to the establishment, he was a visitor of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission.
Three weeks later, during the last week of May, it was actor Morgan Freeman's turn. In case case, eight women accused him of "sexual and verbal harassment". 163 Freeman was a visitor of the Sun Valley in 2005, at the time of a new Netflix-like venture of his with Intel, called ClickStar.
In September 2018 Leslie Moonves, a co-president of Viacom, head of CBS and a veteran Sun Valley visitor, was forced to step down as CEO of CBS, after about a dozen accusations from women involving sexual harassment and coercion. 164
Looking at who wrote the main investigative report on the Moonves affair, Ronan Farrow 165, who is a son of the extremely dysfunctional "liberal CIA" actress-director couple Mia Farrow and Woody Allen, and one is forced to conclude that this is another indication that there's more to these type of media leaks than meets the eye. After all, it's not really that hard to interview a few thousand prominent and semi-prominent actresses on their observations and experiences - which they've been talking about to each other for decades - and do a full expose of what is going on. This is one of several reasons why this author doesn't spend much time discussing #MeToo. It's a highly globalist, political movement, seemingly meant to divide the sexes and force women into the Democrat-globalist camp.
That having been said, the accusations bear some relevance to the Sun Valley and should be included in its Controversy section. At the same time it reveals that there are hidden aspects to prominent people's private lives. If Sun Valley / Silicon Valley leaders can have these intense sexual relationships in private that have remained hidden until it became directly or indirectly convenient to expose them, they might as well maintain relationships of a conspiratorial nature. The evidence certainly indicates it. The opinions at the top of our society simply are too uniform, with certain topics being completely off-limits.
Summary and conclusions
On the surface of things, the Sun Valley is interesting to keep an eye in order to get a sense of the latest Silicon Valley developments and which corporations are part of the "in" crowd - or, maybe more important, which up and coming tech corporations are likely to make it big over the next few years.
At the same time, the Sun Valley Meetings represent strong evidence of a power elite in the entire entertainment and IT business. The extremely uniform, propagandist political ideas in favor of fully open borders is odd. So is the fact that Silicon Valley allows its search engine, video streaming and social media platforms to be used by thousands of security state trolls who spread nothing but extremist political opinions, conspiracy disinformation and other "fake news". We see the same trend in Hollywood, television, or with Netflix or Amazon Prime-streamed miniseries: globalist propaganda and conspiracy disinformation (or ridicule) is the norm. And it is very uniform.
ISGP has been suggesting for a long time this is because the CIA works through Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission elites. Coincidentally, we find that Allen & Co., the bank which founded and organizes the Sun Valley Meetings in 1983, is strongly tied to these superclass networks. We also find quite a few intelligence ties among this core network: from Hakluyt, to In-Q-Tel, to the CIA, to the Rockefeller clique (which has fronted for the CIA for decades). Something is going here. But without connected journalists digging into this story or insiders speaking out, it is going to be hard to find out the details.
For the time being, the most important mission would be is to make people aware of the propaganda being spread by the entirety of the Sun Valley network: Hollywood, television, miniseries, the music industry, etc. Everything that flows from these industries to your eyes and ears, it's all far less independent than people think.
- July 26, 1999, The New Yorker, 'What I Did at Summer Camp; A Reporter Gets Inside Herb Allen's CEO Retreat'.
- June 28, 2004, Fortune, 'Inside the Private World of Allen & Co.'
- July 13, 2012, TechCrunch, 'Which Moguls Are Attending Sun Valley This Year? Well Here's The Complete List'.
- June 28, 2004, Fortune, 'Inside the Private World of Allen & Co.'.
- Ibid.
- *) February 24, 2015, Los Angeles Times, 'Donald Keough dies at 88'.
*) The foreword of his 2011 book The Ten Commandments for Business Failure was written by Warren Buffett. - February 25, 2015, Fortune, 'The real boss behind Coke's secret formula'.
- December 8, 2016,, 'Buffett's Son Steps Down From Coke Board to Focus on Charity'.
- February 25, 2015, Fortune, 'The real boss behind Coke's secret formula'.
- Ibid.
- 2012, Fritz Knapp, 'Sports Virtues: Bill Bradley: Intelligence': "director of Allen & Company LLC, an investment banking firm since 2001..."
- (accessed: December 27, 2018): "The Honorable Bill Bradley: Managing Director, Allen & Company LLC...."
- July 26, 1999, The New Yorker, 'What I did at summer camp'.
