Norway: 95% of Violent Street Rapes Since Early 2000s Carried Out by Muslims and Africans; Covered Up by Authorities

"One in four [27.6%] South African men questioned in a survey said they had raped someone. ... [It's] considered a form of male bonding."
June 18, 2009, BBC, 'South African rape survey shock'. Much of Africa is close to this bad and has even higher numbers than Muslim immigrants. |
"White participants in gang rapes are extremely rare [but] the vast majority of victims are white girls. ...
They are seen by their assailants as
willing, right because they're white. 'The white meat is available'. ...
Antillean, Surinam and Cape Verdean [blacks] see gang rape as something macho. ... [Arab] Moroccans still are very clearly overrepresented in swimming pool incidents."
December 22, 2001, Volkskrant (major Netherlands newspaper), 'Nog geen twee turven en nu al verdacht van verkrachting; Bij de rechtbank in Rotterdam kijken ze niet vreemd meer op van vermeende verkrachters van 11' ('Not even two turfs tall and already suspected of rape; At the court in Rotterdam they're not surprised anymore at rape suspects of 11'). |
This article was originally created as a chapter for ISGP's article The EU's "Muslim Rape Crisis" Was Easy to Predict: Violent Moroccan Youths Proudly Gang Molesting White "Whores" at Dutch Swimming Pools Since Late 1980s. Eventually it was decided to give Norway and various countries their respective articles.
The purpose of this article, similar to the one about the Netherlands, is not just to provide evidence that the so-called "Muslim rape crisis" goes back many years before the situation in Germany on New Year's Eve 2015-2016, but also to demonstrate that the common people had been aware of this sex assault and otherwise violent immigration crisis during all this time; it has just been the establishment politicians and the media who have been pretending that everything surrounding Third World immigration is a-okay.
While this same story of cover up goes for basically all West-European countries, this article specifically deals with events in Norway.
Ethnic demographics of Norway and basic crime numbers
Norway had a total population of 5.2 million. Going into 2016, its Muslim immigration numbers looked as follows:
Somali: | 40,000 |
Pakistani: | 38,000 |
Iraqi/Kurd: | 32,000 |
Iranian: | 20,000 |
Turkish: | 19,000 |
Eritrean: | 17,000 |
Moroccan: | 10,000 |
Ethiopian: | 9,000 |
Syrian: | 7,000 |
Palestinian: | 4,000 |
Sudanese: | 3,500 |
Lebanese: | 3,000 |
Algerian: | 2,000 |
Tunisian: | 1,500 |
Egyptian: | 1,300 |
Total: | 207,300 / 4% problematic Muslim ethnicities |
These numbers are very mild compared to the rest of Europe. France sits close to 9%. The Netherlands and Belgium realistically sit at almost 10%, because here non-Muslim black populations with very high crime numbers need to be taken into account as well. Norway doesn't have any significant non-Muslim black numbers, so 4-4.5% is what it is at this point. Not good, but many citizens from other European countries would be jealous of it.
Studying ethnic crime in Europe is really fascinating, because a) proper research is seldom carried out, and b) because each country has its own dominant ethnic groups. The Dutch and Belgians, for example, traditionally have had the Turks and Moroccans, Germany more exclusively the Turks (but 5.5 million of them), the Swedes the Iraqis, and the Norwegians and British the Pakistanis. France has tons of North-African Algerians and Moroccans, plus many Sub-Saharan blacks from French-language western Africa. There are some differences in behavior and crime numbers between all these nationalities and ethnicities, although none of them can be considered particularly enlightened to put it mildly.
The Somalis from North-East Africa, both black and Muslim, are new to all these countries, so it's very interesting to see what this group brings to the table. Well, more crime. And lots of it. We already discussed various prominent fatal and near-fatal street rapes by Somalis in Sweden in ISGP's article on global black crime. Although they sunk down a little, it turns out that the Norwegians initially determined the Somalis to be the most criminal group in their country. The numbers:
"For the [Norwegian] population without immigrant background there is little to no real change over these four years with about 1.7 percent [1x] perpetrators both in 2001 and 2004, but slightly lower in the two years between. ... "The countries with the highest proportion of perpetrators in 2004 are Kosovo (5.6 percent [3.3x]) Morocco (5.4 percent [3.2x]), Somalia (5.6 percent [3.3x]), Iraq (5.9 per cent [3.5x]), and Iran (5.4 percent [3.2x]). The other countries in the regions of Africa, Asia and South and Central America are also clearly overrepresented among the perpetrators... Immigrants from Somalia [actually] show a decline from 7 [4.1x] to 5.6 percent ... "The countries from these regions, which are underrepresented to the rest of the population, are the Philippines (0.9 percent [0.5x]), China (1.5 percent [0.9x]) and Thailand (1.5 percent [0.9x])." [1] |
These numbers, of course, are very basic. As discussed in more detail in ISGP's article on Muslim crime numbers in the Netherlands, they don't take the number of repeat offenders nor the severity of the crimes into account. A serial rapist and murderer is given the same weight as someone caught for tax evasion or selling illegal fireworks.
