The Passing of the Great Race: A 1916 Genocidal Colonialist Book Co-Authored by J. P. Morgan's Nephew That Opposed "the Internationalists" and Became Hitler's "Bible"
"No ethnic conquest can be complete unless the natives are exterminated and the invaders bring their own women with them. [Because] if the valuable elements in the Nordic race mix with inferior strains or die out through race suicide, then the citadel of civilization will fall..."
1916, 'Passing of the Great Race' (PDF), pp. xxxi, 71.
"The infection by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe [is] to begin the bastardization of the European continent... to deprive the white race of the foundation for a sovereign existence. [It's the] road to world domination. ... France ... will sink into the European-African mulatto state [while] black parasites are systematically defiling our inexperienced, young blonde girls and thereby destroying something that can no longer be replaced in this world: [The] Aryan-Nordic... the Prometheus of Mankind."
1925, Adolf Hitler, 'Mein Kampf', pp. 317, 629-630, 704-705, 735, 751. (German original screenshot) Blames "zhe Jews", and equates "internationalism" (globalism) with them as well, similar to the post-WWII Liberty Lobby.
On a side-note: Kanye probably didn't read 'Mein Kampf'. 1
^^Intro"White guilt" and "white replacement" started... before WWII? WWI even?
Over the years this author has quietly kept his eyes and ears open as to the origin of the globalist agenda with regard to Third World immigration, white guilt, and white replacement. The entire history is traced through the decades to at least 1957, with CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton being surprisingly often found in the background - which automatically also brings in his "Rockefeller CIA" network of elites.
However, as it turns out, the topics of "white guilt" and "white replacement" go back farther in time still. When we read Hitler's banned book, 'Mein Kampf', from 1925; or the 1916 book 'Passing of the Great Race', we see:
- vague references to "wealthy philanthropists", "internationalists", and the "center-disinfo" propagandizing the "Theory of Human Equality";
- banning discussions on the biological nature of intelligence and behavior;
- and looking to undermine specific western countries, or even aiming for "world domination" by importing Third World immigrants into western society "to deprive the white race of the foundation for a sovereign existence".
We find warnings that contraception measures are resulting in too few births, and that it is far too easy for Third World colonial citizens to become western citizens.
In particular 'Mein Kampf' could have been written today, and would be 1,000x more relevant than it was literally a full century ago. While the anti-Jewish propaganda followed by a holocaust made it easy to ban, it might well be that the primary reason the book was banned simply for putting the finger on the sore spot with regard to Third World immigration. This author never had a clue about the contents of 'Mein Kampf' until 2024. While only portions of the book have been read, it was quite a shock to read some of the practical and sensible criticism.
Sure, like any modern "conservative CIA" propagandist, the critique always is almost peculiarly twisted somehow:
- from blaming the "communist Jews" in an irrational manner for anything that really is robber baron-derived "internationalist" / "globalist";
- to misleadingly labeling Jews, Slavs and southern Europeans as "inferior";
- or even equating the latter with Arabs.
There's always some bizarre twist on basic truths being expressed. It also is exactly how Eustace Mullins - a Hunt fortune and James Angleton-tied "white guilt" and "white replacement" theory pusher in 1957 - and the whole "conspiracy Nazi" network operated post-World War II, at least with the regard to mixing up "the Jews" with "internationalism" / "globalism".
The Protocols of Zion: again exposing emerging globalism, while blaming "the Jews"
Thinking of it, the 1903-released Protocols of Zion, a fabrication of Russia's Tsarist intelligence service against pre-communist Jewish populations, similarly talked about the enslaving of "all governments under our super-government" 2, ultimately leading to a "worldly ruler to be crowned" 3 and a "world-governing emperor". 4 The way to achieve this is to "built an aristocracy of our own on a plutocratic basis" 5, with all kinds secret control through the press 6, administrators trained for "governing the world" 7, and governments surrounded by "a whole host of economists ... bankers, traders, and ... millionaires, because in reality everything will be decided by money." 8
A full century later we can look back and say:
"Wait a minute, hoaxes or not, that became the multinational-funded, white-dominated globalist agenda; not a Jewish-communist one. Ultimately cultural-communist? Yes, but that's something else. And looking at the support for Third World immigration and Palestinians... white people and Jews are its main targets for elimination."
It's very odd, the Protocols in 1903, Hitler in 1925, and Eustace Mullins in 1957 all both exposing these future, long-term, globalist agendas (by attacking them, while others have radically supported them), and yet at the same time discrediting them with their blind hate and misdirections.
It certainly has only made the globalist conspiracy so much harder to talk about.
^^'Passing of the Great Race'Authors were family and close colleagues of Morgan, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Harriman
Sometime before 2015 this author added a section to the Pilgrims Society article talking about Madison Grant (1865-1937) and his 1916 book 'The Passing of the Great Race'. The reason for this was that the person who wrote the 1916 and 1917 prefaces for the first and second edition, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr. (1857-1935) was a member of the Pilgrims Society. His sons, A. Perry Osborn (1884-1951) and Henry Jr. (1887-1969) ended up becoming members of the Pilgrims Society.
That's not all though. Far from it. Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr.'s sister-in-law was Amelia Morgan, the wife of J.P. Morgan, Sr. (1837-1913) 9, not only the most powerful banker of his era and the leader of the "Money Trust" 10, but during the last three years of his life another Pilgrim.
Osborn only joined the Pilgrims at some point in the late 1910s, but due to the marriage the Morgan-Osborn ties obviously go back further. These ties, for example, can be seen through the 1895-founded New York Zoological Society. Founders of the society included J.P. Morgan, Sr., Andrew Carnegie, and other well-known "robber baron" names as Jacob Schiff, the Vanderbilts, Dodges, Goulds, and Whitneys. William Rockefeller, a Standard Oil co-founder with his older brother John D. Rockefeller, Sr., was a paying member before the century was over. So was Henry Luce-cousin and Carnegie lawyer Elihu Root, in 1921 the first honorary chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Osborn sat on the board of managers no later than 1899, joined in 1900 by both Madison Grant and Andrew Carnegie. 11
Morgan, Osborn and Grant also all could be found on the board of trustees of the American Museum of Natural History. Morgan was a founding trustee from all the way back in 1869, and remained so until his death in 1913. The board always was packed with very similar "robber baron" elites as the New York Zoological Society. Going through historic membership lists until the 1910s, one finds names as:
- Morgan
- Drexel
- Baker
- Harriman
- Future U.S. president Teddy Roosevelt.
- Teddy Roosevelt's father.
- Dodge
- Phelps Dodge
- Vanderbilt
- Rockefeller
- Warburg
Then there was Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr., the J. P. Morgan inlaw who joined the board of trustees in 1901 and served as trustee president from 1908 to 1933. Madison Grant was brought onboard as trustee of the American Museum of Natural History by Osborn in 1911. 12 Grant still served on the board at the time of his 'Passing of the Great Race' book in 1916. 13
Roosevelt family ties: hunters, presidents, CIA
Osborn and Grant cooperated and associated on many other occasions as well. Greatly concerned with conservation issues, both were long-time members of the Boone and Crockett Club, founded by future U.S. president Teddy Roosevelt in 1887 - and thus essentially an offshoot of the American Museum of Natural History. Osborn joined the club in 1899. 14 Grant had been a member for some time, joined the executive committee in 1901, served as club secretary between 1903 and 1913, and served as head of the club's Game Population Committee. 15 Internal correspondence shows that Kermit Roosevelt, Sr., a son of Teddy, served as secretary of the club in 1921 and was working alongside Grant on privately-funded wildlife protection initiatives. 16 Archibald Roosevelt, another son of Teddy, joined the club in 1922.
The additional Roosevelt ties are important to mention, because not only were U.S. president Teddy Roosevelt and his father tightly linked to the Morgans, Rockefellers, and other "robber barons" through the board of the American Museum of Natural History, several generations of the family, alongside conservationism, were strongly tied to the CIA and America's ultraright elements opposing the "Eastern Establishment". The following oversight quickly demonstrates this:
Pre- and post-World War II (continued, generational) Rockefeller ties
In 1918 both Osborn and Grant, again as an outgrowth of the elite American Museum of Natural History, founded the Save the Redwoods League, focused on the area where to this day the Bohemian Grove is situated. In line with their work for the American Museum of Natural History, saving wildlife and natural habitats both in the United States and foreign countries remained a very important part of their lives. It was such an important aspect, that in 1948 John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was one of the financiers commemorating Grant's efforts at saving California's elk population. The plaque was removed in 2021 amidst international Black Lives Matter-tied "statue storms" against anything deemed "colonialist" and "racist". The text on the plaque read:
"Madison Grant Forest and Elk Refuge Dedicated to the Memory of Madison Grant, 1865-1957. Conservationist. Author. Anthropologist. A Founder of the Save-the-Redwoods League. This area of 1600 acres, habitat of the last surviving herd in California of Roosevelt Elk, is established as a memorial by De Forest Grant, John D. Rockefeller Jr., Archer M. Huntington, New York Zoological Society, Boone and Crockett Club, National Aududon Society, American Wildlife Foundation, Save-the-Redwoods League, California State Parks Commission. 1948." 17
Meanwhile, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Jr., the son of Henry Sr., a Pilgrim and president of the Zoological Society from 1940 to 1968, cooperated closely with Laurance Rockefeller, a Zoological Society trustee since at least 1941 18, to set up the core of the modern conservation moment 19: birth control, natural resources (above and below ground), and since the 1980s, countering the rise of CO2. Maybe we can toss staunch atheism in that line as well.
The American Museum of Natural History, the Zoological Society and the Boone and Pratt club is where much of the West's elite conservation movement started, with the Morgans-Osborns, Rockefellers, and Roosevelts having been generational members of it, and Madison Grant having played a key role for about 35 years.
1918-: the Galton Society: Morgan and Rockefeller-sanctioned
In 1918 Grant and Osborn founded the Galton Society at their old, elite hometurf: the American Museum of Natural History. 20 They set up this group together with Charles Davenport, the founder of the Eugenics Record Office, which in 1910 received key seed funding from Mrs. Edward H. Harriman 21 and also enjoyed the moral and financial support of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. As for Mrs. Edward H. Harriman, she was the mother of pro-Nazi and also pro-Soviet businessman William Averell Harriman, a Skull & Bonesman and Pilgrim.
The Galton Society was named after Sir Francis Galton, a half-cousin of Charles Darwin, a polymath scientist who carried out a number of pioneering studies that really were an extension of Darwinism. Galton worked to demonstrate that IQ was genetic and that it tends to "regress toward the mean" of a race - which is the truth. He came up with the term "eugenics", which comes down to selective breeding; and coined the phrase "nature versus nurture". Today he is considered one of the founders of "social darwinism", a survival of the fittest-type ideology.
1910s-1921: the Immigration Restriction League
At least as important, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr. and Madison Grant both also were involved in the Immigration Restriction League at the time of the publication of 'Passing of the Great Race' - Madison as a vice president, and Osborn as a regular member. Founded in 1894, similar to the book 'The Passing of the Great Race', the Immigration Restriction League used language that only a few decades later would be considered blunt to the point of being looked at as a satiric comedy sketch. In 1910 the League's secretary and co-founder, Prescott F. Hall, wrote to congress:
"The Immigration Restriction League is a nonpolitical and non-sectarian organization, with members from all parts of the United States. ... It is opposed only to such immigration as lowers the mental, moral, and physical average of our people...
