Cult of National Security Trolls: Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM Analyzed

"Until very recently control of American consciousness was a simple matter for the guys in charge. The schools instilled docility. The radio and TV networks poured out conformity. ... You may not know that dissident organizations in academia are also controlled. The CIA creates the radical journals and student organizations and runs them with deep-cover agents. ... The IFIF plan [to set up psychedelic training centers around the country] was ingenious [but] they would have infiltrated every chapter..."
Words of President Kennedy's lover, Mary Pinchot Meyer, according to LSD guru and Harvard professor Timothy Leary. Both Kennedy and Meyer died under questionable circumstances. Mary was married to top CIA figure Cord Meyer. A close friend was married to CIA counter-intelligence chief James Angleton. She also knew CIA chief Allen Dulles, CIA DDO Richard Bissell and the Washington Post heads. (1983, Timothy Leary, 'Flashbacks: An Autobiography', pp. 130, 154, 174).
"I am today transmitting to the National Security Council a proposal (TAB A) in which it is concluded that the problems connected with unidentified flying objects appear to have implications for psychological warfare... as well as for intelligence and operations. ... I suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive or defensive utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes."
July 1, 1952, CIA director General Walter Bedell Smith, soon also a United Fruit and Pilgrims Society executive, to the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB), a CIA oversight group overseen by the national security advisor. Elites as John Hay Whitney, Henry Kissinger and Nelson Rockefeller (all Pilgrims) were part of the PSB/OCB, which is very relevant in light of Laurance Rockefeller and other elites financing huge amounts of UFO-related disinformation that is largely spread through Coast to Coast AM.
The following oversights became vastly more complex than anticipated due to the overwhelming amount of establishment connections found among Coast to Coast AM guests:
Background and sources on individual Coast to Coast AM guests
Always a work in progress. And many dozens of other questionable names can be added.
UFOs in general | CRV/SRI | Catholic exorcism | Rent-a-skeptic |
Buzz Aldrin | Col. John Alexander | Dr. Coomaraswamy | Phil Klass |
Stephen Bassett | Skip Atwater | Malachi Martin | Joe Nickell |
Dr. Fred Bell | Cleve Backster | Ralph Sarchie | Phil Plait |
Don Berliner | Lyn Buchanan | Lorraine Warren | Ray Kurzweil |
Robert Bigelow | Ed Dames | Andrew Wingate | Jon Ronson |
Bill Birnes | Uri Geller | John Zaffis | Michael Shermer |
Grant Cameron | Dale Graff | Seth Shostack | |
Erich Von Daniken | Richard Hoagland | Cayce Association | Neil DeG. Tyson |
Eric W. Davis | Dr. J.J. Hurtak | E. Evans Cayce | |
Robert Dean | Joe McMoneagle | Sidney Kirkpatrick | John Birch politics |
Tom DeLonge | Tom McNear | Greg Little | G. Edward Griffin |
Jim Dilettoso | Dr. Edgar Mitchell | Kevin Todeschi | Nicholas Gruner |
Richard Dolan | Hal Puthoff | John Van Auken | Alex Jones |
Dr. Steven Greer | Dean Radin | David Wilcock | Mark Lane |
Paul Hellyer | Jack Sarfatti | Malachi Martin | |
Linda Howe | Stephan Schwartz | Ancient Egypt | Stanley Monteith |
Ken Johnston | Paul H. Smith | Robert Bauval | George Noory (host) |
Leslie Kean | Ingo Swann | David Childress | Jeffrey NyQuist |
Michael Lindemann | Russell Targ | Dr. John DeSalvo | Joel Skousen |
Bruce Maccabee | Charles Tart | Christopher Dunn | Charles R. Smith |
Gordon Novel | Jessica Utts | Dr. Patrick Flanigan | |
Ted Phillips | Jacques Vallee | Graham Hancock | 911 (separate) |
Nick Pope | Alfred Webre | Joe Parr | |
Nick Redfern | Laura Eisenhower | Joseph Farrell | Other |
Michael Salla | Zecharia Sitchin | Pamela Anderson | |
Daniel Sheehan | Rhine parapsych. | Dr. Robert Schoch | Ann Finkbeiner |
Wendelle Stevens | Dianne Arcangel | John Anthony West | Catherine A. Fitts |
Loyd Auerbach | Dr. John Gray | ||
Alien abduction | Sally Rhine Feather | More alt. history | Bev Harris |
Dr. Richard Boylan | Tobias McGriff | Micheal Cremo | Deborah Layton |
Budd Hopkins | Jeffrey Mishlove | Laird Scranton | David John Oates |
David Jacobs | Vernon Neppe | Robert Temple | Greg Palast |
Dr. Roger Leir | Ed Ozosky | Giorgio Tsoukalos | John Perkins |
Dr. John Mack | David Rountree | John Petersen | |
Derrel Sims | Michael Schmicker | Bible code | Dr. Colin A. Ross |
Dr. Leo Sprinkle | Rupert Sheldrake | Gregg Braden | David Seaman |
Whitley Strieber | Michael Drosnin | Joseph Trento | |
Spirit/Quantum M. | Grant Jeffrey | ||
Roswell/MJ12 | Deepak Chopra | Gulf War Syndrome | |
Tom Carey | Bruce Goldberg | More doomsday | Joyce Riley |
Philip Corso | Amit Goswami | Stan Deyo | Andrew Wakefield |
Richard Doty | Robert Monroe | Robert Gleason | |
Joe Firmage | Robert Moss | Clear Channel | |
Stanton Friedman | Dr. Brian Weiss | Various topics | Lowry Mays |
Bob Lazar | Fred Alan Wolf | Andrew Collins | Red McCombs |
John Lear | Douglas Dietrich | ||
Jesse Marcel | ''Drugs''/2012 | David Icke | In background |
Kevin Randle | Victoria Alexander | Peter Levenda | Bechtel family |
Don Schmitt | John Major Jenkins | Jim Marrs | Liechtenstein house |
Robert Shirkey, Jr. | Amber Lyon | Jon Rappoport | Ron Pandolfi |
Clifford Stone | Terence McKenna | Robert A. Wilson | L. Rockefeller |
Robert/Ryan Wood | Dennis McKenna | Gen. Stubblebine | |
Daniel Pinchbeck | Neocon politics | James Woolsey | |
Crop circles | Rick Strassman | Jerome Corsi | |
Colin Andrews | John Wheelock | Frank Gaffney | Hosts |
Rosemary Guiley | Douglas Hagmann | Art Bell | |
Dr. Simeon Hein | Rendlesham | Col. David Hunt | George Noory |
Lucy Pringle | Gen. Charles Halt | John Loftus | John B. Wells |
Jim Schnabel | Jim Penniston | Robert Spencer | |
Dan Smith | Steve Quayle | ||
Nancy Talbott |
There is a lot of evidence that the CIA, NSA and Pentagon, whose leaders are all part of a civilian establishment, have created a complete "alternative" community consisting of news websites, forums, skeptical groups, radical activists and authors, as well as a vast stream of trolls in the form of forum, website and Youtube video posters that target anyone in favor of a sensitive conspiracy with a blitzkrieg of skepticism or extreme irrationality. The nexus in the "believers" category is Coast to Coast AM, followed by the closely-allied Alex Jones. This article will provide evidence for these claims.
I was a listener to Coast to Coast AM at one point. Loved it. Couldn't get enough of it. Sometimes listened to three shows in a row. I actually put aside all my prejudices and listened to just about every guest in the 2004-2005 period, making notes and organizing the information in the process. It didn't take very long to find out that the "information density" of the show is rather low. Listen to 500 hours of Coast to Coast interviews and you don't really learn a whole lot, mainly because it is impossible to tell truth from fiction. You only learn about dominant ideas in the "alternative" media and understand who the various authorities/gurus promoting these theories are.

While I was primarily drawn to shows about out of body experiences, reincarnation and the paranormal, already in the very beginning I recognized that the geopolitical and/or conspiracy side of the show was very weak. In 2005 I was creating the first articles on the Pilgrims Society, the 1001 Club, Le Cercle and other groups and noticed that none of the information I came across was discussed on Coast to Coast AM. All I could find was speculation about the Illuminati, the New World Order, and the occasional rant about Bilderberg. No riddles ever get solved and most certainly the show's guests never bring up any unique information.
Now, isn't that peculiar? Here you have a show that reached up to 15 million people a night in the late 1990s and still about 3 million today, but somehow it is unable to even occasionally invite journalists, researchers and whistleblowers with information that is actually unique and can be verified. For an influential media outlet focused on alternative research and whistleblowing, it is sure curious that Coast to Coast has never produced any unique documents or stood at the basis of any political scandal.
It wasn't until May 6, 2006 that I began to really suspect foul play. Anne Finkbeiner appeared on the air, in order to promote her new book: The JASONs: The Secret History of Science's Postwar Elite. A few days before she was on, I sent Ian Punnett, one of the show's stand-in hosts, a list with questions he could ask. In August 2005 I had completed the first in-depth article on the JASON Group, for the first time revealing all its historical members and singling out some of the more important names. It wasn't even that special an article, but did result in an apparent act of intimidation or possibly an attempt to make it legal to monitor my phone, email and regular mail. I was sent a bogus JASON Group document on how to protect U.S. nuclear power plants against terrorist attacks. A week later my entire email box was emptied, including the relevant email, something which had never happened before and has never happened since. I also had some phone issues at the time and multiple orders from England permanently disappearing, other peculiarities that have never happened before or since.
In any case, I explained the whole ordeal to Punnett, who wrote back to thank me for the information. Now, how many of those questions do you think Punnett asked? Well... none. In fact, he didn't ask one skeptical question during the entire broadcast, not even about the show's favorite topic: UFOs. Punnett just sat there and let Finkbeiner, who had been given access to members of the JASON Group and simply told their official story, talk and talk and talk until her two hours were over. It was quite a bizarre show, with me still wondering why someone as Finkbeiner was invited, certainly without any skeptical questions being asked. For one night everything the show is about was given up in favor of a little official government propaganda, or so it appears.
Later that year, in November 2006, the first ISGP article in quite some time was refused publication by Alex Jones' Infowars. This was quite a shock, because it was the best-documented and most unique article I had written until that point. Looking back, the censorship is easy to understand. Instead of touching on the liberal Eastern Establishment, I wrote about Le Cercle, part of the ultraconservative Pentagon (CIA swings both ways) network that is protected by Alex Jones. The American Security Council, the World Anti-Communist League, the Council for National Policy, the John Birch Society--they are all part of this same network.

Col. John Alexander ("Penguin"), left, with Ron Pandolfi ("Pelican"), both major manipulators of the UFO and New Age community. In 2008 Pandolfi, formerly on the CIA's National Intelligence Council, convened a JASON Group meeting for the Director of National Intelligence. As Jack Sarfatti, another such manipulator, wrote: "[This] could be used for "espionage" and breaking quantum cryptography security words. I am an informal "senior advisor" to Dr. Ronald Pandolfi, of the Science & Technology Directorate of the CIA and the MASINT [Measurement and Signature Intelligence] program. Indeed, I was Pandolfi's guest at a JASON meeting at General Atomics in June 2008 in La Jolla." 1
Col. Alexander is a regular key guest on Coast to Coast AM, with Sarfatti and numerous associates of Pandolfi also visiting. Maybe this is a start in explaining why the JASONs used Coast to Coast AM as a platform to give out their official history.
For all these years I have primarily worked on bringing new information to the world, ignoring the censorship of key conspiracy programs as Coast to Coast AM and the Alex Jones Show. But at this point I think the first and most important thing people new to conspiracy and spiritual issues need to understand is the extent to which the alternative narrative is controlled by the national security state. In order to make this effort successful, especially in the age of the internet, it has been sponsoring hundreds of authors, backed by a network of publishers, websites, forum posters, Youtube channels, podcast and radio shows. Coast to Coast AM is a pretty crucial ingredient for any author on spirituality or the UFO and alien subject to produce a New York Times best-seller. What other major radio or television shows are going to pick up such an author? Probably none. For conspiracy Alex Jones is crucial. Again, what other major show is going to pick up a conspiracy author? Oprah? The Late Night Show? CNN? Unlikely. Shows as Coast to Coast AM, the Alex Jones Show, and the pro-Nazi Rense website truly are the gatekeepers of the conspiracy community. They need to approve of your work in order for it to spread to a large audience.
But, as this article will demonstrate, these alternative shows are part of what amounts to a cult. All kinds of peculiar people with even more peculiar ideas are allowed on the air. They support each other, fight amongst each other, but outsiders are unable to join the conversation. My 2007 Dutroux article, which took 1.5 years to finish, is a good example of this. Despite having been published earlier and despite unique documentation that seriously implicated a former Bilderberg chairman, other leading "internationalists", and CIA-backed fascist aristocrats in child abuse networks, it was ignored in EVERY conspiracy corner on the internet. Worried about my own safety, especially in terms of getting sued before the information could spread, I gave Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson a $500 "bribe" to post my article as a news item on the front page of Prisonplanet/Infowars for two days. All of a sudden Rense and other conspiracy sites did pick up the article, although they unfortunately did have a tendency to include the word "Illuminati" in their own headings. After that article, the gates were closed forever. I did offer to pay $200 for the publication of my very unique 2008 Pilgrims Society article, which theoretically would be of incredible interest to anything from Alex Jones and Jeff Rense to the John Birch Society, but nobody would touch it. Only Alex Jones would, as a commercial for a day, which obviously didn't produce any hits.
Blog sites superficially talking about the Illuminati and how no plane hit the Pentagon get links all the time, but fully-documented ISGP material is never touched: something is very wrong here. In this article we go into detail what exactly is wrong with Coast to Coast AM and to some extent also with the Alex Jones Show.
Bush, Blackwater and CIA connections
Since 1998 Coast to Coast AM has been controlled by Clear Channel Communications 2, which can pull the plug on the program any time it wants to and send it back into obscurity. Clear Channel's founders and decades-long owners, Lowry Mays and Red McCombs 3, have deep ties to Texas politics in all its aspects.

Lowry is a major financier of the elite George H. W. Bush Presidential Library Foundation, presided over by Henry Kissinger protege Brent Scowcroft. When in late 2007 the even more elite Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs was established at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University, Lowry had only just stepped down as regent chairman of the university. Directors of the Scowcroft Institute have included Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, former CIA directors John Deutch and Robert Gates (president of A&M university), and former NSA chief and deputy CIA director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman. Lowry has made significant political contributions to George W. Bush run for the presidency. 4
As for Red McCombs, in March 2011 he, together with apparent friend Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, a former deputy director of the CIA and head of the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the NSA, as well as Bush's former attorney general John Ashcroft, took over mercenary firm Blackwater USA. Earlier Blackwater had been exposed as a CIA asset firm that worked alongside Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in assassinating Middle Eastern terrorists. Both JSOC and Blackwater were considered personal tools of the Bush White House. Founder and chairman Erik Prince himself admitted he had been recruited as a "CIA asset", something which was already rather obvious in 2005 when Bush's CIA counterterrorism chief, Cofer Black, joined the firm as vice chairman, together with his CIA operations chief, drug dealer and mafia hitman Enrique Prado. CIA associate deputy director of intelligence Robert Richer, accused of having been involved in the forging of a bogus link between the 9/11 hijackers and Saddam Hussein, also joined the firm. Retired CIA executive director Buzzy Krongard, who helped Blackwater acquire its first major government contracts in Afghanistan in 2002, joined the firm's advisory board in 2007, but had to step down almost immediately because his brother at the State Department was accused of shielding Blackwater from a Justice Department investigation into alleged arms trafficking by its employees. Another curious player is Knight of Malta Joseph E. Schmitz. As Bush's Pentagon inspector general from 2002 to 2005, he refused to investigate Blackwater, but later on joined the Prince Group, of which Blackwater was a subsidiary, as general counsel and chief operating officer (COO). All of these aspects are discussed in ISGP's The Supranational Suspects Behind 9/11, which includes fully written-out endnotes. 5
All this begs the question, of course, what changed when McCombs followed up Erik Prince as chairman, with the CIA's Bobby Ray Inman and Bush's former attorney general at his side. Even though Blackwater changed its name to Academi, it's still in the same business, with the same headquarters, and seemingly with the same group of players running it. Texas politics and the CIA are just as strongly represented as ever. It simply appears as if McCombs was just brought in as the next CIA asset. Considering he has also been the founder of Clear Channel with deep involvement until at least 2007, this would probably be seen as a problem by many Coast to Coast AM listeners. Certainly it instantly explains why Art Bell so strenuously opposed anyone believing that there might be more to 9/11 than meets the eye. Or why, in general, one can listen to the radio program for years on end and learn very little of substance.
Granted, the 9/11 "Truth" community is even worse than Art Bell. And, of course, looking at George Noory, hired by Clear Channel/Premiere Radio in 1998 as Art Bell's stand-in, the other extreme is also a possibility--as long as hosts stick to extremes. As an example, here is a conversation from March 13, 2013, readily available on Youtube, between George Noory and the (Texas-based) Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Show:
"NOORY: What does logic tell you, when you hear that they are buying 2,000+ tanks and they are gonna use them here in the United States?*** ... They are afraid of Americans. I think they are afraid of us. ... Even when everyone was happy, I'm still convinced that some place, somewhere this group of one world government fanatics would create an issue, just to go ahead and attack and do something. You know my views on 9/11. ...
JONES: Coast to Coast may have had 10 percent political news [under Art Bell]. You made it about 50 percent, in my estimation. And hardcore patriot news. And that's a big thing. I remember you were the only one opposing the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act on big national radio. Really, I can say your show helped kill the forced emasculation of the American people. I have to say, George, you are a real guy. I've had a chance to have dinner with you, we've hung out quite a few times, you and Tom Danheiser, the whole crew, you are just a real guy and I admire what you have done. I'm a fan of you.
*** ISGP: Noory is talking nonsense here. It's a spin on an old report that 2,717 of the army's Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles were going to be upgraded. The army was later turned into Homeland Security, the upgrade into full vehicles, and the MRAPs into Strykers.
In recent years George Noory has emerged as a raging John Bircher closely allied with Alex Jones. Jones has appeared an average of 7 times a year on Coast to Coast AM since his first appearance in March 2004. Beginning in 2010, Noory also began to occasionally appear on the Alex Jones Show. When Jones is referring to Noory's "hardcore patriot news" he is talking about the numerous John Birch Society-affiliated guests that have been invited to Coast to Coast AM over the years, not to mention a few pro-Israel neocon extremists.
Jones and Noory have been scratching each other's backs for years at this point, possibly because Premiere Networks/Clear Channel has expressed an interest in taking over the Alex Jones show, but also because 9/11 caused Jones' following to increase to such an extent that he couldn't be ignored anymore. While Noory has opened up Coast to Coast to "patriot" politics with Alex Jones as its leading spokesman, Jones has occasionally been looking for ways to sell typical Coast to Coast AM UFO disinformation to his own Christian conservative following by wrapping the information in a biblical message. Here is a great example of October 16, 2010, when George Noory called in during Alex Jones'"Moneybomb Marathon":
"NOORY: I just wanted to congratulate you on your patriotic service. ... Over the years, Alex, you have done a great job for us on Coast to Coast, illuminating the world on the Illuminati. ...
JONES: So much is happening. We even had Lou Dobbs on today. He sent me an email and said: "I appreciate what you are doing." ... [praising Glenn Beck, who also fell under the Clear Channel umbrella]...
NOORY: We need you. Just watch your back. And we'll watch it for you. ...
JONES: Well, George Noory, I wanna get you on my official radio show from 11 to 2 in the next few weeks about all this UFO stuff. ... There's no doubt that there's stuff going on. There's no doubt that Ezekiel and other books of the bible, like Genesis, talk about literal giant craft with fire coming out and guys with blue helmets on and giving people stuff, and genetic engineering, and Noah, and all the rest of it, but to have Project Blue Beam, and I want you to finish up with this... (mp3)
Amazing, isn't it? A few seconds of semi-coherent conversation and half a dozen points of disinformation come up: the Illuminati, biblical spacecraft, aliens with "blue helmets" on, genetic engineering, and "Project Blue Beam." Isn't this an interesting combination? The traditional new age spirituality of Coast to Coast AM combined with hard-right, Christian conservative, pro-Republican foreign policy discussions? Who would have thought about that? And who would have thought that Alex Jones subconsciously believes the United Nations conspiracy to take over the world goes back to an alien agenda in biblical times? One learns something new every day.
For those still in doubt whether or not Alex Jones is an independent player, remember that he doesn't allow any discussion on conservative NGOs and think tanks. Here are Jones' words from his very own Alex Jones Show of August 31, 2010:
"There's a left-wing CFR-funded conspiracy theory that says some group called the CNP [Council for National Policy] runs everything [bored expression]. It's a total diversion, but we'll talk about it from the other side.&" (mp3)
On January 7, 2011, just after being confronted with a guest who is just as right-wing as the CNP, but frustrated by its lack of open John Bircher extremism, Jones stated:
"She brought up the, uh, [thinking hard] CNP, which I haven't done a lot of research on. People have asked me about it, so I have done some. They, reportedly, the Hunt brothers set it up and things. And she was saying that that was not a real organization, or that that isn't a conservative group trying to take America back, or fight the New World Order, as they claim. [ISGP: this is spin. Everybody at the CNP is against what Jones terms the "left wing" "New World Order", which is why Jones gets backing from that corner.] ... Is the whole CNP bad? There have also been a lot of people who have been in the CNP, like a Paul Craig Roberts - he's grown, he's learned things. I've talked to him about it and he says it's just basically ineffectual." (mp3)

Subsequently on the air, Jones slowly starts to "agree" that neocons may be controlling the CNP, which is also very convenient political spin, as Jones is a traditional non-neocon right-winger. CNP members are all Old Right religious extremists along the lines of the (once) very powerful American Security Council. Colonel Oliver North of Iran Contra was famously a member of the CNP, as well as the American Security Council. The mother of Blackwater founder Erik Prince has also been deeply involved in the CNP. Some of the CNP members made it as guests to both the Alex Jones Show and Coast to Coast AM. Stanley Monteith is among them. Many years ago, when I just started out, I naively asked Monteith why he had attended meetings of the CNP. His answer? "To counter the propaganda." I know better than that, of course, these days, but it is telling that Monteith was so desperate to distance himself from the CNP.
Other guests affiliated with the CNP and John Birch Society that have been allowed on Coast to Coast AM include G. Edward Griffin, Charles R. Smith, Jerome Corsi, Jeffrey NyQuist, Joel Skousen, Father Nicholas Gruner and William Jasper. Jones, of course, has had even more of these guests on.
Then there is key JFK researcher and Coast to Coast AM guest Mark Lane, who got himself deeply involved with the even more right-wing (read: Nazi) Liberty Lobby that General Douglas MacArthur's clique was so fond of back in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1978 Lane was evacuated from the Jonestown cult premises, along with the CIA's Richard Dwyer, at the last moment before the mass killing/suicide began. No, Lane might be popular as a JFK researcher, but he has never been an independent player.
Much in line with his behavior and the ties of Coast to Coast AM to the superclass, Bush, CIA and Blackwater clique, in recent years frequent Coast to Coast AM guest Alex Jones has repeatedly admitted to stem from a family with many "CIA" and "army special forces" veterans. There are some indications that these family members, apart from the John Birch Society, are/were allied with the Council for National Policy and the American Security Council, a network of ultraright groups that Jones has been protecting on his radio show. For more information, see ISGP's article Alex Jones of Infowars Admits to CIA and "Army Special Forces" Family; Supports Death Squads, Dictators, Drugs, Disinformation ... and the CNP.
A special kind of John Bircher was Father Malachi Martin, a very popular guest on Coast to Coast from 1996 until his death in 1999 who claimed to be a leading Vatican exorcist. Not much seems to have been true of this claim and one only has to read Martin's words speaking out against the "New World Order" and big foundations as Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford and Mellon to realize where he was coming from. As a supporter of Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta, he opposed abortion, the use of contraceptives, the acceptance of homosexuality, and even appears to blame "Satanic pedophilia" entering the Church on liberal forces. Funny, if I had to point fingers, I'd blame it on Opus Dei. Martin used to be a Jesuit intelligence asset, but resigned after this group became too "liberal" in the early 1960s. After he left the Jesuits in 1965 and moved to New York City, Pope Paul VI provided him with the authority to represent the Church in the media. On air and in his books he claimed to still be in touch with the Opusian Pope John Paul II (1978-2005), which would make him more or less an official Vatican representative. Seeing how at one point he was a religious editor of the conservative National Review of former CIA officer and Skull & Bones member William Buckley, it is not hard to see how he eventually was considered suitable for appearances on Coast to Coast.

It seems to largely have been Malachi Martin who spread the word that the Jesuits have become the liberal wing of the Vatican. However, this is only relative to Martin's support for Opus Dei 6 and may even only refer to a faction within the Jesuits. Powerful Catholic families, most notably the secretive Brenninkmeyers (1001 Club), have members and donations spread out over the Jesuits, Opus Dei, the Knights of Malta and even an outfit called the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. Today we even have a Brenninkmeyer managing the Duth Roman Catholic Church's Sexual Abuse Hotline. Such a thoughtful family. You can just feel the love from here. 7
After Martin's death in 1999 a number of Catholic associates took over. In 2003 the show managed to pick up Father Nicholas Gruner. While more concerned with the Fatima "secrets"--which Martin also spoke about--than exorcism, Gruner continued the fight against the "New World Order" and its new age "one-world religion." Gruner has appeared in at least one John Birch Society film.
Other old associates primarily of Martin talked about the maybe more enigmatic angle of demonic possession and exorcism, a topic largely restricted to Catholics it appears, at least on Coast to Coast. Father Rama Coomaraswamy, who was invited in 2006, claimed that Martin, shortly before his death, had told him that "he'd been knocked to the ground by a "demon" and that was what brought about his [fatal] injury." Of course, apart from his appearance on Coast to Coast AM, everyone knows you can't trust a person whose name ends in "swamy"--that's just a fact of life.
Then we have Father Andrew Wingate, who first came to the show on January 8, 2003. During this first program he explained to have "performed frequent exorcisms, even working with Father Malachi Martin in one case where ... they worked on 15 possessed people simultaneously." On the same program he made a number of doomsday predictions that would even make Ed Dames blush:
"Father Wingate discussed some of his prophetic visions which he explained come to him when he is "talking to heaven," and he hears a voice in his head. ... He foresees something horrible happening in the next 90 days though he couldn't specify where it would happen. He did liken the event to a nuclear attack and said there would be horrendous destruction.
"Things don't get better further down the road. Within two years the U.S. will be invaded by the United Nations after America sinks one of its own battleships, Wingate said. Then there'll be a 9.0 earthquake in Kansas City that will last for almost an hour ("The city will be virtually destroyed because of fire," Wingate said). Finally we'll have six days of post-Armageddon darkness followed by 40 years of dusk-like skies. ...
""I have 17 brothers and sisters who are thoroughly convinced I am a lunatic," he added."
The United Nations invading the United States? It appears we have found another John Bircher. Despite the fact that not one prediction of Wingate came out, he was frequently invited back to show to make more doomsday predictions. He still appears on the show once in a while.
Other old Catholic associates, like Ralph Sarchie and John Zaffis, also promoted themselves as fellow demonic exorcists. Especially the latter is rather prominent, because his uncle and aunt were America's most well known paranormal investigators: Ed and Lorraine Warren. This couple investigated and wrote books about famous "hauntings" as the "Amityville Horror" and "A Haunting in Connecticut." Anybody who has watched Discovery Channel's 'A Haunting' show, will tend to recognize their cases rather quickly. They tend to be among the most extreme, with holy water, crosses and Catholic priests as a first line of defense, and often group prayer as the final remedy. And, of course, each individual exorcism requires the express permission of the Vatican. The propaganda seems rather obvious: the Catholic Church is the spearhead against all demonic forces in the world.
But, as is usual for anyone associated with Coast to Coast, the Warren's are known con artists. If their talk about "werewolf demons" isn't enough to raise suspicions, there's widespread criticism on cases as the "Amityville Horror" and "A Haunting in Connecticut" as elaborate hoaxes for financial gain. Tellingly, one author involved in the Connecticut case, wrote:
"When I found that the Snedekers [of A Haunting in Connecticut] couldn't keep their individual stories straight, I went to Ed Warren and explained the problem. "They're crazy," he said. "All the people who come to us are crazy, that's why they come to us. Just use what you can and make the rest up. You write scary books, right? Well, make it up and make it scary. That's why we hired you." ...
"Their son, around whom their entire story centered, was nowhere to be found. I never met him. I was allowed to talk to him briefly on the phone, but as soon as he started telling me that the things he "saw" in the house went away after he'd been medicated, Carmen [Snedeker] abruptly ended the conversation. ...
"It seems nearly everyone in that neighborhood knew it was a former funeral home, it was no secret. I've learned that the "supernatural" problems in the house didn't start until the landlord, frustrated after months of being unable to get rent out of the Snedekers, made moves to have them evicted. Then all of a sudden the house was infested with demons." 8
Of course, for some mysterious reason cases like this are always given tremendous attention: newspaper articles, book contracts, movie deals, documentaries made, radio shows as Coast to Coast AM, and, of course, long-term opposition by professional skeptics. This is not to say that the entire topic should be ignored. The problem is simply that the "witnesses" and "experts" given attention by the national media are not exactly part of the solution.
Has there been any significant degree of Vatican influence on Coast to Coast AM? Unlikely. Very few guests have ties to the Vatican and the demonology angle is just one of many scams pushed by the radio show. Again, having been in the Ayahuasca state for close to 200 hours and having done some experiments which resulted in horrendous dreams or me waking up at night in terror with voices still whispering in my ear, I'm not saying that demons cannot exist, but the manner in which the subject is approached and promoted is all wrong.
Despite the fact that there is little to no Vatican influence on Coast to Coast AM, we shouldn't forget that the Bush family was deeply involved with the Knights of Malta through the death squad and child abuse-linked Americares. One person who also sat on the board of Americares, along with men as Zbigniew Brzezinski and Colin Powell, was General Richard Stilwell 9, in the early 1980s instrumental in putting Colonel John Alexander under the authority of General Albert Stubblebine at INSCOM. 10
Starting in January 1997, Colonel Alexander became a key and influential force on Coast to Coast AM, largely because of his INSCOM background that revolved around psi and remote viewing research. Also guests financed and affiliated with apparent Opus Dei intimate 11 Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein, a relative of Otto von Habsburg 12, were invited to Coast to Coast AM, most notably alien abduction researcher Budd Hopkins, whose "Intruders" Foundation and related projects appear to have been financed by both Hans Adam and Robert Bigelow. 13 Unsurprisingly, Colonel Alexander and General Bert Stubblebine were friendly with Hans Adam (not to mention Bigelow), no later than the early 1990s, before any of them had ever appeared on Coast to Coast. 14
In one particular Youtube video we can see Budd Hopkins have an entire conversation with Colonel Philip Corso, the very questionable individual who claimed to have seeded the Roswell UFO technology (and in 1997 appeared with Col. Alexander on Coast to Coast AM). It seems like an utterly realistic conversation, with Hopkins really trying to dig for detailed answers--which he obviously didn't get. Problem is: both were BS artists and they knew it. As Hopkins' wife, Carol Rainey, captured on home video, Hopkins just accepted blatantly contrived evidence coming from various "witnesses" in his famous Javier Perez de Cuellar case. He even defended all the bogus evidence to his wife like he really believed it to be genuine while ignoring all her rather obvious questions. 15 Hopkins, like other leading researchers associated with Coast to Coast, are basically always "in role" 24-7. It's utterly bizarre to witness.
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Leading AFIO member Col. John B. Alexander, a superstar at the Coast to Coast AM "cult", with: 1) CIA veteran General Richard Stilwell, a later president of the AFIO, a board member of the child abuse-linked Knight of Malta outfit Americares, a member of the American Security Council and the equally fascist, child abuse-linked Cercle group, ran by Otto von Habsburg's Opus Dei clique; (Stilwell transferred Alexander to INSCOM under the authority of Gen. Stubblebine) 2) Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein, a relative of the Habsburgs, reported chief financier of Opus Dei, and certainly key financier of the most negative aspect of the alien abduction phenomenon; 3) Scientologist Hal Puthoff, Edgar Mitchell's colleague at Bechtel-controlled SRI International and beyond; 4) the wife of C.B. Scott Jones, a long-time employee of Laurance Rockefeller and Hans Adam in the financing of UFO, alien abduction and new age theories; 5) CIA veteran General John Singlaub, former chair of the American Security Council, the World Anti-Communist League and later, the OSS Society - all notorious for activities involving death squads, drugs, |
terrorism, coups and pedophile entrapment; 6) AFIO member Colonel Michael Aquino, a cult-oriented former American Security Council advisor accused of running a sadistic child abuse network; 7) General Jack Sheehan, accused of involvement in a sexual perversion ring by Kay Griggs who is friends with David Rockefeller's clique; 8) 4-star general Carl Stiner, also accused by Kay Griggs and said to run illegal black operations involving terrorism and assassination; 9) Edward Teller, H-bomb inventor and American Security Council extremist; 10) William Perry, among the most connected elites in the world with the deepest possible ties to high technology black programs. 11) Colonel Philip Corso, a loyal member of General MacArthur's ultra-fascist staff with its links to the Black Dragon Society, the Moonie Cult, and Opus Dei's child snuff networks. Corso also worked under Nelson Rockefeller. All ties of these men can be found in ISGP's Superclass Index and index of institutes. ISGP's experiences with Kay Griggs' information is discussed here. |
This basically seems to conclude any Vatican-ties to Coast to Coast AM. They seem to be limited to the promotion of the Catholic Church as a lighthouse against the demonic forces in the world and the promotion of alien abduction stories.
Slightly more prominent on Coast to Coast AM than Vatican-related exorcisms are neocon influences. Neocon horror stories about imminent terrorist attacks on the United States seem to keep the public on the edge of their seats. Take Frank Gaffney, who apparently was invited in mid-2007 or certainly was scheduled as a potential guest. Gaffney is the founder of the influential Center for Security Policy and as ISGP's Superclass Index and index of institutes show, Gaffney is part of the absolute elite of the elite. It is utterly bizarre that a person like this can appear on a radio show dedicated to UFOs and spiritual issues. Judging from links on his personal Coast to Coast AM page 16, it looks as if Gaffney was promoting one of his anti-Islam films in an effort to get Iran bombed.
It appears, however, that the hyper-popular Jerome Corsi is the primary asset of both the John Birchers and Neocons in undermining the Democratic Party and the liberal Rockefeller Republicans. Looking at the books Corsi has put out, it is absolutely breathtaking that a person like this is allowed on a show as Coast to Cast AM:
Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (2004)
Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians (2006)
Summary of The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality (2010)
Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case that Barack Obama is not Eligible to be President (2011)
How Obama Can Be Defeated in 2012 (2011)
Saul Alinsky: The Evil Genius Behind Obama (2012)
President Obama's Plan To Bankrupt the USA (2012)
What Went Wrong?: The Inside Story of the GOP Debacle of 2012 (2013)
Bad Samaritans: The ACLU's Relentless Campaign to Erase Faith from the Public Square (2013)
What is just as bizarre is that Corsi has been cranking out numerous other books in between, mainly about bogus subjects as abiotic oil and the Shroud of Turin. In 2013 he also released a book on the Kennedy assassination. Question: who can write three books a year on different subjects and actually do any decent research? What is certain is that the huge amount of books he writes plays an important role in him being on the air with Coast to Coast AM every couple of months. He's the perfect tool to hammer liberal politics, specifically tailored to the needs of the Coast to Coast audience, just what Clear Channel owners would want to have on the air.
Other neocons stop by every once in while to motivate the people at home for the War on Terror. Take Colonel David Hunt, a Fox News military analyst who appeared on April 22, 2013 to promote his New York Times best seller Terror Red, in which he warns for the danger of government-financed Islamic terrorism. Without having read the book, most likely the "Red" part in the title is a snide at the old KGB. Ironically, that night on Coast to Coast he was succeeded by Len Kasten, who "discussed the alleged secret government exchange program with ETs from the planet Serpo [and how] the Ebens used a deceased [U.S.] exchange member to create a new hybrid creature..." One can only wonder who the least manipulative person was on that show that night. Project Serpo, by the way, can be traced back to Air Force counter-intelligence officer Richard Doty, who has been manipulating the the UFO community since the early 1980s, beginning with Roswell.
Other very obvious neocons--hardcore Zionists, in fact--that have appeared on Coast to Coast AM are Robert Spencer and John Loftus. Spencer runs the anti-Islamic outfit Jihad Watch and sits on the advisory board of the Intelligence Summit. People visiting the website of the Intelligence Summit these days won't believe their eyes. The front page is littered with headings as "Jihad dog killing," "Muslim cannibalism," "Islamic Gangs," "Killing Christians," and "Ukraine Nazi coup." This is mixed in with conspiracy categories as "Illuminati," "FED bank," "CFR," "Club of Rome," "Committee of 300," "Pope Roman Empire," "Knights of Malta," "Jesuit spy," and "Jesuit pope." 17 Many articles equate the pope with Satan himself. Lovely pictures include the following:

Interestingly, the Intelligence Summit is far from a crank website. Founder and president of the Intelligence Summit is John Loftus, a radical Zionist invited to Coast to Coast AM on August 18, 2005 and on November 17, 2012. Loftus is generally praised for his work on exposing Wall Street bankers working with the fascist regimes before World War II broke out. While accurate, Loftus is tied to the highest levels of Israeli and Zionist political and intelligence circles. Former CIA directors James Woolsey and John Deutch sat on the board of his Intelligence Summit until 2006, when very obvious Russian mafia ties to the Summit's long-term financier, Russian Zionist oligarch Michael Cherney, were made public. Woolsey and Deutch should have known about these ties, because since the late 1990s Cherney has been repeatedly and convincingly linked to the powerful Russian-Zionist Solntsevskaya mafia and its allies. These allies also include the primary Rothschild partner in Russia, Oleg Deripaska, as well as the Israeli state, which prevented a KGB/FSB-ran assassination against Cherney in 1995. 18 In 2003 Cherney also founded the Jerusalem Summit, which sponsored at least two small meetings between Israeli officials and American neocons. At the first meeting in 2003 Richard Perle and Coast to Coast's Frank Gaffney were present, along with Ehud Olmert and Benyamin Netanyahu. 19 That's two visitors of Coast to Coast AM with clear ties to Michael Cherney: John Loftus and Frank Gaffney. Basically, inviting either of these two men is the same as giving voice to propaganda of the CIA, MI6, Mossad, Russian-Zionist oligarchs and the Russian-Zionist Solntsevskaya mafia all at once. It's crazy.
In his book The Secret War Against the Jews, Loftus claims that Mossad founder Reuven Shiloah and other leading Zionists blackmailed Nelson Rockefeller in using his political influence to help establish the state of Israel in 1948. 20 Accurate or not, it would explain a few questions how the Jews went from virtual extinction in 1945, to having their own state in 1948, and on to having incredible political influence in the United States today. This while the West has always preferred to work with the Arabs, because they control the oil.
One neocon who absolutely has to be discussed in relation to Coast to Coast AM is former CIA director James Woolsey. Listed as number 2 in ISGP's Superclass Index, with confirmed involvement in close to 90 (!) NGOs, immediately behind the more liberal-oriented Henry Kissinger, he has been prominently involved in dozens of neocon groups, the Center for Security Policy and the Intelligence Summit being just two of them. Besides these neocon connections, Woolsey has had an early and deep involvement in the defense industry, sat on numerous low-profile Pentagon committees, has been permanently present on the Executive Panel of the Chief of Naval Operations since 1980, and interacted with Kissinger, Brzezinski, Edmond de Rothschild and other leading members of the liberal establishment at the CSIS think tank since the 1980s. He is vastly more connected than any other leading neoconservative. And he is a peculiar one at that also.

Woolsey appears to be close to a number of Coast to Coast guests. The most obvious ties are to UFO cultist Joe Firmage, Pentagon-missing-trillions whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts, and John Petersen. All of these persons, including Woolsey, were directors of the Arlington Institute, a low profile and unorthodox think tank. 21
The wealthy Firmage was on Coast to Coast three times in 1999. At the time he was promoting his "Project Kairos", an online book that claimed aliens had occasionally spurred human technological advancements, the last time in 1947 with the Roswell crash. There are also indications that it was his money that was used to finance the research of Robert and Ryan Wood on the Roswell/UFO-related Majestic 12 documents, all listed and analyzed at the website. 22 Robert and Ryan Wood first appeared on Coast to Coast in 1998. Since 2002 they have been invited about a dozen times, usually separately. Robert Wood used to be an employee of McDonnell Douglas, linked to Laurance Rockefeller and a financier of Colonel John Alexander's "spoon bending parties" of the early 1980s. 23 Clearly their MJ-12 research is bogus, as even their colleague Stanton Friedman has confirmed on many occasions. One of the examples would be that on their website they give a 1952 annual report of Majestic 12 a rating of 4 out of 5 stars in terms of authenticity, even though it talks about a "retro-virus" being extracted from the Roswell aliens. The whole concept of retroviruses was only understood in the late 1970s, a few years before the outbreak of the first really deadly (to humans) retrovirus: HIV/AIDS. The term "retrovirus" wasn't used in newspapers until after HIV had been identified as such: just go and check a few newspaper archives. Of course, the early 1980s was also the period that the first leaks of the MJ-12 documents took place, so it would have been a very exciting invention, even more so because of worries at the time that HIV would kill off a large portion of the world population.
Catherine Austin Fitts, who is known to have been invited to a board meeting of the Arlington Institute, with Woolsey and Firmage present, was first invited to Coast to Coast AM in 2005, in the wake of reports that massive amounts of Pentagon funds couldn't be accounted for. When the economic crisis hit in 2008, she became the resident economic expert for Coast to Coast, appearing roughly half a dozen times a year, these days reduced to about three times. Already in 1999 she cooperated with Michael Ruppert of From The Wilderness in exposing CIA drug trafficking. I personally always thought that Ruppert's ideas on peak oil and alternatives showed a lot of similarity with those of James Woolsey, but was still very surprised when Ruppert pointed this out himself during one of his many speeches (can't recall which one, unfortunately). Just another coincidence, I guess.
Fitts is an interesting pick to be commenting on missing Pentagon and CIA drug trafficking finances, considering she is known to have been sitting at the same table as ultimate Pentagon insider and former CIA director James Woolsey just a few years earlier. She claims to have first become skeptical of missing government finances while working under then Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Jack Kemp, as assistant secretary of housing in the 1989-1990 period. Several years after Kemp apparently pushed her out, she established a close working relationship with his follow up under the Clinton administration, Henry Cisneros, who had come from the board of the Rockefeller Foundation. She appears to have had other ties to the Rockefeller clique. First as a managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and to a degree as a fundraiser of the George H. W. Bush presidential campaign. In the 1990s she was a member of the Economic Club of New York, ran by some of David Rockefeller's closest friends, including Peter Peterson (said to be interested in the UFO issue by Steven Greer). She was also a member of the Council for Excellence in Government, ran by the exact same interests. Board members since the 1990s have included Suzanne Woolsey, wife of James Woolsey; and Pilgrims Society members John Whitehead, Elliot Richardson and William Draper. 24
Even Fitts' conflict with Jack Kemp might not be all what it seems. Jack Kemp featured very high in ISGP's Superclass Index and had the unique distinction of being deeply connected to the liberal establishment, the traditional conservative establishment and the upcoming neoconservative elites. In fact, in the years prior to his death, Kemp shared the boards of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, the Coalition for Democracy in Iran, and Middle East Media Research Institute with James Woolsey, the same James Woolsey Fitts met with at board meeting of the Arlington Institute. Is that just a coincidence? Who knows, but once again Coast to Coast AM knows how to pick its guests. As the only permanent member of the Executive Panel of the Chief of Naval Operations since 1980, Woolsey himself may well have played an important role in Fitts' invitation. Fitts:
"In 1998, I was approached by John Peterson, head of the Arlington Institute, a small high quality military think tank in Washington, DC. I had gotten to know John through Global Business Network and had been impressed by his intelligence, effectiveness and compassion. John asked me to help him with a high level strategic plan Arlington was planning to undertake for the Undersecretary of the Navy. ... At the time I was the target of an intense smear campaign that would lead the normal person to assume that I would be in jail shortly or worse. John explained that the Navy understood that it was all politics —- they did not care. ... When I attended one of my first meetings, I joined in discussion with about 10 people which included James Woolsey, former head of the CIA in the Clinton Administration, Napier Collyns, founder of Global Business Network and former senior Shell executive, Joe Firmage, John, and other members of the Arlington board. The main topic of discussion was whether or not the major project for the coming year should be a white paper on how to help the American people adjust to aliens existing and living among us. I said nothing -- just listened. Not that long after, I dropped from the board due to the continued demands related to litigation with the Department of Justice and their informant."
It appears Woolsey learned a thing or two about these alien issues between 1993 and 1998. Woolsey, of course, along with Arlington Institute founder John Petersen, can be found in the Disclosure Project saga as the two persons Steven Greer had dinner with in 1993, during the early stages of the Rockefeller initiative on UFO disclosure (in more recent years Greer claims that Woolsey is running a private team of spooks that sweeps up any revolutionary energy devices developed by individuals). At that point Woolsey was Clinton's CIA director, picked for only one reason: to appease the right. In 1999 John Petersen wrote to Steven Greer:
"It has just come to the attention of the four of us that you have, without giving any of us the opportunity to comment, published a distorted account of a dinner party of some six years ago at which the four of us, you, and your wife were seated together. In the introduction to your book, Extraterrestrial Contact, published earlier this year you portray this dinner party conversation during which the four of us listened to your views and politely asked questions as a "briefing" with a "cover story." You further assert that Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey reported a UFO sighting to you and agreed with your views. You include specific alleged quotations from them. None of this is accurate. You have portrayed politeness as acquiescence and questions as affirmations. Your conduct in this manner contravenes both accuracy and simple manners." 25
Whatever the exact details, the fact is that John Petersen and James Woolsey had dinner with Steven Greer. That's amazing enough in itself, despite the fact that Greer was invited to Laurance Rockefeller's JY Ranch that same year, along with the Clintons, and was soon cooperating with Edgar Mitchell in the UFO disclosure. It is simply bizarre that Woolsey would let himself in with scam artists as Greer. Make no mistake, Greer and certainly the majority of his witnesses and documents are all bogus. Just read the evidence that has been gathered under his name here. One would expect a CIA director to be aware of this.
A quick check of the Coast to Coast guest archive reveals that John Petersen himself has been invited, as a "futurist", in 2003 and 2010. Listening to part of the interview, he had absolutely nothing of interest to say and, looking at a few reactions here and there, was generally considered a boring guest. But he is yet another Coast to Coast guest tied to James Woolsey.
The deeper one looks, the more it seems that Woolsey is rather comfortable in these peculiar circles. According to Jack Sarfatti, in the 2001-2002 period Woolsey was working with remote viewer Steven Schwartz 26, invited to Coast to Coast on an annual basis. Sarfatti himself has been invited to Coast to Coast in 2007, 2010 and 2011, where he spoke about the link between quantum physics, spirituality and the holographic universe theory, as well as about the theory that UFOs might be using worm holes to visit earth. Sarfatti has been a co-author of Fred Alan Wolf since the 1970s on these type of ideas. Wolf first appeared on Coast to Coast in 1998 and has roughly appeared every other year since then. Both go back to SRI International, an angle related to Coast to Coast AM that still needs to be discussed.
As for other known ties of James Woolsey to this crowd, he is known to have granted an interview to Bill Moore, an enthusiast of alternative energy, which is also Woolsey's great passion. Moore subsequently was invited to Coast to Coast AM. Whether or not Woolsey had a hand in this is unknown, but surely an unusual amount of people associated with him appear on the radio show.
An exception to this rule is Bob Dratch, a DOD-related scientist who hangs out at the scammy Project Avalon forum, and who is known to count Woolsey among his "very good friends." 27 While an interesting omission from the Coast to Coast guest list, Dratch was regularly invited to Dean Stonier's Global Sciences Congresses, a disinformation outfit that operated from 1983 until Stonier's death in 2001. Numerous guests that appeared on Coast to Coast AM, were speakers at these congresses in the 1980s and 1990s: Steven Greer (in 1993 already), Al Bielek, David Icke, Linda Howe, Edgar Mitchell, Cleve Backster, David Hatcher Childress, and on it goes.
Exactly how close Woolsey is to other Coast to Coast AM guests and for what purpose he associates with them is anybody's guess. One final thing we also know about Woolsey is that he is very close to General Paul Vallely. As can be seen in ISGP's NGO Index, they know each other from the Intelligence Summit, the Center for Security Policy, the American Center for Democracy, Benador Associates, the American Congress for Truth, the Iran Policy Committee and energy storage company Zinc Air (today ViZn Energy with other people). Vallely was the boss and friend of the controversial Colonel Michael Aquino, who, no later than 2009, became close friends with Colonel John Alexander. It remains a small network at the top.
C2C AM origins: Esalen, SRI and other private groups
The origins of many Coast to Coast AM guests goes back to a handful of overlapping privately-funded institutes:
- Edgar Cayce Foundation: 1931-.
- Stanford Research Institute / SRI: 1946-.
- Round Table Foundation: 1948-1958.
- Foundation / Institute for the Study of Consciousness: 1952-.
- Esalen Institute: 1962-.
- Institute for Noetic Sciences: 1973-
In the following segments we'll discuss these groups in more detail.
SRI, CIA, Scientology and remote viewing
[Draft section.]One of the most important elite 1970s/1980s ties many Coast to Coast AM guests share is to SRI International, at the time ran by the Bechtel family and directors who virtually all went to the Bohemian Grove, with many of the members of the international advisory board, including the Bechtels, having been invited to the 1001 Club. Certainly back in the 1960s and 1970s SRI looked like a miniature Bilderberg on America's west coast with ties ranging from Indonesia and Lebanon to South America, some of them clearly of use in CIA/State Department sanctioned coups. 28
At the same time at SRI, but at a lower level, running around since the early 1970s were future Coast to Coast AM guests as:
* Not Coast to Coast AM, but indirectly extremely close to the show. Puthoff was a key leader of the whole remote viewing team that ended up on Coast to Coast AM, while Stubblebine's closest ally over the years, Colonel John Alexander, has been a Coast to Coast AM regular since the 1990s. Stubblebine, a known 9/11 "Truth" disinformer, and Alexander were very close to the SRI remote viewing team as well.
Most of these individuals were involved in the CIA-controlled remote viewing program, initially set up at SRI in 1972 as Project Scanate ("scan by coordinate"). It was Hal Puthoff who over the course of 1972 put the initial team together, aided by Russell Targ a few months into his project. Albeit hesitantly and in small steps, both had the blessing of the CIA top to look into this type of "psychotronic" research after reports emerged, partly through Targ, that the Soviets were spending a lot of money on developing and implementing these type of abilities into their own intelligence operations. Considering its visibility in relation to Coast to Coast AM, maybe we should delve into a little bit more detail regarding the remote viewing programs.
Puthoff carried out a little initial parapsychological research at SRI back in 1971 and soon learned about an allegedly very psychic individual named Ingo Swann. Swann, a gay erotic fiction writer and painter, worked at United Nations headquarters in New York City in the late 1960s. In 1967 he spent a three week vacation at the Edgar Cayce Foundation, a Coast to Coast AM-related outfit that has always promoted the view that Edgar Cayce was the reincarnation of "Ra Ta", an ancient alien god from Atlantis who built the pyramids with anti-gravity technology. Here Swann met psychedelics researcher Dr. Jean Houston.
Houston's early establishment ties are a bit obscure, but by the 1990s she was a spritual advisor to Hillary Clinton and aided Laurance Rockefeller in bringing his bogus UFO disclosure project to the White House. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Houston certainly was close to Margaret Mead of the CIA- and Rockefeller-linked Macy Foundation and the millionaire transvestite Reed Erickson. Erickson financed some of the work of psychedelics pioneer John Lilly, as well as the globalist, spiritualist, cultic 1976 book A Course in Miracles. Houston and Erickson both were close to the "liberal CIA" Playboy Foundation that funded a variety of psychedelics endeavors.
Anno 2013-2014 Houston was a honorary member of the Club of Budapest, a new age offshoot of the Club of Rome, in turn an sustainable development offshoot of Bilderberg. Despite its heavily new age bent, the Club of Budapest too was stacked with elites: Mikhail Gorbachev, Elie Wiesel, Desmond Tutu, Prince Bernhard and Queen Beatrix daughter Princess Irene van Lippe-Biesterfeld and many others in ISGP's Superclass Index. New age "elites" on this same honorary members board have included psychedelics author Daniel Pinchbeck, Deepak Chopra and Willis Harman. Houston exhibited similar elite ties through her membership of the World Commission for Global Consciousness and Spirituality, founded in 1998, with names as Al Gore, Elie Wiesel, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Jordanian royal family, Bono and Steven Spielberg all involved.
Through Dr. Jean Houston and Reed Erickson, Swann was brought into New York City's elite parapsychology circle. Plant consciousness researcher Cleve Backster, in whose lab Swann worked for about a year, was one of the circle members. Backster eventually made it to Coast to Coast AM. Swann's "psi" capabilities were also tested by Harvard psychologist Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler, president of establishment-linked Parapsychology Association and the American Society for Psychical Research, in an experiment financially backed by a grant of Xerox founder Chester Carlson (whose CEO, Joe Wilson, was having lunches with New York City governor Nelson Rockefeller).
It is this elite-linked New York City parapsychology network, and Cleve Backster in particular, that brings Ingo Swann to the attention of Hal Puthoff, who ends up testing Swann at SRI in mid-1972, soon hiring him to become the CIA's first remote viewer. There might be even more to this story, because by 1971 both Puthoff and Swann are ranking "Operating Thetans" in the Church of Scientology. To make the Scientology link even more obvious, on December 3, 1971 Puthoff and Swann run into Pat Price, who is selling Christmas trees at a parking lot close to SRI. Price happens to be a Scientology "Operating Thetan III" who apparently met Puthoff a few years earlier at a Scientology meeting is Los Angeles. Price is hired as another key remote viewer in the CIA-SRI program. Meanwhile, an invention of Cleve Backster becomes the famous "e-meter" toy of Scientology head L. Ron Hubbard. The Scientology tie of the early remote viewing program make one wonder if the CIA was operating through Scientology, even more so because L. Ron Hubbard's successors, Heber Jentzsch and David Miscavige, appeared on a list of CIA informants at one point.
During these early years, Puthoff and Targ occassionaly brief top CIA officers on the results of their program while requesting additional financing. Among the individuals they interact with are CIA Science Directorate chief Sidney Gottlieb, under whom the remote viewing project is set up; one of Gottlieb's assistants, Christopher "Kit" Green; and John McMahon, the successor of Gottlieb as head of the CIA's Office of Technical Services in the early 1970s. The latter in particular has remained a staunch supporter of the remote viewing program all the way into the 1980s when serving as William Casey's deputy CIA director. McMahon, who also heads the CIA's operations directorate in the 1978-1981 period, used to be one of the more favorite officers of Richard Helms, head of the CIA from 1966 until February 1973 and himself a supporter of MKULTRA-type research into relatively "fringe" areas as psychotronics and hypnosis. Helms' father and brother both were members of the elite Pilgrims Society, together with former CIA heads General Walter Bedell Smith and Allen Dulles and elite families as the Rockefellers, Mellons, Astors, Schiffs, Rothschilds and others.
The CIA period of the remote viewing program does not last long. In April 1973 William Colby, a protege of Helms and at that point an assistant of CIA head James Schlesinger, allows a follow-up remote viewing study, but makes it known to anticipate project termination in the near future. At this point the Watergate affair is erupting in full force, leading in a period of nearly a decade of intense scrutiny of CIA activities by congressional committees and the media (followed in the 1980s by fresh scandals as Banco Ambrosiano, Iran-Contra and BCCI). Remote viewing can easily embarress the CIA further and in July 1975, with the death of Pat Price, CIA-backing of remote viewing at SRI comes to an end.
In late 1975, several months after the death of Pat Price, the Air Force Foreign Technology Division begins to finance SRI's remote viewing program. Dale Graff becomes the new supervisor of the program. Ingo Swann remains part of the unit as the most important trainer of new recruits, which comes to include Stephan Schwartz and Edwin May. Puthoff and Targ also stay active in the new unit. Two years later, in September 1977, Army intelligence, under the code name Gondola Wish, becomes the primary financier of the remote viewing program. Six months later the name changes to the more well known Grill Flame. The founder of this program is Skip Atwater.
No matter which agency is financing the remote viewing program, members of the unit and their closest associates - many of whom listed in the SRI-Coast to Coast list above - remain a peculair bunch. Elite ties of Ingo Swann continued as well. From the 1970s on, Swann was quiet closely associated with Trammell Crow, a business partner of David Rockefeller and apparent good friend of Laurance Rockefeller, who bought some of this paintings. Crow was involved with plenty of other remote viewing and related "researchers". In the early 1990s Swann also worked with Princess Amanda Borghese, a member of the same Italian family as Prince Valerio Borghese, the fascist involved in CIA coup plotting in Italy. Colonel John Alexander, his wife Victoria Lacas, and UFO "research" financier Robert Bigelow were among Swann's other friends.
In this period, the early 1990s, many individuals from this SRI-remote viewing project started to appear on the Art Bell show. Over the years here the story of the remote viewing project was repeated ad nausum, including claims that Ingo Swann and Pat Price remote viewed aliens on the Moon and in various underground bases on Earth. Meanwhile, remote viewing veteran Ed Dames became Coast to Coast AM's doomsday prophet par excellence, predicting the imminent end of the world in a solar killshot on just about every episode he appeared in. Considering all the stories of these remote viewers have been invented out of thin air, and that there's similar evidence against every other Coast to Coast AM guest affiliated with the SRI remote viewing program, we have to wonder what type of research the CIA, Air Force and Army Intelligence have actually been financing all these years. Essentially they have been employing an army of con artists.
[Draft section.]Speaking of con artists, in 1996 former Rothschild employee (The Economist was headed by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild 1972-1989) 29 and likely MI6 foreign policy asset Graham Hancock visited Coast to Coast AM for the first time, six months after fellow-"Egyptologist" John Anthony West's first appearance. Based on what we have dicussed so far, does one really think it is a coincidence that Hancock manipulates his data in order to claim a 10,500 B.C. origin of the Giza plateau? Unlikely. Hancock's purpose is to back up the Cayce cultists he is so close to, including Coast to Coast AM rock star David Wilcock, whom everybody just accepts as the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce--and therefore also the reincarnation of "Ra-Ta", the half-god, half-man who, Cayce claimed, built the Great Pyramid around... 10,500 B.C. The influence of Coast to Coast extends so far that Wilcock actually reached the 16th place of the New York Times best seller list. How incredible is that?

As ISGP's historical timeline in the column on the right makes clear, all these alternative history lessons are complete nonsense and the fact that people like Wilcock and Hancock are allowed on the air night after night should instantly make it clear to listeners that something is really wrong with this radio show. These aren't even Wilcock's most bizarre claims. In 2011 he gave hourly updates on secret human underground bases being destroyed by aliens at the time a number of earthquakes occurred in the United States. Wilcock is discussed in more detail in ISGP's Atlantis article, while Hancock has his own article these days at ISGP.
Coast to Coast AM's resident astronomer and most frequent guest, Richard Hoagland, is also discussed in these articles about Atlantis and Graham Hancock. In 1998 Graham Hancock wrote The Mars Mystery: The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet, supporting the views of Richard Hoagland on Cydonia--first developed by Hoagland at, you'll never guess, SRI--and the idea that there once used to be an advanced human civilization on Mars. Even today Hancock continues to defend the theory of himself and Hoagland. Over the years Hoagland--also known as "Hoaxland"--has been promoting pyramids on the Moon, pyramids and frozen iced-over cities on Mars, Abydos' "high technology" hieroglyphics, and the theory that the World Trade Center was destroyed by a type of secret energy beam weapon. He used to work for Walter Cronkite and William Paley at CBS, two Pilgrims Society members who had annual Christmas dinners at the Alibi Club with CIA director and fellow Pilgrim, Allen Dulles. He also appears to have long-standing ties to Dr. George Keyworth of the Center for Security Policy. 30
Circumstantial evidence for Hancock's elite and/or MI6 ties is that another Economist-employed foreign policy expert of the late 1970s/early 1980s, dream shaman Robert Moss, became an important Coast to Coast guest beginning in 2005. Back in the 1970s and early 1980s, however, Moss was more concerned with undermining British labor unions and helping the CIA bring dictator Augusto Pinochet to power in Chile. He was a protege of MI6 disinformation specialist Brian Crozier, another foreign policy specialist at The Economist, a friend of partial Economist owner Lord Jacob Rothschild, as well as Rupert Murdoch, Richard Perle and persons high up in the CIA. Crozier used to chair sessions of the CIA and Otto von Habsburg-ran Cercle group. A couple of years back, I asked Moss to comment about his own visits to the Cercle group, but he declined to respond.
Maybe there's not a whole lot to criticize about Moss' work, certainly not in contrast to most Coast to Coast guests, but his background, which of course he never mentions, is definitely among the most bizarre. And it would be really nice to know how long and how well Graham Hancock has known him.
I'd say another major suspect of being a British intelligence asset is Coast to Coast AM guest David Icke. Right after appearing on national television in an aquamarine jogging suit proclaiming us all sons and daughters of God, he and some of his followers became prominent crop circle dancers. The level of aggression and silliness in the ridiculing of a serious subject is typically British. MI5 "whistleblower" David Shayler claiming that the WTC towers were hit by "missiles wrapped in holograms" and subsequently becoming a transvestite messiah proclaiming that the world will end in 2012 is another such example, as well as the numerous curious ''erotic asphixiation'' deaths linked to British intelligence circles. Suicides with people found stuffed in a sports bag or hanging on the ceiling strapped in a diver's suit and gas mask on? They could have put that stuff in a Benny Hill or Allo Allo episode. Gotta love the British.

Quite possibly the subject most associated with Coast to Coast AM is the 1947 Roswell crash. The story in a nutshell: in 1947 New Mexico rancher Mac Brazel and members of his family stumble across metallic debris on their land that they can't readily identify. This is the time of the famous UFO flap, so associates of Brazel in nearby Corona soon suggest and joke that the debris might be part of a flying saucer. On Sunday, July 6, Brazel travels to Roswell to speak with sheriff George Wilcox about his find. He shows him some of the wreckage. Wilcox contacts Roswell Army Air Field, five miles south of town. The base sends its senior intelligence officer, Major Jesse Marcel, together with counter-intelligence officer Lieutenant Colonel Sheridan Cavitt, to check out the material on Brazel's rather remote ranch.
Before we go on: Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) was not exactly as insignificant as it sounds. At the time it was where the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force was located. The 509th had just become part of Strategic Air Command's 11 founding bases and was the only bomb group in the country in the possession of nuclear weapons. Part of the above top secret Manhattan Project, the 509th dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The base commander at the time of the Roswell incident, Colonel William H. ''Butch'' Blanchard, was tapped as the backup pilot for the Hiroshima bomb. This same Blanchard had been a protege of Air Force general Curtis LeMay since the spring of 1945, when Blanchard became LeMay's assistant chief of staff for operations in the strategic and wholesale thermite firebombing of Japanese cities. 31 Near the end of the war LeMay got Blanchard involved in the Manhattan Project.

After World War II, LeMay became famous for building up Strategic Air Command (SAC) in a highly-efficient nuclear strike force aimed against the Soviet Union. As described in ISGP's American Security Council article, during his period as SAC commander LeMay became somewhat notorious for trying to instigate a war with the Soviet Union in order to finish it off permanently with a full nuclear strike. That is, if it were to resist a peaceful surrender to U.S. authority. This strategy, also known as "Project Control", remained popular in Air Force circles until the Soviet Union developed a nuclear weapons arsenal of its own, followed by effective delivery systems. From 1957 to 1961 LeMay was vice chief of staff of the Air Force, followed by the position of chief of staff from 1961 to 1965. During the Cuban Missile Crisis he arose as a notorious opponent of Kennedy's diplomatic efforts, instead preferring to invade Cuba. After his retirement, LeMay joined the national strategy committee of the ultra-right American Security Council and continued to push for hardline policies, along with top CIA, FBI and Pentagon officials and Wackenhut executives. General Thomas Power, LeMay's deputy and the person who succeeded him as SAC commander, later also joined the national strategy committee of the ASC.
Then there was General Nathan Twining, the head of Air Materiel Command at Wright Patterson Air Force Base when the Roswell crash happened. According to documents Stanton Friedman has been promoting, Twining flew into nearby Alamagordo Air Base from July 7 to 11, immediately after news of the Roswell wreckage reached the Army Air Forces. This doesn't matter that much, as under all circumstances the Roswell wreckage was destined for Air Materiel Command. Twining was Air Force chief of staff from 1953 to 1957 and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1957 to 1960. Like LeMay and Power, after his retirement Twining joined the American Security Council, becoming a co-chairman of its national strategy committee. Unsurprisingly, all these men were supporters of Project Control. The project is described as follows in ISGP's American Security Council article:
"It was in this period, in the early days of days of the Cold War, that some senior military officers flirted with the idea of attacking the Soviet Union "preventively", because they were certain that Stalin was going to attack the West as soon as he had produced a significant arsenal of nuclear weapons. The strategy designed under Project Control in the early 1950s at the U.S. Air War College was preferred by this group. It gave the Soviet Union six months to capitulate under terms outlined by the Americans. If the Soviet Union would refuse to comply, the United States would attack it with nuclear weapons.
"This study was strongly tied to future American Security Council members. Its head was Colonel Raymond Sleeper, an ASC national strategy committee member. Among the supporters were General Curtis
LeMay; his deputy at Strategic Air Command, Thomas S. Powers; Air Force General Nathan Twining and Admiral Arthur W. Radford. Another supporter was General George Keegan, whose activities were closely intertwined with the ASC."
From 1966 to 1968 the Colonel Raymond Sleeper mentioned here was Commander of the Foreign Technology Division, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Wright Patterson is the base where the Roswell debris--whatever it was--was flown to, with the Foreign Technology Division being the location of the mythical Hanger 18 where the debris was allegedly stored. In the 1966-1968 period Sleeper also was the boss of J. Allen Hynek, the lead investigator of Project Blue Book, the Air Force's official UFO study project until it was finally closed down in 1969. While Twining and LeMay acknowledged the reality of the UFO phenomenon in private 32, Sleeper publicly and harshly denounced it. 33 Hynek took the opposite view. In 1973 he set up the supposedly independent Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS), where a decade later Don Schmitt became one his most important proteges. This same Don Schmitt became a superstar on Coast to Coast AM in the 1990s and today is seen as one of the most pre-eminent Roswell researchers alongside Stanton Friedman. The problem is: he's putting out utter garbage, something we will get to. What is important to demonstrate here is that a tight-knit network of ultra-right Air Force officers, a lot of them members of the American Security Council, had close ties to the Roswell business and the UFO phenomenon in general.

August 7, 1953, Order of Daedalians meeting. F.l.t.r.: Gen. George Kenney, who brought LeMay to SAC; Gen. Clements McMullen, who reportedly ordered the Roswell cover-up; Gen. Curtis LeMay, and, completely on the right, Gen. Nathan Twining. LeMay and Twining later became ASC national strategy committee members. Colonel Blanchard of Roswell fame was a protege of these people, especially LeMay.
Although it isn't clear if he ever was a member of the American Security Council, Colonel Butch Blanchard was best friends with these men. Apart from him being a protege of LeMay in the final year of World War II, in 1956 he, Twining and Power visited the Soviet Union together. After returning to the United States, Blanchard expressed worries about the rapid developments of the Soviet arms industry, a fact which undoubtedly would not have gone unnoticed by members of the American Security Council. 34 Blanchard rose through the ranks of the Air Force at a very fast pace, even faster than Twining and LeMay. He died in his office at the Pentagon in 1966 at the age of 50, but already at this point was a four-star general and vice chief of staff of the Air Force. Almost certainly he would have become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, after which he would have moved to private industry and quite possibly the American Security Council, the same path Twining and LeMay took.
Clearly Roswell Army Air Force base commander Colonel William Blanchard was a man with ambitions and top level connections in the Air Force. His involvement in the Manhattan Project proves he was used to the tightest security restrictions imaginable. So isn't it strange then what he did on July 8, 1947? After having seen the wreckage retrieved by Cavitt and Marcel, he decides to leave his superiors in the dark, calls up the base public information officer, Walter Haut, and stoically dictates a press release to him that:
"The many rumors regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the Intelligence office of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc through the cooperation of one of the local ranchers and the sheriff's office of Chaves County.
''The flying object landed on a ranch near Roswell sometime last week. Not having phone facilities, the rancher stored the disc until such time as he was able to contact the sheriff's office, who in turn notified Maj. Jesse A. Marcel of the 509th Bomb Group Intelligence Office.
''Action was immediately taken and the disc was picked up at the rancher's home. It was inspected at Roswell Army Air Field and subsequently loaned by Major Marcel to higher headquarters."
Haut provides the release to the local Roswell media, which reports on it about noon the same day. By 2:26 p.m. the Associated Press makes the story available nationally and internationally. At this point the debris is being flown to the headquarters of 8th Army Air Force in Forth Worth. Before the material is transported further to Air Materiel Command at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, General Roger Ramey, head of the 8th Army Air Force, holds his well-known press conference, denouncing the ''flying saucer'' story, claiming it was simply a weather balloon. Reportedly the order for the cover up came down from SAC commander General George Kenney and his deputy General Clements McMullen, two persons who can be seen in the above Order of Daedalians photo with Twining and LeMay. Jesse Marcel, who has flown with the wreckage to Forth Worth, assists Ramey during the press conference, holding the material up for the press to photograph. It must be said, he indeed has a look of disbelief on his face, like the material he is handling is not the same as he retrieved. In any case, for more than 30 years the Roswell story is forgotten. Although, maybe not entirely.
In late 1949, two years after the Roswell crash, Variety magazine columnist Frank Scully begins to claim that a UFO and alien bodies have been retrieved from a crash site in the Aztec, just over the border in Mexico. In September 1950 Scully's book, Behind the Flying Saucers, is published and receives its fair share of attention from the national media. The account of the Washington Post reads as follows:
"Inside the flying saucer which came down in a remote part of New Mexico in the summer of 1949, "we were able to count 16 bodies, that ranged in height from about 36 to 42 inches." ...
"The discovery was supposedly hushed up by the Air Force, which threw a heavy guard around the space ship. But a mysterious "Dr. Gee," called in to help with the investigation, told Scully everything and Scully has put it all in his book. ...
"As though the public were not already sufficiently jittery about the very real possibility of falling A and H bombs, Scully adds an even graver threat. He insists with a straight face that the flying saucer invaders have mastered the secret of piloting their craft "along magnetic lines" and can wipe out everyone on this planet in seconds by "demagnetizing" the globe."
The Frank Scully case is the first reported UFO crash in which allegedly bodies were retrieved. One can look at all the original Roswell press reports and there is not a word about bodies. That all came later. Of course, looking at the last paragraph cited above, it is immediately clear that the Scully case was a hoax. Only God knows why the national media decided to give it so much attention. Some would argue that it was an early effort to spread disinformation in order to cover up the Roswell crash. But is this really the case?
The Roswell revival began in February 1978 with a seemingly chance contact between Jesse Marcel, Sr., the key person in retrieving the Roswell crash debris, and now famous UFO researcher Stanton Friedman. At the time Friedman had already made headlines with his investigation of Betty & Barney Hill alien abduction case, a subject already explained in this article as being contrived and manipulated by a group of financiers and intelligence officers which has informally become known as "the Aviary". Certainly by the early 1980s Friedman fell under the influence of this group. In any case, Marcel explained to Friedman that the material he recovered from Mac Brazel's ranch was highly anomalous and must have been from something not of this world. In total five types of anomalous material have been described:
- Metal that is light and thin like tin foil, but can't be bend or even dented with a sledgehammer.
- Other seemingly indestructible but very light metal that always folds back in its original shape.
- Balsa wood-like material that can't be burned or scratched with a knife.
- Small metallic I-beams, many with purple hieroglyphic writing on them that resemble Egyptian, but without the animal symbols.
- A plastic type material that is very brittle.
As a result of the conversation with Marcel, Friedman teamed up with fellow UFO investigator Bill Moore. Together they interviewed family, neighbors, friends and associates of Jesse Marcel, Mac Brazel, Sheriff George Wilcox and various Roswell Army Air Field personnel. Let's take a very good look at what all these individuals stated to these researchers. All interviews have been transcribed from Recollections of Roswell unless stated otherwise:
- Opening narrative of Recollections of Roswell: "On July 2nd, 1947, an unidentified aerial craft crashed on a ranch outside Corona, New Mexico about 75 miles north-west of Roswell. The debris covered an area of several hundred thousand square feet. It was discovered the next day by the Ranch's foreman, William W. "Mac" Brazel. Brazel's son, Bill, describes what his father found."
- William W. "Bill" Brazel, a son of rancher Mac Brazel: "There was a bad thunderstorm the night before. The next day he was out on the ranch and he found this debris. And he picked it all up in his pick up... Of course, there was some talk about UFOs. And he was going to Roswell and as far as I know he got in touch with the Sheriff's Department. They in turn called the Air Force. Then the Air Force got with dad, did swore him to secrecy and ... picked up this debris. ... He said, "Bill, it was not a weather balloon. I don't know what it was, but something all together different." And much bigger. ... And I was talking about it. I went into Corona and sat there in a beer joint. And, of course, my friend is asking me if I found something any more, any different. And I said, "Well, I picked up a few scraps. I have about a cigar box full." And somebody, I don't know, must have informed the Air Force, because first thing I know, I have visitors. And they say they'd like to have this material. ... Like, "We're gonna have it, one way or the other.""
- November 29, 2004, CNN, 'Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees', interview with Faun Fritz: "That rancher was Mac Brazel who died in 1963. Two of his grandchildren are Jim Brazel and Faun Fritz. FAUN FRITZ, MAC BRAZEL'S GRANDDAUGHTER: I said grandpa was there any people, did you see people. And he said, sweetie, he said, they were just poor little creatures. TUCHMAN: The grandchildren say Mac Brazel was forced to close his mouth under threat his family would be harmed."
- 2007, CE4 conference in Roswell, Debbie Ziegelmeyer and Chuck Zukowski, 'Roswell Then & Now: Exciting New Evidence', about 33 minutes in, interview with Faun Fritz (Vimeo): "I know grandpa was with them. And, speculation, this is when they made the big discovery, because it was quite a ways away. [Where they found the bodies?] Yeah. [Would that be the bodies and the rest of the crash?] The rest of the crash, yeah. The main part of the [flying saucer]. Southeast. [5 miles? Do you have an idea?] I don't think it was that far. [We think there is a site like 2.5 miles...] That, okay, that sounds about right. [southeast, to this side of the windmill?] Yeah, no, no. [Oh, I'm sorry, on the other side of the windmill...]. Right. [That's the Proctor site, where he said he found something else. He said this is where Mac found something else.] Well, grandpa being the person that he was, and knowing how he was around living things. ... He probably would have laid one across the saddle and ... get help. If they would have been alive. [You saw him three or four days later, because the military did take him?] I'm gonna say, yes, yes, because he had no way to even dream that there was something like that."
- Additional: 2007, CE4 conference in Roswell, Debbie Ziegelmeyer and Chuck Zukowski, 'Roswell Then & Now: Exciting New Evidence', about 20 minutes in: "This is our debris site. And, of course, over there [in the picture], Major Edwin Easley who was a provost marshal. He was in charge of courting off the [crash] area. And coincidentally enough, at the site, here on the right, there was Nancy Easly Johnston and her husband. We talked to her ... Her father had never mentioned anything about this. She said, "No, never did." But just before he died, she says, "Daddy, can you tell me if there was anything? Is there anything you can tell me?" And he says, "I saw creatures.""
- Marian Strickland, neighbor of Mac Brazel: "Mac was very secretive and I know he made it plain that he was not supposed to tell this and supposed to tell that. And I think most of what he was not supposed to tell is that there was any excitement about this material. Now, that's my recollection. Oh, you bet [he was unhappy about it]. Mac was a man who had integrity. He definitely felt insulted and misused. And disrespected."
- Loretta Proctor, neighbor of Mac Brazel: "The piece he brought up, a tanned, light-brown plastic is what it looked like. ... There was something he described as tape. Wasn't writing as we knew it. It wasn't Japanese. ... It was more like hieroglyphics the way he described it."
- Jesse Marcel, Sr. (Youtube clip): "The newsmen saw very little of the debris too. They saw a very small portion of it and none of the important things like these members that had these hieroglyphics or markings on it. ... When the general came in he told me not to say anything. That he would handle it."
- Jesse Marcel, Sr. (Youtube clip): "There was so much of it. It was scattered over such a vast area. ... I knew I had never seen anything like that before and as of now I have no idea what it was. ... It was not anything from this earth, I'm quite sure of, because I was an intelligence officer and familiar with just about all the materials used in aircraft and air travel. This was nothing like that."
- Jesse Marcel, Sr.: "I found one piece of metal. What looked like metal, anyway. It was not flexible, but as thin as foil of a pack of cigarettes. It was that thin. [Inaudible] said: "There's something unusual here." He said, "I tried to make a dent in this metal, but you can't bent it. You can't make a mark on it." So I took a sledgehammer, put it on the ground and whammed it. And the sledgehammer bounced off of it."
- Jesse Marcel, Jr.: "There was a lot of kind of thick foil-like material. Shiny. The most unusual part of this whole thing was what was on the I-beams, on the inner surface of the I-beam, because when you looked at it head on there appeared to be a type of writing in the mainframe itself. This writing was definitely a purplish, violet hue. ... It had texture. I don't remember seeing any lines or letter; it was just more geometric shapes. It's hard to describe it. ... No. No way [it could have been Japanese or something.]"
- Walter Haut, RAAF base public relations officer: ""I would say the 8th of July. ... To the best of my remembrance it would have been in the morning ... somewhere around 9 o'clock. ... I had to take it into town. He told me to take it in, so that if there was any validity to the fact that this was a flying saucer and information got out to other news media other than our own he felt that he wanted our people there in Roswell to have the first crack at it. He didn't want them to feel that he had given the information out to someone who got it to the press services outside of Roswell. ... None whatsoever [I saw of the debris]. Yes, I do [believe Blanchard had seen it]. I don't think he would have so, I don't want to say gung ho, but he wouldn't have been so confident in his comment: "We have a flying saucer in our possession!" ... He wasn't overly excited. He wasn't flippant about it. It was just a normal, routine type of conversation that we'd have when he'd call me and wants this done. ... I don't think there would be one chance in a billion that [Blanchard] would not have recognized a weather balloon. ... Between the two of them [Marcel and Blanchard] I'm certain that one or other would have called the other one's hand if it was a weather balloon.""
- George "Jud" Roberts, manager KGFL Radio in Roswell: "I don't know if I should say this or not, but it is true. We hid out the rancher for one night. We did some transcript with him and so forth. Good old wire recorders if you will. ... I was not [present at the interview]. I was trying to run the station at the time. The question that we ran into is the very next morning some friendly person, probably from [congressman and later senator; secretary of agriculture at the time] Clinton Anderson's office, called us from Washington and said: "We understand that you have some information and we want to assure you that if you release it on this matter, because it's not supposed to be released, it's very possible that your license could be in jeopardy, so we suggest you not do it." And he said, "When I mean in jeopardy, I mean in like three days.""
- Frank Joyce, former announcer, KGFL Radio in Roswell: "It was dark. I got a phone call again. It was Brazel. And he was saying in a very clear voice, you know, very loud, "Well, look, this story is -- we haven't got this story quite right." And I don't know if it was that night or the next night. That's what I'm saying. He wanted to come over and talk to me. So I said, "Alright, come over to the station." And that's where I said, "Look, this is a very interesting story, however, it's completely different than the story you told me on the phone the other day, especially about something [involving] the little green men." And that's when he said, "Yeah, only they weren't green.""
- Lydia Sleppy, former secretary KOAT Radio in Roswell: "He told me, he had something hot for the network [Roswell incident]. ... [Then a message was received:] This is the FBI. You will immediately cease transmitting."
- Elizabeth Tulk, a daughter of Sheriff George Wilcox: "They told him: "Mr. Wilcox, don't you say a word." So, he didn't. And I mean, he just didn't say anything."
- Christine Tulk, a granddaughter of Sheriff George Wilcox: "I can tell you that my belief and my whole family's belief is that this affected him [Sheriff Wilcox] and he never got over it."
- Christine Duggar, another granddaughter of Sheriff George Wilcox, to (Youtube) (note: C2C AM's Col. Wendelle Stevens donated his UFO book library, which included Fritz Spingmeier's Bloodlines of the Illuminati, to; Art Bell has posted messages at this site): "When the incident happened, the military police came to the court house, to the jailhouse, and they told George and I that if we ever told anybody about this incident, talked about it in any way, that not only we would be killed, but the family, they and the rest of the family. I said, "What could you have known?" What happened is ... someone [Mac Brazel] came and told my grandfather about the incident that had happened outside of Roswell. My grandmother stated that my grandfather went out there, to the site. When he got out there, there was a big burned area when they first approached the area and then they saw debris. ... When he came back, she asked him, out of jokingness, did he see any little space beings. And he said: "Yes, there were four of them. And I asked her, "What did they have on, big mom?" And she said they were like gray and granddaddy said that their heads were large and the little suit they had on was like silver something, like, that kind of material, but it was silver-gray. I asked her, "What happened after that?" And she said, "He came back into town and I guess they had discussed this incident and they had thought it was fine to put over the news to talk about it. And apparently something happened and it was not okay." Big mom said he got phone calls from all over the world. People were calling, talking to him, asking about the situation. ... When they knew that he had gone out there and seen the site, and seen this situation, that they had talked about, big mom said that they were on him like you wouldn't believe. And they came to the jailhouse and told him: "You don't say anything, George, and if you do you'll die and so will your children and those children.""
- Chistine Tulk, a granddaughter of Wilcox on "My second encounter was the Prince of Liechtenstein, his name was Hans Adam, he was interested in the Roswell crash and gave money to, I think, the Fund for UFO Research in Washington, D.C. They called anybody/everybody that had anything to do with the Roswell incident. And my mother was called, her sister, Phyllis, was called, my aunt. And they said they could invite two guests. My mother said: "Isn't this just the craziest thing?" And I said: "I wanna go, because at 24 all I could think about was wanting to go to the Smithsonian. I really thought this whole UFO thing was [crazy]. I'm not gonna go to that, but I'll go see the Smithsonian while you go do whatever you're gonna do here." ... I left really perplexed. It's crazy not to know something and then all of a sudden you start hearing that your grandfather knew of a UFO crash. ... I can tell you that my belief and my whole family's belief is that this affected him [Sheriff Wilcox] and he never got over it." .. I met Glenn Dennis who was the mortician in Roswell. And my family knew him very well. And he was the most interesting one to me. ... I met Frankie Roe. She and I were sitting in the room together. She said: "My father was out at that site. He was a fireman." And she said: "He saw bodies. And he said that there was one who was still walking around." I thought: Oh my gosh, this is real."
- Glenn Dennis, mortician contracted by the Roswell base: "And I got a call about 1:15, somewhere right after lunch... from the mortuary officer wanting to know what was the smallest size hermetically sealed casket that we had in stock... Then about another hour, maybe 45 minutes later, I get a call from the same officer, and he said: "I would like to know what your preparations are for bodies that might have been laying out in the elements." ...
"We had the only ambulance service and [soon after] I got a call on emergency and it was an airman that was injured in a minor accident... and I took him to the base. ... Where I usually park the ambulance, there were three field ambulances. ... I noticed the backdoors of the two ambulances were open and I saw what looked like wreckage. ... What it looked like to me like ... stainless steel [with a] bluish/purplish tinge that I saw. The only difference is on the outer edge ... it looked like there might have been some inscriptions which I kinda thought reminded me of Egyptian symbols, or something like that. ... One particular nurse that I was pretty well acquainted with, and I wanted to see if she was there, and we usually talked a lot. This nurse had only been there, she'd been commissioned for about three months. She graduated from college... and then she got into the service. She was a second lieutenant. Anyway, as I started back to see her, before I got back to the lounge, there was some examining rooms on each side of the hall. And she came out of one of the examining rooms across the hallway. And I noticed she had a handkerchief over her mouth and she saw me and she said, "What are you doing here and how did you get in here?" She said, "My gosh, get out of here as soon as possible. You are gonna get into a lot of trouble. ... Just get out of here!" And then she just disappeared and that was it. ... Two young MPs came out [after a captain went to get them] and said, "Come on, mister, you're leaving." ... And they told me they had orders to follow me back to the funeral home, but we had not got over 10-15 feet and then we heard this voice that said, "We're not through with that SOB. Bring him back." So I turned around and went back and there was a southern captain, red-headed captain. He was a mean-looking number. He was talking pretty rough. And he said: "You did not see anything. There was no crash here. You don't go into town making any rumors that you saw anything. ... You could get into a lot of trouble. ... Oh yes we can [even when you are a civilian], mister! Somebody will be picking your bones out of the sand. We can do to you whatever we want to." And then there was a sergeant, a colored sergeant, that had a pad or something in his hand, I remember that, and he said: "He'll make real good dog food." ... And they said, "Get that SOB out." ...
"Then the next day, I tried to call this nurse, see what's going on. ... About 11 o'clock she called the funeral home and said, "I understand you have been trying to get a hold of me. I'm not on duty today, but I need to talk to you." ... She said what happened, the way she got involved in the first place, she was going across the room to get into another room to get some supplies and this is when the two doctors who were in there supposedly doing a preliminary autopsy on these bodies. ... These doctors said, "You're not going anywhere, nurse. We have to add you. We're doctors and we've got to have some help." And she said she never smelled something so horrible in her life when she got in there. ... There were only four fingers. There wasn't a thumb. ... On the tips of these fingers it looked like little pads with little holes. ... The heads were very much larger than the body. It was out of proportion for the size of the body, the head. The eyes were very deeply set in..." - Robert Shirkey, Sr., Roswell base operations officer: "I stepped up to him: "Colonel, turn sideways. I want to see it too!" Maybe if I hadn't said that to him and made it obvious that I was there, I wouldn't have been shipped out two weeks later. So he just looked at me and he did turn sideways, so I could half step into the doorway and watch these fellas go through [loading the debris onto the plane to Wright Patterson]. And thus I saw them carrying various pieces of these metal items. And as I have described to other people who asked, they had one piece that was like, oh, I'd like to say 18 by 24 inch, or coffee table top size, brushed stainless steel in color. Maybe if you think of a common aluminum foil roll today, when you pull it out. One side is real reflective, but that's not what it was. It was like the opposite side, which is rather dull. It doesn't have great reflective power. And I heard it mention now so many times, the I-beams with the markings, and I actually saw that piece of I-beam being carried through and saw the markings. But it was a case of here it was and there it went. And that was all I got to see."
- General Thomas DuBose, chief of staff to General Roger Ramey, head of the 8th Air Force in Fort Worth: "We knew it was a cover story and whose idea it was, I don't have the faintest idea. But we used that in order to persuade the curiosity of the press, because this had gotten out in the Forth Worth Star Telegram, Dallas news and the UPI. ... It was a cover story, the balloon part of it. It is the story to be given to the press and that is it. ... [General Clements] McMullen told me, "You are not to discuss this ... this is more than top secret," as he put it. ... "It is within my priority, as deputy to George Kenney, and he in turn is responsible to the president ... and you will say nothing." And that was the end of it."
- Sappho Henderson, wife of Roswell wreckage pilot Oliver "Peppy" Henderson: "He never said a thing about them, because he had a top secret clearance. If you had anything to do with dropping atomic bombs you had to have the highest clearance. So he witnessed this crash and the little people who were there. I don't know exactly where he saw them, so I never did pin him down. ... We were at the grocery store and we were about to check out our groceries and there were newspapers at the stand as there always are. And here was this newspaper. And he said, "Well, I guess since they are putting it in the paper I can tell you about it. I wanted to tell you for years. I want you to read this article, because it's a true story. And I not only know that it is true, but I'm the pilot who flew the wreckage of the UFO to Dayton, Ohio [Wright Patterson]. ... I think he told me they were small. They had large heads for their size. And that the material that their suits were made of was different than anything - it was a strange kind of material."
- Katherine Groode, daughter of Roswell wreckage pilot Oliver "Peppy" Henderson: "What I remember him telling me is that they were small people. I don't remember three feet high, but certainly shorter than we were. Small people. Pale. Slightly slanted eyes. Sort of larger heads. And humanoid-looking, but not like us. Different from us. He said they were dead and he had seen them and that he had flown this wreckage of a flying saucer."
- John Kromschroeder, friend of Roswell wreckage pilot Oliver "Peppy" Henderson: "He produced this piece of metal for me to look at. He said, what do I think of it. I said, "Well, it's different." I felt it and it did feel different. I was able to determine that it's metal structure was different than ours, than we have in our aircraft, for instance. And of course he did [imply] that this was from this craft. I think this was a case of appropriation, how he acquired this."
- Robert Smith, former Roswell base flight crew member: "My involvement was to help load the crates of the debris onto the aircraft. ... All I saw was what they showed on TV here during your first program, was a little piece of material, so big, square. And you could crumple it up and let it out, and it would come out flat. You could not crease it. One of the guys who was in on the crating and so forth picked up a piece and slipped it in his pocket. And where he is now, I don't know. ... [Talks about a cousin of his with the Secret Service who was at Roswell as a representative of Truman.]"
Originally I was blown away by all these interviews. In fact, I still am to an extent, as I cannot think of any case involving disinformation in which so many witnesses (including friends and associates) mentioned in the original press reports and so closely tied to one another lying about what actually happened. Whenever you have disinformers in a particular case, they tend to not be mentioned in the original reports and involve individuals with unclear backgrounds not linked to one another. See, for example, the earlier-mentioned Snedeker family of A Haunting in Connecticut. Here we have a family claiming that a particular house is haunted, but when questioning the landlord, the neighbors and even individual family members, the story quickly falls apart. If A Haunting in Connecticut would be similar to Roswell, we'd have all these people agreeing there's a haunting and nobody really opposing it. This is very strange, because when looking a little deeper, the Roswell story actually begins to fall apart rather quickly. Where to even begin?
A first major problem appears right at the start of the Recollections of Roswell video, as well as the first book ever written on the Roswell crash, The Roswell Incident (1980), by Charles Berlitz, Bill Moore and, uncredited but really its primary researcher, Stanton Friedman. Mac Brazel's son Bill is claiming here that the crash happened during a thunderstorm on the night of July 2/3, 1947. The family heard an explosion and went out to check the following day. That's a perfect opening scenario for a science fiction movie, but it appears to have had little to do with the truth. First of all, researchers have been checking up on the local weather data in this period and not a shred of evidence could be found for any kind of kind significant rainfall. More important maybe, Brazel gave a full account of the incident to KGFL Radio and The Roswell Daily Record in the evening of July 8, the same day as the original press release and the subsequent retraction by the Air Force. Brazel clearly stated he already stumbled across the wreckage on June 14. Here's a summary of the account, as reported in the Roswell Daily Record of July 9:
"Brazel related that on June 14 he and an 8-year old son, Vernon, were about 7 or 8 miles from the ranch house of the J. B. Foster ranch, which he operates, when they came upon a large area of bright wreckage made up on rubber strips, tinfoil, a rather tough paper and sticks.
"At the time Brazel was in a hurry to get his round made and he did not pay much attention to it. But he did remark about what he had seen and on July 4 he, his wife, Vernon and a daughter, Betty, age 14, went back to the spot and gathered up quite a bit of the debris.
"The next day he first heard about the flying disks, and he wondered if what he had found might be the remnants of one of these.
"Monday he came to town to sell some wool and while here he went to see sheriff George Wilcox and "whispered kinda confidential like" that he might have found a flying disk.
"Wilcox got in touch with the Roswell Army Air Field and Maj. Jesse A. Marcel and a man in plain clothes accompanied him home, where they picked up the rest of the pieces of the "disk" and went to his home to try to reconstruct it.
"According to Brazel they simply could not reconstruct it at all. They tried to make a kite out of it, but could not do that and could not find any way to put it back together so that it could fit.
"Then Major Marcel brought it to Roswell and that was the last he heard of it until the story broke that he had found a flying disk.
"Brazel said that he did not see it fall from the sky and did not see it before it was torn up, so he did not know the size or shape it might have been, but he thought it might have been about as large as a table top. The balloon which held it up, if that was how it worked, must have been about 12 feet long, he felt, measuring the distance by the size of the room in which he sat. The rubber was smoky gray in color and scattered over an area about 200 yards in diameter.
"When the debris was gathered up the tinfoil, paper, tape, and sticks made a bundle about three feet long and 7 or 8 inches thick, while the rubber made a bundle about 18 or 20 inches long and about 8 inches thick. In all, he estimated, the entire lot would have weighed maybe five pounds.
"There was no sign of any metal in the area which might have been used for an engine and no sign of any propellers of any kind, although at least one paper fin had been glued onto some of the tinfoil.
"There were no words to be found anywhere on the instrument, although there were letters on some of the parts. Considerable scotch tape and some tape with flowers printed upon it had been used in the construction."
Obviously a few questions arise if we compare this original account of Mac Brazel to all the claims that surfaced in later years, such as:
- Why do leading Roswell researchers always forget to address the original June 16 find of the debris?
- If Brazel was so heavily intimidated from the very beginning, why did he include his entire family in the narrative?
- Why is the debris described as "rubber strips, tinfoil, a rather tough paper and sticks", without any specific mentioning of really unusual or extraordinary features? "Rather tough" in regard to paper is not really enough to raise any suspicions about the material described here.
- Do alien space vehicles incorporate paper fins glued to tinfoil?
- Are alien space vehicles held together by "scotch tape"?
- Why is there no mention of hieroglyphics or unusual lettering, but "tape with flowers printed upon it" is specifically mentioned?
- Why does Brazel talk about a debris field of 200 yards, while Marcel, Sr. later spoke about more than three quarters of a mile (1300 yards)?
- Can a device "as large as a table top" and weighing "maybe five pounds" even produce a debris field of three quarters of a mile?
- Why did Brazel wait three weeks before going to the Sheriff's Office if the material he found was so earth-shattering?
- Why were his wife and children allowed to visit the site alone if the material was this unusual?
Friedman, Moore and Berlitz didn't address any of these questions in their 1980 book The Roswell Incident. Neither do later researchers as Don Schmitt and Tom Carey. That's beyond suspicious. Their counter-argument is obvious, of course, but at the very least they had to address this anomaly.
I guess it took some time to build up to this moment, but it's finally time to discuss the first wave of researchers in a little more detail. In contrast to Coast to Coast AM superstar Stanton Friedman, Berlitz and Moore never appeared on the show. In case of Moore, that's because he left UFO research soon after his infamous 1989 MUFON speech in which he admitted to having spread disinformation on behalf of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI). Moore and Shandera are actually the ones who came up with the term "the Aviary" in the early 1980s and are also the ones who gave all their intelligence contacts bird names. 35 Thus AFOSI's Richard Doty became "Sparrow", his unnamed superior "Falcon", AFOSI's Bob Collins "Condor", CIA scientists Kit Green and Ron Pandolfi respectively "Blue Jay" and "Pelican", and Colonel John Alexander of INSCOM "Penguin". Leading DIA scientist Jack Vorona (see AFIO for bio) reportedly had his own bird name, along with a number of other DIA officers. It's even possible that at the highest level Carter's national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had a hand in the project, looking at the following January 2, 1982 note made by Bill Moore after a crucial "MJ-12/Aquarius Project" briefing of Richard Doty:
"Doty received most of the above information concerning Project Aquarius from Scott Doorman, former intelligence assistant to President Carter's former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski [sic]. Doorman is now an executive in a private firm and lives in Virginia near Washington, D.C. Doty has requested that Doorman not be contacted by me." 36
Unfortunately, I can't find any evidence that Doorman ever existed, but with the names involved it's hardly far-fetched that Brzezinski would be in the know of these counterintelligence programs - and may have ordered/approved them. A lot of the persons involved in "the Aviary" seem to have played a role in the CIA-DIA-SRI remote viewing programs, which is the exact same network that later came to Coast to Coast AM. Examples of "birds" who showed up on air with Art Bell include Hal Puthoff ("Owl"), Jacques Vallee (reportedly "Partridge") Dan Smith ("Chicken Little"), as well as Colonel Alexander and Doty. As we demonstrate in this article, Moore was just one of many intelligence assets manipulating the UFO/alien/new age community. The fact that he was so deeply involved with Friedman and Berlitz in the initial Roswell revival should be enough to make anyone suspicious.
As for Berlitz, he seems to have simply been too old to appear on Coast to Coast AM. He significantly slowed down his writings after 1991 and died in 2003 at the age of 89. Berlitz would have been the perfect Coast to Coast AM guest though. Before he got involved in Roswell research, Berlitz wrote books on Atlantis, the Philadelphia Experiment, the Bermuda Triangle, and continued with books on Doomsday prophecies for the year 1999, the Devil's Triangle in Asia, and more work on Atlantis. Absolutely everything he ever wrote is complete and utter nonsense. Moore aided him in this, as their first book together was in 1978 on the fictional Philadelphia Experiment. Immediately thereafter Moore quit his regular job and joined the Tuczon-based Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) as director of special investigations. The duo's second book followed in 1980, on Roswell, which appears to have been equally fictitious. More than a few witnesses, if not all, are unreliable and the book might well be the first to talk about Eisenhower being left out of the loop and at some point being ushered off to Muroc (Edwards AFB) to see the alien debris. Certainly with the arrival of the Disclosure Project on the scene in the late 1990s the Eisenhower subject became a very hot topic.
Probably the clearest example of disinformation peddled in The Roswell Incident (1980), the video Recollections of Roswell (1990), and Friedman's Crash at Corona (1992) are the witnesses related to an alleged crash on the Plains of San Agustin, just outside Socorro, New Mexico, 120 miles to the west of the Corona/Roswell crash. The Socorro crash is simply based on stories that were told by Barney Barnett. He died in 1969, years before any researcher could get to him. That's it. All other "witnesses" just repeat what Barnett once told them. No newspaper reports exist about Socorro, nobody else has seen anything, nobody knows the exact location of the crash, nobody knows the exact month or year, and even a team of archeologists supposedly present has never been identified. Also strange: the military swept in on its own. But, whatever it was, the military never knew about Roswell until a rancher reported what he had found, the sheriff went out to look, and informed the local air base. A few pieces were retrieved, followed by a larger retrieval. The newspapers were soon informed and a few local reporters made it to the crash site - only then, according to alternative lore, the military and government took control of the situation. None of that in Barnett's case. Just one long-deceased person having told a story that somewhat matches that which has been said about Roswell.
The Socorro case couldn't be more flimsy, but for some reason Stanton Friedman has never been fully able to let it go. He continued to put faith in the most questionable later-year witnesses "backing up" the Barnett story. Gerald Anderson, who approached Friedman on his own after a UFO lecture and was quickly dismissed by all other researchers, is a perfect example of that. How is it possible that a clearly very intelligent and hyper rational Stanton Friedman got suckered into the Barnett story? Well, most likely he doesn't believe a word of it. He's simply spreading (AFOSI) disinformation like his old pals Bill Moore, Jaime Shandera and almost certainly, Charles Berlitz. As author Brad Sparks described the situation:
"Barnett's story was a rehash of Scully, first told to friends in February 1950 right after the Scully story attracted national attention in Time and Newsweek magazines and other media in January 1950. Barnett recited his alleged discovery of burned alien bodies and a hole in the spaceship - just like Scully's informants claimed. Later the Barnett story was mistakenly linked by Moore and Friedman to the Roswell incident, though Barnett's site was located [roughly] 150 miles from the Roswell site on the wrong side of the State of New Mexico, and they eventually admitted the linkage to Roswell was probably a mistake." 37
That's not all, we later find a very similar crash in the Eisenhower Briefing Document, the very first Majestic 12 document, which was coincidentally leaked to Jaime Shandera, a friend of Friedman and Moore. It's a bogus document, but Friedman has gone to enormous lengths to defend it over the decades. We'll get back to Majestic 12.
Coincidentally, apart from AFOSI, Colonel John Alexander's friends Robert Bigelow and Hans Adam von Liechtenstein have had a deep involvement in Roswell research through their financing of the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR), which included a meeting around 1990 at the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. that brought together all living Roswell witnesses and their families. During the Clinton UFO disclosure initiative in the early to mid-1990s, Laurance Rockefeller's initial plan was to blow the lid on the Roswell crash. A prominent Air Force study debunking Roswell followed, after which Rockefeller switched to what ultimately became the UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence. The document, co-authored by FUFOR's Don Berliner, was privately circulated and not really meant for the public. Right around the time that Bigelow, von Liechtenstein and Rockefeller showed maximum interest in the subject, Friedman wrote a book about Roswell under his own name, together with Berliner. The book, published in 1992 under the name Crash at Corona, literally starts out with the sentence: "The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to the Fund for UFO Research [FUFOR] and Robert Bigelow for their moral and financial support." Chapter 6 of the book also features a photograph from 1990 of Stanton Friedman and Robert Bigelow looking out over the Plains of San Agustin, where the Barney Barnett crash allegedly happened. In addition Friedman received a $16,000 grant to investigate the Majestic 12 documents. Two years after finishing the book, Berliner was the happy recipient of a fourth major Majestic 12 document, SOM1-01. Berliner would soon also be invited to Coast to Coast AM.

