The American Security Council: Cold War joint CIA-FBI-Pentagon front involved in illegal operations

Full membership list plus biographies and sources
""My son was tortured to death in front of my eyes," she finally told me one day, "to force me to tell them where some students were hiding. ... I didn't know, but they killed him anyway. ... He was the one who burned out my son's eyes. Him." The picture was one of Enrique Bermudez."
~ Bermudez, one of the ASC's death squad friends from Nicaragua and Honduras. He was also the boss of Danilo Blandon, responsible for the CIA's crack-cocaine epidemic in the U.S. by selling tons of cocaine at bargain prices to the Bloods and Crips gangs (May 3, 1991, New York Times, 'A Man of Hate Meets His Violent Destiny'). CIA and ASC-backed death squads in El Salvador also in part backfired in the extreme violence used by the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang in the U.S.

"A new director's crusade against death squads was followed by the murder of a counselor and six children. ... When [Alejos'] workers complain, they end up in a ditch," said Allan Nairn, a longtime reporter in Latin America and a regional expert. "Soldiers would take the surviving children of the workers to local charities.""
~ CIA death squad leader Roberto Alejos Arzu, a close ASC associate. In partnership with Covenant House, whose head, Father Bruce Ritter, was accused of child abuse and a member of the board of AmeriCares with the Bush family, Brzezinski, Eagleburger (Kissinger man), J. Peter Grace, Colin Powell, Gen. Richard Stilwell of the ASC and ASC chairman Robert W. Galvin (see above picture). Involved an international child trafficking ring, according to Sen. John DeCamp. (October 7, 1990, Newsday (Melville, NY), 'War for the Children Guatemala Covenant House confronts death squads')
~ Note: The ASC is largely the U.S. branch of the Cercle network. ~
"Can we agree to take half of endowment in PAFF and use it to fund WDF for national defense projects in U.S. and Philippines? Examples: Strategic Defense Initiative. Other space programs. B-1 Bomber. MX Missiles. Etc. Etc. Conventional weapons. To in effect build a new military-industrial complex controlled by us? If your answer is yes, I suggest A. Singlaub. B. Schweiter. C. Daniel Graham. D. George Keegan."
~ Hand written note of Alan Foringer, administrative CIA head in Manila, to Robert Curtis. Both were after buried Japanese war loot (gold) on the Philippines. Graham and Singlaub were leading members of the ASC, with Keegan also being close. (photocopy: Seagrave's 'Gold Warriors' CDs).
"In considering the World Anti-Communist League you have entered a world of ideological fanaticism, racialism, ignorance and fear which is almost beyond the comprehension of the average American… Your subject matter is a collection of oriental fascists, militarists, rightwing terrorists who put bombs in civilian aircraft, death squads, assassins, criminals and many people who are as opposed to democracy as they are to communism. You are in some danger yourself."
~ Letter to journalists Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson from a former League member. Reproduced in their 1986 book 'Inside the League'. The American Security Council and Le Cercle are higher level groups in the same network as the WACL.
This article will largely address the conservative establishment. As for the general policy differences between the liberal and conservative establishments that have been described on this site, it's best to take a look at the following quick oversight.
Liberal establishment | Conservative establishment |
Pro-containment | Anti-containment |
Pro-detente | Anti-detente |
Anti-roll back | Pro-roll back |
Anti-SDI (Star Wars) | Pro-SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) |
Pro-United Nations | Anti-United Nations |
Anti-tactical nukes | Pro-tactical nukes |
Pro-Arab (for oil) | Pro-Arab (new right) / anti-Arab (neocons) |
Pro-Afghanistan invasion | Mixed feelings over Afghanistan invasion |
Mostly anti-Iraq invasion | Pro-Iraq invasion |
Pro-CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg | Anti-CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg |
Moderately religious, atheist or new age | Usually religious in very rigid ways. |
Probably the most important private group during the Cold War that was part of the conservative establishment was the American Security Council. Founded in 1954, for many decades it has had prominent generals, intelligence officers, businessmen and scholars on its various boards. These were not your average run-of-the-mill personalities. Most of these men had been supporters of Senator McCarthy, meaning they had irrationally harsh anti-"communosocialist" opinions, as well as a generally antagonist attitude towards the east coast banking elite surrounding the State Department. Needless to say, most persons in the American Security Council were not known for their diplomatic skills, nor did not have a Princeton, Yale, Harvard or Columbia background. It is almost the exact opposite crowd as the one visiting the Pilgrims Society, another private group described on this site.
One of the more important things to realize is that at the level of the American Security Council, there is little to no difference between what has traditionally been termed the "old right", "new right" and "religious right". In essence they all teamed up to fight communism. The "old right" was anti-interventionist, but in reality this was only due to its support for - or total indifference towards - European and Japanese fascism. Both the eastern establishment (really the "liberal right") and right wingers from across the country ("old right") were organized in groups as the American Legion, the American Liberty League, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Crusaders and the America First Committee. As detailed in General Smedley Buter's book, War is a Racket, both big business establishments were always happy to overthrow a Latin American country for various economic interests:
"My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. "I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that [the Rockefeller's] Standard Oil went its way unmolested. "During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." |
A schism occurred in the late 1930s when England was threatened and the eastern establishment finally began to push for war with Germany. After the war this group also became increasingly internationalist to prevent another major conflict. However, the group that later ended up becoming the American Security Council had no such loyalties to England or mainland Europe. They continued to favor isolationism and are now considered the "old right".
After World War II, the interventionalist "new right" was magically born. For the most part very little changed. Some right wingers did indeed lean towards a "fortress America"-type policy when it came to dealing with the communists in the early years of the Cold War, but it is rather questionable if scholars should split up over this issue. In the early 1950s, supporters of the "new right" General Douglas MacArthur also backed "old right" Senator Robert Taft. Both opposed the New Deal (which contributed to such "terrible" developments as limiting work hours and abolishing child labor), both openly criticized the eastern establishment, both were extremely anti-communist and both had been completely indifferent towards fascism in the pre-World War II years.
Then there's the religious right, of which one of the major pillars has been Jerry Falwell, a close ally of the American Security Council. Falwell was part of the ASC's Peace Through Strength campaign in 1983, appearing on television along with Fisher and General J. Milnor Roberts. On his Religious Council of 56 all kinds of Cold War activists appeared: General Daniel O. Graham and Clay Claiborne of the ASC; Larry MacDonald of Western Goals; Nelson Bunker Hunt of the John Birch Society; and others. Decades-long president of the American Security Council, John Fisher, was described by the Religious Roundtable as a "close friend", as was Joseph Coors, also of the ASC. Several other prominent religious preachers have allied with the network of the American Security Council and related groups, meaning there's all very little difference between the "religious right", "old right" and "new right".
Already in the 1970s there was a neocon aspect to be found in the American Security Council. The major difference with this branch of the right is its complete loyalty to Israel.
The reality is that the core of the neocons are just a bunch of Jewish scholars who appear to act as liaisons between the intelligence communities of the United States and Israel. The CIA-Mossad connection initially ran through CIA counter-intelligence chief James Angleton. And it just happens to be Angleton, a co-chairman of the American Security Council in the 1980s, who seems to have had a dominant influence over the group. In 1976, soon after his forced retirement from the CIA, Angleton set up his Security and Intelligence Fund. John M. Fisher, founder and long-time president of the American Security Council, was a founding director of SIF. President was Elbridge Durbrow, who, like Angleton, was a co-chairman of the American Security Council. Then there was General Robert Richardson III, of the ASC's national strategy committee, who served as the long-time secretary/treasurer of SIF. It is not hard to see why some would suspect that Angleton continued his CIA counter-intelligence activities through the American Security Council.
Other career CIA officers on the ASC national strategy board have been Richard Bissell, deputy CIA director under Allen Dulles; covert operations expert Ray Cline, co-chairman of the strategy board; and Daniel Arnold, a CIA officer apparently deeply involved in the drug trade. Then there are more than a dozen others who held brief positions at the CIA.
One interesting thing to see is that senior CIA officers of the ASC tend to have an eastern establishment background. Angleton went to Yale and Harvard, Cline had a Ph.D. from Harvard and Bissell a Ph.D. from Yale. Another example would be Frank Barnett. As vice president of the H. Smith Richardson Foundation, already linked at the time to the CIA [1], he put up crucial funds for the ASC's National Military-Industrial Conferences, along with Fisher and General Robert Wood. [2] Barnett was a Rhodes scholar who held Rockefeller and Ford fellowships.
Eisenhower's 1961 farewell speech to the nation has been cited on many different internet pages. In a brief section of his speech, he warns against the rise of the "military establishment", the "defense establishment" and the one that really stuck with everyone, the "military-industrial complex". However, no one seems to know for sure who Eisenhower was referring to exactly. In the opinion of this author, all three establishments are somewhat different. It has been claimed that the American Security Council represents the "military-industrial complex". This is true to an extent, although it must be said that defense and industrial concerns played a relatively minor role in the funding or steering of the ASC. It does have the full support, however, of these corporations. The ASC is also not completely dominated by the military, as plenty of civilians can be found on the board. The term "defense establishment" is probably the most accurate and this author alternates it with "conservative establishment", because ultimately these kind of persons form the absolute core of the conservative/defense movement. There might be many more less radical conservatives out there, but they are not the ones deciding on foreign policy and covert operations.

General MacArthur and his nephew MacArthur II. An interesting contrast: MacArthur loathed State Department politics while MacArthur II was assistant to secretary of state John Foster Dulles (right) in the 1950s, travelling with him all over the world. However, MacArthur II also supported the Moonies and yakuza/fascist elements released by his uncle in Japan. He represented the CIA in many countries he visited. General MacArthur was a hero of the American Security Council.
General MacArthur was another presidential candidate in 1952, but received little support from the public for his McCarthyite anti-communist views. However, Texas oil men as Clint Murchison, Sr., best friend Sid Richardson and their rival H.L. Hunt, did support |MacArthur - and these were powerful men. The first two were good friends of FBI head J. Edgar Hoover and various leading right wing politicians. Murchison had CIA connections [3], Sid Richardson would become involved in the American Security Council and H.L. Hunt and his son Nelson Bunker Hunt became major forces in the John Birch Society.
It was General Robert Wood, of the Sears Rubock fortune, who largely ran the MacArthur-For-President campaigns in 1944, 1948 and 1952. In 1954 this same General Wood became the founder of the American Security Council as the Mid-American Research Library. Other close allies of MacArthur had served under him from World War II to the Korean War. These included General Charles Willoughby, G-2 intelligence chief; General Bonner Fellers, chief of psychological operations and a major Anglophobe; General George Stratemeyer and General Albert Wedemeyer, both of whom gave air support to MacArthur's army in Korea. Another major supporter of MacArthur was Marine Corps General Pedro del Valle. Below a list of private action groups can be found in which these generals, as well as the Texas oil barons, organized themselves during the Eisenhower administration. All of these groups pushed for more hardline policies against the Soviet Union and dissolution of any new deal policies..
America First Committee General Wood | Regnery | Gen. Wedemeyer | Ford |
1940 |
Hotel del Charro Clint Murchison | Sid Richardson | J. Edgar Hoover | Clyde Tolson | Sen. McCarthy |
1951 |
Fact Forum/Life Line H.L. Hunt | Gen. Wood | Gen. Wedemeyer |
1951 |
Constitution Party and MacArthur-For-President (Eisenhower opponent) H.L. Hunt | Gen. Wood | Gale | Gen. del Valle | Gen. Fellers | |
1952 |
Citizens for Taft Committee (also opposed Eisenhower) Gen. Wedemeyer (chairman) |
1952 |
Defenders of the American Constitution Gen. Del Valle | Chennault | Gen. Fellers |
1953 |
For America Gen. Wedemeyer | Gen. Wood | Clark | Smoot | Buckley |
1953 |
Ten Million Americans Mobilizing for Justice [for McCarthy] Gen. Del Valle | Gen. Stratemeyer |
1954 |
Mid-American Research Library (soon the ASC) Gen. Robert Wood |
1954 |
National Military-Industrial Conferences (hosted by ASC) Gen. Wood | Barnett | Fisher | Martin Blank | Baron Friedrich August von der Heydte | Wernher von Braun (speaker) |
1955 |
Citizens Foreign Relations Committee Gen. Willoughby | Gen. Stratemeyer | Gen. Wedemeyer | Manion | Menjou |
1955 |
Shickshinny Knights of Malta Apparent early history as Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem. Charles Pichel (Nazi and apparent sadistic sexual abuser who maintained ties with the White Russian community). Counted the involvement of families as Habsburg, Thurn und Taxis, Wittelsbach, Windisch-Graetsch and Radziwill. Later: Charles Pichel | Gen. Willoughby | Gen. Del Valle | Gen. Wedemeyer | Gen. Stratemeyer | Gen. Fellers | Col. Corso | Eugene Tabbutt (KKK) |
1957 |
Americans for Constitutional Action Adm. Moreell | Gen. Fellers | Gen. Wood |
1958 |
Liberty Lobby Co-founders: Willis Carto, Del Valle, Stratemeyer. |
1958 |
John Birch Society Robert Welch | Nelson B. Hunt | Wedemeyer | Manion | Menjou | MacDonald |
1958 |

First published in 1966 by Holt, Rinehart & Winston, of which Gen. Nathan Twining (ASC) was vice chairman at the time. Jeane Kirkpatrick's (Cercle; CSP) husband was editorial advisor of the same publishing firm at that point. Lane later took control of the racist Liberty Lobby and was a lawyer for the Jonestown Cult. He was actually evacuated along with the CIA's Richard Dwyer when cult members were massacred in 1978.
The Shickshinny Knights and the Liberty Lobby are primary examples to show that these men were highly fascist. Inviting leading KKK members to the board is just not normal and we all know about the Liberty's Lobby's crusade against black and Jewish people. The earlier mentioned General Robert E. Wood had been rejected by FDR for having "shown far too great approval of Nazi methods" when the recommendation was made to reinstate Wood for active service at the beginning of World War II. [4] In 1951 General Charles Willoughby proposed the following toast: "To the second greatest military genius in the world [after MacArthur] —Francisco Franco." [5] As the reader will find out, this type of support for fascism is the norm.
The American Security Council was founded in 1954 under the name Mid-American Research Library. Although the ASC does not advertise with it, the Mid-American Research Library was the continuation of the library of the American Vigilant Intelligence Federation. Harry A. Jung, head of the federation, fell ill in mid-1954 and died that November.[6] Robert E. Wood, outgoing chairman of Sears, Roebuck & Co., had begun to anticipate that Jung's secretive headquarters in the Chicago Tribune Tower would soon come up for sale and initiated a fundraiser to take it over.[7]
He delegated the task of approaching other company heads to John M. Fisher, vice president of personnel and employee relations at Sears. Fisher was able to bring on board twenty-five other companies, including Motorola, Marshall Field and Illinois Central Railroad. Together these corporations put up the money to buy Jung's library, rebranding it the Mid-American Research Library. Fisher became CEO, with the most important financiers organizing themselves in a senior advisory board.
Fisher changed the name to American Security Council in 1955. This name was much more fitting, as the new foundation was considerably more than just a neutral research library. To begin with, Jung's American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, which had originally been founded in 1919, campaigned against everything from the New Deal to labor unions and U.S. involvement in World War II. He denied it, but there's every indication that Jung was also editor for The American Gentile, an anti-Semite newspaper owned by Russian émigrés from Czarist Russia. These White Russian contacts provided him early on with copies of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and together they worked on an English translation. [8] Certainly Jung was widely accused of being an anti-semite and a Nazi sympathizer. [9] At the very least he was a prominent isolationist and was said to have been in close contact with the leadership of the America First Committee (headed by General Robert Wood), together with his friend Colonel Richard R. McCormack, the publisher of the Chicago Tribune newspaper. That's the same McCormack who became notorious for leaking U.S. war plans against the fascist nations three days before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Harry Jung, the American Nazi at the basis of what became the American Security Council.
Jung also worked "in close cooperation" with the FBI and on occasion acted as an advisor to junior FBI agents. [10] The primary reason for the FBI's interest in him seems to have stemmed from the fact that he had collected "one of the largest and most complete files on subversive activities" in the United States, stashed at his low-profile headquarters in the Chicago Tribune Tower. [11] One can wonder if General Robert Wood, who used to be chairman of isolationist America First Committee during World War II, came up with the idea to acquire Jung's library all by himself. Jung appears to have been a friend of J. Edgar Hoover, a notorious red-baiter and blackmailer whose FBI didn't even acknowledge the existence of organized crime until forced to do so in the 1960s. [12] In turn, John M. Fisher, who took control of the library, had retired as a special FBI special agent in 1953, the year before he took over the library. He also picked an army of former FBI agents to run his council. Three early and successive operating directors were all FBI agents with "internal security or counterintelligence experience". The research director had been a FBI agent and so were various members of the senior advisory board: Stephen L. Donchess, who had become a low-level manager at U.S. Steel; Kenneth M. Piper, a former assistant director of the FBI who had become vice president of Motorola; and Russell E. White, taken on by General Electric as a security consultant. Fisher also set up the for-profit firm Fidelifax with offices across the hall from the ASC. The firm's purpose, according to its own official history, was "to bring FBI type background investigations to the corporate sector". Within three months Fidelifax had 32 offices throughout the country, each of them headed by a former special agent of the FBI. Unfortunately, the research agencies did not produce much income for the central library, prompting Fisher to give away his majority stake to his five most important franchise holders.
Evidence really seems to point to the fact that the American Security Council was a joint venture between Hoover's FBI and corporate America. According to Fisher, the companies financing the American Security Council did this to meet their "Cold War citizenship responsibilities" and stop the communist ideal "to put business out of business". [13] Hoover was completely on the side of American corporations and was as extreme to the right as Harry Jung. He ran a massive counter-intelligence program, known as COINTELPRO. With it he infiltrated and disrupted labor unions, civil rights groups, anti-segregation outfits and kept tabs on various left-wing politicians. [14] The early American Security Council had roughly the same aim as COINTELPRO. Membership companies, which grew to about 1,500 corporations in the early 1970s, [15] were able to use the library of the ASC to screen new or existing employees. Although the ASC wouldn't allow any outsiders to view the files, by the early 1970s it was reported that the ASC had information on about 6 million individuals. The information had come from various libraries that had been taken over and was supplanted with information coming from public sources, mainly newspapers. To what extent private researchers and company executives added information to the database seems to be unknown. It is also not known if the FBI cooperated with the ASC in the same way it had done with Harry Jung. It is also not known if applicants have been turned away based on information gathered on them in the library or if employees have ever been fired because of this information. What is known is that in one case a private investigator used the American Security Council "for security checks about political backgrounds with special interest in any communist type activities". [16] The name of this private investigator was Guy Banister, a former FBI agent known to have been the runner of Lee Harvey Oswald of the Kennedy assassination. In this way it seems that ASC, in combination with private investigators, have been providing a service to the FBI that it is ordinarily barred from doing.
The average person may not be worried too much with a group of companies gathering information on communist activity. After all, communism is bad, isn't it? The problem lies in defining what a communist is or what makes a person a suspected communist. Judging from the size of the ASC library, one would be inclined to believe that millions of communists were working to undermine democracy in America.
The ASC was far from the only group that was profiling American citizens based on their political beliefs. The Church League of America, active for many decades since 1937, had a database containing millions of individual names. They added everyone who was "attacking and ridiculing a major doctrine of the Christian faith or the American way of life." [17] Much of the information came from newspapers and books, but the league explained that it also "sat in on communist and leftist meetings" and had agents who "ingratiated themselves with leftists". [18]
The controversial detective and private security firm Wackenhut, ran by an extreme right Christian Scientist, occasionally made use of the files of the Church League. [19] Wackenhut also had its own database of suspects in the 1960s and 1970s, largely based on several unspecified libraries the company bought. George Wackenhut himself estimated that the library "got up to about three million" individual names [20]. To what extent these names overlapped with the databases of the Church League and the ASC hasn't been investigated, but it is likely to have been considerable as Wackenhut was represented on the national strategy committee of the ASC for several decades. A 1968 list - to pick one - reveals that two of the three co-chairmen of the committee at that point were Wackenhut directors: General Bernhard A. Schriever and Lloyd Wright.
In addition, Wackenhut director General Mark W. Clark was a member of the committee. One of Clark's last assignments in the army was as commander-in-chief of United Nations Command in Korea. Under Truman he had been offered the ambassadorship to the Vatican, but was forced to withdraw after protests from various groups. After his retirement he became the oldest and most experienced director of Wackenhut. At the same time he was the long-time head of the Citadel Military College of South Carolina.

Favorite occupation of the ultra right: gathering information on anyone who might threaten their business interests. Looking at their support for overseas death squads it's not hard to imagine what they will do to their own citizens if given full authority.
When Clark resigned from the board of Wackenhut in 1974, his colleague at the ASC, General Bernard A. Schriever, replaced him. Schriever had been the commander of Air Force Systems Command, which produced the Delta, Titan and Atlas rockets. The AFSC program, located at Andrews Air Force Base, was a successful competitor of NASA's Wernher von Braun, whose team produced the Redstone, Jupiter and Saturn rockets. Schriever remained on the board of the ASC until at least the 1980s.
The other co-chairman of the ASC's national strategy committee who could be found at Wackenhut was Lloyd Wright, a lawyer with political ambitions. He had been the committee's initial sole chairman when it was put together back in 1961. A year later he ran for the senate; Ronald Reagan was his campaign manager. Wright was known as an "extremist by any measure" and lost the race to the more moderate Thomas Kuchel. In 1955 his friend, vice president Richard Nixon, asked him to head the Commission of Government Security. Wright's suggestion to penalize any unauthorized disclosure of classified government information was never implemented, as it would have put tremendous restrictions on the freedom of the press. Wright was a major supporter of the John Birch Society and was among the ASC members who were promoting a risky confrontational strategy with the Soviet Union.
The nature of the ASC began to change as a result of Castro's take-over of Cuba in 1959. Dictator Fulgencio Batista ran the island from 1933 to 1944 and again since 1952. U.S. corporations and the American mafia flourished under his rule. When Fidel Castro came to power, he not only kicked out the mafia, but - as communists do - he committed the great sin of nationalizing the assets of American corporations. Oil refineries, sugar and fruit plantations, power companies and the telephone network were all in the hands of American interests - and all were nationalized. Sears Roebuck, the company most prominently invested in the ASC, was among the victims. In response, Fisher would step down as head of the company's corporate security committee to shift the focus of the ASC from countering domestic subversion to foreign policy. And to do that effectively he needed access to elected officials in Washington.
The first thing Fisher did was open an office in Washington and install yet another retired FBI agent: Lee R. Pennington, who had retired from the FBI in 1953. He was third in command at that point, after Hoover and Tolson. Pennington joined the American Legion, where he did similar work as he had done for the FBI and what was being done at the ASC: gathering information on "subversives". After retiring from the American Legion, Pennington went to work for the American Security Council. His office produced the Washington Report, a bi-weekly and in some years weekly newsletter that was spread to members, local newspapers and added to the congressional record. Interestingly, years later it came out that Pennington was a CIA operative who "had been doing CIA work on Capitol Hill." He was close to James McCord, the former CIA officer who headed the Watergate burglary, and was instrumental in destroying files linking McCord to the CIA. [21] Pennington died from a heart attack several months after the revelations.
Working under Pennington at the ASC's Washington office was retired Rear Admiral Chester C. Ward, who was the editor of its Washington Report newsletter. Not long after joining the ASC, he became one of the nation's most intense fear mongers, together with co-author Phyllis Schlafly. In 1964 the duo published the book The Gravediggers, in which they attacked the New York bankers establishment, claiming it was undermining elections and was exposing the country to danger by reducing defense spending. Two years later their roman Strike from Space: A Megadeath Mystery was published, warning for the possibility of an unexpected sudden nuclear strike from the Soviets. In 1974 they published the best-seller Kissinger on the Couch, criticizing Kissinger's policy of détente and claiming he was an instrument of the Soviets.

Typical American Security Council books, really no different from the John Birch Society.
After setting up the Washington office, the next step for Fisher was to put together a national strategy committee, filled with prestigious military and intelligence officers, as well as a few sponsors. Every single one of them could be found at the ultra right of the political spectrum.
In addition to reorganizations at the American Security Council, members were also involved in setting up Citizens Committee for a Free Cuba (CCFC) in 1963. ASC board members as Edward Teller and Claire Boothe Luce were among the directors. Another, Spruille Braden, soon became chairman. Even John Fisher joined the board in 1964. Leo Cherne was there, a mentor to William Casey and a pioneer in CIA operations through private institutes. Admiral Arleigh Burke and Nicholas Duke Biddle of the elite Pilgrims Society sat on the board. Executive director Paul D. Bethel should be counted among the Kennedy assassination suspects. A CIA man, he was close to David Atlee Phillips and the anti-Castro Cuban underground that carried out sabotage and terrorist attacks against Castro's Cuba.
Throughout the Cold War the conservatives of the American Security Council and related groups were struggling against Kennedy's Limited Test Ban Treaty and Kissinger's proposals of detente and the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks. Behind all these rather rational policies in the eyes of the vast majority of people, the McCarthyites of the American Security Council saw things differently: all these diplomatic efforts were part of a Soviet-ran grand "communosocialist" conspiracy, designed to take over the United States. They opposed any diplomatic efforts with the Soviets and every attempt to steer the world away from Mutually Assured Destruction. If it had been up to these men, the United States would have used nuclear weapons in just about any major conflict since World War II. In 1950, after his forces were overran by Chinese troops due to his own mistakes, General Douglas MacArthur pushed for the use of nuclear weapons against North Korea and China. His exact words:
"I would have dropped 30 or so atomic bombs ... strung across the neck of Manchuria. Then I would have introduced half a million Chinese Nationalist troops [Taiwanese] at the Yalu [River] and then spread behind us -- from the Sea of Japan to the Yellow Sea -- a [five mile wide] belt of radioactive cobalt ... it has an active life of between 60 and 120 years. For at least 60 years there could have been no land invasion of Korea from the North. I am certain that the Russians would have done nothing about this strategy. My plan was a cinch." [22] |

MacArthur and Truman: not the best of friends.
Not everyone agreed that MacArthur's plan was a "cinch". Confidential State Department files reportedly stated that the United States was only in the possession of twenty nukes at the time (which seems like awfully few and contradicts other information). And it turned out to be impossible to find large enough concentrations of Chinese troops to use the nuclear weapons against. [23] The State Department also advised against using the Taiwanese as they were not strong enough to defend against a Chinese invasion. If the United States would intervene in the conflict at that point, it might well have brought in Russia also. [24] President Truman, who ultimately fired MacArthur for insubordination, was of the opinion that MacArthur was hoping for all out war with the Chinese, an accusation that was obviously denied. The two eventually parted ways with MacArthur calling Truman a "little bastard" who "believes he is a patriot", [25] while Truman referred to the general as a "dumb son of a bitch" who "wasn't right in the head". [26]
What is absolutely true is that the men surrounding MacArthur were very much interested in the idea of a "preventive war" against the Soviet Union and communism internationally. It was on August 29, 1949, just before the Korean conflict heated up, that the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear bomb test. It took two years before another test took place. The third, in October 1951, was the Soviet's first air drop, six years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. At this point the Soviet Union was still far behind the capabilities of U.S. Strategic Air Command, which was almost ready to deliver full and effective nuclear strike on the Soviet Union.
It was in this period, in the early days of days of the Cold War, that some senior military officers flirted with the idea of attacking the Soviet Union "preventively", because they were certain that Stalin was going to attack the West as soon as he had produced a significant arsenal of nuclear weapons. The strategy designed under Project Control in the early 1950s at the U.S. Air War College was preferred by this group. It gave the Soviet Union six months to capitulate under terms outlined by the Americans. If the Soviet Union would refuse to comply, the United States would attack it with nuclear weapons.
This study was strongly tied to future American Security Council members. Its head was Colonel Raymond Sleeper, an ASC national strategy committee member. Among the supporters were General Curtis LeMay; his deputy at Strategic Air Command, Thomas S. Power; Air Force General Nathan Twining and Admiral Arthur W. Radford. Another supporter was General George Keegan, whose activities were closely intertwined with the ASC.
LeMay, always eager to start a new world war, had actually begun to implement aspects of Project Control on his own:
"Central to Project Control were overflights by LeMay's spyplanes to police Soviet airspace. Even before the plan had been shown to the politicians, LeMay ordered a test run of this central tenet. On May 8, 1954, a converted B-47 bomber took off from RAF Fairford in Oxfordshire. It flew round the coast of Norway to Murmansk. There, it suddenly turned south and flew deep into the Soviet Union, photographing airfields and military installations. The Soviets were furious. "The pilot of this provocative mission, Colonel Hal Austin, had been personally briefed by the general. "LeMay said, 'Well, maybe if we do this overflight right, we can get world war three started.' ... If Austin thought LeMay's remark might be a joke, an encounter between the two men 30 years later showed it was not. "His (LeMay's) comment there again was, 'Well, we'd have been a hell of a lot better off if we'd got world war three started in those days.' "By late 1954, Project Control had received a major political knockback when the State Department rejected it. Then followed another blow. The Air War College war-gamed the idea for many months into 1955 and a letter to LeMay tells of the result: the Red Team (acting as the USSR) launched a preventive nuclear strike on the Blue Team (acting as the US). "Blues large-scale overflights of Red territory triggered off the conflict." "Despite this, in 1956, LeMay undertook a major series of spyflights over the Soviet Union. In April alone there were three sets of nine simultaneous penetrations of the USSR's northern borders. There are believed to have been many more such flights that year, though no record of President Eisenhower being informed has ever been found." [27] |

American Security Council mindset: Bombs that can wipe out large cities in seconds, burn people alive over 20 miles away and cause radiation fallout that will stick around for thousands, if not millions, of years? Great idea. Let's build thousands and use them "preventively" to take out the communists and the socialists! In that sense we should be thankful that there has been a Kissinger and Rockefeller family to combat that mindset.
As the person who ran the World War II firebombings of Japanese cities, killing more than two million people in the process, LeMay had grown to become completely indifferent to the suffering of innocent people. During his tenure as chief of staff for the air force, Curtis LeMay was a major headache to Kennedy and some of his administration officials. He pushed for a massive bombing campaign against North Vietnam while Kennedy had no interest in expanding the war. During the Cuban Missile Crisis LeMay wanted to hear nothing of a naval blockade. Instead, he insisted on being allowed to bomb the Cuban missile sites, not knowing – and possibly not even caring – that Cuba had already received about 100 nuclear weapons and that local field commanders had been given authority to launch their weapons against the U.S. military. [28] Most people regard the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis as extremely fortunate. But not LeMay, who said it was "the greatest defeat in our history". [29] Much of the CIA was of the same opinion. Bill Harvey, station chief in Miami, was even banished to Rome by Kennedy for sending unauthorized commando teams into Cuba during the crisis.
LeMay, his protege Power, and Joint Chiefs chairman General Lyman Lemnitzer, another later ASC strategy board member, were also supporters of the first Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) which called for a massive retaliation with the entire U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal on Russia, China and all Soviet-allied states, even when only the Soviet Union attacked the United States. Kennedy resented the plan and McNamara ordered it revised in 1962.
There were other persons at the ASC who had learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. Sam Cohen was the designer of the neutron bomb and advocated its use in Vietnam. Edward Teller was the father of the hydrogen bomb and a major proponent in the 1980s of using them for his incredibly impractical and irresponsible nuclear X-ray lasers. The idea behind that laser was to blow up nuclear bombs in space, the energy of which would be enough to power lasers that were to shoot down nuclear missiles before reaching their intended targets. The project never reached full development phase.
In 1991 it was General John Singlaub, of the ASC's strategy board, who suggested to use nuclear weapons against Saddam [30] Hussein in the first Gulf War. During Gulf War II speculation arose of developing a new generation of tactical nuclear weapons. Considering the neocons are fully backed by the American Security Council, this was probably not a coincidence.
In 1970 the ASC introduced its "security voting index". Senator Frank Church, who voted against the ABM and would later chair the Church Committee on CIA abuses, not surprisingly, was among those who received a "zero" rating. In 1973 the ASC moved its headquarters to the tiny town of Boston, Virginia, located about 70 miles south-east of Washington. The ASC took their database of alleged subversives with them, placing the records in the Sol Feinstone Library for the Survival of Freedom. It claimed to phase out the use of the library, focusing exclusively on external subversion instead of internal. That may be so, but other organizations, whose leadership overlaps with that of the ASC, continued to focus on the internal aspects. The American Legion's Virginia headquarters was located in the same town, for example. Within a decade the ASC would also have major overlap with the Western Goals Foundation, which was caught in the early 1980s collecting police files on everything from civil liberties groups and anti-nuclear protestors to left-wing judges and politicians. [31] Anthony Kubek, Thomas Moorer, General John Singlaub, General Lewis Walt, Edward Teller, Eugene Wigner, all of the ASC, also sat on the board of Western Goals. [32] So in essence the ASC never gave up its domestic spying activities.
In 1978 the ASC stepped it up again with the creation of the Coalition for Peace Through Strength. The coalition brought together many hundreds of scholars, law makers and private institutes, as well as over 250 members of congress. Among the private institutes represented were the American Conservative Union, the American Legion, Young Americans for Freedom and Committee for a Free Afghanistan, all groups whose leadership can also be found in the American Security Council.
With the election of Ronald Reagan two years later, for the first time the conservatives got the president that they had always wanted. The public en masse rejected General Douglas MacArthur in 1952. Barry Goldwater lost the elections in 1964. George Wallace, whose running mate in 1968 was Curtis LeMay, never stood a chance (one of his speech writers had been Gary Allen, the famous anti-Rockefeller and Trilateral Commission author). Another darling of the ultra right, Richard Nixon, turned his policies towards communism around by 180 degrees: from a hardline, confrontational approach, he went to following Kissinger's détente policy, which the ASC and Kissinger's old mentor, Fritz Kraemer, were not too pleased about. Senator Henry Jackson, an ASC favorite lost the 1976 Democratic nomination to the Trilateral Commission-backed Jimmy Carter. Interesting detail: during the campaign Nelson Rockefeller, apparently as a favor to Kissinger, helped undermine Jackson's campaign by making up a story that his aides Richard Perle and Dorothy Fosdick were secretly harboring communist sympathies. [33] But then, finally, in 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected. And unlike Nixon, he stayed a loyal ultraconservative throughout his presidency.

