Feedback to ISGP from professors, foreign policy experts, journalists, the occasional think tank elitist, and average readers
Jan. 2008, individual who played an important role in a number of elite, privately-funded think tanks and related NGOs. I was invited for a group meeting in Strasbourg, but declined.
"I was struck and still am by never been able to find any link at all, all over the whole web, to ISGP; strange, and maybe a strong indication of the danger that site represents for quite a lot of people of power.
"I was introducing it related to the war going on at the top of US power, also related to Trump, the hostility he's served with, hostility that does not seem to fade. ...
"Very strange that ISGP is never, or very close to never being linked, especially in the alternative media, the independent, antagonist sites, I never found any mention of it. It looks the site really scares a few people."
Jan. 2017, comment poster. (Screenshot) Not an "authoritative" show-of-support, but a particularly greatly-worded one. This author welcomes support from all layers of society.
If we ignore the army of Holocaust-denying, chemtrail-pushing trolls/bots trying to get under your skin, feedback from average site visitors has always been more than positive. In fact, so positive that it makes the fact of (extreme) search engine, forum admin, and media censorship of ISGP an interesting question. Following is a selection of many dozens of emails and internet comments on ISGP.
To add to credibility, I've been adding quite a few screenshots for the more recent feedback comments. I also added a bunch of comments from Reddit which is tightly censored along antifa lines, with ISGP mostly banned from any discussion - because by 2023-2024 that was about the only feedback I could get due to Google censorship. And it might well be the last online feedback before all search engines are fully scraped from any "dissenting" information.
Names are not given, except in two cases, as ordinarily it's better for people to not be publicly associated with this site. In fact, it simply is so unsafe to post them in the modern era of "free speech" - social media and business website-deletion-wise - that I even refuse when permission is given.
I do correct spelling errors, or add punctuation marks for readability, but other than that these are verbatim citations.
^Feedback in the 2020s
I did not back up any feedback from early 2018 to early 2021. In this period already, feedback started to get scarce due to extreme Google censorship, which was increased from 99% to 99.99% by Google in 2023, on top of other search engines starting to censor as well.
"ISGP-Studies is a must-see resource with more information than I've personally seen anywhere else AND the best citations for proof of work that I've yet come across elsewhere."
- Internet comment. (Nov. 2024)
"[Poster 1:] Thank me later. ... [Reply 1:] Holy shit. Thank you. ... [Reply 2:] That's like the old internet, those were interesting times."
- Internet comments. (Nov. 2024)
"I was skeptical of the "Liberal" and "Conservative CIA" posts, but the articles did a good job of laying things out in a cohesive manner. ... I've always found [ISGP] to be a compelling source of conspiracy information, despite the often controversial topics you cover. [You have] made as much attempt to be as objective as possible. It makes quite a refreshing change from the more schizo theories you see online."
- Email from reader. (June 2024)
"THE only conspiracy site: ... THE conspiracy website."
- Internet comment. (June 2024)
"Joel van der Reijden is the man: ... pilgrims-society-us-uk."
- Internet comment. (June 2024) (Screenshot)
"I was just reading the "About" section of your website, and a lot of the compliments were a few years old. ... It's 2024, and your site is still unbelievable. And yet, also, it's so "unbelievably" well-sourced that it's quite literally undeniable. I am having a hard time coming to grips with the... scope of it all, though I don't think scope covers it. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the obvious time and effort you put into this site, and offering your insight for free. Truly humanitarian."
- Email from reader. (April 2024)
"[Poster 1:] Joël van der Reijden has created a database of over 1,300 important NGOs worldwide and all the key people running them. ... A massive work over 20 years. Highly recommended! ... [Poster 2:] ... A brief as large as his ... would be impossible for a one man operation... [Poster 3:] Thanks for the link. More intelligent analysis than many I have read."
