150 Years of Voting in a Managed Democracy: Same Elite Network Behind All Republican and Democrat Candidates; Power from Morgan to Rockefeller to Kissinger

- Vote all you want; a small elite decides the candidates
American Civil War to WWII administrations - Morgan-Rockefeller-Mellon-Warburg-Schiff-influence on:
- Grant (1869-1877)
- McKinley (1897-1901)
- Roosevelt (1901-1909)
- Taft (1909-1913)
- Wilson (1913-1921)
- Harding (1921-1923)
- Coolidge (1923-1929)
- Hoover (1993-2001)
- FDR (1933-1945)
- Rockefeller-Kissinger-Brzezinski-Shultz-influence on:
- Truman (1945-1953)
- Eisenhower (1953-1961)
- JFK (1961-1963) and LBJ (1963-1969)
- Nixon (1969-1974) and Ford (1974-1977)
- Carter administration (1977-1981)
- Reagan (1981-1989) and Bush (1989-1993)
- Clinton administration (1993-2001)
21st century administrations - The same powers, still, with a bit of Soros:
- Notes
"Some of them are candid enough to tell you the truth. Like Henry Kissinger, who defined an "expert" as a person who is capable of articulating the consensus of people with power. ...
"We’re the only major industrial democracy that doesn’t have a political party which is, basically, labor-based. We only have ... two factions of the Business Party called the Democrats and the Republicans. ...
"[In] totalitarian states ... they don’t really care what people think, because they always have a club at hand to beat them over the head... The democratic state can’t use such mechanisms. [But] since power is still concentrated, but in different hands - in our society largely in private ownership - and you can’t control people by force, you’d better [resort to] more sophisticated forms of indoctrination. ...
"[So the objective is that] our leaders control us, not we control them. ... How do you achieve this? Well, there are a lot of ways of achieving it [such as controlling the media, as I have discussed], but one of the [other] ways of achieving it is by turning the elected offices into ceremonial positions. ... That’s why Reagan is so interesting, because ... Reagan had only the foggiest ideas of what the policies of his administration were. ...
"[So you] allow [the people] to participate in the political system, but as consumers, not as true participants. That is, allow them a method for ratifying decisions [of one political candidate or another] that were made by others, but eliminate the methods by which they might first inform themselves; second, organize; and third, act in such a way as to really control decision-making. ...
"I go into the polling booth and I push one or another button, depending on which of those positions I want. That’s a very limited form of democracy. A really meaningful democracy would mean that I play a role in forming those decisions, in creating those positions. That those positions reflect my active, creative participation. Not just me, of course, but everyone. ... We’re very far from that."
1988, Noam Chomsky, in discussion with fellow-"new left" ("liberal CIA") activist Bill Moyers of the CFR board of directors and the Bilderberg steering committee. 1
Vote all you want; a small elite decides the candidates
There are a variety of ways to analyze if and how elected political administrations in western democracies are controlled by a big business-oriented globalist elite. Looking at all the different globalist think tanks and conferences former members of cabinet end up with is one way. Looking at personal relationships between big business executives and politicians is another. Yet another way, in case of the United States, is to analyze the percentage of secretaries of state, defense secretaries, national security advisors, etc. who were members of the big business-funded Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) *before* being appointed to these positions by elected presidents. ISGP has done so in various other articles and oversights.
In this article - a first version of which appeared in ISGP's 2013 intro article - we look at the CFR as well, but also at a wider network of key think tanks, conferences, social clubs, "charitable" NGOs and persons. In particular we are looking to see if any administration official, before his or her appointment, had any ties to the Rockefeller family, or, in case we go pre-World War II, to other "robber barons", such as the Morgans, Mellons, or Carnegie network. In case of the post-World War II Rockefeller network, we look at administration officials for:
- Pre-existing personal or business ties to Nelson or David Rockefeller.
- Pre-existing involvement in Bilderberg, of which David Rockefeller was an important co-founder and who visited it more than anyone else for 59 years, missing only 6 conferences over 1954-2013.
- Pre-existing ties to the Trilateral Commission, founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller.
- Pre-existing membership of the CFR, chaired from 1953 to 1970 by David Rockefeller mentor John McCloy, by David Rockefeller himself from 1970 to 1985, and subsequently (almost) exclusively by close allies of David Rockefeller who earlier had been members of the Trilateral Commission.
- Pre-existing ties to Henry Kissinger, who operated as a protege of Nelson Rockefeller since 1955 2, later followed by a best friend relationship with David Rockefeller; has been a CFR member since 1956, a regular Bilderberg visitor over at least 67 years (1957-2023), and a Trilateral Commission executive and member for at least 45 years (1978-2023). Kissinger quite literally took over from David Rockefeller as the most central player in the globalist movement.
- Pre-existing ties to the Bechtel Group. As discussed and sourced in particular in the biography of John McCone here, Stephen Bechtel, Sr., Henry Kaiser, future CIA director John McCone, Nelson and David Rockefeller, and CIA director Allen Dulles formed a key CIA-big business nexus starting no later that the early 1950s, involving the Bechtel firm, Saudi ARAMCO, and countless Business Roundtable multinationals. Bechtel, Kaiser, and McCone were the leading members of Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay, a key hub of globalist West Coast establishment also visited annually by the Rockefellers. In addition, the Bechtels were members of the 1001 Club since the 1970s, alongside David and Laurance Rockefeller, the British and French Rothschilds, European royals, representatives of the Shah of Iran, Mobutu from the Congo, and various Mossad-tied bankers and businessmen.
The Bechtel Group is included here because it more comprehensively ties the JFK, LBJ and Reagan administrations to elite interests, ignoring Eisenhower's friendly relations with John McCone and Stephen Bechtel, Sr. in the 1950s. Also, George Shultz not only used to be Bechtel president until becoming Reagan's secretary of state in 1982, after leaving the Reagan administration in 1989 he immediately went back to Bechtel and remained a director of the company until 2006. This is important, because Shultz - who has plenty of Kissinger and Rockefeller ties himself, from the "new age greeny" State of the World Forums, to the Trilateral Commission, to the neoliberal "Chicago School" - in the late 2010s would be tied to many right-wing picks of the Trump administration in particular.
In short, while not much written about it, the Bechtel firm and family has maintained decades-long ties to CIA leadership alongside their Rockefeller partners. Hence, they very strongly represent both globalism and the CIA, a crucial nexus of power that even today we don't fully understand. Retired CIA director Richard Helms - with his family elite ties to banking, the CFR and the Pilgrims - becoming a consultant to Bechtel, fits in the same pattern.
The reader can see why the CFR, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission have been singled out here: those NGOs have been the key personal playing ground of David Rockefeller. The same thing goes for Henry Kissinger with regard to the latter two groups. Attention in this article is also paid to a variety of other elite groups, most notably the Pilgrims Society and the 1001 Club, because these groups also help tie various elites to the Rockefellers, not to mention the Rothschilds. Other think tanks, conferences, or social clubs laying bare these ties will also be used. In the end, most of this article comes down to tying members of succeeding cabinets to the Rockefeller and older Morgan interests - with the focus obviously being on ties that preceded any government appointments.
It actually wasn't until July 2023, when the original oversight was separated from the old introduction article on this site, that the list here was expanded with pre-World II and pre-World War I era presidential administrations. Over the years the author picked up on various practical examples of elite influence on these earlier administrations, but did not have much of a framework on ISGP to organize these ties anywhere. As the reader can see from the following quick examples, we really needed such an analysis:
- General Ulysses Grant (1869-1877) sat on the board of the Peabody-Morgan-founded Peabody Education Fund since two years before his presidential inauguration. So did his secretary of state o 8 years.
- William McKinley's campaign chair and fundraiser, businessman Mark Hanna, had been friends of Standard Oil founders John and William Rockefeller since high school. Morgan also organized a fundraiser for McKinley (1897-1901) on his Corsair II yacht.
- Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) and his father, going back decades before Teddy's presidency, shared the board of the American Museum of Natural History with names as Morgan, Drexel, Vanderbilt, Harriman and Dodge, etc. Similar ties ran through membership in the Union League Club of New York.
- Woodrow Wilson's "lifelong friend and Princeton classmate" was Rockefeller in-law Cleveland H. Dodge, with Jacob Schiff also supporting his (uniquely) Democrat presidency. Morgan bestie George Harvey pushed Wilson (1913-1921) for president since 1906, after Wilson had been invited to speak at the Carnegie-dominated Lotos Club.
- Vice president (1921-1923) and then president Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) was aided into the White House by his old Amhurst classmate, Dwight Morrow, by then a prominent partner in J.P. Morgan & Co.
- FDR has his "socialist values" instilled at the Morgan-Peabody-ran Groton School, with him teaming up with CFR and Pilgrims banker Marshall Field III in supporting the "community organizing" of the ever-curious Saul Alinsky.
These presidential elections, from the 19th to the 21st century, have, of course, always been followed by presidential selections for the major cabinet positions. In these picks we find further proof that elite financial interests determine who gets to run whatever government gets elected. They create this system by allowing the media they own to only give attention to first, second and even third tier potential presidential candidates who they know will keep the debate in between certain predetermined limits. No one else ever gets attention, and certainly not the green light to run for president.
That's not a "democracy". That's a "managed democracy". And we in the West, certainly Americans, have never experienced anything else. All we do is vote for actors and PR men that covertly manage our democracy on behalf of a big business-funded globalist elite consisting of a small group of businessmen, diplomats, politicians, scholars, and national security veterans. "Anti-globalist" forces in this system are set up to provide some token resistance but ultimate are designed to lose.
Gen. Ulysses Grant (1869-1877) administration
Name | Position |
Gen. Ulysses Grant | U.S. president 1869-1877. Founding trustee of the Peabody Education Fund from 1867 to 1885 3, since two years before his election as U.S. president. The founder was George Peabody, who in 1854 co-founded the J.P. Morgan & Co. banking house with Junius Spencer Morgan, the father of J.P. Morgan, Sr. Anthony J. Drexel, a Morgan partner, was a trustee from 1881 until his death in 1893. J. P. Morgan, Sr. was a trustee from 1885 to 1913. |
Hamilton Fish | Secretary of state 1869-1877. Another founding trustee of the Peabody Education Fund since 1867 until at least the late 1880s, when he became sick and couldn't attend every trustee meeting anymore. 4 |
William McKinley administration: 1897-1901
Name | Position |
William McKinley | U.S. president from 1897 until his assassination in 1901. The fundraising and for McKinley's presidential campaigns was done by his campaign manager and Republican National Committee chairman Marcus "Mark" Hanna, an old classmate of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. and William Rockefeller at high school in Cleveland. 5 Hanna and the Rockefellers remained close over the years. In 1896, John D. Rockefeller provided $250,000 for McKinley's presidential campaign. 6 J.P. Morgan, Sr. hosted Hanna for a McKinley fundraiser on his yacht Corsair II, where Morgan and other bankers donated to the McKinley campaign, mainly in relation to the Gold Standard Act. 7 In 1897 - immediately after McKinley's presidential campaign - Mark Hanna was invited to the Union League Club of New York, at that point sharing membership with Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, Sr., John D. Rockefeller Sr., Cornelius Vanderbilt and Andrew Mellon, as well as key henchmen of these dominant financial interests as Joseph Choate, Elihu Root and Chauncey Depew. Hanna's first support for McKinley dates back to 1889, when McKinley unsuccessfully tried to become speaker of the house. Hanna more successfully supported McKinley in his subsequent election and reelection as governor of Ohio, a position McKinley held from 1892 to 1896. 8 McKinley always represented the "big business' faction of the Republican Party, with Hanna referring to the "progressive" "reform-minded" Republican Teddy Roosevelt as a "madman" and "cowboy" at various times, not wanting him on the ticket as McKinley's (popular) vice president, because, as Hanna prophetically warned: "Don’t any of you realize there’s only one life between this madman and the presidency?" 9 |
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, Jr. | U.S. vice president April - June 1901, taking over as president with McKinley's assassination. Considered the "progressive" "reform-minded" counterpart within the Republican Party to McKinley, and greatly opposed by Mark Hanna. Despite that, Roosevelt had his own very long history with the Morgans, Vanderbilts and other elites. See the next section for details. |
John M. Hay | Secretary of state 1898-1905. Once was an aide to President Lincoln in the White House. Married Clara Stone in 1874, who was the daughter of wealthy industrialist Amasa Stone, who in 1868 had arranged a deal with John D. Rockefeller, Sr. on behalf of William Vanderbilt 10 and himself was an early shareholder in Standard Oil, until 1874. 11 The couple had four children, including Helen Hay Whitney, the mother of future Pilgrims vice president, CFR member and CIA-tied Rockefeller ally John Hay Whitney. |
Lyman J. Gage | Treasury secretary 1897-1902. Vice president and then president of the First National Bank of Chicago, considered one of the strongest banks in the country that survived several financial panics. It did not have a recognizable Eastern Establishment board though. However, Gage also was a co-founder and first president in 1893-1894 of the World's Colombian Exposition/Congresses in Chicago. Cyrus H. McCormick, a major Rockefeller man after his son Harold Fowler McCormick married Edith Rockefeller, the daughter of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., in 1895; and Charles H. Schwab, one of Andrew Carnegie's top lieutenants since 1879; were among the 45 founding directors. 12 Founding trustee of the Carnegie Institution of Washington/Science 1902–1912 13, from immediately after leaving as treasury secretary. |
Theodore Roosevelt administration: 1901-1909
Name | Position |
Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt, Jr. | U.S. president 1901-1909. Governor of New York 1899-1900. The Roosevelts were as elite as they came. Teddy's father, Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., was a member of the Knickerbocker Club. From 1869 to 1878, the father also was a founding trustee of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), together with J. P. Morgan, Sr. (AMNH trustee 1869-1913, treasurer anno 1884), Anson Phelps Dodge (AMNH trustee 1869-1872), with other Dodge family members soon taking over from him; future Pilgrims Society president Joseph Choate (AMNH trustee anno 1869-, still anno 1916), and future Pilgrims vice president Morris Jesup (AMNH trustee president 1869-1908). Joseph Choate would become known as a Rockefeller attorney in anti-trust lawsuits, and also become a member of J.P. Morgan's elite Corsair Club, together with William Rockefeller. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt Jr. would serve on the board of the American Museum of Natural History from 1886 to 1891, alongside Morgan and countless additional Pilgrims Society members. In 1884 Roosevelt, Jr. was invited to the Union League Club of New York, sharing membership over the years with Marshall Field, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, Sr., John D. Rockefeller Sr., Cornelius Vanderbilt and Andrew Mellon, as well as key henchmen of these dominant financial interests as Mark Hanna, Joseph Choate, Elihu Root and Chauncey Depew. This once again went back well before Roosevelt ever was considered a presidential candidate. As the leader of the "progressive", "reform-minded" wing of the Republican Party, in March 1901 Teddy Roosevelt became U.S. vice president under the "big business-minded" William McKinley, whose campaign was run by Rockefeller man Mark Hanna. McKinley was appointed to the Peabody Education Fund upon his election as U.S. president. Teddy replaced him after McKinley's assassination in September 1901. He would remain on the board until 1914. Other Peabody Education Trust trustees were J. P. Morgan, Jr. (during 1885-1913), whose family founded it with the Peabodies; future Pilgrims president Joseph Choate (1893-1908) and Pilgrims vice president Morris Jesup (1902-1908) - whom we already met as trustees alongside the Roosevelts of the American Museum of Natural History in earlier decades. Another Peabody Education Trust trustee was the Pilgrim Daniel Coit Gilman (1893-1908), who incorporated Skull & Bones into the Russell Trust. Gilman also was a co-founder with Andrew Carnegie and the first president of the Carnegie Institution from 1902. Eventually, more than half of Teddy Roosevelt's sons and grandsons were ultraright businessmen and CIA officers. Of these, grandson Kermit Roosevelt, II, due to his role in the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, became the best known. But grandson Archibald Roosevelt also worked for the CIA. And so, quite clearly did Edith Kermit Roosevelt, an "anti-Eastern Establishment" crusader. Click on the image below for a general oversight: ![]() Teddy Roosevelt is largely responsible for keeping the controversial artificial sweetener Saccharin on the market for more than another century. |
John M. Hay | Secretary of state 1898-1905. Son-in-law of Vanderbilt- and Rockefeller-ally Amasa Stone, also an investor in Standard Oil. See the previous section for details and sources. |
Elihu Root | Secretary of state 1905-1909. In the late 19th century, Root was a lawyer for the Harriman, Whitney and Gould "robber baron" families, as well as Andrew Carnegie. Already in 1869 Root was invited to the Union League Club of New York, before Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, Sr., John D. Rockefeller Sr., Cornelius Vanderbilt and, much later still, Andrew Mellon, joined the club. In 1898 he was appointed president of the Union League Club, while Andrew Carnegie was among the vice presidents. Trustee Carnegie Institution of Science 1902-1937 and also the Carnegie Endowment and the Carnegie Corporation (1911-1937). In 1903 he gave a speech at the Carnegie-dominated Lotos Club, where he appears to have been a member, also alongside J.P. Morgan, Sr. By 1905 Root was a prominent member of the Metropolitan Club, alongside its founder, J.P. Morgan, Sr., John Jacob Astor and William Vanderbilt, Jr. In 1908, as secretary of state, he founded the US Pan American Committee, together with Andrew Carnegie. Certainly after his position as secretary of state, Root served as a vice president of the New York Peace Society, alongside Jacob Schiff, with Andrew Carnegie as key founder and president. 14 |
Robert Bacon | Assistant secretary of state 1905-1909. Secretary of state Jan.-March 1909. Old Harvard classmate of Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Junior partner in J.P. Morgan & Co. 1894-. Toured South America for the Carnegie Endowment in 1913. |
George Walbridge Perkins | Key financial advisor of Roosevelt. Partner in J.P. Morgan & Co. 1901-. Director of Morgan's U.S. Steel until his death in 1920. Founding member Pilgrims from 1903 until his death in 1920. During the 1912 elections, on June 29, Theodore Roosevelt and George Perkins split of from the Republican after Roosevelt lost the nomination to William Howard Taft. They formed the Progressive Party instead 15, whose model was a "good trust": one that voluntarily doesn't try to destroy small competitors, engages in philanthropy, and is open about its management and finances. Perkins implemented these models at Morgan-owned firms U.S. Steel and International Harvester. There was a catch though, namely that through these (temporary) practices, Morgan was trying to avoid additional anti-trust legislation. This was reflected in the Progressive Party's policy involving: "The fundamental principle of life is co-operation rather than competition... Competition is cruel, wasteful, destructive, outmoded; co-operation, inherent in any theory of a well-ordered Universe, is humane, efficient, inevitable and modern." 16 Needless to say, Roosevelt lost his image of being a "trust buster" and lost the 1912 elections to the Democrat Woodrow Wilson. In that election, Wilson received 41.8% of the vote, Roosevelt 27.4% and Taft 23.2%. Arguably this means that the (traditional) Republicans lost to Wilson due to vote-splitting. |
William H. Taft administration: 1909-1913
Name | Position |
William Howard Taft | U.S. president 1909-1913. Earlier Secretary of War under Roosevelt 1904-1908. Yale Skull & Bones, similar to his father, who helped found the fraternity. William's brother, Henry Water Taft, was a member of the Pilgrims Society, alongside the Astors, Mellons, Warburgs, Schiffs, Morgans and Rockefellers, since the early 1920s. |
Philander C. Knox | U.S. secretary of state 1909-1913. Became an assistant U.S. district attorney in 1876. Soon became a corporate attorney. According to a newspaper at the time, already in 1883, Knox was a member of the Fork Fishing and Hunting Club, together with Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, Andrew Mellon, Henry Phipps, Jr. and Robert Pitcairn. 17 He certainly was the chief lawyer for the 1892-founded Carnegie Steel, for whom he helped reorganize U.S. Steel in 1901. 18 Carnegie Steel was Carnegie-owned for 55%, with Frick and Phipps both owning 11%. To illustrate his closeness to this group, in 1899 he was witness to an infamous heated conflict in which Frick chased Carnegie out of the room, calling it "the funniest show he ever saw." 19 In the late 1890s, Knox was a member of the Pittsburgh Golf Club, alongside Andrew Mellon and Henry Clay Frick. 20 Certainly after Knox stepped down as Taft's secretary of state, and before he became a senator in 1917, did he appear on the board of the Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, alongside his old friends Andrew W. Mellon, Richard B. Mellon, Howard Phipps and the son of Henry Frick. 21 As a senator, he played a key role in bringing Andrew Mellon in as treasury secretary under no less than three presidents. |
Henry Stimson | Secretary of war 1911-1913 Yale Skull & Bones. Protege of Elihu Root since joining the law firm Root and Clark in 1891, serving various elite clients. Root had been a member of the Union League Club since 1869, later joined by J.P. Morgan, Sr. (1873-), John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (1879-), William Rockefeller (1880-), Andrew Carnegie (1884-) and Cornelius Vanderbilt (1885-), Andrew W. Mellon (1897-) and sons of Jay Gould (1897-). 22 Stimson joined the Union League Club in 1901 23, in a period Root was particularly closely working with Andrew Carnegie. Root and Stimson also were involved in the J.P. Morgan, Sr.-founded Metropolitan Club of Washington, D.C. Member CFR 1924-, of which his mentor Elihu Root was fonding honorary chair and a major founder. |
George Walbridge Perkins | Campaigner and advisor to Taft. Partner in J.P. Morgan & Co. 1901-. Director of Morgan's U.S. Steel until his death in 1920. Founding member Pilgrims from 1903 until his death in 1920. During the election campaign, he worked with Taft's new opponent, Theodore Roosevelt. Yet, Perkins reported back to his boss, J.P. Morgan, Sr.: "Acting on suggestion made solely by me 2 weeks ago Franklin MacVeagh has been selected for Secretary of Treasury. Wickersham will be Attorney General and other places are filled to our entire satisfaction." 24
Looking at the biographies of MacVeagh and Wickersham, it's clear that they were preferred picks of President Taft himself, and that Perkins merely agreed with those picks. The Taft administration was harsher against the Morgan and Rockefeller trusts than Roosevelt had been, likely due to the Pujo Committee publishing its report in December 1912 and the general atmosphere among workers at the time. |
Franklin MacVeagh | U.S. Treasury secretary 1909-1913. Member Yale Skull & Bones, similar to President Taft who appointed him. Director Commercial National Bank of Chicago for twenty years by 1909. |
George Wickersham | U.S. Attorney General 1909-1913. Since the late 19th century a senior partner of President Taft's brother, Henry, in Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft. The senior partner of both Taft and Wickersham was John Lambert Cadwalader, a member of the Pilgrims Society no later than 1907, alongside Andrew Carnegie and soon also J.P. Morgan, Sr. Wickersham became a founding director of the CFR 1921-1933 and its president in 1933-1936. Member of the Pilgrims from at least 1924. |
Woodrow Wilson administration: 1913-1921
Wilson was president of the United States during eventful times, both in terms of regular and conspiracy history. The Federal Reserve was founded in 1913 as part of a "banker's conspiracy". World War I was fought between 1914 and 1918, which included accusations of war profiteering against the Morgan bank. It was the time of the Versailles Peace Conference, whose U.S. delegation was seen as Morgan-dominated. At Versailles - on the side - the stage was set for the creation the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the CFR and the International Chamber of Commerce, once again by elite banking and business interests. In 1917 the Soviet came to power in Russia, turning it into the Soviet Union. Also here evidence of banker's covertly influencing events could be found.