Norway's street rape crisis - and what the people say

The primary reason that Norway is discussed here is because the country carried out a rather unique set of studies into violent street rape, a type of rape apparently no other western country has bothered to separate from overall rape statistics, or even worse, overall vice crimes. That's very bad, because Western cases of rape often involve incest while such cases hardly make it to the police with Muslim families where women have no rights. Furthermore, Western cases often involve loner-type stalking while in cases of Third World immigrants violent gang rape and street rape is much more common. So Norway has done the world a service with these statistics.
So, what did these statistics reveal? Let's see. Back in 2001, the numbers of Muslims and blacks in the country constituted about half the percentage that they constitute today. A report from September 2001 about rape numbers in Oslo reads:
"Of the 111 charged with rape in Oslo last year, 72 were of non-western ethnic origin, 25 are classified as Norwegian or western and 14 are listed as unknown. "Rape charges in the capital are spiraling upwards, 40 percent higher from 1999 to 2000 and up 13 percent so far this year. "Nine out of ten cases do not make it to prosecution, most of them because police do not believe the evidence is sufficient to reach a conviction. "Police Inspector Gunnar Larsen of Oslo's Vice, Robbery and Violent crime division says the statistics are surprising - the rising number of rape cases and the link to ethnic background are both clear trends. ... "While 65 percent of those charged with rape are classed as coming from a non-western background, this segment makes up only 14.3 percent of Oslo's population [note: the main perpetrators, Muslims and Africans, represented less than 2% at this point]. Norwegian women were the victims in 80 percent of the cases, with 20 percent being women of foreign background. ... "Larsen said that since this was the initial study examining ethnic make-up there were no existing figures to put the numbers into context." [2] |
On January 1, 2012, about 5% of Oslo came from Africa and 12.5% came from Asia. [3] However, Vietnamese and a number of other ethnicities should be excluded from the the Asian percentage. On top of that, to match the situation with the above report you'd have to go back a decade in time, so you're unlikely to have seen more than 8-9% of the most problematic ethnicities living Oslo. Yet, they represented 65% of the rape cases.
In 2006 the Oslo police first began to separately log violent street rapes as a subsection of overall rape. That year 7 were registered. 20 followed in 2007 and 14 in 2008, putting the total number at 41. Hanne Kristin Rohde, head of the Oslo police's violence and vice squad, explained to the press that every single one of these 41 violent street rapes had been carried out by Third World immigrants or suspected Third World immigrants:
"In the last three years, the police in Oslo have investigated 41 assault violations. The figures show that all the 41 reported rapes are committed by non-western immigrants. ... "A review of the 41 cases in Oslo further shows that most perpetrators have [Iraqi] Kurdish or African backgrounds. ... ""We have examples of such gross violence that the women later, when describing the rape, say that what they feared most was losing their life."" [4] |
Africans is a very vague term here, but considering the low numbers of North African Berbers in Norway, it most likely is a reference to Somalis, followed by smaller numbers of Eritreans and Ethiopians (I made this estimate before seeing the data discussed below). Also in these cases of assault rape, just over 80% of the victims were ethnic Norwegian: "17 out of 21 victims [in 2009] were Norwegian women of ethnic Nordic appearance. In 2008, nine out of 11 victims had ethnic Norwegian appearance." [5] These statistics make it pretty obvious that western women are purposely targeted by Arab and African rapists.
Maybe the most telling Norwegian rape statistics were included on pages 19 and 20 in an obscure April 2008 Oslo police report entitled Voldtekt i Oslo 2007 (Rape in Oslo 2007). These statistics are unique and important for a number of reasons. First, they demonstrate how in just 6 years Africans grew from 10% of the total number of rapists in the capital to a whopping 31%, with a corresponding percentual decline in ethic Norwegians. Secondly, the report - rather uniquely - spells out the exact countries from which the largest number of rapists come from. They are all the usual suspects, including recently arrived black Somalis and Gambians.