Favorites of the ASC: Nixon, Reagan and Goldwater. Nixon betrayed the principles of the ASC when he began to support Kissinger's detente and rapprochement policies towards the Soviet Union and China.
It appears that Reagan's election was supported by rather murky elements in the CIA, including Ted Shackley (Le Cercle), future defense secretary and national security advisor Frank Carlucci, General Vernon Walters (ASC), future CIA director William Casey (Le Cercle), future vice president George H. W. Bush and his national security advisor Donald Gregg. [34] Reagan himself had been affiliated with the extreme-right for many decades. As already mentioned, in 1962 he was chairman of the senate race of Lloyd Wright, the John Bircher and Wackenhut director who had been in favor of a preventative war with the Soviet Union. In 1964 he was a public supporter of Barry Goldwater. In 1966, while running for governor, California's Democratic State Committee accused Reagan of being "an extremist collaborator and extremists' candidate". Criticized were his affiliations with the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade, the John Birch Society, the Church League of America and Young Americans for Freedom. The committee also listed Henry Salvatori and Patrick J. Frawley as contributors to Reagan's campaign. [35] Both members of the national strategy committee of the ASC in the 1960s. Frawley had become a major financier of anti-communist propaganda after his firm's Cuban holding had been confiscated by Castro. In Hollywood Reagan had been the agent of MCI chairman Lew Wasserman (1001 Club), who had high level mob connections. [36] Reagan did favors for Wasserman's company for which the latter supported Reagan in his political career. Based on this quick background of the Reagan administration, it is hardly a surprise that the Reagan years laid the foundation for several major scandals: Iran-Contra, the South Central L.A. crack cocaine epidemic, Iraqgate, BCCI and maybe even the death of journalist Danny Casolaro.
It is generally acknowledged that the renewed arms race under Reagan helped push the Soviet economy over the edge when it tried to keep up with American spending. Ironically, the collapse of the Soviet Union also largely meant the end of the influence of the ASC. At the time it was planning to introduce Eaglenet, which would have alerted members to upcoming votes in congress. It also had a political action committee that provided funds to favorite candidates. So it is clear that the American Security Council had become a well-oiled lobbying machine by the end of the Cold War, not unlike the Israel lobby. But with the Soviet Union gone, the ASC's funds quickly dried up and it had to downsize considerably. The Institute for American Strategy, a think tank closely affiliated with the ASC, originally set up to organize the annual National Military-Industrial Conferences, had become the American Security Council Foundation a decade earlier. In 1997 the ASC and ASCF merged with each other and continue today as the American Security Council Foundation. Looking at some of the ASCF names today it is clear that there has been a loss of prestige. Almost no big names can be found, in contrast to the Cold War. Examples:
Henry Kissinger President's Circle |
Greatest political adversary of the American Security Council during the Cold War, so it's quite ironic that he has been invited. Then again, Kissinger is the most connected internationalist imaginable. |
Elly Manov Director |
Leading Florida Republican. Co-Chaired the 2004 Presidential Campaign of George W. Bush and managed the 2008 Presidential McCain-Palin Campaign. |
Bill McCollum Director |
JAG officer 1969-1972. Congressman from Florida 1981-2001. Took a leadership role in trying to impeach Bill Clinton during the Lewinsky Trial. Attorney general of Florida 2007-2011. |
James Moffett President's Circle |
Chairman and CEO of the huge Freeport-McMoRan mining firm from 1984 to 1997, of which Kissinger was a director from 1995 to 2001. Today co-chairman, president and CEO of McMoRan Exploration. Chairman Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold. |
George Pataki Director |
Lawyer. Governor State of New York 1995-2007. Along with Christine Whiteman, he appointed Lewis Eisenberg head of the Port Authority, which oversaw the World Trade Center complex. Friend of Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC complex in 2001. |
T. Boone Pickens Executive associate |
Major oil industry investor. Financial supporter of President George W. Bush who knows Dick Cheney. |
Mark D. Wallace President's Circle |
Began his political career under Florida Governor Jeb Bush and was active in his election campaigns in 1994, 1998 and 2002. In 2000 Wallace played a key role working for the Bush-Cheney legal team in the decisive Florida recount in 2000 where he served as counsel to the campaign in Florida and was a spokesman for the legal team in various national media outlets. United States Ambassador to the United Nations under Bush. At FEMA, he oversaw and managed all aspects of its Office of General Counsel, and acted as counsel to the FEMA-led New York and World Trade Center recovery effort in the wake of the 2001 September 11 attacks. General counsel and legal advisor to the Department of Justice, INS, Department of Homeland Security. Executive Director of United Against Nuclear Iran. |
Christine Whitman President's Circle |
Married into a generational Pilgrims Society family. Governor of New Jersey 1994-2001. In 1995 she appointed Lewis Eisenberg head of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, together with governor of New York, George Pataki. Appointed by President George W. Bush as administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where she was criticized after 9/11 for having declared falsely that the air in New York was safe to breathe. Whitman claimed to have been pressured by the Bush administration, where she reportedly was a tad too liberal-oriented for. |
The real post-Cold War continuation of the American Security Council has actually really been the strongly neoconservative Center for Security Policy. It was founded in 1989 by Frank Gaffney, one of the neocons who had worked for Senator Henry Jackson, a beneficiary of the ASC and close friend of the CIA. Gaffney was part of the absolute core of the conservative establishment, as can be gleaned from a speech he held to the Conservative Leadership Conference on November 9, 1990: flanking him were the Pentagon strategist Fritz Kraemer, whose son played a major role in the ASC, and General Graham, a co-chairman of the ASC. Typical subjects were discussed, as the Contras, SDI and SALT. Kraemer, already known as a mystery man, as well as the first mentor to Henry Kissinger, was introduced as follows:
"By his own wishes, I've been forbidden to say anything about him by way of introduction. I've been enjoined only to say that he worked for the Defense Department for a number of years and is now retired." |
Looking to the board of the Center for Security Policy roughly ten to fifteen years after its founding, it is possible to find many individuals who also sat on the board of the American Security Council. They include Paula Dobriansky, whose father was at the ASC; Edwin Feulner, also a key player in the Heritage Foundation and Le Cercle; Jeane Kirkpatrick, Sven Kraemer, General Bernard Schriever, Edward Teller and William Van Cleave. The board and membership of the Center for Security is also much more prestigious, and has many more CIA and military men on it than today's American Security Council Foundation. [37] Already before George W. Bush was elected president in 1999, all the major neocons he selected to serve in his administration were officers or members of the Center for Security Policy. A brief list:
Sophia Casey "Generous benefactor" |
Widow of former CIA director William Casey. "Generous benefactor" to the CSP, which established the William J. Casey Institute. Bernadette Casey Smith was also deeply involved with the CSP. |
Dick Cheney Advisory board |
U.S. vice president 2000-2008. Leading neocon. |
Gen. Carl Mundy Founding chairman, Military Affairs Committee |
Commandant of the Marine Corps 1991-1995. Founding chairman Military Affairs Committee in 1999. |
Douglas Feith Chairman and advisory board |
Leading neocon. Under secretary of defense for policy 2001-2005. |
Fred Ikle Advisory board |
Very influential neocon with connections to liberal establishment. Close associate of James Woolsey at the H. Smith Richardson Foundation and other private groups. Le Cercle. |
Margo Carlisle Director |
DOD lobbyist. Visitor of WACL meetings and the Confederacion Anticomunista Latina, together with men as Roberto D'Aubuisson. Executive director CNP. Heritage Foundation. Member Madison Group. Visitor Le Cercle. Board of advisors Marine Corps University (Quantico) 1995-2006. |
Jamie Jameson Advisory board |
CIA department of operations officer. Visitor Le Cercle. Close business associate of Ted Shackley and Oliver North. |
Gen. James L. Jones Visitor/twice honored in a row |
Honored by the CSP in 1999 and 2000. Commandant of the Marine Corps 1999-2003. Involved with CSIS, the Trilateral Commission and the Scowcroft Institute. |
Senator Jon Kyl Honorary co-chairman |
Honorary co-chairman CSP with James Woolsey. Hawkish senator who was a pre-9/11 board member of the National Endowment for Democracy, together with Senator Bob Graham, Thomas Kean, Lee Hamilton, Paul Wolfowitz, Zbigniew Brzezinski and Frank Carlucci. Visited Pakistan in August 2001 with future CIA director Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham. |
John Lehman Advisory board |
9/11 Commission member. |
Richard Perle Advisory board |
Leading neocon. Chairman Defense Policy Board in 2001. Visitor Le Cercle. |
Donald Rumsfeld Visitor of meetings |
Awarded by the CSP and frequent attendant of meetings. Secretary of Defense 2001-2006. |
James Schlesinger Visitor of meetings / participant in discussions |
Former CIA director and secretary of defense. Long-time trustee chairman MITRE Corporation. With Frank Carlucci, David Rockefeller, Paul Volcker, John Whitehead, General Daniel Sheehan and Oliver Stone on the board of the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association since 1998. |
Paul Wolfowitz "Longtime friend" / speaker |
Deputy secretary of defense 2001-2005. |
James Woolsey Honorary co-chairman |
Ultra-connected former CIA director. Defense Policy Board in 2001. |
Gen. Paul Vallely Military committee |
Former boss and co-author of Colonel Michael Aquino. Close associate of Woolsey. |
Dov Zakheim Advisory board |
Oxford educated neocon with strong national security ties. |
MacArthur's legacy: Black Dragons, Taiwan, germ warfare, and the Moonie Cult
General Douglas MacArthur's activities have already been discussed to an extent, including the flirtations with fascism of him and his associates. But there is considerably more to be found in this area.

On December 24, 1948, in a "Christmas amnesty", MacArthur released 17 Class A war criminal suspects. Among those released were Nobusuke Kishi, a future prime minister of Japan; Ayukawa Gisuke, of the Manchuria Heavy Industry Development Corporation (Nissan); Yoshio Kodama and Ryochi Sasakawa, who both came to dominate the yakuza and the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, the dominant party for over 50 years after World War II; Admiral Sankichi Takahashi, Shumei Okawa and Yoshihisa Kuzu. [38] The release of this group caused quite a bit of consternation in Japan. According to Earnest Hoberecht, "Japanese of all classes appeared baffled by the amnesty". Many were complaining that the "real plotters of aggression" were set free and that "the amnesty heightened the possibility of a fascist revival in Japan". [39] The Japanese were especially anxious about the release of Kuzu, former president of the notorious Black Dragon Society. Although the name sounds like it has been taken from a comic book, all these years it was this group that every prime minister feared. With their branch of Shintoism, called State Shintoism or Tennoism, the Black Dragons provided the ideological basis for Japanese fascism. In Tennoism absolute loyalty is demanded to the emperor, as he is considered the physical incarnation of the Sun God Amaterasu. The Black Dragon Society spread this ideology through a plethora of youth groups and other less influential secret societies. They combined this with the idea that all of Asia, if not the entire world, should be made subservient to their Sun God. [40] Its primary tactic was terrorism. Anyone opposing the philosophies of this group was to be assassinated - as so many prime ministers personally experienced in the years before World War II. Its leader, Mitsuru Toyama, a close associate of the royal family, maintained a network of spies throughout the country and even abroad. A description of the Black Dragon Society from the end of World War II reads:
"I had called on a man who was personal physician to Prince Chichibu, [the younger brother of the emperor,] and in the course of conversation I asked him who was living now in Gotemba, home of old Mitsuru Toyama, who had helped in founding the Black Dragon secret society in 1901, and who had died at the age of 90 last year. The doctor blanched with fear, and stammered and protested he did not know anything about Toyama or his home, and did not want to know anything concerned with the strange organization. … [This was] my first realization of the terror which strikes most Japanese at the mention of the … Black Dragon Society. ... "We questioned [Yoshihisa Kuzu] about Black Dragon terrorism, and pointed out that Ambassador Grew and other Ministers of Foreign Powers had directly blamed Black Dragon for the long series of political murders—Premiers Hara, Inukai, Inouye, Hamaguchi, Viscount Saito, Takahashi, and Watanabe. … All the evidence indicated that these murders could be laid at the door of old Toyama, master mind of the society. … The old man’s hands gestured almost imperceptibly. Black Dragon, he said, knew nothing of these terrible crimes… "We left Kuzu's house, he bowing us out with a strange triumphant expression in his black eyes. … I had the feeling also that this fragile old man controlled immense forces for evil, of which we, at best, were only partly aware." [41] |
Of those men released on December 24, 1948, and who had all come to know one another in prison, not just Kuzu belonged to the Black Dragon Society. Admiral Sankichi Takahashi was said to be a member, just as private sector spymaster Shumei Okawa. A photograph later surfaced of a Black Dragon Society meeting with Yoshio Kodama sitting next to Mitsuru Toyama. This is particularly interesting because Kodama, together with his friend Ryochi Sasakawa - also released on December 24 - came to dominate Japanese politics through the Liberal Democratic Party for over fifty years after World War II. [42] Basically all Japanese prime ministers in the post-war era can be shown to have been close to Kodama, Sasakawa or the leading Yamaguchi yakuza clan, headed by Kazuo Taoka, a friend of Kodama and Sasakawa. In other cases there are curious ties to the Rockefeller group or Lockheed. [43]
While Kodama mainly operated in the shadows, "Godfather Sasakawa" became a multi-billionaire through his monopoly on Japanese motorboat racing. By the 1980s he had become a close associate of Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger and various other Western elites. Together with BCCI chairman Agha Hasan Abedi he was funding Carter's Global 2000 project and similar sustainable development projects. [44] But the fact is that he remained one of Japan's leading "kuromaku", meaning "power behind the throne".
A good question to ask might be why these men had been released in the first place. Considering how the Japanese behaved during the invasion of China, including the famous Nanking event and the operating of Unit 731 and similar centers, none of the major pro-war supporters should have been released. In case of Kodama and his friend Sasakawa, it seems clear that they were recruited by MacArthur and Willoughby. In an April 1950 letter from Kodama to MacArthur the former was asking for approval to send "me and my numerous trusted friends to South Korea immediately as members of your troops in order to cooperate with your men on the field.", signing off with "I remain your obedient servant." [45] In 1960 Kodama showed he was able to pull an army of 18,000 right-wing thugs and criminals together in an effort to quash left-wing protests during a visit of Eisenhower. [46] Obviously MacArthur could not allow men like these to enter South Korea, but whatever Kodama may or may not have done for him in relation to this particular conflict is unknown. CIA reports from 1952, and published in 2007, give additional confirmation that Kodama and some of his associates had been recruited by Army G-2 in order to help the United States fight communism. Kodama's group sent spies to surrounding communist countries and delivered mercenaries to Chiang Kai-shek's regime in Taiwan. In the documents the CIA also claims that the group was primarily working for themselves and were a great danger to the democratic process in Japan. [47]
Unsurprisingly, MacArthur was a great supporter of Chiang Kai-shek on Taiwan, in contrast to President Truman and the State Department. Reportedly, MacArthur, as Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan, was asked to help put together a plan to remove Kai-shek - but he refused. [48] According to MacArthur in 1951:
"I superficially went through Formosa [Taiwan]. I was surprised by the contentment I found there. I found that the people were enjoying a standard of living which was quite comparable to what it was before the war.... I found representative government being practiced.... I went into their courts. I found a judicial system which I thought was better than a great many of the other countries in Asia. I went into their schools. I found that their primary instruction was fully on a standard with what was prevalent in the Far East.... I found many things I could criticize too, but I believe sincerely that the standard of government that he [Chiang] is setting in Formosa compares favorably with many democracies in the world." [49] |
Those are interesting observations from MacArthur. The simple fact is that Kai-shek and his troops, while retreating from mainland China to Taiwan in December 1949, had behaved the same way as the Japanese troops a decade earlier in Nanking. Straight from the New York Times:
"Foreigners who have just returned to China from Formosa corroborate reports of wholesale slaughter by [anti-communist Nationalist] Chinese troops and police during anti-Government demonstrations a month ago. These witnesses estimate that 10,000 Formosans were killed by the Chinese armed forces. ... "An American who had just arrived in China from Taihoku said that troops from the mainland arrived there March 7 and indulged in three days of indiscriminate killing and looting. For a time everyone seen on the streets was shot at, homes were broken into and occupants killed. In the poorer sections the streets were said to have been littered with dead. There were instances of beheadings and mutilation of bodies, and women were raped, the American said. ... "[A witness] said that after several days Chinese soldiers from an outlying fort deployed through the streets killing hundreds with machine-guns and rifles and raping and looting. Formosan leaders were thrown into prison, many bound with thin wire that cut deep into the flesh. The foreign witnesses reported that leaflets signed with the name of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek promising leniency, and urging all who had fled to return, were dropped from airplanes. As a result many came back to be imprisoned or executed. "There seemed to be a policy of killing off all the best people," one foreigner asserted. The foreigners' stories are fully supported by reports of every important foreign embassy or legation in Nanking." [50] |
Despite MacArthur's claim two years later that Taiwan appeared to be a rather prosperous and tranquil society, there's little evidence of that. In the early 1950s Dr. K. C. Wu, governor of Taiwan, was expelled from the island and ended up in the United States. Here he explained that "the secret police of the island have resorted to torture, blackmail and illegal arrests" and that under these circumstances Taiwan could not be an effective ally of the West. [51] But CIA support was always there, of course. One particularly important player seems to have been Ray Cline, an OSS veteran in the Far East alongside men as Richard Helms, General John Singlaub (ASC) and Howard Hunt. From 1958 to 1962 he was the CIA station chief in Taiwan and in later decades a co-chairman of the American Security Council. Cline became a close friend of Chiang Kai-shek's son, intelligence chief Chiang Ching-kuo. Together they were involved in overseeing a rather extreme anti-communist indoctrination program. As one former recruit explained:
"We were taught that to defeat communism, we had to be cruel. We were told to watch our commander, that if he showed weakness or indecision in combat, we were to kill him. They also had us watch fellow classmates who, of course, were watching us." [52] |
So MacArthur and his intelligence chief Willoughby released and recruited notorious Japanese war criminals in December 1948 and allowed Chiang Kai-shek to massacre and subvert the Taiwanese population beginning in December 1949. Korea was their next stopping point. A first present MacArthur took with him to Korea was former Unit 731 head Shiro Ishii and a few of his key staffers. [113] Hated by the Chinese and prosecuted by the Soviets, MacArthur simply employed these monsters in secret so they could continue research in biological warfare, now for the American side. Throughout the Korean conflict, even after MacArthur had been removed, numerous canisters with small rodents, spiders, fleas, beetles, crickets and various exotic insects were released above civilian centers which had been infected with diseases as the Bubonic Plague, Typhus, Yellow Fever and Cholera. [114] In later years, the U.S. Army in Japan, on Okinawa, was also conducting experiments with wiping out the Asian rice crop. [115]
After MacArthur's September 1950 daring amphibious landing on Inchon and conquest of North Korea, his forces were responsible for the liberation of Reverent Sun Myung Moon, who had been imprisoned in a brutal labor camp for having set up his own personality cult. In the decades thereafter the Moonie Cult, in which he served as the messiah, was backed by the Korean CIA, MacArthur-released Japanese war criminals Yoshio Kodama and Ryoichi Sasakawa and ultra right forces in the United States, mainly as a lobby to keep a strong U.S. regiment in South Korea. [53] The American Security Council was among the most prominent right wing groups tied to the Moonie Cult. By the 1980s leading ASC luminaries as General Daniel Graham, General David Woellner, Ray Cline, William Van Cleave and Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, as well as General George Keegan, were all involved in Moonie Cult fronts as CAUSA and the International Security Council, the latter a rather obvious spin-off from the American Security Council. Other well-known supporters of Moon included ASC-members General Alexander Haig, Jerry Falwell, Ronald Reagan, as well as Douglas MacArthur II, Arnaud de Borchgrave and CIA deputy director and William Casey friend Max Hugel. In 1991 Regnery Press, belonging to the ASC, actually published a book with the telling title: Inquisition: The Persecution and Prosecution of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Accusations against the Moonies come from various sources. Among them is Nansook Hong, a wife of one of Sun Myung Moon's sons. She fled the cult after years of abuse, fearing her children were in danger. Her 1998 book In the Shadow of the Moons summarizes the accusations quite well:
"What I experienced was conditioning. You are isolated among like-minded people. You are bombarded with messages elevating obedience above critical thinking. ... "I was taught in Sunday school that the Reverend Moon had been chosen by God to complete Jesus' mission to restore the Garden of Eden. The Reverend Moon was the Second Coming. ... "The Reverend Moon was eager to explain our presence in a place I had been taught was a den of sin [the casino]. As the Lord of the Second Advent, he said, it was his duty to mingle with sinners in order to save them. "Later Hyo Jin [Rev. Moon's eldest son] would offer a religious justification for beating half senseless a woman seven months pregnant... [He] smokes, drives drunk, abuses drugs, and engaged in premarital and extramarital sex, in violation of church doctrine... "I watched Japanese church leaders arrive at regular intervals at East Garden [the Moon compound north of New York City] with paper bags full of money, which the Reverend Moon would either pocket or distribute to the heads of various church-owned business enterprises at his breakfast table. ... In the mid-l980s church officials claimed the Unification Church was pulling in four hundred million dollars a year through fund raising in Japan alone. The Reverend Moon used that money for his personal comfort and to invest in businesses in the United States and around the world." |

Sun Myung Moon and wife. Greatly supported by many ASC members.
Looking at all the times the cult has expressed its appreciation for General Douglas MacArthur, the Moonie Cult could just as well be dubbed the "MacArthur Cult". The cult's "little angels" still regularly conduct ceremonies in honor of MacArthur.
As may seem rather obvious at this point, ASC men as General MacArthur, General Singlaub, Ray Cline and several others largely stood at the basis of the formation of the World Anti-Communist League network. Chiang Kai-shek, Sasakawa and Kodama, the Shah of Iran, leaders in South Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Europe, South America and other locations all visited meetings of the WACL and its closely-linked Asian People's Anti-Communist League. At this point it should also be clear that the accusations of fascist ties should be anything but controversial - it's the norm.
General MacArthur's nephew, Douglas MacArthur II gives us additional insight in the MacArthur family mindset. MacArthur II and his wife have been described by various associates as rather cold and aristocratic. [54] From 1969 to 1972 he was U.S. ambassador to Iran (retired CIA director Richard Helms held this position from 1973 to 1977). At the time the Shah was one of the most important allies of the West. The Rockefeller group was heavily invested in the country and both the CIA and Mossad helped train its secret police. Needless to say, reports of repression and torture were widespread:
"Fingernails ... were removed under torture. ... And I know women who were raped in the Shah's prisons - with snakes. Torture stories are endless. One almost becomes hardened to them after a while. ... [There are] bloodstains throughout the building, the spot where prisoners' heads were banged against steel-reinforced walls, the rack where prisoners were made to lie down above a fireplace, the soundproofing that prevented screams from being heard outside. The Shah permitted no opposition. With undercover SAVAK agents all around, politics were simply not discussed in Iran. If someone came up to you at a party and started talking about politics, you would know there was something suspicious about him, one medical student said. ... "According to the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists, those ploys include installing a gallows in a prisoner's cell and playing recordings of screaming torture victims. But former prisoners and the Commission of Jurists charge that in recent years SAVAK has also used whips, maces and "the toaster," a wire-covered bedframe that is heated electrically. When Gholamhossein Saedi, one of Iran's most noted playwrights, was released from prison in 1974, he claimed that SAVAK had driven nails through his feet and showed scars to prove it." [55] |
Clearly Iran was not the best place in the world to live in. And according to Foreign Service officer Roger C. Brewin, this is just the way MacArthur preferred it:
"I think the political section was constrained; there is no question about that. They were constrained about reporting on human rights violations, on the opposition to the Shah. I think that constraint was present going back even to 1953 when we put the Shah back on his throne. Some Ambassadors were far more vehement on this subject than others--Douglas MacArthur II, for example, would tolerate no criticism of the Shah in the post's reporting whatsoever." |
As an aristocrat, MacArthur was actually very friendly with the Shah and the Iranian business elite responsible for the torture. Remember that the Shah's closest family members had been invited to the 1001 Club, together with the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, Prince Bernhard and other elites. They have also been spotted at Tongsun Park's George Town Club in Washington, together with a host of other elites. This is how a treasury department operative, Arthur F. Blaser, Jr., remembered MacArthur II in Iran:
"He would constantly bombard the Department pointing out the importance of the issues and the Shah's vital role in maintaining our role in the Gulf. ... There was no doubt that he was completely abreast of the CIA's operations in Iran; the station was well staffed, but all knew who the "leader" was. That went for the military as well; he was the boss there as well. ... Iran was one of the reasons I resigned from the Foreign Service in 1980. ... He related well with them [the Shah and the elite] socially." [56] |
As an assistant to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in the early 1950s, MacArthur II had come to know many important world leaders. In part he also followed into the footsteps of his father, and not just as a business partner of Sun Myung Moon. [57] While ambassador to Japan from 1957 to 1961, he negotiated the U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty with prime minister Nobusuke Kishi [58], one of the suspected war criminals that had been released by his father, along with Kodama and Sasakawa. The Mutual Security Treaty was actually so unpopular, that Kishi was forced to resign. [59] This was despite the fact that Kodama, who had been working for MacArthur's father, had put together an army of 18,000 gangsters and ultra right youths to suppress leftist demonstrations.
It seems rather obvious that Kishi and Kodama were working hand in hand here with the U.S. State Department, CIA officers and possibly Army Intelligence, which were actually all personified by MacArthur II. Also during his tenure as ambassador to Belgium from 1961 to 1965, MacArthur was said to represent both the CIA and the State Department and was suspected of involvement in Belgium's strategy of tension - which involved the creation of underground fascist networks. [60]

MacArthur II: Important ties to the Belgian X-Dossiers of the Dutroux Affair, as well as the American Franklin/Craig Spence Affair. And he's not the only one: Gen. Graham and Gen. Richardson, both of the ASC, have similar ties.
It is in Belgium that MacArthur II's ties become even more sinister than those of his father. First of all, MacArthur was a major liaison between the U.S. and Belgian establishments, both as ambassador and in private capacity. During the Congo Crisis in the early 1960s he is known to have attended a dinner at the house of under secretary of state for political affairs Averell Harriman, together with Paul Henri Spaak, Robert Rothschild and Etienne Davignon. [61] Prime minister and defense secretary Paul vanden Boeynants was sucking up to him in the extreme and claimed in one of his letters that both had a mutual friend with the name "Jean Josi". [62] This turns out to be Jean-Marie Josi of Groupe Josi, with past board members as Albert Frere, Aldo Vastapane, Ado Blaton and Pierre Salik. Marie was also a director of Banque Bruxelles Lambert, of Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (financier of the Brussels WTC project), vice president of Brussels Airways under Charlie De Pauw in the late 1960s and vice president of Sobeli, under the presidency of Michel Relecom. [63] His son, Jean-Pierre Laurent Josi, is today a member of Cercle de Lorraine, where Etienne Davignon, Albert Frere, Maurice Lippens, Leopold Lippens and every other Belgian aristocrat can be found.
These are all extremely familiar names for those who have read ISGP's articles on the Dutroux affair. Vanden Boeynants, Vastapane, Blaton, De Pauw, Davignon and the Lippens brothers have been accused of child abuse, often by multiple witnesses. MacArthur's connection to Michel Relecom is equally significant. After his retirement from government service in 1972 he and his wife went to live (at least part time) in Belgium, because their daughter was married to a Belgian and had a child there. MacArthur joined Banque Bruxelles Lambert as a director. [64] By the 1980s he sat on the board of the Belgian brewery firm Unibra, controlled by Relecom. Unibra owned a peculiar security advisory firm with the name European Institute of Management (EIM), headed by MacArthur from August 1981 to February 1985. Administrative director of EIM was Colonel Rene Mayerus, founder and head of Belgium's Diana Group, the Belgian version of the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team or SWAT. He was close to Major Jean Bougerol of the PIO intelligence network overseen by Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul vanden Boeynants. Some of his PIO men also showed up at EIM. [65]
The Diana Group had been founded in the early 1970s as a response to international terrorism. Then-defense minister Paul vanden Boeynants oversaw the creation of the unit, along with Mayerus. What has become clear over the years is that the Diana Group was a major link in an underground fascist (Nazi and Francoist) network in Belgium that has been linked repeatedly to false flag terrorist operations and assassinations. Purely by coincidence, the same group of people was also tied to a pedophile entrapment network, which included ritual abuse, the production of snuff movies and the hunting of children on various castle domains. A partial summary of the accusations reads:
"X1 identified Madani Bouhouche as the very violent driver of the BMW who took her to 'the factory' and Christian Amory as a sort of slave driver who brought her and her fellow victims to recording studios [for snuff movies] or parks where older men shot at hunted children. One of the colonels belonged to that group, X1 says. Her account about these kinds of hunting parties on human game, about which X2, X3, X4 and Nathalie W. later also speak, is by far the most controversial part of her testimony... One of the individuals that was recognized used to be a driver in a service [the Diana Group] that was headed by Lhost and was in the possession of heavy black BMWs [earlier reported having been seen by X1]" [66] |

Sybil, the first major book on Multiple Personality Disorder/Dissociative Identity Disorder, first published in 1973 by Henry Regnery Press of the ASC. Regnery Press also published books of Friedrich A. Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, the fascist poet Ezra Pound (the mentor of Eustace Mullins), UFO authors as Jacques Vallee, J. Allen Hynek and Raymond Drake, as well as books criticizing FDR and supportive of the Moonie Cult. William Regnery used to be a prominent member of the America First Committee, along with ASC founder General Robert Wood.
Names have largely been stripped from the book just cited here, but the men accused of involved in hunts on children include Paul vanden Boeynants, his best friend Baron de Bonvoisin, Colonel Rene Mayerus and Colonel Gerard Lhost. [67] Fascist technology-savvy gendarme officers as Bouhouche and Amory were doing the dirty work for these men, which included guarding the domains where this type of illegal activity was going on. Bouhouche's private research firm ARI maintained close ties with EIM, with Mayerus helping Bouhouche getting various contracts for ARI, including one from CIA-front Intertel. [68]
De Bonvoisin was the major financier of the underground fascist movement and knew at least three of the pedophile pimps whose names came up in the aftermath of the Dutroux case. The fact that he was invited to attend at least one meeting of the top level and super secret Cercle group, is one of many indications that de Bonvoisin was CIA. Other invitees to Le Cercle were friends running the Belgian chapters of the World Anti-Communist League and Western Goals. It is not known if de Bonvoisin also knew MacArthur, although it's more than likely. Ray Cline once remembered that Major Jean Bougerol of PIO had received counter-insurgency training in the United States [69] while Arnaud de Borchgrave was the one to introduce Bougerol to de Bonvoisin. [70] It was also said that de Borchgrave, who comes from an aristocratic Belgian military intelligence family seemingly also linked to child abuse, [71] was de Bonvoisin's CIA contact. This relationship is significant, because Ray Cline, de Borchgrave and MacArthur II were all three supporters of the Moonies. Cline's son-in-law Roger Fontaine, de Borchgrave and MacArthur II served on the editorial board of the Moonie Cult's Washington Times in the 1980s while Cline, a co-chairman of the ASC, and de Borchgrave shared the board of the U.S. Global Strategy Council. [72] And it appears that the Belgian friends of these men were involved in this extremely sadistic child abuse network.
"Translation of a fax of X1 of January 6, 1997: She speaks of someone who estimated if she was dangerous. It is about someone who prefers the violence: the sex is a dessert... He often went to hunt with VDB [Paul vanden Boeynants] - he works at Sabena. He participated in the hunts on children... Tony brought her to a domain - there were 4 other girls (Marianne; Valerie; Catharine; Sonja)... [present:] VDB - person from Sabena - 4 Gd [gendarme officers] - de Bonvoisin. There was also the gamekeeper who raped the girls but did no more than that. Bonvoisin was the most dangerous - he had come to kill... The girls run into the woods and each time they are caught, they have to remove a piece of clothing. X1 is forced by de Bonvoisin to stay with him - she must choose and point out the girls... de Bonvoisin forces X1 to pull the trigger while telling her that if she misses she is shot. She fires on Sonja and kills her. Marianne is killed with a crossbow. X1 is raped and brought back home." [73] |
There's more. From at least 1981 to at least 1983 MacArthur II, together with the ASC's Thomas Moorer, was also serving on the five-man-board of Washington lobbying firm Hill & Knowlton, founded and headed by Robert Keith Gray. [74] In 1966 Gray had been a key founder of the George Town Club, together with questionable businessman Tongsun Park and with funds provided from the Korean CIA. The board was stacked by CIA men (and one woman), a Catholic priest and at least one person seemingly involved in MKULTRA experiments at Edgewood Arsenal. [75] Gray himself was tied to the combined Franklin/Craig Spence child abuse scandal by Senator John DeCamp:
"Said to be Harold Anderson's "closest friend in Washington," Gray is also reportedly a specialist in homosexual blackmail operations for the CIA... Gray's associate [Edwin] Wilson was apparently continuing the work of a reported collaborator of Gray from the 1950's—McCarthy committee counsel Roy Cohn, now dead of AIDS. According to the former head of the vice squad for one of America’s biggest cities, 'Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn's job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself.'" [76] |
True or not, when it comes to these kind of accusations of child abuse we always end up with the same elite conservative and liberal networks. Roy Cohn served on the board of the Western Goals Foundation, together with half a dozen prominent ASC members. [77] He was also implicated on another occasion of child abuse, along with J. Edgar Hoover. [78] Almost certainly Roy Cohn was a director the CIA-Mossad front firm Permindex, where Clay Shaw, famous for his at least superficial ties to Lee Harvey Oswald, was a known director. Shaw was deeply involved in the New Orleans network linked to MKULTRA with strong hints of a sadistic child abuse ring operating in the background, not the least at Shaw's own home where hooks suspended from the ceiling with bloody palm prints were found. [116] The New Orleans network had various ties not only to the Rockefeller group in New York, but also Le Cercle and the American Security Council. Shaw himself counted the House of Savoy and the Borghese family [117] among his associates. Both families, and both almost certainly linked to the Knights of Malta and Opus Dei, were deeply involved in running the underground fascist armies that carried out the CIA's strategy of tension in Italy. Most worrying of all, Shaw counted among his associates Princess Jacqueline de Riquet de Caraman-Chimay, a member of the family named in the Dutroux X-Dossiers as having organized elite child hunts at their domain in southern Belgium. We just described how Douglas MacArthur II was a friend and associate of the Belgians accused of these exact practices. Clay Shaw's connections are discussed in ISGP's article on the Kennedy assassination.
As for Robert Keith Gray, he provided another hint to his involvement in child abuse networks when assisting Father Bruce Ritter of Covenant House in 1989 for a fraction of the usual fee to protect the priest from accusations of child abuse. [79] Ritter sat on the board of the Knights of Malta-linked charity AmeriCares with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lawrence Eagleburger (Kissinger Associates), members of the Bush family, J. Peter Grace, Colin Powell, Richard Stilwell of the ASC and ASC chairman Robert W. Galvin. The major patron of the Guatemalan branch of Covenant House was ran by Roberto Alejos Arzu, a CIA and ASC-affiliated death squad leader. There was widespread corruption at this Guatemalan branch, with children and overseers being murdered when a new director tried to turn things around. According to DeCamp:
"Lauded by the Reagan and Bush Administrations as a showcase for the privatization of social services, Covenant House had expanded into Guatemala as a gateway to South America. According to intelligence community sources, the purpose was procurement of children from South America for exploitation in a pedophile ring. The flagship Guatemalan mission of Covenant House was launched by a former business partner of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza, Roberto Alejos Arzu..." [80] |

Did General Graham receive sensitive information from Edwin Wilson's illegal spy operations in order to pressure government officials into accepting expensive, possibly unnecessary weapons systems? Whatever this information consisted of, Graham had curious ties to alleged pedophile blackmailers on both sides of the Atlantic.
Together with ASC strategy board member General Robert Richardson, a close friend of James Angleton, Robert Keith Gray also served on the board of Consultants International, a firm owned by his friend Edwin Wilson. [81] In the late 1970s and early 1980s Wilson is said to have ran a large scale illegal spy operation on politicians, churches and police departments, providing any interesting information to "private corporations who were developing weapons for the Department of Defense." This is what the so-called Edward Cutolo affidavit reads (update: this document is largely bogus). [82] These companies were encouraged to use the personal information gathered on congressman and senators to pressure them into approving new weapons systems at whatever costs these systems incurred. Wilson did not give the names of the corporations that received the information, but did provide details on three products that they were developing at that point. The first was "an armored vehicle", which could be anything. Possibly it was the M1 Abrams, which entered service in 1980, but this remains a wild guess. The second system was "an aircraft that is invisible to radar", almost certainly the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk. The first Have Blue prototype of the F-117 flew in December 1977. The B-2 Spirit only existed on paper in the late 1970s. The description of the third weapons system read: "a weapons system that utilizes kinetic energy". Cutolo got the impression that this system was being developed for "use by NASA or for [anti-]CBR purposes", with CBR standing for "chemical, biological and radioactive". This appears to be a very clear description of Brilliant Pebbles, promoted by General Daniel Graham and his deputy General Robert C. Richardson at High Frontier, both of the ASC. In other words, if anyone would be in a good position to carry out blackmail operations, as Gray has been accused of doing, it would be Gray and some of his closest associates.
Like Douglas MacArthur II and Clay Shaw, General Daniel Graham and General Robert Richardson actually have a rather sinister Belgian connection too. In the 1980s both were sitting on the board of the Institut Europeen pour la Paix et la Securite, a Belgian pro-SDI outfit. Co-founders of the institute in 1983 were Cercle visitors Jacques Jonet, a Habsburg lawyer; Paul Vankerkhoven, head of the Belgian branch of the World Anti-Communist League; General Robert Close, president of the World Anti-Communist League and Western Goals Belgium; and Nicolas de Kerchove, another representative of Otto von Habsburg and Paul vanden Boeynants. Among the other directors were former Cercle chairman Brian Crozier; Cercle visitor and Habsburg representative Count Hans Huyn, also a director Western Goals Europe; Willy De Clercq and Jean Gol. [83] All these persons were basically extremely questionable. Besides belonging to Opus Dei for the most part, these men have endless ties to covert activity and pedophile entrapment as described in the X-Dossiers of the Dutroux affair (much additional material can be found in individual biographies of those accused). They know all the important men accused in these dossiers very well.
So not only MacArthur II has been linked to alleged sadistic child abusers on both sides of the Atlantic, but the same thing goes for General Daniel Graham and General Robert Richardson, as said, both of the American Security Council national strategy board in the 1980s. Left out until now is an alleged private statement of a former CIA deputy director of operations, Robert Crowley, that Allen Dulles, the brother of the man MacArthur II was an important assistant to, is the one who initially set up this pedophile entrapment network, about a decade after he was recruited into the Knights of Malta when serving as OSS chief in Switzerland. This aspect is discussed in the Robert Crowley section of ISGP, however, as still a really good look needs to be taken at the reliability of this claim, despite that it is exactly what ISGP has always assumed. If true, it is important to know that Dulles' deputy, Richard Bissell, sat on the national strategy board of the American Security Council, as did James Angleton, all important allies of Dulles at one point. The Crowley transcripts also name the earlier-mentioned Robert Keith "Bobby" Gray as one of the most important CIA assets of his day.

