80 White Guilt Propaganda Tactics Used by Media and Political Elites to Push for Third World Immigration and White Replacement

- The biggest peacetime psywar campaign
- White guilt: toxic, divisive and dangerous
- Motives
- White guilt tactics: summary list
- White guilt tactics explained in detail
Origins of white guilt and replacement - Where and when did this start?
- 2020s
- 2010s
- 2000s
- 1990s
- 1980s
- 1970s
- 1960s
- 1950s
- Conclusions on origin: "Rockefeller CIA"
- Pre-World War II and World War I "white guilt"
- Notes
"[We wanted] to explore how people who had been brought up as white might become unwhite. ... The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Of course we expected bewilderment from people who still think of race as biology. ...
"Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed - not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed."
Sep.-Oct. 2002, Dr. Noel Ignatiev reprint from the book 'When Race Becomes Real' (2002) in Harvard Magazine, p. 30. (PDF) Dr. Ignatiev was a communist-antifa Students for a Democratic Society activist in the 1960s, who in the 1980s received preferential treatment to get a Harvard MA and Ph.D. Tutor at Harvard College 1986-1992, getting fired over his overly feverish opposition to a kosher toaster oven. Fellow at the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research, tied to the black elite Boule fraternity and "liberal CIA" foundations as Rockefeller 1, Ford 2 and Soros. 3
"I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days [host laughing hysterically], with what I see other white males say. But it just shows, with very few exceptions, like [Dick Cheney's daughter] Liz Cheney there are so few Republicans in Congress who value truth, honesty, and integrity. And so they'll continue to gaslight the country, the way Donald Trump did."
March 1, 2021 media appearance by John O. Brennan 4, the CIA director over 2013-2017 who visited Bilderberg in June 2017, where he was officially listed as a new "Senior Advisor, Kissinger Associates Inc.".
"It appears that young people throughout the world are going on strike and not having children [except in Africa]. ...
"[So] there will be 500 million working-age sub-Saharan Africans with a secondary or higher education [but] in Europe that will fall below 300 million... [This] will lead to the continued movement of people across borders for generations to come. I would argue this is a good thing...
"Vicious hate crimes have scarred societies from Norway to France... Police engage in racial profiling."
June 15, 2012, Sir Peter Sutherland speech at the 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin, Ireland, as the UN Special Representative for International Migration 2006-2017. 5
However, did he speak in this capacity? Or more as the head of Goldman Sachs, BP and the WTO? Or as a Bilderberg steering committee member, the European chair of the Trilateral Commission, and the vice chair of the European Round Table of Industrialists?.
"Leaked emails show the pressure ... being applied to filter out white male recruits and fast-track women and ethnic minorities. It can also be revealed 31 white men are to receive £5,000 each to compensate them for being unfairly disadvantaged by the approach. ...
"Sky News first revealed last August that Group Captain Elizabeth Nicholl, the then head of RAF recruitment, had resigned in protest [after being pressured to] at what she, according to defence sources, deemed to be an "unlawful order" effectively to pause the selection of white male recruits on to training courses in favour of women and ethnic minorities to hit "impossible" diversity targets."
June 1, 2023, Sky News, 'Applicants seeking to join RAF described as 'useless white male pilots' in bid to hit 'impossible' diversity targets'. Referral: Aug. 22, 2022, Sky News, 'RAF recruitment head refused 'unlawful' order to 'prioritise women and ethnic minorities over white men', leaked email reveals'. The exact same policy is implemented in the USAF. 6
"Promoting hate based on ... race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status ... will be banned. ... While the rule on hate protects such groups ... the rule does not protect groups of people who are in the majority [i.e., white people]..."
June 29, 2020, controversial new policy at RedditHelp.com, 'Account and Community Restrictions: Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability' (accessed: June 30, 2020; screenshot). One of many anti-white measures taken by Silicon Valley's elite. Reddit is by far the largest forum on the internet, basically designed to replace all other forums.
"We must realize that our [communist] party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. ... While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their [colonialist] exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life... With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites..."
1957 "Jewish communism" Congressional hoax by Jew-baiting (future) conspiracy author Eustace Mullins during the early Rockefeller-funded Civil Rights movement that caused some steer in 1958. Nevertheless a hoax that appears to be awfully accurate and prophetic, once the "Jewish communist" aspect is taken out. Mullins, apart from being supported by the ultraright Hunt oil fortune, was a key protege of the poet Ezra Pound, in turn befriended and supported by the similar pro-fascist, anti-communist 1954–1975 CIA counter-intelligence chief James Angleton. 7
"Bishop Paul Moore was a family friend who had known [Washington Post executive director] Ben Bradlee, [the murdered] Mary Meyer, and her [CIA and CFR] ex-husband, Cord Meyer, since the 1930s. ... Many were not prepared to forgive the murderer, and the less liberal members of the crowd were incensed at the minister [Paul Moore] for bringing politics into the chapel by trying to portray the alleged killer as a victim and the killing as an act perpetrated by poverty and injustice. ...
"[CIA counter-intelligence chief James] Angleton served as an usher at Mary's funeral, leading the mourners to their seats... Cord Meyer's closest friend and fellow Yale graduate, James Jesus Angleton [was present.] Cord Meyer was comforted at the funeral by [future CIA director] Richard Helms... Poet Reed Whittemore, a college friend of James Angleton's at Yale... was there with his wife. ... Kennedy aides Arthur Schlesinger and McGeorge Bundy [a Rockefeller friend since his youth] were also in the pews. ... Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, recently widowed [from her CIA-tied husband] ... came to pay last respects."
Oct. 1964 funeral description of alleged JFK lover Mary Pinchot Meyer, who was murderd by a black person. Part of the "Rockefeller CIA" crowd was present, with a friendly bishop already spreading the globalist anti-white ("woke") theology 8 in a manner the West's population at large wouldn't be exposed until the 2010s.
Angleton and Whittemore were friends with and provided fellow Mussolini enthusiast Eza Pound with a magazine to spread his poetry. Pound was the mentor of Eustace Mullins who wrote the above 1957 "inflame the negro against whites" Congressional hoax. All of this points to the "Rockefeller CIA" network of the 1950s and 1960s being the origin of this white guilt agenda.
Intro: the biggest peacetime psywar campaign

Years ago, ISGP produced a 'Media Psywar Manual: 54 Tactics the Mainstream and Alternative Media Use to Undermine Conspiracy Thinking'. Turns out that the media, as well as politicians and other elites, have been equally productive in developing tactics to silence critics of Third World immigration. In this article every single tactic the author has (repeatedly) come across over the years is listed. These tactics mainly come from the mainstream media, with overlapping examples from social media as Instagram and TikTok, Hollywood and activist groups, as well the content of "DEI (Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive)-training" that we see employees of western governments and multinationals being unscientifically indoctrinated with.
In ISGP's article '"Liberal CIA" Owns Rock and Heavy Metal', the following brief, summarizing list has been presented, complete with countless examples of various (questionable) rock stars repeating them. Similarly ISGP documented dozens and dozens of statements along these lines from Hollywood stars. Most of the propaganda comes down to:
- A lack of "love".
- "Hate".
- "Fear".
- "Islamophobia".
- "Unconscious racism" or "unconscious bias".
- "A history of slavery".
- "Systemic racism".
- White people needing to "listen", "learn" and "educate themselves".
- "Non-racism" isn't enough; white people need to police each other on it by becoming dedicated "anti-racists".
- "Police brutality".
This propaganda is supplemented with tactics that range from race quotas at universities to the hiding of perpetrator's ethnicities in the media, especially in European countries. These tactics are all discussed in this article. So are terms as "cultural communism", "white replacement", and "white genocide". In that sense this article has grown into a really multifacited one that briefly explains almost every aspect of the globalist elite's war on its own citizens.
As for the above list of propaganda, prominent individuals literally all are reading from the same script, likely handed to them by their talent agencies, and much of it tying back to "liberal CIA"-funded NGOs as Soros and Ford. In turn, these NGOs revolve around CFR, Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission multinationals -- with the late David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger for the longest time at the center. It's hard to see how there can be any other point of origin. As demonstrated in various ISGP articles, this network also controls the media and has every politician in its pocket through the usual "controlled opposition" schemes. Anyone who doesn't go along, including media outlets, will get their online presence "downranked" by Bilderberg steering committee company Google, and increasingly also other search engines.
It should be clear that the only way to keep this blatant, ongoing, criminal conspiracy going is through massive psychological warfare campaigns to disinform and intimidate the masses into submission to the Third World immigration agenda. This psywar campaign basically is the equivalent of the one countering conspiracy thinking in western society.
White guilt: toxic, divisive and dangerous
It also should be clear that this agenda is extremely toxic, divisive and dangerous. Today in Vietnam, for example, there is not much animosity towards Americans, despite a long, brutal Vietnam War in which half the country was bombed into oblivion by the U.S. air force. 9 In no small part this lack of animosity is simply due do pragmatic views of everyday people, and due to a recognition that the Vietnamese have also been at war with the Japanese, Chinese, Cambodians, the French and each other 10, that nobody cares about weighty "communist versus capitalist" ideologies, and, very recognizable, that, "Most young people ... just want to have fun." 11 It's the same, of course, with Europeans realizing that Germans of today have nothing to do with what happened during World War II.
Now imagine western multinationals buying up the Vietnamese media and setting up "grassroots" activist groups through its "liberal CIA" foundations, and starting a media-activist campaign under the guise of "love" and "unity" to indoctrinate the Vietnamese into hating these "American colonialists" and demanding restitution from the Americans - while ignoring all other past "troublemakers"?
Yes, Satan 101. It couldn't be more destabilizing and divisive while claiming to do the opposite. And it appears the only reason such an agenda isn't implemented in Vietnam, is that it has no financial purpose for western multinationals. If the West is flooded with Vietnamese immigrants and increasingly resistant white people need to shut up about it, THEN such an agenda makes sense to implement - over here. And that really is the only thing that there is to this agenda: securing the long-term profits of globalist multinationals.
Powers and motives
Plenty of motives for Third World immigration and the related white guilt strategy can be found. These are all discussed in detail in ISGP's intro article. These motives are related to suppressing labor costs, neoliberal economic growth, and continuous stock market profits. They are generally tied in with multinationals funding globalist think tanks as Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, Davos and the CFR, which automatically also brings in all the national governments, media, and activist groups this network controls.
Simply calling it "Satan" might be easier and more to the point though. What else would have these century-long agendas, as evidenced, for example, by the 1916 book 'The Passing of the Great Race'; sits invisibly at the center of hidden power on this Earth, wants to eliminate the most versatile, enlightened and free-thinking race; prefers the most primitive races on top, is looking to destroy families, and delete and mix up genders? Who else, what else, besides Satan?
It doesn't matter what exactly you believe. After reading this article, you will have a lot of facts about ethnic crime, and you'll have a good grasp of who is twisting and suppressing the facts surrounding them - which means you can fight them much more effectively from now on.
White guilt tactics: summary list
- Hide all evidence of major variations in race IQ.
- Introduce race quotas at universities, complete with much lower minimum entry scores for blacks, to compensate for and hide genetic IQ variation.
- Introduce the term "scientific racism" when you can't win the debate on ethnic IQ.
- Do not allow ANY kind of discussion on racial differences, not even "positive racism"
Basic "white racism" countering - Hide the much higher Third World immigrant ethnic crime numbers.
- Hide in the media the names and ethnicities of immigrant criminals.
- Claim lower socio-economic status responsible for Third World immigrant crime
- Lie that Third World immigration doesn't lead to higher crime.
- Purposely confuse the group with the individual.
- Purposely confuse high crime Third World immigration with low crime inter-Western immigration.
- Stigmatize and bully by use of quick labels as "Nazi", "Islamophobe", "Afrophobe", etc.
- Always use the word "fear" when countering immigration criticism.
- Invent positive buzzwords for Third World immigrants, such as "dreamers".
- "Just love. Don't hate."
- Limit the reporting of foreign news involving immigrant clashes.
- Remind people that they suffer from "implicit racial bias" and are "unconscious racists" engaging in "unintended racism".
- Never acknowledge or speculate that black-on-white crime could have a racist basis.
- Focus on "model immigrants".
- Label economic immigrants as "refugees".
- Never-ever talk about when refugees or "guest workers" might be going home again.
- Never discuss the "conspiracy theory" that Europe's failure to stop the never-ending refugee crisis actually is part of the agenda.
- Hide unemployment numbers of Third World immigrants.
- Hide the astronomical cost of immigrant groups.
- Repeat non-stop we have a civic duty to help take care of refugees.
- Introduce pointless debates that talk around the (statistical) facts to simulate democratic debate.
- Put the whole country on edge, ideally through an "outrage" crowd of semi-anonymous social media trolls.
- Refuse to acknowledge increasingly common racism of Third World cultures or U.S. blacks towards whites.
- Hide studies revealing non-whites to be less racist than blacks and Muslims.
- Allow minority groups, especially blacks, to continue to have their own publications and social events.
- Allow minority groups to claim that they are still oppressed by white people.
- Claim that the white race still benefits from its racism.
- Through media and activist pressure, force state leaders to repent for the historical sin of black slavery.
- Steer up a huge hue and cry that apologies are "not enough", and demand reparations.
- Allow the entire world to be proud of their race or culture, except white people.
- Anytime a person in the West takes inspiration from a Third World society, cry about "cultural appropiation", while vice versa, or in politically inexpedient situations, there are no (troll) protests.
- Do not allow whites to have ANY acceptable non-Hitlerite cultural symbols to rally and unify behind.
- Refuse to acknowledge that modern "white pride" feelings have little to do with the Nazis.
- Feign innocence that this climate of demonization has "populist" politicians and any potential white activist fear for their lives.
- Ignore that hatred of white people actually represents the "hate" and "racism" they accuse these white masses of.
- Pretend that only people in the backlands who never met a foreigner are critical of Third World immigration.
- Laugh at people criticizing Third World immigration as being "too serious" and "too dramatic".
- Teach the masses to police each other over any comment deemed "racist"
- Claim that the crusades, colonial era, and overall white racism, are responsible for the greatly heightened crime numbers among Muslims and blacks in the West.
- Say that low-immigrant regions with high anti-immigration sentiment simply are "xenophobic", without providing any balance.
- Claim that statistics put together by AI are "racist".
More society manipulation - Hide the 92% African migrant infection rate of the STD Helicobacter Pylori.
- Push interracial sex through the media, social media algorithms and "influencers".
- Push multiculture through all Hollywood movies and miniseries.
- Force white kids to listen to black and Arab rap, because it "unifies".
- Only hire or give promotions to women, LGBTQ people and immigrants.
- Only promote managers that respond well to "DEI (Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive)-training".
- Don't allow the rise of liberal-socialist parties that are strongly anti-immigration.
- Hide that key pro-immigration protest groups are financed, organized and coordinated by big business-financed NGOs.
- Divert and limit anti-immigration "rhetoric" to a handful of right-wing "conservative CIA" "populist" parties.
- Deny the White Replacement "theory" and tie it to Naziism and "antisemitism".
- Deny the correctness of the term "White Genocide".
- Deny the "cultural communism" term and tie it to Naziism and "antisemitism".
Widespread Muslim fundamentalism denials - Limit discussion and studies of widespread Muslim fundamentalism in society.
- Always claim that Muslim extremists are "isolated cases".
- Always be quick to make excuses for the latest Muslim terrorist: "acted alone", "may not have had a terrorist motive", "may just have had psychological issues", etc.
- Deny that Muslim immigration increases the risk of terrorism, and label it "Islamophobic".
- Ignore that the "rising antisemitism" in western society is due to Third World Arab and black immigration.
- Refer to Muslim crime as being "Asian".
- Ban Koran burnings to "keep the peace".
Immigration statistics manipulation - Stop registering most "low impact" crime, by instilling "complainant fatigue" in the population.
- Stop registering most "low impact" crime through bureacratic tricks.
- Ban the registering of ethnicities of criminals.
- Refuse to list "third generation immigrants" and later as "immigrant population".
Anti-immigration poll manipulation - Hide polls showing huge opposition to third world immigration.
- Manipulate anti-immigration polls.
- Make sure people feel too intimidated to answer a poll in opposition to immigration.
- Insinuate that "educated" and "young" people are more "tolerant" of Third World immigrants than "uneducated" and "old" ones.
Anti-white "lawfare" - Introduce anti-racism laws that allow people to call whites "racist", Nazi", etc., but not whites to counter with "primitive", "ape", etc. Or even with facts.
- In this manner, effectively get rid of freedom of speech.
- Keep expanding "anti-racism" laws.
- Keep increasing the intensity with which you enforce "anti-racism" laws.
- Lock anti-racism laws into the constitution, so they become much harder to circumvent, or get rid off, and can be used for melodramatic appeal.
- Don't distinguish between "irrational racism" (not based on facts) and "rational racism" (based on statistical facts).
- Only apply anti-racism laws to whites.
- Put white "racists" in prison, where they are in danger of being raped and killed by immigrant criminals.

At the same time the media is hiding that 92% of Moroccan and other African migrants are infected with Helicobacter Pylori.
White guilt tactics used by the media, politicians and elites
- Completely ignore evidence of major genetic IQ variations among races for the very same reason. Keep insinuating that there are no biological differences between races apart from "skin color". Everyone knows better just by watching sports, with the following average IQ numbers also having been measured over the decades:
- E.U. and U.S. Jews: 107-113.
- Far East Asians: 101-111.
- Whites: 98-106.
- U.S. Latinos: 91
- U.S. and U.K. blacks: 84-87.
- Arabs: 82-83.
- African blacks: 54-77.
What is really interesting to see in the elite-backed 1916 book 'The Passing of the Great Race' is just how clearly it is spelled right from the start that "environment and ... education have an immediate, apparent and temporary influence, while hereditary has a deep, subtle and permanent influence on the actions of men." You could contrast this with the words of the curious antifa Dr. Noel Ignatiev, who in a 2002 Harvard(-republished) work talked about "[misguided] people who still think of race as biology." 12
Over the line the mainstream media really doesn't outright claim that biology is of no concern with race. Likely because it sounds so silly, they just prefer to sidestep the obvious. After all, dog breeds vary heavily in intelligence and character traits, and have been selectively breeded for over a century to increase or decrease certain traits. A husky is going to be a lively, neurotic, melodramatic dog; a Saint Bernard quite the opposite. Why wouldn't there be similar differences between human beings that have lived on opposite sides of the globe at completely different levels of society? Obviously they are there.
Looking at brain plasticity alone and how intense fears can be transferred within one generation in mice, if in one society only wrestlers are groomed, in the second only musicians, and in the third only computer programmers, you are likely to see hereditary differences within a matter of a few generations. - Introduce race quotas at major universities to compensate for and hide genetic IQ variation. These quotas limit the influx of white students and other higher IQ races, replacing a good portion of these with lower-scoring black, Arab, and Latino students, purely to be able to increase "racial diversity". White students are forced to be plumbers and car mechanics, while Third Worlders artifically are handed high-paying leadership roles in society, getting the women, and producing mixed babies.
In Brazil, under heavy influence of "liberal CIA"-type foreign intervention NGOs, the "leftist"-globalist Lula da Silva amd Dilma Rousseff administrations introduced racial quotas at Brazil's universities in 2012 13, with Congressman Jair Bolsonaro, the future (2019-2022) "conservative CIA" president of Brazil, in 2009 complaining:
"What are you going to say to a teenager who goes to do a university entrance exam and gets a high mark, but doesn't get through, but another teenager has passed with a much lower mark because they have a dark skin? What would be the legacy of that for future generations?" 14
Since at least 2005 race quotas also exist at various South African universities, coincidentally at those heavily funded by the "liberal CIA" Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Stellenbosch University is one of these. At another, the University of Cape Town, in 2012 the university determined for its medicine program the following minimum admission scores:
- White: 78%.
- Indian: 78%.
- Chinese: 73%.
- Mixed/colored: 64%
- Black: 59%. 15
Also at Harvard in the United States racial quotes have quietly existed since at least 2008, the year Obama came to power. That year Harvard started allowing much greater numbers of low-scoring black students, with data revealing that these black students were much more desired than higher-scoring Asians:
"Additional data indicate that the rise in [black] applications came from those with scores on the SAT subsections below 550; scores for which virtually no Harvard applicant is admitted [because only 750-770 scores, right near the top of 800, are normally admitted]. ... An African American applicant who scored above a 740 on the SAT math was 4.46 times as likely to be admitted as a similar-scoring Asian American applicant for the Class of 2009 and was 4.65 times as likely to be admitted for the Class of 2016." 16
For the most part though, the battle is still being fought in the United States, with "liberal CIA"-tied groups as the Lawyers for Civil Rights breaking the "white priviliged" backbone of major universities here. Apart from pointing to unfair "privileged" admissions, debate has also been about statistics showing how Far East Asian immigrants having been heavily blocked for decades from admission to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Penn and Dartmouth. This stonewalling is easy to see, because only at Caltech, which "follows a highly selective but strictly race-neutral admissions policy", did admissions grow "almost exactly in line with the growth of the Asian-American population." 17 At all the other universities the admission rate roughly stayed the same, despite much higher numbers of Asian immigrants and these also increasingly doing better than whites at SAT scores.
The thing is, this last policy isn't really racism. Far East Asians are immigrants, on top of that with different cultural values. It's nice that they have a culture in which they are forcing their kids to study 24/7, but let them do that in Asia. The West is supposed to white. Allowing Asians to occupy all the top positions in the country makes no sense, even less with China on the rise.
Interesting, of course, is that top American universities, which are deeply part of the globalist movement, have been willing to block high IQ Asians, and more recently also have allowed anti-Israel student groups to voice their genocidal hatred of Jews 18, but at the same time clearly are looking to heavily allow influxes of the low IQ races. - Do not allow ANY kind of discussion on racial differences, not even "positive racism", such as blacks from West-Africa having more fast-twitch muscles or blacks from East-Africa having more natural endurance. These are long-known scientifically verifiable facts, but are increasingly hard to bring up due to "outrage politics".