- Internet comments. (January 2024) (Screenshot)
"I respect ... your attitude to research. Your concept of key 2000 NGOs - no way to do it more reasonably or even close to any better. ... Also with some other stuff, like your eye-opening concepts for "liberal CIA" and "conservative CIA" that are basics for any research to develop on - this no one could have done even close to better than you."
- Email from volunteer research aide. (November 2023)
"Just wanted to say if you were to compile all of your research and put it into books, I would buy those books even if they were to cost hundreds of dollars."
- Email from a reader. (November 2023)
"[I] arrived at the website by chance. Someone linked it on a doom and gloom conspiracy reddit or instagram post. First and only time I have seen it referenced. Amazing work. I cant believe how well researched it is with sources and quotes from people that have been wiped everywhere else. It connects so much information that would take years to do. Impossible with 1 hour a week free time. Such a wonderful breath of fresh air when wondering how the world has worked. And that the influence of rich powerful people is not a conspiracy."
- Email from a reader. (September 2023)
"Hi, I just wanted to tell you that the quality of the content on your website is amazing."
- Email from a reader. (September 2023)
"Please excuse this unsolicited message, but I ... came across your extraordinary work via your website and would very much like to reference and use some of it in my book. ... If you haven't published these or some of these works in book form, do you intend to? The world could do with greater access to your work! ... Your work is just dynamite."
- Email from a Ph.D. reader. (August 2023)
"I stumbled across your website the other day and I was astounded at the level of research you've done. ... What I think is the most impressive about your research is that it's cited. ... It's as if you are approaching every subject matter like you are presenting it to a jury in a legal case. In my opinion, it's the only way you can do it, and, in my life, I've never seen it done until I came across your website."
- Email from a reader. (February 2023)
"I have been visiting your website for about 3 years now consistently, and I had to reach out. Never stop! The information you have amassed and organized is unlike any other content creator on the internet. Each new article is mind-blowing the quality and detail of the reporting. You are truly a force for good in a cesspool of absolutely horrible conspiracy content. You are a fucking genius, and your website have been foundational for my worldview. I'm a Zoomer, and you can imagine how hard it WAS to interpret conspiracies with the nonstop propaganda. And then I found your site and BOOM! Anyways, I just had to reach out. You're the man!"
- Email from a reader (May 2023). A "Zoomer" is "Generation Z".
"Joel van der Reijden has long been widely noted as the radiant exception to a dismal rule - for his uniquely credible investigations of ruthlessly sensationalized subjects - including shadow elite players owning and operating the psychedelic movement (through the power of big money)."
- Internet comment (March 2022).
"Yeah drug culture has been managed as a weapon against the people for 50 yrs. See the analysis on ISGP studies (I don't think i can link this site). ... ... If you can see this comment can you briefly respond to it? I'm curious if the ISGP link is filtered here [in r/Antipsychiatry/] on reddit like it is other places."
- Internet comment (March 2022).
"I am a graduate student in policy analysis and am impressed by the information in your NGO list. I am wondering how you put all that together?"
- Email from a reader. (November 2021)
"I started reading your work on 9/11 probably a decade ago... I not only found it by far the best research on 9/11 I had seen, but it has ever since had a profound impact on my worldview and understanding of global politics in a way no other source has sufficiently matched. ...
"Re: Google [censorship]. Wow, those numbers [of what ISGP content each search engine is censoring] are interesting. I find it particularly interesting [that] “black race crime numbers” is considered by DDG [DuckDuckGo] and Bing as more unacceptable than intranational conspiracies. Not something I would have expected."
- Email from a reader. (September 2021)
"I hate to ask this because it's such a morbid question, but ... why are you still alive? Is the simple answer that your website is somehow not viewed as threatening (enough)? Again I'm sorry to ask this, but it seems like an obvious thing to ask."
- Email from a reader. (August 2021)
"Just found an amazing site. Evidence based analysis of all credible conspiracies. It’s the "Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics ... Here is an example: "Jeffrey Epstein..." It’s a concise but detailed read. Lots of footnotes from credible sources. They uncover evidence I've not seen anywhere else. There are hundreds of other articles on the site. Incredible work by someone."