The controversial Colonel Michael Aquino. Has interacted with ASC president John Fisher and somehow was listed by USA Today as an ASC advisory board member. Denies having been a board member or knowing anyone or anything even remotely connected to the ASC, actually to the point that it becomes a little unbelievable. Never heard of James Woolsey? This while having a background in psychological warfare, a former boss and friend (Paul Vallely) who is a good friend of Woolsey, and while having been published twice by the AFIO - of which Woolsey is honorary co-chair? Stretches the imagination a little bit. Update: Aquino visited a 2009 AFIO symposium.
Another interesting person related to child abuse programs who has not been mentioned yet is Colonel Michael Aquino, reportedly one of the most important MKULTRA type child abusers active for the military and the CIA. [84] I specifically looked for a connection between Aquino and the American Security Council and found it rather quickly. He appears to have known ASC president John Fisher [85], who, just as General Richardson, served on James Angleton's Security and Intelligence Fund, and in the 1980s was reported to be a member of the advisory board of the American Security Council. [86] In addition, he appears to have the same hawkish political stances as the ASC while his former boss, General Paul Vallely, a close associate of the ultra-connected CIA spook James Woolsey and Angleton protege Neil Livingstone [87], became a prominent figure in the Center for Security Policy. Aquino, however, denies knowing absolutely anyone even remotely connected to the ASC, claims he never was an advisory board member and basically says that all he did was pick up an offer of the ASC to send him newsletters. As for why Fisher appeared in his source-appreciations, he doesn't know "specifically why" he put him in there. His amnesia and non-involvement is all just a little too convenient for me and I have trouble buying it, especially after claiming never to have even heard of James or Suzanne Woolsey. I mean, this is an intelligence officer who has credited the CIA and DIA with providing him information for his papers. This is a person trained as a psychological warfare specialist. And he never heard of former CIA director James Woolsey - who held a position at Offutt Air Force Base in 1987-1988 and whose wife, a psychologist by training, had already known Warren Buffett for at least 10 years previously? The same Warren Buffett who was very close to the leadership of Offutt and had access to the base? Maybe we should remain a little skeptical for the time being. [88]
Actually, although he refused to acknowledge it, later on I found out that Aquino most definitely has attended at least one AFIO symposium. According to Colonel John Alexander's wife, she and her husband first met Aquino and his wife at a 2009 symposium of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). Since this first meeting the two couples have become great friends, but one has to wonder to what extent Aquino and Alexander have been moving in the same circles before they met. Alexander has many high level friends in the American Security Council, the AFIO and the OSS Society. He is a leading player in the AFIO's Las Vegas chapter, located at Nellis Air Force Base, home of Area 51. T.D. Barnes, another AFIO member and decades long Area 51 veteran, is among Alexander's close friends. Both Aquino and Barnes have been plugging Alexander's book on UFOs. And despite Alexander's fringe interests, it appears this had the backing of some high level CIA people. CIA deputy director John McMahon, for example, is known to have visited one of Alexander's private spoon bending parties in the early 1980s.

Annual specops symposium of the National Defense Industrial Association, formerly the National Security Industrial Association. Very hard to get names on, but Admiral Robert W. Berry of the ASC was a regional director, John S. Foster, Jr. of the ASC has been on the advisory board and ASC vice chair Russell E. White has been a former chairman. Interesting detail: Bob Amick, security director of E-Systems reportedly responsible for intimidations and the killing of problematic personnel, went here. Among the claims of one of his targets was that the well-connected Bobby Ray Inman (ONI, NSA, CIA), reportedly an E-Systems director, was a pedophile.
Did Aquino have similar high level contacts as his friend Alexander? How deep do his ties really go to John Fisher and other American Security Council board members? Or maybe Center for Security board members as Paul Vallely? Impossible to say at this point and Aquino, unlike Alexander, is unwilling to brag about any connections he may have had. Also not unimportant to note: the AFIO is loaded with Air Force personnel that has held senior positions at Offutt Air Force Base. Of course, to ISGP Aquino claimed to have never visited Offutt, but if he has it's obvious he would deny it. Maybe time will reveal additional connections of Aquino. The accusations against him, even when it comes to ritual abuse, simply do not stand on their own. We can go on for ages it seems. Not mentioned yet is that author Alex Constantine, when a journalist in 1988, claims to have stumbled on a Satanic/ritual abuse network in San Francisco that involved a (ranking?) Bechtel employee and had ties to the Reagan administration and Strategic Defence Initiative. [118] In England we have rumors of high level involvement in the Satanic Friends of Hekate cult. [119] In the Netherlands there's a police report about the high level Westerflier cult, seemingly also involved in Satanic ritual abuse. [120] And on it goes.
Going back MacArthur II for a second, he joined the board of Maurice Greenberg's AIG in the first half of the 1980s and stayed on until his death in 1997. [89] The company, which has decades long CIA connections, may well have played a major role in the destruction of the World Trade Center - but that subject will be left for another article.
Personally I never really knew what to think about the story of gold recoveries from the Philippines. David Guyatt, Sterling Seagrave and Rodney Stich are among the authors who have written about the subject.
The story begins with World War II, when Japan's shipping routes to the homeland were cut off by the allies. This resulted in Japan not being able anymore to bring back additional gold from all the Asian countries they were looting. In response all the remaining gold was hidden in secret stashes across the Philippines, with the hope that the war would be won and the loot could still be recovered at some point in the future. It was General Tomoyuki Yamashita, the military commander of the Philippines, who was put in charge of this operation.
"Legend" has it that it was an intelligence officer working for General Charles Willoughby, Santa Romana, who witnessed heavy boxes being unloaded from a Japanese ship that were carried into a tunnel, after which the entrance was blown up. Upon inspection this tunnel turned out to contain large amounts of gold. Romana and his superiors soon figured out that it was Yamashita who was creating secret gold caches all over the Philippines. After the allies captured Yamashita's driver, it were General Lansdale and Santana, on orders of MacArthur, who forced him to reveal the location of a dozen additional caches. Both MacArthur and Lansdale would later become involved in the American Security Council.
In total several billion dollars of gold was discovered. Instead of returning it to the various countries that rightfully owned it, the gold was resmelted and stashed in 176 banks in 42 different countries. The funds were put at the disposal of the CIA to help finance its covert operations around the world.

General Tomoyuki Yamashita, reportedly responsible for having hidden billions worth of gold in the Philippines back in World War II, after the allies cut off Japanese shipping routes to the mainland. Yamashita was hanged for having committed war crimes.
By the 1970s it was Ferdinand Marcos who began his own secret excavations of remaining tunnels. He reportedly retrieved $14 billion in gold. The CIA, through men like General John Singlaub, also continued to look for gold over the years. Occasionally rumors of Marcos' recoveries made the news, but apparently it's still somewhat of a controversial assumption that Marcos did, in fact, find billions worth in gold.
The fact is that this story would have been skipped, were it not that it is so closely linked to members of the American Security Council and that there is some evidence that these gold recoveries were actually made. Marcos' dictatorship fell in 1986. Around this period reports began to surface that retired General John Singlaub was digging for gold on the Philippines [90] - seemingly a clear indication that the CIA was back in the business of retrieving Yamashita's gold.
The files of Robert Curtis give us additional insight into the activities of Singlaub in the 1980s. Curtis was a Nevada mining engineer, whom Marcos had hired in 1975 to resmelt his gold and bring it up to more modern standards. Curtis had also been able to decipher Yamashita's maps, leading to the discovery of the Teresa 2 gold catch, containing $8 billion in gold bars. After Curtis was suspected of feeding the U.S. press with stories about the gold discovery, Marcos tried to have him killed and in any case bankrupted him.
In January 1987, a year after Marcos' downfall, Curtis somewhat reluctantly went back in the gold digging business with a group of private CIA spooks, merging his C & B Salvage & Investment firm with Phoenix Exploration Services Limited and Nippon Star Limited. Phoenix was ran by Alan Foringer, administrative head of the CIA station in Manila, and his deputy John Voss. Nippon Star was headed by John Harrigan, a CIA operative and Christian right-winger whose wife later married Singlaub. Apparently Singlaub himself, at the time chairman of the World Anti-Communist League and a strategy board member of the American Security Council, had been using the ultra right John Birch Society to finance Nippon Star. Section 7 of the joint venture's agreement read:
"The management of the joint venture shall be confidential and shall be conducted in absolute secrecy. There shall be an executive committee for management of joint venture affairs comprised of the following five individuals: 1. Robert Curtis. 2. Dennis Barton. 3. John K. Singlaub. 4. John Voss [deputy to Foringer]. 5. Alan R. Foringer. ... C & B Salvage has asserted and claimed to Phoenix that C & B Salvage and/or Mr. Robert Curtis has considerable personal knowledge and hundreds of pictures in its/his possession, which knowledge and pictures can lead to the recovery of many of the 172 bonafide treasure sites that were buried by the Japanese during World War II in the Philippines. ... C & B Salvage hereby agrees to immediately make available the services of Olof Jonsson, the world renowned psychic, to provide on-site consultation to Phoenix/Nippon. ... Distribution of profits: 33,33% to C & B Salvage. 33,33% to Phoenix/Nippon. 33,34% to Philippine American Friendship Foundation [PAFF]." [91] |
Singlaub and friends had big plans with all the potentially recovered gold from the Philippines. A hand written note of Alan Foreinger to Robert Curtis read:
Can we agree to take half of endowment in PAFF and use it to fund WDF for national defense projects in U.S. and Philippines? Examples: Strategic Defense Initiative. Other space programs. B-1 Bomber. MX Missiles. Etc. Etc. Conventional weapons. To in effect build a new military-industrial complex controlled by us? If your answer is yes, I suggest A. Singlaub. B. Schweiter. C. Daniel Graham. D. George Keegan." [92] |
Apparently the group was expecting to retrieve $100 billion worth of gold, which would mean approximately $16 billion dollars to fund their "own" military industrial complex. [93] The names given are interesting. General Graham was on the strategy committee of the American Security Council with Singlaub, while serving as vice chairman under Singlaub at the World Anti-Communist League. General Keegan was of the exact same ilk as these men and also very close to the ASC. Schweitzer was a director of U.S. Global Strategy Council, along with Graham. Schweitzer's close associate, Ray Cline, the CIA covert operations expert mentioned several times before, was co-chairman of the American Security Council and head of the U.S. Global Strategy Council. Cline was also involved in the Philippine politics. In November 1986 he traveled to the Philippines with Schweitzer to prevent then-defense minister Juan Ponce Enrile from leading a coup against the newly elected president Corazon Aquino. Cline was also involved in the clandestine retrieval of gold, taking over the original work of General Edward Lansdale, General Douglas MacArthur and General Charles Willoughby. These names also appear in the files of Robert Curtis:
"Following is a description of the efforts of George J. DePontis (hereinafter "D"), with whom I am cooperating, to retrieve large sums originally delivered in Gen. Lansdale's Philippine days to a now deceased agent, Severino Santa Romana—which I have overlooked. … D contacted Ray Cline recently for financial or other support in an effort to retrieve large sums of money out of 174 odd bank accounts in 40 countries including USA/NYC set up by former agent Santa Romana under various aliases and names of corporations controlled by him. ... Ray Cline referred D to me in mid-December. I agreed to work with D on a contingency basis and have been in telephone contact… Santa Ramona is said (by whom is not clear) to have known George Bush." [94] |
Another document from Robert Curtis gives additional details, including the recovery of one large cache of gold and a reference to the involvement of General Edwin Black, yet another strategy board member of the American Security Council. Black was also on the board of the Nugan Hand Bank, the notorious CIA bank deeply involved in laundering the proceeds of Golden Triangle opium. [95] The document reads:
"Phone conversation between Bob Curtis in Las Vegas an George DuPontis in Miami on June 3, 1992, (with George Evangelis listening in in Miami): DePontis had spent the previous weekend with Mrs. Luc Santa Ramano in California (her father had just passed away). "I have spent two solid years, 20 hours a day on this," DePontis said of his role in the handling of the Santa Ramano estate. "There are accounts and it does exist," he said of the estate. "It is not a myth, believe me." He said Ferdinand Marcos had been one of the trustees of the estate until his death, when his trusteeship ended. … Mr. Santa Ramano was an American citizen, DePontis said. He said Gen. MacArthur and Gen. Lansdale both were involved with Yamashita's Treasure. … He said that Marcos stole billions of dollars from the estate. DePontis said 43 or 44 people have been killed in pursuit of the estate, many of them soldiers of fortune. The last of these to die was Billy Guerrero. "I'm sure you're aware there is massive intelligence involved in this," DePontis said. "Are you familiar with Ray Cline?"That was quickly followed up by, "Yeah, Singlaub’s been looking." DePontis said that when he got involved two years ago, he went to Ray Cline. Cline sent him to Washington, D.C., attorney Bob Ackerman, who served in the CIA for 15 years and then in the Justice Department. He … represented Eleanor Dulles. … DePontis acknowledged that payments were being made to the CIA, that the U.S. government was getting a 50-percent share. "We came within one day of closing on 12,000 metric tons (of gold) two weeks ago," he said. Of that, 6,000 metric tons was to go to "Uncle Sam" and the other 6,000 metric tons was to go to a group including DePontis… He asks Curtis if he knows Gen. Black.[96] |
Having looked through the files on Sterling Seagrave's CD's, I'd say these are among the only documents really worth reading. It's just enough to confirm that gold has been retrieved, but many of the details are still unclear.
Accusations of drug trafficking already existed when the American Security Council-linked Air America was still known as Civil Air Transport. CAT had been supplying the anti-communist forces of General Chiang Kai-shek in China since 1946. By 1949 the general had to withdraw to Taiwan and CAT was having financial difficulties. The owners approached Colonel Richard Stilwell, head of the CIA Far East division, after which it was decided that the airline would be bought up by the CIA. A year later Civil Air Transport and Sea Supply Corporation, another CIA-owned airline set up by Stilwell's predecessor, Paul Helliwell, began delivering arms to KMT forces in Burma. The KMT forced the local population into poppy cultivation. The proceeds were flown out using the planes of CAT and Sea Supply. [97]
At the time, the pro-Chiang Kai-shek "China Lobby" financed full page ads claiming that the communist Chinese were behind the opium trade. In 1952 it was found out that the opposite was true, leading to the dismissal of CIA chief Richard Stilwell. Incredibly, the Asian People's Anti-Communist League took over the operation from the CIA, likely even using the same airplanes. Important to note here is that all these elements would sooner or later become part of the American Security Council. Rising to the rank of general, Stilwell would end up on strategy board of the ASC, in addition to becoming a frequent visitor of Le Cercle. Ray Cline, a top-level CIA operative and co-chair of the ASC's strategy board in the 1980s, is suspected to have been an important founder of the Asian People's Anti-Communist League. With Helliwell he was involved in setting up the Sea Supply Corporation and related CIA fronts. General Singlaub of the ASC board was also active for the KMT in Burma at the time. Marvin Liebman, a prominent ASC member in the 1960s, was seen as one of the leaders of the China Lobby. He was secretary of the Committee of One Million Against the Admission of Red China to the United Nations. In 1959 he co-founded the American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees, several years after the CIA had begun supporting the Dalai Lama in their struggle against communist China. Liebman also became involved with the Asian People's Anti-Communist League, the World Anti-Communist League, the Friends of Free China, pro-Pinochet American-Chilean Council and was a co-founder of the American Conservative Union.
American Security Council members have been major supporters of Chiang Kai-shek, but a more important conclusion here is that many key CIA officers involved in the early Far East drug trade could later be found on the ASC strategy board. The primary examples are General Stilwell, Ray Cline and General Singlaub. These men also played roles in other intrigues, from secretly retrieving the Japanese war loot to the sponsoring of coups around the world.

Nice movie, but maybe not entirely historically accurate.
In 1959 CAT changed its name to Air America. Admiral Felix B. Stump, the recently-retired commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, became chairman of the airline at that point. The admiral would also head Air America's subsidiary Air Asia and Air America's holding, Pacific Corp., holding these positions until at least 1970. [98] Stump also joined the strategy board of the American Security Council during this period. Air America moved supplies and troops around between Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos and Burma during the Vietnam war. Like CAT and Sea Supply, it was accused of transporting opium. Most of the accusations were linked to General Vang Pao in Laos. Ted Shackley, Thomas Clines, Paul Helliwell and General Richard Secord were suspected key operatives in the trade.
Looking at the 1983 strategy board list of the ASC, there appears the name Daniel Arnold, the CIA chief in Thailand until 1979, who was accused of trafficking heroin that originated from the Shan State. Implicated with him was Ted Shackley, the CIA chief in Laos and Saigon during the Vietnam War. [99] Shackley had become a major player in Le Cercle at the time of the allegations. The names come from drug lord Khun Sa, who was trying to show goodwill to American authorities by giving up his former partners-in-crime. At the time Khun Sa was asking the United States, and George H. W. Bush in particular, to help turn his Shan State in Burma into an independent country with a legitimate economy. However, he never received any help. Also mentioned by Khun Sa was CIA agent Richard Armitage, a person who later occupied high level Defense and State Department positions.
As if there is no end to drug trafficking involvement, also on the 1983 strategy board was General Edwin Black, formerly the Hawaiian director of the Nugan Hand Bank, headquartered in Sidney, Australia. Nugan Hand went down in 1980 amidst allegations that it was laundering Golden Triangle heroin funds. One of the two founders, Michael Hand, had worked as a green beret in Laos under Shackley, using Air America to fly out opium produced by the Montagnard hill tribe. Shackley and Secord themselves dealt extensively with the new bank. So did Paul Helliwell. Lawyer to Nugan Hand was William Colby, who had earlier ran the Phoenix Program in Vietnam, working closely with Shackley. Colby and Shackley were two key CIA operatives visiting Le Cercle in this period.
Soon after facing charges of stock fraud in 1980, Frank Nugan was found shot to death in his car. Michael Hand began to intimidate the shareholders of Nugan Hand. As one director explained Hand's threats: "If we didn't do what we were told, and things weren't handled properly, our wives would be cut into pieces and put in boxes and sent back to us." The operations that were carried out behind Nugan Hand were actually moved to the Hawaii-based Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham and Wong (BBRDW). The ASC's Edwin Black moved over to the new bank, and so did a number of other officers. Investigative author Rodney Stitch later found out that George H. W. Bush, William Casey and the previously-mentioned Richard Armitage had opened CIA accounts at the bank. Casey is known to have visited Le Cercle, although he was not a regular, while his family was deeply involved in the Center for Security Policy.
There's quite a bit of additional overlap with the American Security Council and closely related groups, mainly in relation to the Nicaraguan Contra affair of the 1980s. At the time the CIA-allied anti-communist Contras largely paid for their arms with cocaine that was sold in the United States, sparking the crack-cocaine epidemic. Interesting to see is that those responsible for that epidemic from the Latin American side could be found in the American Security Council: Contra leader Colonel Enrique Bermudez, Adolfo Calero and death squad leader Roberto D'Aubuisson, to name a few. It was Bermudez and his associates who were working with Danilo Blandon, the Contra operative and former Somoza official who sold the cocaine to "Freeway" Rick Ross.
A full history of CIA drug trafficking was finished a few years after this article. For more information on the subject, it is advised to go there.

Guy Banister, the notoriously right wing retired FBI agent who ran Lee Harvey Oswald as a pro-communist agent in New Orleans, was plugged into the database of the American Security Council. Ed Butler, who debated Oswald on his radio station along with Carlos Bringuier, was a board member of the ASC. What a small world this is.
General Edward Lansdale, already identified as a person involved with the ASC, is a good place to start this section. As a CIA operative, Lansdale ran the 1953 election campaign of soon-to-be president Colonel Ramon Magsaysay in the Philippines. He then went to French Indo-China to advise the French on how to counter the guerilla attacks on their forces. It didn't do much good. The French were still driven out. Now Lansdale began to play a key role in bolstering the regime of the Catholic dictator Ngo Dinh Diem by training the Vietnamese National Army and driving all Catholics to the South of Vietnam. He became a close friend of Diem in the process. Meanwhile, the head of Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) during the Kennedy years was General Paul D. Harkins. An enthusiastic proponent of napalm, Harkins was later also invited to the national strategy committee of the American Security Council.
On October 2, 1963, there appeared an interesting report in the Washington Daily News. The basis of the report was a dispute between the newly-appointed ambassador to South Vietnam, Henry Cabot Lodge (Pilgrims Society), and the chief of the CIA in South Vietnam, John H. Richardson. Richardson was refusing to implement policies Lodge was bringing from Washington. Lodge went to his boss, secretary of state Cyrus Vance, who tried to resolve the issue with CIA head John McCone, but to no avail. Right when the Washington Daily News brought out its damaging report on the CIA, Vance and McCone were waiting for Kennedy to resolve the issue. The report appears to have been a minor State Department coup against the CIA, because Richardson had to be replaced now that his name had become known to the public. The story read:
"The story of the Central Intelligence Agency's role in South Viet Nam is a dismal chronicle of bureaucratic arrogance, obstinate disregard of orders, and unrestrained thirst for power. "Twice the CIA flatly refused to carry out instructions from Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, according to a high United States source here. ... "Other American agencies here are incredibly bitter about the CIA. "If the United States ever experiences a 'Seven Days in May' it will come from the CIA, and not from the Pentagon," one U.S. official commented caustically." … "("Seven Days in May" is a fictional account of an attempted military coup to take over the U.S. Government.) "CIA "spooks" (a universal term for secret agents here) have penetrated every branch of the American community in Saigon, until non-spook Americans here almost seem to be suffering a CIA psychosis. "An American field officer with a distinguished combat career speaks angrily about "that man at headquarters in Saigon wearing a colonel's uniform." He means the man is a CIA agent, and he can't understand what he is doing at U.S. military headquarters here, unless it is spying on other Americans. ... "They represent a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone," he added. … "And for every State Department aide here who will tell you, "Dammit, the CIA is supposed to gather information, not make policy, but policy-making is what they're doing here," there are military officers who scream over the way the spooks dabble in military operations. ... "One very high American official here, a man who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy, likened the CIA's growth to a malignancy, and added he was not sure even the White House could control it any longer. "Unquestionably Mr. McNamara and Gen. Maxwell Taylor both got an earful from people who are beginning to fear the CIA is becoming a Third Force co-equal with President Diem's regime and the U.S. Government - and answerable to neither. "There is naturally the highest interest here as to whether Mr. McNamara will persuade Mr. Kennedy something ought to be done about it." |

Monk who may have single-handedly been responsible for the fall of Ngo Dinh Diem, a darling of the CIA and the military, as well as the American Security Council. They did not agree with Kennedy's decision to allow a coup against the dictator.
A major problem was that the CIA was financing the special forces of Diem's brother, who brutally suppressed any leftist elements, as well as the Buddhist community. In one August 1963 incident 1,400 priests were arrested and hundreds estimated killed. This caused a tremendous backlash against the Diem regime worldwide when priests began to set themselves on fire.
A group of generals were ready for a coup against Diem by late October 1963. They were waiting for approval from the United States to take out Diem. Opposition grew and the U.S. had a dilemma. If a coup against Diem would be successful, there would be a fall-back in efficiency. If a coup failed and the U.S. had supported it, they would probably be kicked out of South Vietnam. Letting Diem stay on the throne, however, is likely to cause more and more PR problems in the future. The CIA and the military, as well as the American Security Council and the John Birch Society, were supporters of Diem. Ambassador Lodge and the State Department were anti-Diem. Kennedy remained on the fence for a while, but ultimately approved the coup. Diem and his brother were killed in the process.
Lansdale claimed that he was fired from the DOD in 1963 for not supporting Kennedy in allowing the overthrow of Diem. That may not have been the only reason, however. The year before the death of the Diem brothers - as well as Kennedy - Lansdale and General Lyman Lemnitzer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, presented Operation Northwoods to President John F. Kennedy. The briefing paper consisted of a long list of suggestions on how to start a war with Cuba under false pretexts. Among the suggestions that appeared in the document were:
"We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba. … We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. ... Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots, the arrest of Cuban agents and the release of prepared documents substantiating Cuban involvement, also would be helpful in projecting the idea of an irresponsible government. … Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft should appear to continue as harassing measures condoned by the government of Cuba." |
Kennedy did not approve of Operation Northwoods and even fired General Lemnitzer for supporting the use of false flag attacks. And you guessed it, after his retirement Lemnitzer could soon be found at the national strategy committee of the American Security Council.
A decade after Northwoods, a report in the Turkish press surfaced about U.S. Army Field Manual 30-31B, which described a top secret U.S. Army Intelligence counter-insurgency program for countries that the United States took an interest in. Reading the manual's appendix B, most of it is not at all shocking. It describes the way in which U.S. Army Intelligence forges ties with host country governments, intelligence agencies and the conservative aristocracy. Part 11 is very worrisome, however, because it clearly describes that "violent or non-violent" false flag operations are considered acceptable U.S. policy.
"U.S. Army intelligence must have the means of launching special operations which will convince HC [host country] governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent danger and of the necessity of counteraction. "To this end, U.S. Army intelligence should seek to penetrate the insurgency by means of agents on special assignment, with the task of forming special action groups among the more radical elements of the insurgency. When the kind of situation envisaged above arises, these groups, acting under U.S. Army intelligence control, should be used to launch violent or non-violent actions according to the nature of the case." |
The field manual's appendix B is signed off with "By Order of the Secretary of the Army: W.C. Westmoreland". This was General William Westmoreland, who, the same year that the manual was written, was said "to be willing to make speeches whenever [the ASC] needs him." [103] Despite the fact that the "Westmoreland Field Manual" is not particularly shocking, government agencies have widely regarded it as a Soviet-produced forgery. On the other hand, Ray Cline and P-2 head Licio Gelli have acknowledged that it is a genuine document. And personally I see no real reason to assume that it is a forgery either. The information is hardly shocking enough for it to have been worth the KGB's troubles - they could have done a better job.
False flag operations appear to be the norm in history for starting a war, likely because politicians always prefer to argue to their own people that it certainly wasn't them who initiated the war, or at the very least that they certainly didn't have a choice. It makes it much easier to coerce the masses into fighting your war. In addition, any politician who acknowledges to be the aggressor, will become extremely vulnerable to peace protests and lawsuits. Whatever human casualties, economic and political upsets, or long-term morale problems the war leads to, you'll be to blame once you acknowledge it was you who initiated the war. You might well spend the rest of your days in prison for it, or even end up with the death penalty. No, it appears to be safer to create a false flag, whether it's a major terrorist event or an impossible political situation, and demonize the enemy in the public's eye. And there exists plenty of evidence that even the United States has engaged in such plots.
To illustrate, in mid 1964 the United States relentlessly and secretly agitated the communist North Vietnamese government in Hanoi to coax it into making a first overt attack. In July 1964, for example, CIA director John McCone suggested "limited air strikes on North Vietnamese targets by unmarked planes flown exclusively by non-US aircrews." In September national security advisor McGeorge Bundy suggested "actions that would tend deliberately to provoke a DRV reaction, and a consequent retaliation by us." Looking at these memos, it's not hard to see why the Gulf on Tonkin incidents of August 1964 were interpreted so hawkishly by the LBJ administration: it was looking for any excuse to start bombing Vietnam, the primary and secret reason being the containment of what was increasingly seen as an imperialist China.
These tactics and motivations of the LBJ administration were exposed by the Pentagon Papers, leaked to the New York Times and other newspapers in June 1971 by RAND Corporation whistleblowers Daniel Ellsberg, a major "liberal CIA" asset, and Anthony "Tony" Russo. These papers also revealed that LBJ had been lying throughout his election campaign about not escalating the conflict in Vietnam. He was actually accusing American Security Council favorite Barry Goldwater of wanting to do exactly that. It's a perfect example of how treacherous politicians can be, and clearly without the slightest consequences because LBJ was never charged with anything.
The Vietnam Study Task Force, as the Pentagon Papers were officially known, was a project initiated by secretary of defense Robert McNamara in June 1967. The task force members wrote an entire history of the Vietnam War until that point based on internal Department of Defense files. The study was carried out in total secrecy, with LBJ, secretary of state Dean Rusk, and national security advisor Walt Rostow purposely not being informed of the project. 15 copies were produced of the final 7,000 page report. Two of them were deposited at the RAND Corporation think tank. One could only gain access to the report if at least two of the three study leaders, Leslie Gelb (a future CFR president), "liberal CIA" and Soros operative Morton Halperin, and Paul Warnke, authorized it. Gelb and Halperin authorized Ellsberg, who worked on the study in 1967, to have access to it in 1969, which eventually led to the release of the Pentagon Papers.