- Introduce the term "scientific racism" when you can't win the debate on ethnic IQ and ethnic or cultural crime numbers.
I suddenly saw this term used by "liberal CIA" Vox Media 19 about a year after I produced my original 2016 ethnic IQ article.
Introducing yet another little buzzword like that is quite smart. It allows elites to more comfortably ignore key data while putting any messenger immediately on the defensive. You mention black crime numbers? "Stop! ... Racist!" You mention crime and cultural issues with Muslim immigrants? "Stop! ... Islamophobe!" You criticize all Third World immigration? "Stop! ... Hater!" You bring up ethnic IQ numbers? "Stop! ... That's scientific racism!" The term is very silly though. Facts are still facts, no matter what real or imagined emotions a messenger might have. Someone must be getting desperate.
To illustrate further, Hitler's crusade against the Jews was not based on scientific (eugenist) fact, nor was the elitist "Anglo-Saxon" or "Nordic" propaganda of the Eastern Establishment that preceded and inspired it. Elites can never get things right, it appears. And maybe that is not a coincidence.
Basic "white racism" countering - Suppress the vastly higher crime numbers of Third World immigrant groups. Either do not produce any statistics on ethnic crime... or keep it indoors in judicial databases without publishing it... or throw most crime on one heap - and certainly do not present any ethnic crime statistic in easy-to-read formats based on overrepresentation per race, per crime, compared to native whites. The reason seems obvious: such statistics will provide the public with highly effective ammunition in any public anti-immigration debate.
This author spend a few years off and on collecting and calculating exactly these type of ethnic statistics, per crime. For U.S. blacks compared to whites, they are as follows:
- Black-on-white "violent crime": 27x 20 to 42x 21 higher than white-on-black.
- Black-on-white murder: 12x higher than white-on-black. 22
- Black-on-white robbery: 12x higher than white-on-black. 23
- Black shootings in New York City with victims hit: 45x 24 to 86x 25 higher than white in terms of suspects, almost all with non-white victims.
- Black murders: 6-11x higher than white in terms of perpetrators. 26
- Black teen murders: 20x higher than white. 27
- Black early 20s murders: 17.4x higher than white. 28
- Black 70+ murders: 5x higher than white. 29
- Black robbery: 13-15x 30 to 26.8x higher than white. 31
- Black aggravated assault: 4.8x 32 to 6.5x higher than white. 33
- Black prison rape: 13x higher than white, with almost all victims being white. Blacks caused 92% of all prison rape in the 1960s, down to 80% by 1980 due to increasing Latino incarceration rates. 34
- Black gang rape, nation-wide: 5.5x higher than white, which is unusually low compared to Europe, or rape demographics in the U.S. prison system. 35
- Black rape, all forms, in New York City: 7.5x higher than white. 36
- Black rape, all forms, nation-wide: 2.5x higher than white. 37 Again, very much on the low end compared to Europe, or the U.S. prison system.
- Police shootings fact #1: Black and Latino police officers shoot unarmed black suspects at higher rates than white police officers. 38
- Police shootings fact #2: Police officers are 18.5x more likely to get shot by black criminals than unarmed black suspects are to die at the hand of a police officer. 39
- Robberies, shootings and other "street crimes" in London: 15 to 20x higher for blacks than whites. 40
- Heavy crime in the Netherlands: 21x higher for (black) Antilleans, 7.6x for Moroccans, and 4.4x for Turks, looking at incarceration rates. 41
- Murder rate on all six black-populated Dutch-Caribbean islands: Between 10-20x higher than in the Netherlands, which already has many immigrants, also from this area. 42
- Gang rape in London: 32x higher for blacks. 17x for Arabs. 43
- Rape in the Netherlands: 14.5x higher than whites for "Other Africa" (i.e. sub-Saharan black) immigrants. 5x higher for Middle Eastern immigrants and 6x higher for Moroccans. These cases also include incest. 44
- "Sexual exploitation" in the Netherlands: 28x times higher for blacks and Arabs than native whites in a slightly conservative calculation and estimate that there is a "migration background in almost 90 percent" of these cases. 45
- Street rape in Norway: 20x higher for combined black and Arab immigrants than whites, with 70-80% of victims being white women. 46
- Rape suspects in Sweden: 23x higher for North Africans than whites, 20x for Iraqis, 18x for Bulgarians and Romanians, 17x for African blacks, and 10x for Iranians. 47
- Rape in South Africa: 27.6% of men admitted in a poll to have raped someone at least once, with gang rape being considered a form of "male bonding". 48
- Shootings in New York City with victims hit: 14x 49 to 18x 50 higher than white in terms of suspects, almost all with non-white victims.
- U.S. Latino murders: 2.8-3.4x higher than white for all ages in terms of perpetrators. 51
- U.S. Latino teen murders at ages 15-19: 7.3x higher than white, but only about one-third of black. 52
- U.S. Latino teen murders at ages 20-24: 5.7x higher than white, but only about one-third of black. 53
- U.S. Latino-on-white violent crime: 5.8x higher than white-on-Latino. 54
- Latino rape suspects in Sweden: 10x higher for Latinos than whites in the 1985-1987 period. 55
- Latino rape, all forms, in New York City: 4.2x higher than white, compared to 7.5x for black. 56
- Prison rape: 14% of prison rape compared to 6% for whites in 1980, mainly targeting whites. 57 At this point the author has no data on absolute incarceration numbers for whites, blacks, and Latinos for the 1970s or 1980s.
- Hide as much as possible from the media the names and ethnicities of immigrant criminals, including rapists, murderers, robbers, vandals and terrorists. Do this far less frequently when a crime involves a white suspect, or when the victim of a white crime happens to be of immigrant origin. Just refer to foreign ethnicity perpetrators as "man", "youth", "Amsterdammer", etc. 58
- Claim that the overrepresentation in crime among Third World immigrants is largely nullified when taking lower socio-economic status and income into account. 59 Obviously, when these statements are made, it is inferred that "racism" is the cause of the lower social-economic status and income: not low IQ and high crime. Also, whenever these statements are made, proper statistics are never shown, especially not those singling out heavy crime as assault, murder, gang-rape and robbery.
- Based on limited and manipulated statistics and reasoning, incorrectly claim that Third World immigration not only doesn't lead to higher crime numbers, but even lower ones. 60 As the above statistics show, the fact is that it does. Quashing overall crime statistics with bureacratic tricks and discouraging people en masse to file complaints, combined with high technology developments - from gaming and social media distractions to car alarms and CCTV everywhere - and even police state tactics, is another discussion.
One example is from the Netherlands, in which a 2018 Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) paper talked about "the mystery of vanished crime" and how such a conclusion would be "looked at skeptically by part of the population." 61 That would just about be the entirety of the population, so a major newspaper brought in a top crime expert, a certain Dr. Jan van Dijk, who stated:
"The fear that migrants bring crime with them, [is] nonsense. ... Total insanity even, that idea. If that were true, the [crime] numbers would never have halved. But oh well, according to the [alt right] PVV [party of Geert Wilders], crime too has enormously increased, even though the numbers show that that isn't correct. ... I have been saying for years that more blue in the streets isn't necessary at all. It's a misconception that police and justice reduce crime." 62
This "authoritative" professor was heavily attacked in various newspaper comment sections, because every citizen knew his explanations were limited and nonsense at best, with also no crime numbers for immigrants being singled out in the CBS report discussed.
An additional quick check reveals that this "authoritative" professor used to be a member of Leiden University's Minerva fraternity 63, earlier described in the same newspaper in which he was interviewed as "one of the foundations of our ruling elite." 64 This is quite true. Members of the royal family have been generational members of Minerva. Van Dijk, from 1990 to 1999. was a part-time professor at this elite Bilderberg and royal family-tied university, and from 1996 to 2012 held the Pieter van Vollenhoven chair of Victimology at Tilburg University 65, a chair named after a son-in-law of Prince Bernhard of Orange and another old Minerva member with whom's career he shows considerable overlap, for example in 1998 with both involved in establishing United Nations-tied "international Fund for Victims". 66 From 1998 to 2001 Van Dijk was officer-in-charge at the United Nations Centre for International Crime Prevention. 67 Anno 2005 he was deputy director of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute. 68 One would almost think he is part of a globalist-type agenda in getting invited and making his claims.
Ignoring the earlier-mentioned 15x higher rape numbers for African blacks in the Netherlands, also the CBS' own (rare) statistics on ethnic crime reveal Van Dijk to be less than truthful:
These numbers do not single out violent (street) crime, but instantly reveal that, in fact, immigration does massively increase crime. Older CBS statistics, from before the mysterious drop in immigrant crime, shows an up to 10x increase in murders in major, big city immigration centers in the Netherlands compared to the situation from before Arab and black immigrants migrated here. "Mysteriously", away from immigration centers, the increase in crime has been much more gradual:
The only question that remains is why crime is decreasing with ever higher numbers of Third World immigrants. That's where it gets interesting, because no experts have been able to point out why this drop in crime numbers took place:
"It is pretty embarrassing to criminology as a profession that nobody has come close to explaining the huge drops in crime experienced in industrialised countries in the last decade or so." 69
How is that possible? Likely because a good part of the answer is that it involves political fraud. Statistics show that youth crime by minors dropped 70 percent between 2006 and 2019, and a whopping 80 percent for 12-year-olds. 70 It just doesn't make sense at any level. Another 15 years and there is literally no more youth crime? It doesn't fit the increasing immigration numbers, the observed epidemics in (immigrant-dominated) youth vice and knife crimes. It doesn't fit with people complaining cities in particular are turning seedy, and even more complaining that the police doesn't bother showing up for almost anything anymore and is actively discourage people to file complaints - people ISGP has been citing elsewhere. Crime going down also doesn't fit what this author has been observing and experiencing in his own surroundings. All of it points to crime exploding, with the justice and the police ignoring just about anything, and certainly not looking to register any formal complaints.
However, let's quickly see if we can solve the "mysterie of vanishing crime" here. Some of the theories advanced include:
- Computer games and, eventually, the introduction of social media are (officially) suspected to result is less street crime.
- High tech security cameras and alarm systems for office, homes, cars and even bicycle couriers, in combination with the cashless society, are to known to have played a major suppressive role in "high impact crime", which has been the main focus of many governments, including the Dutch one. 71
- Working with schools in education, preventive pat downs, forcibly opening lockers, and massive fines up to thousands of euros for illegal knife possessions, to help keep down rising youth stabbings. 72
- The cashless society also makes financial fraud, such as money laundering, increasingly impossible.
- It's possible that DNA-based investigative methods, in combination with the previous point, result in many people thinking twice before committing a murder or rape.
- Greying of the population is suspect to play some role.
- 2000-2006: In the 'Nota Criminaliteitsbeheersing' ('Crime Control Note') it is reported that justice doesn't have the capacity to process 80,000 criminal cases. This is repeated in the 2002 report 'Naar een Veiliger Samenleving' ('Towards a Safer Society'). With an additional investment, the police pushes about 40,000 extra cases to the prosecutor's office until 2007.
- 2006: The beginning of the "mystery of vanished crime" happens to start with a new judicial policy to deal with youth crime in particular, called: 'Veiligheid Begint bij Voorkomen' ('Safety Begins with Prevention'). Instead of prosecuting, the focus now shifts to parental coaching and preventing problematic activities as skipping school. In the same period though, the Dutch police largely stops registering small youth crime, such as basic street vandalism, which even to a national universities-tied crime study group "suggests that to reach the numerical goals, the police began to act repressively [i.e. dismiss] in cases where ordinarily they would not have done that so quickly." 73
According to a 2018 judicial report:
"Police officers we spoke to indicate that less investigative capacity for juvenile crime has been available in recent years. According to them, this means ... less insight into young suspects [and] that fewer young suspects have been arrested. ... In addition, young people's lives have increasingly moved online, which the police have relatively little insight into." 74 - 2010: The Salduz law becomes active, providing every suspect with a lawyer for their first interrogation. This made the building of cases harder and more tedious. It also leads to detectives often looking for reasons to get rid of cases by sticking to "reprimand" or "cause of concern"-reports. 75
- 2013: Because the Prosecutors' Office has too many cases to deal with, it raises the bar for local governments to file complaints about social security fraud from 10,000 to 50,000 euros. This means that for cases below 50,000 euros, local governments are free to investigate and fine, with the Prosecutors' Office not having to register most of these cases - representing 1.4 billion euros in standing collections by 2018, mainly in high immigrant municipalities. 76 Ironically, it will lead to "social detectives" going after potential swindlers with much less restraint than police detectives. Anything from thermal cameras 77 to hidden cameras and GPS trackers are soon used. 78 In contrast, other branches of government, such as those needing to control crooked landlords or companies that pollute, continue to be completely and totally apathic, inept, and, actually, corrupt.
- 2011-2015: Soon after the Salduz law, the ZSM (Zo Snel Mogelijk / ASAP) methodology is introduced to deal with relatively simple cases. Instead of formal criminal registrations, in particular with youth, it will much more often lead to undocumented "good talks", "reprimand" reports, and "cause of concern"-reports. In fact, a report concluded in 2018 that actual youth crime wasn't dropping at all (although the author doesn't know exactly what is being referred to as the number of "incidents" does decrease as well, although to a much lesser extent as the case dismissals). Only the number of registrations were reduced:
"An overview of the number of [police and prosecutor (OM)] dismissals between 2011 and 2015 shows that this number has more than doubled for both minor and adult suspects. ...
"Table 7.3 - Police and Public Prosecution Service dismissals for minors in numbers by number of incidents (source: National Police): ... Financial: Police and Public Prosecution Service dismissals: ...
- Financial [crimes] Police- and OM-dismissals: 2011: 2,313 [on] 17,962 [incidents]. ... 2014: 6,078 [on] 14,416 [incidents]. [Dismissals 2.63x higher, or 163%.]
- Violence [crimes] Police- and OM-dismissals: 2011: 2,290 [on] 19,817 [incidents]. ... 6,052 [on] 13,192 [incidents]. [Dismissals 2.64x higher, or 164%.]
- 2012: The National Police is introduced, a centrally organized police force that does away with more than a century of locally organized police regions, a system that, after Napoleon and Nazi Germany, had always been put back in place to prevent a police state.
In this same period a lot of police stations are closed, neighborhood agents disappear from view, and in general the police stops responding to a lot of neighborhood disturbances. Everything is pushed towards a registered "wijkagent" / "neighborhood officer" whose reports seldom make it to police database 80 - to the shock of this author at one point when a detective told him he had no record of problems between him and a neighbor, because, "Well, only the neigborhood cop has those. Maybe you should talk to him again then."
This gets worse and worse as time goes on. Store windows thrown in with rocks? Or motorcycles kicked over? Amidst 4 different cameras, including a police one? "Sorry, no time. File an online report." Kids getting beaten unconscious in front of police cameras? No reaction ever. That's personal experience. Regularly similar observations are made by others. Such as an Amsterdam rabbi, who in 2024 explained that, even more so without his help, that the police seldom takes up any criminal complaints from Jews against groups of Arabs attacking them and their belongings: "Sir, you want us to go arrest groups of men at the Amstel Park? That will lead to riots, fights, escalation." 81 There's always some excuse to not take up complaints. Even when 11-year-old white children are being sexually assaulted and raped by Muslim boys from a local Asylum Seeker Center, any kind of police response is almost non-existent. 82 - 2000s- or 2010s-: The prosecutor's office starts to actively push as many cases as possible to civil courts, in the process also putting pressure on the police to not accept a range of very legitimate criminal cases. This has been publicly acknowledged, but the author can't find the article in question anymore. The author experienced this on a number of occasions, including after turning in a video of an Arab neighbor and Arab landlord destroying and "capturing" a shed that was documented to be in rent by the author and another neighbor.
- 2000s- or 2010s-: The prosecutor's office simply stops prosecuting cases in which solid proof of a crime has been provided, as happened with this author when he handed over video evidence against his Arab neighbor of which the police said, "This simply is attempted manslaughter." The prosecutor's office refused to even investigate or provide a reason why it didn't prosecute.
- 2005-2015: As a result, a huge amount of "complaint fatigue" has seeped into the population. As even the 2018 CBS report initially discussed here mentioned: "The signaled reduction in complaint-readiness between 2005 and 2015 [of] 23 percent ... is less strong than the total lowering of registered crime (29 percent)." 83
- 2022-: At least in Rotterdam, a major Dutch immigration center, flyers were distributed by local civil services that complaints of neighborly noise disturbances preferably go to them, not the police anymore.
Similarly, when this author in June 2024, almost as a test, reported that a neighbor was cleaning his car on the pavement of a busy shopping street, heavily blocking pedestrians, the police simply referred to the same civil services for this type of complaint filing. The problem is, these persons are barely active in the weekend, and it can easily take two weeks for them to "confirm the problem".
In this manner of course, less and less crime is registered, and also less and less people are willing to file complaints, leading to a vicious cycle of ever more unreported crime.
- Purposely confuse the group with the individual. I.e., counter widely-held opinions and even factual statements on ethnic groups by purposely confusing them with the individual.
For example, when the factually correct statement is made that blacks and Arabs have vastly higher crime numbers than native West-Europeans, ask - preferably indignantly - if immigrant X or Y is a criminal or counter with a statement along the lines as, "Yes, but not EVERY immigrant is a criminal! We shouldn't be prejudiced!"
In other words: people are supposed to ignore statistics. - Purposely confuse Third World immigration with inter-Western immigration (from Scotland to the U.S., for example). The former - such as Arab, African and Latin American immigration - results in greatly heightened crime numbers and cultural clashes, while the latter hardly does.
- Stigmatize by use of quick labels, obstructing any anti-immigration discussion with it, and bully into the submission. As soon as anybody wants to come out against Third World immigration, start inserting (either as a question or an accusation) labels as "racist", "hater", "Nazi", "white supremacist", "Islamophobe", "Afrophobe", "transphobe", etc. People are pressured on to the defense, discussions are derailed, and fewer and fewer people dare to speak out in the future for fear of bullying.
- Label critics of Third World immigration as having "fear" of foreign cultures, which is shorthand for "fear of what they do not know". Having "fear" is actually true: people fear cultures with very high crime levels and very hostile attitudes towards their own... for very good reason. Having "fear of what they do not know" - i.e. "xenophobia" ("fear of strangers") - is actually not true: we are intimately familiar with the problems Third World immigrant groups cause us. They are far from "strangers".
Ironically, the communist Chinese government labeled Hong Kong-based protestors of communist leader Mao, in the years before it simply locked up these protestors, "handful[s] of radicals [who] remind us of the rampant skinheads and neo-Nazis in Europe", followed by, "Xenophobia is the cult of these groups." 84 - Invent positive buzzwords for Third World immigrants, the best example being "dreamers". This immediately turns any critic into a "hater" or "dream killer".
This is not all that different from a 1929 campaign set up by Eastern Establishment-tied spin doctor Edward Bernays, which tied cigarettes in with feminism, and labeled them "torches of freedom". The campaign aided in getting women to smoke on a mass scale. - "Just love. Just be positive. I have no time for #haters." An incredibly prevalant attitude since the social media era, in particular among prominent female Instagram models with hundreds of thousands to many millions of followers - really the most incredible echochamber of finely-crafted political propaganda the world has ever seen.
The "just love" argument very much exploits the popular new age "Law of Attraction" idea: just push anything away that is uncomfortable. Imagine police officers refusing to go after rapists and murderers, because they just all "want to focus on the positive." - Don't report foreign news involving immigrant clashes (including white murders by groups of blacks) with the police or native whites, unless they are too large to ignore.
To those hovering around "populist, alt-right" news websites for balance, it should be clear that regularly immigrant clashes take place in foreign countries, sometimes very large, that simply don't make it to news agencies across the border.
Often, these clashes don't even make the national news. Living in the second-largest city in the Netherlands, I've observed a clash between roughly 150 North African youths and the police in front of a mall located 300 meters (330 yards) from my house, and the reporting on it never went further than a two-line remark on the local police's Twitter account. - Let white people know again and again that they suffer from an "implicit racial bias", that they are "unconscious racists", or have engaged in "unintended racism", and that they need to be "educated" on this 85 - maybe even treated for:
"Oh no? You are not racist? Yes, you are. You just don't know it."
The basic purpose here seems to be to always be able to claim that white people are racist, no matter their denials or deeds showing the opposite.
In addition, it seems great for brainwashing white people into thinking that there REALLY (yes!) is something mentally and culturally (slavery) wrong with them, and as a result make them more "open" (read: subservient) towards Third World immigrants and their elite-sponsored white-hating activism.
This point was not part of the original oversight, but became such a dominant part of the racism debate during the Trump era that it had to be added. Not just the news media and social media are full of it, but even government departments and corporations have been giving courses on it to their employees.
The term "onbedoeld racisme" ("unintended racism") was used in the Netherlands by generational Socialist Party head Lilian Marijnissen after evening TV jokes on a "laid back" soccer program that an Ethiopian-born Labour Party-Greenleft member of parliament, "Habtamu" de Hoop, "is not a Frisian, come on, man! I'm not a Surinamer, right?" 86 Not just far left political parties, but also neoliberal ones tied to Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission and Davos, all complained about "racism", although they left out the "unintended" part. 87 Habtamu, adopted through the Wereldkinderen/World Kids charity and from a young age a host at Klokhuis children's education program (which has existed since 1988), also indirectly made clear that white people should just shut up and deal with his presence. 88 - Never acknowledge or speculate that black-on-white crime could have a racist basis - which, by the way, in the U.S. is 27 times more common than in reverse. A good example is a January 2024 expose in which a small army of black male and female care workers were caught abusing an elderly, demented white woman. The two top comments, plus another one a bit down, instantly demonstrate the disconnect between the masses and the media:
- 6,400 likes: "So disturbing how racism is never ever cited in these crystal clear demonstrations of it."
- 4,200 likes: "If this was reversed there would literally be a mob of people tearing up a Target [supermarket] right now."
- 65 likes: "All the carers were BLACK!!! But imagine if it had been the other way around. There would be riots."