Clearly the Smithsonian meeting of Roswell witnesses, the Friedman-Berliner book, and the subsequent leak of another bogus Majestic 12 document, were all extensions of "Aviary" activity: intelligence assets allied with big money philanthropists. The same group that has been financing alien abduction and crop circle research, is the same group that has a hand in bringing about the Roswell story and its related Majestic 12 documents. On top of that, all of the sponsored research seems to be bogus. However, while most of this alternative research is easy to discredit, the Roswell case remains a bit of an enigma. There are just too many witnesses claiming roughly the same thing, with the additional problem that so few have been clearly discredited. Here is some of the general criticism against Roswell witnesses:
- All witnesses related to the Barney Barnett can be ignored, because Barnett's story A) doesn't check out at all; and B) appears to have gotten his inspiration from the bogus 1949-1950 Frank Scully crash story.
- The account of Glenn Dennis and the alien bodies appears to be very problematic. Apparently none of the five nurses on the base at the time carried the name Naomi Selff, none of these nurses were transferred to Europe, and none died in a plane crash. In addition, a 1974-1975 publication of Robert Spencer Carr about "Hanger 18", where the Roswell debris was allegedly stored, used a (fictional) "surgical nurse" at the alien autopsy as a source. It appears that old UFO information is sometimes recycled. In the famous 1988 UFO Cover-Up Live! program "Falcon" spoke about the aliens enjoying Tibetan music, which is very reminiscent of the Frank Scully case in which the aliens allegedly liked Chinese music. These "revelations", in turn, are probably linked to another bogus but popular theory that Asian people are descendants of an alien race that landed in the Himalayas and mixed with earthlings.
- Roswell base operations officer Robert Shirkey, Sr. first heard about aliens being recovered from Glenn Dennis. The same goes for Roswell base public relations officer Walter Haut, who in later years received a lot of prominence for having added this alien bodies account to his narrative. None of them had seen or heard anything themselves. In fact, even Glenn Dennis never claimed to have seen the aliens themselves. Only his non-existent nurse saw them.
- The relatives of George Wilcox, who knew Glenn Dennis very well, also have holes in their stories. They're saying he had seen the aliens himself when going out to the crash site and began talking about it to the media before he was told to shut up. There's no indication of that in the newspapers. Wilcox completely backed up the June 16 account of Mac Brazel. In the evening of July 8, immediately after the press conference of General Roger Ramey, United Press wrote: "Sheriff George Wilcox of Roswell said the disc was found about three weeks ago by W. W. Brizell [sic], on the Foster ranch at Corona, 75 miles northwest of Roswell. Wilcox said that Brizell does not have a telephone and so did not report finding the disc until the day before yesterday. Brizell told the sheriff he didn't know just what the disc was, but that at first it appeared to be a weather meter."
- Looking at the crucial account of Bill Brazel, who came up with the July 2/3 thunderstorm story, on the Recollections to Roswell video, any FBI interrogator would probably dismiss him as a liar -- because he appears to be so terrible at it. During his interview, he is:
- continually looking off to the right side with his eyes. In NLP this means you're constructing memories instead of remembering them.
- blinking very slowly and heavily.
- keeping his hands over each other all the time.
- continually rubbing his cheek, nose, neck and arm.
- There are many accounts of people having had the anomalous metal in their possession, but no one has been able to produce it. Back in the late 1990s and early 2000s Art Bell was actually touting his own Roswell debris on the air, termed "Art's Parts", which he had received in the mail in May 1996. Linda Howe had it analyzed. His alien spacecraft debris turned out to very earthly chunks of aluminum, with small quantities of magnesium, zinc and bismuth contained in them. Howe, of course, gave her own spin on the analysis, but she has been caught lying by ISGP so many times it's just not worth mentioning.

Coast to Coast AM's Don Schmitt is a protege of the highly-esteemed J. Allen Hynek of Project Blue Book. He was the investigative director of Hynek's CUFOS in the 1985-1995 period. Hynek's Air Force bosses as Colonel Raymond Sleeper (also of the American Security Council) were very hostile to Project Blue Book, but how independent was Hynek himself? With a protege as Don Schmitt something seems to be very wrong.
Whether or not there is an inkling of truth in the Roswell crash, obviously Coast to Coast AM and its featured researchers have been focusing on the most unlikely elements in an already unlikely story. Two key Roswell researchers apart from Stanton Friedman that are highly popular on Coast to Coast AM are Tom Carey and Don Schmitt. This duo has actually carried out archeological digs at the Roswell site, with the exact location pointed out by the ever-unreliable Bill Brazel. On Coast to Coast AM Carey remembered how the "imprints of the gouge at the dig site impressed him", with Schmitt talking about "ranchers [who] reported seeing "luminous objects" tracking the area with something akin to searchlights near the area, the night after the crash..." The New Age agenda never far away, the retrieved aliens were described as resembling the "insect nicknamed Child of the Earth", otherwise known as the Jerusalem Cricket. 38 Here's an excerpt of their 2004 book Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up:
"A full-scale cleanup operation would then commence with 50 to 60 troops the very next morning. One of the young sons of a hired hand from the Richards ranch, which adjoined the Foster ranch from the south, spied with a couple of other boys from a distant hill. His name was Trinidad "Trini" Chavez. "There were soldiers lined up and picking up all this material," he said. "Trucks and jeeps surrounded the area. We saw men with rifles get out of one of the trucks. Well, we figured we saw enough." … Later that day, after dark, witnesses would report observing trucks with large spotlights heading in earnest to the "other location." … Budd Payne, another rancher in the Corona area … was physically accosted and forced off the [Foster] ranch. … Years later, at Payne's constant encouragement, Brazel would show him the precise location, "which caused all that commotion. … Ranchers were forced to inform on one another. Ranch houses were ransacked. … Troops spent more than two days picking up every last trace in the pasture, finishing with industrial vacuum cleaners. … Stories about home and vehicle break-ins abound even up to the 1980s, and so do the mysterious disappearances of actual debris. Rancher L.D. Sparks described how just a few years after the original incident, Dan Richards had him toss a thin piece of foil-like material in the air as he fired a rifle at it. "Shot after shot ricocheted off of it," Sparks claimed. "I would crumple the piece into a ball and watch in amazement as it would unfold as it floated through the air." Unfortunately, we'll never know what became of his proof. Richards was killed in a single vehicle accident shortly thereafter. ... Roswell photographer Jack Rodden did business with many of the ranchers from the Corona area. One of the ranchers told him that his three kids had come home one day, at the time of the incident, frightened to death and refusing to talk about what they had seen. Rodden pressed the issue and was told by the old-timer that the kids had gotten too close to something, and someone in the military scared them badly. Other parents emotionally recounted how their young children were never the same. "When they returned home they looked as though they had seen a ghost!" "They were frightened, shocked, and grew increasingly paranoid," spoke a number of the residents. About what? A Mogul weather balloon? Observing a field peppered with strange wreckage? Or was it what a handful of them regrettably saw at the "other location"? Was the military forced to take them aside and put some additional fear of God in them? Almost all of them to this day refuse to talk about it—even with their families. Many years later Sidney "Jack" Wright would lament how he grew up overnight from the image that has haunted him all these years: "There were bodies, small bodies with big heads and eyes. And Mac was there too. We couldn't get away from there fast enough." [source: 1998 interview with Hope Baldra]" 39
Schmitt worked together with the former Roswell base's public information officer Walter Haut when he put together an affidavit in which Haut all of a sudden spoke about the retrieval of alien bodies, something which he didn't do yet in the Recollections of Roswell video. The affidavit was discussed at length on Coast to Coast AM. On June 30, 2007, Tom Carey brought Robert Shirkey, Jr. on the air at Coast to Coast AM. His father, Shirkey, Sr., was the Roswell base's assistant operations officer and had first been told about the dead alien bodies by Glenn Dennis at the home of Walter Haut in the late 1980s. With one statement Shirkey, Jr. seems to have certainly been accurate: "Nobody ever said a word about this, until I guess Stanton Friedman and those fellas [came around]." Well, apparently Dennis first talked about aliens to Haut and Shirkey in 1987, with these latter two individuals bringing Friedman in contact with Dennis. For some time Dennis refused to talk to Friedman, but eventually a first interview took place in August 1989. Looking at the earlier cited statement of Christine Tulk, a granddaughter of sheriff George Wilcox, that her family was also very close to Glenn Dennis, combined with the fact that in 1991 Dennis and Haut founded the UFO Museum in Roswell, and one strongly gets the impression that a few acquainted families and friends were looking to make money. Key first generation witnesses Bill Brazel and Jesse Marcel, Jr., appear to have been particularly cooperative. Marcel, Jr. has been invited to Coast to Coast AM on four occasions between 2007 and 2011, the first time immediately after publishing his book The Roswell Legacy. He is a firm believer that the government retrieved alien bodies. He is also quite the patriot. A former Surgeon of the State of Montana, he actually returned to active military service as a flight surgeon in Iraq at age 68 from October 2004 to December 2005. He retired as a full bird colonel.
Looking at the original newspaper statements, the researchers and financiers involved in the Roswell revival since the late 1970s, as well as the continuous and rather extreme elaborations upon earlier-made statements, and one is forced to conclude that the Roswell crash involved nothing out of the ordinary. Most likely it wasn't a weather balloon, as Brazel already stated at the time, but it could well have been some kind of secret measuring device or a radar reflector of some sort--who really knows. While manipulation seems evident at a very early stage, certainly beginning in 1978, we have this "Aviary" group of intelligence officers and private financiers which appears to have convinced key witnesses originally involved in the Roswell incident that it would be a good idea to spin stories about the crash and in the process stimulate tourism to Roswell and make a few bucks.
The annoying thing is, if nothing unusual happened in Roswell, then what about the original press release of Colonel William Blanchard? I've looked at the incident from all possible angles and, bizarrely, the only theory that really fits all the evidence is that something very secret was actually covered up. In fact, the theory that Blanchard gave out his press release to draw away attention from a second site where alien bodies hit the ground really fits perfectly on pretty much all points:
- The ongoing UFO flap.
- The natural progression from a local rancher, to the sheriff's office, to the RAAF base.
- The Roswell press being informed of the find by Brazel immediately after his visit to the sheriff.
- The illogical and quick press release on the morning of July 8, with Marcel and Cavitt having brought in the wreckage late the night before.
- The subsequent press release of General Roger Ramey denying the find.
- Jesse Marcel indeed having a look of disbelief on his face when handling the debris at Ramey's press conference.
- The very similar Frank Scully crash of 1949-1950, which is easy to discredit. Barnett then beginning his own tale.
- Robert Spencer Carr first heard about the Barnett case in 1961 and in 1974-1975 published about "Hanger 18" at Air Materiel Command, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, where the Roswell debris was reportedly flown to. He's using fake witnesses.
- An apparently spontaneous meeting between Marcel and Friedman in 1978, which is followed by the Roswell revival.
- Numerous relatives and neighbors of the original Roswell witnesses subsequently coming out in support of the theory that an alien spacecraft crashed.
- Seemingly completely independent witnesses as Bea Sutton also talking about metal with hieroglyphics and a cover up.
- A circus being created by AFOSI around the original story, primarily with the bogus Majestic 12 documents and the Paul Bennewitz case. Barnett's story comes to the surface.
How bizarre is this? So much evidence that nothing extraordinary happened at Roswell, yet at the same time everything points to a cover up. It's a mystery to me. One thing that is clear is that the details of the story changed with Colonel William Blanchard's press release. From the very beginning Brazel and Wilcox spoke about a completely destroyed, small measuring device of some kind, first found three weeks before the press release. But Blanchard's press release all of a sudden mentioned a "flying saucer" which had "landed ... sometime last week", with Brazel having "stored the disc" until the RAAF base "picked up" this disc. Apart from the time it was found being completely wrong, anyone who reads Blanchard's press release immediately gets the impression that an intact disc had been retrieved. Blanchard must have known that this portrayal of the facts is quite far from the truth. So, why was the information released? Why were all the details wrong? We can only speculate. Personally, I can't come up with a scenario that I find satisfying. Maybe it was another "War of the Worlds"-type experiment, which caused widespread panic just nine years earlier. Maybe it was an attempt to deceive the Soviets. With World War II just over and the Cold War emerging, psychological warfare had gotten much more complex. Quite possibly there was an agenda that involved long term disinformation and myth building to deceive the public and enemies alike. But like I said, I just don't have a solid answer. Despite that, we need to keep our eyes on the facts. When we do that, we have to conclude that there is no evidence whatsoever that an alien spaceship crashed at Roswell.
In the previous paragraph we purposely steered around the subject of Majestic 12, this because it is part of the Roswell revival and actually does not help in figuring out whether or not something of substance crashed in Roswell back in 1947. Now that we know that Roswell did not involve an alien spacecraft, it's time to look at Majestic 12.
In order to understand where the Majestic 12 documents originated from, we primarily have to look at the activities of Bill Moore. At the time of Moore's infamous 1989 MUFON speech, during which he admitted to have spread government disinformation, he was already becoming increasingly controversial, because it had been known for years that he maintained contact with a group of intelligence officers, most notably Richard Doty of AFOSI. 40 In part because of this, there was a lot of distrust regarding the Majestic 12 documents, which Bill Moore, Stanton Friedman and Jaime Shandera released in full to the public in May 1987, followed a month later with discussions in the New York Times and Washington Post.
At that point there were three such Majestic 12 documents. The first one, the Eisenhower Briefing Document, was received by Moore's friend Jaime Shandera in the mail in December 1984. The document purported to be a leak of a briefing to Eisenhower about a super-secret group that was studying the Roswell craft (Majestic 12), it's occupants and even that more than one alien spaceship had crashed. The Truman-Forrestal Memo was included in the document as an appendix. Excerpts of the document can be seen below:
Seven months later, in July 1985, after a peculiar rhyme received in the mail by Stanton Friedman, Moore and Shandera found the Cutler-Twining Memo in the National Archives.
It's always possible to get into a lengthy discussion whether or not these documents are fake. Let's do that to an extent. Early on, UFO skeptic Phil Klass gathered various arguments indicating the documents are fake. One is the highly unusual zero-digit-month-comma date notation, which Hillenkoetter apparently never used 41, but Bill Moore was fond of - until this was pointed out by Klass. In addition, the Cutler-Twining Memo mentioning the "MJ-12 Special Studies Project" was written by Cutler on a date that he wasn't even in the country. 42 Another key piece of evidence presented is that Harry Truman's autograph underneath the alleged September 24, 1947 Truman-Forrrestal executive order instating "Operation Majestic 12" looks very much like an autograph on a genuine October 1, 1947 letter of Truman to Dr. Vannevar Bush. A major debate erupted about this in 1990 and 1991, with Moore, Shandera and Friedman resorting to deception in order to keep making the argument that the Truman-Forrestal Memo is genuine. Jerry Clark, editor of Hynek's Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) kept backing Moore and Shandera, but eventually even the latter two were forced to conclude that there is a "60-65% probability that the MJ-12 Truman memo is counterfeit." Predictably, Moore, Shandera and Friedman continued to claim that the Eisenhower Briefing Document is most likely genuine, despite the fact that the Truman-Forrestal Memo is included in it as an appendix. 43
Anno 2015, in the age of Photoshop, I put the two autographs on top of each other, one colored black, the other red. The result can be seen above. It looks like one autograph, but that's just because the two are that similar. As the reader can see, literally all the curves and strokes are exactly the same. When I take other random autographs of Truman, it's possible to see numerous differences between them. In addition, I put 50 autographs of my own on paper. Just looking at the first two letters in each autograph, without even overlaying them, it's clear that none of them are the same.
It must be said, the copying process, as well as transferring the document to 35 mm film and then printing it, clearly caused some elongation along horizontal and vertical axis. I had to compensate for these, something that is infinitely easier in the modern era than the 1990-1991 period when these issues were already observed and debated. Also, because the elongations are not equally spread throughout the autograph (maybe three different sections), it's possible that somebody put a small object or piece of cloth underneath the paper at the level of the autograph, but that doesn't take away that every single stroke and curve is absolutely similar. One is therefore forced to conclude: the Truman-Forrestal Memo is almost certainly fake. And this automatically means that the Eisenhower Briefing Document should also be thrown out. Is this surprising? Looking at the "Hollywood" code names alone, not really. And if the project was really this super-secret, one wonders why anything was put on paper in the first place.
However, we aren't done just yet with the Majestic 12 documents. Maybe we should look for evidence who created them. If we sidestep the endless debate between skeptics and believers, we find a secret that Friedman, Moore and Shandera have been trying to keep: the fact that already in the first half of 1982 Moore and National Enquirer UFO journalist Robert "Bob" Pratt were quietly working on a novel with the title MAJIK, which revolved around a "Majestic 12" group. A summary of the manuscript as of February 1982 read:
""Our 'hero' was an AFOSI agent who scoffed at UFO reports, etc., but comes to believe because he has to investigate what you call the 'infamous Ellsworth AFB incident' and later has his own UFO encounter. Because he realizes UFOs are real "knowledge most AFOSI agents don't have" he is assigned to keep tabs on people and things in the UFO world from his new posting at Kirtland. To give him a thorough understanding of the phenomenon, the Air Force sends him to Bolling Field in Washington, DC, where he is given access to a number of secret UFO files, and it is there that he first learns of Project Aquarius. ... He winds up a dead hero, his body shipped off to planets unknown on a UFO operated by aliens in cahoots with the government."
The AFOSI agent in question here is Richard Doty, Moore's primary intelligence contact. As far as we can tell, Doty first became involved in the disinformation game in January 1978 when a group of AFOSI officers he was part of sent a document to the National Enquirer about an alleged shoot out between security personnel of Ellsworth Air Force Base and aliens wearing a "glowing green metallic uniform and ... a helmet with a visor." Pratt investigated the case and in January 1984 reported in the MUFON journal that he had found more than 20 holes in the story. People have often wondered why Doty began to spread disinformation in this period. Looking at an already existing ISGP newspaper archive on UFO reports, Pratt had published the following intriguing story, entitled UFOs Spotted at Nuclear Bases And Missile Sites, in the National Enquirer of December 13, 1977:
"Mysterious UFOs flew near or hovered over nuclear bomb storage areas of two Strategic Air Command (SAC) bases and near at least 10 missile sites during a three-week period in 1975, The Enquirer has learned. Several times the Air Force scrambled jet fighters and helicopters to chase down the UFOs but failed to intercept them. ... The Enquirer uncovered these UFO sightings by digging through official Air Force documents available under the Freedom of Information Act."
Maybe the disinformation was a response to this report. Or, if Pratt was compromised like other UFO researchers, it may simply have been a continuation of existing programs. It's interesting to note though, that the above article is probably the most prominent on UFOs ever written by the National Enquirer. It also seems to be based on legitimate Air Force paperwork, with the Ellsworth document reading like a fictional elaboration on previous FOIA releases.
Maybe, just maybe, Pratt was an honest journalist who could not continue with the MAJIK manuscript after the Ellsworth story turned out to be disinformation. It still took quite a few years for news of this manuscript to leak out, the first time in the March 1989 issue of Just Cause, the journal of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS). In 2007, when private papers and tapes of the deceased Pratt became public, many additional details were revealed. These papers and audio recordings document all of Pratt's interactions with Bill Moore and in turn with Richard Doty.
From the Pratt files we learn that Moore first met with Doty and an unnamed superior in AFOSI in September 1980. In this period Bill Moore was director of special investigations of Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in Tucson, Arizona. For several months at that point Moore had been sending FOIA requests to Wright Patterson Air Force Base asking it about a project "Blue Room" which allegedly involved Roswell alien spaceship debris. Whether or not Doty had something to do with it, by December Moore had acquired an old document of the air base mentioning a "Blue Room". Wright Patterson was still unable to provide Moore with any additional documentation.
The "Blue Room/Green Room" came to famously feature in the account of Senator Barry Goldwater, like generals LeMay, Twining and Power, another darling of the American Security Council, in which he claimed to have asked his friend, LeMay, about the room. Allegedly LeMay became infuriated about this question and told Goldwater to never bring it up again. Of course, we already discussed LeMay's close association to the original Roswell event, so there is a trend here. But what kind of trend? One of information or disinformation? With Bill Moore involved it's almost certainly the latter.
Reportedly AFOSI tried to recruit Moore because of APRO's close association with Paul Bennewitz, but we shouldn't forget that Moore already had produced two nonsense books with Charles Berlitz: The Philadelphia Experiment (1978) and The Roswell Incident (1980). Quite possibly there was an already existing AFOSI association, as well as with many other individuals at APRO: Bennewitz, Colonel Wendelle Stevens and Sergeant Robert "Bob" Dean. We'll get back to these individuals.
With Moore's Blue Room FOIA requests coming to an end, the story of Majestic 12 developed. As far as we can tell, the group is first mentioned in an October 18, 1981 memo of Bill Moore, a copy of which he gave to Bob Pratt. According to the memo, AFOSI's Richard Doty informed Moore about retrieved alien bodies, the Majestic 12 group and the Aquarius UFO project that it managed. Below is partial copy of the memo:
On December 29 and 30, 1981 Bill Moore receives another briefing of Richard Doty about these subjects. On January 2 Moore visits Pratt again to discuss what to do with the information. For practical reasons, the two men decide to work the information into the MAJIK novel, later changed by Moore to The Aquarius Project. By July Pratt has finished a draft version of the story. However, Moore is complaining that the book "takes too long to develop any action. It just drags along. ... what we are trying to do ... is try to get as much of the story out with as little fiction as possible." 44 Eventually the idea of a novel is scrapped; it's never published. Yet, a few years later this story still surfaces in the form of the Majestic 12 documents.
The emerging conclusion here seems to be that the Majestic 12 documents are the project of an AFOSI disinformation campaign, with Richard Doty and Bill Moore as the primary interface between Air Force counterintelligence and the UFO community. Leading skeptics of the Majestic 12 documents, such as Phil Klass and Coast to Coast AM's Kevin Randle, try to ignore the AFOSI link, instead preferring to blame Bill Moore alone for the hoaxing. Randle, in fact, specifically made the point that "no, it wasn't the US government, the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) or any other official agency" who created the Majestic 12 documents. 45 At the same time Randle is still looking for that one UFO crash that might just be genuine, whether it's Kecksburg (1965), Shag Harbour (1967) or some other event. I have no idea what to think of them, except that researchers have never produced any additional reliable data beyond what's in the newspapers of the time. However, in case of Majestic 12, Roswell and numerous other alleged crashes, the evidence most definitely points to AFOSI and/or government manipulation. Because of the Pratt files alone we know for a fact that in mid-1981 AFOSI's Rick Doty informed Bill Moore about "UFO project ... Aquarius, classified Top Secret with access restricted to MJ 12. (MJ may be "magic")" Then, in April 1983, we have Richard Doty targeting Linda Moulton Howe with a document talking about:
- "Unidentified Aerial Vehicles";
- "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities";
- additional UFO crashes in 1946 and 1949 (Aztec);
- aliens engineering humans from primates and putting Jesus on the planet;
- "Project Moondust";
- and the instant give-away: "Project Aquarius". 46
Soon thereafter, in December 1984, Moore's friend Jaime Shandera receives the first "Majestic 12" document in the mail, which in addition mentions a "MAJIC" classification. A subsequent anonymous tip that leads to the Cutler-Twining Memo in the National Archives is given to Moore's colleague Stanton Friedman. Things couldn't get more obvious. Did enlisted AFOSI officer Richard Doty act on his own? Unlikely. One would think he'd be fired or jailed before getting anywhere.
What adds additional weight to fraud taking place, also on behalf of the supposedly independent-but-gullible UFO researchers, is that after the release of the Majestic 12 documents Moore and Shandera never mentioned the existence of his "MAJIK/The Aquarius Project" manuscript. There's not a word about it in Moore's 1989 MUFON speech, nor in any of their major articles of the time that I have read. Incredibly, during his 1989 MUFON speech Moore labeled everything Majestic 12-related as government disinformation, but did continue to argue that his own Majestic 12 documents might just be the real deal. However, it's pretty obvious that the Majestic 12 documents have the same origin as the Linda Howe material and information given to Paul Bennewitz: AFOSI. Here are excerpts of Moore's speech:
"We have been able to confirm that there is in fact a group known as MJ-12 which operates at the White House/National Security Council level. To the best of my knowledge, this group still uses the MJ-12 designator. The level of security around this group is such that we have not yet succeeded in establishing whether or not its functions are UFO related or precisely how long it has been in existence. Along these same lines, none of our sources has indicated any knowledge whatsoever of terms such as "Maji," "Majesty," "PI-40"...
"The anonymous arrival of the so-called MJ-12 documents in December of 1984 was another factor we had to contend with in this increasingly confusing web. The problem of their origin and authenticity was and remains a major issue, and on this point, our position of neutrality has constantly been misinterpreted. Therefore, for the record, it is important to point out here again that at no time have either I or any of my associates ever stated that these documents are authentic. Our position has consistently been that we do not know whether they are authentic, but that we, as investigators, remain unaware of any convincing evidence which would suggest that they are not. That position remains essentially unchanged today. ...
"There is, in fact, a Project Aquarius, possibly two of them. We have succeeded in obtaining considerable information about one such project in the 1971-73 time frame, and sketchy information about another (which may be a later extension of the first one) in the 1976-85 time frame. ... More details will be forthcoming at a later date.
"[But] the entire story of a secret treaty between the U.S. government and the aliens, of exchanges of technology between us and the aliens, of battles between aliens and American armed forces, and of aliens allegedly having implanted hundreds of thousands, even millions, of human beings for the purpose of taking over the world and using us as cattle or slaves, came about as a result of this process. I know, because I was in a position to observe much of this process as it unfolded, and I was providing regular reports on its effectiveness to some of the very people who were doing it to Paul [Bennewitz]." 47
Moore explains this aspect even better in a 1993 interview:
"The whole story of government-alien involvement, treaties with aliens, underground bases, a plot to take over the planet, implants, two different races of aliens, one hostile and one friendly, etc. was all cooked up by the counter-intelligence people for the purpose of discrediting Bennewitz. He bought it, and a lot of other people in the UFO community bought it, and they continue to buy it today. All of that stuff was cooked up as part of the operation against Bennewitz. Bennewitz was meeting with everybody who was anybody and telling that story to anyone who would listen. John Lear, and ultimately through him to Bill Cooper, Bill English, Wendelle Stevens...they all revolved around that information. It was the kind of paranoia that they wanted to hear.
"And so here's John Lear, organizer and host of the conference in Vegas, one of the chief proponents of that kind of information, staking his so-called reputation on the fact that it was all true. Linda Howe has gotten in over her head over it, all those people prepared to tell their stories, and become important forces for good in the UFO research community. Then I get up and tell them, "Folks, you've been had. And here's how I know. It isn't that I've heard it, I was part of it. I was there. I watched it happen. I knew who was doing it, and I was privy to it."" 48
In his 1989 MUFON speech Moore goes in detail about Richard Doty's disinformation project aimed at Linda Howe and specifically labels the information regarding the 1949 Aztec UFO crash as bogus and that he is actually the one who made Doty aware of this alleged crash six months before it ended up in Linda Howe's Aquarius document "leak":
"It was in late '82, during one of the many friendly discussions I had with Richard Doty, that I happened to mention that I was researching the Aztec rumor, Rick indicated that he knew nothing about that matter, and wanted me to tell him everything I could about it. I did so, and, as I recall, he took some notes. Some months later, in early 1983, I became aware that Doty was involved with a team of several others ... playing an elaborate disinformation game against a prominent UFO researcher [Linda Howe] who, at the time, had close connections with a major television film company [HBO] interested in doing a UFO documentary. ...
"Unfortunately, there was no UFO crash at Aztec. Nor was there much truth to any of the other material supplied to this particular researcher. The much touted Alien Harvest [book of Linda Howe] is really a dismal crop failure."
Strangely, during his MUFON speech Moore doesn't draw a parallel with the second crash mentioned in the Eisenhower Briefing Document: the El Indio crash in the exact same region which allegedly took place on December 6, 1950. We're supposed to believe that this one really did happen. However, as far as the evidence goes, the unidentified 1946 crash didn't happen, the 1947 Roswell crash didn't happen, the 1948 Laredo, Texas crash didn't happen, the Aztec crash of 1949 didn't happen, the 1949 Scully case is bogus, and the Barney Barnett claims beginning in early 1950 about the San Agustin crash are equally fictional. So what are the chances of the Texas - El Indio crash in December 1950 having occurred? One would think not very high.
To be more specific, this particular crash appears to have originated from a late 1960s account given by Civil Air Patrol pilot Robert B. Willingham that ended up in the files of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). Over the years Willingham has given numerous different dates for the alleged crash. One of these dates was December 1950, which he provided in a 1977 affidavit to Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) founder Todd Zechel. At the time Zechel was spinning other stories about crashed saucers, including the alleged 1948 one in Laredo, Texas. In any case, Moore was in contact with Zechel and most likely informed Rick Doty about the alleged El Indio crash of December 1950. Although the route to AFOSI may have been different, there seem to be no other candidates apart from the 1977 Willingdam affidavit. 49
What appears to have happened in case of the original Majestic 12 documents is that Roswell investigator Moore shared his own information, as well as that of Friedman and other researchers, with Doty, who subsequently recycled this information back into the UFO community in the form of leaks. According to Stanton Friedman, "Moore, Shandera and I had already picked up on all the names of the [MJ-12] list prior to receipt of the Eisenhower Briefing Document (except for Donald Menzel) as a result of many hours spent in archival research [over the Roswell affair] begun a decade ago." Other sources actually claim that Friedman was also already aware of Menzel in 1980. 50 Moore added: "Rick [Doty] is much better at following the orders and implementing the schemes of others than he is at coming up with ideas of his own. ... Rick is not the man you're after - it's the person in the control position that's important here. As far as I'm aware, no one outside of my project has any idea who that person might be, or what his motives are." 51 Unfortunately, Moore has never given out the name of Doty's superior in AFOSI, which he and Shandera termed "Falcon." They even deliberately spread disinformation to keep the identity of "Falcon" hidden. 52 We do have other "Aviary" names, but information is definitely still lacking and that is really the fault of Moore, Shandera and really also Friedman, who had been informed about these schemes in mid-1982. 53
Zechel's Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) group also features in the Aquarius Project briefing of Linda Howe. In March 1983, immediately after Linda Howe signed a contract with HBO, she was contacted by CAUS attorney Peter Gersten over the Ellsworth Air Force Base case, by that time quite a few years old. At the time, Zechel and Gersten, through Ground Saucer Watch and CAUS, were running numerous prominent FOIA requests against the Air Force and NSA to get UFO reports released. A lot of these files were related to UFOs having been spotted above nuclear missile sites and Air Force bases - like Bob Pratt at the National Enquirer was reporting on. Ellsworth Air Force Bose was a different animal, however. It makes very little sense that Gersten would take this case seriously and it is not surprising to read then that Bill Moore alluded to Gersten being a spook who cooperated with AFOSI's Richard Doty in "misleading" Howe. 54 As we all know, Howe took the bait and a month later ; a representative of CAUS, and Howe end up in Kirtland Air Force Base's AFOSI office with Richard Doty, where they are provided with the Aquarius Project briefing document. She originally wrote down the story in her book An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms, with the foreword written by SRI's and Coast to Coast AM's Jacques Vallee. Howe has continued to defend the Aquarius document for the past three decades. While her primary outlet is Coast to Coast AM, in 2010 she stated in an interview with
"Another remarkable paragraph [of the Aquarius document] said: "2000 years ago these extraterrestrials created a being to be placed on this planet to teach homo sapiens about love and non-violence. And I looked up at Doty at that point and said: "We're talking about Jesus Christ here." Not a word! He never said a word! He just looked at me and nodded and his face turned red.
"Then on the last two pages it was about projects that our government had organized related to the presence of the Extra-Terrestrial Biological entities and their Unidentifed Aerial Craft and Vehicles that went into Project Aquarius, Project Moondust and Pounce. ... Where do we stand today in 2010? With all kinds of support for Project Garnett, Project Moondust, Project Aquarius, Project Sign, you name it.
"And Bob Wood, dear Bob Wood who worked at McDonnell Douglas for years, and struggled through the Timothy Cooper [Majestic 12] release and all of the challenges there. And Bob has come up with so many verifications on documents that would basically, generally support that what I was shown was a valid historical context. The one thing in life that I have always tried to honor: my name to stand for ethical, integrity and telling the truth." 55
Well, I guess this is where Howard Blum got his documents from when he mentioned Project Moondust in his 1991 book Out There. Based on some of his other work and the fact that he was a New York Times journalist who consulted with none other that Seymour Hersh, I actually took his work serious to an extent. Guess no one is to be trusted when it comes to UFO subjects. That goes even more for Bob Wood and his son Ryan, the research duo that have been leading Majestic 12 authorities since the late 1990s - at least on shows as Coast to Coast AM and We've already briefly discussed them. From the James Woolsey section we cite:
"The wealthy [Mormon Joe] Firmage was on Coast to Coast three times in 1999. At the time he was promoting his "Project Kairos", an online book that claimed aliens had occasionally spurred human technological advancements, the last time in 1947 with the Roswell crash. There are also indications that it was his money that was used to finance the research of Robert and Ryan Wood on the Roswell/UFO-related Majestic 12 documents, all listed and analyzed at the website. [21] Robert and Ryan Wood first appeared on Coast to Coast in 1998. Since 2002 they have been invited about a dozen times, usually separately. Robert Wood used to be an employee of McDonnell Douglas, linked to Laurance Rockefeller and a financier of Colonel John Alexander's "spoon bending parties" of the early 1980s. [22] ...
"One of the examples [of the Wood's bogus Majestic 12 research] would be that on their website they give a 1952 annual report of Majestic 12 a rating of 4 out of 5 stars in terms of authenticity, even though it talks about a "retro-virus" being extracted from the Roswell aliens. The whole concept of retroviruses was only understood in the late 1970s, a few years before the outbreak of the first really deadly (to humans) retrovirus: HIV/AIDS. The term "retrovirus" wasn't used in newspapers until after HIV had been identified as such: just go and check a few newspaper archives. Of course, the early 1980s was also the period that the first leaks of the MJ-12 documents took place, so it would have been a very exciting invention, even more so because of worries at the time that HIV would kill off a large portion of the world population."
While Moore and Shandera never gave them "Aviary" names, the Woods are the perfect "birds" to continue the Roswell myth into the present era. In addition to the above information, a young Ryan Wood used to be a sales representative of the peculiar remote viewing outfit Psi-Tech of Colonel John "Penguin" Alexander. His father, Robert Wood, became a board member of the Bigelow and von Liechtenstein-funded Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR). As the reader might remember, FUFOR had just organized a Washington, D.C. meeting for all living Roswell witnesses. In the same period Friedman was enjoying a $16,000 grant of FUFOR to research the Majestic 12 documents and was field tripping with Bigelow at the Plains of San Agustin, trying to verify the fictional crash story of Barney Barnett. In 1992 Berliner and Friedman published their Roswell book Crash at Corona. Coincidentally, it was Berliner who in March 1994 received the fourth Majestic 12 "leak": the SOM1-01 manual, again talking about "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBE)" and the like. To solidify his credentials as an independent researcher, Berliner, who has appeared regularly on Coast to Coast AM, co-wrote Laurance Rockefeller's The Best Available Evidence.
When a huge batch of new Majestic 12 documents leaked in the late 1990s, Robert and Ryan Wood were there to "verify" them, with initial promotion of the documents being taken care of by multi-millionaire UFO cultist Joe Firmage. All of them ended up on Coast to Coast AM. Of course, in the same period Firmage served of the board of the Arlington Institute with former CIA director James Woolsey, with two other directors, including the group's founder, also having been invited to the radio show on more than one occasion. Firmage was also visiting Bob Dylan concerts with Colonel John Alexander. And at Edgar Mitchell's IONS he was giving two hour presentations with Jesuit Rockefeller lawyer Daniel Sheehan and Rockefeller's favorite alien abduction researcher John Mack - both also Coast to Coast AM visitors. The most important of all, Firmage provided a $1 million gift to the State of the World Forum, a new agy NGO founded in 1992 by Daniel Sheehan and a group of top level globalists. The Rockefellers, the Carnegie Corporation and Warren Buffett were other important financiers. David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Maurice Strong were among the participants in meetings. 56
The point has been made on numerous occasions in this article: we keep seeing the same interests in the background again and again. We have this "Aviary" group of intelligence officers from AFOSI, the DIA and CIA, allied with major private financiers: Laurance Rockefeller, Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein, Robert Bigelow and Joe Firmage. It's clear that all Majestic 12 documents have been "leaked" to and are debated in a small network of UFO researchers financially or otherwise maintained by this group. Conclusion: There's just absolutely no reason to take any of these documents seriously.
We aren't just entirely done yet with the Majestic 12 documents. Guess who made a surprise appearance on Coast to Coast AM on February 27, 2005? That would be Richard Doty himself, brought on the air by UFO investigator Greg Bishop. During the program Doty admitted that he "personally fed lies and disinformation to frequent Coast guest Linda Moulton Howe..." This statement doesn't seem to have changed any of Howe's views though. And for that matter, Doty immediately continued the disinformation game in very recognizable fashion:
"Among Doty's other startling revelations during the program were that Roswell actually happened (he's seen the briefing film), a living alien was recovered, and the government was involved in cattle mutilations."
On December 6, 2005 Doty was invited back on the air with Coast to Coast AM:
""Consultant Bill Ryan, retired US Military Intelligence Officer Richard Doty, and author Whitley Strieber all discussed Project Serpo, an alleged secret exchange program of [Majestic] 12 military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78. Ryan explained that he is a participant in a private ufology email forum and that in early November 2005, an "anonymous" contributor began revealing information about the Serpo Project, which Ryan has subsequently chronicled on his website"
"Project Serpo" is part of later released Majestic 12 documents. Various other guests have already discussed this alleged project. Len Kasten and John Lear come to mind as examples. As the reader can see, this story is just a variation on the original 1982 MAJIK manuscript produced by Bill Moore and Bob Pratt based on information provided by Richard Doty in 1981, more than three years before the first Majestic 12 leak to Moore's circle of ufologists.

2013, Dr. Richard Dolan having a laugh with his "ex-CIA director of Eastern United States", a witness once used by Linda Howe on Coast to Coast.
Because of all the evidence against the Majestic 12 documents, what has still been a surprise is that Rhodes scholar, "esteemed" ufologist and Coast to Coast AM regular Richard Dolan has joined the Majestic 12 bandwagon. At one point he decided to print out all documents listed on Robert and Ryan Wood's website and soon thereafter came to the conclusion that they must be genuine. I guess he ran out of things to write about. In 2013 Dolan prominently interviewed an "ex-CIA director of Eastern United States", ignoring the fact that this is a completely fictional position. The witness basically provides a superficial bedtime story that any housewife can dream up: Once upon a time... the witness and his boss--whom he never identifies--were sent to Area 51 by Eisenhower. Apparently Area 51 had gone "rogue" and wasn't keeping Eisenhower informed of research going on here. The president wanted to know what was going on here. If the base refused cooperation, Eisenhower would invade it with the First Army. The two emissionaries were subsequently able to confirm that Area 51 indeed was in the possession of the Roswell spacecraft, as well as one live alien that the whistleblower's boss could speak to. Then they flew back to Washington, informed Eisenhower and everyone lived happily ever after. The end.
In contrast to many of the Majestic 12 documents, no effort is made in this interview to make the information come across as realistic. There's certainly no danger here of the FBI accidentally being fooled. In a December 13, 2013 interview with Podcast UFO, Dolan explained he had been asked by ufologist Stephen Bassett to interview this witness and how utterly convinced he is of the truthfulness of his narrative. In the same interview Dolan states his belief that the Majestic 12 documents are real and that he has been inspired to "investigate" them as a result of the "research" of Robert and Ryan Wood. Then the real surprise--which, of course, wasn't really a suprise--followed:
"The guy did interview with Linda Moulton Howe about 15 years ago. He did a lengthy interview with her, which she had on the Art Bell show. It's gotta be somewhere in the archives. I'm trying to get Linda to make that whole thing made public. ... The point is, what he said in that interview was generally quite consistent with what he said to me. That I know. And what he then claimed is that after he went public with Linda he got a visit of the Men in Black and was frightened away. ...
"The reason he was talking to me is he has said flat that he is dying. He doesn't expect to live much longer. And he was talked into it. There was a particular researcher. I'll just give his name: Ron Garner, who worked this guy after Linda went away and after no one else talked to him, Ron Garner did. And he cultivated this man for years."
Anybody else noticing the constant incestuous relationships going on here? Bassett has been on Coast to Coast AM. He is best known for leading a bogus UFO disclosure effort alongside Steven Greer that never went anywhere. He's been on Coast to Coast AM. Howe, the Woods and Dolan are all frequent guests. And here we also have an old Coast to Coast AM-related witness being recycled once more and serving as the basis of yet another disinformative book on UFOs.
I think we can safely close the books on Majestic 12: the documents are total and complete fiction and there's not a shred of evidence that any flying saucers crashed to earth. And we also have a pretty good idea of who has been behind them. The real question is why there is such an organized and tightly-knit movement promoting them.
As discussed in the previous section, Bill Moore was recruited by AFOSI in 1980. He had been director of special investigations of the Tucson-based Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) for a year at that point. As it turns out, he wasn't he only AFOSI recruit in this organization. A January 2, 1982 memo of Moore from the Pratt files reveals:
"Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens (USAF ostensibly retired) is in reality an active agent for AF Intelligence. He is part of the government's "disinformation" program with respect to UFOs and civilian efforts. Doty advised me in strong terms to "Forget about it and Leave him alone!" He says he has known this for some time, but waited to see how much I knew before telling me." 57

Colonel Stevens appeared on Coast to Coast AM in the 1990s. Because the Webarchive of was removed two weeks after the original version of this article was published, I'm not certain of the exact dates, but Art Bell himself responsed to Stevens' 2010 obituary on with: "So sorry. I had a couple of chances to Interview him on Coast." Stevens was already a veteran of APRO by the time Bill Moore came around in 1979. He had become director of investigations after his retirement in 1972. At the time the group was still very respectable. In 1968 six APRO scientists testified about the UFO phenomenon before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics. A year later APRO members laid the foundation for Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Project Blue Book investigator J. Allen Hynek of the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) was also full of praise of APRO. The group became more controversial in the 1970s. With persons as Bill Moore and Colonel Wendelle Stevens in its ranks it's not hard to see why.
Stevens is best known as a researcher of the Billy Meier case in the 1978-1982 period. Meier lived in the Swiss Alps and claimed to be in touch with Semjase and other aliens from the Pleiades. To prove his case, he took many close-up photographs of what appear to be bright metallic spaceships with almost no detail on them. The case has largely been kept alive through regular Coast to Coast AM visitor Michael Horn, with Stevens claiming he once witnessed Meier getting beamed up in one of the Pleijaran spaceships. Well, he didn't really see it. He opened the front door of Meier's house seconds after Meier stepped out, but couldn't find a trace of him anymore.

Upper-right: C2C's Col. Wendelle Stevens (right) with Stefan Denaerde, contactee of aliens from "Iarga". Bottom: Ans Hoornweg with "Iarga" aliens.
There's a minor "alien teacher" theme in the activities of Colonel Wendelle Stevens. In the Netherlands he has been photographed with Stefan Denaerde. Denaerde claimed to have stumbled across a flying saucer sitting underwater, complete with aliens from the planet "Iarga". The friendly aliens kept communicating with Denaerde, teaching him everything about life and the universe. He put all this information in the 1969 book Buitenaardse Beschaving (Alien Civilization), which spawned a minor cult following. Among the promoters of the material is Ans Hoornweg, who has maintained a creepy doll collection of Denaerde's aliens. Luckily this material is extremely low profile with literally no one interested in it.
In any case, one of Stevens' closest associates was Jim Dilettoso, once a computer scientist for NASA working out of Phoenix's Jet Propulsion Laboratories. In 1977 Dilettoso did the photo analysis for the Billy Meier case. Years later, in 1990, Stevens and Dilettoso set up the International UFO Congress. Looking at a video of the event, we see Dilettoso introducing a 439-year-old Omnec Onec from Venus. It's hard to believe anyone in the crowd--which was very small--would have taken the material serious. Dressed in a cheap silver space suit, Dilettoso can be heard asking if Omnec Onec makes her shoes herself. In April 1993 the Phoenix New Times described the activities of Dilettoso and Stevens as follows:
"He's fun to be around," says Michael Malin, a NASA scientist whom Dilettoso consulted while analyzing photographs of UFOs. "He's not at all crazy, but about half of what he says is bullshit and half of it is probably not far from the truth. The problem is trying to figure out which is which. He does tend to get involved in more fanciful notions than you or I."
"The cast of characters that wander in and out of his home and his studio are equally peculiar: a retired Air Force colonel who has the walk and affect of a spook [Wendelle Stevens]; a blind TV director who has a show about UFOs. Jeff Harris, chief sound engineer for a major Hollywood recording studio, recalls going to Dilettoso's ranch to meet a former Navy SEAL who claimed he had guarded alien spacecraft. ...
"His girlfriend, Susan Gordon, claims to he a UFO contactee and lectures nationwide as to whether extraterrestrials are really angels." 58

The story surrounding the Navy SEAL, "Connor O'Ryan", is that he first contacted Wendelle Stevens, who subsequently hid him out at Dilettoso's ranch. O'Ryan, who apparently felt he was anonymous when wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap when interviewed on camera by Stevens, spun stories of underground storage of UFOs and aliens at Area 51. It's all very much in line with AFOSI-inspired propaganda surrounding Majestic 12 and the Bennewitz affair released roughly a decade earlier. Dilettoso has been invited to Coast to Coast on a number of occasions and also features in the adventures of Steven Greer. In Greer's 2006 Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge book, Dilettoso is (anonymously) described as "a person who is black ops but presents himself as a concerned UFO researcher and digital image analyst." That description seems quite fitting. But then Greer goes on describing the "Connor O'Ryan" saga as if this person truly possessed a video of an "an alien reproduction vehicle or an actual ET craft [that] went out of control and crash-landed near a military facility in Canada." I've never seen the tape, but I doubt it.
It get's better. Coincidentally, beginning in 1976, Stevens' neighbor across the street became Sergeant Robert Dean. The two became close friends, with both being active for the Tucson sheriff's department and APRO. In the 1998-2005 period Dean appeared on Coast to Coast AM eight times. He was also a key witness of Steven Greer's Disclosure Project, to whom he spoke about a fictional Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO), a forged NATO document describing different alien species, and provided other bogus information. Later on Dean even spread stories about the Anunnaki to Youtube-centered disinformation outfit Project Camelot. Curiously, before all this, in January 1996, Laurance Rockefeller, Senator Claiborne Pell and C.B. Scott Jones were lobbying congress to grant congressional immunity to Dean, whom they claimed was willing to speak out about UFO secrecy. 59 Guess that once again establishes the agenda of Laurance Rockefeller and allies: they never had any intention of spreading legitimate information. The only thing they have done is make the subject completely impossible to discuss in any serious matter.
Other alien messengers, "Tolec" and "Zoltar" from Andromeda, will have to wait until a later section.
How the CIA ran NICAP and NICAP brought us the first alien abduction
The first well known alien abduction researcher is Coast to Coast AM veteran Stanton Friedman. In contrast to other researchers, Friedman has exclusively focused on the Betty and Barney Hill case of 1961, which is where the whole alien abduction business started. The Hills claimed they were followed around by a light in the sky, which soon turned out to be a flying saucer. The humanoid inhabitants of the saucer kidnapped and examined the Hills for a number of hours. At the time, the Hills did not remember this aspect of their experience, however. They were only aware they had experienced a bout of "missing time".

Spielberg, by the way, has been a member of the "Mega Group", together with the Bronfmans, Jeffrey Epstein mentor Leslie Wexner and other billionaire Zionists. 60 Considering the ties of this group to the Israeli government and the fact that pretty much all Hollywood production studios are controlled by Jews 61, I sincerely doubt it is possible to produce anything even remotely realistic. The usual CIA-Mossad alliance would stop anything too controversial.
Friedman only became involved in the case in 1968, four years after others had already began to draw the conclusion that the Hills were kidnapped by aliens from Zeta Reticuli, a binary star system 39 light years from Earth which even today shows no evidence of planets circling around it. The Betty and Barney Hill case may actually provide us with an additional clue as to who recruited Friedman as an intelligence asset, because as we shall see, Friedman's research on Roswell and Majestic 12 is extremely manipulative. By the early 1980s, Friedman most definitely fell under the influence of a disinformation network involving the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI - Air Force counter-intelligence) with the aid of private financiers as Robert Bigelow, Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein, Joe Firmage and Laurance Rockefeller. This will be discussed in more detail later on in this article, but is something to keep in mind because the abduction phenomenon is equally heavily manipulated by the same interests.
The case of Betty and Barney Hill was initially brought to national attention by the National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), the premier civilian UFO research organization in existence from 1956 to 1980. Immediately after her alleged September 1961 experience, Betty Hill contacted the local Pease Air Force Base. Assigned base personnel did not take the sighting seriously. After reading a book of Donald Keyhoe, the head of NICAP, Betty wrote him a letter. NICAP subsequently conducted a 6 hour interview with the couple, which was followed by a report entitled A Dramatic UFO Encounter in the White Mountains. Soon thereafter, on October 3-5, Keyhoe informed two interested NICAP contacts/members, both mid-level IBM employees, about the case. These men conducted their own lengthy interview with the Hills on November 25, 1961. By questioning the witnesses in detail they determined that the couple had experienced two to three hours of missing time. They agreed that hypnosis might be useful in bringing back details of the experience. From there the case grew more and more famous. In 1975 even a television movie was made of the episode. Stanton Friedman was brought in as a consultant, with actor James Earl Jones playing Barney Hill.
Nothing out of the ordinary until here, right? Well, appearances can deceive. Apart from the question if the event really happened, under all circumstances it can be concluded that the Hill abduction case has essentially been brought to the world by a network of ranking CIA, USAF and Navy officers. Keyhoe used to be a classmate of Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, the third CIA director from 1947 to 1950. Hillenkoetter himself actually sat on the NICAP board from 1957 to 1962, acting as its chairman. He is well known for publicly attacking the Air Force over UFO secrecy:
"Through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense... to hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel." 62
Considering the Air Force is subordinate to the secretary of defense and the president, one can wonder how realistic this accusation is. In fact, a memo uncovered by Dr. James E. McDonald of the University of Arizona and the Tuczon-based Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), another key civilian UFO research group besides NICAP, actually stated that the CIA had ordered the Air Force to cover up the UFO situation:
"While doing research at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, where the Air Force filed its flying saucer reports, McDonald said he discovered the CIA order with the notation that its role not be disclosed. McDonald said the order was attached to a book of UFO investigations compiled by scientists and called the Robertson Report." 63
This information only makes sense, because the Robertson Panel, which gathered in secret in 1953 to review the files of the Air Force's UFO studies Project Sign, Project Grudge and the ongoing Project Blue Book, was headed and put together by CIA and DOD consultant Howard P. Robertson. The appointed secretary of the panel, Frederick C. Durant, was a CIA officer. Among the half dozen panel members was also Luis Alvarez, a national security scientist very familiar to ISGP. He was involved in the Manhattan Project, joined the JASON Group, became a prominent Kennedy conspiracy debunker with two other JASON Group members, and has been accused of covering up Israeli nuke tests in the Indian Ocean. Before the panel officially met, which was only for 12 hours in total, it was already verbally agreed that UFOs had to be debunked to quiet the public's interest. This is exactly the conclusion that the panel reached.
While NICAP played a key role in informing the public on secret congressional hearings on UFOs in 1957 and getting the Robertson Panel report released in the same period, does this mean that NICAP can be trusted? Not really. Where to even start? There's too much to really discuss in detail, so what follows is a quick oversight of CIA and ultra-right ties of NICAP:
Name / NICAP position |
Background |
Donald Keyhoe President Jan. 1957-1969. Board member 1969-. |
Classmate and friend of former CIA director Hillenkoetter. |
Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter Chairman board 1957-1962. |
CIA director 1947-1950. |
Bernard Carvalho Co-founder and president of the membership committee. |
CIA officer often used as a go-between with private corporations. |
Nicolas de Rochefort Co-founder and vice president 1956. |
CIA officer Psychological Warfare Department. |
Karl Pflock Chair Washington subcommittee late 1960s - early 1970s. |
USMC and USAF reserve 1960-1966. CIA briefing officer 1966-1972. Senior editor American Enterprise Institute 1972-1981. Defense specialist staffer for Jack Kemp (ASC) 1981-1983, Ken Kramer 1983-1985. Deputy assistant secretary of defense for operational test and evaluation under Reagan 1985-1989. Senior strategic planner BDM International 1989-1992. Moved to New Mexico in 1993. Researched Roswell. Skeptical, but initially still over-relied on bogus witness testimony. Wife was chief of staff to congressman Steven Schiff, who he inspired to look into Roswell. |
Col. Joseph Bryan III Joined in 1959, analyzing some of its best cases. Board Feb. 1962-1970s, chairman late 1960s. |
Founding chief of political and psychological warfare at the CIA 1947-1953. Only acknowledged his CIA involvement to NICAP members in 1977. Denied he had anything to do with Keyhoe's firing in 1969, but it was found out at the time he had described Keyhoe as "inept" to other board members. |
Gen. Albert Wedemeyer Appeared as a supporter on a NICAP letterhead around 1957. |
Part of MacArthur's fascist clique of generals. Suspected of leaking FDR's war plans against Nazi Germany to cause public protest. ASC strategy board. Board U.S. Global Strategy Council after NICAP. |
Harry C. Cooper Board 1971-. |
CIA officer 1947-1966. Covert operations veteran. Retired as special assistant to the CIA deputy director for intelligence. |
Gen. Robert Richardson III Board 1971-. |
Air Force general with appointments at the EU and NATO. ASC strategy board. Long-time secretary/treasurer of the Security and Intelligence Fund of CIA counter-intelligence chief (1954-1974) James Angleton, of whom he was a real close friend. Tied to the laundering of CIA opium/ heroin trafficking funds. Deeply involved in SDI/Star Wars after NICAP. |
John Fisher Board Oct. 1978-. |
Once an FBI special agent. Founder and long-time president ASC. In 1976 a founding director of the Security and Intelligence Fund of CIA counter-intelligence chief (1954-1974) James Angleton (ASC). President WACL U.S. Involved with the Religious Roundtable. |
Charles Lombard Board Oct. 1978-. |
CIA officer. Staffer Church Committee, which looked into CIA and FBI abuses. Science aide to the ASC's Barry Goldwater. |
G. Stuart Nixon Low-level staffer 1960s. Became secretary-treasurer ±1969 and executive director early 1970s. |
NICAP logs of the late 1960s and early 1970s revealed that Nixon frequently met with CIA officers Art Lundahl, director of the CIA's National Photographic Center; Fred Durant, CIA OSI missile expert involved in the Robertson Panel; and Dr. Charles Sheldon, an Agency consultant. When questioned why the NICAP logs revealed an apparently completely absent interaction with NICAP's Joseph Bryan III, Nixon refused to comment. |
John Acuff President May 1970 - Oct. 1978. Remained on board. |
CIA officer. |
Alan N. Hall President Dec. 1978 - 1980. |
CIA officer. |
CIA infiltration of NICAP from the very beginning is so obvious that it has actually been discussed by quite a number of authors that otherwise produce little but disinformation. It also provides strong confirmation that the American Security Council and related groups, such as the World Anti-Communist League and U.S. Global Strategy Council, have been used by the CIA to influence domestic affairs, a case which ISGP has been making on previous occasions. Still, it was quite a surprise to find so many ASC-affiliated and related hard-right individuals on the NICAP board. The American Security Council can be linked to just about any conspiracy of the 20th century and it appears UFOs are no exception. And we will be running into it on more occasions in this article.
The CIA and ultra-right infiltration has not just been observed by outsiders. In a 1994 paper Richard H. Hall, the long-time assistant to Donald Keyhoe in the 1958-1969 period, who later was involved in discussions on how to best preserve the NICAP files, wrote:
"Given his background, Admiral Hillenkoetter's comments during this [early] period carried a lot of weight with newsmen. NICAP'S early successes can be attributed primarily to Major Keyhoe's journalistic skills and his Navy connections. Quite a few impressive UFO cases were funneled into NICAP by senior Navy officers. ... "I will elaborate a little on this [late 1969-1980] period of decline and fall because it is an important and curious one in the history of the organization. A number of former CIA operatives and ultraconservative political figures were involved. It is tempting for me to think that their gradual dismantling of NICAP--as opposed to abruptly pulling the plug and possibly attracting undue attention--was a deliberate master plan. However, I cannot prove this and can only speculate on it." 64 |
Hall is of the opinion that Hillenkoetter and Keyhoe were honest UFO enthusiasts. I'm not so sure of that, despite the fact that I've hardly come across Hillenkoetter over 11 years of ISGP research. A former CIA director and his former classmate running the premier UFO investigation group without any kind of manipulation? That's a first. Let's face it, all CIA directors besides Hillenkoetter have been a bunch of criminal corporate fascists, so why would Hillenkoetter be any different? His public accusations against the Air Force mean very little. The Air Force takes orders from the CIA, secretary of defense and president. And even CIA psywar expert Colonel Bryan III allowed Keyhoe to quote him as:
"The UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the Earth, either manned or remote-controlled, or both. Information on UFOs has been officially withheld. This policy is dangerous."
This was just Bryan's way of getting his foot in the door and about giving himself credibility as an independent investigator. He never disclosed his CIA psywar background and in 1969, as chairman of the NICAP board, he played an important role in the ouster of Keyhoe, who, according to various reports, shifted the blame for UFO secrecy from the Air Force to the CIA. 65 As we will see on various occasions in this article, intelligence assets appear to have a tendency to play characters, even in private and sometimes their entire lives. It's like a movie script is being followed, or these long-term scenarios created by the WWE. J. Allen Hynek of the Condon Committee and Blue Book might just be such a person. He went from being an extremely skeptical debunker to all of a sudden seeing the light, setting up his Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) in 1973, and becoming one of the leading lights in ufology. His CUFOS took over all of NICAP's files in 1980 and one of his proteges, Don Schmitt, to this day is a leading Roswell spin doctor on Coast to Coast AM.
As for the Hills, as expected. they themselves were not the average run-of-the-mill couple either. Present with the Hills when they were questioned by the IBM employees was Air Force intelligence officer and CIA officer Major James McDonald, one of the closest friends of the Hills. In fact, the Hills regularly spent their Saturday nights at the officer's club of Pease Air Force Base. They also knew many Air Force officers of the base through church meetings. 66 It was also MacDonald who first suggested hypnosis to the Hills during the interview. A coincidence? Who knows, maybe the CIA, high level military and ultra-right ties of NICAP officers are also just a coincidence. Or that some of these NICAP directors can be tied to other major conspiracies. Maybe all of the following information pointing to the CIA, AFOSI and private financiers manipulating the UFO, new age and alien abduction movement is also just one giant coincidence.
As for a final coincidence in this section: in the 1975 television movie on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction Barney was played by actor James Earl Jones. By the 1980s Jones sat on the board of Knights of Malta outfit AmeriCares, an usual location to find an actor to say the least. We've already discussed this group, which can be linked to death squads and two or three separate accusations of high level child abuse. Board members were numerous members of the Bush family, Zbigniew Brzezinski, General Richard Stilwell, and Colin Powell.
IBM, by the way, is founded and controlled by the Watsons, once a pro-fascist family and together with the Morgans and Rockefellers generational members of the elite Pilgrims Society. It is not known, however, to what extent the two IBM electrical engineers involved in the Betty and Barney Hill case acted on their own, were intelligence assets, or acted on behalf of the Watson family. Considering computers technology has always been the business of IBM, it is not unthinkable that there was a degree of interest in the potential technology behind UFOs.
Moving on from the Betty and Barney Hill case, the oversight below sheds some light on the elite connections to the alien abduction phenomenon since the late 1970s. The most obvious link is to the 1001 Club, a group whose membership lists were first published by ISGP. The 1001 is basically the secret financial trust behind the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and forms a cornerstone of the elite international conservation movement, with the Rockefellers and Rothschilds at its core. These two families have been accused of many things, but their deep ties to the sustainable development movement have been well-documented on this site, among other places in the "liberal CIA" article.
As discussed, the Bechtels and their friends in the Bohemian Grove and 1001 Club were sitting right on top of SRI's remote viewing and psi research of the 1970s and 1980s.
Laurance Rockefeller is primarily associated with UFO-related programs of the 1990s: the Rockefeller initiative to have Clinton open the books on UFOs and the financing of Dr. John Mack's alien abduction research, Colin Andrews' crop circle research, Steven Greer's Project Starlight, and ultimately the UFO Briefing Document: the Best Available Evidence, written by Marie Galbraith and Stanton Friedman's co-author, Don Berliner. The Human Potential Foundation, in which Laurance put a lot of money, financed a conference here and there, most notably the Cosmic Cultures event of 1995. Wonderfully reliable researchers as Zecharia Sitchin and Richard Boylan were invited here, not to mention John Mack. 67

However, it appears Laurance was already involved in this type of research in the early 1980s. As already discussed, it was the McDonnell Foundation, of McDonnell Douglas, which Laurance helped set up, that financed the well known "spoon bending parties" of General Albert Stubblebine and Colonel John Alexander. Jack Houck and later MJ-12 researcher Robert Wood, as employees of McDonnell Douglas, were involved in organizing these parties. Even deputy director of the CIA, John McMahon, is known to have been present at one of these parties. 68 Ever heard Steven Greer brag about how Laurance Rockefeller spoke to him about his friend, "old man McDonnell?" McDonnell had gone to Princeton with Laurance Rockefeller and the latter later helped him set up McDonnell Douglas. Over time, Laurance slowly reduced his share, but obviously the military aircraft manufacturer remained a primary asset of Laurance.
The Laurance Rockefeller tie to the spoon bending parties of General Albert Stubblebine and Colonel John Alexander provides evidence that these men have been interacting since at least the early 1980s, when stories about alien abductions, underground bases, and UFO back engineering programs were still at their infancy. It is also at this point that the Majestic 12 documents were first "leaked". In case of Colonel John Alexander's relationship with Prince Hans Adam von Liechtenstein we can demonstrate that it goes back to at least 1988, right when Hans Adam and Robert Bigelow began pouring money in the Intruders Foundation of Budd Hopkins and in the Human Potential Foundation of C.B. Scott Jones. This soon led to the first of four exclusive and private Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma (TREAT) conferences in which General Albert Stubblebine, Colonel John Alexander and their partners played leading roles. Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, John Mack and notorious remote viewer Ed Dames all began spinning a variety of stories about alien abductions. 69 The Rockefeller-backed Mack put the phenomenon in positive light. Budd Hopkins, not so much. As for horror stories about hibernating aliens and various apocalyptic scenarios, Ed Dames, a former subordinate of Alexander and Stubblebine, would have been your man. He still is to this day actually, right on Coast to Coast AM.
Another friend of General Stubblebine and Colonel Alexander, Robert Bigelow, also put up funds for these TREAT conferences, as well as the 1992 MIT abduction study and a Roper Poll on Alien Abductions, the results of which were sent to virtually every psychiatrist in the country. As already discussed, the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR) was co-funded by Bigelow and von Liechtenstein. It was deeply involved in financing bogus Roswell research.
Of course there is evidence here and there that not everything has always been smooth between these financiers and their primary assets, but overall it seems to be a very tight-knit group that has been controlling the alien abduction movement. These men include Laurance Rockefeller, Prince Hans Adam, Senator Claiborne Pell, Robert Bigelow, Maurice Strong, Colonel John Alexander and General Albert Stubblebine. Pell, Laurance and Strong were certainly very close and every author associated with them tends to support their views about the United Nations, new age spiritualism and conservation issues, especially with regard to the global warming debate. Steven Greer, John Mack and crop circle investigator Colin Andrews are primary examples of this.

Expose Art Bell style: famous 1997 broadcast in which an alleged Area 51 worker calls in. The man is running around the country, trying to escape the government and, more problematic maybe, interdimensional aliens. The broadcast became famous, because it went down half way during the phone call, with Art first explaining his "transmitter went belly up" and later, more dramatically, that "the satellite went down". The man, "Bryan", calls back on April 28, 1998 to explain: "Everybody, I am the Area 51 caller. ... I have no idea [why the system went down] and it scared the heebee jeebees out of me that night. I've called a number of times ... doing all kinds of different, wacky characters..." Then "Bryan" does quite an impressive re-enactment of the "Area 51 call". Makes you wonder a lot of things: Was this one of Col. Alexander's psywar/psiwar experiments? He had joined the show earlier that year. Did Art shut down his own transmitter? Do other people call in with fake voices? Art didn't seem bothered at all by that last revelation. And it must be said, most callers sound like they have been lobotomized.
Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein is harder to understand than the Rockefeller clique. While extremely close to the whole Pell family, Hans Adam was also a relative of Otto von Habsburg, who stood at the center of Europe's Opus Dei and Knights of Malta-dominated Vatican-Paneuropa network. Habsburg was very, very radical and his network was basically the natural partner of the CIA and Pentagon during the Cold War. For example, General Richard Stilwell, a Knight of Malta and seemingly a bit of handler of Colonel John Alexander, is known to have visited at least one CIA-Pentagon-Opus Dei ran Cercle meeting, founded by Habsburg. With Hans Adam it is very hard to say how deep his religious fanaticism goes, as he doesn't seem to make any public statements about his beliefs. He is, however, very interested in the paranormal, which is rather uncharacteristic of a person accused by Steven Greer of being the "chief funder of Opus Dei." He is also very close to the Pell family, which in turn has been close to the Rockefellers and involved in the elite Pilgrims Society. As ISGP's index of institutes demonstrates, the Liechtenstein family has a number of other Anglo-American elite connections. If I had to speculate, I'd say Hans Adam and a number of family members serve as an ideal bridge between two different establishments.
Steven Greer is probably the person who mentioned the largest amount of elites he met or became aware of during his travels: the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Peter Peterson, George Shultz, the Bechtels, Maxwell Rabb, Claiborne Pell, Prince Philip and a few others. The bizarre thing is that all the persons just mentioned are members of the Pilgrims Society and/or 1001 Club and, as usual, appear very high in ISGP's Superclass Index, a coincidence that never ceases to amaze me. Whatever conspiracy is put under the magnifying glass, we always find the same group of several dozen top persons involved. Or maybe we should say: allegedly involved, as nothing is ever proven, of course.
Of course, Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein was also mentioned by Greer. According to Greer, Hans Adam is convinced that aliens abducted his brother and that the world needs to fight this alien presence, hence his funding of Budd Hopkins' Intruders Foundation. Greer in his book Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge:
"In the spring and summer of 1994, I started reaching out to some other folks who were involved in overseas operations related to UFOs. And one of them was S.A. [Hans Adam von Liechtenstein], a crown prince. A friend of his, who was also interested in what we were doing and was very supportive, suggested that I talk to him and felt that we should get together. Prince S. A. was also friends with Laurance Rockefeller, and as it turned out, had been pulled into the Col. MK [John Alexander] / General T.E. [Albert Stubblebine] / W .B. [Robert Bigelow] shadow cell operating here in the United States. ...
"We met in July of 1994. He was in New York City, staying at the Four Seasons Pierre Hotel, which is on Fifth Avenue near Central Park, not far from Laurance Rockefeller's home. ... He is very elegant, courteous and friendly. ... He said, "The aliens won't let you [disclose anything]." I said, "Really?" Well, it turns out the Prince's brother had been abducted by what he thought were aliens. But the Prince did not know that the abduction was done by a covert paramilitary operation. ... Prince S.A. told me these extraterrestrials had been the cause of every conflict on Earth since Adam and Eve and that they were the ones enforcing the secrecy! I asked, "Really?""
While not a whole lot that comes out of Greer's mouth, or that of his Disclosure Project witnesses, is the truth 70, it is rather peculiar that he has gotten away with naming all these top people as being involved in the UFO and alien phenomenon. But equally peculiar is the fact that the truth is always being twisted, even when insiders appear to speak to each other. In the same segment as quoted above, Greer claims that Hans Adam explained to him that back in the day when the Soviet Union came to an end, George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev and United Nations secretary general Javier Perez de Cuellar wanted to disclose the fact that UFOs are real and that the earth is being visited by aliens. As a result Perez de Cuellar was swooped up in typical alien abduction fashion.
That sounds utterly ridiculous, doesn't it? Funny enough, when one checks the newspapers, it can be found out that this rumor swirled around at cocktail parties back in the early 1990s and that Hans Adam and his personal alien abduction expert Budd Hopkins were trying to get Perez de Cuellar to make a statement on the issue. De Cuellar refused to confirm or deny the rumor. The issue became even more complex in later years. As already explained, Hopkins was exposed by his wife as a scam artist. Much of the material she made available focused on the case of De Cuellar. First of all, Hopkins doesn't talk about De Cuellar being kidnapped; just that he was purposely made to witness an alien abduction, this as a treat of what could happen to him. The problem is that the supposed abductee and all witnesses were beyond unreliable. Even if anything ever happened, it is clear that Hopkins had an agenda to twist the truth. 71
It appears that the whole alien abduction movement is a scam from A to Z. Hans Adam, Budd Hopkins and seemingly General Stubblebine and superiors had an agenda to put alien abductions on the map and paint it in a very negative light. John Mack, financed by Laurance Rockefeller, provided the alternative point of view during debates on the subject. Other alien abduction researchers in the more positive Rockefeller corner include Dr. Leo Sprinkle and Dr. Richard Boylan, although in the evidence department none of them are particularly strong equipped. While all researchers agreed that genetic experimentation is taking place to create a hybrid race, Mack, Sprinkle and Boylan are of the opinion that this effort is beneficial to both the aliens and humans.
That's all nice and well, but Hopkins' wife clearly demonstrated that Hopkins was manipulating his hypnotic subjects by engaging in discussions with them about what they might encounter during hypnosis sessions. According to Hopkins' wife, abduction researcher David Jacobs did the same thing. And looking at Mack's highly praised and Rockefeller-funded 1995 book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, it instantly becomes clear that he doesn't provide any evidence for his claims. He only relates extensive accounts of 7 witnesses or so. All but one of these individuals are extreme new agers and/or conservationists. He also ignores the numerous non-spacecraft paranormal experiences his witnesses describe when he comes to the conclusion of physical alien spacecraft doing the abducting. At most his "evidence" consists of occasional dreamstate-like accounts of the interior of a spacecraft. Another witness used by Mack is Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, who in the same period "confirmed" to David Icke his theory that influential humans are actually reptilian aliens. Mack's research is extremely flimsy and Harvard's decision to try and fire him was hardly a case of persecution. Of course, Mack was allowed to stay on after Disclosure Project and Rockefeller lawyer Daniel Sheehan, with elite ties to George Bush, George Shultz, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski and others, came to his aid. 72

As we continue to dig into alien abduction land we find more and more elitist ties. One of the most important promoters of the typical alien abduction myth by gray aliens has been Whitley Strieber, who has also grown to be one of the closest friends of Art Bell. In the mid-1980s Strieber, after having established himself as an author of science-fiction horror novels about werewolves and vampires, became an alien abduction "patient" of Budd Hopkins. Their sessions resulted in the 1987 book Communion. Backed by a $1 million dollar promotional investment of the William Morrow publishing company, owned by the Hearst Corporation, the book became rose to no less than the no. 1 position on the New York Times best-sellers list and became one of the cult classics of the then emerging alien abduction movement.
Once again this bizarre "in role" phenomena pops up. From the very start Strieber has dead-seriously been making the claim that laughing about his alleged abduction experiences is similar to making fun of rape victims. That's one way to stifle debate. A surprisingly mild The Nation article reviewing his book at the time just oozes sympathy and largely went along with this line of reasoning. Whitley has related how he went through years of horrible ridicule and persecution based on the story he was telling, until, finally, there was this angel called Art Bell who invited him to speak without interruption on his Dreamland show. Finally Strieber felt accepted and a close friendship blossomed between these two men. In 1999 Strieber took over as host of Art Bell's Dreamland show, with Art Bell continuing with Coast to Coast AM. That same year the two penned the book The Coming Global Superstorm, painting a even more catastrophic global warming scenario than Al Gore would do 7 years later. Today most people know Strieber through his website UnknownCountry and his regular Coast to Coast AM appearances.
If someone smelled a Rockefeller when reading about the book The Coming Global Superstorm, they might well be right. Already in 1970, Strieber joined the Gurdjieff Foundation of New York, where he learned deep meditation and became good friends of the leadership. President of the foundation from 1984 until his death was William J. Welch, a person who happens to have been a member of the Century Association, along with generations of Rockefellers and elite individuals as Dwight Eisenhower, Allen Dulles, Dean Rusk, Henry Kissinger, Caspar Weinberger and Brooke Astor (all also Pilgrims Society members). One of Strieber's key "mentors" within the Gurdjieff Foundation became Jean Sulzberger, whose father David was the brother of New York Times publisher, Pilgrims Society member and Century Association member Arthur Hays Sulzberger (1891-1968). In another surprise, Strieber established these ties in the days that he still was a management supervisor and vice-president of a New York-based advertisement firm, so he may well have been acquainted with Arthur Sulzberger himself and a number of other Pilgrims Society members. We also know that the mother of the "Rockefeller Five", as well as Laurance Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller's son, Steven C. Rockefeller, took a very active interest in spirituality, Zen Buddhism in particular. What are the chances Strieber never interacted with these individuals, especially in light of Strieber's later association with Budd Hopkins? Hopkins may have been backed by Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein in particular, but Laurance Rockefeller was operating right besides them, taking a slightly more positive approach to the alleged problem of worldwide alien abductions. Just as bizarre, according to Strieber, one of his other mentors at the Gurdjieff Foundation of New York, wealthy publicist William Segal, explained to him "fifteen minutes with [the aliens who are abducting you], fifteen years of meditation." In other words, one gets the impression that the Gurdjieff Foundation of New York was some kind of bizarre cult, most likely with a little CIA involvement. In another coincidence, the 1st edition inside flap of Strieber's 1981 book The Hunger reads:
"[Strieber] has traveled through many parts of the world, working in fields as diverse as intelligence and filmmaking. His underground films were shown frequently in England in the late sixties. His other work includes a documentary on the Process Church of Final Judgment, an unusual religious group that has been connected with satanism."
Strieber later denied he ever had any involvement with intelligence, but his life story is a rather intriguing one. From alleged intelligence ties to involvement in the Process Church saga, which, looking at Maury Terry's book The Ultimate Evil, quite possibly involved a CIA mind control experiment. Then on to New York high society and the bizarre and elite Gurdjieff Foundation, which might well have been another CIA cult experiment. Subsequently Strieber becomes a key asset of the UFO abduction movement, controlled by elite financiers with ties to the intelligence services. Finally Strieber becomes a key guests of the extremely disinformative Coast to Coast AM show, which ISGP has been suspecting forever of being run like some kind of MKULTRA cult network. In addition, we shouldn't forget that The Nation magazine, which wrote rather positively about Strieber's Communion book, has been financed with millions of the Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie and Soros foundations while the Hearst Corporation, which invested $1 million in promoting Strieber's book, was controlled by a member of the Industrial Relations Committee of the American Security Council, a group that basically acts as an ultraright front of the CIA.
Speaking of the CIA, another latter-day addition to this article is Derrell Sims. I first ran into this individual while watching a September 2013 episode of Joe Rogan Questions Everything on alien abductions. Here Sims explained to be fascinated by alien abductions, but to be specifically looking for indisputable evidence for these type of activities going on. Thus he became one of these handful of "researchers" (Dr. Roger Leir is another) who focuses on physical trace cases. In the program Sims shows Joe Rogan two small metal spheres that supposedly were retrieved from the body of a person freshly abducted by aliens. As anyone could predict, a laboratory analysis quickly revealed that nothing out of the ordinary had been found: the spheres consisted of 74% gold and 25% silver.
What actually immediately caught my attention was that Sims introduced himself on the show as a former CIA covert operations veteran. Maybe in the 1980s that still would have garnered a little bit of credibility, but one would expect that in the modern age this immediately raises a red flag. A quick check revealed that since 2006 Sims has been a frequent Coast to Coast AM guest, which is another huge red flag. Then, in his biography we read that after two years in the CIA covert operations departmant Sims gained over 30 years of experience as a private investigator, which happens to be one of the favorite occupations of "retired" CIA officers who actually have no intention of retiring. It's just a great private sector cover for illegal domestic CIA operations. In any case, Sims actually considers himself a former abductee and has received degrees that make him a "Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Certified Hypnotic Anesthetist [and] Certified Master Neurolinguistic Practitioner." With credentials like these and all the insights we have acquired at this point one is actually forced to wonder how many alleged alien abduction victims Sims has been trying to help - or how many he has created.
Believe it or not, such accusations actually exist. They have been leveled in a number of newspaper articles and affidavits against Coast to Coast AM guest Dr. Colin Ross. These accusations primarily involve the implanting of false Satanic Ritual Abuse memories, but going through the affidavits one also finds the occasional alien abduction mixed in. Allegedly Ross has been implementing these false memories in true MKULTRA style by dosing victims with a variety of drugs and making suggestive remarks. If true, could things get any more devious? Here we have the chief public critic of MKULTRA programs and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation - with all its MKULTRA ties - who might just secretly have been providing the fuel through MKULTRA means for the FMSF to make the case that therapists have been implanting false memories into their patients. Devious indeed. It would make sense though. Coast to Coast AM-linked "believers" have been pitted against a select group of CSICOP-tied skeptics for decades at this point. Just as devious.