- January 31, 2000, Counterpunch, 'The Inflation of Dollar Bill Bradley': "...the sanctioning of [Bradley's] campaign by Paul Volcker and Warren Buffett..."
- (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Senior advisor and vice chairman of the International Council of JP Morgan & Co., Inc. from 1997-1999."
- 2003 and 2005 annual reports of JPMorgan Chase.
- *) 2003 annual report Eurasia Foundation, p. 4: "Advisory Council: Chairs: Martti Ahtisaari ... Madeleine Albright ... James Baker III ... Lawrence Eagleburger... Members: Bill Bradley - Allen &Amp; Company. Frank Carlucci... Max Kampelman ... Joseph Stiglitz... Trustees: ... Maurice Tempelsman..."
*) (accessed: December 27, 2018): "The Honorable Bill Bradley: Managing Director, Allen & Company LLC...." - *) (accessed: August 16, 2000): "Senior Advisory Committee: ... John Brademas ... Bill Bradley ... Mario M. Cuomo ... Christopher J. Dodd ... Michael S. Dukakis ... Richard N. Gardner ... Richard A. Gephardt ... Mike J. Mansfield ... Daniel Patrick Moynihan ... Charles S. Robb ... Stephen J. Solarz ... Theodore S. Sorensen ... Cyrus R. Vance ... Anne Wexler ... Andrew J. Young..."
*) (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Madeleine K. Albright: Chairman ... Thomas A. Daschle: Vice Chair ... Howard Dean ... Maurice Tempelsman ... Walter F. Mondale: Chairman Emeriti ... Senior Advisory Committee: ... Bill Bradley ..." - December 30, 2005, Financial Times, 'Hakluyt boosts both boards': "Bill Bradley ... joins the heavyweight advisory board to help Hakluyt in the US."
- March 31, 2012, Sydney Morning Herald, 'Be careful of the company you keep'. Still mentions Bradley's directorship.
- March 29, 2003, Hartford Courant, 'Kissinger Still Wears the Cloak of Secrecy': "One of those agreements [of Kissinger Associates] is with Hakluyt, a British company that was formed by and employs former spies of MI6, the British intelligence agency. A Hakluyt official told the Financial Times in 2000 that he had signed a contract with Kissinger to facilitate introductions, refer clients and cooperate on projects."
- October 15, 2008, Sydney Morning Herald, 'Downer joins Eddington at 'spy' company': "Prominent figures to have served on the Hakluyt advisory board include ... Henry Kissinger, former Shell chairman Peter Holmes, former BP deputy chairman Peter Cazalet and ... Frank Wisner jnr. [II] In 2004, Hakluyt advisory board member Lord Inge resigned over a perceived conflict of interest..."
- *) University of Limerick: (accessed: December 27, 2018): "In November 2008, Niall FitzGerald was appointed chair of the strategic intelligence consulting business Hakluyt & Company Limited, where he served until July 2013."
*) (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Niall FitzGerald KBE: Chairman..." - (accessed: July 12, 2013): "Niall FitzGerald KBE, Chairman, Hakluyt & Co. Ltd. ... He is a Senior Advisor to Allen & Co." Oldest source found.
- (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Penny Pritzker: Chair... Bill Bradley, Managing Director, Allen & Company... Robert Zoellick..."
- (accessed: April 23, 2012): "Sean Eldridge [founder at 25; frontman] ... Chris Hughes, Co-Founder, Facebook [gay lover of Eldridge] ... David Rockefeller ... Edgar Bronfman, Sr. ... Jonathan Soros ... Barry Diller ... William vanden Heuvel ... Fmr. Senator Bob Kerrey ... Jeffrey Sachs ... Stephen Heintz, President, Rockefeller Brothers Fund ... Frank Weil ... Ed Koch ... Jerome Kohlberg [KKR] .... Charlie Kolb [CED] ... Amory Houghton ... William Donaldson. ... Dr. Hazel N. Dukes [NAACP]..." (accessed: August 20, 2015): "*Indicates recent addition to NY LEAD: ... Theodore Roosevelt IV* ... Fmr. Senator Bill Bradley*..." - February 20, 2008,, 'Trends: Secretive New York bank Allen & Co. gets into Silicon Valley media tech'.
- (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Managing Director, Allen and Company, Apr 2014 – Present."
- *) Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition (Feb. 2006 edition). DeCamp knew Kerrey extremely well and headed a mid 1980s senate investigation against Kerrey.
*) June 7, 2016, Counterpunch, 'When Phoenix Came to Thanh Phong: Bob Kerrey and War Crimes as Policy in Vietnam'. - Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 40-41, 269-270 (Feb. 2006 edition). DeCamp knew Kerrey extremely well and headed a mid 1980s senate investigation against Kerrey.