- 238 likes: "This is basically the perfect representation of what's happening to Europe." 89
- 104 likes (purposely vague it appears): "I work with dementia patients every day, providing 121 care at [a] hospital. ... Most of nursing homes rely on agency staff. I've been observing how staff from different ethnic groups treat people, especially old and with dementia/alzheimer's. I haven't witnessed any direct abuse but lack of empathy is very common."
In this case racism is not certain. This author has continually observed that black people are considerably more coarse and less supportive even towards each other than white people, all the way down from elementary school playgrounds to receptionists employed by corporations and the police. Also some of the abuse in other videos takes place by white, mostly female workers. However, it can be argued that by not acknowledging the possibility, you prevent providing additional fuel for anti-immigration activism. - Focus on "model immigrants" who speak and behave properly, who want people to "be positive", "accepting" and "not fearful", and want to "work together" with the native white people.
Of course, they are very "grateful" to have been allowed into the country, have almost perfectly adopted to the native culture, and preferably have been taken in for some time by an "open minded" native white "guest family" of "model citizens".
I've personally seen a number of television programs on this here in the Netherlands, or noticed "model immigrants" being selected for a variety of television interviews. - Label economic immigrants as "refugees".
- Never-ever talk about when these Third World political refugees, or "guest workers", might be going home again.
- Never discuss the "conspiracy theory" that Europe's failure to stop the never-ending refugee crisis actually is part of the agenda. Similar that the removal of Gaddafi and the related rise of ISIS were allowed on purpose in order to open the floodgates to millions of political and economic refugees.
Maybe we should really ask why the European Union can't stop the truck convoys on North Africa's shores before their cargo is put into boats en route to Europe. This strategy would be a game-changer, as apparently the law of the seas requires the European Union to bring refugees to European shores. - Suppress unemployment numbers of Third World immigrants, which reaches as high as 50 to 70% with certain African and Middle Eastern nationalities. 90 When you do bring it up, mention that "racial bias" is probably the main cause.
- Hide the astronomical cost of immigrant groups, which for certain African nationalities reaches as high as 600,000 to 650,000 euros per person over their lifetime. 91
- Repeat every night on the evening news how we have a civic duty to help take care of the streams of refugees from the Arab world and dark Africa, for example because they will be killed in their own country.
- Introduce pointless debates that talk around the (statistical) facts to simulate democracy. These discussions - usually along the lines of economic value and "not all immigrants are bad" remarks - can continue forever without solution. One can even introduce terms as "triggering" and "micro-aggressions" to obstruct, antagonize and ridicule the other side of the table, usually "populists" with their own buzzwords and cookier-cutter remarks.
- Put the whole country on edge, ideally through an "outrage" crowd of semi-anonymous social media trolls, by analyzing every statement on ethnicity as a potentially racist comment, which helps in preventing any discussion about Third World immigration.
- Refuse to criticize or even acknowledge the increasingly common racism of Third World cultures or U.S. blacks towards whites. Calling white people "white boy", "boy", "honky", "cracker", "cheesehead", "tatta" should just be laughed off as something innocent, while a white man calling a black man "boy" is the end of the world - as we saw with the 2017 press conferences with Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather.
In fact, as the Reddit community guidelines at the top of this article make clear (and it uses an increasingly prominent argument): black and other Third World immigrants can be as racist as they want towards whites, right because they are minorities and it has been "determined" that they have been oppressed by whites for centuries... The argument makes no sense whatsoever, but if you have enough power, you don't have to make sense. - Hide studies revealing non-whites to be less racist than blacks and Muslims. Again, for the very same reason to prevent giving the masses lethal ammunition during political debates.
- Allow minority groups to claim that they are still oppressed by white people, such as with the Black Lives Matter movement, without pointing out their own vastly heightened crime numbers, higher levels of racism, and overall lack of cultural and scientific achievements.
- Have your (mainly white) minions in the media, politics and among activist groups time and again claim that the white race still benefits from its (implicit) racism.
- Along the exact same lines, use action groups, major NGOs, and the media to force state leaders 94, Europe's royal familes 95, the Vatican all the way since 1985 96, and even cities 97 to repent for the historical sin of black slavery - no matter that this has been the way of the world for thousands of years, and that blacks in Africa already had enslaved each other to the tune of 70% when westerners arrived.
Combined with the previous tactic, there are several advantages here for elites: whip up the Third World masses against the white majority; and shut up the white majority as they lose their country and influence at the voting booths. It also opens the door to eventual war with, and mass rape by, Third World immigrants (actually already happening looking at crime numbers); or forced or voluntary intermarriage down the line. If whites feel guilty, they will allow much more to be done to them than when they still have their self-respect. - As soon as apologies for slavery have been made, steer up a huge hue and cry that it is "not enough", and start pushing for near infinite reparations payments. You can use the same action groups and media, but at the same time it speaks for itself that any country an apology has been made to, will now be demanding these billions. 98 This won't be much of an issue to the globalist movement, considering it already wants endless financial aid to be sent to black countries in particular.
- Allow the entire world to be proud of their race or culture, except white people. A good example would be MMA fighter Cain Velasquez, who, without issue, can fight with a "Brown Pride" tattoo on his chest, while white Americans can hardly wear rebel flag caps (as a symbol of country lifestyle) without being called out about it or even being assaulted for it.
- In line with the previous point: do not allow whites to have ANY acceptable non-Hitlerite cultural symbols to rally and unify behind in their opposition to immigration.
- Refuse to acknowledge that modern "white pride" feelings have little to do with the Nazis (despite the exclusive focus on that), but much more with a desire to retain quickly-eroding white culture and frustration with the vastly heightened crime numbers among Third World immigrants.
- Anytime a person in the West takes inspiration from a Third World society, have activists cry about "cultural appropiation" and how, with this practice, we continue to "loot" from these societies. Victoria's Secret having to stop dressing up their models with Indian feather headdresses 99, or Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian having (typically-black) braided hair 100, or any artist using any aspect of African, Middle Eastern, or Far Eastern clothing or make up in their videos immediately getting shouted down to "repent" 101, all are examples. You might be able to include all these elements in your company or show, but... you gotta hire Native Indians, black people, Arabs, etc. to represent those elements. Sneaky, right?
It's utterly ridiculous, of course, similar to the whole "white guilt" movement. If people anywhere dress up as cowboys, we love them for it. Also, forever prominent black people have been allowed to claim Ancient Egyptian society as "their own" - except by Egyptian pyramid experts 102 - despite it always having been a questionable theory because black people never build anything, and more modern DNA evidence indeed showing the pharaohs had a modern South-East European and Turkish genetic heritage. 103 *That* is a real case of "cultural appropriation": literally a case of "stealing" instead of "being inspired by". More moderately, the whole concept of Wakanda involves "cultural appropriation": black African societies literally never had anything close to high technology. But it serves the white replacement agenda, so there is no criticism.
Every time a white company or person bows to a Third World organization's spokesperson - likely propped up by "liberal CIA" foundations as Soros and the Ford Foundation - making ridiculous accusations as, "They are spitting on our culture" 104, white people weaken their status in the world. And the only reason they have to do it, is because otherwise globalist multinationals, from Hollywood studios to search engines and social media companies, start firing, "downranking", deleting, or otherwise ruining them. Our own elites always are the real power behind the throne.
- Always ignore the fact that the endless demonizing by politicians and the media of their own native white people - increasingly through the antifa and groups as Black Lives Matter - actually represents the "hate" and "racism" they accuse these white masses of.
- Feign innocence that this climate of demonization has "populist" politicians and any potential white activist fear for their lives. Let's not forget that this climate led to the murder of key prime ministerial candidate Pim Fortuyn in 2002 and is a major threat to politicians as Donald Trump, as it almost guarantees that people are going to try to murder these individuals. In early 2017 the Dutch "populist" prime ministerial candidate Geert Wilders was the target of a failed plot involving Muslim Moroccans who had infiltrated the police. There's little evidence that liberal elites actually disapprove of these plots.
- Promote the stereotype that only people in the backlands who never met a foreigner are critical of Third World immigration, while in reality a huge amount of resistance comes from people in the big cities (such as with Pim Fortuyn in 2002) who are confronted by Third World immigrants on a daily basis - or that large percentage of natives that have fled the big cities to the suburbs.
Fact is, I always was very open-minded. But being confronted on a daily bases for decades on end with vastly heightened Third World immigrant crime and allround a-social behavior, has actually "radicalized" me. I.e., I'm guilte of speaking out against all the elite propaganda. - Laugh at people criticizing Third World immigration as being "too serious" and "too dramatic". This actually happens a lot in daily debates. A lot of people get uncomfortable and start deflecting in this manner.
- Tell the white masses that it's "not enough" to be "not-racist", but that they need to police other white people to not be racist when they observe this behavior, because you don't want "ask the wounded to do the work." 105 This became a major propaganda argument in the wake of the death of George Floyd in May 2020.
- Make the claim that the crusades, colonial era, and overall white racism are responsible for the greatly heightened crime numbers among Muslims and blacks in the West.
In 2009, for example a British government official concluded that the 15 to 20x heightened robbery and other "street crime" numbers for blacks in London, apart from 32x higher gang rape numbers, was due "Britain's long history of racism and imperialism". 106 Fascinating. What then about rape numbers in Africa? - Whenever low-immigrant regions have relatively high anti-immigration sentiment, tie this to "xenophobia" without providing any balance. 107 Ignore, for example, that all the immigrants in high-immigration areas (obviously) dampen the visible anti-immigration sentiment in polls and votes, that people in East Block countries or with an East European heritage such as East Germany have been less brainwashed along immigration- and feminist-LGBTQ-sensitivity-lines, and also that there are less people too intimidated by their daily forced interactions with immigrants to vote against them. Also ignore than populism has become a bigger and bigger issue as immigration numbers rise in the West, with one of the original "populists", Pim Fortuyn, arising in Rotterdam, a city wrecked by Third World immigration.
- Claim that statistics and or "ethnic profiling", even when put together by AI, are "racist". This argument became the norm in the Netherlands in 2019 with the breaking of the "Toeslagenaffaire" / Benefits Affair. In this affair about 30,000 people were wrongly withheld government child benefits over a period of 15 years, often completely destroying families, with all the misery and controversy being covered up by the government, courts 108 and media throughout this time. Tellingly, five years after the affair, most people still had not received any compensation from the Rutte government.
The thing is, 70% of victims were of immigrant origin, with many having dual nationality. From a large sample of 10,265 victims, Caribbean blacks (non-Surinam) were 32x overrepresented compared to native whites, Surinam Hindus and blacks 22x, Turks 8x, Moroccans 6x, Indonesians 2x. 109 These numbers are very much in-line with international ethnic heavy crime numbers for robbery, murder, rape, etc. - numbers that never-ever have been published in the Dutch media. But after the government for 15 years dogmatically ruined immigrants lives along these same percentages, these very similar overrepresentations of "misprofiling" became big news...
Instead of acknowledging that these ethnicities more often commit fraud and that at the very least it makes sense that they are checked more often when capacity is limited, the main spin that was given on the affair in the media was that the "white-dominated" government and its increasingly AI-based algorithms to detect fraud were "racist" and should be banned. These calls continued in 2023 when it was found out that the tax office of the Dutch government had continued to use these systems. 110 Internationally, the heavily Soros-funded Amnesty International group started complaining about "xenophobic machines" 111, with the heavily-Soros-influenced European Union in March 2024 passing legislation that banned use by law enforcement of these "xenophobic machines":
"Prohibition [of] AI systems used by law enforcement authorities or on their behalf to make predictions, profiles or risk assessments based on profiling of natural persons or data analysis based on personality traits and characteristics, including the person’s location, or past criminal behaviour of natural persons or groups of persons for the purpose of predicting the occurrence." 112
Truth is, when there is enough capacity, both computer-wise and follow-up wise, there's no need for ethnic profiling. But if there isn't, this does constitute a problem. An ever bigger problem is the wholesale denial of why AI would become convinced why certain ethnicities commit more crime than others.
A major question, to be fair, is how much this affair was purposely created. At least in one case, half the parents at a daycare center in Almere had their child benefits withdrawn in one swoop, and only those from immigrant origin. Similar things happened in Eindhoven and other places. A computer mistake? Unless it was done on purpose by someone, it has to be. But how is it possible that nothing was done about it? Even with lawyers in hand? 113 That for 15 years politicians, the media, and judges ignored the tens of thousands of complaining victims along these lines? In fact, the judges actively ruined people's lives by "consistently siding with the Tax Authorities", to the point they ordered people to pay back close to 30,000 euro for the "crime" of having forgotten to transfer 77 euros in payments. 114 How do you explain that in a supposedly "democratic" society?
In fact, a personal experience of this author in 2021 is that he received a bill for a tax payment with an impossibly high 22% (manually calculated) interest rate over a period of 3 months. This was supposed to be the very last installment for that bill. Asking multiple phone employees at the tax office, absolutely no one could give an explanation as to the sudden bill hike. Literally all they could say at the end was, "I don't know, but you can trust it. It's an automatic system." There was literally nothing they could check or change. In the same period I received a payback from the tax office, because their "system" had made a mistake. This is exactly the criticism leveled at the tax service: its use of totally secret algorithms and AI systems over which there is no control by their employees.
But again we have to ask: how much of this simply has been implemented on purpose? Quite possibly even to cause scandals? It's a very convenient mistake for the globalist movement, in which it whouldn't be forgotten that the Mark Rutte administration of 2010-2024 was heavily plugged into Bilderberg and Davos for all its years. It also shouldn't be forgotten that ethnic crime numbers for heavy crimes have never-ever been published in the Netherlands.
More society manipulation - Hide the existence of the sexually transmitted disease Helicobacter Pylori in the media and politics. Only 0.5% of white children (versus 2.6% of immigrant children in 2007) 115 to a modern estimated average of 15-20% of whites of all ages carry the disease. In contrast, in 2014 "H. pylori positivity was found in 92% of Moroccan..., 80% of [black] Cape Verdean..., 81% of Turkish..., 60% of Dutch [black] Antillean..., and 58% of Surinamese women." 116 Most of Africa, which is where most of the modern European immigrants since the 2000s and 2010s come from, share the Moroccan infection number.
While in his 40s, this author had NEVER heard of this disease, and neither had anyone in his immediate surroundings. He only repeatedly ran into this mysterious "H. Pylori" while checking up on natural remedies for such things as "stomach bugs". Not much can be found in regular mainstream media about the disease either, despite it having infected 5 billion people worldwide and being the main cause of gastric ulcers, and a major cause of gastric cancer. The microbes spread through vomit, feces, often saliva, and hence 75% of sexual partners of H. Pylori carriers also have the disease, versus 32% in a control group. 117
In 2014 24% of "ethnically Dutch" women in Rotterdam (a Dutch city with about 50% immigrants at that point, most from Africa), were found to be carriers 118, versus the above numbers for immigrants. One has to wonder A) how many were 100% ethnically Dutch; and B) how many of these were infected through sexual contact with Third World immigrants. And how many would not have been infected had they known the above numbers. Traditional therapy for H. Pylori requires an antibiotics course that will destroy the entire gut microbiome. - Push interracial sex and the "multiculture" through the media, social media algorithms and "influencers". All social media have been heavily pushing interracial dating, feminism and LBGTQ through their secret algorithms, or at the very least heavily steered debate on it. This is discussed in the TikTok article. There also are a shocking amount of social media influencers, some of them with their own reality shows, pushing anything black, including through their boyfriends. Without naming names, some of these "influencers" even are underage. It's likely to increase to the point that to produce any non-mixed babies is to be "racist".
On TV a huge amount of news achors, from the evening news to sports events, are replaced by Third World immigrants and women - often a combination of both. It's all over Formula 1. And you even see it in the "anti-woke" UFC in terms of female live commentators. - Push the "multiculture" through all Hollywood movies and miniseries. If you look back at old shows, you realize that race quotas have quietly been part of Hollywood and American TV since at least the 1960s.
Moving slightly more into modern history, even with the earliest seasons of Fox's 'Married With Children...' (1987-1997), where Kelly Bundy wears an Rebel Flag patch on her leather jacket and occasional jokes about "foreigners" are made, you see that for every 4 or 5 white housewives, card buddies, boyscouts, 1 is black. Kelly's sexual interest during a dance performance was a pony-tailed, "cool", Ecuadoran-looking migrant worker. During the latter seasons, the white-black ratio often became 1 in 3, with both Al's co-workers being black, Al repeatedly showing sexual interest in black women, and much of the show revolving around conflicts between Marcy's various feminist activist groups and Al's 'No Ma'am' pro-male group. Season 9 introduced trannyism at least twice. The occasional jokes about the primary language in the U.S. being Spanish and Muslims being terrorists, were little more than the usual thinly-veiled smokescreens of the "right wing" Fox network educating its public along globalist lines. The show also ridiculed housewives for 11 years, promoting globalist feminism of pushing women into the workplace.
Looking at a show like 'Battlestar Galactica' (2004-2009), in which human-created AI and cyborgs launch a genocidal nuclear attack on the human race, you see that all main actors are very, very white, but a good 25-33% of fillers in the background always are black or from another immigrant race. It's an extremely woke show though, with male and females both being referred to as "sir" and having shared showers and restrooms (15 years later and the latter, bizarrely, had become reality in hospitals, universities and other places...).
The "wokeness" increased all the time too. In season 3, the humans fail to annihilate the genocidal Cylon cyborg race, because one human in a relationship with a Cylon, complains loudly that "We're no better than them if we do that!" (i.e., defend yourself from machines). When he kills a handful of infected Cylons (that's OK apparently) to prevent a genocide, he quietly is the hero. It might be even more nuts than how the show 'The 100' was ruined a decade later by continually forcing surviving, high tech humans to "do good" by not simply killing all the genocidal primitive races - in self-defense - they were barely able to combat.
A few episodes later a "racist son of a bitch" blond doctor filled with "hate" is selectively killing a bit of a primitive, superstitial human race that realistically only is a nuisance and a danger, and earlier also refused to fight with the humans against the Cylons, in an extremely dire life-and-death situation. All of a sudden all the radical humans, who essentially looked at all non-resistance fighters as traitors and initially worshipped this doctor, are all "disgusted" by him. What the doctor did might be a bit much, but you can't help but think that once again stereotypes were enforced, with a "lesson" being taught of "do good race suicide".
In between all of this - on a show aired during the Bush administration's War on Terror, with its 'extraordinary rendition' torture program - all of a sudden it's perfectly okay for the protaganists to psychologically torture a subject with LSD-type psychedelics - after one of the protagonists explains that the "army" used to do that. "Army"? That was the CIA's MKULTRA program. Why not at least mention an intelligence service?
These just happen to be shows the author was watching while writing this article. And it is one of endless examples that you go: Did "national security" influence the script-writing? Because white people sure as Hell are being indoctrinated with all these miniseries and Hollywood movies. They cram the feminism, anti-racism, white guilt, etc. right in.
But what is interesting to see is that the adding of black main characters - i.e. race quotas - always seems to have had the most amount of opposition among directors. Decades of steady pressure has basically slowly worn down those barriers, not the least due to changing demographics, until it was mainstreamed in the the late 2010s.
Certainly until Obama was elected president in 2008, quite a few movies and prominent TV shows did not have to strictly adhere to main cast race quotas. In terms of miniseries, 'Seinfeld' (1989-1998), 'Friends' (1994-2004), 'Two and Half Men' (2003-2015), or even 'Supernatural' (2005-2020), are hyper-successful TV shows not affected by these type of globalist politics. 'Supernatural' actually was at some point, with Sam, one of the main characters, forcing through some kind of "anti-racist" message in one of the later seasons. That was all though over 15 seasons, which very much were focused on white country life.One of the opening scenes of 'Transformers: The Last Knight' (2017): one in 5 kids white, and a nerdy bespeckled one at that.
Jerry Seinfeld being confronted in 2014 by "liberal CIA" "new left" media Buzzfeed that, "I have noticed that most of the guests [of your old Seinfeld show] are mostly white males," really was a sign of things being stepped up. Seinfeld floored the room with his hilarious answer: "Yeah, let's get into that! Take a look over here, Peter! What do you see? A lot of whiteeeys!" 119
Clearly the white guilt agenda churned on after that. Within a few years there would be no more laughter at all about this subject, even less so for "white males" since the 2017 #MeToo movement. Even Eric Kripke, the writer of 'Supernatural', who continued with 'The Boys' (2019-), together with 'Supernatural' main character Dean; became very political. At least, the end result of the show was. Apart from the heavy race quotas, by season 3 in 'The Boys' you had strange propaganda from an ultraright, bad guy gun lover giving speeches about "the George Soros globalist playbook", with persons from the crowd, representing "the silent majority", yelling "fake news!" 120; to superpower cop Blue Hawk apparently pave-stomping black suspects American History X / Nazi-style, in short order complaining about "the antifa", "calling someone a racist is being racist", "am I being canceled?", "all lives matter", and:
"I go where the crime is, and the crime just happens to be in black neighborhoods. Do your research. Like, blacks commit a disproportionate number of murders." 121
Both "bigoted" characters speaking these words were viciously torture-murdered soon after by "non-racist" characters. But even apart from that, it does seem like "somebody" is trying to associate the truth with Nazi-ism and racism, similar to how in the past "somebody" successfully connected various truthful conspiracies with all kinds of fringe theories. It might make sense though. If in real life you only allow "conservative CIA" trolls to make the anti-immigration stand, why not do the same in movies and miniseries?
Certainly from about the Trump adminstration years (2016-2021), racial and also gender quotas in movies and miniseries were extremely and blatantly elevated, to the point this author really stopped watching just about anything - because it is literally all CIA-type political psywar. This subject was addressed in ISGP's 2018 '"liberal CIA" Owns Hollywood' article. At that point the author had only just really started noticing it with Marvel's 'Spiderman: Homecoming' (2017), 'Transformers: The Last Knight' (2017), and the extremely overhyped Marvel's 'Black Panther' (2018). Things continued to escalate from there. All of a sudden main characters had to be anywhere from half- to one-fourth immigrant, with half of the action stars also having to be female. Even some of the hobbits and elves in 'Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' (2022-) - which horribly bombed - had to be black. Some scenes and movies clearly already have been preparing white people of being (tiny) minorities in the U.S.
