Kay Griggs Investigated: Did The Covert Operations and Sexual Abuse Clique of Husband Colonel George Griggs Really Exist? All the Names, Military and Civilian
Kay Griggs, former wife of former Marine Corps chief of staff Colonel George R. Griggs, has been quite popular in the conspiracy community after her 8-hour long interview with Pastor Rick Strawcutter, recorded in 1998. In the interview she accuses the Marine Corps clique of her husband of involvement in assassinations, false flag terrorism and of institutionalized homosexual activity that usually starts with pedophile child abuse of prospective teenage children. She pulls no punches and gives the names of dozens of individuals she met with her husband or whom her husband spoke about at various times.
Problematic personal experiences with Kay Griggs

The author of this article contacted Kay Griggs in 2011. Unfortunately, during private email conversations, Kay - who initially explained to be impressed with ISGP - came across as an ultra-manipulative intelligence asset. Despite providing lengthy "replies", pretty much from the start she refused to provide a drop of additional information, walked around key questions, ranted semi-coherently, and became increasingly and venomously anti-Semitic ("Jewboys", etc.).
Thus, it didn't take long before I was forced to give up asking for additional clarification or detail as a follow-up to the much more lucid and detailed 1998 interview. This is unfortunate, because I had organized dozens of questions that I would have loved to ask her. Interestingly, all her post-1998 interviews suffer from a similar extreme lack of information density, which undoubtedly is the reason why she is acceptable to Holocaust-denying disinformation agents as no-planer Eric Hufschmid and alternative radio host Jeff Rense. It's a shame, because it appears she most definitely knows what she is talking about. She may have genuinely been distressed in 1998, but since that time clearly someone has convinced her to not make any additional revelations and to even be just a good old disinformation asset.
In this article we will be looking at statements from Kay's 1998 interview in an effort to try and figure out to what extent her story is accurate. All of this basically is homework I had done before contacting Kay.
Confirming Kay's basic story on her husband, the Saudis, and the pedophiles at Princeton's Hun School
A first conclusion we can draw, based on all the photos she has provided and the extensive background story, is that Kay most certainly was married to Colonel George Griggs. She has also shown photographic evidence of meeting some of the Marine Corps associates of her husband. It's very clear in the lengthy 1998 video interview that she was often speaking from personal experience - despite considerable biases and despite it not always being clear what constitutes her opinion and what she has personally observed.

What is also a fact is that her husband went to Princeton's Hun School with Prince Turki al Faisal and six of his older brothers. [1] Other details Kay provided turn out to be correct as well: the Saudis who were at the Hun School with her husband (two older brothers of Prince Turki) stayed at Russell House with a person named Charles Caddock indeed being their mentor - just as Kay claimed. [2]
According to Kay, also an Alexander Robinson was active at the Hun School. Robinson had a Marine Corps background and was responsible for bringing in the Saudis. And similar to Caddock, he organized pedophile homosexual games with the children, including with Griggs and the Saudis. As it turns out, an Alexander Robinson most certainly existed at the Hun School. In the 1950s he was assistant to the assistant headmaster of the school and, as Kay claimed, indeed did have a Marine Corps background. [3] Until a few years ago this was pretty obscure information. It still is actually.
If Kay's husband and the Saudis indeed were sexually abused by Caddock and Robinson is impossible to confirm, of course, at least by this author, but with all the names and details checking out, maybe we shouldn't dismiss it out of hand here.
I almost forgot: Prince Turki's youth in the United States has been mentioned in Joseph Trento's 2009 book Prelude to Terror. The book describes how CIA director George H. W. Bush, former CIA director Richard Helms and Ted Shackley in the late 1970s set up the private Safari Club working relationship with Sheikh Kamal Adham, Saudi Arabia's intelligence chief, to be able to continue to field certain CIA covert operations without having to go through congress. This had become necessary due to the numerous congressional investigations looking into illegal CIA activities.

According to Trento's sources, Prince Turki, a nephew of Kamal Adham and considered his most likely successor, "had been the subject of CIA interest ever since his father had sent him to prep school at The Lawrenceville School" at Princeton. It is generally forgotten that Prince Turki enrolled in the Hun School, but finished high school at the nearby Lawrenceville School. Thus, assuming Trento's sources are correct, it can be concluded the CIA was already paying close attention to Prince Turki and undoubtedly his brothers the second they landed in the United States. This definitely increases the chances that Kay Griggs' claims about sexual abuse at the Hun School are true. For those interested in Trento's exact words, they can be found on page 100 of his book:
"Bush also took a deep interest in the Sheikh's American-educated nephew, HRH Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud. Prince Turki had been the subject of CIA interest ever since his father had sent him to prep school at The Lawrenceville School in New Jersey. Agency talent spotters on the faculty at Georgetown University kept close track of Turki until he got out of Georgetown to return home at the outbreak of the 1967 war with Israel. And later completing his education in England, Turki again returned home to prepare himself to eventually succeed his uncle Kamal Adham as Director of Saudi Intelligence. "On his visits here," Robert Crowley recalled, "Agency management made Turki welcome, knowing full well that at some point Saudi Arabia's General Intelligence Department [GID] would fall under his control." "As a young Saudi bureaucrat, Prince Turki was cultivated by various CIA operatives, including Shackley, Clines, and Terpil. In the early 1970s, when Terpil and Wilson first started operations in Libya, Terpil set Wilson up with a Geneva lawyer named Robert Turrettini, who also handled banking matters for Turki. Terpil told Wilson that he went back years with Turki through Turki's personal assistant. When Wilson needed financial backing for several large-scale operations, Prince Turki put up the cash. In 1992, Wilson said he shared millions of dollars with Turki in a Swiss bank account from an old operation. "Both Prince Turki and Kamal Adham would play enormous roles in servicing a spy network designed to replace the official CIA while it was under Congressional scrutiny between the time of Watergate and the end of the Carter administration." |
Shackley and Bush, of course, have been discussed at length by ISGP, primarily in connection to drug trafficking and even involvement in pedophile entrapment networks. No, what has been claimed by Kay Griggs about the Hun School, certainly isn't out of the realm of possibilities.
Kay's son who married "this Rockefeller guy"
Another example of a claim that checks out is the marriage of Kay's son (from her first marriage to John Pollard, III) to a girl who had a father whose best friend "is this Rockefeller guy." According to Kay, John D. Rockefeller IV and David Rockefeller came to the wedding of her son. Looking around a bit, this is what we can find in the New York Times of October 4, 1990:
"Alice Packard Blum and John Garland Pollard 4th were married yesterday at St. John's Episcopal Church in Salisbury, Conn. ... Mrs. Pollard [Blum] is the daughter of John Robert Halsey Blum of Lakeville, Conn. ... The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. George R. Griggs of Virginia Beach, Va., and Mr. Pollard 3d of Urbanna, Va." [4] |

So, this is supposed to be the wedding to which the Rockefellers went. Is this likely to have happened? Well, an extract of John Robert Halsey Blum Who's Who reads: "Career Associate Milbank, Tweed, Hope & Hadley, New York City, 1956-63, David Rockefeller, New York City, 1963-69." So John Blum used to be a lawyer for David Rockefeller? That's an amazing coincidence if Kay was making up these claims.
That's not all either. According to a 1980 membership list acquired by ISGP, John Blum's father, Robert Edward Blum, was a member of the elite Pilgrims Society, along with David Rockefeller and other members of the Rockefeller family. We have no full post-1980 membership lists of the Pilgrims, but based on his biography there's a very good chance that John Blum himself has also become a member in more recent years - which once again shows how small the world becomes at these elite levels. According to Kay in a private conversation, the Blums were close to the Rothschilds, which could well be true as this family can also be found in the Pilgrims Society.

The Pilgrims Society actually is not the only social club that ties the Blum and Rockefeller families together. Both families have also been generational members of the Century Association. Robert Edward Blum and John Robert Halsey Blum both were members of the club, as were John D. Rockefeller Jr., John D. Rockefeller III, Nelson Rockefeller, David Rockefeller and David Rockefeller, Jr. To a very large extent the membership of this elite New York social club, to which one needs to be invited, overlaps with the Pilgrims Society. Apart from the Blums and Rockefellers, examples of this overlap include Dwight Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, Andrew Mellon, numerous Morgan family members, Brooke Astor, David Schiff, Henry Kissinger, Dean Rusk, John Train (his brother Russell Train also was a member) and many others. Walter Rothschild, who married Caroline Warburg, was a member of the Century Association, as was his son Walter Rothschild, Jr., which - again - fits with the claim of Kay Griggs that the Blum and Rothschild families were friendly.
Colonel Griggs' military clique and ties to the CIA, Saudis and superclass
Kay claimed that Marine Corps friends of her husband have included:
- Gereral Jim Joy, commander of the 22d Marine Amphibious Unit in Lebanon in 1983 and 1984 and commander of Joint Task Force in Lebanon from 1984 to 1985;
- General Louis H. Buehl III, chief of staff of the Marine Corps from 1987 until his sudden death from a stroke in 1988;
- General Alfred Gray, commandant of the Marine Corps from 1987 to 1991;
- General Carl Mundy, commandant of the Marine Corps from 1991 to 1995;
- General Charles Krulak, commandant of the Marine Corps from 1995 to 1999;
- General Jack Sheehan, commander-in-chief for U.S. Atlantic Command from 1994 to 1997 and;
- General Charlie Wilhelm, a deputy assistant secretary of defense from 1990 to 1992 and commander U.S. Southern Command, Miami, Florida, 1997-2000.
Another often-mentioned friend of Colonel George Griggs had an Army background:
- General Carl Stiner, the commander of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) at Fort Bragg from 1984 to 1987 and the commander in chief of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).
It appears Stiner was more qualified than any of the Marine Corps buddies of Colonel George Griggs to be running "dirty tricks", which fits with Kay's occasional references to "Stiner's army". Near the end of the second Bush administration, plenty of information has come out about JSOC in particular carrying out the dirty work of assassinating suspected Middle East terrorists. JSOC is a division of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), which Stiner came to head later on in his career. Commanders of USSOCOM tend be involved with the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and the OSS Society, both loaded with retired CIA directors, NSA directors and leaders of the special operations community.

This brings us to a handful of questionable statements made by Kay, one being that the CIA is little more than a "distraction" to the masses. This simply is not true. In all the years I've been researching covert networks, the CIA is always at the top of the food chain, especially with the really illegal operations. Look, for instance, at this lengthy list of accusations of CIA drug trafficking. More specifically, look at the 1985 torture-murder of DEA agent Kiki Camarena. Strong evidence has emerged that it was Felix Rodriguez, part of the CIA clique that almost certainly killed JFK and at the time described as being "in charge of what is left of the paramilitary capability at CIA", who ordered the assassination and oversaw the torture. Aiding Rodriguez in the kidnapping of Camarena were not special forces. No, it were Mexico's cartel bosses, cabinet members, and special police units.
It should be very clear that the CIA is a solid grade above the clique of generals described by Kay Griggs. For those still in doubt look at the lines of promotion: in the United States the civilian authorities are solidly in control of the military. This includes the president, the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, the national security advisor and, at a slightly lower level, the CIA director. The commandant of the Marine Corps or the JSOC or USSOCOM commander. They always take their orders, and not even in a direct line, from the secretary of defense, the CIA director, or, possibly in very unusual circumstances, the president and national security advisor directly. However, I've no idea if a project of the latter kind can even be kept secret from the secretary of defense or CIA director. The CIA and Defense Department basically are the only two possibilities, with the CIA having A) the much more (civilian) establishment connections; and B) access to billions of unvouchered funds, i.e. a black budget.
What also comes to mind is Kay's repeated claims that Navy Seals are used to carry out assassinations, break ins, and psychological warfare type operations. Especially when Kay is referring to break ins in her own house and the death of CIA director William Colby, I have some problems with that. This requires a highly specific skillset not found in regular special forces. At the very least you'd be looking at recruits to an official or unofficial subdivision of the Army's Special Operations Command or the CIA's Special Operations Group. And when the CIA is involved one never knows what kind of private network they're recruiting from. Especially when it involves operations of the unconstitutional kind, it might be unwise to use potentional whistleblowers and simply stick to proven criminals - like the mafia and highly-skilled burglers.
It's interesting to note that General Carl Stiner, formerly of JSOC and USSOCOM, after his retirement became chairman of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, with superclass elites as Frank Carlucci, Senator John McCain, Sam Nunn and General Edward C. Meyer on the board of advisors. [5] Clearly Stiner was very connected and it's unlikely that he only developed these connections after his retirement. Carlucci, for example, was deputy director of the CIA 1978-1981, deputy secretary of defense 1981-1982, national security advisor 1986-1987 and secretary of defense 1987-1989. Undoubtedly he would have had some association with Stiner. In addition, Carlucci was part of the exact same private CIA clique as the earlier-mentioned Felix Rodriguez, which also included Donald Gregg, Ted Shackley, George H. W. Bush, Richard Helms and a number of others. Of these, Carlucci, Shackley, Bush and Helms maintained close friendships with top Saudis since the late 1970s, in particular with Prince Turki al Faisal and Bandar Bush, first in the Safari Club network and later through the Carlyle Group, ran by Carlucci, with Bush and James Baker on his side. These aspects are primarily discussed in ISGP's The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11 article.
Considering Colonel George Griggs went to the same little Princeton Hun School as Prince Turki and was close to Stiner, we (once again) appear to be dealing with a rather closely-knit network. In fact, Kay has listed CIA director Allen Dulles, CIA director William Colby, CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci, Reagan's secretary of state George Shultz and Bush's secretary of state James Baker among the civilian Princeton sex party associates of her husband. [6] How this exactly worked, I have no idea and it is unfortunate that this is a claim of hers that was only made in 2005, but at the very least we can say that all of these individuals did graduate from Princeton, one of three absolutely key Eastern Establishment universities on the East Coast, together with Yale and Harvard. Graduating from one of these universities is absolutely crucial to make it to the highest positions of power in the United States, so much of the elite "fraternizing" would have to be going on through these three universities. And the CIA's national security network always seems to be key in this.
For that matter, Baker and Shultz should be considered almost as close to CIA as Dulles, Colby and Carlucci. Shultz used to be president of Bechtel before he joined the Reagan administration as secretary of state, taking with him Bechtel vice president Caspar Weinberger, who became Reagan's secretary of defense. Along with the Rockefellers, Bechtel has been operating as a willing CIA front almost since the inception of the Agency, a fact discussed in some detail in ISGP's article on the Pilgrims Society, a group of which Shultz and Weinberger became members after retiring from government. For decades Bechtel helped maintain Saudi Arabia pipeline system and worked close with the Bin Laden family and other top Saudis.
James Baker was similarly close to the Saudis, serving in the 1990s and early 2000s as a key advisor to the Carlyle Group, infamously meeting with a half-brother of Osama bin Laden on the morning of 9/11, together with Carlucci and Bush, Sr. And maybe not unimportant, a son of William Colby, Jonathan, was also working for Carlyle at the time as well, having previously worked for the Blackstone Group (another son of William Colby, Carl, has recently been invited to the board of the OSS Society). [7] Baker's ties to Bush go back to the 1950s, around the time Bush allowed the CIA to use his oil company as a front and when he got in bed with the CIA's most notorious historical officer ever: Ted Shackley. Thus it can be argued that Baker too most likely has been a CIA insider for many decades.