"A considerable proportion of the immigrants now coming ... are from races and countries ... which have not progressed, but have been backward, downtrodden, and relatively useless for centuries. If these immigrants 'have not had opportunities,' it is because their races have not made the opportunities. ...
"Immigration the coming year will again near the 1,000,000 mark. Of recent immigration, one-fourth over 14 years of age could not read or write in any language; three-fifths were of the Slavic and Iberic races of southern and eastern Europe. ... In 1908 the foreign-born population of 13.6 per cent furnished 15.6 per cent of the criminals, 20.8 per cent of the paupers, and 29.5 per cent of the insane." 22
Clearly these were extremely luxurious times. Certainly in terms of immigrant crime, nothing seems to be going on. Today's African immigrants, combined with full citizen rights, promotion of gangsta rap, and political correctness, would have represented a solid 50% of all heavy crime under these circumstances, and likely over one-third of all crime, certainly in case the United States didn't already contain an 11% black "immigrant" population in the 1910s. In other words, the white "three-fifths ... of the Slavic and Iberic races of southern and eastern Europe" do not seem to be much of an issue - especially if you manage to give them good schooling - except for elites looking to keep an English-dominated Anglo-Saxon majority in the country.
On April 18, 1918, by then with Grant and Osborn involved, the League introduced anti-immigration bill HR 11280 to congress that would have limited immigration from the south and east of Europe, while greatly expanding immigration quotas from the "Anglo-Saxon" and "Nordic" areas of Europe. Oriental immigration was kept as restricted as before. 23 The bill does not appear to have passed at that point, but its contents did make it into the 1921 Emergency Quota Act, followed by the 1924 Immigration Act.
1922-: the Eugenics Committee / American Eugenics Society: Rockefeller funding
In 1922 Grant, Osborn, Charles Davenport and men as Harry Laughlin founded the Eugenics Committee, renamed in 1926 to the American Eugenics Society. After the committee was renamed in 1926, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. became one of the group's annual contributors again. George Eastman, at the time an early Brookings Institution trustee and founder of Eastman Kodak, was an even bigger contributor. The executive secretary of the American Eugenics Society, Leon F. Whitney, wrote down some of these details in his unpublished 1971 biography:
This Eugenics Committee / American Eugenics Society played an important role in the passing of the earlier-mentioned Immigration Act of 1924. To pass the bill, Congress made use of a report from the Eugenics Committee's Committee on Selective Immigration, (indeed) chaired by Madison Grant. 24 Apart from solidifying a pro-Anglo-Saxon immigration policy at the detriment of southern Europeans, eastern Europeans, and all other parts of the world, the Immigration Act of 1924 also set up the U.S. Border Patrol.
As already discussed in an earlier section, from the late 19th century already, British elites were worried that immigration into the United States from North-West Europe was increasingly being replaced by Italian, Eastern European and Soviet Russian immigration. In 1917 a literacy test was introduced for immigrants that thwarted some of the non-English immigration, but increasingly heavy measures followed, culminating in the 1924 Immigration Act.
Taking "cultural appropriation" to new heights to prevent southern Europeans from immigrating
Days before the passing of this 1924 anti-immigration law 25, Osborn was allowed to write an opinion piece for the New York Times. Entitled 'Lo, the Poor Nordic!', the article reveals a serious propagandist bend to Osborn's anti-immigration activism. The article was written to counter positions that the United States "should admit Polish immigrants because Kosciusko and Pulaski fought with us during the Revolution" and also "South Italians because Italy gave us [Christopher] Columbus." The way that Osborn solved that issue is by simply labeling every person of achievement in all of southern Europe as a descendant of "my own race, the Nordics." 26 It's pretty hilarious to read:
"The Northern races ... include all those peoples which originally occupied the western plateau of Asia and traversed Northern Europe, certainly as early as 12,000 B.C. ... They invaded the countries to the south, not only as conquerors but as contributors of strong moral and intellectual elements to more or less decadent civilizations. Through the Nordic tide which flowed into Italy came the ancestors of [painter and architect] Raphael [1483-1520], [painter, engineer, scientist, theorist, sculptor, and architect] Leonardo da Vinci [1452-1519], [astronomer] Galileo [Galilei: 1564-1642], [painter] Titian [1488-1576]. ["New World" founder Christopher] Columbus [1451-1506] from his portraits and from busts, authentic or not, was clearly of Nordic ancestry.
"Turning to Poland - [Lajos] Kossuth [1802-1894] of Hungary was a Calvinist and of noble family, and there is a presumption in favor of his being a Nordic; [Military engineer and leader Tadeusz] Kosciusko [1746-1817] and [Casimir] Pulaski [1745-1779, the "Father of American Cavalry"] were members of a Polish nobility which at that time was largely Nordic. Of France, [Admiral Gaspard II de] Coligny [1519-1572], [great statesman under King Louis XIV Jean-Baptiste] Colbert [1619-1683], [Cardinal] Richelieu [1624-1692], [Marquis de] Lafayette [1757-1834], and [Comte de] Rochambeau [1725-1807], beyond all question, were of French (Norman) Nordic nobility, and in modern France we observe that two of the leaders in the recent great struggle, Joffre and Foch, are both Nordic, while [Georges] Clemenceau [1841-1929] and [mathematician and engineer Henri] Poincare [1854-1912] are of Alpine blood. France includes among her great artists - [sculptor Auguste] Rodin [1840-1917], of Nordic origin; among her leading literary men - [author, poet and statesman Alphonse de] Lamartine [1790-1869], [playwriter Jean] Racine [1639-1699], [poet and novelist] Anatole France [1844-1924], all Nordics.
"The intellectual influence of the Northern race is also apparent in Spain, where it appears in her greatest man of letters, [Miguel de] Cervantes [1547-1616]; also in Portugal in the poet-hero [Luis de] Camoens [1524-1580], whose ancestors were Gothic.
"Of the fighting stock of Italy, Napoleon [Bonaparte: 1769-1821], although born in Corsica, was descended from the old Lombard nobility, of Nordic origin, and it is probable that [Gen. Giuseppe] Garibaldi [1807-1882], with his Teutonic name, was largely of Northern stock. It is said, for example, that [Nicolaus] Copernicus [1474-1543, who placed the Sun rather than Earth at the center of the Solar System] was a Slav, and we certainly owe much to Slav genius." 27
As a 21st century person, you quickly go, "What is he talking about with "Nordic"?" The answer is that Osborn and Grant heavily based themselves on the 1899 book 'The Races of Europe', written by a certain William Z. Ripley. The book introduced a "Cephalic Index" for skull measurements for people around the world. Some of the skulls are rounder or narrower than others, in which manner different "races" were determined. Eye and hair color was considered of major importance as well. Hence, for Europe, the book determined three races for Europe. From north to south:
- Aryan: Mythical ancestor race of the Nordics.
- Nordic: Long skulls. Fair skin. Blue eyes and blond hair, although all lighter colored eyes, and even hazel brown eyes and darker hair, especially when older, still counts as "Nordic" when other characteristics are present. Tall. Sophisticated. Natural explorers, conquerers, artists and intellectuals.
- Teutons / Brunet: Essentially Nordics with some minor dilution, observable through darker eyes and hair color.
- Alpine: Round skulls. Brown or black hair. Dark eyes. Short stature. Occupies "all central and eastern Europe and extending through Asia Minor to the Hindu Kush and the Pamirs."
- Slav: An East European "Alpine", with "Slav" literally meaning "slave".
- Mediterranean / Iberian Very dark hair and eyes. Long skulls like the Nordics, but smaller. Less tall and "weaker" than the Nordics. "The Berbers of north Africa today are racially identical with the Spaniards and south Italians [and] the population of Greece. [It] spreads far east into southern Asia [i.e. the Middle East until India]."
Part of this list is really interesting. Turns out that the Hindu Kush and Pamir Mountains - in Tajikistan and the north of Afghanistan and Pakistan - really do contain pockets of very white-looking people. The best-known group in this area are the Kalash people, whose DNA shows that they descended from the same Eurasian, or "Aryan", hunter-gatherer groups as modern white Europeans, most recently the Yamnaya culture (3,300–2,600 B.C.) of modern-day Ukraine and Russia. "Hunter-gatherer" doesn't sound as exciting as an "Aryan" or "Nordic" "conquerer race", and neither does it seem useful to denounce part of its descendants as "inferior" "Alpines".
Were persons as Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929) and Henri Poincare (1854-1912) short-statured with round heads? Sure. Does it make much sense to label them "Alpines" at that point? Not really. The question, of course, is: Do "Alpines" have such different intellectual and physical characteristics that they need to be lobbed into a different race? The answer is: no. There are no, or barely any, differences in IQ between countries as the Russia, the Czech Republic, Austria and North-West Europe, apart from methods of education. In fact, it doesn't appear that anywhere in the West or East of Europe you consistently find "Alpine people", not even in the Alps. Different body types - ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph - and skull types are to be found everywhere. In some countries, such as the Netherlands, people on average are taller, and people of the same race definitely look somewhat different in every corner of Europe. But as scientists commented on the Cephalic Index, or humans in general, "all variation between humans falls well below the subspecies level." 28
Now, it has been documented by mainstream IQ researchers that there exists a "weak but statistically significant correlation of the order of .15 [15%] to .25 [25%] between IQ and head size." 29 In one case, for example, it was found that East European gypsy children, which hail from India and have an IQ of around 80, compared to non-Gypsy children of 101.5, also had a smaller skull circumference. 30
Moving on to the "Mediterranean race", until this author finally read the lines that equated Spaniards, Italians and Greeks with North African Berbers, this too was an interesting question to ponder. When you look at the old paintings and busts of the famous persons Osborn described above as "Nordic", you see how they all show rather rather fair-skinned white people, even from places as Italy and Spain. That doesn't necessarily fit the stereotype that we have in our head: the studly, rugged, bronzed model types. It is clear that Grant and Osborn were imagining the exact same stereotype.
The fact is though, when you visit Spain or Italy, or look at photos and video online, most people simply look very, very white. Only when you go to the south of Italy and Spain, and especially to Portugal, you see a lot of people with a clear degree of North African genes: the curly black hair, the tinted skin - it becomes quite obvious. Despite those "Mediterranean" traits, it's perfectly clear that there's a big difference still from North Africans. Lo and behold, DNA evidence shows that only the Portuguese and South-West Spanish carry anywhere from 4 to 12% North African DNA. Sicilians, the most south of the Italians, are estimated to only have about 6% North African DNA. 31
That begs the question: how did the authors of 'The Passing of the Great Race' equate the "Mediterranean people" of Spain, Italy and Greece not just with North African Berbers, but also the entire Middle East? One would think because they were looking to discredit people from these countries, so they could be blocked from moving into the United States.
At the same time though it is odd that Osborn and Grant praised "the Mediterraneans" for the architectural achievements of the Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks. The people who built Ancient Greece were white. With Ancient Egyptian pharaohs, DNA evidence shows that these leaders were "most closely related to ancient populations in the Levant - modern day Syria, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon", as well as "stone age populations from Europe and the Turkish mainland on the Asian side." 32 Certainly with Egypt we could speculate that Grant and Osborn simply could barely even suspect this in their times due to a total lack of DNA research. And with Ancient Greece they would have too much to explain if they labeled the Ancient Greeks "Nordic", and the modern Greeks "Mediterranean". All they really wanted was ban South European immigrants, including Greeks, from coming into the United States.
