Local Study: HOT White Women 46x Over-represented in Third World Migrant Sex vs Hot White Men; Hidden: H. Pylori, Blastocystis and other STDs among up to 95% of Immigrants
"If I wouldn't have taken [black] Antilleans as customers, then I would have avoided three out of four robberies. If I wouldn't take Moroccans, I would have avoided two rapes and would have avoided the other robbery. If I would have rejected black men, then I would have less experiences with STDs. [But] I don't discriminate. ... Those "NL [white] only" girls [just] don't want to bite through it a little...
"[Then again, just] walking through a party with your arm nonchalantly around the neck of such a beautiful black man. That was status [and] chic [because] you can nicely show how good you are because you don't discriminate, but also because there is a ghetto culture [that] fascinates. ... We [women] choose stable men, but we get horny from the dangerous guy who just doesn't care - but still belongs to a social group."
A pre-TikTok white prostitute being a good girl. 1
"The infection by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe [is] to begin the bastardization of the European continent... to deprive the white race of the foundation for a sovereign existence. [It's the] road to world domination. ... France ... will sink into the European-African mulatto state [while] black parasites are systematically defiling our inexperienced, young blonde girls and thereby destroying something that can no longer be replaced in this world: [The] Aryan-Nordic... the Prometheus of Mankind."
1925, Adolf Hitler, 'Mein Kampf', pp. 317, 629-630, 704-705, 735, 751. (German original screenshot) Blames "zhe Jews", and equates "internationalism" (globalism) with them as well, similar to the post-WWII Liberty Lobby.
This quote is not an endorsement of Hitler's WWII policies. It's just to show that the "white replacement" theory is far older than 1996. And it was written by someone who already had received financial support from the globalist-tied industrialist Fritz Thyssen and one of two most powerful World War I generals. 2
"Swedes have to be integrated into the new Sweden. The old Sweden isn't coming back. ... If two equally merited people are applying for a job somewhere where there are few immigrants, then the one named Mohammed should get the job. It should be seen as a plus to have a different ethnicity than the Swedish one. ...
"I can't figure out what Swedish culture is. I think that's sort of what makes so many Swedes jealous of immigrants. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that binds you together. And what do we have? We have midsummers eve and "dorky" things like that."
2000-2002, Swedish immigration minister and 1994-1995 deputy PM Mona Sahlin 3, a 1996 Bilderberg visitor who was groomed through her family and Davos to become prime minister in 1996 - this until the 1995 "Toblerone affair" derailed that. She was one of 200 "Global Leaders for Tomorrow" of Davos in 1993, the same year as Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson, Jacob Wallenberg, Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Bono of U2, Larry Summers, Jose Maria Aznar (PM Spain 1996-2004), Tony Blair (PM UK 1997-2007), Guy Verhofstadt (PM Belgium 1999-2008), Angela Merkel (chancellor of Germany 2005-2021), Gordon Brown (PM UK 2007-2010), Nicolas Sarkozy (president France 2007-2012), and even the future "alt right" Viktor Orban (PM Hungary 1998-2002, 2010-). 4
"[We wanted] to explore how people who had been brought up as white might become unwhite. ... The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Of course we expected bewilderment from people who still think of race as biology. ...
"Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed - not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed."
Sep.-Oct. 2002, Dr. Noel Ignatiev reprint from the book 'When Race Becomes Real' (2002) in Harvard Magazine, p. 30. (PDF) Dr. Ignatiev was a communist-antifa Students for a Democratic Society activist in the 1960s, who in the 1980s received preferential treatment to get a Harvard MA and Ph.D. Tutor at Harvard College 1986-1992, getting fired over his overly feverish opposition to a kosher toaster oven. Fellow at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research, tied to the black elite Boule fraternity and "liberal CIA" foundations as Rockefeller 5, Ford 6 and Soros. 7
"Tolerance is an ugly word. ... The people who talk about tolerance are the most intolerant people. ... Just listen to the sound of the word tolerance. There is hostility in it. Already you accepted there is no possibility of friendship. ... There is no need for tolerance if there is no hostility. It is simply to cover up hostility."
Indian guru Osho. 8
^^IntroSleeping with the enemy
In earlier articles it has been discussed that Third World immigrants from Africa and the Middle East:
- have anywhere from 2.5x to 86x the crime numbers, with violent crime and sex crimes against women being particularly strongly overrepresented;
- have anywhere from 5 to 20 points lower genetic IQ, with proof existing that (immigrant-dominated) repeat street criminals only have an average IQ of 80 9, meaning these people "can barely recognize cause and effect". 10;
- have been criticized for being a gang-assaulting menace towards young girls at swimming pools for decades;
- display a combined 17x more hate towards Jews, homosexuals, and western society than (Christian) whites to these groups and Islamic society.
- are major supporters of terrorism towards white society and especially Israel;
- with polls showing there's always been 70%+ open white opposition to Third World immigration, and often 80%+, with few openly supporting it - in contrast to the endless propaganda we see in the media, politics, and "liberal CIA"-funded action groups.
Looking at all this data, it can be argued that it is perfectly legitimate to say that someone who is sleeping with these problematic ethnicities to western society, and certainly having babies with them, is "sleeping with the enemy", being a "race traitor", and committing "treason".
Do I see the nuances? I certainly do. Especially from my high school era, I remember (well-behaved) Hindu, Indonesian and (25-50%) black girls I had very strong feelings for. And although some serious problem cases were observed, I also don't want to judge the black and Arab boyfriends of the white girls I observed too much either. They either didn't chose to come here, or our rulers opened the possibility for them.
But certainly from a sustainability level for western society, I would have to conclude that these type of relationships, in combination with a way too low white birth rate, are too problematic to allow to continue. If white girls want to experiment, great, go organize sex vacations to Africa, and, as you will see, get tested really well before and after you come back.
^^Interracial sex: a local studyAll white-on-black sex: white women 4x overrepresented, 23x with Arabs
Always looking for data over assumption with regard to algorithmic Instagram and TikTok-presented propaganda that white women actually are REALLY sexually attracted to black men - in contrast to white men to black women, and vice versa - I started counting interracial couples in and around the local immigrant ghetto mall here in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This was done in particular, because I couldn't find myself in the studies discussed earlier in which it was concluded that white women marry black men 2.5 times as often as white men marry black women. To me, looking at couples around this mall, it seemed that white women should be marrying black men at least 6 or 7 times more than in reverse - because that's the impression I have been getting of the ratio here.
The only way to verify this observation, was to start counting, which was started in late June 2023. The observed numbers might be slightly more updated, as I'm going to try to make some extra pictures, but at this moment they constitute:

- A 42-11 ratio (3.8 to 1) of black guy-white girl versus white male-black girl couples.
- A 23-1 ratio of Arab guy-white girl versus white male-Arab girl couples.
- A 3-2 ratio of Indian guy-white girl versus white male-Indian girl couples.
- A 68-14 ratio (4.9 to 1) of Third World immigrant guy-white girl versus white male-Third World immigrant girl couples.
- A 0-3 ratio of a white guy with Far East Asian woman. We're talking here about somewhat obese and mildly attractive women and men, from 20 to 40.
Hot white-on-black, -Arab and -Indian sex: HOT white women 46x overrepresented
Instantly we have to put a stop to the above seemingly accurate way of "unbiased" tallying though, as quickly it became clear that there tends to be a SHOCKING, MASSIVE, observable difference in the types of couples observed. Namely, if we separate the "hot to mostly superhot" (7.5-10) couples - at least in case of the women - we see the following statistics:
- A 24-1 ratio of "(super)hot white girls with half decent (or great-)looking BLACK street kids/men" versus "hot black woman with white guy" - most being in their teens and twenties.
- A 19-0 ratio of "(super)hot white girls with half decent (or great-)looking ARAB street guys" versus "hot Arab woman with white guy" - all being in their teens and twenties at the moment.
- A 3-0 ratio of "young (super)hot white girls with half decent (or great-)looking INDIAN street kids" versus "young hot Indian woman with white guy" - all being in their teens and twenties at the moment.