- Ibid., pp. 269-270.
- June 25, 2012, Politico, 'For Bob Kerrey, Buffett rules'.
- April 12, 2000, NY Post, 'News Corp. Hosting World Affairs Forum'.
- See note 26 for a list of NY-LEAD members.
- (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Co-Chairs: ... Hon. Bob Kerrey ... Co-Founders: ... Warren B. Rudman (1930-2012) ... Peter G. Peterson (1926-2018) ... Evan G. Greenberg ... Harvey M. Meyerhoff ... Charles S. Robb ...Paul A. Volcker..."
- (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Bob Kerrey: Trustee..."
- *) 1998 annual report, United Nations Association of the U.S.A., p. 14: "William J. vanden Heuvel: UNA-USA Board of Directors; Advisor, Allen & Co."
*) profiles, 'William J. Vanden Heuvel' (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Mr. William J. Vanden Heuvel has been a Senior Advisor at Allen & Co. Inc. and Counsel at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan since 1984."
*) (accessed: December 27, 2018): "2013 / 2014 Contributions: ... William J. vanden Heuvel (Allen & Company/Senior Advisor)..."
*) (accessed: December 27, 2018): "Senior Advisor to Allen & Company LLC..." - (accessed: December 27, 2018): "...served as Executive Assistant to ... "Wild Bill" Donovan, Special Counsel to Governor Averell Harriman and Assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy."
- May 15, 2017, Daily Mail, 'Famous New York author who penned books on Bobby Kennedy and Edie Sedgwick was worth $38.5 million when she jumped to her death'.
- *) June 22, 2003, New York Times, 'The Last Tycoon': "Lew Wasserman ruled Hollywood from the 1950's until 1990..."
*) May/June 1996, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Marlon Brando on Jewish Influence On U.S. Culture in Films: "[Back in the 1980s Lew Wasserman, for me] got everybody by the lapels, and he says "Hey—" he got all the big machas—that's Jewish for big shots, and he got all the Jews and he said, "Listen, this is going to be the way it has to be." He was the Godfather. ... Lew Wasserman is Mr. Hollywood."
*) July 23, 1995, Washington Post, 'The Man Who Remade Hollywood': ""I'm not sure people really appreciate that [Lew Wasserman] dominated this [Hollywood] industry in a way no one else has come close to since," says Jack Valenti..." - December 1990, AP, 'After a Lifetime of Making Deals, Studio Chief Ends With His Biggest'.
- May 1, 1981, Washington Post, 'Dr. Jules C. Stein, Giant of Entertainment Industry'.
- September 22, 1977, Washington Post, 'The MCA Giant Began As Jules Stein Dance Band'.
- May 2, 2017, New York Times, 'Jean Stein, Who Chronicled Wealth, Fame and Influence, Dies at 83': "Ms. Stein worked for several years at The Paris Review for its editor, George Plimpton, before moving to ... Esquire magazine. Later, her marriage to William vanden Heuvel..."
- May 12, 2017, Paris Review, 'The Kaleidoscopic Flicker': "With George Plimpton, Stein, who passed away earlier this month, compiled the definitive story of Sedgwick's life, the riveting Edie: An American Biography (1982)."
- May 27, 2012, Salon, 'Exclusive: The Paris Review, the Cold War and the CIA; Letters discovered by Salon show even deeper Cold War ties between the Paris Review and a U.S. propaganda front': "In the documentary "Doc," [George] Plimpton admits that Matthiessen founded the Review as a CIA cover. But Plimpton says that none of the other editors knew this until the 1960s."
- *) Issue 93, Fall 1984, George Plimpton for Paris Review, 'Notice': "John Train Humor Prize, donated by The Paris Review's first managing editor [who] left the magazine in 1953."
*) March 20, 2017, Paris Review, 'In Memoriam: Robert Silvers, 1929-2017': "Robert Silvers (left), with Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, The Paris Review's first publisher (center), and George Plimpton (right)." - (accessed: December 29, 2018): "He is the father of Katrina vanden Heuvel, the long-time editor and co-owner of The Nation Magazine."
- *) January 23, 1996, The Guardian, 'Mouthpiece for the mob in Hollywood'.
*) July 3, 2003, The New York Review of Books, 'When Hollywood had a King'.
*) September 24, 2006, Sunday Times, 'Mafia lawyer 'shared actress with Kissinger''.