Wildly wrong claims in the book
What is clear quite early on though is that 'The Passing of the Great Race' is not particularly scientific, despite the authors being tied to plenty of scientifically-inclined researchers. The book contains a few nuggets of core truth, but for the rest is just pseudoscience and misguided ideology. Some of the claims simply are wildly inaccurate. A few that come to mind are the following:
"The Berbers of north Africa today are racially identical with the Spaniards and south Italians [and] the population of Greece. [It] spreads far east into southern Asia [i.e. the Middle East until India]." 33
As discussed in the previous section, South Europeans only have very minor genetic ties to North Africa. Sicilians, a.k.a. South Italians, are estimated to have on average 6% North African DNA. In south-western Spain and especially in Portugal the figure is the highest, sitting at 4 to 12%. The Greeks do not have much North African genes either.
"Dark colored eyes are all but universal among wild mammals and entirely so among the primates, man's nearest relatives." 34
Bright yellow, bright green, light grey and even blue eyes can be found among wolves, dogs, cats, tigers, panthers, lemurs, snakes, and other animals. Light brown eyes in particular are very common among animals.
"The typical British soldier is blond or red bearded and the typical sailor is always a blond." 35
Looking at pictures of soldiers and officers from the 19th century, dark-haired soldiers seem to be more common than any blond-haired soldiers. The same goes for today's special forces - whom you'd expect to be particularly dedicated "typical" soldiers. Looking at 19th century pictures of sailors, again more brown than blond hair could be observed by this author.
"Among marksmen, it bas been noted that nearly all the great rifle-shots in England or America have had light colored eyes." 36
Going through a list of the best snipers in history, and also alive today, as far as is possible, it is hard to spot any blue-eyed ones. Most seem to be brown-eyed. Even blond ones at most are 50 percent.
Also, the Nordics, Alpines, Mediterraneans, and Slavs all constitute one race: the white one. They differ culturally, and do have slightly varying genes, but not enough to label them a whole new race of humans.
1952-, 1965-: undoing of old immigration laws by the same "big interests" - and the true "passing of the great race"
Despite the unscientific propaganda espoused by Grant, Osborn, and allies, the 1924 anti-immigration act was passed. After World War II things would move into the opposite extreme.
In 1952, with the Immigration and Nationality Act, the racial aspect of immigration was removed and a number of previously-instated national quotas increased, including from southern and eastern Europe. This law also classified three types of immigrants: skilled labor, unskilled labor, and refugees, which in that era mainly were refugees from the Soviet Sphere.
It wasn't until 1965, until the pro-black "civil rights" era funded, once again funded by the Rockefellers and one year after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that banned "discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin", that also immigration law was overhauled in the United States. Democrat U.S. president LBJ and congress signed off on Immigration and Nationality Act.
The Immigration and Nationality Act began to allow immigrants and refugees to come in from all parts of the globe. LBJ's secretary of state, Dean Rusk, a former Rockefeller Foundation president; and Senator Ted Kennedy, a member of "liberal CIA"-type family, lobbied in favor of the law, lying it wouldn't change the ethnic make up of the United States.
The law most certainly did change the ethnic make up of the United States. 70 years later the United States turned minority white, its traditional culture on the verge of being wiped out, just as 'The Passing of the Great Race' had prophesized it would.
^Summary and conclusions: a fascinating poison pill
While the book 'The Passing of the Great Race' may seem prophetic and does contain a few obvious today-badly-needed nuggets of truth, such as that race characteristics as intelligence largely are hereditary, in the end it is a disinformation-riddled poison pill. The gist of the book:
- Nordics are "graceful", "tall", "intellectual" explorers of the world with the best of Aryan "conquering" genes.
- All other races and (European) "races" are "mentally retarded", "slaves", "light bony", "feeble", "short and stocky", "inferior socially", "disabled", treasonous", "volatile", "lacking in cohesion", "politically incapable", etc.
- It is more of an ideological book than purely scientific, despite largely basing itself on a core truth of science: the hereditary nature of intelligence.
- It is shockingly prophetic with its title and prediction that the white race will be replaced with "inferior" races. And yet it is completely overblown claptrap, because back in 1916 the complaints with regard to immigration were used against... southern and eastern European whites. Not against Arab, negro, and Latino immigration waves that came after Hitler implemented many of the pseudoscientific, genocidal ideas in 'Passing of the Great Race'.
- The authors discredit themselves non-stop with sweeping, obviously incorrect statements, most notably with regard that there are all kinds of different European races, that South Europeans essentially are similar to Arabs, that sailors and soldiers predominantly are blond with blue eyes, etc.
- The book has been produced from the immediate circle of the biggest globalists and "philanthropic" "race mixers" and "social uplifters" in history: Carnegie, Morgan and especially, looking at the future, Rockefeller.
- The book even hints to the existence of these "philanthropic" "internationalists" controlling the media that push "race mixing"...
- In 1926, in his book 'Mein Kampf', Hitler mentioned the same "internationalists" - a term always reserved for Bilderberg-type globalists as David Rockefeller, who used the term on himself as late as his 2002 biography. 37 In Hitler's case he blamed "the Jews" and "bolshevism" of striving for "world dictatorship", a trick that continued post-World War II through the early John Birch Society, the Liberty Lobby, and other "conspiracy Nazi" disinformation outlets in the U.S.
In many ways, the 'Passing of the Great Race' book feels like a typical "conservative CIA" and "conspiracy Nazi" production that was way ahead of its time. It makes a great controversial basic point, but discredits it at the same time, making it harder for future generations to have proper discussions on the matter. With that, the book might well fall into the same category as Hitler's 1925 'Mein Kamf' and the 1978 book 'The Turner Diaries'.
The 'Passing of the Great Race' probably is the most starkly contrasted with later productions of Dr. Noel Ignatiev, a Harvard-backed antifa who specifically denied "race as biology" and strongly believed in the "goal of abolishing the white race". 38 Although, while the CFR, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission and Davos-centered globalist movement usually sidesteps the idea of "race" not being "biological", it, of course, also operates as its polar opposite. In fact, it is well on its way, through its "liberal CIA" minions, with mainstreaming the idea that there are "no races", "everybody is equal", etc.
Of course, we already determined that the globalist movement projects both "the left" and a much smaller "right", the letter being set up to "lose the debate" every time. However, we did not have a clue that this bizarre agenda seems to go back all the way to 1916. And with the book 'The Passing of the Great Race' around, it becomes increasingly hard to draw any other conclusion.
In short, 'The Passing of the Great Race' is a strange book. An independent researcher who looked at some of the raw excerpts of the book concurred:
^Grant, before his death in 1937, was about to meet Goering
One aspect still needs to be discussed, because it simply did not fit the timeline, and those involve Nazi ties of the authors. Neither Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr. (1857-1935), nor Madison Grant (1865-1937), lived long enough to see the start of World War II. Ties were developing though in case of the latter. Through the earlier-mentioned Boone and Crockett Club, Grant had a long history of big game hunting, and at the time of his death, in 1937, he was helping to organize the Hermann Goering-led International Hunting Exposition in Berlin for that year. Grant's role in organizing this exposition, which took place in November of that year 39, is extremely obscure. 40 He died on May 30, 6 months before the exposition.
Ironically, this was mere days before the 1937 International Chamber of Commerce congress in Berlin, with Hitler, Goering and central banker Hjalmar Schacht all attending. While the names of most visitors remain unknown, it certainly brought together many close allies of the Morgans, Rockefellers and Harrimans (i.e. Madison Grant's family, friends and funders), including IBM founder Thomas Watson, who was awarded by Hitler here and took the mantle of international president of the ICC at this conference.
"Hitler's Bible" and Nazi similarities
We don't know much either about the interactions of Madison Grant with the Nazi regime earlier in the 1930s, in no small part because his family destroyed his papers. 41 This might well have happened after finding out his book was an important contributing factor in Hitler's genocidal policies.
Then again, all the crucial financial ties of the Morgans, Rockefeller, Harrimans, Du Ponts and other "robber barons", "Wall Street" firms and British banks and corporations to the Nazis were buried in history as much as possible. ISGP deals with this aspect mainly in its International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Pilgrims Society articles. Clearly a J.P. Morgan nephew, in addition, having co-written "Hitler's bible", wouldn't be a welcome addition to history either.
As for that last comment, Hitler came to power in January 1933, almost overnight becoming Germany's dictator. Reportedly, somewhere before late 1934, Madison Grant received a letter of Adolf Hitler in which Hitler described Grant's 'Passing of the Great Race' as "his bible". 42
This information comes from an assistant of Grant at the earlier-mentioned, Rockefeller-funded American Eugenics Society, Leon F. Whitney. Whitney received a request and subsequent "thank you" from Hitler for his June 1934-published book the 'Case for Sterilization'. When Whitney showed the letter to Grant, Grant pulled out a Hitler letter of his own, written in German and explaining that 'The Passing of the Great Race' functioned as Hitler's "bible". 43 The entire relevant segment has been photocopied below, so readers can get the full context. In various later books and articles, much of this context is lost. Seeing the original account, makes the "Hitler's Bible" claim quite believable:
While there is no proof, at the same time there are not a lot of reasons to assume the letter did not exist. Assuming it existed, the letter barely was any kind of exaggeration, because it really isn't hard to see enormous parallels between 'The Passing of the Great Race', of 1916, and Hitler's convictions and genocidal policies of the 1930s and 1940s. On top of that, Grant was scheduled to meet with Goering in Berlin, and a German copy of 'The Passing of the Great Race' was cited at the Nuremburg trial by Hitler's personal physician, Karl Brandt, to make the case that many of Hitler's ideas weren't all that unique to him.
So let's compare some of the similarities between the two books:
- Grant and Osborn praised the "blue-eyed, fair-haired" "Nordics", whom Grant and Osborn considered the most evolved descendant of an original "Aryan conquerer race". As a side note, in stark contrast to today, blue eyed-people used to be over 50% of America's white population back around 1900. 44 So in that sense, blue-eyed people indeed are dying out.
Despite the gossip that developed in later decades, Hitler didn't specifically focus on "blue-eyes" and "blond hair" in his writings, although in 'Mein Kampf' (1925) he did talk about "Nordics", "Nordic-Germanics", "Nordic-Aryans" and "Aryans". He also embraced the concept of an "Aryan conquerer race". There is some speculation that Heinrich Himmler did pay a lot of attention to "Nordic-Germanic" traits for recruitment into his SS. This has not been researched yet by this author. - The discussion of the "mongrel brain" is eerily similar between Grant-Osborn and Hitler:
- 1916, 'Passing of the Great Race': "Belonging physically and spiritually to the lower race, but aspiring to recognition as one of the higher race, the unfortunate mongrel, in addition to a disharmonic physique, often inherits from one parent an unstable brain which is stimulated and at times overexcited by flashes of brilliancy from the other. The result is a total lack of continuity of purpose, an intermittent intellect goaded into spasmodic outbursts of energy."
- 1925, Hitler, 'Mein Kampf': "Nature ... has little love for mongrels. The products of such cross breeding ... not only are they deprived of the qualities which were present in the original highest element in the mixture, but due to the disharmony in their blood, they have lost the focus of will and determination... At critical moments, the racially pure being will make sound and single-minded decisions, but the racially mixed one grows uncertain or settles on safer halfway measures. ... In countless cases we see where the pure race stands strong, while the mongrel breaks down."
- Grant and Osborn wrote about the Teutonic tribes being descended from the Nordics and moving down from Denmark through Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Serbia to conquer parts of the Roman Empire. Despite their efforts to ban any Christian influences, Hitler and Heinrich Himmler made references to these same "Teutonic Knights" to draw his nationalist inspiration from. "Teutons" was their name for "Germanic" or "true German".