While the story of Ellsberg is relatively well-known, his partner-in-crime in the release of the Pentagon Papers, Anthony Russo, has been almost forgotten. That's unfortunate, because as a member of RAND's so-called Vietcong Motivation and Morale Project, Russo had a lot of interesting things to say. We'll recap his story here.
After the death of Ngo Dinh Diem in November 1963, the U.S. government sent the RAND Corporation to Vietnam to study enemy combatants in what became known as the Vietcong Motivation and Morale Project. As said, Russo was among RAND's team of researchers. The team carried out extensive interviews with over 100 Vietcong prisoners and defectors. In late 1964 the two chief political scientists of the study briefed John T. Naughton, McNamara's assistant secretary of defense for internal security affairs on their findings. According to them, the Vietcong maintained high moral standards, was very idealistic, and very dedicated, prompting Naughton to remark: "If what you say in that briefing is true, we're fighting on the wrong side."
Needless to say, neither the military brass nor the Johnson administration was waiting for this message. So in January 1965 they fired the study group's leaders and replaced them with someone who would tow the party line. This became RAND scientist Dr. Leon Goure, a future national strategy committee member of the American Security Council. Over the next couple of years Goure would provide both the military and the Johnson administration with the only message they wanted to hear, namely that:
- the U.S. military effort was hitting the North Vietnamese hard;
- especially the air campaign was successful;
- napalm and defoiliation agents were acceptable forms of warfare;
- NLF morale was falling as a result;
- poor South Vietnamese villagers were being intimited by the Vietcong, but in reality were loyal to the U.S.-backed South Vietnamese government, and;
- any kind of socialist measures by the South Vietnamese government to redistribute wealth would only have negative effects;
Goure had been appointed the new head of the M&M study in no small part due to his friendship with the notoriously hawkish General Curtis Lemay, who in 1965 was the outgoing Air Force chief of staff. In this period, the Air Force was financing two-thirds of the RAND Corporation's budget. Goure was aware of this and knew he was hired to promote lies, as evidenced by what he privately stated to one of RAND's Saigon-based administrative assistants upon his first arrival in Vietnam: "When the Air Force is footing the bill, the answer is always bombing."
Goure was a first-rate propagandist for what outgoing president Dwight Eisenhower in 1960 labeled the "Military-Industrial Complex". In 1961 Goure gained national fame with his claims that the Soviet Union was taking widespread civil defense measures that would allow 50 million of its citizens to survive a nuclear exchange with the United States. Nothing of it was true. Goure would just cling to little bits and pieces in individual reports and for the rest ignore everything contradicting it. But this is exactly what his superiors wanted him to do. Goure was allowed to brief all the top military brass and then come over to Washington to repeat his message to Lyndon Johnson, national security advisor Walt Rostow, and defense secretary Robert McNamara, followed by statements to the press. Meanwhile, Goure would disparage the original project leaders of the Vietcong Motivation and Morale Study. McNamara was so pleased with him after receiving his first briefing in June 1965, that he instantly offered to up the budget of the "M&M" study from $100,000 to $1,000,000.
It didn't take all that long before top officials began to doubt Goure's statements. Westmoreland expressed some doubt about the effectiveness of the air campaign in late 1965. McNamara voiced his first concern in February 1966. In August 1967 he repeated his skepticism during a senate hearing. With the Tet Offensive in January 1968 the ineffectivity of Rolling Thunder became evident to everyone. It wasn't until immediately before the elections, on November 1, 1968, that LBJ halted Operation Rolling Thunder. It would take 3.5 years before the bombings in Vietnam continued.
While Goure was relieved from his job as head of the M&M study, he continued to be involved in Vietnam. His primary protector in Washington, D.C. was Walt Rostow, LBJ's national security advisor. Rostow was one of these rare hawkish Eastern Establishment neoconservatives, Paul Nitze and James Woolsey being other examples. Starting out as a professor at Yale Law School and Balliol College, Oxford and working for the State Department he ended up as chairman of the executive committee of the Committee on the Present Danger, 1976-1981 and 1986-1992, as well as a director of the CIA-linked National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) and an advisory board member of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). The American Security Council also lists him as one of their "benefactors."
Then again, in the mid-1960s even the so-called liberal Eastern Establishment was hawkish on Vietnam. Defense secretary Robert McNamara, linked to Ford Motors, the Pilgrim and the Rockefellers, was hawkish. National security advisor McGeorge Bundy, soon the president of the Ford Foundation, was hawkish. In 1965 David Rockefeller set up the Committee for an Effective and Durable Peace in Asia (CEDPA) that helped sell the Vietnam War to the public through a New York Times ad. Besides David, other Pilgrims on the committee were John McCloy, C. Douglas Dillon, Arthur Dean, Dean Acheson and Eugene Black. Nelson was such a good friend of LBJ, that LBJ asked him to run for president as his successor. The only one with reservations on the Vietnam War was John F. Kennedy and we all know how his story ended in November 1963.
Intriguingly, already in 1963 the anti-imperialistic and anti-Vietnam War "new left" group Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) was founded by Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnet, the former an aide to national security advisor McGeorge Bundy and the latter an aide to John McCloy at the State Department. For those not aware, McCloy was a mentor to David Rockefeller, chairman of Chase National Bank 1953-1960, chairman of the CFR 1953-1970, chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation 1946-1949, 1953-1958; and chairman of the Ford Foundation 1958-1964. James Warburg was among the initial financiers. Unsurprisingly, over the decades the Institute for Policy Studies was financed by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations to the tune of millions and later also by George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ted Turner Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation. This financing is quite fascinating, considering IPS was the greatest domestic enemy of the FBI, the CIA and the LBJ and Nixon governments. Once again we have evidence that the Eastern Establishment is financing controlled opposition. Daniel Ellsberg, who in similarly ironic fashion used to be part of the murderous, drug trafficking Ted Shackley CIA clique in Vietnam, became deeply part of this new left activist network (to this day). Noam Chomsky was appointed a scholar of IPS in 1999.
As for Goure, he ended up in the same circuit as his protectors as Lemay and Rostow. In 1969 he transferred from RAND to the Center for Advanced International Studies at the University of Miami, where he became director of Soviet Studies. He attended American Security Council meetings in this capacity and by the 1980s sat on its national strategy committee. At this point he had joined the giant defense contractor Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), also as director of Soviet Studies. In addition, Goure is known to have attended the Moonie Cult-sponsored International Security Council and to have been involved in Rostow's Committe on the Present Danger.
Vietnam War III: Containment vs rollback
In his 2001 eulogy to Katherine Graham of the Washington Post, Kissinger stated that "societies thrive not by the victories of their factions but by their ultimate reconciliations." There's hardly a better example of this problem than the LBJ administration's conduct of the Vietnam War. The administration literally took away all power from the military, hardly would listen to military advice, and ran the war down to the tiniest detail from the White House. They had their Tuesday luncheons in which LBJ, McNamara and a number key aides would authorize or reject every single proposed target of the military. Airstrikes were strictly forbidden anywhere near the vicinity of Hanoi and Haiphong harbor for fear of hitting Chinese or Russian personnel and drawing these countries into the war, potentially a nuclear war.
Obviously the military and members of the American Security Council couldn't agree less. They figured that the only way to win the war was to flatten North Vietnam and force it into a surrender. As we saw earlier in the Detente vs Nuking the Planet chapter, American Security Council members as General Douglas MacArthur, General Nathan Twining and General Curtis LeMay were not too worried about any potential nuclear exchange. A major difference between the LBJ White House and this group is that it believed in the policy of Rollback, meaning that every square inch of land occupied by the communists had to be taken back under any circumstance.
One of the most important aspects of the conservative establishment has been its support for space-based weapons. The U.S. effort to develop these type of arms goes back to a 1970 book entitled The Strategy of Technology: Winning the Decisive War. The book was written by Pentagon strategist Dr. Stefan T. Possony. In 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Possony was invited to join the national strategy committee of the ASC, together with Edward Teller. Both men would serve on the board for more than two decades.
Possony's book was very popular among hawkish Pentagon officers and became required reading at the Air War College and the National War College. It advocated for the development of a defense program that would be too high-tech and costly for other nations to reproduce or counter without collapsing their economy. Two important projects that grew out of this economy were Strategic Defense Initiative and the stealth program. The latter was developed by companies as Lockheed and Northrop, both corporations with membership in the American Security Council but with little representation on any of the council’s boards. With Strategic Defense Initiative it is somewhat different.
The principal lobbying firm for SDI, or Star Wars, was High Frontier, set up in 1981 by General Daniel Graham, a member of the national strategy committee of the ASC. His deputy at High Frontier became General Robert C. Richardson III, another member of the strategy committee. General James Abrahamson, a member of the ASC and a visitor of Le Cercle, was director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization from 1984 to 1989. Another prominent ASC member was Karl R. Bendetsen, chairman of the SDI Panel for Reagan at the Heritage Foundation from 1980 to 1984. His deputy was General Graham. Edward Teller was also part of the study group. In late 1981 the group began to split over the type of designs that should be supported. General Graham and his High Frontier group wanted to built a system with "off the shelf" components. Other members pushed for more complicated systems that would require much more research: rail guns, particle beam weapons, chemical lasers, etc. The father of the hydrogen bomb, Edward Teller, further complicated matters by insisting "on the inclusion of third-generation weapons powered by nuclear bombs". Teller's idea of the nuclear X-ray laser was to detonate nuclear weapons in space in order to power "up to 100,000 separate laser beams at 100,000 targets in space". [104] This estimation seems to have been a bit of an overstatement. The project was canceled after inconclusive test results. Outside experts were of the opinion that the nuclear explosion would only be able to power a few dozen lasers at most. Many also thought it to be more practical and ethical to go with the non-nuclear option.
Bendetsen and his camp that pushed for more exotic weapons, like lasers, railguns and particle beam weapons (Gen. Keegan actually tried to convince members of government that the Russians already had these weapons), were the favorites of Reagan, but it was Graham's Brilliant Pebbles system that was ultimately seen as the most practical of all SDI systems. Brilliant Pebbles relied on space-based pods filled with small missiles that would take out enemy ICBMs. The missiles didn't have any active warheads - kinetic energy was enough to destroy the targets. However, the program was eventually canceled in 1994 under the Clinton administration, which saw these systems as unnecessarily expensive and potentially destabilizing. It is only in modern times that the United States has been looking again for potentially interesting space-based weapons systems.
All this talk about space-based weapons like lasers, railguns and particle beam weapons will undoubtedly remind some readers of all the rumors surrounding UFO back-engineering programs. Have I seen any evidence of this after so many years of researching these elite Pentagon and State Department networks? No, I have not, and to me Roswell appears to be a first rate scam. American Security Council veterans as General Nathan Twining [121] and Curtis LeMay [122] have actually acknowledged the UFO phenomenon as being real, but anything more than that I'd ignore if I were you.
Latin America | |
Richard M. Bissell, Jr. Strategy board |
Ph.D. from Yale. Ford Foundation staff 1952-54. Special assistant to DCI 1954-59. Oversaw the development of the U2 and A12 spyplanes. Deputy Director of Plans of the CIA 1959-62. Bissell and Dulles worked with the mafia to kill Castro and designed the Bay of Pigs operation. President Institute for Defense Analyses (original home of the JASON Group) 1962-64. United Aircraft. CFR. WIFA. |
James Angleton National strategy comm. |
Yale and Harvard Law School. CIA liaison with the Mossad since 1951. Responsible for liaison with other friendly intelligence agencies. Close to George White, whose sexual entrapment experiments were said to have been employed in Europe. CIA chief of counter-intelligence 1954-1974. ASC head John Fisher was a director of his Security and Intelligence Fund. |
Daniel C. Arnold President, strategy board |
CIA station chief in Thailand implicated in a drug-for-arms trafficking network with Shackley and others. Later lobbyist for companies interested in investing in the Far East. Director of Jefferson Waterman International, where a Cercle participant, Samuel M. Hoskinson, is executive vice president and CFO. |
Ray S. Cline Co-chairman, strategy board |
Two BA's and a Ph.D. from Harvard. OSS. Active for the CIA in the Far East. Station chief in Taiwan 1958-62. Deputy director CIA 1962-1966. CSIS. Co-founder WACL. CAUSA (Moonies). Jonathan Institute. Co-founder and chair U.S. Global Strategy Council. FARI (Great Britain). Advisor Nathan Hale Institute. |
Gen. Vernon Walters Benefactor |
Jesuit–educated in England. Knight of Malta. Fluent in eight languages. Protege of Fritz Kraemer. Interpreter and aide to half a dozen presidents. Aide to Pilgrims Society member Averell Harriman and Henry Kissinger. Co-founder and deputy chief of staff of SHAPE. Military Attache in Rome in 1963. Deputy director CIA 1972-1976. Sent all over the world on to confidential missions by Reagan, together with Haig. Acting head of the CIA for Casey. Made at least a dozen undercover missions to the Vatican. Founding member of Crozier's 6I private intelligence group. CFR. |
James D. Atkinson National Strategy Comm. |
Retired army colonel who was a reasonably prominent psychological warfare specialist at Georgetown University in the early 1960s. His books The Edge of War (1960) and The Politics of Struggle: The Communist Front and Political Warfare (1966) were both published by Henry Regnery of the ASC. |
Karl R. Bendetsen National Strategy Comm. or strategy board |
Lawyer assigned to an army colonel 1940-1946. Secretary of war representative to General Douglas MacArthur in 1941. Architect of Japanese-American internment in 1942. Friend of Edward Teller since the 1940s. Chairman Panama Canal Corp. 1950-1954. Director Westinghouse 1961-1980. Director NYSE 1972-1982. Chairman SDI Panel for Reagan at the Heritage Foundation 1980-1984 (with Teller and General Daniel O. Graham, both of the ASC). Co-founder of General Graham's High Frontier in 1981. Consultant to the National Security Council. Founding member Committee on the Present Danger. |
Whittaker Chambers Benefactor |
Communist who eventually broke with Stalin. Senior editor Time magazine 1943-48. Founding editorial board National Review. Also wrote for Life and Fortune magazines. Influential writer who inspired Reagan and his allies. |
Joseph Coors ASCF board |
CEO and vice-chairman Adolph Coors Co. Clashed with labor unions. Co-founder, financier and trustee Heritage Foundation in 1972. Friend of Reagan. Governor of the Council on National Policy (CNP). Financier of the Contra armies through via Casey and North. Advisory board National Strategy Information Center. Visitor Bohemian Grove. |
Lev Dobriansky National Strategy Comm. |
OSS. Advisor NBC 1977-80. Ambassador to the Bahamas 1982 86. Co-founder and chairman Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. Director WACL U.S. Member U.S. Global Strategy Council. From Ukraine and knew Viktor Yushchenko. His daughter Paula is a director of the Center for Security Policy and many other private groups. |
Sen. Thomas Dodd Editorial staff |
Congressman 1953-1957; U.S. senator 1959-1967. Along with the Shickshinny Knights, Dodd helped promote the story that Oswald had been trained as an assassin by the KGB, making him apparently one more example of an ASC member trying to instigate a war with Russia. |
Edwin J. Feulner National Strategy Comm. |
Roommate of John Lehman. Fellow at CSIS. Vice chair Manhattan Institute. Treasurer Mont Pelerin Society. President Heritage Foundation since 1977. Member strategy board ASC. Key participant in Le Cercle. Trustee Sarah Scaife Foundation. Knight of Malta. Bohemian Grove. Executive member Council for National Policy (CNP). |
Patrick J. Frawley National Strategy Comm. Major financier |
Racist. Chairman Schick Safety Razor Co. 1958-1966. Had his Cuban assets confiscated in 1960 and became a major financier of the ASC after that. Financier of the CIA/Oswald-linked Information Council of the Americas (INCA) in the late 60s. Financier of the "pro-hippie" Square magazine in late 1960s, of which Ed Butler (of INCA) was publisher and editor. |
Robert W. Galvin Chairman, National Strategy Committee |
With Motorola 1940-2003, chairman 1964-2001. Chairman national strategy committee ASC since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Director AmeriCares around the turn of the century, together with Brzezinski, Eagleburger, the Bush family, etc. See Roberto Alejos Arzu for more information on that. |
Henry M. Jackson Acknowledged benefactor |
Senator from Washington 1953-1983. Seen as a lobbyist for Boeing. The neocons Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Edward Luttwak and Douglas Feith were among his staffers in the 1970s, just as Frank Gaffney (founder and president Center for Security Policy). Co-founder America-Israel Friendship League in 1971, together with Nelson Rockefeller. Lost the democratic nomination in 1972 and 1976. Co-founder Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs in 1973. Participant Jonathan Institute in 1979. The Henry M. Jackson Foundation, which counted the involvement of former CIA director James Schlesinger, is named after him. The neoconservative Henry Jackson Society is also named after him and has among its patrons Richard Perle and retired CIA director James Woolsey. |
Monique Garnier-Lancon Consultant |
Journalist. Deputy mayor of Paris. Special advisor for Europe and director of the American Foreign Policy Council. Delegate to the Europe Center for International Relations in Washington, D.C. Consultant to the CNP, ASC and the Heritage Foundation. Visitor of Le Cercle, who helped organize meetings in the 1980s. Contact of Paul Sjeklocha, the JINSA director convicted of illegal weapons sales to Iran. |
George R. Hearst, Jr. Industry Relations Comm. |
Chairman of the Hearst media empire, publisher of over a dozen newspapers, Cosmopolitan, Esquire, Popular Mechanics and co- owner of channels as A&E and History Channel. |
Jack F. Kemp Co-chairman ASC Congressional Advisory Board |
Congressman from New York 1971-1989. Secretary HUD 1989-1992. Advisory board Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) until about the time of his death. Co-founder and co-chairman of the Scaife-funded FreedomWorks, a financier of the U.S. Tea Party. Involved in many private groups. |
William R. Kintner Co-chairman, strategy board |
Senior staff member of the CIA 1950-1952 and a superior of Colonel Edward Lansdale at the time. Member of President Eisenhower's staff. Various advisory posts in the army and navy. Ambassador to Thailand. Director and president Foreign Policy Research Institute. Trustee Freedom House. Advisory committee World Affairs Council. Membr CFR. Director of the Moonie-funded International Security Council. |
Jeane Kirkpatrick | Hugely influential neoconservative. Groups she was involved with: Le Cercle, Center for a Free Cuba, Committee on the Present Danger, U.S. Global Strategy Council (co-chair), Nicaraguan Freedom Fund, Afghanistan Relief Committee, JINSA, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, Center for Security Policy, the Jonathan Institute, Tibet action groups, Defense Policy Board, Freedom House and the Henry M. Jackson Foundation. She was also a co-founder of FreedomWorks, a fiancier of the U.S. Tea Party. Other groups she was involved with can be found here. |
Sven F. Kraemer Policy director |
Son of Fritz Kraemer, a very influential civilian Pentagon strategist who acted as a mentor to Kissinger (until the latter came up with the policy of détente), General Alexander Haig, General Vernon Walters, General Edward Lansdale, James Schlesinger and Donald Rumsfeld. Worked in the offices of General Daniel Graham and Fred Ikle. Sven Kraemer: Office of the Secretary of Defense (McNamara) 1963-1967. Staff member National Security Council 1967-1976. Director of arms control at the National Security Council 1981-1987. Policy director American Security Council. Policy advisor to Douglas Feith, the under secretary of defense for policy to Rumsfeld 2001-2005. Feith ran the controversial Office of Special Plans 2002-2003 in order to manipulate the U.S. into a war with Iraq. Advisory council Center for Security Policy. Visitor Le Cercle. |
Anthony Kubek | Professor University of Dallas 1959-1974. Wrote the book How The Far East Was Lost [to communism] in 1963. Professor at Fu-Jen Catholic University in Taiwan in 1966. Met Chiang Kai-shek in 1970. Co-founder American-Chilean Council. Advisory board Western Goals Foundation and WACL U.S. |
Paul D. Laxalt and wife Michelle |
Senator from Nevada 1974-1986. Chairman Ronald Reagan for President in 1976, 1980 and 1984. Co-chair George Bush for President in 1988 and 1992. Founder and president of the lobbying firm the Paul Laxalt Group in 1990. Co-chair Coalition for Peace Through Strength. Michelle Laxalt: President the Laxalt Corp since 1984. President's Council of the ASC. Active in Republican politics. |
Marvin Liebman National strategy comm. |
Fired from the army for his homosexuality. Later Irgun agent. Fundraiser United Jewish Appeal. Co-founder and secretary Committee of One Million 1953-1969. Co-founder WACL in 1958 and secretary of its first steering committee. Co-founder American Emergency Committee for Tibetan Refugees in 1959. Co-founder Young Americans for Freedom in 1960. Worked on the Barry Goldwater campaign of 1964. Co-founder in 1964 of the American Conservative Union with his friend William F. Buckley. Managing director Sedgemoor Productions in London 1969-1975. His firm Marvin Liebman Inc. had clients as Friends of Free China, American-Chilean Council and Covenant House. Worked on Reagan's 1980 campaign. |
Neil C. Livingstone National Strategy Comm. |
A recruit of James Angleton for the Israeli desk. Advisor to Oliver North before Iran-Contra broke. Well-known anti- terrorist author. Founder, chairman and CEO of "private CIA" firm GlobalOptions 1998-2006. Founder of ExecutiveAction in 2007, "a private CIA and Defense Department". Both firms have retired FBI and CIA directors on the board, with James Woolsey apparently being Livingstone's closest associate. One of his co-authors of the 1980s, Terry Arnold, became a columnist for Rense, a supporter of 9/11 Truth author David Ray Griffin and a member of Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth, together with Annie Machon, Wayne Madsen, General Albert Stubblebine and others. Member of the once CIA-ran George Town Club. |
Jay Lovestone Benefactor |
Pre-WWII communist leader. Director of the AFL-CIO's International Affairs Department 1963-1973. Spy for CIA counter-intelligence chief James Angleton. Co-founder of the CIA/big business-backed American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD) in 1962. |
Dr. Edward N. Luttwak National Strategy Comm. |
Roommate of Richard Perle in college. Worked for Senator Henry Jackson, who employed Perle and other later neocons. Member Special Operations Policy Advisory Group (SOPAG) when Perle was at the Pentagon. At the rather elite Washington Institute for Near East Policy. |
William D. Pawley Writer/researcher for the ASC's Washington Report |
Organizer of the Flying Tigers in the Far East during World War II. Close to Eisenhower and the CIA director Allen Dulles. Reportedly part of the CIA's covert coup programs in Latin America. According to Daniel Sheehan, Pawley was involved in the JFK assassination and is recorded to have said on June 10, 1963: "Don't you worry, John [Martino], we're gonna kill that motherfucker [JFK]." |
Constantine C. Menges Visitor of ASC meetings |
Scholar at Hoover, Rand and AEI. Father of the Reagan Doctrine. The CIA's national intelligence officer for Latin America, recruited in 1981 by Casey. Special assistant to Reagan for national security affairs 1983-1986. First assignment in 1983 was to draw up plans for the U.S. invasion of Grenada. Father of the controversial National Endowment for Democracy. |
Richard E. Pipes National Strategy Comm. |
Professor at Harvard 1950-96. Consultant to Sen. Henry Jackson, discovered by Richard Perle. Chair neoconservative “Team B” 1976. Member Committee on the Present Danger 1977-1992. Jonathan Institute 1979. Director East European & Soviet Affairs at the NSC 1981-82. Anti-Soviet author. American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. Victims of Communism Memorial Fdn. Member Benador Associates. His son, Daniel Pipes, has become a leading neoconservative warmonger and was involved with PNAC. |
Stefan T. Possony National Strategy Comm. |
Influential civilian strategist affiliated with the Pentagon. Consultant to Eisenhower administration. Involved in drawing up targets in the Soviet Union for conventional and nuclear strikes. Anti-communist author. Drew up the plans for what would become known as Brilliant Pebbles, the most prominent SDI program. Proposed to deploy nuclear weapons against North Vietnam. Director WACL U.S. |
Ronald Reagan Ordinary member |
Advisory board Young Americans for Freedom. Close to the John Birch Society. Starred in a film of the Church League of America. Long-time ASC member before becoming president. U.S. President 1981-1989. Under his presidency the ASC had its peak influence. |
William H. Regnery Co-founder |
Deeply involved in the America First Committee with his family. Played a role in the founding of the ASC. |
Henry F. Regnery Involved with the ASC 1957-1967 |
Son of William. Founder of Regnery Publishing 1947. Published books of Howard Hunt, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, William Buckley, William Casey, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and other extreme conservatives. Published a book that promoted the Moonies, as well as the first roman to describe dissociate indentity disorder and how a person suffering from this affliction can have various alters. Also published a number of UFO books, including those of J. Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallee, Charles Bowen and Raymond Drake. "Rumor" has it that the publishing firm was CIA supported. |
Sid W. Richardson Benefactor |
Partner in the oil business with his close friend Clint Murchison, Sr. Both men ran Hotel del Charro and the nearby race tracks, where J. Edgar Hoover and other influential right wingers would visit each year. With Murchison and Hoover, Richardson ran a smear campaign against Adlai Stevenson. He appointed John Connally, the future Texas governor who sat in the car with JFK during the 1963 assassination, as co-executor of his estate in 1959. |
Richard Mellon Scaife Very minor financier |
His foundations have provided over $200 million to conservative causes since the 1960s: the American Enterprise Institute, Accuracy in Media, FreedomWorks (financier of the Tea Party), Hoover Institute, Manhattan Institute, CSIS, Maldon Institute, etc. Also made minor contributions to the ASC ($40,000). Close to CIA. Co-founder, financier and vice chair Heritage Foundation. Participant Foreign Affairs Research Institute. Main financier/promoter of conspiracies surrounding Bill Clinton. |
Thomas H. Schweich Benefactor |
Lawyer by training. Chief of staff to John Danforth, head of the investigation into the FBI's role in the Waco massacre, 1999- 2000. Chief of staff to three U.S. ambassadors to the United Nations: John Danforth, Anne Patterson and John Bolton. Coordinator for counternarcotics and justice reform in Afghanistan 2006-2008. Claimed that Karzai, the DOD and British MOD were not interested in countering poppy cultivation. |
Thomas R. Spencer Member ASCF |
Attorney for General John Singlaub in 1988 and for General Richard Secord in 1994, both known for their relationship to the Iran-Contra affair. Director AFIO. Founding president Ted Shackley Chapter of the AFIO in Florida. Director of Le Cercle with Ted Shackley. Legal counsel for the Bush-Cheney presidential campaigns in 2000 and 2004. Co-counsel during the Bush-Cheney 2000 Florida recount. Member Finance Committee Jeb Bush/Frank Brogan 2002 campaign and their chief attorney. |
W. Scott Thompson Strategy board |
Rhodes Scholar. Co-founder Committee on the Present Danger. Promoter of missile programs. Expert on East Asia. Associate director USIA. Director of the US Institute of Peace. Friend of the CIA-ran pedophile blackmailer Craig Spence. |
Sen. John Tower Benefactor
` |
Influential Republican senator from Texas 1961-85. Voted in favor of racial segregation. Delegate Republican National Committee 1956, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1980, 1988; member platform committee, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, chairman 1980. U.S. negotiator on strategic nuclear arms in Geneva 1985-1986. Chair Tower Commission into Iran-Contra 1986-1987. Chairman Armed Forces Journal. Director British Aerospace. 33° mason. Shriner. Pilgrims. Died in a plane crash in 1991. |
William Van Cleave Co-chair Strategy Board |
Member Team B. Committee on the Present Danger. Senior national security advisor to Reagan 1979-80. National security affairs advisor Republican National Committee 1979-1989. Co- director of research at the Jerusalem-based Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS). Trustee IISS. Chair International Security Council, 1991-1996 (Moonies). Advisory council Center for Policy Studies. |
Charlie Wilson Congressional advisory board |
Democrat Congressman from Texas 1973-1996. Wilson was notorious for his personal life, particularly drinking, alleged cocaine use, and womanizing, and he picked up the nickname "Good Time Charlie". Dubbed "the Israeli commando" in congress, for his relationship with Israel and the Mossad.. |
Albert Wohlstetter Benefactor |
Assistant to the president of the Rand Corp. 1950-1964. Recruited Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and send them to work for Senator Jackson, also affiliated with the ASC. Director Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Member President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 1985-1988. |
Wright, Lloyd Co-chairman National Strategy Committee |
President International Bar Association 1954-1964. Co-chair ASC since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Ronald Reagan was his campaign manager in 1962. Friend of Nixon. John Birch Society supporter. Seen as an extreme right-winger who advocated war with the Soviet Union. Identified as a Wackenhut director in 1967 and stayed on the board until 1974. |
Gen. Mark W. Clark National Strategy Comm. |
Commander U.N. Command Korea 1952. Nominated ambassador to the Vatican, but withdrew. President of the Citadel Military College of South Carolina 1954-1966, and president emeritus 1966-1984. Early director (and the most senior) of Wackenhut until 1974. |
Gen. Bernhard Schriever Co-chairman national strategy committee |
Commander ICBM Program 1954-1959. Commander Air Force Systems Command (AFSC) 1959-1966. This program produced the successful Thor/Delta, Titan and Atlas rockets. Competitor of the much more well-known Wernher von Braun. Co-chair ASC 1968. Director of Wackenhut since 1974, at which point General Mark Clark and Lloyd Wright resigned. Member Defense Science Board. Director Eastern Air Lines. Advisory council Center for Security Policy until his death in 2003. |
John S. Foster, Jr. National advisory board |
Director Lawrence Livermore Lab. 1952-1965. Director of defense research and engineering DoD 1965-1973. Vice president TRW Energy Systems Group 1973-1979. Vice president science & technology TRW 1979-1988. Director TRW 1988-1994. Chair Defense Science Board 1989-1993. Chair GKN Aerospace Transparency Systems. Consultant to Northrop Grumman, Sikorsky Aircraft and Defense Group Inc. Director Wackenhut since 2002. Advisor to the director of DARPA. Advisor American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Member President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Member Committee on the Present Danger. |
Latin America
Roberto Alejos Arzu Guatemala |
hosted an ASC meeting here with General Singlaub and General Graham. [105] |
A Knight of Malta and business associate of Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza. CIA asset. Alejos was the owner of La Helvetia, a sugar plantation once used to train anti-Castro Cuban exiles for their 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. Reportedly workers on his plantations who complained ended up in a ditch, with their children being send to local charities. Visited by General Graham and Singlaub of the American Security Council. In the 1980s he was linked to Guatemala's death squads. Financial patron of Casa Alianza, the Guatemalan branch of Father Bruce Ritter's Covenant House in New York. In both locations child abuse was reported. Ritter actually sat on the board of AmeriCares, the Knights of Malta-linked relief organization to whom's founder, Robert Macauley, he was close, as was George H. W. Bush. Long time members of the board have included Knights of Malta J. Peter Grace (Pilgrims), Knight of Malta William Simon (Pilgrims), Knight of Malta Prescott Bush, Jr., Barbara Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski (Pilgrims), Kissinger Associates-employee Lawrence Eagleburger, future Secretary of State Colin Powell, covert operations veteran General Richard Stilwell (Le Cercle), and former Motorola chairman Robert W. Galvin, who used to chair the ASC's national strategy committee. Other Bush family members have also been involved with AmericaCares, including Jeb Bush and Marvin Bush. |
Roberto D'Aubuisson El Salvador | invited to the U.S. by the ASC. [106] |
Educated at the School of the Americas in 1976. Headed the intelligence section of the National Guard in El Salvador until 1979. Known death squad leader and torturer with the nickname "Blowtorch Bob". Guerilla leader against the leftist Revolutionary Government Junta of El Salvador which ruled from 1979-82. Quietly brought into the U.S. twice in the early 1980s by the ASC to give a speech. Head of the influential ARENA party 1982-85. Defeated for the presidency 1984. One of his advisors was arrested in 1985 on a small Texas airstrip with $5.9 million in paper bills. The pilot had previously been arrested with cocaine on one of his airplanes. D'Aubuisson himself was a cocaine addict and alcoholic. President/patron Western Goals International until 1992. |
Col. Enrique Bermudez Nicaragua/Honduras | years-long ASC contact, along with his wife and son. [107] |
Educated at the School of the Americas, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the Inter-American Defense College. Antonio Somoza's military attaché to the U.S. at the time of the 1979 revolution. The dominant Contra leader operating from Honduras against the communist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. According to human rights group Americas Watch, Bermudez's contra group FDN "raped, murdered, tortured, kidnapped and mutilated unarmed civilians". Himself accused of having tortured a man to death with an electric rod in front of his mother's eyes. Bermudez and his associates were working with Danilo Blandon, the Contra operative and former Somoza official who sold many tons of cocaine in Los Angeles during the 1980s. Bermudez was visited by ASC members in Honduras. His wife was brought to the U.S. by the ASC after his assassination in 1991 and they tried to prove the Sandinistas were behind the assassination. His death was later commemorated by the ASC. |
Adolfo Calero Nicaragua | at the ASC's 1986 annual meeting. [108] |
American-educated businessman and politician. Together with Bermudez a leader of the largest contra army, the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN). His brother-in-law Troilo Sanchez was caught with "pillows full of cocaine", after reportedly having sold $6.1 million worth of the white powder. Considered a key CIA agent and drug trafficker in the region. Met with Oliver North, also of the ASC. |
Stedman Fagoth Nicaragua/Honduras | brought to the U.S. by the ASC. [109] |
Security agent for dictator Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua until Somoza's overthrow in 1979. Moved to Honduras and became leader of the CIA-backed Contra armies, in his case Misura. Alongside the FDN army Misura was named as the "worst offender" when it came to torture, rape and murder of civilians. Brought to the U.S. by the ASC to testify against the communist- supported Sandinistas. |
Mario Sandoval Guatemala | reported to have "good relations" with the ASC [110] |
Imprisoned for undermining Jacob Arbenz's left-wing government. Private secretary to President Castillo 1954-57, the CIA-backed coup plotter against Arbentz. Had helped break Castillo out of prison in 1950. In exile in Franco's Spain 1957-59 after Castillo was murdered. Founder and secretary-general National Liberation Movement 1960-93, what he referred to as "the party of organized violence." The party never captured the presidency, but kept El Salvador's political spectrum to the right through terrorism. Leader of the Mano Blanca death squad. Member WACL. Introduced the El Salvador death squad leader Roberto D'Aubuisson to the WACL and acted as his mentor. Vice president Guatemala 1974-78 under Gen. Kjell Laugerud. Guatemalan representative at Franco's funeral in 1975. Allowed Contras to be trained on his land by CIA-backed Argentine intelligence officers around 1981. Unsuccessfully ran for president in 1982 and 1986. Privately stated he would put all suspected "subversives" (communists/socialists) in front of a firing squad if elected. His MLN party declined in influence after his failed 1982 election campaign. Supported by the ASC. |
Jonas Savimbi Angola | brought to the U.S. by the ASC. [111] |
Head of the UNITA rebels in the former Portuguese colony of Angola. From 1975 until the end of the Cold War backed by Western interests in his guerilla war against the communist- supported MPLA government. In later years accused of torturing and killing his opponents within UNITA. Accused of having thrown a number of persons, including several children, in bonfires. At least one report exists of UNITA rebels having murdered a great number of civilians in a raid on a village, including women and children. |
Jeremias Chitunda Angola | attended a 1986 ASC conference. |
North American representative and later vice president of UNITA in Angola under Jonas Savimbi. |
Ian Smith Rhodesia | visited ASC HQ in the 1970s. |
Prime minister of Rhodesia 1964-79. Broke off relationships with colonist Great Britain, under the leadership of labour prime minister Harold Wilson, in 1965 to keep the white-minority rule in place. Good friend of Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar and supported by this country as well as ultra right elements tied to Le Cercle, the Pilgrims and the 1001 Club. Invited by the ASC in 1978. |
Gen. Christoffel van der Westhuizen South Africa | brought to the U.S. by the ASC. [112] |
From South Africa. Chairman Eastern Province Joint Management Committee in the 1980s. Secretly invited by the ASC in 1981, but this visit turned into a minor scandal. Ordered assassinations on anti-apartheid black ANC leaders. Mastermind of the 1986 Operation Katzen, a complex scheme to take over and arm the independent Ciskei movement and have it start a war against the ANC. Chief of Military Intelligence 1991-94. Considered South Africa's mastermind behind the mysterious "third force" that used terrorism and propaganda to try and create a civil war among blacks. The ANC came to power in 1994 and Westhuizen was forced into early retirement. |
Gurmit Singh Aulakh Angola | at the ASC's 1986 annual meeting. |
Representative of the Sikh movement, which had been striving for an independent Khalistan state in India, an effort that was backed by the United States. The Pakistani ISI and the Sikhs were involved in various terrorist attacks against a Soviet-leaning India over the years. July 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'The Contra Conclave': "Gurmit Singh Aulakh, an invited guest [to the ASC] from the International Sikh Organization, made the case for U.S. aid to Sikh liberation. ... "India is completely in the Soviet bloc." Asked about the assassination of Indira Gandhi, he said, "She asked for it." [her son Rajiv took over and was assassinated in 1991] " Indira Gandhi was killed by two of her Sikh bodyguards. |
Yonas Deressa Angola | at the ASC's 1986 annual meeting. |
U.S. representative of the Ethiopian Peoples Democratic Alliance (EPDA), which fought a guerilla war against the pro-communist Ethiopian government in the 1980s. The EPDA received limited funding from the CIA since 1981, but the anti-communist wars in South America were considered much more important by the Reagan administration. One other major problem in Ethiopia was the lack of a strong enough resistence movement to oppose the pro-communist government. Deressa was promised, however, that his cause would not be overlooked. |
Souksomboun Sayasithsena Laos | at the ASC's 1986 annual meeting. |
Worked in the embassy of Vientiane, Laos, until 1964. Came to the United States after that, teaching State Department personnel in Laotian language and culture. |
Samuel T. Cohen Strategy board |
Manhattan Project physicist. At RAND 1950s. Developed the Neutron bomb and proposed it should be used against North Vietnam. Member Los Alamos Tactical Nuclear Weapons Panel early 1970s. Convinced Reagan to build 700 neutron warheads. Promoted the Red Mercury myth, claimed Russia had produced about 100 micro-nukes and claimed Hussein had 50 in his possession, to be used against U.S. troops when they would approach Baghdad. Supporter of Pat Buchanan in 2000. |
Edward Teller Strategy board |
Manhattan Project. Father hydrogen bomb. Physics professor at University of Chicago, UCLA, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore. Member board Atomic Energy Commission, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and National Space Council. Director Rockefeller Brother Fund. Governor Council for National Policy. Member Accuracy in Media. Member Committee on the Present Danger. Advisory board Western Goals Foundation. Director American Friends of Tel Aviv University. Promoter nuclear X-ray aspects of the Star Wars program. |