- A 46-1 ratio in total involving hot white women with black and Arab guys versus hot black/Arab/Indian women being with white guys.
Average white guys get UGLY immigrant women, average black and Arab men get the HOTTEST white girls
To continue with the past two section: well over half of all the young white girls dating negroes, Arabs, or Indians were absolutely SMOKING hot 8s, 9s, and 10s - little flirts with there being the powerfully "exciting", "adventurous", "naughty" vibe - like they are couples on their first or second date.
In contrast, almost all the white men dating black, Arab and Indian women were very, very generic couples: unattractive to mildly atractive, lots of obesity, older, etc. There's only one exception here at the moment.
The only Indian woman with a white man I saw involved a couple in their 60s, the woman dressed like a westernized, grey, short-haired tennis-mom, with the largely bald white man looking haggard. In contrast, the three white women with Indian boyfriends were teens, one girl in particular being a glowy, blond, superpretty 10 seemingly very purposely making out with the Indian guy inside a busy supermarket (with barely any white people) to make some kind of statement. The Indian guys, in contrast to most negro boyfriends and Arabs, actually were very pretty, with perfectly-groomed hair.
For Arabs, just about every white woman - Arab male couple was very young: teenagers and early twenties. In contrast, the only white male - "Arab" woman I saw involved a mostly bald, thin, short 58-year-old (or so) white man with an obese, 48-year-old (or so), western-clothing-wearing Turkish woman. It's a completely and totally different demographic.
The white women dating negroes mostly should be referred to as "girls", because there's tons of teens and girls that barely hit 20. Once again, many are smoooooooooking hot and perfectly groomed and clothed, while the very average black boyfriends walk next to them in track suits, socks in flipflops; basic, tradional haircuts, with no signs of working out (except a little the guy in the top title picture). Below though is a summary for the 11 white male - black female couple observations. Here too you can see we're talking about a whole other universe in terms of demographics and looks:
- A very pretty black woman walking with her quite attractive white boyfriend. Also here there was no apparent giddiness. It was quite mature and somber.
- An unattractive, overweight 40+ couple.
- A 50-year-old frail, ugly white male with grey horseshoe (non-)hair, looking like he bought a slightly-apprehensive-looking 28-year-old short-haired, overweight, below-average-looking black girl.
- A 30+ average-looking white rasta reggae loser stoner type with an impressively ugly 40+-looking black woman.
- A 30+ couple, both with thick glasses, but not ugly. The man was very short, pale, unfit and geeky-looking. The black woman was seriously overweight and half dressed in traditional African clothing.
- A young couple in their early 20s at most: a decent-looking white guy with a somewhat obese, friendly-looking, well-behaving ("integrated"), short-haired, little make-up-wearing black girl.
- A young couple in their early 20s at most: a fat white guy with a similar black girl as above.
- A young couple in their early 20s at most: a fat white guy with a similar black girl as above.
- A pasty-white, frail, bespeckled white man carrying a baby with a loud, somewhat fat, unattractive black woman.
- A young couple in their early 20s at most: a pasty-white, nerdy, fatty, bespeckled, down-syndrome white guy with a fat, bespeckled woman that would be pretty if she lost 70lb.
- A 65-year-old white man with half-long hair looking like a bit "Bohemian", with a black woman seemingly about 20-25 years longer with a traditional African haircut with multicolored beads in it.
Again: the demographics are totally different than in reverse. There are no examples here of handsome young white guys walking the streets and banging average to hot black and Arab girls.
Also in the neighborhood there lives a completely dysfunctional 50+ white male - black female couple, which wasn't counted, because they were already known to the author. Both, even more so the wife, are physically unattractive. Also not counted in the neighborhood is a one-time pretty hot woman, with still a great figure, who had two kids with a black guy that ran off. Despite being above-average attractive, *somehow* no man seems interested in dating her over the years. Also not counted were various past observations, all of which fit the above narrative: a hot kink of a kindergarten teacher, with an relatively unattractive big black bouncer boyfriend, heavily flirting with her "assets" towards this guy, not long before getting a baby with a white guy. Or the "all proper" decent-looking-but-boring white male student with his fully-integrated, short-haired, mildly-attractive black girlfriend. I counted none of that.
Hot Arab girls dating white guys should be possible though. I have had plenty of extremely pretty Moroccan girls interested in me. Ultimately due to ISGP, I don't date. However, the idea of actually "dating" them, seems next to impossible. There's going to be a ton of family baggage and endless cultural differences to undo. Then there's the resentment issue: that these people simply shouldn't be here.
Sure, if all it takes to bang them is say "Yeah, sure" and I get mindfucked by their endless "sweet talk" - as is the case with girls - things could be different.
But yes, it can't be stressed enough that the white women in this personal street study in the majority of cases were WAAAY hotter than the black guys. The black guys mostly are just street kids, from tall, lanky Somalians to tiny tracksuit-wearing Ugandans. One was a lookalike of Travis Scott with the girl being able to pass for a Kylie Jenner.
It's the same with the white girls dating Arabs, most just absolutely smokingly hot. To paint you an image: a tiny 5 foot 3 (160cm), thin, clearly-not-wealthy, not particularly attractive Arab guy with a small sleeve tattoo and a full-on Muslim beard dating an absolutely 10: a blond white girl, bright eyes and smile, prancing and dancing around, dangling her phone sideways in the air, tanned supertight legs wearing supershort jeans hotpants. And that's just one of the countless "What the fuck is going on here"-scenes. I'm actually most bothered with that couple I didn't take a picture. You have to see it to believe it. But it's by no means all I should have photographed.
Walks of shame
It should also be mentioned that more than a few of these hot white women are doing veritable "walks of shame" with these type of black and Arab guys, one of them an 18-year-old wearing a full-on gothy, leather SM-suit. Just the presence of this (friendly, unassuming) white guy (who only very briefly makes eye contact) is often enough to make them blush, look down and feel embarrassed, or literally step away from their boyfriend. In one case the girl turns her back to me and threw off the arm of her Moroccan street kid boyfriend, who subsequently looked at me as the likely culprit. This type of behavior happens a lot. It almost seems as the white women are getting friendlier to you, because they worry about dispproval. Say something friendly to the foreign boyfriend, and you literally see this smile and sigh of relief on the face of the white girl.
Aggressive street stalking seems to work

At the same time, it is interesting that in the program in question the male hosts by far are the most bothered, similar to all the male commentators to the video criticizing multiculturalism (which is avoided in the program). The woman don't come across as angry or frustrated at all. It's clear that at some level they like the attention, even the stalker-ones, like it's part of the adventure. The women in the screenshots, for example: "It wasn't really a surprise to me, but I believe it is a surprise to you guys. ... Maybe it's because I'm very used to it, it happens quite a lot, that it really doesn't bother me that much. ... It's daylight. He's friendly. He's really not doing anything wrong, except that he is asking me something. ... And that he keeps asking. But eventually he left me alone." She is literally saying it's ok to stalk her, even when she has a boyfriend or husband.
It's clear that white guys, looking for stable families and safe neigborhoods, are going to have to fight to not be replaced by a jungle-type society in which all their white women are gang-banged in every bush in the neighorhood - and loving it. But they won't, because the government, media, and judiciary - all under the globalist movement - keep them powerless.
In this regard it must be observed too that it is very clear that blacks and Arabs continually make passes on the hottest white women they see on the street - and only white women who considerably are above average. You see it everywhere: women going down the escalator, being stopped on bicycles in tunnels or in front of the stoplight, or just walking the street. I've seen anything from 13-year-old white girls being called out by 40+ year-old black men, to obese 30+-year-old negroes visibly licking their lips at white student girls walking off the college yard. It's everywhere. I even had to step in when a white student girl tried to get away from two teenage scooter-Moroccans.