According to Kay Griggs, her husband actually was officially working for the CIA in the 1990s, despite him apparently not taking any orders from the Agency itself - at least not directly. In addition, she has stated that he was very close to the CIA's Edwin Wilson and also was friendly with CIA director William Casey, former CIA director George H. W. Bush, and famous liberal CIA officer Cord Meyer. Add to this Colonel Griggs' alleged Princeton clique involving former deputy CIA director Frank Carlucci and former CIA directors Allen Dulles and William Colby, and Kay's notion that the CIA is "just a distraction" comes to stand on shaky ground. Ultimately her husband was doing the bidding of the U.S. government, which delegates almost all covert political operations to the CIA. Whether her husband was part of the bureacratic CIA or the superclass CIA consisting of the social network of various top level CIA officers hardly seems to matter.
For additional insight, it might be helpful to look at some of the elite connections that Colonel George Griggs' friends have fostered:
- In 1999 General Carl Mundy, the commandant of the Marine Corps from 1991 to 1995, was founding chairman of the military affairs committee of the Center for Security Policy, which counted the prominent involvement of future Bush government officials Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and Dov Zakheim. He served on the board of defense contractor General Dynamics, soon after the retirement of the earlier-discussed Frank Carlucci.
- As for General Jack Sheehan, in 1998, one year after his retirement from the military, he became general manager of the Petroleum and Chemical Business Unit of Bechtel [8], a company which we just mentioned as a long-time CIA front and also put in relation to George Shultz, who, like Carlucci, apparently was an associate of Kay's husband.
Also beginning in 1998, Sheehan served with former deputy CIA director Frank Carlucci and former CIA director James Schlesinger (Center for Security Policy) on the board of the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association, along with liberal establishment counterparts David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, John Whitehead, Carla Hills (AIG) and movie director Oliver Stone. [9] In the 1997-1998 period Sheehan was also a member of the Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group, along with superclass members John Deutch, a CIA director under Clinton; Joseph Nye, Fred Ikle and future 9/11 Commission executive director Philip Zelikow.
At the time of 9/11, Sheehan served on the Defense Policy Board, along with Richard Perle, Henry Kissinger, James Woolsey, James Schlesinger and Fred Ikle. [10] Defense Policy Board members held regular meetings with undersecretary of defense for policy, Douglas Feith, but details are always kept from the public.
From these ties it is rather obvious that the senior leadership of the Marine Corps has remarkably close ties to both the (neo)conservative and the liberal establishments, and specifically those individuals ranked high in ISGP's Superclass Index. It's the same story with General James L. Jones, commandant of the Marine Corps from 1999 to 2003, who is actually listed in the Superclass Index. Like General Carl Mundy, General Jones too was a regular at the Center for Security Policy in the years prior to 9/11. Jones also became part of the absolute core of the liberal establishment. In 2007, for example, he joined the Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs, which falls under the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. Other trustees have included two-time national security advisor and Kissinger Associates vice chairman Brent Scowcroft (reportedly a close friend of George Griggs), Kissinger Associates president and Bush 41 secretary of state Lawrence Eagleburger (reportedly a friend of George Griggs), Henry Kissinger himself, former CIA director and future defense secretary Robert Gates, Trilateral Commission founder and national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski (reportedly part of George Griggs' clique), Bobby Ray Inman, a former ONI and NSA director and deputy director of the CIA; and former CIA director John Deutch. [11] Also among the trustees was Marine Corps General Bernard Trainor, who might have been among the superiors of George Griggs when the former ran the operations department of the Marine Corps from 1981 to 1985.
Gen. Al Gray's alleged sexual entrapment network

Kay claimed that the earlier-mentioned generals - Gray, Mundy, Krulak, Sheehan, Stiner, etc. - along with her husband, were involved in a "sexual perversion" network. She appears to be mainly pointing to homosexual sex that begins as pedophile abuse at a young age. As an additional detail she mentioned that within this network, Al Gray, commandant of the Marine Corps from 1987 to 1991, and his wife were running a network of hookers that tried to entrap politicians.
So, can this be confirmed? Not really, but it is interesting that back in the 1980s Gray appeared at parties of pedophile pimp Craig Spence, along with Roy Cohn and CIA director William Casey, both also accused of involvement in these type of networks. [12] If Gray has been involved in these type of activities I doubt he did it at his own pleasure and would be keeping the information to himself and his Marine Corps bodies. I very much suspect the information would go up the chain to the CIA.
And in this respect it is important to note that, according to Kay, William Casey just happens to have also been part of "George clique". The same goes for the CIA's Edwin Wilson, a controversial subordinate to Ted Shackley and CIA director William Casey, who is reported to have taken over this pedophile entrapment network from Roy Cohn. [13] According to Kay in her 1998 interview - and in a different context - she stated that Wilson not only was a "really bad guy", but also "one of George's best friends."
While nothing can be proved, the claims of Kay Griggs certainly can't be disproved. They actually make quite a bit of sense in light of all the other information unearthed and organized by ISGP regarding pedophile entrapment networks allegedly operating at the highest levels of society.
Personally I have to say that during her 1998 interview Kay Griggs makes a ton of intriguing statements that might well be true. If I had to guess, I'd say most of her claims are true, at least those aspects in which she is speaking from personal experience. She's just talking too freely for too long, gives too many names, provides too much documentation, and comes from a family with too many connections for us to just assume that she has been making everything up, especially because too many basic facts she provided appear to check out and I've not been able to find any blatantly false statements. Yes, I don't believe that the CIA is "just a distraction" or that the Navy Seals - as a bureaucratic institution - carry out unconstitutional break-ins and assassinations against whistleblowers, but these are relatively minor technicalities, especially considering Kay's background as the wife of a ranking Marine Corps officer.
Unfortunately, the 1998 interview seems to be the first and last time Kay clearly spoke out. In 2011 I had compiled over 50 follow-up questions to this initial interview, but as already explained in the introduction, she not only refused to answer any of them, but was actually playing psychological games in her emails by just endlessly ranting around questions and by becoming an increasingly obnoxious anti-Semite. It was very clear that she wasn't just holding back information for fear of talking to the wrong person, but actively playing mind games with absolutely no desire to share any additional details. I was actually shocked that I couldn't get her to even mention the name "Theodore Shackley" in her replies, even when I specifically asked for the tiniest of conformations about this individual (due to some newly discovered documents revealing that Shackley largely ran the Cercle group). I would just get five-page rants about unrelated stuff. This type of behavior is so common among disinformative online conspiracy theorists that I simply have to conclude she's an intelligence asset of the John Birch Society and especially the Liberty Lobby kind.
How this transformation has taken place, I do not know. She might have provided the initial interview exactly for the reasons she stated: she was complaining to the neighborhood about her marriage, was harassed by her husband's friends, and decided to fight back. It appears that after her 1998 interview hit the emerging internet waves, deals were made that she would be left alone and that everything would go back to normal, as long as she stops leaking information. Unfortunately, the package also seems to have included that she discredits herself by ranting incoherently and by allying herself with raging Holocaust deniers as Eric Hufschmid and Rense.
It must be said though that already in her 1998 interview she was making references to the work of Eustace Mullins. While praiseworthy material in many ways, Mullins was a protege of a pro-Nazi poet, himself a raging Jew-baiter, and had his work financed by John Birch Society H.L. Hunt, who son played a key role in setting up the Council for National Policy - elements all discussed in ISGP's article on Alex Jones. Also, when Kay brought up Admiral Harry Train II, she described him as this "big New World Order guy", instantly making it clear she has been reading up on John Birch Society material.
Then there was Kay's "savior", the old White House press reporter Sarah McClendon, with whom Kay lived for some time in the 1990s to escape from her husband's clique. McClendon is an old McCarthyite extremist with deep intelligence connections who managed to sneak on to the founding board of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA), which tried to unearth the "truth" behind the JFK assassination. She also pushed the hyper-manipulative Disclosure Project of Steven Greer, sitting on front row, dead center, at the project's 2001 Washington National Press Club.
It's clear that Kay followed into the footsteps of McClendon and all the other John Birch Society and Liberty Lobby controlled opposition assets. How this change occurred, I simply don't know. For all we know she's been kidnapped to a remote cabin, drugged for weeks, and MKULTRA-style hypnotized. Or maybe a demon escaped from hell and possessed her. These conspiracy disinformation networks are the most bizarre on the planet. They're a serious danger to the psychological health of anyone who tries to make sense of them. So don't. Keep your eyes on the information that can be confirmed and don't judge the rest of the material until you're in a position to do so. This has been the exact approach taken with this article and we most definitely learned a number of new and important facts from it.
Names mentioned by Kay Griggs as associates of her husband Colonel George Griggs
Gen. Louis H. Buehl III | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's circle. Louis was going to make George a general, but died too soon.
BA from the Miami University in Ohio. MA Asian studies from the University of Michigan. Commanding general of the Marine Corps base at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Deputy chief of staff for reserve affairs. Senior military assistant to Deputy Secretary of Defense William H. Taft IV, a Pilgrims Society family. Received his third star in April 1982. Commandant of the First Marine Brigade at Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii since 1982. Chief of Staff of the Marine Corps, the no. 3 post in the Marine Corps, October 1987 - October 1988, and outranked only by the Commandant and his Assistant. Died in October 1988 from a stroke. |
Michael O'Boyle | According to Kay Griggs: Thé special friend of George Griggs. Went to Lake Ponchartrain.
No details. |
George H. W. Bush | According to Kay Griggs: Friend of George and part of his clique.
CIA director over 1976. Vice president 1981-1989. President 1989-1993. Allowed his oil firm to be used by the CIA since the 1950s. At the CIA close to Richard Helms, Ted Shackley and Frank Carlucci with whom he founded the Safari Club private CIA network with the Saudis as chief financial partners. Partner of the Carlyle Group with James Baker and chairman Frank Carlucci. |
Zbigniew Brzezinski | According to Kay Griggs (2005 interview): Heard a few things about him, but doesn't really know. Connected to the group.
CIA history. Founder with David Rockefeller of the Trilateral Commission. Pilgrims Society. The hawkish national security advisor of Jimmy Carter. Top-level superclass member with involvement in dozens of NGOs. |
Charles T. Caddock, Jr. | According to Kay Griggs: George's pedophile and homosexual mentor at Princeton's Hun School. Inducted George and put him through four years of mind control, together with a person named Alexander Robinson. Did gay games with boys like running around naked in the woods. Involved in sex orgies, partly with his wife, in Indonesia and northern Virginia (Rush River lodge?). Head teacher/bodyguard for the Saudi boys at the Hun School, where the Saudi's had bought Russell House (did exist). Corrupted them in a way that "Muslims would not have done ordinarily." At parties at ARAMCO they would get the Muslim sons really drunk and encourage homosexual behavior. Kay was told that George kept contact with Charles Caddock all his life. Died in one of the Saudi mansions, a place called Eslay Rose (?).
Indeed a mentor for the Saudi Arabian princes Mohamed and Saud Faisal, as well as George Griggs at the Hun School of Princeton. The Saudis stayed at Russell House; George somewhere else. Alexander Robinson was his superior.
His father, Charles T. Caddock, died in 1960 and was a clerk at Prudential Insurance Co. in Newark for 40 years. Hun School, 1955 Edgerstounian yearbook, page 36 (library.hunschool.org): "Group of all the Russell House boys and masters: Mr. C. Caddock, R. Appelrouth, S. Caso, R. Conole, R. Engel, M. Faisal, S. Faisal, J. Matheke, J. McCormick, J. Shuter, A. Theneyan, D. Williams, K. Zauber, Mr. G. Forner." Hun School, 1955 Edgerstounian yearbook, page 35 (library.hunschool.org): "We [are] The Senior Class of The Hun School of Princeton... The Honor Roll: ... Most Popular: Griggs. ... Best all round: Griggs. ... Most Typical Hun Man: Griggs."Harvard University Library (http://oasis.harvard.edu:10080/oasis/deliver/~sch00358): "Charles T. Caddock writes detailed accounts of his various jobs as an educator, including his time as a mentor for the Saudi Arabian princes Mohamed and Saud Faisal and Abdullah Thaneyan. He writes of his experiences while working for the War Division of the U.S. Department of Justice during World War II... Caddock was a student at the University of Wisconsin where he became friends with Russell Barker and Charles and Mary Gregory. Eventually, he became a friend of the entire Palache family... Charles T. Caddock's correspondence, 1930s-1958; includes Hunn School tribute, 1985." Hun School, 1959 Edgerstounian yearbook, page 18 (library.hunschool.org): "Chairman of the Language Department, Mr. Charles T. Caddock has traveled all over the world from Asia to Europe. With Bachelor of Arts and Masters degrees from Wisconsin, he combines patience and understanding as Russell House resident master and foreign student advisor. Teaching the more advanced courses in French, Mr. Caddock is also the faculty advisor to the student council." Fall 1985, Hun Today, In Memoriam: Charles T. Caddock, November 9, 1902 - August 30, 1985 (library.hunschool.org): "Charles T. Caddock came to The Hun School in 1955 as Chairman of the Language Department, advisor to 12 foreign students, and resident master of Russell House, where three of Charlie's special charges, Saudi Arabian princes Mohamed and Saud Faisal and Abdullah Thancyan, lived with 10 other boys. Charlie Caddock was eminently qualified for all three posts. Charlie was a graduate of Wabash College and the University of Wisconsin, where he obtained his Master's degree in French. Between graduate and undergraduate studies, he spent the summer of 1925 studying French at the Universitc de Grenoble in France. After graduation from Wisconsin, Charlie remained on the university faculty several years as a French instruc- tor, taking a year's leave of absence in 1930 to attend the Sorbonnc on a scholarship awarded by the French government. While studying at the Sorbonne, Charlie taught English to French students at the Ecole Normale d'Autcil in Paris. In 1936 Charlie left Wisconsin to accept a position as master of French at St. Paul's School, a select New England preparatory school for boys noted for its high scholastic standards. According to his sister Ruth, Charlie discovered his love of teaching at St. Paul's, where life in a residential community focused attention on the edu- cation of the whole boy, an emphasis Charlie Caddock wholeheartedly embraced. Charlie's teaching career was interrupted by the ad- vent of World War II and his subsequent enlistment in 1942 with the War Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Alter World War II, Charlie accepted a tour of duty with the U.S. Department of State, but war in In- dochina disrupted plans to send him to Hanoi. Instead there followed a series of posts — to Saigon, Singapore, and Malaya. When Congressional budget cuts ended his job, Charlie returned to the United States where he set up foreign student exchanges, similar to those he had initiated in Southeast Asia, and assisted in the establish- ment and organization of Verde Valley School in Arizona. By the time Charlie arrived at The Hun School in 1955, he had traveled through some 21 countries in Europe, Asia and America. His experiences in the field of teaching and in the diplomatic service made him an ideal mentor for the young Saudi Arabian princes. Even for one of his background, however, the posi- tion was not without its challenges. Supervising the shopping expeditions of the teenage princes, who by age 14 already owned their own Cadillac and Mercedes automobiles, was a typical concern. Ansley Coale, a Hun School neighbor and long-time friend of Charlie Cad- dock's, remembers the time Charlie took the princes to Langrock's to buy a new suit. So pleased were the three young men with the local merchandise that it was all Charlie could do, scurrying from one dressing room to another, to keep the Saudi Arabian boys from buying four suits apiece rather than one. Charlie's concern for his young charges did not go unnoticed, however, and after his retirement from Hun, he was given passage on the Queen Mary and invited to visit the Royal Family in Saudi Arabia. According to Ansley Coale, Charlie spent the better part of a year with his Saudi Arabian hosts. At the news of his death, Prince Saud, current Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, sent a message of condolence to Henry and Ruth Caddock, Char- lie's brother and sister. It was not only Charlie's concern for the Saudi Ara- bian princes, however, that distinguished his career at Hun. He enjoyed a rapport with all the boys. His patience and understanding made him a natural choice for advisor to the Student Council and later director of college guidance." |
William Casey | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's clique
OSS during WWII. Long-time partner in Cap Cities, with most other partners belonging to the Pilgrims Society. Many partners were also close to former CIA director Allen Dulles, later a Pilgrims Society executive. Cap Cities controversially took over ABC shortly after a dispute with the CIA. CIA director 1981-1987. Knight of Malta. Visited the Knight of Malta and Opus Dei-dominated Strategy of Tension-linked Cercle Group. |
William Colby | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's "Princeton-Marine Corps clique"; Attended Cap & Gown events, according to Kay Griggs, just as Allen Dulles, Frank Carlucci, James Baker, George Griggs, and George P. Shultz (August 3, 2005, Rense).