In 2009 Oslo experienced 21 cases of violent street rape, the most notorious subsection of overall rape. 17 of the 21 women assaulted were people with non-western ethnicities, with police chief Hanne Kristin Rohde explaining:
"We have arrested four [immigrant] people. In all the other cases women indicate that the perpetrator has a non-western appearance or speak a non-western language. ... The purpose is to tell the truth and create a better society. Therefore, I hope to start a debate about it." [6] |
The Oslo police's report for 2010 numbers appears to be the last to mention the ethnicities most involved in the capital's rape incidents:
"Unique perpetrators per nationality [come from] Norway (50), Iraq (8), Pakistan (9), Lithuania (7), Morocco (6), Somalia, Afghanistan and Sweden (5), Turkey and Gambia (4)." [7] |
Somalis are way down, but except for Egypt, of which only about a 1,000 resided in all of Norway (similar to the Gambians), the same Muslim and African countries are listed. The East-Block Lithuanians appear to have made the top so quickly because of mass immigration to Norway. In 2001 less than 400 Lithuanians lived in Norway (vs 10,000 Somalis); by 2014 36,000 lived in Norway, similar to the Somalis. Possibly some of the most notorious Somalis were caught and now it was time to catch the worst Lithuanian bad apples.
Why the Swedes all of a sudden ended up among the top rape countries in Oslo is a good question, because there were about just as many of them in Norway than there were Somalis and Lithuanians at that point. The Poles never showed up and they already stood at 50,000 immigrants. Are the Swedes so much more badly behaved than the Poles? Whatever the case, the Swedes and Lithuanians showing up among the top rapists and the lower number for Somalis, resulted in a much higher European share of the pie and lowered the percentages for Muslims and Africans. Even ethnic Norwegians were up to 35% again. Still, Muslim and Africans continued to represent a depressingly solid 50% of all rapes in Oslo, compared to 35% in 2001.

In June 2012 the Oslo police with Rohde as their spokesperson released an updated report almost satirically named Voldtekt i den globale byen 2011 (Rape in the Global City 2011). The pie chart is roughly similar to the year before, the biggest chances being a 4.2% rise in "Asian" rape (Afghans and Pakistanis), the Middle East (Iraqis) and Africa slightly up again. [8] Unfortunately, individual countries where most of the rapists come from was removed, but it's clear we're talking about the same key countries as before.
Within a few years examples can also be found of Nigerian, Tanzanian and Eritrean (assault) rapists in Oslo. In first case, two Nigerian group rapists received four years prison; their white, female victim committed suicide. [9] The Tanzanian robbed a store on a busy shopping street with an Afghani friend and found the time to rape the female employee with a knife to her throat. He had earlier been involved in another rape of a teenage girl. [10] An Eritrean who was arrested in 2016 was charged with four different rapes in Oslo. [11]
In addition, what this Oslo police report for 2011 did make clear is that the uptrend of rape in Oslo wasn't broken yet. In fact, it was almost 2.5 times higher than just ten years before - when there already were major worries about this uptrend.

The situation in Oslo had been rather tense for many years - well before the modern so-called "rape crisis" - but 2011 was a new low. Rape assaults had become a full-blown epidemic. To illustrate, just in early April 2011 five women were raped in Oslo, all by men who "spoke broken English or Norwegian." Not a word was said about the color of their skin: just about their clothes and color of their hair. And, yes, they were "possibly Asian", code for Afghani, Pakistani, or maybe even Iraqi an Iranian. [12] A May 2011 news report made it clear that the situation only continued to escalate:
"There have been twice as many rapes committed in Oslo so far this year as in the whole of 2010, nearly all of them by immigrants, Oslo Police statistics have revealed. Of the 48 rapes committed in the city in 2011 [at this point], a suspected 45 are from people of a 'non-Western background' (code for non-white), most of whom are said to be asylum seekers. ... "Last Saturday 300 people marched through the streets of Oslo in a torch-lit demonstration against rape called 'From fear to action – Take back the night', protesting about their lack of safety. "However, despite the police deploying 20 extra officers at the weekend, six more rapes and sexual assaults were reported by Monday. "On Saturday evening, two 16-year-old girls were raped at the Oslo's train station. Five men aged 16–20 from Afghanistan and Pakistan were arrested. "Another woman was raped in Slottsparken, just meters away from Norway's royal palace. The 20-year-old described one of her two attackers as 'dark-skinned and round in the face'. On Sunday morning a 17-year-old girl was found naked in the street after running from an attacker in her flat. "The same morning, an 18-year-old woman was raped by two men in Vaterlandsparken, and a 20-year-old woman reported a taxi driver who tried to force her to perform oral sex on him in his car. "Another rape attempt and a mugging of a woman took place in the district of Bislett. A newspaper report said men from Sri Lanka and Iran were arrested. ... "Sadly for Norwegian women, the obvious measure to stop nearly all such rapes, ceasing immigration and deporting all so-called asylum seekers, is not on the liberal government's agenda." [13] |
Stories of rape in public bathrooms, women being dragged into the bushes, and full-on kidnappings followed by gang rape - all by sinister-looking Africans and Arabs - are pretty shocking. And they continue to this day.