Name | Position |
Woodrow Wilson | U.S. president 1913-1921. Wilson's "lifelong friend and Princeton classmate" of 1879 was Cleveland H. Dodge. 25 By 1905 Dodge was chairman of the board of trustees at Princeton, with Wilson serving as president. 26 Former president Grover Cleveland was another trustee. Together they were writing and meeting with the likes Andrew Carnegie to essentially beg for funding. Already in 1884, Wilson's long-time friend, Dodge, served as "first vice president" of the 1869-founded American Museum of Natural History, which we also discussed in relation to the Teddy Roosevelt administration. In fact, Dodge grew up with Teddy Roosevelt, who for some years sat on the same American Museum of Natural History board, along with his father, J.P. Morgan, Sr., Cornelius Vanderbilt, Oliver Harriman and other Pilgrims elites. That's not where things end. Through his first cousin, Marcellus Hartley Dodge, Sr., who married Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge, the daughter of William Rockefeller, Jr., Cleveland H. Dodge was a Rockefeller in-law. In fact, two older brothers of Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge both married daughters of James Stillman, the president of National City Bank, where the Rockefellers stashed all their Standard Oil profits. It may be a coincidence, but William H. Dodge happened to be a director of this very same bank from at least 1907 to 1923, together with J. P. Morgan, Jr., Jacob Schiff, Edward Harriman, William Rockefeller, Jr. and various additional Rockefeller in-laws. 27 The whole National City Bank saga is explained and sourced in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article. Dodge always was a supporter of Woodrow Wilson's presidential campaigns. During the 1916 presidential reelection campaign, Dodge was Wilson's biggest donor 28, Pilgrims Society banker and Warburg partner Jacob Schiff being another major one. 29 Even upon his death, Dodge granted Wilson with $2,500. 30 Wilson deep connection to Cleveland H. Dodge doesn't appear to have been where most of his "Wall Street ties" accusations came from. Certainly more prominent among "radical Democrats" 31 was the fact that Wilson had been pushed as president since 1906 by Colonel George Harvey and his Harper's Weekly 32, which even Wilson's own administration aides explained served as "the representative and mouthpiece of Mr. Morgan." 33 Such accusations certainly make sense considering Colonel George Harvey pledged his support to Wilson at a February 1906 dinner at the Lotos Club, the home of Andrew Carnegie in particular, but also where Morgan was among the guests and-or official members. Harvey, similar to Morgan and Carnegie, turns out to have been a member of the Pilgrims Society from at least 1908 until his death in 1928. He also was a prominent member of the Morgan-founded Metropolitan Club, in 1905 hosting a visit of representatives of the Russian Czar at this club, with Elihu Root and J.P. Morgan, Sr. sitting next to the guests of honor, and John Jacob Astor, William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., George Westinghouse and Frank Polk being among those in attendance. 34 When J.P. Morgan, Sr. died in 1913 the American Bankers Association organized a remembrance with 600 old friends and associates of Morgan in attendance. The opening speaker was Colonel George Harvey. 35 It should be clear that when Princeton president was embraced by Colonel George Harvey at the elite Lotos Club as an ideal Democratic candidate, he did so with the full consent of business magnates J.P. Morgan, Sr. and Andrew Carnegie. Unfortunately for Wilson, by the time of his election campaign in 1911 there was much to do about the "money trust" and Morgan in particular. In December 1912 the congressional Pujo Committee released its report, proving that directors of J.P. Morgan & Co. completely dominated the economy, and also that bankers as Warburg and Schiff at Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were engaging in monopolistic practices. 36 As a result, already in October 1911 Wilson formally broke with Colonel George Harvey. Various party elements already had asked if Harvey and his Harper's Weekly could apply the "soft pedal" on pushing Wilson. Next Harvey asked Wilson directly at a Manhattan Club meeting if his support was hurting his campaign. Wilson said that some of his friends thought it was. Immediately after, news was spread that the two had gone their separate ways. And like magic, "radical elements in the [Democratic] party were convinced by it that Wilson was not a man with Wall Street leanings." Wilson having broken with Wall Street is nonsense, of course. Even an April 1912 New York Times article pointed out that Wilson simply split from Harvey due to his "connection with certain financial interests in New York"37 There's literally every indication it was just window dressing. As mentioned in the beginning of this section, Morgan involvement in the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and Morgan domination of World War I profiteering in the 1914-1918 period, the 1917 American Red Cross mission to Russia to covertly support Kerensky against the Soviets, and the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919, all demonstrates that Wilson was unable or uninterested in opposing it. In fact, it appears he just engaged in what became known in later decades as "liberal CIA" roleplay. Especially reading how Wilson opposed various favored appointments to the Federal Reserve Board that were read to him by Colonel House, who was in touch with all the major bankers, makes it appear as if Wilson very purposely started playing the role of "anti-Wall Street" president, also in private conversations. He just took on that role. But in the end he always did their bidding. |
Robert Lansing | U.S. secretary of state June 1915 - February 1920. Came from a colonial family. Since 1890 married to Eleanor Foster, the daughter of secretary of state John W. Foster. Eleanor's sister, Edith, was the mother of future CIA director Allen Dulles and future secretary of state John Foster Dulles, future Pilgrims and CFR members who are known to have grown up with the Rockefellers. |
Col. Edward M. House | Key, unofficial Wilson advisor 1911-1919. Son of Thomas William House, Sr., a one-time mayor and businessman who played a large role in the development of 19th century Houston. He made his profits from railroads to shipping cotton to England, also by smuggling it through enemy lines when the North blocked trade through the Gulf of Mexico during the American Civil War. The son, Edward M. House, remained a businessman operating in cotton and railroads, as well as an advisor to succeeding Texas governors and their campaigns throughout the 1890s and early 1900s. It was Texas governor Jim Hogg who gave him the honorary title of "Colonel". Eventually House sold his cotton interests, moved to New York City in 1902, and in 1904 sold his Trinity and Brazos Railroad for a modest profit, after negotiations with Edward H. Harriman failed. 38 In 1911, while living in New York City, Colonel House met presidential candidate Woodrow Wilson for the first time. He quickly became Wilson's closest advisor, both during his presidential campaign and his time in office, until a falling out during the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference. Despite that, in 1921 he was a founding member of the CFR, alongside Morgan and Rockefeller representatives, the Warburgs and Schiffs. We know that Colonel House dealt with all the famous bankers and aristocrats - the Morgans, Warburgs, Schiffs, Astors, Henry Clay Frick, etc.- but only after he began serving Wilson. Daisy Harriman, who as home-schooled at the house of J.P. Morgan, Sr. and married an cousin of Averell Harriman at age 19, was considered a "friend" 39, but again only since 1914. 40 Little to nothing is known though about the early connections of Colonel House to these interests, or even any detail of his influence in Texas politics. What certainly has happened is that Colonel House has been portrayed as the power behind Wilson's throne, in particular by "anti-socialist", "anti-liberal" John Birch Society right-wing conspiracy disinformers. We don't necessarily need Colonel House though to explain Wilson's rise to the presidency, because Wilson has his own elite connections going back decades before he was appointed president. At most Colonel House helps us see the continued Wall Street ties of Wilson, even though, we don't really need him for that either. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that Colonel House's influence over Wilson was immense, and much more than any official cabinet member. |
Warren G. Harding administration: 1921-1923
Name | Position |
Warren Harding | U.S. president 1921-1923. His administration was supported by big business 41, but no details yet. Died in office in 1923. |
Calvin Coolidge | U.S. vice president 1921-1923. Old classmate who was mentored into office by J.P. Morgan & Co. partner Dwight Morrow. 42 See the next section for details and sources. |
Charles Evans Hughes | Secretary of state 1921-1925. In 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt convinced New York City's Republican leaders to nominate Hughes as its candidate for governorship. Member of the Union League Club - alongside Andrew Carnegie, the Rockefellers, Mellons and J.P. Morgan, Sr. - since 1907 43, staying involved with speeches until at least 1919. 44 Member of the Lotos Club - a favorite of Andrew Carnegie with elites as Morgan attending - likely at least his speeches here in Jan. 1909 and Nov. 1910. 45 Also a member of J.P. Morgan's Metropolitan Club in Washington, D.C., alongside the Astors, Vanderbilts and related elites. 46 Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation 1916-1921, immediately before his term as secretary of state. 47 Only became a member of the CFR in 1930, after his term as secretary of state. He also rejoined the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1925, resigning again in 1928. 48 |
Andrew W. Mellon | Secretary of the Treasury March 1921 - February 1932 Literally a robber baron occupying public office, looking to limit taxes on the wealthy in every possible way (the highest rate went from 73% in 1921 to just 25% in 1925) and getting away with enormous conflicts of interest. 49 It was his old Pittsburgh friend, now-Senator Philander Knox, who also served as chief lawyer for Carnegie Steel, who lobbied Harding to bring Mellon in as treasury secretary. 50 A member of the CFR from the moment he finally left office in 1932 until his death in 1937. Also an executive member of the Pilgrims Society after leaving office, also until his death in 1937. |
Herbert Hoover |
Calvin Coolidge administration: 1923-1929
Name | Position |
Calvin Coolidge | U.S. vice president 1921-1923. U.S. president 1923 - 1929. Coolidge was a classmate of Dwight Morrow at the elite Amherst college, both graduating in 1895. 51 As lieutenant governor 1916-1919 and then as governor of Massachusetts 1919-1921, Coolidge became a hero of conservatives for crushing the September 1919 Boston Police Strike, doing so by calling in the National Guard and firing all officers that had dared to protest - which was 75%. It was at this point that Morrow, by then a prominent partner in J.P. Morgan & Co., became an advisor to his old classmate, Calvin Coolidge, mainly to get a campaign started to push Coolidge as vice president under presidential candidate Warren Harding. 52 When Harding died in 1923, Coolidge became U.S. president and would be reelected. Dwight Morrow also served as a Carnegie Endowment trustee, a founding member of the ICC, and a member of the Pilgrims and the CFR. |
Andrew W. Mellon | Secretary of the Treasury March 1921 - February 1932 A robber baron occupying public office, eventually involved in the CFR and Pilgrims. See his bio under the Harding administration. |
Herbert Hoover | Secretary of commerce March 1921 - August 1928 Trustee Carnegie Institution for Science 1920–1949. Founding or earliest national committee member of the Morgan and Rockefeller-founded ICC's American National Committee by 1921. Hoover and Coolidge did little to curb stock market speculation during the latter half of "Roaring Twenties". U.S. president March 1929 - March 1933. Continued to be warned that stock market speculation needed to be curbed, but left economic policy to the privately-ran Federal Reserve. In late October 1929, the Stock Market Crash of 1929 began, initiating the Great Depression, for which Hoover was attacked. Major critic of FDR's New Deal from 1933 on. Member CFR 1938-. Member of the Bohemian Grove no later than 1964. |
Charles Evans Hughes | Secretary of state 1921-1925. Supported by elitist Theodore Roosevelt in his career and since for about 15 years before his appointment as secretary of state a member of the Union League, Lotus and Metropolitan clubs, sharing membership with the likes of Morgan, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller Carnegie and Astor. See previous section for details and sources. Only became a member of the CFR in 1930, after his term as secretary of state. |
Herbert Hoover administration: 1929-1933
Name | Position |
Herbert Hoover | U.S. president 1929-1933. Trustee Carnegie Institution for Science 1920–1949. Founding or earliest national committee member of the Morgan and Rockefeller-founded ICC's American National Committee by 1921. Trustee of the Rockefeller- and Carnegie-dominated Institute for Government Research - the early Brookings Institution - 1920-1925. Hoover and Coolidge did little to curb stock market speculation during the latter half of "Roaring Twenties". U.S. president March 1929 - March 1933. Continued to be warned that stock market speculation needed to be curbed, but left economic policy to the privately-ran Federal Reserve. In late October 1929, the Stock Market Crash of 1929 began, initiating the Great Depression, for which Hoover was attacked. Major critic of FDR's New Deal from 1933 on. Member CFR 1938-. Member of the Bohemian Grove no later than 1964. |
Andrew W. Mellon | Secretary of the Treasury March 1921 - February 1932 A robber baron occupying public office, eventually involved in the CFR and Pilgrims. See his bio under the Harding administration. |
Henry Stimson | Secretary of state 1929-1933 Yale Skull & Bones. Protege of Elihu Root since joining the law firm Root and Clark in 1891, serving various elite clients. Root had been a member of the Union League Club since 1869, later joined by J.P. Morgan, Sr. (1873-), John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (1879-), William Rockefeller (1880-), Andrew Carnegie (1884-) and Cornelius Vanderbilt (1885-), Andrew W. Mellon (1897-) and sons of Jay Gould (1897-). 53 Stimson joined the Union League Club in 1901 54, in a period Root was particularly closely working with Andrew Carnegie. Root and Stimson also were involved in the J.P. Morgan, Sr.-founded Metropolitan Club of Washington, D.C. Member CFR 1924-, of which his mentor Elihu Root was fonding honorary chair and a major founder. |
The "left-wing" New Deal-pushing Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) turns out to have deep ties from his youth to the Morgan-Peabody clan.
Name | Position |
FDR | U.S. president 1933-1945. FDR's socialist roots were said to have developed as a teenager at the Groton School. 55 Endicott Peabody was FDR's headmaster here 56, with J. P. Morgan and two Peabodies - members of the dominant banking clan of that era - on the founding board of trustees in 1884. 57 FDR's recovery from polio in the 1920s was aided by the same Peabody clan 58, which used to mentor J. P. Morgan, Sr. The Peabody Education Fund of the Peabodies, Morgans and Drexels, contained on its board of trustees four (incoming) U.S. presidents between 1867 and 1914. They represented a virtual Illuminati of their time. In the 1930s and 1940s, FDR and Marshall Field III (a CFR and Pilgrim banker) aided the "community organizing" of Saul Alinsky 59, with funding later also coming from the Rockefeller Foundation. 60 FDR died in 1945, but his wife continued as a champion of "lefty" issues. She, for example, participated in Queen Juliana's Oude Loo Conferences, a Theosophist-inspired interfaith conference that ran from 1951 to 1957 and served as a kind of "anti-Bilderberg", the group ran by Queen Juliana's husband, Prince Bernhard. |
James P. Warburg | 1933 economic advisor to FDR Son of Pilgrims Society, CFR and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. banker Paul Warburg. His uncle was Pilgrim and CFR member Jacob Schiff, another partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Supporter of Roosevelt's New Deal early on. Resigned as an advisor to FDR in the wake of the June-July 1933 London Economic Conference, criticizing FDR's abandonment of the Gold Standard as one of the reasons. 61 He did support FDR, however, for the November 1936 reelection, citing the president's support for international economic and diplomatic policy. 62 Along with Marshall Field III, OSS founder Colonel William Donovan and Swiss OSS chief and future CIA director Allen Dulles, part of the 1941-founded Fight for Freedom (FFF) Committee 63, lobbying for active military intervention in World War I in the months before the December 1941 Pearl Harbor attack. Member, alongside Eleanor Roosevelt and author William L. Shirer (a director), of the 1944-founded Society for the Prevention of World War III, which failed to reach its objective of destroying Germany as a military threat in the future. Referred to his "Wall Street friends, Marshall Field and Averell Harriman", who, in the 1940s, put him in touch with Dean Acheson and David Rockefeller mentor and CFR chairman John McCloy. 64 Field was a financier of Saul Alinsky and backed Alinksy with FDR. In June 1940 Field was the key financier of the (hardline) leftist, strongly-pro-WWII-intervention Picture Magazine (PM). Two decades on, in 1963, James Warburg provided seed funding for the "liberal CIA" Institute for Policy Studies 65, co-founded by a dissenting aide of John McCloy. In 1950, in front of U.S. Senate committee, James Warburg - always coming from a "leftist-globalist" perspective, famously said: "We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest. ... Today we are faced with a divided world [typified by] Russia and the United States [which] are entangled in the vicious circle of an arms race. ... I'm here to testify in favor of Senate Resolution 56, which ... would make the peaceful transformation of the United Nations into a world federation the avowed aim of United States policy." 66 |
Henry Stimson | Secretary of war 1940-1945 Yale Skull & Bones. Protege of Elihu Root since joining the law firm Root and Clark in 1891, serving various elite clients. Root had been a member of the Union League Club since 1869, later joined by J.P. Morgan, Sr. (1873-), John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (1879-), William Rockefeller (1880-), Andrew Carnegie (1884-) and Cornelius Vanderbilt (1885-), Andrew W. Mellon (1897-) and sons of Jay Gould (1897-). 67 Stimson joined the Union League Club in 1901 68, in a period Root was particularly closely working with Andrew Carnegie. Root and Stimson also were involved in the J.P. Morgan, Sr.-founded Metropolitan Club of Washington, D.C. Member CFR 1924-, of which his mentor Elihu Root was fonding honorary chair and a major founder. |
John McCloy | Under secretary of war 1941-1945 Member CFR 1940-, chair 1953–1970. Member Pilgrims since at least 1954. Chair Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank 1953-1960. He was David Rockefeller's mentor, appointed by the Rockefeller family, with David Rockefeller succeeding him as chair at both Chase and the CFR. |
Truman administration: 1945-1953
Rockefeller influence within the CFR wouldn't fully take over from the older Morgan dominance until the mid 1950s. We also see this reflected in the Truman administration, where the Rockefeller family still was one of a number of Wall Street, or Eastern Establishment, families influencing the administration - Whitney, Harriman and Bruce being others.
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Dean Acheson | Secretary of state 1949-1953. Member CFR 1947-. Pilgrims. Himself Yale Scroll & Key, with his son later picked for Skull & Bones. In 1943 his daughter married elite CIA analyst and NSC liaison William Bundy, who became a lifelong close friend of David Rockefeller in 1953. However, even before that David Rockefeller knew him: "I've known the Bundy brothers since they were little boys." |
David K. E. Bruce | Under secretary of state 1952-1953. Member CFR 1946-. Pilgrims vice president. Authorized a later aborted Guatemalan coup to CIA director Walter Bedell Smith. |
Walter Bedell Smith | CIA director 1950-1953 and under secretary of state 1953-1954. Member CFR 1952-. Pilgrims executive. Important co-founder of Bilderberg in 1953-1954 with Prince Bernhard and David Rockefeller. Largely initiated the CIA's 1954 Guatemala coup in response to the government trying to nationalize United Fruit - strongly tied to the Dulles brothers - and joined the company after his retirement from government. |
Nelson Rockefeller | Chair International Development Advisory Board, tasked with overseeing U.S. foreign aid. Top CIA asset along with John H. Whitney. Member CFR 1938-. Pilgrims. |
Averell Harriman | Special adviser on foreign affairs. Head Mutual Security Agency 1951-1953 and founder of the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) in 1951, which helped oversee CIA operations. Member CFR 1924-. Pilgrims. Member of a key New York railroad and banking family. |
John H. Whitney | At the PSB, where he helped oversee CIA operations. Member CFR 1946-. Pilgrims vice president. Close friend of Nelson Rockefeller and deeply involved in CIA coups to protect big business. |
Henry Kissinger | Consultant to the PSB. During his time as PSB consultant, Kissinger grew close to CIA director Allen Dulles and the Rockefeller brothers. Became a CFR member in 1956 and decades later also a Pilgrims vice president. |
Eisenhower administration: 1953-1961
In 1953 David Rockefeller co-founded and helped coordinate the CFR's Corporation Service, the donation organ for corporations. That same year Russell Leffingwell, a former chairman of J.P. Morgan & Company and trustee of the Carnegie Corporation, was succeeded as CFR chairman by John J. McCloy, David Rockefeller's mentor at Chase Manhattan Bank and the CFR. McCloy held the position of CFR chairman until 1970, after which it was handed to David Rockefeller.
Parallel to these developments, we see a quickly growing influence of the Rockefeller family in administration appointments. In effect, the Eisenhower administration was one of the more pure pro-Eastern Establishment, pro-CIA, pro-big business "Rockefeller Republican" governments the United States has seen.
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Dwight Eisenhower | President Jan. 1953 - Jan. 1961. CFR member (1948-) and Pilgrims executive before U.S. presidency. Presidential campaign co-funded with Rockefeller and Mellon oil funds. |
John Foster Dulles | Secretary of state 1953-1959. Founding member of the CFR in 1922, with his brother serving as president in the late 1940s. Pilgrims. Grew up with the Rockefellers. Trustee Rockefeller Foundation 1935-1952 and chair 1950-1951, right before joining the Eisenhower administration. |
Allen Dulles | CIA director 1953-1961. Member CFR 1927-, president 1946-1950. Later Pilgrims executive. Grew up with the Rockefellers. Brother was chair of the Rockefeller Foundation right before entering the Eisenhower administration, with Allen offered the Ford Foundation presidency by David Rockefeller if Eisenhower wouldn't appoint him CIA director. |
Walter Bedell Smith | CIA director 1950-1953 and under secretary of state 1953-1954. Member CFR 1952-. Pilgrims executive. Important co-founder of Bilderberg in 1953-1954 with Prince Bernhard and David Rockefeller. Largely initiated the CIA's 1954 Guatemala coup in response to the government trying to nationalize United Fruit - strongly tied to the Dulles brothers - and joined the company after his retirement from government. |
Thomas Gates, Jr. | Defense secretary 1959-1961. Member CFR only in 1961. Later Pilgrims executive. Partner in Drexel and Co. since 1940, similar to his father. Intern at J. P. Morgan & Co. in his youth. Friends with the heads of Ford Motors and Bechtel. Very good friend of Eisenhower's secretary of state John Foster Dulles, who grew up with the Rockefellers. Later president and CEO of the J.P. Morgan bank. |
Nelson Rockefeller | Foreign policy and psychological warfare assistant to Eisenhower. Vice chair Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) and chair Planning Coordination Group, which helped oversee CIA operations. Came in from the Truman administration. Member CFR 1938-. Pilgrims. Key CIA asset. |
Presidential candidates competing with Eisenhower:
Adlai Stevenson II | Main Democrat presidential candidate in both 1952 and 1956. Son of Adlai Stevenson I, U.S. vice president from 1893 to 1897 under Grover Cleveland. Princeton-educated. In 1926 he joined the Chicago-based law firm Cutting, Moore & Sidley, today known as Sidley Austin. Edith Rockefeller, the daughter of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., had been among the recent clients of the small but prestigious firm. This may have had something to do with the fact that law partner Paul Harper was the son of William Rainey Harper 69, who had inspired John D. Rockefeller, Sr. to set up the University of Chicago in 1890, cooperated with him on the project 70, and served as its first president between until 1906. Another partner in the firm, William Pratt Sidley (1868-1958), brought Stevenson into the Lawyers Club of Chicago, where another member was Silas Strawn 71, a CFR member and chair of the U.S. committee of the Morgan and Rockefeller-founded International Chamber of Commerce for a number of years, starting in 1930. Both Strawn and Stevenson's boss, Sidley, at the time served on the executive committee of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations (CCFR). 72 Sidley, who also had served as president, brought Stevenson along to the CCFR. By 1930 Stevenson himself was an executive board member of the CCFR. In 1932 he became secretary 73, then president 1935-1937. 74 He continued as a director 1937- 75, until at least 1946-1948 76 it appears, and also served as chairman around 1940. 77 As one Chicago socialite put it at the time: "There wasn't anybody who was anybody who didn't go to the council luncheons... That is the thing to do, socially." 78
In 1940 and 1941 Stevenson was a promoter and soon chairman of the Chicago branch of the (William Allen) Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies 79, key founders of which included Morgan partner Thomas W. Lamont, chief Morgan attorney and founding CFR president John W. Davis, and other Pilgrims, including Frederic Coudert, Nicholas Murray Butler, Henry Stimson, Frank Polk and Bishop James de Wolf Perry. 80 In 1939 future key Bilderberger George W. Ball joined Sidley Austin, finding at least two "kindred spirits" among the law partners: the earliest-mentioned Paul Harper, the son of William Rainey Harper, who had set up the University of Chicago with John D. Rockefeller, Sr. The other was Adlai Stevenson II, whom Ball had known "slightly" in Washington, D.C. during their work for the FDR administration. 81 After his hiring, Ball and his wife, in addition, "faithfully attended the Friday lunches of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, where the chairman [was] Adlai Stevenson." 82 It was Stevenson who turned him on to foreign policy through the CCFR, with Ball becoming his protege in the matter. 83 As Ball explained, "I formed a close friendship [with Stevenson] that continued until his death thirty-five years later." 84 In another interesting twist, Ball's father had started as a floor sweeper at the Rockefeller's Standard Oil. He managed to climb the ranks though, eventually as a vice-president and director of Standard Oil in Des Moines, followed by a post in Chicago. As Ball explained himself, "In 1922, when I was twelve years old, my father was promoted to the head office of the Standard Oil Company in Chicago, as assistant general manager of marketing." 85 Ball, who became a key lawyer involved in the founding of the Europe Union, alongside Jean Monnet, in 1948 was invited to the CFR, chaired by J.P. Morgan & Co. chairman Russell Leffingwell in 1946–1953 and then by David Rockefeller mentor John McCloy in 1953–1970. Subsequently, Ball would be the only person to visit every single Bilderberg meeting from 1954 until his death in 1993, on most occasions with David Rockefeller and later Henry Kissinger. It also was Ball, "as one of the closest friends and advisers of the late Adlai Stevenson", who pushed Stevenson - who from 1949 was governor of Illinois and looking to get reelected for this position - into running "his [presidential] campaigns of 1952 and 1956 [and] in his reluctant try for the nomination that went to John Kennedy in 1960." 86 During this process a "brain trust" was put together that also involved liberal-socialist economist John Kenneth Galbraith, a CFR member from 1946 to 1971; Arthur Schlesinger Jr., a CFR member from 1946 until his death in 2007; and Averell Harriman 87 - of Yale Skull & Bones, the CFR, the Pilgrims, the ICC board of directors, and a member of a robber baron family involved in trade with both the Nazis and Soviets, in part through Brown Brothers Harriman with the father of George H. W. Bush. In 1952 Harriman actually was pushed by Truman to be the Democrat Party's presidential candidate, but a reluctant Stevenson was much more popular, even among party members. 88 Yet another member of the "brain trust", in the role of assistant, was William McCormick Blair, Jr., at whose home Stevenson would sometimes stay during his 1952 campaign. 89 In 1953 Blair, Jr., while serving as "administrative assistant to Adlai Stevenson", was appointed a "program chairman" of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations 90, and eventually became a director. 91 Blair, Jr.'s father, an investment banker, was Yale Skull & Bones, joined the board of trustees of the Rockefeller-founded University of Chicago in 1932, and served alongside David Rockefeller on this board from 1947 on, with both eventually becoming life trustees. Senator Jay Rockefeller and Blair, Jr.'s brother, Edward, also were trustees here from at least the late 1960s until the late 1970s. A young John Brademas, a future top superclass member, who came to serve as chairman of the New York Federal Reserve and a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, served as "executive assistant to presidential nominee Stevenson, 1955-56." 92 Stevenson himself was a non-resident CFR member in 1955, not a member in 1956, during his second election campaign; again a resident member in 1957-1958, a director in 1958-1962, under chairman John McCloy; and resident member 1962-1964. He died in 1965. Adlai Stevenson III became a CFR member in 1974, while serving as JFK and then LBJ's ambassador to the United Nations. The ties remained close between these men. For example, in 1977 Blair, Jr., Averell Harriman, George Ball, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and John McCloy, David Rockefeller, Laurance Rockefeller, George Shultz (former dean University of Chicago) and Peter Peterson (trustee University of Chicago) all were activist members of the Committee of Americans for the Canal Treaty. In 1990 Ball celebrated his birthday at the River Club in New York City. Besides David Rockefeller and Peter Peterson, John Kenneth Galbraith and Adlai Stevenson III were present. 93 These are just two of many ties. Adlai's son, Adlai Stevenson II, was treasurer of Illinois from 1967 to 1970 and senator of Illinois from 1970 to 1981. |
JFK (1961-1963) and LBJ (1963-1969) administrations
The John F. Kennedy administration of 1961-1963 was very different from the one of Eisenhower. As discussed in ISGP's article on the John F. Kennedy assassination, Kennedy changed foreign policy involving CIA big business coups all over the world, becoming unusually supportive of nationalist and socialist movements. Despite being an anti-communist, he refused to support an invasion of Cuba - known as the Bay of Pigs disaster - or an expansion of the war in Vietnam. Within the borders of the United States he went along with the pro-black Civil Rights movement.