OSS during WWII. CIA director 1973-1976. Opus Dei sympathizer. Visited the Knight of Malta and Opus Dei-dominated Strategy of Tension-linked Cercle Group. Involved in the AFIO. Attorney to the Nugan Hand Bank, a major CIA bank for heroin money laundering, in the 1980s. One of his sons was involved in the Blackstone Group and Carlyle Group; another joined the board of directors of the OSS Society. |
Gen. Ernest T. Cook, Jr. | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's clique
In 1967 he served in Vietnam as the Operations Officer of the 1st Marine Regiment. He later commanded the Basic School at Quantico, Virginia where all new Marine Officers are trained. Cook also served at Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps in Washington DC. He was promoted to Brigadier General in 1982 and assigned as the Deputy Director J-3 of the U. S. European Command and subsequently was assigned as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Training at Headquarters Marine Corps. In 1986 he was promoted to Major General and assigned as the Commanding General of the Marine Corps Air/Ground Combat Center and Commanding General 7th MAB at Twentynine Palms, California. On October 1, 1987 General Cook was promoted to Lieutenant General upon the recommendation of President Regan. He was then assigned as Commanding General II MEF/Fleet Marine Force Atlantic, Fleet Marine Force Europe. In 1990 he commenced what would be his final active duty assignment as Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command/Commanding General Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia. On October 1, 1991 he retired from the Marine Corps. |
Bob Edwards | According to Kay Griggs: Marine Corps colonel, Fort Benning, Psywar. "[T. Parker Host] controlled George Griggs with Bob Edwards."
No details. |
Albert Einstein | According to Kay Griggs: Present at the homosexual/pedophile parties where George was also present, around 1952-1953-1954-1955. According to George, this was around the time Mohamed al-Faisal came over, after Mohamed's father Ibn "the really good guy" Saud had been murdered.
Famous scientist. Lived from 1879 to 1955. Died in Princeton, New Jersey. |
Manucher Ghorbanifar | According to Kay Griggs: George worked regularly with this person.
Exiled Iranian arms dealer. Brought into contact with the Israelis by Adnan Khashoggi. Involved in Iran-Contra. July 5, 1987, New York Times: "The first contacts between Iran and the United States were arranged by Manucher Ghorbanifar, an Iranian businessman and friend of Mr. Khashoggi." February 1, 1987, New York Times: "According to Mr. Nimrodi, at the end of 1984 the Saudi arms dealer Adnan M. Khashoggi introduced the Iranian arms dealer Manucher Ghorbanifar to King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, describing him ''as a man who could bring Iran back to the West.''" January 11, 1987, New York Times "According to participants in the trip, the McFarlane mission, on May 28-31, turned out to be a major disappointment for the Reagan Administration, the committee report said. Under an elaborate plan worked out in advance by Manucher Ghorbanifar, an Iranian businessman, and an Israeli official, Amiram Nir, the McFarlane mission was to deliver three planeloads of weapons starting with their flight to Iran. In return, all the American hostages were to be freed in Lebanon. When no hostages were freed, the group's three days were spent in fruitless argument with low- and middle-level Iranians. The Iranians complained that they had been overcharged for weapons previously sent to them via Israel... The draft report concluded with a criticism of the way the Reagan Administration handled the Iran operation. It said the plan to sell arms to Iran in the hopes of releasing the American hostages was originated by the Israelis, who had their own agenda in seeking to improve their own ties with Iran." July 31, 1988, New York Times: "Michael Ledeen's certainty that William Casey ''knew nothing of the details of the Iran initiative until December 1985'' is somewhat breathtaking. According to the public record, Casey's friend of some 20 years, Roy Furmark, was reported to have met - in January, May and July 1985 - three times with Manucher Ghorbanifar, the Iranian expatriate and middleman in the arms shipments; twice with Amiram Nir; and twice with Yaacov Nimrodi, Al Schwimmer and Adnan Khashoggi, all arms dealers interested or involved in the shipments." Suspected double agent for Mossad. In the 1980s, Ghorbanifar's principal American contacts were National Security Council agents Oliver North and Michael Ledeen (ultrazionist intelligence agent). After Ghorbanifar had become a suspect of Iran-Contra involvement, failed three lie-detector tests, and was officially labeled as an unreliable intelligence source by the Pentagon, Ledeen and David Kimche (senior Mossad agent said to have been involved in South-American drug transport to the US and a number of assassinations on whistleblowers) vouched for Ghorbanifar to National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane. Ledeen called Ghorbanifar "one of the most honest, educated, honorable men I have ever known". North later claimed that Ghorbanifar had given him the idea for diverting profits from TOW and HAWK missile sales to Iran to the Nicaraguan Contras (who paid for these supplies in drugs, which were shipped to the US). In December 2001 Michael Ledeen organized a three-day meeting in Rome, Italy between Ghorbanifar and DIA officials Larry Franklin (U.S. Air Force Reserve colonel; pleaded guilty to passing information about U.S. policy towards Iran to Israel through AIPAC; worked under Douglas Feith at the Office of Special Plans in 2002-2003, a Zionist intelligence/propaganda group that had to find links between Saddam and Al-Qaeda) and Harold Rhodes (Pentagon expert on Iran). Allegedly, "Gorba" has had fifty meetings with Michael Ledeen after 9/11, and that he has given Ledeen 4,000 to 5,000 pages of sensitive documents concerning Iran, Iraq and the Middle East, material no one else has received. Re-emerged in American politics during the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq as a back-channel intelligence source to certain Pentagon officials who desired regime change in anti-American and theocratic Iran. |
Gen. Alfred M. "Al" Gray, Jr. | According to Kay Griggs: George was Chief of Staff to General Gray; member of the Brooklyn/New Jersey Mafia; runs all the dirty tricks for the Army; ran and still runs an intelligence operation that brings in hookers to try and entrap politicians; his wife used to be part of that operation; gay; did group sex orgies outside Marseilles in France, according to the wife of a Naval officer Kay spoke to; regularly went to Lake Ponchartrain for exercises in covert operations.
Born in New Jersey in 1928. Joined the Marine Corpsin 1950. Graduated from the Command and Staff College in 1973. Graduated from the Army War College in 1974. Commanding officer of the 33rd Marine Amphibious Unit/RLT-4/4th Marines 1975-1976. Deputy director of training and education, Hq., 1976-1978. Commanding general of the 4th Marine Amphibious Brigade 1978-1981. Deputy for development, director devel. center, Marine Corps Development and Education Command Quantico, Virginia, 1981-1984. Promoted to lieutenant general in 1984. Commanding general of the 2nd Marine Division 1984-1987. Became a full general in 1987. Doctor Military Sciences, Norwich University, 1988. Commandant of the United States Marine Corps 1987-1991. Attended they parties of Craig Spence with William Casey and others. |
Col. George Raymond Griggs | According to Kay Griggs: her husband; Born in 1937. His father worked for the Atlanta mafia. Brother was murdered. Was part time at Russell House (where the Saudi were) at the Hun School and went out with the guys. Raped by Charles Caddock and Alexander Robinson. Had a relationship with French teacher at Hun School, the Count Todave. Drank 3 or 4 straight gins and a bottle of wine. Beer machine on his desk. Did this for 30 years. Talked a lot when drunk. Claimed he and his friends were Existentialists: Nietsche, Montesquieu. Spend up to $33,000, the limit of credit card. Served in a political murder unit and Operation Phoenix with Gray, Buehl, and O'Boyle. Intelligence liaison between the White House and president Jamal of Beirut at the time of the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing which killed 241 U.S servicemen (said there was foreknowledge). Along with her husband met with "Fahim", a drug dealer from Beirut. NATO Wet and Psychological Operations. With the U.S. Defense Liaison Group Indonesia in the 1970s. Involved in a school of assassins and terrorists on East-Timor, once started by Mountbatten. Suspects he has an implant. Went to Lake Ponchartrain in the 1980s. Officially in the CIA in the 1990s, but did not work for this agency, he said to his wife. Member Brooklyn/New Jersey Mafia. Chief of staff of to commandant of the Marine Corps, General Albert Gray.
Not in Who's Who. Distinguished Alumni 1955 of the Hunn School (Saud Faisal is distinguished alumni for the year 1961) (http://www.hunschool.org/alumni/recognition/index.aspx). NATO Defense College in Rome 1956. Princeton Army ROTC Tiger Battalion class of 1959, according to website. 1982, Jack Shulimson, 'US Marines in Vietnam' An Expanding War, 1966', p. 95 & 201: "The heaviest action of Operation Georgia occurred on 3 May [1966]. Captain George R. Griggs' Company M, 9th Marines, which had just relieved another company during the operation, prepared to cross the Thu Bon... On 2 July, Captain George R . Griggs, the S-2 of the 9th Marines, received a report from I Corps, stating that a Viet Cong battalion was operating south of the Thu Bon reinforced by two local guerrilla companies." |
Alexander Haig | According to Kay Griggs: "He's a friend.... he's in the club."
Deputy national security advisor under national security advisor Henry Kissinger 1970-1973. Highest level insiders of covert operations. For example, he and Kissinger provided orders to the Licio Gelli's fascist terrorist P2 Lodge in Italy through the CIA's Ted Shackley. Superclass member involved in many different NGOs. Pilgrims Society executive. |
Gen. William W. Hartzog | According to Kay Griggs: Part of the George-Gray clique.
MA in psychology from Appalachian State University in 1974. Graduate of the Infantry School, the Marine Corps Command and Staff College and the Army War College. Commander of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Served two tours in Vietnam and took part in Operation Just Cause in Panama. Retired from the Army as a four-star general in September 1998. President and CEO of Burdeshaw Associates, Ltd., a defense consulting firm in Bethesda, MD. Member of the Defense Science Board, President of the Army Historical Foundation, and serves on Advisory Boards for the National Military Family Association, the Armed Forces Journal, the MITRE Corporation and IBM (eArmyU). He also served on the 2000 DoD Transformation Panel. |
T. Parker Host | According to Kay Griggs: One of George's best friends; nice and outgoing, but boorish..; owned a shipping agency when he met George; had shipping contracts with Finland and Norway; got to know George H. W. Bush through George and changed from Democrat to Republican; assassin; nudist and a group sex guy with messed up children; "controlled George Griggs with Bob Edwards."
Chairman of T. Parker Incorporated, a shipping firm in Hampton Roads. His shipping company was blacklisted by the Arab League in the mid 1970s. |
Michael Isikoff | According to Kay Griggs: "operative".
Investigative journalist for the U.S. magazine Newsweek. Joined the magazine in 1994. |
Gen. James R. "Jim" Joy | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's clique; evil; upper of ups; met regularly with George in Beirut in the early 1980s; behind the black helicopters; ran the whole psychological operation in Panama; when Kay was trying to find Joy, she was told he was running "Morale, Recreation, Welfare"; together with Carl Stiner trained the "Men in Black" who killed the people in Waco; got Noriega out of Panama with Sheehan (and Stiner).
Born in 1935. Graduated from Northwest Missouri State University in 1957 with a BS degree in Educatio. MS degree in Public Administration from George Washington University. MA in Human Affairs from the University of Oklahoma. Commissioned a second lieutenant in June 1957. Attended the Basic School at Quantico, graduating in February 1958. Platoon Leader with the 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, California, until February 1959. Next ordered to duty aboard the aircraft carrier USS Oriskany, as the executive officer of the ship's Marine Detachment. Following sea duty, Joy spent the next three years with Headquarters Squadron, Marine Corps Air Station, Santa Ana, Calif., where he served consecutively as adjutant, executive officer and commanding officer. During this tour, he was promoted to captain in June 1962. In June 1963, General Joy received orders to Washington, D. C., for duty with the 13th Infantry Battalion, USMCR. He remained in this assignment until he deployed to Vietnam for duty with the 26th Marines. While in Vietnam he was promoted to major in February 1967. He returned to the United States in July 1967, and attended the Command and Staff College at Quantico. Upon graduation was assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense in Washington, D.C. Returned to Vietnam for duty as an advisor with the Vietnamese Marine Corps in July 1971, followed by duty in the Canal Zone, where he served commanding officer of the Marine Barracks, with additional duty as Marine Officer on the Staff of Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Southern Command. Promoted to lieutenant colonel in September 1973. Transferred to the U.S., Joy spent three years at Headquarters Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., in the Operations Division, Operations and Training Department. During academic year 1978-79, Joy was a student at the Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., and upon graduation, reported to Camp Lejeune for duty with the 2d Marine Division, serving initially as G-1, Commanding Officer of the 8th Marines and, for the last year, Chief of Staff. While in this assignment, he was promoted to colonel in July 1979. General Joy was assigned duty as the Fleet Marine Officer on the Staff of Commander, 6th Fleet in May 1982. While serving in this capacity, he was selected in February 1983 for promotion to brigadier general. He was advanced to that grade on July 5, 1983 and assigned duty as the Assistant Division Commander, 2d Marine Division, FMF, Atlantic, Camp Lejeune, N.C., on August 2, 1983. During November he was assigned as the Commanding General of the 22d Marine Amphibious Unit in Lebanon (George Griggs was located here; the Beirut bombing occurred on October 23, 1983, killing 299 soldiers, almost all of them US). The following February, he became the Commander of Joint Task Force, Lebanon. He was assigned duty as the Deputy Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Deputy Commanding General, Eastern Recruiting Region, Parris Island, S.C., on May 22, 1984. Served as Director Personnel Procurement in Washington 1985-1988. With Marine Corps Morale,Welfare, and Recreation Support Activity (MWRSPTACT), Quantico, Virginia 1988- November 1996. |
Adm. Frank Benton Kelso II | According to Kay Griggs: George worked under him as head of intelligence in the early 1990s; involved in the "tailhook affair" (?)