In 2016 Norway's TV2 mapped all rape convicts in Norway over 2015 and listed them by county and ethnicity. [14] In the Oslo district, 55 men were convicted. 23 of them, or 42%, was ethnic Norwegian. 1 case involved a Greek, who should count as West-European, so he represents 2%. The remaining 56% involves non-western immigrants. This means that 56% of rapes in Oslo, many of them traumatizing, could have been prevented by not allowing the average Third World citizen into Norway and making sure our birth rates are in order. In order the the frequency that these nationalities appeared among Oslo rapists:
Somali: | 5 | Iranian: | 1 |
Iraqi: | 3 | Jordanian: | 1 |
Turkish: | 3 | Syrian: | 1 |
Pakistani: | 2 | Ethiopian: | 1 |
Vietnamese: | 2 | Eritrean: | 1 |
Rwandan: | 2 | Nigerian: | 1 |
Romanian: | 2 | Indian | 1 |
Macedonian: | 1 | Sri Lankan: | 1 |
Algerian: | 1 | Mexican: | 1 |
Libyan | 1 |
A person like me who is from Rotterdam and used to having more than half of the city consisting of Third World nationalities of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations, it is easy to dismiss these numbers as nothing shocking. 23 natives vs 31 non-westerners? Big deal! But when you look at Oslo demographics and realize that this city isn't as much inhabited by these Third World migrants as Rotterdam, the situation looks more serious. In 2017 Oslo had 669,000 inhabitants, about the same as Rotterdam. Here are the immigration percentages and their respective overrepresentation when compared to 2015 Norwegian rape convicts:
Ethnicity | % | Absolute | Overrepresentation in Oslo |
Norwegian: | 67% | 450,000 | 23 convicts / 1.0x. |
Pakistani: | 3.5% | 23,000 | 39 convicts / 1.7x more. |
Polish: | 2.5% | 16,500 | No problems. |
Somali: | 2.3% | 15,000 | 150 convicts / 6.5x more. |
Swedish: | 2.0% | 13,000 | No problems. |
Iraqi: | 1.2% | 8,000 | 169 convicts / 7.3x more. |
Moroccan: | 1.0% | 6,500 | Unknown. |
Afghan: | 0.6% | 3,800 | Unknown. |
Romanians: | 0.4% | 2,900 | 310 convicts / 13.5x more. |
The only surprise here is that the Pakistanis have such a low number, certainly in light of the rape crisis they have been causing in Great Britain. Obviously this data involves too small a sample to be fully reliable, but it does provide yet another decent picture of Third World immigrants being vastly overrepresented in rape crime - which fits all kinds of other research. This data makes one wonder where all of a sudden the Moroccans, Afghans, Lithuanians, Gambians and Egyptians have gone to. Maybe they feature in 90% of rapes that go unsolved and/or unconvicted in Norway. About 3,000 Lithuanians live in Oslo, with Gambian and Egyptian numbers so low - about 1,000 - 1,500 - they aren't even listed.
What should be clear from these numbers alone is that western society can only sustain small numbers of Third World migrants. Bring in more and you will basically have to set up a brutal dictatorship to keep the population in line. A traditional open society would stop being economically feasible.

When we look over at Stavanger, a major city in the west of the country, the numbers look a little better, at least when not paying attention to demographics (they have about 60% of the Third World immigrants): of 22 rape convicts in 2015, 59% were ethnic Norwegians vs 41% non-western immigrants.