Fact is, most movies and miniseries these days are exercises in CIA-tyle psychological warfare, forcing whites to accept their replacement by Third World immigrants. - Force white kids to listen to black and Arab rap, because it "unifies", results in mixed babies - and because blacks and Arabs won't listen to traditional white music as pop music, hard rock, heavy metal, punk rock, a lot of dance, new age, etc.
Strangely, it isn't just about the promotion of music as rap and reggaeton. For some reason, the promotion of gangsta rap, and all kinds of "consciousness destroying" forms of rap, is fully and totally acceptable. It happens not only in the U.S., with the Kardashian-Jenner clan and their friends having been at the center of an endless stream of sexual relations with prominent black rappers (and athletes). Also here in the Netherlands the antifa label Top Notch has been pushing all kinds of Arab and black rap onto the Dutch airwaves, with full support from successive Dutch governments.
You also see rap being used with "comedic" race-mixing-pushing propaganda music videos as 'Blanda Upp' (2010) and 'Beige Horizon' (2016), respectively created by the state-funded Sveriges Television of Sweden 122 and the state-funded Canadian Broadcast Corporation. 123 The former heavily recruited the most illegal-looking rapper and dancers, mixed with clips of Third World immigrants kicking in the door of a white couple's house and all taking residence in it. The latter was a more moderate form of rap, but with the usually spiteful, vicious "humoristic" lyrics towards the average white person:
"Beige power! Brown meets white! ... Color-blinded by love! Genetic criss-crossing, forgot to wear a glove [i.e. condom]! Whoops! ... Can't fool us with hate! ... All you mixed-race beauties, rise up! Rise up!"
Gangsta rap or no gangsta rap, rap music in general definitely is a crucial tool to get white people to interact and have babies with other races. In that sense, black rap concerts are perfect interracial dating opportunities, and - looking at statistics - in particular for top 10% hottest white women with "thuggy" black and Arab guys. - Only hire or give promotions to women, LGBTQ people and immigrants. A lot of complaints exist along these lines from American workers in the banking and corporate sectors of the United States, as well as the U.S. military, at least looking at comments on various YouTube videos. It's something this author would have to look at deeper.
It certainly is part of the globalist agenda though. So much is clear just by looking at emerging race quotas for universities; from the U.S. military 124 and U.K. military artificially trying to limit white recruits 125, with the U.K. military putting regular training on hold to celebrate annual anti-Christian "diversity days" 126 and having ideas of filling its rankings with Third Worlders 127; or by looking at the 2014-founding of the 30% Club, which had the "goal of achieving 30% female directors on S&P 100 boards by 2020." 128 Warren Buffett, Larry Fink and other top globalists have been members of this club. - Only promote managers that respond well to "DEI (Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive)-training", and are happy to continue implementing it. As the following slides and screenshots from a DEI training at Lockheed Martin show, this involves vicious white-hating propaganda, bizarrely given to a set of all-white managers, many of whom don't seem particularly enthusiastic. The point of origin for this propaganda likely is the core of the CFR.
- Refuse to report that anti-immigration protests are financed, organized and coordinated by big business-financed NGOs, in no small part through foundations together worth more than $150 billion, some of which tie back to the CIA.
Left-wing political parties, and apparently CIA/foundation-controlled antifa militants, also play an important role in international protests. Immigrants, women, youngsters, gays and trannies of course always play a major role in these protests as well. - Divert and limit anti-immigration "rhetoric" to a handful of right-wing "conservative CIA" "populist" parties, who do just that: appeal to "popular opinion" with emotional anti-immigration remarks without focusing on science or engaging in proper debate. The "conspiracy Nazis" are a sub-network of "conservative CIA".
"Populism" of course, by itself, is a derogatory and highly insulting term once again meaning that people are simply misguided. Unfortunately, "populist" candidates are little more than controlled opposition and help keep people divided between opposite extremes, none of which are a solution to the masses. - Deny the Great Replacement / White Replacement theory and associate it with the "alt right", "antisemitism" and Naziism. This term simply means that white people in the West are being replaced by the masses of the Third World, in this case in a very deliberate effort by the globalist movement and its multinationals. It is hard to see how anyone in the 2020s can even argue against it. All one has to do is look at basic (granted, increasingly hard to find) statistics to see the veracity of this "antisemitic", "Nazi", "pseudoscience" "conspiracy theory". Below this author manually calculated the decline of the native white population in the Netherlands, with all countries in Europe having a similar trend:
The blue line is what they want you to pay attention to. The red line has never been discussed or published.
It's fully admitted that the "Dutch" population already consisted for 25% out of 1st and 2nd generation migrants in 2024. 129 This does not include the 3rd generation - which generally still is fully Arab or negro in case of its "non western" aspect - which stood at 8.3% in late 2015. 130 A conservative extrapolation of that comes to 10%, giving us a total immigrant number of 35% for the Netherlands anno 2024. It's projected to be up to 45% by 2050 131, once again without the 3rd generation. Hence, generational white Dutch families will be a solid minority by 2050, quite possibly hovering below 40% of the country if nothing changes.
The rapid decline is fully tied to the introduction of the birth control pill onto the Dutch market in 1964 and its 1972 inclusion into the basic healthcare package:
That birth control pill was heavily pushed by Eastern Establishment robber baron families and the their "liberal CIA" foundations since the very beginning, which is something to pay attention to as well.
The rapid decline similarly is fully tied to the equally catastrophic differences in fertility rate between native whites and Arab immigrants in particular:
Below the author also calculated the decline of native whites in the United States. The United States already had a growing Latino immigrant population since the 1940s, with Indians and its existing negro population also growing faster than the native white numbers. Native white birth numbers in the U.S. declined much less fast though after the introduction of the birth control pill in 1960. There was a lot of controversy. From a comparable birth rate of 3 to the Netherlands in 1960, it dropped to about 2.5 in the late 1960s and 1970s, 2 in the 1980s, and eventually only around the turn of the century below 2, much of it having to do with the U.S.' strong Christian heritage:
- The collapsed white birthrates in the West, which hover around 1.2 to 1.7 mostly, with globalist elites having caused and maintained them with the pushing of anti-conception measures since the 1960s and not informing westerners that "global" overpopulation is almost exclusively fueled by African negroes with birth rates of 5 to 7. In fact, globalist elites never introduced any discussions of white people needing more babies, and practical government programs to stimulate this.
- The rapidly decreasing white percentage of western populations. 88% of the United States was white in the 1920s. In 1990 73% was white. By 2024 it is estimated to have dropped to 49%. Around 2140, after millennia of being on top of the world, it is estimated that whites are fully extinct in the United States. Europe, Canada and Australia have similar dwindling white population numbers.
- Globalist elites continuing to push the white guilt agenda, despite most ordinary citizens seeing that it is ruining western society and all its achievements.
- The fact that countless Bilderberg-tied political leaders have made pretty literal statements that whites will be fully replaced.
Formally the honor of having invented the White Replacement theory has been bestowed on French radical-leftist-turned-fascist-Le Pen-supporter Renaud Camus, who claimed that in 1996 he "suddenly realised" that not just in the big city, but also "in very old villages from the ninth or tenth century along the coast, the population had totally changed [to immigrant] too." 132 In other words, Camus observed what every other non-radical political activist in many western countries observed as well, and was asking questions about along the lines of, "Where does it end, this immigration?!"
The thing is, white replacement descriptions go back to the 1950s, as demonstrated in this article in the section 'Origins of white guilt and white replacement'. But it certainly also was clearly warned about in Adolf Hitler's 1925 book 'Mein Kampf':
"The infection by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe [is] to begin the bastardization of the European continent... to deprive the white race of the foundation for a sovereign existence. [It's the] road to world domination. ... France ... will sink into the European-African mulatto state [while] black parasites are systematically defiling our inexperienced, young blonde girls and thereby destroying something that can no longer be replaced in this world: [The] Aryan-Nordic... the Prometheus of Mankind." 133
The Morgan and Rockefeller-tied 1916 book 'The Passing of the Great Race', which Hitler considered his "bible" in a private letter to one of its authors, references can be found to "philanthropic" "internationalists" catering to the "inferior classes", with warnings of "race suicide" due to the "melting pot".
So yes, strictly speaking, Camus may have been the first to explicitly use the term "white replacement" in recorded writing. But the concept is almost a century older. In fact, Hitler used the term "replaced" himself, as in "whites are being replaced". So Camus may have been a handy "alt right" asset to pull out of the hat during the Trump electoral process, but he didn't invent the concept at all. He may well have been inspired by 'Mein Kampf' to start using the term. So considering his political controversy, Camus is very easy to dismiss.
- Deny the correctness of the term "White Genocide". Wikipedia separately deals with the terms "Great Replacement" and "White Genocide conspiracy theory", so maybe we too should address this term slightly separately from "White Replacement".
"White Genocide" is a reference to the white race being the victim of genocide by their own white, globalist elites. Key aspects This would be a powerful term, if it wasn't so confusing. As in, are white people engaging in genocide, or are they the ones being genocided? It is about the latter scenario, of course, and the interesting fact is that what is going on in western society could well be judicially determined to be a genocide against white people. Here is a discussion of the genocide subject by Gregory H. Stanton, the globalist and neocon elite-tied 134 a former State Department official and founding president and chairman of Genocide Watch:
"Most people who think about the word "genocide", have never read the [United Nations] Genocide Convention, so they don't know the definition - which is the intentional destruction in whole or in part - I underline the "in part" - of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. ...
"People who don't want to use the word "genocide", often don't want to use it because they don't want to do anything. Genocide is a potent word. It carries not only legal implications, it carries moral implications. It is the crime of crimes. And if you call something genocide, it creates either a legal obligation or a moral obligation." 135
Let's look this United Nations Genocide Convention and see if it applies to what is happening to whites in the West. In article II we read:
The fact is that all these definitions are applicable. It started with definition D ("prevent births") in the 1920s with Rockefeller elites funding Planned Parenthood and other "feminist" groups aimed at limiting white births. In the 1960s and 1970s these groups helped develop anti-conception measures and started pushing them relentlessly onto the white masses. They tried to do so as well in Africa, but people there never wore them much. This resulted in white birth rates going down to about 1.3 to 1.6 children per mother, while much more primitive Africa stayed around 4 to 7 children per mother. Birth rates in the Far East already have dropped as low as 0.78 children per mother in South Korea 136, which isn't crazy when no one can affort to leave their parents' home. 137 China and Japan aren't far behind, but with the insane amount of working hours in these places, with little money to make up for it, no one has time to raise a family anyway. 138
This situation in the West continues to the present day. Over here in the Netherlands you had a clock near the Rotterdam Erasmus Bridge around the turn of the century, live-counting the global population level - not mentioning that the only problem is in Africa and we, over here in the West, actually are declining. You also had a prominent, propaganda-inclined rap group writing songs as 'Blijf Maar Baren' ('Keep Giving Birth'), doing the same thing. At the same time, no globalist-controlled media outlet or political party has been talking about the need to increase the white birthrate, let alone talk about tax incentives or extensive government programs to make it possible for people to have more children. In fact, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg elites as Sir Peter Sutherland have been arguing that importing Africans into the West as a "solution" to low white birth rates is perfectly fine - ad infinitum. We also see non-stop propaganda for white women in particular to have babies with black guys. Hence, apart from D ("prevent births"), we also end up with definition C: "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." Globalist elites purposely restricting white births leads to white extinction and white replacement, in this case by persons from the Third World.
"Killing members of the group" (A) and "causing serious bodily and mental harm" (B) are very applicable as well, and again in a bit of a "deniable", surreptitious way. Fact is, enormous amount of white people have been (gang)-raped, sexually molested and exploited, violent robbed, beaten up, and murdered by African immigrants in particular, followed by Arabs. Sure, white people cause these crimes too, but the point is that globalist elites, politicians, and the media are fully aware of the vastly higher crime numbers in these cases of heavy crime by the ethnicities mentioned - yet all they do is hide these crime numbers. In other words, these elites are purposely exposing whites to vastly higher levels of traumatizing, deadly crime. And that is exactly why definitions A and B are applicable as well, even though the main part of the genocide agenda runs through birth limitation and immigration.
In fact, it should be perfectly possible to hold the elites in question for each black person who rapes, robs, beats up, or murders a white person. They know exactly the dangers they expose white people to.
We could also build a case for definition E: "forcibly transferring children of the group to another group." Lax western immigration policies around its borders, in combination with deliberate or less deliberate foreign intervention measures, not only result in (many youthful) migrants being allowed and forced into the West, it also results in migrants, with their higher birthrates, replacing white children in the West. That comes down to "forcibly transferring children of the group to another group." - Deny the "cultural communism" term and associate it with the "alt right", "antisemitism", and Naziism. This term simply denotes a movement in which the radical economic equality is replaced, or largely replaced, with radical gender and racial equality, which happens to exactly be the hallmark of the antifa, the "liberal CIA", and the globalist movement as a whole.
In other words, it's utterly ridiculous to not accept the term in any official vocabulary, except for the fact that the existence and purpose of these groups needs to be kept as secret as possible. Any type of super-tedious discussions as to the "antisemitism" of this term, from regular media to Wikipedia articles, only exist to try and ban the use of the word. Whatever the term meant in the past, or that it is, as usual, co-opted by often-intelligence-tied Nazis, is not important. The term has a very obvious, literal and practical meaning.
Widespread Muslim fundamentalism denials - When it comes to Muslims in the West, limit discussion of widespread religious extremism, including anti-West feelings, Sharia support, and hatred of homosexuals and Jews.
- Always claim that Muslim extremists are "isolated cases" who apparently caught some kind of infectious disease ("he just got radicalized") or, at the very least, involves a problem that can be solved. Muslim support for suicide bombings and overall religious extremism is rather widespread.
- Always be quick to point out that the latest Muslim terrorist "only acted alone", "may not have had a terrorist motive", or "may just have had psychological issues", without acknowledging that the policy of bringing in millions of Muslim immigrants into the West is the primary cause of this permanent terror threat. This is slightly different from ignoring the widespread anti-West feelings among Muslims (or sticking to the "lone nut" theory), because even if only 1 in 100 Muslims can be considered "radical" the immigration numbers still amount to several hundred thousand "radical" "individuals".
- Censor the simple, basic argument that Muslim immigration greatly increases the risk of terrorism, and claim it is "Islamophobist". It strongly appears that The Daily Mail received secret ranking penalties from Google some time after claiming that the Bataclan Massacre was a symptom of large-scale Arab immigration.
At a lower level, and an expert level, everybody understands the truth of this argument, of course. For example, the Saudi Arabian Aimen Dean, who was infiltrated in the circle of Osama bin Laden in the late 1990s and early 2000s on behalf of MI6, explained that the biggest threat in the West to terorism are "the waves of migration coming from the Middle East and North Africa, bringing with them basically an untold number of risks", just as "radicals being released from prison". 139 It is as obvious and simple to understand as can be, but the media and search engines generally will censor this argument. - Don't allow antisemitism to be criticized by itself and ignore that the "rising antisemitism" in western society is due to Third World Arab and black immigration. Complaints along these lines have regularly been in the media certainly since at least the 2000s, alongside claims that "hatred of gay people" is increasing. The problems is that very consistently western governments and media - with bizarrely even Jewish and Israeli sources circumventing the issue - point to anything but Arab immigration as the cause, except in some "rightish" media. They're usually blaming something along the lines of "radical left- and right-wing political movements and incitement on social media", or "conspiracy theories ... blaming the Jews and Israel for spreading the [Corona] virus". 140 Well, sure, it's called Soros, Ford Foundation, and even European Union-supported "liberal CIA" activism, and more consistently deep cover "conservative CIA" propaganda. But even apart from this, there is the bigger issue in daily life, away from the media: Arab immigration.
Very consistently too, the second "antisemitism" is mentioned, immediately "anti-Muslim hatred" or "hate" against "other minorities" is brought up in the same breath, despite it having vastly different reasons, to the point it's a whole different issue. The United Nations does this. 141 So do the structures of the European Union. 142 And so do a wide variety of media outlets. For example, the ADL writes a report on a rise in antisemitic attacks, and among the first "neutral" counters "liberal CIA" outlet PBS essentially dictates is, "There were also a similar number of attacks on Arab-Americans and Muslim-Americans." Maybe the bigger mystery there is why ADL head Jonathan Greenblatt just rolls with it, and is quietly tolerant of this agenda. 143
Fact is, Jews getting bullied and beating up by Arabs in the West is purposely ignored. In Amsterdam, traditionally quite a hub of Jewish activity, they are all run out, neighorhood after neigherhood, due to Arab immigration. When Jews get beaten up, to the point they have to be treated in hospital, and go to police with the local rabbi, complaints often are not taken up, with the answer something being along the lines as: "Sir, you want us to go arrest groups of men at the Amstel Park? That will lead to riots, fights, escalation." 144 The "weak mayor" is often pointed at for being to blame 145, but her name is veteran member of parliament Famke Halsema, a Green-Left antifa, so nothing else could be expected. Swastikas actually are regularly painted by Arabs youths on belongings of Jews, and don't shun away from beating old Jewish women to such an extent they break bones and are covered in heavy bruises. 146 These are all things that are systematically ignored in the mainstream media.
The thing is, anybody who has been around Arabs after the October 2023 genocidal Hamas attack on Israeli civilizations, followed by the Israeli counter-attack on Gaza, will quickly realize the depth of the hate Arabs have for Jews. It goes very deep. The Dutch media outlet Pow Ned did interviews with Arabs with the reporter wearing a Jewish cap (yarmulke). The reporter literally was kicked, shoved, and pretty much aggressively threatened with heavy violence, even, at the end, by an at least partially Dutch-looking guy screaming "Hamas! Hamas!", who also looked like he was on social security, medications, and had a history of football hooliganism. 147 The open display of hatred is pretty crazy. No one would dare to do that against black or Arab immigrants, because you'll get prosecuted.
The author personally experienced this as well. He purposely mentioned in the presence of a Moroccan that a new person we had to work with was partly-Jewish (a friendly Brazilian half-Jew who has never been to Israel). From the corner of my vision I can see his eyes grow twice as large. He follows me around and a minute later asks, "Is he *really* a Jew? I don't want to get aggressive with you, but you know what they're doing in Palestine." I go, "Yeah, I also know what Hamas just did." Boom! He explodes:
- "No Jews were killed in that attack!" Also insinuates it was some kind of Israeli false flag.
- "You know nothing! The Jews installed the Hamas government!"
A few hours later I (again purposely) "joke" to another Moroccan, a government employee, that the first Moroccan is a Hamas supporter. Boom! He virulently goes:
- "Ah, who cares that he says that?"
- "Hamas is not the government of Gaza." Which is not true. They were elected.
- "Israel is apartheid state! A terror state!"
- When I go, "Apartheid is great", he barely let's me explain ("Walls stop terrorist attacks"), and immediately goes: "Then we're done talking! That's like being a neo-Nazi!"
- "You should follow Human Rights Watch."
- "You should follow the United Nations."
- Ignores every solid fact I give him, and keeps ranting for 10 more minutes, after solidly telling him 3 times to let it go.
That's a Dutch-Arab government employee... As you're having these discussions you see the biggest, loudly-beeping motorcycle gang ever ride by with Palestinian flags, harassing a lone police officer tasked with keeping an eye on them while breaking a number of traffic laws. You look at the news and see elite-tied people as OpenAI CEO Sam Altman complaining that Muslims, Arab and "especially Palestinian" workers that he's spoken to "feel uncomfortable speaking about their recent experiences [regarding Gaza], often out of fear of retaliation and damaged career prospects." 148 Really? Look above as to the sensibility of having any discussion with the average Arab, let alone a Palestinian. But that aspect is ignored, of course. Always.
It really doesn't take long to figure out that all Moroccans I had to deal with in that period, and a variety of other Arabs, all were very supportive of genocidal suicide attacks on the Jews. Instead of outright saying it, they come up with all kinds of non-sensical denials and Soros-type antifa-propaganda, which you very seldom hear with white people. The biggest problem really is that white people just universally have learned to keep their mouths shut, because either they're worried of losing their job for being "racist"; or are worried they will get a knife stuck in between their ribs. So Sam Altman's truth actually works in reverse as well. One can be certain that pro-Israel statements at his company are not going to lead to career advancement there.
Human Rights Watch's biggest financier, of course, is George Soros. 149 Similarly, the United Nations has been built and maintained by the Rockefeller-Soros clique and is the biggest antifa-institution in the world, filled with Khomeini, Gaddafi, and Castro worshipping nation leaders. It makes you realize not just how dangerous Arab immigration is, but also the United Nations and Human Rights Watch. And that both white people and Jews are being exterminated by their white elites. - Refer to Muslim crime as being "Asian". This trick is particularly often used in case of Afghanis and Pakistanis in the British press, where newspapers, for example, prefer to talk about "Asian grooming gangs" 150 instead of "Pakistani" or "Arab" or "immigrant grooming gangs", despite a report showing that "84% of grooming gang members are Asian", i.e. almost all Pakistani. 151 Sometimes the term "Asian" also is used for Middle Easterners as Iraqis and Syrians, such as in Norwegian police reports.
Technically, the term is correct, but at the same time it is highly misleading and even stigmatizing, because true Far East Asians as Koreans and Japanese have extremely low crime numbers. Besides, why separate North Africans from other Arabs in "Asia"? Unless you're trying to confused the facts, it makes no sense. - Ban Koran burnings to "keep the peace". Mainly "conservative CIA" elements in Europe got into the habit of Koran burning in the early 2020s to protest endless Islamic immigration. When this became a problem in Denmark in 2023, parliament, "fearing reprisals", simply banned the entire practice of religious book burning. 152 Similar measures were contemplated in countries as Sweden. Months later a "Dutch" mayor with the name Ahmed Marcouch, ordered a Pegida head to cancel his upcoming Koran burning because "the risk of a possible terrorist threat aimed at you as a person is too high." 153 Taking away native whites' right to demonstrate to prevent Muslim crime and terrorism.