Kenneth M. Watson National strategy comm. |
Professor of physics at UCLA. Scientific advisor air force 1960s. Member military panel President's Science Advisory Committee (PSAC) 1962-71. Member Defense Science Board 1970s. Advisor NSC 1972-75. Member JASON Group 1959-2001. Co-founder and director Physical Dynamics, Inc. 1971-81. Director Marine Physical Laboratory 1981-91. Consultant SAIC 1981-2001. |
Eugene P. Wigner National strategy comm. |
Physics professor at Princeton. Sister married physicist Paul Dirac. Manhattan Project. Advisory committee Atomic Energy Commission 1952-57 and FEMA 1982-91. Member JASON Group. Advisory board Western Goals Foundation. |
Guy Banister Used ASC database |
FBI special agent. Assistant police superintendant New Orleans police department. Involved in Anti-Communist League of the Caribbean. Louisiana coordinator for the Minutemen. Organized the Friends of Democratic Cuba in 1961. Gave Lee Harvey Oswald, who later killed President Kennedy, his pro-communist cover. |
G. Duncan Bauman National Strategy Comm. |
Publisher St. Louis Globe-Democrat 1967-1984. "Kingmaker" in local politics. Hired Pat Buchanan to his staff in 1962. Good friend of J. Edgar Hoover and said both "knew" George H. W. Bush. Friendly with former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin. Knight of Malta since 1972. Worked with the FBI in COINTELPRO operations against student protests and Martin Luther King. |
William F. Carroll Co-founder |
Retired FBI agent. Co-founder American Security Council as the Mid-Western Research Library. |
William F. Carroll, Jr. President ASCF |
ASC member since 1974, director 2004-2006, and president in 2005. Vice president of Occidental Chemical Corporation in Dallas, Texas. President-elect of the American Chemical Society. |
Stephen L. Donchess Vice president ASC |
Retired FBI agent. Attorney. Vice president ASC. Low level manager at U.S. Steel. |
John M. Fisher President |
Special agent of the FBI 1947-1953. Manager at Sears Roebuck & Co. 1953-1957. Chairman and CEO ASC 1956-2002. Top man ASCF 1962-2002. Director American Society Industrial Security 1959-1962. Administrative chair Coalition for Peace Through Strength. President WACL U.S. 1971-1972 and on advisory board in 1980s. Director Center for International Security Studies 1977-1983. Official friend of the Religious Roundtable. Founder director of James Angleton's Security and Intelligence Fund. |
Lee Pennington Head ASC Washington bureau |
Important McCarthyite. Third highest in rank at the FBI under Hoover when retiring in 1953. Went to worked at the American Legion's National Americanism Commission. CIA informant. Reportedly played a role in covering up Watergate. |
William K. Lambie, Jr. Employee at ASC HQ |
Retired FBI agent. Presided over the ASC's library and research center, according to the New York Times on August 17, 1970. Kept files on all "revolutionary" organizations and persons. |
W. Cleon Skousen Field director |
Mormom. Racist. FBI special agent 1940-1951. Prominent field director American Security Council until at least 1964. Convinced that Eisenhower had been a communist agent. Prominent anti-communist author. Charter member Council for National Policy. Well known for his 1972 anti-Eastern Establishment work The Naked Capitalist. Speaker for CAUSA (Moonies). |
Raymond W. Wannall National strategy comm. |
Assistant director FBI. President AFIO. Director CIA/MI6-linked Maldon Institute. Director FBI/CIA Nathan Hale Institute. Wrote the 2000 book The Real J. Edgar Hoover: For the record. Portrayed Hoover as a folk hero while denouncing claims that his former boss was a blackmailer or a homosexual. |
Nils H. Wessell National strategy comm. |
FBI agent, Intelligence Division. Director Foreign Policy Research Institute 1981-1985. Son of a Tufts psychology professor who was president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. (named after a Pilgrims Society member and General Motors chairman) 1968-1979. |
Russell E. White Vice chairman |
FBI agent in New Orleans and New York field offices 1940-1946. Security consultant General Electric. Member Industry advisory committee DOD. President and chair American Society for Industrial Security. Chairman National Security Industrial Association. Chairman security committee Aerospace Industries Association. Chairman security committee of the Electronic Industries Association. Vice chairman ASC. |
Gen. Edward Almond National Strategy Comm. |
Blamed the poor results of his division during WWII on the high percentage of Afro-Americans. Served under MacArthur 1946-1949. MacArthur's chief of staff 1949-1950. Placed in charge of a marine unit during the Korean invasion by MacArthur, a move widely criticized by the troops. Responsible for the defeat of his unit and the many casualties in the process. Made Alexander Haig his aide in Korea, as Almond was a friend of Haig's father-in-law. |
Col. Michael Aquino Advisory board (denies it) |
In Vietnam June 1969-June 1970. Officer in the 306th PSYOP Battalion (Strategic) and later its parent 7th PSYOP Group, USAR, during the 1970s. During that time he also performed numerous specialized assignments as a Foreign Area Officer/West Europe and Defense Attache. Attended the Industrial College of the Armed Forces 1986-1987. Budget director USAR Personnel Center, St. Louis 1987-1990. Space Intelligence Officer at U.S. Space Command headquarters, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, 1990-1994. Linked to a major child abuse scandal. |
Gen. Edwin F. Black Strategy board |
Army general stationed in Thailand and Vietnam in the late 1960s. Hawaii director of the Nugan Hand drugs bank. |
Gen. Mark W. Clark National Strategy Comm. |
Commander U.N. Command Korea 1952. Nominated ambassador to the Vatican, but withdrew. President of the Citadel Military College of South Carolina 1954-1966, and president emeritus 1966-1984. Early director (and the most senior) of Wackenhut until 1974. |
Gen. Garrison B. Coverdale Administrative director |
Army Intelligence officer in China during World War II. Commander of the Tokyo-Yokohama District of the IX Corps from 1954-1956. Chief of staff National Security Agency until 1959. Chief of the Military Intelligence Corps 1961-1966. |
Gen. Daniel O. Graham National strategy comm. |
Deputy director CIA 1972-1974. Director DIA 1974-1976. CAUSA. Co-chairman Coalition for Peace Through Strength. Director National Religious Broadcasters. Military advisor to Reagan in his 1976 and 1980 presidential campaigns. Vice-chairman SDI Panel for Reagan at the Heritage Foundation 1980-1984. Founding chairman High Frontier (SDI promoter) and remained a predominant proponent of the space-based "brilliant pebbles" system until his death in 1995. Vice-chairman WACL U.S. under Singlaub. Participant in Crozier's Foreign Affairs Research Institute (FARI) conferences. Advisor Nathan Hale Institute. Global warming skeptic. |
Gen. Gordon Graham National strategy comm. |
U.S. air force general with intelligence experience. Consultant to Union Oil Co. of California and Shell Oil. President McDonnell Douglas, Japan and vice president for the Far East 1973-77. Vice president McDonnell Douglas, Washington 1977-83. |
Gen. Paul D. Harkins National Strategy Comm. |
Deputy chief of staff to Patton during WWII. Briefly chief of staff military government of Bavaria when Patton was reprimanded and fired by Eisenhower for his pro-Nazi remarks. The first commander of Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) 1962-64. Published a biography on Patton and technical consultant for the 1970 film Patton. |
Gen. Richard X. Larkin National strategy comm. |
Defense attache to the U.S. ambassador to the USSR in 1977-1979. Deputy director DIA 1979-1981. President Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). |
Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer Co-chairman national strategy committee |
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 1960-1962. Approved Operation Northwoods and proposed it to McNamara. Commander in chief European Command 1962-1969. Member 1975 Rockefeller Commission on CIA abuses. 33° mason. Knight Templar. Shriner. Co-chair Coalition for Peace Through Strength. |
Gen. Douglas MacArthur Benefactor |
Named as a coup plotter against FDR before WWII. General during WWII. Commander occupational forces Japan 1945-1951. Continually opposed the State Department and Harry Truman. Involved in releasing anti-communist war criminals, some of whom later funded the Moonies and were recruited by the CIA. Moved in ultra right circles. Commander UN Forces in the Korean War 1950-1951. Saved Sun Myung Moon during the invasion and kept close ties to Moon's Unification Church, at the very least through his nephew Douglas MacArthur II (who was chairman of a company implicated in running a fascist underground and a pedophile entrapment ring, and who also sat the board of Hill & Knowlton, headed by a person also accused in a pedophile entrapment scandal). Chairman Remington-Rand after retirement from army. |
Andy Messing, Jr. Consultant |
Army special forces veteran. "Personal friend" of Colonel Oliver North and his secretary Fawn Hall. Reported "contact" of General John John Singlaub and Dick Cheney in the late 1980s. Consultant to the George H. W. Bush presidential campaign in 1988 and 1992. Consultant to the ASC. Member Special Operations Policy Advisory Group (SOPAG). Member Council for National Policy. Advisory board WACL U.S. |
Col. Oliver L. North Consultant |
In the Marine Corps. Deputy director political-military affairs at the National Security Council 1981-1983, then counter-terrorism coordinator at the NSC 1983-1986. Key person in the Iran-Contra affair. Executive member and governor Council for National Policy (CNP) in the 1990s. After 9/11 prominent again on Fox News and MSNBC in promoting the Middle-East wars. At one point said Obama had "a core philosophy of being anti-American." |
Gen. J. Milnor Roberts Strategy Board |
Chief U.S. Army Reserve 1971-1975. Executive director Reserve Officers Association 1975-1984. Chair Committee for Free Afghanistan. Director WACL U.S. Director and congressional liaison Space Transportation Association. Treasurer High Frontier 1996-2000, director since 2000. |
Gen. John K. Singlaub National strategy comm. |
CIA China Desk 1948-1949, where he worked with men as Ray Cline and Paul Helliwell. Deputy CIA station chief South Korea 1950-52. Battalion commander 3rd Infantry Division during Korean War. Developer Ranger Training Command at Fort Benning, Georgia after the Korean War. Head Special Operations Command in Vietnam 1966–1968 (MACV-SOG), with Thomas G. Clines as his deputy and Lt. Oliver North and Lt. Col. Richard Secord also working under him at some point. Commander U.S. Army Readiness Region VIII, Rocky Mountains, 1973-76. Chief of staff U.N. and U.S. army forces South Korea 1976-77. Dismissed by Carter. Co-founder Western Goals Foundation 1979. Co- founder WACL U.S. in 1981 chair until at least 1989. Chair WACL Int. 1984-1986. Governor and member Council for National Policy. Chair Special Operations Policy Advisory Group (SOPAG) 1980s. Was digging for gold in the Philippines in the 1980s to finance his WACL activities. Suspected of involvement in coups in the Philippines and Fiji (with Gen. Walters). Of the opinion that nuclear weapons should be used during Gulf War I. Chairman OSS Society. |
Gen. Richard G. Stilwell Speaker and member ASC Task Force on Central America and co-chair of its CPTS. |
CIA 1949-52. Played a role in setting up the CIA airline Civil Air Patrol to support anti-communist nationalists in Burma. Army commander at SHAPE, West-Germany, followed by Vietnam, Thailand, Korea. Under secretary for policy DoD 1981-85. Patron ISA Delta Force/Seal Team 6 unit. Member Special Operations Policy Advisory Group (SOPAG). Linked to CIA drug-trafficking. Visitor of Le Cercle. Committee on the Present Danger. Co-chair Coalition for Peace Through Strength. President AFIO. CFR. |
Col. James N. Rowe Benefactor |
One of 34 American prisoners of war in Vietnam to escape captivity. Developed the SERE training program for special forces. Possibly assassinated by the Mossad in 1989 for trying to expose CIA-Mossad drug trafficking. Active in the Philippines at the time with Gen. Singlaub to illegally combat leftist elements. August 22, 2000, Philippine Daily Inquirer, 'Front page Manila is CIA's 'main station' in Southeast Asia': "[According to] University of the Philippines professor Roland G. Simbulan, [Rowe was] clandestinely involved in the organization of anti-communist death squads like the Alsa Masa and vigilante groups patterned after Operation Phoenix in Vietnam, which had the objective of eliminating the political infrastructure of the insurgency." |
Col. Charles Thomann Ordinary member |
Platoon and company commander Korea 1950. Intelligence chief MACV 1964-1965, DIA 1967-1968, G-2 1968-1969 (all in Vietnam). Vietnam battalion commander in 1969. Commander 109th Military Intelligence Group 1971-1973. Deputy chief of staff Intelligence Forces Command in 1974. Commander Special Security Group (army counterintelligence) 1975-1977. Over the years wrote to newspapers: thought that sanctions against apartheid South Africa were unwelcome, that Clinton should be impeached and that John Kerry would be a terrible president. Claims space-based weapons systems should be build against communism, terrorism, asteroids and even possible threats from outer space. |
Gen. Vernon Walters Benefactor |
Jesuit–educated in England. Knight of Malta. Fluent in eight languages. Protege of Fritz Kraemer. Interpreterer and aide to half a dozen presidents. Aide to Pilgrims Society member Averell Harriman and Henry Kissinger. Co-founder and deputy chief of staff of SHAPE. Military Attache in Rome in 1963. Deputy director CIA 1972-1976. Sent all over the world on to confidential missions by Reagan, together with Haig. Acting head of the CIA for Casey. Made at least a dozen undercover missions to the Vatican. Founding member of Crozier's 6I private intelligence group. CFR. |
Gen. Albert Wedemeyer Strategy board |
Far East commander during WWII. Chief of staff to Chiang Kai- shek 1947. In favor of preventative war with the USSR before it could develop the nuclear bomb. |
Gen. Earle G. Wheeler Co-chairman national strategy committee |
Deputy commander European Command 1962. Army chief of staff 1962-64. Chair joint chiefs of staff 1964-70. Director Monsanto. |
Gen. Isaac D. White National strategy comm. |
Commander Korean War. Commander U.S. Army Pacific 1957-61. |
Walt, Gen. Lewis Strategy board |
Assistant commandant U.S. Marine Corps 1968-71. Director U.S. Senate Investigation on International Narcotics Traffic in 1972. Advisory board Western Goals Foundation and WACL U.S. |
Gen. William A. Worton National Strategy Comm. |
Far East Section ONI. Worked with Chang Kai-shek in China. May have recruited Teilhard de Chardin in ONI. Chief LAPD 1949-50. |
Gen. Charles A. Willoughby National Strategy Comm. |
Immigrated from Germany. Fluent in five languages. Friendly with Mussolini and Franco. MacArthur's "pet fascist". MacArthur's Chief of Intelligence during most of WWII and the Korean War. Intelligence occupational forces Japan 1945-1951. Involved in releasing and overseeing anti-communist war criminals, some of whom later funded the Moonies. Co-created Field Operations Intelligence, a top secret Army Intelligence unit that later came under joint military and CIA control. With H.L. Hunt involved in the International Committee for the Defence of Christian Culture. Security director Shickshinny Knights of Malta. Friend of Fritz Kraemer. |
Gen. Robert E. Wood Key founder and initial chairman advisory board |
Involved in Panama Canal construction 1905-1915. Chair Sears, Roebuck & Co. 1939-1954. Chairman America First Committee 1940-1941. Recruited employee John M. Fisher to set up ASC. Ran the Military-Industrial Conferences with Fisher and Frank Barnett during the Eisenhower presidency. |
Adm. Robert L. Dennison National Strategy Comm. |
Commander U.S. Atlantic Fleet and Atlantic Command 1960-63. Commander naval blockade during Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. |
Bill McCollum Recent director |
JAG officer 1969-1972. Commander US Naval Reserve 1973-1992. Congressman from Florida 1981-2001. Member Iran-Contra committee 1987. Member Judiciary Committee/prosecutor in Clinton’s Lewinsky affair 1998-99. Florida chair Rudy Giuliani presidential campaign 2008. |
Adm. Thomas Moorer National strategy comm. |
Chief of naval operations 1967-1970. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 1970-1974. Involved in Task Force 157. Implicated in spy operations on Henry Kissinger. Board member Western Goals. Advisory board Hill & Knowlton in the early 1980s. Le Cercle. |
Adm. Ben Moreell National Strategy Comm. |
Retired as an admiral in 1947. President, CEO and chair Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. 1947-1965. Clashed with labor unions. ACU. |
Adm. Arthur Radford National Strategy Comm. |
Commanded carrier groups during WWII. Supporter of Project Control. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 1953-1957. Continued to advise Ike, JFK and LBJ after retirement. Consultant Bankers Trust. Director U.S. Freight Co. and Molybdenum Corp. |
Adm. William Schoech National Strategy Comm. |
Commander 7th Fleet 1961-1962. Involved in naval air operations. |
Adm. Felix B. Stump National Strategy Comm. |
Commander 2nd and NATO Fleet 1950-1953. Commander in chief Pacific Fleet 1953-1958. Chairman of Air America and its subsidiary Air Asia 1959 until at least 1970. Also chair of Air America’s holding Pacific Corp. Air America was the principal CIA-owned airliner active all over the Far East in supporting troops and covert operations personnel. It was also implicated in the drug trade. On the ASC’s national strategy committee. |
Adm. Chester Ward National Strategy Comm. |
Judge Advocate General (JAG) U.S. Navy. Editor of the ASC’s Washington Report newsletter under FBI/CIA man Pennington. Co-authored anti-détente/Kissinger books with Phyllis Schlafly. |
Adm. Elmo Zumwalt Strategy board |
Commander U.S. naval forces Vietnam 1968-1970. Chief of naval operations 1970-1974 (at the time of Task Force 157, whose founder, Paul H. Nitze, was a good friend of Zumwalt). Part of the Pentagon group that spied on Kissinger. Failed to become a democrat senator in 1976 (Douglas Feith wrote his speeches). Governor American Stock Exchange 1979-85. Director various (non-defense) companies. Admiral Zumwalt & Consultant. Member Committee on the Present Danger. Board member Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Member CFR. |
Col. Sam T. Dickens Executive director for inter-hemispheric affairs |
Flew reconnaissance missions over the Soviet Union, China and North Korea. Commander 615th Tactical Fighter Squadron in Vietnam 1968. Various positions in England, Spain, the Pentagon and NATO. Adviser to the national commander of the American Legion. Director Council on Inter-American Security. Leading ASC official in the 1980s and early 1990s. Supporter and ASC contact person of questionable Contra leaders as Stedman Fagoth and Enrique Bermudez, as well as Roberto d’Aubuisson. Claimed the Soviets and Sandinistas were behind America’s drug problem and testified during Iran-Contra hearings that the White House and CIA had no control over "private sector operations". |
Gen. Bruce K. Holloway Co-chairman national strategy committee |
SAC commander at Offutt AFB 1968-1972. ASC strategy board in the 1970s and 1980s. |
Gen. Curtis E. Lemay National strategy comm. |
Oversaw the firebombing of a total of 62 Japanese cities in 1945. The planes who dropped the two nuclear bombs also were under his command. SAC commander 1948-1957 and enormously improved its striking capability. Led the North-Korean bombing campaign 1950-1953. Supporter of Project Control and did what he could to circumvent presidential orders that disallowed overflights of the USSR. Suspected of trying to push the USSR either into submission or an all-out war. Chief of staff 1961-1965. Wanted to bomb and invade Cuba during the 1962 Missile Crisis. 33° mason. Acknowledged the existence of UFOs to a friend. |
Gen. Edward Lansdale Administrative director IAS, the later ASCF |
OSS. Air Force general, but major CIA-Army operative. Philippines in 1953. Helped bring the South Vietnamese Diem to power in 1955 and ran a huge campaign to bring all the Catholics to the Saigon area. DOD special operations expert 1957-1963. Drew up Operation Northwoods, which advocated false flag terrorist attacks on the U.S. in an effort to blame Cuba. Headed the Cuban Project after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Director Institute for American Strategy, after his dismissal by McNamara. Member Special Operations Policy Advisory Group (SOPAG). |
Gen. Theodore Milton National strategy comm. |
U.S. representative NATO Military Committee 1940-74 of which he was deputy chair 1969-74. President board of editors U.S. Strategic Institute since 1976. Science advisory board air force. |
Gen. Thomas S. Power National strategy comm. |
Led fire bombing raids during WWII under Lemay. Vice comman- der SAC, Offutt AFB 1948-54 under Lemay, commander 1957-64. Executive of Schick Safety Razor Co. |
Gen. Robert Richardson National strategy comm. |
Air Force general with appointments at the EU and NATO. Deputy Commander, field command Defense Atomic Support Agency at Sandia Base 1966-67. Senior associate Schriever & McKee 1967- 70. Deputy chair High Frontier Inc. since 1981. Director, secretary and treasurer Space Transportation Association since 1991. Executive director American Foreign Policy Institute. Director James Angleton's Security and Intelligence Fund. |
Col. Raymond Sleeper National strategy comm. |
Once favored preventative war with the Soviet Union, before it became a nuclear power. Commander of the Foreign Technology Division, Air Force Systems Command, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio (until 1968), a location known in the Roswell legend. Head of Project Blue Book, the U.S. Air Force’s official UFO investigation. Reported to have been close to Richard Allen. Director of research Institute for American Strategy. Advisory board WACL U.S. |
Gen. Bernard A. Schriever Co-chairman national strategy committee |
Commander ICBM Program 1954-59. Commander Air Force Systems Command (AFSC) 1959-66. This program produced the successful Thor/Delta, Titan and Atlas rockets. Competitor of the much more well-known Wernher von Braun. Co-chair ASC 1968. Director of Wackenhut since 1974. Director Eastern Air Lines. Advisory council Center for Security Policy until his death. |
Gen. Maxwell Taylor National strategy comm. |
Army general and World War II hero. Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff 1962-1964, under JFK and LBJ. On the ASC's national strategy committee in the 1970s. Director U.S. Global Strategy Council. Executive offier Pilgrims Society from the early 1970s to 1987. |
Gen. Nathan F. Twining Co-chairman national strategy committee |
WWII air force commander. Commander Air Materiel Command, Wright-Patterson 1945-47. Internally acknowledged the reality of UFOs by Sept. 1947 and initiated the UFO study group Project Sign after that. Commander Alaskan Air Command 1947-50. Air force vice chief of staff 1950-53, chief of staff 53-57. Chair joint chiefs of staff 1957-60. Director United Technologies. Vice chair Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1960-67. In 1967 this publishing company published Mark Lane’s Rush to Judgment, a critique of the JFK assassination and the Warren Commission. Lane was CIA, as the sinister Jonestown affair shows. Lane was also the lawyer for the Liberty Lobby. |
Gen. E. David Woellner Field director |
President CAUSA (Moonies). Involwith the International Security Council, funded by the Moonies. Field director ASC. Executive director U.S. Global Strategy Council. |
Gen. James A. Abrahamson Spoke to the U.S. congressional advisory board of the ASC |
U.S. air force general. Astronaut 1967-1969. Inspector general, Air Force Systems Command, Andrews Air Force Base 1974-1976. Director for the F-16 Multinational Air Combat Fighter Program, Wright-Patterson 1976-1980. Became associate administrator for the Space Transportation System in 1981. Director of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDI) 1984-1989. Executive vice president Hughes Aircraft 1989-1992. Visitor of Le Cercle in the 1980s. Co-founder of Crescent Investment Management in New York in 1991, in partnership with Mansoor Ijaz and joined by James Woolsey and Prince Alfred von Liechtenstein. Ijaz, a Pakistani, had many contacts in the ISI and the Al-Qaeda network. He is known to have introduced Woolsey to them. from December 1997 to post 9/11, Abrahamson was also a director of Stratesec/Securacom, a firm with contracts at the World Trade Center. Marvin Bush, brother of George W. Bush, was another director of Stratesec. Chairman and CEO of International Air Safety, LLC. |
Bob Dole Awarded by the ASC and visitor of annual meetings |
Senator from Kansas 1969-1996. Lost the presidency to Bill Clinton in 1996. Advisory council of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. |
Robert McFarlane Gave briefings to the ASC while in government |
Marine Corps lieutenant general. Military assistant to Henry Kissinger at the National Security Council in the 1970s, and visited China with Kissinger. Special assistant for national security affairs to President Gerald Ford. National security advisor 1983-1985. Leading promoter of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Set up the America-China Society in 1987, together with Pilgrims Society members Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance. Founding member American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus in 1999. Non-executive chairman Aegis Defence Services of Col. Tim Spicer. Board member Partnership for a Secure America, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, Third Committee on the Present Danger and the United States Energy Security Council. |
Casper Weinberger Gave briefings to the ASC while in government |
Vice president at Bechtel under George Shultz. Secretary of defense in the Reagan administration with secretary of state George Shultz. On the executive board of the Pilgrims Society, with Shultz as an ordinary member. Has also been involved in the Jonathan Conferences, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, Ditchley and the Center for Security Policy. |
Gen. William Westmoreland Always available for speeches |
Commander in Vietnam 1964-1968. Army chief of staff 1968-1972. His signature appeared on the controversial US Army Field Manual 30-31B, which detailed false flag terrorist attacks to be blamed on the left. |
Gary K. Allen National advisory board |
Lead principal engineer Boeing 1966-73, 1990-2004. Engineer Rohr Industries 1974-82. Engineer Lockheed 1982-83. Specialist on assignment to Boeing 1978-82, 84-89. National advisory board ASC 1970-1976. |
Wiley E. Knott Regular member |
Various engineering and managing functions at Boeing Military Airplane 1971-1991. Then to civilian wing. ASC member 1975-1990. |
Larry G. Larson Regular member |
Relatively brief managing posts at Lockheed Missiles and Space Corporation and Honeywell. |
James C. Lynch Advisory board |
Chief of intelligence and the security division of Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, 1950-1960 (von Braun and his staff began working here in 1950). Security advisor to NATO Hawk Production Organization in Paris, 1960, security program chief, 1964. Security specialist US Army Safeguard Systems Command, Huntsville, 1968-1972. Director American Society for Industrial Security. Chair Asset Protection Association, AL, 1973-1991. Knight of Columbus. |
Rex H. Madeira, Jr. Advisory board |
CEO and chair Northrop Worldwide Aircraft Services 1970s-1980s. Advisory board ASC. President National Aeronautical Support Service Association. |
Farouk A. Mian Advisory board ASCF |
Supervisor at Bechtel 1977-1980. Manager Brown and Root since 1980. Advisory board ASCF. |
Frederick C. Porter Strategy board |
Briefly at Rockwell. Senior project engineer General Dynamics Corp. 1960-1992. |
Raymond J. Ricco, Jr. Advisory board |
At SAIC 1978-1982. Senior member technical staff Mitre Corporation. 1982-1983. At SAIC 1983-1984. Business associate Booz Allen & Hamilton. Senior engineer and scientist at SAIC 1992-1995. Principal scientist Anteon Corp. since 1995 (became General Dynamics IT in 2006). Advisory board ASC since 1981. |
Ira G. Ross National strategy comm. |
Head of Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory. |
Carl S. Shyman Regular member |
With Boeing 1955-1964. General manager avionics division Westinghouse Electric Corp. 1964-1988. |
Alfred W. Stillman, Jr. Regular member |
Brief periods at Hughes Aircraft, Northrop and Rockwell. |
James S. Stokes | Electronics engineer guided missiles and jet planes for Boeing and Rohr Aircraft 1948—80. Mormon. Advisor to the ASC. |
Paul A. Wieselmann | Chief engineer at Lockheed since 1982. Advisor to the ASC. |
Ronald O. Williams | Computer programmer for missiles and space programs at General Electric, Johnson Space Center, NORAD, Hughes Aircraft and Martin Marietta. National advisory board ASC and Coalition of Peace Through Strength 1979-91. Member AFIO. |
Spruille Braden National strategy comm. |
Director W.A. Harriman Securities. Close to Standard Oil and United Fruit interests in South America. Close to Nelson Rockefeller. Said to have been involved in one or more South American coups. |
Averell Harriman Benefactor |
Partner Brown Brothers Harriman 1931-1946, limited partner 1946-1986. U.S. ambassador to Russia 1943-1946. Involved in setting up Marshall Plan. Director CFR 1950-1955. Co-founder Psychological Strategy Board. Worked closely with Richard Bissell, Jr. in government. Governor of New York 1954-1958. Undersecretary of state for far eastern affairs under Kennedy 1961-64. Member Special Group 5412 in 1963. Member Pilgrims Society. |
Henry Kissinger President's Circle ASCF (recent) |
By far the most connected internationalist alive. Member Pilgrims and Le Cercle. The most key Bilderberg member for many decades. Member President’s Council ASC anno 2011. |
James A. Linen, III Benefactor |
Not Eastern Establishment by birth or education. Groomed by Henry Luce at Time Magazine. Chairman Rockefeller University. Vice chair Iran-U.S. Business Council (of David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volcker and Peter Peterson). Board member Japan-U.S. Economic Relations and Japan Foundation. American Red Cross. |
John D. Lodge National strategy comm. |
Pilgrims Society member, of which his brother Henry Cabot was an executive. Chair Foreign Policy Research Institute. |
Clare Boothe Luce National strategy comm. |
Wife of Henry Luce. Dame of Malta. Outspokenly anti-communist. Campaigned for Dwight Eisenhower in 1952. Ambassador to Italy 1953-1956. Supported Barry Goldwater campaign in 1964. Member 2nd Committee on the Present Danger. Member President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 1973-1977 and 1982-1987, president 1981-1983. Director AFIO and Accuracy in Media. |
Henry R. Luce Benefactor |
Co-founder Time magazine in 1923 and headed it until 1964. Very close to CIA head Allen Dulles while OSS/CIA/psychological warfare expert C.D. Jackson worked under him at Time. Bought the rights of the Zapruder film, published frames, but did not show it to the public as a whole. Bought the rights to Marina Oswald's story, which was never published. Member Pilgrims Society. |
Nelson A. Rockefeller Benefactor |
Important government official for Latin American relations 1940- 1947. Member Pilgrims Society. |
Eugene V. D. Rostow Benefactor |
German-born. Jewish. Yale, Cambridge and Oxford-educated. Dean of Yale Law School 1955-1965. Apparently the first to recommend to LBJ a commission of "very distinguished citizens" to investigate the deaths of JFK and Oswald. Under secretary of state for political affairs under LBJ 1966-69. Chairman Committee on the Present Danger 1976-81, 86-92. Director Arms Control and Disarmament Agency 1981-1983. Anti-détente. At Yale throughout life. Director International Security Council (Moonies). Advisory board Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). |
Full membership list plus biographies and sources
[1] | April 18, 1981, John S. Friedman, 'Culture War II', Nation 232, no. 15, pp. 452- 453: "The Smith Richardson Foundation, which has C.I.A. officials among its consultants reviewing grants, provides management training to C.I.A. and Defense Department employees through an affilate." |
[2] | *) November 1, 2005, [ASC president and CEO] John M. Fisher, 'History Milestones: American Security Council and American Security Council Foundation': "The result was the establishment of the Institute for American Strategy [the future American Security Council Foundation]. The first officers and directors were: ... Secretary, John M. Fisher [ASC president and CEO]; Chairman, National Military - Industrial Conference, General Robert E. Wood [founder and chair ASC]; Executive Director, Daniel Sullivan, Armour Research Foundation of the Illinois Institute of Technology; Program Director, Frank R. Barnett, Richardson Foundation. The initial funding of the IAS was a matching grant from the [CIA-linked] Richardson Foundation of $175,000 which was paid when the IAS raised another $75,000. ... The Institute for American Strategy (IAS) was organized to 1) manage the annual National Military - Industrial Conferences where, beginning in 1955, top military, business, education and organization leaders came togeth er in Chicago to analyze the growing threat of Communism and propose strategies to meet the challenge at all levels...". *) Blog of Gregg Hilton [of the ASCF board], 'A Brief History of the American Security Council': "Financial support for the National Military Industrial Conferences was provided by Sears, Roebuck and Company, Motorola, Marshall Field's, and Montgomery Ward’s. The conferences would not have been possibly without a $50,000 grant from the H. Smith Richardson Foundation." |
[3] | Clint Murchison, Jr. was a board member of FIDCO, a firm ran by CIA officers with mob connnections and which was linked to the drug trade. See 1001 Club biographies. |
[4] | 1983, Wayne S. Cole, 'Roosevelt and the Isolationists, 1932-45', p. 508: "FDR to army chief George Marshall:] I do not think that General R. E. Wood should be put into uniform. He is too old and has, in the past, shown far too great approval of Nazi methods." |
[5] | Feb. 21, 1951, Spokane Daily Chronicle, Drew Pearson, 'Washington Marry-Go-Round': "John Gunther reports from Tokyo that, while dining with Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby … Willoughby proposed the following toast: "To the second greatest military genius in the world—Francisco Franco."" |
[6] | *) August 17, 1970, New York Times, 'Anti-Communist Council Prepares a Voting 'Index' on Congress': "[ASC] acquired the files of the late Harry Jung..." *) November 30, 1954, Chicago Daily Tribune, 'Harry Jung, 72, Dies; Was Foe Of Communists: Chicagoan and Authority on Subversives': "He died Sunday night in his home at 5338 Harper av. after an illness of several months. Mr. Jung was founder and general manager of the American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, which gathered one of the largest and most complete files on subversive activities in the country. Worked with FBI. He worked in close cooperation with the federal bureau of investigation, and he sometimes advised young FBI agents. Mr. Jung was born in Chicago … In 1913, he organized the National Clay Products Industries association to combat communist labor organization infiltration in the industry, and formed the vigilant federation in 1933." *) 1939, John L. Spivak, 'Secret Armies The New Technique of Nazi Warfare', pp. 82-83: "Harry A. Jung, Honorary General Manager of the American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, Post Office Box 144, Chicago. ... There was an air of secrecy about the whole outfit. Even the location of the office in the Chicago Tribune Tower was kept from the membership; all they were given was the post office box number." |
[7] | November 1, 2005, (ASC founder) John M. Fisher, 'History milestones: American Security Council and American Security Council Foundation': "This effort was initiated in September 1954 [when Jung was on his death bed] by General Robert E. Wood, retired chairman, Sears Roebuck and Company. His decision was triggered by the ending estate sale of the largest private library on Communism in mid-America. It was started in 1918 and then occupied the entire 26th floor of the Chicago Tribune Tower." |
[8] | *) 1939, Protestant digest, Volume 1, No. 11, p. 64: "Six years have passed since Harry Jung and Prince Kushubue (alias Prince Aphanassieff — actually Peter Afanassieff, a Russian emigre and proved forger of a United States Treasury Check) and a group of White Russians created a new translation of the fantastic "Protocols of Zion"..." *) 1943, John Roy Carlson, 'Under Cover', p. 391: "Jung also went into the wholesale distribution of the Protocols and wrote Harry F. Sieber, then treasurer of the Silver Shirts: 'We can give you a price of sixty cents per copy in quantity lots of the Protocols. As for Halt Gentile! and Salute the Jew, same can be had at 10 cents per copy, in quantity lots or 15 cents apiece. Is there anything else?' ... With three other White Russians Afansieff worked on a new translation of the Protocols in Jung's office, and soon after became affiliated with the New York and Chicago branches of the Bund." *) October 14, 1937, New York Times, 'Says Ford men Aid Nazi Efforts Here: John Spivak, at Legislative Inquiry in Boston, Names F. Kuhn and Cameron; Latter Sharply Denies; Network of Propaganda, Linked to Klan's Anti-Semitic Drive Is Alleged by Spivak': "Harry A. jung, publisher of the American Gentile ... Harry A. Jung, honorary general manager of the American Vigilant Intelligence Federation, characterized as false today testimony regarding him, given by John L. Spivak in Boston. Mr. Jung asserted that he “never had any connection or association with the American Gentile." *) 1939, John L. Spivak, 'Secret Armies The New Technique of Nazi Warfare': "But if you knocked three times quickly, paused for a split second and then knocked once more, the door would be opened immediately. Without the proper signal all the knocking in the world would not help, for this was the entrance to the carefully guarded publication rooms of the American Gentile and the headquarters for Nazi anti-democratic activities in the Middle West. ... The American Gentile, backed by Nazi money, published the most insane rantings imaginable. But when one is inclined to dismiss them as insanity, one remembers that it was the same sort of stuff Hitler used in winning millions of bewildered Germans to his banner. The pre-election issue (October, 1936) of the Gentile will serve as an illustration of what they published and distributed through the United States mails: Former Congressman Louis T. McFadden[11] died on October 1 from a stroke. He was sixty years old. The American Gentile, however, implied that he had been murdered by Jews; Senator Bronson Cutting (killed in an airplane crash) also was murdered by Jews. Huey Long was murdered by Jews. Walter A. Liggett, the newspaper editor, was murdered by Jews, and it was an international ring of Jewish bankers who hired Booth to murder Abraham Lincoln. ... At that time he participated in a secret conference held in Chicago with the object of uniting the scattered fascist forces in the United States to form a powerful fascist united front. Among those who attended were Walter Kappe, Fritz Gissibl and Zahn—three active Hitler agents assigned to the Mid-West area; William Dudley Pelley, leader of the Silver Shirts; Harry A. Jung, the ultra-"patriot"; George W. Christians of Chattanooga, Tenn., head of the American fascists; and several others. The conference ended with an agreement to support a Third-Party movement directed by Jenkins. ... The National Republic has an amazing list of endorsers—governors, mayors, senators, congressmen and nationally-known industrialists. The magazine is virtually the entire organization and is dedicated "to defending American ideals and institutions." It is headed by Walter S. Steele, who was tied up with Harry A. Jung of the American Vigilant Intelligence Federation before he went into business for himself. While Steele was working with [127]the ace of racketeers in patriotism, the president-editor of the National Republic also eked out a few pennies by distributing the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."" |
[9] | *) 1937, The American Jewish Committee, 'The Anti-Jewish Propaganda Front', number one, p. 7: "Harry Jung, President of The American Vigilante Intelligence Federation, one of the most notorious of American anti-Semites, is reported to be in New York at present for the purpose of raising a fund of $200,000 with which to carry on his activities." *) July 9, 1936, New York Times, 'Spread of Fascism Reported in West – Many secret groups, similar to Black Legion, Are Forming, Kansas Pastor declares': "He named the Sentinels and the Crusaders, which were investigated by the Black committee in Congress as among those working secretly in the Middle West to stir a dictatorship in this country. Other organizations named by him were the Christian Vigilants, Friends of New germany, Crusader White Shirts and American Vigilant Intelligence Federation. The Black Legion was being organized nationally as the United Brotherhood of America and in Chicago as Modern Patriots, he said. November 23, 1939, Chicago Daily Tribune, Accused [Jung] at Dies Hearing; Denies link with Nazis..." |
[10] | See note 6. |
[11] | See note 6. |
[12] | See intro article. |
[13] | November 1, 2005, (ASC founder) John M. Fisher, 'History milestones: American Security Council and American Security Council Foundation' |
[14] | *) See intro article. *) May 10, 1976, Newsweek, 'Inquest on Intelligence' [Church Committee]: "The FBI, for example, spent 25 years searching in vain for Communist influence in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, launched an infiltration of the women's liberation movement and drew list after list of political critics and activists (including author Norman Mailer) to be detained in case of national crisis. ... Pressure: "Too many people have been spied upon by too many government agencies and too much information has been collected," said the report, which noted that over the last twenty years the FBI alone had conducted nearly 1 million domestic security investigations resulting in 500,000 permanent files but not one prosecution for subversion since 1957. In some cases, the probes were prompted by political pressure from Presidents since Franklin Roosevelt; Dwight Eisenhower received political intelligence on such obvious non-threats as Eleanor Roosevelt, Bernard Baruch and Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas. The vague standards for surveillance secretly set by the agencies themselves also led to widespread investigation-and often harassment-of citizens simply on the basis of their political beliefs and life-styles. ... The Church committee also proposed barring intimidation of citizens such agencies as the IRS, which focused special audits on activits, and the FBI-which used its COINTELPRO techniques to try to discredit Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Disseminating information to undercut a person's reputation, job or marriage would be barred by law rather than by the consciences of intelligence officials. "Never once did I hear anybody, including myself, raise the question: 'Is this . . . lawful, is it legal, is it ethical or moral?'" former FBI official William C. Sullivan told the panel." |
[15] | August 1, 1972, Wall Street Journal, 'Cold-War Warriors': "Today, the council claims 135,000 individual contributors and 1,500 corporate members." |