Of course, the Rockefellers were tied as much to the civil rights movement as they were to pro-big business CIA coups. In that sense maybe we shouldn't be surprised that they represented just as strong in the Kennedy administration as they were in Eisenhower's.
After Kennedy's November 1963 assassination LBJ, who had a terrible relationship with the Kennedys, reverted most of the former president's foreign policy back to what it was under Eisenhower, allowing the CIA and big business to do as they saw fit. Within days LBJ also allowed a reversal of Kennedy's policy to not escalate the Vietnam War. Only more visible aspects, such as support for the Civil Rights movement, remained. Meanwhile, pretty much the exact same Rockefeller-tied cabinet picks remained in place under LBJ.
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Allen Dulles | CIA director 1953-1961. Resigned in November 1961 after the Bay of Pigs affair. Member CFR 1927-, president 1946-1950. Later Pilgrims executive. Grew up with the Rockefellers. His brother, John Foster Dulles, was chair of the Rockefeller Foundation right before entering the Eisenhower administration, with Allen offered the Ford Foundation presidency by David Rockefeller if Eisenhower wouldn't appoint him CIA director. |
John McCone | CIA director 1961-1965, replacing Allen Dulles. Member CFR 1961-. Founder Bechtel-McCone in 1937, also with Henry Kaiser, a long-time financial partner of McCone. All three men would become key members of the Bohemian Grove's most prestigious camp: Mandalay. Building cargo, tanker and troop transport ships during World War II, this trio was considered to be the biggest World War II war profiteers. 94 Together they also built Boulder Dam. 95 When under secretary of the air force in 1950-1951, McCone handed Kaiser an overly lucrative "quickie contract" to build Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar transport planes at eventually 5 times the price Fairchild was building them. 96 McCone first met future CIA director Allen Dulles in 1948, when Dulles served as a political advisor to Republican presidential candidate Thomas Dewey. 97 Both the Bechtels and Dulles brothers - who grew up with the Rockefellers - maintained a long-time Rockefeller affiliation as well through Standard Oil. Already during World War II, "through Pacific Tankers and Standard Oil Company [McCone] operated an extensive fleet of oil tankers for the U.S. Navy in the Pacific." 98 McCone was a director and, certainly by 1961, the second largest shareholder of Standard Oil of California (SOCAL, the later Chevron). 99 In addition McCone was a shareholder in Standard Oil of New Jersey (later Esso). 100 SOCAL and Standard Oil of New Jersey also had been an early partner of Bechtel-McCone in Saudi ARAMCO. 101, arranged a partnership with the Rockefeller's Standard Oil for Bechtel in Saudi Arabia. 102 Saudi ARAMCO executives from the 1940s and 1950s, such as Michael Cheney, William Mulligan, Frank Jungers, as well as Bechtel's John L. Simpson, all have testified about how Aramco and Bechtel were "loaded with CIA" in this period. 103 In fact, apparently Bechtel ran a much more useful intelligence operation than regular CIA staffers in Saudi Arabia, consisting of "naive young men just out of Princeton and Yale". 104 One of the more important names in this saga of the 1940s and 1950s was close Stephen Bechtel, Sr. associate C. Stribling Snodgrass, who was passing along classified intelligence between the State Department, CIA and Bechtel, in particular anything related to raw materials, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 105 In the same period, in 1949, Bechtel very much was suspected of having been the one "supplying arms and funding to the rebels" that overthrew President Husni Zaim in Syria, leading to a military dictatorship much more amiable to allowing Bechtel's Tapline pipeline to be build through the country. 106 Hence, when John McCone came in as CIA director in 1961 and was rather uniquely allowed to hold his Standard Oil shareholdings in a trust, again ties were drawn between CIA oil policy in the Middle East and the Standard Oil controlled-Saudi ARAMCO concern - with its Bechtel partner. 107 In later years it did become clear that McCone's old partners, Henry Kaiser and Stephen Bechtel, Sr., also on many other occasions had been serving as the eyes and ears of the CIA. They knew their 1951-founded National Committee for a Free Asia (the later Asia Foundation) was a CIA front, they were among the Business Council executives being debriefed by the CIA, provided cover for CIA agents in Libya in the between 1963 and 1970, and they helped spy on Indonesia's Sukarno in the years before his overthrow by the CIA in 1967. 108 Nelson Rockefeller, whose brother David received full briefings of Allen Dulles' CIA division chiefs and also is known to have fronted for the CIA, originally had recommended to Eisenhower that McCone be appointed chairman of the U.S. President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization. It eventually would be headed by Rockefeller himself when it was founded in January 1953 and become known as the Rockefeller Committee. 109 Nelson also played a key advisory role in either getting John McCone or his deputy, General Marshall Carter, appointed director and deputy director of the CIA in 1961-1962 - possibly both 110 - and helped McCone in setting up his Working Group on Organization and Activities as one of his first actions. The Working Group, which contained at least one Nelson staffer and one additional Nelson contact also to be found at the PFIAB 111, studied a reorganization of the CIA in early 1962. As a Knight of Malta, McCone maintained particularly close ties to the Vatican. In March 1956 he served as Eisenhower's personal representative to the 80th birthday of Pope Pius XII, who had asked "my friend John McCone" to be present in that capacity. At the time, McCone was described as a "personal friend" of Eisenhower as well. 112 In 1958, McCone, secretary of state John Foster Dulles and Clare Boothe Luce, were present at the funeral of Pope Pius XII. 113 McCone's Catholic affiliations also appear to have put him in a favorable light with the Catholic JFK. In the 1940s and 1950s McCone also was a director of Caltech and chief fundraiser of the Bechtel-dominated SRI International 114, from 1972 to 1991 a hotspot for future Coast to Coast AM-type new age disinformation, as this is where Uri Geller was "studied" and the CIA's (bogus) remote viewing program was organized. He also was a director of Trans-World Airlines, belonging to the CIA-tied recluse Howard Hughes; and the California Bank of Los Angeles. |
Dean Rusk | Secretary of state 1961-1969. Member CFR 1951-. Pilgrims. Came from the Rockefeller Foundation, where he served president 1952-1961. In this capacity he had visited the David Rockefeller-dominated Bilderberg group in 1957. |
Robert McNamara | Defense secretary 1961-1968. Pilgrims. Since 1946 a protege of Henry Ford II at Ford Motors. First outside president of Ford Motors 1960-1961. Henry Ford II was president (1943-1950), chair (1950-1956) and trustee (1950-1976) of the CIA-tied Ford Foundation. David Rockefeller mentor at Chase Manhattan and the CFR, John McCloy, was a Ford Foundation trustee from 1953 to 1958 and chair from 1958 to 1964. In addition, David Rockefeller was able to promise Allen Dulles the Ford Foundation presidency in 1952, in case Eisenhower would not have appointed him CIA director. Hence, McNamara was early on tied into the Rockefeller network. And would remain so for life. Member CFR from 1968. Trustee Ford Foundation 1968-1986. Member of the 1001 Club, alongside Henry Ford II and the Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bechtel and various European royal families. Rockefeller ally in the "Green Revolution" group CGIAR. Lifetime trustee of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission starting no later than 1981. |
McGeorge Bundy | |
Cyrus Vance | Secretary of the army 1962-1964 and deputy defense secretary 1964-1967. Vance's cousin and adoptive father was John W. Davis, the leading J.P. Morgan & Co. lawyer who served as founding CFR president from 1922 to 1936, and continued as a director until his death in 1955. Member CFR only from 1968. Pilgrims. Trustee Rockefeller Foundation 1970-1976, and chair 1975-1976. Founding member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1973. |
George Ball | Undersecretary of state 1961-1966. Member CFR 1948-. Founding Bilderberg member in 1954 alongside David Rockefeller, and one of the tiny handful of Bilderbergers to continue visiting this conference for life, in his case until 1993, always alongside David Rockefeller. In the late 1960s Ball joined the Pilgrims Society and in the late 1970s he briefly was part of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. Senior partner Lehman Brothers 1966-1968, 1969-1982. |
Lyndon Johnson | Vice president 1961-1963, president 1963-1969. Hailed from Texas, never a member of the CFR, and had been picked with great reluctance by JFK as running mate. However, in 1968 he tried to convince his close friend Nelson Rockefeller to run for president against Nixon, something that Rockefeller confided in reporters in 1975,but wouldn't allow to be published until after his death. 117 |
Richard Helms | CIA director 1966-1973. Member CFR only from 1973 on. However, Helms' grandfather, Gates White McGarrah, was a founding member of the CFR in 1922, executive chair of the Rockefellers' Chase National Bank 1926-1927, director of the Astor Trust and Astor Foundation, chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1927-1930, and first president of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) 1930-1933. McGarrah, similar to Helms' brother, belonged to the Pilgrims Society alongside the Morgans and Rockefellers. By the 1980s Helms is known to have visited birthday parties with the likes of Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and George Shultz. |
Nixon (1969-1974) and Ford (1974-1977) administrations
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Richard Helms | CIA director 1966-1973. Hailed from a major Rockefeller-, CFR- and Pilgrims-tied banking family. See above for details. |
Henry Kissinger | National security advisor 1969-1975 and secretary of state 1973-1977. Chairman 40 Committee 1969-1975, which oversaw CIA operations. Key Nelson Rockefeller protege since 1955. Member CFR 1956-. His first Bilderberg, alongside David Rockefeller, was in October 1957. His second visit was in 1964. Finally left as Nelson Rockefeller aide upon joining the Nixon administration in 1968. Picked by Nixon to become his chief advisor, as Nixon claimed he "distrusted" the "liberal" State Department, where he purposely appointed Christian Herter as an insignificant secretary of state. Bizarrely, despite Nelson Rockefeller and Bilderberg elites as George W. Ball almost panicking at the thought of a Nixon presidency, Nixon just went on to make Nelson Rockefeller protege Henry Kissinger the key national security and foreign policy man of his administration. Kissinger was unaffected by the Watergate controversy surrounding Nixon. After forced to resign as national security advisor in 1975 over CIA-related controversy, his protege, superclass member Brent Scowcroft, became national security advisor, while Kissinger stayed on as secretary of state. Pilgrims member by 1974. Number 1 in ISGP's Superclass Index of the 2010s and 2020s. |
George Shultz | Secretary of labor 1969-1970, director of the Office of Management and Budget 1970-1972, and treasury secretary 1972-1974 - all under Nixon. At this point just left as dean of the emerging neoliberal "Chicago School" of economics at the University of Chicago. The neoliberal Milton Friedman was his primary mentor here. The university was founded by the Rockefellers. David Rockefeller sat on the board of trustees from 1947-1963 and then served as life trustee from 1966-2007. John D. "Jay" Rockefeller IV joined the university's board in 1967, while Shultz was still dean. His association with the Rockefellers would only grow more intense over the years. See the section on the Reagan administration for more detail. Only became a CFR member in 1974, upon leaving the Ford administration. |
David Rockefeller | Nixon's personal, first choice for treasury secretary after Shultz stepped down in 1974, but Rockefeller declined for a number reasons. 118 Yet another interesting choice, considering Nixon's official anti-liberal establishment stance. At the time, in 1972-1973, David was playing a key role with Kissinger and Nixon in opening up Mao and Zhou Enlai's China for trade with the West. A lot of subsequent business and diplomatic ties of the West to China ran through Davos. |
Gerald Ford | President August 1974 - January 1977. Nixon's vice president from December 1973, during the height of the Watergate scandal, perfectly positioning him to take over the White House. Member of the Warren Commission, which covered up the 1963 JFK assassination. The most influential commission members were David Rockefeller mentor at Chase Manhattan Bank and the CFR John McCloy and former CIA director Allen Dulles, who grew up with the Rockefellers. Ford only became a CFR member in 1982. |
Nelson Rockefeller | Vice president under Ford from December 1974 to January 1977. Member CFR 1938-. Member of a generational Pilgrims family that together with the Morgans and Mellons have dominated politics for decades. CIA operations experience under Eisenhower in the 1950s. His brother David received full CIA briefings under Allen Dulles and served as a key asset of the Agency. 119 Bilderberg visitor in April 1974, a group ran by his brother David. |
George H. W. Bush | CIA director under Ford 1976-1977. Member of a major Skull & Bones and Pilgrims Society-tied banking family (Bush's older brother eventually became a Pilgrim). Member CFR 1972-, under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Considered CIA since the 1950s. Grew close to CIA covert operations chief and future CIA director Richard Helms - also from a Pilgrims Society banking family - and Helms' notorious protege Ted Shackley. CIA director 1976-1977, under secretary of state Henry Kissinger and vice president Nelson Rockefeller. Briefly a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1980, before entering office again. |
Presidential candidates competing with Nixon:
Hubert Humphrey | Democratic presidential candidate running against Nixon in 1968. Vice president under LBJ 1965-1969. LBJ was good friends with Nelson Rockefeller 120, with Humphrey asking Rockefeller if he wanted to be his vice president. 121 He reached out to Rockefeller - who, as a Republican, would decline - through Massachusetts governor Endicott Peabody 122, who was the grandson of the similarly-named Endicott Peabody, the founder of the Groton School with the Morgan family where FDR's "socialist values" had been instilled. Annual Bilderberg visitor, Trilateral Commission member and Pilgrims Society member George W. Ball, also fearing a Nixon election, resigned as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations specifically to campaign for Humphrey and to become "Humphrey's principal advisor on foreign policy." 123 In 1952, 1956 and 1960 Ball already had urged his own foreign policy mentor, the similarly Democrat Adlai Stevenson II, to run for president and supported him as an advisor. |
Nelson Rockefeller | Republican presidential candidate attempting to get the nominee over Nixon in 1968. Older brother of Bilderberg co-founder and Trilateral Commission founder David Rockefeller. Tried to run against Nixon at the instigation of his Democrat friend LBJ, but didn't stand a chance. 124 During his election campaign he called for a "new world order" by establishing diplomatic relations with Russia and "Red China" "to end the arms race [and] to prevent small wars in areas such as the Middle East from mushrooming into big ones". 125 Despite Nixon winning the election, Rockefeller's protege Henry Kissinger, soon Nixon's national security advisor and secretary of state, prominently initiated these diplomatic ties. |
Carter administration: 1977-1981
Similar to the Republican administrations before and after him, the Democrat administration of Jimmy Carter was closely tied to the Rockefeller interests. In fact, with no other administration this is easier to demonstrate, because incoming president, vice president, national security advisor, secretary of state, defense secretary all were founding or very early members of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, several years before the election of Carter. Most of these men also had been members of the CFR, similarly chaired by David Rockefeller, this from 1970 to 1985.
Even though the Trilateral Commission is almost universally ignored now by the mainstream media, at the time, the Carter administration was such a blatant Rockefeller coup that even the mainstream media was forced to explain how an establishment surrounding Wall Street bankers and a variety of think tanks was in charge of American politics.
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Jimmy Carter | President 1977-1981. Recruited and groomed by David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, of which he was a founding member in 1973. Only a member of the CFR from 1983 on. Top superclass member in later years. |
Walter Mondale | Vice president 1977-1981. Member CFR 1973-. Another founding member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1973. 1974 visitor of Bilderberg, also dominated by Rockefeller. 1986-1993 chair of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) among many other later elite connections. |
Zbigniew Brzezinski | National security advisor 1977-1981. Member CFR 1968-. Pilgrims. Set up the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, resigning as managing director to join the Carter administration. Near the top of ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Cyrus Vance | Secretary of state 1977-1980. Considered less hawkish than Brzezinski. Member CFR 1968-. Pilgrims. Founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. Chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation 1975 - Jan. 1977, until entering the Carter administration. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Harold Brown | Secretary of defense 1977-1981. Member CFR 1969-. Founding lifetime member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1973. Trustee Rockefeller Foundation 1982-1993. Joined the boards of RAND, CSIS and the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition alongside Trilaterals as Kissinger, Shultz, Brzezinski, etc. |
Michael Blumenthal | Secretary of the treasury 1977-1979. Member CFR 1967-. Trustee Rockefeller Foundation 1971-1976, 1980-1986. Founding member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1973. |
Richard Holbrooke | Assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs 1977-1981. Member CFR 1970-. Lifetime member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission from no later than 1975. |
Paul Warnke | Director Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 1977–78. Member CFR 1971-. Founding member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1973, and remained a member until at least 1985. Veered into an anti-U.S. imperialist, "new left", "liberal CIA" direction by becoming a director of the Ford-, Rockefeller- and later Soros foundations-funded Institute for Policy Studies in the early 1980s. |
Presidential candidates competing with Jimmy Carter:
John B. Anderson | A Republican who ran as an Independent in 1980, capturing 6.6% of the vote, versus Carter's 41% and Reagan's 50.7%. Member of the CFR since 1973, a group chaired by David Rockefeller over 1970-1985. One of the 57 founding U.S. members of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission back in 1973. His Democrat opponent, Jimmy Carter, was a founding Trilateral too. George H. W. Bush, before becoming Ronald Reagan's running mate for the 1980 elections, briefly had been a Trilateral too. All of these Trilateral ties caused controversy, similar to what had happened with the Carter election and inauguration of 1976-1977. |
Edward "Ted" Kennedy | Democrat presidential candidate in 1980, who lost the nomination to Jimmy Carter. Younger brother of the controversially assassinated President John F. Kennedy, whose cabinet was dominated by "Bilderberg alumni" and other elitists, whose support for the anti-racist "Civil Rights" movement, headed by Martin Luther King, was financed by the Rockefellers and other "liberal CIA" elements. Also a younger brother of JFK's attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, a Democrat presidential candidate murdered in 1968. In 1968, Ted Kennedy was a member of the Carnegie Endowment's Commission on the Middle East, together with Nazi-tied Bilderbergers David Rockefeller, Kurt Birrenbach, Herman Abs, as well as Bilderberg steering committee member Lord Eric Roll, Bilderberger Aurelio Peccei, who founded the Club of Rome that same year; and Pilgrim and Lazard partner Eugene Black. 126 In 1977 he was a founding advisory board member of the Alliance to Save Energy, under advisory board chairman Henry Kissinger. Founding board members included key superclass members David Rockefeller, Laurance Rockefeller, Henry Ford II, Thomas Watson of IBM, Peter Peterson and Vernon Jordan. |
Reagan (1981-1989) and Bush (1989-1993) administrations
The Christian-conservative Republican Reagan administration was the polar opposite of the liberal-semi-socialist Democrat one of Jimmy Carter. At least, on the surface of things. Big business was well-protected in both administrations, immigration from Latin America only increased under Reagan, and key controversies, primarily the JFK assassination, continued to be hidden. So the globalist agenda ran its course, per the usual. It was just too early a stage for most people to worry. Only the John Birch Society was making waves.
From the start, arch conservatives of the John Birch Society were criticizing the liberal globalist bent and Rockefeller ties of many of Reagan's appointees. In fact, they already complained in 1980 with criticism of Reagan's running mate, George H. W. Bush, and his campaign chairman, William Casey, over the existing CFR and Trilateral Commission ties of these men.
No matter what one thinks of the John Birch Society, it was right about these ties, of course. Bush's protege, James Baker, became Reagan's influential chief of staff. Bechtel president and Rockefeller ally George Shultz became secretary of state; and Shultz's employee at the CIA- and Rockefeller-tied Bechtel Corporation, Caspar Weinberger, became defense secretary. CIA director William Casey had plenty of past ties to these same elites.
Next, under President Bush, two top proteges and managers of Kissinger Associates held the position of national security advisor and secretary of state, again underscoring Bush's globalist loyalties. His decades-long friend and political protege, James Baker, also served as his secretary of state.