Immigration statistics manipulation - Stop registering most "low impact" crime - every few years a little more extreme - by actively dissuading citizens from filing reports on crimes "that won't be solved anyway", quickly leading to "complainant fatigue" as well in the population. This aspect is discussed in detail in the point 'deny immigration-crime link'.
- Stop registering most "low impact" crime through bureacratic tricks, for example by sending problematic youths to some outside oversight organ or letting them of with an unregistered "warning letter". Tricks like these, combined with ever-growing "complainant fatigue" in the population, has led to a 70 to 80 percent drop in youth crime in the Netherlands between 2006 and 2019 - except, of course, that youth crime, in the real world, only seems to get ever more violent. This aspect is discussed in detail in the point 'deny immigration-crime link'.
- Ban the registering of ethnicities of criminals, so statistical research and informed discussions on ethnic crime becomes impossible. Sweden, which has refused to publish any data on ethnic crime since 2005 154, after documenting 10 to 23 times higher rape numbers for Third World immigrants in the 1980s and 1990s 155, forced through a rule in 2016 that prevented its police from registering any ethnicities. 156
- As a government, refuse to list "third generation immigrants" and later as "immigrant population". List them as "Dutch" or whatever white country is represented 157, despite the fact that many or most of the third generation immigrants continue to only marry within their own ethnic groups, representating much of the same crime, IQ and social problems.
Anti-immigration poll manipulation - Hide polls showing huge opposition to third world immigration, especially among native whites. This greatly helps in making white people feel isolated in their "hate".
- Manipulate immigration polls, for example by not making clear what percentage of the sample involves 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation Third World immigrants (which is ever-increasing); or by including 16 year olds, while at the same time cutting out anyone above the age of 65, as IPSOS Mori has done to "liberalize" the statistics; by putting forward radical or vague questions; etc. ISGP has a whole list of observed dirty tricks on polls alone.
- Similarly with these polls, do not pay attention to the fact that tons of people, especially those watching the evening news every night, feel intimidated to say there are "too many" immigrants, probably explaining why year after year generally 30-35% of Europeans say that "there are just enough immigrants" - on top of the 50-55% who say there are "too many".
- However, do point out with these polls that "educated" and "young" people are more "tolerant" of Third World immigrants than "uneducated" and "old" people.
Anti-white "lawfare" - Introduce anti-racism laws, taking away all power from high IQ, low crime whites. While low IQ, high crime ethnicities can bully whites endlessly by calling them "racist", "Nazi", or "fascist", without listening to any rational arguments the slightest; whites cannot stand up for themselves and summerize low IQ, high crime immigrants as "primitives", "monkeys", "apes", "rats", "pests", "scum", etc. They will quickly run into fines ranging from hundreds of euros 159, to 10,000 160 or even 13,000 euros 161, in the last case simply for saying "Alles fur Deutschland" ("Everything for Germany"), which happens to have been used by Hitler. Prison sentences of six months for first offenses are often demanded by prosecutors 162, and likely will increasingly be instated.
In fact, soon after adding this entry someone put it to the test, albeit not in the greatest of ways, when prominent Dutch "conservative CIA"-type propagandist Raisa Blommestijn had a judge double the work sentence of the prosecutor from 40 hours t0 80 hours, likely becaue she defended herself after saying, "Yet another white man on the street beaten up by a group of negroid primates. How many defenseless white people have to become victims still? ... The open borders elite is importing these people in droves..." 163 In all fairness, she could easily argue that among "people in droves" there are these types of "negroid primates". Certainly any lawyer could do that. And technically, and maybe even morally, it should stick. But that type of arguing is of absolutely no use with Dutch judges. Judges essentially are mercearies of political parties, and that kind of "sneakiness" by a "civilian" can't be allowed. That does not mean that this author gets very excited about her having used the words "negroid primates". It's a little shameful as a media pundit, especially when said pundit completely ignores and censors ISGP-compiled statistics that would make the use of the afore-mentioned words moot. But it does send a message that even average people getting emotionally distressed and hurt by these type of violent immigration video, better shut their mouth. Or else...
Vice verse, it makes no sense for Third World immigrants to call white people "primitives", "monkeys", "apes", "rats", "pests", "scum", etc. Why? Because it doesn't match their general behavior. White people also don't have any self esteem issues in front of Third World immigrants. If anything, it's the opposite. So when called these names, white people would just laugh, look puzzled, roll their eyes, and be given permission to retaliate with similar words. So "anti-racism" laws fully and completely are in favor of Third World immigrants.
One question is if we ever really needed a change in the constitution. In 1776 U.S. Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin wrote for their Declaration of Independence, "All men are created equal [and] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..." In the Netherlands, a draft for its first 1798 constitution, for its first amendment, coincidentally read that, "All men, as men, are equal; they, as such, have the same rights." 164 For the final version this was moved to article / amendment 3 and changed to, "All Members of Society, without distinction of birth, property, position or rank, have an equal claim to its benefits." 165 Both the American and Dutch constitutional drafters had ties to instigators of the French Revolution such as Marquis de Lafayette, who famously guillotined King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette de Habsbourg-Lorraine in 1792, ending traditional European feudalism.
From 1815, with a very similar Code Napoleon also in place in France at this point, the Dutch constitution read that every citizen, "whether inhabitants or strangers, have equal right to the protection of person and good." 166 Arguably that gave foreign ethnicities more explicit protection than the 1789 American constitution. As it was subtly explained in the 1916 book 'The Passing of the Great Race', written by two aristocrats closely tied to the Morgans and Rockefellers:
"The [Founding Fathers] who wrote the words, "we hold these truths to be sell-evident, that all men are created equal," were themselves the owners of slaves and despised Indians as something less than human. Equality in their minds meant merely that they were just as good Englishmen as their brothers across the sea." 167
Those words certainly are relevant today, considering "woke" politics have wanted to do away with the Founding Fathers by dismissing them as slaveholders who didn't believe in "equality", with the final lines in the Declaration complaining that the English king was stirring up division in the American colonies by use of "the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." References to stirring up black slaves were removed to not start any debates surrounding this subject, considering Jefferson and other Founding Father owned slaves themselves. 168
One-and-half century would pass before any additional noteworthy constitutional changes were made. As for the Netherlands, in 1983, a solid decade after recommendations of the 1971 Cals-Donner Commission, headed by Jo Cals en Andre Donner, did the first amendment of the Dutch constitution change into the much more cultural communist: "Discrimination on grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race, gender or any other basis is not permitted" 169 In 2023 this first amendment of the Dutch constitution became even more cultural communist, with "handicaps" and "sexual orientation" also being explicitly banned:
"All persons in the Netherlands are treated equally in equal cases. Discrimination on grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or on any other basis is not permitted." 170
The original changes of the Dutch constitution in the 1970s and 1980s were inspired by the Rockefeller-pushed 1964 Civil Rights Act in the United States, the 1965 and 1968 Race Relations Acts in Great Britain, as well as the first two articles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the (Rockefeller and allies-created) United Nations. The latter, in its original form, read:
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights ... without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, birth or other status."
We could quite easily argue that already in the 1960s globalist elites saw where society was heading, with Third World immigration - and criticism on it - increasing, and decided to kneecap whites from resisting new waves of immigration. The 1968 'Rivers of Blood' speech of British member of parliament Enoch Powell, who days later was invited to Bilderberg, makes this much clear. In fact, he gave an example of woman who was hounded by immigrants as a "racialist" for refusing to rent her house to fellow immigrants:
"The immigrants moved in [to her neighborhood]. With growing fear, she saw one house after another taken over. The quiet street became a place of noise and confusion. Regretfully, her white tenants moved out. ... [For refusing to rent to blacks] windows are broken. She finds excreta pushed through her letter box. When she goes to the shops, she is followed by children, charming, wide-grinning piccaninnies. They cannot speak English, but one word they know. "Racialist," they chant. When the new Race Relations Bill is passed, this woman is convinced she will go to prison." 171
The 1965 Race Relations Act banned "racial discrimination in public places" and "promoting racial hatred". 172 The 1968 Race Relations Act "focused on eradicating discrimination in housing and employment". 173 It sounds all nice, but the problems with immigrants were well known, as can be see above. So these laws were completely introduced to benefit immigrants at the expense of whites: "Shut up, rent out what you have, or go to prison. They can call you racist. You can call them nothing." That's what these laws came down to. And the same laws were introduced everywhere in the West.
Keep in mind, calling a Third World immigrant an "ape" or a "rat" is not necessarily racist at all. If it is focused on observed behavior of an individual - and these differences happen to be quite noticeable, if you have Third World immigrants in your surroundings - it is not racism. If immigrants insist on calling you a "racist" or a "Nazi" for talking about the differences in crime and IQ numbers, it constitutes bullying and it should be a case of emotional self defense. Calling such a person an "asshole" is weak sauce, and immigrants know it. It has no impact. So you retaliate with words that do create "emotional balance".
Furthermore, based on the observed differences in race IQ and ethnic crime, this section of Dutch law at least doesn't apply: "...treated equally in equal cases". The same goes for genders: the situation isn't equal. The same goes for height, fat percentages, or looks: usually they're not equal. So treating races and genders differently shouldn't be any issue. A judge will never in a 1,000 years go along with such an interpretation, of course, and just define "equal circumstances" as "the work floor" or "social scene" - but definitions are definitions and facts are facts.
In a way, we never really needed a new constitution, because "All men ... are equal [and] have the same rights" is pretty clear. It already is heavily anti-racist, it could be enforced in such a manner today, and essentially is a necessary concept for any functioning law state anyway. But it is also clear that such a law state of "equality" was designed for people with roughly "equal" IQs, crime numbers, culture and values. It also was designed for men to be in charge, because arguably similar to Third World immigrants, women do require a slightly different set of rules. Not nearly as different maybe as masses of Third World immigrants, but the point remains that none of these elements are "equal". They are "different". Governments can change the constitution all they want, but eventually any kind of "old law order" designed by white men is going to crash down with women and Third World immigrants running wild. - The following needs to be emphasized separately: If laws that say that you can't have any "preferences" for "religion, belief, political opinion, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or on any other basis", you pretty much have no freedom of speech or action. Not on a lot of key points at least. How long before it is defined that an aversion to gangster rap constitutes "racism"? Technically, one could lob that under "any other basis". Don't think politically-obedient judges won't toss you in prison for breaking such a law.
It is true that you can distinguish between various racial groups when you appear to be neutral (i.e., "indirect distinction") and have a "legitimate" purpose for doing so 174, but all this means is that you cannot put the conclusions of higher crime and lower IQ with regard to Third World immigrants into practice, and just have to "deal with it" on a daily basis. It's quite an unworkable situation. The same goes for gender differences: observe the differences, conclude they exist, but don't dare to open your mouth about it in any quick, summarizing, or emotional manner. - Keep expanding "anti-racism" laws. This has been demonstrated above. One of the main characteristics of the globalist movement is that it starts slow. As explained by the Earth Charter of top globalists Steven Rockefeller, a nephew of Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission founder David Rockefeller; Maurice Strong, and Mikhail Gorbachev 175, initially there only is "soft law", which comes down to a "statement of principles" expressed through bodies as the United Nations or European Union. Over time these surpranational "soft laws" turn into "hard law" in an ever increasing amount of countries. Also here it generally starts with "public debate being introduced" by media and activist agents of the globalist movement. A decade goes by and all of a sudden people barely wonder anymore why these topics are discussed in the media every day. They just figure it's a natural process and a "sign of the times".
Anti-discrimination laws with regard to racism, feminism and LGBTQ all started and progressed in this manner. 5% at a time, 10% at a time, a little backing down for a few years (with loudly protesting farmers, for example), maybe just 1% at a time - in the end the globalist movement always gets what it wants, because people don't force a full "rollback" to earlier situations. And they certainly don't put the whole globalist movement checkmate once and for all, by forcing the introduction of their own legislation. - Keep increasing the intensity with which you enforce "anti-racism" laws. Certainly from the 2010s you see a strong increase in white people having to fear for losing their job and even for judicial prosecution for making anti-immigration statements on social media, the media, or even the work floor. Even a minister and presidential candidate as Mona Keijzer saying, in relation to 2023-2024 Israel-Palestine, "We know that hatred of Jews is almost part of the [Muslim] culture", immediately was put under judicial investigation - a department, ironically, overseen by the Turkish Dilan Yesilgoz - for "group insult". She eventually got away with it, in part due to statistics that 88% of Arabs supported the genocidal 2023 Hamas attack against Israeli settlers, but the prosecutor's office still continued to push their position that, "in principle", she is guilty, only letting her off the hook because "a politician has more room to say something". 176 So, in other words, the message was: you, the average person, will go to prison for saying this.
Similarly, another "conservative CIA" activist, is convicted for "group insult" for saying Muslims are like Nazis. 177 It may not be nice or productive to say, but due to Arab/Muslim hatred of Jews, similar to the Nazis, you can't say that there aren't similarities.
Also, back in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, companies and government departments weren't forced to (ideally) hire 50% men, 50% women, in each case all perfectly spread out among each Third World immigrant race (although not hiring any white people never seems to be an issue). But 40-50 years later, with largely the same laws in place, the practice is being enforced more and more.
This system of free speech repression only slowly came into place over the decades, with any time the media and activist NGOs determine that there is a "racism" problem somewhere, the prosecutors' office follows. This goes from social media, to the work floor, to chants during soccer matches.
In contrast, when anti-racism laws were introduced in the 1960s and 1970s, this type of judicial hysteria and fear didn't exist yet. This problem also can increase even more. In the future it could well be that if anyone brings up differences in ethnic statistics, it's an instant ticket to prison, because "racism is not allowed." At that point those laws may have been in place for 70 years or more, unchanged. - Lock "anti-racism" laws into the constitution, so they are harder to undo, so that members of parliament and cabinet have to swear loyalty to it 178, and that any opposition can be met with extra dramatic claims that anti-immigration sentiment "undermines the constitution of our country! You have to stick to the constitution!" 179
- Don't introduce formal or informal distinctions between "irrational racism" (simply hate not based on any fact) and "rational racism" (based on group statistics and experiences, and making necessary adjustments over that - for sanity and survival), with the latter preferably being given another name. Just force everybody into believing that "we are all equal" - and thus there not being any reason for distinguishing between cultures and races.
Certainly the Dutch lawbook doesn't define "discrimination" any deeper than merely having a "preference" for a certain race, religion, national, gender, sexual orientation, or, strangely, political opinion. - Earlier we talked about the introduction of anti-racism law. Subsequently, we see that these anti-racism laws only, or mainly, are enforced towards whites 180, and certainly are most restrictive to them due to their higher IQ and lower crime. In some cases, such as the massive, elite-tied Reddit forum, this policy was openly embraced in 2020, when it wrote among its rules:
"The rule on hate ... does not protect groups of people who are in the majority [i.e., white people]..." 181
Also with formal, judicial law, we see that Third World migrants "spreading hate" are touched with kids' gloves. "Hate-speaking" Muslim imams cursing out Jews and Christians, and even calling for genocide, may get a location or travel ban after many years of complaints. Arabs referring to white people as "cheeseheads" in the media is totally fine. Black Lives Matter protests always are a-okay by definition, no matter the riots. Palestinian activists projecting a Palestine flag onto a public building and calling for an intifada, immediately after the 2023 genocidal Hamas war on Jews, is totally fine as well. Stadiums full of black people chanting "Kill the Boer" doesn't draw any international protest, from the media or street-level activists.
However, when a white group projects the words "White Lives Matter" onto a public building, a criminal investigation is instantly launched. Unfortunately, and very predictably, the White Lives Matter group that - magically - appeared in the Netherlands consisted of Nazis, resulting in easy convictions and a ban on further activism.
At the same time though, the judges considered slogans as "Stop White Replacement" to be "racist" as well, with the court document even referring to "witte mensen" ("white people"), traditionally considered a huge insult in the Netherlands who always have used the wider-applicable "blanke mensen" ("plain people"). It wasn't until the 2010s that the media and activists groups started bullying "plain" Dutchmen with the term "white", immediately demonstrating the political bias of the judges:
"White Lives Matter is of the opinion that "white" people are worth more than the lives of people with a dark color and are looking for white rule. The message of Black Lives Matter-movement is that lives of people with a dark skin color are worth just as much as those of other people." 182
The statement of the court - which this author has experienced is Satanically corrupt to the bone - is not entirely incorrect, but what it effectively is saying is that it doesn't matter that white people are being replaced by black people, because "everybody is equal". So to protest "white replacement" is to be "racist", meaning if you use the slogan, you might just get tossed in prison and be at the mercy of the swarms of "equal" black people there. - To elaborate on earlier points: Put white people, including police officers and prison guards, in prison for "racism", where they are in danger of being raped and killed by immigrant criminals, because this latter group always is vastly overrepresented in prison. The threat is definitely there. Private police chat group comments as, "Muslims ... only understand one language!!! Fist! Fist! Fist! Fist!" and "I'm not going on transfer with those brown monkeys" have led to prosecutions and close calls with 6 month prison terms. 183 Why? Because "group chats" have also increasingly been considered "public". 184
This point actually is less original and more pertinent than most people would think. Locking "racists" in prisom where they are raped and killed by black inmates actually is part of the 1978 American Nazi book 'The Turner Diaries', which, despite it's genocidal-apocalyptic Nazi storyline, also hits the nail on the head with the weakness of white people in resisting Third World immigration forced upon them by their elites.
Maybe it shouldn't come as a surprise that the author of 'The Turner Diaries', William Luther Pierce, has every indication of having either been a FBI or CIA asset. Apart from his cookie-cutter Liberty Lobby positions, in 2002 he founded the Anti-Globalization Action Network (AGAN), a front for his National Alliance Nazi group that staged protests at the G8, criticize Israel's policy in Palestine, protest Bush's Second Iraq War, and also criticized Henry Kissinger. In other words, Pierce attacked the exact same points as his polar opposite at the G8: the antifa.
It makes one wonder to what extent 'The Turner Diaries' was created by FBI or CIA to take the wind out of the sails of any emerging anti-immigration, anti-globalist opposition movements in the future, a purpose that could be ascribed to the entire "anti-globalist", "conspiracy Nazi" branch of the "conservative CIA" movement.
Additional numbers for blacks and Arabs in Europe, the Caribbean and South Africa:
For Latinos, the known numbers, as far as this author has spent time calculating them, are as follows:

This thinking is so incredibly irrational that it doesn't tend to work very well on men amongst each other, but the influence (beautiful, often through make up) women have on men is exceptional, especially in terms of making them feel rejected - so the "just love" argument is a very, very powerful tool to use. And one more reason why the globalist movement loves feminism.
In one of his interviews of the 1960s, Malcolm X actually explained that the "Just love, just be better than them," argument was used on plantations to help slaves remain docile. True or not, it helps to show that this argument can easily be implemented as one of the most insidious forms of propaganda.

Equally bizarre, the memes attack common Dutch/white values as fiscal responsibility, reasonable work ethic, and caring about pets. In other words, the foreign meme creators were only making a mockery of their own race and culture.
Update: In 2022 a Dutch movie was released called 'De Tatta's', in which a well-to-do white family, after a financial loss, is forced to live in an immigrant neighborhood, is being looked at as "geeky", and is forced into adopting an "immigrant street mentality".

It's quite amazing how women in particular allow themselves to be manipulated so easily.

Is it nice to call these people "slaves" and "black petes"? No. But it is a natural expression of protest against society-wide white replacement. So there's a reason why people say this, beyond the individual, and that reason is not explored further in public debate. All this obviously is being done to prevent critical anti-immigration sentiment from being reached.
Origins of white guilt and white replacement
Over the years this author has quietly kept his eyes and ears open as to the origin of the globalist agenda with regard to Third World immigration, white guilt, and white replacement. A brief summary of this is giving in the intro of the 'Passing of the Great Race' article. This is more elaborate list - although by no means includes every possible entry. It is just to demonstrate where things started and
- There are not a whole lot of new developments since about 2015, except that the white guilt replacement has become ever more blatant.
- 2015: The Washington Post mainstreams the term "white privilige". It repeatedly started getting mentioned after the August 2014 black riots in Ferguson 185, next in relation to a curious remark of the "right-wing" Bill O'Reilly that liberal TV host Jon Stewart is a "big white privilege guy" 186, or opinions of "liberal CIA" journalist Nick Kristof some time later. 187 From then on it was open season, with articles explaining what "white privilege" is 188, poems on "white privilege" of deranged white women being uploaded 189, and public inquiries of what "millennials think about whiteness". 190
- 2014: The New York Times mainstreams the term "white privilige", mentioning it in dozens and dozens of articles from that point on. It's mentioned in 1998 in relation to Mandela and a few articles in 2008, 2011, and 2013, but used extremely sporadically until 2014. In that sense, it mirrored the New York Times.
- Feb. 2014: "Liberal CIA" "new left" media outlet Buzzfeed has its business editor Peter Lauria ask actor Jerry Seinfeld, "I have noticed that most of the guests [of your old Seinfeld show] are mostly white males." Seinfeld floored the room with his reply: "Yeah, let's get into that! Take a look over here, Peter! What do you see? A lot of whiteeeys!" As one early 2024 much-upvoted comment to the video went, "Buzzfeed was WOKE before WOKE became a thing." 191
- July 2013: The New York Times reports how "a handful of white cast members" on the Big Brother show for that season have focused the narrative on "white privilege and unconscious racism". 192
- July 2008: Four opinion letters in the New York Times, including one from a certain Aliyah Vinikoor - apparently a former Bernard College graduate who later became associate dean of the Jewish Theological Seminary, a "director of emergency housing at a center for LGBTQ+ homeless youth", and associate director of the University of Washington's Stroum Center for Jewish Studies 193 - complain that an "honest conversation" about "white privilege", "institutional racism" and "entrenched racism ... has been sorely absent from [Obama's] campaign." 194
- 2004: Looking at a show like 'Battlestar Galactica' (2004-2009), you see that all main actors are very, very white, but a good 25-33% of fillers in the background always are black or from another immigrant race. It would only be in the late 2010s that shows and movies really were forced to move black and other "minority" actors to main roles.