*) 2006, Gus Russo, 'Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America's Hidden Power Brokers', pp. 157-158 (Stein considers Korshak the "chairman" of MCA when Korshak visits him with Meyer Lansky), 333-334. - *) January 5, 1990, Indiana Gazette, page 2.
*) March 17, 1993, Hollywood Reporter, 'Last gasp of FBI H'wood probe'.
*) February 5, 2001, Insight on the News, 'The Plot Thickens in PROMIS Affair'.
*) February 19, 2001, Insight on the News, 'PROMIS Spins Web of Intrigue'.
*) Articles all transcribed in ISGP's biography on Lew Wasserman in the 1001 Club membership list. - July 15, 1999, Dan E. Moldea on, 'The Corruption of Ronald Reagan'. Transcribed in ISGP's biography on Lew Wasserman in the 1001 Club membership list.
- 2006, Gus Russo, 'Supermob: How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America's Hidden Power Brokers', p. 270.
- March 29, 1968, Life magazine, 'Kennedy lays out a 'gut' campaign'.
- 2010, John Cabeen Beatty, 'The Politics of Public Ventures', p. 305.
- *) June 18, 1962, My Day, by Eleanor Roosevelt: "President William vanden Heuvel of the International Rescue Committee, a non-governmental agency, visited these refugees and made a very comprehensive study of their needs."
*) 1966, Senate, 'Cuban Refugee Problem: Hearings Before the Subcommittee to Investigate Problems Connected with Refugees and Escapees...': "Our first witness this morning is Mr. William vanden Heuvel, president of the International Rescue Committee." .
*) February 25, 2017,, 'Interview with William vanden Heuvel: William vanden Heuvel interviewed by James Wurst and Dulcie Leimbach, October 2, 2014': "We had many congressmen who strongly supported the U.N. We had Senator Claiborne Pell for 50 years in Rhode Island he carried the UN charter in his back pocket. He was at San Francisco in 1945. I knew him very well through the International Rescue Committee." - *) 1999, Frances Stonor Saunders, 'Who Paid the Piper?: The CIA and the Cultural Cold War'. See ISGP's Pilgrims Society article for details on CIA ties.
*) 1964, The Foundation Directory, p. 470: "Farfield Foundation... Executive Director: William A. M. Burden, Cass Canfield, Gardner Cowles, Charles Fleischmann, Ralph P. Hanes, William vanden Heuvel." - *) June 25, 1995,, 'William vanden Heuvel, chairman of the United Nations Association of the USA.'
*) 1998 annual report, United Nations Association of the U.S.A., p. 4: "Chairman & President: William H. Luers. Co-Chairs, National Council: Elliot I. Richardson. Cyrus R. Vance. Vice Chairs: ... John C. Whitehead. ... Directors: ... Robin Chandler Duke ... Maurice Greenberg ... Louis Perlmutter ... (Ted) Turner. William J. vanden Heuvel ... National Council: ... Max M. Kampelman ... Steven C. Rockefeller ... Stephen J. Solarz ... Maurice Tempelsman..."
*) c=fvKRI8MPJpF&b=316235 (accessed: Jan. 3, 2007; last time listed on board): "UNA-USA Board: Chairmen: William J. McDonough and Thomas R. Pickering... Vice Chairs: ... John C. Whitehead ... Co-Chairs, National Council: Jimmy Carter. Gerald R. Ford. ... Directors: ... William H. Draper, III ... Robin Chandler Duke ... Princess Firyal of Jordan ... Maurice R. Greenberg ... Lee H. Hamilton ... Ted Turner ... William J. vanden Heuvel: Allen & Company... Frank Wisner [II]..." - 1998 annual report, United Nations Association of the U.S.A., pp. 26, 28: "Contributors 1997: ... $2.5 million: Ford Foundation... $25,000 – $49,999: Allen & Company, Inc. ... Carnegie Corporation ... William J. vanden Heuvel ...
Contributors 1998: $250,000 and above: ... Whitehead Foundation ... $100,000 – $249,999: ... Goldman, Sachs ... David Rockefeller. Laurance S. Rockefeller..."
*) February 25, 2017,, 'Interview with William vanden Heuvel: William vanden Heuvel interviewed by James Wurst and Dulcie Leimbach, October 2, 2014': "DULCIE LEIMBACH: I was curious about some things Ed Luck said, for example that UNA originated the idea for UNFPA, the family planning agency with money from the Rockefellers. VANDEN HEUVEL: I'm not familiar with that. The Rockefellers always had an interesting role. I remember one dinner when we honored the Rockefeller family and we had the surviving brothers and Senator Rockefeller. They always were supportive and helpful [of UNA-USA]. DULCIE LEIMBACH: They gave the land for the UN headquarters. ...