Son of Thomas Benton and Wista (Muse) K.; Married Landess McCown, June 6, 1956; children: Thomas Benton II, Robert Donald, Mary Kelso Kearns, Kerry Kelso Ward. BS, U.S. Naval Academy, 1956. Commissioned ensign, US Navy, 1956. Advanced through grades to admiral, US Navy, 1980. With, USN/NATO, 1983. With, Office Secretary of the Navy, 1983. Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet, 1985-86. Comdr.-in-chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, Norfolk, Virginia, 1986-88. Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic comdr.-in-chief, Atlantic Command, Norfolk, 1988-90. Chief naval operations, Washington, 1990-94. Retired, 1994. June 28, 2013, New York Times, 'Adm. Frank B. Kelso Dies at 79; Tied to Tailhook Scandal': "Adm. Frank B. Kelso II, who retired under pressure as chief of naval operations in 1994 in the aftermath of rampant sexual misconduct by Navy officers at an aviation convention known as Tailhook, died on Sunday in Norfolk, Va. He was 79. ... Rising from the ranks of submariners, Admiral Kelso held top naval commands in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic in the 1980s. He oversaw capture of the terrorists who had hijacked the cruise ship Achille Lauro. He led air strikes against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s Libya in 1986. In 1990 and 1991, as chief of naval operations, he directed the American naval effort in the Persian Gulf war from his seat among the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But his career was tarnished in 1991, when dozens of women, including officers, were sexually assaulted and harassed at the annual meeting in Las Vegas of a booster group called the Tailhook Association. Three investigations eventually implicated 140 Navy and Marine Corps pilots in assaults on 83 women in what the Pentagon’s office of inspector general described as “an atmosphere of debauchery.” Dozens of officers were fined or disciplined out of court, and many of their careers were derailed, but nobody was court-martialed. The scandal, which exposed a culture of misogyny that permeated the ranks and was tolerated or ignored by commanders, came at a time when women seeking equality in the military faced ingrained resistance." |
Henry Kissinger | According to Kay Griggs: Mentioned him already in first interview as a rapist of young boys (doesn't say if George knew him). In 2005 Rense interview: Clearly stated he was a pedophile and raped many boys, including in tents during Vietnam war.
Recruited out of Harvard by the CIA it appears. By the early 1950s close to CIA director Allen Dulles and CIA assets David and Nelson Rockefeller. Life-time Rockefeller agent. National security advisor 1969-1975. Secretary of state 1973-1977. Chairman of the 40 Committee 1969-1976, during which time he dominated CIA operations. No. 1 in ISGP's superclass index with involvement in more than hundred NGOs. Pilgrims Society vice president. |
Gen. Victor H. Krulak | According to Kay Griggs: Walt Whitman Rostow's lackey; part of George's clique.
Born in 1913. BS, U.S. Naval Academy, 1934. LL.D., University San Diego. Married Amy Chandler, June 1, 1936; children: Victor Harold Junior, William Morris, Charles Chandler. Commissioned 2d lieutenant US Marine Corps, 1934. Advanced through grades to lieutenant general. Service in China, at sea, with US Marine Corps (Fleet Marine Forces), 1935-39. Staff officer, also battalion regimental and division Commander World War II. Chief of staff (1st Marine Div. Korea). Formerly commanding general (Marine Corps Recruit Depot), San Diego. Formerly special assistant to director, joint staff counterinsurgency and special activities (Office Joint Chiefs of Staff). Commanding general Fleet Marine Force Pacific, Pacific, 1964-68. Retired, 1968. Vice president Copley Newspaper Corp., 1968-79. President Words Ltd. Corp., San Diego. Trustee Zoological Society San Diego. Memberships Member U.S. Naval Institute, U.S. Marine Corps Association, Am. Society Newspaper Editors, Inter-American Press Association, U.S. Strategic Institute (chairman; institute dissolved in 2001). |
Gen. Charles C. Krulak | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's clique; worked with this Russian-Czechoslovakian double agent who worked with Al Gray.
Son of General Victor H. Krulak. Born in Quantico, Virginia, in 1942. BS from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1964. Career Commissioned 2nd lieutenant in the Marine Corps in 1964. Attended numerous courses. Rifle commanding officer Vietnam 1965-1966 and 1969-1970. Battalion Commander Hawaii 1983-1985. Military assistant to the Assistant Secretary Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence in Washington 1986-1987. Deputy director of the White House Military Office 1987-1989. Brigade commander and assistant division commander of the US Marine Corps in North Carolina 1989-1991. Force service support group commander 1989-1990. Force service support commander, brigade Commander, 1990-1991. Director personnel management at the personnel procurement Hdqtrs. Marine Corps 1991-1992. Commanding general MCCDC, Quantico, Virginia, 1992-1994. Commander marine forces, Pacific and commanding general of the Fleet Marine Forces, Pacific, Camp Smith, Hawaii, 1994-1995. Commandant US Marine Corps 1995-1999. Retired from the Marine Corps in 1999. Senior vice chairman MBNA Am. Corp., Wilmington, Del., 1999-2001. Chairman and CEO of MBNA Europe Bank Ltd. since 2001. Executive vice chairman and chief administrative officer of MBNA Corp. since 2004. Director of ConocoPhillips, Phelps Dodge Corporation and Union Pacific Corporation. |
Richard Marcinko | According to Kay Griggs: Met with him at a book signing. Asked if he had known her husband, Colonel George Griggs, which he said he did. Navy Seal with Seal Team II and Vietnam War veteran. Key founder and first commanding officer of SEAL Team Six and Red Cell. |
Col. Robert C. McFarlane | According to Kay Griggs: Really good friend of George.
Born in 1937. Marine Corps colonel. CFR member. National Security Adviser. Went to China with Kissinger between 1973 and 1976 to open up that country to the West. Vice-chair and co-founder America-China Society. Chair of Reagan's National Security Planning Group. Briefed the American Security Council with Caspar Weinberger in the 1980s while in the White House. January 4, 2002, Gene Wheaton, an intelligence insider and whistleblower during Iran-Contra, during an interview by Matt Ehling on Declassified Radio: "At that black tie party at the Palm Restaurant on the 4th of December in 1985, I was specifically invited by Neil Livingston and to come in and meet Ollie North, and it was a party to promote Neil Livingston’s book, called "Fighting Back", and the subtitle was "The War on Terrorism"... all the covert operations community, the real snake eaters, were going to be there with black ties. Ollie North was there and Bud McFarland and I don’t know, 75 or 100 people in black ties, having drinks and dinner and hobnobbing and they felt like ... the atmosphere at that party was one of ‘We are the shadow government running the United States.’... The covert operations subculture and the pyramid system of it is difficult for the average citizen to understand. And I understand it because I saw it, but it’s awfully hard to describe." During the first shipments of arms to Iran, McFarlane went into Iran with the missiles, a cake, and a bible inscribed by Ronald Reagan. Depressed and abused by his former colleagues, McFarlane tried to kill himself with an overdose of Valium on February 9, 1987, saying he had failed his country. In 1988 he pleaded guilty to four counts of withholding information from Congress for his role in the Iran-Contra cover-up. He was sentenced to two years’ probation and a $20,000 fine but was pardoned by President George H.W. Bush in the waning hours of his presidency on Christmas Eve 1992 along with the other key players in the scandal. Founder of Global Energy Investors (GEI) and chairman of Energy & Communications Solutions, LLC. Member of the advisory board of the American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE), together with C. Boyden Gray and James Woolsey (a big neocon). Advisor to the Zionist Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Director of Aegis Defence Services, a London-based mercenary company with large contracts in Iraq. Aegis is chaired by Lord Peter Inge of the Privy Council, the Order of the Garter and the Pilgrims Society, while Aegis' CEO is an ex-SAS/MI6 officer. |
Ramon Mercader | According to Kay Griggs: Rostows had some business (apparently drugs) with Mercader in Mexico.
Born in 1914. Ardent communist who fought in the Spanish civil war and served the Soviet international underground. Briefly imprisoned for his activities, but was released in 1936 when the left-wing coalition Popular Front won the democratic election. Mercader was recruited by NKVD and trained in Moscow as a Soviet agent. Apparently infiltrated Trotsky's circle through Silvia Ageloff, a confidant of Trotsky in Paris. They later moved to Brooklyn and Mexico, where he met Trotsky. Murdered Leon Trotsky in Mexico in 1940. In jail in Mexico 1940-1960. Moved to Havana, where Fidel Castro's new revolutionary government welcomed him. In 1961, he moved to the USSR and was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union medal — the country's highest decoration — one of only twenty-one non-Soviet citizens to receive the award. He split his time between Cuba and the USSR for the rest of his life and died in Havana in 1978. |
Cord Meyer | According to Kay Griggs: Good friend of George.
Graduated from Yale University, where he had been a member of Scroll & Key, in 1942. Joined the Marine Corps in 1942, was sent to the South Pacific and became a machine-gun platoon leader. Severely injured and lost his left eye. Recovered in New York. Married the journalist Mary Pinchot in 1945. The couple went to San Francisco to attend the conference that established the United Nations. Cord went as an aide to Harold Stassen, whereas Mary, who was working for the North American Newspaper Alliance at the time, was one of the reporters sent to cover this important event. Cord proposed that the UN be granted authority to oversee nuclear power installations inside member countries. He also argued that the UN should be given the authority to prevent war and "the armed power to back it up." Warned about the dangers of the atom bomb. Became a non-resident member in the mid 1940s. Founding president of the United World Federalists 1947-1949, which advocated for a more influential United Nations and a full-fledged world government. With the explosion of an atomic bomb by the Soviet Union in 1949, Meyer saw his hopes for arms control dissipate and was troubled by the Berlin blockade, the invasion of South Korea and the fact that members of the American Communist Party were infiltrating his globalist organizations. In response, Meyer decided to join the CIA and fight the communists. In 1950, usingmoney from the coservative McCormick family, Meyer formed the Committee to Frame a World Constitution with Robert Maynard Hutchins and Elizabeth Mann Borgese. As a result of this work Meyer made contact with a whole range of international socialist and progressive organizations. It appears that this was done on behalf of the CIA. 1991 version, (1979 original) Deborah Davis, 'Katherine the Great', p.216-219: "Head of the third activity, covert operations, is Phil Graham's [head of the Washington Post] compatriot Frank Wisner, the father of MOCKINGBIRD, whose principal operative is a man named Cord Meyer, Jr... [Meyer was] well liked by Angleton... Meyer had served as a Marine on Guam and emerged from the war an ardent one-world advocate. He became an aide to Harold Stassen at the San Francisco Conference to form the United Nations, but believed that so loose an association of nations could not succeed; in the late forties he founded United World Federalists, an organization that promotes world government as the way to end war. "Within the decade," Meyer had predicted in one of his position papers, "the world will be organized into one political unit. The only question that remains to be sttled is, what form?" The one-world movement was exceptionally strong after the first nuclear bombs were dropped, and the magnetic Meyer became the spiritual leader of it all, overshadowing other people in other groups... In 1952, Cord Meyer showed up as a CIA official in Washington knowing the names and activities of these same trade union and national liberation organizations [all over European countries and their colonies], and the public story was that he had defected from the one-world movement because he had suddenly seen that world government was in danger of becoming Communist. This transformation, so out of character for a man of his methodical intellect, caused people within the movement to believe that World Federalism had been a lengthy intelligence assignment. It is 1956, then, and Meyer, who is Ben Bradlee's brother-in-law, is stationed as a covert operations agent in Europe. Bradlee said in a letter to the author that he was unaware of the nature of Meyer's work. Meyer travels constantly, inciting "student" demonstrations, "spontanious" riots and trade union strikes; creating splits among leftist factions, distributing Communist litirature to provoke anti-Communist backlash. This localized psychological warfare is ultimately, of course, warfare against the Soviets, who are presumed to be the source of every leftist political sentiment in Italy, France, the entire theater of Meyer's operations. In Eastern Europe his aim on the contrary is to foment rebellion." Pilgrims Society member Norman Cousins was a later president of the United World Federalists. Moved to Cambridge and became worried about Communist infiltration in the US and UN institutions. Began to work for the CIA around this point. Became involved with the Committee to Frame a World Constitution somewhere between 1945 and 1950, together with its founders Robert Maynard Hutchins and Elizabeth Mann Borgese (Club of Rome). Went to work for the CIA around 1949. Officially recruited into the CIA by Allen Dulles in 1951, and worked under Frank Wisner and James Angleton. Member of the Georgetown Set, a gathering of important journalists, politicians and CIA officials, and a center of Operation Mockingbird participants. In 1979 Deborah Davis, a journalist who has published articles in the New York Times, published a book about Katharine Graham. The book also looked at the connections between Philip Graham and the CIA. According to Davis, the owner of the Washington Post was a key figure in Operation Mockingbird. According to Davis, Cord Meyer was Mockingbird's "principal operative". The CIA seems to have pressured the publisher into limiting the sale of Davis' book. Came under attack by J. Edgar Hoover and Joseph McCarthy in 1953, who accused him of being a security risk. Meyer, however, supported only a moderate left and was staunchly anti-communist. In 1954, Meyer's Golden Retriever was run over by a car. In 1956, his 9-year old son Michael was hit by a car, at the same spot the family's golden retriever had been killed two years earlier. In 1958, his wife Mary filed for divorce and would later become a mistress of John F. Kennedy. In 1964, she was shot dead in Georgetown. Immediately after her death it turned out that Mary had told her best friend, Anne, to take possession of her diary in case "anything happened to her." When Tony (Mary's sister) and a family member opened the door of the apartment where Mary used to live, they found James Angleton looking around inside, also looking for the diary. Angleton's wife, Cicely, used to be another friend of Mary, which makes things a bit confusing, especially because the diary is not to have contained any sensitive information. In 1954, Meyer replaced Tom Braden at the CIA's International Organizations Division (IOD) as Dulles's personal liaison to Congress of Cultural Freedom operations. He ran the IOD until 1962. Head of the Covert Action Staff 1962-1967. 1991 version, (1979 original) Deborah Davis, 'Katherine the Great', p. 177: "Without asking Katherine [owner of the Washington Post], [President] Kennedy appointed John Hayes, still the [Washington] Post Company's vice president for radio and television, to a secret CIA task force to explore methods of beaming American propaganda broadcasts to Communist China. The other members of the team were Richard Salant, president of CBS News; Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor at Columbia University who had been on the agency [CIA] payroll for several years; Cord Meyer of the CIA [and Operation MOCKINGBIRD]; McGeorge Bundy, special assistant to the president for national security; Leonard Marks, director of the USIA; Bill Moyers, who went on to become a distinquished and highly independent journalist for CBS and then for PBS; and Paul Henze, the CIA chief of station in Ethiopia who had established secret communications capabilities there and who later worked on African problems for Brzezinski in the Carter White House." CIA assistant deputy director of plans (clandestine operations and dirty tricks) 1967-1973, under Thomas H. Karamessines. Worked closely with counter-intelligence chief James Angleton, of whom he was always a supporter. Oversaw the funding and/or managing of Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty, Encounter, Brian Crozier's Forum World Features and the National Student Association. Visited the New York offices of Harper and Row to attempt to stop the publication of Alfred McCoy's 1974 book 'The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia', which described the CIA's involvement in the heroin distribution from the Golden Triangle. CIA station chief in London 1973-1977. Officially resigned from the CIA in 1977. Wrote several books after retiring. Also wrote a column that ran in such papers as the Washington Times. Member of the Metropolitan Club and the Yale Club of Washington. Colleagues have stated that Cord Meyer was hard to get along with. Died in 2001. |
Gen. Carl E. Mundy, Jr. | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's clique; orders assassinations; Kay was photographed with him in 1996 at a garden party for the Secretary of Defense.