In fact, two of the "couples" counted involved these passes, but the white girls gave off their numbers so they were counted. In one case it took 20 minutes of hassling in a dark ally by a steroid Moroccan who ran out of the 1990s Mercedes of his friend to chat up a tall, muscled, blond, hotpants-wearing white girl - but by the time I got back from the supermarket he got her number. A third, at the supermarket, wasn't counted, because after 3 minutes of trying, the white girl got rid of the black suiter.
It's fascinating how they even find these women, as somehow the women I counted are among the only (super)hot (Dutch) white women you see here. Due to these observations, this author didn't call the police, or asked what's up, when at the exact same location a very pretty blond girl sitting in a remote mall staircase was surrounded by a dozen dirty-looking Arab street kids, all grinning and poking each other and seemingly being called in by their buddies. (this instance was only counted as 1-0)
It appears this is exactly what the blonde hotties want: dirty, forbidden group sex with all the most dangerous, dirty, shifty guys in town. You can't necessarily blame them either when they don't have to do any effort for it, and get approached non-stop in the absence of male company. Even I, in 2023, was given the following friendly advice by a good-looking Turk in his 20s:
"Just put on some good clothing and go to the city [center] on a Saturday afternoon. You should see what you can pull, man!"
Before I could even ask, "Wait, you're talking about approaching random girls who are shopping or going for groceries? Not at bars, parties, or other social events?" one of the Moroccans, with all of them agreeing, went:
"What kind of hair do you like? Black? Brown? Blond? I like blond, man!"
It seems that there you have it: how all these superhot women end up with Arabs and blacks. You, as their boyfriend, let her walk alone in the streets and before she has set two steps out of the door she has 20 Arab and Moroccan street kids humping her leg.
Social media play a major role as well. Apart from all the multicultural brainwashing and actual promotion to approach women in the streets with the dirtiest pickup lines (A 14-15-year-old Arab kid comes to mind, going, "I'm not a dentist, but I'd love to fill your hole."), most hot women consider sexual flirting via social media not the slightest bit of cheating, and many boyfriends allow it because they can't do anything about it either. At least, that is my (extensive) experience.
But the thing is: it works. The guys above actually all were solid criminals who had been in prison numerous times. They could barely contain their disdain for anything white and Dutch. But the second they see a hot white girl, they see one of the few things in our society that they like. So similar to all the swoony, slick, dirty Arab and black hip hop music, white girls are listening to these days, they pour on the honey: "Oh, baby, you're so beautiful. Oh, sweetie, of course you can reject me. Of course you can block me. Come on, baby. You're so beautiful." They pull on the heartstrings of these women, who clearly have far less career and financial expections of these "black and bronze candies" -- and those legs go wide open.
^^Hidden immigrant diseasesHidden: blacks and Arabs 50-92% H. pylori positive; stealthily infecting white girls; elites approve
These scenes are problematic enough. But then, there are the sexually transmitted diseases (STD) governments in the West aren't informing their citizens about - while otherwise, through groups as Planned Parenthood, "safe sex" (i.e. white birth control) has been a major concern of theirs for at least a century. Are we talking Chlamydia? Gonorrhea? Genital Herpes? HIV? No, we all know about them. You were likely informed about them in high school. We're talking, for starters, about Helicobacter pylori.
Until early 2024 I had never heard of Helicobacter pylori. One person I asked went, "maybe, vaguely", but all others never heard of it either. Not much can be found in regular mainstream media about the disease either, despite it having infected 5 billion people worldwide and being the main cause of gastric ulcers, and a major cause of gastric cancer. The microbes spread through vomit, feces, often saliva, and hence 75% of sexual partners of H. pylori carriers also have the disease, versus 32% in a control group. 11 Clearly it's an STD on top of whatever you want to classify it as.
So why isn't the public made aware of it? Well, maybe the answer is to be found in the disease's ethnic statistics: only 0.5% of white children (versus 2.6% of immigrant children in 2007) 12 to a modern estimated average of 10-15% of whites of all ages carry the disease, with numbers possibly having been lower before mass immigration. In contrast, in 2014, in Rotterdam, where less than half the population still was white at the time and also the above local interracial sex study was done, "H. pylori positivity was found in 92% of Moroccan..., 80% of [black] Cape Verdean..., 81% of Turkish..., 60% of Dutch [black] Antillean..., and 58% of Surinamese women." 13 Most of Africa, which is where most of the modern European immigrants since the 2000s and 2010s come from, is in the 75-95% range.
In 2014 24% of "ethnically Dutch" pregnant women in Rotterdam (a Dutch city with about 50% immigrants at that point, most Arab and black), were found to be carriers 14, versus the above numbers for immigrants. One has to wonder:
- how many were 100% ethnically Dutch?
- how many of these were infected through sexual or other (playground) contact with Third World immigrants?
- And how many would not have been infected had they known the above numbers? Because at the very least they would have demanded negative tests?
We can look at Helicobacter pylori numbers from other studies. Here's one from April 2022:
"Helicobacter pylori (HP) ... infection prevalence ... ranks the highest in Africa (79.1%), then Latin America and the Caribbean (63.4%), Asia (54.7%), and finally, the lowest in North America [where white people already almost are a minority in the U.S.] (37.1%) and Oceania [which, again, includes Third World migrants and countries as Papua New Guinea] (24.4%) [16].
"In Europe, the highest infection prevalence was found in the east and south (up to 84% in Poland and Portugal), while lowest in the north (18–25% in Sweden [again, which already has a good number of Third World immigrants]) [17]. In a recent study conducted in Italy evaluating 93 adults, of whom over 90% were migrants, 66% [so 70+% among migrants] had an HP infection (cagA [H. pylori with detected cancer-promoting protein] positives in 51% [so 55% of migrants] of the cases) [18].
"Despite the large distribution, it remains unclear how the infection is transmitted. Nevertheless, the fecal-oral and oro-oral remain the most probable hypotheses [19]." 15
How can it be a "hypothesis" that Helicobacter pylori spreads via the "fecal-oral and oro-oral" route when over half the world's population is infected by the bacteria? One could make the case that transmission routes need to remain "hypotheses", so that globalist-controlled governments don't have to inform their white citizens of the dangers in sexual intercourse with Third World migrants.
Traditional therapy for H. pylori requires an antibiotics course that will destroy the entire gut microbiome, not just Helicobacter pylori. Turns out, there are effective natural remedies, but it's a bacteria you simply do want to have. It may well have something to do with the fact that black people in the U.S. have 80% higher chance of stomach/gastric cancer. 16
But the thing is, all these women in my neighborhood - your daughters, you future wives - mass-kissing and -romping Arabs and African blacks, one would surmise that they are stealthily getting infected with Helicobacter pylori, a disease that may not show symptoms, or clearly identifiable symptoms, for many years. And a disease we once thought we had under control. This is going to be especially true when it involved first generation migrants.
It seems quite obvious that governments and the usual activist globalist NGOs have been hiding the disease's existence - because they have to inform their citizens to be careful with sexual contact from anyone from the Third World, which is the exact thing they don't want to do. They want the mixed babies.
African-Arab immigrants 50-85% infected by Blastocystis parasites as well
If the 50 to 92% H. pylori bacteriological infection rate among African and Middle Eastern immigrants isn't worrying enough looking at how fond our hottest white women seem to be of these ethnicities, there's also a 50-85% Blastocystis parasite infection to keep in mind.
That's not all either. Blastocystis Hominis is just the most frequenly-observed parasitical infection in the third world. A 1998 to 2000 Taiwanese study found a 38% infection rate for intestinal parasites among Vietnamese (mailorder-type) brides coming into the country. It found and concluded the following:
"There has been a rapid increase in cross-border female marriage immigrants in Taiwan. ...
"Among the 20 species of intestinal parasites found in this study, 10 species (27.8%) were transmitted via the fecal–oral route, 5 (14.6%) via the soil-mediated route, and 5 (0.7%) by food-borne infection. The prevalence of blastocystosis (20.4%) and hookworm (9.7%) remained high among this population. ... B. [Blastocystosis] hominis can be transmitted as a cyst by the fecal–oral route...