The UN to me was a service that I was making in the spirit of the Roosevelts but I was not the principal force, even in the days when I was chairman [of UNA]. Ed Luck and Jim Leonard ran the organization in my tenure as Chairman." - *) (accessed: April 5, 2001): "Vice-Persons of the Executive Committee: Ambassador William Van Den Heuvel..."
*) (accessed: July 14, 2006; gone in the next WebArchive of Jan. 2007): "Amb. William vanden Heuvel, Vice Chair - USA..." - "1987-91: Mr. Maurice Strong ...2006-2009: Dr. Hans Blix..."
- (accessed: December 29, 2018): "Heuvel, who served as President of the board since 2001, stepped down from his role in April 2014 but has stayed on as a director."
- See note 26 for a list of NY-LEAD members.
- October 2, 2010, OSS Society booklet, 'William J. Donovan Award Dinner Honoring Ross Perot': "Honorary Chairmen: Porter J. Goss ... James R. Schlesinger. William H. Webster. President George H.W. Bush. Amb. William J. vanden Heuvel. Ross Perot. ... R. James Woolsey." (accessed: December 31, 2018): "Honorary Chairs: ... Robert M. Gates ... Porter J. Goss ... Leon E. Panetta. Gen. David H. Petraeus... Amb. William J. vanden Heuvel ... William H. Webster ... James Woolsey Jr. " - Photocopy of Pilgrims Foundation board to be found in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article.
- July 26, 1999, The New Yorker, 'What I did at summer camp'.
- April 20, 2017, Washington Post, 'A brief history of celebrity White House staffers'.
- June 17, 2001, Sunday Times, 'UK: MI6 'Firm' Spied on Green Groups'.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- March 29, 2003, Hartford Courant, 'Kissinger Still Wears the Cloak of Secrecy'. See note 21.
- May 22, 2018, EIR, 'Two British Intelligence Companies Worked at Entrapping Trump'.
- July 20, 2001, BBC, 'Coke sued over death squad claims'.
- September 1, 2016,, 'Coca-Cola Accused of Funding Colombian Death Squad'.
- January 27, 2017, In These Times, 'Chiquita Made a Killing From Colombia's Civil War': "Salvatore Mancuso, who, according to Monoleche's deposition, has more extensive knowledge about the funding Chiquita provided to the AUC, which is needed if the case is to be heard in its entirety."
- September 10, 2016, New York Times, 'The Secret History of Colombia's Paramilitaries and the U.S. War on Drugs; After decades of atrocities, the warlords were finally being held to account. Then the Americans stepped in.'
- (accessed: April 21, 2019): "Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE. Elkann, John (ITA), Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. ... Halberstadt, Victor (NLD)... Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies ... Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute; President, American Friends of Bilderberg Inc. ... Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Technical Advisor, Alphabet Inc. [Google] ... Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital. Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chairman, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB."
- 2009, Alice Schroeder, 'The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life'.
- September 10, 2018, Breitbart, ''Silent Donation': Corporate Emails Reveal Google Executives' Efforts to Turn Out Latino Voters Who They Thought Would Vote for Clinton'.
- September 12, 2018, Breitbart, 'LEAKED VIDEO: Google Leadership's Dismayed Reaction to Trump Election'.
- April 21, 2017, Buzzfeed, 'Video Shows Palantir CEO Ridiculing Trump And Slamming His Immigration Rhetoric' (instead of pointing out Karp's propaganda, in the article Buzzfeed - which obviously agrees with Karp's words - is making the case that Palantir now is helping to implement Trump's anti-immigration policy).
- December 10, 2015, Fortune, 'Mark Zuckerberg Offers Support to Muslims in Facebook Post'.
- February 26, 2016, USA Today, 'Zuckerberg reprimands Facebook staff defacing 'Black Lives Matter'': "Incidents in which employees crossed out "Black Lives Matter" and wrote "All Lives Matter" on the walls of the company... Facebook, whose staff is 2% black..."
- April 12, 2016, ABC News, 'I'm starting to see people and nations turning inward against'.
- (accessed: January 10, 2019).
- September 6, 2018, New York Times, 'A New Spotify Initiative Makes the Big Record Labels Nervous'.
- April 3, 2008,, 'Jay-Z About To Sign $150 Million Deal With Live Nation: Report; Deal tops concert-promotion company's recent pacts with U2 and Madonna.'.