[16] | January 27, 1978, Joseph Oster to HSCA investigator L. J. Delsa (National Archives, Record Number 180-10080-10203): "Mr. Oster was a partner and an investigator with W. Guy Banister when his office was in the Balter Building located at 403 Camp St. Mr. Oster believes that he stayed with that company until some time in the early 1960s. Mr. Oster first met W. Guy Banister in the New Orleans Police Department in the early 1960's when Mr. Banister headed up a group of special investigators to check on corruption within the Department's ranks. Mr. Oster was one of the members of this squad. Mr. Banister was fired in 1957 and Mr. Oster soon after went into business with him. Mr. Oster stated that he did most of the investigating and later, date unknown, became dissatisfied because Mr. Banister did not take an interest in the investigations that could have made money for the firm. Mr. Banister had an office on Robert E. Lee Blvd., but then moved to the Balter Building where Mr. Oster joined him... Two sources that were used were Fidelafax and American Security Council...The American Security Council was used for security checks about political backgrounds with special interest in any communist type activities. These two organizations were headed and staffed mostly by retired FBI agents. The personnel in the office at that time were: Carmen Bollino, an ex-FBI agent from Washington, D.C. He and 'the Chief' worked Remington Rand Corporation checks. 'The Chief' was Guy W. Banister's nickname." |
[17] | 1970, Volume 76, Newsweek, p. 20: "Maybe so, maybe not: the Church League of America, based in Wheaton, 111., says it has a million more names on file than ASC— a treasure trove including anyone who ever "wrote an article attacking and ridiculing a major doctrine of the..." |
[18] | 2008, Allan J. Lichtman, 'White Protestant Nation', p. 198. |
[19] | January 26, 1977, AP: "John S. Ammarell, executive vice president of the Wackenhut Corp., told the Privacy Protection Study Commission that the firm occasionally obtains information from the Church League of America. In response to a question by Rep. Edward I. Koch, D-N.Y., Ammarell declined to say whether the agency would discontinue using material from the Church League files. " |
[20] | November 3, 1996, The Guardian, 'A man called Wackenhut' |
[21] | January 12, 1975, Chicago Tribune, 'CIA: Our spies were spying on us': "In documents turned over to the Senate Watergate committee last year, the agency admitted employing Lee R. Pennington as a domestic agent and dispatching him to the home of James McCord, Watergate burglar and former CIA man. Pennington helped McCord's wife burn documents linking McCord to the agency. Howard Osborne, then chief of CIA security, sought to mask the existence of Pennington who sources said had "been doing CIA work on Capitol Hill." The CIA tried to trick the FBI into believing Pennington was someone else. Osborne retired. "Sure Howard [Osborne] employed domestic agents," a CIA friend said. "He had one of the biggest responsibilities at the agency. There were a lot more Penningtons."" |
[22] | April 9, 1964, New York Times, 'Pentagon Weighed Plan to Use Cobalt in Korea; Military Abandoned Idea as Impractical for Border -- MacArthur Supported It': "The proposal cited by General of the Army Douglas MacArthur in an interview published yesterday, to sow radioactive material along the Chinese-Korean border, was actively considered in the Pentagon at that time, according to military circles. ... [MacArthur:] "I would have dropped 30 or so atomic bombs . . . strung across the neck of Manchuria..."" |
[23] | April 18, 1964, Spokane Daily Chronicle, Jack Anderson, Merry-Go-Round, 'A-Bomb No Go in Korea; Everybody Offered Advice': "One of the most important points raised by Gen. Douglas MacArthur in his posthumous criticism of President Truman and Great Britain regarding the Korean war was their ban against use of the atomic bomb. According to MacArthur, dropping 30 to 50 A-bombs would have brought victory for the United States in Korea. The hitherto confidential files of the Defense Department, however, show that there were two very important factors wrong with MacArthur’s strategy: 1. The United States at that time had only 20 atomic bombs… 2. It was impossible to locate sufficient concentrations of Chinese troops in North Korea to justify dropping atomic bombs. It is true that when the Chinese burst into Korea, the retreating Eighth Army pleaded for nuclear support. At that time, the Fifth Air Force drew up a list of targets for an atomic strike, but none was considered to be worth such massive destruction. It would have been the old story of using an elephant gun to kill a mouse." |
[24] | April 6, 1951, Toledo Blade, 'Both Parties Confused About Troops': "The problem of using the Nationalist forces has been up again and again here. The Department of State has counseled against it on the theory that the Nationalists are not strong enough or that they would require American aid which would amount to intervention by us on the mainland of China and that this would assuredly bring Russia into the war. … General MacArthur evidently has heard these arguments and is not persuaded by them." |
[25] | April 9, 1964, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 'Release of Interviews Drawing World-Wide Responses': "One was Lucas' report that MacArthur spoke of Harry S. Truman, who was president during the Korean War and who relieved MacArthur of is command, as "a man of raw courage and guts. The little bastard honestly believes he's a patriot"." |
[26] | Nov. 23, 1973, Montreal Gazette, 'Truman's View of Nixon: Shifty-eyed liar' (comments made in early 1960s to interview Merle Miller): "He said Eisenhower… was a weak field commander in the army and was “nothing but a damn coward’ during the early 1950s when the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis.) was charging widespread communist infiltration in the government. As for MacArthur, whom he dismissed from command for insubordination during the Korean war, Truman said, "There were times when he, well, I'm afraid when he wasn't right in the head." Truman said he fired MacArthur "because he wouldn’t respect the authority of the president. I didn’t fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was. [thought that most generals were and that Gen. Marshall was the exception]." |
[27] | October 8, 1996, Guardian, 'Portrait: The real doctor Strangelove: General Curtis LeMay twice pushed the world to the edge of nuclear oblivion. Paul Lashmar recalls the life of a cold war warrior'. |
[28] | Ibid. |
[29] | June 10, 2003 (first Webarchive crawl), Pamela Feltus, U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission, 'Curtis E. LeMay': "He felt that the United States backed away from conflict too much, weakening its position and reputation. This was especially true during the Cuban Missile Crisis. LeMay lobbied to send the navy and SAC to surround the island and if need be, "fry it." If the Russians attempted to fight back, he was confident SAC could protect the country. When the crisis ended peacefully, LeMay called it "the greatest defeat in our history." During the Korean and Vietnam Wars, LeMay scoffed at the restrictions placed on bombing missions. He felt that bombing’s potential ability to win a war was being ignored, costing American and enemy lives. As the United States slowly tested the waters of Vietnam, LeMay rallied for the military to go in with all its power and end the war quickly..." |
[30] | February 7, 1991, Miami Herald, 'Retired general says U.S. should consider using nuclear bombs': "President Bush announced a month ago that we were not going to use nuclear weapons," said Singlaub, 69, a staunch conservative fired by President Carter in 1977 after predicting that plans to withdraw most American forces from Korea would lead to war. "I think that was a wrong thing." |
[31] | August 13, 1983, Associated Press, 'Grand Jury Subpoenas Right-Wing Editor in Police Spying Probe': "A grand jury probing police spying has subpoenaed an editor for a right-wing organization aided by a detective in building a data bank on alleged subversives, a newspaper said Saturday. John Rees, who edits publications for the Western Goals Foundation, was served Friday, the Los Angeles Times reported. The subpoena was issued through a court in Baltimore, Md., where Rees lives, it said, quoting unidentified sources. The grand jury is investigating alleged spying and misuse of confidential information by the Police Department's recently disbanded Public Disorder Intelligence Division. Rees, who also is the Washington correspondent for the John Birch Society's weekly Review of the News, said by telephone Friday he will claim protection from the subpoena under the California Reporters' Shield Law and the First Amendment. Deputy Los Angeles County District Attorney Denis Petty refused to confirm or deny the grand jury action. The Times' sources said more subpoenas were expected from the grand jury, which entered the case at the request of the district attorney's office and the Police Department's Internal Affairs Division. Both agencies had complained they were encountering uncooperative witnesses. Investigators have been trying to obtain computer tapes that Detective Jay Paul _ chief target of the probe _ prepared for Western Goals on a computer terminal he operated for the foundation out of his wife's law office in Long Beach. The foundation is a tax-exempt group headed by the chairman of the John Birch Society, Rep. Larry McDonald, D-Ga. The tapes being sought by the grand jury may show whether Paul fed confidential police information to the foundation. Paul also is under investigation for storing intelligence files containing information about various politicians, judges and civil liberties advocates at his home and in a garage. On Friday, the Police Department made public a 17-count disciplinary complaint against Michael J. Rothmiller, a suspended detective who claims officers from the Organized Crime Intelligence Division spied on politicians." |
[32] | Western Goals board 1983 photocopy. |
[33] | 2000, Robert G. Kaufman, 'Henry M. Jackson: a life in politics', pp. 333-335: "In the final days [of his 1976 presidential campaign], Jackson also had to divert precious attention from the Pennsylvania campaign to deal with a bizarre and totally false charge levied against his two most trusted foreign policy aides by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller. The vice president told a private session in Georgia on April 15 that communists might have infiltrated Jackson's staff. Rockefeller accused Dorothy Fosdick and Richard Perle of harboring such sympathies. ... She and Jackson had impeccable credentials as two of the toughest anticommunists and anti-Soviets ever to walk on Capitol Hill. ... He and Perle suspected that [Rockefeller's confidential source] was [Rockefeller's] old protege and close friend Henry Kissinger, whose policy of detente Jackson had excoriated for four years running. They also surmised that a desire to protect Kissinger and discredit his most outspoken congressional critic had motivated Rockefeller. Nationally syndicated columnist, George Will, a close friend of Jackson's and Fosdick's, commented in that vein: "The most likely explanation of Rockefeller's exercise in slander is that he is serving his former servant Henry Kissinger, who is known to resent Dickie and Richard, as he resents all the few remaining pockets of independent foreign policy judgment in government. It is a measure of Rockefeller's mind that he would try to peddle the idea that Jackson, of all people, is harboring a nest of sympathizers." ... Rockefeller relented in the face of this mounting pressure. ... he formally apologized on April 27 to the Senate and to Senator Jackson." ... It was not to be. [The Rockefeller-supported] Carter had too much money and momentum. Organized labor did not deliver for Jackson. Carter rolled to victory in Pennsylvania, winning 37 percent of the vote to Jackson's 25 percent..." |
[34] | *) Never found any reason to disbelieve the following claim: January 4, 2002, Gene Wheaton, an intelligence insider and whistleblower during Iran-Contra, during an interview by Matt Ehling on Declassified Radio: "In the late 70s, in fact, after Gerry Ford lost the election in ’76 to Jimmy Carter, and then these guys became exposed by Stansfield Turner and crowd for whatever reason ... there were different factions involved in all this stuff, and power plays ... Ted Shackley and Vernon Walters and Frank Carlucci and Ving West and a group of these guys used to have park-bench meetings in the late 70s in McClean, Virginia so nobody could overhear they conversations. They basically said, "With our expertise at placing dictators in power," I’m almost quoting verbatim one of their comments, "why don’t we treat the United States like the world’s biggest banana republic and take it over?" And the first thing they had to do was to get their man in the White House, and that was George Bush. Reagan never really was the president. He was the front man. They selected a guy that had charisma, who was popular, and just a good old boy, but they got George Bush in there to actually run the White House. They’d let Ronald Reagan and Nancy out of the closet and let them make a speech and run them up the flagpole and salute them and put them back in the closet while these spooks ran the White House. They made sure that George Bush was the chairman of each of the critical committees involving these covert operations things." *) Casey involved in Reagan's campaign and appointed CIA director. *) Partial Donald Gregg bio: Joined the CIA in 1951. Manager Vietnam desk in 1962-1963. Spoke about LeMay's aggresive tactics in this period and how JFK did not went along with it. With CIA in Burma 1964–1966, Japan 1966–1969 and Vietnam 1970–1972. Worked under Ted Shackley in Vietnam and ran Felix Rodriguez. First visited South Korea in 1968 for a few days. CIA station chief in South Korea 1973-1975, where he had been sent to by Shackley. Expert in Asian affairs and intelligence matters at the NSC. Director Intelligence Directorate at the NSC 1980-1982. National security advisor to vice-president George Bush 1982-1989. Reported liaison between Bush and Shackley. In contact with Oliver North and Felix Rodriguez over Iran Contra. Aug. 9, 1989, Washington Times, 'Spence arrested in N.Y., released': ""Who was it who got Felix Rodriguez ... in to see Bush?" Mr. Spence asked when pressed to say who got him inside the White House [with his (sometimes underaged) male prostitutes]. He agreed that he was alluding to Mr. Gregg. Mr. Gregg yesterday dismissed the allegation as "absolute bull."" |
[35] | August 12, 1966, New York Times, 'Reagan accused of Bircher links': "Listed as personal examples of Ronald Reagan's pro-extremism" were: - His "joining forces with a score of top members of the Birch Society in 1964 on a committee to keep the ultra-right-wing magazine ‘Human Events’ afloat"; - "His position on the national advisory board of the right-wing Young Americans for Freedom together with a dozen nationally prominent Birch leaders"; - "His participation in ‘planning sessions of the violently rightist Project Alert together with John Rousselot [spokesman for the Birch Society] and other extremists"; - His 1964 campaigning in Louisiana for the "Republican segregationist candidate for Governor, oilman Charlton H. Lyons"; - His star role in films attacking 'state welfarism' distributed by the Church League of America of Chicago, another extreme right-wing group"; - "His 1961 Los Angeles appearance in support of Dr. Fred Schwarz’s Christian Anti-Communist Crusade." Listed among leaders of "Reagan’s rightist braintrust" on financing was Patrick J. Frawley Jr., president of Eversharp, Inc. … Also listed were Henry Salvatori… and Walter Knott, a Los Angeles amusement park owner and an advisory board member, as of 1962, of Billy James Hargis’s rightist Christian Crusade." |
[36] | *) January 22, 1989, United Press International, 'Prosecutor in MCA case may be fired': "The Justice Department action has sparked a new controversy about whether the government reined in a tough prosecutor under pressure from MCA, the newspaper said. The company has connections with former President Reagan -- MCA Chairman Lew Wasserman was Reagan's agent during his Hollywood career - and a board of directors that has included Washington luminaries from both parties." *) Wasserman was a close friend of Sidney Korshak (1908-1996), a labor lawyer and "fixer" for businessmen in the upper echelons of power and the Chicago Outfit [and one of the mob patrons of the ADL]. Over the years Korshak was a good friend of mob bosses Al Capone, Mickey Cohen, Bugsy Siegel, Frank Nitti, and Sam Giancana. He was also associated with mobster Jimmy Hoffa (he had so much clout that he had Hoffa evicted from a presidential suite once so he himself could occupy it), Henry Kissinger, William French Smith (Attorney-General under Reagan), singer Frank Sinatra and Hugh Hefner of Playboy. See details in the 1001 Club membership list. Search: "Wasserman, L" |
[37] | *) Many names mentioned can be found in the 2001 annual report of Center for Security Policy. Other names, like James Woolsey and Paul Vallely, appear post 9/11. *) Center for Security Policy website (accessed: April 4, 2005): "Under the honorary co-chairmenship of Sen. Jon Kyl and Hon. James Woolsey, former Director of Central Intelligence, the NSAC has also afforded an invaluable sense of community." |
[38] | Dec. 24, 1948, Associated Press, '19 Top Japs Get Amnesty': "The parade from Sugamo included these members of Tojo’s Pearl Harbor cabinet--- Nobusuke Kishi, commerce minister; Michiyo Iwamura, justice minister; and Ken Terashima, communications minister. Kisaburo Ando, who later became Tojo's home minister, and Kazuo Aoki, who was named greater east Asia minister in 1943, also were released. Alva C. Carpenter, head of MacArthur's legal section, said officials in the group had held office at a time when they could not have been responsible for atrocities, or were industrialists who could not be charged with atrocities. Three were widely known as leaders during Japan's saber rattling days. They are Yoshihisa Kuzu [or Kuzuu], who once was president of the Black Dragon society which was notorious in Japan's plotting for conquest; Gen. Toshizo Nishio, once commander in chief in China and a close associate of Tojo, and Eiji Amau, a diplomat who wrote the notorious "Amau statement" on Japan’s plan for conquest. Others freed were Genki Abe…vice-chief of the cabinet planning board; Fumio Goto, minister without portfolio in 1943-44; Yoshio Kodama, navy purchasing agent; Ryoichi Sasakawa, organizer of extremist parties; Sankichi Takahashi [suspected of Black Dragon Society involvement; anno 1942-1943, vice-president of the East Asia Development Association, "a totalitarian corporation organized since the fall of Singapore to develop, exploit, and integrate the whole of Asia into one great economic bloc."; known for imperialist rhetoric], an organizer of the wartime political party of the Imperial Rule Assistance association and a member of the supreme war council, and Masayuki Tani, chief of the cabinet information bureau." |
[39] | *) Dec. 24, 1948, Earnest Hoberecht for United Press, '17 Japanese War Crimes Suspects Obtain Amnesty': "Seventeen major Japanese war crimes suspects still awaiting trial were granted a Christmas amnesty today by General Douglas MacArthur and 16 of them were released from Sugamo Prison at noon. The seventeeth, Dr. Shumei Okawa, is under treatment for a mental condition… MacArthur’s legal section announced the amnesty was granted because it appeared highly improbable that the suspects could be convicted if they were brought to trial. … Japanese of all classes appeared baffled by the amnesty. They considered some of those granted freedom were the ideological instigators of the Japanese attempt at world conquest. This, in the Japanese mind, is a greater crime than those charged against Tojo. One Japanese intellectual said it did not make sense to hang Tojo and his six codefendants if the "real plotters of aggression" were turned loose. The 17 men are all who were left in the class A of the suspects. … The amnesty was granted 36 hours after Tojo and six other condemned war criminals were hanged and their ashes scattered to the winds." *) Dec. 25, 1948, Schenectady Gazette, 'MacArthur Amnesty Ruling Baffles Japan': "Some insisted it did not make sense to hang Hideki Tojo and six others, while turning loose 17 men whom they believed equally guilty. Others said that if the allies did not want to continue the trials, they should have permitted the Japanese to set up courts here similar to the denazification courts in Germany. Many Japanese intellectuals felt the Amnesty heightened the possibility of a fascist revival in Japan. … They asked what the logic was in turning loose men like Shumei Okawa,"the father of Japanese aggression," and Yoshisa Kuzu, former head of the Black Dragon society, while hanging former Premier Koki Hirota, and keeping ambassador to London, Mamoru Shigmitsu, behind bars. Okawa and Kuzu, they said, were the "ideological instigators" of Japanese imperialism, and therefore "the biggest criminals of all." Dr. Yushi Uchimura, head of Maisuzawa Hospital for mental patients, where Okawa has been hospitalized since he slapped Tojo on the head the opening day of the international military tribunal, said Okawa has been "virtually normal" for the past year. Medical test, however, show that he is not completely cured. He said Okawa reads the newspapers daily and read of the hanging of Tojo and others, but made no comment." |
[40] | October 6, 1945, George H. Johnston for The Argus (Melbourne 1848-1956), 'Japanese Still Fear the Black Dragon: The Militarist Secret Society Which Helped Mould The Destiny of Japan Has Gone Underground': "Kusun explained that in 1930 Ryuhei Uchida (first name on General MacArthur’s wanted list of Black Dragons), who had been one of the founders of Black Dragon and was its president, had died, and to prevent disintegration of the society he had taken over its presidency. "Its aims were strictly confined to social enterprises within Japan," he lied softly. "Beyond meeting in small groups to discuss the war, it had no part in the war…"… [Kusun] went on to explain the principles of Shinto Fanaticism, which is the subname of "Tennoism" (Emperor worship), and which had fundamentally become the national policy of Japan, and which was still being kept up by the underground, and inculcated into the minds of thousands of young Japanese fanaticists. It professes a creed that Nippon is one great household, with the Sun God (Emperor Hirohoto) at its head. For half a century it has been the dominant policy of Black Dragon and with its correlated policy – that Tennoism can only be successful with the domination of all Asia under the Sun God, it being taught throughout secret Japanese youth movements, who are urged "to write the Imperial message in letters of fire to the far corners of the universe." Then Kusun delivered the most startling statement of all. "When Russia began to interfere in East Asia, we had to stop it by setting up a buffer state. Then, when America in 1941 unfairly broke off commercial relationships, and began to rearm and to introduce conscription, we knew it was preparing for war with Japan. Except that we ran out of weapons, we would have won."" |
[41] | Ibid. |
[42] | *) 2012, David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, 'Yakuza: Japan's Criminal Underworld: 25th Anniversary Edition', pp. 63-64: "In 1980, Sasakawa's company grossed $7.4 billion—an extraordinarily sum in those days. At the same time, Sasakawa won over the various bakuto gangs. He bragged publicly that he was a drinking companion of Japan’s leading godfather, Yamaguchi-gumi head Kazuo Taoka. In the karomaku tradition, Sasakawa also reportedly served as a mediator between feuding yakuza gangs." *) December 13, 1976, Ocala Star-Banner, 'Japan's underworld finds status: crime, politics and finger chopping': "The underworld's gross total earnings for 1976, according to national tax-administration officials perpetually frustrated by the yakuza's understated returns, will surpass $5 billion. … Yoshio Kodama … could boast freely of his power as "boss over Tokyo's yakuza world" before pleading illness and retiring to his carefully guarded estate during the Lockheed probe. Professing that he himself was "not a yakuza," Kodama still claimed "brotherly" relations with Kazuo Taoka after having failed to pull the Yamaguchi into a nationwide gangster alliance. "We are united in our opposition to Communism," he once said. ... Dragooned as laborers on the front during the work on the Chinese mainland during the Japanese occupation of the 1930s, yakuza dug trenches and built airfields for Japanese forces fighting in South-east Asia during World War II. As recently as 1960, Kodama could recruit some 18,000 gangsters, supplemented by 10,000 gang-controlled street vendors, to confront demonstrators massed for President Eisenhower's visit." |
[43] | Japanese prime ministers and some of their fascist, CIA, Lockheed, yakuza ties: *) Ichirō Hatoyama - 1954-1956: Received stolen money from China from Kodama to set up what became LDP. Willoughby's fascist group surrounding Takushiro Hattori and Masanobu Tsuji (worked for Willoughby's G-2 and helped him with planning an invasion of Chiang Kai-shek of communist China. Tsuji had also been shielded by Chiang Kai-shek and later Kodama before charges against him were dropped), Yoshio Kodama, Ryoichi Sasakawa, and probably Unit 731 chief Shiro Ishii, were backing him. Okinori Kaya, who was released from prison in 1955, was later added to this group by the CIA. This group even wanted to assassinate Yoshida, stage a coup and put Hatoyama in power. Also Compton Pakenham, Newsweek editor in Japan, backed Hatoyama early on, together with Kishi, the other major political ally of Kodama and Sasakawa. Harry F. Kern, foreign editor of Newsweek in New York, a member of the Pilgrims Society and a friend of the Dulles brothers, was Pakenham's boss *) Tanzan Ishibashi - 1956-1957: Right-winger within the LDB. Minister of Finance under the first cabinet of Shigeru Yoshida from 1946 to 1947. In 1947 he was purged and therefore retired as both a politician and a journalist. After his purge was repealed in 1951, he allied with Ichirō Hatoyama and joined the movement against Yoshida's cabinet. When Hatoyama decided to retire in 1956, the LDP held a vote for their new president. At first Nobusuke Kishi was considered the most likely candidate, but Ishibashi allied himself with another candidate (Kojiro Ishii) and managed to win the election. Ishibashi was appointed as president of the LDP and became the prime minister of Japan. Ishibashi stated that the government should endeavor to set up diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and his policy was popular among the people. Unfortunately he became sick and gave up his office only two months later. He opposed Kishi's politics on security, which seemed too militant to Ishibashi. *) Nobusuke Kishi - 1957-1960. Accused of Chinese labor exploits during Japan's occupation of China. Suspected class A war criminal, but released by MacArthur in 1948. Became a friend of Kodama and his clique during war criminal imprisonment. This same group initially wanted to assassinate Yoshida and put Hatoyama in as a replacement. Architect of the Liberal Democratic Party in 1955. At first Yoshida didn't want to associated with him, but later his LDP decided against it because Kishi brought in quite a bit of additional influence that the LDP needed to stay in power. So Kishi's and Yoshida's backings merged. In Feb. 1957 Kishi became the new prime minister. Douglas MacArtur was apppointed ambassador to Japan on Dec. 4, 1956 and acted as the ambassador from Feb. 1957 to March 1961. Together with Kishi, MacArthur negotiated the U.S.-Japan Mutual Security Treaty, an expansion on the one drafted with General MacArthur. Public backlash against the treaty was so great that it forced Kishi to step down in 1960. His party remained in power, however. War criminal and CIA recruit Okinori Kaya was justice minister during Kishi's term, as well as a member of Kishi's security committee and a close personal advisor. Kishi was a visitor of the Asian People's Anti-Communist League. *) Hayato Ikeda - LDP - 1960-1964: Reorganized Zaibatsu returned to public again around the end of his term. *) Eisaku Sato - LDP - 1964-1972: Brother of Nobusuke Kishi, the suspected but released war criminal in 1948 who was a close associate of Sasakawa and Kodama. Accused of being a rake and wife-beater by his wife. Sasakawa and Kodama backed him. His leading political advisor was Kaya Okinori, a convicted Class A war criminal who was pardoned in 1957 and was soon recruited by the CIA. *) Kakuei Tanaka - LDP - 1972–1974: Remained a dominant influence until the mid 1980s. To court over Lockheed scandal in 1974. *) Takeo Miki - LDP - 1974-1976: - Opposition from own ranks for investigating Lockheed scandals too much. *) Takeo Fukuda - LDP - 1976-1978: "Anti-mainstream faction within the party." Close to pro-Zaibatsu Pilgrim and Dulles associate Harry Kern and aims of the American Committee on Japan. *) Masayoshi Ōhira - LDP - 1978-1980: "Mainstream faction" within the party. 2012, David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, 'Yakuza: Japan's Criminal Underworld: 25th Anniversary Edition', pp. 98-99: "During the term of Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira in the late 1970s, police raiding the home of a Yamaguchi-gumi boss made an unexpected discovery: a huge, blown up photo, proudly displayed, of Mr. Ohira hobnobbing over drinks with the gangster, apparently taken at a party." *) Yasuhiro Nakasone - LDP - 1982-1987: Pushed for privatization. On board of Japan Arts Association with David Rockefeller, Umberto Agnelli and many western prime ministers. David Kaplan, the Yakuza export, wrote that Kodama helped to get him power. *) Noboru Takeshita - LDP - 1987-1989: 2012, David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, 'Yakuza: Japan's Criminal Underworld: 25th Anniversary Edition', pp. 98-99: "Noboru Takeshita, who, as will be shown, rose to become prime minister [1987-1989] with the direct help of one of Tokyo’s top godfather." *) Toshiki Kaifu - LDP - 1989-1991: "Mainstream faction" within the party. 2012, David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, 'Yakuza: Japan's Criminal Underworld: 25th Anniversary Edition', pp. 98-99: "During the term of Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira in the late 1970s, police raiding the home of a Yamaguchi-gumi boss made an unexpected discovery: a huge, blown up photo, proudly displayed, of Mr. Ohira hobnobbing over drinks with the gangster, apparently taken at a party." *) Yoshihiro Mori - LDP - 2000-2001: 2012, David E. Kaplan and Alec Dubro, 'Yakuza: Japan's Criminal Underworld: 25th Anniversary Edition', pp. 98-99: "Then there the news reports in 2000 accusing then-Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori of being "married to the mob" after he admitted joining five lawmakers at a 1996 wedding reception for the son of a former godfather. At the reception, Mori allegedly served as the "nakodo," or go-between, for the bride and groom – a major role in Japanese weddings. Mori insisted he had "no personal relations" with the ex-yakuza and knew nothing of the man’s background. His closest aide, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hidenao Nakagawa, resigned months later after facing allegations, among others, that he had ties to the leader of a rightist group." *) Yukio Hatoyama - Democratic Party of Japan 2009-2010 (first non LDP election in 50 years): - Grandson of the questionable fascist/CIA/Rockefeller group-linked Ichiro Hatoyama. |
[44] | *) Dec. 23, 1989, The Sydney Morning Herald, 'Back to save the world': "When Japanese millionaire Ryoichi Sasakawa visited the Carters in 1981, Carter recalls, he expressed consernation that a former President lived in "such a humble cottage"." *) Photographed jogging with Carter in 1984. Put Carter on the board of his U.S. Japan Foundation. *) April 15, 1991, Observer-Reporter, 'Carter's money': "The Global 2000 project, a Carter effort to help the sick and handicapped and end famine in Africa, Western Asia and China received most of its financing from a Japanese gambling czar and a Pakistani financier whose bank laundered drugs money. One of the donors, Ryoichi Sasakawa…. The other donor is Agha Hasan Abedi… Combined the two men and foundations they control gave $19.1 million to Global 2000 and another $3.8 million to other projects at the Carter Presidential Center in Atlanta." |
[45] | Can be found on Sterling Seagrave CD's from his book 'Gold Warriors'. |
[46] | December 13, 1976, Ocala Star-Banner, 'Japan's underworld finds status: crime, politics and finger chopping': " As recently as 1960, Kodama could recruit some 18,000 gangsters, supplemented by 10,000 gang-controlled street vendors, to confront demonstrators massed for President Eisenhower's visit." |
[47] | *) March 1, 2007, Associated Press, 'CIA Papers Reveal Japan Coup Plot': "Declassified documents reveal that Japanese ultranationalists with ties to U.S. military intelligence plotted to overthrow the Japanese government and assassinate the prime minister in 1952. The scheme - which was abandoned - was concocted by militarists and suspected war criminals who had worked for U.S. occupation authorities after World War II, according to CIA records reviewed by The Associated Press. The plotters wanted a right-wing government that would rearm Japan. The CIA files, declassified in 2005 and publicized by the U.S. National Archives in January, detail a plot to oust the pro-U.S. prime minister, Shigeru Yoshida, and install a more hawkish government led by Ichiro Hatoyama. The CIA, in papers released under an act of the U.S. Congress to declassify documents related to Japanese war crimes, said the plotters were led by Takushiro Hattori, a former private secretary to Hideki Tojo, the wartime prime minister hanged as a war criminal in 1948. Two CIA documents said the plot reportedly had the support of 500,000 people in Japan, and that the group planned to use a contact who controlled a faction inside the National Safety Agency - a precursor to the Defense Ministry - to help launch the coup. The files reviewed by the AP strongly suggest the Americans were unaware of the plot until after it had been dropped. The plot was developed after the U.S. postwar occupation of Japan ended in April 1952, and the CIA files say American financial support for Hattori's group had dried up by then. Still, the documentary evidence of the plot illustrates the violent potential of the right-wing, anti-communist cabal that had worked under the U.S. occupation authority's "G-2" intelligence wing in the early days of the Cold War in the late 1940s and early 50s. The CIA operated separately from the G-2. "Since the beginning of July 1952, plans for a coup d'etat have been initiated among a group of ex-purgees including former military officers. The leader of the group is ex-Colonel Hattori Takushiro," said an Oct. 31, 1952, report, which claimed "this report is the first to mention a definite rightist plan involving violence." "The original plan of the group was to engineer a coup d'etat, including the assassination of Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru on account of his hostile attitude toward depurgees and nationalists," the CIA document said. According to the document, Hattori colleague Masanobu Tsuji talked the group out of the coup, urging it to focus instead on countering the Socialist Party. The files say the group then decided it would not stage a coup as long as Yoshida's conservative Liberal Party remained in power. However, the group still considered violence an option, the files say. "The group is considering the possibility of some minor assassination attempt in lieu of a coup d'etat," the Oct. 31, 1952, document said. Hattori and others had worked under the aegis of Maj. Gen. Charles Willoughby, the anti-communist G-2 chief. During the occupation, Willoughby was considered the second most powerful American after his boss, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Some group members were considered choice war crimes trial targets after the war. Tsuji had been wanted for involvement in the Bataan Death March of 1942, in which thousands of Americans and Filipinos perished. Another group associate was Yoshio Kodama, a war profiteer and mob boss who was deeply involved in procuring materials - often illegally - for the Japanese military machine. Neither of them was prosecuted for war crimes. The Japanese militarists joined U.S.-supported missions to spy on communists in Japan, infiltrate agents into Soviet and North Korean territory, and recruit Japanese mercenaries to protect Taiwan from communist forces in mainland China, declassified documents show. The CIA files, however, say the operations were riddled with intelligence leaks, hobbled by a lack of competent agents, and deeply compromised by rivalries among the rightists themselves. The agents' top priorities, the documents say, were profits and an eventual resurgence of a militarist Japan. The assassination plot detailed in the CIA files came at a difficult time for Hattori's group. The departure of Willoughby from Japan in 1951 as the U.S. occupation wound down deprived the rightists of their leading American patron and paymaster. Meanwhile, Yoshida was openly hostile to Hattori's push for rearmament. "The government attitude toward the Hattori group has been increasingly antagonistic, and the group has lost influence since the departure of General Willoughby," said a CIA document dated April 18, 1952. Yoshida was pushed out of office peacefully in 1954 and replaced by Hatoyama, but the ultrarightist dream of resurrecting a militarist Japan never happened. The 1947 pacifist constitution bars Japan from warfare and has never been amended." July 26, 2000, Japan Times, 'Disappearance of Masanobu Tsuji remains a mystery': "When Japan surrendered in August 1945, Tsuji decided to flee, first pretending to be a local Buddhist monk, and later acting as an adviser to Chiang Kai-shek and his nationalist Chinese government before returning to Japan in 1947. Three years later he emerged from obscurity to become an instant celebrity. He was easily elected to the House of Representatives from his native Ishikawa Prefecture in 1952 and switched to the House of Councilors in 1959. After 10 years in the Diet, during which he displayed nonpartisan and sometimes erratic behavior, he decided to embark on the fateful Southeast Asian mission. Kenshiro Seki, president of a famous Japanese inn called Sekiya in the hot-spring resort of Katayamazu in Ishikawa Prefecture, remembers meeting Tsuji in his office one day before his departure for Southeast Asia. "I'm going to Laos on orders from Prime Minister (Hayato) Ikeda," Seki, 58, quoted Tsuji as telling him and his mother, Tami, 39 years ago. ... Eko Hata, chief priest of Hoshoji Temple in Tokyo's Suginami Ward, recalled, "I thought it was an almost suicidal act to go to Laos and further north after crossing the Mekong River in the middle of the rainy season," when told of his wartime boss' disappearance in 1961. Laos at the time was in the middle of civil war. Hata, 74, was one of seven priests-turned-soldiers who Col. Tsuji agreed to bring along with him on his bid to evade arrest by victorious British troops in Bangkok in the summer of 1945. Hata, whose former name was Takashi Fukuzawa, said in an interview at his Tokyo temple that he and the other six decided to go into hiding with Tsuji because "life as a prisoner of war would be the same anywhere, and we felt he (Tsuji) would somehow manage to flee." The seven young priests, masquerading as Thai monks, were later captured, but Tsuji indeed fled, starting life as a fugitive that took him to Vientiane, Hanoi, China's Chongqing and Nanjing before secretly arriving from Shanghai at Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, as "a professor of Beijing University" in May 1947. "As I placed my first step upon the soil of Japan, I quietly picked up a handful of earth, unnoticed by the others, and smelt its sweetness. It was the first smell of my motherland in six years," Tsuji wrote in his best-selling "Underground Escape -- 7,500 Miles in Disguise." One of the first places he visited upon returning to Japan was Hata's temple in a quiet Tokyo residential area, which Hata said was free from police surveillance. Tsuji stopped hiding after the U.S. ended his designation as a wanted war criminal on New Year's Day 1950. After writing a number of best sellers, including "Nomonhan" and "Guadalcanal," Tsuji turned to politics. He was initially elected to the Lower House as an independent and subsequently joined the Japan Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, from which he was expelled in 1959 for insubordination and criticizing Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, a former Class A war criminal, for corruption. Tsuji's military and political career has fascinated many young men, one of whom was a Waseda University student named Yoshiro Mori." *) 2006, Petersen, Michael, 'Chapter 8: The Intelligence that Wasn't: CIA Name Files, the U.S. Army, and Intelligence Gathering in Occupied Japan': "He avoided capture first by hiding in Southeast Asia, later sheltered by Chang Kai-shek on mainland China, then secretly in Japan, including as a guest of Kodama. When the United States dropped its war crimes charges against him in 1950, he returned to the public scene, publishing two books about his wartime and postwar experiences that quickly became best sellers." |
[48] | April 7, 2010,, 'Inside Taiwan's Political Purgatory: CIA documents tell secret story of betrayal': "George Keenan and Dean Acheson at the State Department began planning an overthrow of Chiang Kai-shek and tasked diplomat Livingston Merchant with recruiting ROC General Sun Lien to lead the coup. General Sun did meet with Douglas MacArthur in Tokyo to discuss the plan but declined to participate. The subsequent outbreak of the Korean War then cemented the U.S. position on tolerance for Chiang’s abuses against the Taiwanese people." |
[49] | "Military Situation in the Far East," Hearings Before the Senate Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Foreign Relations, 82nd Cong. 1st sess., 1951 (Washington: Congressional Record, 1951), p. 23 [MacArthur]: |
[50] | March 29, 1947, New York Times, 'Formosa killings are put at 10,000; Foreigners Say the Chinese Slaughtered Demonstrators Without Provocation' |
[51] | May 29, 1954, The Bend Bulletin, 'Our Asian Policy': "One of the keystones of our Asian policy embodies support for the government of Chiang Kai-shek on gosa. Our wisdom is thrown into question by the currect dispute between Chiang, on the one hand, and Dr. K. C. Wu, formerly Minister without Portfolio for the Formosan government. Dr. Wu, now in this country, has been expelled from Formosa because of his criticism of Chiang’s regime. Dr. Wu’s loyalty to western democracy is beyond reproach. While in this country, he has delivered a series of anti-Communist talks, explaining how the Reds infiltrate into and subvert organizations and governments. Until recently, he was Governor of Formosa under Chiang, and before the Chinese he was Mayor of Shanghai. These positions have given him experience. It is his contention that Chiang’s present regime in Formosa is dictatorial, and is alienating the Chinese people. Moreover, he charges Chiang’s political control of the Army has “almost totally wrecked the morale of the troops” while the secret police of the island have resorted to torture, blackmail and illegal arrests. These charges are probably true, and our support of Chiang is useless. Under such conditions Formosa cannot be an effective ally of the free world. Other Asian nations, notably India, resent our support of Chiang. Perhaps the time has come to readjust our policy towards Formosa. Stopping our support to the Chiang regime might win us many friends in Asia whom we now need." |
[52] | 1986, Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, 'Inside the League' |
[53] | *) Moon and Tongsun Park were both ran by the KCIA, which was allowed to run its South Korean lobby operation with the CIA. Tongsun Park set up the George Town Club with KCIA funds. However, first president from 1966 to 1976 was Rita Chappiwicki, who had been Bill Harvey's former secretary and therefore a top level insider to CIA operations.
