Prince Bernhard of Orange |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists; October 28, 1977, The Argus (Fremont), 'Dutch prince loves nature', Page 16; August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired 1978 list); 1994, Raymond Bonner, 'At the Hand of Man - The White Man's Game', p. 66-71; July 1997, Jeffrey Steinberg for Executive Intelligence Review, 'Tinny Blair Blares For Prince Philip's Global Eco-Fascism' (Steinberg claimed to have had several 1001 Club membership lists from the 1980s, I believe from a Canadian source); December 17, 1997, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Optellen en afschieten' (weekly Dutch journal since 1877); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion'.
Born in 1911 as a count. Bernhard was born and educated in Germany.
Became a member of Sturm (Hitler youth movement) around 1931, which is 2 years before Hitler came to power. Became a member of the SS in 1934, which consisted of Hitler's most elite and most trusted aides. This automatically ment he also became a member of the NSDAP. At the Nuremberg trials the aristocratic Nazi Friedrich Eberstein would claim how the Nazi party's prestige sky-rocketed after aristocrats like Bernhard (specifically mentioned him) joined the movement. Briefly worked with Gerhard Fritze, who owned an Amsterdam bank financed by the Swedish Wallenberg family (largely rule Sweden's economy; intermarried with the royal house). Because of his mother's connections, Bernhard went to work for NW-7, the
IG Farben industrial espionage unit, and ended up in it's Paris branch
in 1935. IG Farben was one of the main companies that built up the
Nazi war machine. It also made massive use of Auschwitz slave labor. While in Paris, and staying with the aristocratic Kotzebue family, he became a close friend of Sefton Delmer, who was a Daily Express journalist and an agent for the Hitler- & Hess intimate Lord Beaverbrook (his son was a member of the 1001 Club), not to mention an employee of British intelligence. Delmer had been in Berlin until 1933, having direct access to Hitler and the Nazi party. Tom Driberg, a homosexual communist journalist who worked for Beaverbrook too, also approached Bernhard in Paris. Driberg, who already was a friend of Guy Burgess, worked for the Soviets, codename LePage, and Bernhard considered him a friend too. Around this time Bernhard had met with future Dutch queen
Juliana, who was quite desperate for a husband at that moment. Bernhard's IG Farben financial advisor initially acted as a middle man between the two. It took Bernhard quite a bit of effort to convince Wilhelmina that he was the right person to marry her daughter, because he wasn't an exceptionally high aristocrat and was considered a too extravagant. He was able to marry Juliana in 1937. At this point he wasn't a member of the SS anymore, but only after his marriage with Juliana, one day to be exact, he resigned from the NSDAP. Unfortunately, he didn't put an autograph under his letter, so officially he was a member of the NSDAP until 1938, which is when his membership automatically expired. Earlier, on November 14, 1996 he met with Hitler to renounce his German citizenship. In his personal diaries Hitler refers to Bernhard as a "gigolo", but publicly the marriage is considered a good thing. Around this time Bernhard met with friends at IG Farben and the SS to say goodbye. Not long after the Spanish civil war started in 1936 between the fascist Franco and the democratically elected government, Bernhard and his brother had the nerve to show up at a royal party in the Hague dressed as Franco officers. In 1938, Bernhard's responsibilities increase and he has to work closely with Francois van 't Sant, Queen Wilhelmina's right hand and the most important liaison officer between MI6 and GSIII, the Dutch military intelligence agency. Van 't Sant communicates anything that is happening in Dutch high society to the British and makes a lot of money in the process. Bernhard starts communicating information between Queen Wilhelmina and GSIII, where he makes many friends. At the same time Bernhard starts to work as an informant for GSIII, communicating messages from his German friends to the Dutch intelligence service. His younger brother Aschwin, an officer of a German panzer division, continually passes messages to him. They even travel together occasionally. In the summer of 1938 they visit King George VI, under the wary eyes of MI6. It is believed that they are discussing a German coup in preparation by admiral and spychief Wilhelm Canaris (old friend of the Lippe-Biesterfelds; boss of Aschwin; didn't seem to appreciate the imperial aspirations of Hitler) and several of his associates. This coup is called off in late 1939. As Bernhard is sure the Germans will attack the Netherlands soon, not allowing it to be neutral, he quietly began to gather his family's German possessions, move it to The Hague, and made plans to evacuate his family to Paris. Bernard always kept in touch with his buddy Gerhard Fritze, I.G. Farben