"Peace Corps volunteers, working in areas where blastocystosis was endemic, faced a ... high risk of infection. [12] Marriage immigrants are usually more socially active and travel domestically more than the foreign workers do. Thus, the government should be deeply concerned about the possibility of an outbreak of blastocystosis. ... Because of its easy transmissibility and high prevalence." 17
As already indicated, Blastocystis parasites are more common in the Middle East and Africa than they are in Vietnam, and certainly in white, western countries, which, in terms of the numbers provided below, already have been tainted by 5-15% Middle Eastern and black migrants in these countries:
"[Blastocystis sp.] infections rates ranging from 80.4% to 100% have been documented in school children in Senegal, 64% in Moroccan children, 71.1% in immigrant workers in Qatar, 78% in the Guinean population, and 63% in children in Lebanon [4,51 – 55 ]. In contrast, much lower rates are documented from European countries, including Denmark (5.6%), France (13.7–23.1%), Czech Republic (24%) and Spain (13%) [22,29,56,57]." 18
An often-cited 2005 study put the prevalence of Blastocystis parasites anywhere from 3 to 33 times as high in the Second (former communist) and Third World than in the West:
"Sohail and Fisher (2005) reported that the prevalence of Blastocystis in asymptomatic adults is 30–50% in developing countries and 1.5–10% in developed countries (93)." 19
Similar to H. pylori, Blastocystis often doesn't result in any symptoms. However, having Blastocystis in the digestive tract most often, in order, is associated with the following symptoms. With each symptom also the multiplier is given compared to persons without Blastocystis infection. To explain with an example: bad breath is only associated with Blastocystis infection in 1.5% of cases. However, this represents a 15x overrepresentation compared to the group without Blastocystis infection, in which the prevalence was measured at 0.1%. The whole list:
- 82%: Abdominal pain: 3x.
- 31%: Urticaria (hives): 5x.
- 19%: Type 2 diabetes: 3.5x.
- 12%: Aerophagia (air swallowing): 7x.
- 11%: Nausea: 12x.
- 10%: Anorexia: 12.5x.
- 10%: Anal itching: 3.5x.
- 9%: Other Pathogenic bacteria: 45x.
- 8%: Dyspepsia (upper abdomen distention): 3x.
- 6.5%: Other parasites: 9x.
- 5.5%: Fever: 12.5x.
- 1.5%: Halitosis (bad breath): 15x. 20
African-Arab immigrants also 4-10x more often infected with Tropheryma whipplei than North Europeans
Ignoring all the Blastocystis and additional parasites carried in much higher numbers by Third World immigrants, another such example would be Tropheryma whipplei, a pathogenic bacteria that can cause Whipple's Disease or Endocarditis, an inflammation of the inner layer of the heart: the endocardium. As for its prevailance:
"A history of migration was reported significantly more in TW [Tropheryma whipplei]-positive than in negative subjects (34.1% vs. 9.1%...) ... In Europe [with its already considerable Third World immigration rates], the TW intestinal colonization rate in healthy asymptomatic adults ranges from 2 to 4% in France [6, 9] and to 20% in Spain [7]. In a recent study conducted in Italy, the overall TW intestinal colonization prevalence was 6.9%, with higher rates found in the younger age group compared to that in the older (12.7 vs. 5.9%...). ...
"In Gabon, the overall colonization prevalence was 19.6%, declining from 40% among the 0–4 age group to 9.7% in those older than 20 years [10]. Other studies conducted in Senegal [11] and Laos [12] have confirmed these rates.
"[The data] all [is in] support [of] the hypothesis of human-to-human transmission [2]. Furthermore, the higher identification of TW DNA reported in Europe among sewer workers (12%) [6] and the homeless (13%) [8] suggests that transmission may be facilitated by poor sanitation." 21
^Conclusion: white women who sleep with Third World migrants really are "dirtier"
Maybe Tropheryma whipplei isn't as much of a threat as Helicobacter pylori or even Blastocystis parasites, but if you add up everything, in all fairness, if you think to yourself, "Ewh, ick!" to a sewer worker or homeless person, you have little choice but to say the same thing to certainly a first generation migrant from Africa or the Middle East. And you have to suspect the same thing about any white woman who has been sleeping with migrants from the Middle East and Africa. The more they do so, the bigger the chance of infection by the above pathogenic bacteria and parasites. And she, once she's looking to "settle down" with a reliable white man, will pass on those pathogenic bacteria and parasites to him.
Ironically, maybe it's not a coincidence that so many whites, quitely do consider Third World immigrants, and the white women who sleep with them, "dirty". And looking at the above data, they all have the right to do so, on a generic basis; not just an individual one. There are considerable health risks by "closely associating" yourself with Third World immigrants, quite possibly life-long ones.
The globalist movement hates white women as much as white men
The hiding of the above STDs is just more evidence that the globalist movement doesn't prefer women over men. The globalist movement wants all women to work 40 hours a week, have as little babies as possible, because importing grown-up labor is cheaper; or at least mixed-race babies; be eternally beaten by transsexuals in sports; and take increased rates of bacterial, viral and parasitic STDs on the chin. Women are just a tool. A means to an end. Just like men.
^^Your wife wants a black studStudies: white women prefer black men over white men, who in turn prefer Asian women
The following sections have been copied from ISGP's 2023 TikTok article. These preceded the year-long local study on interracial sex presented and discussed above. Some parts have been slightly updated in relation to the above study, but the conclusions pretty remain the same.

TikTok clearly has been aware that the author is a male interested in females, so it is hard to get any kind of balanced perspective on white-black dating between the genders (again: this was written pre-local study above). Still, if we take a look at:
- various TikTok street interviews between black and white individuals;
- almost all past personal encounters of white-black couples;
- the apparently astronomically unbalanced "white girl - black guy" numbers at a local mall here in a virtual Third World ghetto in the Netherlands, with a virtual absence of the opposite scene: "black girl - white guy";
- Hollywood stars and musicians, in particular comparing the difference in looks between black partners of white women and white men: George Lucas, the super-antifa Robert De Niro, Roger Ebert, or David Bowie didn't exactly marry a black women for lust, and these are among the only "white male superstar - black female" couples to be found in this uber-pro-immigration town;
- reality stars as the Jenner-Kardashian clan, of which all girls besides the antifa punker-loving Kourtney Kardashian having a 70%+ negro (hip hop and NBA), Arab and Latino "body count", with Khloe in 2016 boasting, "I've never seen a white penis..." 22;
- and various other random media experiences, such as a hot, white comedian Kate Quigley literally starting to salivate over the memory of a room full of black men (God bless her openness) 23;
and this author is forced to conclude that:
- white women are more fond of dating black men than white men are of dating black women;
- and white women date black men for other reasons than white men date black women.
Why do white men and women pick black partners? Well, we could carefully, humbly speculate here:
- For men: Coincidence, noticing well-behavedness - which they easier do in Far East Asians, which is why white men like them so much. While Asians are not more "pretty" than whites, they look more similar and have a higher baseline of attractiveness, also because far less are overweight compared to other races.
- For women: Raw lust for ripped muscles and big dicks, dirty kinky forbidden sex, rebellion, SM humiliation of white men, fun and emotion like humor and dancing, and looking for new adventures after having had countless white sexual partners. Mostly the women are either dysfunctional (fat) rejects of white society, or, increasingly - no matter the amount of open-minded sweet, innocent cuteness they display - hot kinks with tons of sexual experience.
- Because they are being kept in the dark by western governments with the theology that "everybody is equal", not fully realizing that blacks have:
- 5-30 times the heavy crime numbers, including heavy domestic violence.
- considerably lower genetic IQ numbers, mainly with regard to problem-solving aspects.
- much higher divorce numbers.
- quiet resentment towards white "colonialists" that quite possibly will either lead to civil war and genocide down the line or, alternatively, a forced police state with forced race mixing.
- Because women don't care one bit about the above "rational" facts. They don't understand and don't care for rationality, they like the "danger" and will simply follow their pussies. They are also much more submissive towards authority and thus indoctrination and exploitation from the state. If the pendulum starts to swing towards black and Arab societies taking over, white women will be the first to adapt to the new situation.