Co-founder Robert Keith Gray had CIA ties and so had various other board members. *) August 28, 1977, Washington Post, 'Tongsun Park and the Korean CIA - CIA Had Reason to Know of Park's Ties to Korean CIA': "The American Central Intelligence Agency had reason to know as far back as the early 1960s that Tongsun Park, a central figure in investigations of South Korean influence-buying on Capitol Hill, had ties with the Korean CIA. An American CIA station chief in Seoul who met him frequently said he regarded Park as an important "agent of influence." In addition to Park's official Korean role he had at least circumstantial ties with the American CIA through his prominent membership in two student groups." *) August 3, 1995, Scotsman, 'Ryoichi Sasakawa, businessman': "He became an adviser to the Unification Church of the Rev Sun Myung Moon in 1963, and Sasakawa, together with Moon, Chiang Kai-shek, Syngman Rhee (overthrown in 1960 as president of South Korea), the CIA and its South Korean offspring, the KCIA, deserves credit for having founded the World Anti-Communist League, which held its biggest-event, sponsored by Sasakawa, in the Budokan hall in central Tokyo in 1970. Sasakawa also claimed to have helped finance - together with the CIA - the 1966 overthrow of Indonesia's President Sukarno, and was a friend and admirer of the Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner. Sasakawa and Kodama were together regarded as Japan's most powerful "kuromaku", or extreme-right political fixers, and also shared a frightening reputation as true "dons" of the criminal underworld, employed to mediate between warring gangs. Although Sasakawa made no bones of his true beliefs - "I am the world's wealthiest fascist," he told Time magazine in 1974 ..." |
[54] | Search for Oral History Project in the ASC membership list. |
[55] | *) May 1, 1979, The Globe and Mail, 'To the man in the street, Iran is definitely on the right track' *) June 20, 1977, Newsweek, 'Rights and Wrongs - A Chamber of Horrors' |
[56] | October 16, 1996, Charles Stuart Kennedy for the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project, Interview with Arthur F. Blaser, Jr. |
[57] | October 16, 1989, Daily Herald, 'Moon-backed Panda car drives into skepticism of auto industry' |
[58] | Nov. 17, 1997, New York Times, 'Douglas MacArthur 2d, 88, Former Ambassador to Japan': "While he was Ambassador to Japan, he played a crucial role in prolonged negotiations during which Japanese grievances were addressed. Eventually, a new United States-Japanese mutual security treaty was signed and ratified by both Governments and went into effect in 1960. In that year, Time magazine called him ''the principal architect of present-day U.S. policy toward Japan.'' Despite the improvement in Japanese-American relations, there were leftist-led demonstrations against the treaty in May and June 1960, and they led to the cancellation of a scheduled visit to Japan by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. But afterward, the political party that accepted the pact was returned to power in the Japanese Parliament. While the uproar dwindled, Premier Hayato Ikeda, on becoming head of the Japanese Government, declared that no unsolved problems remained between the Washington and Tokyo. At the time, his statement was called a signal that the postwar transitional era in relations between the two countries had come to an end... Years later, in 1974, it was reported from Tokyo that authoritative Japanese sources had revealed that a secret agreement allowing the United States to move nuclear weaponry through Japan had been reached in 1960 by Mr. MacArthur and Aiichiro Fujiyama [imprisoned as war crimal; president Nippon Sugar Company; president Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, member of parliament], the Japanese Foreign Minister at the time. But Mr. MacArthur, who was a businessman in Belgium in 1974, and the Japanese Foreign Ministry denied the report." |
[59] | Ibid. |
[60] | 1990, Halt magazine, 'Profile: Douglas MacArthur II: An American in Brussels' |
[61] | Dec. 15, 1986, Charles Stuart Kennedy for the The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project, Interview with Douglas MacArthur II (Library of Congress, American Memory home) |
[62] | *) March 17, 1966, letter from Paul Vanden Boeynants to Douglas MacArthur II: "Dear Ambassador, My Dear Friend, ... I hope very much to have the pleasure of meeting you the next time you are in Brussels and meanwhile request my friend JOSI to convey to you, dear Ambassador, my dear Friend, when handing you this letter, the expression of my sincere respects and warm affections." *) Response: March 25, 1966, letter from Douglas MacArthur II to Paul Vanden Boeynants: "Dear Mr. Prime Minister and Cher Ami: I cannot tell you how touched I was to receive your letter of March 17 which our good friend, Jean Josi, delivered to me yesterday. The day before Jean arrived I had written you a note of congratulations which I sent through the Embassy and which you will receive in due course. In it I sent you our warmest and best wishes as you assume the heavy burdens and responsibilities as Prime Minister of Belgium. … Needless to add, I feel a particular warmth for Belgium which is my second country because, as you know, my daughter, who lives in Brussels, married a Belgian and I have a Belgian-American granddaughter. As I said to Jean Josi yesterday, if I can be of any service to you, I hope you will not fail to let me know. My wife and I plan to visit our children in Brussels next October and we will hope to have the opportunity to pay our respects to you and your charming wife whom we remember with so much pleasure. Again, many thanks for your letter and every good wish from the bottom of our hearts for you and Madame Vanden Boeynants." |
[63] | 1991, Georges Timmerman, 'Main basse sur Bruxelles', pp. 53, 85, 113, 117, 129. |
[64] | 1990, Halt magazine, 'Profile: Douglas MacArthur II: An American in Brussels' |
[65] | *) Ibid. *) 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 94-95: "On August 7, 1981, a new chairman came in at EIM: the former Belgian US-ambassador Douglas MacArthur II, also a manager at group BBL [Banque Bruxelles Lambert; source: appendix to the Belgian State magazine, trade partnerships 1981, October 28, 1981, no. 1926-27]. |
[66] | 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-Dossiers', p. 262. |
[67] | *) X1 in PV 100.399, January 11, 1997: "Translation of a fax of X1 of January 6, 1997: She speaks of someone who judged to see if she was dangerous. It is about someone who prefers the violence: the sex is a dessert... He often went to hunt with VDB - he works at Sabena. He participated in the hunts on children... Tony brought her to a domain - there were 4 other girls (Marianne; Valerie; Catharine; Sonja)... [present:] VDB [Paul Vanden Boeynants] - person from Sabena - 4 Gd [gendarme officers] - de Bonvoisin..." *) X1 (1 of the 8 persons picked by X1 on September 30, 1996 out of 40 pictures presented to her (how many real pictures ranges from "several" to about 20). Four of the persons she pointed out intrigued De Baets (especially Christian Amory and Madani Bouhouche) and seemed to confirm his suspicions that cars of the Gendarme's Diana Group (similar to SWAT) were involved in abuse/torture network. However, X1 also misidentified at least three, and maybe four pictures, and this time it really was a mistake (as opposed to all the manipulations by the "re-readers" later on). |
[68] | 1990, Halt magazine, 'Profile: Douglas MacArthur II: An American in Brussels' |
[69] | April 23, 1992, Telemoustique, interview with Ray Cline by Alan de Francovitch (does not appear in the two hour BBC Gladio documentary) |
[70] | 1992, Philippe Brewaeys and Jean frederick Deliege, 'De Bonvoisin et Cie', pp. 55 and 118. |
[71] | *) "Marquess de Patenos" in Sheri de Borchgrave's book 'A Dangerous Liaison' is the Marquess de Trazegnies. On p. 251, while showing her around the castle (there's a picture in the book), aunt Helene says: "You would just love the parties he throws here, ma cherie. But it will take years until your inhibitions are dissolved enough to attend one of them. They're unforgettably naughty." According to Sheri, her husband Jacques had already begun introducing her to group sex parties and had a demonic-like alter personality which could be brought forward quite easily. It must be said that in terms of reliability Sheri's story ranks far below the X-Dossier testimonies, even individually. It remains an interesting coincidence however. *) PV 150.265, November 2, 1997. Prince Alexander de Merode, linked to the Satanic aspect of child abuse network, is overheard talking on the phone to a member of the Borchgrave family. |
[72] | See Cercle article for sources on USGSC. |
[73] | X1 in PV 100.399, January 11, 1997 |
[74] | One of five senior advisors to Hill and Knowlton at least from 1981 to 1983. December 7, 1981, Washington Post, 'Communications': "[Former U.S. Senator] Gale McGee ... has been named a member of the senior advisory board of Hill and Knowlton. He will serve on the committee with Douglas MacArthur II (nephew of the late general) ... Najeeb Halaby [FAA; director CFR; built an Islamic ziggurat at the Baca] ... Adm. Thomas Moorer ... and Edmond C. Smith [White House staffer]..." |
[75] | *) 2007, Worcester County's Polish Community, p. 78: "Rita Chadwick [Chappowicki] Merthan … served as Carter’s personal secretary from 1977 to 1981. The Boston University graduate's first government job was with the Central Intelligence Agency in West Germany in 1953 [secretary to Bill Harvey; same time that Shackley was there and working under Harvey]. She was president of the Georgetown Club from 1966 to 1976." *) 2006, Bayard Stockton, ‘Flawed Patriot: The Rise And Fall of CIA Legend Bill Harvey’, pp. 100, 123-124, 331 (based on Harvey’s personal papers located at Sally Harvey): "Star once happened upon CG [Clara Grace] "shrieking" at Rita at a Berlin party. Maybe, indeed, there was more to Harvey's relationship with his secretary [Rita Chappiwicki] than pure business, but CG's jealousy may well have been about business because Rita knew all the secrets, including the tunnel, which were denied to CG. … Skip was the latest in a select line of secretaries who served Bill [Harvey] with ferocious fealty. In Berlin, it had been Maggie Crane of Mobile, Alabama, who sat on the floor when she drank martinis "so she wouldn't fall off the carpet." Rita Chappiwicki succeeded Maggie. And then in the Langley basement, it was Skip. The three knew all the secrets, but they never, ever betrayed Bill's trust. …Rita Chappiwicki Merthan left the CIA and became Mrs. Jimmy Carter's private secretary at the White House. She died of a heart attack in 1982." *) Washington, '85, Comprehensive Directory of the Key Institutions and Leaders of the National Capital Area, p. 401: "George Town Club (1966). 1530 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20007. Tel. (202) 333-9330. Robert Keith Gray, Chairman of the Board. Kenneth M. Crosby, President. Lloyd N. Hand, V. President. Norman L. Larsen, Club Secretary and General Manager. Other Board Members: Anna C. Chennault, Henry A. Dudley, Jr., Brg. Gen. Richard A. Edwards, John Thomas Malatesta, Dr. John H. McDonough, Mnsgr. John J. Murphy, Frank Spinetta, Marion H. Smoak, William E. Timmons." *) George Town Club officers 1960s-1970s-1980s:
*) Washington, '91: A Comprehensive Directory of the Key Institutions and Leaders of the National Capital Area, Eighth Annual Edition, p. 509: "George Town Club (1966). 1530 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20007. Tel. (202) 333-9330. Kenneth M. Crosby, President. Lloyd N. Hand, V. President. Harold R. Evans, Secretary-Treasurer. Norman L. Larsen, Club Secretary and General Manager. Other Board Members: Max N. Berry [Lobbyist specialized in international trade; appointed chairman Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation; trustee Asia Society; trustee and chairman Archives of American Art; trustee Metropolitan Museum of Art; board member and chairman Smithsonian], Anna C. Chennault, ... Robert E. Lee, Antonion Marinelli, Edward Merrigan [Washington lobbyist and lawyer; known to have been in a meeting with Park back in 1974], Msgr. John J. Murphy, Marion H. Smoak." OTHER NAMES OF THE GEORGE TOWN CLUB: *) June 1978 Senate report, Activities of “friendly” foreign intelligence services in the United States: a case study, p. 20: "Park had met Dr. Kissinger, Attorney General Mitchell, Attorney General William Saxbe, CIA Director Richard Helms, and Defense Secretary Melvin Laird on social occasions. [also met J. Edgar Hoover]." *) 2005, Joseph J. Trento, Prelude to Terror, p. 171: "Richard] Viguerie was also a member of the Georgetown Club. … Shackley had first gotten to know Gray through Anna Chennault… [a crony of Tongsun Park]." *) 2002, Peter Maas, Manhunt: The Incredible Pursuit of a CIA Agent Turned Terrorist, p. 32: "I'd also heard that Gray had sponsored [Edwin] Wilson's membership in Washington's chic George Town Club, where he could rub shoulders with other wheeler-dealers like Tongsun Park…" *) Aug. 6, 1966, Milwaukee Sentinel, Politics Shelved for Luci's Wedding: "Families and friends of the nation’s favorite pair met for a final fling Friday night at the rehearsal dinner in the exclusive George Town club [for the wedding between Luci Baines Johnson, daughter of LBJ, and Patrick J. Nugent]. … The club is situated on what is believed to have been the location of Suter’s tavern, where George Washington and his friends wined and dined. … It was a Republican, Robert Keith Gray … who arranged for Gerard Nugent, Sr. [father of Patrick], to take over the posh George Town Club for the rehearsal dinner. … Hale Boggs (D-La.) a close friend of the bride and her parents, will read the epistle from St. Paul…" *) Dec. 3, 1975, The News and Courier, Betty Beale, D.C. Letter: "Why did Katy Hepburn fail to show at a party where Washington bigwigs had gathered to meet her? Presidential candidate Sen. Lloyd Bentsen and his wife went to the George Town Club for the after-theater to-do… The James Lynns and President Ford's new chief of staff, Richard Cheney, were there, and so were Sens. Mark Hatfield… John Tower… John Tunney… Pete Williams… and their wives. Rushing over to meet her from the big, swinging dinner dance the Iranian ambassador, Ardeshir Zahedi [1001 Club and Le Cercle], gave for the Shah’s sister, Princess Ashraf, was Sen. Ed Brooke… and Sen. Claibore Pell {Pilgrims Society], D.-R.I., who brought young Princess Nora Liechtenstein [1001 Club family], who had just moved to town, is living with the Pells and has a job with the World Bank. ... Persian Princess Ashraf is the shah's twin but not all identical… Calm, smiling and chic, she doesn't give the impression of the powerhouse she is – head of Iran’s delegation to the U.N. General Assembly for 12 years and a woman who has devoted her life to, and succeeded in getting, women's rights in Iran. … Toasted sought-after bachelor Zahedi… Kissinger's lithe aide Winston Lord and his Chinese wife Bettie "hit the boards"" *) Apr. 20, 1975, News and Courier, 'Popular Host Keeps Politics Secret': "Says Rep. John Brademas (D. Ind.), Tongsun’s good friend from Georgetown University, "He doesn’t talk business with me. I understand he's in rice, oil and shipping business. … As for the immaculate, quiet Park, who owns the George Town Club, a big formal house here… "Often people think I have ulterior motives, but I don’t. My family's shipping business has nothing to do with the American legislative process." … Henry and Nacy Kissinger didn't get to the Washes' dinner for the former chief of protocol and Mrs/ Emil Mosbacher, but Kissinger was toasted anyhow by Dr. Walsh and the 70 people present. At the end of the dinner at the George Town Club, Bill rose and said, "I get tired of reading about Kissinger’s failures because nothing could be further from the truth." Presidential assistant and Mrs. Bill Seidman were there." *) 1979, School of Journalism, University of Missouri at Columbia, Publication, numbers 398-508, p. 189: "Tongsun Park introduced himself to Washington's social and political elite in 1966 when he opened the George Town Club, whose roster included names such as Dwight D. Eisenhower and Gerald R. Ford." *) 1979, School of Journalism, University of Missouri at Columbia, Publication, numbers 398-508, p. 189: "Tongsun Park introduced himself to Washington's social and political elite in 1966 when he opened the George Town Club, whose roster included names such as Dwight D. Eisenhower and Gerald R. Ford." *) Neil Livingstone bio for "He is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, the George Town Club, the Cosmos Club, the Writers Guild of America, and Iran Policy Committee." *) 1982, Amis du vin (Association), 'The Friends of wine: Volume 19', p. 121: "At the George Town Club in Washington, D.C., manager and Somelier Society chapter Norman Larsen (right) entertains … Although the George Town Club's membership is largely conservative — Defense Secretary Weinberger, Treasury Secretary Regan, Justice Sandra O'Connor, Chief Justice Burger — and the drink calls are largely conservative, there is..." *) 1997 (7th edition), American Defense Policy, Peter L. Hays, p. 222: "In May [Northrop chairman and 1001 Club member Thomas V. Jones] hosted an intimate dinner honoring Reagan at the Georgetown Club." *) Nov. 26, 1981, Jet magazine, Vol. 61, no. 10, p. 11: "The brightest activity was the celebration of last November's GOP victory at a thousand-person reception held at the exclusive Georgetown Club. Vice President George Bush headed the VIP slate along with White House aide Edwin Meese and ex-Sen. Edward Brooke, who seldom attends such functions. Co-hosts were Stephanie Lee Miller and Lance Wilson, young members of the GOP." *) 2000, Ken Silverstein, Private Warriors, p. 63, pp. 83-85: "Over the years, [Ernst Werner] Glatt has made significant investments and established many friendships in Israel. (One casual acquaintance is said to be the hawkish former defense minister Ariel Sharon.) A retired American general says of Glatt, "He was a Deutschland uber alles type of guy and would never apologize for what the Germans did. But if you asked him if it was a good idea to weed out the Jews, I presume he'd say no." Glatt himself told me that "the anti-Semitic stuff [said about me] is bullshit." [Glatt even had a Jewish wife] … Glatt was not universally admired within the American military, where in certain circles he was categorized as a Neo-Nazi. "I'm no Pollyanna," says one former military officer. "You’ve got to deal with people you wouldn't want as friends. I've done a lot of work in intelligence, and I accept that. But Glatt's political views were repugnant to any decent human being." Another person familiar with Glatt says, "Arrogant. Dictatorial. Stubborn. Go down the list of all the endearing qualities of the German people and Glatt has them." Such people were a distinct minority. Glatt established close personal friendships with a number of high-ranking military officials, some whom he played host to at the Black Eagle or one of his European estates. Over the years, Glatt conducted business of one sort or another with a number of retired military officers and spooks, among them General Singlaub [ASC] and General Ed Soyster, a former director of the DIA. … Through his friendship with General Graham [ASC], Glatt helped the daughter of a retired general get a job at the High Frontier. By the time Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, US intelligence agencies were fighting to court Glatt. (Army intelligence won out and became his main handler.) That year, the Pentagon threw a birthday party for Glatt at Washington's Georgetown Club, an exclusive private club where government insiders and prominent locals gather to discreetly discuss affairs of state. [It] was founded in 1966 by [among others] … Robert Gray… Thomas Corcoran… and Milton [G.] Nottingham, a prominent Washington-based businessman [chairman ISC-PCI; chairman U.S.-Ukraine Business Council]. The Pentagon's birthday party was hosted by Nottingham—a friend and sometimes shipping agent of Glatt’s—and was held on the same night that then Vice-President George Bush was feted in another part of the club. Glatt's well-wishers included a number of senior intelligence officials, general officers, and several bankers who washed money for the Pentagon's black programs. The Georgetown Club is secretive—membership status seems to be most commonly revealed in one’s obituary—and Nottingham, still a higher-up there, politely declined a request for a tour. Col. Ryan, who attended the birthday party…. Didn't anyone object to his choice of the Black Eagle—a symbol of Nazi Germany—as a name for his Virginia property, I asked? Not at all, he replied: "Glatt was viewed as a source, potentially our most lucrative source of Russian arms. We weren't considering him for citizenship, we were hunting for Soviet weapons that had great military value to the United States. The more virulently right-wing he was, the more we felt comfortable with him because we knew he wouldn't deal with the Russians. We weren’t running a de-Nazification program. … Glatt was primarily an "asset" of US intelligence, but as a private businessman he also worked with other governments. Among those he supplied with weapons were the apartheid regime in South Africa and the monarchy in Oman. In the latter he established a personal friendship with Sultant Qabus bin Said [Le Cercle] … Glatt was also tight with a small coterie of British advisers who exercised enormous influence of the Sultan. Among his contacts was a retired brigadier general named Timothy Landon [Le Cercle] …" *) 2006, Jeffrey A. Meyer, Mark G. Califano and Paul Volcker, Good Intentions Corrupted: The Oil for Food Scandal and the Threat to the UN, pp. 19-20: "Park retruned to Iraq later in 1997, when he received yet another box from Aziz with $700,000 in cash. … He used $500,000 of the funds to repurchase the Historic George Town Club in Washington (which he had previously sold) and also obtained a $30,000 check made payable to [1001 Club member Maurice] Strong. When interviewed and asked about the reason for this second payment from Park, Strong stated that he could not remember the payment." |
[76] | Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 178-179 (Feb. 2006 edition) |
[77] | Western Goals board 1983 [link] |
[78] | December 6, 2002, The Straight Dope, 'Was J. Edgar Hoover a cross-dresser': "The story appears in Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993), a gossipy biography by British journalist Anthony Summers, who has also written a JFK assassination conspiracy book. Summers says he got his info from Susan Rosenstiel, fourth wife of Lewis Rosenstiel, chairman of Schenley Industries, a liquor distiller with reputed mob connections. Ms. Rosenstiel claimed that in 1958 she and her husband went to a party at a New York hotel, where they met Hoover and McCarthy witch-hunt lawyer Roy Cohn. Hoover, whom Cohn introduced as "Mary," was supposedly wearing a wig, a black dress, lace stockings, and high heels. Hoover went into a bedroom, took off his skirt to reveal a garter belt, and had a couple of blond boys--one wearing rubber gloves--"work on him with their hands." Cohn and Hoover then watched while Lewis Rosenstiel had sex with the boys. A year later Ms. Rosenstiel attended another party at the same hotel; this time Hoover wore a red dress and a black feather boa. He had one of the blond boys, who were now dressed in leather, read to him from a Bible while the other "played" with him. Hoover then grabbed the Bible, tossed it down, and told the first boy to join in." |
[79] | Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, p. 180 (Feb. 2006 edition): " In February 1989, Hill and Knowlton's Charles Perkins rushed to New York, for a fraction of the firm's usual fee, to help with public relations for Covenant House. The youth organization's director, Father Bruce Ritter, was alleged to have molested youth who took refuge with him." |
[80] | 1996, Senator John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition', p. 180. |
[81] | *) Who's Who General Robert Richardson: "Vice president Consultants International Inc., 1973-77" *) June 14, 1981, New York Times, 'The Qaddafi connection': "Wilson went to work for the C.I.A.'s Office of Security in 1951 and, after serving in the Marines, became a full-time C.I.A. contract employee in 1955. In the late 60's, he helped organize a Washington firm called Consultants International Inc. for the C.I.A. and the Navy. The firm's ostensible purpose was to conduct export-import operations, but that function was a cover for classified intelligence operations. Over the next few years, his intelligence activities were combined and mingled with his private operations. He hired a number of associates, many of them with military or intelligence backgrounds, and, according to Federal officials, was routinely receiving huge kickbacks from American manufacturers and foreign governments on his procurement contracts. The men working for him were convinced that he was still active in C.I.A. intelligence operations. ''I thought he was reporting directly to the President,'' one former associate recalls. ''Ed still must be sanctioned by the U.S. Government. The people I met were impressive.All of a sudden I'm on a first-name basis with big names in Congress and the Senate. It was always like the Government was supporting us.'' Robert Keith Gray, an influential public-relations man known for his close ties to the Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan Administrations, was among those listed as a member of the board of Consultants International for five years, beginning in 1970. However, Gray, who served as co-chairman of Reagan's Inaugural Committee, expressed surprise in an interview upon being told of his official listing. ''I never knew I was on the board,'' Gray said. ''I never was invited to a board meeting.'' He acknowledged that he has had a social and business relationship with Wilson, whom he described as ''charming and very much a red-blooded American.'' In 1971, Wilson dropped his C.I.A. connection and was a part of Task Force 157, a secret Navy intelligence unit that employed 50 to 75 agents to monitor and collect information on Soviet shipping. It reported not only on routine cargo items but also watched for the covert shipment of military goods and nuclear weapons. The unit also was charged with the responsibility of picking up intelligence operatives from Taiwan and secretly ferrying them inside mainland China, where they would implant sensitive seismic monitors and radio equipment. Those operations were stopped after President Richard M. Nixon's visit to Peking in 1972, and C.I.A. officials were astonished to learn later that some of the sensitive equipment, designed solely for use inside China, was appearing for sale in the international arms market." |
[82] | |||||||||||||||||||||
[83] | *) September 9, 1986, Gerard Bihay and Frans Balfroid, BOB / Belgian gendarmerie, result of Gang of Nijvel investigations, 'Report on the Opus Dei network': "59) IEPS: Institut Européen pour la Paix et las Sécurité. Militant extreme-right movement that promotes rearmament of western Europe in order to combat communism. ... 68) Robert Richardson and 69) Daniel O. Graham: generals. U.S. members of the Heritage Foundation and founders of the SDI project (Strategic Defense Initiative). Delegates of the Heritage Foundation to IEPS. ... 71) Count Hans Huyn: member of the IEPS and the CSU. ... 78) Jean Gol (Goldstein): Belgian justice minister and IEPS member. 79) Willy de Clercq: EU commissioner and IEPS member. ... 84) European Institute for Security: branch of the IEPS in Luxembourg, founded on April 5, 1982 by Leo Tindemans and Otto von Habsburg." *) 1986, Andre van Bosbeke, 'Opus Dei en Belgique', p. 17: "We also find among the members of the IEPS British journalist Brian Crozier." (also mentions General Richardson, General Graham, Jean Gol and Willy de Clerq) *) 1993, (2001, 3rd edition), David Teacher, 'Rogue Agents', p. 161: "In 1983, the EIS split because of policy differences, and Close left to found Brussels-based Institut Europeen pour la Paix et la Securite (IEPS) … The IEPS would also be well-connected to the Cercle complex: besides Close's role as MAUE Vice-President, other IEPS members included another MAUE Vice-President, Jacques Jonet, as well as Crozier and Huyn." |
[84] | *) See Beyond Dutroux article. Aquino most definitely was linked to an apparently Satanic child abuse ring. It's his connection to mind control programs and Offutt Air Force Base and other locations that is largely in question. *) Sen. John DeCamp, 'The Franklin Cover-Up,' second edition, pp. 328-330: "Paul Bonacci and other child victims have given evidence in great depth on the central role of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino in this depravity. Aquino, alleged to have recently retired from an active military role, was long the leader of an Army psychological warfare section which drew on his "expertise" and personal practices in brainwashing, Satanism, Nazism, homosexual pedophilia and murder. ... Paul Bonacci reports the following "Monarch"-related activities, often involving his "Commander" at Offutt AFB, Bill Plemmons, and Lt. Col. Michael Aquino: • Picking up cash in exchange for drugs at various Tennessee locations. Bonacci identifies several country music personalities as contacts. • Trips on behalf of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), the pedophile group now given semiofficial status by the United Nations. Paul cites travel to the Netherlands and Germany carrying child pornography for subsequent "import" to the U.S.A. to avoid prosecution. In Amsterdam, he names "Charles Hester," and the British "Tommie Carter," who had on computer a global list of child pornography users. NAMBLA is also cited for organizing auctions of children. • Travel to Hawaii, New York, Washington (in connection with Craig Spence) to compromise public figures by performing homosexual pedophile sex with them. • The trip to California where the boy was ritually murdered, accompanied by "Monarch" contact, Mark Johnson of Denver, Colorado, • Travel to Mexico for the transportation of drugs, guns, and children. Paul was accompanied by the gangster-figure "Emilio," who otherwise directed the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch of Des Moines, Iowa. Johnny Gosch's parents commend Paul Bonacci as an accurate witness relative to that crime. • Training under "Captain Foster" (survival skills) at Fort Riley, Kansas, under "Lt. Dave Bannister" (intelligence) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, under "Col. Harris Livik" at Fort Defiance, Virginia, who is said to run a military school and to have housed "Monarch" boys. "Col. Bill Risher" of Bamberg, South Carolina, is said to have supplied children for Michael Aquino. • Travel to Dresden in communist East Germany, where weapons were inspected. There and in the Federal Republic of Germany, the "Monarch" personnel were frequently neo-Nazis. This milieu is a special project of Lt. Col. Aquino, who was a West European adviser to the U.S. Chiefs of Staff. Paul Bonacci has extensive experience in the Aryan Nation and other White Supremacist cults. An account of the origin of the "Monarch" project has been compiled by those who have been debriefing MPD child-vic" *) November 6, 2012, email reply from Nick Bryant if he was aware of any other witnesses besides Bonacci who put Aquino at Offutt Air Force Base (besides Rusty Nelson, a former accomplice of King who said the same thing): "A source who claimed to be a drug courier for the "Franklin" machine alleges he saw Aquino in Nebraska [details unknown]. Regarding your second question: I found Rusty Nelson to have a very inconsistent relationship to the truth, but there's a lot of documentation that links him to King, so I have no doubts about their prior interactions. I know of his allegations about Andersen and Buffet, but I was unable to corroborate them. However, I believe that he gave Caradori pictures in Chicago. The latter account is corroborated by four sources other than Nelson." |
[85] | *) 1980, Michael Aquino, 'The Neutron Bomb' (cited from the 2002 introduction to his paper): "Finally I must recall with appreciation the many individuals and offices without whose garacious time and helpfulness this study never could have been written. Among these I owe particular gratitude to: - President Jimmy Carter and Mr. Landon Kite, Staff Assistant to the President. … - Mr. John M. Fisher, President of the American Security Council, Boston, Virginia. - The Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, Virginia. - The Defense Intelligence Agency, Arlington Hall Station, Washington, D.C." |
[86] | April 12, 1988, USA Today, 'Dateline: Washington, D.C.': "Lt. Col. Aquino, a former faculty member at the Army's general staff college in Kansas, now holds a high military management post at the Army Reserve Personnel Center in St. Louis. ... He has a resume that would make many regular Army officers drool: A doctorate in political science from the University of California; masters degrees from the University of California and George Washington University in public administration; Army Airborne graduate; psychological operations officer, U.S. Army Institute for Military Assistance; honors graduate, U.S. Army Military Intelligence School; honors graduate, Army Command and General Staff College; graduate, Army Institute of International Studies; advisory board of the American Security Council; and graduate, National Defense University." |
[87] | Vallely sits on the board of the Intelligence Summit, shared until 2006 with former CIA directors John Deutch and James Woolsey. Vallely was a member of Benador Associates with James Woolsey, until the group ceased operating 2007. Woolsey used to be co-chairman of the Center for Security Policy (a neocon ASC spin off/continuation), where Vallely today is chairman emeritus of the military advisory board. Anno 2012: Woolsey and Vallely are on the advisory board of Zinc Air, together with Neil Livingstone, once a protege of James Angleton for the Israeli desk who used to serve with Angleton on the board of the American Securtiy Council's national strategy committee. Anno 2012: Vallely is military committee chairman of the Iran Policy Committee, with Neil Livingstone on the board and Woolsey on the advisory board. |
[88] | For Offutt and Buffett links, see intro article and (upcoming) 9/11 article. Author's Q&A with Colonel Michael Aquino through email in 2011 and 2012: *) Did you know John Fisher? You've credited him in your 'Neutron Bomb' paper. "Yes, I see that he was included in my list of source-appreciations, but at this point in time I don't know specifically why. When I was researching the dissertation, I cast nets out to every possible source, and of course thanked those who responded and/or gave me information/further leads. But now I don't know what that might have been in Mr. Fisher's case. I just did a search for his name elsewhere in the dissertation, including the footnotes & bibliography, and didn't find anything. So I presume he may have given me some source leads to track down in Washington, etc." *) Were you an advisory board member of the ASC? "From what I recall, all members were designated "Advisory Board", which I assume was just a gimmick to make us feel more important. It was still just a correspondence membership." The ASC refuses to clarify this question to me. *) While over in Europe, did you ever had contact with any of the following individuals: Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, Paul Vanden Boeynants, Major Jean-Marie Bougerol, Paul Latinus, Colonel Rene Mayerus or Douglas MacArthur II? "I don't recall any of these names, but cannot tell you conclusively that I never met any of them. It's been a long time!" *) What do you know about Ted Shackley, James Angleton, Frank Carlucci, Donald Gregg, Ray Cline or William Casey: "I never had any contact with any of these persons, so cannot help you here." *) What do you think about Ted Gunderson? And do you know anything about his connections to the Murchison family and Robert Booth Nichols? "Ted Gunderson retired as a FBI Special Agent and thereafter involved himself in increasingly irrational conspiracy theories. ... I have not previously heard of either Robert Booth Nichols or the Murchison family." *) Questions about background: "You can take a look at my Vitae on my webpage for some dates of various qualifications, recognitions, etc. I was in Vietnam June 69-June 70. I was an officer in the 306th PSYOP Battalion (Strategic) and later its parent 7th PSYOP Group, USAR, during the 1970s. During that time I also performed numerous specialized assignments as a Foreign Area Officer/West Europe and Defense Attaché. 86-87 attended the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, then 3 years as the Budget Director of the USAR Personnel Center, St. Louis. Then assigned as a Space Intelligence Officer to HQ US Space Command until I retired from the Active USAR in 1994." *) Can you elaborate on any CIA contacts you may have had? "No. ;-)" *) You seem to know Colonel John Alexander: "Yes, John and I are good friends. He is an eminently ethical and humanitarian individual, perhaps most famous for his research into and advocation of non-lethal weaponry. He was also portrayed by George Clooney in the film The Men Who Stare at Goats. Most recently he has become interested in UFOs, and I attach my review of his recent book on the subject." *) Do you happen to know how Col. Alexander's relationship with Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein developed? And both of their relationship with Senator Claiborne Pell?: "We have never discussed these individuals or organizations, and I'm not familiar with any of them either." *) Are you aware of friendship John Alexander might have had with James Angleton, Ray Cline or Edward Teller (all ASC board members)? "No, I know nothing about this." *) Do you still know Paul Vallely? "I last worked with Paul Vallely in 1980, when he was a Colonel and my commanding officer at HQ 7th PSYOP Group. While we have remained friends, our career-paths have not crossed since then. He went on to become a distinguished Major General (now retired). I have never been involved with any of the three organizations you mention here." *) Do you know James or Suzanne Woolsey, as Vallely appears to be close to him: "No, I have never previously heard of either J or S Woolsey, nor of course had any contact with them." Ironically, Aquino has been published twice by the Association of Former Intelligence Officers of which James Woolsey is a honorary chairman. His name appears in almost every AFIO magazine issue in some way or form. And Aquino hasn't heard of him? *) Have you ever been at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska? "No, I've never been to Offutt AFB in my entire life; in fact I've never been to the entire state of Nebraska either." All I can tell is that Aquino has been affiliated with Fort Leavenworth [Army general staff college], 165 miles south of Offutt, with really no major cities in the neighborhood besides Kansas City to the south and Omaha, Nebraska to the north. Guess he never travelled north. |
[89] | MacArthur sat on the board of AIG since at least 1982 (1985, Eustace Mullins, 'The World Order', based on S&P 1982 report on AIG; name appears also in mainstream publications on AIG from 1985 and on) and was a director until his death in 1997 (Dec. 24, 1996, SEC filing). |
[90] | July 10, 1987, UPI, 'Marcos not that rich, Aquino aides say': "Philippine officials scoffed Friday at claims by ousted ruler Ferdinand Marcos that he has $14 billion in gold treasure available to finance an armed comeback attempt. ''If he was that rich, then certainly he has got the kind of worth far beyond the imagination,'' Teodoro Benigno, President Corazon Aquino's spokesman, said. Benigno said Marcos's statement about his wealth, secretly tape-recorded by arms dealers, ''started like a cyclone and ended like a zephyr.'' Marcos's boasts, said armed forces spokesman Col. Honesto Isleta, were a ''propaganda ploy to boost the sagging morale of followers waiting for his return.'' Isleta said the military did not take seriously Marcos's statements that he planned to overthrow the government and take Aquino hostage July 10 with an invasion force of 10,000 men armed with $25 million worth of high-tech weapons, Stinger missiles and tanks. Marcos's plans were taped during conversations at his exile home in Honolulu in May with two American representatives of a Saudi arms merchant, Prince Mohamed Al-Fassi. Marcos said he was taking a loan from the Saudi prince and would repay it from his secret horde. He told the men he had 1,000 tons of gold valued at $14 billion hidden in the Philippines and another $500 million to $1 billion stashed away in Swiss banks. The Americans turned over their tapes to Filipino officials, who gave copies to U.S. officials in Washington, where they were aired by a congressional subcommittee Thursday. Marcos once claimed he had discovered ''part, if not all'' of the legendary treasure of Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita. Yamashita, a Japanese Imperial Army commander known as the ''Tiger of Malaya,'' is believed by some to have amassed a fortune in gold during his lightning conquest of the Malay peninsula in World War II. In 1978, American columnist Jack Anderson reported the State Department had evidence to show Marcos had maps to the Japanese treasure, supposedly scattered in 172 locations. American war prisoners who helped bury the treasure were executed, he said. In February, retired U.S. Maj. Gen. John Singlaub said he was on the trail of the Yamashita treasure, but the effort was aborted when charges were raised that he was using the hunt as cover for military activities. Minoru Fukumitsu, a Japanese war crimes investigator who served on the staff of the late Gen. Douglas MacArthur, said he made an exhaustive investigation into the Yamashita treasure but found no evidence it existed. He said Yamashita could not have brought his supposed loot from Malaya because he was sent from there to Manchuria and came to the Philippines only in the fall of 1944. Col. Isleta said he does not know if such a treasure exists, ''but I know some people swear by it.''" |
[91] | Files from Sterling Seagrave CD's. |
[92] | Ibid. |
[93] | 2003, Sterling Seagrave, 'Gold Warriors: The Covert History of Yamashitas Gold', p. 315. |
[94] | Files from Sterling Seagrave CD's. | ||||||||||||||||||||
[95] | November 13, 1982, New York Times, 'Austrialia suspects bank link to CIA': "Australian detectives are expected to visit the United States and Southeast Asia in the next few weeks as they attempt to determine whether the failed Sydney-based Nugan Hand Merchant Bank was involved in trafficking in heroin and covert activities of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. … The police report said of Mr. Hand: ''His business activities in the late 1960's and the early 1970's with members of the C.I.A.- controlled airline, Air America, and C.I.A.-connected Continental Air Service, and Agency for International Development led to the strong inference that Hand's intelligence activity was with the C.I.A. ''There is some evidence to suggest that Hand retained his U.S. intelligence ties through the 1970's and probably into the 1980's. Houghton was associated with U.S. intelligence personnel in Southeast Asia and Australia, and had some type of association with personnel in the Australian security and intelligence organization.'' … The sections include ''The destruction of Nugan Hand records;'' his meetings in 1979 with a former C.I.A. operative, Edwin P. Wilson, who was recently arrested in the United States and charged with exporting explosives to Libya to help train terrorists, and one headed, ''Houghton and two Australian clients of Nugan Hand - a case of fraud?'' Colby Is Named The report included a list of Americans who worked for Nugan Hand. Among them were Rear Adm. Earl Yates, U.S.N., retired, the first president of Nugan Hand International; William E. Colby, Director of Central Intelligence from 1973 to 1976, who worked as legal adviser to Nugan Hand International after 1979; Walter McDonald, former economist and oil expert at the C.I.A., who joined Nugan Hand International in 1979 as a consultant; Brig. Gen. Edwin Black, U.S.A., retired, the bank's representative in Hawaii; Lieut. Gen. LeRoy Manor, U.S.A.F., retired, the Nugan Hand representative in Manila; Dr. Guy Pauker, a consultant to Nugan Hand International, and Dale Holmgren, the bank's Taiwan representative, who was an Army officer in Taiwan." |
[96] | Files from Sterling Seagrave CD's. | ||||||||||||||||||||
[97] | Story told in: Prelude to Terror of Rodney Stitch. Also: 1998, Alexander Cockburn, 'Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs, and the Press', p. 224; 1989, Thomas Bodenheimer and Robert Gould, 'Rollback!', p. 70. |
[98] | See membership list for details: "Stump, Felix" | ||||||||||||||||||||