To be honest, I have no idea if Ross has been creating false alien abductions and Satanic Ritual Abuse victims. Some serious accusations have been leveled, but more victim-witnesses would have to come forward, certainly with regard to alien abductions in this case. We would also need to know more about Ross' various affiliations and who might have been financing his activities. I briefly looked for any Rockefeller or Liechtenstein connections, but couldn't find them in his case. He's a bit of a different bird than the traditional alien abduction researchers.
Ross' information on the CIA's MKULTRA program actually is suprisingly solid, although the fact is that almost all of it has already been discussed in the 1979 book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John D. Marks, a person who himself has curious and rather solid ties to the "liberal CIA" network. The fact that Ross' information is mostly very accurate is undoubtedly why Coast to Coast AM has only invited him once for half an hour, and, stunningly, not even to talk about his genuine MKULTRA work, but instead about his bogus ''human eye beam'' with which he applied for the James Randi $1 Million Dollar Challenge. One has to wonder why someone of a statue as Ross would feel the need to discredit himself in this mannner. One also has to wonder why Ross is also invited to every conpiracy program that needs an MKULTRA expert-for-hire. He's literally the one guy that gets all the invitations: from the History Channel to Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura and Russia TV. That makes it all the more interesting actually why Art Bell or other hosts never even dared to interview Ross about MKULTRA. Is Coast to Coast AM trying to hide something? Maybe that the whole alien abduction movement and the radio show itself is part of one extensive MKULTRA follow-up project?
In the end I'm not really sure if "victims" of alien abductions are created, or if "victims" are just pretending to have had these experiences, or if therapists are manipulating random experiences described by some of their patients. I really don't know. I suspect it's a combination of all three things. Luckily, there's one thing we actually can be rather sure about: humans are NOT being abducted by aliens. Now isn't that a relief? Don't you feel just so much better? I sure do.
In the previous section we briefly mentioned alien abduction researcher and Coast to Coast AM guest Dr. Leo Sprinkle, who took a rather positive view of the alien abduction phenomenon and therefore can be placed in the Laurance Rockefeller corner of abduction researchers. Sprinkle actually was present at the same September 1993 Rockefeller JY Ranch meeting as John Mack, Linda Howe and Steven Greer. Sprinkle's work seems to have been equally shoddy as that of Howe and Greer. While not having studied his work in depth, a few of his available interviews suffer from the usual lack of "information density". At the same time his name surfaces in the Paul Bennewitz case of the late 1970s and early 1980s. Bill Moore described Sprinkle's role in the following manner:
"[In 1979] I first became acquainted with the work being done by Paul Bennewitz and Dr. Leo Sprinkle regarding an alleged UFO abduction involving a young woman and several others which had occurred some time earlier. The woman had been hypnotically regressed by Dr. Sprinkle and had provided a strange account of having witnessed a cattle mutilation in process and of subsequently having been taken, by her alien abductors, into some sort of craft or facility where these aliens were actively engaged in processing fluids and severed body parts obtained from these cattle. During the course of the hypnosis sessions, which began as near as I can recall, in August of 1979, Bennewitz had become convinced that the aliens had implanted some sort of communication device in the woman's head, and that they were using this device to control her actions. His theory was that they could actually "see" what she saw and "hear" what she heard by means of this device." 73
As the reader has already learned to an extent, Bennewitz was heavily manipulated by Richard Doty and his AFOSI team. Bill Moore, the APRO's director of special investigations, was recruited by AFOSI in this effort. Moore's colleague at APRO, Colonel Wendelle Stevens, was another AFOSI asset. Bennewitz himself was deeply involved in APRO and looking at the curious interpretations he was making, most likely was simply "role playing" the disinformation victim. Moore:
""According to Paul, an atomic powered alien ship which they had given to the U.S. government had been caused to crash on Archuleta Peak near the entrance to the alien underground base [Dulce], and had sprayed the entire area with radioactivity and wreckage. To prove it, he provided drawings, which he said he had made from photographs. I, and others who examined Paul's photographs as well as independently obtained pictures of the same area, were unable to see what Paul claimed was there. Where he saw a crashed ship, burned wreckage, entrances to the alien base, and weapons pointing skyward, others could see only rocks, trees and shadows. ...
"One evening while visiting him, we went out on his sundeck just at twilight and he pointed out a series of lights slowly maneuvering far out over the West Mesa, perhaps 25-30 miles away. These, he said, were alien craft involved in abducting people and implanting them. ... I drove directly to West Mesa immediately after leaving Paul's home and parked my car at a spot where I felt I would be able to get a look at anything flying around that area. Sure enough, helicopters carrying large searchlights began to maneuver slowly over my vantage point only moments after I arrived. One went directly over me at an altitude of perhaps 300', and there is no doubt it was a helicopter. The next day, I called Kirtland AFB and they confirmed to me that there had indeed been a search-and-rescue training mission in that area the night before. ...
"Information [was] being fed to [Bennewitz] by a number of government people in whom, for some reason, he seemed to have an implicit and abiding faith. ... Somehow, Paul believed in it and set out on a one-man crusade to tell the world that malevolent aliens from space were in league with our government to take over the planet. What had begun in 1979 as an effort to learn whether the behavior of a woman who claimed she had been abducted by UFO aliens was being influenced by some sort of radio remote control, had, in the space of less than three years, blossomed into a tale which rivaled the wildest science fiction scenario anyone could possibly imagine. ...
"Basically, it seemed to me that Paul was his own worst enemy. Instead of withholding judgement until all the facts were in, Paul insisted on repeatedly going off half-cocked to virtually anyone who would listen. Members of the press, other UFO researchers, U.S. congressmen and senators, people in military command positions, members of the scientific establishment, even the President himself all were subjects of Paul's efforts to reach out and tell the world what he sincerely believed to be happening. He wrote letters and made phone calls by the hundreds. ... Essentially, Paul constructed his story using elements derived from four basic sources which can be summarized as follows:
"1) Accounts of mysterious and still largely unexplained mutilations of cattle which were occurring all over the western United States. ...
"2) [People] abducted by UFO aliens... Public exposure to this phenomenon got a big boost in 1981 with the appearance of Budd Hopkins' bestseller Missing Time, and Paul was particularly intereseted in these cases. ...
"3) His own experiments and research regarding the radio signals he was receiving and the photographs and film footage he was getting of unusual lights [near Kirtland AFB and Sandia].
"4) Government surveillance of Paul and his activities..." 74
There's been a lot of debate about the potential authenticity of Bennewitz' claims, but let's face it, clearly he was a complete nutcase who was doing nothing except helping to make sure that our leaders in government would never take a letter of a UFO enthusiast seriously anymore. And if he was tapping military communication channels, the local sheriff or FBI could have simply locked him up.
When we have people today like David Wilcock, attributing earthquakes to the destruction of underground alien bases, one has to conclude all these kind of extreme theories were first promoted by Bennewitz, who in turn got much of his information hand-delivered by AFOSI. Bennewitz wasn't on to anything. There have been dozens, if not hundreds, of people like him since, many of whom have appeared on Coast to Coast AM or have been used as sources by Coast to Coast-affiliated researchers.
So what can we say with virtual certainty at this point? That would be that stories about Roswell, other UFO crashes, underground bases as Dulce, Majestic 12, alien abductions and alien messengers are all nonsense. That still leaves a few UFO-related subjects open for debate, one of them being cattle mutilations.
Cattle mutilations were first reported in 1967, resurfaced in 1973 and in 1975 turned into a national epidemic affecting 11 U.S. states at the same time. Every night one or more cows, horses or sheep were found dead. An excerpt from the Los Angeles Times of September 11, 1975 reads:
"All they had taken this time was the rectum. But that had been removed in the usual expert manner. The hole was almost a perfect, smooth circle where the blade had been. ... Grass was still hanging from the half-open mouth. The cow hadn't even glanced around. ...
"Ranchers are comparing notes. In an overwhelming number of cases the animals are missing the same parts: the left eye, left ear, lips, tongue, sexual organs, rectums and sometimes the heart. Eerie enough in itself. But there is more. Some ranchers insist the blood has been drained from the animal. Others agree that, drained or not, there is never a trace of blood on the ground around the carcass. Equally bizarre, no tire tracks or human footprints can be found, even in muddy fields thick with hoof marks, although some animals have been discovered miles from the nearest road, others only yards from houses. Stranger yet, the animals haven't been shot, bludgeoned or slashed to death and there is rarely a sign of struggle. How do they die? Concern has turned into alarm, in some counties into panic. ...
"Some students of ancient religions and not-so-ancient cults think the mutilations are the work of Satan worshipers... Some people also attribute the mutilations to men from outer space, which may now rank as the second most popular explanation." 75
After 1975 the subject simply disappeared from the national news, leaving the riddle unsolved. If we simply look at the information provided by major newspapers as the New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times, which have been gathered by this site, then there appears to be a very human element involved in the mutilations. Numerous ranchers reported to have spotted a very silent "military green Bell Ranger helicopter" in the area right before a new cattle mutilation was uncovered. The link between a small helicopter and a mutilation was so strong, that ranchers began to point their guns at random helicopters and even shoot at them in some instances, resulting in "the Army National Guard [ordering] its helicopters to fly at 1,000 feet or higher rather than the usual 500 feet." 76

This correlation makes one think. If mutilations involved a relatively small area, it's possible that the military had surveillance helicopters in the air who may have spotted an anomaly and went to check things out. But here we're talking about 11 different states in which the phenomenon is occurring at the same time, so this is simply not possible. We also have reports that the persons inside the helicopter(s) were harassing/scaring girls, indicating we're dealing with people of unprofessional and questionable morality. The helicopters in question often turned on a very bright spotlight, usually seen in the distance, but there were also "stories of drivers on lonely roads suddenly pinpointed by searchlights that snap off without a trace." 77 It's almost as if someone was trying to mimic a UFO, like we later see in the Bennewitz case. Bennewitz interpreted helicopter searchlights in the distance as UFOs looking to abduct humans and cattle.
If we go back to the very first reported cattle mutilation, which happened in September 1967 and involved a horse named Snippy, we find a lot of bizarre elements that completely contradict the presence of helicopter. In a row:
It is reported in the Washington Post, dominated by the eastern establishment and friends of numerous CIA directors, most notably Katherine Graham and Benjamin Bradlee.
The CIA-dominated NICAP group is on location, with a representative of NORAD present.
The ranchers think the horse has been "killed by inhabitants of a flying saucer."
The reason the ranchers think that is because they "found areas where the chico brush had been squashed to within 10 inches of the ground. What appeared to them to be 15 circular exhaust marks were found 100 yards from the horse. Another area was punched with six identical holes...." 78
Circles that are interpreted as UFO exhaust marks or landing gear? Where have we seen that also? That's right, the first crop circles. But we aren't that far yet. So, how hard is it to recreate an animal mutilation? Tough to say. One would think that the only way to recreate an animal mutilation is to sedate it with a dart gun, lift the animal out of a field with a harnass, neatly butcher it some place else, drain the blood, put it back into the field in a different spot, and maybe put a little grass into its mouth to make it seem as if it died in an instant. This can't be too hard, as cattle rustlers have employed the helicopter method in the past. According to cattle mutilation researchers, there are all kinds of anomalies associated with the mutilations that cannot be explained. The problem is, who can we trust? Maybe organs were removed through the rectum, with researchers suppressing crucial evidence of the manual labor. We still need to discuss this, but with crop circles, for instance, we have hoaxers creating formations with leading researchers proclaiming them all as the real deal despite having observed evidence to the contrary.
Looking at the all the information presented until this point, I'd say these cattle mutilations have all the hallmarks of being government/superclass psychological warfare against its own people. And maybe that's even more breathtaking and hard to accept than aliens abduction humans and ritually butchering cattle. Is this conclusion here a certainty? No, absolutely not. If tomorrow it turns out that cow's assholes are being cored out by demonic spirits conjured up in satanic rituals, fine by me too. But what evidence do we have to go on at this point? Only the original newspaper reports it seems. The premier cattle mutilation researcher since the late 1970s is Coast to Coast AM's Linda Moulten Howe. Unfortunately, everything she gets involved with is always total nonsense. Is it any wonder that Howe was interviewing Paul Bennewitz in 1983 and then got equally "duped" by AFOSI's Richard Doty with the Aquarius document? In fact, as the reader probably remembers from earlier in this article, she is still stone-cold ignoring any duplicitous intentions on behalf of Doty and pretending that there are no questions surrounding the Aquarius document. Quite amazing. Howe originally wrote down this story in her book An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms, with the foreword written by SRI's and Coast to Coast AM's Jacques Vallee. The title says it all: what Howe does with cattle mutilations is tie them in with animal abductions. And like Bennewitz, she turns helicopter searchlights into alien beam technology:
"[HBO] came to me, we would like to contract you to produce an hour for Home Box Office that would go beyond A Strange Harvest. We discussed the working title of ETs: The UFO Factor. I signed a contract in New York City on March 21th, 1983 to begin working for HBO and officially left Channel 7 with the idea that I would continue to work independently to produce, write, direct, edit, report and be able to be free to follow up on this enormous subject of not only the animal mutilations that were global, but the human abduction syndrome that paralleled right along with the animal mutilations in the sense of a global report in which beam technology was being reported by law enforcement, by people in the abduction syndrome [community], that beam technology had been seen and reported by ranchers who would see something that was glowing, that was round in the sky, it would have a beam, it would go down into a pasture. I talked to people who had seen animals rise into this beam. I talked to people who had seen animals go down into this beam. I could not get those people to stand up in front of my television camera and report it because they were so afraid of their fellow human beings assaulting them with ridicule and satire if they told the truth on television..." 79
While none of the mainstream press reports described witnesses actually seeing a helicopter lifting up an animal, one would think this is exactly what happened and what may have been seen here and there. But beam technology? Having so much experience at this point with Howe's manipulations, I doubt it.
The British also immediately dove on to the opportunity to tie together human abductions and animal mutilations. In ISGP's crop circle article we describe him in more detail, but already in the 1977 documentary Out Of This World, immediately after the prominent cattle mutilation wave, MI6 officer-turned-leading-UFO-publicist Gordon Creighton was quoted as saying:
"We have a lot of cases of people who are being killed, or being burnt, badly burnt, by radiation, by rays, unknown forms of rays. People who have been carried off and they certainly haven't come back again. None of this looks to me like the behaviour of benevolent beings. ... We have many cases of cattle being taken. I'm glad to think that some of them seem to like beef. There might be other forms of protein they might be after which would be rather more alarming. We have many cases on record where they have been seen taking rocks, stones, vegetation of plants. Exactly the things we would do ... These do look like extraterrestrial explorers. We also have many alarming cases ... of blood being taken from people and also semen and also [eggs] from women. ... All over the world people have experiences that fall into a recognizable slot. ... We have a lot of doctors interested in this subject and I don't know any of them that believe it is mental illness. We do admit that there are cases of people being very disturbed after having the experience, but not before.
"Certainly about 15 years ago I, like most people, thought that this must be from outer space, but I've long ceased to think that this is necessarily the only explanation. I think that there are probably other realities... here... Time-space framework, anything. Other dimensions."
The last segment has been included for those readers thinking they are revolutionary in thinking that aliens might have an interdimensional origin instead of an extraterrestrial one: already in the 1970s these theories were contemplated. Creighton, however, can easily be nailed down as a disinformation artist in this video, because he is also talking about vimanas and ancient alien theories along the lines of Erich von Daniken, which ISGP has extensively debunked in other articles. It appears Creighton was the Bennewitz of Great Britain. 80
In 2009 British alternative documentary producer Richard D. Hall produced a seemingly very intriguing documentary entitled Silent Killers about ongoing cattle mutilations in Great Britain. It follows the work of crop circle researcher David Cayton. The research seems very legit, but at the same time we need to keep in mind that Cayton is a die hard believer in flying saucers picking off these animals. He's also a believer in Linda Howe's material. His primary colleague, Robert Hulse, considers himself an abductee. As for Hall, one look at his website and it is immediately clear that he is producing literally nothing but disinformation. In the cattle mutilation documentary this only becomes clearly visible at the very end when it is sensationally suggested, in good Gordon Creighton tradition, that sometimes humans are found mutilated too. 81
So I guess , until more credible, mainstream reports surface about cattle mutilations, I'm assuming they are sophisticated psyops for reasons not entirely clear. First humans get abducted for experimentation and a few years later animals start getting beamed up for similar purposes. That aspect is too stereotype and too convenient.

John Lear, interviewed here by the History Channel, which in 2015 was broadcasting its 8th season (!) of Ancient Aliens. Mainstream media tend to deal with the same set of ''researchers'' as Coast to Coast AM. There's no real investigative journalism going anywhere with alternative topics. Research is just simulated and ridiculed at the same time.
Probably the most well known conspiracy theory since the late 1980s is the one in which it is claimed that at Area 51 the U.S. government is back-engineering crashed alien spaceships and testing them out at night. It's one of the cornerstones of Coast to Coast AM, which was established right alongside the secret base in the Nevada desert, just outside Las Vegas. Granted, the base is the most secretive in the country. It was operated by the CIA from 1955 to 1979 and used to operate and test some of the most secret spy planes of the Cold War. Captured foreign airplanes were also back-engineered at the base. The testing of advanced military airplane prototypes continues to this day. One would think if the U.S. government had captured a crashed flying saucer, that it would have been moved here at some point. However, as we have seen in this article, there's no evidence whatsoever that the U.S. government, or any government for that matter, is in the possession of a flying saucer. If we consider, on top of that, that all persons talking about UFOs being back-engineered at Area 51 are affiliated with the Art Bell Show, then we can safely conclude that there is nothing to this story. Despite that, it might be interesting to look at the history of these claims. They seem to be an evolution of the Bennewitz case. Remember what Bill Moore said during a 1993 interview?
"Bennewitz was meeting with everybody who was anybody and telling that story to anyone who would listen. John Lear, and ultimately through him to Bill Cooper, Bill English, Wendelle Stevens...they all revolved around that information. It was the kind of paranoia that they wanted to hear.
"And so here's John Lear, organizer and host of the conference in Vegas, one of the chief proponents of that kind of information, staking his so-called reputation on the fact that it was all true. Linda Howe has gotten in over her head over it... Then I get up and tell them, "Folks, you've been had. ..."
Most likely these people were not "had". They were just playing a role, like some are still doing today. From the Pratt files we know that Moore had already been given information that his APRO colleague Colonel Wendelle Stevens was an AFOSI asset, just like Moore himself. And for that matter, John Lear, who largely brought us the story of Area 51, also has an Air Force background. His father is primarily known as the creator of the Lear Jet, but more importantly, Lear grew up in the circle of General Jimmy Doolittle and General Hoyt Vandenberg. This was a rather ultra-right American Security Council-linked Air Force circle. Doolittle worked with LeMay and was another good friend of Senator Barry Goldwater. Both Vandenberg and Doolittle were said to be Majestic 12, so is it a coincidence that Lear came onto the scene with Linda Howe right when the bogus Aquarius Project and Majestic 12 documents were released? Reportedly Lear's mother asked Vandenberg about the Majestic 12 documents after their release, with the old general confessing to the group's existence. Of course, the documents are bogus. We don't need to wonder about that anymore. The important thing here is that we have another apparent Air Force asset steering up the UFO community. And not just any asset, but one whose family is closely tied to persons who originally cooked up the Roswell saga. The fact that Lear was a CIA pilot in contra operations hardly matters at this point anymore. 82

Lear was one of the first and still is one of the most colorful guests on Coast to Coast AM. His first interview with Art Bell was in March 1992. Since that time he has appeared roughly once or twice a year. One wonders why, because Lear is one of the most obvious trolls on the air. He's one of the first I zoomed in on as clearly an unreliable character that Art Bell just kept inviting, the other being Major Ed Dames. Over the years Lear has brought us stories about Bentwaters, Dulce, Area 51, alien-built human soul catchers on the moon, and no-plane theories for both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. There's absolutely no truth to anything that he claims. He's also prominently involved in Pilots for 9/11 Truth.
Back when Lear was first invited by Art Bell, he had been focusing on Area 51 for a number of years. He is the one who brought alleged Area 51 scientist Bob Lazar to Coast to Coast AM that same year. This was after Lazar had been interviewed by George Knapp, who later on became one of the stand-ins at Coast to Coast AM for Art Bell and George Noory. Considering Lazar has been talking about his "Majestic" clearance and Lear's connection to the original Roswell Air Force generals, one immediately suspects Lazar is simply a latter day chapter in an ongoing psyop operation. All the other ingredients are there: the grays, human-alien exchange programs, you name it.
Lazar continued as an occasional guest of the radio show over the decades. Quite soon a huge debate erupted whether or not Lazar ever worked at Area 51, with Stanton Friedman being his biggest critic. A honest debate? We know better than that at this point. It's contrived. Lear, Lazar and Friedman all are not particularly honest individuals. It might be interesting to note, by the way, that Doolittle used to be chairman of defense corporation TRW STL and continued as a consultant to the company in the 1960s. Stanton Friedman's last employment before becoming a full-time UFO researcher was at TRW. Potentially there is a connection here, apart from the fact that TRW executives were all pretty elite individuals.
Other Coast to Coast AM guests besides Lear and Lazar have been "exposing" Area 51, one of them being filmmaker Bruce Burgess. Linda Howe and John Lear have also discussed the Area 51 claims of Dan Burisch on the show, involving an insect-like alien called J-Rod working at the base. Already back in the mid-1980s Lear and Howe were road-tripping together in Colorado and New Mexico, trying to verify the story of Paul Bennewitz. Along the way they met with persons as Budd Hopkins, Dan Burish and Clifford Stone. 83 This last person prominently surfaced in 2001 as a Disclosure Project witness, talking about his involvement in the retrieval of crashed UFOs, including alien bodies. Stone was also invited to Coast to Coast in 2009 and 2011. It's not exactly the only unreliable guest the Disclosure Project and Coast to Coast AM have jointly been using. New age guru Fred Bell, and APRO's Bob Dean come to mind as prime examples. In essence, Howe and Lear played a role in laying the groundwork for what soon became the Art Bell Show. And with Lear once again we seen an Air Force link.
There always has to be an official skeptic, of course. In case of Area 51 and Coast to Coast AM this is Colonel John Alexander's good friend, Thorton "T.D." Barnes. Both men are members of the Nevada chapter of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), a group controlled by the CIA covert operations elite. Barnes helped develop some of the top secret spy planes of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980, including the SR-71 Blackbird and the F-117 stealth fighter. He also worked on NASA's Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (NERVA) program. In terms of Area 51's conventional high technology programs, Barnes has seen it all. 84
Crop circles: the ultimate psyop
This section has been turned into a separate crop circle article. Although it's possible that basic circles are occasionally created in still mysterious ways, the basic conclusion of this article is that the modern crop circle phenomenon, with all its complex formations, has been manipulated into existence with both overt and covert circle making groups on the payroll of the security services. Once again Robert Bigelow and Laurance Rockefeller show up as the most important financiers of crop circle research. Another conclusion is that leading crop circle researchers are total and complete frauds, including Coast to Coast AM visitors Colin Andrews and Lucy Pringle. It appears that they, as well as Steven Greer, have been working hand-in-hand with the circle hoaxers by labeling very obvious hoaxes as "genuine" in order to help create the modern crop circle myth.
Depressing? Maybe. But it fits right in with all the other information here.
If anyone here thinks that the David Wilcock or Paul Bennewitz material on aliens is extreme, someone else has appeared on the scene who takes things just a little bit further. In early 2010 Laura Magdalene Eisenhower burst onto the conspiracy scene through such "reliable" sites as and Coast to Coast AM veterans Alfred Webre and Steve Quayle. Laura Eisenhower literally weaves together every unfounded Coast to Coast AM-promoted theory in an apparent effort to win an Emmy award for biggest UFO cult leader of the decade. Rumormillnews, February 11, 2010:
"Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter, claims she is the living reincarnation of Isis and other goddesses. She is here to talk about a secret base on Mars. In her public statement, Laura Eisenhower contends that Dr. Harold E. (Hal) Puthoff, a former researcher at Stanford Research Institute, is the behind-the-scenes coordinator of the Mars colonization project. She added that numerous attempts were made to recruit her into the project from April 2006 to January 2007. Her testimony is corroborated by her close friend, Ki' Lia, a Stanford-educated artist and futurist. The alleged purpose of the secret colony is to provide a survival mechanism for the human race in the event of planned or natural cataclysm that would depopulate the Earth. ... Co-moderating today's program is Exopolitics radio host, Alfred Webre. More information can be found by watching this Steve Quayle video posted on YouTube."
Of course, Hal Puthoff has already been mentioned. He was a leader of the CIA/DIA/SRI remote viewing program (Project Stargate) and continues today as a frequent Coast to Coast AM guest. In other words, he has the same background as Alfred Webre, who has helped Laura promote her story. In 2014 Webre interviewed her for his podcast. Laura stated:
"We are dealing with a lot of galactic wars and angelic wars that took place even before this planet was formed, this planet that we know as Gaia. ... And in the formation of this new creation it was pretty much hijacked immediately. We're dealing with reptilians that ended up going underground, not necessarily malevolent.
"But then those coming from the Draco star system and just how the Anunnaki and the Luciferian rebellion is a part of the enslavement of humanity and we hear all these stories of the Anunnaki with Enki and Enlil and all these different projections and theories about what their intentions are. Enlil has been somewhat demonized as the one who created the flood and Enki was out for good because he wanted to protect mankind.
"But what is really protecting humankind when there is an enslavement agenda? So we are actually dealing with beings that want a large population in order to control it and then other factions that somewhat want population control. And then the reptilians that went underground that were part of the original creation that just see this whole mess and probably want it to be rectified or brought to some kind of justice. And so we are dealing with many different species and the invasion part of it would be the manipulation, the mind control, the dark technologies that want to control nature, that want to control humans, anything from the aerosol spraying and HAARP technologies to what we see coming from religion and government. ... part of the invasion in the works for thousands and thousands of years. So when we deal with something called the Illuminati, or some of these shadow government institutions, there are many factions...
"It's time to put all this out there, regardless of what the outcome is, who can handle it or not handle it, because it doesn't matter anymore. We have to all be part of this discussion. We have to unite with the ones that are on our side. We have to call out the ones who aren't. Give them an opportunity to either unify with is, you know, or we need to have them shut down what they are doing..."
She goes on about Pleiadians being turned down by FDR and Eisenhower and Hitler making secret deals with Grays in exchange for high technology. Here are some more terms used by Laura during the interview:
"Project Paperclip ... Montauk ... Defense industries have been infiltrated ... I feel that the Zionists and Nazis are within this shadow government. ... I hear my inner voice say 'checkmate'... James Casbolt... said these were cloned humans. ... Nordics ... MJ-12 ... and it all connects with the Rockefellers and the Bilderbergs. ... The Tablets of Destiny supercomputer system. ... Galactic feminine ... Orions ... Sirians ... Roswell crash and the other crashes that took place ... clone or create hybrids ... We have to look at MILABs. [Staged alien abductions by the military, a favorite of Greer] ... When we're dealing with these greys, we're not just dealing with extra-terrestrials. We're dealing with future human selves that have timetraveled back that are trying to keep a life cycle alive rather then be on the ascension path where they wouldn't need our human genetics."
This goes on for another 50 minutes with Webre, as usual, looking like he wants to kill himself. That Laura is talking about a former SRI colleague and present Coast to Coast AM colleague of his, doesn't seem to bother him. Of course, also Webre is just spreading disinformation and nothing else. Just take a look at some of the titles of his other Youtube videos:
Andromeda Council: Removing Draco & Hydra reptilian undersea bases from the Middle East and China. (2011)
Andromeda Council - War with Orion grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion. (2011)
Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake - undersea reptilian base destroyed. (2012)
"In this case the person that we will be speaking with over a series of interviews, who has asked that his human identity remains anonymous, although his Andromedan identity, as given by the Andromedan Council is Tolec. ... What the Andromedan Council says to us is three things: "1) That the war with the Orion Greys and Draco Reptilians extraterrestrials has been won. "2) That the earth is now in a process of a dimensional shift to a new light-filled 4th dimension. "3) That a number of earth changes with associated large celestial bodies is coming. "Tolec will be exploring all of these [topics]... Tolec with share with us his first extraterrestrial contact [with] Zoltar. ... Tolec, welcome to our program." |
Seriously, someone must be getting desperate here. These kind of extreme theories and discussions are flooding the internet these days. It all began at Coast to Coast AM, but now we have thousands upon thousands of blogs, websites, and Youtube accounts littering the internet, all copy-pasting roughly the same superficial bogus information. One of the most important of these outlets is Project Camelot, but there are many more minor ones.
What should still be discussed is that Laura Eisenhower really is a great-granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower. 85 As a close friend of the Rockefellers and the Dulles brothers, President Eisenhower was a member of the executive board of the Pilgrims Society even before he became president. John Foster Dulles became his secretary of state, Allen Dulles his CIA director, and Nelson Rockefeller spent some time as head of the 5412 Committee which oversaw the government's clandestine operations.

Today various members of the Eisenhower family can still be found at different think tanks. The most important family member is actually Laura's mother, Susan Eisenhower. Her affiliations include the NASA Advisory Council (1999-2002), Bilderberg 2001, the Center for the National Interest (CFTNI), the Commission on U.S. Policy toward Russia, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Energy Future Coalition (EFC), the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), and the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (BRCANF). Susan's former husband, Roald Sagdeev, with whom she was married between 1990 and 2008, can be found at the International Luxembourg Forum on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe. Eisenhower and Sagdeev are involved with the Albright Stonebridge Group. Susan also sat on the advisory board of the Lightbridge Corporation, formerly known as Thorium Power. Thorium is a new and revolutionary form of nuclear energy that is considered safe.
The funny thing is, if anyone would be running a secret space program with private sector oversight, Susan Eisenhower and her husband would be involved, with Hal Puthoff quite possibly being one of their recruits. Sagdeev, a Russian expert in plasma physics, used to be director of the Space Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences and a science advisor to the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. Clearly the ex-couple is deeply involved in the prevention of nuclear war, a concern they share with Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, Ted Turner and several other associates; and is right on top of the newest developments in the energy sector.
Whatever they're involved or not involved with, things can get even more bizarre. It appears that Laura didn't just have a meltdown and went off on her own. She claims that her parents have stimulated the idea that she is... yes, what, exactly? Let Laura explain it in her own words:
"I have been able to integrate a deeper understanding of the world as I work to create a spiritual revolution. My father was born in Egypt and speaks 7 languages, and my sisters and I have shared interests in travel, language, indigenous cultures, and higher knowledge. ... My mother (Susan Eisenhower), a political analyst in DC, was not spiritual, and my father became a Catholic priest. I have never been religious and have never read the Bible. I naturally had a deep profound relationship with Christ and would telepathically communicate with him as a child whenever I was forced to sit in church. Amazing miracles used to take place, and I always felt his presence with me in a very intimate way. My father would always comment on my connection to Magdalene, had actually given me that middle name, and suggested that I use it as my confirmation name. ... All who know me, including my young twin sons, family and friends, have made reference to my link to Sophia-Magdalene and understand my life mission. ... Over a dozen reputable professional psychics have gone into deep emotional recognition of my profound embodiment as Sophia-Magdalene. They have told me that I was the Mother, High Priestess, Earth Goddess, and Queen of the Heavenly & Fairy realms. Many have seen me in Avalon and in countless other dimensional lives as The Goddess. They said that I was the center of the universe. My spirit and ethereal body covered the whole of creation and all dimensions in between. I was cosmic mind spread throughout the infinite universe. Creation emanated from my senses and emotional body. I would shapeshift through the elements and disperse light and colors. They said they had never seen anything like it and could barely put into words what they saw." 86
Isn't it curious that no one in the mainstream media has asked Susan Eisenhower about the claims and activities of her eldest daughter? Doesn't anybody wonder how the Eisenhowers, or their elite friends, raise their children? Apparently not.

If the statement of Laura Eisenhower is true that her ideas were stimulated from home, one quickly begins to wonder how "eccentric" the elites of this world must be. We have the whole Knights of Malta/Opus Dei network surrounding Otto von Habsburg, with more than a little support from the top of the CIA. There are the Wahhabist Saudis, with whom the CIA has also been working forever. The original CIA-SRI-backed remote viewing clique largely consisted of high-ranking Scientologists. Joe Firmage is a Mormon. And most important here: Why does the liberal Rockefeller clique have such an extreme interest in financing and stimulating the most fringe aspects of the new age movement?
I have never been able to absolutely confirm the involvement of the Rockefellers, Robert McNamara and Thomas Watson, Jr. in the the Lucifer's Trust / Lucis Trust, once located at the United Nations headquarters. I have been unable to find indisputable sources and the Lucis Trust itself refused to cooperate. However, these three names, each of them coincidentally belonging to both the 1001 Club and Pilgrims Society, and others were mentioned by Lyndon Larouche's Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) in 1989. 87 Although EIR tends to keep its sources back, I've never caught them inventing factual statements, apart from their typically exaggerated, propagandist and antagonist opinions. In fact, despite their agenda, I'd say they are very knowledgeable.
For example, the first EIR article I open while looking for information on the Lucis Trust ties it together with the nuclear disarmament movement (John Mack, and such), Stanford Research Institute, the United Nations, the Esalen Institute, various Indian yogi movements, various green parties and sustainable development groups, and counter culture individuals as Willis Harman, Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers and now of the elite-backed pro-Wikileaks and pro-Snowden group Freedom of the Press Foundation), and Richard Falk (Ayatollah Khomeini supporter in 1979; 9/11 "skeptic"). 88 This EIR article dates back to 1984, but we'll come across many of the same elements in this section.

EIR linked Willis Harman to Stanford Research Institute and various international conferences with the Bhagwan cult, the West German Green Party and the U. S. peace movement. While accurate, from 1975 to 1996 Harman was also president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a center of Rockefeller globalism along new age principles that has promoted alien abduction researcher John Mack (C2C AM) and ufologist Jacques Vallee (C2C AM). IONS was set up in 1973 by astronaut Edgar Mitchell (C2C AM), who has always remained a member of the executive committee. We can find Rockefeller and Rothschild friend Maurice Strong international advisory board of IONS. Other board members include Deepak Chopra (C2C AM), Dr. Amit Goswami (C2C AM), Russell Targ (C2C AM) and Rockefeller-favorite Desmond Tutu. 89 The first two individuals are at the forefront of promoting a link between quantum physics and spirituality, a concept promoted decades ago already at SRI by individuals as Jack Sarfatti (C2C AM), an assistant to the CIA's Ron Pandolfi and a JASON Group visitor; and Fred Alan Wolf (C2C AM). 90
Due to the fact that he is a Ph.D. who walked on the Moon, Mitchell is widely considered a beacon of integrity and authority. The fact, however, is that he is a bought and paid for disinformation asset. He began his alternative career with a secret inquiry financed by the Rockwell Corporation into the bogus Bimini Road, a natural formation hyped up by Cayce cultists. In the 1970s he was doing studies at SRI with the bogus psychic Uri Geller (C2C AM), whose friends ranged from Israeli prime ministers, defense chiefs and Mossad directors and ambassador Max Kampelman to Rockefeller recruit Henry Kissinger and Rothschild employee Sir Val Duncan. In the 1990s Mitchell was deeply involved with Steven Greer in the super-disinformative Disclosure Project, as well as Robert Bigelow's National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS), a private paranormal and UFO research group with members who were non-stop invited of Coast to Coast AM. Mitchell himself has also been invited to the radio show on several occasions.

Also very telling, for over a dozen years at this point Mitchell has served on the board of the "Institute for the Cooperation in Space", together with Carol Rosin (C2C AM) (founder and president), Daniel Sheehan (C2C AM), Alfred Webre (C2C AM), fellow astronaut Brian O'Leary (C2C AM) and the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke. 91 Rosin, Sheehan, Webre, Mitchell and to a degree Brian O'Leary are all affiliated with the Disclosure Project. All of them have also been Coast to Coast AM visitors, although in case of Rosin only a speech of hers was played on air by George Noory. Rosin is a "five star general" in the First Earth Battalion of General Albert Stubblebine. She and Sheehan were both active in the 1980s as activists on behalf of the Rockefeller/State Department interests against policies of Ronald Reagan, whether it be Strategic Defense Initiative (Rosin) or Iran Contra (Sheehan). Earlier we discussed Alfred Webre's podcast where he talks with "Tolec" from Andromeda about underground reptilian bases on earth being destroyed whenever an earthquake is registered. Fact is, when Mitchell says that aliens are real, that they have been retrieved, and that there is a "control group" out there that is covering it up, we really can't do much with that because of these highly peculiar affiliations. In fact, his Roswell-related claims are bogus.
So we have the research at SRI. We have IONS. Most likely we have the Lucis Trust. We know about various alien abduction researchers that have been sponsored. What other evidence do we have that the Rockefeller clique is promoting a cult-like new age agenda? Well, the Institute for the Cooperation in Space, IONS and Daniel Sheehan's Paradigm Research Group have all received financing of the Ford and Rockefeller-allied Tides/Threshold Foundation. A bit more on that later. And how about the Baca Ranch in the San Luis Valley? In 1988 Maurice Strong established the Manitou Foundation here with financial support of Laurance Rockefeller. 92 Apparently this was an effort to establish a Baha'i Cult with representatives of religions from around the world. Why not let Maurice Strong's wife, Hanne, explain:
"As the President of the Manitou Foundation (land granting organization), established in 1988, and the Manitou Institute (environmental stewardship), formed in 1994, Hanne Strong has established the largest intentional, interfaith, and ecumenical retreat center and sustainable teaching community in North America. Mrs. Strong has granted over 2000 acres of land to various spiritual, educational, and environmental groups. Through the Manitou Foundation's land grant program, the Baca/Crestone community now houses many of the world's spiritual traditions...
"Groups include: Spiritual Life Institute (a Carmelite monastic community), Crestone Mountain Zen Center, Haidakhandi Universal Ashram, the San Luis Valley Tibetan Project, Samten Ling Retreat Center, Yeshe Khorlo, Vajra Vidya Retreat Center and Tibetan Archives Library, Ligmincha (from the Bon tradition), White Elephant Monastery (Taoist), Shinji Shumekai of America (Shinto), Lindesfarne Dome (Celtic), Sanctuary House (Sufi), White Jewel Mountain Tibetan Buddhist Cremation Stupa and Nunnery, Dharma Ocean Foundation, and Sacred Passages Reconnecting with Nature and Sage House (Native American). Education and environmental organizations include: Colorado College, Naropa University, Sri Aurobindo Learning Center, EDUCO, Earth Origin Seeds Project, Earth Restoration Corps, Crestone Healing Arts Center, and Sacred Passages." 93
Why put up such a retreat in the middle of nowhere? Apparently because Hanne Strong in particular believes that world cataclysms are coming and clearly has the idea that her Baca Ranch spiritual center can be the foundation for a new world religion. 94
The Baha'i faith is an ideal method to integrate various religions. For those that don't know, the Baha'i faith has at its central mission the integration of all world religions under the central authority of the United Nations. Maurice and Anne both have a background at the United Nations. Only Steven Greer has openly described himself as belonging to the Baha'i faith, and coincidentally, he was active at the Baca Ranch in the mid-1990s with his early CSETI program 95, a method to try and draw in UFOs with high-powered lasers, an anomalous sound recorded in a crop circle (almost certainly bogus, because it is of Colin Andrews), and group meditation. It was partly funded by Laurance Rockefeller.

Amazingly, leading Coast to Coast AM guests have actually given speeches at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. In 1975 a little obscure club called the United Nations Parapsychology Society was founded, which in 1993 was renamed the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (SEAT). 96 To this day SEAT organizes monthly speeches at different conference rooms and also the Tillman Chapel - the Church Center of the United Nations, located at 777 First Avenue - right across United Nations headquarters. 97
SEAT has been described as "one of the 50 member clubs of the United Nations Staff Recreations Council". 98 The only available official document in recent years mentioning SEAT confirms this. 99 This same document, which involves a program folder for an October 27, 2005 celebration of the 60th anniversary of the United Nations, reveals the names of numerous other new age groups affiliated with the United Nations. Important co-organizers of the event, apart from the United Nations Staff Recreation Council and dozens of its member clubs, include the:
- National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States;
- Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University;
- Light of Awareness International Spiritual Family;
- NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns.
The member clubs/groups of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council include a wide variety of religious, relief and new age groups, the most notable maybe the Acquarian Age Community, which promotes the legacy of Theosophical Movement leaders Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky. 100 Among the event's "supporting organizations" there's the Institute for Planetary Synthesis, involved in promoting the exact same new age leaders. This fits very well with Alice Bailey's Lucis Trust, which, as we discussed earlier, was located at UN headquarters. It appears that the Lucis Trust was just one among many quite similar new age groups that have affiliated themselves with the United Nations. And all of them promote bogus theories, similar to all past and present religions. The Institute for Planetary Synthesis, for example, pushes the concept of "ascended master" Maitreya 101, also promoted by occasional Coast to Coast AM visitor Benjamin Creme. The Geneva-registered IPS also promotes a variety of wildly impractical ideas:
"We all share spaceship Earth. ... About 20 of the 191 member states of the United Nations have no military forces. In our critical times, extra honour should be rendered to these nations [and their] good neighborly relations, which can replace the expansionist imperialistic ambitions of certain nations. ...
"At present the five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations - the USA, China, the UK, France and Russia - are the main producers of all kinds of weapons, both conventional and ABC (atomic, biological chemical). ... The "war and terrorism market" on planet Earth creates a constant competition to get products on the market. Our monetary system, based on speculation and not on social values, contributes to overpopulation." 102

I'd be surprised if the Institute for Institute for Planetary Synthesis is much more than a letter box operation. Other groups in the list of "supporting organizations" of the UN celebration event include the Temple of Understanding, which has had some elite involvement in the form of the Luce and Bronfman families 104; Children of the Earth, which includes James O'Dea, a former president and CEO of Edgar Mitchell's IONS group 105; and something called the Association for Planetary Citizens.
Then there is the Foundation for Gaia, whose board in the past included Willis Harman, president of IONS from 1975 to 1996. Another key trustee until recently was Edward "Teddy" Goldsmith 106, one of the most important ecologists and Green Party supporters from Great Britain until his death in 2009. 107 Curiously, Teddy was the brother of the wealthy Sir James Goldsmith, a good friend of Henry Kissinger 108 and a notorious right-wing MI6 and SAS asset who has played a key role in South Africa's terrorist "Third Force" to halt the phasing out of the Apartheid regime 109 and also a key financier of the right-wing Euroskeptic UK Independence Party. 110 If that's not enough, both sons of Sir James Goldsmith married a Rothschild, with whom he was business partners. 111
We're getting off-track here, but the basic point is that Coast to Coast AM and the fringe United Nations network are ran by what sometimes has been referred to as liberal elements in the CIA. 112 Major "progressive" and "Green" foundations as Soros, Ford, Rockefeller, Tides, Packard and Hewlett, which undoubtedly are financing a good portion of these groups, are seen as a key aspect of this liberal CIA or establishment group. And certainly these foundations and the individuals in them have set up the United Nations and largely run it through the private United Nations Association.
Whatever foundation has been financing the United Nations-based Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (SEAT), in the early 1990s important future Coast to Coast AM guests Richard Hoagland and Colin Andrews were having a great time conning their audiences here. A 1993 report in the Crop Watcher reads:
"Mohammad Ramadan, president of the parapsychological group at the United Nations who recently sponsored Richard Hoagland's presentation to the U.N. on the Mission to Mars, met Colin Andrews at the United Nations building in New York several months ago. At the meeting, Mr Ramadan set Colin almost the impossible challenge of discovering the meaning behind the crop circles and ancient writings, the findings of which to be presented at the U.N. in October. ... Unusual patterns, assumed as writings (i.e. languages) have appeared in fields in the form of crop markings and have been scratched on metallic surfaces following alleged abduction cases [and at Roswell]. These etchings resemble markings on Sumerian Tablets and petroglyphs on stone and rocks in several parts of the world. ...
"Very secret projects involving well known mediums will also be undertaken and have been planned by scientists who discovered unusual markings and geometry on Mars. These findings were presented to the United Nations in New York during summer 1992, by Dick Hoagland - NASA consultant. ... Colin Andrews' address to the United Nations, which has been officially announced for 21st October 1993 at UN headquarters in New York." 113
In the same period Uri Geller gave a speech to the SEAT. 114 Geller's remote viewing friend from their CIA/SRI days, Ingo Swann, was invited by SEAT in 1996 to talk explain to the audience that they have "at least seventeen senses rather than just five." 115 In the 1995-2009 period Lee Carroll, the channeller of an entity called "Kryon" was invited on a regular basis. 116 "Kryon" spoke about the usual world changes surrounding 2012. Carroll has also indulged in Nostradamus prophecies. While not a Coast to Coast AM guest himself, he counts among his "good friends" Coast to Coast AM guests Gregg Braden and John Petersen 117, the latter a close friend of former CIA director James Woolsey with whom Petersen once sought out Dr. Steven Greer. In June 1999 a channeller "of a higher consciousness known as Maitreya", Margaret McElroy, was invited to speak in trance at the United Nations. She's a founder of something called the Australian Institute of Metaphysics and the Maitreya Educational Foundation. 118 While also not a Coast to Coast AM guest, earlier we mentioned that the Maitreya cause has been represented by the Institute for Planetary Synthesis and occasional Coast to Coast AM guest Benjamin Creme. More recently, in 2012, it was the turn of Croatian faith healer Braco to speak to SEAT. A screenshot of his speech can be seen above. 119

More significant even than the Lucis Trust, SEAT and related UN groups when it comes to identifying any kind of elite motive for backing these bizarre new age networks, is the earlier-mentioned State of the World Forum, organized by James Garrison with the aide of Coast to Coast AM guest Daniel Sheehan. For those who forgot, Sheehan has been an attorney to the Jesuit order, Laurance Rockefeller and the Disclosure Project. Garrison has been Sheehan's superior since their days at the Christic Institute, which helped expose Iran Contra drug trafficking while receiving financing from Rockefeller-allied foundations as the New World Foundation. According to Sheehan, the Christic Institute was founded in 1980 because he and colleagues as James Garrison were "struck by the fact that the right had really monopolized the issue of religion". The State of the World Forum continued that line of thinking, with Sheehan acknowledging that its purpose is to "give the left a sense of spirituality." Visitors and financiers included David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, Ruud Lubbers, Maurice Strong, Mikhail Gorbachev, CNN's Ted Turner (created the Captain Planet cartoon), Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffett and UFO cultist Joe Firmage. Also present at the conferences, which was a new age expose, were Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sam Keen and, of course, John Mack. 120 It was Garrison who initially cultivated these high level ties. In 1980 he was the founder of the Esalen Institute's Soviet-American Exchange Program. This allowed him to meet with top Soviet leaders. He established early ties with Boris Yeltsin and helped bring him over to the United States. 121 Unsurprisingly, as the Esalen Institute was a new age center, Garrison is affiliated with Edgar Mitchell's Institute for Noetic Sciences. 122 And even in recent years Sheehan's Paradigm Research Group has received more than half a million dollars from the Rockefeller-allied Tides Foundation alone. 123
Readers certainly shouldn't forget that many of the State of the World Forum individuals mentioned here belong to the elite Pilgrims Society and the 1001 Club. Pilgrims: Rothschild family members, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Shultz, Henry Kissinger, Peter Peterson, Robert McNamara, Maxwell Rabb, James Woolsey (speech), Walter Cronkite, etc. 1001 Club: David Rockefeller, Laurance Rockefeller, the Rothschilds, Bechtels, Robert McNamara, Maurice Strong, Ruud Lubbers and Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein. Other members of the 1001 Club? How about Instone Bloomfield, a financier of the London Society for Psychical Research and the Spiritual Truth Foundation? Or Joke van Dieten Maasland? A former Dutch importer of Ferraris and Masaratis, who in more recent years traveled around the world in a Hummer with a dozen or so "ancient alien" crystal skulls, visiting Erich von Daniken's short-lived amusement park in Switzerland and the Temples of Damanhur cult in Italy.
Another group along these lines that is very significant here is the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality, which at the very least was active from August 1998 to 2011. The World Commission consisted of an overall council and 17 sub-councils, including ones on "Global Citizenship" and "Planetary Security", not just stacked with elites as the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Al Gore, Mikhail Gorbachev and the Jordanian royals, but also Coast to Coast AM spiritual gurus Deepak Chopra, Rupert Sheldrake, Fred Alan Wolf and the more recent Andrew Weil. Many of the names have been involved in earlier-mentioned obscure globalist, spiritualist United Nations-affiliated groups. Hillary Clinton's spiritual guru, Jean Houston, was among the council members. So was the "chemtrail congressman" Dennis Kucinich. And so were Bono of U2, top "liberal CIA" asset Robert Redford and Michael Douglas.
An additional group important to single out might be the Foundation for the Awakening Mind. The "about-us" page of the site at contains a YouTube clip on "Spiritual Awakening Syndrome" that includes not just Oprah, Eckhart Tolle and Jim Carrey, but also a George Noory soundbite saying, "Out-of-body experiences, thousands of responses, yielding incredible conclusions. 18,000 participents." This is sandwiched in between statements from others as, "My family doesn't understand what I'm going through," "I can feel energies now," and "You are spiritually manifesting light." The founder of the Foundation for the Awakening Mind, David Hoffmeister, is a promoter of the 1976 book A Course in Miracles, financed at the time by the Erickson Educational Foundation, also a financier in the same period of Jean Houston (World Commission) and famous remote viewer and future Coast to Coast AM visitor Ingo Swann. A Course in Miracles appeared under "Congratulations from" in the earlier-mentioned Spirit of the United Nations brochure. The book received its highest sales rate of 2 million copies in the early 1990s when it was featured on Oprah, who is known to be close to the Rockefeller interests. In this manner, we keep going in circles, strange globalist, spiritualist, cultic United Nations backalley circles with Coast to Coast AM visitors intimately part of it. They quite literally are the front men of one world government movement.

Bottom picture: 9/11 Truth leader and C2C AM guest Richard Gage at the same stage at TU Delft on April 16, 2015, also introduced by UFO cultist Coen Vermeeren.
What are we looking at here? We're looking at yet more evidence that the CIA and Rockefeller clique of liberal elites are managing an international UFO cult while at the same time running 9/11 "Truth". They attempt to provide us with as little substance as possible (although this is unusually hard for Richard Gage), all the while educating their audiences about sustainable development and liberal politics.
Whether the interest in the new age is the result of disinformation or something more is impossible to say, but Laurance Rockefeller seems to have been the most important player. Laurance is often portrayed as an eccentric, less important member of the Rockefeller Five, not the least by UFO phenomenon disinformer Steven Greer. There seems to be little truth in this portrayal. For starters, Laurance was a founding trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in 1940, its president from 1958 to 1968, and chairman until 1980. He was also a member of the very elite Links Club, which has a lot of overlap with the Pilgrims Society. Laurance simply exclusively handled conservation matters, in the same manner that his brother David exclusively dealt with political and financial think tanks around the world. In fact, it's probably not a coincidence that his brother received full briefings of CIA director Allen Dulles and fronted for CIA operations. Already in 1941, age 31, Laurance was a trustee of the Zoological Society, with historical board members and financiers as Andrew Carnegie, the Morgans, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. Over the years he and his closest Pilgrims Society and 1001 Club friends were involved in setting up and financing groups as the Conservation Foundation, Resources for the Future (RFF), the American Conservation Association, Worldwatch Institute, the Population Resource Center (PRC), the Manitou Foundation, the WWF, and the 1001 Club. It appears that in the 1980s and 1990s, as an extension of the sustainable development movement, Laurance's projects simply came to include the financing of Colonel John Alexander's "spoon bending parties", the Human Potential Foundation (named after the Esalen Institute-linked Human Potential Movement), Steven Greer's Project Starlight, various alien abduction researchers, and the Rockefeller Initiative on UFO disclosure.
Did Laurance really want disclosure during the Clinton years? Most likely not. Looking at all the people he has backed, a disclosure wouldn't have led to the truth, but only another lie.
One has to conclude that whatever is going on, it's all very strange and cultish. How can these cultic ideas be defended in a future where the subject of aliens becomes acceptable to discuss and scientifically investigate? How do Rockefeller and friends expect the masses to believe alien abduction researchers as John Mack? It seems they are only interested in myth building, exactly the same as just about any other religions that falls under the umbrella of the Baha'is and the United Nations.
Tides, New World and Soros foundations financing UFO disinformation?

With Clinton out of office and Laurance Rockefeller deceased, the fight for UFO disclosure isn't entirely over just yet. The public can still count on John Podesta, Clinton's chief of staff from 1998 to 2001, to press the issue. In October 2002 he was involved in the Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI), this time trying to force disclosure not on Roswell, but on the Kecksburg UFO crash. As a representative of his CFI, he stated at the National Press Club: "It's time to open the books on the question of government investigation of UFOs. It ought be done because it's right. It ought to be done because the American people can handle the truth. And it ought to be done because it's the law." 126 Despite his UFO activism, in 2014 Podesta was brought back to the White House as a counselor to Obama. Upon resigning from this position in February 2015 he tweeted: "Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files." 127
How serious should we take these statements? Is Podesta really working for the masses to have UFO information disclosed or is he, like most Coast to Coast AM guests are doing, merely playing a role and sending people out to chase their own tails? Almost certainly the latter. Podesta is solid superclass with involvement in over a dozen important NGOs. He has been a key George Soros representative since at least 2003, representing the billionaire financier in groups as Center for American Progress, the Roosevelt Institution, and Media Matters for America (MMfA), and attending meetings at Soros' home and at Soros' Open Society Institute. 128 Both Soros and Podesta remain very close to the Clinton couple in the Democracy Alliance network.
Wondering if Soros possibly played a role in financing or inspiring Podesta's Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI), I ran into CFI co-founder Leslie Kean, a UFO investigator who first made a name for herself with the 2000 Boston Globe article discussing the French COMETA report, in the process citing the occasional Coast to Coast AM-affiliated con artist. In 2002 Kean teamed up with Podesta in the Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI) and beginning in 2003 she became an occasional visitor of Coast to Coast AM, continuing the push for disclosure on the Kecksburg crash. Interesting detail? Apart from her association with Podesta's CFI, some of Kean's biographies state that "her freelance journalism has been supported by grants from numerous foundations including the Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundation.". 129 One wonders, does this include her work for CFI?
Then there's Van Jones, a close associate of John Podesta who is also a favorite of George Soros, albeit a little more controversial than usual for having signed a 9/11 Truth petition in the past. Jones served with Podesta at the Soros-funded Center for American Progress and was involved with Jonathan Soros and Rockefeller counter-culture economist Joseph Stiglitz in a 2015 founding meeting of Progressive Agenda. However, in recent years he could also be found as a fellow at Edgar Mitchell's scammy Institute for Noetic Sciences (IONS) 130, a group we have discussed in detail for its close ties to the Coast to Coast AM show, Rockefeller elites as Maurice Strong and Desmond Tutu, the new age United Nations network, and the Tides Foundation.
We're not done yet. In 1981 John Podesta's brother, Tony, became the founding president of People for the American Way (PFAW), a position he held until 1987. 131 PFAW was co-founded by Rockefeller Foundation veteran, in addition to a key agent of Henry Luce 132 and the Tides Foundation. Over the years PFAW has received many millions from Tides 133, as well as the Ford 134 and Soros foundations. 135 PFAW has also received funding from Rockefeller Brothers Fund. 136 Today the PFAW is most visible as the operator of

In any case, the PFAW connection means that even before Podesta was appointed assistant and then chief of staff to Clinton, that he was already known to the big liberal eastern establishment interests, most likely including Laurance Rockefeller. The same actually goes for the Clinton couple and not just because Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas in the 1980s. His wife, Hillary, in the 1982-1988 period actually was a trustee, vice chair and chair of the liberal New World Foundation, which was putting money into the account of the Christic Institute of Garrison and Sheehan, as well as a variety of other far-left causes. 139 As mentioned, in recent years Sheehan's succeeding Romero Institute / Paradigm Research Group has received over a half a million dollars from Tides. 140
Both Tides and the New World Foundation are total establishment foundations. As for Tides, the story as it is usually told is that the foundation was established in 1976 by Drummond Pike to act as a clearinghouse for wealthy liberals. True, Pike has been a long-time key player in Tides. He was president and CEO from 1976 to 2010 141 [133], as well as a director of the smaller Threshold Foundation in the 2005-2010 period 142, located at Tides headquarters. 143 Certainly now Pike is deeply involved with George Soros in the Democracy Alliance and the financing of movements as Occupy Wall Street 144, he is seen as a force of his own. But this wasn't the case in the 1970s. In this period he was just an associate director of the Youth Project, financed by the Center for Community Change, in turn financed by the Ford Foundation, and later by more than a dozen other key liberal foundations. 145 Apart from Tides and the Democracy Alliance, Pike has not been involved with many NGOs. The Environmental Working Group is about the only exception, a board he shares with a daughter of Ted Turner and a director of Mother Jones 146, a magazine financed by the same Rockefeller and Soros interests. 147
More important than Drummond Pike in the Tides Foundation was Jane Bagley Lehman, a heir to the R.J. Reynolds tobacco fortune who used her money to set up Tides. Lehman served as chairman of Tides from 1976 to 1988. By the 1990s her daughter Susan Lehman Carmichael, served on the board of Tides Center. 148 Jane was married to Orin Lehman, an associate of the Lehman Brothers banking firm and member of the CFR and Century Association who was primarily focused on philanthropy. In the philanthropy business Orin first teamed up with Eleanor Roosevelt in 1947 149 and from 1975 to 1993, as New York State Parks commissioner, he appears to have had a close working relationship with the Rockefeller family, especially Laurance Rockefeller 150, a name that should be very familiar by now to readers of this paper.
Today, Tides has an official partnership with the "Hewlett Foundation, [George Soros'] Open Society Institute, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, [Bill & Melinda] Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation," 151 all key financiers of the international green and new left movements. Going through the annual grant reports, it appears Tides has forgotten to list as partners here Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors and the Rockefeller Family Fund, to which it provided the most consistent annual funding of all major foundations: $1.5 million over a period of 10 years. 152 With the other foundations, it's primarily the other way round: they are financing Tides, with the apparent purpose to distance themselves from some of the more fringe groups that need a little financial boost. Daniel Sheehan's Paradigm Research Center and John Perkins' Pachamama Alliance undoubtedly fall in this category. Even Tides seems to delegate some of the more ''irregular'' grants to its Threshold Foundation, the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ICIS) having been among them.

As for the related New World Foundation, it was established in 1954 with the fortune of Anita McCormick Blaine (1866-1954), a daughter of wealthy industrialist Cyrus McCormick (1809-1884). 153 A younger brother of hers, Harold, married Edith Rockefeller, a sister of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Another key founder of the New World Foundation was Gilbert Harrison, whom had married into the McCormick family in 1951. 154 Harrison was a typical Eastern Establishment liberal: educated at Balliol College, Oxford, summer home at Martha's Vineyard and from 1953 to 1977 editor-in-chief of the liberal magazine The New Republic. 155 That's not all. He worked closely with the CIA's uberliberal Cord Meyer, also through the New World Foundation. 156 Meyer's wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, later explained that her husband, Harrison and associates were all old boy OSS/CIA and always plotting to get their own favorite presidential candidates in the White House. 157 Even within the NGO circuit ties between New World and the CIA were considered ''not inconceivable''. 158
Thus when fellow-Martha's Vineyard visitors Vernon Jordan and Hillary Clinton ran the New World Foundation in the 1980s and were funding Daniel Sheehan's Christic Institute, they simply continued the activities of Cord Meyer and Gil Harrison and might well be have been part of the liberal wing of the CIA. After all, we know the persistent reports and rumors about how Bill Clinton, as a governor of Arkansas, allowed the CIA to import drugs into the country through an airport in Mena 159 and about Roger Clinton's later lobbying for the Gambino crime family, a family that at one point may have benefited from these CIA drug important at Mena. 160 All of a sudden Bill Clinton and John Podesta working with Laurance Rockefeller in spreading UFO disinformation straight from the White House in what appears to be a complex disinformation operation doesn't seem to be that out of place anymore. And it is also not hard to see how Soros was brought into this network. It will definitely be interesting to see if any other Soros-financed UFO researchers pop up at Coast to Coast AM.
2017-2023: Pentagon-congress-media UFO/UAP "disclosure" riddled with Coast to Coast AM disinformers
Looking at various news reports from the 2000s to the 2020s, it's entirely possible that a lot of pilots, both civilian and military, have been spotting UFOs in the modern era. However, every time these reports are discussed, including the U.S. Navy in 2020 formally releasing and acknowledging the authenticity of the "FLIR.mp4," "GOFAST.wmv" and "GIMBAL.wmv" videos 161, it is mixed in with the same network of disinfomers, involving Robert Bigelow's NIDS, the closely allied To the Stars Academy of Tom DeLonge 162, and various (other) Coast to Coast AM veterans. Senator Harry Reid, who turns out to have spearheaded the Pentagon's UFO investigative group Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP - 2007-2012), also turns out to have been a secret member of NIDS since the 1990s 163, and to have collaborated with Sen. Daniel Inouye - who helped cover up the Iran Contra affair back in the day - in setting up the AATIP, with funding coming from Bob Bigelow. 164 Other congressmen, such as Ted Stevens, have been involved as well.
With DOD, Navy and NRO oversight, the AATIP continued in secret. In 2020 it was named the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTP / UAP Task Force - 2017-2021) 165, which only became known in 2017. In late 2021 the UAP Task Force was replaced with the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group. In 2022 this group became the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), also situated at the Pentagon.
On July 26, 2023 there prominently were public congressional hearings with the witnesses Commander David Fravor, the pilot whose F/A-18 recorded the Gimbal video; former F/A-18 pilot and UFO/UAP witness Ryan Graves, also the founder of Americans for Safe Aerospace; and David Grusch of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, who liaisoned with the UAP Task Force and AARO. Reading the proceedings, once again immediately problems can be spotted:
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the antifa nemesis of Donald Trump, is among the members of congress asking questions. It should immediatly be clear that a person as this is not interested in unearthing any "truth" in 10,000 years.
- George Knapp, who was present that day, had a formal statement added to the Congressional proceedings. Knapp has been a long-time co-host of Coast to Coast AM and interviewed Tom DeLonge here in 2017 about a looming Anunnaki-type ancient aliens return to Earth and how all the secret crash retrieval and alien engineering programs involve a grand secret plot at being able to fight back when the bad aliens return. Knapp also is the one who back in the day brought Area 51 "whistleblower" Bob Lazar to the Art Bell / Coast to Coast AM show.
- Jeremy Corbell also was allowed a formal statement in the report, with Tennessee Republican congressman Tim Burchett, in the opening discussion, saying: "I saw out in the crowd there George Knapp, my buddy, Jeremy Corbell. They are not witnesses, but they have provided some statements on this subject, and I seek unanimous consent to enter those statements into the record, Mr. Chairman." With countless Coast to Coast AM appearances and a production as 'Hunt for the Skinwalker' Corbell is an obvious outgrowth of Robert Bigelow and Col. John Alexander's NIDS. His 2018 documentary 'Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers' immediately identifies him as an ally of George Knapp. All of it involves disinformation and has no place in congressional hearings.
- Witness David Grusch, who looks off and merely was reading a politispeak-filled statement, claimed he was whistleblowing because he wasn't given access to various special access programs, allegedly informally being told that some of these programs involve "a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program". Grush has appeared not only in countless mainstream media, but also on Coast to Coast AM and the equally disinformative Joe Rogan podcast. On the latter he explained, "I used to handle the Presidential Daily Brief for the National Reconnaissance Office [NRO] director in my military capacity as a reservist. I was well-cleared to hundreds and hundreds of compartmented [special access] programs." As for when Grusch first became interested in UFOs, he explained, "I do remember the day I [went], "Huh, what's with this UFO stuff?" I was briefing a senior person at the CIA into a couple hundred special access programs [and] this person worked with [AATIP director] Luis Elizondo previously." 166 Weeks before, Rogan also had Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp on. 167
- Witness David Fravor, apparently being a solid witness, could be forgiven for referring to AATIP director Luis Elizondo as an ally. He discredits himself though by uncritically referring to Elizondo allies Tom DeLonge, Chris Mellon, Steve Justice and their To the Stars Academy, not to mention Coast to Coast AM veteran Leslie Kean, a Soros-funded John Podesta-allied UFO researcher; and long-time New York Times reporter Ralph Blumenthal, who on Coast to Coast AM defended the legacy of the Laurance Rockefeller-funded alien abduction disinformer Dr. John Mack. Kean and Blumanthal actually were two of three authors of the December 2017 New York Times article that exposed the AATIP program 168 - once again underscoring just how controlled everything of "dissent" is in the media.
- Witness Ryan Graves also isn't credible, because his Americans for Safe Aerospace, has David Fravor on its "Aircrew Leadership Council" and Christopher Mellon of DeLonge's To The Stars Academy and Susan McCue, the "Founding President & CEO, The One Campaign. Ex Chief of Staff, [Sen.] Harry Reid" on its advisory board. The One Campaign doesn't provide any credibility. It was founded in 2002 as Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa (DATA) by Bono of U2, with seed money coming from George Soros and Bill Gates. Countless globalist elites have been involved in One. Other elements represented on the advisory board of Americans for Safe Aerospace give a similar elite "liberal CIA" vibe.
It should be clear that the July 26, 2023 congressional proceedings never were a serious UFO/UAP expose. With so many disinformers and red flags around, there still really is no telling what aspect of the UFO phenomenon to believe, and what not.
In many ways Americans for Safe Aerospace and the To The Stars Academy remind one of grandiose 9/11 "truth" groups as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth and Veterans Today. The latter three all were investigating a legitimate conspiracy, 9/11, but so consistently mixed it with disinformation as no-plane theories, while at the same time not genuinely advancing unique reseach, that it only served to discredit the entire subject. Due to these efforts it's almost completely impossible to question 9/11 without getting automatically associated with no-plane theories. In fact, General Albert Stubblebine, the old superior of Colonel John Alexander and himself too, through his wife, Rima Laibow, a UFO and alien abduction disinformer, used to be a member of Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth, and predictably pushed no-plane-at-Pentagon disinformation.
It's the thing with UFO/UAP "truth". There seems to be a real phenomenon there, but these Coast to Coast AM tied people keep mixing it with crash retrieval and back-engineering programs, alien abductions, and ancient alien disinformation that all serves to hide the core of truth. Just llok at how impossible it has become to update ISGP's index of legitimate UFO articles: it has essentially become impossible.
It should also be pointed out that Bigelow and Stubblebine already took a negative view of the UFO phenomenon since the 1980s, looking at their bankrolling and involvement in Budd Hopkins' Intruders Foundation (1988-), the TREAT I, II, III, IV conferences of 1989-1992 and MIT's 1992 Abduction Study Conference. Prince Hans Adam von Liechtenstein of the 1001 Club aided in the financing here. It shouldn't surprise anyone that two decades later these people funded and founded an official Pentagon group named "Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)".
The question remains: why all of a sudden did the Pentagon, media and congress acknowledge "the truth" regarding UFOs in the 2017-2023 period? Maybe the internet and social media play a role, combined with people having ever-better phone cameras. People don't realize the internet and social media are tightly-controlled networks, but maybe, possibly, it does make governments more vulnerable when all of a sudden a genuine UFO video goes viral that is impossible to deny. Maybe many of the past-reported UFO waves were real. They certainly seem to be. Maybe the 2002 UFO wave over Washington, D.C., which seems to be tied to the one exactly 50 years before, was real. Maybe the following aspect of Ryan Graves' congressional testimony was accurate, with commercial and military pilots continuing to see UFOs, and more so every decade with new radar systems being introduced:
"Military aircrew and commercial pilots ... are frequently witnessing these phenomena. The stigma attached to UAP is real and powerful... It silences commercial pilots who fear professional repercussions. ... Since 2021 all UAP videos are classified as secret or above [and] fuels speculation and mistrust.
"In 2014, I was an F-18 Foxtrot pilot in the Navy Fighter Attack Squadron 11, the Red Rippers, and I was stationed at NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach. After upgrades were made to our jet's radar systems, we began detecting unknown objects operating in our airspace.
"I founded Americans for Safe Aerospace. ... More than thirty witnesses have come forward and almost 5,000 Americans have joined us in the fight for transparency at The majority of witnesses are commercial pilots at major airlines. ... Sometimes these reports are reoccurring with numerous recent sightings north of Hawaii and in the North Atlantic. ... I believe these accounts are only scratching the surface and more will share their experiences once it is safe to do so."
As said, Americans for Safe Aerospace has all the halmarks of controlled opposition, but if they really have so many (undisclosed) civilian and military pilots as witnesses, it appears that the situation is harder to manage than the 1950s when a much smaller group of commercial airline pilots was protesting the secrecy surrounding UFOs:
"A group of more than 50 top commercial airline pilots ... blasted as "bordering on the absolute ridiculous" the Air Force policy of tight censorship, brush-off and denial in regard to unidentified flying objects - flying saucers. One termed the Air Force policy "a lesson in lying, intrigue and the 'Big Brother' attitude carried to the ultimate extreme.""
So yes, continued sightings, continually improving radar sensors and flight technology, combined with the internet and social media, and ever-improving cellphone camera technology, may have sparked this change in government policy. Imagine a UFO wave above a big city with thousands of people filming it on 16k, 50x optic zoom, AI-tracked and stabilized phone cameras? It might be too sudden to fully suppress in the media and on social media. But certainly for the time being, the globalists continue to put massive smokescreens around the subject, if only because it's such a useful distraction to prevent the unearthing of genuine conspiracies. The good old Coast to Coast AM network is perfect for that: first in, last out.
Managing the psychedelics and plant medicine movement
The psychedelics section has become a subproject of ISGP's "liberal CIA" oversight, because psychedelics is not a primary focus of Coast to Coast AM, at least not at this point. Also with this subject, the narrative is controlled by persons financed and working with the Soros, Rockefeller and Bronfman families.
Coast aiding CIA and Bush White House in psyopping 9/11 Truth?
All 9/11-related material of Coast to Coast AM has been moved to a separate article. Once again the evidence for manipulation is extreme and involves utterly ridiculous no-plane, nuke and particle beam theories. There are also ties to the Rockefeller clique. 9/11 Truth "dean" David Ray Griffin has been financed by the Rockefellers and has a history at the Laurance Rockefeller-influenced Esalen Institute. Maurice Strong-allied UFO cultist and Coast to Coast AM guest Joe Firmage has also been involved in the most most "respectable" aspect of the 9/11 Truth circuit. More information to be found in the provided link.
Conclusion: genuine alternative authors might have a problem
This article clearly demonstrates that the biggest new age radio show on the planet by a long shot, Coast to Coast AM, is heavily influenced, if not totally controlled, by the security state. The only persons allowed on the air peddle a steady stream of disinformation. Very organized disinformation actually, as much of it "backs up" one another. For example, the Cayce cultists, "historian" Graham Hancock, "astronomer" Richard Hoagland, and an army of remote viewers all talk about Ancient Egypt as a remnant of Atlantis and the likely relationship with pyramids on Mars. But it's all nonsense, A to Z.
Furthermore, evidence has been presented that the biggest political conspiracy network in the world, the Alex Jones show, which is closely allied with Coast to Coast AM, is also controlled by these same elements. Alex Jones absolutely refuses to deal with any information regarding the Pilgrims Society or 1001 Club and certainly not the American Security Council and Le Cercle. He even starts to sweat and stutter the second a guest brings up the Council for National Policy.
On top of that, there is evidence that the internet is absolutely loaded with thousands of fake websites, Youtube accounts, forum and Youtube trolls. One of many personal favorites at the moment is Youtube poster "Saintly Oswald" with video titles as "11 shots in Dallas JFK Assassination Conspiracy", "Don't Read JFK Assassination Books! (The Driver Shot JFK)", and "Proof Boston Marathon Bombings Fake". Sometimes this disinformation network is easy to spot through Facebook and Youtube friends lists: a lot of people from the same activist groups gravitate towards one another, from the "Global Paradigm Shift" to local chapters of the Ron Paul Revolution and We Are Change network. It can also rather simply be observed through the history of Youtube posters: a lot of them spent all their time making skeptical posts; or the exact opposite: they promote all kinds of bizarre Illuminati and UFO-related theories. They belong to the same phenomenon of forum members literally posting up to 50-60 messages a day in favor of bogus theories, from the Kennedy assassination to 9/11 and everything in between. Youtube videos, conspiracy forums, conspiracy websites: everything is infiltrated and destroyed, at least in the sense that ordinary, rational people quickly leave. No, the information on JTRIG, as released by Edward Snowden, truly is only the tip of the iceberg of what the NSA and GCHQ have been up to. Speaking of Snowden, his effort, as usual, is backed by the big "liberal CIA" think tanks as Soros, Rockefeller, MacArthur and the like. But that's for another article.
Clearly infiltration has taken place at an even larger scale and has extended to publishing houses. For example, it cannot be explained that just about every major alternative 9/11 investigator has promoted the theory that Flight 77 could not have hit the Pentagon. Anyone who even does a little bit of research will notice that in order to reach this conclusion all witness testimony and pictures must be taken out of context. Yet, these authors get promoted everywhere: hundreds of conspiracy websites, alternative radio shows, and sometimes even on national television as representatives of all "conspiracy theorists." But no one wants to link to articles that include first-time-ever photocopies of membership lists of the Pilgrims Society, 1001 Club, or Le Cercle. How strange...

When I say: "We have a problem," I primarily mean that it is going to be hard for individuals or even groups to get their message out, simply because not just the mainstream is controlled, but also, clearly, the alternative media. And not just a little either. Control is almost absolute.
For myself, this is a problem. I can write several books related to healthcare and spiritual issues. I have repeatedly cured a number of chronic diseases that doctors and acupuncturists have not been able to do. I understand why they can't solve it and why I was able to. It's all quite simple, actually. And I can teach anyone to do the same with the cost of only one book at the most.
However, how am I going to get the information to the masses? I always assumed that unique information could get you a good book contract and plenty of exposure by a radio show as Coast to Coast AM. The earlier discussed Coast to Coast AM guest and dream author Robert Moss actually was the inspiration for that assumption, years before I even thought about the whole concept of conspiracies. When I bought Moss' book Dreamgates around 2000 I noticed the publisher was the giant Random House. So I always kept in the back of my mind: If Moss can get a publisher like that with an alternative subject like this, surely I should be able to get the same. Well, we'll see about that. This, of course, was before I spotted Moss on a Cercle membership list and found out that he used to be a pro-fascist labor union wrecker and coup plotter for MI6 and the CIA.