However, the situation in Stavanger has been less idyllic than these handful of rape convicts suggest. In November 2009 the Stavanger edition of Aftenbladet Norway published an article entitled 1 in 18 has Ethnic Norwegian Background, a reference to the number of ethnic Norwegians suspected and sentenced in cases of violent assault rape in and around Stavanger. All other perpetrators and suspects were foreigners, mainly Muslims. As the newspaper wrote:
"During 2008 and 2009, the police in Stavanger received at least 17 criminal complaints for rape assault or attempted rape assault. ... In 1 of the 17 cases, which [now] involves 18 reported, the perpetrator was ethnic Norwegian. In all the others, rape victims described non-Western men as perpetrators. To a large extent, they come from countries where Islam is the predominant religion. ... "So far this year, the police received five reports of rape or attempted rape by taxi drivers. Four taxi drivers are charged, all from non-western countries. In the latest example, the police have filed a case with unknown perpetrator, but also here is described a foreign-culture man. "In May, a 28-year-old man from Guinea tried to rape a woman in Pedersgata. He is a former convict of brutal assault rape ... in 2005. Recently, in May, he was convicted of the attempt... "In September, a 22-year-old woman was attacked and raped in the bushes at the Lervigtunet on Storhaug. The perpetrator is not caught, but the woman described him as the dark skin with curly hair. "Last weekend ... three young women were attacked and almost raped as they were coming home from the center alone. In all cases, the women described men from non-western countries. "The woman who was almost raped in Rudla Park ... described a man of African origin. Sunday night, i.e. a week later, a 26-year-old man from Somalia was arrested and charged with this attempted rape. He was arrested shortly after he had attacked and tried to rape a new woman, this time in Nedre Blåsenborg on Storhaug. ... "The only case of the 17 assault rapes, or attempts at this, where it is certain that the perpetrator was of ethnic Norwegian origin, was a robbery in the parking lot at the Jernbanelokket in February. A 27-year-old from Aust-Agder was sentenced to four years in prison for the assault rape in September. In court, it was documented that he has mental retardation, with an IQ of 68. "In our Aftenposten we mentioned an analysis conducted by the Oslo police. It showed that non-Western perpetrators were behind all assault violence in Oslo over three years. 41 reported assault revenues in the period 2006-2008. "In 2007, 72.8 percent of perpetrators in ALL rape cases had a different background than Norwegian." [15] |
Luckily for us, the newspaper featured a comment section with the article. 84 comments were made. Except for a lengthy opening comment and a few others here and there, the vast majority involved Norwegians who were both glad and amazed that the newspaper - any newspaper really - was making this information available to the public. And once again, compared to politicians and big media, the people really represent the voice of reason:
Eirik F.: "This overrepresentation is scary. It's amazing that people do not realize the facts. Only 1 out of 17 is not of foreign background. When you also know that foreigners represent less than 10% of Stavanger's population, it is even more hair-raising. Politicians, figure out how overrepresented [these foreigners] really are and what numbers we would have if the population will be 50/50 Norwegian/foreign ethnicities. No politicians who smell danger in the future?" Trond H.: "SA [Stavanger Aftonbladet] asks [in its poll]: "Should the press tell where a rapist is from?" Now, [with] media such as radio etc. ... it's one thing that's "striking me": When a Norwegian hurts or does something, it is reported that an "ethnic Northman" is behind it, while when it's not a Norwegian, then nothing is mentioned... With this we realize that every time there is no mention of a Norwegian, it's not a [Norwegian] .. And thus, the media can not tell you when it's a foreigner and thus can continue to be "anti FRP" [Norway's anti-immigration, anti-EU, libertarian-oriented party] and politically correct." Lars N.: "A small taste of the multicultural paradise. This is just the beginning, it will be much worse as this amazing diversity grows. Just keep on voting red-green, all of you happy with the developments in this country?" Tom M.: "With the policy they are having, it can only be like this. The Norwegian people will no longer be protected. Today's government is raping the Norwegian people. You can thank all those who vote for these parties for this. I want to thank SA [Stavanger Aftonbladet] to bring the truth to light." Eilif C.: "A thank you to Jone Østebø of SA [Stavanger Aftonbladet]. As here has an article that is a-typical of the newspaper. Let's hope that the newspaper in the future will more often call a spade a spade, also in controversial cases involving new countrymen [slang for "foreigners"] . ... This is not a taxi driver problem, but a problem with developing parallel societies in Norway. ... Foreign cultures have enriched Norway in many ways, and should continue to do so [but] there is no excuse for new Norwegians who cannot do this!" Odd F.: "Stavanger is becoming an unsafe city with increasing crime and it is due to a lot of immigration of different kinds." Lars S.: "Why did Aftenbladet not write about this BEFORE the election, as the facts were known? Is it related to the fact that the editor-in-chief was in favor of a red / green government and did not want unpleasant facts out that could affect the political landscape?" Jonas A.: "A Swedish newspaper would never publish this article. 