- Internet post, with 211 upvotes. (July 2021) (Screenshot)
"YES! I've been following this [ISGP] page for a year, since I found it. It is truly wonderful."
- Internet comment. (July 2021) (Screenshot)
"[ISGP is the] perfect find for the long weekend."
- Internet comment. (July 2021) (Screenshot)
"Damn, this is impressive. No sensationalism, no manipulation, just presentations of (what looks to be a genuine attempt at unbiased) facts, and hypothetical analysis of them. ... Very impressed with the effort."
- Internet comment. (July 2021) (Screenshot)
"Great find [this ISGP], this reminds me of the older conspiracy rabbit hole sites that would link to each other back in the early 2000s. Love getting lost in these."
- Internet comment. (July 2021) (Screenshot)
"I found that [ISGP] site a few months ago and it's a good clearinghouse for a lot of good information. The reason the guy started it is also very interesting. [The] guy realizes that there's fuckery afoot, with regards to a lot of "official" narratives and starts digging. Digs for years and puts thousands of hours into building a website that links an awful lot of stuff and people together. ... A lot of the stuff on ISGP are things I've found elsewhere, but it's a lot more detailed on this site. I linked this site in a post a few months ago to share with everyone."
- Internet comment. (July 2021) (Screenshot)
Feedback in the 2010s
"[Comment:] Have I got a website for you, friend: You will learn more about Le Cercle than you can imagine. Great write up on the Dutroux article too. [Reply:] Well, I'm not getting any work done the rest of the week!"
- Internet comments (October 2019).
"I found your site when someone linked an article you did about SAPs. Little did I know what a wealth of information you have. I've been in and out of 'conspiracy' circles since having questions re: 9/11 like you. ... Again and again I found that seeking truth just lead me to liars like [Alex] Jones. Your content on the towers is the most honest, thorough, and complete I have ever seen. It hurts my heart how very few people are aware of it all (or worse yet, how little they care). You're a true role model and honorable man."
- Email from a reader. (February 2018)
"We are both impressed by your website and would love to meet you."
- Representative of a former managing director of a top Wall Street firm and George H. W. Bush administration official (I declined to meet). (January 2018).
"Along with Wikileaks ... ISGP has achieved what I and my colleagues set out to do 45 years ago... Finding your website made me very happy. For many years after the break-up of [our publication], I feared that no one wanted to know or reveal the truth about the ruling classes."
- Prominent security service whistleblower and magazine founder whose clique was close to the CIA-Washington Post "Georgetown Set". (December 2017)
"I don't come here much, but I can only assume all of you have read this site's expansive analysis? The most thorough and objective on the internet. ..."
- Internet poster. (August 2017) (Screenshot)
"I found this site, ISGP, quite a few years back, thanks to a link from Wikipedia, of all the sites. It was [already] at the time a very deep, very well researched and linked, annotated investigation on the secret societies that have always plagued world's politics at the top.
"I was struck and still am by never been able to find any link at all, all over the whole web, to ISGP; strange, and maybe a strong indication of the danger that site represents for quite a lot of people of power.
"But I was introducing it related to the war going on at the top of US power, also related to Trump, the hostility he's served with, hostility that does not seem to fade. ...
"Very strange that ISGP is never, or very close to never being linked, especially in the alternative media, the independent, antagonist sites, I never found any mention of it. It looks the site really scares a few people."
- comment poster. (January 2017) 1 (Screenshot).
"Cult of National Security Trolls: ... I have been meaning to read this long article for three days. Finally got around to it. This is great stuff."
- Internet comment. (December 2016)
"I couldn’t help reading your excellent compendium of the evidence against the NIST WTC 7 report..."
