Jim Garrison BS witness Jim Hicks (alleged intimidation, 1968)
Yet another nonsense witness used by Jim Garrison in his JFK assassination trial against Clay Shaw was Jim Hicks. Just from knowing the available witness testimonies of Dealey Plaza, it's pretty obvious that Hicks never was at the scene when Kennedy was assassinated. Hicks apparently tried to discredit the close to a dozen witnesses who saw smoke on the grassy knoll at the time a shot was heard coming from here and then included a few inventions. Him being thrown through a window might well be nonsense too, but it appears that BS peddlers in the Kennedy assassination have actually been harassed or killed. Roger Craig and Richard Carr are two examples of that. Also remember Nicholas Chetta, who was injecting Garrison's key "witness" for the Clay Shaw trial with Sodium Pentothal to be combined with hypnosis sessions. Chetta also carried out the autopsy on David Ferrrie, who died in this period, as well as two close relatives/colleagues.
Garrison associate Tom Bethell confirmed Hicks' questionable motives, as well as Garrison's apparent habit to make up nonsense. Bethell was an assistant to Garrison and has since then advanced to being a world class troll of his own, only in his case in the employ of the Hoover Institution, Harper's Magazine, The American Spectator and Washington Monthly. Among his trolling is denying the existence of Evolution and that HIV causes AIDS.
Tom Bethell diary entry, September 14, 1967:
"Earlier on, (about a month ago,) a guy called Jim Hicks had come to see Garrison in his office one Saturday afternoon. He said he had been in Dealey Plaza when JFK was shot, although I recall he had 2 versions as to which side of the street he was on. This evening Garrison told us that Hicks has a drunken driving rap hanging over his head. He now wants us to write to the D.A. in Oklahoma to get him off. This is obviously the explanation of Hicks' visit. ...
"Mrs [Mae] Brussell, Mark Lane, Bill Turner, and Bill Boxley all competing with me for a place in my office. In the evening, Turner, Brussell, Boxley and I went out to Garrison's house for what he termed a brainstorming session. ...
"Garrison believes that the Abundant Light Temple (or some such name) near where Tippit was shot in some way played an important role in the planning and execution of the assassination. Garrison can sometimes talk extremely amusingly about things like this. You reach a point where, not only do you not believe what he is saying, but you realize he doesn't believe it either. You realize he is just putting on a kind of amusing performance. Often it is difficult to see the dividing line between when he means what he says and when he is joking.
"I remember once, one Sunday when we were holding staff meetings in the middle of the day, he started to talk to the assembled lawyers about the paramilitary operation in Dealey Plaza. I think everyone was a bit uncomfortable, sensing that Garrison believed what he was saying and that no one else did. Soon, however, he got carried away and was talking about "platoons of National Guardsmen" hiding in churches, "infantry movements", "armored convoys" moving through Dallas, underground canteen facilities in a huge dugout under Dealey Plaza, and so on. Everyone was completely broken up with laughter, which of course Garrison appreciated. He only does this when he is in a good mood."
A. Well, I arrived there before the parade really got
started, it was coming down Main Street when I found a
place to stop to watch the parade. Before the parade turned I first noticed the car in the parking lot, it had two fellows in the car, one was . . . . .
Q. In the parking lot, about where? Is that the one by the Book Depository?
A. Yes, that's the one alongside the back. I first noticed the car, it didn't make too much sense to me because everybody was standing around there, but it did after a few moments, after what happened. At the time of the assassination, where the President's car was coming down the road there I heard the shots. I heard four shots and I also saw the President's head explode. It wasn't like something that was shot, it just seemed to explode I guess is the best way to say it. There was a sign, a caution sign, alongside the road that was hit, at least I believe it was hit, because the shot came over my head and I think they hit the sign. Anyway, the Dallas Police Department car, people I assume to be because one of them was in uniform and the other two weren't, took the sign down there I don't know anything more about the sign.
Well, approximately right in here is where the car
was, with the two men , one kneeling, at the time
it 'looked like he had a piece of pipe or broom handle
or something like that, it didn't look like a weapon.
Where was he kneeling?
A. In the trunk of the car.
Q. Where were you standing, Jim?
A. Right in here approximately.
The shots seemed to me like they come over the top of
my head. The sign that was here was approximately here. ...
You went to the parade alone?
A. Yes, I wasn't married then.
Q. What was the business about last night?
Q. I don't know, I was sleeping in bed and the next thing I know I am going through the window.
A. Was it men, or . . . .
Q. Two men.
Q. Did you get a description of them?
Well, I would know them if I saw them again.
JUROR: I just can't believe someone would harass a witness
like this . . . . .
This is an improvement, they have been killing them.
Q. Did they throw you through the plate glass window
that goes out onto the patio?
A. He didn't throw me, he pushed me.
Q. How high were you?
A. Sixth floor.
Q. They didn't say anything to you?
A. No.
How big is that balcony on the other side?
A. About 3 feet, very narrow.
Q. They let you go as soon as they pushed you through
A. I went through there, they ran, it caused a lot
of noise, and I jumped up off the floor and ran
after them out the door and they were gone.
Q. How did they get in your room? Did they have a key?
A. Well, I don't remember if I locked the door or not.
Q. Don't those doors automatically lock?
A. I think they do.
Q. You mean you have been harassed in your own home town?
Quite a bit.
Q. Well, our local press and TV media didn't do any good either.
A. I got ten or fifteen crank calls. The Police Department has been pretty nice and has run a special car up there
in front of the house.
Q. Have you been threatened?
A. They didn't exactly threaten me, it was more or less my family, better shut up or things will happen to your family.
Q. Last night did you get any phone calls in your room?
A. No.
Q. What time did it happen last night?
A. The policeman got up there about 1:15 or 1:20, about
ten or fifteen minutes after it happened. I don't really know if they had anything to do
with the investigation, or whether it was a robbery
attempt, or what it was, I just don't know.
Q. Were they white men, Cubans, or colored men?
A. Colored men.
They pulled you out of bed?
A. I was laying there asleep and the next thing I knew or
when I come to my senses, I was going toward the
Q. They must have been pretty husky?
A. One was quite a bit bigger than I am and the security guard downstairs said he met two men coming down the
stairs, or the elevator or something, and he looked at
their ID cards and let them go.
Q. Were they dressed in suits?
A. No, I would say slacks, not dressed up.
The entrance to the sewer, among many entrances, is right
here at the corner and'the entire substructure of the .
sewer - you can see some of the sewer entrances here and here -
and the sewers are big enough to hold a man. I will showyou
pictures next week, and inside you can see a convertible,
I don't know why, but you can. There is another sewer just
about here, but that was filled in a few days after the
assassination, they covered it over and it isn't there anymore.
In the diagram they introduced of the sewer system there is a
lamp and here would be the outlet. The original diagram,
before the assassination, said 'lamp and inlet'(which is the
sewer). The diagram introduced after the assassination by the
FBI has a change and it says 'street lamp'. What they have
done and stooped to are beyond belief. The inlet is not
mentioned anymore, it has been removed from.the diagram, but z
it used to be there. I will go into that 1ater on.