representative in the Netherlands. (2009, Cees Fasseur, 'Juliana en Bernhard' (digital): "In May 1935, after finishing up his study, he left for the Paris daughter firm of I.G. Farben. ... I.G. Farben had worked out a career plan for this young promising employee - apparently even before any engagement [between Berhard and Juliana] - that would have transferred him to Amsterdam for study purposes. Subsequently he would study further in Hamburg and then would be transferred to Dutch-Indonesia for five years. De zakelijke vertegenwoordiger van I.G. Farben in Amsterdam was de bankier Gerhard Fritze, stichter en directeur van de in 1923 opgerichte Hollandsche Koopmansbank, in which the German concern had a stake. This Fritze would take Bernhard under his wing. At least this is how Bernhard put it to Juliana, who in turn informed Beelaerts van Blokland of the prinsely initiatives in mid July. Roell did some checking up and had to inform Juliana that, even though Fritze was not known as an unsaviory character, a placement of the prince with his bank did not seem like such a good idea. ... Despite its Dutch name, [the Hollandsche Koopmansbank] was a de facto German office. It seemed to be a better idea to have ... Het leek daarom beter hem op het salaris van I.G. Farben voor drie maanden als volontair te plaatsen op het kantoor van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maatschappij (knsm). Dit had nog het voordeel dat hij dan onder het toeziend oog van de Amsterdamse reder Heldring zou komen te staan, 'die hem ongetwijfeld “flink aapakt". Heeft bij dit alles een rol gespeeld dat de wetenschappelijke denktank van I.G. Farben niet werd vertrouwd, omdat deze zou kunnen spioneren voor de Duitse zaak (wat achteraf inderdaad het geval bleek)? De prins zelf voelde voorlopig niet veel voor het denkbeeld om Fritze tegen Heldring in te ruilen, al ontkwam hij er uiteindelijk niet aan. Vermoedelijk wilde hij de banden met I.G. Farben tot een eventueel huwelijk zo lang mogelijk aanhouden. Ook daarna stond hij in contact met Fritze. De Hollandsche Koopmansbank ging zijn financiële zaken behartigen toen de prins zich eenmaal in Nederland had gevestigd. Fritze werd regelmatig met vrouw en (aantrekkelijk ogende) dochter op Soestdijk uitgenodigd. Minstens één keer (in 1939) ging de familie Fritze mee met vakantie (naar Grindelwald). In de oorlog bleven deze contacten gehandhaafd. Fritze, inmiddels tot Nederlander genaturaliseerd, vertrok namelijk een paar dagen voor de Duitse inval in mei 1940 als vertegenwoordiger van I. G. Farben naar New York. Bernhard en Juliana zouden hem daar opnieuw ontmoeten. ... Dat [Fritze being left alone by the Americans] neemt niet weg dat het onverstandig van de prins was om na zijn komst in Nederland nauw contact te blijven onderhouden met enkele prominente vertegenwoordigers van I.G. Farben. Zo werd niet alleen Fritze maar oof dr. Max Ilger, hoofd van de Statische Abteilung te Berlijn, voor het huwelijk van de prins uitgenodigd. ... According to Sefton Delmer, Ilgner, one in the Netherlands, would have tried to convince Bernhard to spy for his company and the Reich. This proposition was declined by the prince. ... For the time being [in late 1936], the engagement would be kept secret until Bernhard, still employed by I.G. Farben, would finish his three month orientation period in the Netherlands. ... He had to resign with I.G. Farben. It would not have made him happy, given the enthusiasm with which he wrote Juliana about his future circle of colleagues.) and a group of IG Farben associates. According to one of the attendants, Gunther Frank-Fahle
(6 (seemingly, hard to read) September 1945, "secret"-stamped Department of State document (photocopies at "Conversations in jail. Report from Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force, 0-5 Division, Special Finance Detachment, Frankfurt am Main, 4 June 1945, Department of State. The following information was secured from Dr. Gustav Karl Kupper, a Director of 1. G. Farben, who seems to try to turn state evidence against his former colleagues. The information consists of conversations which occurred ... between Georg von Schnitzler, Paul Hoefliger (an alleged Swiss Consul in Frankfurt and employee of I. G. Farben) and Gunther Frank-Fahle. Von Schnitzler and Frank-Fahle were discussing their predicament and trying to think of the names of people in the United States who might possibly be of assistance to them. Frank-Fahle and von Schnitzler seemed agreed that Lammot Dupont and Henry Mann [of the Rockefeller's National City Bank and Brown Brothers Harriman] could be depended upon to intervene on their behalf if it became possible to inform them of their difficulty with the American Authorities. The name of Leo Regan of National City Bank was also mentioned by Frank-Fahle who expressed his curiosity regarding the date when Mr. Regan might be expected in Germany. In the course of conversation between our informant and Messrs. Schnitzler and Frank-Fahle, the name of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was