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Ronald Reagan | U.S. president 1981-1989. Visitor of the Bohemian Grove as early as 1967. Became an official member of the Bohemian Club in 1975, immediately after leaving office as governor of California. At the very least Reagan would have been known to David Rockefeller through the annual Bohemian Grove gatherings, which Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger loved to attend since at least the 1970s. The Rockefeller-allied Bechtels were the dominant force in these annual encampments. William P. Clark - deputy secretary of state 1981-1982, national security advisor 1982-1983 and interior secretary 1983-1985 - was a political protege of Reagan from California, and also a visitor of the Bohemian Grove. |
George Shultz | Secretary of state 1982-1989. Member CFR 1974- and director 1980-1982, all under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Executive vice president of the CIA-, Ford Foundation- and Rockefeller-tied Bechtel Group 1974-1975 and president 1975-1982. Member U.S.-USSR Trade and Economic Council, alongside David Rockefeller, since at least 1975. Member of Bohemian Grove since 1975 - one week after Reagan became an official member - alongside the Bechtels, former CIA director John McCone, Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. Member Pilgrims, also alongside David Rockefeller, since at least 1978. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in the 1990s, when he continued as a Bechtel director. Near the top in ISGP's Superclass Index, involved in countless NGOs alongside David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. |
Caspar Weinberger | Defense secretary 1981-1987. In the 1970s, right before his appointment, vice president at Bechtel under president George Shultz, resulting in questions. Also a visitor of the Bohemian Grove with Shultz, the Bechtels, Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller in the 1970s. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission by 1978. Member CFR since 1980 or 1981. Pilgrims executive committee in the late 1980s. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
John Whitehead | Deputy secretary of state 1985-1989. Member CFR 1978-, then under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission 1982-1985. Pilgrims. Considered a very close Rockefeller friend and very high up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
George H. W. Bush | Reagan's vice president 1981-1989; U.S. president 1989-1993. Member of a major Yale Skull & Bones and Pilgrims Society-tied banking family (Bush's older brother eventually became a Pilgrim). Member CFR 1972-, under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Considered CIA since the 1950s. Grew close to CIA covert operations chief and future CIA director Richard Helms - also from a Pilgrims Society banking family - and Helms' notorious protege Ted Shackley, accused of running the JFK assassination and involvement in drug trafficking, assassinations and P2/Gladio terrorism. CIA director 1976-1977, under secretary of state Henry Kissinger and vice president Nelson Rockefeller. Briefly a member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission in 1980, before entering the Reagan government. Certainly by 1989, Bush was a member of the Bohemian Grove, alongside George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, the Bechtels, Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller. Little is known about Bush's friendship with David Rockefeller, but through the NGO network starting in the 1990s they share countless friends and associates. On March 8, 2002, both were honored by the George C. Marshall Foundation and pictured joking with each other. |
William Casey | Reagan's controversial campaign chief in 1980 and even more controversial CIA director 1981-1987. Ranking OSS veteran alongside Rockefeller friend Allen Dulles, with whose clique he seems to have remained in contact, as indicated by the Pilgrims Society-tied Cap Cities company. Member CFR 1973-, then under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Member President's Intelligence Advisory Board (PIAB) 1974-1976, which may have overlapped with Nelson Rockefeller's term of 1969-1974. Director Atlantic Council anno 1977, alongside Henry Kissinger and honorary directors as Nelson Rockefeller and John McCloy. Accused of stalling the release of U.S. hostages in Iran (the October Surprise) in secret coordination with David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger, largely in September 1980. One alibi handed to October Surprise investigators actually was his 1980 Bohemian Grove visit. This was not considered a valid alibi, however. In 1981 Casey was invited to the Grove's Mandalay camp of Bechtel, Shultz, McCone, etc. He went as a guest of McCone. In 1980 he had been invited by Reagan's deputy campaign manager, Darrell Trent, who had resided at Mandalay the year before. |
James Baker III | Reagan's chief of staff 1981-1985 and Bush's secretary of state 1989-1992 and chief of staff 1992-1993. Friend of CIA man George H. W. Bush since the late 1950s and his political protege since 1970. No specific ties to the Rockefellers, except that he got involved with a very large number of NGOs after his term in the Bush administration, a number of them sharing with David Rockefeller: the Bretton Woods Committee, the Bohemian Grove, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, CFR (not until 1998) and more. As a result he ended up very high in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Lawrence Eagleburger | Bush's deputy secretary of state 1989-1992 and then secretary of state 1992-1993. Regular assistant to national security advisor and secretary of state Henry Kissinger - a chief Rockefeller protege - over 1969-1973. Member CFR 1974-, under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. President of Kissinger Associates 1984-1989 after serving as Reagan's assistant secretary of state for European affairs 1981-1984. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission by the late 1980s. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Brent Scowcroft | Bush's national security advisor 1989-1993. Already Gerald Ford's national security advisor in 1975-1977, when Scowcroft's mentor Henry Kissinger - a chief Rockefeller protege - wasn't allowed anymore to be both national security advisor and secretary of state. Member CFR 1974-, and CFR director 1983-1989. Founding vice chairman of Kissinger Associates in 1982. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission by the late 1980s. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Clinton administration: 1993-2001
David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission is most often associated with the Jimmy Carter administration. Ignoring George H. W. Bush administration, it is all to forget though that Bill Clinton came out of the Trilateral Commission, as did his closest advisor, fist secretary of state, second CIA director, second defense secretary, and long-time deputy secretary of state.
A long list of less key Clinton officials also emerged from the Trilateral Commission: the assistant secretary of defense for plans and policy, the interior secretary, the secretary of housing, the ambassadors to Great Britain and Mexico, etc.
The Clinton administration was stacked with additional emerging top superclass players not mentioned below. Secretary of defense William Perry, secretary of state Madeleine Albright, and secretary of the treasury Larry Summers all joined the Trilateral Commission after leaving the Clinton administration and ended up near the top of ISGP's Superclass Index. Secretary of the treasury Robert Rubin became CFR co-chair. Council of Economic Advisers chairman (1995-1997), similar to Larry Summers, is a top Rockefeller economist involved in countless NGOs.
Also, all of Clinton's chiefs of staff - Mack McLarty, Leon Panetta and John Podesta - emerged in later decades as leading NGO players deemed essential enough for inclusion in ISGP's Superclass Index.
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Bill Clinton | President 1993-2001. Linked to CIA drug trafficking through the Mena affair of the 1980s. His wife, Hillary Clinton, sat on the board and even served as chair of the Sandinista-supporting "liberal CIA" New World Foundation. Member CFR since 1987. Appeared on a February 1990 membership list of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, but resigned around the time his presidential campaign kicked off on October 1, 1991. In June 1991 Vernon Jordan took him to Bilderberg, dominated since the first meeting in 1954 by David Rockefeller. Along with wife, Hillary, good friends with the Rockefellers and the Sir Evelyn de Rothschild - Lynn Forester de Rothschild. 127 In later decades the Clinton couple ended high up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Vernon Jordan | Chair of Clinton's transition team after his 1992 election; close friend (since the 1970s) and middle man of Clinton, also to the establishment. Trustee Rockefeller Foundation 1971-1984. Has been visiting Bilderberg annually since 1979, joined the steering committee, and still visits the group into the 2020s. Trustee Ford Foundation 1987-1999. Member of the Trilateral Commission since at least 1990, and likely the person who invited Bill Clinton to it as a member by 1990. In 1991 he brought Bill Clinton to Bilderberg. Already in the 1980s he served with Hillary Clinton on the board of the Rockefeller and CIA-tied New World Foundation. Regular Sun Valley visitor throughout the 1990s. Top superclass member. |
Al Gore | Vice president 1993-2001. Prominent Democrat presidential candidate in 2000-2001. Scholarship at the Rockefeller Foundation 1971-1972. Very close partner in the new age environmental movement of Rockefeller-Rothschild man Maurice Strong. Co-director of Laurance Rockefeller, Ted Turner, John Kerry, Ralph Nader and Mario Cuomo at the Earth Day Network in 1990. 128 In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Gore was on the advisory board of the elite CSIS think tank, together with Edmond de Rothschild, Clinton CIA director James Woolsey, Clinton secretary of defense William Cohen, 1996 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, new age UFO disinformer Senator Claiborne Pell; and trustees as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Volcker and Maurice Greenberg - all close friends of David Rockefeller. 129 In 1997 his daughter married into the Schiff banking family, generational Pilgrims Society members for at least a century. |
Warren Christopher | Secretary of state 1993-1997. Member CFR since 1973, when David Rockefeller was chairman. Founding member in 1973 of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Strobe Talbott | Ambassador-at-large and special adviser to the secretary of state for the New Independent States and Russia 1993-1994; deputy Secretary of state 1994-2001. Member CFR since 1976, when David Rockefeller was chairman. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission since at least 1990. |
John Deutch | Under secretary of defense for acquisition and technology 1993-1994; deputy secretary of defense 1995-1996; CIA director 1995-1996. Member CFR since 1976, when David Rockefeller was chairman. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission before entering the Clinton administration, apparently only just before. |
William Cohen | Secretary of defense 1997-2001. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission from the mid 1970s until his election as secretary of defense in 1997. Member CFR since 1981, when David Rockefeller was chairman. |
James Woolsey | CIA director 1993-1995. Member CFR since 1975, when David Rockefeller was chairman. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Woolsey was on the advisory board of the elite CSIS think tank, together with Edmond de Rothschild, Al Gore, Clinton secretary of defense William Cohen; and trustees as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Volcker and Maurice Greenberg 130 - all close friends of David Rockefeller. Notoriously ignored by Clinton. Appointed to appease the neocons. Post 9/11 quickly rose to the number 2 spot in ISGP's Superclass Index, right behind Henry Kissinger, this due to his involvement in countless hawkish Zionist-neocon NGOs. |
Presidential candidates competing with Clinton:
George H. W. Bush | Main Republican presidential candidate in 1992. Member of a major Yale Skull & Bones and Pilgrims Society-tied banking family (Bush's older brother eventually became a Pilgrim). Member CFR 1972-, under the chairmanship of David Rockefeller. Former CIA director, with suspected CIA ties going back to the 1950s. See the Reagan and Bush section for more details. |
Bob Dole | Main Republican presidential candidate in 1996. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Dole was on the advisory board of the elite CSIS think tank, together with Edmond de Rothschild, Clinton CIA director James Woolsey, Clinton secretary of defense William Cohen, future vice president and presidential candidate Al Gore, new age UFO disinformer Senator Claiborne Pell; and trustees as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Volcker and Maurice Greenberg - all close friends of David Rockefeller. 131 Continued to move in elite globalist circles after his failed presidential bid. |
Ross Perot | The "third wheel" in the 1992 and 1996 presidential elections, running on his own Independent and Reform Party ticket. Gathered 18.9% and later 8.4% of the vote. Often seen as an "outsider", but deep national security ties due to some of his defense industry-related IT work. In 1985 he was on the founding board of the Reagan Foundation, together with David Rockefeller, close Rockefeller friends Brooke Astor, Maurice Greenberg and Robert O. Anderson. Other governors were key "conservative CIA" financier Richard Mellon Scaife, Joseph Coors, Ed Meese III, right-wing California senator and governor Pete Wilson, Northrop head Thomas V. Jones, and too many other important names to list. 132 If anything, this board shows how chummy "liberal" globalist elites have been with their "conservative Christian" opposition. Most ties of Perot that ISGP has, date to after the 1996 election. In subsequent years he appeared on the board of Business Executives for National Security, together with close David Rockefeller allies John Whitehead and Maurice Greenberg, and soon Henry Kissinger and CFR president Rick Rubin among the advisors. Perot also has been spotted at meetings of the OSS Society, which he helped finance and of which he became an honorary chairman. He has been a member of the extremely elite Washington D.C.-based Alfalfa Club, and a variety of other elite think tanks and social clubs. As a result, he and his family are listed in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
George W. Bush administration: 2001-2009
The Bush 43 government brought us back to a Republican government dominated by a hawkish alliance of pro-Israel neocons and Christian conservatives. The Rockefeller influence - through names as Kissinger, Shultz and Bechtel - still was there though.
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
George W. Bush | U.S. president 2001-2009. Member of a major Yale Skull & Bones and Pilgrims Society-tied banking family. Son of George H. W. Bush: member CFR since 1976 a member of the Trilateral Commission around 1979-1980, both under the leadership of David Rockefeller. Long-time visitor of the Bohemian Grove, including camp Mandalay, alongside David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and the Bechtels. Also elite CIA ties since the 1950s. |
Condoleezza Rice | National security advisor 2001-2005 and secretary of state 2005-2009. Member CFR 1984-, when David Rockefeller still was chairman. Key George Shultz protege through Stanford, Chevron, JPMorgan Chase, etc. 133 Leading organizer of the Vulcan team that was to be found at the Forum For International Policy (FFIP) with Kissinger-Bush 41 men Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger, former CIA directors John Deutch and Robert Gates, as well as CFR president Richard Haass. 134 High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Colin Powell | Secretary of state 2001-2005. Member CFR 1986-. Director of Forstmann Little and Gulfstream in the 1990s, with George Shultz, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. 135 In the 1990s also to be found at the Forum For International Policy (FFIP) with Kissinger-Bush 41 men Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger, former CIA directors John Deutch and Robert Gates, as well as CFR president Richard Haass. 136 Later ended up high up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Donald Rumsfeld | Defense secretary 2001 - Dec. 2006. Pilgrims. Protege of the CIA's Frank Carlucci since Princeton days (and also vice versa). Shared boards with Brzezinski and the CIA's James Woolsey 137, as well as Shultz in the 1990s. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Robert Gates | Defense secretary 2006-2011. Linked to Roswell disinformation while at NSC and CIA around 1980. CFR. Co-founder Forum For International Policy (FFIP) in 1993 with Kissinger proteges. Co-founder Virginia Neurological Institute in 1993, also with Kissinger men Scowcroft and Eagleburger, as well as Edgar Bronfman and Lynn Forester de Rothschild-employer multi-billionaire John Kluge. 138 Note: the Virginia Neurological Institute might be linked to the Carlucci/Woolsey-ran Neurogen Corp. 139 High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Presidential candidates competing with George W. Bush:
Sen. John McCain | Main challenger in 2000 for the Republican nomination to George W. Bush, who would go on to win the elections. The highest ranked senator in ISGP's Superclass Index, deeply involved in countless national security think tanks. In one example, from 1993 to 2018, McCain chaired the International Republican Institute (IRI), quite literally a "parallel CIA" operation ran in tandem with Madeleine Albright's National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), both under the umbrella of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Formerly known as the National Republican Institute of International Affairs, directors of the IRI included Henry Kissinger proteges and former Kissinger Associates presidents Brent Scowcroft (anno 1996-2009) and Lawrence Eagleburger (anno 1996-2009) Henry Kissinger (1985-1989) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (1988-1997) used to be board members of the NED. McCain's 2008 presidential campaign was backed by the Rockefellers, Kissinger and Rothschilds, as well as former CIA director James Woolsey, John Lehman and Lewis Eisenberg. He actively supported 9/11 Truth undermining, which is why sources for the above ties can be found in ISGP's article 'The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11'. |
Ralph Nader | "Liberal CIA", "anti-corporate" presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000 (Green Party), 2004 (the Reform Party), and 2008 (Independent). In 2000 he gathered 2.74% of the vote, his biggest success. Founder in 1973 of the "liberal CIA"-funded Public Interest Research Groups (US-PIRG) - which means Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and Soros foundations funding. Davos visitor in 1976. Part of the 1983 20th anniversary celebrations of the "liberal CIA"-funded Institute for Policy Studies. Special counsel and co-director of Laurance Rockefeller, Ted Turner, John Kerry, Sen. John Heinz, Al Gore, Mario Cuomo, future 9/11 Commission chair Governor Thomas Kean, and future 9/11 Commission vice chair Senator George Mitchell at the Earth Day Network in 1990. 140 |
Al Gore | Clinton's vice president and main Democrat presidential candidate in 2000. Scholarship at the Rockefeller Foundation 1971-1972. Very close partner in the new age environmental movement of Rockefeller-Rothschild man Maurice Strong. Co-director of Laurance Rockefeller, Ted Turner, John Kerry, Ralph Nader and Mario Cuomo at the Earth Day Network in 1990. 141 In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Gore was on the advisory board of the elite CSIS think tank, together with Edmond de Rothschild, Clinton CIA director James Woolsey, Clinton secretary of defense William Cohen, 1996 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, new age UFO disinformer Senator Claiborne Pell; and trustees as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Paul Volcker and Maurice Greenberg - all close friends of David Rockefeller. 142 In 1997 his daughter married into the Schiff banking family, generational Pilgrims Society members for at least a century. |
John Kerry | Main Democrat presidential candidate in 2004. Yale Skull & Bones, similar to George W. Bush. Co-director of Laurance Rockefeller, Ted Turner, his future wife Teresa Heinz, Al Gore, Ralph Nader and Mario Cuomo at the Earth Day Network in 1990. 143 Member CFR 1994-. More detail in the section on the Obama administration, during which Kerry was secretary of state. |
Gen. Wesley Clark | Democrat presidential candidate in 2004 who lot the nomination to John Kerry. Eastern European Jewish heritage from a "Goldman" family, but never told about this until university, with his last name not being of his birth father. West Point graduate. MA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) in 1968 from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. Graduated Ranger School and went to Vietnam afterwards. 1975 White House fellow working under President Ford chief of staff Donald Rumsfeld, a future top "neocon" who was a CFR member in the 1974-1979 period. The U.S. vice president at the time was Nelson Rockefeller, with Nelson's old protege, Henry Kissinger, as secretary of state and former national security advisor, dominating foreign policy and CIA covert operations. Ford himself was an old member of the controversial Warren Commission, investigating the JFK assassination, at the time alongside David Rockefeller friend and former CIA director Allen Dulles; and David Rockefeller mentor and CFR chair John J. McCloy. Member CFR 1983-. Climbed the ranks in the military. Head of USSOUTHCOM in 1996-1997. Served as the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe (SHAPE) within NATO from 1997 to 2000. During this time he was involved in the 1999 Pristina airport incident in Kosovo in which he and fellow elitist Javier Solona - then NATO secretary general - could possibly have started World War III had subordinates from the UK in particular not refused the order for direct military action against Russian forces. By 2003, on his Democrat ticket and as the War in Iraq was underway, Clark heavily campaigned against the rise of "neocons" as Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz who - somehow - had "taken over" the Bush administration and were responsible for the "policy coup" that led to an unjustified Iraq War. Most well known is Clark for his "seven countries in five years" warning - which he made in 2007 - while once again contemplating a presidential run - during an interview with the "liberal CIA"-funded outlet Democracy Now! One is his better known speeches along these lines he gave to the elite and controlled opposition-dominated Commonwealth Club of California, which he spoke to in 1999, 2001 and 2007. By 2003 though, right before his anti-neocon speeches and presidential candidacy, Clark had vastly increased his elite (intelligence) connections. At the end of his military career in 1999-2000, he became an annual visitor of the Munich Security Conference, until 2003. He also was a "distinguished senior adviser" at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) from September 2000 on, where Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski sat on various boards for decades, still dominating the group in the 2000s. 144 He was among the longest-serving U.S. trustees of the far-less-U.S.-centered International Crisis Group from mid 2000 145 until 2018 146, all these years together with the group's founder, George Soros. Also on the board during much of this period was Zbigniew Brzezinski. 147 From 2001 to 2005 he was a director National Endowment for Democracy (NED) - which began as a privatized CIA front for the Democrat and Republican parties - from 2001 to 2005, together with elites as Lee Hamilton, Richard Holbrooke, Morton Abramowitz, Frank Carlucci, and others. Henry Kissinger (1985-1989) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (1988-1997) used to be board members of the NED as well, as were (neo)conservatives Steve Forbes (1994-1999) and Paul Wolfowitz (1994-2001). Also no later than August 2001, Clark was a trustee of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy, a group dominated by traditional "Atlantic elitists", but also with some neocons and Israel lobby individuals on board as Jeane Kirkpatrick, Richard Pipes and Kenneth Bialkin. Centered around George Kennan, the father of the Cold War "containment" policy, it has awarded persons as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger (also a honorary chair in the 1990s) and George Shultz.148 |
Obama administration: 2009-2017
The Obama administration's policies have been seen as having been strongly influence by the Princeton Project on National Security (PPNS) of 2004-2006, involving George Shultz, Anthony Lake and Henry Kissinger as an outside advisor. 149 Another one of those involved in the project, Anne-Marie Slaughter of ISGP's Superclass Index, later also wrote that the "small and chummy ... foreign policy community", including those at the "the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council and the New America Foundation - have put forward grand strategies seeking to inspire Obama in his second term." 150
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Barack Obama | President 2009-2017. Long-standing links to top "liberal CIA" foundations as Rockefeller, Ford and Open Society (Soros) through his 1994-2002 trusteeship of the Joyce Foundations and Woods Fund. Other "liberal CIA" links include the Annenberg Foundation, Gamaliel Foundation, NYPIRG and BIC. Obama's mother had long-standing ties to the Ford Foundation and Asia Foundation, both used as CIA fronts. His father was also linked tot he Asia Foundation. On top of all that, Obama was a protege of Rockefeller man Zbigniew Brzezinski. Details can all be found here. |
Robert Gates | Defense secretary 2006-2011. Member CFR 1983-. Co-founder of the Forum For International Policy (FFIP) and the Virginia Neurological Institute, both in 1993, and both with Kissinger Associates veterans as Brent Scowcroft and Lawrence Eagleburger. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. See previous section for sources and details. |
Hillary Clinton | Secretary of state 2009-2013. Already discussed. She and her husband were proteges of Rockefeller Foundation trustee Vernon Jordan, who also invited her husband into the CFR, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission in the early 1990s - before Clinton's presidential campaign. Alongside decades-long regulars David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and Vernon Jordan, Hillary was present at the 1997 Bilderberg meeting in Atlanta, Georgia - although not formally listed as a participant. 151 As discussed in the Pizzagate article, Hillary also has a long history with Laurance Rockefeller in spreading UFO disinformation, George Soros and the "liberal CIA" New World Foundation. |
John Kerry | Secretary of state 2013-2017. Yale Skull & Bones. Director of the Earth Day Network in 1990, together with Laurance Rockefeller (David's brother), Ted Turner and his future wife Teresa Heinz. One of the few known elite participants in UNCED's Rio Earth Summit of 1992, together with his future wife, Teresa Heinz; Queen Beatrix of Orange, Mikhail Gorbachev and Maurice Strong, the latter a major organizer in collaboration with David Rockefeller. Occasional Davos visitor since at least 1993. Member CFR 1994-. in 2002, an advisory board member of America Abroad Media, with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, James Woolsey and countless other top superclass members. In 2011 a gala sponsor and gala honorary vice chair in 2011 of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations (NCUSCR), a favorite hang out of its director and more recent one of two executive vice chairs Henry Kissinger. Visitor Munich Security Conference in 2012, becoming an advisory board member after leaving office. Bilderberg in May 2012, a group effectively ran by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. High up in ISGP's Superclass Index. |
Thomas Donilon | National security advisor 2010-2013. Member CFR 1996-. Regular visitor of the David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger-dominated Bilderberg 1998-2008, 2012, 2014 and 2015. Trustee Brookings Institution by 2005. After stepping down as national security advisor he immediately joined the David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger-dominated Trilateral Commission. |
Susan Rice | National security advisor 2013-2017. Rice's father, Emmett Rice, was the second black governor of the Federal Reserve System. From 1992 until this day her mother, Lois Dickson Rice, has been a scholar at the Brookings Institution. Rice received a doctorate in philosophy on an Oxford Rhodes scholarship in 1990. Clinton's secretary of state Madeleine Albright - well within the top 10 of ISGP's Superclass Index at the time of her death in 2022 - was a close family friend and a virtual godmother to Rice. This clearly paid off for Rice. With Albright serving in the Clinton administration as UN ambassador, Rice was invited to Clinton's national security council in 1993. From 1997 to 2001, again at the recommendation of then secretary of state Albright, she served as assistant secretary of state for African affairs. Member CFR 1992-. In 2001 and 2002 Rice was a managing director of IntelliBridge, a firm founded by David Rothkopf, the former Kissinger Associates managing director who introduced the term "superclass" to the world. Director of the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) under Madeleine Albright 2002-2008. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission 2006-2009, and an executive from 2007 to 2009, all well before becoming Obama's national security advisor. |
Samantha Power | 2005-2006 foreign policy fellow for then-senator Barack Obama, teaching him about the Darfur conflict. Senior foreign policy adviser of Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, but forced to resign after complaining that competitor Hillary Clinton is a "monster" who is "stooping to anything" in the election campaign. Special assistant to the president and senior director for multilateral affairs and human rights at the National Security Council 2009-2013. U.S. ambassador to the United Nations 2013-2017. Despite only being a National Security Council staffer, early on Power drew a lot of media attention due to her early foreign policy advisory role to Obama, due to her close political alliance with former International Crisis Group employee John Prendergast and actors George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Don Cheadle on the Darfur issue; and due to their combined role in pushing the bizarre 'Kony 2012' propaganda film. Also, Power, secretary of state Hillary Clinton and national security advisor Susan Rice, lobbied Obama to support a war against Gaddafi, similar to what "the neocons" had wanted for decades. In the process Power was involved in the creation of the "Atrocities Prevention Board". All of these issues, including Obama, Power and George Clooney all playing Basketball together at the White House, drew attention. 152 As for Power's background, in 1996 she joined George Soros' International Crisis Group as an analyst for Europe and helped set up an office in Bosnia. She served on the board of trustees of the International Crisis Group from December 2006 until March 2009, all this time serving alongside George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski and General Wesley Clark 153, as well as countless former secretaries of state and former heads of state from Europe and much of the Third World. Leaders of the United Nations and EU government bodies were just as welcome at the board. After leaving the Obama administration, Power quickly was to be found on the advisory board of Refugees International, an NGO that had George Soros on the board from the 1990s to January 2004. The vice chair in this former period was Trish Malloch Brown, the wife of Lord Mark Malloch Brown who helped Soros found his International Crisis Group, of which Lord Malloch Brown was co-chair and chair in the 2014-2021 period. Similar to the International Crisis Group, and Ted Turner's United Nations Foundation for that matter, at the time Refugees International also had a member of the Jordanian royal family on the board. Richard Holbrooke was yet another director from early 2002 on. It was in May 2008, with Richard Holbrooke, that Samantha Power was a keynote debater of leading "neocons" Charles Krauthammer and Niall Ferguson at the Munk Debates, set up by the 1001 Club elitist from Canada Peter Munk. Considering Richard Holbrooke was a Democrat State Department elitist high up in ISGP's Superclass Index, it makes it clear how much support Power had from these circles before she came to advise Obama and enter his administration. |