Born in 1935. Native of Atlanta, Georgia. BS from Auburn University in 1957. Became a career 2nd lieutenant in the US Marine Corps in 1957, and advanced through grades to general. Served in Vietnam as operations and executive officer of the 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines, 3rd Marine Division, and as an intelligence officer in the Headquarters, III Marine Amphibious Force 1966-1967. MS from the Naval War College in 1977. Commandant US Marine Corps 1991-1995, and in that position a member Joint Chiefs of Staff. Director of Schering-Plough. Director of General Dynamics, together with Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr. soon after Frank Carlucci left. Member Council on Foreign Relations. |
J. Robert Oppenheimer | According to Kay Griggs (2005 interview): Present at Princeton parties with George
Died at Princeton. Nuclear physicist who ran the operation to design the nuclear bombs for the Manhattan Project. Relatively moderate compared to Edward Teller (American Security Council) and Louis Alvarez (Jason Group), who both seem to have played a role in encouraging Israel's secret nuclear program. During the Korean War selected as a member scientific advisory committee of the Office of Defense Mobilization, headed by Charles E. Wilson, a former General Electric executive and Eisenhower's future defense secretary. The purpose of the office was to oversee "top secret research in all the sciences, including atomic." During the first three years of its existence it was an extremely influential body of the U.S. government, completely dedicated to making available raw materials and technical know-how for the war in Korea while at the same time preventing an economic collapse in the United States. James Killian was serving on the committee, as well as future Rockefeller University president Detlev Bronk (Pilgrims Society), Harvard president James Conant (Pilgrims Society) and half a dozen other individuals. Caltech, Princeton and Columbia were represented as well. |
Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr. | According to Kay Griggs: Really good friend of George
Born in 1935. BA from Yale in 1957. Served in the US Navy Reserve 1957-1958. Attended the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. LLB from Harvard Law School in 1961. Practiced law with the New York firm Chadbourne & Parke. Speaks Arabic and French. Entered the Foreign Service in 1962. Served in several capacities in Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania and Morocco. Political officer in Algiers, Algeria, 1973-1975. Deputy chief of mission in Damascus, Syria, 1975-1978. Ambassador to Bahrain 1979-1980. Deputy assistant secretary of defense for Near East and South Asia at the Pentagon 1980-1981. Country director for Arabian Peninsula affairs at the Department of State 1981- 1982. Deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern and South Asian affairs at the Department of State 1983-1985. Deputy assistant secretary of defense 1985-1987. Conducted the US dialogue with the PLO 1988-1990. Ambassador to Tunisia 1987-1991. Joined the U.S. delegation to the 1991 Madrid Middle East Peace Conference. Ambassador to Egypt 1991-1994. Assistant secretary for near eastern affairs 1994-1997. On leaving government, he joined the international law firm of Afridi & Angell, with offices in New York, Washington, D.C., the United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah) and Pakistan. In 2000, the firm became Afridi, Angell & Pelletreau and established a strategic alliance with Baker Botts, with offices in Houston, Austin, Dallas, London, New York, Washington, D.C., and Baku. Counsel to Baker Botts. Director of National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce, the Middle East Institute, AMIDEAST, the Council on Egyptian-American Relations, the American-Iranian Council, Hannibal Club USA, the Tangier-American Legation Society and the Board of Advisors of the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University. He is also on the Board of EFG-Hermes, an Egyptian financial services company. |
Sen. Charles "Chuck" Robb | According to Kay Griggs: Part of the perverted Marine Corps clique (confirms she's talking about Senator Robb)
Born in 1939. BBA, University Wisconsin, 1961. With US Marine Corps, 1961—70. JD, University Virginia, 1973. Law clerk to Hon. John D. Butzner U.S. Court Appeals (4th District), 1973—1974. Attorney Williams & Connolly, 1974-77. Lieutenant governor State of Virginia, 1978—1982, governor, 1982—1986. Am. Council Young Political Leaders Dels. to Peoples Republic of China, 1979. Chairman National Conference Lieutenant Governors, 1979-80. Education Commission of the States, 1984-85. Chairman Jobs for Am.'s Grads. Inc., 1985-90. Chairman Democratic Leadership Council, 1986-88. Visiting professor pub. affairs George Mason University, spring 1987. Partner Hunton & Williams, 1986—1988. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations since the 1980s. U.S. Senator from Virginia, 1989—2001. Former member armed services committee, intelligence committee, senate Dem. policy committee, senate Dem. tech. and communications committee, subcom. on readiness, subcom. on seapower; distinguished professor law & pub. policy George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, 2001—. Co-chmn. Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the US Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction, 2004. Member Iraq Study Group, 2006. Governor Atlantic Institute for International Affairs, 1987. |
Alexander P. Robinson | According to Kay Griggs: Involved in pedophile homosexual games with boys at the Hun School of Princeton. Marine Corps background. Responsible for bringing the Saudis in.
Seems correct. Robinson had a Marine Corps background. Teacher in American History and Latin. Assistant to the assistant headmaster of the Hun School in the 1950s.
May 26, 1956, No. 11, The Mall, publication of the Hun School, page 2: "Mr. Alexander Robinson, graduate of Columbia University and present Hun School Dean of Students, will return to his alma mater to earn an M.A. in English. Be will be on a leave of absence, and 'will return the fol lowing year to resume his Latin and English teaching chores."
Hun School, 1955 Edgerstounian yearbook, pp. 12, 16 (library.hunschool.org): "Charles T. Caddock teaches French and a special English course for foreign students. He holds an M. A. degree from the University of Wisconsin, has attended the Universite de Grenoble and the Sorbonne. Mr. Caddock has gained teaching experience in American and French colleges and has traveled throughout the world. ... Alexander P. Robinson, a graduate of Columbia University, teaches American History and Latin. He also serves as Mr. Furrer's assistant [Paul A. Furrer, assistant headmaster of the Hun School]. Prior to joining the Hun School staff, Mr. Robinson was three years with the U. S. Marine Corps in Korea and North Africa." |
Pat Robertson | According to Kay Griggs: part of the perverted Marine Corps clique (confirms she's talking about Pat Robertson of the 700 Club)
Part of American Security Council and Council for National Policy network.
Born in 1930. BA, Washington and Lee University, 1950. Served in US Marine Corps, 1950—52. JD, Yale University, 1955. MDiv, New York Theological Seminary, 1959. Ordained minister Southern Baptist Convention, 1961-87. Founder, CEO, chairman Christian Broadcasting Network, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 1960—. Host 700 Club, 1968—. Member National Religous Broadcasters (board directors 1973—2006), Kentucky Colonels. Founder, chancellor, president Regent Univ. (formerly CBN Univ.), 1977—. Founder, chairman Operation Blessing International Relief and Devel. Inc., 1978—, International Family Entertainment, Inc., 1990-97, Asia Pacific Media Corp., 1993—. Chairman Starguide Digital Networks, Inc., 1995—, Porchlight Entertainment, Inc., 1995—; founder, president The Christian Coalition, 1989—, The Am. Center for Law and Justice, 1990—, also chairman. Board of directors United Virginia Bank, Norfolk. Member President Task Force on Victims of Crime, Washington, 1982. |
Eugene Victor Debs Rostow | According to Kay Griggs: communist; part of Mob (probably says so because he's Jewish)
Involved with the American Security Council. Another rare neocon eastern establishment person, like Paul Nitze, James Woolsey, etc.
Born in 1913. Son of Victor A. and Lillian (Helman) R.; m. Edna Berman Greenberg; children: Victor A. D., Jessica, Charles Nicholas. AB, Yale University, 1933. LLB, Yale University, 1937. AM, Yale University, 1944. Postgrad., King's College. Postgrad., Cambridge University, England, 1934. MA, Cambridge University, England, 1959. Practice in New York City, 1937-38. Member faculty Law School Yale, 1938–, professor law, 1944-84, professor emeritus, senior research scholar, from 1984, dean, 1955-65, Sterling professor law and pub. affairs, 1964-84. Master Trumbull College, 1966. Distinguished visiting research professor law and diplomacy National Defense University, 1984-90, 92—; under-sec. state for political affairs, 1966-69; president Atlantic Treaty Association, 1973-76; visiting professor University Chicago, 1941; Pitt professor Am. history and institutions, professorial fellow King's College, Cambridge University, 1959-60; William W. Cook lecturer Michigan University, 1958; John R. Coen lecturer University Colorado, 1961; Leary lecturer University Utah, 1965; Brandeis lecturer Brandeis University, 1965; Rosenthal lecturer Northwestern University, 1965; George Eastman visiting professor, fellow Balliol College, Oxford (England) University, 1970-71; Adviser Department State, 1942-44; assistant executive secretary Economic Commission for Europe, UN, 1949-50; member Judicial Council of Connecticut, 1955-66, Attorney Gen.'s National Committee Study Antitrust Laws, 1954-55. Chairman executive committee of the Committee on the Present Danger, 1976-81, 86-92. Director Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1981-83. Fellow Am. Academy Arts and Scis.; member Am. Law Institute, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Delta Phi, Elizabethan Yale Club, Century Association New York City Club, Cosmos Club Washington. Democrat. Jewish. Died in 2002.
2003, Edited by James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease, Probe magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK , and Malcolm X: "It appears that the idea of a Presidential commission to report on the assassination of President Kennedy was first suggested by Eugene Rostow, Dean of the Yale Law School, in a telephone call to LBJ aide Bill Moyers during the afternoon of November 24th. Although the time of this call is missing from the White House daily diary, it is possible to identify the period during which the call was made. Rostow refers to the killing of Oswald, so the call had to be after 2:07 p.m. EST, the time Oswald was pronounced dead. The call appears in the White House daily diary prior to a conversation at 4:40 p.m. between President Johnson and Governor Pat Brown of California. Rostow tells Moyers that he is calling to make a suggestion that a "Presidential commission be appointed of very distinguished citizens in the very near future." ... Eugene Rostow is either the originator of the idea, the first active promoter, or both. We don't know the identity of the individual or individuals with whom he was discussing this on the afternoon of the 24th. ... In 1971 Lyndon Johnson himself provided important parts of the truth. His statement was closer to an accurate account than what was provided by the HSCA six years later. The Committee totally ignored LBJ's account and, as far as the author is aware, so did everyone else for over 20 years. In his book The Vantage Point, Johnson said that Eugene Rostow called the White House on November 24th and suggested a commission, and that Joe Alsop and Dean Rusk also recommended a commission. This account, although brief and incomplete, was closer to the truth than anything said about this between 1963 and 1993. Perhaps it is a tribute to LBJ's lack of credibility that no one paid any attention to this for over 20 years (including the author). The commission idea comes from Rostow, Alsop, and Acheson. It has immediate support from individuals at the Washington Post (James Wiggins) and the New York Times (James Reston). The idea is then supported by Secretary of State, Dean Rusk. " |
Nicholas "Nick" Rostow | According to Kay Griggs: Friend of George; runs the Boston harbor mob with William Weld; Rostows are major bad guys; did all this "drug business" in Mexico for years with [William] Weld.
Born in 1950. Son of Eugene Debs Rostow (1913-2002). Full name is Charles Nicholas Rostow. BA from Yale in 1972. Ph.D. in History from Yale in 1979. JD from Yale in 1982. Went to the Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris at some point. Associated with Shearman & Sterling, New York, 1982-1985. Member of the CFR since 1987. Aide to Abraham D. Sofaer, the State Department's legal advisor, from 1985 to 1987. Sofaer, who was supported by such individuals as Douglas Feith and Daniel P. Moynihan, reinterpreted the SALT treaties for the Reagan administration to find ways to legitimize Star Wars and related programs. Sofaer, a Jew and Zionist himself, also became controversial for his legal rationales for the 1986 Libya bombing and for keeping open the PLO's Washington offices. Deputy legal adviser to the National Security Council March - December 1987. April 1, 1987, New York Times: "Nicholas Rostow, who as the Tower commission's keeper of the detailed chronology of the Iran arms sales should be well familiar with the foibles of the National Security Council..." Married Ariana van der Heyden White in November 1987. Legal adviser to the National Security Council December 1987 - January 1993. Special Assistant to presidents Reagan and Bush for National Security Affairs December 1987 - January 1993. In April 1991, the White House established a vetting process directed by Rostow. Under his direction, administration lawyers refused to provide Congress with certain documents. In their place, Rostow offered oral briefings on the contents of the documents. Executive-branch departments were advised by the White House that "alternatives to providing documents should be explored." August 9, 1992, New York Times: "Democratic lawmakers are also investigating whether Administration officials purposely misled Congress about Iraq policy, either in public testimony, correspondence or conversations, or by withholding documents. One line of inquiry involves the Commodity Credit Corporation program through which Iraq made grain purchases. In the fall of 1989 the Bush Administration was locked in a heated debate about whether to go forward with $1 billion in new credits for Iraq. State Department officials argued that the credits were crucial to improving relations with Baghdad... Democratic lawmakers charge that the Administration conspired to mislead Congress by withholding crucial documents. Representative Henry B. Gonzalez, the Texas Democrat who has taken the lead in the investigations, has said there was a cover-up formulated in meetings held at the White House by lawyers from various Government agencies to coordinate answers to Congressional demands for documents. He has dubbed the group the "Rostow gang" because its chairman was C. Nicholas Rostow... White House officials call the charge absurd, saying that such coordination is routine. But a senior State Department official said that Mr. Baker was indeed upset to learn that Mr. Rostow was trying to control the flow of documents." July 7, 1992, House of Representatives, Henry B. Gonzalez (Hispanic Congressional representative from Texas): "Mr. Speaker, today I will provide an update on the Rostow gang which will reveal that President Bush, his legal adviser, Boyden Gray, and National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft, were all directly involved in the efforts to thwart the congressional investigation of the Iraq policy. I will also detail some of the more prominent examples of why the President is continuing to thwart the Banking Committee's inquiry of the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro... the National Security Council and the State Department received a detailed secret CIA report on BNL indicating that BNL loans were used to fund Iraq's clandestine missile and nuclear weapons procurement program... In April 1991, the National Security Council's legal adviser, Mr. Rostow, called a high-level, interagency meeting to discuss congressional investigations of Iraq policy prior to the invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990. The meeting was chaired by Nick Rostow... Mr. Rostow's previous experience includes playing a key role in the White House efforts to cover up the Iran-Contra scandal and to obstruct a 1988 GAO investigation of then-Vice President Bush's ties to Panamanian leader and drug lord, one Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega. Also at the meeting were President Bush's General Counsel, Boyden Gray, and the top lawyers for the Departments of Justice, Defense, State, Treasury, Commerce, Agriculture, Energy, and the CIA. Each of the agencies had received requests for information from the Congress, and these lawyers were responsible for overseeing the collection and submission of the information. That is where I referred to this high-level legal team as the `Rostow gang.' The Rostow gang established a process whereby a congressional investigation had to hurdle a series of increasingly difficult barriers in order to obtain information from an executive branch agency. Ostensibly the function of the group was to review documents and information applicable to congressional requests for Iraq-related information and to establish a coordinated approach for the dissemination of this information." Professor of Law at the University of Tulsa College of Law 1993-1995. Executive director of the Massachusetts Office of International Trade and Investment (Boston) 1995- 1999. Panel member of the Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People’s Republic of China, better known as the Cox Committee, which existed from June to December 1998 and investigated the role China's illegal acquisition of dual-use technology from the United States. Among the other investigators with long experiences with national security was Lewis "Scooter" Libby (RAND; Northrop Grunman; Defense Policy Board under Perle; co-founder of PNAC; chief of staff to vice president Dick Cheney; indicted in October 2005 in the Valerie Plame affair; in his 1996 novel 'The Apprentice' the following text appears: "At age ten the madam put the child in a cage with a bear trained to couple with young girls so the girls would be frigid and not fall in love with their patrons. They fed her through the bars and aroused the bear with a stick when it seemed to lose interest."). Rostow agreed with the conclusions of chairman Christopher Cox that China had targeted major defense corporations and military installations in their spying endeavours. Staff director for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 1999-2000. Held the Charles H. Stockton Chair in International Law at the U.S. Naval War College in 2001. General counsel and senior policy adviser to the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations October 2001 - October 2005. In these capacities, he was an integral member of the Mission's senior management and representation on the Security Council and in the General Assembly. Rostow's activities included, among other things, representation of the United States on the Security Council's Counter-Terrorism Committee, responsibility for matters involving international criminal tribunals, and participation in the negotiation of Security Council and General Assembly resolutions regarding the Middle East, including Iraq, terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, African conflicts, including Sudan, Congo, Liberia, and Burundi. University counsel and vice chancellor for legal affairs of the State University of New York (SUNY) since November 2005. University Fellow at the Levin Institute of International Relations and Commerce of SUNY and senior counsel of SUNY's Research Foundation since November 2005. Since January 2006, director of Toreador Resource Corporation, an oil and gas company with interests in the Gulf of Mexico, Europe and Turkey. Religion: Jewish. |
Walt Whitman Rostow | According to Kay Griggs: Communist; his report (with General Taylor) got us into the Vietnam War because he wanted to sell weapons, just as Kissinger; Victor Krulak was Rostow's lackey.