- 2003: The New York Times publishes an opinion letter of a Suzanne Moyers, apparently a New Jersey teacher and "education editor", who suggest white people should pay reparations to black people over the United States' slavery past. She wonders "how one affixes a number to hundreds of years of suffering and injury", and ackledges that whatever she needs to pay is justified because her "financial security" is the result of her "white privilege". 195
- 2002: The heavily anti-immigration Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands is assassinated a week before most likley having become elected prime minister. Problems with immigration have been heavily on the mind of the Dutch for more than a decade at that point. There just weren't any candidates along these lines to vote on.
- 2000: Michael's Moore's 2000 book 'Stupid White Men' - which spent no less than 50 weeks in the New York Times Best Sellers' List, 8 weeks of which on the number one spot - was a heavy-duty white guilt book. One only has to glance throug the book's 'Kill Whitey' chapter to recognize it:
"We've been taught since birth that it's the people of that other color we need to fear. They're the ones who'll slit your throat! ...
"[But] I have never been attacked by a black person, never been evicted by a black person... Who gave us the black plague? A white guy. ... Who has started every war America has been in? White men. ... Whose idea was it to pollute the world with the internal combustion engine? Whitey, that's who. The Holocaust? That guy really gave white people a bad name... The genocide of Native Americans? White man. Slavery? Whitey! ...
"African-Americans never got a chance to have the same fair start the rest of us got."
- 1990s: The "conservative CIA" outlet Frontpage magazine had articles dealing with white guilt back in the 1990s. This was observed by this author in 2019, but since then FrontpageMag.com has excluded itself from web.archive.org, so there's no way to go back and source it.
- 1993: The Brujeria produces its first album, 'Matando Gueros' (1993), which translates as "Kill White Men" or "Kill Whites". This is followed in 1995 with the album Raza Odiada ("Hated Race"). Brujeria was founded in 1989 by members of the better-known bands Fear Factory and Faith No More, with eternal super-antifa Jello Biafra doing backing vocals on its first album. In the beginning, members pretended to be tied to Mexican drug cartels and didn't reveal their identities. The first two albums were focused on the anti-immigration policies of California senator (1983-1991) and governor (1991-1999) Pete Wilson. The opening of the 1995 album involved Jello Biafra impersonating Governor Pete Wilson making a political speech to a clapping white crowd, which is about to be massacred by a group of Mexicans:
"They keep coming: savage brown-skinned hordes. Across the customs checkpoints in San Diego. Between backed-up cars on our freeway. They hang their laundry out the window. They do jobs white people are too cool to do themselves. I don't care if it starts a race war. I don't care if it brings every bigot out of the closet and gets every brown-skinned savage beaten up on the streets. Who cares, as long as I, Pete Wilson, am governor and president. I, Pete Wilson, gave you Proposition 187 [came in with 59% of the votes; blocked undocumented immigrants from using health care and public education]. In this country you speak English or you get out. [shooting and screaming starts, with one victim saying, "don't [inaudible] my kind."]"<
The group, like clockwork, reorganized during the successful Trump campaign of 2015-2016, releasing the Nuclear Blast EP 'Viva Presidente Trump!' (2016) and the album 'Pocho Aztlan'. The latter featured an Aztec pyramid in the midst of LA and Hollywood, and is a Spanish-language American-Indian protest song against white American racism and how Mexicans should see themselves as members of the genocidal Aztec civilization.
Meanwhile, Biafra always was active as a major antifa, from the Seattle protests against the WTO in 1999 to Occupy Wall Street in 2011. In 2016 he was photographed performing with Dave Lombardo of Slayer and Faith No More frontman Mike Patton wearing "Nazi Trumps Fuck Off" t-shirts alongside a "Make America Mexico Again" cap.
Antifa activism and white guilt for many decades has been deeply entrenched in rock and metal music. - 1992: Dr. Noel Ignatiev of Harvard sets up the magazine 'Race Traitor'. Its purpose, as explained by him in 2002:
"[We wanted] to explore how people who had been brought up as white might become unwhite. ... The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Of course we expected bewilderment from people who still think of race as biology. ...
"Make no mistake about it: we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed - not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed." 1961980s
- 1987: If you look back at old shows, you realize that race quotas have quietly been part of Hollywood and American TV since at least the 1960s. Moving slightly more into modern history, even with the earliest seasons of Fox's 'Married With Children...' (1987-1997), where Kelly Bundy wears an Rebel Flag patch on her leather jacket, and (very) occasionally jokes are made about Mexican immigrants and black people, you see that for every 4 or 5 white housewives, card buddies, high school students, or boyscouts, 1 is black. Kelly's sexual interest during a dance performance was a pony-tailed, "cool", Ecuadoran-looking migrant worker.
During the latter seasons, the white-black ratio often became 1 in 3, with both Al's co-workers being black, Al repeatedly showing sexual interest in black women, and much of the show revolving around conflicts between Marcy's various feminist activist groups and Al's 'No Ma'am' pro-male group. Season 9 introduced trannyism at least twice. The show essentially even ridiculed housewives for 11 years, promoting globalist feminism of pushing women into the workplace.
The occasional jokes about the primary language in the U.S. being Spanish and Muslims being terrorists, were little more than the usual thinly-veiled smokescreens of the "right wing" Fox network educating its public along globalist lines. It got worse over time, but the signs were there almost from the start. - 1981: Teenage antifa punk group Minor Threat creates the song 'Guilty of Being White':
"I'm sorry, for something that I didn't do. Lynched somebody, but I don't know who! You blame me for slavery, a hundred years before I was born. Guilty of being white! I'm a convict. Guilty! Of a racist crime. Guilty! I've only served... Guilty! ... Nineteen years of my time!"
The main founder of Minor Threat was Ian MacKaye, who also founded the leading punk band label Dischord Records in 1980. MacKaye's grandparents were considerable Washington, D.C. elites. They were members of the elite Cosmos Club, the National Press Club, Press Club, and Army & Navy Club, all in Washington, D.C. 197
The Cosmos Club mainly invited scientists, but also maintained a number of elites. National security advisor McGeorge Bundy, national security advisor and secretary of state Henry Kissinger, and secretary of defense Harold Brown were among the known members from the 1960s to the 1980s. William Colby remained an active member of the Cosmos Club while CIA director from 1973 to 1976. Ranking CIA officer Jamie Jameson was a known member, with claims that the Cosmos Club was a hub of CIA networking. 198
That's not all. MacKaye's father, the Harvard-educated William MacKaye, was White House correspondent in 1963-1966, and part of the motorcade in which JFK was killed in 1963. Apart from a "liberal CIA" Knight Foundation fellowship for his theology studies, William was religion editor of The Washington Post from 1966 until at least 1975, and served as associate editor of The Washington Post Magazine until 1986. 199 The Washington Post leadership - over the years consisting of owners Phil and Katharine Graham, both members of the CFR; and 1968-1991 executive editor Ben Bradlee - was deeply tied in with the CIA. Bradlee, for example, infamously explained how he found CIA counterintelligence director James Angleton, also "a friend of ours", snooping around in the house of Mary Pinchot Meyer, after her 1964 murder. 200 And that is just one of the ties, one that should be remembered in the context of this article. - 1980: Overlapping antifa punk group Black Flag creates the "sarcastic" song 'White Minority', for people "being afraid of that, and make them look as outrageously stupid as possible." 201 Lyrics:
"We're gonna be a white minority...! We're gonna feel inferiority...! ... We don't believe [that's] a possibility. Well, you just wait and see! White pride... I'm gonna hide, anywhere I can!"
Black Flag was fronted by Henry Rollins, the son of Washington, D.C. economist Paul J. Garfield, from 1981 to 1986. From the age of 11-12, Rollins was best friends with Minor Threat's Ian MacKaye 202, the one with the Cosmos Club grandparents and Washington Post editor father. The founders of Black Flag were Greg Ginn, a vegan antifa; and his brother Raymond, better known as Raymond Pettibon, an Ayatollah-loving antifa artist whose art has been featured at the Rockefeller's Museum of Modern Art. 203 But we can keep going along these lines. - 1980, Noel Ignatiev, a Students for a Democratic Society antifa activist since the 1960s and a future white- and Jew-hating Harvard professor, writes about "white-skin privilege", as part of his 1969-founded "Sojourner Truth Organization":
"In modern industrial societies, bourgeois [middle class] rule depends on ... the white-skin privilege system - the conferring of a favored status on the white sector of the proletariat [working class]. ... [On] November 23, 1977 [the] Guardian [was] quoting fragments from STO [Sojourner Truth Organization] documents dealing with the "white-skin privilege" [and also from my speech in which I said:] "The problem is to get white workers to resign from the white race..."" 204
It's likely Ignatiev has been doing so since the 1970s, and possibly even the 1960s, but the author has seen no proof of that.
- 1971:"Multi-ethnic textbooks" with histories including boxer Joe Louis, Martin Luther King, and the historical significance of slavery, increasingly are introduced in the United States, "to more accurately reflect the kind of society we live in today and the kind of society we want," a representive of the Macmillan reading company explains. A representative of Chicago's Follett Publishing Company is quoted as saying, "The day of the all‐white textbooks is just about over. The big publishers won't fool with them anymore, and all‐white towns like Cicero, Ill., just won't he able to get them in the future." 205 That's a clear jab at "whiteys".
- 1968: Curiously 6 days before his lone invitation to Bilderberg where apparently nothing would be said about this subject, judging by the proceedings document for that year, anti-immigration member of parliament Enoch Powell holds his infamous 'Rivers of Blood' speech, in which he also expressed people's fears of going to prison for being "racist":
"In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip hand over the white man. [This] ordinary fellow Englishman [says] that his country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking...
"Whole areas, towns and parts of towns across England will be occupied by sections of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population. ... It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. ...
"I am going to allow just one of those hundreds of people to speak for me: "The immigrants moved in [to her neighborhood]. ... One house after another... The quiet street became a place of noise and confusion. Regretfully, her white tenants moved out. ... [For refusing to rent to blacks] windows are broken. She finds excreta pushed through her letter box. When she goes to the shops, she is followed by children, charming, wide-grinning piccaninnies. They cannot speak English, but one word they know. "Racialist," they chant. When the new Race Relations Bill is passed, this woman is convinced she will go to prison." ...
"As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."" 206
Great Britain's 1965 Race Relations Act banned "racial discrimination in public places" and "promoting racial hatred". 207 The 1968 Race Relations Act "focused on eradicating discrimination in housing and employment". 208 - 1964: An October 1964 funeral description of alleged JFK lover Mary Pinchot Meyer, who was murdered by a black person (although Timothy Leary, a friend of Meyer, suspected the CIA), clearly indicates the promotion of white guilt within a "Rockefeller CIA" crowd, this by a friendly bishop, in a manner the West's population at large wouldn't be exposed to until the 2010s:
"Bishop Paul Moore was a family friend who had known [Washington Post executive director] Ben Bradlee, [the murdered] Mary Meyer, and her [CIA and CFR] ex-husband, Cord Meyer, since the 1930s. ... Many were not prepared to forgive the murderer, and the less liberal members of the crowd were incensed at the minister [Paul Moore] for bringing politics into the chapel by trying to portray the alleged killer as a victim and the killing as an act perpetrated by poverty and injustice. ...
"[CIA counter-intelligence chief James] Angleton served as an usher at Mary's funeral, leading the mourners to their seats... Cord Meyer's closest friend and fellow Yale graduate, James Jesus Angleton [was present.] Cord Meyer was comforted at the funeral by [future CIA director] Richard Helms... Poet Reed Whittemore, a college friend of James Angleton's at Yale... was there with his wife. ... Kennedy aides Arthur Schlesinger and McGeorge Bundy [a Rockefeller friend since his youth] were also in the pews. ... Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham, recently widowed [from her CIA-tied husband] ... came to pay last respects." 209
- 1957: Eustace Mullins, in the future a well-known conspiracy author against the Rockefellers and the "New World Order", enters the following hoax into the Congressional Record, causing a bit of steer about it in 1958:
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. [We will be] pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites. ...
"While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their [colonialist] exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life... With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites..." 210
Hoax or not, once the "Jewish communist" aspect is taken out, it is an unbelievably prophetic text as to what would happen over half a century later on a very large scale. How does one make this up? There clearly was some type of opposite propaganda going on at the time. This is right when the Rockefeller-funded Martin Luther King started making his first waves - 11 years before his murder. However, this agenda literally became only fully, unabashed mainstream in major media outlets as the New York Times and Washington Post in 2014, 57 years later.
The hoax gets even more fascinating upon realizing that Mullins was a protege of Ezra Pound, who tasked Mullins in 1948-1949 to start writing what ultimately became his well known conspiracy work 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve' (1952, unsuppressed second edition in 1983).
More fascinating still is that there's every indication that Ezra Pound, throughout this time locked up in a Washington, D.C. mental hospital with a fake diagnosis of "psychosis" to prevent him from being prosecuted at Nuremberg as a war criminal 211 - continued to be in close indirect, and very likely also some direct contact, with CIA counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton. Angleton and Reed Whittemore - also at the funeral of Mary Pinchot Meyer in 1964 - continued to run their Furioso art magazine, of which Pound had been appointed "Godfather" in 1939. 212 E.E. Cummings, a poetry friend of both Pound and Angleton, lobbied publishers to try and get Mullins a book contract in 1949. 213 Angleton, across the river from Pound's luxerious mental hospital room, bequeathed Pound a "bottle of spirits" in his 1948 will 214, while good OSS and CIA friend of Angleton and Pound's poetry circle, Peter Sichel, indicated in 2015 that Angleton indeed had stayed in contact with Pound during these years. 215
Conclusions on post-World II "white guilt"-pushing: "Rockefeller CIA"
The Ezra Pound - Hugh Angleton (father) - James Angleton (son) - Eustace Mullins relationship is a complex and important one, and needs to be written down somewhere else, but the fact is that we can tie James Jesus Angleton, the son of a globalist-tied businessman and himself CIA counterintelligence chief from 1954 to 1975, to two very early cases of "white guilt" propaganda of the 1950s and 1960s, over half a century before things really got wild along these lines.
Angleton and CIA director William Colby also were the tiniest hair away from the parents and grandparents of Minor Threat founder Ian MacKaye - and thus also MacKaye's best friend since the age of 11-12, Henry Rollins, two persons unusually aware of "white guilt" and "white minority" subjects by 1980.
It could also well be, and may even be likely, that Angleton and Colby ran Dr. Noel Ignatiev and the Students for a Democratic Society he came out of. Students for a Democratic Society certainly drew tons of attention from a traditional "anti-communist" CIA.
We just can't quite get a detailed enough glimpse behind the curtain, but we certainly can tell the network from which white guilt has emanated. And it always is the same network: "Rockefeller CIA".
Pre-World War II and World War I "white guilt"
We actually can trace "white guilt", and certainly subtle warnings of an organized "internationalist" (globalist) plot to fill or even replace the West with Third World immigrants straight to Hitler's 1925 book 'Mein Kampf' and the 1916 book 'Passing of the Great Race', the latter a genocidal-colonialist book that Hitler referred to as his "bible".
Once again we see globalist forces in the background. A co-author of 'Passing of the Great Race' was J.P. Morgan's nephew, with both authors closely involved with the Rockefellers and other elites. Hitler was a military intelligence recruit financed by Fritz Thyssen, a businessmen with some pre-World War II involvement with American elites, certainly in relation to war reparations negotiations, and whose interest post-World War II were strongly represented at David Rockefeller's Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission groups. That aspect probably is most in-depth discussed in ISGP's International Chamber of Commcerce article.
So in that sense, we once again keep within the Rockefeller network, before the CIA even existed. These older ties are discussed in a separate article though.
- 1995 annual report, Rockefeller Fdn., p. 82: "Harvard ... $15,000: For use by the W. E. B. Du Bois Institute."
- March 25, 1988, Harvard Crimson, 'Ford Foundation Gives Grant to DuBois Inst.'; March 12, 2011, Ford Fen. report, 'A Primer for Endowment Grantmakers', pp. 38, 40 : "2: Special Purpose Endowment grants: ... Harvard... 1997-1999. $485,000. Endowment support for the fellows program of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute." 2002 annual report, Ford Fdn., p. 133: "Harvard ... $68,000: For the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute..."
- Sep. 6, 2023, Fox News, 'Soros-backed group partners on 'Abolition School' to train activists to eradicate police, prisons; The W.E.B Du Bois Movement School for Abolition & Reconstruction held its 1st training sessions in August': "The Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability joined forces with left-wing groups to aid the Philadelphia-based W.E.B Du Bois Movement School... The Foundation to Promote Open Society, a nonprofit in the Soros Open Society Foundation network, gave $5.25 million to the Community Resource Hub between 2019 and 2021."
- *) March 1, 2021, John Brennan on MSNBC's Deadline, without any racial provocation.
*) March 2, 2021, New York Post, 'Ex-CIA chief John Brennan ‘increasingly embarrassed’ to be a white man'. - cmsny.org/address-by-sir-peter-sutherland-on-migration-as-a-moral-issue/ (date speech: June 15, 2012; accessed: May 17, 2021; Center for Migration Studies).
- July 18, 2023 upload by 'Jamesons Travels', '"Stop Hiring White Pilots" Colonel Wootan USAF'. youtube.com/watch?v=dEOzCPQKqS0 (accessed: July 22, 2023)).
- Oct. 4, 1992, New York Times, 'Tinker, Tailor, Poet, Spy: Tales of Literary Espionage
- Dec. 20, 1998, New York Times Book Review of Nina Burleigh's 'A Very Private Woman: The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer. This is a reprinted excerpt of the book in the New York Times. Burleigh was a White House reporter for Time in the 1990s, a staff writer at People in the 2000s, etc.
- Oct. 8, 2022, Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), 'Why the People of Vietnam Have Surprisingly Warm Views of Americans, Despite the History'.
- Sep. 2011, #138, Joe Rogan Experience podcast, words of his guest Anthony Bourdain: "The Vietnamese were incredible. ... I even asked at one point... "Aren't you guys pissed?" ... They were like, "Don't flatter yourself, dude. Life is hard out here. ... Since you [Americans], we fought the Chinese, the Cambodians, the Chinese again. Before you, there were the French, the Japanese, the Chinese. We've been at war for 600 years. ... Bascially, if we stop fighting this week, next week you are welcome at my house.""
- April 30, 2015, The Atlantic, 'How Young Vietnamese View the Vietnam War; "I don't care much about capitalism or communism. What will leaders do for our country?"'.
- Sep.-Oct. 2002, Dr. Noel Ignatiev reprint from the book 'When Race Becomes Real' (2002) in Harvard Magazine, p. 30. (PDF)
- Aug. 8, 2012, BBC, 'Brazil approves affirmative action law for universities'; Aug. 15, 2023, Le Monde, 'Brazil's racial quotas have given rise to a new generation of Black graduates'.
- Nov. 1, 2009, BBC, 'University race quotas row in Brazil': "[Photo:] Mr Bolsonaro says the quotas approach is a form of reverse discrimination. ... A question mark hangs over the quotas system after a legal challenge mounted by state congressman Flavio Bolsonaro."
- Aug. 3, 2011, iol.co.za (Independent Online), 'Bar still raised for white pupils'.
- June 2022, Economics of Education Review, 'Recruit to reject? Harvard and African American applicants': "After a 28-year period where the African American share of applicants to Harvard was roughly stable, the African American share of applicants grew by almost 57% over four years. Yet, there was little change in the share of admits who were African American, consistent with our finding that the increase in applications was driven by those with lower SAT scores. ...
Additional data indicate that the rise in applications came from those with scores on the SAT subsections below 550; scores for which virtually no Harvard applicant is admitted. For the Class of 2009, the number of African American applicants with scores above 640 was more than double the number of applicants with scores below 550. But for the Class of 2012, there were fewer African American applicants with math scores above 640 than below 550...
or the Class of 2009, African American applicants were admitted at a 67% higher rate than Asian Americans, but by 2016 the African American admit rate was just 3% higher than the Asian American admit rate. ...
An African American applicant who scored above a 740 on the SAT math was 4.46 times as likely to be admitted as a similar-scoring Asian American applicant for the Class of 2009 and was 4.65 times as likely to be admitted for the Class of 2016." - Feb. 18, 2013, American Conservative, 'Race Quotas, Harvard, and BakkeEvidence suggests the Supreme Court was misled about the use of ethnicity in college admissions.'
- Dec. 6, 2023, New York Times, 'College Presidents Under Fire After Dodging Questions About Antisemitism'.
- March 28, 2017, Vox, '“Scientific racism” is on the rise on the right. But it’s been lurking there for years.'
- July 1, 2015, National Review, 'The Shameful Liberal Exploitation of the Charleston Massacre': "Blacks, in other words, committed 85 percent of the non-homicide interracial crimes of violence between blacks and whites, even though they are less than 13 percent of the population."
The relevant Bureau of Justice Statistics statistic is included in the main ethnic crime article, from which additional calculations were made by this author. - 2018, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 'National Crime Victimization Survey', Table 14: 'Interracial Violent Crime Incidents 2018'. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- 2013, FBI, 'Crime in the United States' annual report, 'Expanded Homicide Data Table 6'. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- December 23, 2004, Brendan Flaherty and Rajiv Sethi of Columbia University, 'Racial Stereotypes and Robbery', pp. 2-3.
- 2023, New York Police Department (NYPD), 'Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City' annual report, p. 11. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- 2008, New York Police Department (NYPD), 'Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City' annual report, p. 11. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- *) November 2011, Bureau for Justice Statistics, 'Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008', pp. 11-13 (PDF).