Presidential candidates competing with Obama:
Hillary Clinton | Democrat presidential candidate for 2008, who lost the nomination to Obama, but ultimately became Obama's first secretary of state 2009-2013. Long-standing ties to Bilderberg, the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger. See above. |
Sen. John McCain | Main Republican presidential candidate in 2008, running together with the often-mocked Sarah Palin. Earlier a presidential candidate in 2000, competing with George W. Bush. The highest ranked senator in ISGP's Superclass Index, deeply involved in countless national security think tanks. In one example, from 1993 to 2018, McCain chaired the International Republican Institute (IRI), quite literally a "parallel CIA" operation ran in tandem with Madeleine Albright's National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), both under the umbrella of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Formerly known as the National Republican Institute of International Affairs, directors of the IRI included Henry Kissinger proteges and former Kissinger Associates presidents Brent Scowcroft (anno 1996-2009) and Lawrence Eagleburger (anno 1996-2009) Henry Kissinger (1985-1989) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (1988-1997) used to be board members of the NED. McCain's 2008 presidential campaign was backed by the Rockefellers, Kissinger and Rothschilds, as well as former CIA director James Woolsey, John Lehman and Lewis Eisenberg. He actively supported 9/11 Truth undermining, which is why sources for the above ties can be found in ISGP's article 'The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11'. |
Mitt Romney | Republican presidential candidate in 2008, who lost the nomination to John McCain. Mitt Romney's father, George Romney, similar to Nelson, David and Laurance Rockefeller, multiple Dupont family members and Joseph Coors, was a life trustee of the (Republican) Capitol Hill Club back in July 1973. Fascinatingly, Watergate burglar James McCord was another life trustee. Nixon campaign chairman and attorney general John N. Mitchell, a key orchestrator of the Watergate affair, was a resident member. Colonel Pak Bo Hi, soon of the Koreagate affair, was yet another resident member. No additional research for the moment. |
Rudy Giuliani | Important Republican presidential candidate in 2006-2007, who threw his support behind McCain-Palin when his own campaign was doomed, in no small part due to the Bernard Kerik scandal. For at least several months before Giuliani ran his November 2006 "exploratory committee" to run for president 154, he was sitting on the 13-member national advisory board of the America-Israel Friendship League (AIFL), together with George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, former Kissinger Associates president Lawrence Eagleburger, former Rockefeller Foundation trustee Vernon Jordan 155, who brought Bill Clinton into the CFR, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission before even announcing his presidential campaign. Directors of the AIFL at the time included long-time respective ADL and CPMAJO chiefs Abraham Foxman and Malcolm Hoenlein, as well as other Jewish globalist and Israel Lobby heavyweights, including multiple billionaires: Kenneth Bialkin, Mortimer Zuckerman, Ronald Lauder, Michael Steinhardt and Michael Ovitz. 156 We can go further into history with Giuliani. From January 1, 1994 to December 31, 2001, and hence during 9/11, he was the mayor of New York City. To many that makes him a patriot. To others it makes him notorious due to all the questions surrounding the event, including the collapses of the Twin Towers and WTC 7. Similar to his Republican presidential rival for 2008, Giuliani and his top lieutenants on 9/11 are discussed in detail in ISGP's 'The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11'. So are some of his apparent mentors at the time of 2006-2007 election campaign, Henry Kissinger in particular. A decade after his failed presidential campaign, and almost two decades after 9/11, Giuliani resurfaced as a major supporter, lawyer and special counsel to "Mexicans are rapists" and "wall builder" Donald Trump, playing the "conservative CIA" controlled opposition game. This is ironic, looking at an old recording of Giuliani. On September 14, 1994 he was at a meeting of the Business Council of the United Nations, sitting at the table of guest of honor David Rockefeller. Both of them spoke, with Giuliani not only fawning over the United Nations sponsorship by the Rockefeller family, but also praising New York City's "diversity": "[See] the diverse population of this city. In the last decade over 800,000 immigrants settled in New York. [This] is a city that understands the value of immigration. ... "David Rockefeller helped build the [United Nations] institution. The whole purpose of this [United Nations] institution is to create a world in which we have peace... [And no one has chased such an ideal] better than David Rockefeller and his family. It's been the high privilege of New York City to have been the geographical host for the partnership between David Rockefeller and the United Nations. ... "The Rockefeller family understood that and foresaw that New York was the inevitable home for the United Nations. The geographical center of the voice of humanity. In a brief video introduced by the United Nations secretary general Boutrous Boutros-Ghali, and containing some exceptional footage, the connection between the United Nations, New York City and the Rockefeller Foundation is clearly drawn. If we can play this video..." 157 In 2002 Giuliani visited Davos, together with George Soros, Bill Gates, Zbigniew Brzezinski, a young Jeff Bezos, Google's Larry Page and seemingly his conservative mentor, the superclass member Steve Forbes, who he consulted early on for his eligibility as a presidential candidate. 158 |
Trump I administration: 2017-2021
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Donald Trump | President 2017-2021. Break with tradition, or so it seems. Vilified by the entire liberal-globalist media establishment, with even the elite-controlled Pew Research Center showing that only 5% of the media coverage of the Trump presidency was positive, with 62% being negative. Despite all that, Trump acts non-stop as a "conservative CIA" troll, spreading tons of conspiracy disinformation; and in the end only "welcomed" and increased "legal" Third World immigration into the U.S. 159 Brought to power by "conservative CIA" CNP financiers/members as the Mercers, Steve Bannon (whose mentor is top Goldman Sachs globalist John L. Thornton), Kellyanne Conway; Scaife Foundation-funded media outlets and even conspiracy disinformer Alex Jones. See Trump's biography in ISGP's "conservative CIA" oversight for more details. Trump himself has many long-standing, curious security state and establishment ties, among them: in December 2000 Trump was part of a 94-guest dinner organized by Bilderberg steering committee-, Pilgrims Society-, and 1001 Club-member Conrad Black, where Trump was seen chatting with Henry Kissinger at a table. Happy Rockefeller, the widow of Nelson Rockefeller; Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Richard Perle, Vernon Jordan and later exposed serial pedophiles Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell all were part of this dinner. 160 |
Gen. Mike Flynn | Part of the Trump campaign in 2016. Helped push the bogus Pizzagate affair. National security advisor Jan.-Feb. 2017. DIA director 2012-2014. Pushed the bogus Pizzagate affair. From early 2015 to mid 2016 on the advisory board of Spirit of America with George Shultz and JSOC's Gen. Stanley McChrystal, a very close friend of his who founded the anti-Trump Defeat Disinfo NGO in 2020. |
Gen. Jim Mattis | Secretary of defense 2017-2018. From at least 2014 to 2017 a fellow at the Hoover Institution, home to George Shultz, Henry Kissinger and earlier Stephen Bechtel, Jr. Since mid 2016 on the advisory board of Spirit of America, alongside George Shultz and JSOC's Gen. Stanley McChrystal - where he replaced Gen. Mike Flynn (only name change over Mar.-Nov. 2016), who joined the Trump administration. Director of the elite Center for a New American Security 2014-2017. |
Gen. H.R. McMasters | National security advisor 2017-2018. From 2002 to 2017 a fellow at the Hoover Institution, home to George Shultz, Henry Kissinger and earlier Stephen Bechtel, Jr. CFR since 2004. Joined the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition of Brzezinski, Kissinger and Shultz immediately after leaving as Trump's national security advisor in 2018. In 2019 he joined the advisory board of Spirit of America, George Shultz's home, and earlier also of key Trump administration officials Gen. Mike Flynn and Gen. Jim Mattis. |
Dina Habib Powell | Deputy national security advisor for strategy 2017-2018. CFR since 2005. Protege of George Shultz-protege Condoleezza Rice in 2005-2007. President of the Goldman Sachs Foundation 2010-. Managing director Goldman Sachs 2007-, with Goldman Sachs being the most dominant bank within Bilderberg, with countless advisors and senior leadership attending. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission since 2014. Brought to the White House through Ivanka Trump and picked by General McMasters as his deputy. Her husband, David McCormick, sits on the board of CIA investment firm In-Q-Tel. |
Rex Tillerson | Secretary of state 2017-2018. Chair and CEO of ExxonMobil 2006-2017, following up Lee R. Raymond. Trustee of CSIS from April 2005 to January 2017, flanked throughout this entire period by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft and many other elites. Honorary trustee alongside Rockefeller friends George Shultz and John Whitehead of Business Council for International Understanding. A member of Emergency Committee for American Trade (ECAT), founded by David Rockefeller, who was part of this group in the era before Tillerson came on board. Director-at-large 2007-2010 of the United Negro College Fund, financed for many decades by the Rockefellers, "liberal CIA" and big business. Visitor Clinton Global Initiative in 2009. |
John Bolton | National security advisor 2018-2019. Hawkish neocon never considered "independent" by the public. In 2003 a founding advisory board member of the neocon New Atlantic Initiative, alongside Zbigniew Brzezinski and under patrons George Shultz and Henry Kissinger, the latter also serving as advisory board chairman. Involved in many other NGOs. His primary operating base has been the neocon American Enterprise Institute, which has historic Rockefeller ties as well. |
Gina Haspel | CIA director April 2018 - Jan. 2021. Haspel's appointment as CIA director is known to have been recommended by the entire globalist national security elite, including names as Henry Kissinger and George Shultz and CIA veterans Cofer Black, John Brennan, Porter Goss, General Michael Hayden, William Webster, Stephen Kappes, and the peculiar former DDCI and deputy commissioner of the New York Police Department for Intelligence David Cohen. 161 Fascinatingly, already years ago ISGP theorized that David Cohen ran the operation to take down the WTC towers in accordance with plans laid out by Henry Kissinger and George Shultz. Buzzy Krongard, George Tenet and Cofer Black also all feature in the 9/11 saga. Stephen Kappes used to oversee the kidnap-and-torture of terrorists post-9/11. He was disgraced over it in 2009-2010, forcing him out of the CIA, but has since resurfaced as a director of the super-elite Atlantic Council. Gina Haspel is similarly controversial for having overseen a CIA black site in Thailand where kidnapped terrorists were tortured. |
Presidential candidates competing with Trump I:
Jeb Bush | Republican presidential candidate in 2015-2016. In February 2015 it became known that well over a dozen persons from ISGP's Superclass Index were becoming advisors and fundraisers for Jeb Bush, including George Shultz-protege Condoleezza Rice, Henry Kissinger, Henry Kravis, and James Baker; former security state chiefs Porter Goss (CIA), Gen. Michael Hayden (NSA), and Michael Chertoff (Homeland Security), and neocon warmongers as Paul Wolfowitz. 162 The Bush family itself is near the top of the Superclass Index. |
Hillary Clinton | Democrat presidential candidate in 2015-2016. Long-standing ties to Bilderberg, the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger. See above. |
Bernie Sanders | Major presidential candidate for the 2016 elections, who ultimately lost the Democrat nomination to Hillary Clinton. To immediately demonstrate that something is wrong with Sanders' "anti-Wall Street" election campaign: he was on the international advisory board of the Earth Day Network from at least 2011 163 to July 2017 164, sharing the board with:
Jewish. Graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964 - home of the ultraright "Chicago School" of economics under George Shultz and Milton Friedman, and where David Rockefeller became a trustee in 1967 - while his brother graduated from Oxford University in England. Typical antifa-type "civil rights" activist part of the Young People's Socialist League, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). The SNCC was predominantly founded by Ella Barker, a director of Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Council (SCLC). Martin Luther King and his SCLC were financed and otherwise supported by Nelson Rockefeller and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, with the SNCC - termed "the firebrands of the [anti-segregation] revolution" - receiving a more covert $20,000 ($200,000 in 2023 dollars) loan on behalf of Nelson Rockefeller through the family's Chase Manhattan Bank. 170 The Black Lives Matter-style activism that became a huge issue in the period that Sanders ran for president, has direct ties to this 1960s "civil rights" network. In 1996 a young "human rights lawyer" named Van Jones' founded the Ella Baker Center, as usual, from the start heavily financed with Soros and Ford Foundation money. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) already in the 1960s was part of anti-segregation protests. From 1998 to 2010 it was headed by Julian Bond, an important co-founder alongside Ella Baker of the SNCC and also a key founder and first president of the Southern Poverty Law Center from 1971 to 1979. Apart from being eulogized in 2015 by the Ford Foundation, because that's where so much of his funding came from, throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Bond served on the board of the Africa-America Institute, along with major globalists as Vernon Jordan, the black Rockefeller Foundation "civil rights" activist working with a young Hillary Clinton, who brought Bill Clinton into the CFR, Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission before Clinton even announced to run for president in the 1992 elections; new age globalist Maurice Strong, and David Rockefeller's daughter, Peggy. This institute was initially financed by the CIA, although saw this taken over by the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations in the early 1960s to prevent a backlash. In turn, the CIA is known to have financed domestic anti-segregation black right groups as well. Bernie Sanders' main shtick during his 2016 election campaign was attacking Hillary Clinton for being in the pocket of big business, such as Goldman Sachs. He didn't talk much about "racism" during his election campaign, or even for that matter about the environmental policies. We can see though that he was surrounded by these elite, continuous "liberal CIA" and antifa elements though. In 2011, in the wake of the 2008 economic crash and during the height of the Occupy Wall Street protests, Bernie Sanders was appointed head of an "expert advisory panel" to act on a report from the Government Accountability Office that concluded that "top executives from Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase, General Electric and other firms sat on the boards of regional Federal Reserve banks while their firms benefited from the central bank’s policies during the financial crisis..." Members of the advisory panel included the economists Jeffrey Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz, two top elites; the more "liberal CIA" socialist economist Robert Reich, a Rhodes Scholar who co-founded the Ford and Rockefeller foundations-financed Economic Policy Institute (EPI); and "liberal CIA" operative Robert Borosage, who had just founded the Institute for America's Future with George Soros. 171 During Stieglitz's election campaigns in subsequent years, it were Jeffrey Sachs, Joseph Stiglitz and Robert Reich, as well as Paul Krugman, who were advising Sanders' campaign 172, or otherwise "influencing" it 173, and whose names - at least the first three - were leaked by campaign staffers to most likely occupy senior positions in a Sanders government. 174 Interesting here is that Sachs and Krugman both sat on the advisory board of the super-elite Peterson Institute for International Economics from at least 1993 to 2016, with Stiglitz from April 2000 to 2016. Directors of the Peterson Institute in this period included George Soros, Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Carlyle founder and future CFR chairman David Rubenstein, past CFR chairman David Rockefeller and close Rockefeller friends as Paul Volcker, decades-long AIG head Maurice Greenberg, Blackstone Group founder and future CFR chairman Peter Peterson, future CFR co-chair Carla Hills and a number of other elites. It doesn't really end there. Jeffrey Sachs and Joseph Stiglitz both are situated within the top 15 of the ISGP Superclass Index for both the United States and the world. There's clear evidence that both of them operate as controlled opposition assets. We can only expand on their stories another time though. |
Joe Biden administration: 2021-2025
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Joe Biden | U.S. president 2021-2025. Delaware senator 1973-2009. Obama's vice president 2009-2017. Never a member of the CFR and never considered much of an intellectual. However, on October 20, 1999 Biden was co-chair of an event at the National Endowment for Democracy, essentially an elite parallel CIA operation. In 2000 Biden visited the elite Munich Security Conference alongside Zbigniew Brzezinski, a mentor to Obama and one-time Trilateral Commission co-founder. Biden visited again in 2009 and 2013. Visited Davos in 2002 en 2003. Various other elite ties. Biden's son, Hunter, from 2012 to 2018 was a director of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition in the 2012-2018 period 175, with names as Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Madeleine Albright, George Shultz, Frank Carlucci, Larry Summers, Hillary Clinton and countless other elites sitting on the advisory board. 176 In 2015-2018 Hunter was a founding member of the short-lived Chairmen's Council of Madeleine Albright's National Democratic Institute for International Affairs 177, which essentially is a parallel CIA operation ran through the Democrat Party, alongside the NED and International Republican Institute. |
William J. Burns | CIA director 2021-2025. Marshall Scholar at Oxford. Member CFR 1993-. "Only the second serving career diplomat in history to become deputy secretary of state" 178: Under secretary of state for Political Affairs 2008-2011 under both Bush and Obama. Acting secretary of state Jan. 20-21, 2009. Deputy secretary of state 2011-2014. Trustee Appeal of Conscience Foundation, which has included elites as Paul Volcker, John Whitehead, Thomas Pickering, John Brademas and George H. W. Bush. Director National Endowment for Democracy (NED) 2015-2020, which essentially is a parallel CIA operation. President Carnegie Endowment 2015-2021. Visitor Munich Security Conference in 2017. |
Jake Sullivan | National security advisor 2021-2025 Never joined the CFR, yet a summer intern around 2000 at the CFR's' presidential office of Leslie Gelb. 179 Listed decades long Trilateral Commission member, 2002-2017 Brookings Institution chair Strobe Talbott, who studied with Clinton at Oxford as Rhodes Scholars, as another early mentor. 180 Senior fellow in the Geoeconomics and Strategy Program of the Carnegie Endowment 2014-. Senior fellow at Harvard's Belfer Center 2017-. Trustee of the International Crisis Group July 2018 - January 2021, alongside its 1995 founder, George Soros, with other trustees including top superclass members as Larry Summers, Carl Bildt and Thomas Pickering and former Bush national security advisor Stephen Hadley. 181 |
Antony Blinken | Secretary of state 2021-2025. Son of the Hungarian Jew Donald M. Blinken: a co-founder of Warburg Pincus in 1966, a chair of the State University of New York from 1978 to 1990, an ambassador to Hungary from 1994 to 1997, and the secretary-general of the World Federation of United Nations Associations from 2000 to 2004. From 1995 to 2001 he was chancellor of the Central European University in Hungary, founded by George Soros in 1991 and continually funded since then by Soros. 182 He additionally served as a trustee of the Central European University from 2001 to 2008. 183 After a major donation in 2015, George Soros' Open Society Archives in Hungary was renamed the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives. 184 As for Antony, he was co-editor of the student newspaper The Harvard Crimson in the mid-1980s, a position that shows up a lot among (future) elites. For his undergraduate thesis 'Ally versus Ally' (eventually published in 1987) he interviewed Henry Kissinger, which at the time was considered unusual because most students saw Kissinger as a war criminal over Vietnam, and under the Reagan years the climate was more hawkish than Kissinger's old "Detente" policy. 185 Member CFR 1991-. "Senior Fellow, Writer-in-Residence, International Security Program" at the Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and James Woolsey-dominated CSIS by early 2001, before 9/11. 186 CSIS employed both "neocon" and "liberal-globalist" elites. In continuous office under Obama 2009-2017, where he started as national security advisor to vice president Joe Biden (2009-2013), then was deputy national security advisor to President Obama (2013-2015), and eventually became deputy secretary of state (2015-2017). Under the Biden administration in 2021 he continued where he had signed off under Obama. In June 2023 Blinken was present at Kissinger's 100th birthday celebration, Graham Allison, Jane Harman and Samantha Power being other confirmed ones. 187 |
Janet Yellen | Treasury secretary 2021-2025. Member CFR 2006-. In 2013 she visited the International Monetary Conference, the year before she became FED chair. Founding advisory board member in 2018 of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, with Kissinger - an attendee - as founding honorary chair; Goldman Sachs' Hank Paulson as founding co-chair, and Carlyle's David Rubenstein, Bill Gates, Penny Pritzker, Larry Summers and Condoleezza Rice among the other founding advisory board members. A year earlier, Yellen was among the founding members of the Climate Leadership Council, also with Michael Bloomberg and Larry Summers. |
Lloyd Austin III | Defense secretary 2021-2025. African American. Member CFR 2013-. In military service until 2016, eventually as CENTCOM commander during the Obama administration. Briefly served on various corporate boards afterwards. |
Kathleen Hicks | Deputy defense secretary 2021-. Member CFR 1997-2002, again 2006-. National security-oriented senior fellow at CSIS 2006-2009, where Henry Kissinger was on the board from the 1980s until his death in 2023. Deputy undersecretary of defense for strategy, plans, and forces during the Obama administration 2009-2012. Principal deputy under secretary of defense for policy 2012-2013. Senior vice president, Henry A. Kissinger Chair, and director of the international security program at CSIS 2013-. 188 |
Presidential candidates competing with Biden:
Michael Bloomberg | Presidential candidate for 2020. Member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission since 2015 who already featured for years in ISGP's Superclass Index. In 2018, alongside Henry Kissinger and other elites, a founder of the China-focused Bloomberg New Economy Forum. |
Marianne Williamson | Minor Democratic presidential candidate for 2020 and 2024. Very much an alternative candidate, supported in the media by the likes of gender fluid Jane's Addiction rocker Dave Navarro. 189 She a spiritual cult leader promoted by her "friend" Oprah Winfrey in 1994 190, who in 2016 admitted that, "Oprah in many ways gave me my career." 191 After her 2020 campaign failed, she backed Bernie Sanders, an oldtime antifa activist who sat on the advisory board of the elite Earth Day Network. The fact that Williamson has attacked Donald Trump's "dark psychic force of collectivized hatred" and supports western countries paying slavery reparations to the Third World for past colonial transgressions, immediately betrays she herself too falls under the "liberal CIA" / antifa umbrella. 192 Oprah, as a long-time visitor of the Sun Valley Meetings and Forstmann Little Conferences, a Davos 2001 participant, and a founding member with David Rockefeller, George Soros, CFR chairman Peter Peterson and Ted Turner of The Good Club / Giving Plegde, is not to be dismissed as an insignificant do-gooder. Forstmann Little she was attending with the likes of Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Nelson Mandela and members of the Rothschild family. Along with the Obama administration and a long list of Hollywood celebrities and globalist politicians, she also played an important role in the funding and promotion of the propaganda film 'Kony 2012'. Fascinatingly, in the 1990s Oprah promoted Williamson's book 'A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles' (1992). This is based on the 1976 book 'A Course in Miracles', discussed years ago by this author due to having been financed by millionaire transvestite Reed Erickson, a person close to famous remote viewer Ingo Swann, psychedelics researcher Dr. Jean Houston and likely also Laurance Rockefeller. In the 1990s Houston gained notoriety as Hillary Clinton's White House spiritual advisor, with Clinton also starting her disinformative Laurance Rockefeller-inspired UFO project in this period. Subsequently, Houston was invited to the World Commission for Global Consciousness and Spirituality and the Club of Budapest, where she worked with elites as Al Gore, Elie Wiesel, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Jordanian royal family, Bono, Steven Spielberg, Desmond Tutu, and Princess Irene van Lippe-Biesterfeld (a daughter of Prince Bernhard and Queen Beatrix of Orange). This whole story was already written down years ago in ISGP's Coast to Coast AM article. That's not a good sign. |
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | Presidential candidate for 2024. Already in 2019 ISGP had written what a strange character RFK, Jr. is, because he has been spreading conspiracy disinformation regarding a second shooter at his father's assassination. He has done so from his Instagram 193 to the Washington Post, alongside a variety of disinformative RFK "researchers". 194 The second shooter theory only is a (very) legitimate question with regard to his uncle's assassination in 1963, John F. Kennedy. RFK, Jr. also has been spreading vaccine disinformation on biodegradable mercury-additive Thimerosal. A June 2005 article entitled Deadly Immunity that RFK, Jr. wrote on the subject for Rolling Stone and Salon.com, over the years had to be corrected and eventually withdrawn. 195 Despite being a "lefty", certainly post-Covid his stances on vaccines made him unusually popular among Christian conservative right-wingers. This is one of the major reasons why in 2023 and 2024 RFK, Jr. was interviewed on the podcasts of Theo Von and Joe Rogan, both friends UFC president Dana White, who in turn has been working with Tucker Carlson and Kid Rock at UFC events to get the right-wing Donald Trump elected. Extra fascinatingly, when RFK, Jr. dropped out of the presidential bid in August 2024, he supported the Trump campaign, even joining Trump onstage, who, as a massive conspiracy disinformer himself, stated he would "release all remaining documents relating to the 1963 assassination of President John F Kennedy." 196 Of course, the JFK administration of 1961-1963 contained "Rockefeller CIA" elites as Allen Dulles and John McCone overseeing the CIA, "Bilderberg alumni" as Dean Rusk and George Ball heading the State Department, and additional CFR and Rockefeller-tied elites running other government departments. RFK, Jr. himself ended up as a senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council from 1986 to 2017. 197 The NRDC has been receiving millions upon millions every year from all the top "liberal CIA" foundations as Rockefeller, Ford, Open Society (Soros), Hewlett, etc. David Rockefeller's brother, Laurance, used to be a trustee of the NRDC. 198, after which Laurance's son became deeply involved, also as a trustee. 199 |
Trump II administration: 2025-
Name | State/defense secretary, DCI, etc. |
Donald Trump | President 2017-2021. Already largely discussed for the Trump I administration. |
Elon Musk | Head of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). To be discussed later on. |
Presidential candidates competing with Trump II:
Kamala Harris | District attorney for San Francisco 2004-2011. Attorney general of California 2011-2017. Senator from California 2017-2021. Vice president 2021-. Presidential candidate for 2024, after Joe Biden very reluctantly stepped down due to declining mental health. Harris has repeatedly stated that people need to be "woke". 200 In short, part of the founding group of the Black Panthers. Daughter of Shyamala Gopalan, an Indian native who received a Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and worked at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her black father, Donald J. Harris, received a BA from the University of London and, on a Elias A. Issa Scholarship, a Ph.D. in economics from UC Berkeley in 1966. At Berkeley, Gopalan and Harris both were members of the antifa activist group that in 1962 let to the founding of the Afro-American Association. 201 This same study group included Huey Newton 202 and Bobby Seale 203, the two key founders of the Black Panther Party in 1966. It appears the study group and the Afro-American Association were too "deep cover" - as is common with antifa operations - to (easily) be tied to "liberal CIA" funding from the Rockefeller or Ford foundations, which funded Martin Luther King, the SNCC, and countless subsequent black activist groups surrounding the Afro-American Association and the Black Panthers. Quite a few old members of the UC Berkeley-based Afro-American Association later received tenureship at various universities, often at centers studying black history and black culture. |
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. | Presidential candidate for 2024. Already discussed as a 2024 opponent of Joe Biden. Ended up joining the Trump administration, despite his "liberal CIA" past. |
- Nov. 3, 1988, BillMoyers.com, 'Noam Chomsky on 'Manufacturing Consent' (Part One)'. Also part two. Both video and a transcript available.