- Structural engineer Tony Szamboti, with experience at Lockheed and BAE Systems. Permission to post name. (December 2015) Szamboti publicly plugged this author during a debate with rent-a-skeptic Mick West (who has appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast) on May 6, 2020. 2
"This guy is a one man army."
- Internet comment. (October 2015)
"I am currently working on a Ph.D. project which focuses on a network analysis of the informal governance of the global elite after World War II. I am a big fan of your work [and it] will save me a lot of time."
- Foreign policy expert for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Academy of Sciences in an eastern European country. Some involvement in regional NGOs. (February 2015)
"Your site just looks totally fantastic... What a load of research you've done. "
- Ph.D. documentary maker from England. (December 2014)
"I'm impressed with the scale and breadth of research you have on your site. "
- Ph.D. researcher on European business at a major Dutch university. (November 2014)
"I am shocked that it took me so long to stumble upon your material. ... For the longest time, Alex Jones was my gateway into the conspiracy realm. A lot of the right-leaning circles love to expose things like Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc., but after I read what you had to say about a lot of that on your website, it finally made sense to me why only the Eastern Establishment gets exposed."
- Master's student from Oregon. (October 2014)
"[Maybe you can] get a doctorate - it is certainly of a high enough standard, and there's plenty enough in what you've written to produce a full doctoral thesis If you fancied the idea, Prof __ [of a major university and specialized in Atlantic relations and intelligence studies] ... would seem the best choice. I'd be happy to support the idea with him if that was where you wanted to go."
- Suggested after making the new Cercle documents available. Unlikely to happen though. (November 2011)
"Why would you take it down? You are providing valuable information. You want people like David Icke to be the only ones carrying the torch? ... Your writings have had a huge impact on my overall political worldview. You are right up there with Noam Chomsky."
- Email from reader (October 2010). ISGP was hosted elsewhere at a backup location from about October 2010 to December 2014.
"I must admit that I am naturally skeptical of any information that I come across, but when I started to really look at these articles and follow up with more research from reliable sources, close to all of what I had read from ISGP not only became factually consistent to me but also logically coherent (in terms of what purpose each suspected group, bank, or institution really served). It's really disappointing to see a website like ISGP go offline."
- Email from reader. (October 2010)
Feedback in the 2000s
"Joël van der Reijden has written an article about the political impact of the Pilgrims Society that is highly respected even among us in the Republic of Letters."
- Internet comment (April 2009)
"Anyway, as one follows pedophocracy links and trails, one heads further and further into red pill territory. It's almost enough to make you sympathise with that fellow in the Matrix who regretted taking the aforementioned. Eventually my trail led me to this, and this [ISGP], and this. To a certain extent I wonder if I should be linking to such things. Only because it's the equivalent of being thrown in the deep end. Hmm... 'deep end' doesn't quite cut it - how about 'the abyss'?"
- Blogger. (March 2009)
""Institute For The Study Of Globalization And Covert Politics"....Holy Shit Mike, thanks for this link!!! I think I'm going to spend a couple of days reading through this site...Finally a "Think Tank" thats on our side!!!"
- Internet comment (March 2009)
"[Quigley's Round Table] is interesting information, but old (from the 1960’s). Check out for NEW information on this anglo-american establishment, particularly the pilgrims. ... It was MUCH more than the round table group."
- Infowars internet comment (August 2008)
"I actually can’t say enough about the Institution for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP): It amazes me that Infowars hasn’t published anything by, [as] the site has several leaked documents and produced original scholarly research. ... It doesn’t simply point out who the bad guys are, like Infowars does.
"For example, after reading some of the ISGP articles, David Rockefeller seems more or less like a front man and leader of [the] globalization [process], than someone who is working evil behind the scenes. It's enlightening opening information, so you need an open mind. ...
"ISGP also has connected early Conspiracy writers (people who talked about “illuminati” and “new world order”) and their connections to groups funded by intelligence agencies or connected to families who were deeply connected to intelligence or right-wing fascist groups. This is very important. ...