Then, in later years, I find out that a favorite past-life regression author of mine, Coast to Coast AM visitor Dr. Brian Weiss, thinks he met Jesus in a past life and regresses people to an Atlantis that never could have existed. I also find that Coast to Coast AM guest and spiritual guru Uri Geller, who inspired the spoon-bending craze that I also always was intrigued by, maintained highest level Mossad connections before he was brought over to Stanford Research Institute (SRI) on a CIA contract. Still later I find out that SRI is part of a large network of CIA- and elite-backed NGOs seemingly with only one purpose: spreading disinformation on spirituality, ancient history and UFOs. As it turns out, it is primarily individuals who emerge from this network who end up getting the major book contracts and air time on shows as Coast to Coast AM. Who would have ever believed that?
In any case, with a little luck I still have half a century or more to go, so I guess it's going to be one hell of fight to get some proper information out.
Appendix A: guests with potential genuine information
William Buhlman's basic OBE material seems to works. I can attest to a large part of it from personal experiences in my youth. However, I did not manage to achive the final "separation" stage, despite feeling I was floating above my body (except for my head) and felt like I was immersed in a thunderous tornado of energy. I could have worked much harder on achieving the OBE state, but the fact remains that I cannot vouch for this aspect.
Since 2001 Mike Heiser has done a magnificent job debunking Zecharia Sitchin's Sumerian "translations" about Planet X and the Anunnaki. He has also linked to material that conclusively undermines the Majestic 12 documents. Of course, in his book The Facade Heiser has written about archons and aliens, but he does this in the form of a novel. So technically, one can't really fault him for that. His work on Sitchin is what matters.
Unlike Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Michael Newton never regressed people to places as Atlantis--which never existed, as an ISGP article clearly demonstrates. Can't verify his work for myself though, although research linking persons, especially children, to a past life seems to pretty much confirm reincarnation as real. But at this point, who knows how deep the manipulation in this area goes. Still wondering what Newton's expedition to Laos was about, which he hinted to in one of his books. I would also love to see full online unedited transcripts of all the sessions he has done, with biographical information on each subject (without the names). Shouldn't be a problem anymore in this day and age. Or maybe better and easier, just upload the interviews to Youtube. We need to be absolutely certain that subjects are not being influenced or cherry-picked, as is continually done by alien abduction ''researchers''. Granted, we're dealing with a much smaller sample size with the latter, which makes that easier.
Update: to be honest, these days I suspect Newton has also been scamming people, at least to a degree. Recently I found out that Newton has been a regular guest on the super-disinformative and even anti-Semitic Rense radio show. I also remember criticism from a far less known regression therapist about the peculiarily that all Newton's subjects appeared in front of a council of wise elders during the "in-between" state. Still, Newton's work intrigues the heck out of me.
- See biography and sources on Jim Dilettoso.
- See biography and sources on Lowry Mays and Red McCombs.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- See biography and sources on Malachi Martin.
- Search the membership/bio list of ISGP's 1001 Club for "Opus Dei".
- See biography and sources on Malachi Martin.
- *) See ISGP's American Security Council article for details on child abuse linked to AmeriCares.
*) ISGP's index of institutes: "AmeriCares (1982): J. Peter Grace | Brzezinski | William Simon | Gen. Richard G. Stilwell | Stilwell, Jr. | Eagleburger | Robert Macauley (friend of George H. W. Bush) | Prescott S. Bush, Jr. | Jeb Bush | George P. Bush | Barbara Bush | Bruce Ritter | Elie Wiesel | Sen. Gordon Humphrey | A. James Forbes, Jr. | Robert Galvin | James Earl Jones | Powell | Thomas L. Sheer"
*) January 8, 1991, Russ Baker for Village Voice, 'A Thousand Points of Blight': "When AmeriCares decided Nicaragua had earned assistance, rightist Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo went to the airport to receive the first shipment, and the well-connected Knights of Malta distributed it. President Bush's son Marvin was aboard the next AmeriCares flight, which arrived just days after Chamorro's inauguration. He was met by a Knights of Malta ambassador by the name of Roberto Alejos Arzu, who, beyond his recent role as an avuncular dispenser of charity, has a long history of association with some of Central America's most reactionary elements. ... Alejos's links to the Reagan-Bush administrations go back to 1979, when he hosted a delegation from the private military lobby, the American Security Council (ASC). The group, led by generals Singlaub (later of Iran-contra fame) and Daniel Graham, met with the president of Guatemala and took helicopter tours of rural counterinsurgency operations. Alejos later came to California and met with Reagan. "Mr. Reagan was in favor of human rights as much as we were," Alejos said at the time. "I have personal respect and great admiration for Mr. Reagan. I think your country needs him." Using tactics developed in Vietnam--and promoted there by AmeriCares advisory board member general Stilwell--the Guatemalan army has pursued a brutal scorched-earth policy, bombing and forcing the abandonment of whole villages. In 1983, more than a quarter of the 4 million Indians living in the highlands were pushed from their land, according to the Guatemalan Council of Bishops. Many tens of thousands have died, and the number of orphans is estimated in the hundreds of thousands."
*) (accessed: August 27, 1999): "Ambassador-at Large Barbara Bush; Honorary Chairman: Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski; Founder and Chairman: Robert C. Macauley; Advisory Committee: Chairman (1982-1995): J. Peter Grace, Jr., Chairman W.R. Grace & Company (1948-1995); Louis F. Bantle, Chairman Emeritus, UST; Prescott S. Bush, Jr. Prescott Bush Resources, Ltd. [Advisory board members:] Lawerence S. Eagleburger ... Thomas J. Flatley ... Robert W. Galvin ... Gordon J. Humphrey ... James Earl Jones ... Virginia A. Kamsky ... Sol M. Linowitz ... Peter S. Lynch ... J. Richard Munro, Chariman, Executive Committee Time Warner, Inc.; Gen. Colin L. Powell USA (RET) ... Howard J. Rubenstein ... Elie Wiesel..." - See biography and sources on Colonel John Alexander.
- *) bank of Liechtenstein has been represented by in Otto vo Habsburg's Cercle Group, which is CIA-Opus Dei central.
*) July 25, 2013, Steven Greer in a speech for the premiere of his film Sirius at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) in London, just over one hour and 5 minutes in: "I remember some years ago meeting with the crown prince of Liechtenstein, Hans Adam von Liechtenstein, an amazing meeting. And he turned to me and said: 'The reason I'm providing funding to various groups looking into the abduction issue - he was chief funder of Opus Dei - is that I think we really have to have an enemy in space, so we have a final eschatological battle, an end of the world battle in space that will force the return of Christ.' Now this is the crown prince of Liechtenstein from his lips to my ears, and I'm going 'Woohooo, nutsville'." - *) Family tree in relation to the Habsburg: Francis II of Habsburg, holy roman emperor (1768-1835) ---> Archduke Franz Karl of Austria (Habsburg) (1802-1878) ---> Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria (Habsburg) (1833-1896), the younger brother of famous Archduke and Emperor Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian empire. ---> Archduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria (1878-1960), who married Prince Aloys of Liechtenstein (1869-1955) in 1903. Emperor Franz Joseph attended and supported the marriage. ---> Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein (1906-1989). Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein (b. 1945). All this makes him a distant cousin of Otto von Habsburg, heir of the Austro-Hungarian empire and long time leading light in Le Cercle.
*) "Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein and Marie Aglae of Liechtenstein attend the funeral ceremony for Otto von Habsburg at Saint Stephan's Cathedral on July 16, 2011, in Vienna." In various pictures taken at the funeral Hans Adam can be seen crying. - See biography and sources on Budd Hopkins.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- See biography and sources on Frank Gaffney.
- See biography and sources on John Loftus.
- Ibid.
- See ISGP's Pilgrims Society article for details and sources.
- See ISGP's 9/11: Part 2 article for details and sources.
- See biography and sources on Catherine Austin Fitts.
- See biography and sources on Joe Firmage and Robert and Ryan Wood.
- See biography and sources on Robert and Ryan Wood.
- See ISGP's 9/11: Part 2 article for details and sources.
- See biography and sources on Steven Greer.
- See biography and sources on Steven Schwartz.
- See biography and sources on Colonel John Alexander.
- See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for sources on elite involvement in the Stanford Research Institute / SRI International over the years.
- See biography and sources on Graham Hancock .
- See biography and sources on Richard Hoagland.
- *) 1987,, 'William H. Blanchard 1939 (accessed: February 27, 2015)': "Bill Blanchard was
born in Boston, Massachusetts, the son of Doctor and Mrs. William H.
Blanchard. His father served for many years as the chief medical officer and
director of the Veterans Hospital in Chelsea. "Butch," as he was known to
friends and family alike, had his early schooling in Chelsea and finished
high school at Phillips Exeter Academy. At West Point, he was one of the
happiest cadets there. He had no problems with academics; he participated in
athletics during all seasons football in the autumn, ice hockey in the
winter, track in the spring. He was a superb hockey player and captained the
team his senior year. ... After arriving in the China, Burma, India Theatre
in the spring of 1944, he became commanding officer of the 40th Bomb Group
(VH) and shortly thereafter led his group in the first bombardment raid on
Japan since the Doolittle raid of 1942. In early 1945 he moved to the
Marianna Islands and became assistant chief of staff, Operations of the
Twentieth Air Force which was then conducting massive raids on Japan. With
the war over later in the year, he copiloted a B-29 on a nonstop flight from
Japan to Chicago with General LeMay. Butch's first assignment after World
War II was as commander of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell, New Mexico. At
this same time, he assumed command of the Air Task Unit which participated
in Operation Crossroads, the atomic bomb tests held in the Marshall Islands
in 1946."
*) 1988, 'Strategic Air Warfare: An Interview with Generals Curtis E. LeMay, Leon W. Johnson, David A. Burchinal, and Jack J. Catton', p. 67: "LeMay: By this time the lead crew business had started paying off, and we were getting some good visual bombing missions. I remember once betting "Butch" Blanchard ten bucks that we couldn't do as good a job on a certain Japanese steel mill as they did on the cement plant in India that we had used for practice runs. [65] ... 65: Gen. William H. "Butch" Blanchard (1916-66). In the William H. "Butch" Blanchard (1916-66). In the spring of 1945, Colonel Blanchard was General LeMay's Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations in the XXI Bomber Command. A West Point graduate (1939), Blanchard led the combat crew training section for the first B-29 unit formed in 1943. He piloted the first B-29 to China and subsequently was commanding officer of the 40th Bomb Group, XX Bomber Command in Chengtu, China, from August 1944 to January 1945. When that command moved its operations in early 1945 from China to the Marianas, Colonel Blanchard became LeMay's operations officer, helping plan and direct the low-level incendiary strikes and the atomic missions against Japan. In the postwar years General Blanchard held key command and staff positions in the Strategic Air Command (1946-60), serving as commanding officer of the 509th Bomb Wing (1946-48), the first atomic-capable wing in the Air Force. Subsequently, he was Director of Operations at Eighth Air Force (1948-52), Deputy Director of Operations at Headquarters SAC (1953-56), and Commander of SAC's Seventh Air Division (1957-60). In October 1961, Lt. Gen. Blanchard became Inspector General at Headquarters, USAF. He remained at that headquarters serving in the key deputates of programs and requirements, and plans and operations before becoming in February 1965 the Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force. Four months later, he suffered a heart attack and died." - *) Sep. 23, 1947, memorandum of General Nathan Twining to General George Schulgen: "It is the opinion that: a. The phenomenon
reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious. ... d. The
reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb,
maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered
evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief
to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually,
automatically or remotely."
*) March 17, 1948, Col. H.M McCoy, chief of intelligence for the USAF's Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson Air Base, to the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (AFSAB). (Theodore von Karman was chair of the AFSAB. Edward Teller was another member. USAF AMC was headed by General Nathan Twining): "We have a new project--Project SIGN--which may surprise you as a development from the so-called mass hysteria of the past summer when we had all the unidentified flying objects or discs. This can't be laughed off. We have over 300 reports which haven't been publicized in the papers from very competent personnel, in many instances--men as capable as Dr. K.D. Wood--and practically all Air Force, airline people with broad experience. We are running down every report. I can't even tell you how much we would give to have one of those crash in an area so that we could recover whatever they are."
*) Air Force General Curtis LeMay (1965, Curtis LeMay and MacKinlay Kantor, 'Mission with LeMay: My Story', pp. 541-543): "We had a number of reports from reputable people (well-educated, serious-minded folks - scientists and flyers) who surely saw something. There is no question about it: these were things which we could not tie in with any natural phenomena known to our investigators. ... And repeat again: there were some cases we could not explain. Never could." - 1966, Robert Low, Notes of Robert J. Low's Trip to Washington, December 1966 (APL files): "In a belligerent interview with Foreign Technology Division chief, Colonel Raymond Sleeper, Robert Low and Bluebook personnel were treated to the following exchange: Sleeper: "Do you know what benefit the Air Force has derived from the Bluebook study? ... Zero! UFOs exist because people, faced with an unstructured existence, find the need to structure it. If you'll just find out about that, you'll find the key to the UFO problem" Low: "Why did you give the contract to the University of Colorado? Do you consider it a waste of money?" Sleeper: "I do.""
- June 13, 1956, The Miami News, 'Twining, 9 U.S. Experts To See Soviet Air Might': "Gen. Nathan Twining, and nine Air Force officers,
including an operations expert for the Strategic Bomber Force, will land in
Russia, June 23 for as good a look as they can get at Soviet airpower. ...
Among those who will make the trip to Russia with Twining is Brig. Gen.
William H. Blanchard, the operations chief for Gen. Curtis LeMay, chief of
the Strategic Air command and boss of this country's long-range bomber
fleet. ... Others are ... Lt. Gen. Thomas S. Power, head of the Air Research
and Development Command."
*) Blanchard's comments after returning I read in Lexis Nexis or Proquest newspaper archives. No more access unfortunately. - November 1989, MUFON UFO journal, Bill Moore, 'UFOs and the U.S. Government: Part 1' (Bill Moore 1989 MUFON Symposium speech), p. 12: "First of all, on the question of Richard Doty, and "the Falcon," it is important to note that the name "Falcon" was invented by my partner, Jaime Shandera, and I in 1984 strictly as a way of facilitating our talking to each other about this person, particularly on the telephone, without having to use a name. Richard Doty, who continued to be liaison man, was similarly referred to by us as "the Sparrow." Neither "Sparrow" nor "Falcon" were aware that we were using these terms in reference to them, nor was anyone else to the best of my knowledge, prior to about mid-1985."
- 2007, Brad Sparks and Barry Greenwood, 'An Estimate of the Situation: The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis', pp. 100, 151 (paper presented at the MUFON International Symposium, August 10-12, 2007). P. 151 (notes): "The date of the purported Aquarius Executive Briefing of Carter changed when research by Moore (and perhaps Doty) in late 1981 settled on June 3, 1977, as the most likely date, not the more widely believed June 14 date found on its front cover and today on various websites, and not the June 2 date initially reported by Doty to Moore (and Pratt). They settled on the June 3 rather than June 2 because a published announcement of White House meetings showed a more viable meeting on that date. To reconcile the discrepancy Moore evidently decided to make the Briefing Document merely after-briefing "notes" done at a later date (June 14) though there is no actual indication of that, it is just an apologetic assumption to rescue the fake document from the date error. (Moore-Shandera MJ-12 Report, p. 31.) Pratt's files have a copy of the page marked "UFO Briefing" in handwriting by Moore on the entry for President Carter on June 3, meeting with Vice President Walter F. Mondale, National Security Adviser Brzezinski, and Director of Central Intelligence (CIA Director) Adm. Stansfield Turner. Since Doty's alleged source was a Brzezinski aide the emphasis was on finding a Carter-Brzezinski meeting in the suitable time frame, and with the supposedly "only" 4-5 in attendance. Brzezinski did have a meeting with Carter on June 2, but alone, so that date was evidently ruled out for not having 4-5 persons attending. On June 14 Brzezinski met with Carter alone, then later in the day Carter met with a group of intelligence officials to discuss the intelligence budget then met with DCI Turner alone."
- Ibid., p. 131.
- See biography and sources on Don Schmitt.
- 2007, Thomas J. Carey, Donald R. Schmitt, 'Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-Year Cover-Up', pp. 40-45.
- November 1989, MUFON UFO journal, Bill Moore, 'UFOs and the U.S. Government: Part 1' (Bill Moore 1989 MUFON Symposium speech), p. 8: "At this point, allow me to introduce myself. I am aware that you already know my name, and I am equally certain that many of you are wondering, "Just who is Bill Moore, and what is he up to?" Added to that, I'm sure, are many other questions: "Is this man a government agent?"; "What about his rumored contact within the intelligence community?"; "Are the MJ-12 documents real or counterfeit, and if counterfeit, did he forge them?"; and "Isn't he just really in it for the money?" The truth about Bill Moore, I'm afraid, is considerably less sensational."
- 2007, Brad Sparks and Barry Greenwood, 'An Estimate of the Situation: The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis', p. 153 (paper presented at the MUFON International Symposium, August 10-12, 2007): "A favorite pastime of defenders and critics of MJ-12 documents has been the formatting, typefaces, styles, signatures, control numbers (or lack of same) and markings of the documents, none of which has proved to be conclusive in determining authenticity or fraud except in rare cases. However it is interesting that in the 20 years since the MJ-12 EBD went public, not a single example of the Zero-Digit Month-Comma date style, called by Moore and Shandera Style (k) as seen in 01 August, 1950, 07 July, 1947, and 06 December, 1950, in the EBD (Moore-Shandera MJ-12 Report, p. 58) has ever been found in a genuine government document or anything written by supposed MJ-1 Admiral Hillenkoetter. Only partial styles, either the Zero-Digit or the Month-Comma have been found, but never both together."
- May/June 2000, Phil Klass, Skeptical Inquirer, 'The New Bogus Majestic-12 Documents': "Further, the EBD repeatedly used a very unusual date-format-a hybrid combination of civil and military formats with a superfluous comma, i.e., 18 November, 1952. This unusual hybrid date-format was one repeatedly used by William L. Moore in his personal letters - until I pointed out this "curious coincidence" in my first article debunking the original MJ-12 papers (see SI 12[2], Winter 1987-1988). The third of the MJ-12 documents made public by Moore et al. in mid-1987 purported to be a brief memo, dated July 14, 1954, from Robert Cutler to USAF Chief of Staff General Twining informing him of change of date to brief the President on the "MJ-12 Special Studies Project." Investigation revealed that on the date that Cutler allegedly wrote the memo, he was out of the country."
- March 1991, no. 8, Philip J. Klass, Skeptics UFO Newsletter (SUN), 'Moore/Shandera MJ-12 report demonstrates photocopy "hanky panky"' (PDF).
- 2007, Brad Sparks and Barry Greenwood, 'An Estimate of the Situation: The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis', p. 97 (paper presented at the MUFON International Symposium, August 10-12, 2007).
- July 21, 2010, Kevin Randle's A Different Perspective blog, 'Del Rio UFO Crash and MJ-12': "There is a flaw in the Eisenhower Briefing Document (EBD) that has gone unnoticed since the MJ-12 controversy first erupted more than two decades ago. It is one that gives us a time frame for the thinking in the early 1980s and tells us that the document is a hoax. It goes beyond the misspellings, beyond the grammatical errors and beyond the flawed history. It tells us that the document is not authentic and even points a finger at one of those who might have had a hand in creating it... and no, it wasn't the US government, the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) or any other official agency."
- See biography and sources onLinda Howe.
- December 1989, MUFON UFO journal, Bill Moore, 'UFOs and the U.S. Government: Part 2' (Bill Moore 1989 MUFON Symposium speech), pp. 8, 13.
- 1993, Greg Bishop for his The Excluded Middle, 'Interview with Bill Moore'.
- July 21, 2010, Kevin Randle's A Different Perspective blog, 'Del Rio UFO Crash and MJ-12': "What I'm looking at is the case from Del Rio, Texas, as reported in the EBD. It said, "On 06 December, 1950, (sic) a second object, probably of similar origin, impacted the earth at high speed in the El-Indio - Guerrero area of the Texas - Mexican boder [sic] after following a long trajectory through the atmosphere. By the time a search team arrived, what remained of the object had been almost totally (sic) incinerated. Such material as could be recovered was transported to the A.E.C. facility at Sandia, New Mexico, for study." The only report I know of that talks of a crash in December 1950 and on the Texas - Mexican border came from a man who said that he was a retired Air Force colonel. He originally told the story, in the late 1960s, to a reporter in Pennsylvania who was asking Civil Air Patrol (CAP) pilots about UFO sightings. Robert B. Willingham (seen here in his "Air Force" uniform) said that he had seen something fall close to the border. That story was sent on to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in Washington, D.C., where it sat unnoticed for more than a decade. I now wonder if those making the original report about the story might have gotten the organization wrong. This will become clear later. W. Todd Zechel, a researcher of mediocre ability, found the story and tracked down Willingham. He got an affidavit from Willingham, signed in 1977, giving additional the details of the crash. At the same time, Zechel was talking to William Moore about the case, hoping to write a book about it. In fact, in The Roswell Incident, Moore wrote, "Then a second group, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) was formed in 1978 under the directorship of W. T. Zechel, former research director of GSW [Ground Saucer Watch] and a one-time radio-telegraph operator for the Army Security Agency. CAUS's announced aim was nothing less than an attempt to reestablish that the USAF (or elements thereof) recovered a crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft' in the Texas New Mexico border area sometime in the late 1940s emphasis added)." According to the work done by Len Stringfield, the original crash story was of an event in 1948, but it was after Zechel entered the case that the date shifted to December 6, 1950. The best evidence was the affidavit signed by Willingham, who was the witness and who, as a retired, high-ranking officer, gave credibility to the report. But it seems that no one had bothered to check Willingham's military record. I asked a number of people about it and they all assumed that Zechel had done so. I saw nothing to verify this, so I attempted to do it. ... And if all that is true, then Willingham's story, of seeing a UFO crash falls apart because he wasn't an Air Force fighter pilot as he claimed, is not a retired military officer as he claimed, and wouldn't have been in a position to see what he claimed to have seen when he claimed to have seen it. But even if Willingham was less than candid about his military service, he now claims that the crash didn't take place in 1950. That had been Zechel's influence. According to Willingham he had seen the crash in 1954, or 1955, or maybe in 1957. He is no longer sure of the date. He only knows that it wasn't in 1950... and even if Willingham is telling the truth now, it suggests that the information about Del Rio as it appears in the EBD is inaccurate which undermines the validity of MJ-12."
- *) 1996, Stanton Friedman, 'Top Secret/Majic', p. 130: "The simple fact of the matter is that Moore, Shandera and I had already picked up on all the names of the [MJ-12] list prior to receipt of the Eisenhower Briefing Document (except for Donald Menzel) as a result of many hours spent in archival research begun a decade ago.... We had noted who was where in 1947, when the Roswell incident occurred."
*) 2007, Brad Sparks and Barry Greenwood, 'An Estimate of the Situation: The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis', p. 151 (paper presented at the MUFON International Symposium, August 10-12, 2007): "See similar quote in Friedman, MUFON 1989 Symposium MJ-12 paper, p. 88. In fact, the Friedman-Moore research was even better than Friedman modestly claimed they had actually gotten all the MJ-12 names by 1982 including Menzel's. The one alleged exception, notorious UFO debunker astronomer Menzel, that Friedman claims he did not know about and no one knew about until the EBD surfaced in 1984, was in fact already known by Friedman in 1980. I (Sparks) had long arguments about this with my friend Stan Friedman in person and on the phone locally in California in early 1980 before Stan moved away to Canada in August 1980 (and then we could no longer meet and telephone)." - November 1989, MUFON UFO journal, Bill Moore, 'UFOs and the U.S. Government: Part 1' (Bill Moore 1989 MUFON Symposium speech), p. 12: "First of all, on the question of Richard Doty, and "the Falcon," it is important to note that the name "Falcon" was invented by my partner, Jaime Shandera, and I in 1984 strictly as a way of facilitating our talking to each other about this person, particularly on the telephone, without having to use a name. Richard Doty, who continued to be liaison man, was similarly referred to by us as "the Sparrow." Neither "Sparrow" nor "Falcon" were aware that we were using these terms in reference to them, nor was anyone else to the best of my knowledge, prior to about mid-1985. It was in the mid-1987, just after we went public with the MJ-12 papers, that at "Falcon's" suggestion and with the concurrence of Richard Doty, we began dropping subtle hints that "Falcon" might in fact be Doty. "Falcon" felt that such a ploy would be useful to him in continuing to protect his identity, while Doty, for his part, said that if anybody asked he could simply deny it and that would be that. We quite naturally agreed, and, as many of you are painfully aware, it turned out to be an excellent diversion particularly with respect to the effect it had following the "UFO Cover-Up? ... Live!" show which was broadcast nationally in October 1988."
- Ibid., p. 12.
- Ibid., p. 16: "In June of 1982, I approached my friend Jaime Shandera and brought him into the project. At that time, I also began briefing Stanton Friedman as to what was going on. Both of them knew that I was in contact with a number of people within the intelligence community on the subject of UFOs, and both were aware that at least some of the information conning through was disinformation, but both had only minimal knowledge of the private goals and conclusions I had established some months earlier."
- December 1989, MUFON UFO journal, Bill Moore, 'UFOs and the U.S. Government: Part 2' (Bill Moore 1989 MUFON Symposium speech), p. 11: "In September of 1982, insofar as I was aware, there were only three copies of this [Aquarius] document in existence. One of these I had passed to Bennewitz, a second was in safekeepiing, and a third was in my briefcase during a trip I had made to San Francisco. While there, I had a morning meeting with a man who turned out later to be an associate of UFOlogist Peter Gersten of New York. That same afternoon, my car was broken into and my briefcase was stolen. Four months later, a copy of that same document complete with annotations I had penciled on it, turned up in the hands of none other than Gersten himself. To this day, I have never received a satisfactory explanation of how he obtained that document."
- See biography and sources on Linda Howe.
- See biography and sources on Joe Firmage.
- 2007, Brad Sparks and Barry Greenwood, 'An Estimate of the Situation: The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis', p. 117 (paper presented at the MUFON International Symposium, August 10-12, 2007).
- See biography and sources on Jim Dilettoso.
- See biography and sources on Bob Dean.
- May 4, 1998, Wall Street Journal, 'Titans of Industry Join Forces To Work for Jewish Philanthropy': "When movie mogul Steven Spielberg, Seagram Chairman Edgar Bronfman Sr. and former hedge-fund manager Michael Steinhardt met at Mr. Steinhardt's Manhattan apartment last month, the main topic was neither films nor high finance but considerably more complex than either: being Jewish. The three men, among others, were convened for a meeting of the "Study Group," also known informally as the "Mega Group," a loosely organized club of 20 of the nation's wealthiest and most influential Jewish businessmen. It meets twice a year for two days of seminars on topics related to philanthropy and Jewishness. ... Formed seven years ago by Leslie Wexner, chairman of Limited Inc. and Charles Bronfman, Edgar's brother and [of] Seagram Co. ... Among the members: Harvey "Bud" Meyerhoff, a retired Baltimore-area real-estate developer; Leonard Abramson, founder of U.S. Healthcare Inc.; Lester Crown, a Chicago billionaire and part owner of the Chicago Bulls; Laurence Tisch, chairman of Loews Corp.; Max Fisher, Detroit financier; and bagel tycoon Marvin Lender. ... "You meet people who are of like mind," says Charles Schusterman, chairman of Samson Investment Co. of Tulsa, Okla. ... Currently, Charles Bronfman and Mr. Steinhardt are working on the nascent Birthright Project..."
- December 19, 2008, Joel Stein for the Los Angeles Times, 'Who runs Hollywood? C'mon': "I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22% of Americans now believe "the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews," down from nearly 50% in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten. Jews totally run Hollywood. How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the Los Angeles Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey (Jewish), Walt Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah. The person they were yelling at in that ad was SAG President Alan Rosenberg (take a guess). The scathing rebuttal to the ad was written by entertainment super-agent Ari Emanuel (Jew with Israeli parents) on the Huffington Post, which is owned by Arianna Huffington (not Jewish and has never worked in Hollywood.) The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish. As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you'd be flipping between "The 700 Club" and "Davey and Goliath" on TV all day. So I've taken it upon myself to re-convince America that Jews run Hollywood by launching a public relations campaign, because that's what we do best. I'm weighing several slogans, including: "Hollywood: More Jewish than ever!"; "Hollywood: From the people who brought you the Bible"; and "Hollywood: If you enjoy TV and movies, then you probably like Jews after all." I called ADL Chairman Abe Foxman, who was in Santiago, Chile, where, he told me to my dismay, he was not hunting Nazis. He dismissed my whole proposition, saying that the number of people who think Jews run Hollywood is still too high. The ADL poll, he pointed out, showed that 59% of Americans think Hollywood execs "do not share the religious and moral values of most Americans," and 43% think the entertainment industry is waging an organized campaign to "weaken the influence of religious values in this country." That's a sinister canard, Foxman said. "It means they think Jews meet at Canter's Deli on Friday mornings to decide what's best for the Jews." Foxman's argument made me rethink: I have to eat at Canter's more often. "That's a very dangerous phrase, 'Jews control Hollywood.' What is true is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood," he said. Instead of "control," Foxman would prefer people say that many executives in the industry "happen to be Jewish," as in "all eight major film studios are run by men who happen to be Jewish." But Foxman said he is proud of the accomplishments of American Jews. "I think Jews are disproportionately represented in the creative industry. They're disproportionate as lawyers and probably medicine here as well," he said. He argues that this does not mean that Jews make pro-Jewish movies any more than they do pro-Jewish surgery. Though other countries, I've noticed, aren't so big on circumcision."
- February 28, 1960, NY Times, 'Air Force Order on 'Saucers' Cited'.
- October 8, 1966, Los Angeles Times, 'Physicist Says CIA Ordered Debunking'.
- 1994,, Richard H. Hall, 'The Quest For The Truth About UFOs: A Personal Perspective On The Role Of NICAP'.
- Jim Keith, 'Mind Control and UFOs', pp. 170-171: "Tod Zechel [founder of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy], interviewed by Timothy Good in Above Top Secret, has alleged that several CIA agents infiltrated and held high positions in the early UFO organization NICAP. Zechel cites Count Nicholas de Rochefort, a member of the CIA's Psychological Warfare Straff, who was vice-chairman of NICAP in 1956. He also names as CIA agents Bernard J. Carvalho, chairman of NICAP's membership subcommittee, Karl Pflock, Chairman of the Washington, DC subcommittee, and G. Stuart Nixon, former assistant to NICAP's president. Stating that Donald Keyhoe was deliberately ousted from NICAP by the CIA, Zechel says, "Maybe it's a coincidence that the founder of the CIA's Psychological Warfare Staff [Colonel Joseph Bryan III, USAF] has been on the board [of NICAP] for nearly twenty years. Maybe it's another coincidence that Charles Lombard, a former CIA covert employee (according to himself) would seek out a retired CIA executive to run the organization [i.e. after Jack Acuff was replaced by a retired CIA agent, Alan N. Hall in 1979!]... Or maybe we're all paranoid... Perhaps Keyhoe deserved to be fired from the organization he built with his own sweat, blood, and sacrifice. The timing couldn't have been better, in any case. Keyhoe, after all, was beginning to focus on the CIA in 1969, instead of his tunnel-visioned attacks on the Air Force...if they wanted to destroy the leading anti-secrecy organization of the 1960s, they couldn't have done a better job if they'd tried."
- 2007, Kathleen Marden and Stanton Friedman, Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, p. 58: "Also present for the five-hour meeting was Barney's friend, Major James MacDonald, a retired Air Force intelligence officer at Pease Air Force Base, then working as a USAF consultant. In a confidential letter discovered in Betty's archival materials, she wrote, "It might be well to leave out that Jim MacDonald was formerly with the CIA. I think this is something that he was not supposed to reveal. Since he is a friend, we would not want to cause him any difficulties." A retired U.S. Air Force colonel informed Kathy that if MacDonald were actively employed by the CIA, he would have been undercover as an Air Force officer, and it would be a serious violation if he told anyone. However, MacDonald had indeed retired when he informed the Hills about his former CIA position, negating the problem. One thing is clear about MacDonald's role at the meeting. It was he, not Hohmann, who first suggested that the Hills might consider hypnosis as a means of discovering what transpired during the two hours of missing time. Hohmann agreed that it would be advisable. Major MacDonald was one of many of the Hills' friends at Pease Air Force Base. They enjoyed social gatherings together on Saturday nights at the base officer's club. Several also attended Betty's and Barney's church, where they were active in its couples group. Major MacDonald dated and later married one of Betty's friends, and Barney served as the best man at the wedding."
- See biography and sources on Richard Boylan.
- See biography and sources on Robert and Ryan Wood.
- See biography and sources on Budd Hopkins and Ed Dames.
- See biography and sources on Steven Greer.
- See biography and sources on Budd Hopkins.
- See biography and sources on John Mack and Steven Greer.
- November 1989, MUFON UFO journal, Bill Moore, 'UFOs and the U.S. Government: Part 1' (Bill Moore 1989 MUFON Symposium speech), p. 12.
- Ibid., p. 14.
- September 11, 1975, Los Angeles Times, 'Mutilations of Cattle: Terror in Colorado - Ranchers Arm Selves as Mystery Killings, Butchery Increase'. See full article here.
- September 8, 1974, Washington Post, 'Ranchers Enraged by Weird Deaths, 'Devil Cult' Sought in Nebraska Cattle Mutilations'. See full article here.
- October 29, 1975, Washington Post, 'Strange Cattle Mutilations Mystify Colorado'. See full article here.
- October 10, 1967, Washington Post, 'Autopsy Finds Innards Missing, Dead Horse UFO Mystery Deepens'. See full article here.
- See biography and sources on Linda Howe.
- 1977, 'Out of this World' documentary, Gordon Creighton (additonal words): "Certainly about 15 years ago I, like most people, thought that this must be from outer space, but I've long ceased to think that this is necessarily the only explanation. I think that there are probably other realities... here... Time-space framework, anything. Other dimensions. ... I might be sticking my finger through many worlds when I do this. Eastern religions have always said this is so. ... Now let's take an early language like Sanskrit. ... You'll find references to a machine or a vehicle described as a "vimana". There it is in Sanskrit. And you see what it is called. It's called a celestial chariot of the gods or airial car. Modern Hindi language, which is the descendent of Sanskrit ... and I look up the word [airplane]. And what do I find? "Vimana". So there it is. Here I have the New English Bible. ... There is first of all Eziekhiel's famous experience. ... [interviewer wants to ask a critical question] ... Well, I can only tell you that a man in America - he's a space scientiest - has written a very convincing book about it. It's out in paperback in this country. Is it Blumrich? I think it's Blumrich [The Spaceships of Ezekiel. 1974; inspired by von Daniken]. He fully accepts the thesis. ... I think in fact that we are going to find out - if we are given time to find it out - that, first of all, we are not the first humanity that has been on this planet anyway. There have been quite a number of others that have come unstuck or have been wiped out. Secondly, that man is not just a product of the workings out of evolution. That, in other words, we are the result of some very superior engineering, by somebody, somewhere. And I think that opposed to those forces, the creative powers of the cosmos, there are others who you could describe as the opposition. ... I think there is a very great struggle going on for control over us."
- 2009, Richard D. Hall's documentary Silent Killers, featuring David Cayton.
- See biography and sources on John Lear.
- Ibid.
- September 20, 2009, Coast to Coast AM, T.D. Barness summary: "During his years at the base, he did not see any recovered UFOs or ET craft, but he did admit there is technology there that is well beyond what people have seen. Barnes will be speaking at a panel discussion moderated by George Knapp on October 8 at the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas." See ISGP's AFIO and OSS Society article for details on Barnes.
- See biography and sources on Laura Eisenhower.
- Ibid.
- January 20, 1989, Vol. 16, No. 4, Lyndon LaRouche for Executive Intelligence Review, 'How all my enemies will die', p. 31, and 'Satanists send delegation to Moscow', p. 48: "The Lucis Trust: This is the leading , putatively respectable Britain-based Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the New York United Nations headquarters , The Temple of Understanding, was originally founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1922 . The Lucis Trust associated with the UNO is the New York affiliate of the British organization. The name was changed from Lucifer Trust, to Lucis Trust, to make the nature of the organization less conspicuous. The Lucis Trust's leading sponsors include the following prominent figures: Henry Clausen , Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons; Norman Cousins; John D. Rockefeller IV [Senator Jay Rockefeller]; The Rockefeller Foundation [Pilgrims and 1001 Club]; The Marshall Field family [also involved in the American Security Council]; Robert S. McNamara [Pilgrims and 1001 Club]; Thomas Watson , Jr. [Pilgrims and 1001 Club] (IBM , former U . S . ambassador to Moscow) The United Lodge of Theosophists of New York City U. Alexis Johnson , former U. S. ambassador to Thailand. Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, American Jewish Committee. Prominent front-organizations sponsored by the Lucis Trust, include the following: The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in 1908) The Theosophical Society (founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875) The United Nations Association; The World Wildlife Fund U .K; . The Findhorn Foundation; Greenpeace International; Greenpeace U.S.A.; Amnesty International; The Nicholas Roerich Society (chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality); The Anthroposophists of Rudolf Steiner; The Rudolf Steiner School; UNESCO; UNICEF; The American Friends Service Committee. ... The Lucis Trust, the U.N.-linked umbrella organization for the satanic "New Age" movement, is sending its first "fact-finding mission" to the Soviet Union during 1989, a Lucis Trust official has told EIR. The Lucis Trust, which boasts such lu minaries as former Defense Secretary Rob ert McNamara on its board, was formerly called the Lucifer Trust, and is a central institution in what a British intelligence in sider called the "Jack the Ripper Freema sonic network." For related reasons, the or ganization is enthralled by Russian "cul ture." The official said that the Lucis Trust has deep historical connections to "Russian spirituality."
- February 7, 1984, Volume 11, Number 5, EIR, 'Bagwan cult at center of peace movement's merger with the 'spiritual unity' gurus'.
- See biography and sources on Edgar Mitchell.
- See biography and sources on Edgar Mitchell.
- *) (August 30, 2014): "The histories of Crestone, the Baca Grande and Manitou Institute have intertwined and taken many turns over the years ... In the late 1970's Maurice Strong and partners acquired the Baca Ranch and the Baca Grande development. ... In the mid 1990's, Manitou and specialists of The Conservation Fund, with generous support of Laurance Rockefeller and the Jackson Hole Preserve, devoted several years to extensive studies of Manitou's mountain properties, culminating in the creation of the Manitou Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP)."
- (International Beliefs and Values Institute; words of board member Hanne Strong)
- See the Manitou Foundation in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for details.
- Christopher O'Brien's San Luis Valley event logs: "199. Fri November 5, 1993 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm MA1 Dr. Steven Greer, Sherri Adamialk and Marc Barrish see formation of lights 4 miles south of Fairplay, CO. Lights form into geometric shapes, perform non-ballistic movements. Park County (CSETI/O'Brien) ... 200. *Sun November 7, 1993, 1:45 am (7 before NM) CE1 2 witnesses see 12' craft 35 feet off Road T. A 3rd witness also sees a smaller orb. Duration 4-5 seconds. Saguache County (CSETI/O'Brien) ... 254. Thur May 5, 1994 at 8:00 am, Baca Grande Development MA1 ( ) While in the Baca to conduct a CSETI training session, Dr. Steven Greer observed "a bright silver sphere" hovering over the Sangres while jogging. The object did not leave a vapor trail. The object hovered silently for "several minutes" before heading east over the mountains. Saguache County (Greer/O'Brien) ... 417. *Sun June 16, 1996 at 2:00 am Baca Grande Grants MA1 ( ) CSETI has sightings out over Valley Saguache County (O'Brien) ... 418. 4:00 am Baca Chalets CSETI has sightings during training session. Saguache County (CSETI) ... 419. 2:45 am Baca Grants CSETI has sightings during training session. Saguache County (CSETI) ... 553. Baca Grande Development UNCONFIRMED Saguache County (CSETI) CSETI training group may have experienced [an] anomalous event(s). ... 558. Wed June 10, 1998 at 10:20 pm Road T, across from Baca Ranch, Crestone Saguache County (ISUR) AN1 ... Light was CSETI's Laser being used during a training session."
- *) While unreliable, the source below seems accurate. Carroll was informed of the founding by the society itself and a handful of references to the United Nations Parapsychology Society in Google Books go back to this period. This includes a 1976 issue of Parapsychology Review and a 1979 issue of the Psychoenergetic Systems journal (''A version of this paper was presented by Dr. Moss at the United Nations Parapsychology Society'').
*), Lee Carroll, 'Kryon at the United Nations - 1995 - Live Channelling - New York, NY': "It was my first trip to the Big Apple - Tuesday November 21, 1995... I was on my way to speak at the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (S.E.A.T.) at the United Nations, and was reflecting on all the circumstances that had brought us here to present Kryon to delegates, workers, and guests of such a prestigious organization. The Enlightenment Society is one of the fifty member clubs of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council. It was founded in 1975, and its objective is to provide divine service to United Nations staff, delegates, mission staff and guests."
*) July 1993, #18, Paul Fuller for The Crop Watcher (note: SEAT still referred to as the Parapsychology Society): "The following is a press statement just released by CPR International, in America. It relates to Colin Andrews' address to the United Nations, which has been officially announced for 21st October 1993 at UN headquarters in New York. Yours Sincerely, Synthia Ramsby - Director U.S.A. (for Colin Andrews). Mohammad Ramadan, president of the parapsychological group at the United Nations who recently sponsored Richard Hoagland's presentation to the U.N. on the Mission to Mars, met Colin Andrews at the United Nations building in New York several months ago. ... HEMPSTEAD: Well it is of course the parapsychology committee of the U.N. rather than the entire U.N." - "The Church Center for the United Nations. 777 First Avenue at 44th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. Tillman Chapel. The Church Center for the United Nations, located across the United Nations headquarters."
-, Lee Carroll, 'Kryon at the United Nations - 1995 - Live Channelling - New York, NY': "It was my first trip to the Big Apple - Tuesday November 21, 1995... I was on my way to speak at the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (S.E.A.T.) at the United Nations, and was reflecting on all the circumstances that had brought us here to present Kryon to delegates, workers, and guests of such a prestigious organization. The Enlightenment Society is one of the fifty member clubs of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council. It was founded in 1975, and its objective is to provide divine service to United Nations staff, delegates, mission staff and guests. Every month a speaker was invited to enlighten, transform, inspire and entertain an audience of about 40-50 people. The five members of the executive committee of the Society were hard-working staff members of the United Nations who organized these events in their spare time and offered them during the lunch period. The deepest purpose of the Society matched that of the United Nations - to bring peace to our planet. Under the fine direction of Mohammad Ramadan in1995, Kryon was only the third channeled entity to be invited in the past few years for these meetings and it was going to happen in just a few moments. Today (2003), the S.E.A.T. is still alive and well! ... We met up with Mohammad, our gracious S.E.A.T. host, who quickly led us past the places the tourists see, into the areas where the work is done. We walked past original Picassos and unbelievable murals given to the UN by member countries in the past. I wont forget the wall of portraits of past UN Secretary Generals. Each man had a five-foot-high oil portrait arranged in order of the dates of service, but with no nameplates of any kind. The men and women who walked these corridors knew exactly who these men were, and of their enormous commitment to a peaceful planetary coexistence. We passed the Security Council chambers and the large popular General Assembly meeting room. Then came the word that in Dayton, at 10:30 a.m., a few moments ago, a peace treaty had been signed settling the Bosnian crisis. I reflected on the fact that we had walked into the building at that exact moment. A sense of history in the making was beginning to creep up on me. After a lunch at the UN cafeteria where we met some of Mohammed's guests, we reviewed the rules on audio or video could be commercially recorded, but a cassette could be used for transcription later. After the meal, we made our way to Conference Room 6. We were told that the conference rooms were constantly in use, and ours would be no different. There was a group just leaving as we entered, and we knew that another meeting of some kind was scheduled minutes after we were to finish. Scheduled to begin at exactly 1:15, we were to end at 2:45 or before. Within the 90 minutes, I was to lecture for 30, then handle questions and answers for 30. Jan was to direct a meditation and toning for 10 minutes, and Kryon was to channel for 20 or less. We had never conducted such a strict agenda, or had Kryon boxed into such a short time, but we both knew that it would be no problem."
- (accessed: June 1, 2006) [ISGP backup]
- (accessed: December 3, 2015): "The Aquarian Age Community is ... inspired by the teachings of Master Koot Hoomi, Master Morya, and Master Djwhal Khul as these are set forth in the books of Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and the Agni Yoga Society. ... Knowledge of the Soul is the promise of the Aquarian Age."
- (accessed: May 6, 2012): "Compilation and distribution of studies from the books of Master Djwhal Khul, Alice A. Bailey, H.P. Blavatsky, Agni Yoga Society, Dr. E. Krishnamacharya and others on subjects related to the areas mentioned above and on the ten seed-groups. These studies are available in English, French, German, Russian and Spanish."
- December 27, 2005 paper, Institute for Planetary Synthesis, 'Seven Tasks: To be carried out for the common good'.
- See the Turner Foundation (UN Foundation) in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for sources and citations.
- *) (December 12, 2015): "Dickerman Hollister. Sir Zafrulla Khan ... Rev. Toshio Miyake. Jawaharlal Nehru. ... H.H. Pope John XXIII. H.H. Pope Paul VI. ... Eleanor Roosevelt. ... Anwar Al-Sadat. Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Rabbi Samuel Silver. H.E. U Thant. ... [In memoriam:] Henry Luce III ..."
*) (December 12, 2015): "Sherry B. Bronfman. Philanthropist."
*) April 3, 1990, Los Angeles Times, 'New York Overnight: Schwarzenegger 'Liek a Father' to His Nephew': "Sherry Bronfman, who split from Seagram's heir, Edgar Jr., in December." - Children of the Earth website: (accessed: December 13, 2015): "Advisors: James O'Dea..." James O'Dea was president and CEO of IONS 2003-2008.
- (accessed: December 13, 2015): "The current Board of Trustees: JONATHON PORRITT: An eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator on sustainable development. Co-Founder and Programme Director of Forum for the Future. ... In addition, he is Co-Director of The Prince of Wales's Business and Environment Programme... Trustee of WWF UK, a member of the Board of the South West Regional Development Agency, a Vice-President of the Socialist Environment Resources Association (SERA). He was formerly co-chair of the Green Party (1980-83) of which he is still a member, Director of Friends of the Earth (1984-90); chairman of UNED-UK (1993-96); chairman of Sustainability South West, the South West Round Table for Sustainable Development (1999-2001).
VITA de WAAL: ... She worked for 10 years at the Findhorn Foundation in what was to become one of the first NGOs to create the eco-village concept and that was recently found to have the lowest ecological footprint ever measured in the industrialized world. Workshop leader and international conference coordinator, she lectured at conferences and universities in Europe, the USA and India She is currently Executive Trustee of the Foundation for GAIA (UK), Main Representative to the UN for the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE, Canada), Chair of the United Nations NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns (CSVGC ) and Chair of the Working Group 'Sacred Knowledge and Sacred Sites' (CH). She has recently joined the IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas Specialist Group CSVPA on Cultural and Spiritual Values of Protected Areas. She joined the Board 1984. ...
With Thanks and Gratitude to our Former Trustees: ...
ELRIE DE WAAL-BRUNING - Founder of The Foundation for Gaia (UK) Major donor of the Foundation for Gaia. Elrie travelled extensively in Europe, Peru, Central America, China and Afghanistan, a country that she visited on various occasions. Towards the latter part of her life she became concerned about the environment and became an active member of various organizations, e.g. the Cousteau Society, Earth Life, Survival International and the Business Network Switzerland, which was promoting social responsibilities and ethics in the business environment. On the Board in from 1985 till 1992†
TEDDY GOLDSMITH – Publisher, editor, author, lecturer and campaigner. Founder (1969) of The Ecologist; President of the Climate Initiatives Fund, Richmond, UK; Board Member of the International Forum on Globalization, San Francisco, USA; presented a series of talks "World Business Report" on the BBC World Service (2003); taught courses on ecology at various universities in the USA. ... Joined the Board in 1988 till 2009†.
WILLIS HARMAN – We have been honoured to have had the presence, active participating and precious advise of Willis who was on our Board of Trustees till the end of his life. Prolific writer and lecturer, he was President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences; Co-founder, Fellow and Trustee of the World Business Academy; former consultant to the White House's National Goals Research Staff; on Board of Directors of the Albert Hoffman Foundation; Director of the Center for the Study of Social Policy at SRI International; former Director of the Educational Policy Research Center at SRI; vice president of the International Foundation for Advanced Studies; Regent of the University of California. He was Emeritus Professor of Engineering-Economic Systems at Stanford University and for sixteen years was Senior Social Scientist at SRI International in Menlo Park, California. He was President on the Board of the Institute of Noetic Sciences. On the Board from 1985 till 1997†" - *) Ibid. for basic biography.
*) Teddy Goldsmith affiliations from ISGP's NGO list:
- Primitive People's Fund / Survival International (co-founder);
- The Ecologist magazine (founder and editor);
- Ecological Foundation (founder and environmental advisor);
- Cornwall Nuclear Alarm (founder and active protester);
- Ecoropa (Edward Goldsmith (founder and vice president and president French branch);
- Green Alliance (co-founder);
- Foundation for Gaia (trustee);
- Goldsmith Foundation (co-founder/co-manager);
- International Forum on Globalization (director);
- Fluoride Action Network (founding member). -, 'Remembrances: Eulogy for Sir James Goldsmith, November 13, 1997' (accessed: May 5, 2012): "In the forlorn final month of Jimmy's life ... We talked on the telephone almost every day. ... Jimmy [Goldsmith] did not address me as if his fate were foreordained; the decline in the force of his voice, described by John Aspinall in his moving article, was hidden by what I know now was a staggering effort of will. Jimmy spoke to me with seemingly undiminished power of his plans for recovery. ... I had become close to Jimmy only in the last six years of his life. Before then, he had exploded in and out of my life at irregular intervals, sometimes with some financial advice which I rarely took, to my invariable disadvantage, or more frequently with some passionate commentary on the contemporary scene. Luckily for me, Nancy persuaded me to spend some days in Cuixmala, where almost magically Jimmy and I became friends. True friendship is a rare blessing at any stage of one's life and a near miracle when it happens at the age both of us had reached by then. I realize that there were many aspects of Jimmy's life shared by others in this room which I did not. But in whatever incarnation, Jimmy was out of scale, passionate, brilliant, brave, charming and always lots of fun. After my then 95-year-old mother met him, she described him as the most intelligent and charming person she had ever met. "The most intelligent?", I asked, grasping for reassurance. "The most," she insisted. The Jimmy Goldsmith I came to know as a friend was quite different from the public persona: gentle, infinitely thoughtful, always available, never intrusive. Since Jimmy was of the view that high finance was not my best subject, we talked mostly about the political world, which I believe to have been his central concern anyway. To him, business was a game which he played marvelously well."
- January 31, 1997, The Guardian, 'SAS linked to rogue force in South Africa': "The SAS has been linked to violence by a 'third force' that threatened to undermine South Africa's transition to majority rule, in a report considered so explosive it was suppressed by Nelson Mandela... It confirms the involvement of commando units in random violence, the use of poison - supplied by the Seventh Medical Division - by hit squads, and the supply of arms and training to the Zulu-dominated Inkatha movement... The truth commission document says evidence was given to Gen Steyn that destabilisation of the government and neighbouring countries was planned 'to enable the military to step in credibly to create order'. Preparations for this allegedly involved stockpiling arms in countries which included Kenya, Zambia, Mauritius and Portugal, to create 'springboards' for possible military action. It said there was 'a suggestion that there was close contact with the British SAS'... As reported by the Guardian, a group of SAS officers working for a private security firm in Britain [KAS] were hired by wealthy conservationists in the late 1980s to come to South Africa to fight elephant and rhinoceros poachers. They became involved with local intelligence agencies and reportedly took part in paramilitary training. The British security firm, Kas Enterprises, was owned by Sir David Stirling, the founder of the SAS, and taken over after his death by Sir James Goldsmith. The security firm's SAS mission to South Africa was headed by Ian Crooke, who led the SAS..."
- *) May 1, 1995, The Persbundel, 'Pioneer for the Truth' (translated from Dutch; clearly part of the Cercle network): "From 1979-1989 the members of 'The 61' [including Crozier] did all they could to fight the communist, anywhere in the world. The costs on average were 1 million dollars a year, coming from fortunate friends as Rupert Murdoch, Sir James Goldsmith and Richard [Mellon] Scaife."
*) December 23, 2003, The Guardian, 'Comment and Letters: The Carter-Ruck chill: The man who created the modern libel industry was a dedicated liar and a reactionary with a lust for cash': "From the 1950s, Carter-Ruck became the leading libel lawyer and clients sought him out. ... Libel was good to him: four homes, a Rolls-Royce and a string of yachts called Fair Judgement. ... In his memoirs he praised the rightwing financier Sir James Goldsmith for alleviating the injustice of the lack of legal aid with money from a foundation. ... The beneficiaries [of the foundation] tended not to be widows and orphans but rightwing politicos such as Neil Hamilton, who trousered £20,000 from the BBC for a Panorama programme - Carter-Ruck's bill was £240,000. The Goldsmith Foundation's other beneficiaries included [Cercle chair and ultra-right CIA/MI6 propagandist] Brian Crozier..." - *) Sir James Goldsmith's son, Ben Goldsmith, was married to Kate Emma Rothschild (1982-) from 2003 to 2012. Sir James Goldsmith's other son, Zac Goldsmith (1975-), married to Alice Miranda Rothschild (1983-) in 2013. Both Rothschilds were daughters of Amschel Rothschild (1955-1996), a half-brother of Lord Jacob Rothschild. Amschel mysteriously committed suicide in 1996.
*) June 8, 2012, Telegraph, 'Goldsmith and Rothschild dynasties head for divorce': "Ben Goldsmith and Kate Rothschild, who married in 2003, have three children. ... how did the marriage of ben Goldsmith and Kate Rothschild come to this?"
*) March 15, 2013, Daily Mail, 'Zac Goldsmith marries his Rothschild in thatched hut at a bird sanctuary': "When Zac Goldsmith and Alice Rothschild tied the knot yesterday, they kept things remarkably low-key."
*) July 8, 1991, Toronto Star, 'Black ponders bid for Australian papers': "Australian billionaire Kerry Packer has been named as a possible partner in [Conrad] Black's bid for Fairfax. Packer owns Australian Consolidated Press, publishers of a number of Australian magazines, and the Channel Nine television network. The Sydney Telegraph-Mirror reported this week that Black has strong links to Packer through Hollinger board members Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild. Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild are long-time Packer associates and were partners with him in an aborted bid for English tobacco giant BAT Industries."
*) September 19, 1993, The Independent, 'Kicking up gold dust': "ON 23 APRIL, six months after his $ 10bn attack on the pound and three months before the rout of the franc, George Soros placed a small bet on gold. He announced he was paying Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild $ 400m for 13 per cent in Newmont Mining, a US gold-mining group. Goldsmith said he was putting some of the proceeds into gold options." - *) 1983, Timothy Leary, 'Flashbacks: An Autobiography', p. 308: "[CIA asset Ali said later on:] "Your exit visas will be waiting for you at the airport. I'll arrange it." In our hotel suite I lifted Rosemary up and swung her around in triumph. "Denmark, here we come." "Are you sure we can trust him?" she asked. "He's CIA after all." "He's liberal CIA," I said, "and that's the best mafia you can deal with in the twentieth century."" Harvard psychedelic guru Timothy Leary and friends were backed by the Hitchcock-Mellon fortune and also had other elite connections here and there, including to the Rockefellers.
*) 1974, Warren Hinckle, 'If you have a lemon, make lemonade', p. 178: "Schwartz did not deny the CIA relationship. But he argued through most of the night that I shouldn't print the story. It would destroy the NSA [National Student Association]. The CIA would retaliate against the students. Innocent people would be hurt. The CIA money was used for valuable liberal projects, even helping organize Vietnam teach-ins. He might lose his draft deferment. And so on. The next day, in Washington, the same arguments were made by other NSA leaders to Sol Stern, who was writing the story. They actually advanced the intriguing contention that such a disclosure would be damaging to the enlightened men of the "liberal" internationalistic wing of the CIA who were willing to provide clandestine money to domestic progressive causes." - July 1993, #18, Paul Fuller for The Crop Watcher.
- "He has also lectured at the United Nations Parapsychology Society..."
- See biography and sources on Ingo Swann.
-, Lee Carroll, 'Live Channelling - New York, NY ... 2009' (accessed: December 12, 2015): "This live channelling was Given within the United Nations building [on] November 13, 2009. ... This is a quote from the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation (SEAT), part of the United Nations Staff Recreational Council (UNSRC), a group of clubs sanctioned by the UN for members, guests, employees, and delegates of the organization. Having previously presented to the group in 1995, 1996, 1998, 2005, 2006, and 2007, Lee Carroll was invited again this year for the seventh time in the UN building in Manhattan, New York to share Kryon's message."
-, Lee Carroll, 'Kryon at the United Nations - 1995 - Live Channelling - New York, NY' (accessed: December 12, 2015): "Here's my stance on all of this: This Galactic alignment is coming. It has always been coming, and the ancients spoke of it. Far before the time of Nostradamus, many cultures wrote about it. The Egyptians knew it, and even aligned their pyramids to the stars. Among others who we know about who were aware of it, were the Hopi, Aztecs, Toltecs, Druids, and Incas. The Mayans developed their calendar without Nostradamus' help, and ended it on Dec 21, 2012 (right before 2013). So the Galactic alignment is real, and almost all the cultures who wrote about it predicted great shift. By the way, "great shift" now is being interpreted as "the end." ... Jorge Baez has written one of the first of many 2012 books, called The Vital Energy of Movement: The Secret of 2012. (It's only in Spanish at the moment.) But his findings were the same as the Mayans - that we have a shift coming, and it's going to represent a slow Human consciousness change. ... He also can read their glyphs (he did, for me) and their predictions are about Gaia vibration, not catastrophe. My opinion is that this shift has already begun. ... On the Nostradamus special on the History Channel, my good friends Gregg Braden and John Petersen (of the Arlington Institute) were interviewed. According to John, some of the best things he said were never seen - just cut out. Both men are credible scientists/historians and both told about a coming shift and gave good science. Neither of them said it would be the end of the earth. But having them on the screen was credible for the rest of the documentary, and that's often how this game is played. Back in 1999, these same television enterprises trotted out Nostradamus and gave dire predictions about the coming millennium Armageddon."
- (accessed: December 12, 2015): "Margaret McElroy was born in Nottingham, England in 1946, and migrated to Australia in 1974. The mother of three and grandmother of six opened the door to her spiritual path in 1985. Margaret is a citizen of England, Australia, New Zealand and the United States, and now makes her home in San Francisco, California, where she lives with her husband Alan. ... In 1992, after channeling an energy known as Argos for 5 years, Margaret began channeling Maitreya. Upon his instructions, she developed a website to allow Maitreya to share his teachings with the world."
*), ' Margaret McElroy Announces Queensland Events': "Margaret's first event takes place on December 20, where she will be channeling the energy of a higher consciousness known as Maitreya. This is an incredible 3-hour evening of spirituality, wisdom of the ages, and laughter. Two days later, on December 22, Margaret will lead a full day discussion on metaphysics. This workshop will contain a great deal of new information that Margaret has learned as the result of her worldly travels and personal spiritual journey. Both events are held at The Healing Centre in Cedar Vale. Margaret has spoken to groups at The Hague in the Netherlands, and the United Nations in New York City."
*) "Born in Nottingham, England in 1946, Margaret migrated to Australia in 1974. She did not open the door to her spiritual path until 1982, when she lived in Redcliffe, Queensland. "I wish I could say I saw people at the end of the bed, or heard voices, but I did not; I was a late psychic bloomer." Margaret has said. After her training in her mid-thirties, Margaret became highly sought after for her accurate readings and her teaching. In 1991, Margaret was asked by Nancy Bates, Editor of the Maryborough Chronicle in Qld, to write a column for her newspaper. It was to be the start for Margaret of a highly public career. In 1992 with the breakdown of her marriage, Margaret decided to go to New Zealand for a four-month tour of the country. In New Zealand Margaret soon became very popular and in demand. In 1993 after securing a weekly newspaper column with the Taupo Times, she was asked to become a radio clairvoyant and became very successful on Radio Geyserland in Rotorua and Radio Lakeland in Taupo. The two stations combined to broadcast Margaret's show, which was extremely popular. That same year the New Zealand Woman's Weekly sent a reporter to her for a reading. Margaret did not know that the client was a reporter, but her highly accurate reading was featured in a large story in the magazine. This story brought in thousands of letters asking for Margaret's help, and she was asked to become the clairvoyant columnist for the magazine. She wrote this column from 1993 until 1996. In 1994 Margaret was also offered a 30 minutes radio show on Radio Pacific and its subsidiaries, covering 27 radio stations around New Zealand. In 1996 Margaret traveled to the USA for a holiday. It was here that she made the decision to change direction and concentrate on her teaching. During that year, she was given in meditation her highly successful Master of Metaphysics course. She returned home to New Zealand at the end of 1996. During the next four years, Margaret was again on radio, this time with Radio Fifeshire in Nelson, and on relocating to Taupo, on Kiss FM and Radio Lakeland. Margaret has been featured in the New Zealand Woman's Weekly, Rainbow News magazine, HER Business magazine, and many other newspapers and periodicals. She has written columns for the New Zealand Woman's Weekly, Taupo Times, Taradale Times, and for Insight Magazine in Australia. In June 1998, Margaret was asked by a large spiritual group within the United Nations in New York, The Society for Enlightenment and Transformation, to speak in trance channel to their group. This is a large group consisting of many diverse people from within the United Nations, ranging from Kofi Annan's Secretary to the door man, and to be asked to address this group of many important people was a very special honor. Margaret addressed them on June 8, 1999. Margaret said this was one of the highlights of her career, and a few months later, she was informed that the speech she gave was deemed to be the best ever to be held at the United Nations group. At the end of 1999, those she worked with in the world of spirit informed Margaret that she was to return to Australia and become more public. In early 2000 she was offered a monthly column with INSIGHT Magazine, one of Australia's leading spiritual magazines, and continued her column until April 2001. In 2004 Margaret met Alan McElroy when he attended her courses in Australia, and in July, 2005 they were married. Alan is also a trance channel and healer. Margaret is now living in Bellevue, WA. USA. She has been instrumental in opening the very successful Australian Institute of Metaphysics in Queensland, Australia. Margaret has also created the Maitreya Educational Foundation in Seattle, USA, where the Corporate Offices of the Maitreya Foundation are located. One of her graduate students has opened the Maitreya Educational Foundation in the Netherlands. Plans are now in place for the creation of the San Diego Maitreya Foundation. The web site she founded with her spiritual mentor and teacher, Maitreya, is one of the most successful spiritual web sites on the Internet. The site currently has a viewing audience of over 3 million people per month from over 130 countries around the world. The web site is growing each day with those who are searching for metaphysical information. "There has never been such a thirst for metaphysical knowledge." Margaret has said. This web site,, was created in 1996. Margaret and Alan are now hosts of a very popular radio show, "The Sixth Sense", live on, Thursday from 7-8:00 pm PST where it is streamed with video as well as audio. It is also simulcast on at the same time. The show is then repeated on KKNW 1150 AM – Tuesday at 8:00 pm PST. If you miss the live show, you can listen to the Archive at Also Margaret has her own channel on YouTube.Com, just do a channel search for MargaretMaitreya and check out her may videos about metaphysics, channeling, her radio show and the public speaking events she attends. Margaret and Alan spend half of each year traveling around the world promoting the teachings of Maitreya and conducting channeled evenings and workshops which are very successful." - February 21, 2003 upload, Youtube, 'Braco at the United Nation's [sic] Tillman Chapel': "November 16th, 2012, Braco was selected to be the featured guest for a special event at the Tillman Chapel, Church Center of the United Nations in New York City. "
- See biography and sources on Daniel Sheehan.
- Ibid.
- Garrison is listed in ISGP's NGO list under IONS. From memory, James Garrison was listed in IONS' contact directory at one point.
- See biography and sources on Daniel Sheehan.
- May 8, 2015 YouTube upload, We Are Change Rotterdam, '"Ik vond het niks!" Herman Wijffels over Bilderberg 1997' ('"I didn't like it! Herman Wijffels on Bilderberg 1997').
- *) Dr. Koen Vermeeren's UFO and 9/11-related activities have been reported by NPO and NOS mainstream media outlets, the usual Dutch conspiracy copy-paste websites, and by the primary Dutch Skeptics magazine. On top that, Vermeeren is backed by a top Rockefeller globalist. In other words, a nice tiny little intelligence and disinformation network has been created here in the Netherlands on the UFO subject, copy-pasting material that has been discussed on Coast to Coast AM since the early 1990s.
*) Winter 2012,, 'UFO's bestaan gewoon: De wetenschappelijke visie van Coen Vermeeren' ('UFO's simply exist: The scientific vision of Coen vermeeren') (translated from Dutch): "The aeroplane and space engineer Dr. Ir. Coen Vermeeren became very popular among conspiracy theorists when he, as head of the Stadium Generale, gave two UFO lectures at TU Delft. The lectures, which can also be viewed on the internet, gave the impression that he even took the wildest stories serious. I wrote two articles about it earlier (2010-2011) and also a few others provided criticism. We were allowed to have hope that he would be a bit more careful in his book. According to Dr. Herman Wijffels the author has succeeded well in that, because the famous economist [and Bilderberg visitor and chair of the RABO Bank] praises the book on the back cover: "Even though for many years we have been hearing about unknown objects in our airspace, Vermeeren's challenging oversight of what we know and not know about this brings us to an important conclusion: We have to take the many witnesses seriously and have our scientists do research into this. ... The idea that people in the 16th century (or a little earlier) still believed the earth was round, I already mentioned in June 2010 on the blog of Skepsis as one of Vermeeren's mistakes! By repeating this blunder in his book, he shows that he hardly read the criticism. ... Vermeeren still wants to raise the impression that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin saw alien spaceships after their landing on the moon. As source he refers to the book Above Top Secret of Timothy Good (1989). .... The stories about a UFO base on the moon are confirmed, according to Vermeeren, by [Disclosure Project witness] Sergeant Karl Wolfe... The questionable stories of [Disclosure Project witness and C2C AM visitor] Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Corso and [Disclosure Project witness and C2C AM visitor] Sergeant Clifford Stone, which I already discussed earlier, are also to be found in Vermeeren's UFO book... Vermeeren still claims that Ben Rich, who headed Lockheed Skunk Works, during a lecture [note: deathbed] revealed that we are already in the possession of extraterrestrial technology. The author presents the statement as fact, without mentioning a source. ... The only source one can find is conspiracy theorist Timothy Good. He stated that Rich made the statement 'in the presence of two friends of mine'. ... On the ten pages that Vermeeren spends on the Roswell incident, also no sources can be found, although we can assume that the author largely bases it on Witness to Roswell of Tom Cary and Donald Schmitt (2007/2009), because other books cannot be found in his brief literature list. He mentions that 600 persons have provided testimonies on the alleged UFO crash and that they give a consistent portrayal because they 'practically fit seemlessly with each other'. That's actually far from the truth. ... Even the famous Belgian UFO photo from Petit-Rechain is still listed in his book as 'authentic' [note: not anymore in his 2012 book]. ... According to the author we only have to listen to what reliable witnesses tell us. Thus Steven Greer knows from first hand that very sharp images exist from extraterrestrial vehicles, because military informants have explained this to him in private. According to Vermeeren, there also exist many silent witnesses who make it clear that aliens have been visiting us for centuries. He refers in this instance to the television series Ancient Aliens in which a lot of things are revealed which couldn't have been made by humans, among them flying machines, art objects and giant stones. Erich von Daniken and other serious researchers already provided a lot of historical evidence... People who are contact with aliens tell us, according to Vermeeren, about the enormous amount of peace that radiates from them. Their peaceful intentions also are clear from the fact that with regular intervals they have shut down nuclear weapons. .. The author apparently attaches less value to the stories about evil grays which carried out experiments on humans, even though these rumors were spread in the past by his favorite witness Sergeant Clifford Stone. ... We civilians have to take matters into our own hands and force the powers that be to reveal the real UFO dossiers. Then our polluted world will become a paradise.".
*), 'UFO's op de maan: Complottheorien van dr. Coen Vermeeren' ('UFOs on the moon: Conspiracy theories of Dr. Coen Vermeeren'): "Extraterrestrial aliens have a base on the moon. That can be read in a recent article of Dr. Ir. Coen Vermeeren, head teacher aerospace and space engineering and director of Stadium Generale Delft. For his article he has gathered many more revelations from the internet. ... Among other thing, Vermeeren makes use of the observations of Neil Armstrong... Under the heading 'Is there a cover-up?' Vermeeren links to a black-colored web page with revelations of 'people who can know'. It is a page of the Cosmic Conspiracies Investigation Team, a little club of four friends who share an interest in UFO's and spirits. In the wake of other they claim that the images of the moonwalk were forged, although they do believe that astronauts have walked the moon. ... According to conspiracy theorists all kinds of strange objects were present on the moon, such as spherical buildings, pipelines, tunnels and even pyramids. ... The citations [of astronauts] have largely been taken over from the book 'Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon' of Don Wilson (1975). In here the author claims that the moon is a hollow spaceship."
*) 2012, Janet Ossebaard, Coen Vermeeren, et al., '2012: De Angst Voorbij' ('2012: Beyond the Fear') (translated from Dutch), foreword: "The more this year [2012] approached, the more chaos increased in the world. We were talking crises almost daily. The climate crisis, the ecological crisis were there already at an early stage. Quickly added to that were the financial crisis and the monetary crisis, the debt crisis [note: aren't these all basically the same?] Almost daily we saw crises emerge in politics and in religion, which may have been there longer, but now more intense than ever [note: hasn't religious strife been much worse over the past 2,000 years and political over the past century?] ...
2012, this year, has been described by 'tribal elders' and all what we term 'primitive' societies as a very special year in which everything will be different. On a large scale people are beginning to remember their cosmic heritage and will be transforming from an Earth-human to a 'Galactic Human'. And as you yourself will notice, this process won't happen without a few bumps in the road..! But all the signs are pointing towards it, we only have to open ourselves up to it. Nobody knows exactly what is still going to happen, nor how long it is all going to take, but one thing is clear: humanity is allowed and has to change. Interconnected relationships will change, our way of of handling our planet cannot continue on the road it went a hundred years or more. ....
Don't judge, but realize that we are a society that is still learning and in which every individual still counts. From there we will go on the road together to make 2012 what it is: a year of transformation. Letting go of the past, welcoming the new. And especially, without fear. Beyond the fear.
Signed, ... Janet Ossebaard ... Coen Vermeeren. ...
*) 2012, Janet Ossebaard, Coen Vermeeren, et al., '2012: De Angst Voorbij' ('2012: Beyond the Fear') (translated from Dutch), pp. 45-54 (Coen Vermeeren's chapter): "UFOs for Dummies. By Coen Vermeeren. ... In terms of 'need to know', thus to what secret information one is provided access to, the U.S. president absolutely is not at the top. Various presidents from recent history, who had promised to research if UFOs were extraterrestrial vehicles, were provided with nothing. ... A [NASA cover up] is also repeatedly confirmed by Apollo astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Edgar Mitchell. ...
[The 2010 book of] investigative journalist Leslie Kean ... is an absolute must for skeptics and UFO-believers. ...
Still there are witnesses who claim that the number of extraterrestrial races lies between 50 and 70 races. Especially the account of Sergeant Clifford Stone, in the the so-called Disclosure Project of 2001 under the leadership of Steven Greer, states that he, as an American soldier, has been involved in the retrieval of 'two dozen' extraterrestrial vehicles that had crashed. According to him, there were extraterrestrial casualties with that. ... In 2001 a press conference is was [sic] held in America under the leadership of Steven Greer. ... This project, maybe the most impressive ever, more than 500 professionals were interviewed about their UFO knowledge and experiences. ...
At this moment, in 2012, almost all our systems are in crisis. With a little imagination you could lop together all these crises - monetary, banks, health, ecological, climate, political, religious - under one common denominater: the spiritual crisis. ...
Even though there have been reports of UFOs for a very long time, even as far as thousands of years ago before Christ, as well as in the Bible and other Holy scriptures, we only start to really notice that we are being visited since World War II. Both parties reported 'spheres' that flew along with pilots. They were called Foo Fighters... 1947 was an important tipping point, because near the small town of Roswell in the USA a flying saucer would have crashed. ... The story of a crashed saucer with alien on board, three or four dead and one still alive, was persistent. Until their deaths witnesses maintained that it had really happened. ... This turned out to be a faked image of the UFO that was seen in the UFO [sic: seems to mean Belgium, as it's a picture of the Belgian triangle]... Phoenix ... Malmstrom AFB - Nuclear Installations... Bentwaters ... Coen Vermeeren studied aerospace and space engineering at the TU Delft and teaches there at the moment." - October 25, 2002,, 'UFOs: Seeking the Truth Through Savvy Marketing': "The new CFI is headquartered in the same offices as PodestaMattoon.. "It's time to open the books on the question of government investigation of UFOs. It ought be done because it's right. It ought to be done because the American people can handle the truth. And it ought to be done because it's the law," Podesta notes. Podesta said that government doesn't always tell the truth. "That's why freedom of information is so important so that the American public can make their own decisions," he said. "It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon," Podesta argues." [link]
- *) February 13, 2015, Washington Post, 'Obama aide John Podesta says 'biggest failure' was not securing the disclosure of UFO files'.
*) February 20, 2015, Leslie Kean for the Huffington Post, 'John Podesta: Pulling Back the Curtain on UFOs'. - *) See ISGP's NGO list for all of Podesta's affiliations.
*) October 6, 2004, David Horowitz and Richard Poe for Front Page Magazine, 'The Shadow Party: Part I': "In 2000, Soros stepped up his attack on the status quo - dramatically raising his profile in U.S. electoral politics in the process... To the extent that the Shadow Party can be said to have an official launch date, July 17, 2003, probably fits the bill. [10] On that day, a team of political strategists, wealthy donors, leftwing labor leaders and other Democrat activists gathered at Soros' Southampton beach house on Long Island. Aside from Soros, the most noteworthy attendee was Morton H. Halperin. Soros had hired Halperin in February 2002, to head the Washington office of his tax-exempt Open Society Institute... The guests at Soros' beach house also included Clinton's former chief of staff John Podesta; Jeremy Rosner, former special advisor to Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright; Robert Boorstin, a former advisor to Clinton's Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin; and Steven Rosenthal, a leftwing union leader who served the Clinton White House as an advisor on union affairs to Labor Secretry Robert Reich; Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, and Allen Malcolm, founder and president of the pro-abortion lobby Emily's List... [billionaire] Peter B. Lewis; founder and CEO of RealNetworks, Rob Glaser; Taco Bell heir Rob McKay; and Benson & Hedges tobacco heirs Lewis and Dorothy Cullman." - Kean's affiliation with Soros and related groups (as The Nation Institute) has been mentioned in many biographies of her. Here's one: Leslie_Kean__On_Contact_Has_Begun_Oct_26th_P3_5/: "Leslie Kean: On Contact Has Begun Oct 26th P3/5 Uploaded by Ghost32 on Oct 29, 2010 Views: 1455 UFOs: Officials Go On the Record Leslie Kean is an independent investigative journalist with a background in freelance writing and radio broadcasting. She has contributed articles to dozens of publications here and abroad including the Boston Globe, Philadelphia Inquirer, Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Providence Journal, International Herald Tribune, Globe and Mail, Sydney Morning Herald, Bangkok Post, The Nation, and The Journal for Scientific Exploration. Her stories have been syndicated through Knight Ridder/Tribune, Scripps-Howard, New York Times wire service, Pacific News Service, and the National Publishers Association. While spending many years reporting on Burma, she co-authored Burma's Revolution of the Spirit: The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity (Aperture, 1994) and she has contributed essays for a number of anthologies published between 1998 and 2009. Her freelance journalism has been supported by grants from numerous foundations including the Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundation, The Fund for Investigative Journalism, and the Nation Institute. Kean was a producer for the 2009 independent documentary I Know What I Saw and is currently working with Break Thru Films, an award-winning film company, on a new feature documentary. She and her coalition have launched an ongoing initiative to affect US government policy so that scientists and aviation authorities can gain greater understanding of the still-unexplained UFO phenomenon." - (accessed: June 12, 2010): "BOARD OF DIRECTORS ... Edgar D. Mitchell - Founder. ... INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD: ... Deepak Chopra. Amit Goswami... Michael Murphy. Dean Ornish. ... Maurice Strong. Most Reverend Desmond Tutu. IONS FELLOWS: ... Van Jones. James O'Dea. Rupert Sheldrake. Charles Tart. .... GUIDING DIRECTORS: .... Willis W. Harman, President Emeritus, 1975-1996."
- *) (accessed: November 29, 2015): "Former advisor to President Bill Clinton Tony Podesta was a visitor at the US Studies Centre in May 2015. He is founder and chairman of the Podesta Group, the largest independent government relations and public relations firm in Washington, DC. A former articles editor of the Law Review at Georgetown University, Podesta served as an assistant US Attorney in the District of Columbia. ...
During the 1980s, Podesta served as founding president of People for the American Way [1981-1987], the constitutional liberties organisation founded by television producer Norman Lear and prominent clergy, educators, business executives and civic leaders. He has appeared on major broadcast and cable networks and his writings on governmental, legal, educational, economic, and cultural issues have been published in The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Newsday, Baltimore Sun and other leading newspapers. A former counsel to the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy and a frequent adviser to former President Bill Clinton, Podesta has provided leadership and strategic guidance to a host of politicians."
*) August 6, 1986, New York Times, 'WASHINGTON TALK; Praise and Pillory for a Liberal Lobby Group': ''We did everything we could think of, working as hard as we could, as fast as we could,'' said Anthony Podesta, the [PFAW's] president, who has vowed to fight other Administration nominees of dubious quality." - *) September 30, 2008, NPR, 'McCain, GOP Senators Challenged On Pay Equity For Women': "More on People for the American Way after the jump... The organization was founded in 1981 by TV producer Norman Lear, the late Time Inc. chair Andrew Heiskell, and the late Democratic congresswoman Barbara Jordan, to counter the rise of the Religious Right. It's currently led by Kathryn Kolbert, who is known for her legal work fighting for abortion rights. Kolbert has history with Alito. Working for the ACLU and arguing for Planned Parenthood, she won an important abortion case in 1992 after Alito had made a contrary ruling."
*) "People For the American Way was founded in 1981 by Norman Lear, Barbara Jordan, Father Theodore Hesburgh, and Andrew Heiskell."
*) February 27, 2005, Reuters, 'Former Notre Dame president Rev. Theodore Hesburgh dies at 97': "Rev. Theodore Hesburgh ... reshaped the University of Notre Dame from a Catholic college known for its football team into an academic force... He had also served as the director of the [Rockefeller's] Chase Manhattan Bank, as well as a trustee and later chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation."
*) 1968 annual report, Rockefeller Foundation: "TRUSTEES AND TRUSTEE COMMITTEES, April 1968—April 1969. Board of Trustees: Barry Bingham ... C. Douglas Dillon ... Theodore M. Hesburgh. Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. ... John D. Rockefeller 3rd. John D. Rockefeller IV. Robert V. Roosa. Frederick Seitz. Frank Stanton. Thomas J. Watson, Jr. ... EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The President Chairman: C. Douglas Dillon. Robert H. Ebert. John D. Rockefeller 3rd. Robert V. Roosa. Frederick Seitz. Frank Stanton. Robert F. Goheen, alternate member. Theodore Hesburgh, alternate member. ... John N. Irwin II, associate [counsel]..."
*) July 7, 2003, New York Times, 'Andrew Heiskell, 87, a Former Chairman of Time Inc. and a Civic Leader, Dies': "Andrew Heiskell, a former chairman of Time Inc. and a philanthropist whose efforts at civic improvement helped rescue the New York Public Library and Bryant Park from shabbiness and decline and provide low-cost housing on a large scale in New York, died yesterday at his home in Darien, Conn. He was 87 and also had a home in Manhattan. Mr. Heiskell retired from Time Inc. in 1980 after a 43-year career, during which he rose to chairman and chief executive of the media empire started by Henry Luce. With retirement came the blossoming of a second career, whose mission -- urban good works -- required the time, money and political muscle of the prominent and persuasive business leader he was. Mr. Heiskell became chairman of the library in 1981 and raised hundreds of millions of dollars to improve the citywide system and restore its landmark Fifth Avenue headquarters, enlisting the help of Brooke Astor, the library's patron-in-chief, and bringing in a new director, Vartan Gregorian. ... Mr. Heiskell's publishing career began when he was hired in 1937 as a 22-year-old to produce and edit pictorial articles about science and medicine for Life magazine, then in its early stages. Two years later he moved from editorial duties to concentrate on business, and at the age of 30 he was named publisher of Life, the popular photojournalism weekly that provided images of the war years to many millions in the era before television. From 1960, when he became chairman of the entire Time Inc. operation until his retirement, Mr. Heiskell presided over a growing conglomerate that, in addition to magazines, was involved in book and newspaper publishing, pulp and paper production, films, cable television and data marketing. In the 1960's, he also became increasingly involved in urban affairs and philanthropic causes. With his wife, the former Marian Sulzberger Dryfoos -- a member of the family that controls The New York Times Company -- Mr. Heiskell often lent his name and his presence to fund-raising events for cultural institutions. During his years at the helm of Time Inc., he reluctantly closed down Life, which had steadily lost readers and advertisers to television. He also first imagined and in 1974 brought forth People magazine, which quickly grew into a prized asset yielding enormous profits. Regretted Later Merger When Mr. Heiskell finally left in 1980, there was little to suggest that within nine years Time Inc. would be absorbed in a merger with Warner Communications orchestrated by Steve Ross and would later have its identity further diluted in the subsequent amalgamation with AOL. ... Mr. Heiskell reported more good luck in describing how, as his marriage to Miss Carroll was dissolving, he met and fell in love with the recently widowed Marian Dryfoos, whose husband, Orvil E. Dryfoos, had succeeded her father, Arthur Hays Sulzberger, as publisher of The Times. The two were married in 1965, and in his memoir Mr. Heiskell credited her with providing the security and sense of family he had craved since his peripatetic childhood. In describing the moment when he finally learned that Miss Carroll had agreed to the terms of divorce and thus freed him to marry again, Mr. Heiskell wrote, ''Marian had the pleasure of telling her father, 'Daddy, I'm going to marry the husband of your former girlfriend.'." - See the People for the American Way in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for sources.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- See the Arca Foundation (UN Foundation) in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for sources and citations.
- July 23, 2010, Matt Gertz for Media Matters for America (a group backed by the Clintons, George Soros and allies), 'The CA cop shooter and Glenn Beck: Here's what we know': "On July 18, Byron Williams, an ex-felon with a history of violent criminal behavior, was pulled over by California Highway Police on I-580. Williams, who was apparently intoxicated, opened fire at the officers as one approached his truck. He continued firing as eight additional officers arrived. More than 60 rounds were reportedly fired... Williams was arrested and hospitalized with multiple gunshot wounds. Williams was reportedly heavily armed with a handgun, shotgun, rifle and body armor. ... Williams reportedly told investigators that "his intention was to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU. ...
The ACLU is a very well-known entity, but the Tides Foundation ... is much more obscure. Williams may have been a disturbed individual who was destined to explode. But the question the media should be asking [is who played a key role in] his decision to target Tides. ... According to our Nexis searches, the primary person on cable or network news talking about the Tides Foundation in the year and a half prior to the shootout was Fox News' Glenn Beck. According to our searches, since Beck's show premiered on January 19, 2009, Tides has been mentioned on 31 editions of Fox News programs, 29 of which were editions of Beck's show (the other two were on Sean Hannity's program). In most of those references, Beck attacked Tides, often weaving the organization into his conspiracy theories. Two of those Beck mentions occurred during the week before Williams' shootout. By contrast, since January 19, 2009, according to our Nexis search, Tides was not mentioned on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, or PBS. Not once. This seach is not perfect -- Nexis does not include, for example, MSNBC's daytime coverage. But the contrast with Beck's coverage is stark." - See the New World Foundation in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for sources.
- See biography and sources on Daniel Sheehan.
- See the Tides Foundation in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article for sources.
- *) 2005 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 21: "2005 Board of Directors: ... Drummond Pike, Director."
*) 2010 annual report, Threshold Foundation, p. 26: "2010 Board of Directors: ... Drummond Pike, Director." - (December 10, 2015): "The Threshold Foundation main office is located in Tides Foundation offices in San Francisco."
- See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article, primarily sources related to the Tides Foundation and Occupy Wall Street.
- Ibid.
- See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article, primarily sources related to the Tides Foundation and Turner Foundation.
- See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article, primarily sources related to the Foundation for National Progress and Mother Jones.
- See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article, primarily sources related to the Tides Foundation.
- *) February 23, 2008, New York Times, 'Orin Lehman, 88, Parks Steward, Dies': "Orin Lehman, who turned to public service rather than a career in his family's investment company and eventually became New York State's longest-serving commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, died Friday at his home in Manhattan. He was 88. The cause was pneumonia, his former wife Wendy Vanderbilt Lehman said. Mr. Lehman was a great-grandson of Mayer Lehman, a founder of the Lehman Brothers investment house, and a great-nephew of Herbert H. Lehman, who was governor of New York from 1933 to 1942 and a United States senator from 1949 to 1957. For five years, starting in 1947, Orin Lehman worked as an associate at Lehman Brothers. It did not suit him. "I had some money and I didn't want to devote my life to making money," he told The New York Times in 1993. In 1950, President Harry S. Truman appointed Mr. Lehman to the advisory board of the Economic Cooperation Administration, the agency that administered American aid to Europe under the Marshall Plan. Mr. Lehman later served as the United States delegate to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. In the 1960s, Mr. Lehman made two unsuccessful bids for public office: for New York City comptroller in 1965 and for Congress a year later. From 1973 to 1975, he was a member of the New York City Board of Corrections. Then, Gov. Hugh L. Carey asked Mr. Lehman to take over stewardship of the state park system. In his 18 years as commissioner, he oversaw 150 parks, 34 historic sites and the annual Empire State Games, a sort of mini-Olympics for New York residents. Mr. Lehman, a soft-spoken, modest man, had succeeded Robert Moses as commissioner and acknowledged that his had been a tough act to follow. Upon his retirement in 1993, he said of Mr. Moses, "There will never be another like him and there's no point in trying." Mr. Moses built dozens of new parks from the 1920s through the 1960s; Mr. Lehman constantly battled budget cuts. He did open several new parks, improved many and bolstered his department's historic preservation mission. Shortly after he retired, the Rockefeller Institute issued a report saying that state parks had deteriorated after years of budget cuts. Mr. Lehman agreed, saying he hoped the report would inspire new financing. "You can get discouraged," he said. "But you have to be realistic. We have terrible problems with health care, crime, drugs, AIDS. Everyone's doing the best they can." Born in Manhattan on Jan. 24, 1920, Mr. Lehman was the son of Allan and Evelyn Schiffer Lehman. He graduated from Princeton in 1942, then earned a master's degree in American history at New York University in 1956 and a Ph.D. in the same subject in 1961, also at N.Y.U. Mr. Lehman's first wife, Jane Bagley Lehman, died in 1988. He is survived by his second wife, Ms. Vanderbilt Lehman (the couple divorced in 1995); three daughters, Susan Lehman Carmichael of Greenwich, Conn., and Brooke Lehman and Sage Lehman, both of Manhattan; four grandchildren; and his companion, the actress Monique Van Vooren. As an Army pilot in World War II, Mr. Lehman was seriously injured during the Battle of the Bulge. He received the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Purple Heart. After the war, he worked with Eleanor Roosevelt and Bernard Baruch to start Just One Break, a nonprofit organization that helps disabled people find jobs. Although he relied on metal canes for the rest of his life, Mr. Lehman made a point of visiting every one of New York's state parks, often walking their trails. When he retired, he called his commissionership "the greatest job in the world; you're always visiting wonderful places.""