- 2013 (1992 original), Walter Isaacson (president and CEO Aspen Inst., etc.), 'Kissinger: A Biography', pp. 90-93: "In 1955, Kissinger found a patron [named] Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller [who was] an assistant to President Eisenhower for international affairs [and need national security experts]. [Kissinger recalls the meeting.] In March 1956 ... Kissinger agreed to become director of the Rockefeller [Special Studies] project... Kissinger was something of a terror. ... notoriously short-tempered with subordinates ... calling them idiots and morons. ... "He [cared] whether or not a car met him at the airport and whether it was a Cadillac or not," recalled Oscar Ruebhausen, long a close associate of the Rockefellers. ... Until he joined Nixon's staff at the end of 1968, Kissinger remained a part-time consultant to Rockefeller [spending the rest running Harvard's Harvard Defense studies program from 1958 to 1968, where he interviewing guest speakers, who tended to be veterans and rising stars in Washington]."
- 1888, 'Proceedings of the Trustees of the Peabody Education Fund, 1881-1887', opening page: "The board as originally appointed [in 1867] by Mr. Peabody: ... Hon. Hamilton Fish... *General U. S. Grant... George Peabody Russell... [New appointments:] Anthony J. Drexel ... J. Pierpont Morgan... Grover Cleveland..."
- Ibid.
- Nov. 1901, The Barbers' Journal, p. 295, 'Rockefeller and Hanna as Boys': "(From the Buffalo Enquirer.) The Central High School Monthly of Cleveland, O., published in its last issue extracts from essays written by John D. Rockefeller and Mark Hanna when they were schoolboys in that city..."; April 1911, The Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association: "After some further schooling at the Cleveland high school, where John D. and William Rockefeller were [Hanna's] schoolmates..."; 1968, Irving Katz, 'August Belmont; a Political Biography', p. 276.
- 1951, Ralph Morris Goldman, 'Party Chairmen and Party Faction, 1789-1900: A Theory of Executive Responsibility and Conflict Resolution', p. 533: "Some [corporations] gave much more. John D. Rockefeller, a good friend of Hanna since their days as Cleveland commission merchants, was now head man at Standard Oil and that concern gave $250,000."
- 1990, Ron Chernow, 'The House of Morgan', p. 77: "Pierpont [Morgan] entertained Mark Hanna ... aboard the Corsair II. Generous contributions [were made] by Morgan and other bankers to the campaign of William McKinley..."
- archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/ learning/general/onthisday/ harp/1205.html (accessed: July 27, 2023; 'On this Day' series): "On December 5, 1903 , Harper's Weekly featured a cartoon about Senator Mark Hanna..."
- July 18, 1980, Washington Post, ' Teddy Roosevelt &...'
- 1940, ' John D. Rockefeller: The Heroic Age of American Enterprise', pp. 193-194.
- 1900, 'Hearings Before the Industrial Commission: Trusts and Industrial Combinations', p. 694: ""[John D. Rockefeller, Sr.'s older brother] Frank Rockefeller also testifies, July 7, 1876, that ... William H. Vanderbilt, Amasa Stone ... were stockholders in the Standard Oil Company. ... A. William H. Vanderbilt ... was at one time a stockholder in the Standard Oil Company; also Amasa Stone, of Cleveland... Mr, Stone sold his stock some 2 years ago, at or before the time when he quit the railroad."
- 1900, 'Hearings Before the Industrial Commission: Trusts and Industrial Combinations', p. 694: ""[John D. Rockefeller, Sr.'s older brother] Frank Rockefeller also testifies, July 7, 1876, that ... William H. Vanderbilt, Amasa Stone ... were stockholders in the Standard Oil Company. ... A. William H. Vanderbilt ... was at one time a stockholder in the Standard Oil Company; also Amasa Stone, of Cleveland... Mr, Stone sold his stock some 2 years ago, at or before the time when he quit the railroad."
- July 1, 2004-June 30, 2005, The President’s Report, Carnegie Institution of Washington, PDF p.4: "Former trustees."
- Jan. 26, 1917, New York Times 'Praise for Wilson by Peace Society'
- June 30, 1912, New York Times, '200 Roosevelt Men Bolt and Form Progressive Party...'
- 1978, John A. Garraty, 'Right-hand Man: the life of George W. Perkins', p. 216.
- April 1971, The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, pp. 198, 202-203, Robert D. Christie, 'The Johnstown Flood': "The Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette of July 3 and 4, 1883, carried an article [on] the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club... The paper then listed the following men as members: ... Andrew Carnegie ... Henry Clay Frick, Philander C. Knox ... Andrew Mellon ... Henry Phipps, Jr., Robert Pitcairn..."
- history.state.gov/departmenthistory/people/knox-philander-chase (accessed: July 22, 2023): "As Counsel for the Carnegie Steel Company, he took a prominent part in organizing the United States Steel Corporation in 1901."
- 1920, American Machine and Tool Record, pp. 87-88, 'Stories about Henry C. Frick, Ironmaster, Philanthropist; Inside facts of his Famous Row with Andrew Carnegie...': "Philander C. Knox says the funniest show he ever saw was Mr. Carnegie coming out of that office with Henry Frick two jumps behind him."
- thepittsburghgolfclub.com/club-history (accessed: July 22, 2023): "The Pittsburgh Golf Club [was] established in 1896... Andrew Mellon, Henry Clay Frick and Philander C. Knox were among the Club's early members."
- 1920, 'Commercial and Financial Chronicle: American bankers' convention section': "Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh [tied in with the First National Bank at Pittsburgh] ... Officers: ... Andrew W. Mellon, Vice-President. ... John A. Irwin, Vice-President and Secy. ... Directors: ...Childs Frick [son of Henry] ... Philander C. Knox ... Andrew W. Mellon. Richard B. Mellon. ... Howard Phipps. ..."
- 1898, 1903 and 1915 'The Union League Club of New York' booklets. The members section provides the year a member joined.
- Ibid.
- 2010, Ron Chernow, 'The House of Morgan', p. 216.
- March 1, 1928, New York Times, 'C.H. Dodge's Estate Set at $15,522,705; Gift of $2,500 to Wilson at Time of Ex-President's Last Illness Is Revealed'.
- Feb. 25, 1905, New York Times, 'Princeton Asks $2,500,000. Committee of Fifty to Raise Fund -- $332,000 Brown Bequest Paid.'.
- *) Feb. 16, 1907, Congressional Record--House, p. 3130: "The Directors [of] National City Bank -- ... Cleveland H. Dodge, ... Henry C. Frick ... E. H. Harriman ... Cyrus H. McCormick ... William Rockefeller, Jacob H. Schiff, ... James Stillman, James A. Stillman..."
*) Feb. 28, 1913, U.S. Congress--House, 'Report of the Committee Appointed Pursuant to House Resolutions 429 and 504 to Investigates the Concentration of Control of Money and Credit', pp. 71-72: "National City Bank of New York: ... The directors are James Stillman ... Cleveland H. Dodge, Henry C. Frick, Joseph P. Grace, Cyrus H. McCormick, ... J. P. Morgan, Jr. ... William Rockefeller, James A. Stillman, Jacob H. Schiff, ... Frank A. Vanderlip, ... and R. S. Lovett." - Oct. 28, 1916, New York Times, 'Wilson Campaign Gifts $1,006,283; Cleveland H. Dodge, President's Classmate at Princeton in '79, Largest Donor. $79,000'.
- Aug. 17, 1912, New York Times, 'Schiff for Wilson; Financier tells why'.
- March 1, 1928, New York Times, 'C.H. Dodge's Estate Set at $15,522,705; Gift of $2,500 to Wilson at Time of Ex-President's Last Illness Is Revealed'.
- 1918, Arthur D. Howden Smith, 'The real Colonel House', pp. 97-98.
- Feb. 4, 1906, New York Times, '... Princeton President Speaks on the Duty of College Men -- Guest at Lotos Club Dinner.'; Oct. 1, 1916, New York Times, 'Col. Harvey Urges Election of Hughes; "Original Wilson Man" Says Democratic Administration Has Failed'; 1911, The Lotos Club, 'Speeches at the Lotos Club'.
- April 17, 1907, New York Times, 'Witte Didn't Heed the Tip on Harvey; Dined with Him Despite Warning That He Was Morgan's Mouthpiece'.
- Sep. 8, 1905, New York Times, '... The Czar's ... Representatives Cheered at Col. Harvey's Dinner...'
- May 9, 1913, New York Times, 'Speaks of Morgan as a True Patriot; Col. Harvey Tells the Trust Company Section of Late Financier's Love of Country.'
- Dec. 18, 1912, UPI (founded in 1907 as United Press Associations), 'Investigation shows Morgan, 17 firms control $25.3 billion'.
- April 12, 1912, New York Times, 'Harvey Sees Underwood'.
- 2015, Charles E. Neu, Oxford University Press, 'Colonel House: A Biography of Woodrow Wilson's Silent Partner', p. 43.
- 2015, Charles E. Neu, Oxford University Press, 'Colonel House: A Biography of Woodrow Wilson's Silent Partner', p. 615: "On December 20 [1919] Daisy Harriman, House's friend..."
- 1923, Mrs. J. Borden "Daisy" Harriman, 'From pinafores to politics', 'Chapter IX 1914': "Tuesday, June 23d [1914]. ... Colonel House came in after dinner, and we had a long talk. He says he has taken me into his confidence... He is a wonderful man."
- Oct. 14, 2019, The American Prospect, 'The Rise and Fall of Andrew Mellon'.
- Oct. 12, 1931, Time, 'The Congress: Death of Morrow': "Morrow [was] a classmate of quiet Calvin Coolidge in the [Amherst] Class of 1895."
- 1910 'The Union League Club of New York' booklet.
- 1980, William C. Widenor, 'Henry Cabot Lodge and the search for an American foreign policy', p. 266: "Address to the Union League Club of New York City , March 26 , 1919.".
- 1966, Betty Glad, 'Charles Evans Hughes and the Illusions of Innocence: A Study in American Diplomacy', p. 107: "He joined the best clubs -- the Metropolitan Club in Washington, D.C. and the Union League Club and the Lotus [sic] Club in New York."
- Ibid.
- 1916 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 5: "Chairman of the Board of Trustees: John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. ... [Trustee] Members: To serve until the annual meeting of 1920: ... Charles Evans Hughes." 1921 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. x: "*Charles E. Hughes ... *Resigned February 28, 1921."
- 1925-1928 annual reports, Rockefeller Foundation.
- Oct. 14, 2019, The American Prospect, 'The Rise and Fall of Andrew Mellon'.
- 1970, Lawrence Leo Murray, 'Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, 1921-1932: A Study in Policy', p. 9: "The first inkling that Mellon was a contender for Treasury post came New Year's Eve. Senator Philander Chase Knox (R.-Pa.), dean of the Senate and an integral member of the Chicago cabal, made public a meeting that he had had with the President-elect [Harding]. ... Why did the party regulars, in particular Knowx and Penrose, want this man Mellon for the Treasury post? ... Knox announced that he had urged Harding to appoint his friend, Andrew W. Mellon, as Secretary of the Treasury.11 In spite of Knox's prominence in party circles, none of the newsmen took the proposition seriously . Their favorite was [Charles G.] Dawes, not the unknown Pittsburgher.".
- Oct. 12, 1931, Time, 'The Congress: Death of Morrow': "Morrow [was] a classmate of quiet Calvin Coolidge in the [Amherst] Class of 1895."
- *) 1998, John Earl Haynes (Library of Congress publication), 'Calvin Coolidge and the Coolidge Era: Essays on the History of the 1920s', p. 146: "When Coolidge became prominent on the national scene while still governor of Massachusetts, his Amherst friend, Dwight Morrow, sought to give advice, perhaps with the thought that Coolidge as a national man might get Morrow out of J. P. Morgan and Company, where he was bored [OR *perhaps* to swing Coolidge into the White House on behalf of the Morgan bank].";
*) Feb. 23, 2011, Salon, 'What the right forgets about labor history: Busting unions gave Calvin Coolidge the White House, but it gave America the Great Depression'. - 1898, 1903 and 1915 'The Union League Club of New York' booklets. The members section provides the year a member joined.
- Ibid.
- ourgeorgiahistory.com/ ogh/ franklin_delano_roosevelt (accessed: December 17, 2020): "Endicott Peabody [part of the Morgan clique], an Episcopal minister who was Franklin Roosevelt's headmaster at Groton (a prep school in Massachusetts), is generally credited with instilling in Roosevelt a duty to help those who cannot help themselves. Following his graduation from Groton in 1900 Roosevelt matriculated from Harvard..."
- March 12, 2004, Groton.org, 'Treasures of Groton: 120 years of Glorious and Curious Gifts': "Founded in 1884 by a Board of Trustees that included such notables as J. P. Morgan, Phillips Brooks, Endicott Peabody, and Bishop William Lawrence, Groton School [was also financed by Peabody's father, Samuel Endicott Peabody (1825-1909)]... In 1905, J.P Morgan commissioned photographer Edward Curtis to document [for Groton] rapidly vanishing Native American culture."
- ourgeorgiahistory.com/ ogh/ franklin_delano_roosevelt (accessed: December 17, 2020): "[In] 1921, Franklin Delano Roosevelt ... diagnosed with the polio virus [keeping him] fully functional except for his paralyzed legs. ... A friend, George Foster Peabody [1852-1938; part of the Morgan clique; among the first NYC FED directors] recommended a stay at a resort the wealthy philanthropist had just purchased near Warm Springs, Georgia, where the warm, mineral-rich water might help Roosevelt. From 1924 until his death in 1945 Roosevelt made over 40 visits to the inn. In 1926 Roosevelt bought the resort..."
- *) March 1972, Playboy, 'Playboy interview: Saul Alinsky'. Saul Alinsky wasn't able to create any breakthroughs without FDR and FDR-allies as Marshall Field III and CIO president John Lewis.
*) March 2, 1970, Time, 'Essay: Radical Saul Alinsky: Prophet of Power to the People': "" - *) March 1972, Playboy, 'Playboy interview: Saul Alinsky'. Saul Alinsky wasn't able to create any breaktrhoughs without FDR and FDR-allies as Marshall Field III and CIO president John Lewis.
*) March 2, 1970, Time, 'Essay: Radical Saul Alinsky: Prophet of Power to the People': "The [Chicago neighborhood Back of the] Yards gave Alinsky a name. The Chicago Democratic machine was upset that he had challenged its iron control of the city, but Publisher Marshall Field [III] and Roman Catholic Bishop Bernard J. Sheil gave him enough backing to set up the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization that seeks to apply the Alinsky methods to other slums. Operating on a $150,000-a-year budget, I.A.F. has a basic staff of eleven; other organizers are put on the payroll when the need arises. I.A.F. has gone into Rochester, Buffalo and Kansas City, Mo., and has set up Mexican-American organizations in California." - 1968 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 140: "Industrial Areas Foundation, Chicago, Illinois: toward the costs of its Training Institute for community organizers; $225,000 through June, 1972." In the 1969-1971 RF annual reports the IAF is listed as receiving $75,000 annually. Alinsky died in June 1972."
- *) Nov. 23, 1933, U.S. New York Times, 'J.P. Warburg Calls for Gold Standard; Banker Calls for Immediate Dropping of the Roosevelt Monetary Program.;
*) May 21, 1934, Time, 'Books: Middle-of-the-Roader'. - Oct. 18, 1936, New York Times, 'J.P. Warburg Goes Back to Roosevelt; Banker, Former Aide, Then Critic of New Deal, Returns Because of Foreign Policy.'.
- April 18, 1941, U.S. Congressional Record - Senate, 'Volume 87 - Part 3: March 19, 1941 - May 1, 1941', p. 3186; dla.library.upenn.edu, 'Fight for Freedom, Inc. Records'.
- 1964, James P. Warburg, 'The Long Road Home: The Autobiography of a Maverick', pp. 65, 218, 226.
- Sep. 25, 2013, The Nation, 'Happy 50th Anniversary, IPS!'
- Feb. 2-20, 1950, U.S. Senate report, 'Revision of the United Nations Charter: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations', p. 494, Feb. 17, 1950 words of James P. Warburg.
- 1898, 1903 and 1915 'The Union League Club of New York' booklets. The members section provides the year a member joined.
- Ibid.
- 1982, George W. Ball, 'The Past Has Another Problem: Memoirs', p. 22: "Soon I discovered kindred spirits among the partners. One was Paul Harper, the son of William Rainey Harper, the famous president of the University of Chicago.".
- magazine.uchicago.edu/ 9806/html/rockefeller2.html (accessed: Aug. 13, 2023; University of Chicago magazine): "William Rainey Harper was always Rockefeller's choice for president, and at times the venture seemed to hinge upon his acceptance. As the star salesman who had converted Rockefeller to the cause, Harper enjoyed his special trust. ... Rockefeller wrote to him in August, promising to add a premium to his salary. "I do not forget that the effort to establish the University grew out of your suggestion to me at Vassar and I regard you as the father of the institution..." The figures of Rockefeller's contributions between 1889 and 1892 reflect the expanding nature of his giving [despite being extremely stingy]. From $124,000 in 1889 (right before his big pledge to Gates), his donations soared to $304,000 in 1890, $510,000 in 1891, and then a spectacular $1.35 million in 1892 ($22 million today) as he opened the spigot for the University of Chicago."
- lawyersclubchicago.org/about/#notables: "William Pratt Sidley: Sidley was a member of the Club for 60 years. ... Adlai E. Stevenson ... Silas Hardy Strawn..."
- 1972, Walter Johnson and Adlai Stevenson, 'The Papers of Adlai E. Stevenson: Beginnings of education, 1900-1941', p. 210: "[Stevenson] was active in the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations... By 1930 Stevenson was a member of the executive committee and the board of directors of the council which included ... William Pratt Sidley, head of Stevenson's law firm, [and] Silas H. Strawn..."
- 1994, Jeff Broadwater (professor of history at Barton College), 'Adlai Stevenson and American Politics', p. 34. Confirmed by sources of the time in Google Books.
- globalaffairs.org/chicago-and-the-world (accessed: Aug. 13, 2023): "Adlai E. Stevenson, Council president from 1935 to 1937."
- 1938, Political pamphlets (Google Books): "Stevenson has been the chief sparkplug of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, and remains a director of it."
- 1946-1948, The University of Chicago Round Table (Google Books): "Adlai E. Stevenson ... is a member of the board of directors of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations."
- 1982, George W. Ball, 'The Past Has Another Problem: Memoirs', p. 22.
- 1994, Jeff Broadwater (professor of history at Barton College), 'Adlai Stevenson and American Politics', p. 34.
- Sep. 15, 1952, Time, ''Adlai's Amateurs', p. 34: "[Around] 1937 I met ... a young lawyer named Adlai Stevenson, who was speaking at rallies for the William Allen White Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. ("In the Midwest that took some guts," recalls Mitching. ...)"
*) 1967, Herbert J. Muller (history teacher at Cornell, Purdue and Indiana University (1959-1980)), 'Adlai Stevenson: A Study in Values', p. 43: "Chicago [was] a citadel of isolationism... Stevenson responded by accepting the chairmanship of the Chicago chapter of William Allen White's Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. ... Violent attack in the news columns of the [Chicago] Tribune [followed]." - Dec. 30, 1940, Senator Rush D. Holt from West Virginia, 'The William Allen White Committee: Extension of Remarks' (Sep. 30, 1940 - Jan. 3, 1941, 'Proceedings and Debates of the 76th Congress, Third Session, Appendix: Volume 86--Part 18', pp. 7019-7020): "Background of the William Allen White Committee: ... From that committee came the nucleus of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. It was on April 29, 1940, that a secret meeting was held in New York City to set up this committee. The person who called the meeting was Frederic R. Coudert... Called into the meeting were Thomas W. Lamont [of] J. P. Morgan & Co.; John W. Davis, attorney for Morgan; ... Henry L. Stimson, present Secretary of War; Frank Polk... Some of the well-known names of finance are listed in the contributors to the White committee. Such names as Morgan, Guggenheim, Lehman, Warburg, Davison, Harkness, Lamont, Whitney, Schiff, Harriman, and others..."
- 1982, George W. Ball, 'The Past Has Another Problem: Memoirs', p. 22: "Another [kindred spirit] was a young junior partner named Adlai E. Stevenson..."
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- 1982, George W. Ball, 'The Past Has Another Problem: Memoirs', pp. 8-9.
- May 1966 issue, George Ball for The Atlantic, 'Flaming Arrows to the Sky: A Memoir of Adiai Stevenson'.
- *) April 30, 2006, New York Times, 'John Kenneth Galbraith, 97, Dies': "In 1953 [the second note here shows these people already were cooperating in March 1952], Mr. Galbraith ... formed a sort of brain trust for Mr. Stevenson that included ... Averell Harriman, ... Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. and ... George W. Ball."