"So, take your time reading, because it presents a larger and deeper picture than you would get from Infowars. It goes away from the “new world order” picture, and presents something very shocking about the Anglo-American Establishment, Pan-Europa/Vatican, and Intelligence/Military-Industrial-Complex groups that are working behind the scenes. Extremely eye opening."
- Comment placed in reaction to an article linked to at (August 2008)
"Out of the Netherlands, ISGP, formerly the PEHI - Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions, is an independent online project very much in keeping with my own goals. A fantastic database on some of the less well known secret societies and covert groups - the author states that there is plenty of info on the CFR, Trilaterals and Bilderberg elsewhere online, and distances himself from the wacko religious mumbo-jumbo that often comes hand in hand with any analysis of the 'Illuminati' and 'New World Order' Globalism. It also seems relatively neutral regarding the alleged intent of its subject, which is quite rare and a welcome breath of fresh air. I give this my full endorsement... enjoy :)"
- Internet comment (late 2008)
"Finally! ISGP.EU update.. More on the Pilgrim's Society. Fuckin awesome, been waiting for this for months.. thought it'd never came."
- Internet comment (July 2008)
"I have been reading Otherwyze's link she posted on Dutroux all morning and although I am terribly sick and depressed about it now it really does give an insight into how things are covered up and why... I am only half way through the article but the police investigation and mis-information resemble Madeleine's case."
- Turning mothers and housewives into conspiracy theorists. (2007)
"Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your site. Being an interested skeptic I would have to say your site stands alone in its depth of research and breadth of information."
- Email from a reader (November 2007)
"This stuff is incredible - read the Dutroux page… Jesus - check out the whole site ... and spread the word. This website is amazing."
- Amusing internet comment (2007)
"The Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions. It's like the big brother to this blog. The fucking motherload. The holy grail of the answer to the loaded question at the top of your screen, WHO'S REALLY PULLING THE STRINGS?... The Project has an article, well-researched like every other article on its page (and there aren’t too many–the author really goes for depth and meaning, unlike this author who rants and doesn’t always back it up ;)"
- Hilarious comments from a blogger. (August 2007)
"A very interesting site I've seen is "Project For The Exposure Of Hidden Institutions". It gives a lot of interesting info, and a lot of who's who in each.. Some names I never heard of. This site is one of the most awesome on the subject I've seen yet. A must see..enjoy!!"
- Internet comment from a reader (2007)
"I was planning to do some research on Jean Monnet and Schuman at some point and mentioned it in one of my articles, I think I asked if anyone knew who they were. One of my readers sent me your link because they're both included in your writings and man oh man, what a great find you were!... I have seen some of this elitist society exposure over the years but nothing as comprehensive as your site."
- Email from a reader (February 2007)
"For years I have been interested in the topics covered on ISGP. For years I have sought such a database. For years I have sought logical and comprehensive articles covering these topics. After all the searching I have done in the past, all the articles I've read, all the trash information I've sorted through, through all the half-truths and half-lies I have brushed aside, I have finally found what I had been waiting for. ISGP is not only the way forward, but the way through. Keep up the amazing work."
- One of the more poetic emails I got from Canada. (August 2007)
"Things would have remained like that [a manuscript for a book unpublished] had I not recently come across the ISGP website run by Joël van der Reijden ( - as far as I can see, the only serious investigation of the Cercle Pinay since the original articles by Robin Ramsay and myself in the Lobster twenty years ago."
- An investigative journalist on the Pinay Cercle. Also a former translator at the European Union in Brussels and an international administrator in Geneva. (November 2008)
"Hi Joel, this is getting to be boring I know, but I just read your new Pilgrims essay and it's another triumph."
- Email from an investigator who, appropriately, used to be banker in the City of London. (2008)
"I just discovered your site which is fascinating, and we ought to talk one day. It so happens that I have personally met some of the people you mention on your site, or their close collaborators. ... My father was known in history as probably the biggest supporter of world government ... You may not agree that what I do is a solution, but I enjoin you to ... look for one."