*) February 24, 2008, New York Times, 'Orin Lehman Obituary': "He was the great-grandson of Mayer Lehman, founder of Lehman Brothers investment house, and grandnephew of Herbert Lehman, the former Governor of New York and U.S. Senator. ... In 1947 he partnered with Eleanor Roosevelt and Bernard Baruch, and founded Just One Break (JOB), whose mission is to find competitive employment for people with disabilities. Over half a century after founding it, Orin Lehman remained Chairman Emeritus of of its board of directors until his death. Mr. Lehman's first public appointment came in 1950 when President Truman appointed him to the advisory board of the Economic Cooperation Administration where he succeeded his great-uncle Herbert Lehman. In 1952 [he was] an associate in the Lehman Brothers firm... He served as an economic adviser to the U.S. mission at the United Nations... In 1975, Gov. Hugh L. Carey offered Mr. Lehman the job of Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation which he accepted, calling it "The greatest job in the world." He was re-appointed by Governor Mario Cuomo, and by the time he retired in 1993, he had served 18 years as Commissioner, the longest period of any individual in that position. ... He was loved and respected by state park employees who affectionately called him "Father Nature." ... Mr. Lehman was Chairman of the Board of Governors of the American Jewish Committee, a trustee of the Taft School... a director for UNESCO, 1968-1971 (United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization), a director of the Educational Broadcasting Corporation, 1965-1974, a trustee of the Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was, until his death, a member of The Century Association... Mr. Lehman was married to the late Jane Bagley Lehman and is survived by his former wife, Wendy Vanderbilt Lehman, his three daughters, Susan Lehman Carmichael..." - October 26, 1981, New York Times, 'Proposed Rockefeller Park to be Left Mostly Wild': "Commissioner Lehman said Laurance Rockefeller had let the state use as a park 150 acres, called the Rockwood Hall area, along the Hudson River next to the Pocantino Hills estate, for five or six years on a $1-a-year-lease. Mr. Rockefeller has also been helping with its maintenance, he said. ... Commissioner Lehman said the state had been having "very pleasant, constructive conversations" wiuth Rockefeller representatives for two years, without any timetable being pressed. He said that the family was "very sincere," that the statement of the intent was "a big step forward" and that he was "confident problems will be worked out.""
- See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article, primarily sources related to the Tides Foundation.
- Ibid.
- See ISGP's "liberal CIA" article, primarily sources related to the New World Foundation and The New Republic.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- Ibid.
- 1983, Timothy Leary, 'Flashbacks: An Autobiography', pp. 130, 154 (Words of Mary Pinchot Meyer): "You poor innocent thing. You have no idea what you've gotten into. ... It's time you learned more. The guys who run things - I mean the guys who really run things in Washington - are very interested in psychology, and drugs in particular. These people play hardball, Timothy. They want to use drugs for warfare, for espionage, for brainwashing, for control. ... Until very recently control of American consciousness was a simple matter for the guys in charge. The schools instilled docility. The radio and TV networks poured out conformity. ... You may not know that dissident organizations in academia are also controlled. The CIA creates the radical journals and student organizations and runs them with deep-cover agents. ... I hate to be the one to break the news to you. Do you remember the American Veterans Committee, that liberal GI group you belonged to after the war? The CIA started that. Just like Teddy Roosevelt started the American Legion after the first World War. Remember your liberal friend Gilbert Harrison [editor The New Republic 1953-1974; chair American Veterans Committee]? He ran the radicals out of AVC. And later he bought the New Republic — that so-called progressive magazine — from Michael Straight [Whitney family; publisher family-owned The New Republic], your hero. Do you know why Michael Straight backed Henry Wallace for president in 1948? To siphon liberal votes away from Truman? [Leary: "How do you know all this? How did you know I knew Michael Straight?"] I knocked you with those facts to get your attention. It's a standard intelligence trick. I could tell you hundreds of little stories like that. ... I told you they'd let you do anything you want as long as you kept it quiet. The plan to set up psychedelic training centers around the country was ingenious from all sides. They would have infiltrated every chapter to get some of their people trained. But their not going to let CBS film you drugging people on a lovely Mexican beach. You could destroy both capitalism and socialism in one month with that sort of thing."
- *) December 11, 1988, New York Times, 'Ordinary people with bad luck': "Leslie W. Dunbar, former director of the Field Foundation, a leading liberal philanthropical and research organization, thinks locking the poor out of the public dicussion of their own problem has allowed a vicious sterotype to persist."
*), Interview with Leslie W. Dunbar, December 8, 1972. Interview G-0075, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)': "As far as I know, the truth of that CIA money is that the Norman Foundation did take some CIA money as a conduit for some things that the CIA was doing in Africa. One of the Norman's had a personal interest over there in Africa, and they were glad to be of service. People at that time, felt that was the way you were of service, and they did it. Whether New World ever did or not, I don't know. Vernon Eagle was just about the closest friend I had in foundation circles until he died. But, knowing him as closely as I knew him, and knowing his background and political opinions, I do not find it inconceivable that Vernon would have helped out his friends. The Norman stuff is out in public. It was documented. But nothing ever got documented about the New World Foundation. Vernon was very close friends with people like Katzenbach, and a few others. These were guys he'd known. I would not find it inconceivable that Vernon or Gil Harrison [of New World] had helped out some of their old friends. Vernon and Harrison were old American Veterans' Committee leaders--that bunch who ran the CIA in the early gung ho days were all AVCers, all liberals--all that crowd at OSS were liberals. It would not be inconceivable." - See ISGP's article on the deaths of Don Henry and Kevin Ives at Mena.
- September 6-13, 2001, Philadelphia City Paper, 'Roger and Me'.
Ibid. for citation. - April 29, 2020, CNN, 'Pentagon officially releases UFO videos': "The Navy videos were first released between December 2017 and March 2018 by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, a company co-founded by former Blink-182 musician [and ancient aliens-type C2C AM UFO disinformer] Tom DeLonge..."
- Ibid.
- May 28, 2021, Politico Magazine, 'How Harry Reid, a Terrorist Interrogator and the Singer From Blink-182 Took UFOs Mainstream; The hidden history of how Washington embraced a fringe field of science.'.
- Ibid. December 16, 2017, Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal (C2C AM) and Leslie Kean (C2C AM) for the New York Times, 'Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program'.
- 'Establishment of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force'.
- Nov. 21, 2023, Joe Rogan Experience podcast #2065, David Grush.
- Aug. 31, 2023, Joe Rogan Experience podcast #2028, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp.
- December 16, 2017, Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal (C2C AM) and Leslie Kean (C2C AM) for the New York Times, 'Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program'.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: July 31, 2006; May 26, 2010.
- Buzz Aldrin appears to use the conspiracy community to promote his business and book(s) without really believing any of it himself:
- July 31, 2006, Coast to Coast program description: "Hoagland pointed toward lunar images he's labeled as 'The Tower' and 'The Shard,' as the reason why these boxes may have disappeared. 'The Tower,' described as a glass ruin 10-15 miles high, is an artifact of an ancient civilization that was once on the moon, he believes. ... Note: Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin is interviewed at the top of the second hour. "
- May 26, 2010, Coast to Coast AM program description: "Apollo astronaut and rocket scientist Buzz Aldrin outlined a plan in which NASA could land on the Martian moon Phobos in 2022 and set up a base, with eventual landings on Mars itself by 2031. Aldrin also said that he supports an international effort to develop the moon with partners such as China and India."
- August 17, 2009, Buzz Aldrin on the Alex Jones Show: "[The Phobos square monolith looks like] a big, big, tall rock. I can say that maybe it looks like a construction device by some creatures who practices on Phobos and then landed in Egypt and built de [Great] Pyramid. I don't really believe that, but some people are libel to think that. ... No, no, no, no, I just mean there has been a lot of conjecture as to who built the pyramids. I'm pretty well convinced that they were slaves who were conned into building this edifice for the pharaoh, so the pharaohs could get to the other side in the holy land. ...
And we just might find indications of a very crude form of life that might have a risen at Mars and then been transported to Earth. ...
I think the distances involved make it extremely improbable for advanced life forms to be very close and in reach for star travelers from Earth for thousands and thousands of years. However, millions of years I certainly believe that creatures from Earth could have the technology to visit the closest star, Alpha Centauri, and other stars, if we have a good reason. ...
As far as I can tell, zero [Masonic influence on NASA]. There were some Masonic brothers of mine in Texas that wanted me to take some kind of a Masonic emblem to the Moon in some gesture of - I don't know what it would be gesture of - but I told them that it was not within my authority to do such a thing. ...
I think [those promoting Moon hoax theories] are self-serving individuals looking for attention praying on gullible people. And they wouldn't exist if it weren't for the gullible people who also like to encourage people to think about unrealistic, unsubstantiated things and titillate the public. I hate to say it, but that also includes yourself. But I understand, that's humanity. That's the way we operate. And I'm not beyond that to help publicize the reality of things."
- Turns out, Buzz Aldrin had a HUGE elite tie at the time through membership of the Bretton Woods Committee from 2004 to 2013:
- (accessed: March 21, 2007): "Dr. Buzz Aldrin [of the] ShareSpace Foundation ... George Soros ... David Rockefeller ... Dr. Henry A. Kissinger ... George P. Shultz ... Zbigniew Brzezinski ... Alexander Haig ... Paul A. Volcker ... Frank C. Carlucci ... Peter Peterson ... Maurice Greenberg ... John C. Whitehead ... Henry R. Kravis ... Harold Brown ... James A. Baker, III ... Thomas F. McLarty, III ... Norman R. Augustine [former chair and CEO of Lockheed Martin and by 2011 chairman of the Review of the United States Human Space Flight Plans Committee] ... Madeleine Albright ... Joseph Stiglitz ... [actor] Kelsey Grammer..."
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM:
Jan. 24, 1997 | Feb. 9, 2000 | Sep. 12, 2005 | June 21, 2009 |
July 6, 1997*** | May 22, 2000 | April 9, 2006** | Feb. 20, 2011 |
July 23, 1997* | July 7, 2000 | May 21, 2006 | Jan. 15, 2012 |
July 27, 1997* | Sep. 22, 2001 | Sep. 5, 2007 | May 9, 2012 |
Oct. 5, 1997*/** | Nov. 12, 2002 | April 27, 2008 | June 27, 2012 |
Oct. 10, 1997*/** | March 3, 2003 | Aug. 18, 2008 | Sep. 22, 2013 |
July 7, 1999 | March 25, 2003 | Nov. 7, 2008 | |
Aug. 30, 1999** | June 8, 2004 | May 23, 2009** |
Has appeared on roughly three dozen occasions on Coast to Coast AM talking about the UFO phenomenon, primarily in open-minded but still very skeptical terms. A little background checking makes it quickly obvious that Colonel John Alexander's information cannot be trusted, as he is friends with the biggest CIA and Pentagon insiders of black operations, from death squads and drugs to secret Area 51 engineering projects.
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Leading AFIO member Col. John B. Alexander, a superstar at the Coast to Coast AM "cult", with: 1) CIA veteran General Richard Stilwell, a later president of the AFIO, a board member of the child abuse-linked Knight of Malta outfit Americares, a member of the American Security Council and the equally fascist, child abuse-linked Cercle group, ran by Otto von Habsburg's Opus Dei clique; (Stilwell transferred Alexander to INSCOM under the authority of Gen. Stubblebine) 2) Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein, a relative of the Habsburgs, reported chief financier of Opus Dei, and certainly key financier of the most negative aspect of the alien abduction phenomenon; 3) Scientologist Hal Puthoff, Edgar Mitchell's colleague at Bechtel-controlled SRI International and beyond; 4) the wife of C.B. Scott Jones, a long-time employee of Laurance Rockefeller and Hans Adam in the financing of UFO, alien abduction and new age theories; 5) CIA veteran General John Singlaub, former chair of the American Security Council, the World Anti-Communist League and later, the OSS Society - all notorious for activities involving death squads, drugs, |
terrorism, coups and pedophile entrapment; 6) AFIO member Colonel Michael Aquino, a cult-oriented former American Security Council advisor accused of running a sadistic child abuse network; 7) General Jack Sheehan, accused of involvement in a sexual perversion ring by Kay Griggs who is friends with David Rockefeller's clique; 8) 4-star general Carl Stiner, also accused by Kay Griggs and said to run illegal black operations involving terrorism and assassination; 9) Edward Teller, H-bomb inventor and American Security Council extremist; 10) William Perry, among the most connected elites in the world with the deepest possible ties to high technology black programs. 11) Colonel Philip Corso, a loyal member of General MacArthur's ultra-fascist staff with its links to the Black Dragon Society, the Moonie Cult, and Opus Dei's child snuff networks. Corso also worked under Nelson Rockefeller. All ties of these men can be found in ISGP's Superclass Index and index of institutes. ISGP's experiences with Kay Griggs' information is discussed here. |
CIA deputy director John McMahon, before that the CIA's deputy director of operations, visited one of Colonel John Alexander's spoon-bending parties in the early 1980s. McMahon served under William Casey at the time. June 2010, Fortean Times, 'Paranormal Soldier: John Alexander From Special Services to spoon-benders and UFOs': "JS: I remember that you helped organise some "PK parties" in the DC area, with Boeing engineer Jack Houck, who had popularised these events on the West Coast. Apparently some high-ranking government officials attended those PK parties in the early 1980s, including John McMahon from the CIA, who somehow bent a spoon. JA: Yeah, John was at one party. And I didn't know it, but as a result of his experience he went back and caused some things to happen [in favour of psi-related programmes] at the Agency, that I didn't find out about for a decade. There was also one early party, organised by Jack, in which a woman named Anne Gehman held a fork that bent over with no direct physical force. That happened right in front of Major General Stubblebine, and got our attention. That's why we got more serious about PK."
PDF scan on of a book signing (accessed: April 30, 2014): "Arlington, VA, 11 August 2008. To John Alexander, a comrade-in-arms, with very best wishes, John K. Singlaub." This scan is accompanied by a picture of John Alexander and John Singlaub together.
- "To: John Alexander, With deepest respect and a Special Salute to a Very Special Person – REAL "SHADOW WARRIOR," Fellow Veteran, Role Model and Leader of the Highest Order – and Great American Patriot! A Special Thanks for your selfless Service and Sacrifice for Our Nation – and all your Contributions. We need more LIKE You! It is a High Privilege to be able to claim you as "My Friend." God Bless! [former U.S. Special Operations Command head, General] Carl Stiner."
- (accessed: April 30, 2014; pictures not included. All pictures show Alexander with the person in question.): "Some people who have helped: GEN Tony Zinni USMC, former CINC CENTAL COMMAND. ... Tom Clancy ... Future War, with foreword by Tom Clancy, St. Martin's Press (1999) ... GEN Jack Sheehan, CINC Atlantic Command. [Picture: Sheehan has his arm around Alexander's shoulder, with Alexander having his arm around Sheehan's back.] ... LT GEN Dick Trefry, Military Asst to President GHW Bush, and my boss as US Army The Inspector General. ... GEN Richard Stillwell, (in Thailand) who would become the Under Secretary of Defense and then assist my efforts."
June 2010, Fortean Times, 'Paranormal Soldier: John Alexander From Special Services to spoon-benders and UFOs': "JIM SCHNABEL: How did you end up getting the job at INSCOM? JOHN ALEXANDER: One day, I spoke at a big civilian conference in the Washington area on various psi phenomena. It turned out that a friend of the woman who had organised the conference was the wife of Richard Stillwell, a retired four-star general who was then an undersecretary of defence. She convinced her husband to talk to me, and soon I was called to have a meeting with him. It was a one-on-one meeting, a free ranging thing, and he asked me what sort of work I was doing and so on. Turned out he had plans for me, so I was taken out of IG and a short time later ended up at INSCOM under Major General Stubblebine. JS: What was your job description at INSCOM? JA: We created a position: Chief of Advanced Human Technology."
June 15, 1998, Douglas C. Lovelace, Steven Metz, 'Nonlethality and American Land Power: Strategic Context and Operational Concepts', pp. 3-4: "Two of the most persistent proponents have been Chris and Janet Morris, the writers who initially convinced [top CIA irregular warfare specialist] Ray Cline to lobby the Department of Defense. Additionally, John B. Alexander, former program manager and leader of disabling technologies research at Los Alamos National Laboratory and now director of science liaison at the National Institute for Discovery Sciences, has been an active supporter." Alexander was an assistant to Janet Morris. They co-authored the 1990 book The Warrior's Edge.
Aviation_Week_2.80155635.pdf (accessed: April 30, 2014; shows pictures of John Alexanders with various people): "Aviation Week & Space Technology Awards 1993 & 1997. 1993 Receiving Laureate Award from Lt. Gen. Clapper, then Director of DIA, and later Director of National Intelligence. Secretary of the Air Force Sheila Widnall was to have made the presentation but was called away. Also receiving an award for space activities that night was Astronaut Story Musgrave 1997 This year all of the prior Aviation Week & Space Technology Laureates were inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Yes, I have met Phil Klass shown here with our wives. With fellow inductee, Secretary of Defense William Perry Others who have received the same award in my category (not a bad list to be on) - Lord Peter Carrington o Secretary General NATO - Ambassador Paul H. Nitze o Secretary of the Navy & Asst Secretary of Defense - Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev o Chief of General Staff of Soviet Armed Forces - Hubert Curien o First Chairman European Space Agency - Ambassador James Woolsey o Director of FBI & CIA [not true: no ambassador and no former FBI director] - Lt. Gen. Charles Horner o Commander of Air Forces during Desert Storm - Sir Malcolm Rifkind o UK State Secretary for Defence - Mary Schaivo o Inspector General FAA - William Perry o Secretary of Defense." -
Member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers Las Vegas chapter at Nellis Air Force Base, home of Area 51. The AFIO has been a key vehicle of Richard Helms' and Ted Shackley's old boys CIA group.
Very good friend of fellow AFIO member T.D. Barnes, a decades long Area 51 aircraft engineer for the CIA's top spy planes.
ISGP Q&A with Colonel Michael Aquino through email in 2011 and 2012: "Yes, John [Alexander] and I are good friends. He is an eminently ethical and humanitarian individual, perhaps most famous for his research into and advocation of non-lethal weaponry. He was also portrayed by George Clooney in the film The Men Who Stare at Goats. Most recently he has become interested in UFOs, and I attach my review of his recent book on the subject."
Aquino wouldn't get into when he first met John Alexander, which would have been interesting to know as the men have moved in the exact same American Security Council circles. According to Alexander's wife, the couple only met Aquino recently, at an AFIO conference of all places. Nov. 6, 2009,, Victoria Alexander (John Alexander's wife), Viewpoint on Vegas, 'This Week: Spies of the Valley: Real-life 007s, Michael A. Aquino...': "Michael Aquino, demonized for years by conspiracy theorists, is also a well-respected member of the Intelligence Community. The Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) held their National 2009 Fall Symposium on October 13–16 in Las Vegas. John Alexander was among the many illustrious speakers. At the black tie banquet held Saturday night, we finally met the Aquinos. Michael and Lilith are the Baron and Baroness of Rachane. Michael is more known for his religious affiliation and the hare-brain belief that he, along with John, were members of MKULTRA! Michael fed his unwanted infamous fire by establishing The Temple of Set in 1975 [before being involved in the Church of Satan with Anton LaVey]. He and certain members of the priesthood of the Church of Satan left because of administrative and philosophical disagreements with its founder. The Temple of Set was incorporated in California in 1975 as a nonprofit church. While Michael remains an active member of the Temple of Set, he no longer holds any office within the organization. The office of High Priest is currently held by Magistra Patrica Hardy, who succeeded Aquino in 2004. ... I hope to see Michael and his lovely wife Lilith soon again. We should have a lively talk about Satan and his demon army! ... [Alexander's wife also says in the same article:] ... Some, including me, believe the end of the current [Mayan] cycle on December 21, 2012, is an apocalyptic sign."
There's endless on-line speculation that Col. John Alexander was a leading member of "the Aviary", a group tasked with infiltrating the UFO community. Too be honest, little to no solid information can be found on this subject - just giant amounts of hearsay.
May 17, 1993, Dr. Richard Boylan email to Don Allen, 'Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON ET': "Don: Yes, I've read The Controllers by Martin non. Seems to hit pretty close to the mark. MK Ultra is alive and well, and elements of it are probably going to be used in the DIA's disinformation pseudo-uncoverup of Alien Presence; watch for it at a news stand near you. As for the Aviary, add the name of Colonel John Alexander, who confessed to me his membership, while we dined at the Abduction Study Conference."
Friends with virtually all remote viewing and UFO related guests on Coast to Coast AM. See below.
September 14, 15 and 16, 2013 posts of "Bob" (Bob Dratch, engineer for the Pentagon, close to Drunvalo Melchizedek, and con artist claiming to have been involved in Project Montauk, etc.) at Project Avalon forums: "I was going to start a very in-depth thread on [General Albert Stubblebine], plus his good buddy Dr. Death (Alexander) as some of my DC on the hill friends like to call him. These guys: pages/ jointspecialoperationscommand.aspx are the current incarnation where Stubblebine started when he commanded the mind war programs. Psiops, disinformation, implant concepts. ... Have you followed up on the google link? Have you talked to Stubblebine's key officer and partner John Alexander? If not please do. This fellow was not just in "intel", he lead the groups who's sole goal was to win at any cost through deception, confusion, manipulation - he lead the groups who wanted to develop new KILL techniques, methods to kill remotely and insidiously, hidden from the "enemy". That is not just "intel". Intel was only one small gig, remote viewing. After one identifies the target, phase two happens, find the target's weaknesses and play on them. Convince the opponents that you are their friend.. That they can trust you. Then go for the kill shot. That isn't intel and his background is to create the kill shot as insidiously as possible. And to deceive all along the way... Dr. Death [Colonel John Alexander] himself was a very very sweet man so sincere and so kind. I felt so good afterwards till I pinched myself. Also a very sweet sounding man, sweet and light, ever hear that expression? ... I know you have said this and I could say this of my very good friend James Woolsey (CIA director) [that he never tells a lie]. ... I mentioned I know Jim Woolsey. Jim is actively involved in the alternative green energy movement based out of Washington DC. The alternative energy community is about coming up with ways to remove destruction of the environment and the air. That is how I know Jim. ... [People] slam .. me for knowing Jim [and] now I am a spook and my feelings and observations are suspect - that is the dub-in assumption. ... I have met the man. I have met Bo Gritz - he has some most amazing stories about who's who and what's what in the psyops inscom socom "industries". I do spend the time to meet in person who's who. ... Any actor has to be sincere enough if they are not doing stand-up comedy to create believably and touch on what may be up to 85% truth, then inject 15 % falsehood. That is the measured amount of spin that these folks have determined is the believably threshold to suck some one in and then add the falsehood - with sufficient leading and doing this over a short period of time a person becomes a converted groupie. Add in fancy eye candy, or more buzz words, or more "cause" type bandwagons to jump on, and the conversion steps are complete. ... [They] know all the brain hormone tricks, know the 85/15 rule and use it. ... Bill I know people can have significant change - it happens when the brain circuits change. It can happen from stroke ..., or from a virus, or from a neural program induced by a remote viewer "implanter", or from a satellite induced suggestion (carmody mentioned some of that tech exists as have I). ... i mentioned the Scio background which deals with removing hallucination and evil intent. Bert had background with MONROE which is about BRAINWAVE ENTRAINMENT or inducing neural stupor. It is not about creating higher levels of synchronism, the brain is HOLOGRAPHIC as is the nervous system Bert and buddies went for ENTRAINMENT, which means laying in a solid KNOWN pattern which then can be remotely TAGGED and TARGETED... Example, when I say you will think of a GUY wearing a CONE shaped BIRTHDAY HAT which is PINK and has pokadots on it, you have received a TAG - a remote viewer wanting to then find you in the matrix looks for people having such TAGS in their space. SOMEONE with a TAG that a MISSILE shot thru the pentagon put one in a very clear monitorable catergory. RV'ers remember these guys are - putting a TAG on one is done like above. Something EMOTIONAL WITH some key imagery that is unique, is a TAG... RV'ers look for tags - dohh.. One of the things the neural targeters never were able to deal with is the counter-measures for tagging. I brought that specific term up to one of the DARPA heads who WAS introduced to me by one of the people on the Hill. When I mentioned that he turned white asked me how did I know about that ? ... It the 80's I was featured speaker for Global Sciences [1987-2002] invited by Dean Stonier... [April 27, 2014:] "I liked Al Bielek when I met him a couple times at Global Sciences (I was a speaker there numerous times as well). Al struck me as sincerely believing what he believes happened to him."... I suppose what struck me personally was how much he believed what happened to him did happen, something like that feeling you get when you see someone looking in their memory, recalling and relating.. Of course that could have been an implanted memory. I am sure he had no way of knowing if that was the case, and I certainly wasn't able to tell. The genuine warmth was present, no shifty eyes, nada."
- (accessed: June 22, 2000): "Scientific Advisory Board & NIDS staff Science Advisory Board: Warren Burggren, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board Douglas P. Ferraro, Ph.D. Albert A. Harrison, Ph.D. Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D. Melvin Morse, M.D. Martin Piltch, Ph.D. Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D. Theodore (Ted) Rockwell, D.Sc. John F. Schuessler, M.S. Peter A. Sturrock, Ph.D. Jessica Utts, Ph.D. Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. Jim Whinnery, M.D., Ph.D. Staff: Robert T. Bigelow, President and Founder Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., Deputy Administrator, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry John B. Alexander, Ph.D., Discreet Project Scout "
Pictures are freely available of John Alexander with Russell Targ, Nick Pope and Gordon Novel.
More_friends_and_acquaintances_from_Phenomenology.119235153.pdf (accessed: April 30, 2014; pictures not saved): "More friends and acquaintances from Phenomenology Michael Hesemann of Germany visiting us in Las Vegas. Hesemann has an amazing collection of UFO photos that he has collected around the world. His contacts with the Vatican are extraordinary. Jack Houck has been a friend for decades. He created the PK Metal Bending Party format for which he received the SSE Dinsdale Award in 2010. By providing personal experiences, Jack has done more to advance psi research than anyone. Raymond Moody and Jeffrey Mishlove have both pioneered psi research. It was Raymond's book, Life after Life that created global interest in near-death studies. Jeff was the first, and only, person to obtain a doctorate degree in parapsychology from UC Berkeley. He has numerous books in the field. Ken Ring is seen visiting NIDS. Also pictured is Colm Kelleher (of NIDS). Ken wrote several books on near-death experiences and was the president of IANDS when he worked at the University of Connecticut. Colm is the co-author of Skinwalker Ranch with George Knapp. Rustum Roy is a world renowned materials scientist at Penn State University. He is a serious investigator of various psi phenomena from materials deformation (metal bending), to alternative healing including John of God in Brazil. Jack Sarfatti is a theoretical physicist with unique models that explain many of these phenomena. He is also known for flaming those with whom he disagrees. His web site is This photo was taken by Robert Knight. Pictured are phenomenal guitarist, Steve Vai, Joe Firmage who was instrumental in funding UFO research for a time, and Ray, the founder of Guitar Center. This was taken at Mandalay Bay before a Bob Dylan on concert. COL (rtd) Robert Friend was the head of the USAF Project Blue Book at Wright-Patterson AFB. This photo was taken near his home in southern California as we discussed that program. He believed that the Roswell incident was a Broken Arrow. With Richard Dolan, who has written extensively about government involvement in UFO research. His books are interesting, but we come to quite different conclusions about the significance of the documents he addresses. Have followed Linda Moulton Howe's research for several decades. She does get some very interesting reports and has written extensively about UFOs. Again, we would probably agree to disagree with the conclusions drawn, especially about Government involvement with UFOs. That said, I do believe she got her chain jerked by unprofessional behavior by one of those agents. Jim Marrs never found a conspiracy he didn't just love. Always affable, we have appeared at various conferences together. Here, we would disagree about what constitute facts. He does tend to win the audience though. Kevin Ryerson is a well-known psychic. We met him through Jeff Mishlove here in Las Vegas. Anne Gehman played a significant role in our development of INSCOM psi program. It was Anne who sat across from MG Bert Stubblebine at a PK Party lead by Jack Houck and had her fork bend over 90 degrees with no physical force. At Lily Dale NY in the summer, she is a renowned medium. Andrew Weil at the University of Arizona in Tucson while visiting Gary Schwartz and conducting PK parties. Weil is very well known in the alternative health field. Melvin Morse with Jim Channon at the 2010 IRVA conference. Mel was a pediatrician and emergency medical doctor. He wrote several important books on near death experiences, especially as they related to children. The first was Closer to the Light. At NIDS we learned about Phil Corso long before The Day After Roswell was published. Shown are Hal Puthoff, Corso, and George Knapp near Corso's home in Florida. Phil Corso with my friend Steven Seagal when we tried to get Phil a movie deal for the book. Unfortunately, the rights had been signed away and even though Steven wanted to make the movie, he couldn't. Brian O'Leary, the astronaut who never flew, but he did make quite a name for himself in the new age community. Ron Pandolfi with his new wife Aliyah and his son Ronnie. Those who are supposed to know, do. Major General (rtd) Bert Stubblebine at my retirement ceremony at Ft. Meyers, VA. Although we had worked together for several years, this is the only picture of us together. Bert was basically forced into retirement for his work with psi phenomena. Behind us is Bob Klaus who was also involved in some of the projects. Bob Wood and I have worked together for decades even though there are many areas in which we agree to disagree. We are both councilors for the SSE. This is at a presentation I was giving at his Rotary Club. Scott Rosenberg, Creator of Men in Black and Cowboys and Aliens. CEO of Platinum Studios. Ron Wheelock, the "Gringo Shaman" here at our home in Las Vegas, February 2011"
- (accessed: April 30, 2014; pictures not saved. Alexander features in every picture with the person(s) named.): " [With] legendary remote viewer Ingo Swann. ... Sokeship Induction 2012 [of the] World Head of Family Sokeship Council ["Col. John Alexander – military special operations forces/ martial arts legend award"]. Shihan (10th dan) Cousin Gary Alexander. ... Gary [Alexander] with his playmates Chuck Norris & Bruce Lee circa 1967. ... Stephan Schwartz ... Paul Smith ... Jim Channon, my good friend and creator of the First Earth Battalion ... Kit Green ... Gary Schwartz ... George Noory host, Coast to Coast am ... At Cornell University for the SSE with Bob Jahn, Hal Puthoff, Hans Adam [II von Liechtenstein], Paula, Scott Jones [wife of C.B. Scott Jones, an agent of Claiborne Pell and Hans Adam], Brenda Dunne ... "
- (accessed: June 22, 2000): "Scientific Advisory Board & NIDS staff Science Advisory Board: Warren Burggren, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board Douglas P. Ferraro, Ph.D. Albert A. Harrison, Ph.D. Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D. Melvin Morse, M.D. Martin Piltch, Ph.D. Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D. Theodore (Ted) Rockwell, D.Sc. John F. Schuessler, M.S. Peter A. Sturrock, Ph.D. Jessica Utts, Ph.D. Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. Jim Whinnery, M.D., Ph.D. Staff: Robert T. Bigelow, President and Founder Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., Deputy Administrator, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry John B. Alexander, Ph.D., Discreet Project Scout "
Pictures are freely available of John Alexander with Russell Targ, Nick Pope and Gordon Novel.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: October 20, 2000; September 10, 2001; August 9, 2002; August 9, 2002; December 22, 2005; December 12, 2011; July 5, 2014 (rebroadcast)
For more details on crop circles, see ISGP's article Behind the Crop Circle Mystery: Researchers, Skeptics and Hoaxers Secretly Cooperating? The Ultimate in CIA, MI5 and AIVD Psyops. For a list of sources related to Colin Andrews, see ISGP's Crop Circles extra sources file.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: March 11, 1997; January 19, 2003, December 10, 2003; September 14, 2004; August 13, 2005; December 18, 2006; November 5, 2007; February 4, 2010; February 22, 2011.
- Disclosure Project witness who appeared under the alias "Dr. B." in the Disclosure Project briefing document, where he was described as "a scientist and engineer who has worked on top-secret projects almost all his life."
- Somewhat prominent in California's New Age circuit since the 1980s, selling his extremely overpriced garbage.
- Claims to be a Pleiadean contactee, that we are all going to die in 2012, that no-757 hit the Pentagon, and that Grey aliens eat humans dissolved in acid.
- Died on November 25, 2011 just after meeting with Jesse Ventura, with Noory and Ventura talking on Coast to Coast AM how mysterious his death was.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: September 15, 1996; December 11, 1996; March 25, 2001; January 11, 2004; August 23, 2004; September 11, 2005 (rebroadcast); April 3, 2006; March 31, 2008; February 3, 2011.
May 27-29, 1995: Rockefeller employee C. B. Scott Jones' organizes the "When Cosmic Cultures Meet" Conference under the banner of Laurance Rockefeller's Human Potential Foundation. International/dp/1882658035: "Included in These Proceedings: ... Michael Hesemann [C2C], James J. Hurtak, PhD [C2C]; ... Richard J. Boylan, PhD [C2C]; R. Leo Sprinkle, PhD [C2C]; ... Charles T. Tart PhD [C2C]; ... Zecharia Sitchin [C2C], ... John E. Mack, MD [C2C]; ... The conference, When Cosmic Cultures Meet, was designed to be the capstone on a process that had been going on for two years in which the White House had been encouraged to review the inherited policy from previous administrations concerning disclosure of information about Extraterrestrial (ET) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) phenomena."
Boylan's Coast to Coast biography: "Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist, anthropologist, University associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical hypnotherapist, consultant, and researcher. Dr. Boylan is a consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking to understand their origin, identity and mission, so as to attain optimal awareness and clarity of identity, inner growth, spiritual development, and future path. His career has spanned four decades of service as a psychologist, social worker, hypnotherapist, clergyman (retired), educator, and space anthropologist. Dr. Boylan has served as a Lecturer at California State University, Sacramento, University of California, Davis and several other Universities. Since 1989 Dr. Boylan has conducted research into human encounters with the Star Visitors. This has led to his current focus, creation of the Star Kids Project, Ltd , and working with these hybrid children with advanced abilities and their families. He has presented papers on his research at, among other conferences, the 1992 M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference [financed by Prince Hans Adam von Liechtenstein and Robert Bigelow], and the 1995 Cosmic Cultures International Conference at Washington, DC [financed by Laurance Rockefeller]. He is author of three books, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters, Labored Journey to the Stars, and Project Epiphany. Dr. Boylan is President of the Star Kids Project, Ltd, a non-profit educational and training program for young and mature Star Seeds. He is also President of the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists (ACCET) Inc., a nonprofit educational and research organization. He has conducted numerous workshops for mental health professionals on the specialized counseling for experiencers of Star Visitor contact."
March 31, 2008 Coast to Coast summary: "Joining the show during the last two hours, was Dr. Richard Boylan, an anthropologist specializing in the 'star visitor' phenomenon and 'Star Seed' children. He shared his announcement that 12 environmental scientists [i.e. aliens] from the planet Altimar arrived in January to help deal with Earth's environmental crisis. According to Boylan, the delegation traveled from their planet Altimar which orbits a red dwarf star some 6-7 light years from us, and landed at a location in North America. Boylan said he was at the landing site when the ship arrived in "cloaked" form, though he could see the "energy" of their vehicle. The beings are humanoid, but have larger heads and eyes and diminutive noses and ears. They had some human genetics spliced in to allow them to adapt to life here, he added. For more on the Altimarians and their mission, see Boylan's statement. A total of 1,483 star races have made contact with Earth, Boylan declared. He also noted that a number of non-human races cohabit Earth with us, living underwater and underground."
January 1994, issue 25, Skeptics UFO Newsletter: "Richard J. Boylan, Sacramento, Calif. clinical psychologist, plans to challenge Budd Hopkins' UFO-abduction cult leadership and dogma by creating an "Academy of Certified Close Encounter Therapists" (ACCET) to train and accredit psychotherapists. In contrast to Hopkins' "Intruders Foundation" (IF), whose workshops promote the view that UFO-abductions are a traumatic rape-like experiences, Boylan claims that two-thirds of his subjects view the experience as having had a "positive stimulation on their lives." Boylan even objects to referring to subjects as "abductees," and strongly prefers to call them "experiencers" or "CE-IV [Close Encounter-IV] experiencers." Recently, Boylan has publicly referred to himself as an "experiencer." But so far as is known to SUN, he has offered no details. This, plus Boylan's background as a psychotherapist, would seem to make Boylan especially well qualified among the several leading abduction gurus. Hopkins and Jacobs lack formal training in psychotherapy and neither has claimed to have been abducted. Dr. John Mack, another emerging cult guru, is a trained psychiatrist but has not--so far--claimed to have been abducted. Leo Sprinkle, an early pioneer in the UFO- abduction field is a trained psychologist who claims he was abducted as a child by a very tall, gentle ET. But so far Sprinkle has shown no ambition for empire-building."
May 17, 1993, Dr. Richard Boylan email to Don Allen, 'Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON ET': "The name of the M.I.T. paper I presented is: Research On Close Extraterrestrial Exposure with Positive Mental Health Outcomes Prompts Revision of Attitude and Diagnostic Category. The proof of the association of Budd Hopkins & David Jacobs with Casinos Bob Bigelow of Las Vegas is not hard to find. Besides their fawning association with him at M.I.T.'s Abduction Study Conference (June, 1992), he features prominently as financial angel (along with Prince Hans Adam of Lichenstein) of the Abduction Study Conference, and the Roeper Poll of prevalence of extraterrestrial contacts in America, and no doubt, is behind (financially) Hopkins' Intruders Foundation. While I cannot provide the documents (if any exist) that Casinos Bob is the money-laundry for the agency on the Hopkins-Jacobs Ce-IV Disinformation Project, the number of spooks present at Casino Bob's Abduction Study Conference, and the way the agenda was tilted to give the Dark Side presenters about abductions the bestand the bulk of the time, strongly point to an Intelligence front operation. The fact that Casinos Bob felt he had top lie about bankrolling the Abduction Study Conference, and about how he makes his money, further provide indication of an operation which tries to remain covert. The M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference Proceedings should be published (finally!) in the next month or two. With that, the cover-up will end: because either 150 ofthe best minds in America on CE-IV are all crazy, or the Phenomenon is real! At The S.F. Wholew Life Expo, I challenged Budd and David to debate me, after Budd chickened out, and offered $50.00 to either if they would. So far, my money is safe. To the UFOlogical community: wake up! These clowns are palpably false, with their monolithic portrayal of a complex, multi-racial phenomenon that extraterrestrial contacts with humans represents. Besides my research and that of John Carpenter, just a cursory reading of the CE-IV accounts in the past few years shows a varity of races and methods of operation, unlike the single style (terrorist) that Budd & Dave would have you believe."
Appearance(s): August 13, 2006; December 17, 2006 (rebroadcast); March 17, 2007; September 28, 2008; February 27, 2011 (concerns about China going to the Moon); March 31, 2013.
C2C AM biography: "Robert Bigelow graduated [in 1967] from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. In 1999, he founded Bigelow Aerospace ... He is a member UNLV Foundation and an associate member of the Society for Scientific Exploration."
- Made a fortune with his Budget Suites of America, a hotel chain spanning the U.S. states of Arizona, Nevada, and Texas. Started attending UFO conferences in the 1980s. The most prominent American financier in the paranormal.
- Major UFO "investigation" financier who brought us much of today's Roswell, alien abduction and crop circle mythology.
Since the 1980s Bigelow has been very close to Colonel John Alexander (INSCOM psywar expert), General Albert Stubblebine (INSCOM psywar expert and Pentagon no-planer) and 1001 Club member Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein in financing the most negative and apocalyptic aspect of the UFO and alien abduction movement, as opposed to the more new agy approach of (1001 Club member) Laurance Rockefeller. Bigelow has always been very camera-shy (certainly before his Bigelow Aerospace became prominent), and there are plenty of rumors of this person being a front for intelligence agencies and having connections to the mafia. Col. John Alexander has always defended him.
- Since the late 1980s a semi-clandestine financier (or suspected financier) of the following disinformative alien abduction, Roswell, crop circle and paranormal study projects, mainly alongside Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein:
- Budd Hopkins' Intruders Foundation since 1988.
- Human Potential Foundation since 1989.
- Area 51 scientist Bob Lazar after his November 1989 expose on a TV show hosted by George Knapp. Lazar was closely allied with (Pentagon on WTC no-planer) John Lear. Both ended up at Coast to Coast AM beginning in 1992.
- Alien abduction conferences TREAT I, II, III, IV 1989-1992, with Budd Hopkins, Rima Laibow (wife of Gen. Albert Stubblebine), Victoria Lacas (wife of Col. John Alexander).
- Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR) Smithsonian, Washington, D.C., meeting for all living Roswell witnesses around 1990.
- Project ARGUS crop circle study in Wiltshire, 1992. Along with alien abductions, crop circles are one of the biggest psyops in history.
- MIT Abduction Study, 1992.
- Stanton Friedman's 1992 Roswell book, Crash at Corona, co-written with Don Berliner, was funded by Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein and Robert Bigelow. The book starts out with the sentence: "The authors wish to express our sincere gratitute to the [Bigelow and Hans Adam-funded] Fund for UFO Research and Robert Bigelow for their moral and financial support." The book also contains a photo of Friedman with Bigelow, looking out over the Plains of San Agustin. Roswell was a total and complete psywar hoax and Friedman's part in it can easily be spotted by him putting faith in the most questionable later-year witnesses "backing up" the Plains of San Agustin account of Barney Barnett. Gerald Anderson would be the most key example of that.
The UFO Research Coalition (UFORC) in 1993-1994. The group was a rare alliance between MUFON, the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR) and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). It fell apart when Bigelow was accused of trying to influence the policy of these groups too much. Col. John Alexander is said to have advised Bigelow on this issue.
- [Victoria] Alexander UFO Religious Crisis Survey (AUFORCS), 1994.
- Linda Moulton Howe, who has written books on cattle mutilations and other phenomena, received a research grant from Bigelow in 1994 to study plant and animal tissue associated with mutilation cases.
- National Institute for Discovery Sciences 1995-2004. NIDS scientists have included Col. John B. Alexander, Victoria Alexander, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Novel, Hal Puthoff, Jacques Vallee, Colm A. Kelleher, and Bruce Maccabee. Bigelow's team has been very interested in the Sherman ranch (Skinwalker Ranch) since 1995, which some have suspected is an interdimensional doorway. Shut down NIDS in 2004, supposedly because there was nothing left to investigate.
- In 2000 the commericial edition of The Best Available Evidence was released. Laurance Rockefeller withdrew from the project. It is said that people like UFO cultist Joe Firmage (Arlington Institute and major State of the World Forum financier with the Rockefellers and Ted Turner) and Robert Bigelow (Colonel John Alexander associate) took over funding.
- From 2007 to 2017 the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) spent $22 million on the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, a semi-secret UFO research project. It was initiated by Senate majority leader Harry Reid at the recommendation of Bob Bigelow, who subsequently ended up receiving most of the DIA money to carry out the studies. The late senators Ted Stevens of Alaska (linked to HAARP disinformation) and Daniel Inouye of Hawaii supported the program. Government officials eventually abandoned the project, because it "produced reams of paperwork [with] really nothing there that we could find." After the program was done, it was privately continued in Tom DeLonge's super-high level but super-disinformative To The Stars Academy, which largely serves as a follow-up to the similarly disinformative Disclosure Project.
- December 16, 2017, Politico, 'The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs'.
- December 16, 2017, New York Times, 'Glowing Auras and 'Black Money': The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program': "the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program... investigated reports of unidentified flying objects... It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring...
The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007... Most of the money went to an aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid’s, Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA to produce expandable craft for humans to use in space. ...
Mr. Elizondo has now joined Mr. Puthoff and another former Defense Department official, Christopher K. Mellon, who was a deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence, in a new commercial venture [of Tom Delonge] called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science."
- In 2014 the ever-curious Joe Rogan in his Joe Rogan Questions Everything program went out to the Robert Bigelow ranch to look for UFO sightings. Half the show's "witnesses" and "experts" were borrowed from Coast to Coast AM.
- Founded Bigelow Aerospace in 1999, a a Las Vegas, Nevada-based space technology start-up company that is pioneering work on expandable space station modules. Director of the Space Transportation Association and the Space Tourism Division. Member of the Mars Society. Member of the Nevada Test Site Association.
- Director of the Rhine Research Center.
- May 17, 1993, Dr. Richard Boylan email to Don Allen, 'Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON ET': "The name of the M.I.T. paper I presented is: Research On Close Extraterrestrial Exposure with Positive Mental Health Outcomes Prompts Revision of Attitude and Diagnostic Category. The proof of the association of Budd Hopkins & David Jacobs with Casinos Bob Bigelow of Las Vegas is not hard to find. Besides their fawning association with him at M.I.T.'s Abduction Study Coference (June, 1992), he features prominently as financial angel (along with Prince Hans Adam of Lichenstein) of the Abduction Study Conference, and the Roeper Poll of prevalence of extraterrestrial contacts in America, and no doubt, is behind (financially) Hopkins' Intruders Foundation. While I cannot provide the documents (if any exist) that Casinos Bob is the money-laundry for the agency [CIA] on the Hopkins-Jacobs Ce-IV Disinformation Project, the number of spooks present at Casino Bob's Abduction Study Conference, and the way the agenda was tilted to give the Dark Side presenters about abductions the bestand the bulk of the time, strongly point to an Intelligence front operation. The fact that Casinos Bob felt he had top lie about bankrolling the Abduction Study Conference, and about how he makes his money, further provide indication of an operation which tries to remain covert. The M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference Proceedings should be published (finally!) in the next month or two. With that, the cover-up will end: because either 150 ofthe best minds in America on CE-IV are all crazy, or the Phenomenon is real! At The S.F. Whole Life Expo, I challenged Budd and David to debate me, after Budd chickened out, and offered $50.00 to either if they would. So far, my money is safe. To the UFOlogical community: wake up! These clowns are palpably false, with their monolithic portrayal of a complex, multi-racial phenomenon that extraterrestrial contacts with humans represents. Besides my research and that of John Carpenter, just a cursory reading of the CE-IV accounts in the past few years shows a varity of races and methods of operation, unlike the single style (terrorist) that Budd & Dave would have you believe."
- (accessed: June 22, 2000): "Scientific Advisory Board & NIDS staff Science Advisory Board: Warren Burggren, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board Douglas P. Ferraro, Ph.D. Albert A. Harrison, Ph.D. Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D. Melvin Morse, M.D. Martin Piltch, Ph.D. Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D. Theodore (Ted) Rockwell, D.Sc. John F. Schuessler, M.S. Peter A. Sturrock, Ph.D. Jessica Utts, Ph.D. Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. Jim Whinnery, M.D., Ph.D. Staff: Robert T. Bigelow, President and Founder Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., Deputy Administrator, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry John B. Alexander, Ph.D., Discreet Project Scout "
Appearance(s): November 14, 2003; November 12, 2004; April 14, 2005; June 24, 2005 (rebroadcast); December 26, 2007; March 25, 2009; March 12, 2012; January 27, 2013; June 26, 2016; June 18, 2017
- Bill Moore-tied UFO investigator since at least the early 1980s who for many years has been operating the website This website contains a lot of very reliable information of the UFO community, its history and elite ties, but Cameron still manages to take Roswell, Grey aliens, Dr. Steven Greer and Tom DeLonge seriously. On top of that, he promotes the simplified view that the U.S. government has been leaking genuine UFO material for decades without taking into account that all this material is bogus.
- July 11, 2017, YouTube upload by "Near Death Experiment", 'Top UFO Researcher talks Tom DeLonge, Steven Greer and evil aliens', Grant Cameron interview: "I also knew Chris Bladzo, very closely. Chris was in on this. So Chris was telling me a little bit of what was going on in the background [with John Podesta and the Tom DeLonge group] and I realized, this is the real deal. I heard Jacques Vallee name. I heard [Colonel] John Alexander's name. And all these people are involved. And I'm thinking, I have seen this before. ...
I was involved with one of the first guys who got involved in these things in which the government contacts someone and gives you a bunch of people. That was Bill Moore [in] 1980... who made Roswell famous. [His] The Roswell Incident wasn't just a sort of crazy book. It was a book where he had Jesse Marcel, Sr. [etc.] So this story goes viral and sells a million books and he makes Roswell famous.
So I was involved at that time with him. He actually did an interview for me. I was investigating at the time Dr. Eric Walker ... the chairman of the Institute for Defense Analyses, which is basically the organization that started DARPA and the JASONs... Bill Moore had actually sent in a former CIA agent, a Dr. Kit Green, to do an interview with Dr. Eric Walker. ... So I kinda talked to Bill through the 1980s. ... So he was at that point the first sort of major figure in this. And he had 24. And the people now famously known as The Aviary. This was his group. ... They all said Bill Moore hoaxed all this stuff. I knew Bill Moore. Bill Moore was the only guy who helped me. Bill Moore may have been taken for a ride, but Bill Moore wasn't lying. ... He wasn't a disinformation agent [Note: Bill Moore himself admitted he was a disinformation agent, putting out bogus stories on Dulce and such]. He was just a guy who had high-level people, including, I believe, Richard Helms, who was former CIA director, Robert Gates, who [is] a former CIA director and Henry Kissinger. These were some of the people he was rumored to be dealing with [note: Moore admitted to Gates, whose bosses included Kissinger and Helms]. ... Bill Moore actually had the sources, just like Tom DeLonge.
Greer is one of them. And basically Greer is the same story. Greer claims 540 witness, deep throat witnesses... These guys, you can actually check who's Greer sources are, who he says, and you can confirm that Woolsey was involved [and] Edgar Mitchell.... So when Tom DeLonge gives this, I say, "Wow, this is the same thing as Moore." ...
DeLonge ... is on the evil alien thing. ... I just wanna fight the evil alien thing. ... They discovered magic. Because when they discovered Roswell crash, they recovered a live alien and it was telepathic. ... The number one thing [Bill Moore, Greer, DeLonge and Dan Smith] all have [in common] is they have massive egos. ... They all absolutely believe they are messiahs. ... And yet, you have opposite views. Steven Greer will say, "All aliens are good and the government is evil. The government is withholding this thing." And Tom DeLonge is saying the exact opposite: He said, "The government is the good guy and they are saving us from these evil aliens." ...
No, they're not covering up. This phenomena of leaking stories is totally a U.S. phenomena. It doesn't happen in Great Britain ... Canada ... Australia ... Belgium ... Russia [or] China. It only happens in the United States... Everybody else is just shutting up and nobody knows what is going on. So if they were to cover this thing up, they wouldn't be leaking the stories. ... So they want you to know Holloman [AFB UFO landing incident happened] and they allowed them to use the 8 seconds of the film, but the classified part [of the alien getting out] was pulled. ... So they are not covering and they are not disclosing. So they are doing something in between. Which is what I got dragged into with ... Bill Moore, Steven Greer - all this sort of stuff where they are leaking the story but they are protecting the classified material."
- July 11, 2017, YouTube upload by "Near Death Experiment", 'Top UFO Researcher talks Tom DeLonge, Steven Greer and evil aliens', Grant Cameron interview: "I also knew Chris Bladzo, very closely. Chris was in on this. So Chris was telling me a little bit of what was going on in the background [with John Podesta and the Tom DeLonge group] and I realized, this is the real deal. I heard Jacques Vallee name. I heard [Colonel] John Alexander's name. And all these people are involved. And I'm thinking, I have seen this before. ...
Appearance(s): January 5, 1998; January 7, 1998; May 7, 1998; September 5, 1999; September 19, 2000; January 26, 2001; May 21, 2003; June 25, 2005.
Disclosure Project witness. Dean is another perfect example of an unreliable Disclosure Project witness. In January 1996 Laurance Rockefeller, Claiborne Pell and C.B. Scott Jones were lobbying congress to grant congressional immunity to Robert Dean, who they claimed was willing to speak out about UFO secrecy. During his Disclosure Project testimony he talked about the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and about Cosmic Top Secret being 38 levels above regular Top Secret, both being complete and utter nonsense (Cosmic Top Secret is NATO's standard Top Secret classification and there are no 38 levels above Top Secret). Later on he spread stories about the Annunaki (Sitchin) and passed around a NATO document that was completely bogus. A NATO paper on different alien species turned out to be completely bogus.
In January 1996 Laurance Rockefeller, Senator Claiborne Pell and C.B. Scott Jones were lobbying congress to grant congressional immunity to Robert Dean, who they claimed was willing to speak out about UFO secrecy. During his Disclosure Project testimony he talked about the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) and about Cosmic Top Secret being 38 levels above regular Top Secret, both being complete and utter nonsense (Cosmic Top Secret is NATO's standard Top Secret classification and there are no 38 levels above Top Secret). Later on he spread stories about the Annunaki (Sitchin) and passed around a NATO document about different alien species that turned out to be completely bogus.
February 19, 2011 Youtube upload, 'S4 Info V1 - Area 51 Guard's Firsthand Account of Captured UFOs and Aliens', Sergeant Robert O. Dean interview: "When I retired from the military in 1976 I bought a house in Tuczon. I retired from the Presidio in San Francisco, where I had been a sergeant major there at 6th Army headquarters. ... So help me, the house I moved into was directly across the street from Wendelle Stevens. Talk about coincidence. So our friendship blossomed. ... We were both part of APRO for many years."
This Colonel Wendelle Stevens, another Coast to Coast AM veteran, has spread loads of disinformation through the Billy Meier case and alleged witnesses claiming to have worked at Area 51.
February 19, 2011 Youtube upload, 'S4 Info V1 - Area 51 Guard's Firsthand Account of Captured UFOs and Aliens', Colonel Wendelle Stevens interview: "At that time I was working for the Sheriffs Department. [Robert Dean] was the deputy sheriff. "
Wikipedia on the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO): "The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) was an UFO research group started in January 1952 by Jim and Coral Lorenzen, of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. [1] The group was based in Tucson, Arizona after 1960. APRO had many state branches, it remained active until late 1988. APRO stressed scientific field investigations, and had a large staff of consulting Ph.D. scientists. A notable example was Dr. James E. McDonald of the University of Arizona, a well-known atmospheric physicist, and perhaps the leading scientific UFO researcher of his time. Another was Dr. James Harder of the University of California, Berkeley, a civil and hydraulic engineering professor, who acted as director of research from 1969-1982. McDonald and Harder were among six scientists who testified about UFOs before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Astronautics on July 29, 1968, when they sponsored a one-day symposium on the subject. [2] Astronomer J. Allen Hynek cited APRO and NICAP as the two best civilian UFO groups of their time, consisting largely of sober, serious minded people capable of valuable contributions to the subject. [3] In 1969, a sizable portion of APRO's membership elected to form a new group named the "Midwest UFO Network"; this soon expanded and became the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), still active today. Travis Walton polygraph suppression APRO's credibility took a major blow in the 1970s. Travis Walton claimed to have been abducted by a UFO in Arizona. He was missing for several days, and returned amid a widespread police search and publicity. APRO, in conjunction with the National Enquirer, arranged for a polygraph, which proved inconclusive and, point in fact, had no bearing on the credibility of APRO. The results only measured stress levels, not truth per se. APRO, Walton, and the Enquirer decided to suppress the polygraph results "the examiner was biased, they said, and unprofessional.[4]"
May 21, 2003, Coast to Coast AM, 'ETs and Government Knowledge': "This is the biggest story in human history," said Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean, the main guest on Wednesday's program. He was referring to the extraterrestrial presence on this planet, which he first became aware of while examining top secret reports as a NATO officer in the early 1960's. The initial information he read, detailed a series of large metallic circular objects that were seen over Europe in 1961. But this was just the tip of the iceberg. The reports concluded that the craft were being operated by interplanetary or extraterrestrial beings, of which four different kinds had been delineated. Dean listed them as: "classic little greys" 5-6 ft. tall version of the greys large humanoids with "almost bleached white skin" a group that looked the same as humans It was this last group "that shook them up the most. They could be walking up and down the White House and we wouldn't know it," he said. By the time Dean retired in 1976, he said that eight additional alien types had been catalogued. "We're dealing with a multidimensional intelligence," Dean said, adding that our ancient ancestors may have known far more about them than we do. He believes that the ETs have been with us for eons and that they genetically manipulated our species, and continue to monitor our genetic development."
June 25, 2005, Coast to Coast AM, ' Alien Presence & Gov't Disclosure': "Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean discussed the reality of the alien presence, government disclosure policies, and classified information gleaned from years of research and time spent serving at the Supreme Headquarters Operations Center (SHOC), the NATO war room. Though Dean believes the universe is "crammed with intelligent life," he no longer speaks publicly on the extraterrestrial presence because, as he explained, people are not ready for the "theological implications." According to Dean, there is ample evidence to suggest that alien intelligences have not only visited our planet, but have genetically manipulated humanity, as well as established every major religion on Earth. Dean also pointed out that "black government" agencies, like the MJ-12, actually do exist and seek to "control the reality of the massive extraterrestrial presence." He also shared the story of a rumored secret meeting between President Eisenhower and an alien being. Dean said the meeting did happen and there is a film of the event, which shows humanoid creatures exiting from a golden disc, to prove it."
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: December 18, 2011; November 30, 2014; February 26, 2017.
- Co-founder, guitarist and co-lead vocalist of the rock band Blink-182 1992-2015. Aspiring science fiction author and UFO buff on the side. Guitarist and lead vocalist of the rock band Angels & Airwaves.
- Approached Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project in the early 2000s and asked Greer if he could help out. That started a long-term cooperation, with DeLonge meeting with fresh-but-still Disclosure Project-affiliated highest-level contacts at the Pentagon and NASA Ames.
- By 2016-2017, DeLonge was supported in his UFO disclosure efforts by Robert Bigelow, Hal Puthoff and Colonel Joh Alexander, all veterans from NIDS, as was Senator Harry Reid. With his 2017-founded To the Stars Academy though, DeLonge took things to a new level. While being coached by the afore-mentioned persons, for To the Stars, DeLonge recruited an executive vice president of Lockheed Skunkworks and a Mellon family member deeply involved in classified Pentagon programs under Clinton and Bush. Through To the Stars, DeLonge started lobbying for UFO disclosure. A bogus one that is, because these people only promote disinformation.
- DeLonge exactly talks like Steven Greer, in a pompous, know-it-all, "chosen one", don't-oppose-me manner. The major fundamental difference is that DeLonge claims that all aliens are evil and the government is good, while Greer has been promoting the exact opposite: all aliens are good and the government is covering everything up.
- Became a major pusher of the bogus Roswell incident and other disinformation as ancient aliens and genetic engineering.
- October 26, 2017, Tom Delonge on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, 1:28:00: "I believe that at some point in history someone came here and tampered with existing creatures and upgraded us at very specific intervals. ... Again, I don't want to speak for my company, but one of the people on our board ... is a lead geneticist from Stanford. I think he was up for the Nobel this year. Dr. Gary Nolan. ... There's a lot of junk DNA. ... They just found a human footprint that was like a 100 million years old [note: nope, it was 5.7 million years old and only slightly changed our perspective on when and where the first human-like ape roamed the Earth.] ... I think there have been cycles of civilizations and I think the people on the inside know that. [This is bogus Graham Hancock mythology] ... I don't know [if a huge asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs]. I can't believe anything..."
- October 26, 2017, the Joe Rogan Experience podcast with Tom DeLonge, post-DeLonge section at the end, words of Joe Rogan, 1:59:00: "[On DeLonge earlier pushing some obviously CGI-created UFO video entitled on YouTube 'US TR-3B Aurora Anti-Gravity Spacecraft In Night Vision'] Look at that. That looks little. And the guy keeps missing the focus. ... Here's a problem [with Tom DeLonge]. He was telling our friend Jeff, over there, that werewolves are real. Werewolves are out there. We've got the American Werewolf in London Doll in the hallway. He was telling him that werewolves are real and that werewolves disappear and they go into a wormhole - they go into another dimension - and the government has information that werewolves exist."
- March 27, 2016, Tom DeLonge interviewed on Coast to Coast AM by George Knapp (who introduced Sen. Harry Reid to Bob Bigelow, who both came to support DeLonge): "I've listened to Coast to Coast for 20-some years...
["How did you get the access? How do you explain that?"] I had the opportunity to go to an event. So the most classified and the most advanced group of engineers and scientists that work within the military industrial complex work under one specific group. And it's a very, very quiet group. But for the very first time they were doing an event where family members can come. Not to go into the buildings, but at least celebrate in the parking lot, what their loved do during the day. And they asked me, "Would you come up and..." Because I knew this one individual who told me to be really careful. He goes, "Well, here's a way for you to come up and see a little bit about what we're doing." And I said, "Oh my God, I would love to." And he said, "Do you want to come and introduce the head of the company to the crowd?" And I said, "I will if I get to sit with him for 5 minutes." I don't know why I said that. I just knew that was an opportunity guys like me would kill for. Because I knew exactly who this group of engineers were. And knew exactly what they do! ...
I just said [to company officials], "Hey, I have this idea for a project. And this project, I think if it is done correctly, will reverse the cynicism that people have about government and frankly the military-industrial complex." ... So in comes the head of the company. The big, big dude. [I pitched the following to him:] Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the Moon, is out telling all the young people of the world that this is real. So we have a credibility issue that we have to attack. ... Over the past 30 years, there's been a program to indoctrinate people to the idea that this might be real. But the problem is that all the young adults in the world, they use the internet, they have iPhones, they talk to each other much quicker than people ever have. So this program that everyone has been following from the '50s is far outdated. It's antiquated. People have surpassed it and now they don't trust you guys. ... Now they graduate from MIT and they want to work for Elon Musk. And they don't want to work here. Help me help you guys. ... I said, "If you allow me to do this, what I'm trying to do, then I'm gonna ask you for some help. I need advisors. I need people to help guide me, so I don't keep disinforming people. I will not do that anymore. We need to tell the truth." ...
You're having an issue that is going to tackle cosmology and religion and scientific breakthroughs that will seem like magic to people. It will - relationships with countries which we're not supposed to have relationships with. Defense systems that we have been building secretly with enormous amounts of money for a very long period of time - where people, if they knew about it, would probably be in an uproar. Until they knew the reasons why. Then they would say, "Why didn't you tell me? I wish I could have helped ya." The more that I found out about this stuff, as they started giving me the information, I realized that all these young people are gonna look at these areas of our government and say, "You guys are heroes. You guys are doing heroic stuff. Incredible stuff. And no one knows about it. And you are letting all these weirdos on the internet define you and say it's all a big conspiracy. It's the big bad secret government, keeping secrets because they are *better* than us! Or we can't handle the truth. Or they're doing it for money and to control the world." Nothing could be further from the truth. Once you understand why they are keeping their efforts secret, and what they have been doing, you'll realize they need to be empowered. And they need to be given every bit of resource that they could possible need ... I'm excited to tell that part of the story. ... I went in very, very respectful, and asked for permission on everything that I did, and treated it the way these guys treat it: it is a national and global security issue. ...
John Podesta is in my documentary and my docu-series. I think that he's - I think he's somebody that everybody needs to watch. That's all I'm gonna say [not if he's one of my advisors]. ...
I said, "I'm gonna be talking about the crashes in the 40s." There's a pause and he says, "Why just the 40s?" You know, get you thinking a little bit." ... I think I need someone from the Defense Intelligence Agency ... to not piss anybody off. ... "You have been given permission [by us]. Not shut the f up and get to work." And it was very serious. And I have these two guys. Once again, you can count the stars on their shoulders, staring at me...
We are building machinery that have anti-gravity. And yes, I was told that. ... [KNAPP: "I think you, I said in the introduction that some people in your group refer to them not as aliens, or visitors. They refer to them as "the others."] "The phenomenon" is not used. "Aliens" is not used. It's "The Others". And the way that it is explained to me is that they are gods. The little g. So the entire UFO phenomenon is about multiple gods that fight amongst themselves and by design factionalize mankind into different religions to step back and let us fight each other, so it has other things it wants to accomplish and we don't notice them because we're too involved in fighting each other. And they know that. So our government knows that. Our government knows that The Others are instigating war amongst mankind. ... You gotta look back at ancient history and all these stories about "gods" that came down and this did and that - it's all true...
The government is very aware that this intelligence is pinning different countries against each other based on religion on purpose, and it's a scary scenario. It's a multiple front war that we're fighting, because now we have to worry about each other, and we also have to think of The Others. So that is part of the reason for the secrecy. We don't want everyone knowing our vulnerabilities and we don't want everyone knowing the advancements that we've made to protect everybody from multiple adversaries. ...
Absolutely [it's someone just messing with us - such as when UFOs activated those Russian ICBMs]. .. Now go back to when Bush came out and was talking about Iran and North Korea - The Axis of Evil - that's our government making a black statement that they are really concerned about these areas. Then you kinda go deeper into the parts of the government that know about the UFO phenomenon - the ones they call The Others. THe ones that are influencing countries. The ones that are by design, or maybe by accident, having a crash of very advanced pieces of technology in the country's borders, so they make better weapons, fight bigger wars. And we're not the only ones who have had a crash. And so when we make big statements about North Korea, or big statements about Iran, or China, it's because we are aware that those places are being manipulated and have very advanced technologies now. So we're trying to keep everyone calm. You know? And not initiate a conflict. ... What is the reason that all of a sudden China's defense budget has quadrupled in the past few years? ... And they can't come out and tell everybody that all these religions that are firing all over the planet for the past thousand years are based off things they saw in the sky." [34:45: cattle mutilations are still going on and demonic]. We might be property. [KNAPP: "Harvested..."] Yeah. What's happening right now is everybody is believing something different about God, and we're all killing each other over it. And we all have advanced weaponry based of crashes that just happen to fall on our borders. And then, while we're doing that, these things are zipping around and doing weird things with animals and weird things with people and abductions. And they are off trying to accomplish something. You and I have had discussions about the pain and the anger and the emotional energy of all the war. Maybe there is something there... There's a very, very strong link between what people think demons are from the bible and other religions, and the UFO phenomenon. ... What you have is something that doesn't like man, period. ...
I have a quote here I should read you. This is from one of the advisors: "Would the link of aliens creating man, who then created God to keep us in our place, be something worth keeping "sekret"? (Mind you, sekret with a K, which is how we do Sekret Machines.) I think so. We're talking about the biggest institutions on the planet and the world's major religions. It's bigger than just the "Big Bad US Government" and going back to the Greeks, and including Russians and Germans, [possibly skipped a line while reading here?] make it sufficiently global across centuries. Maybe evidence of disappeared ancient cultures (Easter Island, the Maya, the Inca). That's evidence of what happened for those who did not obey, thus encouraging the secret to be kept. And could the story evolve from how different groups of men exploited this technology to see how the entire secret is uncovered, rewriting world history and shattering many of our most well-regarded, holy institutions? Except this time, when they come to wipe us out like the other ones, we are actually ready for them. And that readiness is another example why things have been kept quiet for so long and has been a strange international partnership indeed." ....
In Germany they had some crashes. They started doing some advanced work - in World War II. Right after World War II we had some crashes. Maybe Russia had some crashes. Everyone has some crashes. Everyone factionalizes around that period of time. Maybe China had some crashes. ... What we really did is we went into these incredibly secret places underground... and we started working like crazy, with the brightest minds, with huge amounts of money, with passion and resilience, with everything at our disposal to come up with a way to protect everybody. You know, anti-gravity craft, weapons in space, different psychological operations that we play on the public. You know, I think part of the cover up is a psychological operation, so the UFO occupants themselves still think we know nothing about them. And I think that is part of the plan. Everything has been a big chess game to make The Others not know how far we've gotten along to fight back. ...
Years ago, Jacques Vallee ... talks about a guy that can meditate and make these [orb] things show up. He brought the guy to the Pentagon and out of the window, I think it was [in front of] a colonel, he made a UFO show up. Well, I happen to know a guy who can do that. ... He goes out every Sunday and makes these orbs appear. Because these things, these little machines, drones or whatever, just wait and sit there to wait for somebody to do that meditation protocol. Then it senses the frequency of somebody wanting to see it and it decloaks itself for people to see. ... We have a tendency to call it supernatural, but really ... it's machines. It's with living things in these machines. ...
I posed a really interesting question to my advisor - one of the ten advisors that I have... [I asked:] Is gravity consciousness? [Vague explanation]...
There are massive programs underground and in other places to create a global defense system. A lot of it was done in the 08's. SDI, the Reagan/Star Wars defense initiative was part of it. And we were doing that in collaboration with the Soviet Union. A lot of people thought that we were at each other's throats. We kinda were, but we're also working them, and certain parts of their government, on the whole SDI system. And I think that a lot of that is what led to Reagan and Gorbachev getting along and forming some type of a friendship there. But the other thing that you said, bringing up the Anunnaki and stuff. The way it was explained to me is, "Yes, there are good gods and bad gods." And their interactions with humanity have been well-documented all the way back to Greek myths [and] Sumerian legends that are out there. I actually have communications that are detailing very specific leaders within Sumer and within Ancient Greece. Very specific people that I'm being told to communicate with, that have been given information from these gods."
- As said, in October 2017 DeLonge opened his own outfit, the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science ( with the most bizarre bunch of top-level intelligence and establishment insiders:
- (accessed: November 3, 2017): "[TTS is looking] to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition them to products that can change the world...
Entertainment Division Media Mentions: The Washington Post. The Wall Street Journal. Rolling Stone. Mother Jones. The Guardian. LA Weekly. The Hollywood Reporter. ...
The Team:
- Tom DeLonge, President & CEO: ...
- Jim Semivan, Vice President Operations: ... co-founder and Vice President Operations of TTS Academy... In 2007, Mr. Semivan founded the consulting firm, JimSem1 LLC, after his retirement as a senior intelligence service member of the Central Intelligence Agency. Since retirement, Mr. Semivan primarily worked for JimSem,1 a consultant for the Intelligence Community (IC) on classified topics including IC leadership training, CIA tradecraft training and IC programs for countering weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Semivan retired from the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations after 25 years as an operations officer, both overseas and domestically. ...
- Dr. Hal Puthoff, Vice President Science & Technology: ... co-founder and Vice President of Science and Technology of TTS Academy. [The Remote Viewing project founder at] SRI International...
- Steve Justice, Aerospace Division Director: ... After 31 years, Stephen is the recently retired Program Director for Advanced Systems from Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Programs – better known as the "Skunk Works". ...
_ Luis Elizondo, [ran Bob Bigelow's Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program at the Pentagon 2007-2012] Director of Global Security & Special Programs: ... career intelligence officer whose experience includes working with the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the National Counterintelligence Executive, and the Director of National Intelligence. As a former Special Agent In-Charge, Luis conducted and supervised highly sensitive espionage and terrorism investigations around the world. As an intelligence Case Officer, he ran clandestine source operations throughout Latin America and the Middle East. Most recently, Luis managed the security for certain sensitive portfolios for the US Government as the Director for the National Programs Special Management Staff. For nearly the last decade, Luis also ran a sensitive aerospace threat identification program focusing on unidentified aerial technologies. Luis’ academic background includes Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, with research experience in tropical diseases. ...
- Chris Mellon, National Security Affairs Advisor: [Member of the famous Mellon family of the Pilgrims Society, which also has been deeply tied to the psychedelics movement] Chair of the Science Committee at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. [Former] Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush Administrations. [At] Capitol Hill including as the Minority Staff Director of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As an aide to Senator William S. Cohen, he drafted the legislation that established the US Special Operations Command. He is the author of numerous articles on politics and national security, and the recipient of multiple awards from the Department of Defense and agencies of the US Intelligence Community. ...
- Dr. Garry Nolan, Genetics Technologies Consultant... Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Stanford University School of Medicine. ... First recipient of the Teal Innovator Award (2012) from the Department of Defense. Dr. Nolan was the founder and has served on the Boards of Directors for several successful biotechnology companies. ...
- Dr. Paul Rapp, Brain Function & Consciousness Consultant: ... Professor of Military and Emergency Medicine at the Uniformed Services University and Director of the Traumatic Injury Research Program. ... His past honors include a Certificate of Commendation from the Central Intelligence Agency for "significant contributions to the mission of the Office of Research and Development."...
- Dr. Norm Kahn, National Security & Program Management Consultant: ... consultant on national security for the US Government, with a focus on preventing the use of biological weapons of mass destruction/disruption. Dr. Kahn had over a 30-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency, culminating in his development and direction of the Intelligence Community's Counter-Biological Weapons Program. ...
- Dr. Colm Kelleher [of Coast to Coast AM and Robert Bigelow's NIDS]."
- (accessed: November 3, 2017): "[TTS is looking] to allow gifted researchers the freedom to explore exotic science and technologies with the infrastructure and resources to rapidly transition them to products that can change the world...
- Founder of the short-lived alternative news website, which appears to have operated from September 2011 to mid 2012. The website was pushed through an appearance on Coast to Coast AM and promotion by
- Wrote the 2017 book Sekret Machines: Book 1: Chasing Shadows, with Coast to Coast AM visitor Peter Levenda writing the foreword. Jim Semivan wrote the foreword.
- Put out the autobiography of Bob Lazar, with whom DeLonge was working in 2016-2017.
- Tom DeLonge extensively appears in the Wikileaks-released emails of John Podesta for early 2016:
- January 24, 2016, Michael Carey ( email to John Podesta, 'Accepted: DeLonge/Podesta Meeting @ Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:30pm - 1:30pm (' ( "When: Mon Jan 25, 2016 12:30pm - 1:30pm Eastern Time. Where: Google Hangout. Video call: Join video call... Calendar: Who: * John Podesta - organizer. * * * Michael Carey. * * [Executive vice president and general manager, Advanced Development Programs (Skunk Works), Lockheed Martin.]"
- January 25, 2016, Tom de Longe ( to John Podesta ( and Hillary Clinton campaign special assistant Milia Fisher (, 'Advisors' ( "Milia-1. I have included a link to the teaser of the Sekret Machines documentary (that Mr. Podesta is in) with password below."
- January 25, 2016, Tom de Longe ( to John Podesta (, 'General McCasland' ( (Gen. William McCasland: Commander, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, responsible for managing the Air Force's $2.2 billion science and technology program): "[McCasland] just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory up to a couple years ago. He not only knows what I'm trying to achieve, he helped assemble my advisory team. He's a very important man."
- February 14, 2016, Tom de Longe ( to John Podesta (, 'Fwd: Podesta and UFOs' ( "George Knapp is an multi-award winning Journalist, the one who famously broke the story of Area-51's existence many years ago. He's an incredible man. I've actually created a secondary advisory group with him included to help take the direction from my Primary Advisors and direct the info toward the youth. ... Anyways, you should consider doing an interview on Coast To Coast AM- It's about 10 million listeners every night, and he hosts a couple times a month. Syndicated internationally, its second only to Rush Asshole Limbaugh."
- February 16, 2016, Tom de Longe ( to John Podesta (, 'Rolling Stone' ( "We are splitting my project release into two pieces. ... This first piece is going to be with Rolling Stone, they're flying a journalist out to sit with me for two days... We like Rolling Stone, right? When we release the trailer, with my foreword, we are planning on doing the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or the Washington Post. ... Jimmy Kimmel is now calling, and we might be able to get some TV appearances on this."
- February 22, 2016, Tom de Longe ( to John Podesta (, 'Advisors' ( "Mr Podesta- Mr. Weiss from Lockheed SkunkWorks just emailed me asking if there were any updates. I am not expecting much, but if there is anything I can tell him and the General, however small, I would like to respectfully pass it along. ... Best, Tom DeLonge. TOM DELONGE | FOUNDER TOM@TOTHESTARSINC.COM."
- March 12, 2016, Tom de Longe ( to John Podesta (, 'VICE News' ( "Ok- Sold my first show for the Sekret project. VICE News will produce, finance and distribute the Sekret Machines Docu-Series charting my personal journey on how I met important people and how they are guiding my effort to communicate difficult themes to the youth. All the while keeping the names and identities of my Advisory council private.
This is huge. VICE is the single biggest, most credible and progressive news source out there. It's international, and it's all aimed at the youth. They feed directly into HBO and just launched their own news channel. (Check out the link below if you desire).
I hope you get my emails and I hope I am not bugging you. I am currently updating the Advisors, as well.
Rolling Stone will break the story on April 8th. The novel is in stores April 7th. VICE series launches immediately following, and we are placing the Scripted TV series now.
I am hoping to come meet you personally and talk in the next few weeks. I am talking to NASA right now, too."
- Despite all the Anunnaki / ancient aliens disinformation he spread on Coast to Coast AM, DeLonge was heralded in the media in 2020 for largely being responsible for the Pentagon's official release and confirmation of three previously-leaked Navy UFO videos:
- April 28, 2020, Newsweek, 'Pentagon Just Released UFO Footage Thanks in Part to Tom DeLonge': "The Pentagon has released three declassified videos on Monday of "unidentified aerial phenomena" that were captured by U.S. Navy pilots, thanks in part to former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge.
One of the videos was taken in November 2004, while the other two were filmed in January 2015. According to the Department of Defense, the videos have been circulating in the public domain after unauthorized releases in 2007 and 2017.
The videos—which can now be found at the Naval Air Systems Command Freedom of Information Act Reading Room—are known as FLIR.mp4, GOFAST.wmv and GIMBAL.wmv. The clips show strange objects appearing to accelerate rapidly and move at very high speed.
The videos were published by To the Stars... Academy of Arts & Sciences—an organization set up DeLonge to investigate UFO sightings—in late 2017 and early 2018.
The New York Times also reported on one of the videos in December 2017 in an article about the Pentagon's secretive Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP,) which began operations in 2007. "It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen," one of the Navy pilots told the New York Times regarding the 2004 incident, which was filmed over the Pacific about 100 miles off the coast of California.
Documents acquired by Motherboard indicate that the Air Force's Office of Special Investigations launched an investigation into the release of the videos in 2017. And last year, the Navy, which initially did not acknowledge the videos when they surfaced in 2017, confirmed their veracity, vindicating DeLonge's release.
"The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs)," Joe Gradisher, a Navy spokesperson, told the Black Vault blog in 2019. Gradisher also confirmed to other news outlets that the Navy did indeed capture these videos. ...
"This is all about frequent incursions into our training ranges by UAPs," Gradisher told CNN in 2019. "Those incursions present a safety hazard to the safe flight of our aviators and security of our operations. For many years, our aviators didn't report these incursions because of the stigma attached to previous terminology and theories about what may or may not be in those videos." ...
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who was largely responsible for securing funding for the AATIP when it began operations, also tweeted in response to the news. "I'm glad the Pentagon is finally releasing this footage, but it only scratches the surface of research and materials available," he said. - April 28, 2020 tweet by @tomdelonge:: "With today’s events and articles on my and @TTSAcademy’s efforts to get the US Gov to start the grand conversation, I want to thank every share holder at To The Stars for believing in us. Next, we plan on pursuing the technology, finding more answers and telling the stories."
- May 7, 2020, Rolling Stone, 'Tom DeLonge on the Pentagon Releasing UFO Videos: ‘I Can’t Believe We Pulled This Off’'.
- April 28, 2020, Newsweek, 'Pentagon Just Released UFO Footage Thanks in Part to Tom DeLonge': "The Pentagon has released three declassified videos on Monday of "unidentified aerial phenomena" that were captured by U.S. Navy pilots, thanks in part to former Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge.
- In May 2021 Politico Magazine included DeLonge in a 7,000 word article about how the old NIDS group of Robert Bigelow, Colonel John Alexander, Hal Puthoff also secretly included Senator Harry Reid of Nevada since 1995, and how together they played a key role in making the UFO subject acceptable to talk about.
- Dec. 16, 2017, New York Times, 'Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program': "In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find. Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.
For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, deep within the building’s maze.
The Defense Department has never before acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012. But its backers say that, while the Pentagon ended funding for the effort at that time, the program remains in existence. For the past five years, they say, officials with the program have continued to investigate episodes brought to them by service members, while also carrying out their other Defense Department duties.
The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007, and initially it was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who was the Senate majority leader at the time and who has long had an interest in space phenomena. Most of the money went to an aerospace research company run by a billionaire entrepreneur and longtime friend of Mr. Reid’s, Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA to produce expandable craft for humans to use in space." - May 28, 2021, Politico Magazine, 'How Harry Reid, a Terrorist Interrogator and the Singer From Blink-182 Took UFOs Mainstream; The hidden history of how Washington embraced a fringe field of science.'.
- Dec. 16, 2017, New York Times, 'Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program': "In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find. Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.
- Tom Delonge is an antifa activist/propagandist:
- May 14, 2017 tweet by @tomdelonge: "Prophecy: indictment coming to impeach Trump"
- May 14, 2017 tweet by @tomdelonge: "Trump worked with Russian spies and Mob to commit treason. Entire Administration is about to crumble"
- May 14, 2017 tweet by @tomdelonge: "can u imagine if this shit is real about Trump? Bigger than 911. I know it sounds extreme, but it looks like it's all true.. hold tight"
- May 16, 2017 tweet by @tomdelonge: "The prophecy is coming... #TrumpGoingToPrison2017"
- May 18, 2017 tweet by @tomdelonge: "Prophecy: Tommorow is a bigly day for Trump. He has something to say."
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: June 20, 1997; March 17, 1998; March 11, 2006.
Tied to Dr. Steven Greer Wrigley Mansion meeting. Coincidentally, George A. Hormel II, owner of the Wrigley Mansion, invested in Dilettoso's projects.
ISGP in 2006: According to his biography, Dr. Greer was invited to a conference at the Wrigley Mansion in Phoenix, Arizona in the winter of 1994. The discussion was about a possible disclosure of UFO information and making contact with ETs. The people who invited Greer were part of a rogue cell (compartmented group) within the larger control group. It seems that the people in this cell are more influential than the one that is interfacing with the civilian UFO community (in which General Albert Stubblebine ("Gen. T.E.") and Colonel John Alexander ("Col. MK") are leading members), as Greer makes sure not to reveal their identities in his book. All he says about them is that their methods are "beyond dark" and that a number of "shadowy corporate people" were present, as well as a "prominent industrialist". During the break, Greer was taken out onto the balcony by an unidentified person. This person, once again, tried to recruit Greer into his cell, and in the process gave him some interesting information. Greer put part of that conversation in chapter 16 of his book: "Well, you know, if you want to be supported in this, just let us help you... we know you have platinum cards and gold cards. Just maximize all of them, every month: $50,000, $100,000, whatever. Get as many of them as you want. And give us the numbers. And since we run all the super computers that back up and monitor the banking system of the world, we'll simply erase those account balances to zero as paid each month. ... "You know, we understand you've had this meeting with the CIA Director and are providing information to the President, but you need to know that those people don't know anything, and they're never going to know anything. You should understand that — well, you should be talking to people like us. The people dealing with this are people who do a lot of contract work for the government, under "Work For Others" -"WFO" - contracts. And you should be talking to certain think tanks. And you should be talking to certain religious orders and certain orders of Jesuit priests who have control over the technology transfer. (Greer acknowledges that this person gave more information on who to talk to, but he didn't put it in the book) ... I understand you're going to Europe soon to meet with certain people connected to the British royal family... It so happens that, I'm going to be over there meeting with the Rothschilds and the people who control the Volvo Corporation and some of the other big industrial concerns, because they are working with us." "One of my friends, who's really interested in what you're doing, is one of the leaders of the Council on Foreign Relations, Ambassador Maxwell Rabb. Would you like to come to a meeting with him?... the Petersons are also working with me, and maybe we can get together with them."
In 1977 Dilettoso was recruited by retired Air Force Colonel Wendelle Stevens to do photo analyses on the Billy Meier UFO/Pleiadian case. Stevens was a founding director of the International UFO Congress in 1991, which still exists today. Part of the International UFO Congress' network is the website of Dilettoso: (it even uses the same image for the button you click to buy stuff). Both websites look good, but have this classic non-serious design; and looking at the meetings International UFO Congress it seems this small crowd can go on for another 20 years and wouldn't change a thing. Every researcher is doing his own little thing, and no one can be trusted.
January 31, 2000, Jim Dilettoso for his, 'What happens when Omnec Onec, the woman from Venus, meets Scarface?': "The first International UFO Congress convened in Tucson, Arizona, in November 1991, in the presence of presenters Valery Uvarov and Marina Popovich from Russia; Irina Gracchi from Brazil; Anthony Dodd from England; and Omnec Onec from Venus. A standup survey of the 300-or-so attendees would attest to the fact that Omnec stood out from all other presenters. ... Omnec looked 35 but said she was 439. She said she had solved the interplanetary transportation problem as simply as she had solved the planetary surface temperature problem. She so eloquently explained how she merely hyper-jumped dimensions. And everyone there understood. No one ever understands Stanton Friedman's explanations about time-travel physics, but everyone understood Omnec, at least the interdimensional things." Having seen a tape of this meeting, it is utterly ridiculous. "Omnec Onec" is completely dressed in a cheap silver suit, with Dilettoso, who is introducing her, at some point asking if Onec also makes her own shoes. It's a total comedy show.
April 21, 1993, Phoenix New Times, 'High-Tech's missing link': "He worked for NASA out of a Phoenix office, and claims to have worked on top-secret projects for the agency out of Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in Pasadena. Other former NASA employees have confirmed that claim, but calls to JPL to verify it sound like Monty Python routines: "Who do you think he is? Do you think he's telling the truth? I'm not going to tell you..." In the mid-1980s, Dilettoso still worked for NASA, running an information center out of his own Computer Graphics Lab at ASU's downtown computer institute. He shared space with ASU because he had helped obtain a Cray Supercomputer for the ASU center... "He could make sounds come out of the computer that shouldn't have been there." Berg remembers. "One night I went to see him and he had this graphics program he had developed. All of a sudden, on a PC, he's demonstrating the ability to run interactive graphics that the rest of the world hadn't been able to do yet. I went away wondering why he could figure that out with no formal training and no one else could. He just did it." "He's fun to be around," says Michael Malin, a NASA scientist whom Dilettoso consulted while analyzing photographs of UFOs . "He's not at all crazy, but about half of what he says is bullshit and half of it is probably not far from the truth. The problem is trying to figure out which is which. He does tend to get involved in more fanciful notions than you or I." The cast of characters that wander in and out of his home and his studio are equally peculiar: a retired Air Force colonel [Wendelle Stevens] who has the walk and affect of a spook; a blind TV director who has a show about UFOs. Jeff Harris, chief sound engineer for a major Hollywood recording studio, recalls going to Dilettoso's ranch to meet a former Navy SEAL who claimed he had guarded alien spacecraft. "When I got there, the man had his ear pressed up against the wall to hear if anyone was coming. He had weapons strapped all up and down his legs," Harris says. "Dilettoso keeps current with every government conspiracy to cover up UFO research that "would change the meaning of life." His girlfriend, Susan Gordon, claims to he a UFO contactee and lectures nationwide as to whether extraterrestrials are really angels."