The black girl in the bottom-left goes, "Every time I see a blond boy walk by..." Never heard that in real life, but the point is that the propaganda is the same on both sides of the Atlantic.
The author actually had no intention of putting the above humble personal observations out there, until it turned out that a handful of studies exist that quickly back up most of these personal observations. First, U.S. white women have been marrying black men at about 2.5 times the rate than white men marrying black women, and have been doing so quicker as well since the Rockefeller-funded, Martin Luther King-headed segregation era ended.

After not running easily into more recent data, doing a basic Wikipedia check we find U.S. Census Data numbers for 2010 that once again show that white women marry black men roughly 2.5x as often as vice versa, and also that white men still have a special appetite for Asian women:

Why have white women in particular been so willing to marry black men? Well, besides the author's moderate, unbiased opinions above, a small 2012 British study actually appears to reveal that white women (and really women of every race) over the line actually consider black men to be more physically attractive than white men:

White women still consider blacks and Arabs more for sex than marriage?
It appears the above studies reveal why we have odd scenes in the streets here everywhere. At the same time, if white girls are MARRYING black guys 2.5x more than vice versa, but the observed ratio in the streets for DATING is anywhere from 4x (for all girls) to 30x (for the hot girls), it may mean that many white girls, somewhere along the line, realize that black (and Arab) men don't make for ideal husbands - exactly for the reasons discussed in the previous section: violence and crime, unfaithfulness, low IQ and just as often radical, pro-terrorist, anti-white views. Women want the adventurous, fun, dangerous, primitive, gangbanging, violent dick - and then go find a "proper white husband" who can more reliably pay the mortgage - and that for a nicer house with a nicer car in a (much) better neighborhood to raise the kids.
More on the reasons why white women are switching over
The other reason seems to be that women are much more receptive towards propaganda and group pressure coming from "authority". One study discussed already back in 2017 by this author revealed that the major differences between men and women are that women score much higher in "neuroticism", "withdrawal" and "agreeableness" - all indicating a far lower resistance to authoritative propaganda.
According to a prominent TikTokker in 2023 who repeated the conclusions of this study - quite possibly after having come across the much clearer oversights of this author (who was the only one discussing it well before TikTok's "gender wars" came along) - another study showed that women are "four times as politically correct as men." Interestingly, it actually seems to have involved a 2015 study carried out by Jordan Peterson, TikTok's favorite "alt right" gender psychologist 24, but the exact results cannot be found anywhere by this author at this point.
We really need to reassass all these theories though once we have more data. We would have to look at the attractiveness of interracial married couples - their attractiveness - and how long they last. I.e., in particular the "turnover rate" of black guy - hot white girl marriages. The HOT white women - whom you see everywhere on TikTok - really are operating in a whole different universe than the rest of "proper" society it seems.
"That divine black cock [with] ghetto culture [is] status [and] chic"
While finishing up this article, I decided to take a quick look back at statements made in 2014 by an experienced Dutch prostitute on black and Moroccan clients of hers. I used those statements in a 2017 article, but thought they might be useful in this one as well. These statements turned out to be even more interesting than I remembered. As for her clients, she explained:
"If I wouldn't have taken [black] Antilleans as customers, then I would have avoided three out of four robberies. If I wouldn't take Moroccans, I would have avoided two rapes and would have avoided the other robbery. If I would have rejected black men, then I would have less experiences with STDs. ... You already notice a difference with how many problems you have with [somewhat] more civilized groups, as the Turks and [mixed black-hindu-Indonesian] Surinams.
"Unfortunately, for many [prostitute] women that is enough to start discriminating. There are quite a few girls who put "NL [white] only" on their advertisement. These are usually the girls who want to keep it fun and don't want to bite through [the experience] a little for the extra money. It's not even just the [white] Dutch girls who do that [but also other immigrant girls]. This sometimes causes us to be seen as a strange group of discriminatory women, but even though there is some truth to that, it is not what causes it.
"With a number of girls it really is just racism. ... But I cannot exclude a whole population groups due to the activities of a minority. ... I don't discriminate." 25
In other words, this white prostitute is fine with getting raped and robbed, settled up with STDs (that often require gut-destroying antibiotics), and possibly get murdered all in the name of being "non-racist". It pretty much sums up the attitude the media, politicians, and antifa activists expect white people to have in the West: "Just bite through it."
In the second part of her post, the prostitute in question really described what maybe more than a few readers already suspected: she's sexually-attracted to the demographic raping and robbing her - and loves the idea of dating them. Apparently the more "ghetto", the better:
"[But] I have something with black men. ... Those really dark-black men. [Just] walking through a party with your arm nonchalantly around the neck of such a beautiful black man. That was status [and] chic [because] you can nicely show how good you are because you don't discriminate, but also because there is a ghetto culture [that] fascinates. ... We [women] choose stable men, but we get horny from the dangerous guy who just doesn't care - but still belongs to a social group." 26
This is a fascinating perspective from a very experienced female, whom I have to say is slightly suspect because she used to live in an anti-capitalist-type squatting house as a teen. She's still balanced though; just a little silly with her "left-wing" and "right-wing" thinking, considering herself proudly "leftist", while being worried, due to her negative experiences of getting raped and robbed by immigrant clients, that "sometimes I walk around with very right-wing ideas in my head, even though I know that is not fair." 27 Left-right thinking is just artificial divide-and-conquer rule implemented by the globalist movement to run their managed democracies. All normal-functioning people are a combination of both.
I suspect that the "status" and "chic" aspect with white women more is related to trying to show their friends what a "bad bitch" they are, and to try and enhance their "status" with the (white) male competition by humiliating and pressuring them and making them jealous. If there is one thing I've noticed again and again and again with the hottest and most popular of women is that they loooooooooooove playing these mindgames. They looooooooooove it. Sure, you can play games with it and use it to your advantage, but at the same time I call this behavior the "female disease", because it's so unbelievably prevailant-yet-toxic. And women DO NOT care. Pressuring you by making jealous and humiliation is very deeply buried into their genes.
The issue with white women banging black guys is that I personally don't sense competition and, at the moment any white woman of interest to me is dating a black or Arab guy, in particular when he has the slightest "ghetto" or "street-type guy" in him, she instantly devalues her pussy in my eyes by a LOT - really to the point that most bragging rights are gone, even when she's extremely pretty. Hence, all inclination to go chase that pussy just evaporates, and I'd avoid her as much as I could. I'm not a tolerant guy anymore. And I probably never was. I'm literally biologically wired to go, "These people do not belong here, in a first world society." So I'll go chase some other girl. If her pussy happens to be free at a later date, doesn't bother me with "anti-racism" nonsense, preferably just admits she was looking for kinky, forbidden sex, and has herself tested for the above STDs, we're fine. It's usually not that easy though. Women and their politically-correct bullshit to masquerate their primitive lusts are a menace.
More important here maybe, the prostitute in question appears to spell out the view that many modern Kardashian- and Jenner-exposed and TikTok-infused girls seem to have. It's their increasingly well-known chameleon quality; their survival instinct kicking in. They're openly dating virtual boat migrants in no small part in neurotic and desperate attempts to look "non-racist" and please some unseen authority in society - an authority that will always be instantly displeased when they dissent even the slightest and briefest from its agenda. The other aspect is just lust, including the forbidden, kink factor, without any interest in looking at societal consequences. Maybe that's a problem meant to be solved by white men though, with the victor getting the pussy. That's how societies have worked for thousands of years.
I personally also love how the author above adds the "still belongs to a social group". As is also increasingly well-accepted, group status is a known very big thing with woman. A loner, whether a decent guy or a psycho, quickly is considered "weird" and rejected by a woman. But bands of violent men operating groups, such as motorcycle gangs or black ghetto gang-bangers, are very much desired by so many of the hottest women. The latter the most, because they have the hiphop music that has been given all the mainstream media attention. And in the end maybe is among the least corny of all music styles, yet still well-suited to dancing.