*) October 20, 2008,, 'U2 aandeelhouder van Live Nation': "Het afgelopen jaar sloot Live Nation ook platencontracten met Madonna, Shakira, Nickelback en Jay-Z." - (accessed: April 27, 2019).
- July 12, 2004, Washington Post, 'Laurance Rockefeller Dies at 94'.
- *) (accessed: April 21, 2019).
*) (accessed: April 21, 2019). - June 13, 2013, Daily Mail, 'Revealed: Google and Facebook DID allow NSA access to data and were in talks to set up 'spying rooms' despite denials by Zuckerberg and Page over PRISM project'.
- June 7, 2013, Washington Post, 'U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program'.
- June 13, 2013, Daily Mail, 'Revealed: Google and Facebook DID allow NSA access to data and were in talks to set up 'spying rooms' despite denials by Zuckerberg and Page over PRISM project'.
- January 17, 2018, New York Post, 'Twitter swears it's not reading your private messages'.
- April 4, 2018,, 'Facebook Just Confirmed That It Reviews Your Private Messages'.
- February 2012 issue, Washingtonian.
- August 14, 2013, Forbes, 'How A 'Deviant' Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut'.
- February 2012 issue, Washingtonian.
- August 14, 2013, Forbes, 'How A 'Deviant' Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut'.
- (accessed: April 21, 2019): "Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies ... Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital." As for historic involvement, look back in the archive and look at Bilderberg visitor lists over the years.
- September 21, 2011, Forbes, 'Sean Parker: Agent Of Disruption': "At 15 his hacking caught the attention of the FBI, earning him community service. At 16 he won the Virginia state computer science fair for developing an early Web crawler and was recruited by the CIA. Instead he interned for Mark Pincus' D.C. startup..."
- February 6, 2010, Vanity Fair, 'With a Little Help From His Friends'.
- Ibid.
- July 18, 2001,, 'Accel Partners and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts form telecom fund'.
- July 14, 2016, Forbes, 'Blackstone Adds Billionaire Tech Investor Jim Breyer To Board'.
- January 12, 2008, The Guardian, 'With friends like these...'
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- June 30, 2008,, 'Marc Andreessen Joins Facebook Board of Directors'.
- January 12, 2008, The Guardian, 'With friends like these...'
- 2014, Ann Brooks, 'Popular Culture: Global Intercultural Perspectives', p. 140.
- November 16, 2018, The New Republic, 'The Punctured Myth of Sheryl Sandberg': "Larry Summers, who taught [Sandberg] at Harvard. She worked with him at the World Bank and, later, at the Treasury Department."
- April 2013, Forbes, 'Jim Breyer To Leave Facebook Board'.
- September 21, 2011, Forbes, 'Sean Parker: Agent Of Disruption': "At 15 his hacking caught the attention of the FBI, earning him community service. At 16 he won the Virginia state computer science fair for developing an early Web crawler and was recruited by the CIA. Instead he interned for Mark Pincus' D.C. startup..."
- October 6, 2011, Forbes, 'Sean Parker And Shawn Fanning's Secretive Airtime Gets Big Backers'.
- October 21, 2014,, 'What it took for Elon Musk's SpaceX to disrupt Boeing, leapfrog NASA, and become a serious space company'. This article is mistaken in its claim that Griffin was "a former president of In-Q-Tel, the CIA's in-house venture-capital fund for national security tech." Griffin would become president and COO of In-Q-Tel 6 months after his Russia trip.
- (accessible: October 9, 2002 to February 6, 2004; "In-Q-Tel, Griffin's former employer (which he headed for 20 months having joined in August 2002 left in April 2004)"
- August 6, 2008,, 'Private rocket company SpaceX gets $20M from The Founders Fund': "The Founders Fund, which was established by his PayPal co-founders Peter Thiel, Luke Nosek and Ken Howery."
- July 28, 2017,, 'PayPal co-founder Luke Nosek leaving Founders Fund, reportedly for SpaceX-focused fund'.
- January 21, 2015,, 'SpaceX gets $1B US investment from Google, Fidelity'.
- February 21, 2017, Wired, 'Airbnb's Surprising Path to Y Combinator'.
- (accessed: March 20, 2018).
- June 1, 2016, Fortune, 'Airbnb Cofounders Join Buffett and Gates' 'Giving Pledge''.
- 2014 edition, Andrew Medal, 'Hacking the Valley: An Overview of the Tech Sector', p. 54.
- July 10, 2015,, 'After user revolt, Ellen Pao is out as Reddit interim CEO': "Reddit board member Sam Altman said Friday. Steve Huffman, Reddit co-founder and the company's original CEO, takes over immediately, Altman said."