2 girls in Gothenburg were attacked and raped by 4 [Somali] Africans. In Aftonbladet it was said that the rapists were Swedes. They certainly had Swedish citizenship..." Tor H.: "Also in Sweden there is a great overrepresentation in non-western immigrants for rape." Tore K.: "Finally one brave journalist from Aftenbladet. ... Oslo police's numbers for rapes in Oslo are the following [so it] looks as if this journalist absolutely knows what he is writing about. The number of rapes are in brackets. As far as I am aware, most of these countries are Muslim: "Somalia (18), Iraq (13), Pakistan (9), Morocco (7), Afghanistan and Turkey (6), Gambia and Egypt (4)." [Note: this comment is how ISGP found out about the rather obscure 2008 police report Voldtekt i Oslo 2007]" Bjørn N.: "When 17 out of 18 assault rapes in this city and 47 out of 47 in Oslo are committed by non-westerners, how is it in the REST of the country of Norway? ... Why is it only one particular religion that dominates with these terrible abuses? One NEVER hears about Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, etc. considering to use Norwegian women as throw-away objects. That a religion would give [men] "the right to rape" is beyond Norwegian values and is difficult to understand. ... Those in power must take on this serious problem and ensure strict penalties for the guilty and secure the safety of our daughters, mothers, fellow-citizens, etc." Ragnar S.: ""Those who overpowered and raped women in the street felt that they were in their fullest right. They spotted a drunken woman without companion. At that point she is considered to be free in some Muslim environments. And in their opinion, these men have a notion that women have no rights as a witness in a criminal case," Thorsen said. Thorsen, quoted in Dagbladet, is police officer Tor Erik Riska Thorsen in Rogaland Police District. He is a specialist in sexual assault crimes. He believes the explanation is simple as to why non-Western men are overrepresented in the statistics: "Problematic views on women and little openness about sexuality."" Jarle N.: "No one reading this article was surprised by these statistics? ... This type of crime (rape) is mainly committed by "non-western immigrants". This happens in Norway as well as the other European countries we refer to as Westerners. Most people have been aware of this in all years, except for some politicians who do not dare to admit it, as well as the spokesmen for these (as long as) minority groups." Egil T.: "Thanks to the AP and other left-wing politicians for the multicultural "enrichment". An "enrichment" that over time is likely to destroy Norwegian moral and ethical standards." Christian F.: "Blind idiotism from politicians. One must dare to call a spade a spade. [Can't translate, but talks about widespread social security fraud among Third World immigrants]..." Håvard F.: "I'm afraid to let my daughters go out of town, even if they take their precautions. That's how it's gonna be... But what I'm really afraid of is when this continues and creates the foundations for an extreme environment that cannot withstand the light of day. ... Politicians and police do not appear to see what is being created by this "great" integration policy and this "great" cultural enrichment..." Frank B.: "It is only getting worse. ... Stop taking in so many! It's got to be stricter with filth that slips in!" Espen F.-N.: "People convicted of rape should have their name and photo published, AND be sentenced to a harsh punishment. In Britain, the name and photo of convicted criminals are often published, so I see no reason why we cannot do that in Norway as well. Let it be a part of the penalty." Per E.: "Enough is enough. ... Rabia Yildiz says in the newspaper that this is horrible. First, she doubts the numbers, so she can deny that culture and religion have nothing to do with the abuse. 17 out of 18 are Muslims, that's probably just a coincidence? If we sit still and continue to look at this, then we are co-accomplices." Jens K.: "I often [even] hear "new countrymen" who [also] dislike [their] other "new countrymen" like the plague. And "racism" today seems to be about nationality and religion, not skin color and race. When looking at statistics, it's easy to see that some country's people stand out... We ethnic Norwegians must "respect" all religions and peoples, even if the woman are dying... " Kenneth H.: "Wake up!! Now!! How much should we allow to happen before any of our politicians admit that asylum and integration policy in this country are completely wrong !!" Torgrim V.: "Good morning! Someone still wondering where fear of aliens, racism and immigration resistance are rooted in? ... If we take 100 asylum seekers and 99 of them behave well, it's still too costly to allow the last carry on like this... I like to see when we are helping the 99 "good ones" if they really need it, whether they have documented backgrounds and if they show inspiration for integration in both leisure and working life. Language and cultural." Johnny H.: "There's only one thing to do for the police with these offenders. Punish them and expel them from Norway forever. It does not matter if they are asylum seekers or have lived in the country for some time. If they have become Norwegian citizens, they deprived their citizenship forever and are put on the first flight back to their country of origin. Many Muslim men have a strange and condescending view of western women. We do not need them in this country. Therefore, I now expect the government to do as they promised, to tighten strongly on asylum, especially from non-western countries." Tore K.: "They came here, they or their parents have been helped with starting a new life here, they received a home, they received a safe shelter. And they respond by raping young Norwegian women. Nationality and origin should also be publicized in order to prevent suspicions of young men from nationalities who