*) 1981, 'Press Summary - Illinois Information Service', p. 3838 (Google Books): "[The Democrat] Truman had taken himself out of the running at a Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner in March [29, 1952] that year. The same night, after the banquet, Stevenson met with George Ball, Averell Harriman, and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Schlesinger wrote in his journal: "Adlai looked very tired ... appalled at the great abyss opening up before him running for president or reelection as governor of Illinois]." - April 28, 1952, Time, 'National Affairs: The Famine': "The [Democrat Party] affair [at the New York Waldorf] was officially billed as a $100-a-plate testimonial dinner honoring Mutual Security Administrator W. Averell Harriman and launching him as a presidential candidate. [But] a smiling Adlai Stevenson got the biggest ovation of any speaker..." ... Harry Truman sent a message praising Averell Harriman's "talents as a statesman" [but] Candidate Harriman sat down [only] to polite applause..."
- 1982, George W. Ball, 'The Past Has Another Problem: Memoirs', p. 123: "I handed [the speech] to Stevenson’s assistant, William Blair, at Blair’s family’s residence, where Stevenson had gone to ground."
- 1953, Volumes 30-31, CCFR, 'Notes on World Events', p. 34 (Google Books).
- Sep. 2, 2015, New York Times, 'William McCormick Blair Jr., Envoy and Confidant of Adlai Stevenson, Dies at 98'.
- Who's Who digital edition.
- Jan. 25, 1990, NY Times, 'Chronicle'.
- Jan. 11, 1962, Drew Pearson's Washington-Merry-Go-Round in the Washington Post, 'McCone Made Big WWII Profits': "McCone was then president of the California Shipbuilding Co., organized about one year before Pearl Harbor, when Todd Shipbuilding put up $50,000, with another $50,000 coming from the Bechtel-McCone-Parsons Company, Henry Kaiser, and other companies associated with Kaiser and Bechtel-McCone in building Boulder Dam. ... When McCone came up for confirmation as chairman of the [AEC] on July 3, 1958, he [admitted:] "Yes, I have some business relationships with Kaiser, inasmuch as a jointly owned company..."".
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Because it's all that can be found back at the moment, the following is not entirely the right source, as it talks about the McCone-Dulles relationship only starting around 1958:
May 9, 2005, Counterpunch, '"More powerful than the U.S. Army": Straight to Bechtel"': "McCone soon introduced his new friend, Allen Dulles, the nation's top spy, to his old partner in the Bay Area, Stephen Bechtel. Dulles and Bechtel became fast friends and golfing buddies." - oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark :/13030/kt3p3012z7/admin/ (Online Archive of California; accessed: Dec. 12, 2023), 'Guide to the John A. McCone Papers, 1904-1991 (bulk 1978-1989)'.
- Jan. 22, 1962, Drew Pearson's Washington-Merry-Go-Round in the Washington Post, 'McCone Holdings Suggest Conflict': "One of McCone's most important investments is in Standard Oil of California and Standard Oil of New Jersey. He has been a director of the former, and its report to stockholders as of Aug. 1, 1961, lists him as owning [and amount that] makes him the second biggest stockholder in a company [SOCAL] whose profits and future are materially influenced by Central Intelligence.".
- Ibid.
- 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', p. 149: "John Foster Dulles... I had known him and his family since my college years. ... when I was courting Peggy in the 1930s, she always stayed with the Dulleses at their New York town house."
- May 9, 2005, Counterpunch, '"More powerful than the U.S. Army": Straight to Bechtel"': "Bechtel engineered the oil infrastructure for the Standard Oil Company's burgeoning empire in Saudi Arabia, building pipelines, refineries, highways and ports. When Standard Oil's Aramco partnership in Saudi Arabia was nationalized, Bechtel didn't miss a beat. Instead, the company inaugurated a profitable new relationship with the Saudi royal family."; 2011, Stanley D. Brunn (editor; University of Kentucky geography professor) and Jason Henderson (chapter author; Dept. of Geography, San Francisco State University), 'Engineering Earth: The Impacts of Megaengineering Projects', p. 786: "Bechtel was central to the special relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia after World War II. In 1943 the U.S. Navy forecasted great need for more oil and contracted Standard Oil of CA (Chevron) to supply oil from Saudi Arabia. Standard Oil in turn contracted Bechtel (Wolf, 1996)."
- 1989, Laton McCartney, 'Friends in High Places: The Bechtel Story: the Most Secret Corporation and how it Engineered the World', pp. 113-119.
- Ibid.
- Ibid., pp. 120-122.
- Ibid., pp. 120-121.
- Jan. 22, 1962, Drew Pearson's Washington-Merry-Go-Round in the Washington Post, 'McCone Holdings Suggest Conflict': "McCone ... has declined to sell his stock in these oil companies but put them in a trust. Secretaries of Defense Charley Wilson and Robert McNamara would have been delighted to put their stock in General Motors and Ford in trust, but were not permitted to do so. It happens that Standard of California and Standard of New Jersey control the Arabian American Oil Co. [ARAMCO]... It also happens that the Near East is a field where Central Intelligence has played an all-powerful role and usually swung its weight against Israel... [CIA] has nearly always sided with the oil companies. ... [8 examples given]".
- 1989, Laton McCartney, 'Friends in High Places: The Bechtel Story: the Most Secret Corporation and how it Engineered the World', pp. 118-119.
- 2014, Richard Norton Smith (1965 Harvard graduate, White House intern during Ford-Rockefeller administration, Washington Post writer, speech writer for Sen. Bob Dole), 'On His Own Terms: A Life of Nelson Rockefeller': "Nelson advised Ike to create his own reoganization panel, chaired by future CIA director John McCone. Eisenhower accepted the idea, albeit with a twist. On January 23, 1953, he issued the first executive order of his presidency, establishing the President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization, to be led not by McCone, but by Nelson Rockefeller.".
- 1968, Lyman B. Kirkpatrick (inspector general and executive director of the CIA), 'The Real CIA', pp. 236-237 (p. 236 does list Nelson Rockefeller, but the page not visible in Google Books. Some sources claim the page says that Nelson helped McCone get appointed; others say Kirkpatrick also wrote that Nelson got Carter appointed): "It was actually early in 1962 before my task force was able to start to work [with] General Schuyler [and] Coyne and myself on studying problems that faced the new director [McCone]."
- 2005, David Robarge, CIA History Staff at the Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI), 'John McCone as Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965: Part 1', p. 41, a "classified biography" listed as 'Secret' by the CIA until 2015.: "McCone relieved Kirkpatrick of his duties as IG and made him chairman of the Working Group, which soon assumed his name. Gen. Courtland Schuyler, from the staff of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, and J. Patrick Coyne [another reported Nelson Rockefeller liaison], PFIAB's executive secretary, were the other members."
- March 2, 1956, The Kingston Daily, 'Pope 80 Today'.
- cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP84-00780R000600110021-3.pdf (accessed: Dec. 10, 2023; simply a briefing document with the title reading 'Central Intelligence Agency'), p. 17. Confirmed by: findingaids.library.georgetown.edu/ repositories/15/archival_objects /1205200 (accessed: Dec. 10, 2023): "Clare Boothe Luce, John McCone, and Walter Guzzardi in Rome., 10/18/1958." /1205197 (accessed: Dec. 10, 2023): "Color photograph of Clare Boothe Luce, along with John Foster Dulles, at the funeral of Pope Pius XII in October 1958."
- 2005, David Robarge, CIA History Staff at the Center for the Study of Intelligence (CSI), 'John McCone as Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965: Part 1', p. 12, a "classified biography" listed as 'Secret' by the CIA until 2015.
- Sep. 20, 1971, New York Magazine, 'The Death Rattle of the Eastern Establishment': "David Rockefeller was incredulous about the rebellion [inside the CFR by Institute for Policy Studies-tied "leftists"]. "I've known the Bundy brothers since they were little boys.""
- 1998, Kai Bird, 'The Color of Truth: McGeorge Bundy and William Bundy: Brother in Arms: A Biography', pp. 180-181.
- Jan. 28, 1979, Syracuse Herald Journal, 'LBJ begged Rocky to run': "In 1975, Nelson Rockefeller told two reporters a startling anecdote on condition it never be printed in his lifetime... Rockefeller confided that Johnson had called him and Mrs. Rockefeller to the White House in that year when the streets shook with anti-war protest, when Richard Nixon was driving for the GOP nomination and Vice President Hubert Humphrey badly needed Johnson's backing on the Democratic side. "He told me he could not sleep at night if Nixon were president, and he wasn't all that sure about Hubert either," Rockefeller said... "Lyndon said I've talked her [Nelson's wife] into letting you run." That did it. The following Monday Rockefeller, then governor of New York, announced his candidacy. But it was too late."
- 2003, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', pp. 311, 486-487: "Haig informed me that George Shultz was stepping down as Secretary of the Treasury, and Nixon wanted me to be his successor. ... Haig was insistent, emphasizing that Nixon himself had made the request. ... Since my own inclination was to allow the markets to have freer rein [than Nixon dared or preferred], I wondered what role I could honestly play as a member of Nixon’s cabinet. [And] I felt it would be awkward, at best, for a Rockefeller to impose these measures on a reluctant public and that I might well end up a scapegoat for unpopular policies . ".
- 1996, Cary Reich, 'The Life of Nelson A. Rockefeller: Worlds to Conquer, 1908-1958', p. 559. See ISGP's Pilgrims article for citation.
- Jan. 28, 1979, Syracuse Herald Journal, 'LBJ begged Rocky to run'.
- Ibid.
- 1984, Carl Solberg, 'Hubert Humphrey: A Biography', p. 351.
- Sep. 27, 1968, Toledo Blade Journal, 'Ball Resigns U.N. Post To Help Humphrey'.
- Jan. 28, 1979, Syracuse Herald Journal, 'LBJ begged Rocky to run'.
- July 26, 1968, Piqua Daily Call (Ohio), p. 1, ''New World Order' Pledged By Candidate Rockefeller': "Nelson A. Rockefeller says as president he would work toward international creation of "a new world order" based on East-West cooperation instead of conflict. The republican presidential contender said he would begin a dialogue with Red China, if elected, to 'improve the possibilities of accommodations' with that country 'as well as the Soviet Union'. Rockefeller said he would work to end the arms race and said this country and the Soviets must cooperate to prevent small wars in areas such as the Middle East from mushrooming into big ones. Despite a long Communist record of broken commitments and the fact that Communist ideology remains hostile, he said, "We must also face the fact that the imperatives of the modern Charles H. Percy, R-IIL en...""
- See See the following (apparently 1974) Carnegie Endowment report photocopy.
- *) Bill Clinton was invited to Bilderberg in 1991, months before being elected president.
*) Throughout the 1990s, Clinton worked with Laurance Rockefeller, seemingly in an effort to disclose information on UFOs. Laurance Rockefeller first met Clinton at the White House on April 14, 1993. Meetings follow at Laurance Rockefeller JY Ranch. In 1995 Laurance Rockefeller is known to have met Clinton again in the White House.
*) August 24, 1995, Daily News (New York), 'Prez's hunt for campaign cash may turn up some UFO's first': "President Clinton may have to hold still for a lecture on UFOs if he expects to squeeze campaign money out of Laurance Rockefeller. The 85-year-old philanthropist was among the VIPs at Clinton's 49th birthday last weekend in Wyoming. And it's safe to say that the venture capitalist has the President's ear at least while Clinton is vacationing on the Rockefeller spread. Chances are the two men have, or will, talk about the environment, since Laurance has been a conservation adviser to every President since Eisenhower. It's also likely that Rockefeller will bring up the alien issue. Immigrants from Mexico? No, from outer space. Rockefeller has been pressing the Clinton administration to open the government's UFO files. Correspondence we've obtained shows that Rockefeller has told White House Science Adviser John Gibbons that the government must put an end to "40-plus years of denial on the subject" of UFOs, particularly the rumored crash of a spacecraft in Roswell, N.M., in 1947. Rockefeller said he has been "encouraged" by Gibbons' suggestion that he make Roswell "a test case." A Rockefeller-funded study on UFO activity conducted recently with the help of three former astronauts [Brian O'Leary; Edgar Mitchell; Gordon Cooper] should be presented to the White House this fall, according to Michael Luckman, of the New York Center for UFO Research. Rockefeller is also said to have financed a group trying to contact extraterrestials with lasers [That would be Steven Greer]."
*) August 29, 1995, Los Angeles Times, 'Clintons at Home on the Range, With Chefs in Tow': "On an overnight expedition into the wilds of the Rockefeller family's massive JY Ranch inside Grand Teton National Park, the White House saw to it that every presidential need was met. ... "I was channel-surfing the other night [while staying at West Virginia Democratic Sen. John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV's 7,000-square-foot home here] and stumbled across a movie about the Lewis and Clark expedition," Clinton said as he gazed out over the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. I've always been fascinated by it...."
*) June 19, 1998, Jay Rockefeller's Senate office, 'Rockefeller to accompany Clinton to China': "U.S. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) [great grandson of John D. Rockefeller] has accepted President Clinton's invitation to join the official U.S. Delegation to China. ... "I am extremely honored to have been asked by the President to represent our country in China," said Rockefeller."
*) September 20, 1998, Los Angeles Times, 'A Real Crisis Looms, But World Looks Other Way': "With financial markets trembling around the world, last week Clinton gave what he hopes will be remembered as the most important speech of his career at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. As a blue-chip audience, including David Rockefeller, Pete Peterson and George Soros, hung on every word"
*) June 27, 2001, Forbes, 'Can't Buy Me Love - Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, 70, and Lynn Forester, 46': "Lynn Forester was a successful entrepreneur in her own right before she brokered the deal of a lifetime last year, marrying Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, who sits atop one of the world's oldest private banking families. Forester met the 70-year-old scion at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference, an exclusive summit for financiers and foreign policy experts, which was held in Scotland that year. The duo had a small wedding in London last November, and the very next day Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and his wife Elizabeth hosted a dinner for the couple to celebrate, with then-President Bill Clinton and wife Hillary in attendance. Forester now heads the Luxembourg-based wireless broadband venture FirstMark Communications Europe. The startup launched in 1998 with great fanfare, raising $1 billion in funding and landing former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Washington consigliere Vernon Jordan as board members. But with losses piling up and a public offering pulled, investors are now disgruntled. Not to worry--there's no better backup plan than the Rothschild name."
*) April 11, 2002, Boca Raton News, 'Sachs rubs shoulders with Russians, Clinton': "Peter Sachs, president of the Sachs, Sax & Klein law firm and Palm Beach County co-chairman of the Republican Jewish Coalition, attended a private dinner party at the Russian Consulate in New York City honoring Mikhail Gorbachev. Among the other guests were former President Bill Clinton, Bono… and David Rockefeller."
*) Augustus 30, 2004, New York Newsday, 'Off one island and onto another': "Think Back on the Vineyard, I was struck by how the island seems to have seceded from the red states of the union. It was the most Democratic place I've ever been. ... And, indeed, Bill Clinton and his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, were everywhere, flying in and out of the tiny airport ... There were Democrats everywhere - Maureen White and her financier hubby, Steve Rattner; veteran liberals Vernon and Ann Jordan; the Baron Evelyn de Rothschild's all-American wife, Lady Lynn; the Jack Valentis; Democratic kingmaker Mandy Grunwald and her now famous Time magazine mister, Matt Cooper, who is under the gun for refusing to reveal his Washington sources. Also seen: former Clinton aide Lisa Caputo, now of Citibank, and hubby Rick Morris, wearing an "Anyone but Bush" button. At a party given to celebrate the Baron's [Rothschild] and Vernon Jordan's joint birthdays, I spoke with Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and Maurice Tempelsman of Jackie fame, as well as both Clintons."
*) August 17, 2008, London Times, 'Hillary Clinton's rich friend Lady de Rothschild ambushes Barack Obama': "At the Democratic national convention next week, Lynn Forester, Lady de Rothschild, one of Britain’s most influential political hostesses, will be contemplating treachery. She poured her heart and money into Hillary Clinton’s campaign and she is thinking of voting for John McCain, the Republican candidate, for president. ... The Rothschilds spent the night of their wedding dinner in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House when Bill Clinton was president, so her loyalty to Hillary is understandable." - 1990, Earth Day Network, board of directors document (see PDF).
- See this 1989 CSIS PDF showing Kissinger, Brzezinki, Rothschild, Al Gore, Bob Dole, etc. all on its boards.
- See this 1989 CSIS PDF showing Kissinger, Brzezinki, Woolsey, Rothschild, Al Gore, Bob Dole, etc. all on its boards.
- See this 1989 CSIS PDF showing Kissinger, Brzezinki, Rothschild, Al Gore, Bob Dole, etc. all on its boards.
- See this 1985 screenshot Reagan Foundation screenshot.
- *) 2004, Laura Flanders, 'Bushwomen: How They Won the White House for Their Man', p. 57: "Shultz served on the Chrevron board before Rice joined it. In quick succession she followed him to Transamerica board, where she served for eight years, and later the Charles Schwab board, where she and Shultz served concurrently. At J.P. Morgan Chase she became a member of the International Advisory Council, which Shultz directed."
*) Investing.businessweek.com, George P. Shultz: "Shultz served in the Marine Corps from 1942 to 1945. Dr. Shultz serves as the Chairman of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.'s International Advisory Council ... He has been Director Emeritus at Charles Schwab Corp. since 2005. ... He served as a Director of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation since November 1991. ... He served as a Director of The Charles Schwab Corp. from 1997 to December 31, 2004. Dr. Shultz is the Advisory Council Chairman of the Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency at Stanford University, Chairman of the MIT Energy Initiative External Advisory Board, and the Chairman of the Energy Task Force at Hoover Institution."
*) Condoleezza Rice, official curriculum vitae, p.3: "Director, Board of Directors, Schwab Corporation, July 1999 - 2000. [Shultz there from 1997-2004] Member, International Advisory Council, J.P. Morgan, 1995 - 2000. Director, Board of Directors, Chevron Corporation, 1991 - 2000 [Shultz here since 1989 and recommened Rice's appointment] • Director, Board of Directors, Transamerica Corporation, 1991 - July 1999 • Director, Board of Directors, Hewlett-Packard, 1991 - 1993"
*) National Women's History Museum, Condoleezza Rice (1954-): "Beginning in 1981, Rice taught political science at California’s Stanford University. She became known as a specialist on the Soviet Union, and in 1989, when Republican George H.W. Bush became president, she began serving in federal government, where her knowledge of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin became especially helpful. She returned to Stanford in 1991, but was mentored by George P. Schultz, Secretary of State during the Reagan administration. He helped her obtain board memberships with Chevron, Transamerica Corporation, and Hewlett-Packard. " - *) June 24, 1993, New York Times, 'Washington Talk; Some Old Hands Shape A New Research Group': "Brent Scowcroft, Mr. Bush's national security adviser, joined Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Mr. Bush's second Secretary of State; Robert M. Gates, his Director of Central Intelligence; Carla A. Hills, his Trade Representative, and sundry other former officials, repackaging themselves as a nonprofit, nonpartisan group called the Forum for International Policy. ... Not surprisingly, a number of the group's members work primarily for, well, research organizations. "I'm one of the awful think-tank people," said Richard N. Haass, a Forum member who was the Bush Administration's Middle East specialist at the National Security Council. Now he spends most of his time as a fellow at the Carnegie Endowment."
*) September 24, 1999, EIR, 'Condoleezza Rice and the team behind George W. Bush's campaign': "Rice has been on the board of the Forum for International Policy since it was formed, shortly after Sir George Bush failed to win re-election in 1992, and the Forum has become a safe-haven for major and minor players in the Bush league. Here are some of the other board members: ... Deutch ... Powell." Only source on membership of Rice's and Powell's pre-2000 trusteeship.
*) Forum for International Policy website (www.ffip.com) (accessed: August 18, 2000): "BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Lawrence S. Eagleburger BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dwayne O. Andreas Howard H. Baker David L. Boren John M. Deutch Robert M. Gates Rita E. Hauser John M. Hennessy Carla A. Hills Kenneth L. Lay Michel Oksenberg Harold A. Poling Colin L. Powell Condoleezza Rice Brent Scowcroft Robert S. Strauss Steven Wallace."
*) Forum for International Policy website (www.ffip.com) (accessed: March 3, 2001): "BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Lawrence S. Eagleburger BOARD OF TRUSTEES Dwayne O. Andreas Howard H. Baker David L. Boren John M. Deutch Robert M. Gates Rita E. Hauser John M. Hennessy Carla A. Hills Kenneth L. Lay Michel Oksenberg Harold A. Poling Colin L. Powell Condoleezza Rice Brent Scowcroft Robert S. Strauss Steven Wallace." Later this month Rice and Powell disappeared from the board of trustees.
*) September 20, 2002, New York Times, 'Threats and Responses: The Adviser; Still Very Much a Player, Scowcroft Straddles the Worlds of Business and Government': "From 1994 to 1997, Mr. Scowcroft served on the board of Enron Group Power and Pipelines, an Enron affiliate that invested in power plants abroad. In addition, Enron's foundation was an early donor to the Forum for International Policy, a research group set up by Mr. Scowcroft. Mr. Lay is one of the forum's trustees. ''He's a friend,'' Mr. Scowcroft said of Mr. Lay."
*) Forum for International Policy website (www.ffip.com) (accessed: April 5, 2007): "BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman of the Board Lawrence S. Eagleburger Board of Trustees Dwayne O. Andreas David L. Boren John M. Deutch Robert M. Gates Rita E. Hauser John M. Hennessy Carla A. Hills Kenneth L. Lay Harold A. Poling Brent Scowcroft Robert S. Strauss." Last back-up that Gates appeared.
*) Forum for International Policy website (www.ffip.com) (accessed: April 14, 2009): "BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman of the Board Lawrence S. Eagleburger Board of Trustees Dwayne O. Andreas David L. Boren John M. Deutch Rita E. Hauser John M. Hennessy Carla A. Hills Harold A. Poling Brent Scowcroft Robert S. Strauss." - *) November 30, 1989, New York Times, 'Talking Deals; A Buyout Firm Becomes Friendly': "Some partners in Forstmann, Little's existing funds worry about potential conflicts. The new fund will buy large blocks of publicly traded stock - as much as 10 percent - in companies in exchange for a seat on the board. ... Mr. Forstmann is lining up a group of high-level executives to serve as an advisory board for the new fund. Among the chief executives who have been asked to sit on this board are Michael D. Eisner of Walt Disney, Drew Lewis of Union Pacific and Anthony F. J. O'Reilly of H. J. Heinz, as well as George P. Shultz, the former Secretary of State." Shultz left government in January 1989.
*) October 05, 1990, New York Times, 'Business People; Rumsfeld Becomes Chief At General Instrument': "Mr. Rumsfeld is also an investor in the company. He said yesterday that about a year ago he became a member of Forstmann Little's advisory board, made up of top executives, and got to know the Forstmann operation."
*) October 9, 1992, New York Times, 'Abroad at Home; Death At Bush's Door': "At a private meeting last month former Secretary of State George Shultz spoke in passionate terms about the human disaster taking place in what was Yugoslavia. He deplored the American Government's failure to do more to stop Serbian attacks on Bosnia. There are many ways for the United States to influence the Serbs, Mr. Shultz said -- many more options than we have tried. One possibility, he said, is to bomb Serbian munitions depots. Mr. Shultz spoke Sept. 19 at a management meeting of Forstmann Little & Company, a Wall Street investment firm of whose board he is a member."
*) August 12, 1993, New York Times, 'MCI's President Quits in a Surprise Move': "In a separate interview today, Mr. Rumsfeld, 61, made it clear that he was stepping down as chairman and chief executive of General Instrument because he was eager to move on -- probably back into politics. ... Mr. Rumsfeld, a limited partner at Forstmann Little, took charge of General Instrument in 1990."
*) October 27, 1995, New York Times, 'Powell Consults 2 Conservatives and 2 Financiers About a '96 Run': "Among others whom General Powell has spoken with [is]Theodore J. Forstmann ... A spokeswoman for Mr. Forstmann, Anna Cordasco, said: "They are friends. I know that they are in contact. More importantly, I know that Mr. Forstmann holds General Powell in the highest esteem and thinks he's a great American.""