The prostitute in question gave a much more extensive account than what has been cited above. And even deeply into the TikTok era with all the (non-physical Only Fans-type) whoring and "gender wars", it very much holds its own:
"There is something very attractive about [black guys]. They are usually better built, have less tendency to become mushy, have beautiful dark skin, a beautiful masculine face, not such a pointy nose, a horny deep voice, often are wonderfully macho, and of course they usually also have the famous black dick. I love it. ...
"It's not just the body that excites me. They are less into pleasing, they spend less time checking whether they are doing well. They are more sure of themselves, or maybe they care less. Less feminism has been taught. They focus more on their own pleasure, and that is especially pleasant at work. They are dominant, masculine, and wonderfully macho. And I actually quite like that.
"But if I had to point out something that really matters most, it's that divine black cock. They are usually a lot larger, and the shape and proportions are nicer than a white man's. They use it with more rhythm and energy than most white people, and you can feel it. It also helps a lot that they are much more often circumcised than white men. And those circumcisions look nicer and tighter. ...
"I sometimes worry that I am fetishizing black men, but I just resigned myself to it. Attraction and preferences do not care about what is logical and well thought out. ...
"For years I have also had a strong preference for porn where big muscular black men fuck tiny white girls hard. The sex in those videos is also straightforward, and that is only better. It just clicks, better than a white couple, better than the other way around..., better than a black couple. Black men and white girls, it just fits. I think the contrasts are beautiful to see. It's just a shame that so few of those films also have a story, and I need a story to build up my mood. ...
"Still, it took a while before I got my first black guy into bed. That was when I was a whore for a while, and worked in the clubs. They always passed me by in the windows. This was the first time one picked me. The first one wasn't fun. I wasn't into black people yet, and he was big and wild with his cock. I couldn't handle him at all yet. It hurt, and I was having a really hard time. And yet that became a favorite fantasy later. There was something hot about it.
"That's why I like having them as customers. That works very well. Even though you do have more problems with them. Even though they are often a bit disappointing, because they can do just as little of it as white men, and they don't realize it at all. The fact that they make me horny is enough to really make it a better day when a black man is among them. Even though I've had so many let-downs, luckily that doesn't change.
"I've also had relationships with black men, but unfortunately that never really worked. Even less than with white men. The black boyfriends turned out to learn even less technique than the white ones I had, and in terms of character, things always went wrong in the end. I think there was something [of a] cultural [problem] in that too. They were also much less flexible when I carefully started to make it clear that I had slightly different rules sexually. Those relationships never turned out to be what I expected.
"As I have a thing for black men, some girls do not. They just don't find that attractive. N., for example, has nothing with black men. She just gets a kick out of blond and white men. Tastes simply differ. We had a whole conversation this weekend about how she used to be into black men, but that blew over. According to her, I would be completely turned on by white men if I had mainly black customers. But I think black men do have some clear advantages.
"When I look in my book of conquests, of the best dicks I've ever ridden, five of the top five are black. Great cocks, every one of them. But when I look at the top five lovers I've had, only one of them is black. And that was mainly his cock. I actually find that surprising. But it also indicates that there is more to sex and its quality than just being tasty and having a super cock.
"Ultimately it is the man, and not the tan, even though there is so much attached to it." 28
One person commented he had "previously read [as well] that many ladies refuse Moroccans." 29 I would argue that a lot of that not only has to do with worries about violence, but also with a traditional societal stigma that the only thing "worse than a whore is a whore who gets fucked by negroes and Arabs." That societal stigma has been aggressively broken down though in "modern" times through social media. The above Rotterdam study shows that. Then again, another, possibly a prostitute, and maybe not in the most productive manner, commented:

Interesting how this perfectly justifiable opinion, expressed by the thousands in various not-yet-banned channels on social media platforms, is actively being prosecuted in West-European countries when it involves prominent individuals. Free speech? There barely is free speech in the West on the issues that matter.
Still, it would be interesting to do a poll among women as to their sexual "Mandingo fetishes" or why white hotties are dating so many blacks and Arabs. It's a pretty big blind spot.
"I just find black people very ugly and very unattractive. I don't like black people. They are very small and have no foreplay, and they like to hit women. There are a lot of black people stories on the internet that are all made up..., while negroes are very bad lovers." 31
The prostitute who wrote the article essentially said the same thing, except that she kicks on the raw, primitive fucking. Another former prostitute agreed:
"I have always been and still am into black men. Luckily there is no shortage of them in The Hague. Most of my customers were white, Moroccan or Turkish [though]." 32
Again, an apparently white prostitute with no common sense or societal responsibility - she only cares about her own sexual needs. Something another commentator to the article pointed out as well:
"Women are insane to sleep with those Black Petes and [Moroccan] sand rabbits. I blame the TV media for romanticizing these colored people. Giving them a sad and tough image. Women are very trend-sensitive by nature. The last [fact] plus penultimate fact mentioned explains all the mocha [i.e. immigrant]-misery in the world. With the neighbors, in your family, everywhere." 33
True, the prostitute writing the article partially seems to have gotten "into the zone" while writing and had a good time letting her fantasies go wild a bit, because simply not every black man, especially not those visiting prostitutes, are big-dicked, athletic specimens. This is something an apparently frustrated black female poster pointed out:
"You also create a stereotype of the black man: that they are something cool to try. ... Black men come in every shape and color but you have a 'specific taste' for the stereotypical black MANDINGO NEGRO with a big dick F.E.T.I.S.H. ... You unconsciously reinforce what we call 'lighter is better', which is heavily present in the black community...
"What you wrote is very disturbing and is usually the reason why black women would not want to get involved with a white person. We are human beings... not some fantasy to be fulfilled." 34
Well, the question of course is what else do black men - as a whole - have to offer to white women, apart from sexual pleasure? A beautiful ghetto? Spears and mud huts on the savanna? Crime? Low IQ? Even the "Mandingo-loving", "anti-racist" prostitute in question explained that she found it impossible to train her big-dicked primitive savages ram-rodding her to death to be proper lovers - to put some colorful, "folksy" spin on it. It's largely sexual lust that goes both ways, as also another poster pointed out, a male negro:
"Even though I was raised in the Dutch language, I really gravitate towards my black side. I also really like blondes. And I get a real kick out of the role of macho negro that I play with the prostitutes. And especially with the blonde ladies. I also like black-on-blondes porn." 35
Sex, sex, sex, sex. That typifies the black man - white woman relationship. And also the Arab man - white woman relationship. Why? Because the consciousness generally is not compatible. Even the black-dick-loving prostitute here confirms. This, of course, I already concluded earlier, before reading and translating all these comments.
White "victim" girls of black and Arab "loverboys" often love the violence and prostitution
I've got to say, the prostitute that I cited and translated in the previous section has a lot of interesting commentary. This sex worker also wrote an article about "loverboys", a term used in countries as the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany to denote men who recruit women to prostitute for them. They act as pimps, but the idea is that it also at some level involves a real "romantic" relationship. Similar to Great Britain's "(Pakistani) grooming gangs", Arabs and blacks are massively overrepresented among perpetrators, with a majority of victims being white women. This phenomenon, among other places, is discussed in ISGP articles on Arab harassment at swimming pools and ethinc crime numbers.
Without being any kind of expert, over the years I started assuming that a lot of the white girls who end up in this network actually simply are looking for kinky sex with Arabs and blacks, and that a lot of it isn't necessarily all that forced - certainly not early on. One thing I know for certain is that just about every hot girl gets a wetty from domination, as well as prostitution fantasies. I even had a pretty police officer once who initially confronted me at the police station with a statement I made along these lines, going, "Don't you think you need psychotherapy!!" - only to hold my hand minutes later, going, "Oh, don't worry. You are not so bad!" Of course, she pulled back her hand and smile the second her frustrated fat colleague came back into the room. Because her fat colleague was not used to this type of kink-play.