- Both Grant-Osborn and Hitler displayed a disdain of Jews and Slavs, and embraced the idea that the Russian Tsar were ("had been" by the time of 'Mein Kampf') of "Nordic-Germanic" origin.
- Grant and Osborn suggested genocide to deal with the "inferior races" of the world; Hitler implemented it for the Jews and Slavs.
- Grant and Osborn displayed a fondness for the eugenicist elimination of mental patients and other biological "defects". Hitler not only focused more on this Eugenics aspect, put also put this in practice, killing an estimated 180,000 psychiatric patients in Nazi Germany and the conquered territories. 45
- Grant and Osborn stated that the Russian Tsars were "Nordic aristocracy" in a land of mostly "inferior" Slavs. Hitler expressed the exact same idea, adding Jews among the "inferior". It should be kept in mind though, that 'Passing of the Great Race' was written immediately before the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, with its prominent Jewish influences through Karl Marx and Leon Trotsky, the latter having organized the revolution with help from the German military government to get Russia out of World War I.
What can we say that hasn't been said before? 'The Passing of the Great Race' is a peculiar book that is far too unknown for its historical significance. It does seem to have played a role in inspiring Hitler's genocidal policies, similar to how money from the same elite U.S. "robber baron" network greatly helped build up his war machine against those "Jewish and Slav Bolsheviks".
^^'Passing of the Great Race' book excerptsRacial genes more important than education and environment
p. 226, vii, xi (the latter two the Henry Fairfield Osborn prefaces):
"Races vary intellectually and morally, just as they do physically. Moral, intellectual and spiritual attributes are as persistent as physical characters and are transmitted substantially unchanged from generation to generation. ...
"Environment and ... education have an immediate, apparent and temporary influence, while hereditary has a deep, subtle and permanent influence on the actions of men. ... Heredity and racial predisposition are stronger and more stable than environment and education. ...
We must, first of all, realize that race, pure and simple, the physical and psychical structure or man, is something entirely distinct from either nationality or language. Furthermore, race lies at the base of all the manifestation of modern society. ...
"Wealth can be renewed while these [Nordic] strains of the real human aristocracy once lost are lost forever. In the new world that we are working and fighting for, the world of liberty, of justice and of humanity, we shall save democracy only when democracy discovers its own aristocracy as in the days when our Republic was founded. ..."
U.S. Founding Fathers did not believe in racial "equality"
Introduction, pp. xx-xxi:
"Democratic theories of government in their modern form are based on dogmas of "equality" formulated some hundred and fifty years ago and rest upon the assumption that environment and not heredity is the controlling factor in human development.
"Philanthropy and noble purpose dictated the doctrine expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the document which today constitutes the actual basis of American institutions. The men who wrote the words, "we hold these truths to be sell-evident, that all men are created equal," were themselves the owners of slaves and despised Indians as something less than human. Equality in their minds meant merely that they were just as good Englishmen as their brothers across the sea.
"The words "that all men are created equal" have since been subtly falsified by adding the word "free," although no such expression is found in the original document and the teachings based on these altered words in the American public schools of today would startle and amaze the men who formulated the Declaration."
Negroes, Native Indians and Hindus are not "equal" to whites
pp. 16, 18:
"The view that the Negro slave was an unfortunate cousin of the white man, deeply tanned by the tropic sun and denied the blessings of Christianity and civilization, played no small part with the sentimentalists of the Civil War period and it has taken us fifty years to learn that speaking English, wearing good clothes and going to school and to church do not transform a Negro into a white man. Nor was a Syrian or Egyptian freedman transformed into a Roman by wearing a toga and applauding his favorite gladiator in the amphitheatre. Americans will have a similar experience with the Polish Jew, whose dwarf stature, peculiar mentality and ruthless concentration on self-interest are being engrafted upon the stock of the nation.
"The cross between a white man and an Indian is an Indian; the cross between a white man and a Negro is a Negro; the cross between a white man and a Hindu is a Hindu; and the cross between any of the three European races and a Jew is a Jew. In the crossing of the blond and brunet elements of a population, the more deeply rooted and ancient dark traits are prepotent or dominant..."
Denial that race-mixing reverts a race to its older, more primitive state
pp. xxviii-xxx
"To admit the unchangeable differentiation of race in its modern scientific meaning is to admit inevitably the existence of superiority in one race and of inferiority in another. Such an admission we can hardly expect from those of inferior races. These inferior races and classes are prompt to recognize in such an admission the very real danger to themselves of being relegated again to their former obscurity and subordinate position in society.
"The favorite defense of these inferior classes is an unqualified denial of the existence of fixed inherited qualities, either physical or spiritual, which cannot be obliterated or greatly modified by a change of environment. Failing in this, as they must necessarily fail, they point out the presence of mixed or intermediate types, and claim that in these mixtures, or blends as they choose to call them, the higher type tends to predominate.
"In fact, of course, the exact opposite is the case and it is scarcely necessary to cite the universal distrust, often contempt, that the half-breed between two sharply contrasted races inspires the world over. Belonging physically and spiritually to the lower race, but aspiring to recognition as one of the higher race, the unfortunate mongrel, in addition to a disharmonic physique, often inherits from one parent an unstable brain which is stimulated and at times overexcited by flashes of brilliancy from the other. The result is a total lack of continuity of purpose, an intermittent intellect goaded into spasmodic outbursts of energy.
"The temporary advantage of mere numbers enjoyed by the inferior classes in modern democracies can only be made permanent by the destruction of superior types-by massacre, as in Russia, or by taxation, as in England. In the latter country the financial burdens of the war and the selfish interests of labor have imposed such a load of taxation upon the upper and middle classes that marriage and children are becoming increasingly burdensome."
The "melting pot" leads to cultural destruction and "race suicide"
pp. 17-18, xxx-xxxi:
"It must be borne in mind that the specializations which characterize the higher races are of relatively recent development, are highly unstable, and when mixed with generalized or primitive characters, tend to disappear. Whether we like to admit it or not, the result of the mixture of two races, in the long run, gives us a race reverting to the more ancient, generalized and lower type. ...
"The best example of complete elimination of a dominant class is in Santo Domingo [in the Dominican Republic]. The horrors of the black revolt [of 1521, against the son of Christopher Columbus?] were followed by the slow death of the culture of the white man. This history should be studied carefully because it gives in prophetic form the sequence of events that we may expect to find in Mexico and in parts of South America where the replacement of the higher type by the resurgent native is taking place. ...
"What the Melting Pot actually does in practice can be seen in Mexico, where the absorption of the blood of the original Spanish conquerors by the native Indian population has produced the racial mixture which we call Mexican and which is now engaged in demonstrating its incapacity for self-government. The world has seen many such mixtures and the character of a mongrel race is only just beginning to be understood at its true value. ...
"In the countries inhabited by a population more or less racially uniform the phenomenon of the multiplication of the inferior classes fostered and aided by the noble but fatuous philanthropy of the well-to-do everywhere appears. Nature's laws when unchecked maintain a relatively fixed ratio between the classes, which is greatly impaired in modern society by humanitarian and charitable activities. The resurgence of inferior races and classes throughout not merely Europe but the world, is evident in every despatch from Egypt, Ireland, Poland, Rumania, India and Mexico. It is called nationalism, patriotism, freedom and other high-sounding names, but it is everywhere the phenomenon of the long-suppressed, conquered servile classes rising against the master race. ...
The late Peloponnesian War [431-404 B.C.] in the world at large, like the Civil War in America [1861-1865], has shattered the prestige of the white race and it will take several generations and perhaps wars to recover its former control, if it ever does regain it. The danger is from within and not from without. Neither the black, nor the brown, nor the yellow, nor the red will conquer the white in battle. But if the valuable elements in the Nordic race mix with inferior strains or die out through race suicide, then the citadel of civilization will fall for mere lack of defenders."
Birth rate decline among natives due to immigration
p. 91:
"The result of unlimited immigration is showing plainly in the rapid decline in the birth rate of native [Anglo-Saxon white] Americans because the poorer classes of Colonial stock, where they still exist, will not bring children into the world to compete in the labor market with the Slovak, the Italian, the Syrian and the Jew. The native [Anglo-Saxon white] American is too proud to mix socially with them and is gradually withdrawing from the scene, abandoning to these aliens the land which he conquered and developed. The man of the old stock is being crowded out of many country districts by these foreigners just as he is today being literally driven off the streets of New York City by the swarms of Polish Jews.
"These immigrants adopt the language of the native [Anglo-Saxon white] American, they wear his clothes, they steal his name and they are beginning to take his women, but they seldom adopt his religion or understand his ideals and while he is being elbowed out of his own home, the American looks calmly abroad and urges on others the suicidal ethics which are exterminating his own race."
"Discriminatory and restrictive" laws to prevent "Finis Americae"
pp. xxviii, xxxii-xxxiii:
"'The Passing of the Great Race,' in its original form, was designed by the author to rouse his fellow-Amcricans to the ovenwhelming importance of race and to the folly of the "Melting Pot" theory, even at the expense of bitter controversy. This purpose has been accomplished thoroughly, and one of the most far-reaching effects of the doctrines enunciated in this volume and in the discussions that followed its publication was the decision of the Congress of the United States to adopt discriminatory and restrictive measures against the immigration of undesirable races and peoples. ...
"The rapidly growing appreciation of the importance of race during the last few years, the study of the influence of race on nationality as shown by the after-war disputes over boundaries, the increasing complexity of our own problems between the whites and blacks, between the Americans and Japs, and between the native Americans and the hyphenated aliens in our midst upon whom we have carelessly urged citizenship, and, above all, the recognition that the leaders of labor and their more zealous followers are almost all foreigners, have served to arouse Americans to a realization of the menace of the impending Migration of Peoples through unrestrained freedom of entry here. ...
"This generation must completely repudiate the proud boast of our fathers that they acknowledged no distinction in "race, creed, or color," or else the native American must turn the page of history and write:
Genocide against conquered natives to prevent race mixing
p. 71:
"No ethnic conquest can be complete unless the natives are exterminated and the invaders bring their own women with them. If the conquerors are obliged to depend upon the women of the vanquished to carry on the race, the intrusive blood strain of the invaders in a short time becomes diluted beyond recognition. It sometimes happens that an infiltration of population takes place either in the guise of unwilling slaves or of willing immigrants, who fill up waste places and take to the lowly tasks which the lords of the land despise, thus gradually occupying the country and literally breeding out their masters.
"The former catastrophe happened in the declining days of the Roman Republic and the south Italians of today are very largely descendants of the nondescript slaves of all races, chiefly from the southern and eastern coasts of the Mediterranean, who were imported by the Romans under the Empire to work their vast estates. The latter is occurring today in many parts of America, especially in New England."
"Philanthropic" "Internationalists" (globalists) and the media "socially uplift" the "inferior classes", promoting "race suicide"
pp. xx, xxx-xxxii:
"The multiplication of the inferior classes [is] fostered and aided by the noble but fatuous philanthropy of the well-to-do everywhere [it] appears... Those engaged in [philanthropic] social uplift and in [sponsoring] revolutionary movements are therefore usually very intolerant of the limitations imposed by heredity. Discussion of these limitations is also most offensive to the advocates of the obliteration, under the guise of internationalism [note: insider/original word for "globalism"], of all existing distinctions based on nationality, language, race, religion and class. [Also] those individuals who have neither country, nor flag, nor language, nor class, nor even surnames of their own and who can only acquire them by gift or assumption, very naturally decry and sneer at the value of these attributes of the higher types.