- Nov. 13, 2014,, 'A new team at reddit': "Last week, Yishan Wong resigned from reddit. ... Although my 8 days as the CEO of reddit have been sort of fun, I am happy they are coming to a close... Alexis Ohanian, who cofounded reddit nine and a half years ago, is returning as full-time executive chairman (he will transition to a part-time partner role at Y Combinator)."
- Sep. 13, 2005, Wired, 'Stars Rise at Startup Summer Camp'.
- comments/11fi5ze/weed_is_not _a_harmless_drug/ (accessed: Nov. 28, 2024; date: March 2, 2024): "[Replier:] Yeah drug culture has been managed as a weapon against the people for 50 yrs, see the analysis on isgp studies (I don't think I can link this site). [Successing post:] ... if you can see this comment can you briefly respond to it? I'm curious if the ISGP link is filtered here on reddit like it is other places."
- comments/1ga2ocy/does_ reddit_curate_political_comments/ (accessed: Nov. 28, 2024; date: Oct. 23, 2024): "[Opening poster:] I've seen it especially with this election, but I've noticed that all the posts/opinions I'm seeing are left/kamala leaning? Keep in mind I'm no MAGA trumpster. Personally I think they're both idiots and voting doesn't matter anyway I'm just saying it feels weird. ...
[Reply 1:] Yes, reddit, subs and moderators go to great lengths to block organic conversation. It is no mistake that this site is a liberal cesspool. Meanwhile, the liberals cry when normal people leave their platforms... [Reply 2:] Yes, consensus rigging is stupidly obvious here. For example, of the top 15 popular posts on Reddit right now, 8 are anti-Trump/ pro democrat posts. In contrast, you won't find any pro-Trump posts anywhere on Reddit outside of this sub. But to be fair, censoring public opinions is the only way to 'protect democracy' from'racist fascists'. ... [Reply 3:] Reddit is a censored and manipulated shithole. ... [Reply 4:] Its all about bubbles. Reddit is so notoriously left leaning in most parts that its almost sickening. ... [Reply 5:] I have tried to make comments on political posts and I get the error “something went wrong” and it won’t post. I’m guessing it’s because I’m a conservative. [Reply: "shadow banned"] ... "
[Reply 6:] If you post/comment anything pro-Trump or centrist, it'll get downvoted to hell, thus lowering your karma to the point where you can't comment on most subreddits, ensuring that pro-Kamala content dominates over 90% of reddit. ...
[Reply 7:] Social media is social engineering." - June 30, 2016,, 'Trump' (
- Example: May 9, 2017 tweet of Paul Graham (@paulg): "Trump's firing of the FBI director is the strongest publicly available evidence yet that Trump was backed by Russia."
- September 30, 2014, Forbes, 'Reddit Raises $50 Million, Promises To Share Stock With Community'.
- August 24, 2017, The Atlantic, 'Mentorship Cut Short by Suicide; The Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig discusses how Aaron Swartz's death shaped his own life's work.'
- February 6, 2004, London Evening Standard, 'A guide to the new 'east-ablishment': "It was the super-well-connected Jacob Rothschild who helped introduce the billionaire widow of banker Edward Safra, Lily, to Prince Charles, and helped establish her in London."
- *) (accessed: April 24, 2019): "Lawrence Lessig: ... Yale ... Cambridge ... University of Pennsylvania ...
EMPLOYMENT AND POSITIONS: Harvard [and here] Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, 2009-2015... Stanford [and here] Co-Director, Center for Internet and Society 2000-present...
American Academy in Berlin, Berlin, Germany: Fellow, 2007-2008. Wired Magazine: ... Columnist, 2003-2007. - Creative Commons: ... CEO, 2001-2007. ... University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL: Professor of Law, 1995-1997... Co-Director, Center for the Study of Constitutionalism in Eastern Europe. ...
Justice Antonin Scalia...: Law Clerk, 1990-1991...
BOARDS: ... - Sunlight Foundation: ... Advisory Board, 2008-present. ... - Brave New Films Foundation: ... Chairman of the Board, 2008-2012. Member of the Board, 2007-2008. - Change Congress: ... Board, 2008-2011. - ... Board, 2008-2012. ... - Freedom House: ... Board, 2008. - Free Press: ... Board, 2007-2009. ... - American Academy in Berlin: ... Board, 2008-2012. ... - Electronic Frontier Foundation: ... Board, 2002-2007. - Free Software Foundation: ... Board, 2004-2007."