In any case, the prostitute in question explained in 2014 to have met a good number of these white "loverboy girls", and she too says justice, the media, and politics have been hiding the voluntary aspects of "loverboy recruiting". She even explains:
- judicial corruption, how prosecuters cut and paste statements and don't mind portraying voluntary acts of SM-type violence as "rape" and "abuse" - which is exactly how the entire Justice apparatus works, but almost no ordinary citizen seems to know.
- the political correctness of Justice-tied psychological counseling - which is true.
- the "white knight syndrome" with pretty shocking accuracy, to the point any man would have to go, "She's on to us."
- the concept of "brainwashing" in a very succinct, accurate way. 36
Again, this is all years before TikTok with its "alt right" versus "antifa" "gender wars" became a thing. I may not try to research deeper for the moment, but these comments are more than interesting enough to translate and share:
"The stories are almost always about vulnerable angels who end up in the web of a mean, manipulative, coercive loverboy. ... According to the fairy tale, the loverboy starts with giving a lot of attention and love, and in older pamphlets [i.e. news reports] also with presents. That [thinking] has now been abolished. ... The teenage way of giving sweets, flowers and presents only works as long as she thinks they are of use to her. And when the flow of presents slows down, she feels devalued and pulls away from you, even though she might like you...
"In all cases [of loverboy "victims"] that I know of, it was domination and a pimp relationship from the start. After all, that's what they come for. That first phase is brought in by the pity-industry [of media, justice, and care workers] to make it understandable...
"Just like the idea about prostitution, it starts with a theory which everything that happens subsequently must continue to obey. The starting point is that this [loverboy relationship] cannot [possibly] be what she wants: [instead] she is pure and actually wants to be a normal girl, that the whoring she does, she would never do or want. We don't want to [believe] that a young girl doesn't want to care anymore about [traditional] relationship-thinking and just throws herself into the role of a prostitute... Actually, [in my experience] it often concerns girls with a past involving rebelling, running away, manipulating, not being able to follow the rules, children's homes, petty crime, drugs, and not taking responsibility...
"I don't want to say at all that there is no violence in loverboy relationships. In most of them it does occur, not only as "ordinary" domestic violence due to all the tensions, but especially because there is a sexual side to it. In my opinion it is not SM [because it is not a conscious roleplay], but I understand that other people think so. The slave girl fantasy...: those loverboy girls are also really turned on by that.
"When counselors talk about a "honeymoon period" where the girl "seems" very happy despite the violence and sexual excesses, they are more right than they think. Just like a newly-wed couple, these girls are wildly experimenting and sexually exhausting themselves. That's a huge thrill. I haven't spoken to one [loverboy girl] who didn't look back at that all swoony. That doesn't "seem" overjoyed. [They WERE overjoyed with that relationship]..
"The violence is mainly to emphasize dominance and the slave role. It therefore does not have to be extreme. A few slaps or pushes are enough. A hand around the throat without squeezing during a "rape" is also enough. Those girls are still inexperienced. They have that loverboy just so they can take the plunge, but in the beginning that doesn't go any further. Later, when they get older and are more experienced, and the fantasy starts to lose its luster, they usually take it further [with the violence and sex].
"Of course the police doesn't like that. They sit around fishing with their leading questions, to see what kind of [testimony of] additional violence they can get out of [the girls]. ... [But] those girls have no experience with coercion or pressure at all. Except from the police and emergency services.
"The girl is the tortured princess and the horny slave, the police are the prince on a white horse who perfectly solves a ridiculous injustice, and the brainwashers [of care workers] turn a dirty whore into a decent girl again, and thus feel their moral superiority. ... And when [detective] sits back with a cigarette, the Public Prosecution Service is busy cutting and pasting the statements, and ... that girl is still in that brainwashing club [of justice and care workers].
"Customers [of loverboy girls a.k.a. prostitutes] want to do things for you. Asking your customer to get you a box of tissues is something that a large group of customers are happy to do. That makes them feel special. So you can imagine how they would react if they were given the opportunity to save you, or to secretly pass on a message. Every pimp knows that. Every whore knows that. Through clients you can also get [police] contact. For a large group of customers it would be the ultimate thrill [to save the forced prostitute]. Everyone knows that. [So why are these customers not seen as a threat by loverboys?]" 37
The humiliation of the white race and white men
In the end this local Rotterdam study alone is quite the humiliation for the white man: their own most sexually desirable women don't *really* want them - sexually. They want them for their money and steadiness they offer. They're too well-behaved. Too polite. Too caring. Too femine. They don't dominate enough. They don't "rape" enough. And they certainly don't fight enough. Not for their country. Not for their race. Not for their women.
And with that, women with their "feminism" and Third World foreigners are the two main pillars of exploitation by the globalist movement driving western society off a cliff, after thousands of years of white male rule. Being "submissive little whores" to "bad boys" - a competition Third Worlders will generally always win - is not so great for society as a whole. Gangbanging, gang-violence, arms and drug trafficking with the entire family involved, extreme streetraces - they will always win from the individualist, "honorable", well-behaved, "is this really a good idea?", nice white guy. Once you deal with negro and Moroccan teens, white "bad boys" are just scared little pansies. That's certainly not to say that every Third World immigrant is bad, but it is nevertheless extremely worrying that it is the hottest white women who are the most attracted to this apocalyptic element in western society.
Social media propaganda and this local study at least very strongly seem to indicate that.
^Conclusion: White men need to find their primitive genes again - without losing the evolved ones
Who knows, maybe all this is a wake up call for white (and Asian) men to get out of their cubicles and - while retaining and exercising their intellects - work those Donkey Kong genes: make dancing an integral part of society, as well as participating intensely in every possible sport: sprinting, climbing, wrestling, ball sports - you name it. It's where black men excel at. We were not meant to sit in cubicles anyway. Exercising, dancing and irrational emotional expression is where most of the fun is. No need to go back to the jungle though, bash each others brains in non-stop, and do away with all cultural norms.
However, maybe white men do need to develop much more self-respect, become much more aggressive, much more focused on "gang-banging" and organizing from the ground up, and much more violent and domineering - if only largely in an intellectual way. Maybe this aggression should not just be focused against groups of violent immigrants and corrupt globalist-controlled media outlets and governments, but also towards their women. Not in a fully primitive way. There's some roleplay in there. But serious at the same time.
Getting rid of "anti-racism laws" and feminazism in the courts though would be priority. If you can't speak the truth on Third World immigration, and all sexual roleplay in the bedroom alone continues to be interpreted as "the real thing", sooner or later all playful, self-respecting men will be sitting in prison.
Speaking from experience: being a raging genocidal maniac towards any group that did you wrong and harboring violent desires to raise an army and overthrow corrupt governments worldwide, does very well with... well, very beautiful, very popular women. After a while you have to accept: sexually, women love dangerous, violent men. As the earlier-cited prostitute said, "We get horny from the dangerous guy who just doesn't care - but still belongs to a social group." 38 An army is a social group.
The fabric of white society, the most advanced, creative, protective and responsible in the world (if only relative in some cases), was built by white men. All of a sudden, in the scope of a century, putting white men in the closet and letting all the elements run wild that never showed the capacity to built or maintain an advanced society - the women, homosexuals, transsexuals, and Third World migrants - is the strangest, most suicidal social experiment ever seen in the history of the world. And likely the universe. It is Satan itself at work.
- zondares.blogspot.nl/2014/03/kleurtje.html (accessed: August 22, 2017).
- Oct. 1, 1939, Fritz Thyssen letter to Hermann Goering (as cited in: Nov. 1941, Fritz Thyssen, 'I Paid Hitler', p. 46): "It is true that since 1923 I have supported the [NSDAP] party, first at the request of General Ludendorff [one of two commanding generals during WWI], and that since then I have invariably carried out the wishes expressed by yourself [Goring], Hitler, Hess, and others."
*) Oct. 22, 2000, Goteborgs-Posten newspaper, Mona Sahlin interview. Oct. 23, 2000, Dagens Nyheter (largest Swedish newspaper anno 2024), 'Sahlin vill lagstifta om jobb till invandrare': ""Om tva lika meriterade personer söker jobb på en arbetsplats med få invandrare ska den som heter Mohammed få jobbet," säger Mona Sahlin..."
dn.se/arkiv/politik/sahlin-vill-lagstifta-om-jobb-till-invandrare/ (accessed: May 8, 2024).