"One of the curious effects of democracy is the unquestionable fact that there is less freedom of the press than under autocratic forms of government. It is well-nigh impossible to publish in the American newspapers any reflection upon certain religions or races which are hysterically sensitive even when mentioned by name. The underlying idea seems to be that if publication can be suppressed, the facts themselves will ultimately disappear.
"Abroad, conditions are fully as bad, and we have the authority of one of the most eminent anthropologists in France that the collection of anthropological measurements and data among French recruits at the outbreak of the Great War was prevented by Jewish influence, which aimed to suppress any suggestion of racial differentiation in France.
"In the United States also, during the war, we were unable to obtain complete measurements and data, in spite of the self-devotion of certain scientists, like Drs. Davenport, Sullivan and others. This failure was due to lack of time and equipment and not to racial influences, but in the near future we may confidently expect in this country strenuous opposition to any public discussion of race as such."
"Elimination of defective infants and ... sterilization..."
p. 49:
"Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life tend to prevent both the elimination of defective infants as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit and human life is valuable only when it is of use to the community or race.
"It is highly unjust that a minute minority should be called upon to supply brains for the unthinking mass of the community, but it is even worse to burden the responsible and larger but still overworked elements in the community with an ever increasing number of moral perverts, mental defectives and hereditary cripples."
^Blue-eyed, fair-haired Nordics are the "human aristocracy"
pp. 19-20, 26, 124, 131. Dec. 1917, preface to the second edition by Henry Fairfield Osborn, pp. xi-xiii:
"The cephalic index [that measures skull dimensions] enables us to divide the great bulk of the European populations into three distinct subspecies of man. The first is the Nordic or Baltic subspecies. This race is long skulled, very tall, fair skinned with blond or brown hair and light colored eyes. The Nordics inhabit the countries around the North and Baltic Seas and include not only the great Scandinavian and Teutonic groups, but also other early peoples who first appear in southern Europe and in Asia as representatives of Aryan language and culture. ...
"At the very base of the Neolithic [10,000–4,500 B.C.] and perhaps still earlier, this [Nordic] race occupied Scandinavia, and Sweden became the nursery of what has been generally called the Teutonic subdivision of the Nordic race. It was in that country that the peculiar characters of stature and blondness became most accentuated and it is there that we find them today in their greatest purity. ...
"During Roman times ... the Nordic subspecies was less extensively represented in western Europe than when, a few hundred years later, the so-called Teutonic tribes overran these countries; but on the other hand, the Nordics occupied large areas in eastern Germany, Hungary, Poland and Russia, now mainly occupied by the Slavs of Alpine race. Many countries in central Europe were in Roman times inhabited by fair haired, blue eyed barbarians, where now the population is preponderantly brunet and becoming yearly more so. ...
"The coastal and seafaring populations of northern Europe are everywhere Nordic as far as the shores of Spain and among Europeans this race is pre-eminently fitted for maritime pursuits. ...
"The Anglo-Saxon branch of the Nordic race is again showing itself to be that upon which the nation must chiefly depend for leadership, for courage, for loyalty, for unity and harmony of action, for self-sacrifice and devotion to an ideal. Not that members of other races are not doing their part, many of them are, but in no other human stock which has come to this country is there displayed the unanimity of heart, mind and action which is now being displayed by the descendants of the blue-eyed, fair-haired peoples of the north of Europe. ...
"It only requires a single dark-eyed ancestor to lend the dark hair and eye color to an otherwise pure Nordic strain. There is a clear differentiation between the original Nordic, the Alpine and the Mediterranean strains...
"Wealth can be renewed while these [Nordic] strains of the real human aristocracy once lost are lost forever. In the new world that we are working and fighting for, the world of liberty, of justice and of humanity, we shall save democracy only when democracy discovers its own aristocracy as in the days when our Republic was founded. ...
"In Nordic populations the women are, in general, lighter haired than the men, a fact which points to a blond past and a darker future for those populations. Women in all human races, as the females among all mammals, tend to exhibit the older, more generalized and primitive traits of the past of the race. The male in his individual development indicates the direction in which the race is tending under the influence of variation and selection. It is interesting to note in connection with the more primitive physique of the female, that in the spiritual sphere also women retain the ancient and intuitive knowledge that the great mass of mankind is not free and equal but bond and unequal. ...
"It must be clearly understood that blondness of hair and of eye is not a final test of Nordic race. The Nordics include all the blonds, and also those of darker hair or eye when possessed of a preponderance of other Nordic characters. In this sense the word "blond" means those lighter shades of hair or eye color in contrast to the very dark or black shades which are termed brunet. The meaning of "blond" as now used is therefore not limited to the lighter or flaxen shades as in colloquial speech.
"In England among Nordic populations there are large numbers of individuals with hazel brown eyes joined with the light brown or chestnut hair which is the typical hair shade of the English and Americans. This combination is also common in Holland and Westphalia and is frequently associated with a very fair skin. These men are all of "blond" aspect and constitution and consequently are to be classed as members of the Nordic race. ...
"Eye color is of very great importance in race determination because all blue, gray or green eyes in the world today came originally from the same source, namely, the Nordic race of northern Europe. This light colored eye has appeared nowhere else on earth, is a specialization of this subspecies of man only and consequently is of extreme value in the classification of European races. Dark colored eyes are all but universal among wild mammals and entirely so among the primates, man's nearest relatives. It may be taken as an absolute certainty that all the original races of man had dark eyes.
"One subspecies or man and one alone specialized in light colored eyes. This same subspecies also evolved light brown or blond hair, a character far less deeply rooted than eye color, as blond children tend to grow darker with advancing years and populations partly of Nordic extraction, such as those of Lombardy, upon admixture with darker races lose their blond hair more readily than their light colored eyes. ...
"In fact, among marksmen, it bas been noted that nearly all the great rifle-shots in England or America have had light colored eyes."
The mythical Aryan conquerer race, ancestor of the Nordics
pp. 67-68, 70:
"We are today burdened with a group of mythical races, such as the Latin, the Aryan, [etc.]. The name "Aryan race" must ... be frankly discarded as a term of racial significance. It is today purely linguistic, although there was at one time, of course, an identity between the original Proto-Aryan mother tongue and the race that first spoke and developed it. ...
"In Hindustan the blond Nordic invaders forced their Aryan language on the aborigines, but their blood was quickly and utterly absorbed in the darker strains of the original owners of the land. A record of the desperate efforts of the conqueror classes in India to preserve the purity of their blood persists until this very day in their carefully regulated system of castes. ...
"In short, ... there was once, thousands of years ago, an original Aryan race long since vanished into dim memories of the past. If used in a racial sense other than as above, it should be limited to the Nordic invaders of Hindustan now long extinct. The great lapse or time since the disappearance of the ancient Aryan race as such is measured by the extreme disintegration of the various groups of Aryan languages. These linguistic divergences are chiefly due to the imposition by conquest of Aryan speech upon several distinct subspecies of man throughout western Asia and Europe. ...
"It may be pertinent before leaving this subject to point out that, as a whole, "Germans," "French," and "English," as certain populations are now called, are but little more entitled to be considered the direct descendants, or even the exclusive modern representatives, of the ancient Germans, Franks or Anglo-Saxons [such as the Aryans], than are the living Italians or Greeks to be regarded as the offspring of the Romans of the days of the Republic or the Hellenes of the classic period. ... The Scandinavians [i.e. the Nordics], on the other hand, are racially what they were two thousand years ago, though diminished somewhat in race vigor by the loss through the emigration of some of their more enterprising members."
The "mediocre", "submissive" Alpine race
pp. 20-21, 29, 211, 227:
"The third [race] is the Alpine subspecies occupying all central and eastern Europe and extending through Asia Minor to the Hindu Kush and the Pamirs. ... The Alpines are round skulled, or medium height and sturdy build both as to skeleton and muscles. ...
"The Alpine race is always and everywhere a race of peasants, an agricultural and never a maritime race. In fact they only extend to salt water at the head of the Adriatic and, like all purely agricultural communities throughout Europe, tend toward democracy, although they are submissive to authority, both political and religious, being usually Roman Catholics in western Europe. This race is essentially of the soil and in towns the type is mediocre and bourgeois. ...
"The Alpine race is taller than the Mediterranean, although shorter than the Nordic, and is characterized by a stocky and sturdy build. The Alpines rarely, if ever, show the long necks and graceful figures so often found in the other two races. ...
"In southwestern Norway and in Denmark, there is a substantial number or short, dark round heads of Alpine affinities. These dark Norwegians are regarded as somewhat inferior socially by their Nordic countrymen. Perhaps as a result or this disability, a disproportionately large number of Norwegian immigrants to America are or this type. Apparently America is doomed to receive in these later days the least desirable classes and types..."
The "Alpine" Slavs, a "slave" race
pp. 141-143:
"The Alpines in eastern Europe are represented by various branches of the "Slavic" nations. ... When we reach Austria we come in contact with the Slavic-speaking nations which form a subdivision of the Alpine race appearing relatively late in history and radiating from the Carpathian Mountains [in the Balkans]. ... Situated on the eastern marches of Europe, the Slavs were submerged during long periods in the Middle Ages by Mongolian hordes and were checked in development and warped in culture. ...
"The introduction of Slavs into eastern Germany is believed to have been by infiltration and not by conquest. ... Described as strong in numbers but despised in war ... the medieval relation of these Slavic tribes to the dominant Teuton is well expressed in the meaning -- slave -- which has been attached to their name in western languages.
"The occupation of eastern Germany and Poland by the Slavs probably occurred from 400 A. D. to 700 A. D. but these Alpine elements were reinforced from the east and south from time to time during the succeeding centuries. Beginning early in the tenth century, the Saxons under their Emperors, especially Henry the Fowler, turned their attention eastward and during the next two centuries they reconquered and thoroughly Germanized all this section of Europe.
"A similar series of changes in racial predominance took place in Russia where in addition to a nobility largely Nordic a section of the population is of ancient Nordic type, although the bulk of the peasantry consists of Alpine Slavs."
The "Mediterranean race": Spaniards, Italians, Greeks, Berbers.
pp. 29, 152-154:
"The Mediterranean race is everywhere marked by a relatively short stature, sometimes greatly depressed, as in south Italy and in Sardinia, and also by a comparatively light bony framework and feeble muscular development. ...
"The Berbers of north Africa today are racially identical with the Spaniards and south Italians...
"Today the Mediterranean race forms in Europe a substantial part of the population of the British Isles, the great bulk of the population of the Iberian Peninsula, nearly one-third of the population of France, Liguria, Italy south of the Apennines and all the Mediterranean coasts and islands, in some of which like Sardinia it exists in great purity. It forms the substratum of the population of Greece and of the eastern coast of the Balkan Pensula. Everywhere in the interior or the Balkan Peninsula, except in eastern Bulgaria and parts or Rumania, it has been replaced by the South Slavs. ...
"In the British Isles the Mediterranean race represents the Pre-Nordic population and exists in considerable numbers in Wales and in certain portions of England, notably in the Fen districts to the northeast of London. In Scotland it is far less marked, but has left its brunetness as an indication of its former prevalence and this dark hair and eye color is very often associated with tall stature.