mentioned by our informant. Frank-Fahle took the occasion to reminisce regarding his short period of captivity in Holland in 1940 when he was a Captain in the Wehrmacht. He was released after the occupation of Holland by the Germans. During the period of occupation Frank-Fahle met Henry Mann of 63 Wall Street, New York City, who was then visiting in Holland. Frank-Fahle expressed doubts that Prince Bernhard of Holland, whose close associate he has been for many years, as another possibility to intervene in his behalf. Prince Bernhard was closest to Max Ilgner and Frank-Fahle of I. G. Frank-Fahle was on especially intimate terms with the Prince and addressed him with the informal "you". Prince Bernhard served his apprenticeship with I. G. in the Zentral-Finanzvorwaltung which was one of the central policy making agencies of I. G. Thereafter he was transferred to the Sopi, an I. G. affiliate in Paris. It was through the efforts of Frank-Fahle and Max Ilgner that Prince Bernhard became an. employee of Koopnann's Bank in Amsterdam which was formerly tied in with the Kreuger Combine in Sweden, and subsequently developed close connections with I. G. A Herr Pritsche (originally a [unreadable], then Swedish and at present a-Dutch citizen) who maintained very close ties with I. G. was the financial associate of Prince Bernhard and is reputed to have acted as middle-man in the marriage of Prince Bernhard and Princess Juliana. According to our informant it is believed that Prince Bernhard received a large advance on his salary from Sopi at the time of his marriage and that he subsequently repaid this sum. About a month before Holland was occupied by German troops Prince Bernhard was entertained in Herr Pritsche s home in Laeren, near the city of Amsterdam. Virtually all of the people attending this social were employees or officials of I. G. Farbon, including, among others, Frank-Fahle, Herr Bossier, Procurist of the British India Department of I. G. (last heard from he was in the Wehrmacht), Herr Pazze, an Italian, formerly member of the board of I. G.'s British Indian subsidiary, Chemdycs, Ltd., who is now manager of I. G. a Italian affiliate, Bianchl, S.A., near Milan; Herr Behrens, a Hollander, now living in Switzerland, who was the leading figure of the [unreadable] Trading Company with which I. G. had close connections. In the course of a long conversation Prince Bernhard confided that he would find it very difficult to lead the Dutch troops in battle against the Germans. Information of this kind was transmitted by Frank-Fahle to the German Military Authorities. Frank-Fahle is the son-in-law of Professor Irwin Solck, a member of the Vorstand of I. G. Farben, an 33-man and leading Nazi functionary."
1976, Anthony Sutton, 'Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler' (digital): "For example, on September 1, 1933 Dodd recorded that Henry Mann of the National City bank and Winthrop W. Aldrich of the Chase Bank both met with Hitler and "these bankers feel they can work with him.""
December 12, 13, and 14, 1939, Temporary National Economic Committee investigation of concentration of economic power. Hearings before the Temporary National Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, Seventy-fifth Congress, third Session [-Seventy-sixth Congress, third Session] pursuant to Public Resolution no. 113 (Seventy-fifth Congress): "Mr. Nehemkis: I should like to point out, if I may, Mr. Chairman, the names of some of the principal officers that came from these various organizations to form the officers of the new underwriting house of Brown Harriman. Joseph Pierce Ripley, who was the president and director, who is still president and director, came from the National City Co., and Mr. Ripley was formerly a vice president of the National City Co. Ralph Thompson Crane came from Brown Brothers & Co. Mr. Harriman. May I correct that, Mr. Nehemkis ? Mr. Nehemkis. Yes. Mr. Harriman. Mr. Ripley was the executive vice president of the National City Co. Mr. Nehemkis. I accept that correction, Mr. Harriman. Mr. Pier- pont van Derveer Davis, a vice president and director of Brown Harriman & Co., likewise came from the National City Co., where he was a vice president and director. Mr. Hendrik Jolles, a vice presi- dent and director of Brown Harriman & Co., likewise came from the City Company. Horace Sj^lvester, Jr., a vice president and director of Brown Hi»r- riman, also came from the City Co. of New York. Lawrence Tighe, a vice president and director of Brown Harriman, was formerly asso- ciated with Brown Brothers & Co. ; and Charles Stedman Garland, a vice president and director of Brown Harriman & Co., also came from Brown Brothers & Co., where he had been a partner. Sidney Lester Castle was formerly with the National City Co. Henry Mann was formerly with the National City Co. Harry Frederick Mayer like- wise was associated with the National City Co.. Willet Roper came from Brown Brothers. Reginald Martine came from Brown Brothers, and William Eppel came from the National City Co."