Born in 1916 in a Jewish family. Like Eugene, his brother, a son of Victor Aaron and Lillian (Helman) Rostow. BA, Yale University, 1936. Rhodes scholar Balliol College, 1936-38. PhD, Yale University, 1940. Instructor in Economics, Columbia University, 1940-41. Major in the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Army of the United States, 1942-45. Assistant chief German-Austrian economic division of the Department State, 1945-46. Harmsworth professor American history Oxford (England) University, 1946-47. Assistant to executive secretary Economic Commission for Europe, 1947-49. Pitt. professor American history Cambridge (England) University, 1949-50. Professor economic history Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1950-60. Staff member Center International Studies, 1951-60. Deputy special assistant to President for national security affairs National Security Council, 1961. Special assistant to President for national security affairs, 1966-69. Counselor, chairman policy planning council US Department State, 1961-66. U.S. rep., ambassador Inter-American Committee Alliance for Progress, 1964-66. Rex G. Baker Junior professor political economy, departments econs. and history University Texas, Austin, professor emeritus. Member Board Foreign Scholarships, 1969-72, Austin Project, 1982—. Hon. Order of the British Empire. Member Am. Academy Arts and Scis., Am. Philosophical Society, Massachusetts Hist. Society, Texas Philosophical Society, Cosmos Club, Elizabethan Club. Clubs: Cosmos (Washington); Elizabethan (New Haven). Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Member of the Georgetown Set (also called Wisner Gang), which consisted of a group of influential people living in Washington. At first the key members of the group were former members of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). These included Frank Wisner, Philip Graham, David Bruce, Tom Braden, Stewart Alsop and Walt Rostow. Over the next few years others like George Kennan, Dean Acheson, Richard Bissell, Joseph Alsop, Eugene Rostow, Chip Bohlen, Desmond FitzGerald, Tracy Barnes, Cord Meyer, James Angleton, William Averill Harriman, John McCloy, Felix Frankfurter, John Sherman Cooper, James Reston, Allen W. Dulles and Paul Nitze joined their regular parties. Some like Bruce, Braden, Bohlen, McCloy, Meyer and Harriman spent a lot of their time working in other countries. However, they would always attend these parties when in Georgetown. The vast majority were members of the Democratic Party but John Sherman Cooper and Desmond FitzGerald were both left-wing Republicans. As Sally Reston pointed out: "We were liberal anti-Communist, intellectuals, precisely the class and breed that Joe McCarthy hated and whose careers he wanted to ruin. It was the same old battle: the Republican right versus the Democratic left." |
King Faisal of Saudi Arabia (sons) | According to Kay Griggs: Some of his sons were at the Hun School of Princeton with George where they were all abused by Charles Caddock and Alexander Robinson.
Third son of Ibn Saud (1876-1953), the founder of Saudi Arabia. King of Saudi Arabia 1964-1975. Assassinated by his nephew Faisal bin Musaid (went to the U.S.; drug abuser; Arab media speculated he was a CIA asset).
Seven of King Faisal's eight sons went to Princeton's Hun School. Griggs (class of 1955) went to school with Prince Mohamed al-Faisal (class of 1956. Chairman Dar al Maal al Islami Trust (DMI) since 1981, a major bank with directors as Haydar Mohamed bin Laden, Osama bin Laden’s half-brother, and Khalid bin Mahfouz, whose sister Kaleda is one of Osama bin Laden’s wives. (Bin Mahfouz was indicted by the United States in the BCCI scandal). DMI was a major shareholder in Bank Al-Taqwa, shut down for being a centerpiece of Osama bin Laden's financial network. Sued for allegedly helping to finance 9/11, together with his brother, the Saudi intelligence chief and Cercle participant Turki bin Faisal. Trustee King Faisal Foundation) and Saud bin Faisal (Class of 1959; Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia since 1975), both of whom stayed at Russell House. Their mentor indeed was Charles Caddock. Prince Khalid al-Faisal (Born in 1940. Governor of Asir Province. Close friend of Prince Charles. Chairman King Faisal Foundation.) graduated in 1961. Prince Saad bin Faisal (Deputy minister of Ministry of Petroleum. Member of the High Coordination Committee.) graduated also in 1961. Prince Abdul Rahman al-Faisal (Born in 1938. One of the Sudairi Seven. Vice minister of defense and aviation since 1978.) and Prince Bender Faisal (Unclear. Like related to Prince Bandar bin Sultan and Prince Bandar bin Saud bin Khalid Al-Saud, both very influential with the Saudi Arabian kingdom) graduated in 1962. Prince Turki bin Faisal, the later intelligence chief of Saudi Arabia and Cercle contact, could also be found at the Hun School in the early 1960s, but moved to Lawrenceville School, which was also connected to Princeton (December 5, 2006, Hun School, 'Turki Al-Faisal, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia and Former Hun School Student Speaks at Princeton University: "Educating the Future"').
King Faisal's daughter, Princess Haifa, is married to his nephew Bandar bin Sultan , the former long-serving Saudi ambassador to the United States and current Saudi national security adviser (Bandar Bush, the close associate of George H. W. Bush and George Bush). Bandar had been all but disowned by his father Sultan at the time due to his perceived inferior lineage. Faisal, however, forced Sultan to recognize Bandar as a legitimate prince by giving Bandar his own daughter's hand in marriage. Princess Haifa came under public scrutiny for allegedly providing financial assistance to Omar al-Bayoumi's wife, a Saudi national who befriended Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, two of the 9/11 hijackers in the United States. Al-Bayoumi found them an apartment, co-signed the lease, and gave them $1500 to help pay for their rent. Al-Bayoumi also helped the two obtain driver's licenses, rides to Social Security, and information on flight schools. Al-Bayoumi says he was being kind to fellow Muslims in need, and had no idea of their plans. But according to Newsweek magazine a former top FBI official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said, "We firmly believed that he had knowledge [of the 9/11 plot], and that his meeting with them that day was more than coincidence." Al-Hazmi and al-Mihdar's neighbors later reported that the two struck them as quite odd. They had no furniture, they constantly played flight simulator games, and limousines picked them up for short rides in the middle of the night. During this time, al-Bayoumi lived across the street from them.
May/June 1979, Saudi Aramco World, 'America as Alma Mater': "By the attention and encouragement that he gave to the education of his sons, Saudi Arabia's late ruler King Faisal set a personal example that paralleled his country's policy of enthusiastic support for students seeking higher education abroad. Of the King's eight sons, seven went off as boys to the United States for preparatory work at Hun School in Princeton, New Jersey or at nearby Lawrenceville School. All seven then went on to universities in the United States or England. The first to study abroad was Prince Muhammad, the second oldest son. He attended both Lawrenceville and Hun School, then Swarthmore College. ... Prince Khalid, now Amir of Asir Province (See Aramco World, January-February 1974), graduated from Hun School and spent one year at Princeton University - where he captained the soccer team - before going on to Oxford. Prince Sa'ud, the fourth son, also went to Hun School and Princeton. After his graduation in 1965 with a B.A. in economics, he served nearly 10 years in the kingdom's General Petroleum and Minerals Organization (Petromin) and in the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, finally becoming deputy to Shaikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, the minister. None of King Faisal's sons served as ministers in their father's cabinet, but Prince Sa'ud has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government of his uncle, King Khalid. Military careers have absorbed Prince Abd al-Rahman and Prince Bandar. Now an officer, Prince Abd al-Rahman graduated from Hun School and then from England's prestigious Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. After leaving Hun, Prince Bandar attended Pomona and Whittier Colleges in California and later, after completing Royal Air Force pilot training at Cranwell, England, went on to the University of Washington. He is now a captain in the Royal Saudi Air Force. The sixth Saudi prince to attend Hun School was Prince Sa'ad. He too went on to Princeton University, but moved to an English university after a year and a half. Then, with a law degree from Cambridge, he returned for his first assignments: in Petromin and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources. Prince Turki, the youngest of the seven who studied abroad, attended Hun School and graduated from Lawrenceville. He studied at Princeton and Georgetown Universities in the United States, then at Cambridge University and the University of London, where he graduated with a degree in Shari'ah law in 1972. He now serves as an advisor to the government of his uncle the king. ... He and his brothers, Prince Turki went on, took full advantage of the opportunity to see an unvarnished America. He himself, for example, decided to attend Georgetown University, which simultaneously introduced him to Jesuits and national politics. Georgetown, for Turki, was a wholly new experience after the relatively sheltered life of Princeton. Going to Washington D.C. from Princeton, he said, was a definite change. It was leaving a quiet village for a city that was, as one local radio station liked to call it, "the capital of the Free World." The university was also a substantial change, the prince said. "It would have been for any Saudi Arab student, because it was a Jesuit school. As I gradually got to know the teachers, I was struck by a similarity in our outlooks quite different from what I'd expected beforehand from reading history. I discovered that we shared a motive in life: to serve God and, through work, to worship God."" |
Brent Scowcroft | According to Kay Griggs: Personal friend of George.
Born in 1925. Mormon. Graduated from West Point in 1947. Graduated from pilot training in October 1948 and then served in a variety of operational and administrative positions from 1948 to 1953. Received a master's degree in 1953. In July 1953 he was assigned to the Department of Social Sciences at the U.S. Military Academy, where he was appointed assistant professor of Russian history. Remained there until August 1957 when he entered the Strategic Intelligence School in Washington, D.C. From June 1959 to August 1961 Scowcroft was assigned as assistant air attache in the American Embassy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. He then returned to the United States and entered the Armed Forces Staff College. In February 1962 he was transferred to the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado and served as professor and acting head of the Political Science Department. From September 1964 to June 1966 Scowcroft was assigned to Headquarters U.S. Air Force in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Operations, and served in the Long Range Planning Division, Directorate of Doctrine, Concepts and Objectives. He next attended the National War College at Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. Received his PhD in International Relations from Columbia University in 1967. Scowcroft was assigned in July 1968 to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs and served in the Western Hemisphere Region. In September 1969 he was reassigned to Headquarters U.S. Air Force in the Directorate of Plans as Deputy Assistant for National Security Council Matters. In March 1970 he joined the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and became the special assistant to the director of the Joint Staff. Scowcroft was appointed military assistant to president Nixon from 1972 to 1973. Promoted to lieutenant general in 1974. Deputy assistant to the president for national security affairs 1973-1974. National security advisor to Gerald Ford from 1975 to 1977. Co-founder and vice-chairman of Kissinger Associates from 1982 to 1989. Other important managers of Kissinger Associates, besides Kissinger himself, were Lawrence Eagleburger (president), Lord Carrington, Lord Roll of Ipsden, and Pehr Gyllenhammar. Many of the companies Scowcroft owned stock in were large defense contractors, and often clients of Kissinger Associates. Among these companies were Lockheed, General Electric, General Motors, and ITT. 1992, Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown, Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, part 20: "Beginning in the fall of 1986, and continuing through early 1989, BCCI initiated a series of contacts with perhaps the most politically prominent international and business consulting firm in the United States -- Kissinger Associates." Chairman of the President's Commission on Strategic Forces from 1983 to 1984. Early member of the private and secretive United States Global Strategy Council (USGSC), founded in 1983. Among the other members of the USGSC were (retired and active) directors of the CIA, DIA, ONI, and NSA, Army generals, intelligence-connected journalists, ambassadors, Moonie supporters, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei members, SAIC executives, and scientists like Edward Teller. Member of the President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management from 1985 to 1986. Member of the President's Special Review Board (Tower Commission for Iran-Contra) 1986-1987. Chairman of the President's General Advisory Committee on Arms Control from 1987 to 1993. National security advisor to George H.W. Bush from 1989 to 1993. Founder and president of the Forum for International Policy in 1993. Founder and president of the Scowcroft Group in 1994. Mentor to Condoleezza Rice, the National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under George W. Bush. Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board since 2001. Chairman of the Pacific Forum at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Chairman of the American-Turkish Council. Chairman of the Presidential Library Foundation of George Herbert Walker Bush. Director of Qualcomm, Pennzoil-Quaker State, the American Council on Germany, Gerald R. Ford Foundation, George C. Marshall Foundation, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Atlantic Council of the United States, International Republican Institute, and the National Defense University. Sits on the Advisory Board of the American Ditchley Foundation, School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, and OILspace. Honorary advisor to the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce and the National Committee on United States-China Relations' Young Leaders Forum. President of Global Motors. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Has visited Bilderberg. Knight of the Order of the British Empire. In 2004 Brent Scowcroft claimed that Sharon is pulling Bush's strings. Critic of Bush's foreign policy and the neocons. |
Gen. John J. "Jack" Sheehan | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's clique; got Noriega out of Panama with General Jim Joy; member of the Brooklyn/New Jersey Mafia. His father flew in all the drugs for Woodstock. His brother is involved in arms deals.