"This is the race that gave the world the great civilizations of Egypt, or Crete, of Phoenicia including Carthage, or Etruria, of Mycenean Greece, of Assyria and much of Babylonia. It gave us, when mixed and invigorated with Nordic elements, which probably predominated in the upper and ruling classes and imposed their guidance upon the masses, the most splendid of all civilizations, that of ancient Hellas, and the most enduring of political organizations, the Roman state. To what extent the Mediterranean race entered into the blood and civilization of Rome, it is now difficult to say, but the traditions of the Eternal City, its love or organization, of law and military efficiency, as well as the Roman ideals of family life, of loyalty and truth, point clearly to a northern rather than to a Mediterranean origin, although there must have been some Alpine strains mixed in with the Nordic element. ...
"The Roman busts that have come down to us often show features of a very Anglo-Saxon cast but with a somewhat round head. The Romans were short in stature in comparison with the nations north of the Alps and in the recently discovered battlefield of the Teutoburgian Forest where Varus and his legions perished in the reign of Augustus the skeletons of the Romans, identified by their armor, were notably smaller and slighter than were those of the German ancestors. The indications on the whole point to a Nordic aristocracy in Rome with some Alpine elements. The Plebs, on the other hand, was largely Mediterranean and Oriental and finally in the last days of the Republic ceased to contain any purely Roman blood.
"The northern qualities of Rome are in sharp contrast to the less European traits of the classic Greeks, whose volatile and analytical spirit, lack of cohesion, political incapacity and ready resort to treason all point clearly to southern and eastern affinities."
"Dwarf stature" Jews, displaying "ruthless self-interest"
pp. 16, xxxii:
"The Polish Jew, whose dwarf stature, peculiar mentality and ruthless concentration of self-interest are being engrafted upon the stock of the nation. ...
"We have the authority of one of the most eminent anthropologists in France that the collection of anthropological measurements and data among French recruits at the outbreak of the Great War was prevented by Jewish influence, which aimed to suppress any suggestion of racial differentiation in France."
^^'Mein Kampf' book excerptsNote on translations
This book is from 1925, written by Hitler before he came to power.
The original quotes here come from the 2009 Michael Ford translation to English. Looking at other translations, such as James Murphy's 1939 one, and comparing it to the German original, I can't say I favor one translation over the other. In terms of meaning, both are almost always right, but often they take a lot of liberties in translation, to the point they essentially are paraphrasing. Ordinarily, that might not be so bad, and Hitler's writing often uses complex sentences that are hard to follow. So breaking things down a bit isn't so bad. However, 'Mein Kampf' is controversial enough by itself. The last thing that is needed is a debate about any accuracies in translation.
So as a result, I have slowly begun to translate the most important passages myself. Google translator is very good anno 2024, and as a native Dutch person, who over the years has manually translated a book's worth of mainly Dutch to English texts and is familiar with the little intricacies of doing that properly, there's a bit of an advantage with interpreting some of the German words - as they are quite similar to Dutch (although being a native German would still be 50x more advantageous). Together, they make it possible to present translations of which I can be certain they are fully accurate, giving me a bit more piece of mind.
If page numbers aren't listed, it means the texts are copy-pastes from the Ford translation. If it does mention page numbers, I have been translating directly from the original German book. I'm not sure if I will bother retranslating all sections here.
^Germany lacks size and colonial territories
pp. 695, 729-731 (German original; Google/Reijden translation):
"In 1914, Germany as a military state was wedged between two countries, one with equal power and the other with greater power. Added to this was England's superior naval position. France and Russia alone offered obstacles and resistance to any excessive development of German size. The extremely unfavorable military geographical location of the Reich could be seen as a further security factor against this country taking on too much power. From a military point of view, the coastal area in particular was unfavorable for a fight with England, small and crowded, while the land front was excessively wide and open. ...
"Measured in terms of area and population, the relationship of the German Empire to other world states has never been as unfavorable as it was at the beginning of our history two thousand years ago and again today. ... Germany is no longer a world power, regardless of whether it is militarily strong or weak. ...
"From a purely territorial perspective, the area of the German Empire disappears completely compared to that of the so-called world powers. One should not cite England as proof to the contrary, because the English motherland is really just the large capital of the British Empire, which owns almost a quarter of the entire earth's surface. Furthermore, we must consider the American Union, then Russia and China, as giant states. These are all spatial structures with an area that is sometimes more than ten times larger than the current German Reich. And even France must be counted among these states."
Prussian militarism is saving the diluting "Nordic-Aryan blood"
"The third great political success was the formation of the Prussian State. ... This Prussian State, and its newly-formed ideas about how a state should operate, did away with the belief that individual provinces should defend themselves and required the formation of a national defense force. [Without it] we would have become nothing more than cultural fertilizer until the remainder of Aryan-Nordic blood in us was finally spoiled or wiped out. ...
"With Nordics, we find they mix with [the Slavic] East-Europeans; [together] with East-Europeans, they mix with Dinarics (Croatian and Bosnian races); there are Westerners with both; and there are mixtures among them all. In one way, this has been very harmful. The German people lack that group instinct which is rooted in uniformity of blood and which protects nations from destruction, particularly in moments of danger. When people face danger, all the small internal differences among them disappear instantly and they form a united front...
"Even today, within our German nation’s body, we have a great stock of pure and unmixed Nordic-Germanic people who we can consider our most precious possession for the future. In the dark days when we were ignorant of all racial laws, it was believed that a man was simply a man and all men were of equal value. The understanding that there are different merits among the individual racial elements may have been missing back then...
"Previously Kind Fate has prevented our race’s destruction in spite of our ignorance, but now that we understand, we must examine and use this knowledge. Anyone who talks about a mission of the German people on earth must know that such a mission can only begin by developing a state that sees the preservation and advancement of the noblest surviving element of our race and of all mankind as its primary responsibility. This is the only way the state can take on a high inner purpose. Compared to the ridiculous slogan that claims a state’s only purpose is in assuring peace and good order that allows quiet, mutual transactions so everyone may dupe everyone else, yes, jumping away from that nonsense, the responsibility of preserving and advancing a supreme humanity bestowed on this earth by the goodness of the Almighty Himself seems to be a truly exalted mission. ...
"The German Reich as a state must include all Germans and must pursue its duty of gathering and preserving the most valuable racial elements among our people so that they may be raised slowly and surely to a dominant position in the world."
Birthing healthy "Nordic" children central in the race-based state
"The race-based Nationalist state must correct what is not being done in any way shape or form by the powers in place. We must make race the central point of public life and the focus of the community. We must take steps that assure the race of our people is kept pure. We must establish the child as the people’s most precious possession. We must make certain that only healthy parents have children. There is only one thing that is truly shameful, and that is for the sick and weak to bring children into the world. ...
"There is only one most sacred right of man and this right is also the most sacred duty. It is to guard the blood and keep it pure, thus preserving the best part of humanity and giving these human beings the possibility of a more noble development of humanity. A race-based nationalist state, will, therefore, have to first raise marriage from the level of constant racial contamination and to bless it as the institution that is appointed to reproduce mankind in the image of the Lord, not monsters that are half man and half ape. ...
[Maybe] our two Christian churches [could] teach Europe ... that when parents are themselves not healthy and sound, it is more pleasing to God for them to take pity on a healthy little poor orphan and adopt him than it is for these unhealthy parents to bring a sickly child of their own into the world, which would only cause suffering and misery to itself and everyone around it."
Contraceptives limiting much-needed births
"Every degenerate has the chance to reproduce, bringing untold suffering upon their offspring as well as upon society. On the other hand, contraceptives are offered for sale in every drugstore and by street vendors even to the healthiest would-be parents. The courageous privileged-class nationalist supporters [sarcasm] of our present State, which has the highest goal of maintaining peace and good order [sarcasm], they regard halting reproduction among those who are afflicted with syphilis, tuberculosis, hereditary defects, cripples, and the mentally retarded as a crime. But the prevention of procreation among millions of the best and most healthy persons is not regarded as evil [as] it is convenient for their short-sighted mental laziness. Otherwise they would have to wrack their brains for the answer to how we maintain the conditions necessary to sustain and preserve the healthy members of our nationality..."
Russian Tsarists were "Nordics" ruling a Jew-Slavic nation
"By surrendering Russia to Bolshevism [in 1917], it deprived the Russian people of that intelligent group responsible for creating the state and which guaranteed their existence as a state up to that time. The Russian State did not result from the political abilities of the Slavic race in Russia, but its creation was a wonderful example of the state-forming ability possessed by the Germanic [i.e. Nordic] element that still exists within an inferior race."
Germany needs to conquer Jew-Slavic-ran Russia
"For centuries, Russia has fed on this Germanic nucleus of her leading upper classes. Today, that group is in danger of being exterminated because it has been almost entirely wiped out. The Jew has stepped into their place. It is equally impossible for the Russians to rid themselves of the Jewish yoke of bondage using their own strength as it is impossible for the Jew to maintain the huge empire in the long run. The Jew is not an organizer, but an enzyme of decomposition. The gigantic empire in the east is ripe for collapse. The end of Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of the Russian state. ...
"It goes without saying that the Jew has proclaimed his violent opposition to the eastern expansion policy. He can feel, more than anyone else, how these actions will impact his future. ... German national and race-conscious circles have declared a hostile war against the very idea of an eastern expansion policy and, as always happens, the people listen to the one who has the most famous name."
Aryans the "prometheus of humanity": created culture and sciece
"The man who makes the mistake of ignoring the law of race cheats himself of the happiness which is fated to be his. He blocks the triumphant advance of the greater race, and thus the "sine qua non" [Latin: "without which, not", i.e. indispensible ingredient] of all human progress. Burdened with humanitarian interests and human sentiment, he falls back among the helpless beasts. ...
"All human culture, art, science, and invention which surround us are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan race. This very fact justifies the deduction that the Aryan alone was the founder of a superior type of human life and is the prototype of what we mean by the word “man” today. He is the Prometheus of humanity from whose brilliant mind the divine spark of genius has always sprung, ever rekindling the fire which, in the form of knowledge, has illuminated the night of unspeakable mysteries, and thus sent man up the road to lordship over the other creatures of this earth.
"Take him away, and perhaps within a few thousand years, profound darkness will descend again upon earth, human civilization will vanish, and the world will become a desert. ...
"Often, amazingly small groups of Aryan tribes overpowered other peoples and caused the dormant intellectual and organizing powers of the conquered people to surface. These abilities were unexercised until the Aryans awoke these abilities in the lesser race. The benefits of the particular living conditions in the new territory, such as the fertility of the soil, climate, etc., made it possible for them to accomplish this cultural reawakening by using the large number of available workers from the inferior race. ...
But eventually, the conquerors violate the first principle, keeping their blood pure and not mixing with lower racial stock. They begin to interact with the conquered inhabitants and in doing so, put an end to their own existence. Even for the original sin of man, the penalty was expulsion from Paradise. After a thousand years or more, the last visible trace of the former ruling people appears only in the lighter skin coloration that its blood bestows on the subjugated race. It is a stagnated culture of which the Aryans had been the true founder."
Latin Americans less developed than North American whites due to race mixing
"Every animal only mates with another of the same species [unless] under the pressure of captivity or for some other reason that makes mating within the same species impossible. ...
"Every breeding between two creatures that are not from the same level produces a result mid-way between the levels of the two parents. The offspring will be on a higher level than the racially lower one of its parents, but not as high as the higher one. ...
"History shows us countless examples which prove this law. It shows with alarming clarity that every time Aryan blood has mingled with inferior races, the result has been the end of the greater civilization whose members were the flag-bearers of superiority.