January 31, 2000, Jim Dilettoso for his "The first International UFO Congress convened in Tucson, Arizona, in November 1991, in the presence of... Omnec Onec from Venus... Omnec looked 35 but said she was 439... Since I was one of the event promoters, it was only fitting that Wendelle Stevens's grandson Gem Cox (a former Navy sub-nuclear generator expert) and I would get the grand interview at my Flying Heart Ranch in Paradise Valley, Arizona. 80 acres of inspiration and paradise... John Conner was also staying (Shall I say hiding out?) at the ranch. Were it not for the diagonal 10-inch scar across his strikingly handsome face, one would never suspect that he was an AWOL Navy Seal, harboring the darkest secrets of Dulce and Area 51. He had been at my place for a few weeks already, and it was getting hot. He had photographs and videos of aliens working with military personnel. He had pictures of Bush and Cheney visiting the lower levels of Area 51, where he was a security officer - until they murdered his friend. So he said. To top it off, Conner vowed he was going to blow the whistle." "Witnessing all of this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... Omnec believed that aliens were, like her, benevolent multi-dimensional beings who hungered for the advancement of the human race [like Dilettoso's girlfriend]. She was open, optimistic, cultured, reverent. Conner, by contrast, believed that aliens were evil beings with a plan to take over Earth, with the help of a few well-placed government officials... When Conner and I spoke, which was usually about 8 p.m., we talked about the evidence he had from Area 51, proving that the highest levels of personnel in our government regularly came to visit the joint alien-U.S. military research lab. He said that aliens were working side-by-side with our scientists on flying machines, generators, genetic engineering, and more. And he had pictures and video. Omnec said it was all nonsense. Conner said she was a kook. ... On Thanksgiving, we went out for dinner at my brother.s restaurant. Conner agreed to come with us, and this was first time he was leaving the ranch since he arrived. I locked the gate and we drove down the road. When we returned, I opened the gate, which had a plastic-bag pinned to it. Inside the house, when I opened the bag and found a severed female finger and a note, I knew it was time for Conner to leave. For some reason, Omnec left the same night."
Notice how the story seems to differ from the one written down in Steven Greer's book: "A covert op guy I know in Arizona [Dilettoso] acquired the Carp tape, where what appears to be either an alien reproduction vehicle or an actual ET craft went out of control and crash-landed near a military facility in Canada. During the retrieval operation, one of the special teams involved filmed the landed craft. The person who made this film was doing it clandestinely; it's a very shaky film. I have it. It came to me with some photographs of what looked like some ET life forms. This film and the man who shot it [Dilettoso's "John Conner"] made their way to a person who is black ops but presents himself as a concerned UFO researcher and digital image analyst. So he gave this person who made the film a 'safe house' on his ranch in Arizona. Well, I'm not sure that it was a safe house at all. One day, this 'protector' came back out to the ranch -- and hammered to the mailbox of the ranch was a baggy with a finger in it, with a little piece of paper that said, "TWEP" -- terminate with extreme prejudice [common term in assassinations]. They never found this person, and it is presumed that he was killed. The owner of the ranch told me this story." Reading Greer's account it seems "John Conner" just went missing some day with only his finger left in the mail. According to Dilettoso, John Conner was with him while they found this (female) finger, and Conner left after this event. But the most important aspect of this story is the video tape, as you can't trust anything Dilettoso says. Greer says he has it. Why not release it? Then again, Dilettoso did special effects for movies, so it would be a never ending debate anyway. Forget the whole story, including Dilettoso.
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: July 23, 1997 (with Colonel John Alexander); April 9, 2006 (rebroadcast); July 3, 2010 (rebroadcast)
Loyal member of General MacArthur's ultra-fascist staff with its links to the Black Dragon Society, the Moonie Cult, and Opus Dei's child snuff networks. Corso also worked under Nelson Rockefeller.
March 7, 1997, The Augusta Chronicle, 'Defector caught up in dispute - Former intelligence officer denies US prisoners of war taken in Korean wars': "At least two former U.S. intelligence officers say Mr. Rastvorov told them in separate conversations after his defection that he knew U.S. troops captured in the 1950-53 Korean War had been taken to Siberia and exploited by Soviet intelligence. One of those conversations is summarized in a long-secret White House memo that was declassified last spring... Publicity about the memo prompted the Pentagon to contact Mr. [Yuri] Rastvorov to see how much he knew. At a private meeting last Oct. 10, Mr. Rastvorov denied having any knowledge about U.S. POWs in Siberia. Further, he said that the statements in the White House memo were not his, and that he did not recall that any of the debriefings he underwent with U.S. officials in the 1950s dealt with POWs... Philip Corso, an intelligence officer in Korea during the war and later a National Security Council staff member in the Eisenhower White House, is equally emphatic that Mr. Rastvorov told him in a Jan. 28, 1955, debriefing that Americans had been taken to Siberia as part of a covert Soviet intelligence operation... Separate from Mr. Corso's assertions, Donald Jameson [Le Cercle; part of Ted Shackley's clique], a retired CIA officer, has said he recalls Mr. Rastvorov telling him in the 1950s that U.S. POWs had been taken to the Soviet Union and that Mr. Rastvorov had estimated it was 10 to 15 aviators. Mr. Jameson helped handle the Rastvorov debriefing after his defection."
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: February 27, 2005; December 6, 2005
Former Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) counter-intelligence officer.
Has been manipulating the UFO community since the early 1980s, beginning with Roswell and the fake Majestic 12 documents. Roswell "investigator" Bill Moore funneled all his information, and that of colleagues as Stanton Friedman, to Doty, who, together with his colleagues recycled the information back into the UFO community in the form of the Majestic 12 documents.
Member of the Aviary, known as Chicken Little.
February 27, 2005, Coast to Coast AM, Greg Bishop and Richard Doty, interview description: "Enter counter-intelligence officer Richard Doty, a surprise guest who joined the discussion with Art and Bishop. Doty contends that Bennewitz was close to uncovering top military secrets, so the government began a disinformation campaign against him to keep him believing the signals and lights were of alien origin. Bennewitz eventually ended up in a mental institution for several months, a tragedy for which Doty feels some remorse. Doty also claims to have personally fed lies and disinformation to frequent Coast guest Linda Moulton Howe, while she was working on a UFO special for HBO. Among Doty's other startling revelations during the program were that Roswell actually happened (he's seen the briefing film), a living alien was recovered, and the government was involved in cattle mutilations."
December 6, 2005, Coast to Coast AM, Bill Ryan, Whitley Strieber and Richard Doty, interview description: "Consultant Bill Ryan, retired US Military Intelligence Officer Richard Doty, and author Whitley Strieber all discussed Project Serpo, an alleged secret exchange program of 12 military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta Reticuli, between the years 1965-78. Ryan explained that he is a participant in a private ufology email forum and that in early November 2005, an "anonymous" contributor began revealing information about the Serpo Project, which Ryan has subsequently chronicled on his website"
- (accessed: May 24, 2016): "e) "Team of 5" member Dr CHRISTOPHER M "Kit" GREEN afstb/tiger_home_page.html wrote me and Dr Hal Puthoff a private e-mail on Thurs, Nov 10, 2005 @ 5:03 p.m. (PST+3) which stated in part: From: Dr CHRISTOPHER GREEN. VICTOR [MARTINEZ]: "I respect and fully support what you are doing. I do NOT know what in the world is going on [referencing the SERPO releases], but Hal and myself both believe it is VERY important and VERY COMPLEX. It is my absolute guarantee to you...." [4 paragraphs deleted ... PRIVATE communication.]" Dr Green's PRESCIENT and insightful commentary -- issued over a year ago -- are still absolutely 100% as TRUE today as they were when he wrote them more than a year ago! What he doesn't know -- or perhaps he does -- is how UNbelievably COMPLEX this "Project SERPO" story REALLY IS! Bill and myself are just simply AMAZED."
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: 1/8/99, 1/15/98, 8/3/99
Coast to Coast AM biography: "Founder of Serius Corp. & USWeb Corp., an internet management firm, which merged with CKS Group in a $300 million transaction to form USWeb/CKS. He is the author of The Truth website, a comprehensive statement of his views on a range of issues which incorporate the publication of what are referred to as the MJ-12 documents. The pending public exposition of his frank views regarding extraterrestrial related phenomena on The Truth website created a stir in computer industry financial sectors. It was reported he agreed to step down as Chairman & CEO of USWeb to the position of Founder and Chief Strategist of the merged entity to allay those concerns."
April 3, 1999 forum post: "UFO Research Personalities Bob Wood (Psi-Tech co-founder), his son Ryan Wood, Dr. James Harder, Psi-Tech co-founder Ron Blackburn, J. Allen Hynek associate Fred Beckman (Jacques Vallee's mentor), "UFOLOGY" author James McCampbell & former USWeb CEO Joe Firmage will be on hand April 18, 1999 for a special MUFON Field Investigator Training Seminar."
May 6, 1999, John Shirley, The Skeptical Believer column: "[This event is about] a San Francisco MUFON-sponsored Tim Cooper/MJ-12 & Joe Firmage "The Truth" symposium along with Joe Firmage and Bob and Ryan Wood. ... I did hear Firmage's digital-slide-show presentation and talk in full ... Firmage hailed the new MJ-12 documents as authentic and has endorsed them at his UFO related site, a site which is humbly entitled "THE TRUTH" ... It was a relevant question, I said, whether or not the wealthy Mr Firmage had paid either Robert and Ryan Wood for their work on these documents, or Cooper for access to them. Firmage is certainly closely involved in the promotion of the documents. How much money has changed hands? The Woods did not answer this question. It remains open. It remains relevant."
- (accessed: February 9, 1999): "Robert Wood: Affiliation: FUFOR·(board·member), MUFON·(1), SSE·(Council·Member) Supported By: Stanton Friedman·(2), Joe Firmage·(3)"
When Steven Greer talked about the Mormon being so powerful in the UFO backengineering programs, he was most likely relying on information of Mormon Joe Firmage, who is completely unreliable.
More_friends_and_acquaintances_from_Phenomenology.119235153.pdf (accessed: April 30, 2014; pictures not saved): "Pictured are [John Alexander with] phenomenal guitarist, Steve Vai, Joe Firmage who was instrumental in funding UFO research for a time, and Ray, the founder of Guitar Center. This was taken at Mandalay Bay before a Bob Dylan on concert." -
Edgar Mitchell's IONS' Friendly Favors Event on June 5, 2002: Jesuit lawyer Daniel Sheehan, alien abduction researcher John Mack, and UFO cultist and MJ-12 research financier Joe Firmage give a two hour presentation together.
- (accessed: August 23, 2001; Founder and president is John L. Petersen.): "[Directors:] Napier Collyns, cofounder of Global Business Network. ... Joe Firmage, CEO, Project Voyager, Chairman, International Space Sciences Organization, Principle, Intend Change, former Chairman & CEO, USWeb Corporation. ... Betty Sue Flowers [collaborated with Bill Moyers; seminar moderator Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies; consultant for NASA; member, Envisioning Network, General Motors; visiting advisor, Secretary of the Navy; editor, Global Scenarios, Shell International in London and the World Business Council in Geneva] ... George H. Kuper [President Council of Great Lakes Industries (CGLI) since 1991; chairman of the Working Group on Dual Use Technology policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense; member World Business Council on Sustainable Devlopment; advisor, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Committee for Economic Development (CED)] is a recognized leader in the national effort to establish a productivity growth policy. ... The Honorable R. James Woolsey, Shea & Gardner.. Besides serving as Director of Central Intelligence..."
- (Dick Farley bio on C.B. Scott Jones): "Jack Sarfatti says he took Jones to a meeting with former multimillionaire Joseph Firmage, at the time spending his fortune "promoting the Truth (big-T) about ET contacts with Earth," in search of funding. Sarfatti didn't know if (or how much, if so) Firmage gave Scott, and Scott ain't saying. Jones has a web site with flapping "doves of peace," just as does "The Master's Group" and its resident priestess, Gerry Eitner, (same "box?")."
2004, James Garrison, 'America As Empire: Global Leader Or Rogue Power?': "The Forum was an offshoot of the Gorbachev Foundation/USA, which Garrison founded in 1992, in partnership with Mikhail Gorbachev, Senator Alan Cranston, who served as chairman of the board of trustees, and George Shultz, secretary of state under President Ronald Reagan, who served as chairman of the board of advisors. Mr. Gorbachev serves as the convening chairman of the State of the World Forum. An international group of leaders serve with him as co-chairs, including Askar Akaev, Oscar Arias, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, James Baker, Tansu Ciller, Sonia Gandhi, Jane Goodall, Ruud Lubbers, Federico Mayor, Thabo Mbeki, Gertrude Mongella, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Wally N'Dow, her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan, Jose Ramos-Horta, Jehan Sadat, George Shultz (retired as co-chair in 1998), Maurice Strong (retired in 1996), Ted Turner, Desmond Tutu, Elie Wiesel, Marian Wright Edelman and Muhammad Yunus. ... The first State of the World Forum was convened in San Francisco in 1995 and featured a debate that was carried live worldwide on CNN between Mr. Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, and George Bush, Sr., on the future of the United Nations. ... In 1996, a partnership was estblished with then-Governor Vicente Fox in Guanajuato, Mexico, to examine the fundamental trends shaping the future of Latin America. ... In 2000, the Forum convened a major gathering in New York under the theme "Globalization: Convening the Community of Stakeholders," timed to coincide with the United Nations Millennium Summit of Heads of State. A dozen heads of state and over two thousand leaders representing governments, nongovernmental organizations, organized protest groups, corporations, [etc.] and the media came together."
State of the World Forum, 'Honoring Our Past' (, accessed November 10, 2012): "Warren Buffett, who made a crucial contribution of $150,000 in 1997 to enable our Nuclear Weapons Initiative to assist General Lee Butler. ... Carnegie Corporation of New York, one of our original donors, whose contributions totaling $400,000, much directed to our Nuclear Weapons Initiative, sustained us during our fragile beginnings. ... Alan Cranston, who co-founded the Forum and served as the Chairman of our Board of Directors until 2000; ... Joe Firmage, high tech entrepreneur who has galvanized a rigorous dialogue on the impact of the new physics on science and spirituality and who has given the Forum its largest single gift, over $1 million. ... Mikhail Gorbachev, who served as the original convener of the Forum and whose presence enabled us to convene all the leaders who attended the first several Forums. ... Ruud Lubbers, founding Co-Chair, who so ably moderated our early sessions on globalization and guided the Forum in its initial forays into Europe. ... Anne Rockefeller Roberts, whose passion for the indigenous people of the world helped galvanize the various plenaries and roundtables we have convened over the years, many of the expenses of which she underwrote. Rockefeller Foundation, a strong partner of our Nuclear Weapons Initiative, which has contributed well over $300,000 since 1996. Steven Rockefeller, powerfully involved in drafting the Earth Charter and Chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, who has worked with the Forum to convene our environmental discussions. ... Carl Sagan, astronomer, who graced the 1995 Forum with his eloquence about the stars and inspired us all to shape history commensurate with our dreams. ... Daniel Sheehan, constitutional litigator, with us from 1995, whose strategic advice and counsel kept the Forum on track in critical times and then capped it off by raising $350,000 to launch his 1999 Forum initiative on the new paradigm. Eduard Shevardnadze, Gorbachev's Foreign Minister and now President of Georgia, who made so many early connections and gave such wise counsel. George Shultz, founding co-chair, who wisely guided us through many complex political realities in the early years. ... Ted Turner, who joined Mikhail Gorbvachev as one of our founding co-chairs, and who brought in CNN to do our initial global live broadcast with Mr. Gorbvachev, Margaret Thatcher and George Bush."
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: May 1, 1994 (Art Bell's Dreamland, debate with Phil Klass), 8/31/97, 2/2/98, 12/22/98, 1/10/99, 5/27/00, 7/3/00, 7/4/00, 7/5/00, 10/2/00, 1/10/01 7/5/01. Has continued non-stop after this.
Still promotes the Socorro crash in the Roswell case, which is complete disinformation - even more obvious than the Roswell crash itself. Did most of the research for Charles Berlitz 1980 book 'The Roswell Incident'. Berlitz spent considerable time discussing the Socorro crash, mixing it in with statements of dozens of witnesses related to the much more reliable Roswell/Corona crash. The Socorro crash is simply based on stories that may have been told by Barney Barnett. He died in 1969, years before any researcher could get to him. That's it. All other "witnesses" just repeat what Barnett once told them. No newspaper reports exist about Socorro, nobody else has seen anything, nobody knows the exact location of the crash, nobody knows the exact month or year, and even a team of archeologists supposedly present has never been found. Also strange: the military swept in on its own. But the military never knew about Roswell until a rancher reported what he had found, the sheriff went out to look, and informed the local air base. A few pieces were retrieved, followed by a larger retrieval. The newspapers were soon informed and a few local reporters made it to the crash site - only then the military and government took control of the situation. None of that in Barnett's case. Just one long-deceased person having told a story that somewhat matches that which has been said about Roswell. It only serves to confuse.
To make matters even more obvious, before Berlitz got involved with Roswell research, he wrote books on Atlantis, the Philadelphia Experiment, the Bermuda Triangle, and continued with books on Doomsday prophecies for 1999, the Devil's Triangle in Asia, and more on Atlantis. Absolute everything he ever wrote is total BS. Other aspects of his book reflect that. He might be the first one talking about Eisenhower being left out of the loop and at some point being ushered off to Muroc (Edwards AFB) to see the alien debris.
Friedman continued to put faith in the most questionable later-year witnesses "backing up" Barnett (Gerald Anderson, for example). Furthermore, his 1992 book, Crash at Corona, co-written with Don Berliner, was funded by Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein and Robert Bigelow. Don't believe that? The book starts out with the sentence: "The authors wish to express our sincere gratitute to the [Hans Adam-funded] Fund for UFO Research and Robert Bigelow for their moral and financial support."
March 1991, Philip J. Klass, Skeptics UFO newsletter: "Gerald Anderson, a Springfield, Mo., resident who claims that as a child he and he and four other family members discovered a crashed saucer and four aliens 75 miles southwest or Albuquerque in early July, 1947, has been characterized as "potentially the most important" crashed-saucer witness yet uncovered, by Stanton Friedman. The Dec. 9, 1990, edition or the Springfield News-Leader quotes Friedman as saying: "There's no way he could know some of these things unless he had been there at the time," Anderson's account seems-- at least to Friedman--to confirm the less well known of two crashed-saucer tales, described in the book "The Roswell Incident," co-authored by William L. Moore and Charles Berlitz. This is the alleged crashed saucer, discovered on the San Agustin Plains, west of Socorro, by Barney Barnett--long deceased--according to Barnett's friend L.W. Maltais. According to Maltais, while Barnett was viewing the crashed-saucer, be was joined by a party of archaeologists from au eastern university. Later, miliary personnel arrived, ordered them to depart and swore them to secrecy. ... One obvious discrepancy (which does not appear to bother Friedman). According to the Barnett account, he was the first to discover the crushed saucer and was soon joined by a group of archaeologists from an eastern university before the military arrived. Barnett did not mention seeing the five member Anderson family group. And Anderson's account--as reported in the Springfield newspaper--claims his family group was the first to discover the crashed saucer, and were soon joined by the archaeologists and later the military arrived. No mention of having seen Barnett...
Appearance(s): Invited roughly two times a year since about 2001.
- Elite Rhodes Scholar background, which has also been tied to intelligence by members of the U.S. Senate. S. Hrg. 103-296. Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States, nomination of R. James Woolsey to be director of Central Intelligence, Tuesday, February 2, and Wednesday, February 3, 1993, p. 32: "Senator CHAFEE. Mr. Chairman, I would also like to add that we have an extraordinary array of Rhodes Scholars here today. It seems to be a Mafia that has suddenly taken over the Administration. And as- I watched Senator Lugar praise Mr. Woolsey, I thought there was a connection there. Senator JOHNSTON. It's called the "Old Boy Network." Senator CHAFEE. That's right. I don't know what the secret, grip is, but -- [General laughter.] ... Senator KERREY of Nebraska. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. - Ambassador Woolsey, you may have noted earlier that -I am not a Rhodes Scholar, and in fact many people in Nebraska-wonder how it is possible for me to serve on any Committee called the Intelligence Committee. [General laughter.] ... Chairman DECONCINI: ... [Woolsey's] academic and professional credentials are impeccable. A graduate of Stanford, where he became a Rhodes scholar, with a graduate degree from Oxford and a law degree from Yale Law School"
- Instantly famous in the UFO field since the publication of his first book in 2000, UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973. The preface of the book was written by Jacques Vallee, with Edgar Mitchell and Hal Puthoff praising the book. Having bought the book when I just started out with ISGP, I was not particular impressed. Most of the information could be found in old newspapers and all the rest I couldn't really find myself to trust.
- Friedman has cooperated in spreading disinformation about Roswell, Majestic 12 and Area 51. May 23, 2013 upload, ThinkOutsideTheTV channel, 'Dying Ex-CIA Worker Comes Forward About Area 51 & Aleins [sic]' (Dolan is doing the interview and sometimes heavily leading the conversation): "I'm 77 right now. I can't live forever. ... I was drafted into the military and got into the U.S. Army. After that I was sent to the Signal Training Center... [in] '58... They pulled the top 5 students and I was third in the class, so I got pulled as an instructor. No, no [I was not yet working for the CIA]. After one day my boss came to me and he said: "How would like to make some extra money?" And I said: "Oh, money is good." So he explained to me he could put it through, but I would have to get a top secret white house Q-clearance. for the job, you know. And I thought: "Boy, must a pretty exclusive thing, you know." And I said: "Well, what it is this?" And he said that I'm director for the CIA of Eastern United States, you know. And I said: "Well, I didn't know that." So he said: "Well, you weren't supposed to." After about six weeks my security clearance came through and I got my CIA card. ... My name at that time, I used an artificial name. I never used my real name. I started working with him on the project he was on. And there was Project Blue Book, which was kind of partially a fraud. ... [can't pronounce the name of Fort Belvoir] ... My boss filled me in on Project Blue Book and what they had found so far, as far as greys and aliens and the Roswell incident. ... "Oh," he says, "we are going to the capital [on a new assignment]. We're going to be part of the Eisenhower push, who is trying to find out all about these aliens that MJ-12 was supposed to find out but never sent back reports to him. They called us in, went into the Oval Office. And President Eisenhower was there and Nixon and they said: "We called the people in from MJ-12 from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing." ... So [Eisenhower] said: "I want you and your boss to fly out there and give them a personal message. I want you to tell them, whoever is charge, that they have this week to come into Washington and to report to me. And if they don't, I'm gonna get the First Army from Colorado and we're gonna go over and take the base over." ... They took us 13 to 14 miles south to S-4, where like different garage door openings [where] they had like different saucer crafts. The very first one had the Roswell craft in. It was kind of crashed up, but apparently every alien had died in it except a couple [sticks up two fingers]. ... Well, the Roswell craft was really strange, because it looked like real heavy aluminum foil. ... The whole thing probably weight 150-300 pounds. ... I guess that there are different types of greys and so on. Well, later on, at S-4, we viewed the autopsy film and then the colonel said: "What we've got in here is we're interviewing a grey alien." [Dolan: "Oh, right there, how were you feeling at that moment?] "Well, boy, I never thought we were going to see the real thing." All we saw [up until that point] was film. My boss was able to go in and have like a partial interview with him. This [alien] looked a little oriental. ... Eisenhower and Nixon were there and also [J. Edgar] Hoover was there [when we reported back]. ... We told [Eisenhower] about the alien and the whole situation and the black projects and so on, and he was totally shocked."
- Since 2012 he has his Richard Dolan Show at KGRA, where also the radio shows of MUFON and Above Top Secret forums are located, as well as Parascience Journal and a show of Coast to Coast AM veteran Micah Hanks. Guests of the show have included Linda Moulton Howe and Joseph Farrell (author of The Giza Death Star).
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: August 19, 2004; January 3, 2005 (rebroadcast); February 19, 2005; November 15, 2006; October 21, 2007; July 27, 2008 (rebraodcast); August 30, 2010; November 14, 2013.
- British ufologist.
- Came out in support of the completely bogus Majestic 12 documents in 1987, but later became a critic. He has an interesting take on the affair though: November 21, 2008, 'A Room 101 Interview with Timothy Good': "As I have stated repeatedly in my books subsequent to Above Top Secret, the MJ-12 papers are forgeries. The purpose, in my view, was to smoke out some of the real MJ-12 members or those who were knowledgeable about the organization. The ruse worked. Several former military and intelligence personnel - e.g. Dr Eric Walker, a British-born scientist - have confirmed that MJ-12 existed (see Need to Know)."
- Winter 2012,, 'UFO's bestaan gewoon: De wetenschappelijke visie van Coen Vermeeren' ('UFO's simply exist: The scientific vision of Coen vermeeren') (translated from Dutch): "[Coen] Vermeeren still wants to raise the impression that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin saw alien spaceships after their landing on the moon. As source he refers to the book Above Top Secret of Timothy Good (1989). .... The stories about a UFO base on the moon are confirmed, according to Vermeeren, by [Disclosure Project witness] Sergeant Karl Wolfe..."
- February 19, 2005, Coast to Coast program summary: "According to [Timothy] Good, since 1920 there have been more than 3,400 reports from pilots involving unidentified aerial phenomena. ... Good alleges that a group outside of elected government has ultimately been responsible for the cover-up of UFOs and their alien occupants. According to Good, extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and have established permanent bases in the Caribbean, Australia, and the United States. He said there are "concerns about what the aliens are doing," as there are several species of aliens each with their own interests regarding our planet."
- November 15, 2006, Coast to Coast program summary: "Further, Good noted in 1945, two years before Roswell, two boys witnessed the crash of an alien craft, and saw small occupants darting about. Among Good's other revelations:
- New evidence has emerged about Eisenhower's alleged 1954 meeting with aliens-- reportedly the beings demonstrated the ability to make their craft invisible. ...
- Between 1961-62, JFK requested to see alien bodies associated with a crash site, and his assassination may have had some relation to this.
Good also shared some of his personal encounters with UFOs and the abduction syndrome, which has led him to conclude the aliens may have a sinister agenda." - October 21, 2007, Coast to Coast program summary: "Good put forth the contention that the military has been involved in a secretive war with UFOs, and has been attempting to shoot them down for decades. He cited around-the-world plane wrecks, both military and civilian, that took place in 1947, and 1,700 unexplained accidents involving interceptor aircraft between 1952 and 1956. He believes the conflict continues to this day."
- It appears that Timothy Good also was the first or one of the first UFO "researchers" to invent Ben Rich's "deathbed confession" on UFOs: "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an Act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity... Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." Back in 1986 Ben Rich made a written statement on his belief in both man-made and extraterrestrial UFOs, but that's about all he did.
Head of the Disclosure Project and CSETI. Greer has appeared dozens of time on Coast to Coast AM since about 1994.
Steven Greer's biography and the history of his Disclosure Project is detailed on a separate page.
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: August 4, 2010; September 22, 2014; February 9, 2015; August 5, 2015
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Hellyer was Canada's youngest Member of Parliament when he was first elected in 1949 and the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent's government eight years later [1957]. Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and Urban Development, he has maintained a life-long interest in macroeconomics. This led him to Action Canada, a populist movement dedicated to the concepts of full employment and low inflation with an emphasis on quality-of-life issues. Through the years, as a journalist and political commentator, he has continued to fight for economic reforms and has written several books on the subject. In recent years he has become interested in the extraterrestrial presence and their superior technology that we have been emulating."
- August 5, 2015, Coast to Coast AM program description: "In the first half, former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, spoke about his research into the U.S. shadow government and 'Money Mafia,' which he contends are at the apex of a cabal that's been running the U.S. and much of the planet since World War II."
- August 4, 2010, Coast to Coast AM program description: "Former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer discussed how Col. Philip J. Corso's work on UFOs inspired him to get involved with UFO disclosure, and the implications it has for the future of the planet."
- November 28, 2005, Coast to Coast AM: "First hour guest, Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space, Alfred Webre discussed the recent Canadian Exopolitics Initiative that was put forth by Paul Hellyer, a former a Minister of Defence. Hellyer, who is well regarded in Canada, said Webre, is concerned with America's space militarization plans, which could ignite a war with ETs, he believes."
- September 13, 2005, Toronto Star, 'The Paul Hellyer files: The truth is out there': "OTTAWA -- Paul Hellyer, one-time cabinet minister and a political chameleon who went through Liberal and Tory colors before founding two political parties of his own, has a new cause - UFOs. Hellyer is to be a featured speaker at a UFO conference in Toronto this month and organizers are making much of his credentials as a former defense minister in the Pearson administration 40 years ago. Skeptics are, well, skeptical. Hellyer, 82, says he believes not only that UFOs are extraterrestrial visitors, but that some governments - the United States at least - know all about it and are covering up. He says he believes American scientists have re-engineered alien wreckage from a UFO crash at Roswell, N.M. in 1947 to produce technical marvels. "I believe that UFOs are real," he said in a recent interview. "I'll talk about that a little bit and a bit about the fantastic cover-up of the United States government and also a little bit of the fallout from the wreckage, by that I mean the material discoveries we have made and how they've been applied to our technology." Hellyer, once a political star, won his first parliamentary election in 1949 at 25, then the youngest person ever to win a seat. He went on to become a cabinet minister, ran for the Liberal leadership against Pierre Trudeau, switched parties to the Conservatives and ran for that party's leadership, too. He eventually founded two other political parties, Action Canada in 1971 and the Canadian Action party in 1997. He says his conviction that UFOs are real arose from reading in recent years, not from anything gleaned from secret archives during his time in office. "I've been a skeptic for quite a while but I've been exposed to more and more information recently and have just decided to take a stand," he said. Organizers of the MUFON conference - an acronym for the Mutual UFO Network - see Hellyer's participation as giving legitimacy to the cause. The conference is billed as "Canada's first major UFO symposium calling for complete government disclosure concerning the reality of UFOs and the extraterrestrial presence on Earth." "Mr. Hellyer's involvement will increase the impact of the symposium," says a conference news release. Victor Viggiani, a retired educator who is an organizer of the event, calls Hellyer a featured speaker. "We're depending on him to be a real focal point," Viggiani said. "We're using his sort of experiences to demonstrate that national political figures can come out and talk about this." He says Hellyer has a simple point to make: "Let's start telling the truth about what we all know is really happening in the skies and journalists start paying attention, that's basically going to be his message." Does Hellyer feel he's being used? "I think they are trying to make the most of my appearance." His participation is exasperating for David Gower, a spokesman for Skeptics Canada, a group dedicated to debunking paranormal claims. "This sort of thing is a big feather in their cap, to come across people like him," says Gower, who is dismissive of the whole UFO mystique. "There's no convincing evidence that can be anything other than personal anecdotes or allegations that can't be proven," he said. He adds UFO enthusiasts have a quasi-religious fervor that often makes them impervious to doubt. "There is a deep-seated need, a desire in people, to feel that there's something in control somewhere, bigger than they are, something that can give some kinds of answers." But Viggiani believes UFOs could be a boon for mankind. He says they have technology that could solve the world's energy problems "in one fell swoop." This is where the conspiracy theory takes off for him. "For some strange reasons, our governments can't come forward to talk to us about what these energy sources are," he says. "Because oil is just about $70 a barrel and that would undercut a lot of the power structure, the World Bank ... the fossil fuel industry." Hellyer, too, thinks there are important secrets to be learned. "I think, frankly, that the subject should be taken seriously, because there are consequences that could have real effects on the people of the world...." Unlike some believers, Hellyer does not think governments have negotiated with aliens, but he is convinced there have been visitations. Although his participation in the conference is likely to draw ridicule, Hellyer said he's used to that after his roller-coaster political life. "It wouldn't be the first time, would it?""
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: February 1 2003 (with Richard Hoagland); February 12, 2003 (with Richard Hoagland); August 7, 2005 (with Richard Hoagland); October 19, 2007; December 25, 2011
- Coast to Coast AM biography of Ken Johnston: "Ken Johnston spent 23 years at NASA working with numerous space programs as well as the astronauts who manned those missions. He was one of the five original pilots who tested all of the apollo equipment including the lunar module which later carried Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. He is familiar with the processes of checks and balances used within NASA to secure the safety of a mission."
- (accessed: September 2, 2005): "Ken learned to fly in the US Marine Corps and in the 1960's he was one of the 5 Test Pilots assigned to work with the Astronauts during the Apollo Moon Program at NASA in Houston. His job was to help train the Astronauts to fly the Lunar Module. He was one of the Test Conductors and became the Test Director of the TM-5 Lunar Module Training Vehicle that was used to train all the Lunar Mission Astronauts. In 1969 Ken was responsible for controlling all the Data and Photographic information generated from the Lunar Missions. He has three BS degrees in Aviation and Aerospace Engineering, a Masters in Theology and his PhD. in Meta Physics. Retired. NASA Solar System Ambassador since 2004. "
- August 7, 2005, Ken Johnston appears on Coast to Coast AM with Richard Hoagland, transcript of the last 10 minutes of hour 2: "KEN JOHNSTON: As fast as we were moving to get to the moon and back, we should have already had colonies on the moon and already have colonies on Mars at this time. There's no question about that. GEORGE NOORY: And we could have, if we kept up the pace? KEN JOHNSTON: And/or there's still the question; Did we? GEORGE NOORY: Let's hold on! Ken, tell me a little bit about what you just said, because that coming from you is pretty mind boggling. KEN JOHNSTON: Well, I was in numerous decisions with NASA. One of them was at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory. I was in charge of all the film when it came back to get it processed and then show it to the engineers and scientists that were involved. I was first hand present during looking at some of the anomalies on the lunar surface that we couldn't explain. I've explained those to Richard before. And there have been many things that have shown up since then. Some of the conversations I had with certain people that always left me with the question of, "What were they holding back?" A perfect example was when we were looking at the films of Apollo 14 on the backside of the moon. I can't recall the name of..., but as the craft is coming over in the shadow portion of that crater there were like five glowing lights and a column that appeared like a plume of steam, something coming straight up in a vacuum. I was asked to stop the film and take a good look at it and doctor Thorn Page, who was the director of the astronomy department and astrogeology, he said to the other scientiests, "Well boys, what do think of that?" They all chuckled and laughed like it was an inside joke and then I was told to move on. Well, the next day when I showed that film that portion of the film had been removed and was no longer there. Actually, in places we had airbrushing done, lunar pictures, lunar surfaces, as well as lunar... [interrupted by the host] GEORGE NOORY: Would they be anomalies of perhaps man-made vehicles and structures that might have been on the moon from earlier earth civilizations? Are we talking about extraterrestrial anomalies? Because surely there wouldn't be that much exitement about moon-based anomalies that were just natural structures. KEN JOHNSTON: No, I think that the evidence shows that [with] some of the archeologies or some of the structures we got the indication that they were [of] ancient design. Yet, what we were looking at on Apollo 14 was something that was alive, because there were still lights functioning, and steam, something was going on, so you have ancient and current stuff going on. GEORGE NOORY: Now, would they come, do you believe, extraterrestrial, from outside or from planet earth? KEN JOHNSTON: The way I answer that is as a solar system ambassador for NASA; I have seen things that were hard for me to explain as a pilot, but I have not spoken to or met an alien up front and close, although if there aren't any intelligent beings out there it's an awful lot of waste of space. GEORGE NOORY: So here you are, an expert in space who worked with NASA and your saying right now tonight that it is possible that there could be some very strange anomalies there on the moon and maybe elsewhere. KEN JOHNSTON: Absolutely, that, and as well as on Mars too."
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: October 23, 2003; March 24, 2007; November 7, 2007; August 15, 2010; August 3, 2011.
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Leslie Kean is an investigative journalist whose articles have appeared in numerous newspapers and magazines around the world such as the Baltimore Sun, The Nation magazine and the Philadelphia Inquirer. Since 2000, Kean has published investigative stories related to the UFO subject. Her effort to obtain government documents about the crash of an unknown object in Kecksburg, PA in 1965 has been publicly backed by President Clinton's former chief of staff [John Podesta]. Kean is plaintiff in a lawsuit against NASA, filed in December 2003, demanding the release of further docuemntation relating to the Kecksburg incident. This was recently settled, requiring NASA to conduct an extensive search for documents under court supervision."
- Huffington Post biography of Leslie Kean: "Leslie Kean is an investigative journalist and co-founder of the Coalition for Freedom of Information [in 2002, with John Podesta]. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller 'UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record', which formed the basis of the History Channel's 2011 special, "Secret Access: UFOs On The Record.""
- January 2, 2015,, 'Leslie Kean -- UFOs on the Record': "Kean began publishing on the UFO subject in 2000, when her feature story about the French COMETA Report appeared in the Boston Globe. In 2002, she co-founded the Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI)... As director of the CFI, she began working on the Kecksburg UFO case in 2002, with the cooperation of Stan Gordon."
- UFOs & Supernatural magazine deluxe magnum edition, p. 65: "Leslie Kean; one of the most effective and trusted researchers/investigators: ... Her freelance journalism has been supported by grants from numerous foundations including the Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundation."
For more details on crop circles, see ISGP's article Behind the Crop Circle Mystery: Researchers, Skeptics and Hoaxers Secretly Cooperating? The Ultimate in CIA, MI5 and AIVD Psyops. For a list of sources related to Rosemary Ellen Guiley, see ISGP's Crop Circles extra sources file.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: 7/3/97, 8/10/97, 2/7/99, 7/16/00, May 6, 2003; September 27, 2003; November 14, 2003; May 9, 2004; September 28, 2004; June 14, 2007; November 5, 2007; July 21, 2008; July 13, 2009; June 20, 2010; November 27, 2010 (rebroadcast); November 28, 2010; August 1, 2013 (rebroadcast).
Hopkins' art is in the permanent collections in the Whitney Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, Hirshhorn Museum, and at the [Rockefeller-dominated] Museum of Modern Art; he received grants or endowments from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. His articles on art appeared in magazines and journals, and he lectured at many art schools, including Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill. In 1993 he was elected into the National Academy of Design as an Associate member and became a full Academician in 1994.
May 17, 1993, Dr. Richard Boylan email to Don Allen, 'Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON ET': "The name of the M.I.T. paper I presented is: Research On Close Extraterrestrial Exposure with Positive Mental Health Outcomes Prompts Revision of Attitude and Diagnostic Category. The proof of the association of Budd Hopkins & David Jacobs with Casinos Bob Bigelow of Las Vegas is not hard to find. Besides their fawning association with him at M.I.T.'s Abduction Study Coference (June, 1992), he features prominently as financial angel (along with Prince Hans Adam of Lichenstein) of the Abduction Study Conference, and the Roeper Poll of prevalence of extraterrestrial contacts in America, and no doubt, is behind (financially) Hopkins' Intruders Foundation. While I cannot provide the documents (if any exist) that Casinos Bob is the money-laundry for the agency on the Hopkins-Jacobs Ce-IV Disinformation Project, the number of spooks present at Casino Bob's Abduction Study Conference, and the way the agenda was tilted to give the Dark Side presenters about abductions the bestand the bulk of the time, strongly point to an Intelligence front operation. The fact that Casinos Bob felt he had top lie about bankrolling the Abduction Study Conference, and about how he makes his money, further provide indication of an operation which tries to remain covert. The M.I.T. Abduction Study Conference Proceedings should be published (finally!) in the next month or two. With that, the cover-up will end: because either 150 ofthe best minds in America on CE-IV are all crazy, or the Phenomenon is real! At The S.F. Whole Life Expo, I challenged Budd and David to debate me, after Budd chickened out, and offered $50.00 to either if they would. So far, my money is safe. To the UFOlogical community: wake up! These clowns are palpably false, with their monolithic portrayal of a complex, multi-racial phenomenon that extraterrestrial contacts with humans represents. Besides my research and that of John Carpenter, just a cursory reading of the CE-IV accounts in the past few years shows a varity of races and methods of operation, unlike the single style (terrorist) that Budd & Dave would have you believe."
May 9, 1988, C.B. Scott Jones letter/report to Senator Claiborne Pell (photocopy): "Phoned Hans Adam and we agreed to cancel the Miami/Bahama dolphin swim part of his visit. He wants to reschedule it when Jan [John] Alexander can go with us so we can work on the psychic link angle."" February 20, 1992, Robert J. Durant, Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?: "[Scott] Jones has conducted his own dolphin telepathy studies along with Colonel John Alexander and Theodore Rockwell [later of NIDS], a prominent (Who's Who) nuclear engineer who has worked on naval nuclear propulsion systems and who also serves as vice president of the U.S. Psychotronics Association."
Set up the Intruders Foundation in 1989 with major financing of Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein. The two men became good friends over the years. Von Liechtenstein was very close to Senator Claiborne Pell (Pilgrims Society and Rockefeller friend), who sat on the board of the Human Potential Foundation, also financed by Hans Adam.
Chistine Tulk, a granddaughter of Wilcox on "My second encounter was the Prince of Liechtenstein, his name was Hans Adam, he was interested in the Roswell crash and gave money to, I think, the Fund for UFO Research [FUFOR] in Washington, D.C. They called anybody/everybody that had anything to do with the Roswell incident. And my mother was called, her sister, Phyllis, was called, my aunt. And they said they could invite two guests. My mother said: "Isn't this just the craziest thing?" And I said: "I wanna go, because at 24 all I could think about was wanting to go to the Smithsonian. I really thought this whole UFO thing was [crazy]. I'm not gonna go to that, but I'll go see the Smithsonian while you go do whatever you're gonna do here. ... I left really perplexed. It's crazy not to know something and then all of a sudden you start hearing that your grandfather knew of a UFO crash. ... I can tell you that my belief and my whole family's belief is that this affected him [Sheriff Wilcox] and he never got over it." .. "I met Glenn Dennis who was the mortician in Roswell. And my family knew him very well. And he was the most interesting one to me. ... I met Frankie Roe. She and I were sitting in the room together. She said: "My father was out at that site. He was a fireman." And she said: "He saw bodies. And he said that there was one who was still walking around." I thought: "Ow, my God, this is real.""
March 1991, Philip J. Klass, Skeptics UFO newsletter: "Third conference on "Treatment and Research of Experienced Anomalous Trauma" (TREAT-III) will be held in Kansas City, Mar. 7-10, with a two-day pre-conference workshop on Mar. 5-6. Conference arranger is Dr. Rima E . Laibow [partner of General Albert Stubblebine], a Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. psychiatrist who was a close associate [dare we say "bosom buddy"] of Budd Hopkins until they split in late 1989 over whether "abduction victims" should be treated by trained psychotherapists (who would be paid for their services) or by "more understanding and experienced" UFO-abductionists like Hopkins and Jacobs, who would of not charge for their services--but could use case files for 11 book. ... For Laibow's earlier TREAT-II conference, held Feb. 1-4, she invited six pro-UFOlogists, including Stanton Friedman, to speak... In an effort to promote the UFOlogist's approach to dealing with "abductees," Hopkins and his principal disciple, David Jacobs, a history professor at Temple University, scheduled their own National Conference on Anomalous Experience, a "private, invitation-only event," for Jan. 18-20, near Philadelphia. According to a flyer promoting the event, the conference would feature "leading researchers from around the country," including Hopkins, Jacobs, Bullard, pro-UFOlogist Michael Swords and Dr. John Mack..."
- "This biography was produced by Dick Farley who served as the Director of Project Development for Scott Jones' Human Potential Foundation. He also assisted Scott Jones in his effort, with Laurance Rockefeller, to brief President Clinton's Science Advisor Dr. Jack Gibbons. In this unauthorized biography Farley relates many items about Scott Jones not found in other articles. ... [Farley:] Jones operated the Human Potential Foundation on a shoestring, until he took a copy of the "Witnesses to Roswell" videotape to Laurance Rockefeller, who Jones said "became very excited about it." Laurance followed with a contribution to the HPF of approximately $300,000 to get it launched, in mid-1992. Good thing, too, as Prince Hans Adam had "dumped" Jones and terminated funds to Jones for his Center for Applied Anomalous Phenomena as well as to Pell's HPF. In a letter to Jones in June, 1992, Prince Hans Adam termed Jones "dangerous," and said "I'm going to tell Claiborne," about his concerns and why he cut Jones off. It centered on how Jones had handled routing monies to Dr. Rima Laibow's TREAT II conference, which focused on "alien abductions." (circa 1991/1992, just after MIT's "alien abductions" conference, taking the Whitley Strieber and Budd Hopkins ET gig to a new level, adding John Mack at the behest of Hopkins and Robert Jay Lifton.) Jones had given Laibow money for her conference (actually, Hans Adam's money), but then Jones had tried to get Laibow to disinvite Budd Hopkins. Hopkins got bent out of shape and Laibow invited him, straining her relationship with Jones. Previous to that, Laibow had told a colleague, Atlanta New Age therapist Robyn Andrews Quail (an associate of Dr. Raymond Moody, a psychiatrist pioneering "past life regression" since the 1970s), that she (Laibow) "had a crush on Scott Jones," said Quail in an interview with this writer (July 1994)."
February 14, 2004, Budd Hopkins in an interview with Whitley Strieber: "During abductions, most, practically all of the time, researchers like myself have come to believe that the UFO is unseeable by potential witnesses. An abduction can take place in downtown Manhattan, or Paris, or Chicago, but nobody sees the craft. No one also sees the aliens coming down a beam of light, or whatever, and entering a building, and no one sees the abductees whisked back up into the craft. With the exception, of course, of the Linda Cortile case, which was deliberately staged so that a maximum number of people would see it."
Carol Rainey (Budd Hopkins' wife for 10 years), personal Youtube teasersof 2009 for her then upcoming movie 'The Priests of High Strangeness: Co-Creation of the UFO Alien Abduction Phenomenon': "[Budd Hopkins:] So far as I'm concerned in terms of Janet's [really someone manipulating with Linda Cortile and maybe completely invented by Linda herself] credibility, I'd say she is a 100 percent credible to me. I didn't see anything at any point, anything, that she was exaggerating, she was hiding, she was inventing. Every single thing, the emotion, language, everything about what she told me, was credible. There wasn't a tiny hint of anything wrong. ... [Scene of Linda Cortile and Budd both crying about Linda's fear that her kids will be affected. Budd:"Oh, not the kids."] That night the phone rang. Budd answered, not saying much, but a peculiar look came over his face. When he hung up, I asked who it was. He said: "That was Linda, pretending to be her cousin Connie." I wondered why Budd wasn't more upset. He just told me that the subject of his most important had pretended to be cousin Connie. ... Budd met briefly with de Cuellar in an airport, but the man refused either to discuss the Linda case or UFOs in general. Budd never met either of the two security agents in person. Instead, they sent along many typed letters and audio tapes to support their story. Richard also sent Budd a set of his own creon drawings of the event. I thought the similarities between his and Janet Kimball's drawings were striking. Maybe too striking. [Video shows UFOs in the same shape, but with exactly the same colors. They're seemingly made with the same set of pencils.] ... Then I realized, all of the other letters and envelopes sent by witnesses, they had all been typed. I didn't recall seeing a single piece of hand-written correspondence from the key witnesses, not until Janet Kimball's envelope. But one other person related to the case, had written extensively to Budd by hand. I compared the two handwriting samples. At first I was stunned. I had a few questions and doubts about the Linda case, but I hadn't expected this. Then I made some phone calls and went into action. I took along the handwriting samples and the drawings. ... [Roger Rubin, Forensic Document Examiner:] 'That tells me that it was written by the same person. I think there's a large enough sample to indicate that it was written, they are both written, [by the same person]...' The forensic examiner concluded that Linda Cortile had addressed the manilla envelope that was sent to Budd Hopkins. It held that Budd believed to be independent witness testimony from the Woman on the Bridge. But if Linda had made and sent these drawings to Budd, who was "Janet Kimball," the woman he met in person and tape-recorded in the diner? And if Linda had created Janet Kimball's crayon "evidence," might she also have created the drawings sent to Budd by "Richard," the shadowy security agent? ... Here's a partial list of her claims, although not all of these made it into the book: Abducted by UFO aliens; Abducted by federal security agents; Abducted by aliens with her girlfriend from Budd's support group; Abducted by aliens with Mafia head John Gotti; Abducted by aliens with a top United Nations Official; Officials from the CIA and Air Force witnessed her abduction; Both security agents were obsessed with Linda; She might be or might not be part alien; She has immortal red bloods cells; She's a descendant of Joan of Arc. Was once a professional singer in a popular girl band; Harbored an alien implant for 15 years; Met with Cardinal O'Conner; Was summoned to a private meeting with the Pope; Was inside World Trade Center when planes struck on 9/11; Had an agreement with Hopkins to split profits from the book "Witnessed," based on her story." His wife exposed other aspects, mainly that both David Jacobs and Budd Hopkins were blatantly leading their subjects by pre-hypnosis talks.
January 1994, issue 25, Skeptics UFO Newsletter: "Dark White: Aliens, Abductions and the UFO Obsession, a new book authored by Jim Schnabel with the full cooperation of Budd Hopkins and his associates, will contain important new "inside information" on the Linda Napolitano UFO-abduction case. More than a year after Linda's alleged abduction on Nov. 30, 1989, Hopkins received a letter from "Dan" and "Rich" who claimed to be New York policemen, who reported they had witnessed Linda being beamed up to a hovering UFO. ... According to Linda, that VIP [who witnessed the event] was Javier Perez de Cuellar, who in late 1989 was Secretary General of the United Nations. His identity was first made public by SUN #17 (Sept. 1992)] Schnabel's MW book reveals that Hans-Adam von Liechtenstein, a member of that country's royal family and a good friend of Hopkins, is also a close friend of Javier Perez de Cuellar who bad recently been a guest in the Prince's home. This prompted von Liechtenstein to write de Cuellar to try to verify the incident. ... Perhaps the most startling revelation in the new book is that Hopkins believes--or at least suspects--that Perez de Cuellar was not simply an observer of Linda's abduction BUT THAT DE CUELLAR, "RICH" AND "DAN" ALSO WERE ABDUCTED THAT NIGHT BY THE SAME UFO! Linda reportedly learned this from "Dan" and "Rich," who said this was the reason why they had waited 15 months after watching her abduction before writing to Hopkins."
January 2, 1994, The Independent, 'Liechtenstein Prince Hans Adam II: I want my property back': "They're coming to take us away; Can space aliens really have abducted the former Secretary-General of the United Nations? It sounds absurd, but thousands of Americans seem convinced by a rumour which has become a cause celebre even outside the mad world of modern 'Ufology' THE VOICE of the spokesman for His Excellency Javier Perez de Cuellar, the former United Nations Secretary-General, conveyed surprise and strained dignity. ''I feel very comfortable in telling you now, on his behalf, that he wouldn't have anything . . . absolutely nothing . . . to say about this. I have worked close enough with the former Secretary-General to know how he would react to . . . something like this.'' Something like this. The final words emerged as a dismissive burst of mirth. But in truth, the story about Perez de Cuellar was becoming more difficult to dismiss. Since it had begun to circulate in the summer of 1992, the story had appeared in numerous UFO journals, and parts of it - although without direct reference to Perez de Cuellar - had been published in the Wall Street Journal and Paris Match. Discussions of the case, with prominent mention of the former Secretary-General, were due out shortly in the New York Times and in the popular science magazine Omni. Journalists and UFO enthusiasts had been trying to reach the former Secretary-General by phone and by fax, by letter, through intermediaries. The most persistent inquiries had come from a Manhattan artist and UFO researcher named Budd Hopkins, of whom Perez de Cuellar had never heard, but others had come through friends and acquaintances. One journalist had even managed, briefly, to confront Perez de Cuellar at an airport. Hans-Adam Liechtenstein, eponymous prince of that Alpine principality, had written him a letter with a cryptic reference to the case tucked incongruously amidst diplomatic niceties. Even on the cocktail party circuit, apparently, Perez de Cuellar wasn't safe. It is said that one evening at a reception in New York, Perez de Cuellar's hostess, the daughter of a distinguished Peruvian family, candidly informed him of the rumour that for so long had been humming and buzzing on the UFO enthusiasts' grapevine: that Perez de Cuellar, in the small hours of the morning of 30 November 1989, had been plucked from his limousine, taken into a spaceship, and subjected to intimate examination by aliens. [he actually was a rumored witness seeing someone being abducted, among a number of others]... The witnesses to the UFO abduction of 30 November 1989, according to Hopkins, included not only Richard, Dan and Perez de Cuellar, but a woman [Linda Cortile] whose car had mysteriously stopped on Brooklyn Bridge, and another abductee who had seen a UFO over the East River that night. In addition, Linda's husband and son had videotaped interviews (one of which I watched) describing their encounters with Richard, Dan and a man fitting the description of Perez de Cuellar. Hopkins told me that he had written to Perez de Cuellar via several channels, in an attempt to confirm Richard and Dan's story, but that he had merely received a letter signed ''The Third Man'' in which the latter explained to Hopkins that he would always deny his alien abduction experiences if asked. Some time after he received that letter, Hopkins's friend and fellow UFO enthusiast, the Prince of Liechtenstein, had written to Perez de Cuellar (who had recently been a house guest at his palace) employing a more subtle strategy. Liechtenstein's letter began with some comments about a recent Perez de Cuellar speech on the subject of nationalism, and closed with the brief, bland comment that at a party recently he had met Perez de Cuellar's friends Richard, Dan and Linda - the latter having been dressed as ''the Lady of the Sands''. In his response, Perez de Cuellar acknowledged the Prince's comments about nationalism and other prosaic matters, ignoring the references to Richard, Dan and the Lady of the Sands. To Hopkins, this suggested that Perez de Cuellar, as expected, remained unwilling to comment on his abduction experiences." In a later interview Hopkins claimed to have about 20 witnesses in the case and believes the aliens made themselves visible on purpose on this occasion. Hopkins believes there are massive amounts of alien abductions, but because they cannot be seen with the naked eye in most instances people seldom if ever are witness to these events.
Hopkins publicly ridiculed Kennedy and 9/11 questions:
2002, Budd Hopkins for his Intruders Foundation website, 'Notes on William Cooper and other conspiricists': "On November 10, 2001, I was in Mobile, Alabama, speaking at a "Journeys Beyond" conference. Five days earlier, sheriff's deputies, attempting to serve a warrant, were shot at by conspiricist William Cooper who gravely wounded one of them, deputy Robert Martinez. The other deputies returned fire and Cooper was killed. For those unfamiliar with his activities, William Cooper was once a divisive, almost unavoidable presence at UFO conferences and on the radio and the Internet. His wild and woolly stories were completely unbelievable, though a loyal band of followers clung to his every word. At the time, the belief that JFK was murdered by a CIA cabal was not at all unusual, but Cooper gave the killing his own weird twist. Kennedy was shot, he claimed, by the driver of his car in the middle of the Dallas parade. This Secret Service hit man, he said, turned away from the steering wheel and fired point blank at the president, narrowly missing Mrs. Kennedy, John Connally and Mrs. Connally. I once asked a Cooperite why the CIA would carry out the murder in the middle of a parade when all eyes were on the president's car, pictures were being taken, films were being shot, and three eyewitnesses (the Connallys and Jackie Kennedy) were only a foot or so away from the gunman. The Cooperite answered that since this method was so daring, no one would ever believe that it was done that way, and so the CIA could easily get away with it. And Cooper's idea of the motive for Kennedy's assassination? To keep him from revealing what he knew about the UFO coverup! ... The mythmaking machinery of paranoid rumor and Internet misinformation was on the way. What sort of man was the late William Cooper? Shortly after his death, he was described by his friend Bill Hamilton as "an inveterate liar," and a man who "had a real love for booze and firearms." ... Even more significant was Hamilton's delicately worded statement that Cooper "had a difficult time telling truth from fantasy." A perfect description of the conspiricists' central affliction. ... Moving up towards the present, what are the myths-in-formation about the horrors of September 11? Already various conspiricist Muslim sources have said that suicidal Jews did the hijacking and brought down the towers in order to falsely blame the Palestinians and other Arab nations and groups. The latest mythlet is this - 4,000 Jewish workers stayed home from their jobs on Sept. 11 because they all knew about the plot. The FBI and the CIA hadn't heard anything about it, apparently, because thousands of Jews can communicate without any leaks and are really good at keeping secrets. But as we all know, a large percentage of those who died that tragic day were Jewish office workers! This kind of conspiratorial myth-making is utter and despicable nonsense, yet it somehow gains some currency within society's paranoid fringe. Turning truth and logic upside down, it makes the victims the perpetrators."
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: July 29, 1999; October 26, 2000; September 27, 2003; October 26, 2008; December 19, 2010; August 19, 2014.
Alien abduction researcher who took a relatively negative look to the phenomenon.
October 26, 2008, Coast to Coast AM, 'Abductions & Hybrids': " Appearing during the first two hours, abduction researcher David Jacobs discussed alien hybrids. "The evidence, to me, is not just compelling, it's relatively overwhelming," he said about the latest developments in his research into the hybrid phenomenon. Looking at the foundation of the hybrid theory, he stressed that reproductive issues constitute a "central feature" of abductions and that "we can't get away from that." Jacobs cited specific cases, that he has worked on, where women had their pregnancy confirmed by doctors and then their unborn babies mysteriously disappeared. He speculated that the hybridization program "seems to go back to the early 1980's" and that he has observed, over the years, a "certain refining of the hybrid species that has occurred over the generations and you're getting hybrids that look much, much, much more human." With regards to future of these hybrids, Jacobs made a startling revelation. He noted that, for years, he was reticent to say that the hybrids were "among us" on Earth, but in light of his most recent research, he is now of the belief that the integration of the species into society has begun. Jacobs based this change of perspective on the testimonies of abductees that he has worked with, "it's this whole other world that I've never heard before, that I am, in fact, hearing now, over and over again.""
Carol Rainey, Budd Hopkins' ex-wife, claimed that both Hopkins and Jacobs were manipulating their hypnosis subjects.
May 17, 1993, Dr. Richard Boylan email to Don Allen, 'Secret Life Conf: (46) MUFON ET': "David Jacobs declined to debate me at the November UFO Congress, and Budd Hopkins refused to debate me at the San Francisco Whole Life Expo. Why? Because I am doing serious scientific research, and am exposing their shoddy disinformation, not to mention their close association with a Las Vegas casinos operator who bankrolls their efforts, and is probably a money-conduit for Agency financing of these two rogues. ... To be clear, the disinformation is contained in the whole of the book, Secret Life, by David Jacobs, whose appearances and some of his publication activities appear to be financed by Bob Bigelow, possibly fronting cash from other sources. ... The proof of the association of Budd Hopkins & David Jacobs with Casinos Bob Bigelow of Las Vegas is not hard to find. Besides their fawning association with him at M.I.T.'s Abduction Study Coference (June, 1992), he features prominently as financial angel (along with Prince Hans Adam of Lichenstein) of the Abduction Study Conference, and the Roeper Poll of prevalence of extraterrestrial contacts in America, and no doubt, is behind ( financially) Hopkins' Intruders Foundation. While I cannot provide the documents (if any exist) that Casinos Bob is the money-laundry for the agency on the Hopkins-Jacobs Ce-IV Disinformation Project, the number of spooks present at Casino Bob's Abduction Study Conference, and the way the agenda was tilted to give the Dark Side presenters about abductions the bestand the bulk of the time, strongly point to an Intelligence front operation. The fact that Casinos Bob felt he had top lie about bankrolling the Abduction Study Conference, and about how he makes his money, further provide indication of an operation which tries to remain covert."
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: November 14, 1999; November 30, 1999; April 18, 2001. Killed in a traffic accident in London in 2004.
Received $500,000 from Laurance Rockefeller in the 1993-1995 period. When Harvard wanted to fire him for his 1995 book 'Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens', he was succesfully assisted by Rockefeller/Jesuit lawyer Daniel Sheehan.
Like all other Rockefeller men, Mack was a radical environmentalist and this shines through in his books. He was of the opinion that aliens were here to wipe out the human race to save the earth from environmental collapse and replace it with a more evolved/advanced human/alien hybrid species. As can be read below, the witnesses used for his 1995 book are extremely questionable. Almost all have a fringe new age background.
Graduated cum laude from Harvard Medical School in 1955. Psychologist. In the 1980s a leading anti-ICBM / nuclear war activist, along with Carl Sagan. Interviewed Jimmy Carter and Edward Teller.
May 1993, Philip Klass' Skeptical UFO Newsletter, 'Harvard's Dr. John Mack may become "East Coast Sprinkle"': "Although Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack entered the UFO abduction field as a protege of Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, his most recent pronouncements suggest he is developing a somewhat different dogma which resembles that of Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a pioneer in the field who lives in Wyoming. Unlike Hopkins and Jacobs, whose subjects report being subjected to traumatic medical procedures by seemingly uncaring ETs, Sprinkle's subjects usually say they enjoyed their "abductions" and describe the ETs as gentle and benign. According to a flyer promoting a talk by Mack, his current view is that "initially the abduction experiences may be highly traumatic, even rape-like; but as the experiencers are brought to acknowledge the reality of their eucounters, spiritual growth and personal transformation occurs." This recalls that old (now unmentionable) adage: "When rape is inevitable, relax aud enjoy it.""
September 13-15, 1993: Round table discussion at Laurance Rockefeller's JY Ranch: representatives from Gibbons office, Richard Farley, Rockefeller, Henry Diamond, Dr. Scott Jones, Dr. John Mack, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. Steven Greer, and Keith Thompson.
1996, Paul B. Thompson for Parascope, 'The Rockefeller UFO Report Or, How a Millionaire and a Socialite New Ager are Trying to Influence World Leaders about UFOs': "After being a venture capitalist in his thirties, he embraced environmental causes in the 1950s and 60s, long before they were fashionable -- at the same time brother Nelson was conquering the Amazon jungles with his CIA friends. He's also been interested in UFOs for a long time, and often puts his money where his mind is. For example: --For two years (1993-95) Laurance Rockefeller supported Dr. John Mack's Center for Psychology and Social Change in Cambridge, Mass., to the tune of $250,000 a year. Dr. Mack, of course, is the controversial psychiatrist who investigates alleged UFO abductions. --Rockefeller paid for at least two meeting sessions of the Starlight Coalition, a group said to be made up of former intelligence officers and military men interested in UFOs. --At one time Rockefeller funded a plan to establish contact with aliens, not using the SETI method (by radio telescope), but by signaling them with banks of powerful halogen lamps. --Rockefeller once held a UFO conference at his ranch in Wyoming. Just last year, Laurence Rockefeller ponied up an estimated $30,000 for a special UFO project created by Marie "Bootsie" Galbraith, wife of investment banker Evan Galbraith and one-time U.S. ambassador to France. Mrs. Galbraith wanted to compile a report containing the most reliable evidence for the paranormal nature of UFOs. This report would be sent to VIPs only -- politicians, heads of corporations, heads of state -- to convince them of the necessity of taking UFOs seriously. To that end, Mrs. Galbraith arranged for the three most influential civilian UFO groups in America to unite under the temporary banner of the UFO Research Coalition: CUFOS (Center for UFO Studies), FUFOR (Fund for UFO Research) and MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). Drawing on these organizations' data resources, a 169-page special report, "Unidentified Flying Objects Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence," was compiled. The bulk of the actual writing was done by Don Berliner, best known for his work with Dr. Stanton Friedman on the Roswell Incident. J. Antonio Huneeus, UFO columnist for FATE magazine, also contributed, along with Mrs. Galbraith herself. The report was printed in large format (8 1/2 x 11 inches), perfect bound with a light blue cover. Inside there is a letter of endorsement from the heads of the three UFO organizations mentioned above: Mark Rodeghier of CUFOS, Richard Hall of FUFOR, and Walter Andrus of MUFON. Fraser Seitel, spokesman for Laurance Rockefeller, told the Observer of New York that Rockefeller did not personally endorse the report's conclusions. Said Seitel, "He [Rockefeller] is interested in learning what the Government has on file." The briefing document had a small print run (one unconfirmed estimate said 300 copies were made), but bootleg photocopies have begun to circulate. (I was offered one by a confidential source before I had scarcely heard of the thing.) Mrs. Galbraith did not want the report going to just anyone. "We just want the right people to know," she told the Observer. ... As can be seen by this list, the material covered is fairly familiar stuff to any well-read UFO buff. The cases are well presented, with clear diagrams and photographs. Part 3, "Quotations," consists of pro-UFO statements by government officials, military men, astronauts, and scientists. The effect of all this material is rather like reading a textbook for UFOs 101. Or a better analogy would be to say this is the 1990s version of the classic 1964 treatise The UFO Evidence, complied by NICAP under the editorship of FUFOR's Richard Hall."
April 28, 1995 speech to a small gathering at Edgar Mitchell's Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS): Mack brings up South African shaman Credo Mutwa as one of his key sources. This same Credo Mutwa was later used by David Icke to prove that humans disguised as reptilians exist.
May 27-29, 1995: Rockefeller employee C. B. Scott Jones' organizes the "When Cosmic Cultures Meet" Conference under the banner of Laurance Rockefeller's Human Potential Foundation. International/dp/1882658035: "Included in These Proceedings: ... Michael Hesemann [C2C], James J. Hurtak, PhD [C2C]; ... Richard J. Boylan, PhD [C2C]; R. Leo Sprinkle, PhD [C2C]; ... Charles T. Tart PhD [C2C]; ... Zecharia Sitchin [C2C], ... John E. Mack, MD [C2C]; ... The conference, When Cosmic Cultures Meet, was designed to be the capstone on a process that had been going on for two years in which the White House had been encouraged to review the inherited policy from previous administrations concerning disclosure of information about Extraterrestrial (ET) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) phenomena."
May 10, 2013, Vanity Fair, 'Alien Nation': "Mack presents the Dalai Lama with a copy of his book Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens in 1999."
pre-2004, Dr. John Mack to Jeffrey Mishlove in the DVD 'Thinking Aloud': "Often the person has not actually seen the spacecraft, but often they have. A number of these cases, when they are floated through the walls of their home, through the windows, the door... And we do see a typical unidentified flying object, a saucer shaped, or cigar shaped vehicle, on the ground, eminating bright lights. Or they might be taken by a small craft up into the sky to a kind of mothership, which they see very clearly. So many of them actually see the UFOs. And the insides are so uniformly described with rounded curbed walls and complicated instrument panels, [to the point] that it has become clear that there's some kind of craft in the sky which we would naturally call a spacecraft. ... If you go back into the early times, Ezekiel's wheel, they now think that was an UFO, now it seems, in the sky. Or you can go to the faeries that kidnapped people in Ireland and other countries. ... The first case that we have is the Betty and Barney Hill case [Sep. 1961; immediately reported to Pease AFB, who gave the info to Blue Book; reported to NICAP in Oct. 1961], this interracial couple that came back from their vacation in Montreal and they saw a craft emenated with bright light. They actually saw the creatures in the craft, they were confroted by these creatures, they were terrified, they were taken inside. Each reported various experiments being done on their bodies, ... and the accounts compare. ... It appears that the phenomenon is happening with greater frequence than in the past."
1995, John Mack, 'Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens', pp. 413-414: "The pioneering work of Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs has shown what is amply corroborated in my cases, namely that the abduction phenomenon is in some central way involved in a breeding program that results in the creation of alien/human hybrid offspring. But we must be cautious not to assume that these phenomena are taking place literally in our familiar material reality. Comparing the experiences of various abductees, they report that during the abductions sperm are forcibly taken from men and ova from women, after which this germ plasm is brought together and altered. ... Many men and women come to feel, despite their anger, that they are taking part-even that they have chosen to participate-in a process that is life creating and life-giving. Furthermore, for most abductees the hybridization has occurred simultaneously with an enlightenment imparted by the alien beings that has brought home forcibly to them the failure of the human experiment in its present form. Abduction experiencers come to feel deeply that the death of human beings and countless other species will occur on a vast scale if we continue on our present course and that some sort of new life-form must evolve if the human biological and spiritual essence is to be preserved. They do not generally question why the maintenance of human life must take such an odd form. I ask abductees repeatedly to explain to me why, if these hybrid beings are to represent the species that will repopulate our planet after the prophesied environmental holocaust, they appear so listless and frail on the ships, hardly vital stock to perpetuate the human or any other race. ... Those investigators who perceive the UFO abduction phenomenon from an adversarial perspective tend to interpret its meaning one-sidedly. The aliens are using us, the argument goes for their own purposes, replenishing their genetic stock at our expense after some sort of holocaust on their own planet. If they make us feel that there is something worthwhile about the whole process, this is the result of deception. I would not say that the aliens never resort to deception to hide their purposes, but the above argument is, in my view, too narrow or linear an interpretation. My own impression is that we may be witnessing something far more complex, namely an awkward joining of two species, engineered by an intelligence we are unable to fathom, for a purpose j that serves both of our goals with difficulties for each. I base this view on the evidence presented by the abductees themselves. First, many abductees, for example, Scott and Peter, become aware in the course of our work that the alien/human union serves the reciprocal needs of each species, completing aspects of the identity of each that are missing or have been lost in the course of evolution. Roughly speaking, the abductees experience the aliens as having remained less densely embodied and closer to the creative source in the universe from which human beings have been cut off. Through their interaction with the abductees they bring them (and all of us potentially) closer to our spiritual cosmic roots, return us to the divine light or "Home," a "place" (really a state of being) where secrets, jealousy, greed, and destructiveness have no purpose. The aliens, on the other hand, as perceived by the experiencers, long to enjoy the intense emotionality that comes with our full embodiment. They are fascinated with our sensuality, our warmth, our capacity for eroticism, and deep parental affection, and they seem to respond to openhearted love. They act at times like love-starved chi ldren. They delight in watching humans in all sorts of acts of love, which they may even stage as they stand around watching and ch attering as the abductees perform them. Second, the human/alien relationship itself evolves into a powerful bond. Despite their resentment and terrorization, the abductees may feel deep love toward the alien beings, especially toward the leader figures, which they experience as reciprocated, despite the cold and businesslike way the abductions themselves are conducted. ... According to the reports of the abductees, the aliens seem to stress the evolutionary aspect of the species-joining process, the repopulation of the earth subsequent to a total environmental collapse."
Edgar Mitchell's IONS' Friendly Favors Event on June 5, 2002: Jesuit lawyer Daniel Sheehan, alien abduction researcher John Mack, and UFO cultist and MJ-12 research financier Joe Firmage give a two hour presentation together.
The following witnesses are virtually all case studies described by John Mack in his 1995 book 'Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens', taking up over half of the pages. All these witnesses contacted Mack, all except one or two have very new agy backgrounds:
Catherine: Seems reasonably normal.
Sara: "The desire to serve, "to do something constructive for the world" is vitally important for Sara. ... She was especially drawn to mysteries and books about ghosts and poltergeists [when young]. ... While Sara was an undergraduate, she participated in studies of extrasensory perception. Her interest in integrating the discoveries of physical science with explorations of spirituality and human consciousness have continued. On one occasion, she experienced electrical sensations in her body. On another occasion, "I felt like I got out of my body and I couldn't get back in, and I was gone for about two days." She was quite frightened by this experience. ... About a year after she was married, Sara became very ill. Although there is no outward evidence to support this, Sara connects this illness and later intense pain in her neck and head to the otherworldly presence in her life..."
Joe: "[Joe was] experimenting with LSD as a teenager... Joe has had dreams of contact with alien beings as far back as he can remember. Sometimes he would wake up with his penis feeling sore. ... [Joe] has participated and taught in a number of personal growth-related activities, including various mind/body healing workshops, psychosynthesis, different forms of meditation, and membership in a spiritualist church. When he was twenty he spent a year living alone in the forest in northern Maine."
Dave: "Dave was a boyish thirty-eight-year-old health care worker in an isolated community in south central Pennsylvania when he called me in June 1992 at the suggestion of his Korean karate and Tai Kwan Do (Chi) teacher. ... In addition, he wrote of his training in karate and his struggles to control the Chi experiences he was having in and outside of his classes through the work with his teacher, Master Joe. ... Dave defines [Chi] as the "force which pervades the universe from which reality arises." "
Peter: "Peter, a former hotel manager and a recent acupuncture school graduate, was thirty-four when a fellow student who had heard me lecture on abduction experiences at The Cambridge Hospital told him about my talk ... He is one of the abdusctees I have worked with who has discovered a dual human/alien identity. In his alien self, he has become aware of having participated willingly in the reported alien-human hybrid breeding program ... Peter objected to the word rapture, preferring to ·speak "of the beings coming to help us to the next place of evolution . . . The slate is going to be wiped clean," he said. "It's a new millennium of the earth" that is "supporting a whole other world." ... Then the year, he thought, might be 2010, and once again Peter saw "people coming up" during a period of time when "a lot of shit happens on the earth" and the ships make trips "back down." Peter's role in all this is to "make the babies" with the alien/ human female with whom he has been connected, to bring the whole process "into consciousness," and to work with the female in "taking care of the kids." He would become a leader of "a new, original tribe," a "new race of humans." Although Peter said he had accepted the repopulation plan, he found all this quite disturbing, especially "the destruction of the populations of the earth," which will happen "in a blink of the eye." Though nothing could be done to prevent all this, Peter said, on the positive side this evolutionary process could create "a second chance" for humankind.""
Paul: "Paul was twenty-six when he introduced himself to me at a UFO conference in New Hampshire. A sensitive, handsome young man, he is one of an increasing group of abductees that I have been encountering who have discovered that they have an apparent "dual identity" as an alien (they do not use that word) and a human being. ... He first consulted Ms. T. , a psychologist, to explore "weird" experiences that had led him to question his sanity, including one, five hours after smoking marijuana, in which he saw "some type of being" on the stairs at home. ... As the sessions progressed, Paul found that he was becoming increasingly "awakened" to "a connection to like a foreign alien kind of thing" which Ms. T., perhaps understandably, could not deal with. One time in a session he asked for a sign of the reality of the beings, or the energies associated with them, which was followed by a loud bang near the office door. Ms. T. was frightened but willing to explore the noise. Paul was curious to check it out and felt an electric "crackle" in the room but found there was nothing visible behind the door. Ms. T. was wide-eyed with fear and Paul had to try to calm her down."
Arthur [Andrew Martin of Smartfoods]: "Arthur was thirty-eight when he called me, a highly successful young businessman with beautiful homes on both coasts, deeply committed to the democratization of capitalism, creating a sustainable environment, and protecting the future of the planet. ... As Arthur believes, his alien encounters were instrumental in the evolution of his sense of personal and corporate responsibility... He and his siblings were raised as "spoiled rich kids," Arthur says, and there were maids and servants to attend to most of his basic needs. ... For as long as he can remember he has had a special relationship to animals. Whereas his grandfather and greatgrandfather would shoot and stuff animals, Arthur, like a kind of contemporary St. Francis, says he would communicate with animals, including porcupines, skunks, woodchucks, rabbits, and birds. ... Arthur has created many successful companies whose total worth he estimates to be in the tens of millions of dollars. Each one, he says, has funded specific philanthropies. For example, Arthur and his ex-wife put most of the profits from a snack food company they sold for fifteen million dollars into buying a piece of land for a migratory park and put the rest of the money into environmental awareness and similar programs. Currently he is working with several hundred U.S. corporations to license them to use special technologies under the condition they give their royalties to particular foundations."
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: July 24, 2005; January 31, 2006; October 29, 2006; October 14, 2008; October 1, 2009; October 30, 2010; October 19, 2013; December 9, 2014.
- Early Rense appearances of Derrel Sims: May 18, 1997 ("Derrel Sims & Dr. Roger Leir: Brazil UFO Report"); June 24, 1997; July 3, 1997 ("LIVE From Roswell!: Derrel Sims; Dr. Roger Leir; Stanton T. Friedman" and the day/night before: "Live From Roswell!: Michael Lindeman, Erik van Daniken, Paul Davids, Jesse Marcel, Jr., and More."), etc.
- Derrel Sims is a former CIA covert operations officer, followed by a career as a private detective (often a job used by Agency freelancers). Claims he was an alien abductee between the ages of 3 and 16. As a licensed hypnotherapist and private investigator he has been investigating alien abduction cases, specializing in the retrieval of alleged implants.
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Derrel Sims is a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Certified Hypnotic Anesthetist, Certified Master Neurolinguistic Practitioner, international speaker, licensed private investigator in the state of Texas and researcher of alleged human/alien encounters. His discoveries of the alleged alien implantation and fluorescence found on abductees, following reported contact by alien entities, are but two finds that his Medical/Scientific Team explores. In 1994, a writer reviewing his work originated the name, "Alien Hunter." Mr. Sims' primary work is gathering physical evidence from cases of alleged human/alien contact. He is an advisor/investigator for the PARSEC organization. This is an Italy based organization of medical doctors, physicists, psychotherapists, and other professionals who invited Sims to come on board in 2000 to use his skills to complete professional investigations in psychological and physical evidence in this work. His presentations to medical, scientific and college conferences as well as the the public at large, show compelling approaches to human/alien encounters. His extensive training and experience in investigative approaches and therapeutic interventions allows him to select the right approach for the individual and the event."
- Former CIA officer: September 18, 2013, Joe Rogan Questions Everything, Episode 5: Real Close Encounters, 17:45, words of Derrell Sims: "Thank you. Secret Service [belt buckle I'm wearing]. ... I come from a strong policing background. I spent two years in the Central Intelligence Agency in covert operations and I've been a private investigator for 30 years." Provides Joe with two minuscule spheres that he alleges is an alien implant, which, after laboratory analysis on the show, turns out to consist of 74% gold and 25% silver. While it sounds exotic, no extraterrestrial wiring or substances were found.
- October 1, 2009, Coast to Coast AM program description: "Researcher Derrel Sims discussed the evidence for alien abductions and implants, as well some of the hidden alien agendas. A number of abductee/contactees may have served as unwitting surrogates for their alien abductors. Joining him in separate segments, were three abductees, all of whom had implants in their bodies. One of them said they actually killed an alien."
- January 31, 2006, Coast to Coast AM program description: "Investigator Derrel Sims shared details regarding physical evidence in alien abduction cases, which he has collected using scientific and medical protocols. He also presented his own background as an abductee for thirteen years beginning at the age of 3 and a half.The 5 ft. tall entity with large black eyes, that he repeatedly encountered, did not have any genitalia or a belly button"
Appearance(s): On average 4-5 times per year since at least November 19, 1995.
- Born in 1945. BA from the University of Texas at Austin in 1968. Certificate from the London School of Film Technique, also in 1968. Alleged intelligence background. Joined the Gurdjieff Foundation in New York in 1970 where among his mentors was Jean Sulzberger of the Pilgrims Society family that publishes the New York Times. In the New York advertizing business 1968-1977. Cunningham & Walsh Advertising, New York, NY, management supervisor and vice-president, 1974-1977. Left to become an author. Became a relatively well-known American writer best known for his horror novels The Wolfen (1978) and The Hunger (1981). In February 1987 he became infamous for Communion, a "non-fiction" account of his alleged alien abduction experiences that he created with his "therapist" Bud Hopkins, the close associate of Prince Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein. Also well-known for his many Art Bell /Coast to Coast AM appearances and his website
- Key figure in pushing the gray alien mythology since his 1987 book Communion.
- April 3, 2000, Whitley Strieber for, 'Art Bell': "Art Bell has been accused of being a sensationalizer and an alarmist. However, he is something very different and very much more important. What he has done is to create a forum for rejected knowledge in a society that rejects far too much of it. In the years after I wrote Communion, I was a beleaguered soul. Even as the media trumpeted the lie that I was making millions off the book, I was suffering the agony of losing the home where the ongoing miracle of my contact experience was unfolding. I learned firsthand what prejudice is all about, as I became more and more isolated, to the point that I was barely able to find publishers for my work. Tens and hundreds of times, I endured hostile interviews, teasing interviews, stupid and insensitive interviews. And then, suddenly, there was this one late-night talk show host who did not treat me like a dog. One person who at least let me talk. And then there were his listeners-I can well remember my early appearances on the show, what wonderful, sensitive, intelligent questions they asked. At a time when suicide was very much on my mind, Art Bell and his listeners dropped me a lifeline. I clung to it and I have never let go and I will never let go. I was hooked by Art's amazing ability as an interviewer. I would hang up the phone after five hours thinking that he had not just interviewed me, but led me to new insights about my work and my life simply by the intelligence of his questions. It wasn't that he agreed with me. In fact, to this day, I don't know what Art thinks of the story of Communion."
- The first confirmed Whitley Strieber appearance on Art Bell's Dreamland show was on November 19, 1995. Strieber soon became a co-host and in 1999 took over the show, with Art Bell continuing with Coast to Coast AM.
- Co-authored with Art Bell the 1999 book The Coming Global Superstorm, which revolves around a catastrophic global warming scenario, more extreme than the scenarios painted by Al Gore 7 years later.
- 1981, Whitley Strieber, 'The Hunger', inside back-flap (1st edition): "[Strieber] has traveled through many parts of the world, working in fields as diverse as intelligence and filmmaking. His underground films were shown frequently in England in the late sixties. His other work includes a documentary on the Process Church of Final Judgment, an unusual religious group that has been connected with satanism." Strieber has denied intelligence connections, claiming his publisher sensationalized his credentials in this area.
- December 14, 2001, Whitley Strieber for his, 'Christmas Joy: Mankind is Awakening': "In 1970, I joined the Gurdjieff Foundation in New York. This involved weekly group meetings under the guidance of Joseph Stein, who conducted careful, hour-long sessions that involved guided meditation and dialogue while remaining in the meditative state. He taught us to meditate daily, and I have continued this practice now for 32 years. I remained with the foundation until 1983, when it became clear to me that friction that was developing between me and some of the leadership was being generated by me, because of a deep need to leave and challenge my own ability to sustain my inner work on my own. Between 1983 and 1985, I continued occasional meetings with Jean Sulzberger [her mother was the sister-in-law of New York Times publisher and Pilgrim Arthur Hays Sulzberger] and [wealthy publicist] William C. Segal, who were dear friends in the foundation, much my senior, and whose mastery, so assured and yet so humble, seemed very authentic to me. Then came the close encounter. In January, I went to William Segal and described the experience to him. He said, "fifteen minutes with them, fifteen years of meditation." I could not have agreed with him more. Even while I was with the visitors on that night, so lost in fear that my first title for Communion was to be Body Terror, I knew from the way they moved and acted that they were, in the context of Gurdjieff's theories, 'awake.'"
- (November 18, 2016): " From the mid-1950s, Dr. Welch and his wife had a wide circle of friends of all ages with whom they shared their understanding of the Gurdjieff teaching. ... From 1984 until his death [in 1997], Dr. Welch was President of the Gurdjieff Foundation in New York City... In later years, Dr. Welch took pleasure in his membership in The Century Association [with generations of Rockefellers, Brooke Astor, Henry Kissinger and other elites]..."
- (November 18, 2016): "Richard G. "Dick" Stein: ... brother of Joseph Stein and wife, Violet..." Richard G. Stein was a member of the Century Association. His brother Joseph Stein might well have been the mentor of Strieber at the Gurdjieff Foundation.
- 1987, Whitley Strieber, 'Communion: A True Story' (digital): "I would especially like to thank Budd Hopkins, who has sacrificed an enormous amount of time and effort — often approaching the heroic — for myself and those like me who have been dragged to the edge of reality. ... [I would also like to thank] Dr. Brian O'Leary, astronaut and planetologist, provided insights that combined expert knowledge, healthy skepticism, and a firm adherence to the known, without which I could never have completed my task. Dr. Bruce Maccabee, research physicist with the United States Navy, read my manuscript for its physics content, but any errors in this area remain my own. [And also] David M. Jacobs, Ph.D... I remembered that a man named Budd Hopkins had been mentioned in the book as a prominent researcher in the field. The name had been familiar to me: Anne and I are interested in art and Hopkins is a well-known abstract artist, collected by the Guggenheim and the Whitney. I found his name in the phone book. But how could I call him? What a stupid thing to have to admit. Little men. Flying saucers. How idiotic."
- March 14, 1987 Thomas M. Disch for The Nation, 'Communion': "If Whitley Strieber isn't fibbing inhis new book, Communion (and the book's cover boldly affirms that it is "A True Story'), then it must be accounted the most important book of the year, of the decade, of the century, indeed, of all time. For what Strieber recounts in Communion is nothing less than the first contact of the human race, in the person of Whitley Strieber, with an ancient alien civilization that abducted him from his cabin in the Catskills on the nights of October 4 and December 26, 1985 (and on various other occasions over the years), and took him aboard a flying saucer, where he communicated with a variety of alien beings and was subjected to surgical and sexual indignities. To cover their tracks the alien abductors then implanted false 'screen memories' in Strieber's mind (as they have been doing, he has come to suspect, throughout his life). Only later, in March 1986, did hypnosis reveal the true character of what had happened to him. There have been other, similar reportsof U.F.O. sightings and contact with aliens, but Strieber's is unique in two important respects. First, as he notes himself, "If mine is a real experience of visitors, it is among the deepest and most extensive as yet recorded.' Second, this is the first time a best-selling author has written his own extensive, firsthand account of a U.F.O. experience. Strieber's early novels were horror stories, taking traditional figures like werewolves (The Wolfen, 1979) and vampires (The Hunger, 1981), and placing them in contemporary urban settings. Both books became successful movies. Two later science fiction novels were written as collaborations with James Kunetka: Warday (1984) is a fictional "documentary' of nuclear holocaust, and Nature's End (1986) treats global ecological catastrophe on a similar panoramic scale. Communion seems the end of a logical progression, leading Strieber from the fiction side of the best-seller list to the nonfiction side. That assumes that Communion will make it onto the list, but with a $1 million investment in the book, William Morrow [owned by the Hearst Corporation at the time] would seem to have confidence in its success. Skeptical readers (and I freely confess that I began as one) may feel that the million-dollar advance paid for the book is in itself reason to doubt the good faith of the author. ... but [Strieber] makes it clear that he deplores charlatanry and pseudoscience, and those who profit from the public's credibility... Communion records so much distress, suffering, agony, anguish, and pain that in undertaking to write of the book I dreaded to think that I might be adding to it by taking a tone that would suggest that I am scoffing the author. ... "[Strieber:] Scoffing at them is as ugly as laughing at rape victims. ..." ... Perhaps (we ought to at least consider the possibility) he is making up the whole story just as if he were writing fiction! ..."
- 2001, Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, 'The Stargate Conspiracy' (digital): "Only in 1987 did [Whitley Strieber's] Communion first catapult the alien abduction phenomenon into public consciousness [note: to a degree there also was Stanton Friedman with his betty & Barney Hill case]. In the few years since we have seen such an explosion — virtually an epidemic — of claimed abductions that the image of the Grey alien is now firmly embedded in our minds as, at the very least, a cultural icon. But to many people the Greys are considerably more than semi-cartoon characters: at least 35 per cent of all Americans now believe that these sinister extraterrestrials are repeatedly abducting humans on a vast scale.3 This belief has, virtually overnight, begun to take on quasireligious overtones. Strieber, in The Secret School, passes on nine lessons given to him by the aliens for all mankind, specifically linking their message to the Face on Mars, which he claims to have been shown by his alien captor/tutors when he was a child, and to the New Egyptology of Hancock, Bauval and West.""