*) May 17, 2001, Mona Sahlin to Swedish radio P1 Morgon.
document.no/2011/04/03/ett-politiskt-mord/ (accessed: May 8, 2024; 'Ett politiskt mord'; document.no is Norway's major far right blog with 400,000 readers; no mainstream newspaper anno 2024 carry this exact quote): "”Svenskarna måste integreras i det nya Sverige, det gamla Sverige kommer inte tillbaka”. Det är den 17 maj 2001, och Mona Sahlin är integrationsminister (s) i Sverige. Hon säger de här orden i Sveriges Radios P1 Morgon."
*) March 2002, Euro Turk journal, p. 11, 'Mona & Goran', article in relation to an Islamic "honor" murder of a woman. - www3.weforum.org/docs/ WEF_GLT_ClassOf1993.pdf (accessed: Oct. 20, 2003; PDF backup from given url).
- 1995 annual report, Rockefeller Fdn., p. 82: "Harvard ... $15,000: For use by the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute."
- March 25, 1988, Harvard Crimson, 'Ford Foundation Gives Grant to DuBois Inst.'; March 12, 2011, Ford Fen. report, 'A Primer for Endowment Grantmakers', pp. 38, 40 : "2: Special Purpose Endowment grants: ... Harvard... 1997-1999. $485,000. Endowment support for the fellows program of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute." 2002 annual report, Ford Fdn., p. 133: "Harvard ... $68,000: For the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute..."
- Sep. 6, 2023, Fox News, 'Soros-backed group partners on 'Abolition School' to train activists to eradicate police, prisons; The W.E.B Du Bois Movement School for Abolition & Reconstruction held its 1st training sessions in August': "The Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability joined forces with left-wing groups to aid the Philadelphia-based W.E.B Du Bois Movement School... The Foundation to Promote Open Society, a nonprofit in the Soros Open Society Foundation network, gave $5.25 million to the Community Resource Hub between 2019 and 2021."
- Jan. 9, 2021, YouTube upload by 'OSHO International', 'OSHO: Tolerance Is an Ugly Word'.
- Aug. 2019, Gemeente Amsterdam, 'De achterkant van Amsterdam: Een verkenning van drugsgerelateerde criminaliteit', p. 29: "De Top600-aanpak in de regio Amsterdam-Amstelland is één van de bekendere lokaal georganiseerde aanpakken van veelplegers van zogeheten high impact crimes (HIC) in Nederland. ... Het gemiddelde IQ was 80 van de Top600-personen...
[Ethnic background is completely covered up, with words like "migrant" and "allochtoon" never mentioned, and only "country of birth" mentioned, and only in relation to a seemingly heavily-mixed white-immigrant "control group":] Wat betreft de daderkenmerken zijn er verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen de groepen. ... beide groepen bestaan bijna volledig uit mannen (98% en 97%). Wat betreft geboorteland verschillen de interventie- en controlegroep van elkaar. Bij beide groepen zijn weliswaar de meeste personen in Nederland geboren, maar bij de Top600-personen gaat het om 68% en bij de controlegroep om 55%." - Aug. 2019, Gemeente Amsterdam, 'De achterkant van Amsterdam: Een verkenning van drugsgerelateerde criminaliteit', p. 29: "Jongeren met een IQ van 80 of minder herkennen amper causale verbanden en overzien slecht de consequenties van hun doen en laten. Tegelijk is de behoefte groot om erbij te horen."
- Dec. 1, 2018, United European Gastroenterology Journal, 'Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in sexual partners of H. pylori-infected subjects'.
- nemokennislink.nl/publicaties/loge-in-kindermaag/ (accessed: April 29, 2024; original: April 14, 2007).
- Nov. 2013, Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology, 'Ethnicity is a strong predictor for Helicobacter pylori infection in young women in a multi-ethnic European city'.
- Nov. 2013, Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology, 'Ethnicity is a strong predictor for Helicobacter pylori infection in young women in a multi-ethnic European city'.
- April 2, 2022, Microorganisms journal, 'Tropheryma whipplei, Helicobacter pylori, and Intestinal Protozoal Co-Infections in Italian and Immigrant Populations: A Cross-Sectional Study'.
- minorityhealth.hhs.gov/cancer-and-african-americans (accessed: July 17, 2024): "Black/African American men are 1.8 times as likely to have stomach cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white men and 2.5 times more likely to die from stomach cancer."
- 2006, Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Science (Taiwan), 'Epidemiology Of Blastocystis Hominis And Other Intestinal Parasites In A Vietnamese Female Immigrant Population In Southern Taiwan'.
- Sep. 3, 2022, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, 'Prevalence and Associated Factors of Blastocystis sp. Infection in Patients with Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Spain: A Case-Control Study', p. 11.
- 2017, Oswaldo Partida-Rodríguez a.o., Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) Archives of Medical Research, 'The Blastocystis Controversy' chapter.
- Sep. 3, 2022, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, 'Prevalence and Associated Factors of Blastocystis sp. Infection in Patients with Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Spain: A Case-Control Study', p. 7.
- April 2, 2022, Microorganisms journal, 'Tropheryma whipplei, Helicobacter pylori, and Intestinal Protozoal Co-Infections in Italian and Immigrant Populations: A Cross-Sectional Study'.
- March 31, 2016, usmagazine.com, 'Khloe Kardashian: "'I've Never Seen a White Penis"'
- Jan. 29, 2020, Joey Diaz's 'The Church of What's Happening Now', #756, Kate Quigley: "We go into the Blue Martini. There was a private party for some RnB / Hip Hop group and it was just packed with *hot*, *young* black dudes. You know, it's not like I only like black dudes! [Yeah] you know I kinda like black dudes."
- *) Nov. 20, 2015, blogs.scientificamerican.com, 'The Personality of Political Correctness: The idea of political correctness is central to the culture wars of American politics': "In a recent study, Christine Brophy and Jordan Peterson conducted a very illuminating analysis of the personality of political correctness."
*) Oct. 27, 2016 upload by 'Rebel News', 'Where Do SJWs [Social Justice Warriors] Come From?' youtube.com/watch?v=x_fBYROA7Hk ("Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and PhD student Christine Brophy have been researching political affiliation, personality and political correctness."): "[PETERSON:] The right-wing extremists sharely orderliness with the left-wing extremists... But the right-wing extremists are low in agreeableness. So they are kinda predatory. Where the left-wing extremists are high in agreeableness. [Dr. Christine Brophy:] The differentiating element really is the level of compassion. ... Yes.. lower IQ is correlated with right-wing authoritarianism. ... When you are low in compassion, that means that you have a stronger affinity for individuals who are at the top of the hierarchy. ... Whereas those who are high in compassion, which is where you get the left-wing authoriatarism from, they like to commisserate with those who are the bottom of the hierarchy, with those who are oppressed. ... They are going to try and include them [those who differentiate], but force them to all be the same." - zondares.blogspot.nl/ 2014/03/kleurtje.html (accessed: August 22, 2017).
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- instagram.com/p/C5p--WsIlJb/ (accessed: July 19, 2024).
- zondares.blogspot.nl/ 2014/03/kleurtje.html (accessed: August 22, 2017).
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- zondares.blogspot.nl/ 2014/03/kleurtje.html (accessed: August 22, 2017).
- zondares.blogspot.com/2014/ 02/loverboytechnieken.html (accessed: July 18, 2024): "Brainwashing isn't as complicated as I once thought. It's really just about getting people to find other things normal. People are so wired that they start to see the same things as normal as the people around them. Especially if there is heavy emphasis on that. That's all there is to it, just putting social pressure on someone and making her think that everyone around her thinks that way."
- zondares.blogspot.com/2014/ 02/loverboytechnieken.html (accessed: July 18, 2024).
- zondares.blogspot.nl/ 2014/03/kleurtje.html (accessed: August 22, 2017).