behave properly. Think about immigrants from Australia, Asia [note: real Asians, not Afghanis and Pakistanis], for example, who do not feature in these statistics. Even more shocking is our politicians' role in this. Violence and harassment from these immigrant groups have been known about for many years in countries in Europe that have come along further into the multicultural world than us. Read, for example, Hege Storhaug's books. ... The [leaders] of these [left-wing] parties are among our most enlightened people. But they also know that about 80% of non-western immigrants vote socialist and left-wing. It all becomes a matter of political power, to hold on to power for personal gain. And in this game it is currently our women who have become the biggest losers." Jan Erik H.: "In Norway, those who are not Muslim women but Norwegian girls are raped. In Islamic context one should remember that a rape case can only be judged if at least four adult men witness the rape. The woman's statement justifies the half of one man's statement according to Islamic law. And if the woman can not mobilize the necessary witnesses, is the woman (the victim) punished by Islamic law-directly revealed to Muhammad. ... Violence is also problematic in Muslim countries, which often punish the rape victim. A European report on Iran shows that the raped woman here is sentenced to death! [Goes on with explanations for a while]..." Kjetil Ø.: "The problem is that over the past 30 years the Nordic region has been "roughly trampled" by the criminal aspect of the non-western youth surplus, which has escalated lately with the public "lure and sleep" policy with lavish welfare offerings for family reunification and "Q-free" housing." Bjørn H.: "Incredible that a man convicted of a "very" violent rape in 2005 is actually free to try again in May 2009." Christine U.: "I think that as a consequence of the rapes that have occurred, women should set up their own taxi [services]. ... [Or] it should be a type of taxi where it is guaranteed that it has a Norwegian driver (of course not necessarily white but one born in Norway or adopted), female driver. This should be an option for all women in Stavanger who are now afraid to take a cab. Someone might say this is racist, but it is only a consequence of events that need to be addressed." [16] |
Cover up by the media and politicians
Needless to say, these reports of the Stavanger and Oslo police in particular started to make elites really nervous. Amnesty International, Norway's "Anti-Racism Center", politicians and various big media outlets were all starting to do their own "analyses" of the data. [17] Debates were stirred up with non-arguments as:
- not all immigrants are rapists;
- only about 15% of all rapes are assault rapes;
- the vast majority of assault rapists are never caught;
- a few Norwegians have been mentioned among the assault rapists;
- the national average of non-Western immigrant rape is lower than Oslo's;
- over 60% of all rapists are Norwegians!
All of it simply comes down to trying to seed doubt in people's minds. Point 1 is pointless, because it has nothing to do with statistics. Point 2 is pointless, because non-Western rapists are vastly overrepresented in all forms rape - already obvious by just looking at the total numbers. Point 3 is pointless, unless one chooses to ignore statements of the victim-witness about skin color and language issues. Point 4 is pointless, because, once again, it has nothing to do with statistical analysis. Point 5 is pointless, because regions without immigrants have virtually no immigrant crime; And point 6 is pointless, because in this case publications are focusing on official nationality, not on ethnicity. Do that and 65 to 80% of all rapists turn out to be non-Western.
Another argument I've run into is that children have begun to drink a lot more alcohol and that up to 95% of girls raped, also drank alcohol. [18] That's all nice and well, but without any inclusion of ethnic data, such a discussion is still pointless.
The "debunkings" actually start to become hilarious after a while. One apologist made a big fuss about generally alt-right claims that "all" assault rapes in Oslo were committed by immigrants [19], before explaining in a very serious manner that "the claim that all assault violence in Oslo was committed by immigrants was only correct if more than 80 percent of the reported cases were picked." [20] What are we talking about here? Of course, the same article also tried to argue that these rape and crime numbers are primarily due to socio-economic factors. All lies. Put 10,000 native white families on welfare and then 10,000 Muslims and African blacks, and the difference will be more than striking. Give the latter more money and it's unlikely to change much. Then, of course, there's the very real issue of racial IQ.
Predictably, these days the Oslo police has stopped publishing not just the nationalities of rape perpetrators in its annual reports, but now also stopped reporting numbers on assault rapes altogether. It has even stopped informing the media of the latest rape assault incidents in the capital. In other words, if your daughter gets dragged into the bushes and raped, the police will keep quiet about the incident. And if word gets out, it undoubtedly will not provide ethnicities anymore. The reason for this change in policy? "Because ... this is not entertainment [and because it] creates so much fear and diverts attention from other rapes that make up the biggest volume." [21] Yes, the alt-right does have a tendency to exaggerate, but numbers are numbers and the fact remains that random violent street rape is the most terrorizing of all rape crime because it can happen to anybody anywhere. Corrupt government officials and the liberal superclass benefit from this policy; not the people. It represents a cover up.