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Whitley Strieber is the author of over twenty bestselling books, including Communion and Superstorm written with Art Bell. His novels the Grays and 2012: the War for Souls are both being made into films and the Grays is expected to go into production this year. His nonfiction TV series Alien Intent will begin appearing on A&E later this year. Whitley's latest novel, 'Critical Mass', is a thriller about nuclear terrorism."
- August 24, 2006, Coast to Coast AM program description: "Author Whitley Strieber discussed his experiences with alien entities, some of which were incorporated into his new novel The Grays. By making the book fiction he was able to present material he believes to be true, yet did not have the documentation to present as non-fiction, such as secret U.S. technology advances. For instance, he suggested that the military has developed large triangular shaped craft modeled after the aliens'. Featured in the book are different types of aliens, all of which Strieber said he has had personal encounters with. Among them were two types of Grays... There were also the Blonde/Nordics, one of whom revealed to him that his race had been at war with the Grays for millennia. A third category was composed of blue frog-like creatures who were associated with the Grays."
- August 27, 2006, Coast to Coast AM program description: "His experiences strongly suggest to him that the visitors are coming to us from another dimension rather than somewhere out in the stars, or if they are from another planet they may use methods of dimensional travel. Touching the skin of these beings can sometimes lead to an allergic reaction, he noted, and though they have spindly frames they can be incredibly strong. He described one instance where one of the creatures jumped on his back and was able to hold him down with an iron grip. While the Grays may not be that far ahead of us technologically, they do exhibit abilities in using invisibility and manipulating gravity, he reported. Strieber said he is interesting in seeing human beings become an active partner in their relationship with the visitors-- to be empowered, so that we can glean something from our interactions with them. He does not believe abductees are chosen at random and detailed that family lines are often followed, and that there is a higher number of Celts and American Indians involved."
Appearance(s): December 11, 1992; September 26, 1997; June 6, 2002; December 6, 2003; February 22, 2004 (rebroadcast); December 25, 2004 (rebroadcast); April 1, 2006; November 15, 2009; June 12, 2010 (rebroadcast); November 23, 2014
- In the late 1980s began to claim that he was a scientist employed at Area 51 working on a crashed alien spaecraft. His story was picked up by the ever manipulative John Lear, George Knapp and Art Bell.
- Craft came from Zeta Reticuli, which, as far as we know, has no orbiting planets.
- Held the "Majestic" clearance of the Majestic 12 documents and had briefings on the Grays.
- Talks about a 1979 alien treaty at Area 51 on exchange programs.
Appearance(s): March 27, 1992; December 11, 1992; November 3, 1993; since then about once or twice a year until the present day. John Lear, along with Bob Lazar and Al Bielek, were the first guests Art Bell interviewed beginning in 1992.
- CIA pilot. Senior vice commander of the American Legion Post No.1 Shanghai (Soldier of Fortune post). Member Special Operations Association.
- August 2006, Project Camelot interview with John Lear: "[Bennewitz] was [right], and I got into that when I first got into this UFO deal. I ended up in Crestone, Colorado with Linda Howe and there was about 10 of us there. Somebody had donated a condo in Crestone that had been used by the Aspen Institute for their get-togethers and studies. And we met for three or four days there and talked about what's going on, what should we do, about the state of Ufology and how each one could contribute. And I ended up leaving there and driving with Linda... We go down to Albuquerque and we look up Ernie Edwards and we talk with Ernie Edwards. ... he was so forthright and, to me, so honest. He said he believed Bennewitz. You know, he talked about during that time when our radar was shut down for a long period. And I said, "What do you think happened?" And he said, "I think we brought a black ship through there and they didn't want it on radar." ... So anyway, and then we talked about all kinds of stuff and then Linda and I went down to and drove down to Roswell, and that was an interesting trip. We're driving down to Roswell, and we're about 10 miles north of Corona and here comes this A-7, just coming down and buzzing us and everything. And I looked at her and said, "Linda, how can this be happening to us?" I know those A-7s. They're part of the F117A Stealth Fighter squadron up at Tonopah. Anyway, we turn off at Corona, and we go over this little road, then a dirt road over towards the main road that comes down from the highway to Roswell. We get just before the turnoff that goes down to Mac Brazel's ranch, and we're bumping along and here's one dead cow and then another dead cow, then another dead cow... I mean, there's 30 dead cows there. So we go over to the dead cows and there's no obvious sign of mutilation. ... Anyway, later Linda contacted someone who found out, no it couldn't have been that disease because there would have been a 50 mile cordon around there. So that was just one of the little interesting things. So then we went down and we talked with Clifford Stone [later a Disclosure Project witness], who I know. ... It was black as heck, you know, and we talked about Bennewitz, Ernie Edwards... ah, what's the guy's name... Doty, Moore, the whole thing. ... The Dan Burisch story is simple but it's complex. He was there. He did work there. I listened to George Knapp the other day. I read his stuff on ATS and he is so down on Dan Burisch. It's unfortunate. ... Area 51 and S-4. There's no question in mind that he was there. But there's something that's happening to Dan, something they're doing with him, and it all fits into Project Serpo. ... I was over at his house and there was a book on the table called Missing Time [1981] by Budd Hopkins. I picked this thing up and I said, "This is kind of interesting." See, I'd always been kind of interested in saucers, but not that much. It turns out my dad was right there. I mean, my mom had a crush on Hoyt Vandenberg, one of the MJ-12. He was at the house. So was Jimmy Doolittle. Dad was on the board of the Lovelace Clinic. Randy Lovelace was a surgeon in Wright Patterson when the Roswell thing happened. They sent him to Albuquerque to form the Lovelace Institute. The Lovelace Institute was where they did the autopsies of the bodies. I mean, the whole group was, you know, my dad, Jimmy Doolittle, Hoyt Vandenberg, all those guys were together. ... Yes, Missing Time. So I picked it up and I read it and it just absolutely hit me: This stuff is real. It's real. It's going on right now. So I'm thinking this is like '85 or something. At the exact same time we had a reunion of southeast Asia pilots here in Las Vegas and I ran into one of the Ravens. You know who the Ravens were: sheepdipped guys that flew in Laos. Greg Wilson was a Raven and I got to talk to him. "Hey, where you been?" You know. He says, "I was at Bentwaters." "Were you there in 1980?" He said, "I was there. I didn't see it land but I know the guys who did." I said, "You mean it's real?" He said, "Yeah John, it's real." So then at that exact time I ended up, I was based, in New York for this airline, and I called Budd Hopkins and I said, "I'd like to talk to you." "OK." I came back from a trip in Europe that was crazy. I had my big suitcase and my flight bag and something else and instead of going to the apartment I lived at and dropping it all off I went to Budd's house. So I ring the doorbell and he opens it up and he says, "John Lear?" "Yeah." He says, "What's all that?" He was afraid I was going to come in and move in with him! So anyway I spent the evening with him and he did a regression. And he said, "You can't be this interested and not be involved." And he didn't find anything, but anyway that started my adventures with Budd Hopkins. ... Yeah. I was working Paranet at the time. Jim Spicer ran Paranet. I put my hypothesis on Paranet. Then Bill Cooper called and said, "I can vouch for - I forget what he said, 50 per cent, or 100 per cent of what John Lear says" and so I invited Bill Cooper up. He came up, we talked and he told me... At those times Bill was totally sane and rational. ... About this time, Bob... I met Bob [Lazar] here in the summer of 1988. "
- 2000, Phillip S. Meilinger, 'Hoyt S. Vandenberg, The Life of a General' (abstract): "In early 1944, Major General Vandenberg went to Europe as deputy air commander-in-chief of the Allied Expeditionary Forces and commanding general of the American air component. Subsequently, as commanding general of the 9th Air Force, he was involved in planning the Normandy invasion. Late in the war, he returned to Army Air Forces (AAF) headquarters as assistant chief of the Air Staff. In this capacity, he played a leading role in organizing the postwar Air Force. After an interlude in 1946 as the first director of central intelligence for the Secretary of War, Vandenberg returned to AAF headquarters. In October 1947, he was appointed vice chief of staff of the newly independent U.S. Air Force and in April 1948, he succeeded General Carl A. Spaatz as USAF chief of staff. Vandenberg made the decision in late 1948 that the Air Force would emphasize a buildup of its nuclear deterrent forces. Vandenberg was instrumental in bringing General Curtis LeMay back from Europe to head the Strategic Air Command, thus initiating decades of SAC as the nation's premier nuclear deterrent force. Vandenberg also led the Air Force during the Korean War, when he had to balance needs dictated by that conflict against the requirement to sustain the Air Force's strategic deterrent to counter the Soviet threat. General Vandenberg was the Air Force's first Cold War leader."
- March 6, 2012, Presidential UFO, 'Senator Goldwater Non-UFO Correspondence Posted': "According to Goldwater, LeMay became very angry [when Goldwater asked him about the Blue Room] and refused to grant him access. A strange thing about this LeMay correspondence is that there are a lot of letters from Goldwater to LeMay, but I could not find a single letter from LeMay to Goldwater. The Lear Family: The letters from Goldwater went to John Lear who played a major role in the breaking of the Area-51 story, to his father Bill Lear who John says played a role in early gravity control experiments, and John's mother Moya who made the phone call to General Doolittle to ask about MJ-12."
-, 'Mysteries & Secrets - John Lear': "In 1988, John met Bob Lazar; the scientist/physicist who worked on back-engineering of ET saucers at S-4 near the infamous Area 51. In March 1989, Lazar took Lear to a section of Rachel Nevada where they observed the flight of a flying saucer at the exact time Lazar told him it would occur. Two weeks later during more UFO spying, security forces caught Lear, Lazar and 3 others. The next day, Lazar lost his job with the Government for this breach of security. John Lear has lectured and learned incredible information about life in our Solar System; structures on the Moon; cities on Mars and huge ET ships mining the rings of Saturn, etc."
- On Coast to Coast AM in 2004: When asked whether or not a plane could have hit the Pentagon, Lear answered that such a thing would not have been possible as the ground effect should have pushed the plane back up in the air.
- March 6, 2014, Project Camelot, 'John Lear : Holograms Used in 911' (transcript of his Project Camelot interview on Youtube): "J [John Lear]: ...on ATS [Above Top Secret forum], when I first went there, one of the things I talked about was that there were no planes on 911. There were no airplanes at Shanksville... K: This is really dynamite stuff. J: There was no airplane at the Pentagon, there was no airplane at the World Trade Center and I'm telling ya, when I started talking about holographs, the dissent, I mean the crush..."
- March 24, 2012,, '9/11 Airplane Affidavit By John Lear, Son Of Learjet Inventor': "I am the son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, and hold more FAA airman certificates than any other FAA certificated airman. ... I flew secret missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1967 and 1983. ... I am a Senior Vice-Commander of the China Post 1, the American 2 Legions Post for "Soldiers of Fortune", a 24 year member of the Special Operations Association and member of ... No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors."
- March 22, 2009, Coast to Coast AM program description, 'John Lear: Secrets Revealed': "Aviator John Lear and screenwriter Gene Huff joined George Knapp to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Area 51 mystery. The duo discussed their role, alongside Bob Lazar, in bringing the Area 51 story to the world. ... Having known Bob Lazar before he became infamous for his involvement in Area 51, the pair speculated on a number of theories that have surrounded his story over the last twenty years. Regarding skeptics' claims that Lazar was unqualified for the job at Area 51, Lear theorized that perhaps stellar credentials weren't necessarily the primary factor behind his employment, rather "it was who they could probably discredit the easiest, if he said anything about it." Huff was skeptical of the idea that Lazar was a disinformation agent working for the government, saying "he would be the worst guy in the world to make up a lie and try and perpetuate a lie. He's too busy being productive doing other things.""
- May 11, 2006, Coast to Coast AM program description, 'John Lear: Secrets Revealed': "In his first interview with George Noory, retired airline pilot John Lear spoke on a variety of topics which included his experiences as a pilot, NASA's secret space missions, and life on other planets. A fourth astronaut died in the Apollo 1 fire of 1967 but the reason it wasn't made public was because he belonged to the "secret astronaut corps," Lear claimed, based on information he received from a "true insider" (now deceased). This secret program actually started going to the moon in 1962 and landed on Mars in 1966, apparently using covert antigravity technology, he continued. Publicized space missions such as the Shuttle are actually a cover-up for what is really going on, added Lear. Also kept from the public, is the fact that there is life similar to ours on most of the planets in our solar system, he declared. For instance, Mars has a population of 660 million (mostly underground) and Venus is actually "green and beautiful." Further, the sky is blue on both Mars and our Moon, Lear said. Earth, he asserted, is a "farm for harvesting souls," and when people die their souls travel to the moon where they are processed by a huge machine (likely the miles-high "glass tower" spotted by Richard C. Hoagland in NASA photos) that erases their memory and eventually sends them back to Earth to be reincarnated. Lear's controversial disclosure briefing from 2003 was replayed during the show. He now believes that MJ-12 appears to want UFO/alien disclosure to take place, but seeks to put their own less-than-truthful spin on it. "
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: June 21, 2007, July 6, 2007, July 1, 2008, October 1, 2011.
Joined the Navy in 1962. Became a naval surgeon. Retired from the Navy in 1971, but joined the Montana Army National Guard in 1973. Became a flight surgeon. State Surgeon of the State of Montana. Retired in 1996 on his 60th birthday. Recalled to active duty during the Iraq War October 2004 - December 2005.
Son of Major Jesse Marcel, who, together with Air Force counter-intelligence officer Lieutenant-Colonel Sheridan Cavitt, retrieved the Roswell "flying saucer" wreckage.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: November 4, 1997; January 5, 1998; October 4, 2004; September 12, 2007.
Recruited by NASA from the Navy in 1966. Spent 33 hours on the moon as an astronaut in 1971. Did a psychic communication experiment while located on Apollo 14.
In 1968 Mitchell apparently headed a quiet expedition of the Rockwell Corporation into the newly discovered Bimini Road in he Bahamas. Edgar Cayce followers (falsely) claimed they had discovered remnants of Atlantis here, as predicted by Cayce. Most likely concluded it was a natural formation, as Mitchell apparently never spoke about the expedition. 1992, Robert F. Marx and Jenifer Marx, 'In Quest of the Great White Gods: Contact Between the Old and New World from the Dawn of History,' pp. 252, 254: "[Cayce cultist J. Manson] Valentine and I agreed that it would be prudent to wait for government permission before doing anything, but Rebikoff was terribly impatient and made frequent trips to the sites. During one, he reported seeing a number of marble columns that some amateur divers had found in only four feet of water near Entrance Point on North Bimini Island, and we later saw these columns ourselves. In early November 1970 I was surprised to read in the newspapers that North American Rockwell Corporation, which has substantial landholdings on Bimini, had been granted exclusive exploration rights on all underwater ruins in the Bimini area. … As a result of Gifford's encouraging report [Gifford was skeptic; did expeditions in 1972 and 1979], Rockwell decided to mount a major expedition to uncover one of the walls, with astronaut Edgar Mitchell as the leader of the expedition. About twenty-five people were invited to participate, including Rebikoff and a number of psychics from the Edgar Cayce Foundation. Until just three days before the expedition was to begin, I thought I was to be in charge of the actual excavation of the wall; then my invitation was withdrawn on the pretext that there wasn't enough room on the boat. However, I discovered that in fact the Rockwell people were afraid I would publish an unfavorable account of the excavation that would make their stockholders unhappy."
Founder in 1973 and life-long executive committee member of his Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a center of Rockefeller globalism along new age principles. "Distinguished advisors" to IONS include Maurice Strong, a close friend of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds and an extreme new age United Nations fanatic. Other "distinguished advisors" include Deepak Chopra, Dr. Amit Goswami, Desmond Tutu and Russell Targ. James Garrison, Daniel Sheehan's elite-connected friend is involved with IONS, and so are many leading Coast to Coast AM guests. Dr. John Mack and Jacques Vallee have given speeches at IONS events.
- (August 15, 2014): "Board of Directors: ... Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD IONS Founder..."
- (June 12, 2010): "BOARD OF DIRECTORS ... Edgar D. Mitchell - Founder. ... INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD: ... Deepak Chopra. Amit Goswami... Michael Murphy. Dean Ornish. ... Maurice Strong. Most Reverend Desmond Tutu. IONS FELLOWS: ... Van Jones. James O'Dea. Rupert Sheldrake. Charles Tart. .... GUIDING DIRECTORS: .... Willis W. Harman, President Emeritus, 1975-1996."
- (August 15, 2014): "Distinguished Advisors [33 people listed]: ... Deepak Chopra, MD ... Amit Goswami ... Dean Ornish, MD ... Maurice Strong ... Russell Targ ... Most Reverend Desmond Tutu... [Rupert Sheldrake, PhD listed under fellows]..."
- (June 12, 2010): "BOARD OF DIRECTORS ... Edgar D. Mitchell - Founder. ... INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD: ... Deepak Chopra. Amit Goswami... Michael Murphy. Dean Ornish. ... Maurice Strong. Most Reverend Desmond Tutu. IONS FELLOWS: ... Van Jones. James O'Dea. Rupert Sheldrake. Charles Tart. .... GUIDING DIRECTORS: .... Willis W. Harman, President Emeritus, 1975-1996."
- (August 15, 2014): "Fellows: ... Rupert Sheldrake, PhD..."
Edgar Mitchell's IONS' Friendly Favors Event on June 5, 2002: Jesuit lawyer Daniel Sheehan, alien abduction researcher John Mack, and UFO cultist and MJ-12 research financier Joe Firmage give a two hour presentation together.
April 8, 1974, Vol. 1, No. 6, People magazine, 'Edgar Mitchell's Strange Voyage': "For this commendable purpose the Institute of Noetic Sciences (Mitchell coined the term "Noetic" from the Greek word for mind) was eventually founded, on a nonprofit basis. Mitchell claims a membership of 1,300, each paying $25 in annual dues. ... One project that has been occupying Mitchell is a study at the nearby Stanford Research Institute in conjunction with Uri Geller, the young (26) Israeli psychic. Geller's results at SRI in psychokinesis and telepathy (causing compass needles to swing and guessing numbers correctly) have got mixed reviews; some scientists think he is a fraud playing palpable parlor tricks. But Mitchell, a look of real anger in his face, insists that Geller's debunkers have been guilty of selecting their data to support their own skepticism. For the immediate future, Mitchell wants to set up a study to devise a theory that will scientifically explain various psi phenomena such as clairvoyance and precognition. He is interested in the idea that healing is possible with psi energy."
September 12, 2007, Edgar Mitchell on Coast to Coast AM: "While Mitchell said he found no signs of bases or artificial structures on the moon, he does believe there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that ETs have visited the Earth. He doesn't have first hand knowledge, but has heard accounts from multiple high-level sources, such as Wernher von Braun, regarding ET contacts and UFOs. Quite a few of the astronauts saw or chased UFOs in their careers as military pilots before they joined NASA, he added. Mitchell, who founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences to sponsor research into the nature of consciousness, discussed the "dyadic" model he developed, which uses energy and information as fundamental concepts in understanding consciousness. Paranormalist Uri Geller joined the conversation for a segment. He recounted the time that he and Mitchell were involved in experimental studies at SRI, and without notice three pieces from Mitchell's jewelry box (which had been lost years earlier), teleported into the room over a number of hours."
Worked with Steven Greer's Disclosure Project in the 1990s when he publicly stated that Greer was continually overreaching his data. Primarily disagreed about the moon anomalies many Disclosure Project "witnesses" talked about. In an early Disclosure Project video he stated: "Whatever activity is going on, to the extent that it is, a clandestine group, a quasi government group, a quasi private group; it is without any type - as far as I can tell - of high level government oversight."
April 1997: Greer and Edgar Mitchell brief Admiral Thomas Wilson, head of intelligence of the Joint Chiefs (and later a DIA director), on UFOs. He is given code numbers of present black programs, but is not given access. According to Greer, Wilson was told by a contractor that he had no "need to know". July 4, 2008, CNN, Edgar Mitchell at 'Larry King Live': "Well, I eventually went to the Pentagon and asked for a meeting with the Intelligence Committee of the Joint Chiefs of Staff which I got with another naval officer who had had many similar experiences and we told our story and this gentleman, a vice admiral, said to us, well, I don't know about that but I'm going to find out [if these projects [with extremely questionable names as "Royal Ops", "Cosmic Ops" and "Project Red Light", as stated by Greer] you mention exist]. And called a few weeks later and said he had found the source of the black budget funding for this project and that he was going to subsequently investigate because if it was real he should know about it, as a matter of fact, he should be in charge. Those were his words. And so we did get calls from some time later and a report much later than that that he had found the people responsible for the cover-up and for the people who were in the know and were told, 'I'm sorry, admiral, you do not have need to know here and so, goodbye.' " Members of the visiting group included Greer, Mitchell, US Naval Reserve Commander Willard H. Miller (Atlantic Command; Space Command; Honeywell; SAIC; TS-SCI clearances; member Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani [OSMTH]; deep involvement in Greer's CSETI group) and a number of other CSETI witnesses. Mitchell claimed he was informed about the admiral's efforts through a contact - not directly. Richard Dolan contacted Wilson, who confirmed the meeting took place, but got angry and hung up as soon as he realized what Dolan really called for. August 6, 2008, Herald-Tribune, 'Admiral: Never looked for UFO data': "[Adm. Wilson:] [I met with them] because he [Mitchell] was a former astronaut and maybe had more credibility than some person off the street. ... [I had] a certain amount of curiosity... What is true is that I met with them. What is not true is that I was denied access to this material, because I didn't pursue it. I may have left it open with them, but it was not especially compelling, not compelling enough to waste my staff's time to go looking for it."
- (accessed: June 22, 2000; Robert Bigelow's private psi-phenomena research team, tightly linked to Coast to Coast AM; Bigelow has funded a lot of UFO research and is very close to Colonel John Alexander): "Scientific Advisory Board & NIDS staff Science Advisory Board: Warren Burggren, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board Douglas P. Ferraro, Ph.D. Albert A. Harrison, Ph.D. Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D. Melvin Morse, M.D. Martin Piltch, Ph.D. Harold E. Puthoff, Ph.D. Theodore (Ted) Rockwell, D.Sc [Manhattan Project; technical director Naval Reactor Program that built the nuclear Navy; built the world's first atomic power station in Eisenhower's Atoms For Peace program; claims low levels of radiation is good, comparable to vaccination, exercise and red wine, and claims every ordinary person he talked to had no problem accepting this]. John F. Schuessler, M.S. Peter A. Sturrock, Ph.D. Jessica Utts, Ph.D. Jacques Vallee, Ph.D. Jim Whinnery, M.D., Ph.D. Staff: Robert T. Bigelow, President and Founder Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., Deputy Administrator, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry John B. Alexander, Ph.D., Discreet Project Scout."
October 13, 1997, Las Vegas SUN / Associated Press Phoenix, 'Astronaut Says Aliens Have Landed' (includes a partial speech of Edgar Mitchell that was held at the conference): "I also think that the prevalence in the modern era of so many events - the sightings, the continual mutilation events, the so-called abduction events - that we are looking at likely reversed engineered technology in the hands of humans that are not under government control or any type of high level control... So if there are back engineered technologies existing, they are probably in the hands of this group of individuals, formerly government, formerly perhaps intelligence, formerly, under private sector control with some sort of oversight by military or by government. But this (oversight) is likely no longer the case as a result of this access denied category that is now operating. I call it a clandestine group. The technology is not in our military arsenals anywhere in the world, but it does exist, and to me that's quite disconcerting."
2004, St. Petersburg Times, 'Astronaut: We've had visitors: The sixth man to walk on the moon shares his unconventional views': "Thus declared Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell on Saturday to more than 200 admirers. "A few insiders know the truth . . . and are studying the bodies that have been discovered," said Mitchell, who was the sixth man to walk on the moon. Mitchell, who landed on the moon with Alan B. Shepard, said a "cabal" of insiders stopped briefing presidents about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy. For those who might consider his statements farfetched, Mitchell, who has a doctorate in science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, noted that 30 years ago it was accepted that man was alone in the universe. Few people believe that now, he said. ... Raised as a Southern Baptist, Mitchell said his feeling of interconnectedness [while in space] could not be explained by traditional religion alone. He later founded the Institute of Noetic Sciences. On its Web site, the California organization says it conducts and sponsors "leading-edge research into the potentials and powers of consciousness" and that it explores "phenomena that do not necessarily fit conventional scientific models, while maintaining a commitment to scientific rigor." The site also states that IONS, as it is known by members, is not a spiritual sect, political action group or single-cause institute. Saturday afternoon, dozens of people made their way through rain to hear Mitchell and IONS president James O'Dea speak at the Heritage Holiday Inn in downtown St. Petersburg. Lisa Raphael, a member of IONS who describes herself as a transformational holistic healer, said she was pleased to hear Mitchell's comments."
Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) (Feb. 4, 2002): "(Partial Board List)1/26/02 ... President/Chair of the Board Dr. Carol Rosin [Disclosure Project] ... Director and General Counsel Daniel Sheehan [Disclosure Project], JD ... Director and Secretary-Treasurer Alfred Lambremont Webre [Disclosure Project], JD, MEd ... Advisory Board Chairman – Astronaut Dr. Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. ... Honorary Board Chair - Sir Arthur C. Clarke..." (June 7, 2007): "[also:] Brian O'Leary, Director of New Energy..."
- 2003 annual report, Threshold Foundation (part of the Soros/Rockefeller-allied Tides Foundation), p. 17: "Institue for Cooperation in Space (ICIS)/Center for Psychology And Social Change seeks to transform the war industry into a world-cooperative civil, commercial, entrepeneurial, and military space program. ICIS's initial objective is to ban space-based weaponry. This ban will awaken consciousness and stimulate a peace economy with a new marketplace of jobs and profits based on research and development of clean and safe technology, products, and services applied to solving urgent human, energy, sustainable development and environmental problems, and build a global security system using space technology to enhance world communication and information exchanges on all issues with respect to sacred life. $6,268 - general support. PO Box 398080, Cambridge, MA 02139."
September 15, 2004: Invited to speak to the Ted Shackley Chapter of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO), together with Hal Puthoff.
- During the Podesta email leaks of 2016, Edgar Mitchell was exposed as lobbying Obama administration advisor, future Hillary Clinton campaign chair, and past Clinton chief of staff John Podesta for his (bogus) UFO cause (through sClinton-Podesta assistant Eryn Sepp):
- January 16, 2015, Edgar Mitchell ( to John Podesta email, 'email for John Podesta strategy (c/o Eryn [Sepp]) from Edgar Mitchell': "Dear John [Podesta],
In learning that you will leave the Administration next month to work with Hillary Clinton, I write to suggest that Hillary talk with President Obama after Terri Mansfield and I meet with you to discuss Zero Point Energy and Disclosure.
Best regards, Edgar Edgar D. Mitchell, ScD Chief Science Officer & Founder, Quantrek. Apollo 14 astronaut. 6th man to walk on the Moon." - June 11, 2015, Edgar Mitchell ( to John Podesta email, 'email for John Podesta strategy (c/o Eryn [Sepp]) from Edgar Mitchell': "Dear John,
In ongoing requests for our Skype talk to discuss Disclosure and the difference between our contiguous universe nonviolent obedient ETI and the celestials of this universe, and because Hillary and Bill Clinton were intimates of Laurance Rockefeller who had an avid interest in ETI, I direct your attention to Scott Jones, PhD.
In Scott's book Voices From the Cosmos, he describes himself as an octogenarian in full karmic payback made following 30 years in the military, half in combat arms and half in intelligence.
He references you in his ETI matter, as well as the Catholic Church. Disclosure is now top priority for ETI itself in protection of the people. Thank you for giving me 3 dates and times when you are available to Skype with Terri Mansfield and me about Disclosure and ETI.
Best regards, Edgar. ...
PPS I am now Zero Point Energy consultant to two organizations specializing in z.p.e."
- January 16, 2015, Edgar Mitchell ( to John Podesta email, 'email for John Podesta strategy (c/o Eryn [Sepp]) from Edgar Mitchell': "Dear John [Podesta],
For more details on crop circles, see ISGP's article Behind the Crop Circle Mystery: Researchers, Skeptics and Hoaxers Secretly Cooperating? The Ultimate in CIA, MI5 and AIVD Psyops. For a list of sources related to Lucy Pringle, see ISGP's Crop Circles extra sources file.
Appearance(s): September 8, 2004; February 28, 2005; June 2, 2009; October 18, 2009; February 24, 2010; August 9, 2010; June 12, 2011; June 30, 2012; August 25, 2013; June 16, 2014;
- Mail deliverer in Hartford, Wisconsin since 1974 until the mid to late 1990s. Invented his academic credentials in this period.
- Director of Special Investigations of J. Allen Hynek's Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) from about 1985 until 1995. Continued as a regular director. Special investigator for its International UFO Reporter.
- March/April 1995, International UFO reporter, CUFOS, 'Don Schmitt, Roswell investigator, resigns from CUFOS; academic credentials misrepresented, critics say': "I have been an employee of the U.S. Postal Service since 1974. I worked part-time until 1983, when I became a full-time rural letter carrier. During all this period, I have been a freelance commercial artist. I will soon receive a Bachelor's degree from Concordia College with a major in Liberal Arts... would like to offer my sincerest apologies for any falso or misleading statements I made about my background... As a consequence, I have resigned, effective April 13, 1995, as Director of Spacial Investigations of the Center for UFO Studies. I will continue, with the support of my colleagues, as a CUFOS board member..."
- Director of the International UFO Research Museum.
- Co-authored with Kevin Randle 'UFO Crash at Roswell' (1991) and 'The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell' (1994).
- September 8, 2004, Coast to Coast AM, 'Investigating Roswell' (program summary): "The investigative team of Don Schmitt and Tom Carey shared witness accounts into various aspects of the Roswell incident as well as their experiences being involved in the archeological dig that was done in 2002 at one of the alleged UFO crash locations. Carey said that the imprints of the gouge at the dig site impressed him, though they didn't uncover any pieces of the "memory metal" (which reports say curls back into its original shape after being bent) that they consider to be the "Holy Grail of Roswell." Schmitt said the dig site was exactly where Bill Brazel (son of Mac Brazel who discovered the original crash in 1947) said it would be. Bill Brazel had collected some pieces from the crash debris, but the military pressured him to give it up, Schmitt noted. Mac Brazel's niece revealed to Carey, that Mac had described the Roswell craft survivors as "unfortunate little creatures." Others have referred to them as "little people," "white rubbery powdery figures," and having heads that resemble the insect nicknamed "Child of the Earth," [the Jerusalem Cricket] Carey added. ... Ranchers reported seeing "luminous objects" tracking the area with something akin to searchlights near the area, the night after the crash, Schmitt further detailed."
- October 18, 2009, Coast to Coast AM, 'Global Threats & Roswell Confessions' (program summary): "One witness who came forward was Sgt. Earl Fulford, who was part of the recovery team after the crash. He described picking up debris that crumpled in his hand but then returned to its original shape and size. It's possible that this material was related to an assignment Wright Patterson AFB gave to the Battelle Institute in 1948 to develop a "self-healing" metal. The special project created the new alloy "Nitinol," Schmitt detailed. He also talked about Walter Haut's deathbed statement, which he helped to elicit. Though Haut was threatened by different sources to remain quiet, he acknowledged that a temporary morgue had been set up at the Roswell base after the crash, and that he saw an egg-shaped craft and dead bodies (the size of children but with large heads) inside the 'Big hanger.'"
- August 9, 2010, Coast to Coast AM, 'Ufology's 'Majic Men'' (program summary): "Ufologists Stanton Friedman and Don Schmitt, along with Hollywood producers Bryce Zabel and Don Most, discussed the film Majic Men, which will be based on their careers as UFO investigators searching for the truth about the Roswell incident. "It's time to get the real story out there," Friedman declared."
- The panel included nuclear physicist, Stanton Friedman, Don Schmitt, Tom Carey, Kevin Randle, and Frank Kimbler. ... Friedman shared how he rekindled this case. In 1978, embarrassed for making Friedman wait for an interview, a Baton Rouge, Louisiana TV station manager gave him a tip. He told Friedman that he should contact one of his ham radio buddies for information on UFOs. This buddy turned out to be Jesse Marcel, the Air Force intelligence officer who was the first to look at the debris. He told Friedman about the strange properties of the material and that it was definitely no balloon. Friedman enlisted the help of fellow researcher, Bill Moore, and within a couple of years they had located over 60 other witnesses. This work all culminated into the book, The Roswell Incident, written by Bill Moore and Charles Berlitz, and featuring Friedman's work.
Appearance(s): June 30, 2007 (brief appearance)
- Son of Robert Shirkey, Sr., a base operations officer at Roswell who in 1989 began claiming that an alien spacecraft and alien bodies had been recovered at Roswell.
- June 30, 2007, Coast to Coast AM, Robert Shirkey, Jr. brief appearance with Tom Carey, co-author of Don Schmitt: "Well, he didn't talk about it. He was like all these other fellas: he wasn't talking until 1989 and all of a sudden it broke. I was watching televison all night and saw my dad on TV. ... He laid it out to me and told that it was him and Colonel Blanchard who watched the wreckage and what it looked like and that it was nothing that either one had ever seen before. My dad was a pilot. He just happened to be base operations officer that night. They all traded jobs, so everybody would know each other's job. He was a pilot. He just told me he saw pieces that looked like the metal beams and it had strange writing on it and none of them knew what it was and it was hieroglyphics. ... Glenn Dennis, the man that sent the caskets up to the funeral home, I've know him all my life. I was born in Roswell in 1949. He took care of the funerals of my grandparents and a lot of my relatives. Walter Haut lived along the corner of my aunt and uncle. I've know those men all my life. They were just stand up guys and they didn't all get together in a coffeeshop one afternoon and say: "Hey, let's make up a story." ... Oh, absolutely [this affidavit of Walter Haut rings true to me]. Absolutely. I mean, he was a stand up guy. None of these men were even talking [about it all these years]... Nobody ever said a word about this, until I guess Stanton Friedman and those fellas... Then the dam broke and then everybody else started coming out with their stories. ... Walter Haut and my dad were friends, good friends. And Walter had told my dad about the bodies, about what he had seen, and my dad told me about that. So I've known that since 1989."
- 1989, Recollections of Roswell video, Robert Shirkey, Sr. interview (doesn't mention alien bodies): "At any rate, I was in that operations office and Colonel Blanchard drove up and came in and asked, "Is the aircraft ready?" And I and one other fella there, who is now dead, said, "Yes, it's sitting right out front, ready to go." Then [Col. Blanchard] turns and steps back into the hallway and waved to some people outdoors still sitting in the armories. And I suspect, trying to recall now, four, five or six people. I'll say five. Doesn't really matter. But they came in the front door, straight down the hallway and right out onto the ramp to climb into the airplane. And these were the people who were carrying parts of the crashed flying saucer, at that time, UFO today, that I got to see. And that was the only thing I got to see in a very short, very quick [period]. ... I stepped up to [Col. Blanchard] and said, Colonel, turn sideways, I wanna see it too. Maybe if I hadn't said that to him and I made it obvious that I was there I would not have been shipped out two weeks later. So he turned and just looked at me and he did turn sideways so that I could half step into the doorway and watch these fellas go through and thus I saw them carrying certain pieces of this metal. [These] items. ... I heard it mention now so many times about the I-beam with markings on it and so forth. I actually saw that piece of I beam being carried through and saw the markings. But it was a case of here it was and there it went. "
Appearance(s): February 4, 2009; October 9, 2013.
Already used as a source in the mid-1980s by later Coast to Coast AM scam artists Linda Howe and John Lear on the non-existent Dulce alien base and such. The same Dulce theory was pushed by the notoriously unreliable future Coast to Coast AM guest Jim Dilettoso.
Became a witness to Steven Greer's Disclosure Project disinformation show in the late 1990s.
February 4, 2009, Coast to Coast AM show summary: "UFO researcher and former U.S. Army Sergeant, Clifford Stone spoke about his covert work with the military, helping to recover crashed discs, and communicating with ETs. In one such operation, he said his team came upon a heel-shaped craft that was embedded in the ground, and an alien, similar to what is described as a "grey," lying outside the ship. Having had ET encounters as a child, Stone said he was called upon to communicate with the captured alien being, who was being held in a military facility. The ET had chalk-like grey skin, and large black eyes with vertical slits, and the two conversed telepathically. He ended up helping the being to escape, and it was rescued by ET craft, he detailed. The military has tried to back-engineer ET craft, and between 1986-7 they got one into the air, but it crashed, he noted. 57 different alien species have been cataloged visiting our planet-- some of them so bizarre appearing that you wouldn't recognize them as life forms, while others could pass for human, he stated. They're able to travel here through wormholes, but arrive outside of our atmosphere so as not to cause disturbances such as sonic booms, Stone continued. In 2016, we'll discover that the asteroid 1991 VG is actually an alien artifact, he added. "
October 9, 2013, Coast to Coast AM show summary: "In the second hour, longtime paranormal researcher and investigator James Carman discussed his documentary The Hidden Hand (view trailer) which explores such topics as alien abduction and human/alien hybridization. The paradigm that humans are top dog on this planet is turned on its head when we have aliens not only abducting people, but taking their ova and sperm to create hybrids, he posited. Even more unsettling is the notion that the hybrids are being bred to "fold into our society," he said. Many of the abductees seem to have higher than average telepathic or psychic abilities, and the aliens may have selected them to have increased interactions with them, Carman hypothesized. For his film, he interviewed remote viewer Lyn Buchanan who said that in his RV sessions he came into contact with three different ET races. Buchanan also theorized that alien implants might be the result of instruments breaking off when abductees try to fend off the ETs during experiments. The third hour featured two other people interviewed in the The Hidden Hand documentary. First, retired Army sergeant Clifford Stone talked about his some of his ET encounters-- some of the beings appear human-like, while others are composed of just pure energy, and some are so advanced they are actually "1-2 billion years ahead of us," he detailed. Stone revealed that he helped a "grey" alien escape and get back to his ship. Abductee Joni Strother described her traumatic encounters with the aliens, whom she views as sinister entities. Over the years, she believes she's mothered five hybrid children and during a recent abduction she was shown a hybrid camp being guarded by soldiers. There were some 500 hybrids there, and in her interactions with them, they inquired about basic skills such as personal hygiene and how to cook."
Appearance(s): December 16, 2007.
- Early Rense appearances of Daniel Sheehan: July 10 and July 15, 2000 ("The Carter UFO Revelations")
November 17, 2014, Daniel Sheehan speech at the Santa Cruz Free University, 'The Role of the Public Intellectual': "In fact, I was in special forces back in 1963-1965 and we were out of Fort Bragg, oh sorry, we were at Fort Devons, and Captain Campbell came in... " Don't take anything in this speech seriously. It's either very superficial or made up.
In 1980 co-founded the Christic Institute with James Garrison, financed by Hillary Clinton's New World Foundation, which is based on the Reynolds fortune and allied with the Ford and Rockefeller foundations. Exposed the Iran-Contra drug trafficking scandal for State Department friends George Shultz and John C. Whitehead, as well as secretary of defense Caspar W. Weinberger. William Casey and conservative McCarthyites, as well as CIA friens as Ted Shackley, had become too influential on Reagan at the time. In addition, Garrison was close to Condoleezza Rice.
- 1998, David Brock, 'The Seduction of Hillary Rodham', pp. 111-113, 180: "When Hillary's term on the LSC board expired in 1982, the strenghted her ties to East Coast activist circles by joining the board of the New World Foundation, considered one of the nation's most left-leaning philanthropies. ... That group monitored alleged FBI abuses of the U.S. Communist Party and the Black Panthers. ... During Hillary's tenure, which lasted from 1982 through 1988 and included stints as vice chair and chair of the board of directors, the organization sharpened its focus on political activism. ... The foundation supported the Christic Institute, which spent hundreds of thousands of dollars bringing charges against supporters of the Nicaraguan Contras... Edelman's husband Peter was a member of the New World's board, as was Democratic lawyer Vernon Jordan [p. 113]."
- Sheehan's more recent Paradigm Research Group / Romero Institute has received major financing of the Rockefeller-allied Tides Foundation. Tides Foundation grants to Daniel Sheehan's Romero Institute (formerly the Christic Institute): "- [2004:] Romero Institute. $75,000.00. UNITED STATES.
- [2005:] Romero Institute. $35,000.00. UNITED STATES.
- [2006:] Romero Institute. $82,500.00. UNITED STATES.
- [2007:] Romero Institute. $109,000.00. U.S.A.
- [2008:] Romero Institute. $150,000.00. U.S.A.
- [2011:] Romero Institute. 25000. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
- [2012:] Romero Institute. 35000. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
- [2013:] Romero Institute. $20,000.00. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Romero Institute. $25,000.00. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."
Total: $556,500 in the 2004-2013 period. -
Lawyer to the New York Times at the time of the release of the Pentagon Papers. Chief counsel for the Jesuit national headquarters in the United States since 1987.
- December 16, 2007, Coast to Coast AM: "As a special consultant for the Jesuit office in 1977, [Daniel] Sheehan said he investigated classified UFO files. He was allowed to view microfiche images at the Library of Congress and described seeing a photo of a crashed saucer-shaped disc stuck in a snowy mudbank. The craft was surrounded by Air Force personnel and had symbols etched on the bottom of its protruding dome. He said he projected the microfiche onto his pad and made a tracing of the symbols."
He and Garrison set up the State of the World Forum in 1994. Visitors and financiers included David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, George Shultz, Ruud Lubbers and Warren Buffett. Also present at the rather new agy conferences were spiritual guru Deepak Chopra, bogus alien abduction researcher John Mack, Harvard LSD pioneer turned Hindu guru Ram Dass (Dr. Richard Alpert), Sam Keen and Thicht Nhat Hanh. For articles on the State of the World Forum, go to ISGP's "liberal CIA" oversight.
Lawyer for John Mack in 1995 when Harvard tried to fire him after publishing his rather questionable book 'Abductions: Human Encounters with Aliens'.
Edgar Mitchell's IONS' Friendly Favors Event on June 5, 2002: Jesuit lawyer Daniel Sheehan, alien abduction researcher John Mack, and UFO cultist and MJ-12 research financier Joe Firmage give a two hour presentation together.
Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ISCOS) (Feb. 4, 2002): "(Partial Board List)1/26/02 ... President/Chair of the Board Dr. Carol Rosin ... Director and General Counsel Daniel Sheehan, JD ... Director and Secretary-Treasurer Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd ... Advisory Board Chairman – Astronaut Dr. Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. ... Honorary Board Chair - Sir Arthur C. Clarke..." (June 7, 2007): "[also:] Brian O'Leary, Director of New Energy..."
- 2003 annual report, Threshold Foundation (part of the Soros/Rockefeller-allied Tides Foundation), p. 17: "Institue for Cooperation in Space (ICIS)/Center for Psychology And Social Change seeks to transform the war industry into a world-cooperative civil, commercial, entrepeneurial, and military space program. ICIS's initial objective is to ban space-based weaponry. This ban will awaken consciousness and stimulate a peace economy with a new marketplace of jobs and profits based on research and development of clean and safe technology, products, and services applied to solving urgent human, energy, sustainable development and environmental problems, and build a global security system using space technology to enhance world communication and information exchanges on all issues with respect to sacred life. $6,268 - general support. PO Box 398080, Cambridge, MA 02139."
Lawyer to Steven Greer's Disclosure Project.
Appearance(s): Visited in the 1990s. was removed from the Wayback archive two weeks after the initial publication of this article, so I can't figure out the exact date at this point. Remember seeing his name. However, Art confirmed he invited Stevens in a reaction to Stevens' obituary in 2010.
September 7, 2010, Antonio Huneeus for, 'Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) Wendelle C. Stevens passes at 87': "Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) Wendelle C. Stevens was one of the world's best known UFO researchers. Born in 1923 in Round Prairie, Minn., he enlisted in 1941 in the US Army and was transferred to the Air Corps in1942. He served in the Pacific Theater during World War II and subsequently in a classified project in Alaska to photograph and map the Arctic land and sea area, where the data collecting equipment onboard B-29s detected UFOs. Stevens also served as US Air Attaché in South America. He retired from the USAF in 1963 and worked for Hamilton Aircraft until 1972. Wendelle Stevens was actively involved in ufology for 54 years, first as Director of Investigations for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in Tucson, Ariz., where he retired. He amassed one of the largest collections of UFO photos and investigated a number of contact cases, published in more than 22 books. His most famous one was the Billy Meier case in Switzerland."
Reaction to the above article: "Art Bell September 11, 2010 at 6:07 am So sorry. I had a couple of chances to Interview him on Coast, he will indeed be missed. Art."
September 7, 2010, Antonio Huneeus for, 'Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) Wendelle C. Stevens passes at 87', 'About Antonio Huneeus': "Open Minds Investigative Reporter J. Antonio Huneeus has covered the UFO field from an international perspective for over 30 years. His articles have appeared in dozens of publications in the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Japan. He was also the co-author of the Laurance Rockefeller-funded "UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence" and edited the book "A Study Guide to UFOs, Psychic & Paranormal Phenomena in the USSR." Huneeus studied French at the Sorbonne University in Paris and Journalism at the University of Chile in Santiago in the 1970s. He has lectured at dozens of UFO Conferences all over the world and been interviewed by many media outlets including The Washington Post, the Sy-Fy and History Channels, Nippon-TV, etc. He received the "Ufologist of the Year" award at the National UFO Conference in Miami Beach in 1990 and the "Courage in Journalism" award at the X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in 2007."
Deeply involved in studying the Billy Meier case in Switzerland in the late 1970s and early 1980s. In 1977 Jim Dilettoso (C2C) was recruited by retired Air Force Colonel Wendelle Stevens to do photo analyses on the Billy Meier UFO/Pleiadian case.
Founding director of the International UFO Congress in 1991. January 31, 2000, Jim Dilettoso for his, 'What happens when Omnec Onec, the woman from Venus, meets Scarface?': "The first International UFO Congress convened in Tucson, Arizona, in November 1991, in the presence of presenters Valery Uvarov and Marina Popovich from Russia; Irina Gracchi from Brazil; Anthony Dodd from England; and Omnec Onec from Venus. A standup survey of the 300-or-so attendees would attest to the fact that Omnec stood out from all other presenters. ... Omnec looked 35 but said she was 439. She said she had solved the interplanetary transportation problem as simply as she had solved the planetary surface temperature problem. She so eloquently explained how she merely hyper-jumped dimensions. And everyone there understood. No one ever understands Stanton Friedman's explanations about time-travel physics, but everyone understood Omnec, at least the interdimensional things." Having seen a tape of this meeting, it is utterly ridiculous. "Omnec Onec" is completely dressed in a cheap silver suit, with Dilettoso, who is introducing her, at some point asking if Onec also makes her own shoes. It's a total comedy show.
April 21, 1993, Phoenix New Times, 'High-Tech's missing link': "[Dilettoso] worked for NASA out of a Phoenix office, and claims to have worked on top-secret projects for the agency out of Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in Pasadena. Other former NASA employees have confirmed that claim, but calls to JPL to verify it sound like Monty Python routines: "Who do you think he is? Do you think he's telling the truth? I'm not going to tell you..." ... "He's fun to be around," says Michael Malin, a NASA scientist whom Dilettoso consulted while analyzing photographs of UFOs . "He's not at all crazy, but about half of what he says is bullshit and half of it is probably not far from the truth. The problem is trying to figure out which is which. He does tend to get involved in more fanciful notions than you or I." The cast of characters that wander in and out of his home and his studio are equally peculiar: a retired Air Force colonel [Wendelle Stevens] who has the walk and affect of a spook; a blind TV director who has a show about UFOs. Jeff Harris, chief sound engineer for a major Hollywood recording studio, recalls going to Dilettoso's ranch to meet a former Navy SEAL who claimed he had guarded alien spacecraft. "When I got there, the man had his ear pressed up against the wall to hear if anyone was coming. He had weapons strapped all up and down his legs," Harris says. "Dilettoso keeps current with every government conspiracy to cover up UFO research that "would change the meaning of life." His girlfriend, Susan Gordon, claims to he a UFO contactee and lectures nationwide as to whether extraterrestrials are really angels."
January 31, 2000, Jim Dilettoso for his "The first International UFO Congress convened in Tucson, Arizona, in November 1991, in the presence of... Omnec Onec from Venus... Omnec looked 35 but said she was 439... Since I was one of the event promoters, it was only fitting that Wendelle Stevens's grandson Gem Cox (a former Navy sub-nuclear generator expert) and I would get the grand interview at my Flying Heart Ranch in Paradise Valley, Arizona. 80 acres of inspiration and paradise... John Conner was also staying (Shall I say hiding out?) at the ranch. Were it not for the diagonal 10-inch scar across his strikingly handsome face, one would never suspect that he was an AWOL Navy Seal, harboring the darkest secrets of Dulce and Area 51. He had been at my place for a few weeks already, and it was getting hot. He had photographs and videos of aliens working with military personnel. He had pictures of Bush and Cheney visiting the lower levels of Area 51, where he was a security officer - until they murdered his friend. So he said. To top it off, Conner vowed he was going to blow the whistle." "Witnessing all of this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... When Conner and I spoke, which was usually about 8 p.m., we talked about the evidence he had from Area 51, proving that the highest levels of personnel in our government regularly came to visit the joint alien-U.S. military research lab. He said that aliens were working side-by-side with our scientists on flying machines, generators, genetic engineering, and more. And he had pictures and video. Omnec said it was all nonsense. Conner said she was a kook. ... On Thanksgiving, we went out for dinner at my brother.s restaurant. Conner agreed to come with us, and this was first time he was leaving the ranch since he arrived. I locked the gate and we drove down the road. When we returned, I opened the gate, which had a plastic-bag pinned to it. Inside the house, when I opened the bag and found a severed female finger and a note, I knew it was time for Conner to leave. For some reason, Omnec left the same night."
February 19, 2011 Youtube upload, 'S4 Info V1 - Area 51 Guard's Firsthand Account of Captured UFOs and Aliens', Colonel Wendelle Stevens footage (explains the Navy Seal first contacted him and that he hid this "Connor O'Ryan" at Dilettoso's ranch).
Reminiscent of the Billy Meier case, Wendelle Stevens has been photographed with the Dutchman Stefan Denaerde, who in 1969 had his book 'Buitenaardse Beschaving' ('Alien Civilization') published, which spawned a minor cult following. Allegedly Denaerde stumbled across a flying saucer largely sitting underwater. The aliens, who came from the planet "Iarga", subsequently kept communicating with him and taught him everything about life and the universe. Another Dutch UFO cultist, Ans Hoornweg, has maintained a creepy doll collection of different aliens, among them the ones of Denaerde. November 5, 2014, private email conversation: "By the way, once met the Das brothers. My father did some work with Rudolf Das at one point. Asked about Steven Denaerde at that point. Rudolf then said: "That's absolutely true!" ... Yeah, at one point Rudolf Das was sent to Moscow to draw the Kremlin."
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: November 7, 2007; November 18, 2012
- Summary of Rendlesham event: In the night of December 26, 1980, around 3:00 a.m. U.S. guards of the U.K.-based U.S. SAC base Bentwaters observed a number of unusual lights in the nearby Rendlesham forest: blue, red, orange and white. Three of the guards - John Burroughs, Ed Cabansag and Jim Penniston - went out to investigate these lights. Master-Sergeant J. D. Chandler stayed back at the car and served as a relay between the guards and Central Security Control (CSC) at Bentwaters. The reports they filed afterwards, differ quite a bit on crucial details.
What they all agree on is that they stumbled across a brightly-lit farmhouse that explained some of the white light. Burroughs and Cabansag explain they had also been observing the Orford Ness lighthouse located far behind the forest.
Cabansag and CSC officer Lieutenant Fred A. Buran agree that they were misdirected by the lighthouse. - Has appeared more often on Rense. For example: February 17, 2004; March 11, 2004 ("X-Ray Diffraction Tests Of Crop Circle Soil"); May 10, 2004 ("World Exclusive Photo Of Tall Grey?").
- Part of BLT Foundation, which stands for Burk, Levengood, Talbott. ...
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: November 7, 2007
- ....
- Has appeared more often on Rense. For example: February 17, 2004; March 11, 2004 ("X-Ray Diffraction Tests Of Crop Circle Soil"); May 10, 2004 ("World Exclusive Photo Of Tall Grey?").
- Part of BLT Foundation, which stands for Burk, Levengood, Talbott. ...
Appearance(s): December 26, 2010.
For more details on crop circles, see ISGP's article Behind the Crop Circle Mystery: Researchers, Skeptics and Hoaxers Secretly Cooperating? The Ultimate in CIA, MI5 and AIVD Psyops. For a list of sources related to Dan Smith, see ISGP's Crop Circles extra sources file.
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: July 23, 1999; January 17, 2015. Her mentor, W.C. Levengood, has never appeared.
For more details on crop circles, see ISGP's article Behind the Crop Circle Mystery: Researchers, Skeptics and Hoaxers Secretly Cooperating? The Ultimate in CIA, MI5 and AIVD Psyops. For a list of sources related to Nancy Talbott, see ISGP's Crop Circles extra sources file.
Robert and Ryan Wood first appeared on Coast to Coast in 1998. Since 2002 they have appeared about a dozen times on the air, usually separate.
Dr. Robert Wood was an old employee of McDonnell Douglas, controlled by Laurance Rockefeller and his old Princeton friend James S. McDonnell. Got involved with spoon bending parties, FUFOR, fake MJ-12 documents and apparently also Psi Tech. Colonel John Alexander was involved with the spoon bending parties and Psi Tech. Most well known for the site, where numerous clearly fake MJ-12 documents are listed as most likely genuine.
February 20, 1992, Robert J. Durant, 'Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?': "Schuessler is a senior executive with McDonnell Douglas, a major defense and aerospace firm. The McDonnell Foundation [McDonnell Douglas was built up with help of Laurance Rockefeller] has been a consistent major source of funding for psi research. The McDonnell Douglas Huntington Beach, California facility employs two publicly known anomalies researchers, Jack Houck and Dr. Robert Wood. Houck has conducted hundreds of sessions instructing people on how to bend metal using psychic means (a number of parapsychologists have found his demonstrations unconvincing). He has also conducted similar exercises in remote viewing. Houck has a long list of publications in the psi field, but his connection with McDonnell Douglas is virtually never mentioned. Dr. Robert Wood has written on the UFO phenomenon and is known to have monitored the field of parapsychology."
2001, George Hansen, 'The Trickster and the Paranormal', pp. 170, 451: "I suggest that it was no coincidence that within a year of its appearance in the news, all figures publicly associated with Psi Tech had marital difficulties and were either divorced or separated (Stubblebine, Dames, Morehouse, John B. Alexander, member of the Board, and Ryan Wood, sales executive.) ... Ryan Wood is the son of McDonnell Douglas physicist Dr. Robert M. Wood. Robert Wood is known for his interest in UFOs, and he was the boss of Jack Houck, who in the 1980s popularized metal-bending PK parties. A number of military personnel, including Alexander and Stubblebine, attended those parties, and Alexander later organized parties himself (In 1982 I assisted both Houck and Alexander in organizing parties). Stubblebine was excited by the possibilities of psychic metal bending and became a vocal supporter of it; he subsequently was sometimes referred to as General Spoon-bender. Robert and Ryan Wood later became notorious for touting some ludicrous UFO documents which suggested, among other things, that Albert Einstein, Robert Oppenheimer, and J. Edgar Hoover were killed because of their knowledge and involvement with UFOs."
July 12, 2004, Washington Post, 'Laurance Rockefeller Dies at 94': "With commercial air travel still a gamble in the late 1930s, Mr. Rockefeller gave key financial backing to Eddie Rickenbacker [America First Committee; Wackenhut; surrounded by John Birchers], the World War I ace who became chief of Eastern Airlines. Mr. Rockefeller became one of the airline's largest stockholders. A meeting with J.S. McDonnell Jr., the St. Louis aircraft engineer and designer, led to an infusion of cash that created McDonnell Aircraft Corp., one of the most important military contractors in the aftermath of World War II. Mr. Rockefeller was a director at McDonnell Aircraft but gradually reduced his role there to help smaller concerns, such as Reaction Motors in New Jersey, which built the Viking Rocket. He invested heavily in firms researching supersonic engineering. And one of his investment partnerships in the late 1960s, Venrock Associates, provided early funding for computer companies Intel and Apple."
Steven Greer has made a number of references of Laurance Rockefeller being associated with James S. McDonnell: "[Hillary Clinton:] This is too dangerous. We don't want to hear any more. And Laurance really wanted to get this fixed, but he got surrounded by these people of the CIA that took all of his money and flushed it down the toilet. He went to Princeton with McDonnell, old man McDonnell, of McDonnell Douglas Aerospace."
April 3, 1999 forum post: "UFO Research Personalities Bob Wood (Psi-Tech co-founder), his son Ryan Wood, Dr. James Harder, Psi-Tech co-founder Ron Blackburn, J. Allen Hynek associate Fred Beckman (Jacques Vallee's mentor), "UFOLOGY" author James McCampbell & former USWeb CEO Joe Firmage will be on hand April 18, 1999 for a special MUFON Field Investigator Training Seminar."
May 6, 1999, John Shirley, The Skeptical Believer column: "[This event is about] a San Francisco MUFON-sponsored Tim Cooper/MJ-12 & Joe Firmage "The Truth" symposium along with Joe Firmage and Bob and Ryan Wood. ... I did hear Firmage's digital-slide-show presentation and talk in full ... Firmage hailed the new MJ-12 documents as authentic and has endorsed them at his UFO related site, a site which is humbly entitled "THE TRUTH" ... It was a relevant question, I said, whether or not the wealthy Mr Firmage had paid either Robert and Ryan Wood for their work on these documents, or Cooper for access to them. Firmage is certainly closely involved in the promotion of the documents. How much money has changed hands? The Woods did not answer this question. It remains open. It remains relevant."
- (accessed: February 9, 1999): "Robert Wood: Affiliation: FUFOR·(board·member), MUFON·(1), SSE·(Council·Member) Supported By: Stanton Friedman·(2), Joe Firmage·(3)"
The wealthy mormon Joe Firmage was on Coast to Coast AM at least three times in 1999. His story is quite well-known. Less well-known is that there are strong indications that it was his money that was used to finance the research of Robert and Ryan Wood on the UFO-related Majestic 12 documents. Robert and Ryan Wood maintain the website. It's clearly bogus research. One example would be that they give a particular document three stars, even though it lists AIDS as retrovirus. The whole concept of retroviruses was only understood in the late 1970s, a few years before the outbreak of the first really deadly retro-virus: HIV/AIDS, as well as the first releases of the MJ-12 documents. Robert and Ryan Wood first appeared on Coast to Coast in 1998. Since 2002 they have apeared about a dozen times on the air, usually separate.
Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was ran by the Bechtel family with almost every other director, at least in the 1970s and 1980s, visiting the Bohemian Grove. Many members of the international advisory board were also members of the elite 1001 Club, which, again, the Bechtels. The remote viewing project began with the CIA, but quickly ended up in the hands of SRI and the DIA. Numerous employees of SRI in the remote viewing program and related projects ended up at Coast to Coast AM in the 1990s, spilling nonsense ideas about Atlantis, aliens and related subjects.
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): August 9, 2000; July 27, 2003
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Raised in a spiritually oriented family environment, Skip Atwater's childhood was filled with extraordinary psychic experiences. As a young adult he was guided from within to a career as a counterspy during the cold-war era where he used his natural psychic aptitude as a U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent. He played a key role in the remote viewing intelligence program now known to world by the code name STAR GATE. After retiring from the Army, Skip became Research Director at The Monroe Institute. Since then he has published technical research on methods for expanding consciousness, authored the inspirational book, Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul, and assisted hundreds of individuals in experiencing and exploring expanded states of consciousness. Skip is also the current president of the International Remote Viewing Association (IRVA), which was organized by scientists and academicians involved in remote viewing together with veterans of the now declassified STAR GATE program."
- International Remote Viewing Association: (accessed: May 21, 2016): "
- Sept 1977: US Army's remote viewing program GONDOLA WISH is extablished by Lt. F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater at the direction of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson.
- 13 July 1978: GONDOLA WISH name is changed to GRILL FLAME.
- Oct 1978: US Army's INSCOM is tasked by the ACSI with developing a parapsychology program.
- Dec 78 - Jan 79: Selection of remote viewers for GRILL FLAME. Mel Riley, Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, and three others are included. ...
- Dec 1987: F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater departs the Ft. Meade RV unit on retirement leave." - November 28, 2005, Cassandra 'Sandy' Frost for, 'Remote Viewing Underground UFO Bases': "[Skip] Atwater is the author of 'Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul' and is an internationally acclaimed speaker. He was personally hired by Robert Monroe in June, 1988 and he currently works as the Research Director for the Monroe Institute: ... Atwater not only worked with Robert Monroe to develop his training program, he also co-operated with Targ and Puthoff at SRI and learned of a viewer named Pat Price. ... Price believed that ET's had established four underground bases, had remote viewed them and provided Puthoff with descriptions of their locations and functions. ... Puthoff passed the same folder on to Atwater in the early '80's, saying 'You might be interested in this.' ... Price's report stated that the bases primary purpose was to 'reinforce B.T.L. implants, transport of new recruits and overall monitoring function.' Today, Atwater has no idea what B.T.L. implants are and to his knowledge, no one has remote viewed this term. ... Price also reported that the base inhabitants looked like us, homosapiens, except for the heart, lungs, blood and eyes. He reported that the sites were highly protected from discovery, mutually supportive, and had very high technology. He also noted that they used 'thought transfer for motor control of us.' ...
So where are these bases? The first is at Mt. Perdido is in the Pyrnees Mountains, between France and Spain. 'A famous set of caves in the Pyrenees have ancient drawings of ancient astronauts and flying spacecraft,' Atwater explained. 'And there have been a number of sightings here.' ... Mt. Perdido, aka Mt. Perdu, is 3,352 m, 11,007 ft. high and is the third highest mountain in the Pyrenees. ... Price's next underground base location is Mt. Inyangani, the highest mountain (2,592 m, 8,503 ft) in Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, Africa. ... The next site is at Mt. Hayes, Alaska. It appears to be a weather and geological center and has similar security measures to prevent discovery. ... Atwater suggested that if a probe was launched over this part of Alaska, that it might be interfered in some way, to prevent detection of the Mt. Hayes base. 'It comes to mind that these 'people' have infiltrated all government in sensitive positions, not to control government, the processes or people, but rather to be in positions of power to stop politically any activity that may produce a result that could cause discovery.' ... The fourth site is Mt. Ziel, a personnel center, in Australia's Northern Territory. 'It is interesting that this unit appears to have the most personnel. There are personnel from the other three sites here, like a rest and recreation area.' For a few moments, Price felt slightly disoriented and decided they had detected him so he led them to Melbourne. Price returned to the site and saw vehicles from the other bases, with each having different ID marks that correspond to each site's different functions. 'Mt. Ziel had personnel for all bases and is the homosapiens introduction point.' he observed. ...
Atwater looked at Price's data and asked 'Is any of this true?' After reviewing the file, Atwater conferred with Puthoff. Puthoff told Atwater that a colleague of his knew northern Australia's CIA station chief and had decided to call him and ask what was going on. The colleague called and asked 'Hey, is there anything unusual going on down there?' The station chief answered 'No, this is a dead assignment, nothing is going on other than all those UFO's flying around Mt. Ziel.' Atwater now oversaw a cadre of skilled remote viewers and needed challenge targets. In 1982, he pulled Puthoff's file from his drawer and thought 'Here are some interesting targets to look at. What would happen if I used these as training targets? If they tell me that there is UFO stuff there, it will corroborate what Pat Price said.'
In July, 1982, Atwater gave Joe McMoneagle a challenge target of Mt. Hayes. 'I've never seen anything like it' he began. 'It's like walking into a place I have no familiarity with at all. It's not just something you describe. It's all brand new. There's a desolate open range of mountains.' McMoneagle perceived a mountainous location with underground tubes and tunnels and ball shaped objects. 'The whole thing is underground and is powered by like an atomic power plant. I have seen something and don't have the rudimentary terms to describe it,' McMoneagle continued. According to McMoneagle 'This is a prototype of something. I don't get an aggressive nature to this target. I don't sense the presence of individuals at the target.' McMoneagle went on to draw some radio type of intercept things. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program HAARP Array is about 100 miles SE of Mt. Hayes. 'If you ask Joe McMoneagle today about the Mt. Hayes site,' Atwater explained 'he'll say it was more like a radio site or something that NSA would put up there and that he doesn't remember anything about UFOs, so we have an interesting dilemma.' 'All of the drawings and comments support a number of probable possibilities,' McMoneagle said. 'One is underground UFO Bases. The other is an Over-the-Horizon Radar site. Another would be some other form of system like the HAARP which is still classified.' ...
'When I saw Mel [Riley]'s drawing [of the Mount Hayes facility],' Atwater said 'it reminded me of the oscilloscope description given by Pat Price, his idea of some sort of a round sort of screen you might watch signals on.' Atwater concludes 'The two viewings above are part of others that appear to confirm the existence of these bases. These sites are described as protected from discovery, mutually supportive in purpose, and of very high technology. The later data reports the site's purpose as benign and involving precise observation, location, relay, and perhaps some navigational use. These data also indicate that the sites may not always be occupied and may be somehow connected with a deep space object.' 'So it's entirely possible that some sort of extraterrestrial civilization checks in every now and then but does not man a 24/7 kind of a crew. It's a possibility.'"
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): February 11, 2004; October 3, 2004; June 27, 2007.
- 1924-2013. Began his career as an interrogation specialist for the Army Counter-Intelligence Corps and then the CIA immediately after WWII, specializing in "hypno- and narco-interrogation". Founder of the CIA's polygraph unit. Chairman of the Research and Instrument Committee of the Academy for Scientific Interrogation. Director of the Backster School of Lie Detection in San Diego, California and was a polygraph instructor before his experiments on plants.
- Came up with the "Backster effect" in February 1966 after attaching polygraph electrodes to plant leaves, claiming he could register a change in electrical resistance when the plant was harmed or even threatened with harm. The scientific community has completely failed to replicate the effect, but Backster kept talking about it. His claims were even used to make an episode of Discovery Channel's Mythbusters.
- June 2013, New York Times Magazine, 'Cleve Backster: He talked to plants. And they talked back.': "Grover Cleveland Backster Jr. could always spot a liar. As he liked to tell it, he served in the Navy during World War II, but his interest in deception soon led him to the Army Counter-Intelligence Corps, where he specialized in hypno- and narco-interrogation — a.k.a. "truth serums." Then, in 1948, he joined the C.I.A., where, he claimed, he founded the agency's polygraph program.
A decade later, Backster moved to New York and then opened the Backster School of Lie Detection, where he taught N.Y.P.D. detectives and F.B.I. agents. He testified in courtrooms and before Congress, and his famed Backster Zone Comparison Technique — a methodology for conducting polygraphs — is still widely used. Backster's success made him a law-enforcement legend, but he was always happier proving people innocent. "I like to think of the polygraph," he once said, "as a truth detector."
But this was all a prelude to Backster's real life's work, which began in the early morning hours of Feb. 2, 1966. ... Backster, who had a playful streak that belied his military background (he studied astrology, dabbled with LSD and supposedly spent a summer as a stunt diver in a circus), decided to hook the plant up to his lie-detection machine.
In human subjects, a polygraph measures three things: pulse, respiration rate and galvanic skin response, otherwise known as perspiration. If you're worried about being caught in a lie, your levels will spike or dip. Backster wanted to induce a similar anxiety in the plant, so he decided to set one of its leaves on fire. But before he could even get a match, the polygraph registered an intense reaction on the part of the Dracaena. To Backster, the implication was as indisputable as it was unbelievable. Not only had the plant demonstrated fear — it had also read his mind. ...
Backster was interviewed by Johnny Carson, Art Linkletter, Merv Griffin and David Frost. Even Backster's old employers at the C.I.A. investigated the possibility of human-plant communication. ...
Scientists, however, were less convinced. No one could reproduce Backster's results — a problem Backster explained away with a variety of post-hoc qualifiers. (A lettuce leaf didn't respond to harmful stimuli? It probably shut down to protect itself.) As a result, Backster mainly worked outside the establishment, publishing his findings in outlets like The International Journal of Parapsychology, Volume X. And yet — publicly, at least — his faith never wavered."
- June 2013, New York Times Magazine, 'Cleve Backster: He talked to plants. And they talked back.': "Grover Cleveland Backster Jr. could always spot a liar. As he liked to tell it, he served in the Navy during World War II, but his interest in deception soon led him to the Army Counter-Intelligence Corps, where he specialized in hypno- and narco-interrogation — a.k.a. "truth serums." Then, in 1948, he joined the C.I.A., where, he claimed, he founded the agency's polygraph program.
- Backster termed the plants' sensitivity to thoughts "Primary Perception", and published his findings from the experiments in the International Journal of Parapsychology in 1968. Soviet scientists invited Backster to the first Psychotronic Association conference in Prague in 1973 and his paper was entitled "Evidence of Primary Perception at a Cellular Level in Plant and Animal Life". After 1973, he further experimented on yoghurt bacteria, eggs and human sperm and he claimed his results showed "primary perception" could be measured in all living things.
- By September 1971 Backster was performing PK experiments with Ingo Swann. Soon after he introduced Swann to Hal Puthoff of SRI, where Swann was recruited as the first remote viewer in the CIA-SRI Project Scannate. This network of remote viewers later all began making extreme claims surrounding Atlantis, the Great Pyramid and Sphinx having been built with anti-gravity technology, and alien Moon and Mars bases. All of them also ended up on Coast to Coast AM.
- International Remote Viewing Association: (accessed: May 21, 2016): "
- Sept 1971: Ingo Swann begins PK research with Cleve Backster. ...
- March 1972: Cleve Backster shows Swann a letter from Dr. Hal Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute. Swann and Puthoff communicate. ...
- Aug 1972: Under Puthoff's supervision, CIA representatives conduct first evaluation trials with Swann. Russell Targ visits Puthoff at SRI.
- 1 Oct 1972: CIA awards SRI $50K exploratory contract."
- International Remote Viewing Association: (accessed: May 21, 2016): "
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Cleve Backster is the founder of the Backster Research Foundation and currently teaches at the Backster School of Lie-Detection. He is also on the teaching faculty at the California Institute for Human Science and serves on the advisory board at the Institute of HeartMath. Cleve is an international speaker on the subject of Biocommunication and has been a professional observer of human psycho-physiological tracings since 1948. Since 1966, Cleve has conducted extensive research related to observed electrical responses in plant life and at a cellular level in other living organisms. His research into what has been called "The Backster Effect" has attracted world-wide attention."
- Cleve Backster has also appeared on the Jeff Rense radio program.
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): March 25, 1997; August 27, 1997; January 10, 2004; February 6, 2014; January 11, 2015
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Lyn Buchanan was one of the U.S. Military's Controlled Remote Viewers from 1984 through 1992. During that time he worked first as a viewer and then as a Database Manager, Trainer, Training Officer, and Property Book Officer. Upon retirement, he worked as a computer systems analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency. He then began his own computer data analysis company called Problems Solutions Innovations. When the CIA declassified the existence of the military's remote viewing effort in 1994, it became public knowledge that Lyn had been the unit's trainer, and he was quickly overwhelmed with applications for training.
About this time, he started the Assigned Witness Program, which uses trained and experienced Controlled Remote Viewers to do pro bono remote viewing work for police and other public service organizations. The original intent of the program was to help police find missing children. However as cases met with success, the various departments and agencies began to enlist the remote viewers in other projects.
Presently, Problems Solutions Innovations continues to work with both public service agencies and the corporate world to train and make use of talented and qualified Controlled Remote Viewers. Lyn has written about his experiences and what he learned about the human mind in a book entitled "The Seventh Sense". " - International Remote Viewing Association: (accessed: May 21, 2016): "
- Sept 1977: US Army's remote viewing program GONDOLA WISH is extablished by Lt. F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater at the direction of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson.
- 13 July 1978: GONDOLA WISH name is changed to GRILL FLAME.
- Oct 1978: US Army's INSCOM is tasked by the ACSI with developing a parapsychology program.
- Dec 78 - Jan 79: Selection of remote viewers for GRILL FLAME. Mel Riley, Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, and three others are included. ...
- 1981-82: Puthoff and Swann develop coordinate remote viewing (CRV) architecture. ...
- Apr 1984: Lyn Buchanan joins the Ft. Meade RV unit.
- Sept 1984: Joe McMoneagle retires from the Ft. Meade RV unit.
- July 1984: Brig. Gen Harry Soyster replaces Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine as Commander, INSCOM." - February 6, 2014, Coast to Coast AM: "In the latter half, paranormal researcher and investigator James Carman along with remote viewer and PK expert Lyn Buchanan addressed such topics as ET contacts and abductions, MILAB operations, the government cover-up, and remote viewing. ... Buchanan, an ET abductee himself, described an experience 35-40 years ago when he was a Methodist minister in Texas and was taken aboard a ship and communicated with a "grey" UFO pilot. He learned he was on a kind of medical unit, and the ETs used humans to produce antibodies. Years later, when Buchanan worked in black military projects, he was asked to write a paper assessing the ability of ETs. He delineated four different types of aliens-- friendly + psychic (want humans to develop further), friendly not psychic (come here for trade), unfriendly + psychic (want humans wiped out), unfriendly not psychic (tend not to visit Earth)."
- May 12, 2016, (features many C2C AM guests), interview with Lyn Buchanan: "When General Stubblebine took me to D.C. he wanted to form a new unit that would do the PK on the enemy computers when Congress said no. They wouldn't fund it. Then he took me down to the remote viewing unit. ... You sign a waiver: Yes, I will go to prison for 10 years if I tell anybody on this before it's declassified. ... There's no psychic that can tell they're being remote viewed if you use this strict protocol of Controlled Remote Viewing. ... Okay, yeah, there is this place in Australia where it is basically the ET entry point to the Earth. The friendly ones come there and then go out across the Earth. They just don't come in from all over, you know? But the target was one time that. [Here I] found maybe the first baby ET that's reported, you know. I know they talk about hybrid children and all that. This was a baby ET. But also at that place it's sort of like what we'd call an airport. It's where they come in, unload and all that, both cargo and beings and all. And at that place, all of a sudden, whatever turned around and talked to me and said to me: "We know you're here and it's okay. And you know, "Do you want me to show you around?" And I said, "Well, I'm just looking." And he said, "Well, it's okay for you to be here." And so I looked around and reported everything I saw. Come to find out, Ingo [Swann] and also Pat Price, who was considered to be a better remote viewer than Ingo even, had viewed that same location and had basically found the same things some 15 or 20 years before that. ... It was a closed-in place, but it was two-story, or two levels, very, very large and the people were on the upper floor and the cargo and things like that were evidently taken care of at the lower floor. I didn't go down there. Afterwards, one of the members of our unit [Hal Puthoff] had a friend over there in the military in Australia [actually the CIA station chief] and called and said: "Anything going on over there?" And the guy said, "No mate, this is the most boring assignement I've ever had if it weren't for the UFOs coming in and out of that mountain." ... We located over a period of time five working facilities on the planet. There are probably more, but we located and did extensive work on five of them. But, now, we did that on our own. We were not tasked by the U.S. government to do it. No, . One's in Zimbabwe. Once's in the Pyrinees. Once's up in Alaska and that one is now not operational anymore. The other one is in, oh goodness. I'll think of it later. ... No, uh oh, we never studied that [Dulce], but I get enough eyewitnesses around here telling me about it that I think it is probably real too."
- January 11, 2015, Coast to Coast AM: "One troubling application for remote viewing, which Buchanan detailed, is the ability to enter into a person's mind. He expressed displeasure with such a task, since it reveals a wealth of personal information about the target which can be unsettling to an unsuspecting viewer. Additionally, he warned that, after going into someone's mind, the viewer can unknowingly acquire the traits or plans of their target. To that end, he recalled being tasked with looking into the mind of a foreign military leader to determine their "plans and intentions." On the way home, Buchanan was musing about chores he needed to do that weekend and, while listing them in his mind, he was shaken to realize that he'd nonchalantly included "kill my wife" among them. Eerily, the wife of the foreign military leader would go on to die under mysterious circumstances that very weekend."
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): 12/7/95 (first appearance), 10/31/96 (Replay), 1/30/97, 4/16/97, 8/4/97, 9/18/97, 11/25/97, 2/09/98, 6/11/98, 8/30/98, 11/13/98, 12/21/98 ... December 9, 2013; February 20, 2014; July 4, 2014. Many dozens of time.
Army Intelligence background.
In the early 1980s part of the official remote viewing team, reportedly only as a monitor/interviewer.
Said he was a mentor to remote viewer Ingo Swann.
- (accessed: August 27, 1999): "Major Dames retired from the U.S. Army, taking the original team's best and brightest with him to form his Beverly Hills, California based company, PSI TECH."
- "PSI TECH was founded in 1989 by a 4 star General [can't be 2 star general Albert Stubblebine, who is generally associated with PSI-TECH; considering 4-star generals are rare, and in case Psi-Tech isn't lying, I suspect General Car Stiner, head of U.S. Special Operations Command at the time and a friend of Colonel John Alexander] and a Military Intelligence officer [Ed Dames] who ushered a top secret information collection technology known as TRV (Technical Remote Viewing) out of the Pentagon and into the private sector."
- (at, front page: "Major General Albert Stubblebine, former PSI TECH Chairman Of The Board and commanding officer of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM)."
In the early 1990s at alien abduction TREAT conferences, which were sponsored by Opus Dei backer Prince Hans Adam von Liechtenstein, Dames told some amazingly creepy stories about hibernating aliens and genetic experimentation on humans.
Trained English crop circle investigator Colin Andrews in remote viewing in the 1990s.
In late late 190s he claimed the world would be destroyed by alien fungus spores.
Later on he predicted his solar flare "killshot" end-of-the-world on almost every show as being just around the corner. None of these predictions ever came out, but he is always allowed to come back.
Has claimed that Mars had a civilization which was killed off after Mars lost its atmosphere.
Has claimed that Atlantis is located just to the north-east of Sardinia, Italy.
- Coast to Coast AM summary excerpts of Ed Dames' many visits: "Dames, one of the world's foremost remote viewers, is predicting a nuclear attack by the North Koreans which he said will come from a hidden tunnel. It will occur on the border between North and South Korea shortly after the US attacks Iraq [already a fact at this point, because it is March 2003], and its purpose will be to damage the American military that is stationed there. "The whole world will be horrified," said Dames who added that the Chinese will negotiate a deal in the aftermath. ... Dames is certain "the next use of a nuclear weapon will be on the Korean peninsula." He said the detonation of this nuclear device will usher us into World War III. According to Dames, the world will not remain at war. A series of solar flares he calls the "Kill shot" will hit earth causing widespread destruction, and put an end to the fighting. ... Living up to his nickname of 'Dr. Doom,' Dames said that conditions on Earth will be particularly gloomy after 2007. Solar events will heat up our planet like a "rotisserie" and there will be wars over water. ... . According to Dames, a 9+ magnitude earthquake, with an epicenter just off the northwest tip of New Guinea (Eastern Indonesia, 0.5 degrees S/131.5 degrees E), will occur sometime in March 2005. ... Dames shared several predictions. There will be a destructive Seattle-Tacoma earthquake, probably sometime in 2006, that will take buildings down and cause seawater to come in. Downtown Seattle is a particular danger spot, he implied. A number of diseases are becoming more problematic. Black mold (mycotoxin) that developed in the wake of the hurricanes in the Gulf Coast states will cause deaths. Avian flu will kill many birds in the US, and prion diseases will bring about the numerous deaths of cows and cattle. ... [Dames] found that it was a kind of capsule, projected from a planet quite far away, that is inhabited by intelligent insectoid beings. ... Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames shared updates on solar threats, ETs and other-dimensional visitors, as well as his recent work remote viewing why Mars lost its atmosphere, killing off its life and civilizations-- somewhat paralleling what Earth is about to go through. A very long time ago, he said, there was a large population on Mars, with two different races. Then, there was a brutal storm with high winds that lasted for about 10 years, leaving only about 15% of the populace left, living in shelters, he detailed. The genesis of the storm was a large passing body, possibly a 'Planet X,' that drew so close to Mars on its pass through our solar system that it caused a series of extreme wave-like crashes of air leading to the loss of Mars' atmosphere, he outlined. ... Regarding the solar "killshot" (view related DVD trailer), everything is pointing toward the 2013 time frame, "because it's the top of the solar cycle," he commented. The Earth's thinning ozone layer is looking like Swiss cheese to remote viewers, and there'll be a vast heating in the Earth's atmosphere. Most metropolitan areas, with a few exceptions (like Christchurch, New Zealand) won't serve as adequate sanctuaries from the killshot, he noted. However, a "Federation" outreach program, involving humans born off-world, will help us rebuild the planet, probably some 50 years out, he continued. Dames also spoke about extra-dimensional beings who act to prevent nuclear annihilation on our planet."
Coast to Coast AM: March 25, 2004; November 8, 2004; June 7, 2007; September 12, 2007; October 24, 2007; October 20, 2013 (full four hours); January 30, 2017.
Uri Geller has a separate page on ISGP with sources on his Mossad, SRI and superclass ties and evidence for his hoaxing.
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): March 4, 1998; February 11, 2000; August 2, 2002; February 17, 2010; February 16, 2013
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Dale Graff is a physicist and a former Director of Project STARGATE, the government program that investigated remote viewing phenomena. He has appeared on ABC's Nightline, Paranormal Borderline, CNN, several TV documentaries on remote viewing, such as A&E's Psychic Spies program, in the series, THE UNEXPLAINED, Discovery Channel's documentary on ESP, and several British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) productions, including their Mysteries series."
- International Remote Viewing Association: (accessed: May 21, 2016):
- Late 1975: Air Force Foreign Technology Division becomes the primary funder of SRI research program, with Dale Graff supervising." ... - ca. 1980: Air Force Chief of Staff cancels AF RV program; Dale Graff joins Defense Intelligence Agency as principal staff officer for remote viewing effort.
- 1981-82: Puthoff and Swann develop coordinate remote viewing (CRV) architecture. ...
- Late 1990: Dale Graff becomes chief of the Ft. Meade RV unit, and changes project name to STAR GATE. ...
- Lecturer on dreams for the most part these days. Lots of speculation. Little fact.
Has appeared on Coast to Coast AM since about 1994 every few weeks. Coast to Coast AM's resident astronomer.
At CBS Hoagland used to work under Walter Cronkite, among the closest friends of CIA director Allen Dulles. Cronkite, Dulles and CBS owner William Paley all belonged to the Pilgrims Society and held annual private Christmas dinners at the Alibi Club.
Back in the early 1980s Hoagland briefly worked at SRI, a private institute ran by the Bechtel family for many decades. Almost every single director of SRI visited the Bohemian Grove, while many of those on the international advisory board were recruited into the 1001 Club. The Bechtels, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, the Liechtenstein royal family and others also joined the 1001 Club. Henry Kissinger became close to Uri Geller, who was extensively tested at SRI around the time Hoagland was there too. All the remote viewing con artists at SRI later ended up at Coast to Coast AM, just as various other persons working at SRI, Hoagland among them. It was at SRI that Hoagland first developed his theory of Cydonia and pyramids on Mars, possibly as a reason to help promote funding of (military) space programs.
Hoagland has a long-standing relationship with pro-SDI/Star Wars activist Dr. George Keyworth II of the Center for Security Policy, a private group linked to illegal black operations and Coast to Coast AM in general. It almost appears as if Keyworth has been Hoagland's long-term handler.
1989, Richard C. Hoagland, Pravda op-ed, 'What's Really Going On': "When our initial "Independent Mars Investigation Team" completed the first phase of its analyses of the "enigmatic landforms" on the Viking photographs, and had published in 1984 a preliminary paper at a Boulder scientific conference at the University of Colorado, we also began a serious effort to alert our government to the data and their enormous implications: a potential set of extraterrestrial artifacts -- and right "next door," on Mars. We presented copies of our computer-enhanced Viking photographs and preliminary papers to colleagues of President Reagan's Science Advisor, Dr. George Keyworth; to staff members of the President's Office of Science and Technology Policy; and to a close friend, and member of the President's newly-appointed Space Commission, Dr. David Webb." George A. Keyworth, Science Adviser to the President (Reagan) and Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy, in testimony before the 99th Congress, March 14, 1985 (cited by Hoagland): "All government agencies lie part of the time, but NASA is the only one I've ever encountered that does so routinely."