"The North American population consists overwhelmingly of Germanic elements which have mingled very little with inferior colored peoples and this shows a very different sort of civilization and culture from Central and South America. In Central and South America, the mostly Latin settlers mingled, sometimes on a large scale, with the people who were native to the area. This one example by itself clearly and distinctly shows us the effect of racial mixture. The racially pure and almost unmixed Germanic peoples on the American Continent have risen to become the master of their land. He will remain the master as long as he does not yield to blood pollution by mixing with lesser races."
"Wonderful world-reformers ... tearing down racial barriers"
"There is a great danger that once a man no longer sees his duty [of breeding healthy Nordic-Aryan babies] clearly, he will continue to tear down the racial barriers until the last remaining shred of his best part is finally lost. Then there would be nothing left but a uniform racial mush, which appears to be the ideal sought by our “wonderful world-reformers” today. However this pure mix would soon drive all ideals from the world. ... The mission of mankind could then be considered at an end.
"Anyone who does not want the earth to approach that condition must accept that it is the task, especially of the German State, to be sure, above everything, that all further bastardization is stopped."
Mussolini opposes "Marxist" "Internationalism"
"The reason why Mussolini will be ranked among the great men of this world is his determination not to share Italy with Marxism, but to save his Fatherland from Marxism by sentencing Internationalism to destruction"
The "international Jew" seeking "world dictatorship"
"We must not forget that the international Jew, who completely dominates Russia today, does not see Germany as an ally, but as a state destined for a similar fate. You do not form an alliance with a partner whose only interest is your destruction. Above all, one does not form an alliance with creatures to whom no contract is sacred. They do not live on this world as representatives of honor and truth, but as representatives of deceit, pilfering, and robbery. A man who believes he can enter into a contract with parasites is no different from a tree trying to make a favorable agreement with [parasitic] mistletoe. ...
"Today, Germany is the next great objective of Bolshevism [which took over Russia in 1917]. ... Only a privileged-class fool could dream that Bolshevism has been banished. In his shallow thinking, he does not realize that this is an act of instinct. It is the Jewish nation striving for world domination, a phenomenon that is as natural as the Anglo-Saxon’s urge to dominate the world. Just as the Anglo-Saxon pursues this course in his own way and fights his battle with his own weapons, so too the Jew fights with the weapons he knows best. His way is sneaking into nations and undermining their inner structure. He fights with his weapons of lies and slander, poison and decay, intensifying the battle until he has achieved the bloody extermination of his hated opponent. Russian Bolshevism represents the Jew’s twentieth century attempt to gain world domination just as they tried by different, though closely related means throughout history. His desire is too deeply rooted in his nature for him to change. ...
"No nation would voluntarily stop following their natural impulse to expand its own kind or to enhance their power. ... In the same way, the Jew will not voluntarily relinquish his road to world dictatorship by simply suppressing his eternal urge. He can only be thrown off his course of world domination by outside powers or when his efforts expire with his own death. The weakness of the nations and their demise through senility is caused by their surrender of racial blood purity. The Jew guards his racial purity more than any other nation of the world. So, he continues in his disastrous way until another power confronts him and in a huge struggle throws this attacker of Heaven back again to Lucifer."
The French and Jews put "negro blood on the Rhine" to subvert white sovereignty
pp. 704-705 (German original; Google/Reijden translation):
"Only in France is there now more than ever an inner harmony between the intentions of the stock market, with Jews running it, and the wishes of a chauvinistic national statecraft. This identity alone poses an immense danger for Germany. For this very reason France is and remains by far its most terrible enemy. These people, who are increasingly falling prey to the negrofication ["vernegerung"], represent a lurking danger for the existence of the white race of Europe in its commitment to the goals of Jewish world domination."
"The infection by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe [is] to begin the bastardization of the European continent from the center, and, by infecting it with lesser people, to deprive the white race of the foundation for a sovereign existence.
"What France, spurred on by its own thirst for revenge and systematically led by the Jew, is doing in Europe today* is a sin against the existence of white humanity and will one day incite against its people all the vengeful spirits of a race that has recognized the original sin of humanity in racial shame."
* The Rhineland was controlled by the allies, in particular the French, after World War I. France - known to be vengeful with regard to Germany - stationed black colonial troops in the German-speaking Rhineland, which at least produced a few hundred mixed babies, known as the "Rhineland bastard".
Negroes defiling our "inexperienced, young blonde girls"
pp. 629-630 (German original; Google/Reijden translation):
"The contamination of our blood, which hundreds of thousands of our people pass by as if blind, is being carried out systematically by the Jews today. These black parasites are systematically defiling our inexperienced, young blonde girls and thereby destroying something that can no longer be replaced in this world."
France becoming an "African mulatto state", gone in "300 years"
p. 730 (original German page numbers; Google/Reijden translation):
"Not only is [France] increasingly supplementing its army with colored people of its vast empire, racially it is also making such rapid progress in its negrofication ["vernegerung"] that one can actually speak of the emergence of an African state on European soil. The colonial policy of today's France cannot be compared with that of past Germany. If France's development were to continue in its current style for another three hundred years, the last remnants of Frankish blood will have perished in the emerging European-African mulatto state ["Mulattenstaat"]. A huge, closed-off settlement area from the Rhine to the Congo, filled with a slowly emerging lower race that due to constant bastardization.
"This is what distinguishes French colonial policy from the old German one. The former German colonial policy was half-hearted, like everything we did. It neither increased the settlement area of the German race, nor did it attempt - which would have been criminal - to strengthen the power of the Reich through the use of black blood. The Askari in German East Africa were a small, hesitant step in that direction. However, they only served to defend the colony itself. The thought, of bringing black troops into a European theater of war, apart from the actual impossibility in the World War [I], had never existed as an intention that could be realized under more favorable circumstances, while, conversely, it was always viewed and felt by the French as an internal justification for their colonial activities."
Negro "half-apes" "trained up" for professions instead of whites to prove the "Theory of Human Equality"
pp. 478-479 (original German page numbers; Google/Reijden translation):
"From time to time, illustrated newspapers show the German middle class that here and there, for the first time, a Negro has become an attorney, teacher, a pastor - yes, even a heroic tenor, or the like. While the stupid middle class takes note of such miraculous training with astonishment, full of respect for this fabulous result of today's educational marvels, the Jew very cleverly understands how to use it to construct new proof of the correctness of the "Theory of Human Equality" that he wants to instill in the people.
"It doesn't dawn on this depraved middle class world that this is truly a sin against all reason; that it is criminal madness to train a born half-ape ["Halbaffen"] until one believes that one has made an attorney out of him - while millions of members of the highest civilized race have to remain in completely unworthy positions; that it is a sin against the will of the eternal Creator to allow hundreds of thousands of his most gifted beings to degenerate in today's proletarian [meaning: lower/working class] swamp, while Hottentots and Zulu kaffirs are trained up for intellectual professions. Because it is a form of dressage [meaning: getting a horse to walk pretty], just like that of the poodle, and not a scientific “training”."
Birthplace shouldn't determine nationality
pp. 488-489 (original German page numbers; Google/Reijden translation):
"Today, as mentioned above, citizenship is acquired primarily through birth within the borders of a state. Race or ethnicity play no role at all. A Negro who previously lived in the German protected areas, but now has his residence in Germany, brings a “German citizen” into the world in his child. Likewise, every Jewish, Polish, African or Asian child can easily be declared a German citizen.
"In addition to naturalization by birth, there is also the possibility of naturalization later. It is tied to various preconditions, for example that the candidate in question is, if possible, not a burglar or pimp, that he is politically harmless, i.e. a harmless political idiot, and finally that he is not a burden in his new homeland. In this real day and age, of course, this only means a financial burden. ... Racial concerns play no role at all. ... The previous Zulu kaffer ["kaffer" is slang for "negro"] in question is told: “You have now become German!”
A state president can pull off this magical feat. What no heaven could create, an [alchemic] Theophrastus Paracelsus-type civil servant transforms in the blink of an eye. A simple swipe of a pen and a Mongolian Wenzel ["Vaclav"] suddenly becomes a real “German”.
"But not only do they not care about the race of such a new citizen, they don't even pay attention to his physical health. No matter how syphilitic a guy is, he is still very welcome as a citizen of today's state, provided, as already mentioned, he does not represent a financial burden or a political danger."
Catholic and Protestant churches should unite against Jews and negroes
pp. 445-446, 630, 632 (original German page numbers; Google/Reijden translation):
"These black parasites are systematically defiling our inexperienced, young blonde girls and thereby destroying something that can no longer be replaced in this world. Both, yes, both Christian denominations look on with indifference to this desecration and destruction of a noble and unique living being given to the earth by God's grace. For the future of the earth, however, the significance lies not in whether the Protestants defeat the Catholics or the Catholics defeat the Protestants, but rather in whether Aryan man remains or dies out. Nevertheless, today the two denominations are not fighting against the destroyer of these people, but rather are trying to destroy each other. ...
"In the ranks of our movement, the most devout Protestant could sit next to the most devout Catholic without ever having to come into the slightest conflict of conscience with his religious convictions. The mighty battle that the two of them waged, against the destroyer of the Aryan people, in contrast, has taught them to respect and value one another. ...
"One marvels with stupid faces at the lack of impact the Christian faith has in one's own country... In return they successfully seek help from Hottentots [Khoikhoin people in South Africa] and Zulu kaffirs [slang for negroes], with the blessing of the people, to compensate the church. While our European peoples ... fall into a state of physical and moral leprosy, the pious missionary migrates to Central Africa and sets up Negro missions...
"It would be more in keeping with the spirit of the noblest people in this world if, instead of bothering the Negroes with missions that they neither want nor understand, our two Christian churches would teach our European people kindly, but in all seriousness, that if parents are not healthy, it is a more pleasing act to God to have mercy on a healthy, poor little orphan and to give it a father and mother, than to give a sick one to oneself and to the rest of the world to bring only misfortune and suffering into life."
Jewish obsessed with their own racial hygiene; destroying Germany's
"Now was the time for a change to take place. Over the course of more than a thousand years, the Jew has learned the language of his hosts so well that he shows his Judaism less and dares to put his “German” side in the foreground. As ridiculous and stupid as it may at first seem, he has the audacity to transform himself into a “Teuton” or an actual “German”. This was the beginning of one of the most notorious deceptions that can be imagined. Since he possesses none of the qualities of German character and can only abuse and twist its language and otherwise has never mixed with the Germans to absorb their character traits, his ability to pretend to have a German identity depends on his ability to emulate the language alone. A race is not bound by their language, but entirely by their blood. This is something the Jew knows better than anyone. The Jew doesn’t care about the preservation of his own language, but he does care deeply about the purity of his blood. A man may change languages and easily learn a new one, but his new language will only express his old ideas. His inner nature is not changed. The best proof of this is the Jew, who can speak a thousand languages, and yet his Jewish nature remains intact; he is the same Jew. His characteristics have always been the same, whether he spoke Latin two thousand years ago as a grain merchant at Ostia (Ostia Antica, an ancient Roman trading harbor city) or mumbles German gibberish today as a middle man pushing adulterated flour. It is still the same Jew. It can be taken for granted that this obvious fact is not understood by an average clerk’s supervisor at any government office or by a police administrator today since there is hardly anything with less instinct and intelligence running at large than these civil servants chosen by our present model of a government. ...
"We must remember how much destruction the Jewish bastardization forces on our people every day and realize that this poisoning of the blood can only be removed from the German people after centuries, that is, if it can ever be removed at all. We must also come to understand how this racial disintegration pulls down or even destroys the last Aryan values among our German people. We are the bearers of civilization, but we see our national strength declining and we are in danger, at least in our big cities, of becoming like Southern Italy. This infection of our blood, an infection that hundreds of thousands of our people seem to disregard, is carried out by the Jew according to a methodical plan."