- Person who plays an important role in a number of private institutes and think tanks. (January 2008)
"Yours was a very impressive rewrite [of the 1001 Club article] in remarkably short order. Well done."
- Irish journalist and documentary maker Kevin Dowling in September 2008. Dowling provided ISGP with membership list copies of the 1001 Club, 6 months before he unexpectedly died. It allowed ISGP to be the first media outlet to publish photocopies of 1001 Club membership lists - which subsequently were removed and suppressed from the 1001 Club's "official" Wikipedia page.
"I was a bit nervous about approaching your [peak oil] article. I had developed a high opinion of your work while reading the horrific "Beyond the Dutroux Affair", but when dealing with "technical" subjects I am accustomed to seeing people make basic errors which often ruin or weaken their otherwise sensible arguments. In your case, my fears turned out to be unfounded."
- Geologist for a contractor to the oil and gas industry. Also a senior staff member who develops training programs for staff members and upcoming engineers in the area of geology and geotechnical engineering. (December 2007)
"I find your article on Le Cercle very useful and obviously the result of tremendous labor on your part."
- A second writer and researcher for Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), who wrote a well-known book. (August 2007)
"After spending a few hours here... you may never be the same."
- Interesting internet comment from a reader. (2007)
"Your own report on Le Cercle is excellent and I have begun circulating it among my colleagues."
- A first writer and researcher for Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) (November 2006)
"I saw your web site and find this the best on the theme on the web."
- Apparent medical doctor from eastern Europe with mid- or high level friends in local Masonry. First to bring Memphis-Misraim to my attention. (2006)
"The Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions, based in the Netherlands, is run by a gifted researcher. I suggest you consider visiting the site which also discusses other related organizations including Le Cercle."
- Columnist at Silver Investor and one of the first to expose the Pilgrims Society. (July 2006)
"I just last night stumbled on your site, and am still reeling from how much excellent work you have managed to bring under one roof."
- History professor at Harvard University (2006).
"Found your website .... Fabulous."
- Well known author on the United Nations and the neoliberal globalization process (2006).
^Mainstream media reviews
ISGP has never been discussed in the mainstream media, except at the very beginning in 2006, when no one essentially knew the author was an independent operator due to limited amount of work available. Ironically, the mainstream media articles were positive and-or found it near impossible to discredit ISGP:
"The website of the Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions mentions a new secretive organization called Le Cercle. ... The creator of the English-language website, which largely consists of footnotes, is the Dutchman Joël van der Reijden. When asked, he lets it be known through email that he has no desire to explain his ideas by telephone: "Who is interested, will find it.""
- June 2, 2006, Het Parool (major Dutch newspaper today part of the huge antifa-inclined DPG media conglomerate), 'Waar rook is, is vuur' ('Where there is smoke, there is fire') (Screenshot).
"The Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions has provided one of the most thorough debunkings of Loose Change."
- May 2006, a news editor at 3 As the editor is referring to 9/11's no-plane theories, this is a major compliment.
Mainstream media avoiding mentioning ISGP
Indirecly ISGP has been discussed as well:
- March 31, 2009: In September 2008 ISGP was the first to release 1001 Club membership list photocopies. Republic Society author Gerard Aalders copied the work - while giving credit in his endnotes - and subsequently, on March 31, 2009, was given the "scoop" on Dutch evening news six months later for his book 'De prins kan mij nog meer vertellen: Prins Bernhard' ('The prince can tell me more stories: Prince Bernhard'). 1001 Club members image compilations by ISGP were shown on TV, but the site was never mentioned by name - which I made sure to point out in the comments to the broadcast. 4 Back in April 2009 I wrote about it in this quick article.