2004 internet article of John C. Haich, 'Do the Owls want to shut down Richard C. Hoagland?': "Executive summary: * Richard C. Hoagland is an agent of influence for the Center for Security Policy. * Hoagland's handler is Dr. George A. Keyworth II, former science advisor to President Ronald Reagan. * The Center for Security Policy uses Hoagland and his "Enterprise Mission" to bolster public interest in Mars exploration in order to apply pressure to President Bush to support a significant increase in funding for the space program under the auspices of Project Prometheus. * The goal of Project Prometheus is the development of enabling technologies for the military control of space under the cover of peaceful space exploration. * The program has the backing of Vice President Dick Cheney and NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe. ... Keyworth later became one of the most vocal proponents of Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative or "Star Wars" as it came to be known to its critics and remains a staunch supporter of space-based weapons but particularly SBL technologies. Keyworth (or "Doctor SDI" as he was known in Washington political circles during the Reagan era) was one of the original conceivers of distributed surveillance which involves the use of a network of small satellites with integrated optical and multi-spectral sensors to provide high-resolution remote sensing capabilities with all-weather performance. The same system also has both strategic and tactical uses and allows for extremely precise targeting capabilities. Keyworth has for many years been an outspoken proponent of manned spaceflight and the American military dominance of space. One rare disagreement with Reagan was over his political decision to fund what later became the International Space Station on the grounds that it represented a step backwards; Keyworth was instead a vocal advocate of space planes. ... In his book, "The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever," Hoagland relates the circumstances surrounding how Keyworth was made aware of his findings regarding Cydonia. In 1983, then attached to the Stanford Research Institute, Hoagland made overtures to Keyworth by way of one Dr. William Miller, a personal friend of Keyworth's. The objective was to secure funding for further research from the President's Fund, a discretionary source under the direct control of the President. After Hoagland had presented his pitch to Miller with Miller expressing appropriate concerns as to the possible ramifications should the supposedly artificial structures turn out to be "a pile of rocks," minimal funding of $50,000 was eventually secured. While there is no evidence that Keyworth himself ever thought the features to be anything other than natural in origin, that is certainly not what he has led Hoagland to believe in recent years. Always the blabbermouth, Hoagland was keen to give Coast To Coast AM listeners a brief history of Keyworth's more recent interest and involvement. The following transcript segment is from the 24JUL02 episode (the same day the THEMIS IR image of Cydonia was released which was of course the main topic of discussion). ... The Enterprise Mission's campaign to prepare the way for presentation of THEMIS data alleging to show a city buried at Cydonia got under way in earnest in late February 2002 with the publication of a piece appropriately entitled "The Game's afoot -- Again" (Hoagland's choice of title once more demonstrating the truly astonishing extent of his braggart nature as well as his obvious contempt for the intelligence of his audience). The article, the first in what eventually became a three-part series [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] spanning the months of February to May 2002 in the lead-up to the first THEMIS IR data release, starts off with a picture of Keyworth (pilfered from here) and a quotation to the effect that NASA routinely lies¹. If this all seems a little obvious considering that "Deep Space" was supposed to be his secret source (the name of course derives from a somewhat unwitty play on "Deep Throat," the infamous Watergate source) it should be noted that the citation for the quote indicates Keyworth's tenure as science advisor during a Reagan term and that soon afterwards Hoagland started to refer to his "Bush Administration" source in a clear attempt to detract attention away from Keyworth. While it's difficult at times to even contemplate what must go on in the dark recesses of Richard C. Hoagland's mind, it appears that this rather amateurish attempt at counter intelligence served more to inflate his ego and sense of importance but nonetheless was sufficient to throw casual investigators off the trail. ... According to Hoagland, the THEMIS employee was either fed up with the lies at NASA vis-à-vis covering up the existence of artificial structures on Mars so decided to slip him some data that would normally not see the light of day, or he was a participant (witting or otherwise) in a COINTELPRO designed to discredit the Enterprise Mission. THEMIS principal investigator Dr. Philip Christensen naturally had a different take: somebody had gotten hold of the freely available IR data of the Cydonia region then proceeded to process it incorrectly, making the resulting image artifacts appear (intentionally or otherwise) to be a city buried under the plains of Cydonia. ... Firstly, let's look at the Enterprise Mission's supposedly "real" IR data. When we compare it to the freely available IR data from the THEMIS website it becomes quite apparent that Hoagland's image is indeed a degraded version of the official one just as Dr. Christensen claimed. In fact, this is so obviously the case that anybody possessing even rudimentary image processing skills will be able to quickly determine this for themselves which naturally begs the question: "Why didn't Hoagland?" Or, for that matter, his associate Mike Bara who has many years of CAD/CAM experience and who should, one would think, possess at least a modicum of fundamental knowledge relevant to his trade. While Hoagland seems to go out of his way to exaggerate the complexity of working with image data be it visual or IR, these are not particularly complex fields in terms of understanding the underlying theory and basic processing algorithms involved nor are they difficult to practically grasp but like everything else require some time and study. So, sad to say, we appear to have here yet another casualty in Hoagland's undeclared War on Pixels as I believe we can quite safely conclude that the Enterprise Mission knew full well that their data was not "real" at all and that the "city" was merely composed of processing artifacts after somebody had finished having some fun with the source data from the THEMIS website. It doesn't particularly matter who exactly was responsible, only that the Enterprise Mission picked up the ball and ran with it and that of course prompts us to wonder why. ... Hoagland is no stranger to the subject of buried cities located with the aid of supposedly "leaked" infrared data either. Back in the 1990s for example he made the extraordinary claim of having discovered a buried city beneath the surface of the Moon. Hoagland explained that the image, supposedly derived from Clementine multi-spectral data, showed "immense geometric structures both miles above and miles below the Lunar surface ... an ordered, organized city laid out beneath the surface and protected above by miles of vertical glass structures." But the THEMIS scam was going to be the best yet because this time Hoagland had the support of his powerful backer who assured he that he was right -- there were cities down there. He already knew this to be true, now others would be made to see it too. ... Hoagland's 05SEP02 appearance on Coast To Coast AM was a four hour orgy of whining and incessant begging for NASA to "come clean" about the artificial structures on Mars. Informing the audience that Deep Space had told him "you've got to get the night-time infrared, if you do it's Game Over!" and hinting that even he thought there might still be power being supplied to the city ("the lights are on but nobody's home!"), Hoagland mused that the night-time data would show the city all lit up ("it should be glowing like neon signs up and down Hollywood and Vine!") before pleading once more for the audience to demand the data without delay. "Mr. and Mrs. America," he whined in the most pathetic tone he could muster, "you have got to help us get this data and get it now... and the email lists and the fax numbers and the phone numbers of all those talk shows and all those politicos and the White House and the Congress, everyone who can be interested in the outcome is on our website tonight." The Phobos 2 card was played tirelessly too. Hoagland conveyed with more than a hint of awe in his voice the astounding tale of Phobos 2 and the buried Martian city which confirmed his very own findings of a similarly buried city at Cydonia. ... Of course, if "they [the Russians] published their data" then Hoagland should have had no trouble pointing people to it, but the citation for this published data describing the amazing discovery of a Martian city found on Phobos 2 data has yet to materialize. ... Now hazard a guess as to who came along, right on cue, to advise the Enterprise Mission regarding O'Keefe's astonishing Mars landing comments... Yes, that's right, "Deep Space" -- none other than Hoagland's "handler," Dr. George A. Keyworth II. In an article entitled "What's in a Name …?", author Mike Bara informs us that Deep Space "told us [the Enterprise Mission] that Bush is quietly moving forward on an ambitious plan to get humans to Mars." What Keyworth meant to say was that he and his cronies at the Center for Security Policy² (which includes Cheney, Rumsfeld and O'Keefe who are all closely affiliated) were not so quietly pressuring Bush to move forward with their ambitious plan to get humans to Mars. Of course, if Bush himself really wanted to go then there would be no need for sly dealings with organizations such as the Enterprise Mission; after all he is the President and if he wants to go to Mars then he's perfectly capable of rousing public support himself with the aid of a well written speech like the one penned for Kennedy's Moon landing goal. In short, there's simply no need for him to invoke the assistance of a bunch of egotistical image fakers with overly vivid imaginations. Bara went on to recite what other goodies Deep Space had to share with the Enterprise Mission: "The means to secure funding will involve generating political pressure by getting the public to recognize the value of going to Mars. To do this we are told, the work of the Cydonia researchers -- and of Richard C. Hoagland in particular -- will be "elevated" with the general public in a series of "revelations" designed to create critical "political mass."" In other words, the crazy CSP ideologues would arrange for a series of "revelations" to "elevate" the kooky pseudo-science of Richard C. Hoagland in order to create critical "political mass" so that funding could be secured. ... At this stage we have good reason to suspect which parties Hoagland's "Owls" might possibly represent, however there's insufficient evidence to conclude with any degree of certainty which of these might actually have been responsible for the attempts to interfere with the Enterprise Mission and with Keyworth's well laid plans. While it may be readily apparent to impartial observers that Richard C. Hoagland and his Enterprise Mission are being used to advance the agenda of a group of ideologues and their entourage of defense contractors, one has to wonder whether Hoagland himself has registered at least on some level that he's being played for a fool and is being told exactly what he wants to hear. There can be no denying that Hoagland is passionate about his belief in the existence of ancient ruins on Mars, but barring complete stupidity on his part there should be at least some evidence to suggest that he has at least a primitive realization of his current predicament. Indeed, Hoagland's final email to Caflisch after Caflisch had issued him an ultimatum and threatened to publicize private correspondence appears to be just that. Mr. Caflisch, It is obvious that you have no idea what is truly going on here. Further, you are even less aware with whom you are truly dealing with. I suggest you carefully reconsider your position, and desist from any further infantile "threats." History does not deal kindly with fools .... RCH P.S. This is a PRIVATE communication. Any publication will be dealt with swiftly. This chilling message certainly suggests that Hoagland knows that Keyworth has ulterior motives and he was concerned enough by the possibility that this might become widely known that he felt compelled to issue his own thinly veiled threat. Clearly if Hoagland started out an unwitting accomplice he is now very much a willing agent of influence for Keyworth and the Center for Security Policy." Hoagland's assistant Mike Bara on Coast to Coast AM, September 6, 2002: "MB: Richard's talked about Deep Space, our, I want to emphasize -- AB: I wonder who "bamfed," I wonder who "bamfed" the Russians? MB: Yeah. Good question, um... and, you know, I've met Deep Space and had lunch with him, you know, Deep Space is a friend of mine -- AB: Deep Space is an informant within the Bush Administration [as claimed earlier by Hoagland] -- MB: Well, or he has connections anyway, and he does exist, and one of the things he told us a while back was "don't just push for Cydonia, push for infrared -- especially the night-time infrared..."
In 1998 Graham Hancock wrote The Mars Mystery: The Secret Connection Between Earth and the Red Planet, supporting the views of Richard Hoagland on Cydonia and the idea that there once used to be an advanced human civilization on Mars.
In March 1999, Hoagland and Hancock were among those promoted by Fox television special Opening the Lost Tombs: Live from Egypt. Hoagland pushed the Abydos high technology hieroglyphics scam along with his idea that people from Mars fled their dying planet and ended up as pyramid builders in Ancient Egypt. Hancock explained along somewhat similar lines his belief that Ancient Egypt was a remnant of a past advanced antediluvian civilization. John Van Auken of the Edgar Cayce Foundation was also featured, along with Hancock's colleages Robert Bauval and John Anthony West. Regular Egyptologists also appeared on the show, but weren't asked about their opinions on these alternative theories.
Hoagland and Edgar Cayce "reincarnation"/Great Pyramid builder David Wilcock co-wrote the 2004 Enterprise Mission report Interplanetary "Day After Tomorrow?: An Enterprise Mission Hyperdimensional Report.
In 2002 he used faked THEMIS data to "prove" there is a frozen city--which looked a lot like New York City--on Mars.
January 19, 2012, Richard Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM (taken from Youtube clip): "Dr. Joseph Farrell, Dr. Pharell... He can write an incredible book in a month [Giza Death Star (2001) and LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy (2010) to name two] and does excellent homework. So if you want a real tutorial in the history of torsion field physics and how the Nazis were involved, and the Soviets were involved, and the U.S. government was involved, and the so-called Philadelphia Experiment seems to be part of the secret field. ... It's suppressed science. It's the way the universe really works. This is what Einstein was looking for... And those buildings came down in New York, somebody, now, I can't tell you who, but somebody brought down two 1,500 foot skyscrapers in seconds. I gave a whole presentation in Amsterdam, a couple three years ago, laying out the point by point case building on the work of brilliant genius named Dr. Judy Wood, who [Coast to Coast AM host] George [Noory] got on and actually interviewed. I was able to get a copy of Dr. Wood's book, which is sitting here on my desk, called 'Where did the towers go?'... These buildings didn't collapse, they were dematerialized. They were dustified. ... I was able to get a copy of Dr. Wood's book in the hands of Jesse Ventura. Jesse Ventura went on national television and starting talking about Dr. Judy Wood and then suddenly weird things started happening in Jesse's life and he shut up."
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: Early 1999 apparently.
- (accessed: May 8, 1999): "Jim Schnabel Book: Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies [1997]" Exact date not listed. Not listed in January 1999, so probably invited in early 1999.
For more details on crop circles, see ISGP's article Behind the Crop Circle Mystery: Researchers, Skeptics and Hoaxers Secretly Cooperating? The Ultimate in CIA, MI5 and AIVD Psyops. For a list of sources related to Jim Schnabel, see ISGP's Crop Circles extra sources file.
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): -
- NOT a Coast to Coast AM visitor for some strange reason.
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): September 7, 2014
- September 7, 2014, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Longtime researcher of parapsychological phenomena, nuclear physicist Dr. Edwin C. May was joined by parapsychologist and co-author Loyd Auerbach to discuss the history of psychic research and espionage, and how its development during the Cold War fueled incredible research into human psychic abilities. In 1975, Ingo Swann invited May to join SRI (Stanford Research Institute), and by 1985 he became the director of Project Stargate (the military remote viewing program), which was classified as top secret at the time. While the psychic spying/ESP program was eventually closed amid charges by some that it was a waste of money, "the government wouldn't have spent $20 million spread out over 20+ years, if they weren't getting some return on their investment," May remarked. Auerbach recounted how the US program generated some very successful intel from viewers such as Joe McMoneagle, and Angela Ford, who was particularly adept at locating lost people. May and Auerbach determined that books from the 1970s and 80s such as Psychic Discoveries Behind the Curtain contained inaccurate information or disinformation possibly put out by the Soviets, such as the claim they had success using psychotronic weaponry and generators. In the 1990s, during trips to Russia, May compared notes with General Alexei Yurievich Savin, who at one time was the director of the KGB psychic spying program, which had some 120 remote viewers. The Soviets experimented with using psychic abilities as a form of non-lethal weaponry or to influence outcomes. For instance, in international chess matches, they had some of their psychics planted in the audience to try to make some of the foreign competitors sick so they would lose their matches, but this tactic didn't work, May reported. Regarding premonitions or precognition, psychics are likely seeing probable futures, so it can be possible to avoid certain outcomes by changing one's course of action, Auerbach noted."
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): March 25, 1997; Augsut 27, 1997; September 23, 1998; July 14, 2000; November 1, 2006; February 16, 2014; July 4, 2015.
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Joseph McMoneagle joined the U.S. Army and was recruited by the Army Security Agency for classified assignments. As a result of some unusual events in his life: a near-death experience, a UFO sighting, and numerous spontaneous out-of-body episodes, he became aware of his intuitive abilities and developed the skill of remote viewing. He later became one of the original Intelligence Officers recruited for the top-secret Army program now known as STARGATE. Following his retirement from the Army, he maintained his association with the STARGATE program through his own company, Intuitive Intelligence Applications, working as a remote viewing consultant to the Cognitive Sciences Laboratories at SRI-International and Science Applications International Corporation until the programs closure in November of 1995."
- November 1, 2006, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "In relation to terrorism, [McMoneagle] said that "radiological material" has been moved into the US across the southern border, but those in possession of it currently have no means for weaponizing it. He also discussed his remote viewing of aliens whom he saw in a ship that was a combination of biomaterial and metal. They were difficult to comprehend, yet share some genetic similarities with humans, he noted. Additionally, McMoneagle reported viewing ruins on Mars, such as an area where something like a grove of trees once stood."
- July 4, 2015, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Joseph McMoneagle, known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project-- Stargate. ...
While discussing the phenomenon of bilocating, where a person is seemingly in two places at once and performing actions in each location, McMoneagle recounted a bizarre event in his life in which it may have unknowingly happened to him. He explained that, while playing golf one day with his boss and some friends, military police approached the group looking for him. Upon identifying himself, McMoneagle was promptly arrested for allegedly attacking someone. At the MP station, an Army major recognized him and proclaimed that McMoneagle had assaulted him that very day. When asked how the man knew it was him, he said that McMoneagle was wearing his uniform and an identity tag with his last name. Thankfully, one of the members of the golf party was the head of military police, who vouched for McMoneagle's whereabouts throughout the day and the charges were dropped.
Regarding possible future events which may unfold on the planet, McMoneagle warned that rising water due to climate change will become a major problem in the not-too-distant future. "In the next probably thirty years or maybe a little longer, we can expect to see water levels rise by three to five feet," he predicted. In turn, this will directly impact nuclear and desalinization plants by overwhelming them and turning them inoperable. McMoneagle pointed to Florida's five nuclear power plants and over thirty desalinization stations as typical facilities which will "all go away if the seas continue to rise" and cause issues similar to the fallout from the Fukushima disaster."
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): February 4, 2013.
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Tom McNear was the first military trained remote viewer trained by Ingo Swan [in 1982]. Tom was the prototype for Ingo's training and was hailed by Ingo as his best ever student."
- November 1, 2006, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "In the first hour, remote viewing instructor Paul H. Smith presented a tribute to the recently deceased, Ingo Swann, legendary psychic, remote viewer, and artist. Tom McNear, the first military remote viewer trained by Swann, also joined the conversation. Passing away at age 79, Swann's health had been in decline for about the last decade, Smith reported. McNear, who was in the SRI remote viewing program from 1981-1985, said that Swann was a tough instructor/monitor and ensured that trainees exactly followed his remote viewing protocols. For more, check out examples from McNear's remote viewing sessions, as well as a collection of photos of Swann, taken by Smith over the years."
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): August 24, 1997; January 22, 2001; November 27, 2001; February 6, 2002; June 20, 2004; August 14, 2004 (rebroadcast); June 26, 2005; January 23, 2006; May 4, 2006; July 23, 2006; February 1, 2007; March 9, 2007; June 26, 2009; August 14, 2013; January 25, 2014 (rebroadcast); August 3, 2015.
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Dean Radin, PhD, has been studying advanced capacities of human consciousness for over 30 years. He is presently Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences [IONS] and Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Psychology at Sonoma State University. He previously worked at Princeton University, University of Edinburgh (in Scotland), AT&T Bell Labs, and SRI International, where he participated in a program investigating psychic phenomena for the US government (Stargate)."
- August 11, 1996, New York Times, 'They Laughed at Galileo Too': "As the director of the Consciousness Research Lab at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Radin readily concedes that there are easier courses than having to steer between the die-hard skeptics who lump him in with astrologers and alchemists and the Madame Zodiac true believers who think that every bent spoon and levitated table is proof of the mind's agency in the material world. ... [Radin] has published 165 papers, 44 in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and has 16 more in the mill. He has worked almost everywhere a parapsychologist can collect a paycheck. He spent six years doing industrial research at AT&T Bell Laboratories and four at G.T.E. He had a parapsychology fellowship at the University of Edinburgh and did stints at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab and at S.R.I. International, an institute in Menlo Park, Calif., where he took part in classified military research. He has served twice as president of the Parapsychology Association. ... Roger Nelson [is] a psychologist at the P.E.A.R. lab who [has been] presenting work he had published with Dean Radin."
- June 20, 2004 Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Citing the Global Consciousness Project, he noted that the random generators or "eggs" (which are said to take a "brainwave of the world's mind") began to show anomalous readings 3-4 hours before the 9-11 attacks, in a manner that was statistically unlikely if the readings were just random. It's possible this technology could eventually be used as a type of "early warning system," he commented.
Radin also recounted some interesting anti-psi effects that began occurring around 14 days before 9-11. Positive results from online psychic recognition tests (GotPsi) dipped significantly and he speculated that this may have been caused by people having intuitions about the upcoming attacks that they were repressing and thus their psychic abilities were dampened during this time." - August 14, 2013, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean Radin, discussed his latest research into the extraordinary powers of the mind, and enlightened beings. Various 'supernormal' powers, called siddhis, were described in classical yoga texts and included everything from telepathy and precognition to invisibility and levitation. According to this tradition, these abilities would occur as a consequence of deep meditation. While everyone has the potential to develop these skills, "our lives are so distracted, that we don't have the capacity to pay attention to what's actually inside all of us," he noted. The first siddhi in advanced meditation is the simultaneous perception of past, present, and future, which could lead to precognition, he said.
Yoga and Eastern philosophies in general suggest that consciousness is fundamental and out of this emerges the physical world. Even science is beginning to question the seat of consciousness-- that awareness does not stem from the brain but is just built into the fabric of reality, Radin commented." - August 3, 2015, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "In the first half, scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean Radin, talked about the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), as well as his scientific experiments studying psychic abilities and other 'supernormal' characteristics. In operation since 1998, the GCP, developed at Princeton University, looks at how random number generators are affected by major world events. The Project demonstrates that at certain times, large global events change the structure of the random numbers, indicating that a kind of coherent consciousness is affecting their outcome, he explained. 493 events have been studied so far and the odds against the results being chance are 2.8 trillion to 1, he reported.
Radin described some of the "field consciousness" experiments they've been conducting at the Burning Man festival the last few years, using a more sensitive type of consciousness detector. He also touched on a study looking at the neuroscience of mediumship. One of the interesting findings was that the hit rate or accuracy of the medium's readings were significantly higher when looking at the recently dead as opposed to someone who's been dead for a longer period. Radin announced they're conducting genetic tests to study the DNA of people in families who report psychic abilities, as it's long been noted that such skills tend to run in families."
Appearance(s): August 26, 2007; February 21, 2010; September 18, 2011.
Bio and sources on Jack Sarfatti moved to a separate article.
Coast to Coast AM appearances: On average once a year since 2001. Less extreme than most other remote viewers. Still inspired by the Cayce Foundation.
- (accessed: May 22, 2016): "
- Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations under Admirals Zumwalt and Holloway (Certificate of Commendation) (1971-1975); ...
- Government writing (speeches, congressional testimony, and articles) for: Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Chief of Naval Operations; Admiral James Holloway, Chief of Naval Operations; Richard M. Nixon; James Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense [1973-1974]; and John Warner, both as Secretary of the Navy and as Chairman of the Bicentennial Commission. ...
- Executive Director, The Rhine Research Center (2005 to 2006); Public Spokesperson, Parapsychological Association (1996 to present); Chairman and Research Director of The Mobius Society, (1977-1992); Visiting Professor at John F. Kennedy University (1981-1983) ...
- Editorial staff member, The National Geographic Magazine. Staff Reporter, The Daily Press. Staff Reporter, The Times-Herald; and, Contributing Writer, The Virginian-Pilot. Editorial Advisory Board, Intuition Magazine. ... The Huffington Post Columns...
- Expeditions:
--- Grand Bahamas Banks, Project Leader and Research Director (1987-88), location of the Brig Leander and 18 other wreck sites;
--- Jamaica, Team leader, Institute for Nautical Archaeology expedition (1985), survey of St. Ann's Bay.
--- Lake Erie (1984), location of the cargo vessel Dean Richmond. Alexandria, Egypt, Project Leader and Research Director (1979-80), resulted in the first modern mapping of the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria, and the location of numerous shipwrecks covering many centuries, as well as the Emporium and the Timonium, Mark Antony's palace in Alexandria, the Ptolemaic Palace Complex of Cleopatra, the remains of the Lighthouse of Pharos, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, and a major civic building in the nearby buried city of Marea;
--- Santa Catalina Island off the coast of California (1977), location of a previously unknown coaster cargo vessel." - May 9, 2007, Coast to Coast AM: "It was Edgar Cayce's "distant viewing" of the Dead Sea Scrolls (before their discovery) that first got Schwartz interested in remote viewing. As developed in the 1970s, remote viewing, which he described as a kind of "mental yoga," provides information that can be independently validated.Moments of religious ecstasy, genius, and remote viewing are all similar experiences, but they are modulated by their context and intention, he explained. Schwartz also spoke about his work decades ago as the Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations. While in this position, he took it upon himself to investigate whether the "Philadelphia Experiment" ever happened. Invisibility testing did not take place aboard the USS Eldridge, he said, though there was some testing of magnetic fields that caused minor disturbances-- but nothing like the claims that sailors were fused into the ship's bulkheads."
- Friday, December 27, 2002, Jack Sarfatti (CIA; UFO programs; Aviary rumors) email:: "This is all irrelevant. I met John Petersen and he is gullible and does not know enough physics to judge David Hudson's [ORMUS] hogwash and obviously neither do you. John Petersen pissed off James Woolsey ex CIA DCI who my buddy Stephen Schwartz now works with BTW. You are beyond your professional competence here and suffice it to say that all competent scientists who have looked into this matter, including Hal Puthoff, agree it is ludicrous idiocy! That you, John Petersen of Arlington Institute DC Think Tank and Joe Firmage continue to try to defend this utter nonsense is noted for the record. Wake up and smell the coffee Neil. Have courage. You have gotten in over your head here. Trash it. This is worthless garbage not even fit for pigs to eat."
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): March 25, 1997 (with Joe McMoneagle and Lyn Buchanan); August 27, 1997 (rebroadcast); March 22, 1998; May 16, 2001 (with Russell Targ); May 15, 2002 (with Ingo Swann); January 11, 2005; April 6, 2006; September 4, 2006; April 2, 2007; June 7, 2007; July 5, 2007; September 17, 2007; February 7, 2008; July 28, 2008; January 14, 2009; June 16, 2009; May 25, 2010; October 26, 2011; February 4, 2013; January 22, 2014; August 30, 2014; November 9, 2015.
- Student of Ingo Swann. Vice president of the International Remote Viewing Association.
- Coast to Coast AM biography: " Paul Smith has a BA from Brigham Young University, an MS from the Defense Intelligence College; and is a graduate student in the Ph.D. program in Philosophy at the University of Texas-Austin. He enlisted in the Army in 1976 and served for seven years in the government's remote viewing psychic espionage program at Ft. Meade, MD. He is one of only a handful of government personnel to be personally trained in coordinate remote viewing (CRV) by Ingo Swann at SRI-International. He was the primary author of the government RV program's CRV training manual, and served as theory instructor for new CRV trainee personnel. His military assignments also included Arabic linguist, electronic warfare operator, strategic intelligence officer for an Army Special Forces unit, tactical intelligence officer with the 101st Airborne Division during Desert Storm/Shield, strategic intelligence officer in the Collection Directorate of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and chief of the intelligence and security division, DCSOPS, for the Military District of Washington."
- International Remote Viewing Association: (accessed: May 21, 2016): "
- Sept 1977: US Army's remote viewing program GONDOLA WISH is extablished by Lt. F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater at the direction of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson.
- 13 July 1978: GONDOLA WISH name is changed to GRILL FLAME.
- Oct 1978: US Army's INSCOM is tasked by the ACSI with developing a parapsychology program.
- Dec 78 - Jan 79: Selection of remote viewers for GRILL FLAME. Mel Riley, Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, and three others are included. ...
- Dec 1987: F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater departs the Ft. Meade RV unit on retirement leave." - September 4, 2006, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "First hour guest, remote viewer Paul H. Smith commented that there could be some truth to a Pravda article that claimed Soviet intelligence used remote viewing to spy on U.S. presidents. He also spoke about his recent efforts to teach dowsing methods which were employed by the US government and military as a way of locating targets."
- April 2, 2007, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "During the first hour, remote viewer Paul Smith reported on the UK's Ministry of Defense use of psychics to try and locate Osama bin Laden. This unsuccessful attempt conducted in 2002 was poorly conceived, he commented."
- June 7, 2007, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Remote viewer Paul Smith spoke about the time Ingo Swann gave him the coordinates to remote view the moon. He saw structured features and conveyances and felt there were was an intelligence on the lunar surface. In the last hour, paranormalist Uri Geller described his childhood encounter with a pulsating sphere of light that shot a laser-like beam into his forehead. It was soon after this incident that he discovered he had unusual talents."
- May 25, 2010, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Remote Viewing instructor and technical dowsing practitioner Paul H. Smith discussed practical ESP, including how dowsing can be used to find items and make decisions. Interestingly, if people are less invested in a particular outcome, ESP efforts are typically more successful as the subconscious has more interplay, he reported. ... Dowsing such as with a pendulum makes use of the ideomotor effect in which "subconscious motivations can actually manifest themselves in subtle micro-movements in your muscles," he detailed. This effect was first noted in the 1800s in relation to the planchette moving around on a Ouija board. Dowsing can be particularly useful for helping to make a decision when you otherwise don't have enough information, said Smith. He cited an example in which a person is choosing between two seemingly equal houses to buy, and how their subconscious might recognize advantages of one over the other. Dowsing can also be used in making stock market decisions, and gambling, such as in the Pick 3 lotteries, he shared."
Appearence(s): December 10, 1995; March 30, 2000; May 15, 2002 (with Paul H. Smith)
- The first remote viewer invited to the CIA-SRI remote viewing program in June 1972 by Scientologist Hal Puthoff. Himself also a leading Scientologist at the time. Considered one of the most talented. Later taught other remote viewers under the DIA's Grill Flame remote viewing project.
- University of West Georgia, 'Ingo Swann papers', summary (accessed October 18, 2017): "Upon returning to the United States Swann settled in New York City to work as an artist. Not able to financially thrive, he accepted a position at the Secretariat of the United Nations where he worked until 1968. Around 1968, Swann began writing erotic fiction and focusing on painting. Swann’s paintings were of the cosmic art genre, many of which are now part of the collections at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. Some paintings were sold into private collection, most notably to real-estate developer Trammell Crow [business partner of David and Winthrop Rockefeller since 1969 in building San Francisco's Embarcadero Center, i.e. "Rockefeller Center West"; friend of James "Mac" McDonnell, a known friend and business partner of Laurance Rockefeller; a rare "Green Republican"; CFR; Trilateral Commission; bought Ingo Swann's paintings and known to have hung out with SRI's remote viewing group; his son Harlan Crow was a member of the Bohemian Grove and sat on the board of the George H.W. Bush Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute; Dallas-based billionaire real estate tycoon considered the largest land lord in the U.S. in the 1970s and 1980s; fortune sank from $775 million to $300 million in the late 1980s; key patron Dallas Petroleum Club, with the Murchisons and Hunts as members, since 1986]. Swann also created gay-themed paintings (fourteen) and collages (hundreds), now in the permanent collection at the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art in New York, NY. ...
It was largely from his social interactions, particularly with a woman by the name of Zelda Suplee [key employee of the millionaire Reed Erickson], and with Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler (PhD from Harvard, a faculty member of City University of New York, and President of the Parapsychology Association in 1971), that Swann became fully aware of his psi abilities, and eventually came to the attention of Dr. H. E. Puthoff at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Beginning in 1972 Swann worked with Dr. Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ at SRI in experiments that began with magnetometer psychokinesis. Swann was later involved in experiments, using a term he coined, “coordinate remote viewing,” where the subject visualizes locations based on geographical coordinates, work which was part of the United States’ “Project Star Gate” which investigated whether psychic phenomena had domestic and military applications. It was during this type of experiment in 1973 that Swann stated the planet Jupiter had rings prior to the Voyager probe’s visit there in 1979. While at SRI, in 1974 Swann also remote viewed Mercury and the Moon. SRI formally published an analysis of the Mercury and Jupiter RV sessions in 1980. Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff wrote further on Ingo’s Moon RV in their book, Mindreach (1976). Swann’s tenure at SRI was from 1972-1990. During that time Swann was also involved in attempts to solve criminal cases, from 1972-1979. ...
Crow, Trammell, 1977-1984 ... invitation from Helen and Chuck Storey regarding an event to honor Margaret and Trammell Crow on their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary (four items, one envelope), 1992 ...
18 Feb. 1993 typed letter to Mr. Swann from Angela Thompson introducing herself as a [Laurance Rockefeller-funded] PEAR Laboratory worker and currently research coordinator for the Bigelow Foundation in Nevada. Has had and studied OBE’s; asks if Swann would consider writing the foreword to her work (one leaf), 1993.
19 Jan. 1993 invitation card to Friend Ingo from Victoria [Victoria Lacas] announcing her marriage to John B. Alexander on 30 Dec 1992 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Victoria mentions visits by Hal Puthoff and Robert Bigelow (one item, one envelope), 1993 ... 7 June 1993 handwritten letter to Ingo [Swann] from [[Princess] Amanda Borghese [who married into the elite Italian family with historical fascism and CIA ties] thanking Swann for his letter, for “looking at my chart” and suggesting they meet again (one leaf, one item, one envelope), 1993...
Invitation from Princess Shirazi Foundation [co-founder WWF, manages wilflife sanctuaries in the U.S., Belgium and France] to a Gala Cocktail Dansant, 23 Sept. ... 1993..." - 2002, David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs': "In 1969 I joined a partnership that included Texas developer Trammell Crow, Atlanta architect John Portman, and my brother Winthrop to bid on a portion of the land that the SFRD was offering. We began construction in 1971 [of] Embarcadero Center... In 1976, with both Crow and Portman out of Embarcadero because of financial problems elsewhere... What some have called "Rockefeller Center West" - Embarcadero Center in San Francisco."
- (accessed: January 19, 2018): "With student volunteers as subjects I did many small-budget ESP experiments; once even a PK experiment with Ingo Swann, financed by a grant from Carlson, inventor of Xerox. (Good PK apparatus is expensive.) The Parapsychology Foundation helped some projects with its grants."
- 1997, Ingo Swann, 'Remote Viewing, The Real Story, An Autobiographical Memoir', 'chapter 5: Mrs. Zelda Suplee - July, 1971': "I had met Zelda in early 1968 when her boss, Mr. Reed Erickson, a millionaire, had come to my apartment to view a large painting which Dr. Jean Houston had recommended he should see. At that time, Houston was famous for research in psychedelic experiencing. I had met Houston in 1967 when I had traveled to the Edgar Cayce Foundation (The Association for Research and Enlightenment) in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I had spent three weeks there on vacation from my job at the U.N. to research the famous seer's "readings." ... Mrs. Zelda Suplee, actually the Director of The Erickson Educational Foundation. ...
Zelda had a remarkable PAST. With her former husband she had owned and managed no less than three nudist camps during the 1930s-1950s, and had the honor of presenting her plump, Mother-Earth body as the first full frontal nude in PLAYBOY magazine (in black and white.) Zelda knew just about everyone who was anyone, for most of them had come to her camps when it was daring and thus fashionable to do so -- big movie stars, the early TV personalities, philosophers, cutting-edge scientists, physicians, etc. She had a life-long interest in SEX and was a consulting sexologist, an hypnotist and one of the first to do past-life regressing, and was interested in all kinds of psychic stuff. ... She said I had undercharged Mr. Erickson and would write out the check. The Erickson Educational Foundation funded a program at Johns Hopkins University for transexual research and sex changes, and for a while also funded psychedelic research. So Zelda knew everyone involved in all that, too -- and here we are talking about a cast of really "fabulous" persons. Zelda and I became the deepest and closest of friends in more ways than one. ... Unlike Buell Mullen's uptown crowd, Zelda tended to congregate parapsychologists around her, most of them seeming to want funding from her employer, Mr. Reed Erickson. But on the other hand, Zelda was simply loved by everyone, too. ...
The first of the legitimate [parapsychologists] that I remember meeting [at Zelda's] was Dr. Stanley Krippner -- and eventually the wonderful Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler, then the heir-apparent to the top of the parapsychological leadership pyramid." - October/November 1973, Advance! magazine of Scientology, issue 21, 'A Scientology OT in action in the world: An Interview with Ingo Swann': "Ingo Swann, full OT VII and Class VI Auditor... Ingo, born in the state of Colorado on September 14th, 1933, came from a Swedish background. He attended Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah, and there earned a degree in Art and Biology in 1955. After college Ingo took advantage of Army service in the Far East by studying aesthetics and art with oriental instructors. Ingo continued his work in art after the Army and in 1958 took it up as a career in New York City. Talented and well-known as an artist, Ingo's works hang in many public and private collections and have been in several exhibitions. His art, fascinating and beautiful in quality, is oriented toward cosmic and theta (spiritual) themes. Ingo entered Scientology in 1966 and began to expand his awareness and increase his abilities. Scientology had, of course, a decisive influence on his art. While working on his art, Ingo up to 1969 also held a position with the United Nations' Secretariat.
In 1969, Ingo took the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and then the Clearing Course and attained the state of Clear. From Clear he went up the OT Levels. In 1971, for his own interest as an OT, Ingo began experimenting, and then began working in earnest, with his OT abilities under strict scientific conditions with trained scientists. Since 1971, he has worked on various experiments including changing the state of objects at a distance without physical means, and "out-of-the-body" experiments with the American Psychical Research Society, then in special experiments in New York City College, and with the Stanford Research Institute. ... Recently Ingo gave a presentation on Scientology to a Congress of para-psychological researchers and scientists in Prague, Czechoslovakia and received a very positive reaction and created considerable interest in Scientology. ...
Ingo's first experiments were at New York City College with Dr. Gertrude Schmeidler, former president of the American Society for Psychical Research. In these experiments, Ingo caused temperature changes in small graphite targets, a demonstration of PK-ST (psychokinesis — static target) which has been more or less accepted as valid by the scientific world. Ingo then worked with the American Society for Psychical Research in New York on a series of tests of “out of the body” perceptions...
ADVANCE!: Are you looking forward to OT VIII?
INGO: Yes!
ADVANCE!: How would you express your greatest wins on the OT Levels?
INGO: My greatest win on the OT Levels I think was the ability to separate myself with great conviction from matter, energy, space and time. To have gained the ability to hold my viewpoint without quivering. To have gained the ability to be appreciative of the need for an ethical, philosophic philosophy and to want to help produce towards its fullest use.
And to have the great pleasure of being at home in the universe, in which I used to be very uncomfortable.
I would like, of course, to express my appreciation to L. Ron Hubbard for making all this possible." - 1998, Ingo Swann, 'Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial & Human Telepathy'. Hard to find self-published book. Talks about aliens on the Moon and Mars, and aliens being present on Earth. Also mentions in the book he visited the Great Pyramid of Egypt in 1973.
February 7, 2013, National UFO Center/Filer's Files, 'Remote Viewer Ingo Swann Dies': "Ingo Swann who stayed at my home during a weekend research meeting with several other researchers revealed alien presence on the Moon and out Earth. Our submarines were frequently followed by UFOs or USOs underwater. ... Swann remote viewed key locations on the Moon and found about ten different locations that indicated an unearthly extraterrestrial presence. ... We discussed the situation on the Moon and he indicated that he feklt the aliens were mining the Moon. ... In his home he had huge murals of extraterrestrial scenes complete with UFOs. ... [Uri] Geller says, "If you were blind and a man appeared who could teach you to see with mind power, you would revere him as a guru. So why is Ingo Swann ignored by publishers and forced to publish his astounding life story on the internet?" Both Geller and Swann were tested by two experimenters, Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, who concluded that Geller and Swann did indeed have unique skills."
Alleged Robert Crowley, former CIA ADDO: "[Gottlieb's] real name is Scheider. Grandfather was a rabbi. That one is as vicious as they come and crazy. He believes in out of body intelligence work. The what - the remote viewing crazies. You know, out of body experiences. Yes, I am sorry to say we put good taxpayer's funds into the strangest things. ... Well, there were indeed very strange people in our ranks, I'll grant you that. We had [Sidney] Gottlieb, [Ewen] Cameron and other odd ones. The [Ingo] Swann person was another one. You know, the Remote Viewing insanity. ... My God, not that crap again, Gregory. Yes, we started it. You see, we got news that the Russians were working on psychic phenomena called psychotronics. The theory, and it was never more than that in my mind, was that an agent who was trained could give information about something hidden from physical observation while the so-called viewer was at a distance from the sought-after object. This was on my watch and was gathering steam about '69 and into the '70's. Let me see if I can, Gregory, give me a minute of so and let me get into my files. Here we are. The first program was named SCANATE which, according to this, means scanning by coordinates and we started funding this utter idiocy in '70. We got a hold of SRI... We also used the services of Science Applications International Corporation in the same town. What do you know about SRI? As a local? ... Gregory, I consider myself to be an intelligence agent with an Army background. I consider myself to be innovative enough but not interested in crazy stories about psychic powers. There are no psychic powers, Gregory, only psychos babbling away to themselves. Jesus, some of our people believed all of this. It started out costing about fifty thousand and went upwards from there. A number of us spent some time trying to persuade people like [Allen] Dulles and [Richard] Helms to abandon this nonsense, as well as the completely useless MK-Ultra programs that were draining our available funds and spending valuable time on things that did not work and could not work because they were based either on wishful thinking or downright fraud. They had all kinds of con men running around claiming that they were psychic and could see into KGB headquarters. SRI and the morons in the upper levels actually hired the American Institutes for Research crooks to work on some Stargate project in conjunction with the Army and in spite of a total absense of any kind of proof, they only discontinued their crap as late as '95. I have boxes of gibberish on this. By God, Gregory, we spent twenty million on this fantasy crap before it stopped. [CIA deputy director John] McMahon was fascinated with this."
- Ingo Swann's website (accessed: December 12, 2015): "NEW SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES REGARDING THE EXISTENCE OF CERTAIN PSI FACULTIES. Synopsis of a paper presented on 21 March 1994 at the United Nations to members of the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation. Ingo Swann. ... How many of you here today would like to know you have at least SEVENTEEN senses rather than just five of them? ... When Mohammed Ramadan and Clarence Robins asked me to come here and talk about something, we had a little difficulty deciding upon a topic worthy of your interest. ... Messieurs Mohammad Ramadan and Clarence Robins, both indefatigable workers on behalf of enlightenment and transformation, agreed that I should attempt to present at least a nut-shell overview of the developments which have not at all yet been socially permitted to reach down into transformative social consciousness."
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): September 7, 1999; May 16, 2001 (with Paul H. Smith); April 8, 2002; March 27, 2004; February 20, 2005; September 1, 2005; January 23, 2006; June 17, 2006; October 3, 2006; March 9, 2007; May 7, 2008; November 1, 2008; July 8, 2009; March 2, 2010; November 20, 2010; April 4, 2012; February 20, 2013
- Co-leader with Hal Puthoff of the SRI-based remote viewing program in the 1970s and early 1980s, funded by the CIA, Air Force Office of Technology and the DIA.
Appearence(s): April 23, 2003; July 15, 2009; October 24, 2010; August 4, 2011.
- Coast to Coast AM, Charles Tart biography: " Dr. Charles Tart pioneered the field of consciousness studies decades ago, with his classic best-selling anthology Altered States of Consciousness, in print for more than 20 years and selected by Common Boundary as one of the one hundred most influential psychology books of the twentieth century. Tart is credited with almost single-handedly legitimizing the study of altered states, including hypnosis, meditation, lucid dreaming and drug-induced states. He initiated several important lines of research in parapsychology, including teaching ESP and out-of-body experiences. He is currently a Core Faculty Member at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (Palo Alto, California) and a Senior Research Fellow of theInstitute of Noetic Sciences (Sausalito, California), as well as Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the Davis campus of the University of California, where he served for 28 years. He was the first holder of the Bigelow Chair of Consciousness Studies at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas and has served as a Visiting Professor in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, as an Instructor in Psychiatry at the Schoolof Medicine of the University of Virginia, and a consultant on government funded parapsychological research at the Stanford Research Institute (now known as SRI International)."
- Albert Hofmann Foundation website, 'Board of Directors' ( "The Board of Directors: John Bresford, M.D. - Secretary... Michael Stolaroff, M.A. - Treasurer... Don Wylie, J.D. ... Advisors: John Beresford, M.D. ... Ram Dass (Richard Alpert, Ph.D.) ... Allen Ginsberg (deceased) ... George Greer, M.D. ... Charles Grob, M.D. ... Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. ... Willis Harman, Ph.D. ... Albert Hofmann, Ph.D. ... Laura Huxley ... Oscar Janiger, M.D. ... John Lilly, M.D. ... Dennis McKenna, Ph.D. ... Terence McKenna .... Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. ... David Nichols, Ph.D. ... Humphrey Osmond, M.D. ... Jonathan Ott ... Richard Evans Schultes, Ph.D. ... Myron Stolaroff, M.A. ... Charles Tart, Ph.D. ... Andrew Weil, M.D. ... Richard Yensen, Ph.D."
- May 27-29, 1995: Rockefeller employee C. B. Scott Jones' organizes the ''When Cosmic Cultures Meet'' Conference under the banner of Laurance Rockefeller's Human Potential Foundation. International/dp/1882658035: "Included in These Proceedings: ... Michael Hesemann [C2C], James J. Hurtak, PhD [C2C]; ... Richard J. Boylan, PhD [C2C]; R. Leo Sprinkle, PhD [C2C]; ... Charles T. Tart PhD [C2C]; ... Zecharia Sitchin [C2C], ... John E. Mack, MD [C2C]; ... The conference, When Cosmic Cultures Meet, was designed to be the capstone on a process that had been going on for two years in which the White House had been encouraged to review the inherited policy from previous administrations concerning disclosure of information about Extraterrestrial (ET) and Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) phenomena."
Coast to Coast AM appearance(s): .
- Coast to Coast AM biography: "Jessica Utts is a Professor of Statistics at the University of California, Davis and a leading authority on Statistics and Parapsychology. She spent a year as a Visiting Scientist with the government classified Remote Viewing Program at SRI International in 1988-89 and was a consultant for the duration of the program at SRI and SAIC. She was one of the evaluators of the government remote viewing program when it was declassified in 1995. She is also a leading expert on Statistics Education, the author of three statistics textbooks and the recipient of two awards for distinguished teaching. Jessica serves on the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and on the Board of Directors of the Parapsychological Association."
- August 11, 1996, New York Times, 'They Laughed at Galileo Too': "As the director of the Consciousness Research Lab at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, Radin readily concedes that there are easier courses than having to steer between the die-hard skeptics who lump him in with astrologers and alchemists and the Madame Zodiac true believers who think that every bent spoon and levitated table is proof of the mind's agency in the material world. ... [Radin] has published 165 papers, 44 in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and has 16 more in the mill. He has worked almost everywhere a parapsychologist can collect a paycheck. He spent six years doing industrial research at AT&T Bell Laboratories and four at G.T.E. He had a parapsychology fellowship at the University of Edinburgh and did stints at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab and at S.R.I. International, an institute in Menlo Park, Calif., where he took part in classified military research. He has served twice as president of the Parapsychology Association. ... Roger Nelson [is] a psychologist at the P.E.A.R. lab who [has been] presenting work he had published with Dean Radin."
- June 20, 2004 Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Citing the Global Consciousness Project, he noted that the random generators or "eggs" (which are said to take a "brainwave of the world's mind") began to show anomalous readings 3-4 hours before the 9-11 attacks, in a manner that was statistically unlikely if the readings were just random. It's possible this technology could eventually be used as a type of "early warning system," he commented.
Radin also recounted some interesting anti-psi effects that began occurring around 14 days before 9-11. Positive results from online psychic recognition tests (GotPsi) dipped significantly and he speculated that this may have been caused by people having intuitions about the upcoming attacks that they were repressing and thus their psychic abilities were dampened during this time." - August 14, 2013, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean Radin, discussed his latest research into the extraordinary powers of the mind, and enlightened beings. Various 'supernormal' powers, called siddhis, were described in classical yoga texts and included everything from telepathy and precognition to invisibility and levitation. According to this tradition, these abilities would occur as a consequence of deep meditation. While everyone has the potential to develop these skills, "our lives are so distracted, that we don't have the capacity to pay attention to what's actually inside all of us," he noted. The first siddhi in advanced meditation is the simultaneous perception of past, present, and future, which could lead to precognition, he said.
Yoga and Eastern philosophies in general suggest that consciousness is fundamental and out of this emerges the physical world. Even science is beginning to question the seat of consciousness-- that awareness does not stem from the brain but is just built into the fabric of reality, Radin commented." - August 3, 2015, Coast to Coast AM program summary: "In the first half, scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dean Radin, talked about the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), as well as his scientific experiments studying psychic abilities and other 'supernormal' characteristics. In operation since 1998, the GCP, developed at Princeton University, looks at how random number generators are affected by major world events. The Project demonstrates that at certain times, large global events change the structure of the random numbers, indicating that a kind of coherent consciousness is affecting their outcome, he explained. 493 events have been studied so far and the odds against the results being chance are 2.8 trillion to 1, he reported.
Radin described some of the "field consciousness" experiments they've been conducting at the Burning Man festival the last few years, using a more sensitive type of consciousness detector. He also touched on a study looking at the neuroscience of mediumship. One of the interesting findings was that the hit rate or accuracy of the medium's readings were significantly higher when looking at the recently dead as opposed to someone who's been dead for a longer period. Radin announced they're conducting genetic tests to study the DNA of people in families who report psychic abilities, as it's long been noted that such skills tend to run in families."
Appearence(s): September 17, 2007; February 12, 2008; October 24, 2010; July 27, 2014.
Background and sources on Jacques Vallee have been moved to a separate article.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: July 6, 2000, November 28, 2005; December 26, 2006; May 13, 2008; April 17, 2009; June 24, 2009.
With a background involving Yale, the Ford Foundation, SRI, and the United Nations a complete and total Rockefeller flunky. Self-styled exopolitics expert, along the lines of Michael Salla. Claims there are intelligent civilizations on the moon and Mars.
BA Yale 1964. JD Yale 1967. Fulbright Scholar. General counsel and assistant administrator New York Environmental Protection Agency 1970-1973. Consultant, Ford Foundation's Public Interest Environmental Law Program 1973-1977, helping to evaluate grants to such bodies as grantees including the Natural Resources Defense Council and Environmental Defense Fund. Futurist at Stanford Research Institute 1977 to about 1980. Allegedly involved in a Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communications Study of 1977-1978, which then allegedly was suppressed by the Pentagon. NGO delegate at the United Nations in New York 1982-1987. Also involved in space and disarmament issues with the UN. n 1987, Webre produced and hosted "The Instant of Cooperation", the first live radio broadcast between USA and the then Soviet Union, carried live by Gosteleradio and NPR satellite on WBAI-FM. Congressional coordinator for Steven Greer's Disclosure Project. Alfred Webre and Dr. Carol Rosin founded the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) in 2001, as an outgrowth of the former ISCOS, Institute for Cooperation and Security in Space. Founding director of Canada's No Weapons in Space Campaign (NOWIS) since 2002. Created the Campaign for Cooperation in Space (CCIS) in 2004. Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission.
Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ISCOS) (Feb. 4, 2002): "(Partial Board List)1/26/02 ... President/Chair of the Board Dr. Carol Rosin ... Director and General Counsel Daniel Sheehan, JD ... Director and Secretary-Treasurer Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd ... Advisory Board Chairman – Astronaut Dr. Edgar Dean Mitchell, Sc.D. ... Honorary Board Chair - Sir Arthur C. Clarke..." (June 7, 2007): "[also:] Brian O'Leary, Director of New Energy..."
- 2003 annual report, Threshold Foundation (part of the Soros/Rockefeller-allied Tides Foundation), p. 17: "Institue for Cooperation in Space (ICIS)/Center for Psychology And Social Change seeks to transform the war industry into a world-cooperative civil, commercial, entrepeneurial, and military space program. ICIS's initial objective is to ban space-based weaponry. This ban will awaken consciousness and stimulate a peace economy with a new marketplace of jobs and profits based on research and development of clean and safe technology, products, and services applied to solving urgent human, energy, sustainable development and environmental problems, and build a global security system using space technology to enhance world communication and information exchanges on all issues with respect to sacred life. $6,268 - general support. PO Box 398080, Cambridge, MA 02139."
- about Webre in 2000: "Former Stanford Research Institute futurist claims that a 1977-78 White House study into Extraterrestrial communications during the Carter years was secretly suppressed at the behest of Pentagon officials, led by the SRI liaison with the Pentagon."
Coast to Coast AM bio of Alfred Webre: "International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS), based in Vancouver, B.C. Canada. His book Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe is the evolution of his groundbreaking work as a futurist at the Stanford Research Institute [SRI International], where in 1977 he directed a proposed extraterrestrial communication study project for the Carter White House." ICIS has received financing from the Rockefeller-allied and Tides Foundation-controlled Threshold Foundation.
November 28, 2005, Coast to Coast AM: "First hour guest, Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space, Alfred Webre discussed the recent Canadian Exopolitics Initiative that was put forth by Paul Hellyer, a former a Minister of Defence. Hellyer, who is well regarded in Canada, said Webre, is concerned with America's space militarization plans, which could ignite a war with ETs, he believes."
December 26, 2006, Coast to Coast AM: "Alfred Webre, known for his work in Canadian "exopolitics," said there has been replicable communication through remote viewing to intelligences on planets like Mars, and that we live in a populated solar system."
May 13, 2008, Coast to Coast AM: "Known for his work in Canadian exopolitics, Alfred Webre appeared in the latter half of this hour. He believes the Vatican may be reevaluating cases deemed Virgin Mary miracles such as the Fatima incidents, and possibly considering them as UFO encounters."
April 17, 2009, Coast to Coast AM: " Alfred Webre provided his exopolitical perspective on ET issues during the second hour. He recalled his attempt at starting a civilian scientific study of the subject at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1977. According to Webre, the Department of Defense told SRI they would terminate their grant money if they went through with the research. Webre believes the study would have uncovered "secret human-extraterrestrial liaison programs." Webre also discussed the Vatican's policy on extraterrestrial life, evidence for an intelligent civilization living beneath the surface of Mars, and the need for a Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs at the UN."
June 24, 2009, Coast to Coast AM: " Alfred Webre provided his exopolitical perspective on ET issues during the second hour. He recalled his attempt at starting a civilian scientific study of the subject at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1977. According to Webre, the Department of Defense told SRI they would terminate their grant money if they went through with the research. Webre believes the study would have uncovered "secret human-extraterrestrial liaison programs." Webre also discussed the Vatican's policy on extraterrestrial life, evidence for an intelligent civilization living beneath the surface of Mars, and the need for a Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs at the UN."
Related to Webre: Laura Eisenhower
Alfred Webre has interviewed Laura Eisenhower, a daughter of Susan Eisenhower, in turn a granddaughter of former president Dwight Eisenhower (1952-1960). Even today, as ISGP's Superclass Index shows, Susan Eisenhower is still part of the elite of the elite with particularly strong, inside ties to the Soviet Union. Eisenhower himself an executive member of the Anglo-American Pilgrims Society, in which Andrew Carnegie, the Rockefellers, Morgans, Vanderbilts, Mellons, Harriman, Whitneys, etc., etc. have all been generational members.
As the quotes below will show, Laura Eisenhower is completely nuts.
It took some time to confirm, but Laura really is the daughter of Susan Eisenhower: :
- (Laura Eisenhower site): "Having a family of great cultural expansion and diversity, with members living in places such as, Australia, Brazil, and Europe, I have been able to integrate a deeper understanding of the world as I work to create a spiritual revolution. My father was born in Egypt and speaks 7 languages, and my sisters and I have shared interests in travel, language, indigenous cultures, and higher knowledge. ... My mother (Susan Eisenhower), a political analyst in DC, was not spiritual, and my father became a Catholic priest. I have never been religious and have never read the Bible. I naturally had a deep profound relationship with Christ and would telepathically communicate with him as a child whenever I was forced to sit in church. Amazing miracles used to take place, and I always felt his presence with me in a very intimate way. My father would always comment on my connection to Magdalene, had actually given me that middle name, and suggested that I use it as my confirmation name. ... All who know me, including my young twin sons, family and friends, have made reference to my link to Sophia-Magdalene and understand my life mission. ... Over a dozen reputable professional psychics have gone into deep emotional recognition of my profound embodiment as Sophia-Magdalene. They have told me that I was the Mother, High Priestess, Earth Goddess, and Queen of the Heavenly & Fairy realms. Many have seen me in Avalon and in countless other dimensional lives as The Goddess. They said that I was the center of the universe. My spirit and ethereal body covered the whole of creation and all dimensions in between. I was cosmic mind spread throughout the infinite universe. Creation emanated from my senses and emotional body. I would shapeshift through the elements and disperse light and colors. They said they had never seen anything like it and could barely put into words what they saw."
January 6, 1990, Deseret News, 'Eisenhower kin will wed Gorbachev aide': "Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower, said Friday she will marry an adviser to Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Roald Z. Sagdeev, a rocket scientist and political reformer. ... The marriage will be Miss Eisenhower's third, said a friend of the family. Her first husband was London barrister, Alexander Bradshaw, with whom she had one daughter. Her second husband was John Mahon, an attorney in Rochester, N.Y., the father of her two youngest daughters."
April 30, 2010, Catholic Courier, 'Priests mark ordination anniversaries': "Born in Egypt, Father Alexander H. Bradshaw [father of Laura Bradshaw/Laura Eisenhower] -- the son of a British diplomat -- grew up in Great Britain and later became a U.S. citizen. He attended Oriel College, a constituent college of the University of Oxford, before entering the English Bar in 1965 as a barrister, or attorney. He came to Rochester in 1975 to join the law firm Nixon, Hargrave, Devans & Doyle. "I was drawn to the priesthood from an early age, probably around 11 or 12," said Father Bradshaw, adding that he considered applying to seminary in his 20s. "However, I fell in love and got married [to Susan Eisenhower]. I never regretted marriage at all, and was very happily married, until the last year." He said that he sensed God was guiding him back toward the priesthood in the years after his divorce and annulment. He attended St. Bernard's Seminary from 1980-81 and received his bachelor of sacred theology degree in 1983 from Gregorian University in Rome. He was ordained June 22, 1985, by Bishop Matthew H. Clark at Brockport's Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He then returned to North American College and earned his licentiate of sacred theology in 1986. In 1989 Father Bradshaw, 69, became pastor of Holy Ghost Parish, Gates, and in 2000 became pastor of Our Mother of Sorrows Parish, Greece. "The priesthood is my greatest joy," he stated."
December 5th, 2011, "Here are some video clips (see links, below) from last Friday's Rosary for Priestly Vocations, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Saint Damien of Molokai Council 11411 and held in the evening at Our Mother of Sorrows Church in the town of Greece. ... The Knights have been sponsoring the Rosaries for several years, now; maybe four or five years (I'm not sure). There are usually at least four each year held in different locations around Rochester. Father Alexander Bradshaw, the pastor at Mother of Sorrows presided at this latest one... "
June 10, 1995, Baltimore Sun, 'Love that came in from the cold': "Susan Eisenhower fell in love with the top Soviet space scientist Roald Sagdeev ... They met in 1987. She the granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, the D-Day commander who became 34th president as the Cold War hardened. He a Communist Party member, a leading nuclear physicist and head of the Soviet space program. ... They were mature people. She was 35, married twice and the mother of three daughters. The youngest, 5, the oldest, 14 [in 1987 - 37 in 2010 when she "came out"; looking at pictures, Laura is the oldest and has the correct age]. He was 54, separated from his wife of 30 years (they were divorced in 1989) and the father of a grown son and daughter, both computer scientists. ... When they decided to marry they notified her father, John Eisenhower -- a historian and a bemedaled soldier in his own right, Dr. Sagdeev's father, Zinnurov, a lifelong Communist and once prime minister of the Tartar Republic -- and the Politburo. John Eisenhower sang Russian folk songs with Dr. Sagdeev. ... Ms. Eisenhower says. "We have an extremely good marriage. Maybe it's because we're basically extremely good friends and extremely interested in one another's viewpoints. So we have an ongoing, everyday, political brainstorming. I don't know, I just had an instinct.""
- (accessed: March 3, 2011; page removed later that month): "6. Do you have children of your own? Yes. I have three daughters: Caroline, Laura and Amy. 7. Do you have grandchildren? Yes, one of my daughters has twin boys and another has a boy and a girl. 8. Weren't you married to physicist Roald Sagdeev? Yes. We married in 1990. 9. Are you still together? No. A couple of years ago our marriage came to an end but we are still friends and business partners."
As for the claims of claims of Laura, strap on your seat belt:
February 11, 2010, Radio Rumor Mill News, 'Laura Eisenhower blows whistle on secret Mars colony project': "Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike's great-granddaughter, claims she is the living reincarnation of Isis and other goddesses. She is here to talk about a secret base on Mars. In her public statement, Laura Eisenhower contends that Dr. Harold E. (Hal) Puthoff, a former researcher at Stanford Research Institute, is the behind-the-scenes coordinator of the Mars colonization project. She added that numerous attempts were made to recruit her into the project from April 2006 to January 2007. Her testimony is corroborated by her close friend, Ki' Lia, a Stanford-educated artist and futurist. The alleged purpose of the secret colony is to provide a survival mechanism for the human race in the event of planned or natural cataclysm that would depopulate the Earth. ... Co-moderating today's program is Exopolitics radio host, Alfred Webre. More information can be found by watching this Steve Quayle video posted on YouTube:"
April 13, 2014, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower interview (Youtube): "We are dealing with a lot of galactic wars and angelic wars that took place even before this planet was formed, this planet that we know as Gaia. ... And in the formation of this new creation it was pretty much hijacked immediately. We're dealing with reptilians that ended up going underground, not necessarily malevolent. But then those coming from the Draco star system and just how the Anunnaki and the Luciferian rebellion is a part of the enslavement of humanity and we hear all these stories of the Anunnaki with Enki and Enlil and all these different projections and theories about what their intentions are. Enlil has been somewhat demonized as the one who created the flood and Enki was out for good because he wanted to protect mankind. But what is really protecting humankind when there is an enslavement agenda? So we are actually dealing with beings that want a large population in order to control it and then other factions that somewhat want population control. And then the reptilians that went underground that were part of the original creation that just see this whole mess and probably want it to be rectified or brought to somekind of justice. And so we are dealing with many different species and the invasion part of it would be the manipulation, the mind control, the dark technologies that want to control nature, that want to control humans, anything from the aerosol spraying and HAARP technologies to what we see coming from religion and government. ... part of the invasion in the works for thousands and thousands of years. So when we deal with something called the Illuminati, or some of these shadow government institutions, there are many factions... It's time to put all this out there, regardless of what the outcome is, who can handle it or not handle it, because it doesn't matter anymore. We have to all be part of this discussion. We have to unite with the ones that are on our side. We have to call out the ones who aren't. Give them an opportunity to either unify with is, you know, or we need to have them shut down what they are doing..." She goes on about Pleiadians being turned down by FDR, Eisenhower and Hitler in return for secret technologies of the Grays. Some more: "Project Paperclip ... Montauk ... Defense industries have been infiltrated ... I feel that the Zionists and Nazis are within this shadow government. ... I hear my inner voice say 'checkmate'... James Casbolt... said these were cloned humans. ... Nordics ... MJ-12 ... and it all connects with the Rockefellers and the Bilderbergs. ... The Tablets of Destiny supercomputer system. ... Galactic feminine ... Orions ... Sirians ... Roswell crash and the other crashes that took place ... clone or create hybrids ... We have to look at MILABs. ... When we're dealing with these grays, we're not just dealing with extra-terrestrials. We're dealing with future human selves that have timetraveled back that are trying to keep a life cycle alive rather then be on the ascension path where they wouldn't need our human genetics. " Goes on another 50 minutes, but you get the point.
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: April 12, 2003; December 2, 2003; September 5, 2004; February 15, 2007; January 19, 2012; September 9, 2012; November 11, 2014.
Rupert Sheldrake has a separate page on ISGP with sources on parapsychology research and evidence of disinformation and fraud.
Appearance(s): December 12, 1999; March 17, 2000; November 12, 2003; October 19, 2004; June 4, 2011; October 13, 2011.
- Multimillionaire spiritual guru with a number of elite connections. Biography to be found in ISGP's "liberal CIA" article under Chopra Foundation. Chopra's son has also appeared on Coast to Coast AM.
Appearance(s): October 21, 2009; January 18, 2011; September 2, 2012; March 11, 2014.
- C2C AM biography: "Amit Goswami, PhD, is a theoretical nuclear physicist and professor emeritus of The University of Oregon Institute for Theoretical Physics. His father was a Hindu guru in India, and in his work Dr. Goswami brings knowledge of mystical traditions together with his love for scientific exploration. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called "science within consciousness". As well as being a highly sought after international teacher and speaker, Dr. Goswami is the author of 11 books and numerous papers translated into 9 languages. He appeared in the popular film "What the Bleep dowe know" and is the subject of a new documentary, "The Quantum Activist"."
- Also appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.
International advisory board / Distinguished advisor to the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a center of Rockefeller globalism along new age principles. (June 12, 2010): "BOARD OF DIRECTORS ... Edgar D. Mitchell - Founder. ... INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD: ... Deepak Chopra. Amit Goswami... Michael Murphy. Dean Ornish. ... Maurice Strong. Most Reverend Desmond Tutu. IONS FELLOWS: ... Van Jones. James O'Dea. Rupert Sheldrake. Charles Tart. .... GUIDING DIRECTORS: .... Willis W. Harman, President Emeritus, 1975-1996." Still on the board anno August 2014.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: Since 2005 about every two years. Leading dream shaman who has a history as an ultraright-wing MI6 officer who cooperated closely with the CIA. Incredibly, he has even visited the fascist and Opusian Cercle group.
MI6 officers Brian Crozier and his protege, Robert Moss, ran The Economist's Foreign Report for many years. Especially Crozier was a pioneer in running private intelligence and operations networks, among them Le Cercle and 6I. Crozier and Moss were pro-fascist and involved in the undermining of labor unions in England, as well as a variety of foreign coups, alongside the CIA. They also cooperated closely with the Israelis and the emerging U.S. neocons. Crozier counted Richard Perle and Rupert Murdoch among his personal friends.
Even though Moss left The Economist a year before Hancock arrived, it's nevertheless interesting to know that Moss became the number one dream shaman in the world who appears on Coast to Coast AM as frequent as Hancock. While the exact relationship between the two is not clear, we do know that Hancock is interested in shamanism while Moss used to be a professor in ancient civilizations.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: March 15, 2002; August 23, 2002; September 25, 2003; December 11, 2004; August 21, 2006; August 27, 2008; November 10, 2009; June 11, 2011 (rerun)
I bought all of Brian Weiss' books. Very intrigued by them. But always distrusted him also, primarily for his claim to have met Jesus in one of his books. I also doubted statements on Atlantis and of aliens merging with the human race. Turns out I'm not the only one. In the mean time ISGP has demonstrated that Atlantis could never have existed and that DNA evidence proves that alien could never have mixed with humans either--so Brian Weiss has got a lot of explaining to do for bringing out this information.
December 29, 2010, D. Crouzet, reply at a random blog post: "[I read] Same Soul, Many Bodies. And then I understood that Mr Brian L. Weiss is a liar who makes money out of his credentials combined with the common people's credulity. When you read SSMB [Same Soul, Many Bodies], you cannot be but flabbergasted by the horrendous new-age clichés it includes. There is many, and you get them all. Just to cite a few: — ... Then in another Egyptian past life, patient was healing people with a secret (and efficient) method involving crystals. So you have the usual cliché about crystals and supernatural powers of ancient Egyptians. — Other patient who has grave cancer met Jesus Christ two thousands years ago when she was a poor peasant unjustly beaten by mean Roman legionaries just because she wanted to save a wounded bird… THEN, author knows this story to be true because himself was there (in a former life) and too met with Jesus Christ, but also met with patient as poor peasant. Once all of this is remembered, patient is miraculously cured of her cancer… — Another dude was an extra-terrestrial in a former life 60,000 years ago. These E.T came to Earth and merged with human race (even though their DNA from another planet might have been totally incompatible, and I won't discuss their supposed advnced technology…). — And of course a "renown psychic" was an Atlantean scientist 40,000 years ago. The villain developped psychic powers to dominate the world, in a civilization that had great sky-scrapers and flying vehicles 40,000 years ago… "
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: October 23, 1999; January 9, 2003; December 11, 2003.
Appearance(s) on Rense: 2000-2002 (around Christmas to explain the mushroom-Christmas connection)
- Student of Tibetan Buddhism. Ordained priest. Alleged friend of R. Gordon Wasson. Considered a mushroom specialist. Pushed the Graham Hancock disinformation line that Ancient Egypt was a remnant of an older, more advanced civilization. Made it to Coast to Coast AM and Rense in the late 1990s. In 2003-2004 legendary marijuana activist Jack Herer stayed at his home to work on a new book with him.
- 2004, Ralph Metzner (editor), 'Sacred Mushroom of Visions: Teonanacatl': James Arthur co-authors chapter 1 ('Ethnomycology and Distribution of the Psilocybian Mushrooms), with David Nichols co-writing chapter 4, Rick Doblin and Ralph Metzner co-authoring chapter 6, Rick Doblin writing chapter 7, the late Timothy Leary producing chapter 8, and Ralph Metzner also authoring chapter 9. The book also reads: "James Arthur is an ethnomycologist, archeoastronomer, mythologist, theologian, and shaman. He is the author of two books, Mushrooms and Mankind and the forthcomong Mushrooms, Ayahuasca and DMT. See:"
- In 2003 Fear Factor host, UFC commentator, comedian and future podcast owner Joe Rogan came to the house of Jack Herer, with Jack Herer (or vice versa) and Jan Irvin present. Arthur gave Rogan the creeps:
- (accessed: October 6, 2017): "By Jack Herer and James Arthur: w/ special guests Jan Irvin and Joe Rogan (Fear Factor). Christianity and the Catholic Church's Darkest Secrets. Part #1. Recorded 2/23/2003."
- July 5, 2011, Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Jan Irvin interview, 6:40, 35:50, 56:40: "
[Irvin:] I've know you for what, 8 years at least? And you [Brian Redban] have worked with him for 8 years. You know, Joe and Eddie were trying to get me to train jiu jitsu 8 years ago and I don't hang out with them every day. ...
[Rogan:] I met Jan years ago. How long have I known you?
[Irvin:] At least 8 years [which would be 2003].
[Rogan:] At least 8 years. And then I met Jan years ago he was just this really cool guy. I met you over at Jack Herer' house, right?
[Irvin:] Yeah. ...
[Rogan:] The first time I was introduced to this subject, was the first time I met Jan [Irvin]. I met Jan over at Jack Herer's place and Jack Herer was showing me all these photos which I hope are still around. I hope somebody got those. He had these incredible photos of art work where it showed naked people ... under a mushroom. They had like a transparant mushroom and they were naked in ecstacy dancing under a mushroom, clearly showing these people under the effect of psychedelic mushrooms.
So it's me, and it's Jan, and it's Jack, and it's Jack's friend. And man, Jack's friend, all my alarms are going off. This guy is just fucking weird, man. This guy is creeping me out. I don't like the way he talks, I don't like the way he interacts with me, I'm uncomfortable when he gets close to me. I'm like, how are these people around this guy? This guy is like setting off [bad vibes].
[Irvin:] Yeah, and I'm not just picking up any of this. And, you know, it's funny, because it must have been like 6 months later that I call Joe up... and I'm like, "Dude, you know that guy that was at Jack's house that day? He just got busted." And then Joe interrupts me and says, "He's a pedophile." And I went, "Oh my fucking God, how did you know?" And he's just all, "I just knew, dude." Right, the guy was arrested for pedophilia [in April 2004] and killed himself in jail [a year later, in April 2005]. ... Oh no, he did [it himself], dude. He set up this whole little ritual and he sent a letter to my friend about the whole ritual that he was doing. It was all timed with the eclipse and all this shit and with Pope John Paul's burial. ...
[Rogan:] I have a photo of all of us together: you, me, Jack, and the dead child molester. ... I don't know. I just knew. I just wanted to kill him. When you're around certain people and you wanna kill 'em, it's not good. When you feel, like, this is a dangerous animal. ... I don't claim to be perfect at this. That Rafael Torre guy totally slipped through my radar, mostly because I was stoned as fuck whenever I was hanging out with him. ... It was the first time I was meeting Jack."
- Dugovic was a sex offender arrested in 1991, 1996 and April 2004. He committed suicide in jail in April 2005.
- April 12, 2005, Fresno Bee, 'Inmate's death is ruled a suicide; James Dugovic, 47, died in Madera jail cell': "[Arthur was] found with a bedsheet noose looped around his neck has been ruled a suicide... Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Erica Stuart said Dugovic was arrested April 25, 2004. She identified him as a registered sex offender facing new charges of sexual misconduct with children. Dugovic reportedly was facing an April 26 preliminary evidence hearing... [He] was being held in Madera County Jail on $300,000 bail. [This time] he was named as a suspect in six felony counts involving three children younger than age 14. Papers filed in Madera against the defendant also allege he was convicted of a sex crime in Fresno County Superior Court in 1996."
- April 16, 2005,, 'James Arthur Dies, World's Foremost Ethno-Mycologist': "The following Bio of James by our friend and colleague Jordan Maxwell is well worth reading... 'In 1976 R. Gordon Wasson told James, in his opinion, James was the world's leading expert in the field of Ethno-Mycology, as it pertains to Christianity. He also referred to James as his dear friend. ...
James Arthur has been a long time Student of Tibetan Buddhism (under the Guidance of Lama Tharchin Rimposhee, Lama Lodro, and many others). ... James is also an ordained Christian Priest. ...
James is/has been friends, and/or is associated with ... Terence McKenna ... Myron Stolaroff, David Hatcher Childress ... Richard C. Hoagland ... Jordan Maxwell, Zechariah Sitchin ... John Major Jenkins ... Dennis McKenna, Taylor Lockwood and many others who have helped him...
[He has appeared on] "Parascience and Beyond" with host Uri Geller. Co-guest appearances with Jordan Maxwell, and John Rapoport discussing Secret Societies...'" - June 2005,, 'Death of James Arthur (1958 - 2005)': "He was working on a book with Jack Herer at the time of his arrest. ... Many enjoyed his presentations that drew connections between religious historical art and psychoactive mushrooms."
- After an article about the suicide of James Arthur's death was posted on, a vicious fight broke out between friends claiming he was murdered, the wife of a prison guard where Arthur died, Arthur's partner who lived with him, Jan Irvin and Jack Herer's wife. The prison guard wife and Jeannie Herer come across as the most sane.
- April 16, 2015 thread,, 'James Arthur Dies, World's Foremost Ethno-Mycologist' (KathyX, 2 posts in all): "You [people here] cannot be serious about [these murder charges]! ... Let me say that my HUSBAND works for the Madera County jail. ... Do you even know the scope of what he really did to those children? Dear, kind, sweet Mr. James Arthur liked to ram objects up children's anal cavities. ... Molesters are put with their own kind in maximum security. Here's some questions for you... Who was the officer that found him dead? How many officers were working his module that day? What time did it happen?..."
- April 16, 2015 thread,, 'James Arthur Dies, World's Foremost Ethno-Mycologist' (Mysterioso, a.k.a. Daniel, Arthur's sexual partner): "Hello. I just came across the vile post by some idiot called "Kathy X". What a load of crap! She must be related to the meth addict people who put James in jail. ... No child was ever violated according to the police reports. I know, because I was there the whole time, and I am typing this from James's house right now, where I have lived for the last 6 years, with James. ... As for the Fresno Bee/Associated Press article: The article is worded strangely. ...
I know Jack Herer too! ... I lived with James from 1992 in Fresno, until we moved to North Fork Ca in 2000. Jack lived in this house for about a year from 2003 to 2004. Jack then moved into his own home in North Fork. The day Jim got arrested, Jack went into Jim's home and took the books, which he admitted to the sheriff's department. That was one of the things that Jim could not understand, why this person who he loved and trusted, came into his home and took his most precious books and still has not returned them to this day. The other people simply took property that they could sell for drugs or whatever. ...
James did in fact plead guilty to a [pedophilia] charge back in 1991. Basically, it related to some people being naked with children in the house. A nudist type of situation. The charges were about someone else, but Jim was in the house, so he was involved. He then had to register. As for these bogus charges in 2005: The "secretary" found Jim's card in his wallet while she was stealing money out of it, and that's where these new charges stem from." - April 16, 2015 thread,, 'James Arthur Dies, World's Foremost Ethno-Mycologist' (Jeannie, Jack Herer's wife): "Yesterday was the first day we have been on this message board. I found it by accident searching the internet and was very surprised to find that our names were being trashed on here by you and Dan and Jan. I'm extremely upset about this. Jack said he doesn't have 30 books of Jim's. Our garage is full of unpacked boxes which I will go through but we were never given a list of 30 books by the police so I wouldn't even know what to look for. Jack has a huge library of his own. ...
Jan, it seems you're trying to make Jack out to be incompetent [after his troke in 2000] and being led around on a leash by me. That's not true at all. He is totally capable of making his own decisions and does. ...
We do know Jim's partner/lover, Dan, and have spent many hours on the phone listening to his drunken ravings. ... Whenever your name came up [James Arthur] would bitterly complain about you being an alcoholic and that you were the reason he lost his music business. When I asked him why he kept you on he never gave me an answer. I now believe it was because you were blackmailing him by threatening to expose his past to Jack." - April 16, 2015 thread,, 'James Arthur Dies, World's Foremost Ethno-Mycologist' (Jeannie, Jack Herer's wife): "This is Jeannie Herer responding to parts of Jan Irvin's post [which Jan deleted]. ... The [real] reason Jack [Herer] didn't stand by Jim [James Arthur] is because he believed Jim molested those children. Three weeks after Jim was arrested, Jack went with you [Jan Irvin] to visit him in jail. At that time, Jim didn't deny what he had done. He told the two of you to read Wilhelm Reich and you would understand. You both told me after that visit there was no doubt in your minds that Jim was guilty. ...
What is your motive [Jan Irvin] in trying to make me look bad? Is it because Jim [James Arthur] wrote the forward to your new book and you want to make him look good? ...
Mike, This is Jeannie Herer. Jack didn't say he agrees with nudity in front of children. Jan Irvin wrote that. ...
When you [Jan Irvin] first brought Jim [James Arthur] to our house, he said it would take three months [to finish the book]. Jack [Herer] believed that. ... They were working on it about 50 hours a week. At that time they didn't have a secretary working with them. They were doing all the work themselves. After Jim moved the secretary and her daughter into his house, he was only willing to work on the book 10 to 15 hours a week, at the most. He spent most of his time with the little girl and other kids that came over. Jack says he complained to you [Jan Irvin] about this many times." - April 16, 2015 thread,, 'James Arthur Dies, World's Foremost Ethno-Mycologist' (Jeannie, Jack Herer's wife): "The books Jack has that he and Jim [James Arthur] were working on are: The Sacred Mushroom & the Cross. Jack has five copies, one of which is Jim's. Soma? [Gordon Wasson's 1968 'Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality'?] This is Jim's but Jack offered to give it to Jan [Irvin] a long time ago. Jan remained friends with Jim after his arrest and made an agreement with him to continue writing his book. The other books were jointly owned by Jack and Jim."
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: September 28, 2013.
Background and sources on Amber Lyon have been moved to a separate article.
Appearance(s) on Coast to Coast AM: May 22, 1997; March 19, 1998; April 1, 1999; July 16, 1999.
Born in 1946. Wanted by the FBI and Interpol for smuggling hash from Asia to the United States in the early 1970s. During the time he was already a student of psychedelics and the mystical. Considered the number 1 expert on psychedelics, including DMT and Ayahuasca, from the early 1980s until his death in 2000.
- Anti-Vietnam War activist during his student days.
- Backed by the Esalen Institute.
- Backed by Laurance Rockefeller through the Green Earth Foundation, founded in 1988, together with his brother.
- Brother Dennis McKenna's plant medicine research at the Heffter Research Institute was also funded by Laurance Rockefeller, as well as Microsoft millionaire Bob Wallace, an old friend of Bill Gates, since at least the 1990s.
- Terence McKenna was a major pusher of alien and 2012 theories. In his case the aliens are the mushrooms. Terence and his brother Dennis took a large amount of mushrooms in 1971 in La Chorerra, Colombia, who supposedly introduced themselves to Terence as "aliens" from another planet. Subsequently Terence began pushing his own version of panspermia: that these "aliens" have spurred primate-to-human evolution. Somehow the mushrooms also inspired them to try and prove that the I-Ching is a calendar that runs out in December 2012.
2010, Raymond Hundley, 'Will the World End in 2012?', Introduction pp. XII-XIII: "Others, like Latin American Jose Arguelles, take a more mystical approach. In his work 'The Mayan Factor', Arguelles fixed the date for the end of the present world order at December 21, 2012, based on the ending of the Mayan calendar and the 2012 "Harmonic Convergence," in which the sun, the moon, and six planets will become aligned and cause great destruction on Earth. Arguelles and others have promoted several international conferences on the 2012 doomsday prophecies since 1987, trying to bring humanity to a position of peace, love, and harmony that could avoid harsh realities from occuring in the coming transition to a new world order in 2012. ... Brothers Terence and Dennis McKenna used a painstaking mathematical approach to calculate the 2012 doomsday predictions of the I Ching in their work 'The Invisible Landscape'... Prolific author John Major Jenkins has published a series of books on the 2012 event, including 'Tzolkin, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012'... One of the most comprehensive works on the 2012 doomsday prophecies is 'Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation into Civilization's End', by Lawrence E. Joseph. And finally, the book popularly credited with beginning the 2012 doomsday movement is Daniel Pinchbeck's '2012: The Return of the Quetzalcoatl', published in 2006."
The following quote has recently been used as an admission from McKenna that he was a deep cover agent. In fact, during the speech, in which he is continually joking, he was referring to the mushrooms. According to his brother Dennis, the authorities had forgotten about McKenna's arrest warrent for hash smuggling. After turning himself in and providing the authorities with information about his "network", he got off with three years probation. 1994, Terence McKenna, lecture at the Esalen Institute, question and answer: "I wonder myself [why I do this lecturing]. You mean, am I the alien ambassador [mushrooms told him they were aliens] whether I like it or not? Well, often when asked this question, I've said, you know, it beats honest work. I mean, my brother [Dennis McKenna] is a Ph.D in three different subjects and works in hard science and I don't think it has brought him immense happiness. Not that he is despondent. But I was always kind of a slider. You know? And certainly when I reached La Chorerra [Colombia] in 1971 [where me and my brother used huge amounts of mushrooms] I had a price on my head by the FBI. I was running out of money. I was at the end of my rope. And then "they" recruited me and said, "You know, with a mouth like yours there's a place for you in our organization." And I've worked in deep background positions about which the less said the better. And then about 15 years ago ago they shifted me into public relations and I've been there to the present." Still interesting enough to back up for now. It certainly remains a peculiar joke.
Appearances on Coast to Coast AM: November 25, 2012; March 23, 2014
- Surviving brother of Terence McKenna. Followed him up as the number 1 psychedelics expert in the alternative media about a decade after his brother's death.
- Financially backed by Laurance Rockefeller through the Green Earth Foundation, founded in 1988, and the Heffter Research Institute, founded in 1993. Dr. Ralph Metzner (Oxford, Harvard; co-authored 'The Psychedelic Experience' with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert in 1964 and many more recent books) played a key role in founding both.
- "Company name: Green Earth Foundation. File Number: C1502046. Filing State: California (CA). Filing Status: Active. Filing Date: April 6, 1988."
- January-February 1995, Mother Jones Magazine (advertizement): "Green Earth Foundation is an educational and research organization dedicated to healing and harmonizing the relationships between humanity and the Earth."
- "Consciousness Studies - Related Sites: ... Ram Dass -- Home page for the pioneer psychedelic researcher and spiritual teacher. Includes books and audio-tapes available and updates on his medical status and recovery from stroke. ... The John E. Mack Institute [for alien abductions]... Rupert Sheldrake, Morphogenetic Fields and Animal Telepathy ... Russell Targ - Remote Viewing and Spiritual Healing ... Charles Tart -- Well-known psychologist and author on altered states of consciousness, psychedelic drug states, parapsychology and spiritual grown, especially Gurdjieff's approach. ... Drug Policy Alliance [of George Shultz, George Soros and the like] ... Peter Dale Scott - The Drug War and Covert Politics. ... The Heffter Research Institute - This is a non-profit institute devoted to high-quality scientific and medical research on psychedelics, both in the US and internationally. Founding directors include David Nichols, Ph.D., Charles Grob, M.D., Dennis McKenna, Ph.D., Mark Geyer, Ph.D., George Greer, M.D. and others."
-, 'Hallucinogenic Drugs and Plants in Psychotherapy and Shamanism': "During the 1980's I came into contact with the work of Michael Harner (1973), Joan Halifax (1982), Peter Furst (1972, 1976), Terence and Dennis McKenna (1975) and others, who have studied shamanic teachings and practices around the globe. "
- Co-founder and director of the Heffter Research Institute., 'Board of Directors' (accessed: March 22, 2015): "Dennis J. McKenna: Co-founder, director of ethnopharmacology, treasurer. Dennis McKenna's professional and personal interests are focused on the interdisciplinary study of ethnopharmacology and plant hallucinogens."
- March 13, 2001, New York Times, 'Scientists Test Hallucinogens For Mental Ills': "Dr. [David E.] Nichols is the founder of the Heffter Research Institute, begun in 1993 and named for Arthur Heffter, a 19th century chemist who was the first person to identify a hallucinogenic molecule, mescaline, which he extracted from peyote. Backed by private donors like Laurance S. Rockefeller and Bob Wallace, a Microsoft millionaire [and old Bill Gates friend], the institute is financing clinical trials with LSD, psilocybin and other hallucinogens to treat phobias, depression, obsessive compulsive disorders and substance abuse, said James Thornton, its executive director. ... For example, Dr. Nichols, an expert on hallucinogenic drugs, said there were reports that symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder, like washing one's hands dozens of times a day, subside under the influence of psilocybin, a hallucinogen derived from mushrooms. Dying patients given LSD have reported less pain and less fear, he said. Ayahuasca (a Brazilian plant extract) and peyote (derived from cactus) have reportedly helped alcoholics stay sober."
- According to Dennis McKenna, his Heffter Research Institute works close with the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychdelic Studies (MAPS), founded in 1986. A quick look on the site of MAPS ( reveals a link to the Green Earth Foundation.
- Terence McKenna was a major pusher of alien and 2012 theories. In his case the aliens are the mushrooms. Terence and his brother Dennis took a large amount of mushrooms in 1971 in La Chorerra, Colombia, who supposedly introduced themselves to Terence as "aliens" from another planet. Subsequently Terence began pushing his own version of panspermia: that these "aliens" have spurred primate-to-human evolution. Somehow the mushrooms also inspired them to try and prove that the I-Ching is a calendar that runs out in December 2012.
- Dennis McKenna appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast in 2014 with Josh wickerham (earlier in 2012 alone). Notes:
- Every five seconds the word "sustainable development" and "NGO" is mentioned.
- Every three seconds it is explained that the "consciousness" of the human race must be raised in order to prevent catastrophic global environmental destruction.
- Climate change is part of this upcoming apocalypse.
- NGOs can arrange Ayahuasca business trips for corporations to enhance this "consciousness".
- wickerham, who sounds like an out-of-touch new age cultist, is explaining (completely incorrectly) that a "plant-based diet" can generate the same "consciousness transformation" as Ayahuasca.
- When Terence's alien mushroom theory is brought up by Rogan, Wickerham tries to make the point that spores could have survived a space trip to earth.
- Literally nothing of substance about Ayahuasca or other psychedelics is brought up that would motivate people to go out and take it themselves.
- A quick biographical check reveals that Wickerham has founded the "Ethnobotanical Stewardship Council", which doesn't at all sound as if he is trying to wrestle control over the dispersion of plant medicines and the information available about them. More importantly, Wickerham has been working for NGOs as the United Nations Environmental Programme and the WWF, both of which are Rockefeller and Rothschild territory. Wickerham also states that "since 2006, I have worked with Jane Goodall and the Jane Goodall Institute." Goodall was a co-chairman of the new agy and Rockefeller-financed State of the World Forum, largely ran by Coast to Coast AM's Daniel Sheehan.
- Wickerham has also appeared on the podcast of Joe Rogan Experience visitor Amber Lyon of Lyon dissented from CNN a few years back, because the news agency was apparently cencoring her investigation of the repressive Bahrain government. It might be a coincidence, but CNN is controlled by the billionaire Ted Turner, one of the best friends of Laurance Rockefeller and solid superclass. He's been deeply involved in the new age aspect of the sustainable development movement and can/could be found at Greenpeace (financing, with Rockefeller Brothers Fund), Friends of the Earth, the United Nations Foundation (chair), the United Nations Association, the State of the World Forum, and many more groups. He's also the one who created the Captain Planet cartoon series of the 1990s. Looking at the likes on her Facebook, Lyon is trying to get an invitation for Coast to Coast AM. Let's hope she gets one, but for the time being she has been added "preventively". In 2014 I made Lyon aware of a few NGOs in relation to Bahrain, along with my rather extensive plant medicine experience. As expected, no reaction of any kind. Update, May 2015: Looking at her Facebook friends list, Lyon is friends with Wyatt Rockefeller, grandson of Laurance Rockefeller; and Alexander Soros, a son of George Soros. Both are superclass elements financing the most radical, left-wing, anti-establishment alternative groups in western society.
Appearance(s): October 27, 2002; July 10, 2004; March 28, 2005; May 13, 2006; July 10, 2009; October 14, 2010; October 1, 2013; June 14, 2014; February 14, 2017.
- Pinchbeck has been a major promoter of 2012 spiritual revolution type of ideas and the equally Rockefeller-linked psywar hoaxes alien abductions and crop circles. These non-existent phenomena are used to indoctrinate the population with the i