*) Jan. 14, 2011, Centers for Disease Control's Injury Center's 'Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)', 'Homicides --- United States, 1999--2007': "TABLE 2. Homicide rates,* by race/ethnicity --- National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2007: ... Total: 3.7 [versus] 41.4. [11.2x higher for blacks]."
*) 2013, FBI, 'Crime in the United States' annual report, 'Expanded Homicide Table', Table 3: 7x of white. - Jan. 14, 2011, Centers for Disease Control's Injury Center's 'Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)', 'Homicides --- United States, 1999--2007': "TABLE 2. Homicide rates,* by race/ethnicity --- National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2007: ... Age group (yrs): ...
- 5-9: [white:] 0.6 [versus] [non-hispanic black:] 1.4. [2.3x higher for blacks] ...
- 10-14: 0.4 [versus] 4.6. [2.3x higher for blacks] ...
- 15-19: 3.4 [versus] 69.1. [20.3x higher for blacks] ...
- 20-24: 6.3 [versus] 109.4. [17.4x higher for blacks] ...
- 60-69: 2.4 [versus] 14.5. [6x higher for blacks] ...
- ≥70: 2.0 [versus] 10.0. [5x higher for blacks] ...
- Total: 3.7 [versus] 41.4. [11.2x higher for blacks]." - Ibid.
- Ibid.
- *) 2001 and 2013, Bureau of Justice Statistics, incarceration rates per crime. Interpreted from charts apparently made by the American Renaissance Institute based on the the raw BJS numbers.
*) Nov. 1992, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 'Patterns of Robbery and Burglary in 9 States, 1984-88', p. 1: "Most arrested for robbery were black (63%), and most arrested for burglary, white (64%)." Estimations had to be made for missing data, but the end result very much in line with the above incarceration rates for robbery.
*) June 2, 2020, Wall Street Journal, 'The Myth of Systemic Police Racism': "In 2018 ... African-Americans [did] commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population." Estimations had to be made for missing data, but the end result very much in line with the above incarceration rates for robbery. - May 2011, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 'National Crime Victimization Survey: Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2008 Statistical Tables', table 46. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- May 2011, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 'National Crime Victimization Survey: Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2008 Statistical Tables', table 46. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- 2001, Bureau of Justice Statistics, incarceration rates per crime. Interpreted from a chart apparently made by the American Renaissance Institute based on the the raw BJS numbers.
- August 1999, The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, pp. 267–282, 'Male Prison Rape: A Search for Causation and Prevention' (PDF). This study involves an analysis of eight past prison rape studies dating back to 1968, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984 and 1990.
- May 2011, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 'National Crime Victimization Survey: Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2008 Statistical Tables', table 46. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- 2023, New York Police Department (NYPD), 'Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City' annual report, p. 2. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- 2001 and 2013, Bureau of Justice Statistics, incarceration rates per crime. Interpreted from charts apparently made by the American Renaissance Institute based on the the raw BJS numbers.
- June 2, 2020, Wall Street Journal, 'The Myth of Systemic Police Racism; Hold officers accountable who use excessive force. But there's no evidence of widespread racial bias.'
- Ibid.
- June 26, 2010, Sunday Telegraph, 'Violent inner-city crime, the figures, and a question of race'. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- February 5, 2015, RTL News (premier Dutch television station), 'Bijna 63 procent van gevangenen in Nederland is allochtoon'. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- Aug. 4, 2018, caribischnetwerk.ntr.nl, 'Groot onderzoek naar moord en dodelijk bendegeweld op eilanden'.
- June 10, 2009, The Independent, 'Gang rape: Is it a race issue?'. Additional calculations based on the given numbers by this author.
- 2008, vol. 83, no. 2 (4 annually), Mens & Maatschappij (Amsterdam University Press), 'Zendendelinquentie en etniciteit: Een exploratief onderzoek op basis van politiegegevens', p. 117.
journal-archive.aup.nl/mens-en-maatschappij/vol_83_no_2_-_zedendelinquentie_en_etniciteit.pdf (accessed: March 29, 2024). - Jan. 2024, Stevig.nl (Dutch NGO for problem youths) and the Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid (financing, selecting cases), 'Weet jij wie ik ben? Dader of slachtoffer van seksuele uitbuiting' (a study of 15 finalized police dossiers with 32 perpetrators), pp. 43-45, 62, 71.
- April 2008, Oslo police report, 'Voldtekt i Oslo 2007 (Rape in Oslo 2007)' (PDF). An ISGP article on Oslo immigrant crime exists too.
- October 14, 2015, Asia Times, 'More horrible than rape'.
Based on 1985-1989 rape numbers in a 1996-published study of the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRA), 'Invandrares och invandrares brans brottslighet', p. 41. - June 18, 2009, BBC, 'South African rape survey shock'.
- 2023, New York Police Department (NYPD), 'Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City' annual report, p. 11. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- 2008, New York Police Department (NYPD), 'Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City' annual report, p. 11. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- 2007, Centers for Disease Control's Injury Center's 'Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)', 'Homicides --- United States, 1999--2007': "TABLE 1. ... White, non-Hispanic: [murder rate:] 2.7. ... Hispanic: ... 7.6. ... TABLE 2. ... White, non-Hispanic: ... [murder rate:] 3.7 ... Hispanic: ... 12.5."
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- 2018, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 'National Crime Victimization Survey', Table 14: 'Interracial Violent Crime Incidents 2018'. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- October 14, 2015, Asia Times, 'More horrible than rape'.
Based on 1985-1989 rape numbers in a 1996-published study of the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRA), 'Invandrares och invandrares brans brottslighet', p. 41. - 2023, New York Police Department (NYPD), 'Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City' annual report, p. 2. Additional calculations based on the given numbers were made by this author.
- August 1999, The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, pp. 267–282, 'Male Prison Rape: A Search for Causation and Prevention' (PDF). This study involves an analysis of eight past prison rape studies dating back to 1968, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984 and 1990.
- Random example of the moment, with new examples spotted weekly in the Dutch media:
*) Feb. 22, 2024, NOS ("leftist" state news), 'Tiener doodgestoken in Winsum, 19-jarige man aangehouden' ('Teen stabbed in Winsum, 19-year-old man apprehended'). Winsum is the remotest of farmland.
*) Feb. 23, 2024, De Telegraaf (semi-right), 'Verdachte Jamesley S. (19) bekent Jet (17) in Winsum te hebben gedood'. Picture shows a blond girl with a horse, but not a picture of the perpetrator.
*) twitter.com/weg_met/ status/1760645339927757306 (date post: Feb. 22, 2024; accessed: Feb. 23, 2024; translated): "Alarmed because NOS does not mention anything about the suspect. ... The suspect... Jamesley S.: [Shows a picture of a black teen with his tongue out]." - Nov. 23, 2024, Nu.nl, 'Duiden misdaadcijfers op goede integratie? Onderzoeker geeft uitleg': "Migranten en hun kinderen integreren steeds beter. Dat constateerde statistiekbureau CBS op basis van onderzoek. Dit zorgde voor gefronste wenkbrauwen bij onze lezers." Interview with Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) researcher.
- *) May 7, 2018, Volkskrant, 'Het is lastig te geloven, maar Nederland wordt toch echt steeds veiliger'
*) May 7, 2018, BNNVara.nl, ''De angst dat migranten criminaliteit met zich meebrengen is onzin'' (''The fear that migrants bring crime with them is nonsense''). - May 2018, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 'Statistische Trends: Het mysterie van de verdwenen criminaliteit'.
- Ibid.
- linkedin.com/in/jan-van-dijk-2224218 (acessed: March 13, 2024): "Leiden University ... Activities and societies: Miverva Njord."
- Dec. 11, 2010, Volkskrant, 'A student period at a fraternity has a lot of benefits' ('Een studententijd bij het corps heeft veel voordelen')
- Sep. 22, 2016, mr-online.nl, 'Europese onderscheiding voor Jan van Dijk (Tilburg University)'.
- July 1998, vol. 2, no. 2, Jan van Dijk for The Victimologist, newsletter of the World Society for Victimology, 'Crime Victims and the United Nations': "The [1996 WSV-inspired United Nations] resolution in addition welcomed the proposal to convene a working group of interested parties to explore the feasibility of establishing an international Fund for Victims... Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven, husband of Princess Margriet of Orange and for many years chief fund-raiser for victim support in the Netherlands, has agreed to chair the first meeting. Interested members are kindly invited to contact me and supply us with examples of projects worth funding."
- *) April 6, 2000, unodc.org, 'Tenth Crime Congress to Convene in Vienna from 10 to 17 April 2000': "More than 50 per cent of victims around the world are unhappy about the way police treat them, and many others end up severely traumatized by criminal justice systems, according to the International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS), which has been carried out in more 60 countries over the past decade. ... Jan Van Dijk, Principal Officer of the United Nations Centre for International Crime Prevention and a key initiator of the ICVS."
*) March 17-18, 1992, Jan van Dijk paper presented at the preparatory Seminar of the International Conference on Understanding Crime, 'The International Crime Survey; a tool for the planning and evalution of national crime policies', p. 2: "In 1987 a Working Group was set up comprising Jan van Dijk (overall coordinator), Ministry of Justice, the Netherlands; Pat Mayhew [from] England; and Martin Killias, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. An invitation to join in the survey was sent to some twenty-odd countries." - 2005, UNICRI, 'International Terrorism and Governmental Structures', Preface and Acknowledgments: "UNICRI..., located in Turin (Italy), is a fully-fledged UN body, established by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution of 1968. ... A special thanks the UNICRI Deputy Director, Jan Van Dijk, for his guidance."
- May 29, 2017, ccv-secondant.nl (network of crime experts from various universities), 'Daling criminaliteit is goed bewaard geheim in criminologie'.
- May 20, 2019, ccv-secondant.nl (network of crime experts from various universities), 'De jeugdcriminaliteit is langzaam aan het verdampen' ('Youth crime is slowly evaporating').
- May 13, 2019, Rijksoverheid.nl, '10 jaar bestrijding van high impact crimes'.
- Jan. 22, 2022, Politie.nl, 'Nog steeds zorgwekkend veel steekincidenten door jongeren' ('Nog steeds zorgwekkend veel steekincidenten door jongeren').
- June 4, 2018, ccv-secondant.nl (network of crime experts from various universities), 'Waarom minder misdaad?'.
- 2018, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Datacentrum (WODC) of the Dutch Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, 'Realiteit of registratie-effect', pp. 83-84.
- Ibid., p. 63.
- May 1, 2019, De Stentor, 'Opmerkelijk: gemeenten innen bijstandsfraude niet'.
- June 16, 2018, BNNVara.nl / Joop, 'Doorgeslagen jacht op bijstandsfaude maakt vele slachtoffers'.
- June 16, 2018, De Stentor, ''Sociale diensten zoeken met verborgen camera's en gps naar bijstandsfraude''.
- 2018, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Datacentrum (WODC) of the Dutch Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, 'Realiteit of registratie-effect', pp. 53, 83, 85: "Een overzicht van het aantal sepots tussen 2011 en 2015 laat zien dat dit aantal zowel voor minderjarige als voor meerderjarige verdachten meer dan verdubbeld is. [Ook] valt op dat het aantal jeugdigen dat bij een misdrijf als betrokkene is geregistreerd stabiel blijft, terwijl het aantal jeugdige verdachten sterk afneemt."
- *) Personal experience of this author.
*) Ibid., p. 83. - *) May 2, 2024, Jonet, 'Oude Joodse dame geslagen en weggepest uit flat'.
*) May 2, 2024, Telegraaf, 'Joodse Rachel (76) bespuugd, in elkaar geslagen en weggepest uit Amsterdamse flat: 'Na 7 oktober werd het onhoudbaar''. Behind a paywall. - June 17, 2024, 'Omroep PowNed', 'Meisje (14) aangerand door azc-tuig: 'Niks van politie gehoord!'': "We have an adopted daughter who is with us since November. And she is being harassed to the extreme. Because she has to learn Dutch, she is at school with the youths of the AZC. She is from Hungaria... We now have a second complaint running for sexual assault. ... Too little is being done, so that is why we called you. ... It was at the schoolyard, just outside school hours. ...
They come here, and they see white girls, with pretty hair, and then it's immediately an issue. ... She probably has to walk completely covered up, according to them. ... There was a first , that she was being sexually touched at certain places. That was also in the period that an 11-year-old Ukrainian girl literally has been raped during school hours. Literally, so not "sexually molested". Raped. But yeah, that school is just covering it all up. ...
They are the same guys. The boy that sexually molested her, who also committed the rape - he has now turned 18 in the mean time, so he was removed from here and brought to another AZC. He has still not been arrested. The investigation is still running after months. The one who has done it now, is literally his little brother. ...
[On TikTok] they present themselves with bomb vests. I don't know fake or real, but that is how they are online. [Video clips are being shown, demonstrating this.] ...
["You have filed a complaint [with the police]. But you haven't heard anything yet."] No. In march [I filed it]. They say that it will be picked up "within the prescribed term". But yeah, I don't know what "the prescribed term" is. They also couldn't tell me that. That also has to do with the lack of personnel, I was told. ...
No, we are keeping her home [from today on], because the school cannot guarantee her safety. ... I prefer to act as my own judge, but the only reason I don't do it is because I have two daughters and a woman, and if I fall away from the family, my family has a problem. It doesn't just play at school. It also plays outside. I have another daughter who goes to the gym in the evening here and she can't go the gym, because she is being harassed for a while now. So I have to go with her every time. ... I can't send her to the supermarket in the evening, because these guys are hanging around everywhere. So over there at the AZC there also is no oversight. They are just very nalatig with everything."
youtube.com/watch?v=elocsrl6I3E (accessed: June 17, 2024). - May 2018, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), 'Statistische Trends: Het mysterie van de verdwenen criminaliteit', p. 5.
- April 30, 2014, L.A. Times, 'Toddler’s defecating riles residents of mainland China and Hong Kong'.
- Aug. 15, 2016, Vox, 'Implicit bias means we're all probably at least a little bit racist'.
- April 11, 2024, De Gelderlander, 'Talpa reageert op rel Derksen na honderden klachten: ‘We zijn tegen elke vorm van racisme’': "Marijnissen reageerde dat onbedoeld racisme ook racisme kan zijn."
- *) April 10, 2024, De Telegraaf, 'Mark Rutte pakt Johan Derksen in het Fries aan na racisme-rel': "Minister Hugo de Jonge (Binnenlandse Zaken)... "Het soort alledaags racism [waar] we ons dus ook alle dagen tegen uit moeten spreken. Niet normaal maken wat niet normaal is." ... Ook collega-Kamerleden als André Flach (SGP), Caspar Veldkamp (NSC), Silvio Erkens (VVD) en een reeks fractiegenoten van PvdA/GL spreken via X steun uit voor De Hoop. [Moroccan-Indonesian Dutch Green-Left leader] Jesse Klaver: "Dit soort racisme is vergif voor onze samenleving." ... Premier Mark Rutte steunt Habtamu. Zo schrijft hij grappend: „Goeie reaksje, Habtamu de Hoop. En Johan, knoop dit yn dyn earen!"
*) April 10, 2024 tweet of @franstimmermans (Greenleft-Labour chair 2023): "Je ouders zijn Fries, je thuis is een Friese boerderij. Je groeit op in Friesland. Je spreekt Fries. Je houdt van Friesland. Frieser wordt het niet. Een oproep aan wie zich aangesproken voelt: stop dit racisme en behandel de ander gewoon met respect." - April 10, 2024 tweet of @HabtamudeHoop: "Laat je niet vertellen wie je bent of waar je thuis hoort. Nooit, door niemand. Ik ben Fries en daar ben ik trots op. En verder ga ik vandaag gewoon weer aan het werk."
- Jan. 19, 2024, 'The Telegraph' YouTube channel, 'Care workers caught by hidden camera abusing elderly woman with dementia', comment section as of Feb. 23, 2024.
- July 30, 2015, Business Insider, '70 procent Somaliërs in de bijstand...' ('70 percent of Somalians is on welfare'): "[It] goes for over half of the people with Syrian, Eritrean, or Iraqi nationality. ... Of the Poles who live in our country, almost no one has welfare... Of the 12.8 million [white] Dutch people of 18 years and older only 3% is on welfare."
- 2021-2023 study, University of Amsterdam's School of Economics, 'Borderless Welfare State: The Consequences of Immigration for Public Finance', p. 228.
- Jan. 6, 2014, Vice Media, 'De bedenker van Tattas be like is blij met de zelfspot van Nederland'; Jan. 8, 2014, HP/De Tijd, 'Achter de schermen bij nieuwste Facebook-hit 'Tattas be like''.
- Ibid.
- Dec. 20, 2022, Euronews, 'Some European countries have apologised for their colonial past. Is it enough?': "The Netherlands now joins Denmark, France, the UK and the European Parliament ... Pope John Paul II [and partly] Germany [and] Belgium's King Philippe..."
- Jan. 11, 2023, NL Times, 'Prince Harry praises King Willem-Alexander for Dutch apologies over slavery past'.
- Aug. 14, 1985, New York Times, 'Pope Apologizes to Africans for Slavery'; Feb. 22, 1992, UPI, 'Pope asks forgiveness for slave trade'; Feb. 9, 2006, Guardian, 'Church apologises for benefiting from slave trade'; July 24, 2022, AP, 'Church apologies: Top leaders say sorry for historical sins'.
- June 17, 2022, NPR, 'Boston takes rare step of apologizing for its role in slavery and its lasting harm'.
- Dec. 18, 2022, Dei Welt, 'Dutch slavery apology isn't enough, descendants say': "Billions, not millions, needed: reparations groups."
- Nov. 13, 2012, CBC (Canada), 'Victoria's Secret apologizes for use of headdress; 'They are spitting on our culture,' Navajo Nation spokesman says'.
- Jan. 3, 2020, The Standard, 'Kylie Jenner accused of cultural appropriation again over braid hairstyle'.
- Nov. 7, 2018, Teen Vogue, '5 Times Victoria’s Secret Was Accused of Cultural Appropriation: From Chinese dragons to Native headdresses.'.
- June 6, 2023, The Times, 'Egypt bans archaeologists for showing Beyoncé as ancient Queen Nefertiti'.
- May 30, 2017, Sky News, 'Egyptian mummies have European and Turkish DNA - scientists'.
- Nov. 13, 2012, CBC (Canada), 'Victoria's Secret apologizes for use of headdress; 'They are spitting on our culture,' Navajo Nation spokesman says'.
- June 3, 2020, Vox.com, 'What it means to be anti-racist; It’s not enough to be “not racist,” experts and educators say.'.
- June 26, 2010, Sunday Telegraph, 'Violent inner-city crime, the figures, and a question of race'.
- Sep. 27, 2017, Welingelichte Kringen (spin-off of the mainstream HP/De Tijd), 'Extreemrechtse stemmers wonen vooral in regio's zonder immigranten': "Far-right voters often live in the whitest regions of the country. Xenophobia is the irrational fear of strangers. How irrational that is, is evident from the voting behavior of [East vs. West] Germany."
- Oct. 8, 2010, BNNVara.nl, 'Rechters volgden Belastingdienst blind bij toeslagenschandaal'.
- June 28, 2022, NOS, 'Meeste toeslagenouders hebben migratieachtergrond, vaak met schulden': "70 procent van deze groep ouders is migrant of kind van een migrant. Het gaat met name om Surinaamse Nederlanders (1830 gezinnen), Caribische Nederlanders (1275), Turkse (800), Marokkaanse (615) en Indonesische (165).
Caribische Nederlanders relatief vaakst gedupeerd: ... Caribische Nederlanders: 1 op 136. Surinaamse Nederlanders: 1 op 197. Turkse Nederlanders: 1 op 538. Marokkaanse Nederlanders: 1 op 681. Indonesische Nederlanders: 1 op 2119. Nederlanders zonder migratieachtergrond: 1 op 4386." - Dec. 14, 2023, Follow the Money, 'Belastingdienst blijft wet overtreden met mogelijk discriminerende fraude-algoritmen'.
- 2021, Amnesty International, 'Xenophobic Machines: Discrimination through unregulated use of algorithms in the Dutch childcare benefits scandals'.
- 2024, Amnesty International (biggest financier: George Soros), 'Etnisch Profileren is een Overheidsbreed Probleem: Nederlandse Overheid moet Burgers Beschermen tegen Discriminerende Controles.': "3.1 Ras mag geen enkele rol spelen: 37. ..."
- Oct. 30, 2019, RTL Nieuws, 'Onderzoek naar etnisch profileren door Belastingdienst'.
- Oct. 8, 2010, BNNVara.nl, 'Rechters volgden Belastingdienst blind bij toeslagenschandaal'.
- nemokennislink.nl/publicaties/loge-in-kindermaag/ (accessed: April 29, 2024; original: April 14, 2007).
- Nov. 2013, Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology, 'Ethnicity is a strong predictor for Helicobacter pylori infection in young women in a multi-ethnic European city'.
- Dec. 1, 2018, United European Gastroenterology Journal, 'Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in sexual partners of H. pylori-infected subjects'.
- Nov. 2013, Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology, 'Ethnicity is a strong predictor for Helicobacter pylori infection in young women in a multi-ethnic European city'.
- Feb. 4, 2014, CBS This Morning, program about Seinfeld's brief reunion for a Superbowl commercial, Jerry Seinfeld is interviewed by Peter Lauria, the Buzzfeed Business Editor.
youtube.com/watch?v=wSDCunkbb98&t=162s (accessed: March 28, 2024) - 'The Boys', season 3, episode 2 (28:30).
- 'The Boys', season 3, episode 5. Episode 3 (32:40) is where Blue Hawk first shows up, American History X-style.
- *) Nov. 5, 2010 YouTube upload by 'SVT', 'Grotesco – musikvideon Blanda Upp | SVT'.