*) November 4, 1995, New York Times, 'As Powell Ponders, Friends And Family Proffer Advice': "Another important Powell booster is Theodore J. Forstmann, a leveraged-buyout specialist who controls, among other concerns, the company that makes Gulfstream jets. Mr. Forstmann, who is worth several hundred million dollars, runs an annual conference at Aspen, Colo., at which General Powell has made major speeches. When General Powell was in Europe on his book tour, Mr. Forstmann flew there to meet with him and urge him to make a Presidential announcement soon."
*) September 17, 1996, www.secinfo.com, Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.: "Theodore J. Forstmann has served as Chairman of the Board of the Company since November 1993. ... Colin L. Powell has been a director of the Company since May 1996. ... Donald H. Rumsfeld has been a director of the Company since January 1993. ... George P. Shultz has been a director of the Company since November 1991. ... Robert S. Strauss has been a director of the Company since April 1993."
*) May 14, 1998, www.secinfo.com, Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.: "Henry A. Kissinger, age 74, has been a director of the Company since December 1997. ... Colin L. Powell, age 60, has been a director of the Company since May 1996. ... George P. Shultz, age 77, has been a director of the Company since November 1991. ... Robert S. Strauss has been a director of the Company since April 1993. ... Directors whose terms end at the 1999 annual meeting of stockholders: Robert Anderson, age 77, has been a director of the Company since March 1990. He has served as Chairman Emeritus of Rockwell Corporation since February 1990. Mr. Anderson is also a director of Optical Data Networks, Inc., ... Lynn Forester [de Rothschild], age 43, has been a director of the Company since March 1997. She has been President and Chief Executive Officer of FirstMark Holdings, Inc., since 1984. ... Theodore J. Forstmann, age 58, has served as Chairman of the Board of the Company since November 1993 and is Chairman of the Company's Management Committee. ... Robert S. Strauss, age 79, has been a director of the Company since April 1993. ... Mr. Strauss is also a director of Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. and Hollinger International Inc. ... Directors whose terms end at the 1999 annual meeting of stockholders: ... Donald H. Rumsfeld has been a director of the Company since January 1993." . - See 3 notes back.
- Guidestar, various 1990s papers of the CIA-linked H. Smith Richardson Foundation. Among the governors were Fred Ikle, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel Huntington, James Woolsey and Donald Rumsfeld.
- *) July 26, 1993, New York Times, 'Chronicle': ""For the luster of power, it would be hard to match the board put together for the newly organized Virginia Neurological Institute at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. The research institute will diagnose and treat diseases of the nervous system. The board includes Lawrence S. Eagleburger, a secretary of state in the Bush Administration, Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to President Bush, Robert M. Gates, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Tony Coelho, former Democratic whip in the House of Representatives. "There are a number of people we would have liked from the Clinton Administration, but they can't serve now." said Dr. Neal F. Kassell, president and medical director of the Virginia Neurological Institute and professor of neurosurgery."
*) July 27, 1993, Cavalier Daily, 'Former Bush aides top list of institute's choices': "The University’s new Virginia Neurological Institute enlisted the aid of … Eagleburger … Robert Gates … Scowcroft, to serve on the Institute’s Board of Directors. … Also serving on the Board will be Seagram’s Chief Executive Officer Edgar Bronfman, … Tony Coelho and Northwest University Provost David Cohen [professor of neuroscience]. John Collohon, director of the University of Iowa hospitals, also made the list of appointees … Rounding out the Board of Directors will be Upjohn Company president Lee Smith [company also represented on the board of Neurogen in the 1990s, with the CIA's Frank Carlucci as chairman and Suzanne Woolsey, a somewhat sinister psychiatrist married to the CIA's James Woolsey, joining in 1998. Neurogen was stacked by Yale psychologists and phamacologists]; Retired Army Gen. Paul Gorman [CIA; SouthCom commander in Panama; trustee MITRE Corporation; consultant IDA and Defense Science Board; assistant professor for Research in the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Virginia]; Dr. Murray Goldstein, director of the National Institute of Neurology and Stroke at the National Institute of Health and Albemarle County multibillionaire John Kluge [knew Lynn Forester [de Rothschild] since early 1980s; richest man in the U.S. 1989-1992 with a $5 billion fortune]."
*)January 28, 1998, secinfo.com, 'Fidelity Financial Trust': "Mr. Gates is currently a Trustee for the Forum For International Policy, a Board Member for the Virginia Neurological Institute, and a Senior Advisor of the Harvard Journal of World Affairs.". - *) Suzanne Woolsey was director of Neurogen Corporation 1998-2006, under the chairmanship of Frank Carlucci, a director of the firm since 1989 and chairman from at least 1998 to 2004. Upjohn Company also represented at the Virginia Neurological Institute with the CIA's Robert Gates, Kissinger men, Edgar Bronfman and a Lynn Forester (later: de Rothschild). Suzanne is the wife of James Woolsey since about 1970. Very sinister couple with ties to top psychiatric research, Warren Buffett, Offutt Air Force Base (Woolsey held a position there in 1987-1988, at the time of the Franklin scandal, as well as with DynCorp in the same period and numerous other defense corporations). Suzanne Woolsey is also close to Bobby Ray Inman and John Deutch, another decades-long Buffett friend. Basically all these top CIA people are close. Neurogen Corporation and the Virginia Neurological Institute are the only two psychiatric/medical companies/institutes linked to two top-level CIA officers over a longer period of time - at least as far as I've seen.
*) Neurogen.com, 'Who's Who at Neurogen' (accessed December 2, 1998): "Board of Directors Frank C. Carlucci, Chairman of the Board, Neurogen Corporation; Chairman, The Carlyle Group, a private merchant bank ... Barry M. Bloom, Ph.D., Former Executive Vice President, Research and Development, Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company. Robert N. Butler, M.D., Brookdale Professor and Chairman of the Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development, Mount Sinai Medical Center. Mark Novitch, Former Vice Chairman of the Board, The Upjohn Company, a pharmaceutical company. Robert H. Roth, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Yale University. John Simon, Managing Director, Allen & Company Incorporated, an investment banking firm. Suzanne H. Woolsey, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. Scientific Advisory Board: ... George K. Aghajanian, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Yale University. B. Stephenson Bunney, M.D. Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Yale. Unversity Dennis S. Charney, M.D., Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Director, Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit, Yale. University Michael Davis, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology, Yale University. ... George R. Heninger, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University. ... Eric J. Nestler, Ph.D., M.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, and Director of the Abraham Ribicoff Research Facilities of the Connecticut Mental Health Center, Yale University. D. Eugene Redmond, Jr., M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University. Robert H. Roth, Ph.D., Professor of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, Yale University." - 1990, Earth Day Network, board of directors document (see PDF).
- 1990, Earth Day Network, board of directors document (see PDF).
- See this 1989 CSIS PDF showing Kissinger, Brzezinki, Rothschild, Al Gore, Bob Dole, etc. all on its boards.
- 1990, Earth Day Network, board of directors document (see PDF).
- 1989, CSIS, trustees and advisory board (PDF): "CSIS Board of Trustees: ... Vice Chairmen: Maurice R, Greenberg... Members: ... Zbigniew Brzeinski ... Henry A. Kissinger ... Paul A. Volcker... Advisory Board, August 2, 1989: Chairman: *Paul A. Volcker... Cochairman: * Sam Nunn... Vice Chairmen: ... *R. James Woolsey... Members: ... Viscount Etienne Davignon... Baron Edmond de Rothschild... Mortimer B. Zuckerman... *steering committee."
*) csis.org/html/csislead.html (accessed: Oct. 18, 2000; first webarchive with Gen. Wesley Clark): "Board of Trustees: Chairman: Sam Nunn ... Zbigniew Brzezinski ... Henry A. Kissinger ... [Kissinger protege] Brent Scowcroft ... R. James Woolsey... The Advisory Board [is] cochaired by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Carla Hills... Counselors: ... Zgbigniew Brzezinski [and] Henry Kissinger. Sam Nunn. ... Distinguished Senior Advisers: Wesley Clark..." - crisisweb.org/about/board.cfm (accessed: Feb. 5, 2001; July 2000 board, the first one with Clark; Zuckerman added to the July 2000 board in retrospect, so may have joined last-minute for that month): "George Soros ... Wesley Clark ... Jacques Delors ... HRH El-Hassan bin Talal ... Shimon Peres ... Thorvald Stoltenberg ... Grigory Yavlinsky... Martti Ahtisaari, Chairman. ... Stephen Solarz, Vice-Chair, ICG. ... Morton Abramowitz... Mortimer Zuckerman..."
- crisisgroup.org/who-we-are/board (accessed: Jan. 15, 2018; Clark would disappear later this year): "Co-chair: Lord (Mark) Malloch-Brown* ... George Soros ... Alexander Soros ... Carl Bildt ... Wesley Clark ... Wolfgang Ischinger ... Wim Kok ... Andrey Kortunov ... Javier Solana ... Lawrence H. Summers..."
- crisisweb.org/about/board.cfm (accessed: Oct. 16, 2002; July 2002 board, the first one with Zbigniew Brzezinski): "George Soros ... Wesley Clark ... Carla Hills ... Zbigniew Brzezinski [July 2002-2010, advisor anno 2013] ... Mikhail Khodorkovsky [disappeared after his arrest by Putin in Russia in 2003] ... [Etc.]"
- ncafp.org/principals/index.htm (accessed: Aug. 13, 2001; the site was reorganized from late March 2001 to July 2001; Clark did not appear earlier.): "Officers: Honorable George F. Kennan, Honorary Chairman. ... Trustees: ... *Kenneth J. Bialkin, Esq. General Wesley K. Clark... Anthony Drexel Duke... *Honorable Maxwell Rabb... Board of advisors: ... Honorable Jeane J. Kirkpatrick ... Professor Richard Pipes ... Nancy Soderberg..."
- cesran.org/obamas-national-security-strategy-made-at-princeton.html (accessed: July 28, 2023; original date: June 2, 2010; by the Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN).
- Jan. 18, 2013, Washington Post, 'Opinion: Does Obama have a grand strategy for his second term? If not, he could try one of these.'
- clinton.presidentiallibraries.us /items/show/36014 (accessed: January 24, 2021): "First Lady Hillary Clinton attended the Atlanta, Georgia [Bilderberg] Conference in June of 1997..."
- Oct. 27, 2014, AlterNet, 'Samantha Power, Obama's Atrocity Enabler': "She played basketball with George Clooney... In 2012, Power turned her attention to Syria..."; January 19, 2017, GQ, 'The Oral History of President Barack Obama Playing Pickup Basketball'.
- crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=1139&l=1 (accessed: Dec. 27, 2006 - March 15, 2009): "Crisis Group's Board: ... George Soros ... Zbigniew Brzezinski ... Wesley Clark ... Samantha PowerAuthor and Professor, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.").
- Nov. 22, 2006, New York Times, 'Giuliani Files to Explore Run for President'.
- ifl.org/html/web/ about_board_national.html (accessed: Aug. 23, 2006 - Feb. 23, 2009; national advisory board tab, which exited since at least April 2006, but was only archived from August on): " U.S. National Advisory Board : ... Lawrence Eagleburger ... Rudolph W. Giuliani ... Vernon Jordan. Jack F. Kemp. Henry Kissinger. George P. Shultz. Elie Wiesel."
- aifl.org/html/web/ about_board_us.html (accessed: Oct. 29, 2005 - Aug. 9, 2011): "President & Chairman of the Board: Kenneth J. Bialkin ... Honorary President [and director] Mortimer B. Zuckerman. Directors: ... Abraham H. Foxman ... Malcolm Hoenlein ... Ronald S. Lauder ... Michael Ovitz ... Michael Steinhardt ... Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul Vallely."
- Sep. 14, 1994 speech of Rudy Giuliani to the Business Council for the United Nations at the "28th annual U.N. Ambassador's Dinner", as broadcasted by C-Span on Sep. 16 (video available on C-Span.org as of Sep. 6, 2021)
- An article on the Giuliani-Steve Forbes relationship on this matter always stuck in the author's mind, but has to be relocated.
- Feb. 6, 2019, Breitbart, 'Trump Reverses Wage-Boosting Campaign Commitment, Demands More Legal Immigration: 'We Need People'.
- May 9, 2007, The Guardian, 'Happy Birthday Barbara'.
- April 10, 2018, Congressional Record - Senate, Vol. 164, No. 57, S2026: "Just yesterday, 53 former senior U.S. officials sent the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence a letter in which they expressed their wholehearted support for Ms. Haspel. This group includes former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and George Shultz..." The full list at intelligence.senate.gov includes: "Cofer Black ... John O. Brennan ... James R. Clapper, Jr. ... David Cohen, Former Deputy Commissioner New York Police Department (Intelligence) and former CIA Deputy Director for Intelligence. [Former DDCI] David S. Cohen... Henry A. Crumpton ... Porter J. Goss ... General Michael V. Hayden ... Stephen R. Kappes ... Bob Kerrey ... Henry A. Kissinger ... A.B. ["Buzzy"] Krongard ... Mike McConnell ... Admiral William H. McRaven ... Michael J. Morell ... John Negroponte ... Leon Panetta ... James L. Pavitt ... George P. Shultz ... George J. Tenet .. Greg Vogle ... William H. Webster ... Pete Wilson.".
- *) Feb. 10, 2015, New York Daily News, 'Henry Kissinger to endorse Jeb Bush in 2016 race: report': "The Feb. 12 lunch, which Bush and Kissinger will both attend, will come just a day after [Jeb] attends [a] fund-raiser ... of Henry Kravis."
*) Feb. 24, 2015, My San Antonio, 'Why does Jeb surround himself with W.'s bad advisers': "[Jeb's] aide released a list of 21 advisers, 19 of whom had worked in the administrations of his father and his brother. The list starts with the estimable James Baker. But then... Paul Wolfowitz... There's John Hannah, Cheney's national security adviser... Stephen Hadley... Porter Goss... Michael Hayden... Michael Chertoff... Condi Rice," - earthday.org/global-advisory-committee (accessed: Feb. 2, 2011): "U.S. Senator Bernard Sanders, United States Senator, State of Vermont... Ted Turner ... Barbra Streisand (Co-Chair) ... Martin Scorsese ... Larry Schweiger, President, National Wildlife Federation ... Ambassador Mohamed Sahnoun, Ambassador, Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary General... Carl Pope, Executive Director, Sierra Club ... John Podesta, President, Center for American Progress..."
- earthday.org/about/global-advisory-committee/ (accessed: July 6, 2017): "Sir Richard Branson ... Leonardo DiCaprio, (Co-Chair) ... Al Gore ... Shaquille O’Neal ... John Podesta, President, Center for American Progress ... Ambassador Mohamed Sahnoun ... U.S. Senator Bernard Sanders ... Martin Scorsese, ... Barbra Streisand (Co-Chair) ... Ted Turner..."
- 1990, Earth Day Network, board of directors document (see PDF).
- Oct. 1992 issue, Saturday Night magazine (published in Canada 1887-2005), pp. 19, 21 (interviewed Strong and elite associates for the article): "That summer Strong took the bus back and forth between Toronto and New York. He stayed briefly with Monod: there the poor boy from Oak Lake met David Rockefeller... who handled the UN account for the Chase Manhattan bank."
- earthday.net/node/64 (accessed: Nov. 22, 2010): "Earth Day Network's International Council: ... Gro Harlem Brundtland ... Jane Goodall ... Queen Noor ... Maurice Strong..."
- 1990, Earth Day Network, board of directors document (see PDF).
- 2004, The Nation, 'An Idea Factory for the Democrats': "The idea for the center began with discussions in 2002 between Halperin and George Soros, the billionaire investor. Soros, whose money has jump-started a panoply of anti-Bush political organizations, wanted to help create an institution that would be big enough, and well funded enough, to get off the ground right away and have an impact. Halperin, who heads the Washington office of Soros’s Open Society Institute, brought Podesta into the discussion, and beginning in late 2002 Halperin and Podesta circulated a series of papers to funders. At the end of 2002 a California banker and backer of human rights causes named Herb Sandler came knocking on Podesta’s door. He’d heard about the Halperin-Podesta venture from Aryeh Neier, former head of Human Rights Watch, who’d worked with Soros (Neier currently serves on the board of directors of the Center for American Progress). How much of the $30-35 million, three-year funding raised for the center comes from Sandler isn’t clear, but it’s probably in the range of two-thirds, since Soros committed only $3 million to the project. Podesta has a third major funder, but he won’t disclose who it is, and seems overly cautious in talking about his backers."
- June 25, 1965, Life magazine, 'Part II: The Making of the President--1964: How GOP Rivals Destroyed Themselves': "{Nelson Rockefeller's] counelors moaned that even an abolitionist running for President would not go as far as Rockefeller went. ... Two gifts of $5,000 and $10,000 each to Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference were openly on record. But what was not announced was even more upsetting: a loan of $20,000, arranged through the Chase Manhattan Bank, to the firebrands of the revolution, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee."
- sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/top-economists-to-advise-sanders-on-fed-reform/ (accessed: Aug. 28, 2023; published: October 20, 2011).
- *) July 13, 2015, Jane Goodall for insidestory.org.au, 'The rising tide that lifts some yachts': "Asked recently what he’d do to change the conversation on the US economy, Sanders said he would bring Joseph Stiglitz to the table."
*) April 16, 2016, presidency.ucsb.edu, 'Sanders Campaign Press Release - On the Road: Vatican City': "Also present at the meeting were Bishop Sanchez Soronda, who invited Sanders to the Vatican, and Jeffrey Sachs, a renowned American economist and adviser to Sanders."
*) Feb. 22, 2017, The Atlantic, 'The Economy Is Not Doomed': "I spoke with Jeffrey Sachs, the renowned economist, an adviser to Senator Bernie Sanders..." - Feb. 5, 2016, QZ.com, 'Bernie Sanders' refusal to reveal his economic advisers is an ominous sign': "Sanders ... told the Hill newspaper in October that he considered the Nobel prize-winning economists Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz important influences."
- Feb. 12, 2020, Washington Post, 'As Bernie Sanders ascends, his potential White House approach to the economy comes into focus', "Other economists who have previously had a hand in the Sanders campaign are also a source of speculation, by people who work with the campaign, about roles in the White House or the Treasury Department should he win the election. Some of the most frequently cited names for top economic posts include Jeffrey Sachs... Robert Reich... and Joseph Stiglitz..."
- usglc.org/about/our-leadership (accessed: May 7, 2016): "Dan Glickman, Chairman of the Board ... Andrew Tisch, Vice-Chair, Loews Corporation. ... Mark Green, Secretary, International Republican Institute. Hunter Biden..."
- usglc.org/advisory-councils/advisory-council (accessed: July 12, 2016): "Henry A. Kissinger ... George P. Shultz [etc.]"
- ndi.org/chairman’s-council (accessed: Dec. 1, 2017): "R. Hunter Biden, Chairman's Council."
- carnegieendowment.org/experts/1014 (accessed: July 24, 2023).
- July 14, 2017, Washington Post, 'Lessons in disaster: A top Clinton adviser searches for meaning in a shocking loss'.
- Ibid.
- crisisgroup.org/who-we-are/board (accessed: Dec. 10, 2019): "Carl Bildt ... George Soros ... Alexander Soros ... Jake Sullivan... Lawrence H. Summers... Thomas R. Pickering... William H. McRaven... Bert Koenders... Ellen Johnson Sirleaf... Stephen Hadley... Mo Ibrahim... Sigmar Gabriel... Hushang Ansary..."
- Nov. 19, 2019, philanthropynewsdigest.org, 'OSF Announces $830 Million Commitment to Central European University': "..an institution founded in 1991 [by] George Soros..."
- Sep. 23, 2022, CEU.edu, 'CEU Mourns the Passing of Ambassador Donald M. Blinken'.
- Nov. 5, 2015, CEU.edu, 'OSA Renamed Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives'.
- Jan. 11, 2021, Politico, 'The World According to Tony Blinken—in the 1980s'.
- csis.org/scholars/alpha.htm (accessed: June 17, 2001; first webarchive of this page; not listed on older, parallel CSIS staff urls, except one that showed he already was at CSIS in April 2001): "Antony J. Blinken, Senior Fellow, Writer-in-Residence, International Security Program."
- June 8, 2023, New York Magazine, 'I Crashed Henry Kissinger’s 100th-Birthday Party'.
- Aug. 27, 2013, CSIS.org, 'Dr. Kathleen Hicks named CSIS Senior Vice President, Kissinger Chair and International Security Program Director'.
- July 31, 2019, Elle.com, 'Meet the Marianniacs''.
- January 10, 1994, Oprah Winfrey Show: "I'm here with Marianne Williamson who is a friend of mine, and author of a very important book. It's called A Return to Love."
- March 4, 2016 tweet of @marwilliamson.
- *) July 30, 2019, New York Times, 'Watch: Marianne Williamson on Race, [Slavery] Reparations and Trump's 'Dark Psychic Force''.
*) July 31, 2019, Yahoo News, 'Marianne Williamson explains the need for slavery reparations: 'A debt that is owed''. - Sep. 12, 2019, @robertfkennedyjr Instagram post: "Compelling evidence suggests that [Thane Eugene] Cesar murdered my father. [etc.]"
- June 5, 2018, Washington Post, 'Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn't believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.'
- Feb. 15, 2017, Vox.com, 'Robert De Niro and RFK Jr. have joined forces to push vaccine nonsense'.
- Aug. 24, 2024, BBC, 'Robert F Kennedy Jr suspends campaign and backs Trump'.
- *) Feb. 20, 2004, nrdc.org, 'Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on "The Junk Science of George W. Bush" in the Nation': "Kennedy, a senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and president of the Waterkeeper Alliance, is working on a book about President Bush's environmental policies..."
*) Dec. 18, 2012, nrdc.org, 'Legalize Solar': "NRDC Senior Attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.". - 1979, Natural Resources Defense Council, 'Clean Air Special' report: "Board of Trustees: ... Joshua Lederberg [the] President, The Rockefeller University. ... Robert Redford: Actor; Conservationist. ... Laurance Rockefeller, Esq. Conservationist.".
- 2016 report, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 'Conservation & the Environment: 75 Years of Engaged Philanthropy', p. 3: "In the 1970s, the [RBF] Fund began supporting the environmental law movement through grants to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Laurance’s son, attorney Laurance Rockefeller, Jr., worked at NRDC for over 25 years and continues to serve as an NRDC trustee in 2016."
- Aug. 5, 2024, Fox News, 'Harris says 'everybody needs to be woke' in unearthed clip spreading like wildfire on social media'.
- Oct. 6, 2020, New York Times, 'How Kamala Harris’s Immigrant Parents Found a Home, and Each Other, in a Black Study Group': "As [Shyamala Gopalan] stood in line to register for classes [at Berkeley], in the fall of 1959, the person standing behind her was Cedric Robinson, a Black teenager from Oakland. ... When he wrote his best-known book, "Black Marxism: The Making of the Black Radical Tradition," in 1983, [Robinson] listed the old friends who had helped him formulate his ideas. They were all Black, except for Ms. Gopalan.
They would both become part of a Black intellectual study group that met in the off-campus house of Mary Agnes Lewis, an anthropology student.
The group, later known as the Afro American Association, was “the most foundational institution in the Black Power movement,” said Ms. Murch, who devotes two chapters to it in her book. ... Members of the study group that drew them together in 1962, known as the Afro American Association, would help build the discipline of Black studies, introduce the holiday of Kwanzaa and establish the Black Panther Party. ...
This was no casual book club. Reading was assigned, and if you failed to keep up with it you would pay. At one discussion on existentialism, a community college student named Huey Newton — the future co-founder of the Black Panther Party — was chastised for not having done the reading, recalled Margot Dashiell, 78, who went on to become a sociology professor at Laney College. ...
In 1961, when Mr. Harris arrived on campus, he, too, fell in with the study group right away [through Apartheid demonstrator] Kenneth Simmons, a “guiding light” in the Afro American Association, along with Ms. Lewis and Mr. Robinson...
In 1963 and 1964, five members of the group joined a trip to Cuba organized by the Student Committee for Travel to Cuba, in defiance of a State Department travel ban, to see how Afro Cubans lived under Fidel Castro’s government. Ms. Williams and another member, James L. Lacy, recalled first hearing about the trip at a gathering organized by the Harrises. ... Mr. Harris said he did not recall taking part in any activism around Cuba, which could have jeopardized their immigration status." - Ibid.
- Nov. 5, 2020, oaklandlibrary.org, 'The Afro-American Association: Forerunner to the Panthers'.