Born in 1940, Somerville, Massachusetts. BA in English from Boston College in 1962. Commissioned 2d lieutenant US Marine Corps in 1962. MS from Georgetown University in Government. Served in various command positions ranging from company commander to brigade commander in both the Atlantic and Pacific theater of operations. General Sheehan's combat tours include duty in Vietnam and Desert Shield/Desert Storm. His staff positions include duties as regimental, division, and service headquarters staff officer as well as joint duty with the U.S. Army, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the U.S. Atlantic Command. Director for Operations, J-3, Joint Staff. Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic and Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command 1994-1997. Considered for chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff in 1996-1997, but this did not happen. Following his retirement from the U.S. military in 1997, Sheehan served as the Secretary of Defense's Special Advisor for Central Asia. Since 1998, Bechtel's General Manager of the Petroleum and Chemical Business Unit for Europe/Africa/Middle East/South West Asia and Bechtel partner. Member of the Defense Policy Board. In a long-winded op-ed piece in the Palms Beach Post in 1998, retired Marine Gen. Jack Sheehan told of a trip to Cuba where he shared rum and cigars with Fidel. He argued that the U.S. needed a kinder, gentler attitude toward the regime. "Our intelligence data also supported the conclusion that Cuba was not a military threat to the U.S.," Sheehan wrote. Member of the advisory council of Americans For Humanitarian Trade With Cuba (succeeded by the USCUBA Trade Association), together with David Rockefeller (Pilgrims; Le Cercle; 1001 Club; key superclass member), Paul Volcker (Pilgrims; Le Cercle; key superclass member, Frank Carlucci (CIA; Cercle associate), James Schlesinger (CIA; Lehman Brothers, key superclass member), John Whitehead (Pilgrims Society officer; key superclass member), Peter H. Coors (Bohemian Grove; Described as "anti-labor, racist, and homophobic"; created the conservative Heritage Foundation, headed by a member of Le Cercle, together with the CIA cooperator Richard Mellon Scaife), and A.W. Clausen (Bohemian Grove). Interestingly, Oliver Stone and Francis Ford Coppola are other members of the advisory council. Founding patron of the Henry Jackson Society since 2005, together with Richard Perle, the founders of the Project for the American Century, a German neoconservative whose mentor was Fritz Kraemer, and several other supporters of an Anglo-American-Germany axis to control the world. General Charly Wilhelm wrote: "My old friend, General Jack Sheehan, was here to visit you about three years ago." |
George Shultz | According to Kay Griggs: Very good friend of George; the big power guy; "knows a lot"; enemy of Clinton
Pilgrims Society. Bechtel president in the 1970s. Reagan's secretary of state in the 1980s. Immediately rejoined Bechtel, a firm with a long Saudi oil field and CIA history, until 2006. Top-level superclass involved in dozens of NGOs. Very close to David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. |
Gen. Carl Wade Stiner | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's clique; "Stiner's army" does the dirty tricks; involved in training the special forces who killed the WACO cult members; met regularly with George in Beirut in the early 1980s
Born in LaFollette, Tennessee, in 1936. BS from Tennessee Poly. Institute in 1958. Career Commissioned 2nd lieutenant U.S. Army, 1958. Infantry battalion officer, then brigade operations officer in the 4th Infantry Division in Vietnam 1967. Commander 2d battalion, 325 Airborne Infantry Regiment, division operations officer of the 82nd Airborne Division in 1970. MPA from Shippensburg (Pennsylvania) State College in 1975. Commander 1st Infantry Training Brigade, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1975. Chief of staff Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force, 1980. Assistant division Commander of the 82nd Airborne Division. Assistant deputy director for politico-military affairs at the Joint Staff, Washington, until 1984. Commanding general of the Joint Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, North Carolina 1984-1987. Commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division 1987-1988, and XVIII Airborne Corps, Fort Bragg, 1988. Commander of all forces Operation Just Cause in Panama 1989. Commander in chief Hdqrs. U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), MacDill AFB, Florida 1990-1993. Retired from active duty in 1993. Farming consultant La Follette, Tennessee. Career Related Consultant, including to SOCOM, since 1993. Has been warning about the rise of terrorism ever since. Co-author with Tom Clancy of the 2002 book 'Shadow Warriors'. Stiner said that Clancy is granted an high level of access in the military because "We trust him. We know he gets it right." Clancy described Stiner as low-key: "He's a real old fashioned Southern gentleman---who kills people." Clancy wrote two novels, 'Debt of Honor' in 1994 and 'Executive Orders' in 1996, in which a Japanese pilot takes a fuel laden 747 and crashes into the Capitol during a joint session of Congress with the President attending, killing most members of Congress, the Supreme Court and the Cabinet. July 7, 2005, The News Sentinal: "Retired Gen. Carl Stiner says the American public has to understand that the bomb blast that shook London this morning is similar to 911 in America and other terrorist acts in Spain and Bali. "This war on terrorism won't end in my lifetime," said Stiner, who lives in LaFollette, TN, and is a military consultant for the News Sentinel." July 13, 2006, Knoxville News Sentinel: "Stiner, a former four-star general in charge of the U.S. Special Operations Command who continues to work for the Pentagon, said Wednesday that much of the killing is Shiite against Sunni in a barrage of shootings, car bombs and suicide bombings all within the past few days. "All of this has been concentrated in Baghdad, the seat of government. It is a mixture of Shiite and Sunni, with jihadists and criminals, which is a bad combination," Stiner said. "But I do not think this is civil war. The new government is in charge... Stiner said he believes the Iraqi government is "making good progress in conjunction with the new Iraqi army." "We are performing combined operations right now and the Iraqi army has some units now that are doing good work and able to defend themselves," he said... The insurgency, he said, continues to receive help from Syria and Iran, which allow passage through their borders into Iraq. "The American people still have not come to understand that this is a long, complex war," he said. "It is unlike any war we have ever fought. If you look around the world, just (Tuesday) there were many people killed in India with the train explosions. "This threat is not going to go away based on wishful thinking. We have got to hang in there with our allies who are helping us. This is a long war, and we need to understand that.""
According to Kay Griggs, Linda Tripp worked for Carl Stiner in the 1980s, doing clerical work, holding a classified job with the Army's elite Delta Force. Tripp was caught up in the presidential scandal of 1998 in which Monica Lewinsky.
2005 and 2006 Annual Report, Special Operations Warrior Foundation (only years which specifically mentioned board members): "Board of directors and advisors: Carl W. Stiner, Chairman General, USA (Ret.) Former Commanding General, U.S. Special Operations Command ... [followed by two dozen relatively unknown people] ... Board of Advisors: The Honorable Frank Carlucci Former Secretary of Defense; The Honorable John McCain United States Senator Arizona; Edward C. Meyer, General, USA (Ret.) Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; The Honorable Sam Nunn Former United States Senator Georgia ... [and three relative unknowns]..." |
David Alan Stockman | According to Kay Griggs: Seemingly a friend of George.
Born in 1946. BA from Michigan State University, East Lansing in 1968. Graduate studies at Harvard University, 1968-1970 and 1974-1975. Special assistant to US Representative John Bayard Anderson of Illinois, 1970-1972. Executive director of the US House of Representatives Republican Conference 1972-1975. US Representative from the state of Michigan 1977-1981. Director of the Office of Management and Budget 1981-1985. Emerged as one of the most powerful and controversial Office of Management and Budget directors ever. Attracted notoriety when he proposed classifying ketchup as a vegetable for the purposes of federally financed school lunch programs (it would make it cheaper to satisfy the requirements on vegetable content of lunches). The suggestion was widely ridiculed, and the proposal was killed. Managing director of Salomon Brothers 1985-1988. Partner and senior managing director of Pete Peterson's Blackstone Group 1988-1999. Went to the Trilateral Commission meeting of 1990 and 1992. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations since at least 1991. Founded Heartland Industrial Partners in 1999, an industrial-focused private equity firm. Director of Collins & Aikman Corp. 2001-2003, a Detroit-based manufacturer of automotive interior components, and CEO of the company from 2003-2005. Director of Metaldyne, Springs and TriMas. Anno 2006, director of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, together with Paul Volcker and Peter G. Peterson (both Pilgrims). |
Strobe Talbott | According to Kay Griggs: Really good friend of George.
Born in 1946. BA from Yale University in 1968. Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford, where he first met his good friend Clinton. Eastern Europe correspondent for Time Magazine 1971-1973. State Department correspondent for Time Magazine when Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State 1974-1975. White House correspondent for Time Magazine during the presidency of Gerald Ford 1975-1976. Became a member of the CFR in the late 1970s. Diplomatic correspondent for Time Magazine 1977-1984. Washington bureau chief for Time Magazine 1984-1989. Editor-at-large and foreign affairs columnist for Time Magazine 1989-1992. A great supporter of the creation of a global federation and honored in 1992 by the World Federalist Association (WFA). Deputy secretary of state 1993- 2000. Ambassador-at-large and special adviser to the secretary of state on the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union 1993-1994. In a series of marathon meetings, Talbott, Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari and Russian special envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin hashed out the war-ending deal that Milosevic finally accepted on June 3, 1999. Following the surprise deployment of Russian troops into Kosovo at the end of the war, Talbott also negotiated the details of Russia's participation in the KFOR peacekeeping force in Kosovo. Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. Visited the Trilateral Commission throughout the 1990s, and every years since having become president of the Brookings Institution in 2002. Former trustee of the Aspen Strategy Group and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Member of DAVOS / World Economic Forum. |
"General Taylor" | According to Kay Griggs: (?)
General Maxwell Taylor, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who became a Pilgrims Society executive? |
Adm. Harry D. Train II | According to Kay Griggs: Part of the "NWO crowd". Kay Griggs says she knows him well. Seems to imply Train is another good friend of her husband.
Son of Harold Cecil and May (Philipps) T.; Married Catharine Peck Kinnear, July 8, 1950; children: Louise Lucas, Catharine Philipps, Elizabeth Langdon, Cecilia Spencer. Born 1927. Commissioned ensign, U.S. Navy, 1949. Advanced through grades to admiral, U.S. Navy, 1978. Commander, Cruiser-Destroyer Flotilla 8, 1971-72. Director international security affairs East Asia and Pacific Region, Office Assistant Secretary Defense, 1972-73. Director, Systems Analysis Div., Office Chief Naval Operations, 1973-74. Director joint staff, Organization Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1974-76. Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet, 1976-78. Comdr.-in-chief , supreme allied cmdr., atlantic cmd, atlantic fleet, US Navy, 1978-82. Retired, US Atlantic Fleet and NATO supreme allied Commander Atlantic, 1982. Manager Hampton Roads Operations Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), 1989—2006. Member U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century (Hart-Rudman Commission) in 1998. Member U.S. Naval Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, Columbia Country Club, Town Point Club. |
Col. Fahim Qortabawi | According to Kay Griggs: Turned. Came to the U.S. to the State Department to go into hiding. Told Kay Griggs something... probably related to drugs.
Christian. Lebanese Armed Forces liaison officer with the American soldiers present in Beirut in the early 1980s. |
Sen. John W. Warner | According to Kay Griggs: Part of George's Marine Corps clique
Born in 1927. Served with US Naval Reserve, 1944-46. BS Engineering, Washington and Lee University, 1949. LL.B., University Virginia, 1953. US Marine Corps, 1951-52. US Marine Corps Reserve, 1952-64. Law clerk to Hon. E. Barrett Prettyman US Court Appeals (DC cir.), 1953-54. From 1957 to 1973 married to Catherine Conover Mellon, daughter of art collector Paul Mellon (Pilgrims Society; close to British royal family and families as Rothschild, Cecil, Cavendish and the Dukes of Norfolk). Special assistant to U.S. attorney US Department Justice, 1956-57, assistant U.S. attorney, 1957-60. Partner Hogan & Hartson, 1960-68. Owner, operator Atoka Cattle Farm, 1961—1994. Under secretary Department Navy, US Department Defense, Washington, 1969-72, secretary, 1972-74. Administrator American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, 1974-76. US Senator from Virginia, 1979-2008. Chairman armed services committee; member committee on homeland security & governmental affairs, environment and pub. works committee, rules and administration committee, national Rep. senatorial committee; rep. to secretary defense, Law of the Sea Talks, 1969-73, principal US negotiator & signatory, Incidents at Sea Executive Agreement, 1970-72, executive branch rep., Am. Revolution BiCentennial Administration, 1974-76, US del. to 12th Special Session of UN General Assembly, 1982, observer, Geneva Arms Control Talks, 1985. Republican. Episcopalian. NOT a member of the CFR. |
Caspar W. "Cap" Weinberger | According to Kay Griggs: Associate of George; spied on MacArthur and brought him down; pulls a lot of strings these days; member Brooklyn/New Jersey Mafia; involved in a lot of the weapons and drug deals, motorcycle gangs in Europe, and assassinations.
Bechtel vice president under George Shultz. Reagan's secretary of defense, with Shultz becoming Reagan's secretary of state. Pilgrims Society executive. Major West-Coast Anglophile. |
William Weld | According to Kay Griggs: Runs the Boston harbor mob with Nicholas Rostow; did all this "drug business" in Mexico for years with Walt Rostow (Friend of George)
Born in 1945. AB summa cum laude, Harvard University, 1966. Diploma with distinction, Oxford University, England, 1967. JD cum laude, Harvard University, 1970. Law clerk to Hon. R.A. Cutter, Supreme Judicial Court Massachusetts, 1970-71. Partner Hill & Barlow, Boston, 1971-81. Married Susan Roosevelt Weld in 1976 (until 2002), formerly a professor at Harvard University specialising in ancient Chinese civilization and law, and then General Counsel to the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, who is a great granddaughter of Theodore Roosevelt. Associate minority counsel US House of Reps. Judiciary Committee Impeachment Inquiry, Washington, 1973-74. Republican nominee for attorney general, Massachusetts, 1978. US attorney (District Massachusetts) US Department Justice, Boston, 1981-86, assistant attorney general, criminal division Washington, 1986-88. Senior partner Hale & Dorr, Boston, Washington, 1988-90. Governor Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, 1991—1997. Weld resigned the governorship after being appointed United States Ambassador to Mexico by President Bill Clinton. He was never confirmed by the United States Senate, however, and hence never served as Ambassador. Republican nominee for US Senate, Massachusetts, 1996. Partner McDermott, Will & Emery LLP, New York City and Boston, 1997—. Actor: (films) Traffic, 2000 (about a Mexican drug cartel; a number of other Senators play in this movie). Principal Leeds Weld & Co., New York City, 2001—2006 (describes itself as the United States's largest private equity fund focused on investing in the education and training industry. Its board of advisors is chaired by Rudolph W. Giuliani). During the reelection campaign of President George W. Bush (in 2004), who was running against Weld's old foe John Kerry, Weld helped Bush to prepare for the debates. Weld publicly endorsed Mitt Romney for the presidency on January 8, 2007. Weld currently serves as the co-chairman for Romney's campaign in New York State. 1996, Robert Parry for The Consortium, 'The Kerry-Weld Cocaine War': "WASHINGTON -- The sudden uproar over a decade-old story -- cocaine smuggling linked to the CIA-backed Nicaraguan contra rebels -- could reverberate with special intensity in Massachusetts, where the controversy has the potential for affecting the outcome of a close Senate race. That race pits John Kerry, the Democratic senator who led the investigation into contra drugs, against Republican William Weld, the chief of the Justice Department's criminal division when the contra-drug allegations were emerging as a national issue and when the Iran-contra scandal broke in the fall of 1986. In new testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Oct. 23, one of Kerry's former investigators, Jack Blum, fingered Weld as the "absolute stonewall" who blocked the Senate's access to vital evidence linking the contras and cocaine. "Weld put a very serious block on any effort we made to get information," Blum told a crowded hearing room. "There were stalls. There were refusals to talk to us, refusals to turn over data." Weld has denied those charges and insisted that he conscientiously pursued the allegations... An investigation by The Consortium has uncovered new evidence that buttresses Blum's charge that Weld stonewalled the contra-cocaine allegations... According to other internal Justice Department documents, Weld continued to just say no when it came to Senate requests for advancing the contra-cocaine inquiries. Later in November 1986, Weld personally edited a letter to Kerry denying federal protection to Wanda Palacio, the woman who claimed to have witnessed Medellin cartel cocaine shipments connected to the CIA and the contras. But by rejecting Palacio as not credible, Weld had blocked her attempts to become a federal witness. Into 1987, Weld and his criminal division continued the pattern of failing to follow leads from other potentially valuable CIA-cocaine witnesses, such as George Morales who alleged before the U.S. Senate that the Colombian cartel had given a ton of cocaine which the contras smuggled into the United States through Costa Rica... Weld's friendships with key Washington journalists also helped him fend off contra-cocaine damage to his reputation in the late 1980s. Not only was Weld pals with prominent Boston Globe writers, he had a close personal relationship with Newsweek bureau chief Evan Thomas and other influential members of the press corps from the Harvard alumni set. That story of a pro-Weld press remains pretty much the same today. The Globe hits Kerry for alleged decade-old ethical lapses after his marriage break-up, while Weld escapes any serious scrutiny over whether he shirked his public duty to enforce criminal drug smuggling laws for political reasons. Weld also has been one of the chief beneficiaries from the big-media attacks on the Mercury News contra-crack series. Over the past two weeks, The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times joined The Washington Post in bashing that series, while continuing to accept the CIA's word about little or no contra drug trafficking." |
Colonel Oliver "Ollie" Whipple, Jr. | According to Kay Griggs, 17 minutes in: "The Vietnam War, I know a lot about that. About the MAG-SOG program and the Phoenix Program, because George was involved... He and Al Gray and Louis Buehl and Michael O'Boyle and Ollie Whipple were [involved]... [There] was a mob-military partnership. Joint. It was a Joint operation in Korea. And in Vietnam. The highest levels of the Marine Corps and the Army, in those special operations [circles], the individuals are actually in the mob. I'm talking the Brooklyn-New Jersey mob. My husband, Al Gray, Sheehan, they're all Brooklyb [mob]." Graduated from the Phillips Academy in 1954, the same elite high school where George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and Jeb Bush graduated from. Graduated from Yale University in 1958. Two tours of duty in Vietnam, returning for the second time in 1972. Ended up as deputy director for Marine Corps history at Marine Corps headquarters in Washington, D.C. in the early 1980s. middendorfbullock.com/sitemaker/sites/ midden0/obit.cgi?user=1153749WhippleJr (accessed: July 7, 2016): "Colonel Oliver M. Whipple, Jr. USMC, fondly known as “Skipper” to his men, died peacefully on October 23, 2013... Ollie was born on December 7, 1935. He graduated from Yale University [in 1958] and was commissioned as an officer in the United States Marine Corps on June 4, 1958 as a 2nd Lieutenant. His decorated career as a United States Marine included two tours in Vietnam. Some of his fondest memories were serving with the Fox 2/7 in Vietnam and with the 1st Battalion, 6th Marines in Camp Lejeune. Ollie retired from the Marine Corps on July 1st, 1988, having been promoted to the rank of Colonel. ... Following is Colonel (then Major) Whipple's Silver Star Citation: The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Major Oliver M. Whipple, Jr. (MCSN: 0-76023), United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving as Commanding Officer, Company F, Second Battalion, Seventh Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), in Thanh Lam (2), Republic of Vietnam on 16 March 1967." 1973, Phillips Academy: Andover Bulletin, Vol. 67-68, p. 52: "Class of 1954: ... One place I never fantasized about was Vietnam, but one of our number spent a good deal of time there. He is Ollie WHipple, who according to a brief note "returned from a second Vietnam tour in August, 1972... Ollie attended a school in computer sciences after his return to the United States and was scheduled to be assigned to Marine Corps Supply Activity last summer." 1981, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts: Andover Bulletin, Vol. 75-79, p. 51: "Ollie's deputy director for Marine Corps history at Marine Corps headquarters in Washington." |
Gen. Charles Elliott "Charlie" Wilhelm | According to Kay Griggs: She met him in Norway; part of George's clique; special
friend of George; George worked for him in the 1990s; general in Miami; his wife said to Kay: "Oh well, he has to, gay sex is the
norm" and Wilhelm himself said: "You women don’t understand… There's so much pressure."