*) (accessed: January 22, 2009): "Board Of Trustees: William Taft: Chair ... Max M. Kampelman, Chairman Emeritus. ... Anthony Lake. Lawrence Lessig. ... Joshua Muravchik ... Diana Villiers negroponte ... David M. Rubenstein.""
*) "former Berkman Center Faculty Director...". - September 13, 2005, Wired, 'Stars Rise at Startup Summer Camp'.
- (accessed: April 24, 2019).
- (accessed: April 24, 2019).
- (accessed: April 24, 2019).
- July 20, 2011, Boston Magazine, 'Harvard Ethics Fellow Arrested for Hacking MIT Computer System': "Aaron Swartz, who just completed a 10-month fellowship with the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard, broke into networks at MIT to download more than 4.8 million documents and other files."
- October 4, 2014,, 'The ratings: Most net neutrality groups get poor grades for funding transparency': "Demand Progress, the digital rights group co-founded in 2010 by the late tech activist Aaron Swartz... Major donors include the Media Democracy Fund [and] Ford Foundation."
- January 9, 2018, Freedom of the Press Foundation, 'A tribute to James Dolan, co-creator of SecureDrop, who has tragically passed away at age 36'.
- January 30, 2015, Business Wire, 'Classy Partners with Leading Technology Investor Mithril to Power the Next Generation of Social Impact Organizations'.
- January 19, 2013, Harvard Magazine, 'RSS Creator Aaron Swartz Dead at 26'.
- January 10, 2018, Russia Today, 'Whistleblowing tool 'SecureDrop' co-creator James Dolan dead at 36'.
- June 29, 2020, controversial new policy at, 'Account and Community Restrictions: Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability' (accessed: June 30, 2020; screenshot)..
- (accessed: April 28, 2019): "Sponsors: ... Sam Altman. Greg Brockman. Reid Hoffman. Jessica Livingston. Elon Musk. Peter Thiel."
- (accessed: March 20, 2018).
- March 28, 2018, ABC News, 'Former Obama official Susan Rice joins Netflix board of directors'.
- May 21, 2018, Variety, 'Barack and Michelle Obama Sign Netflix Production Deal'.
- March 13, 2014, The Guardian, 'Warren Buffett says farewell to the Washington Post in £737m sell-off deal'.
- June 23, 2014, USA Today, '4 stocks Warren Buffett just won't part with'.
- January 20, 2011, CNBC, 'Warren Buffett Retiring from Washington Post Board After 'Great 37 Years' .. But Keeping the Stock'.
- March 13, 2014, The Guardian, 'Warren Buffett says farewell to the Washington Post in £737m sell-off deal'.
- November 1, 2017, Washington Post, 'About The WorldPost': "The WorldPost, a partnership of the Berggruen Institute and The Washington Post... Publishing op-eds and features from around the globe, we work from a worldwide perspective looking around rather than a national perspective looking out.
Editorial board: Nicolas Berggruen, ... Walter Isaacson, ... Arianna Huffington, John Elkann, Pierre Omidyar, Eric Schmidt..." - March 19, 2013, Business Insider, 'The CIA Is About To Sign A Game-Changing $600 Million Deal With Amazon'.
- July 17, 2014, The Atlantic, 'The Details About the CIA's Deal With Amazon'.
- August 6, 2013, BBC, 'Amazon boss Jeff Bezos buys Washington Post for $250m'.
- *) July 27, 2016, Newsmax, 'How Jeff Bezos was selected for, but never joined, the Defense Innovation Board'.
*) February 23, 2018, Washington Post, 'How Jeff Bezos was selected for, but never joined, the Defense Innovation Board'. - October 2, 2018, Vice News, 'Jeff Bezos just caved to activists and Bernie Sanders and raised Amazon's minimum wage to $15'.
- April 25, 2019,, 'Amazon's warehouse-worker tracking system can automatically fire people without a human supervisor's involvement'.
- November 13, 2017,, 'The Disturbingly Long List of All the Women Who Have Accused Harvey Weinstein (So Far)'.
- May 3, 2018, NBC News, 'Charlie Rose accused by 27 women of sexual harassment'.
- May 24, 2018, The Guardian, 'Morgan Freeman accused of sexual harassment by eight women; A new report alleges that the actor subjected women to sexual and verbal harassment on film sets and at his production company'.
- September 9, 2018, Ronan Farrow for The New Yorker, 'As Leslie Moonves Negotiates His Exit from CBS, Six Women Raise New Assault and Harassment Claims'.
- Ibid.