[99] | 1991, Bo Gritz (ISA and Delta Force commander), 'Called to Serve', p. 370. Khun Sa's interpreter, in the presence of all Khun Sa's top men, names Ted Shackley, Santos Trafficante (mafia boss), Richard Armitage, Daniel Arnold (CIA station chief in Thailand), and Jerry Daniels (CIA agent) as his former partners in the opium trade. This is recorded on video and audio tape. |
[100] | Removed. | ||||||||||||||||||||
[101] | Removed. | ||||||||||||||||||||
[102] | *) March 9, 1987, Sidney Morning Herald, 'Nugan Hand Linked to North' *) November 4, 1987, Sidney Morning Herald, 'How the CIA Stole a Bank' |
[103] | August 17, 1970, New York Times, 'Anti-Communist Council Prepares a Voting 'Index' on Congress' |
[104] | *) March 4, 1985, New York Times, 'Reagan's Star Wars Bid; Many Ideas Converging': "In May 1981, Dr. George A. Keyworth 2d was named the President's science adviser. A nuclear physicist, he was intimately familiar with the X-ray secrets and had been strongly endorsed for the job by Dr. Teller. Also in 1981, a group of influential scientists, industrialists, military men and aerospace executives began to meet in Washington, D.C., at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative ''think tank.'' Their goal was to formulate a plan for creating a national system of defense. Among them were Dr. Teller, Dr. Wood and such members of the President's ''kitchen cabinet'' as Joseph Coors, a beer executive; Justin Dart, a wealthy businessman, and Jacquelin Hume, an industrialist. The group's top officer was Karl R. Bendetsen, once Under Secretary of the Army, later chairman of the board of the Champion International Corporation, and a long-time overseer of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Since the 1940's he had known Dr. Teller, who in addition to his weapons work also held a post at Hoover. The group's second-in-command was Lieut. Gen. Daniel O. Graham ... But by late 1981 the group began to split over differing visions of how to carry out the task of space-based defense. Mr. Bendetsen, Dr. Teller and the Reagan 'kitchen cabinet' separated into a small group to investigate sophisticated proposals that would require much more research before being ready to use, while General Graham and his group, known formally as High Frontier, emphasized systems that could be built primarily from ''off the shelf.'' Another factor in the split, according to General Graham, was that Dr. Teller insisted on the inclusion of third- generation weapons powered by nuclear bombs. ''He wanted very much to leave in the nuclear options,'' the general said. ''The man is carrying a load and has taken a lot of abuse as the 'father' of the H-bomb. Now he wants to see nuclear technology turn out to be the answer in the opposite direction, to save the Western world.'' The split had vast implications in terms of Presidential access. Mr. Bendetsen and his friends visited the White House with ease. General Graham did not." *) August 1, 1988, New York Times, 'Scientist's View of Lasers Helped 'Star Wars'': "Recently declassified documents show that Edward Teller had viewed the nuclear X-ray laser, a disputed ''Star Wars'' weapon, as potentially vastly more powerful and flexible than had been discussed publicly. Dr. Teller, who energetically advocated the laser project, said a single device could simultaneously fire up to 100,000 separate laser beams at 100,000 targets in space." |
[105] | January 8, 1991, Russ Baker for Village Voice, 'A Thousand Points of Blight': "When AmeriCares decided Nicaragua had earned assistance, rightist Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo went to the airport to receive the first shipment, and the well-connected Knights of Malta distributed it. President Bush’s son Marvin was aboard the next AmeriCares flight, which arrived just days after Chamorro’s inauguration. He was met by a Knights of Malta ambassador by the name of Roberto Alejos Arzu, who, beyond his recent role as an avuncular dispenser of charity, has a long history of association with some of Central America’s most reactionary elements. ... Alejos’s links to the Reagan-Bush administrations go back to1979, when he hosted a delegation from the private military lobby, the American Security Council (ASC). The group, led by generals Singlaub (later of Iran-contra fame) and Daniel Graham, met with the president of Guatemala and took helicopter tours of rural counterinsurgency operations. Alejos later came to California and met with Reagan. “Mr. Reagan was in favor of human rights as much as we were,” Alejos said at the time. “I have personal respect and great admiration for Mr. Reagan. I think your country needs him.” Using tactics developed in Vietnam-and promoted there by AmeriCares advisory board member general Stilwell-the Guatemalan army has pursued a brutal scorched-earth policy, bombing and forcing the abandonment of whole villages. In 1983, more than a quarter of the 4 million Indians living in the highlands were pushed from their land, according to the Guatemalan Council of Bishops. Many tens of thousands have died, and the number of orphans is estimated in the hundreds of thousands." |
[106] | July 2, 1980, Washington Post, 'Salvadoran Rightist Eludes Ban Against Entering U.S.': "A retired Army intelligence official from El Salvador, who has been labeled a right-wing "terrorist" by the State Department and whose U.S. visa was revoked last month, gave a press conference five blocks from the Capitol yesterday despite warnings to the Immigration and Naturalization Service that he is in the country. The press conference and subsequent luncheon, sponsored by the American Legion and the American Security Council, was attended by dozens of reporters, at least one congressman and a State Department representative sent to verify the Salvadoran's appearance. State Department officials said they did not know how Maj. Robert D'Aubuisson entered the United States, since his name is listed as "ineligible" on the Immigration and Naturalization Service "lookout list" placed at all U.S. entry points. They said his visa was revoked following his alleged participation in a Salvadoran coup attempt last month and death threats made by his organization against U.S. diplomats there. At the press conference, at which he referred to U.S. Ambassador Robert White as a "proconsul" who sympathized with leftist guerrillas, D'Aubuisson urged strong U.S. backing of the Salvadoran military. His organization, the Board National Front of El Salvador, also has been accused publicly by international human rights organizations, and in private by U.S. officials, of organizing the assassination of hundreds of Salvadorans in that country's bloody political warfare in recent months." |
[107] | *) April 18, 1991, Col. Sam Dickens for Roll Call, 'Premature Hero Status': "The American Security Council sponsored a visit to Washington last week of the widow and son of Enrique Bermudez. They visited with several Members of Congress, met with Bush Administration officials, and testified before the Organization of American States to assess the tragic and pitiful situation in Nicaragua."" *) September 8, 1987, Associated Press, 'Kemp Says Honduran President Supports Aid to Contras': "Rep. Jack Kemp, a presidential candidate, said Tuesday he was told by the president of Honduras that U.S. aid should continue to Nicaraguan rebels despite a new Central American peace plan. ... Shortly after arriving Tuesday, Kemp and a few other members of the group were taken to a Nicaraguan rebel camp in southern Honduras for a meeting with Col. Enrique Bermudez. ... Among those in the group are Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus; Lyn Bouchey of the American Coalition for Traditional Values; Republican fund-raiser Richard Viguerie, and Sam Dickens of the American Security Council Foundation.")" *) April 9, 1991, Washington Times, 'Autopsy disputed in death of Contra': "Two Miami morticians who examined the body of slain Nicaraguan resistance leader Enrique Bermudez have challenged important details about the murder contained in an official death certificate and a statement by Nicaragua's Marxist military chief. ... Retired Air Force Col. Samuel Dickens, a director of the American Security Council and friend of Mrs. Bermudez's, spoke with the undertakers about the handling of the body at her request. The Washington Times reported last month that intelligence reports provided strong circumstantial evidence linking military chief of staff Gen. Humberto Ortega to the slaying. ... "I believe they [the Nicaraguans] removed the internal organs because they did not want the bullet or any fragments to be found," Col. Dickens said in an interview."" *) May-July 2010, Volume 11, Issue 11, American Security Council Foundation News Review, Henry A. Fisher, ASCF president: "The ceremony on March 21, 2010 was to be held at a rally to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the murder of Contra commander Comandante‟ Enrique Bermudez. Enrique Bermudez, codenamed “Comandante 380,” founded and commanded the Contras, the largest group of Free-dom Fighters in the war against Nicaragua‟s Marxist Sandinista government. From the inception in 1979 until the end of the military conflict in 1990, Bermudez was responsible for all military operations for the 25,000 man strong Contra force, and later the transition to a peaceful opposition political party after the historic free and fair election of President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro on February 25, 1990. Prior to his affiliation with the Contras, Enrique Bermudez had risen through the ranks of the Nicaraguan Guardia National to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and served under former Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza De-bayle. Lt. Colonel Bermudez was serving as military attaché‟ to the United States at the time of the 1979 revolution in Nicaragua by the Sandinistas. At that time Bermudez moved immediately into armed opposition against the Sand-inista Government becoming one of the most influential leaders in the fight for a free Nicaragua." *) May-July 2010, Volume 11, Issue 11, American Security Council Foundation News Review, Henry A. Fisher, ASCF president: "The ceremony on March 21, 2010 was to be held at a rally to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the murder of Contra commander Comandante‟ Enrique Bermudez. Enrique Bermudez, codenamed “Comandante 380,” founded and commanded the Contras, the largest group of Free-dom Fighters in the war against Nicaragua‟s Marxist Sandinista government. From the inception in 1979 until the end of the military conflict in 1990, Bermudez was responsible for all military operations for the 25,000 man strong Contra force, and later the transition to a peaceful opposition political party after the historic free and fair election of President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro on February 25, 1990. Prior to his affiliation with the Contras, Enrique Bermudez had risen through the ranks of the Nicaraguan Guardia National to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and served under former Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza De-bayle. Lt. Colonel Bermudez was serving as military attaché‟ to the United States at the time of the 1979 revolution in Nicaragua by the Sandinistas. At that time Bermudez moved immediately into armed opposition against the Sand-inista Government becoming one of the most influential leaders in the fight for a free Nicaragua." |
[108] | July 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'The Contra Conclave': "... several hundred members of the of the conservative American Security Council assembled yesterday at the Capital Hilton for their annual meeting ... Yonas Deressa, a spokesman for the Ethiopian Democratic resistance... Gurmit Singh Aulakh, an invited guest from the International Sikh Organization, made the case for U.S. aid to Sikh liberation. ... "India is completely in the Soviet bloc." Asked about the assassination of Indira Gandhi, he said, "She asked for it." [her son Rajiv took over and was assassinated in 1991] ... Souksomboun Sayasithsena of Laos, left, and Adolpho Calero at yesterday's ASC meeting. ... Fisher made periodic appearances on the platform, presenting a plague to ... Caspar Weinberger and a mounted white alabaster eagle to ... Robert J. Dole. " |
[109] | February 26, 1982, Associated Press, 'U.S. Official Alleges Nicaragua Killing Indians': "Fagoth said the American Security Council, a private organization known for its militant stand on defense and foreign policy issues, brought him to Washington." |
[110] | December 16, 1983, New York Times, 'Foreign Affairs': "There are conservative ''think tanks'' in the Washington area that make a point of having good relations with such ultras as Salvador's Roberto D'Aubuisson and Guatemala's Mario Sandoval Alarcon, who are officially shunned by the U.S. because of their murderous reputations. Among them are the Council on Inter-American Security, the American Security Council, and the National Strategic Information Center, the last organized in the 1960's by William Casey, now C.I.A. Director." |
[111] | January 26, 1986, Washington Post, 'Angola Rebel Chief to Receive U.S. Praise, and Possibly Aid' (Washington visit supported by the ASC) |
[112] | March 27, 1981, Washington Post, 'South Africa Tilt': "The episode apparently began in late February when officials of the private American Security Council notified the U.S. State Department of their intention to invite Lt. Gen. Van Der Westerhuizen and two other high-ranking military officials to Washington for an "internal briefing and seminar on the situation in South Africa." Since the officers would not apply for visas without assurances that they would be granted, would State Please say whether the visit would be approved? State told the ASC officials that the visas would not be granted. On March 7, State received another letter asking how the ASC should proceed without risking the embarrassment of a visa denial." (eventually the meeting did take place) |
[113] | June 10, 2010, The Telegraph, 'Did the US wage germ warfare in Korea? America denies using biological weapons in the Korean War. But North Koreans still claim the US dropped bombs containing disease-carrying insects and food.': " Masataka Mori, a professor of history at Shizuoka University in Japan, who has studied the activities for Unit 731 for many years, believes that Japan’s biological warfare programme was not fully investigated for good reason: Unit 731’s scientists, he says, were granted immunity in return for sharing the fruits of their research with the Americans. 'Before the tribunal, there was discussion among some member countries about putting Unit 731’s leaders on the stand,’ Prof Mori tells me when we meet in Pyongyang, 'but eventually the occupation authorities – led by Gen MacArthur – decided not to try them. The Americans wanted to obtain information about germ warfare from the unit because it was already the early stages of the Cold War.’ The US, in Mori’s opinion – supported by other researchers on this subject – 'wanted to monopolise that information and struck a deal whereby the members of Unit 731 received immunity in exchange for their knowledge’. While senior members of the unit are said to have returned to civilian life in Japan – in some cases rising to head key pharmaceutical corporations – Ishii, it has been claimed, was retained by the US military as an adviser. Several former members of Unit 731 have told Prof Mori that Ishii and at least two of his top researchers travelled to Korea after the outbreak of the conflict to advise the Americans on strategy, a claim repeated in Japan’s Asahi newspaper in March 1952. ... Unit 731 was run by Lt Gen Shiro Ishii, the man said to be responsible for converting Manchuria into one huge biological warfare laboratory under Japanese rule. ... In December 1949 the Soviet Union indicted 12 Japanese officers for plotting to use biological warfare and put them on trial in the city of Khabarovsk in the Russian far east. During the six-day trial, each of the defendants confessed to their roles in crimes documented in 18 volumes of evidence. They admitted killing hundreds of Soviet men, women and children in the course of their experiments and field tests. They also linked the Emperor Hirohito to the programme. The show trial was dismissed outside Russia as Soviet propaganda. After Japan’s surrender, researchers from Washington’s chemical and biological warfare projects were among the first to arrive in Tokyo, and, along with teams of war crimes investigators, were keen to track down senior members of Unit 731. Reports soon appeared in the international press about POWs and civilians being administered infectious agents in medical tests, along with news of Ishii being located by US forces on January 12 1946 (despite rumours that he had been shot dead and his family staging an elaborate 'funeral’ in his home town). Even then he was not arrested but merely confined to his Tokyo home while the investigation against him continued. " |
[114] | June 10, 2010, The Telegraph, 'Did the US wage germ warfare in Korea? America denies using biological weapons in the Korean War. But North Koreans still claim the US dropped bombs containing disease-carrying insects and food.': " Instigated after the Chinese leader Zhou Enlai sent a telegram on March 8 1952 to the Secretariat to the United Nations detailing claims of 448 germ warfare sorties by the US Air Force, the Commission’s report was compiled by experts from Sweden, France, Italy, Brazil and Russia, as well as Dr Joseph Needham, a respected British authority on Chinese science. The report contains a series of specific case studies. In one of them, more than 700 voles infected with plague were found in the Kan-Nan district of China in April 1952, including on rooftops and in haystacks, soon after a US aircraft had been seen passing overhead. In another, from the following month, a young woman is said to have found a straw package containing clams on a hillside close to Dai-Dong, North Korea. She took the shells home and cooked them; by the end of the following day, both the woman and her husband were dead from cholera. A search of the hillside, close to a reservoir, turned up several more packages of the infected clams. The Commission stated its belief that the aircraft that had been heard circling before the packages were found had been attempting to drop the clams into the reservoir to infect it. The Commission pointed out that some of the species of insects found during the conflict had never been seen in this part of Asia before, and certainly not in such huge concentrations and at unseasonable times of the year; the illnesses that they brought with them were often equally unheard of. 'In the light of all these and similar facts,’ the report concluded, 'the Commission has no option but to conclude that the American Air Force was employing in Korea methods very similar to, if not exactly identical with, those employed to spread plague by the Japanese during the Second World War.’ It added that the testimony of the hundreds of witnesses interviewed for the report were 'too simple, too concordant and too independent’ to be doubted. Washington dismissed the Commission’s findings. ... An explanatory sign alongside states that 34 species of insects carrying different diseases were identified as having been dropped on North Korea inside bombs like these. On shelves above the bomb are tall glass containers of preserved insects – fleas, ants, spiders. According to the museum guide, there were 804 reported germ bomb attacks across all of North Korea between February and March 1951 alone. ... Sim Dok Hwa, 75, looks over fields outside the hamlet of Chongbori, north of Pyongyang. 'I was one of four boys in my family, but my three brothers died,’ he tells me. 'My grandfather also died in the germ bomb attacks after they landed here. 'I remember it had been snowing and there were patches on the ground where it had collected. There was a big bomb crater, but it was not a bomb like we had seen before. When the bombs fell, they split into two parts when they hit the ground. My grandfather, who was 78 at the time, went to look at them…’ Sim was not allowed to approach the bombs, but recalls that villagers soon found unusual flies with very long legs, clustered together in the furrows of the fields. Chinese troops, wearing face masks and goggles, began collecting the insects and burning them. In mid-April 1952, about a month after the bombs had landed in the fields, Sim says, disease broke out. 'All the families in the village were fit and strong farmers,’ he says. 'But then, many died. It was a terrible thing for me to lose my family like that. I know that Americans are our enemy, but they should apologise.’ ... Prof Mori first visited North Korea in 1990 and has returned three times since to carry on his research. He has visited nine sites that reported germ weapon attacks by American forces during the war and interviewed more than 30 survivors. He says there are striking similarities between the diseases and weapons used by the Japanese military in China and those said to have been deployed by the United States against targets in northern Korea. 'The bombs found on the Korean Peninsula were made of metal, while those used in China were ceramic,’ he says, 'but the symptoms reported in North Korea are very similar to those witnessed in China.’" |
[115] | January 12, 2014, Japan Times, U.S. Army tested biological weapons in Okinawa: Rice fungus released in at least two sites in early 1960s, documents show: "The U.S. Army tested biological weapons in Okinawa in the early 1960s, when the prefecture was still under U.S. rule, according to U.S. documents obtained by Kyodo News. In the tests, conducted at least a dozen times between 1961 and 1962, rice blast fungus was released over paddies to see how it affected production, the documents made available by U.S. authorities showed. Rice blast disease causes lesions to form on the plant, threatening the crop. The fungus, which is known to occur in 85 countries, is estimated to destroy enough rice to feed 60 million people a year. The U.S. government has previously disclosed information on chemical and biological warfare tests it held at sea and on land in such places as Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Utah. The United States is believed to have had China and Southeast Asia in mind in developing such crop-harming agents. The U.S. government decided to end all biological weapons programs in 1969. An international convention against production and possession of biological weapons came into force in 1975. The obtained documents mention test sites including Nago and Shuri, both in Okinawa, but it is not known whether the experiments were conducted on U.S. bases there. In the field tests, the army “used a midget duster to release inoculum alongside fields in Okinawa and Taiwan,” measuring dosages at different distances and the effect on crop production, the documents said. A separate document said: “Field tests for stem rust of wheat and rice blast disease were begun at several sites in the (U.S.) midwest and south and in Okinawa with partial success in the accumulation of useful data.” After the war, Okinawa was administered by the United States until 1972. Separate from the latest findings, it has been reported that the U.S. military stored defoliants on Okinawa during the Vietnam War. According to past reports by Jon Mitchell published in The Japan Times, construction workers unearthed more than 20 rusty barrels from beneath a soccer field in the city of Okinawa in June. The land was once part of Kadena Air Base — the Pentagon’s largest installation in the Pacific region — but was returned to civilian use in 1987. Tests revealed that the barrels contained two ingredients of military defoliants used in the Vietnam War: the herbicide 2,4,5-T and 2,3,7,8,-TCDD dioxin. Levels of the highly toxic TCDD in nearby water measured 280 times the safe limit. The Pentagon has repeatedly denied storing defoliants — including Agent Orange — on Okinawa. Following the discovery, it distanced itself from the barrels. A representative said the Defense Department was investigating whether the barrels had been buried after the land’s return in 1987, and a U.S. government-sponsored scientist suggested they may merely have contained kitchen or medical waste. However, the conclusions of the Japanese and international scientific community were unequivocal: Not only did the barrels disprove Pentagon denials of the presence of military defoliants in Japan, but the polluted land also posed a threat to the health of local residents and required immediate remediation." |
[116] | 2005, Joan Mellen, 'A Farewell to Justice', pp. 118-119 (generally seems accurate and very well researched; praised by Oliver Stone): "The search of Clay Shaw's house produced [interesting things]. ... Downstairs, the walls were covered with pale green silk, the floors with Oriental carpets. Upstairs, it was as if an entirely different man here. Attached to the beams in the ceiling over the bed in the master bedroom, just as Dr. Lief's patient had described them, were huge hooks with chains fitted with wrist straps hanging free, hooks large enough to hang a human body. On the ceiling were bloody palm prints. Many hands had been suspended there, William Alford thought, and he wondered whether anyone had died or been seriously injured in this room. A black gown bore "whip marks," William Gurvich noticed. Five whips bore traces of blood. A cat-o'-nine-tails sat in the closet. "Let's dust and lift those prints," Alford said. Ivon refused. The boss [Jim Garrison] didn't want to make Shaw's sexuality an issue. At 11:15, [Jim] Garrison's investigators emerged from 1313 Dauphine Street with five cardboard boxes containing ropes, whips, chains, marble phalluses, the black cape, a black hood and black lacquer Asian-type sandals with white satin linings that had never thouched pavement, belying the later contention that hese were Mardi Gras costumes. Shaw's notebooks contained the names of European aristocrats. Jim Garrison sent the phalluses, whips and chains to Robert Heath, the head of psychiatry at Tulane [a MKULTRA center, with Heath being accused of involvement and experimenting on children]. Heath concluded that Shaw's motive for becoming involved in a conspiracy to murder President Kennedy "could very possibly have been rooted in his sadistic, homosexual abnormality," a thesis Jim Garrison rejected. "I don't want that factor to enter this case," Garrison reiterated, even as, privately, he called Shaw a "Phi Beta Kappa sadist." Nor would he investigate whether violent sex crimes had emanated from behind those red doors at 1313 Dauphine Street. He did not pursue complaints against Shaw stemming from sexual evenings when violent practices were rumored to have gotten out of hand. Alford's suspicions about those bloody handprints had been well founded. Shaw's maid, Virginia Johnson, would reveal that there had been a "mysterious death or killing of someone in the house," and although the coroner had come to pick up the body, there had been no police investigation. Al Oser discovered that only two weeks before Shaw's arrest, the police were called "because Clay Shaw, a white male, and two colored males were on the patio naked and using wine bottles on each other." Among the first people Shaw notified after his arrest was Fred Lee Crisman, Tommy Beckheam's mentor. He was in trouble, Shaw told fellow CIA operative Crisman. In addition to their political affiliations, Shaw and Crisman had sexual proclivities in common. Crisman would describe himself as "being sadistic in sexual practice preferences."" |
[117] | *) The Borgheses married into two generations of daughters of the French Dukes of Rochefoucauld. Duke Francois de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827) was a member of the Amis Reunis Lodge in Paris and was considered a member of the Illuminati. *) Francesco Borghese (1776-1839) and Adele De La Rochefoucauld (1793-1877) --> Marcantonio Borghese (1814-1886) and Therese De La Rochefoucauld (1823-1894) --> Paolo Borghese IX (1845-1920) --> Livio Borghese (1874-1939) --> Prince Junio Valerio Borghese (1906-1974). *) Francesco Borghese (1776-1839) and Adele De La Rochefoucauld (1793-1877) --> Marcantonio Borghese (1814-1886) and Therese De La Rochefoucauld (1823-1894) --> Francesco Borghese (1847-1926) --> Marco Borghese (1875-1942) --> Paolo Borghese (1904-1985), who married Marcella Fazi, who became Princess Marcella Borghese (1911-2002). *) Prince Eugene de Riquet de Caraman-Chimay (1843-1881) --> Countess Alys de Riquet de Caraman-Chimay (Paris, 1868 - Rome, 1953), who was married to Princess Giovani Battista Borghese (1855-1918), a brother of Paolo IX and Francesco Borghese, and therefore a great uncle to Junio, Paolo and Marcella. *) Prince Valerio Borghese: (founder of Mussolini's naval special warfare unit, the aristocratic XMAS unit (also involved the House of Savoy), and was its commander during WWII; rescued and recruited as an "anti-communist" by the OSS/CIA officer James Angleton after WII; became known as the "black prince"; backer of Italy's neofascist party MSI 1945-1967 and honorary president 1950-1954; backer of the even more fascist Fronte Nazionale 1967-1970; leader of a failed fascist coup attempt in Italy on December 8, 1970 at the time of socialist president Giuseppe Saragat; fled to Franco's fascist Spain after the aborted coup; considered a key player in the CIA-NATO strategy of tension involving terrorism and assassinations to undermine the left) *) The House of Savoy is discussed to some extent in ISGP's La Nebuleuse article. |
[118] | July 31, 2000, Alex Constantine interviewed by Kris Millegan, answering the question, "What got you interested in conspiracies?": "My interest in fascist conspiracies, to be specific, began about 12 years ago. I was the proverbial academic nabob engaged in writing plays and short stories, also book, film and television reviews for publications in southern California. I frowned at any claims of political conspiracies. But back in Ohio I had run an alternative newspaper in a blighted urban area, where I had written hard news stories about police abuse, urban renewal and gentrification, redlining by the insurance companies and such, and craved an opportunity to cover a story with some substance as news. So I flew up to San Francisco and covered the John Doe 60 trial. This was not exactly your workaday murder case. It involved the kidnap and cannibalizing of a homeless man by a couple of SF satanists. One of them had a swastika tattoo on his face. The other, Cliff St. Joseph, was a waiter. Together, they had abducted "John Doe 60," took him to St. Joseph's apartment, strapped him down, pumped him full of narcotics and proceeded to carve on him all night long. They cut a pentagram into his chest, ate one of his testicles, and tortured him with knives until he bled to death. The body was left under a truck parked south of Market. All of this, of course, was repulsive, led me to ponder how anyone could sink so low as to commit this atrocity. I interviewed the lead witness; a 20-year-old kid named Eddy, over the course of three days. Eddy informed me that there were some 22 members of this satanic cult, including police officers and some very wealthy people living across the Bay. One of the cultists involved with St. Joseph worked for the Bechtel Corp. There were ties to SDI and the Reagan White House. How could this be? What did these killers have to do with Republican politicians? Moreover, Eddy told me that he'd been whisked off the street one day by a CIA agent, and held for three days of questioning. I returned to Los Angeles, shaped my trial notes into a story. It appeared in the LA Weekly. But I was not done with this atrocity and its attendant leads. CIA? Reagan? Star Wars? Mind Control? What the Hell was going on? I was obsessed and had to have some answers. I began buying newspapers from around the world, calling reporters and investigators, searching for relevant information and to my surprise it existed. My nagging curiosity regarding satanism led me to mind control and fascism. I had quite a catalogue of information assembled when I turned on the radio one evening and heard Mae Brussell for the first time. She was then on Michael Aquino's case, which dovetailed neatly with my own work. I phoned parents of children involved in the Presidio child molestation case that I'd interviewed a few weeks before, told them about Mae Brussell's program, and they phoned her. Mae set up an interview with them and attended the parents' meetings. I had arranged this as a way of establishing trust, but before I could lay the groundwork toward a meeting with her, she was dead. This hit me very hard. I drove to Monterey and explained my own work and interest in Mae Brussell to Al Kunzer at KAZU. Kunzer produced the radio program that aired her work. He put me on the air for four hours over a two-day period. The response was very favorable. Kunzer asked me to make it a weekly conspiracy show, so I tried to pick up where Mae had left off, as a way, I think, of keeping her alive. I refused to let a voice so important be stilled by mere human mortality, and still feel this way." |
[119] | See ISGP's Cult of National Security Trolls: Art Bell and Coast to Coast AM article. | ||||||||||||||||||||
[120] | See ISGP's The Netherlands in Perspective: Demmink Affair reveals the supranational politics of heroin, cocaine, blackmail and deception article. | ||||||||||||||||||||
[121] | September 23, 1947 memo of General Nathan Twining to General George Schulgen, intelligence chief of the Army Air Forces (AAF) : "It is the opinion that: a. The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious. ... d. The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely." |
[122] | 1965, Curtis LeMay and MacKinlay Kantor, 'Mission with LeMay: My Story', pp. 541-543: "Naturally I am not quoting any Classified information. I am giving the straightest answers I can give... We had a number of reports from reputable people (well-educated, serious-minded folks - scientists and flyers) who surely saw something. There is no question about it: these were things which we could not tie in with any natural phenomena known to our investigators. ... To my knowledge, there's never been any directive or effort from the top, in the Air Force, to control the public attitude toward UFOs. And repeat again: there were some cases we could not explain. Never could." The no Air Force cover up part doesn't seem to be true, as Kantor made clear when he tried to report his own UFO sighting to the Air Force. Then there is the following article: December 22, 1958, Newark Star-Ledger, 'Pilots Ridicule AF Secrecy on Saucers' [link] |
Full membership list plus biographies and sources
American Security Council documents
[1] | 1960, Institute for American Security (later American Security Council Foundation) and the National Military-Industrial Conferences it oversaw (photocopy) |
[2] | 1964,
American Security Council, Guidelines for Cold War Victory, pp. 7-12 (taken from Google Books - not sure of exact order of names in certain places): "This bipartisan commission of able and distinguished citizens — chaired by Loyd Wright, co-chairman of the ASC's National Strategy Committee — was established by both houses of Congress in 1955 ... President: John M. Fisher President and Chief Executive Officer, American Security Council. Vice President: Dr. James D. Atkinson, President American Military lnstitute. Karl Baarslag, Author and Lecturer.
*The officers of the American Security Council: Senior Vice President: Kenneth M. Piper, Motorola, lnc. Vice President: Stephan L. Donchess, U. S. Steel Corporation. Vice President: John G. Sevcik, Burton-Dixie Corporation. Vice President: Russell E. White, General Electric Company. Secretary-Treasurer: Cyril W. Hooper, Stewart-Warner Corporation. ... National Strategy Committee: ...
Chairman Robert W. Galvin, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Motorola, lnc. Co-Chairman Lloyd Wright Past President The American Bar Association Lt. General Edward M. Almond, USA (Ret.) Former Chief of Staff To General Douglas MacArthur Bennett Archambault Chairman of the Board Stewart-Warner Corporation Lloyd L. Austin Chairman of the Board Security-First. Chairman of the Board Belden Manufacturing Company Spruille Braden Former Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs Dr. W. A. Brandenburg President Nebraska State Teachers College Lt. General Lewis H. Brereto Former Commanding General Ninth U.S. Army Air Force Admiral Charles M. Cooke Former Deputy Chief Naval Operations Brutus Coste Secretary General Assembly of Captive European Nations Robert Donner Chairman Donner Foundation Henry Duque Partner Adams, Duque & Hazeltine Charles Edison Former Governor of New Jersey Wade Fetzer, Jr. Chairman Alexander & Company Patrick J. Frawley, Jr. Chairman of the Board Eversharp, lnc., and Technicolor, lnc. Fred Gillies Retired Chairman of the Board Benjamin Gitlow, of the Executive Committee and Praesidium of the Communist lnternational Acme Steel Company Henry Hazlitt, Contributing Editor Newsweek Magazine Honorable Robert C. Hill, Former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. Clifford Hood Former President United States Steel Corporation Wayne A. Johnston President lllinois Central Railroad William H. Kendall Dr. Stanley K. Hornbeck, Former Director Office of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State. President Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company Dr. Russell Kirk, Author and Lecturer. William F. Knowland, Former U.S. Senator from California. Marvin Liebman, Secretary Committee for One Million. Ernest J. Loebbecke, President Title lnsurance and Trust Company Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce, Former Congresswoman and Ambassador to ltaly, Dr. Charles Malik, Former President United Nations General Assembly Hughston M. McBain Retired Chairman of the Board Marshall Field & Company Arthur G. McDowell, Executive Secretary, Council Against Communist Aggression A. B. McKee, Jr. President Forest Lumber Company lmperial Valley Lumber Company Frank S. Meyer, author and lecturer. Dr. John D. Millett, President, Miami University Admiral Ben Moreell Former Chairman of the Board Jones & Laughlin Steel Company Dr. Robert Morris - Former President University of Dallas Dr. Nicholas Nyaradi, Director, School of lnternational Studies, Bradley University. Dr. Emilio Nunez Portuondo, Former Chairman of the Security Council of the United Nations Dr. Stefan Possony, Director of lnternational Studies Hoover lnstitution Stanford University Admiral J. W. Reeves USN (Ret.), Carrier Task Group Commander World War ll. Dr. Harold R. Rice President Moore lnstitute of Art Henry Salvatori, Chairman Western Geophysical Company. Vice Admiral W. G. Schindler Former Commander U.S. Naval Forces Germany. Major General Leigh Wade, Former Chief U.S. Military Commission to Brazil. Mrs. Alice Widener Editor and Publisher "USA" Magazine. Major General Charles A. Willoughby USA (Ret.). ... Admiral Felix B. Stump USN (Ret.), Former Commander-in-Chief, Pacific. Dr. Edward Teller Nuclear Scientist Rear Admiral Chester C. Ward USN (Ret) Former Judge Advocate General U.S. Navy General Albert C. Wedemeyer USA (Ret.) Chief U.S. President Quaker Oats Company. ... [Others:] ...
Bryton Barron, Former Chief, Treaty Staff Department of State. Dr. Anthony T. Bouscaren, Professor of Political Science, Le Moyne College. Major General Garrison B. Coverdale, USA-Ret., Former Chief, U.S. Army Intelligence Corps, Administrative Director, American Security Council. Dr. Lev E. Dobriansky, Professor of Economics, Georgetown University. William Gill, National Editor, American Security Council, Washington Report. ...
Former Assistant to the Chairman Atomic Energy Commission. Edgar Ansel Mowrer Syndicated Columnist. Dr. Gerhart Niemeyer, Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame. Lee R. Pennington Chief, Washington Bureau, American Security Council. Dr. T. L. Shen, Professor of Economics, Lynchburg College. Duane Thorin, Author and Lecturer. Lecturer Stanley J. Tracy Former Assistant Director Federal Bureau of lnvestigation. ... E) Industry Relations Committee:
L. L. Aubert, Vice President Signal Oil and Gas Company. Thomas B. Bartel, Vice President, Quaker Oats Company. Admiral Robert W. Berry, Pacific Coast Regional Director, National Security lndustrial Association. Quentin W. Best, President, Consolidated Rock Products Company. R. H. Biron, Vice President General Dynamics/Astronautics. Walter Candy, President Bullock's lncorporated. Felix Chappellet, Vice President and General Manager, Western Oil and Gas Association Robert B. Coons Vice President American Potash & Chemical." |
[3] | 1968, American Security Council, national strategy committee (photocopy) |
[4] | 1975, American Security Council, national strategy committee (photocopy) |
[5] | 1983, American Security Council, strategy board and national strategy committee (copy-past of ASC names from the blog of Gregg Hilton, a former executive director of the ASC): "American Security Council Foundation, Strategy Board, Co-Chairmen: Dr. Ray Cline; Ambassador William Kintner; John M. Fisher; Dr. William Van Cleave; Rear Admiral Robert H. Spiro, Jr. Strategy board, American Security Council Foundation: Daniel Arnold, President. Hon. Edwin Feulner, Jr. ... Dr. Richard Bissell ... John M. Fisher ... Richard Foster ... General Edwin Black ... Dr. Stephen Gibert ... Dr. Robert E. Budwine ... Dr. Leon Goure ... Clay Claiborne ... Walter Hahn ... Dr. Ray Cline ... Dr. Robert Jastrow ... ... Phil Karber ... Dr. Sam Cohen ... Hon. William Kintner ... Dr. Joseph Douglass ... Major General Richard Larkin ... Ms. Harriet Scott ... General Lyman Lemnitzer ... Colonel William Scott ... Neil C. Livingstone ... General John Singlaub ... Dr. Edward Luttwak ... Rear Admiral Robert H. Spiro, Jr. ... Dr. John Norton Moore ... Kenneth Steadman ... Dr. Keith B. Payne ... Dr. Edward Teller ... Dr. Richard Pipes ... Hon. Scott Thompson ... Dr. Stefan Possony ... Dr. William Van Cleave ... Raymond Wannall ... Nils Wessell ... General Albert C. Wedemeyer ... Admiral Elmo Zumwalt ... National Strategy Committee: Co-Chairmen: The Honorable Elbridge Durbrow, Maj. General Milnor Roberts ... Major General Robert E. L. Eaton ... General Bernard A. Schriever ... Mr. Robert W. Galvin ... General Bruce K. Holloway ... Dr. William R. Van Cleave ... General Lyman L. Lemnitzer ... Admiral Thomas H. Moorer ... Mr. James Angleton ... Mr. G. Duncan Bauman ... Dr. James D. Atkinson ... Brig. General Edwin F. Black ... Mr. Gus A. Buder, Jr. ... Maj. General Vernon B. Lewis, Jr. ... Mr. Francis B. Burch ... The Honorable John Davis Lodge ... The Honorable Clare Boothe ... Dr. Stephen P. Gibert Luce ... Mr. A. B. McKee, Jr. ... Lt. General Gordon M. Graham ... General Theodore Ross Milton ... General Paul D. Harkins ... Dr. Robert Morris ... Dr. Montgomery H. Johnson ... Mr. Charles J. V. Murphy ... General Leon W. Johnson ... Mr. Asa E. Phillips, Jr. Hon. William R. Kintner ... Vice Admiral Fitzhugh Lee ... Dr. Stefan T. Possony ... General Curtis E. Lemay ... Mr. Ira G. Ross USAF ... General John K. Singlaub ... Colonel Raymond S. Sleeper ... Major General Dale O. Smith ... Dr. Kenneth M. Watson ... Albert C. Wedemeyer, USA, (Ret.) ... Mr. Harvey E. Stoehr ... Dr. A. B. Suttle ... General I. D. White, USA ... Dr. Edward Teller ... Dr. Eugene P. Wigner ... General Lewis. W. Walt ... Mr. Harvey Williams " |
[6] | November 1, 2005, John M. Fisher for the American Security Council, extensive history (document) |
[7] | Undated, American Security Council, 'The Founders, Benefactors and Strategists of the American Security Council' (document) |
[8] | Circa 1986, list of directors of the World Anti-Communist League - Enormous overlap with the American Security Council (document) |
[1] | July 10, 1958, New York Times, 'Group Lists Data on Subversives: Business Men Aid Chicago Council, Which Claims a File of Million Names' (photocopy) |
[2] | August 17, 1970, New York Times, 'Anti-Communist Council Prepares a Voting 'Index' on Congress' (photocopy) |
[3] | August 1, 1972, Wall Street Journal, 'Cold-War Warriors: Anticommunist Group Lobbies To Keep U.S. A Military Superpower; American Security Council Is Well-Heeled and Influential, Wary of 'Extremist' Label'; Praise From 3 Presidents' (photocopy) |
[4] | August 10, 1978, The Guardian, 'US 'scrap disarmament' group' (photocopy) |
[5] | January 8, 1979, Washington Post, 'Boston, Va., Estate Is Cold-War College' (article) |
[6] | June 17, 1986, Washington Post, 'The Contra Conclave: 'Freedom Fighters' Gather in Washington' (photocopy) |
[7] | November 11, 1989, The National Journal, 'In From the Cold' (article) |
Full membership list plus biographies and sources