A lot of Norwegians seem to make jokes about Sweden's immigration policy and the censorship of its media and even the police services, but their country is moving in the exact same direction. The same, by the way, goes for another Nordic country, Finland, where the police in October 2015 received a directive from the government to stop all reporting on crime by asylum seekers. Why? To prevent "the radicalization of the mainstream population or asylum seekers, the spread of racism ... the erosion of public order and security ... and [to prevent from spreading] possible negative opinions on asylum seekers [by] police personnel to their increasing workload..." [22] In other words, governments internationally are telling their people to shut up, so they can continue their criminal immigration policies.
Without a doubt Norway is spending more and more money to keep the increasing crime waves under control. Imagine how bad the situation would be if no additional measures would have been taken since the 1990s? Or if we wouldn't have access to cheap high definition security cameras and DNA sampling? It would be total anarchy.
Clearly problems in Norway with Third World immigrants started at least two decades before the modern "Muslim Rape Crisis" that began with reports about New Year's Eve 2015-2016 in Cologne, as well as Oslo. Everybody saw these problems coming, but the establishment media and politicians closed their eyes to it. With that, maybe they should all be held accountable for the countless traumatized female victims living in Norway today as a result of this irresponsible immigration policy.
Appendix A: Swimming pool issues
Little can be found on past problems at Norway's swimming pools, although this doesn't mean these problems did not exist. Certainly in more recent years, with the modern wave of Muslims and Africans arriving in Norway, problems have been reported at swimming pools. A number of examples:
- July 2015: Little girls attacked by asylum seekers in a water park. The father is accused of being a racist when he opens his mouth about it. [23]
- Might be updated in future.
Anti-immigration news outlets in Norway that have proved very useful:
[1] | June 2011 (updated version of September 12, 2011), Statistisk Sentralbyrå, 'Kriminalitet og straff blant innvandrere og øvrig befolkning', pp. 24-26. |
[2] | September 5, 2001, Aftenposted, 'Oslo rape statistics shock'. (accessed: April 5, 2005). |
[3] | March 17, 2016,, 'Oslo-politiet innrømmer mørklegging av voldtekter utført av innvandrere'. |
[4] | April 15, 2009,, 'Overfallsvoldtekter begås av ikke-vestlige innvandrere'. (accessed: August 31, 2017). |
[5] | January 13, 2010,, 'Rekordmange overfallsvoldtekter i Oslo'. |
[6] | *) January 13, 2010,, 'Rekordmange overfallsvoldtekter'. *) January 13, 2010, Aftenposten, 'Rekordmange overfallsvoldtekter i Oslo'. |
[7] | May 2011, Oslo police, 'Voldtekt i den globale byen (Rape in the Global City'), p. 53. (PDF) |
[8] | June 2012, Oslo police, 'Voldtekt i den globale byen 2011' (Rape in the Global City 2011') p. 66. (PDF) |
[9] | August 15, 2014,, 'Chikezie Okafor og Okechukwu Okolie dømt for gruppevoldtekt i Oslo'. |
[10] | December 4, 2015,, 'Afghaner (17) og tanzanianer (16) voldtok ung jente under kioskran i Oslo'. |
[11] | December 6, 2016,, 'Man charged with raping three Oslo women'. |
[12] | April 4, 2011,, 'Police warn of rapists in Oslo'. |
[13] | May 15, 2016, Norway News, 'Norway’s asylum seeker rape epidemic continues to spread'. |
[14] | February 2016,, 'TV 2 Har Kartlagt alle dømte seksualforbryterne i 2015: 398 dømt i 2015 – se hvem de er'. |
[15] | November 12, 2009, Stavanger Aftenbladet, '1 av 18 har etnisk norsk bakgrunn: Menn med ikke-vestlig bakgrunn er overrepresentert i antallet overfallsvoldtekter og -forsøk i Stavanger'. |
[16] | 1_av_18_har_etnisk_norsk_bakgrunn_.html (accessed: November 16, 2009). |
[17] | May 2, 2012, Utrop, 'Myten om ikke-vestlige voldtektsmenn sprekker' ('The myth of non-Western rapists cracks'). |
[18] | November 21, 2005,, 'Flere unge jenter blir voldtatt'. |
[19] | June 1, 2011, Herald Sun (Australia), 'All reported rapes in Oslo by foreigners: police'. |
[20] | November 20, 2013,, 'Overfallsvoldtekter og innvandring - en faktasjekk'. |
[21] | March 17, 2016,, 'Oslo-politiet innrømmer mørklegging av voldtekter utført av innvandrere'. |
[22] | October 21, 2015,, 'Uusi ohjeistus hämmentää: Poliisi salaa rikoksista epäiltyjen turvapaikanhakijoiden taustan'. |
[23] | July 20, 2015,, 'Småjenter antastet av asylsøkere på badeland – faren ble kalt rasist da han sa fra'. |