*) April 18, 2015 YouTube upload by 'Sygo', 'DJ Racemixer - Mix It Up / Blanda Upp [Enable English subtitles]'.
youtube.com/watch?v=yO5sE5dnVDs (accessed: March 29, 2024). - Nov. 30, 2016 YouTube upload by 'CBC Comedy', 'Wake-up call for the alt-right: a beige horizon is inevitable | 22 Minutes'.
youtube.com/watch?v=Wb55teb1gJ0 (accessed: March 29, 2024) - July 18, 2023 upload by 'Jamesons Travels', '"Stop Hiring White Pilots" Colonel Wootan USAF'. youtube.com/watch?v=dEOzCPQKqS0 (accessed: July 22, 2023)).
- *) Aug. 22, 2022, Sky News, 'RAF recruitment head refused 'unlawful' order to 'prioritise women and ethnic minorities over white men', leaked email reveals'
*) June 1, 2023, Sky News, 'Applicants seeking to join RAF described as 'useless white male pilots' in bid to hit 'impossible' diversity targets': "Leaked emails show the pressure ... being applied to filter out white male recruits and fast-track women and ethnic minorities. It can also be revealed 31 white men are to receive £5,000 each to compensate them for being unfairly disadvantaged by the approach. ...
"Sky News first revealed last August that Group Captain Elizabeth Nicholl, the then head of RAF recruitment, had resigned in protest [after being pressured to] at what she, according to defence sources, deemed to be an "unlawful order" effectively to pause the selection of white male recruits on to training courses in favour of women and ethnic minorities to hit "impossible" diversity targets.". - *) Feb. 2, 2022, Daily Express, 'Fury as thousands of troops told to STOP training for a day to 'reflect on inclusivity' ... despite fears of war between Russia and Ukraine.': "During the course, the Army's 82,000 regulars will be encouraged to think differently. Attendance is believed to be compulsory for all Army personnel unless they are on missions or carrying out essential duties."
*) Feb. 3, 2022, The Telegrapgh, 'Army plans diversity training day for soldiers as Ukraine tensions escalate; Non-essential work on Feb 8 put on ice...'.
*) Feb. 10, 2024, Telegrapgh, 'Soldiers told to avoid Christian 'elements' in Acts of Remembrance ... to encourage diversity and inclusion'.
*) Feb. 11, 2024, Daily Mail, 'Armed Forces hire over 40 diversity and inclusion chiefs tasked with improving equality across the British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force - just as troop numbers in the UK's military hit new low'. - Feb. 12, 2024, theweek.com, 'Grant Shapps goes to war on military's 'woke' diversity policies': "Defence Secretary Grant Shapps said the British Army has been infiltrated by a "woke" and "extremist culture", following reports of plans to relax security checks on overseas recruits to increase diversity [and because] recruitment targets have been "consistently missed"... ethnic minorities [are] making up only 14% of the regular army. ...
In an open letter to the defence secretary published in The Telegraph, 12 former senior military officers said a relaxed vetting policy was "wicked" and, with Islamism and other extremism "rampant", "nothing short of dangerous madness". "The Russians, Iranians and Chinese will be observing our descent into self-hatred and obsessing over diversity and inclusion with glee," they wrote, adding that "woke" defence policies were leading to a "moral disarmament" in the Armed Forces." - us.30percentclub.org/about/ (accessed: Jan. 1, 2020).
- Jan. 15, 2024, NOS (Dutch state news), 'Advies aan regering: matig migratie, maar voorkom krimp bevolking'.
- cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2016/47/wie-zijn-de-derde-generatie- (published: Nov. 21, 2016; accessed: Feb. 13, 2025; after this, the 3rd generation of immigrants was ignored and counted as "Dutch"): "Op 1 januari 2016 telde Nederland 859 duizend inwoners (jonger dan 50) van de derde generatie. 739 duizend personen behoorden tot de westerse derde generatie, 120 duizend tot de niet-westerse. Samen vormen zij 8,3 procent van de bevolking tot 50 jaar."
- Jan. 15, 2024, NOS (Dutch state news), 'Advies aan regering: matig migratie, maar voorkom krimp bevolking'.
- Nov. 3, 2016, Spectator, 'Non!'.
- ~ 1925, Adolf Hitler, 'Mein Kampf', pp. 317, 629-630, 704-705, 735, 751. (German original screenshot) Blames "zhe Jews", and equates "internationalism" (globalism) with them as well, similar to the post-WWII Liberty Lobby.
- American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus website (previously: Chechnya), peaceinchechnya.org/members.htm (accessed: April 12, 2001): "Morton Abramowitz. Elliott Abrams. Kenneth Adelman. ... Richard V. Allen. ... John Brademas. Zbigniew Brzezinski. Richard Burt. ... Eliot Cohen. ... Midge Decter. ... Paula Dobriansky. ... Frank Gaffney. ... Bruce P. Jackson. Robert Kagan. Max M. Kampelman. Thomas Kean. ... William Kristol. ... Michael A. Ledeen. ... Robert McFarlane. ... Joshua Muravchik. ... William Odom. ... Richard Perle. Richard Pipes. Norman Podhoretz. ... William Schneider. ... Helmut Sonnenfeldt. Gregory H. Stanton. ... William H. Taft, IV. ... George Weigel. Caspar Weinberger. ... R. James Woolsey.")
- March 6, 2015 YouTube upload by "Dr Aggrey Kiyingi", 'Genocide and atrocities in Northern Uganda under Dictator Museveni (Warning: Graphic footage)'
youtube.com/watch?v=fvGfDWaG8Tk (accessed: June 28, 2023; last minutes of the film.) - May 24, 2023, RTLniews.nl, 'Waarom landen meer baby's willen (en daar miljarden voor over hebben)' ('Why countries want babies (and are willing to spend billions on that)').
- June 12, 2023, Business Insider, 'Meet the typical South Korean millennial: educated, overqualified for the job market, and part of the 'kangaroo tribe' that can't afford to leave their parents' homes'.
- Ibid.
- June 5, 2018 YouTube upload by 'Channel 4 News', 'I was an MI6 spy inside Al-Qaeda'.
- April 27, 2022, BBC, 'Anti-Semitism: Dramatic rise in 2021, Israeli report says'.
- April 17, 2020, ohchr.org (United Nations Commissioner of Human Rights office) press release, 'Rise in antisemitic hatred during COVID-19 must be countered with tougher measures, says UN expert': ""... spread hatred against Jews and other minorities," Shaheed said. ... He said that 'conspiracy' theory prevails in claiming that Jews or Israel are responsible for developing and spreading COVID-19..."
- Feb. 1, 2024, europarl.europa.eu press release, 'Fighting the rise in antisemitism and anti-Muslim hatred'.
- April 29, 2022, PBS, 'Antisemitic incidents hit a record high in 2021. What’s behind the rise in hate?'.
- *) May 2, 2024, Jonet, 'Oude Joodse dame geslagen en weggepest uit flat'.
*) May 2, 2024, Telegraaf, 'Joodse Rachel (76) bespuugd, in elkaar geslagen en weggepest uit Amsterdamse flat: 'Na 7 oktober werd het onhoudbaar''. Behind a paywall. - Ibid.
- Ibid.
- May 1, 2024 YouTube upload by 'Omroep PowNed', 'BIZAR: Moslims reageren zeer heftig op keppeltje!'.
- Jan. 5, 2024, Fortune, 'Sam Altman believes Muslim workers in the tech industry feel ‘uncomfortable speaking’ up out of fear for their careers'.
- Sep. 7, 2010, The Guardian, 'George Soros gives $100 million to Human Rights Watch'.
- Dec. 19, 2020, Daily Mail, 'The sex gangs whitewash: Home Office report into abuse of young girls found attackers were 'most commonly white' despite evidence of mass grooming by Asian men... but DAN HODGES reveals the inside story of a politically correct cover-up': "Britain's Asian grooming gangs..."
- Dec. 10, 2017, The Independent, 'British-Pakistani researchers say 84% of grooming gang members are Asian': "The report’s co-author, Haras Rafiq, is from Rochdale, where 19 British-Pakistani men were jailed between 2012 and 2015 after a grooming ring thought to have abused at least 47 girls was uncovered. ... "We didn’t want there to be a pattern of people from our ethnic demographic carrying out these attacks. But unfortunately we were proven wrong. ... When it comes to Asian men or Pakistani men they tend to do it in groups."" Pakistanis constituted about 2.2% of Great Britain 2017. The total Muslim population stood at about 5%, which would also include immigrants from North Africa.
- Dec. 7, 2023, New York Times, 'Denmark, Fearing Reprisals, Bans Quran Burning'.
- March 20, 2024, RTL Nieuws, 'Burgemeester verbiedt aangekondigde koranverbranding Arnhem'.
- *) Jan. 13, 2020, Goran Adamson (Institutionen för Individ och Samhälle, West University, a Swedish state university), 'Migrants and Crime in Sweden in the Twenty-First Century', Abstract: "In 2005, the Swedish Crime Prevention Agency published a report about the link between immigration and crime. Since then, no comprehensive study has been conducted..." *) May 8, 2018, The Local (Sweden), 'Why Sweden doesn't keep stats on ethnicity and crime': "Bra's first study analyzed data up to and including 1989, but significant changes had occurred by the time the 2005 report was compiled... [That was] Bra's last report on the matter, "Crime among persons born in Sweden and other countries"..."
- *) October 14, 2015, Asia Times, 'More horrible than rape'.
Based on 1985-1989 rape numbers in a 1996-published study of the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRA), 'Invandrares och invandrares brans brottslighet', p. 41. - Jan. 14, 2016, Independent, 'Swedish police banned from describing criminals anymore in case they sound racist; 'We want to avoid pointing out ethnic groups as criminal,' police say'.
- Nov. 21, 2016, CBS, 'Wie zijn de derde generatie?': "People of whom both parents were born in the Netherlands, but of whom at least one parent has a migration background, belong to the so-called third generation. People belonging to this generation by definition have a Dutch background. [read: we list them as "Dutch"; a subsequent chart confirms this, as it lists "Dutch background" and "Third generation [immigrant]" in the same column.]"
cbs.nl/nl-nl/nieuws/2016/47/wie-zijn-de-derde-generatie- (accessed: March 29, 2024). - Nov. 9, 2015, RTLnieuws.nl, 'Boetes voor racistische reacties op Oranje-selfie'.
- *) Nov. 9, 2015, RTLnieuws.nl, 'Boetes voor racistische reacties op Oranje-selfie'.
*) July 11, 2020, Nu.nl, 'Mannen krijgen boete voor racistische commentaren tijdens Ketikoti'. - May 3, 2016, The Guardian, 'German founder of Pegida fined €9,600 for Facebook posts; German court found posts by Lutz Bachmann calling refugees ‘cattle’ and ‘scum’ counted as racial incitement' (granted, this PEGIDA leader was Nazi-inclined as well).
- May 14, 2024, RTLnieuws.nl, '"Alles für Deutschland"; AfD-politicus krijgt 13.000 euro boete voor gebruik verboden nazileus'.
- *) Ibid.
*) May 3, 2023, RTL Nieuws, 'Belgische politie racistisch in apps: agenten mogelijk de cel in'. - Dec. 5, 2024, NOS, 'ON-presentator Raisa Blommestijn veroordeeld tot 80 uur taakstraf, meer dan de eis'.
- nationaalarchief.nl/beleven/ onderwijs/bronnenbox/bataafse-revolutie-179 (accessed: March 30, 2024; contains many photocopies of original constitution document): "In 1798 wordt de grondwet van de Bataafse Republiek, de Staatsregeling aangenomen. Het is de eerste Nederlandse grondwet. De begrippen ‘Vrijheid’ en ‘Gelijkheid’, overgenomen van de Franse revolutionairen, staan hierin centraal. In artikel 1 van de conceptversie van de Staatsregeling is dit zo geformuleerd: “Alle menschen zijn, als menschen, aan elkander gelijk; zij hebben, als zoodanigen, dezelfde rechten.”"
- Ibid.: "In de definitieve gedrukte versie van de Staatsregeling wordt dit artikel 3 en is de tekst herschreven: “Alle Leden der Maatschappij hebben, zonder onderscheiding van geboorte, bezitting, stand of rang, eene gelijke aanspraak op derzelver voordeelen.”"
- denederlandsegrondwet.nl/id/vi7obqqq39zp /artikel_4_gelijke_aanspraak_op (accessed: March 27, 2024; Dutch Interior Ministry-sponsored website)
- 1916, Madison Grant and Henry Fairfield Osborn, Sr., 'The Passing of the Great Race', Introduction, pp. xx-xxi.)
- thehenryford.org/explore/blog/the-deleted-slavery-passage-from-the-declaration-of-independence (accessed: March 30, 2024; Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation).
- Ibid.
- *) Ibid.
*) Jan. 17, 2023, Rijksoverheid.nl, 'Non-discriminatiegronden Grondwet uitgebreid met handicap en seksuele gerichtheid'. - Jan. 17, 2023, Rijksoverheid.nl, 'November 6, 2007, Telegraph, 'Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech' (April 20, 1968)'.
- parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/transformingsociety/private-lives/relationships/collections1/1968-race-relations/1968-race-relations-act/ (accessed: April 12, 2024).
- Ibid.
- wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0006502/2020-01-01 (accessed: March 22, 2024): "§ 2. Algemene uitzonderingen. Artikel 2: - 1) Het in deze wet neergelegde verbod van onderscheid geldt niet ten aanzien van indirect onderscheid [i.e. appearing neutral] indien dat onderscheid objectief gerechtvaardigd wordt door een legitiem doel en de middelen voor het bereiken van dat doel passend en noodzakelijk zijn. ... - c: indirect onderscheid: indien een ogenschijnlijk neutrale bepaling, maatstaf of handelwijze..."
- 2000 annual report, Earth Charter, p. 48.
- July 12, 2024, De Telegraaf, 'OM seponeert aangiftes tegen Mona Keijzer om groepsbelediging'.
- Aug. 6, 2024, Nu.nl, 'Voorwaardelijke taakstraf voor Pegida-voorman na vergelijking moslims met nazi's'.
- denederlandsegrondwet.nl/id/ vlxups1a47zb/artikel_60_ambtsaanvaarding (accessed: March 23, 2024): "In de wet staat hoe de leden van de Eerste en Tweede Kamer beloven of zweren dat zij: 1. zich niet hebben laten omkopen en zich niet zullen laten omkopen; 2. zich aan de Grondwet zullen houden; 3. hun werk goed zullen doen."
- Nov. 16, 2023, RTVoost.nl, 'Omtzigt herhaalt: niet samenwerken met PVV vanwege verkiezingsprogramma': "Pieter Omtzigt of NSC does not want to govern with Geert Wilders' PVV... He says he understands the concerns of PVV voters about migration, for example. “But you have to abide by the constitution.”".
- Feb. 11, 2025, Sky News, '[Indian] Chelsea footballer Sam Kerr not guilty of racial harassment over 'stupid and white' remarks; ... told the court she believed the officer was "using his power and privilege" over her.'
- June 29, 2020, controversial new policy at RedditHelp.com, 'Account and Community Restrictions: Promoting Hate Based on Identity or Vulnerability' (accessed: June 30, 2020; screenshot).
- March 31, 2023, Algemeen Dagblad, 'Rechter: ‘Activisten White Lives Matter mogen geen beledigende stickers meer plakken’' ('Judge: 'White Lives Matter activists aren't allowed to spread insulting stickers'.)
- May 3, 2023, RTL Nieuws, 'Belgische politie racistisch in apps: agenten mogelijk de cel in': "In totaal staan 29 agenten terecht vanwege racisme en het pesten en vernederen van collega's. ... Tegen twee teamleden ... die door justitie worden gezien als de aanstichters, is twaalf maanden celstraf geëist, waarvan de helft voorwaardelijk. Bij de overige leden gaat het ook om voorwaardelijke celstraffen."
- Ibid.: "In België zijn uitingen strafbaar als ze voldoen aan deze drie voorwaarden: ... 2. Als ze in het openbaar gebeuren (ook chatgroepen met enkele deelnemers kunnen hieronder vallen)"
- Oct. 8, 2014, Washington Post, 'Ferguson police chief: It’s ‘hurtful’ to hear allegations that his department is racist or too aggressive'.
- Oct. 17, 2014, Washington Post, 'Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly calls Jon Stewart a ‘big white privilege guy’'; Oct. 17, 2014, Washington Post, 'This is what the legacy of ‘white privilege’ looks like in Bill O’Reilly’s hometown'.
- Nov. 20, 2014, Washington Post, 'Nicholas Kristof on What ‘whites just don’t get’ about racial inequality'.
- Jan. 16, 2016, Washington Post, 'What is white privilege?'; Jan. 16, 2016, Washington Post, 'White privilege, explained'.
- July 25, 2016, Washington Post, '‘My white skin is my privilege;’ This woman’s viral poem about race started a difficult conversation'.
- July 21, 2015, Washington Post, 'What do white millennials think about whiteness? Jose Antonio Vargas is on a mission to find out.'.
- Feb. 4, 2014, CBS This Morning, program about Seinfeld's brief reunion for a Superbowl commercial, Jerry Seinfeld is interviewed by Peter Lauria, the Buzzfeed Business Editor.
youtube.com/watch?v=wSDCunkbb98&t=162s (accessed: March 28, 2024) - July 16, 2013, New York Times, 'Rare, but Real, a Racial Divide in Prime Time'.
- linkedin.com/in/aliyah-vinikoor/ (accessed: April 12, 2024).
- July 13, 2008, New York Times, 'Opinion. Letters. Where’s the Talk About Racial Justice?'.
- Oct. 7, 2003, New York Times, 'Opinion. The Idea of Reparations'.
- Sep.-Oct. 2002, Dr. Noel Ignatiev reprint from the book 'When Race Becomes Real' (2002) in Harvard Magazine, p. 30. (PDF)
*) March 23, 1979, Washington Post, 'Milton MacKaye Dies'.
*) Sep. 7, 1992, Washington Post, 'Dorothy Disney MacKaye, Marriage Columnist, Dies'. - Feb. 12, 2022, IntelligenceOnline.com, 'Washington's private Cosmos Club: where CIA officials socialised and conducted confidential business': "Declassified CIA files reveal the agency luminaries who mingled at the Cosmos Club, which was a spy refuge for decades. ... In 1990, William Colby, who socialised at the club while CIA director between 1973 and 1976, gave a classified talk there prior to an appearance..."
*) Aug. 28, 2023, 'William MacKaye, a Washington Post editor, dies at 89'.
*) Sep. 24, 2013, brightestyoungthings.com, 'Ian MacKaye Interview'. - 1995, Ben Bradlee, 'A Good Life', p. 267.
- 1981, no. 6, Ripper magazine, 'Interview: Black Flag': "[Guitarist Greg] GINN: The idea behind it is to take somebody that thinks in terms of 'White Minority' as being afraid of that, and make them look as outrageously stupid as possible. The Fact that we had a Puerto Rican (Ron [Reyes]) singing it was what made the sarcasm of it obvious to me."
- July 11, 2011, ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com, 'Interview with Ian MacKaye (Fugazi/ Minor Treat) about his friendship with Henry Rollins': "[Writer:] It's pretty amazing to me that two people who have had such an influence on punk rock culture and music have a friendship that goes back to their youth. ...
[MacKaye:] We grew up in a neighborhood in DC called Glover Park. ... We ... knocked on the door and there was Henry. He was slightly bigger than me. He was 12 and I was 11." - moma.org/artists/7500 (accessed: May 4, 2024): "Raymond Pettibon. American, born 1957. ... 332 works online. ... Exhibitions..."
- libcom.org/library/preface-4 (accessed: Feb. 25, 2024); March 1980, Noel Ignatiev.
- June 7, 1971, New York Times, 'Use of ‘Multi‐Ethnic Textbooks’ Grows'.
- Jan. 17, 2023, Rijksoverheid.nl, 'November 6, 2007, Telegraph, 'Enoch Powell's 'Rivers of Blood' speech' (April 20, 1968)'.
- parliament.uk/about/living-heritage/transformingsociety/private-lives/relationships/collections1/1968-race-relations/1968-race-relations-act/ (accessed: April 12, 2024).
- Ibid.
- Dec. 20, 1998, New York Times Book Review of Nina Burleigh's 'A Very Private Woman: The Life and Unsolved Murder of Presidential Mistress Mary Meyer. This is a reprinted excerpt of the book in the New York Times. Burleigh was a White House reporter for Time in the 1990s, a staff writer at People in the 2000s, etc.
- Aug. 5, 1958, Congressional Record: House, p. 16267, 'Exposing a Fabrication' (Photocopy).
- *) Oct. 29, 1981, Washington Post, 'Ezra Pound's Haven; Doctor Says Poet's Insanity Was Faked Ezra Pound's Hospital Haven'.
*) Oct. 23, 1983, New York Times, 'How Sane was Pound?'. - 2017, Jefferson Morley (former Washington Post journalist), 'The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton', p. 9. Based on a letter from Angleton to Pound.
- 1991, Jekyll Island Edition, Eustace Mullins, 'The Secrets of the Federal Reserve', p. 2, Foreword: "Even though my foundation applications were sponsored by the three leading poets of America, Ezra Pound, E.E. Cummings, and Elizabeth Bishop, all of the foundations refused to sponsor this [Federal Reserve] research."
- 2017, Jefferson Morley (former Washington Post journalist), 'The Ghost: The Secret Life of CIA Spymaster James Jesus Angleton', p. 30.
- Ibid., p. 85: "Angleton gave former CIA officer [and friend] Peter Sichel [with more mutual friends between him and Pound, most notably the Hemingway family] the impression that he had been in touch with Pound while the poet was at St. Elizabeths."
- 1987: If you look back at old shows, you realize that race quotas have quietly been part of Hollywood and American TV since at least the 1960s. Moving slightly more into modern history, even with the earliest seasons of Fox's 'Married With Children...' (1987-1997), where Kelly Bundy wears an Rebel Flag patch on her leather jacket, and (very) occasionally jokes are made about Mexican immigrants and black people, you see that for every 4 or 5 white housewives, card buddies, high school students, or boyscouts, 1 is black. Kelly's sexual interest during a dance performance was a pony-tailed, "cool", Ecuadoran-looking migrant worker.