BS in Journalism from Florida Southern College in 1964. Grad. Army Infantry Officers Advanced Course, Naval War College, 1982 MS, Salve Regina College, 1983 Career Commissioned 2nd lieutenant US Marine Corps, 1963, advanced through grades to general; assistant chief of staff for operations II Marine Expeditionary Force, 1989; director operations US Marine Corps Hdqrs., 1989-90; deputy assistant secretary defense for policy and missions Office of Assistant Secretary Defense Special Operations, Low Intensity Conflict, 1990-92; commanding general 1st Marine Division, 1992-94; Commander Marine Forces Somalia, 1992-93; commanding general Marine Corps Combat devel. Command, Quantico, Virginia, 1994-95; commanding general various forces US Marine Corps, 1995-97; Commander U.S. Southern Command, Miami, Florida, 1997-2000. At the website of the World Security Network, Wilhelm wrote: "My old friend, General Jack Sheehan, was here to visit you about three years ago." |
Edwin P. "Ed" Wilson | According to Kay Griggs: One of George's best friends. A really bad guy.
Born in 1928. Came from an impoverished farm in Idaho and had to work as an attendant in a laundry room to put himself through college in Oregon. Degree in psychology. With the Marine Corps from 1953 to 1956 and fought in the last days of the grKorean War. Went to work for the CIA, where his main task became setting up front companies that would be used to covertly ship supplies around the world. Made a small fortune in this business. First came to know CIA rogues Ted Shackley and Thomas Clines in the early 1960s, when they were all working on preparations for the invasion of Cuba. Officially retired from the CIA in 1971. Went to work for Task Force 157 in 1971, a Naval Intelligence (ONI) operation which had been created in the mid 1960s to focus specifically on intelligence gathering. The reason for its creation was that the CIA became more and more well known due to its massive involvement worldwide in training foreign armies, and overthrowing and assassinating foreign government leaders. Agents of Task Force 157 set up shipping companies in harbors around the world through which they mainly spied on the Soviet Navy and nuclear cargos. It was a very secure and effective operation. Of all the locations worldwide, Wilson's office was set up in Washington, D.C. In this function he reported to Ted Shackley and CIA field officers Patry E. Loomis and William Weisenburger, leading to suspiciations that Wilson infiltrated Task Force 157 on behalf of the CIA. It has been claimed that Wilson became an expert in supplying all kinds of spy gear and-or that he set up corporate covers for others to use. During this time he was a close associate of Robert Keith Gray, who in turn was closely connected to the Franklin Affair and said to be an expert in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA. During this time, on an official spy salary of $35,000 a year, Wilson owned a $4 million estate in Virginia, where he received senators, congressmen, other politicians, generals, admirals, and senior intelligence officers. It soon became known that Wilson was selling his services for high fees to foreign governments and corporations that wanted US government contracts or weapons. When Bobby Ray Inman had become head of the Office of Naval Intelligence in 1976, Wilson not only told him about Task Force 157, but also that he could influence appropriations bills for the Navy if more business came his way. The result was that Inman, amazed that a Task Force member ran his own private operations, ordered that Wilson's Task Force contract would not be renewed. The next year he also cancelled the whole operation, causing widespread bitterness among Task Force 157 members. After he had been sacked from ONI's Task Force, Wilson kept operating the shipping and consulting corporations he had set up, the largest of them Consultants International (once a CIA proprietary, until Wilson bought it in 1971). He amassed a fortune of some $20 million, mainly in the arms trading business. In late 1975, Wilson, together with his close associate Frank Terpil, began to do business with Qadaffy, selling the dictator rifles and explosives. In 1977, he sold 42,000 pounds of C-4, comparable to the entire US domestic supply, to Qadaffi. Wilson then hired former Green Berets to set up an intensive instructional training program to teach the Libyans how to work bombs into lamps, ashtrays and radios. During this time he kept on close terms with his friends Ted Shackley (CIA), Air Force General Richard Secord and Thomas Clines (CIA), and was still receiving business referrals from the CIA (similar to, for example, Richard Mellon Scaife). Many employees from Wilson were active or retired CIA agents. Wilson carried out assassinations, mostly for Qaddafi, but also against his own business partners if they had double-crossed him. Besides his Virginia estate, Wilson had an apartment in Geneva, a hunting lodge in England, a seaside villa in Libya and real estate in North Carolina, Lebanon and Mexico. The cash seemed to flow as freely as the hospitality in Wilson's world. Paul Cyr, for example, who then worked for the Pentagon, came to the Wilson farm for turkey shoots and wound up accepting cash bribes for, among other things, allowing Wilson to plant bugs in the Army Materiel Command. (In 1982, Cyr pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from Wilson and agreed to cooperate with the federal prosecutors.) Another Wilson associate said he had seen cash distributed to a long list of congressmen and government officials, and that "whatever else you call it, blackmail was the name of the game." The same man maintained that Wilson had installed tape recorders in his Washington, D.C. office, in his limousines and at the farm, and added. "I assumed that almost everything said was recorded." Affidavit of Colonel Edward Cutolo, signed March 11, 1980: "Following a lengthy discussion with Col. Baker [in Dec. 1975], I was introduced to Mr. Edwin Wilson and Mr. Frank Terpil. Both Wilson and Terpil were in the employ of the Central Intelligence Agency. Both Wilson and Terpil inquired if I was interested in working for short periods of time in Colombia and I acknowledged that I was. 5. In Feb., 1976, I commanded the second Watch Tower Mission into Colombia... The purpose of Operation watch Tower was to establish a series of three electronic beacon towers... to emit a signal that aircraft could fix on and fly undetected from Bogota into Panama, then land at Albrook Air Station... The cargo flown from Colombia into Panama was cocaine... Noriega normally was in the company of other PDF [Panama Defense Force] officers known to me as Major Diaz-Herrera, Major Luis del Cid, Major Ramirez. Also present at most of the arrivals, was Edwin Wilson, and an unidentified male Israeli national [Micha Harari]... 17. Mr. Edwin Wilson explained that it was considered that Operation Watch Tower might be compromised and become known if politicians, judicial figures, police and religious entities were approached or received word that U.S. Troops had aided in delivering narcotics from Columbia into Panama. Based on that possibility, intense surveillance was undertaken by my office to ensure if Watch Tower became known of, the U.S. government and the Army would have advance warning and could prepare a defense... 19. The surveillance was unofficially dubbed Operation George Orwell. 20. I instituted surveillance against Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Edward King, Michael Dukakis... Surveillance at my orders was instituted at the Governors' residences of Massachusetts, Maine, New York, and New Hampshire. The Catholic cathedrals of New York and Boston were placed under electronic surveillance also. In the area of Ft. Devens, all local police and politicians were under some sort of surveillance at various times... 74. I was notified by Edwin Wilson that the information forwarded to Wash. D.C., was disseminated to private corporations who were developing weapons for the Dept. of Defense. Those private corporations were encouraged to use the sensitive information gathered from surveillance on U.S. Senators and Representatives as leverage to manipulate those Congressmen into approving whatever costs the weapons systems incurred... 77. As of the date of this affidavit, 8,400 police departments, 1,370 churches, and approx. 17,900 citizens have been monitored under Operation Orwell. The major churches targeted have been Catholic and Latter Day Saints. I have stored certain information gathered by Operation Orwell on Ft. Devens, and pursuant to instructions from Edwin Wilson have forwarded additional information gathered to Wash. D.C. 78.... Certain information was collected on suspected members of the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group. Among those that information was collected on were Gerald Ford and President Jimmy Carter. Edwin Wilson indicated that additional surveillance was implemented against former CIA director George Bush, who Wilson named as a member of the Trilateral Commission." Bill Tyree added that Wilson handed over to Noriega detailed information about the navies of the United States and other countries around the world. Cutolo died in a car crash in England in May 1980. Col. Robert Bayard had been killed in Georgia in 1977 and Cutolo claimed he had been assassinated by the Israelis. Col. A.J. Bo Baker (the best friend of Col. Bo Gritz in Delta Force) died in Germany on March 24, 1980, just after allegedly having received the original copy of Cutolo's affidavit. Col. Nick Rowe was killed in the Philippines in April 1989, just after having planned to go public with the affidavit in the aftermath of Iran Contra. Hugh Pearce, who received a copy of Cutolo's affidavit and was planning to go public, died in a helicopter crash in June 1989. Congressman Larkin Smith, who received a copy of Cutolo's affidavit and had been planning to meet Rowe and Pearce, died in a plane crash in August 1989. Paul Neri, who also had a copy of the affidavit, was killed in April 1990. After Neri's death, one of his anonymous friends send Cutolo's affidavit to persons who made it more widely known. Bo Gritz also exposed the story of these men in his 1991 book 'Called to Serve'. In the early 1980s, Wilson was charged with the selling of the huge amount of C4 explosives, which was only found out about in an indirect way. While Frank Terpil had disappeared, Wilson was convicted in 1983 and received a total of 52 years in prison. He was released, however, in October 2003 after it became known that prosecutors knowingly used false testimony to undermine Wilson's defense. Inspector General investigations, some partially redacted, made available to Wilson's prosecutorial team, dating as far back as 1977, proved that Wilson had provided a number of often embarrassing services for the CIA since his official retirement in 1971. Those records also showed no less than 80 "non-social" contacts between Wilson and the CIA between 1971 and 1978. The Agency had many records, some still classified, of Wilson meeting with Agency personnel - especially Shackley, Clines or Shackley's secretary. The CIA was "operationally tasking" Wilson and his employees to accomplish specific objectives in Libya before, during and after delivery of the C-4. Both the Justice Department and the CIA had witness statements that the CIA had been tasking and debriefing Wilson's employees at exactly the same time that Wilson's employees were training Qadaffy's troops. Interestingly, Libya was blamed by Reagan officials as a terrorist nation made possible by the communists. Ten years after Wilson & Co., Adnan Khashoggi and Tiny Rowland began doing the exact same business with Qadaffy. During his trial, Wilson claimed that his partners in the Egyptian American Transport and Services Corporation (EATSCO) were Ted Shackley, Richard Secord, Thomas Clines and Erich von Marbod (Protege of Henry Kissinger; covert operations advisor at the Forty Committee; retrieved the most sensitive US equipment from Vietnam at the end of the war, together with apparent heroin king Richard Armitage, and stashed it in Thailand and the Philippines; told Col. Bo Gritz he was interested in retrieving some of the huge Japanese war loot stashed in the Philippines; close to James Schlesinger of the CIA, the Shah of Iran and General Secord; director of the Defense Security Assistance Agency (DSAA) 1981-1982 (administers the Foreign Military Sales program; the DSAA receives a 3 percent commission on the defense equipment it sells to foreign countries); after the EATSCO affair, Marbod went to work for Frank Carlucci in Switzerland; hired by General Howard Fish (DSAA director 1974-1978; Lockheed; Loral Space & Communications; chair American League for Exports and Security Assistance, which lobbied Congress for foreign sales) to work for LTV, a defense corporation that was acquired in 1992 by Lockheed and Martin Marietta, and was involved in developing stealth technology). EATSCO reportedly received an exclusive contract from the Pentagon to ship US arms to Egypt following the signing of the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel in 1978. These accords relieved the tensions between Egypt and Israel, and was the end of Egyptian leadership of the Arab world against Israel. All these men had to resign from their government posts, but were not put on trial. One of Col. Bo Gritz's contacts in the Office of the Secretary of Defense told him in 1988 that the Congressional Research Service was unable to provide him any information about Erich von Marbod and Richard Armitage. Files on their duty stations, assignments and responsibilities during the period in question had all disappeared. Together with Shackley and others, Wilson had also worked with Bernie Houghton, a representative of the Nugan Hand, the bank which laundered heroin money coming from the Golden Triangle. Like Shackley, Hand also supported Ian Smith's white supremacist government in Rhodesia. Houghton and Shackley had been brought together by General Richard Secord. |
Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein | According to Kay Griggs: Operatives. Woodward went to Rush River Lodge.
Journalists of the liberal Georgetown Set/CIA-tied Washington Post. Broke the curious Watergate affair. |