Twining Says AF Probing 'Saucers'
European Stars and Stripes
May 17, 1954
AMARILLO, Tex., May 16 (UP) Gen. Nathan F. Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff, said yesterday that the Air Force has the best brains in the country working on "the flying saucer problem."
Twining said about 90 per cent of reports of flying saucers are pure imagination. But the Air Force can't explain the other 10 per cent.
"We just don't know about that 10 per cent," he said. "If they are from Mars and there is a people and a world that far ahead of us, I don't think we have even to worry about it."
So far, Twining said, no facts have been uncovered to show that there is anything to flying saucers. But, he said, "some very reliable" persons have reported flying objects that can't be identified.