I actually caught the broadcast of the program by total accident, when walking into the living room where my mother was watching the evening news. Upon hearing they did an "expose" of the 1001 Club, I told my mother, "That's weird. I wonder if they mention my work," followed by, "Hey, that's my work," and, "They made a mistake there." The result was she getting angry, having the usual meltdown, and blurting out:
"Shut up!!! Shut up!!! I don't want to hear this! Shut up!!!"
She only became quiet again upon pointing out that the images they were showing on TV were compilations from my website, but without giving credit.
Doing conspiracy research as an independent person: you get nothing out of it, except the truth. Elites steal from you, and your "friends" and "family" are fine with it. - August 2010: "Liberal CIA"-originated Wikileaks was given both credit and criticism for being the first to release the Dutroux X-Dossier file. 5 In reality, ISGP had released it 1,5 years before Wikileaks, and also at a relatively large scale due to an accompanying article that was featured on Alex Jones's Prison Planet site (after paying his employee Paul Joseph Watson $500 - imagine that), followed from there by Rense, David Icke, etc. It got a lot of attention.
Subsequently, the Lippens family - with three members fingered by half a dozen witnesses as particularly violent child abusers in the Dutroux X-Dossiers released by ISGP - took judicial action against all Dutch-language ("conservative CIA" and conspiracy disinformation) sites who had discussed the information. If I'm not mistaken, the sites were forced to take down the content or face fines of 10,000 euros per day, up to a maximum fo 250,000 euros. Once again, I have trouble locating the articles close to 20 years later. But also once again, the author was the only one left alone. He just is not allowed to exist.
Alex Jones of Infowars avoids mentioning ISGP
Despite quick, early censorship by 2005 from "conservative CIA" conspiracy disinformer Alex Jones - as is discussed in another article - ISGP actually was included in Jones' November 1, 2007-released film Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, a film that among other people, inspired (911-no-planer) Dave Mustaine of Megadeth. At one point an oversight of the "New World Order" is given, which is (the original 2006 version) of the Three Establishment Model oversight (visual) created by ISGP only shortly before:
- (accessed: July 2, 2024).
- May 6, 2020 YouTube upload 'The JB Podcast', 'Conspiracy or Coincidence: WTC 7 Debate || The JB Podcast Episode 22- Mick West & Tony Szamboti', 1:15:20. (accessed: July 2, 2024; 1:15:20). - As just about everything from the 2000s and early 2010s, I can barely find anything in Google or other search engines anno 2024, even with exact quotes. This is a major reason to start documenting feedback with screenshots.
- (webarchive link and screenshot).
- August 25, 2010, (largest Dutch news site), 'Dossier Dutroux on Wikileaks illegal' ('Dossier Dutroux op Wikileaks is illegaal'): "The placement of more than 1,200 pages from the dossier of the convicted Belgian child murderer Marc Dutroux is illegal. That was determined by prosecutor-general of Luik, Cedric Visart de Bocarme and an expert Tuesday on the French-language Belgian channel RTBF.
According to Visart, the leaked documents stem from a section of the Dutroux dossier that is still classified. Thus it can be read where and when An Marchal, Eefje Lambrecks, Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo were kidnapped and raped. [Note: This is a total diversion from much more important facts; in the one-and-a-half year studying and translating the dossier, I never even paid attention to this]
Also information is published about people, who sometimes haven't done anything and who are only being cited [by alleged victim-witnesses]. [Note: Very vague, unclear language ("cited"?), but clearly insinuates that the elite names by definition are not guilty] "Those [persons] might be subjected to public hatred on the internet, while this involves elements of a judicial inquiry which have to remain secret" [Read: "remain covered up"; and as for "public hatred" try "public questioning"], according to the prosecutor-general in the Belgian media.
The international whistleblowers website would already have put the dossier online in 2009. [Note: Yes, on April 17, 2009, almost two years after ISGP, which also translated and discussed all relevant content - and was read by tens of thousands of people by that time through sites supportive of Wikileaks.]"