"Mongrels" suffering from "disharmony" and minds that "break down"
"Nature ... has little love for mongrels. The products of such cross breeding, especially the third, fourth and fifth generation, suffer bitterly. Not only are they deprived of the qualities which were present in the original highest element in the mixture, but due to the disharmony in their blood, they have lost the focus of will and determination that is necessary to live at all. At critical moments, the racially pure being will make sound and single-minded decisions, but the racially mixed one grows uncertain or settles on safer halfway measures. This shows that not only does a certain inferiority exist in the racially mixed being as opposed to the racially pure, but also the mixed race being faces the possibility of becoming extinct more rapidly. In countless cases we see where the pure race stands strong, while the mongrel breaks down. ...
If an individual member of a given higher race were to breed with one racially inferior, the result would be a being of a lower level than the upper race. ... If more blood mingling with the higher race is completely prevented, the mongrels will constantly interbreed and either die out as a result of their reduced resistance to disease, ... or over the course of many thousand years, they would form ... a new race with a kind of herd resistance, but they would possess considerably less intellectual and cultural ability in comparison with the higher race... Even in this case, the mixed breed product would be defeated in the struggle for existence as long as a higher and unmixed racial group still existed as an adversary. [It's doomed to fail:] a struggle with an equally united, but intellectually and culturally superior pure race. This happens because of the general lowering of the racial level and the consequent decrease in spiritual resilience and creative capacity of the mongrel race."
Underestimating Far East Asians
"If, starting today, all future Aryan influence on Japan were to end, as if Europe and America were both destroyed, Japan’s present advance in science and technology might continue for a short while, but within a few years, the well would run dry. The Japanese internal character would gain hold again, and the present civilization would become stagnant and would sink back into the sleep that it was awakened from seven decades ago by the wave of Aryan civilization. ... This can happen to a race if the original creative racial core has been lost, or if the outside influence which supplied the stimulus and the materials for the first cultural development is removed."
- Dec. 3, 2022,, 'Ye West & Alex Jones Break the Internet in MUST-SEE New Interview!'. In the interview, Kanye is continually worshipping Hitler, at least in part because of a conflict he has with entertainment industry Jews.
- 1920, second edition, The Britons (publisher at Oxford Street, London), 'The Jewish Peril: Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion', p. 6.
- Ibid., p. 13.
- Ibid., p. 41.
- Ibid., p. 8.
- Ibid., p. 10.
- Ibid., p. 9.
- Ibid., p. 26.
- March 8, 2004, The New Yorker, 'The Measure of America': "Osborn's [1908 AMNH presidential] inauguration took place in the library of his uncle, J. P. Morgan, and the splendor of his relations lent his scholarship an added glow."
- December 18, 1912, UPI (founded in 1907 as United Press Associations), 'Investigation shows Morgan, 17 firms control $25.3 billion'.
- 1898, Second Annual Report of the New York Zoological Society, pp. 5-21. The "Founders" are listed on p. 8.
- March 8, 2004, The New Yorker, 'The Measure of America': "Grant had become a museum trustee thanks to his good friend Henry Fairfield Osborn..."
- Annual reports AMNH for 1878, 1881, 1884, 1915 (list of historical trustees on pp. 129-131 (PDF)), 1916.
- (accessed: March 2, 2024).
- (accessed: March 2, 2024).
- Jan. 4, 1921 letter of Boone and Crockett Club secretary Kermit Roosevelt ( (accessed: March 3, 2024)): "Dear Mr. Burghduff: Mr. Madison Grant has turned over your letter to me with the rewards offered by the club for the arrest and conviction of anyone killing antelope in Oregon."
- July 1, 2021, North Coast Journal, 'Removing a Monument to a Eugenicist Nazi Collaborator; State Parks reckons with ugly truths' (shows pictures of the removal of the plaque, and its text).
- *) Digital Who's Who, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Jr.: "Pres. N.Y. Zool. Soc. 1940-69 (mem. exec. com. of bd. trustees 1923-69, sec., 1935-39)... Author: Our Plundered Planet, 1948; The Limits of the Earth, 1953. Editor: Our Crowded Planet, 1962. ... President of the Conservation Foundation, 1948-62, chairman of board, 1962-69; mem. Am. Com. of Internat. Council of Museums; member council of Save The Redwoods League; Member exec. com., adv. bd. Am. Com. Internat. Wild Life Protection; mem. Am. Forestry Assn. (hon. v.p. 1957), Internat. Com. Bird Preservation,"
*) June 11, 1941, New York Times, 'Joins Oil Company': "... [Laurance S. Rockefeller is] a trustee of the New York Zoological Society." - *) April 6, 1948, New York Times, 'Conservation unit set up to warn U.S.': "Officers of the [Conservation] foundation will include Mr. [Fairfield] Osborn [Pilgrims] as president. ... and Samuel H. Ordway Jr. [later 1001 Club], vice presidents. ... David H. McAlpin [Pilgrims], treasurer. ... The initial trustees will include ... Mr. McAlpin, ... Mr. Osborn, Laurance S. Rockefeller [later 1001 Club]."
*) Henry F. Osborn, Jr., more commonly known as Fairfield Osborn, followed in his father's footsteps as a council member of the Save The Redwoods League. He did the same at the Zoological Society, serving as a trustee since 1923 and holding the presidency from 1940 to 1968 (December 4, 1968, New York Times, ‘Zoo Post to L. Rockefeller'). By the early 1940s Laurance Rockefeller had joined Osborn at the board of the Zoological Society (and would eventually succeed him as president). In cooperation with Laurance Rockefeller, Osborn set up the Conservation Foundation in 1948. Osborn would become founding president, Laurance Rockefeller joined the board and has been credited as the founder (September 16, 1958, New York Times, 'Resources job goes to L. S. Rockefeller'), with the Zoological Society supplying one-third of the necessary funds during the first three years. The founding of the Conservation Foundation was timed to take place just weeks after the publication of Osborn's book 'Our Plundered Planet'. The book raised awareness to problems surrounding erosion of topsoil, destructive agricultural techniques, and deforestation - some of the primary issues related to the Conservation Foundation.
*) Related: January 7, 1981, New York Times, 'Frederick Osborn, a general, 91, dies': "[Frederick Osborn, son of Pilgrim William Church Osborn] served as a trustee of ... the American Museum of Natural History, the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, the Frick Collection and International House [also with the Rockefellers]. He also helped start and raise funds for the Office of Population Research at Princeton. In 1953, Mr. Osborn and John D. Rockefeller 3d began the Population Council to foster studies and education on the people of various nations in relation to their material and cultural resources. He was a director of the Population Association of America and the American Eugenics Society. Standing 6 feet 8 inches tall, Mr. Osborn was known as the tallest general in the Army..."
*) Laurance Rockefeller was involved in the founding and administration of various different conservation groups. An important aspect of the Esalen Institute, eventually he went on to finance very questionable UFO abduction research, Steven Greer's Project Stargate, and crop circle research - which are all part of the same establishment conservation agenda. Look up many of the details in ISGP's index of institutes. - March 8, 2004, The New Yorker, 'The Measure of America'.
- (accessed: March 2, 2024): "With Charles Davenport as the Director, a laboratory was built and the “station” opened in June 1904; it was named “Station for Experimental Evolution” (SEE) in 1906. In 1910, with funding from Mrs. E. H. Harriman, an 80-acre farm near the SEE was purchased, and an office building was erected to establish the Eugenics Record Office (ERO)."
- March 10, 1910, Prescott F. Hall, secretary of the Immigration Restriction League, in a letter to U.S. Congress.
- manifests/view/drs:6526866$1i (accessed: March 10, 2024).
- Dec. 26, 1923 to Jan. 19, 1924, U.S. Congress: House, 'Restriction of Immigration: Hearings Before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization - Part 2', p. 836: "Report of the Committee on Selective Immigration of the Eugenics Committee of the United States of America: [Committee on Selective Immigration: Madison Grant (Chairman). ... H. H. Laughlin, secretary...]".
- March 8, 2004, The New Yorker, 'The Measure of America'.
- 1925, Volumes 16-17, The Eugenics Review, p. 159, 'The Immigration Question': "Professor Osborn, President of the Second International Congress of Eugenics, after quoting from his address on "Eugenics, Genetics and the Family," makes the following observations in the New York Times, 8, iv. 24: "... Congress and the country ... is receiving the most enlightened discussion ... whether we shall admit those whom we really want here to continue to build up our civilization... At the same time there are somewhat dubious comments about my own race, the Nordics. This is why I venture to entitle this communication 'Lo, the Poor Nordic!'."
- April 8, 1924, Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr. for the New York Times, 'Lo, the Poor Nordic'.
- (accessed: April 5, 2024).
- Spring/Summer 2004, The Mankind Quarterly, 'The IQ of Gypsies in Central Europe', pp. 291-300 (PDF).
- Ibid.
- Aug. 6, 2008, Journal of Human Genetics, 'Differential Greek and northern African migrations to Sicily are supported by genetic evidence from the Y chromosome': "The genetic contribution of Greek [who score by far the lowest in IQ scores among traditional western countries] chromosomes to the Sicilian gene pool is estimated to be about 37% whereas the contribution of North African populations is estimated to be around 6%."
- May 30, 2017, Sky News, 'Egyptian mummies have European and Turkish DNA - scientists'.
- 2016, Madison Grant (foreword by Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr.), 'The Passing of the Great Race', p. 152.
- Ibid., p. 24.
- Ibid., p. 209.
- Ibid., p. 25.
- Search ISGP's CFR article for the sentence: 'Usage of the term "internationalist"' for a list of sources and citations dating back to at least 1959.
- Sep.-Oct. 2002, Dr. Noel Ignatiev reprint from the book 'When Race Becomes Real' (2002) in Harvard Magazine, p. 30. (PDF)
- Nov. 7, 1937, New York Times, 'Austrian Clubs Snubbed; Goering Fails to Invite Hunting Groups to Berlin Exposition': "... to participate in the Berlin International Hunting Exposition."
- 2000, Jonathan Peter Spiro, 'Patrician Racist: The Evolution of Madison Grant - Volume 3', p. 929: "International Hunting Exposition in Berlin. Lasting for three full weeks in November, Goering explained that [in part it was organized] to promote "comradeship, goodwill and understanding among the international hunting fraternity." [7] ... Grant, of course, was one of those invited, and he intended to take with him to Berlin some of his record trophies. But Grant did not live long enough to go hunting with Goering."
- March 8, 2004, The New Yorker, 'The Measure of America': "Grant's family destroyed his papers after his death, but he is reported to have displayed a letter from Hitler that referred to his book as "my Bible."
- Ibid.
- 1971, Leon F. Whitney, unpublished autobiography, pp. 204-205. /object/text%3A287761 (accessed: April 10, 2024; ' Mss.B.W613b - Leon Fradley Whitney autobiography, 1971'; shows 50 pages of the autobiography, including the one on "Hitler's bible".). /11/resources/1456 (accessed: April 10, 2024; 'Leon Fradley Whitney papers'). - Oct. 8, 2006, New York Times, 'Blue eyes are increasingly rare in America - Americas - International Herald Tribune'.
- 2003, issue 1, The Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, pp. 8-18, 'The killing of psychiatric patients in Nazi Germany between 1939-1945'.