1983, Charles Higham, ' Trading With the Enemy: the Nazi-American Money Plot' (digital): "During the early days of 1942, Karl Lindemann, the Rockefeller-Standard Oil representative in Berlin, held a series of urgent meetings with two directors of the American International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation: Walter Schellenberg, head of the Gestapo's counterintelligence service (SD), and Baron Kurt von Schroder of the BIS and the Stein Bank. The result of these meetings was that Gerhardt Westrick, the crippled boss of ITT in Nazi Germany, got aboard an ITT Focke-Wulf bomber and flew to Madrid for a meeting in March with Sosthenes Behn, American ITT chief. In the sumptuous Royal Suite of Madrid's Ritz Hotel, the tall, sharp-faced Behn and the heavily limping Westrick sat down for lunch to discuss how best they could improve ITT's links with the Gestapo, and its improvement of the whole Nazi system He soon became the telephone king of the world, making deals with AT&T and J. P. Morgan that resulted in his running the entire telephone system of Spain by 1923. His Spanish chairman was the Duke of Alba, later a major supporter of Franco and Hider. In 1930 Behn obtained the Rumanian telephone industry, to which he later added the Hungarian, German, and Swedish corporations. By 1931 his empire was worth over $64 million despite the Wall Street crash. He became a director of--inevitably--the National City Bank, which financed him along with the Morgans. Behn was aided by fascist governments, into which he rapidly interlocked his system by assuring politicians promising places on his boards. He ran his empire from 67 Broad Street, New York. His office was decorated with Louis XIV antiques, rich carpets, and portraits of Pope Pius XI and various heads of fascist states. He traveled frequently to Germany to confer with his Nazi directors, Kurt von Schroder and Gerhardt Westrick. On August 4, 1933, he and his representative in Germany, Henry Mann of the National City Bank, had a meeting with Hitler that established a political relationship with Germany that continued until the end of World War II. The Fuhrer promised aid and protection always. Through Mann, Behn was closely connected with Wilhelm Keppler, who formed the Circle of Friends of the Gestapo and introduced him to Schroder and Westrick. Not only did Keppler, Schroder, and Himmler see to it that Behn's German funds and industries were untouched by forfeit or seizure, but Schroder arranged for Emil Puhl at the Reichsbank to pay off ITT's bills. Behn became an important aid to his friend Hermann Goring. In 1938 he and Schroder obtained 28 percent of the Focke-Wulf company; they greatly improved the deadly bomber squadrons that later attacked London and American ships and troops. When Austria fell in 1938, Behn organized his Austrian company under the management of Schroder and Westrick and aided in the expulsion of Jews. Some Nazis tried to take over the Austrian offices, but Behn again visited Hitler at Berchtesgaden and made sure that ITT would be allowed to continue in business. In Madrid during the Spanish Civil War, Behn supplied telephones to both sides, gradually shifting over his commitments to Franco when it was obvious that Franco was winning. He spent months in the shell-shattered Madrid headquarters known as the Telefonica, playing both ends against the middle and driving, with immunity given by both sides, to and from the Ritz. He gave lavish parties for both the British and American press, while negotiating through the Bank for International Settlements so that Franco could buy up ITT's Loyalist installations. When Hitler invaded Poland, Behn and Schroder conferred with the German alien property custodian, H-J Caesar. The result was that the ITT Polish companies were protected from seizure for the duration. Another protector of Behn's in Germany was ITT's colorful corporation chairman, Gerhardt Westrick. Westrick was a skilled company lawyer, the German counterpart and associate of John Foster Dulles. Westrick's partner until 1938, the equally brilliant Dr. Heinrich Albert, was head of Ford in Germany until 1945. Both were crucially important to The Fraternity. At the beginning of 1940, Behn decided to have Westrick go to the United States to link up the corporate strands that would remain secure throughout World War II. German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop was equally concerned that Westrick undertake the mission. Westrick represented in Germany not only Ford but General Motors, Standard Oil, the Texas Company, Sterling Products, and the Davis Oil Company."
December 1945, Hearings before a subcommittee of the committee on military affairs United States Senate, part 7, 'Submitted by the War Department: Elimination of German Resources for War': "I.G. Farben´s organization, both domestic and international, served the Nazi government as a principal agency for military and economic espionage throughout the world. I.G.´s N.W. 7 office in Berlin, originally organized in the 1920´s as I.G. liaison office with the various governmental agencies in Berlin, was transformed by Dr. Max Ilgner into the economic intelligence arm of the Wehrmacht. Ilgner was the nephew of Hermann Schmitz, I.G.´s president, and was also a member of I.G.´s managing board of directors. ... The largest and most sinister department of N.W.7 was the so called statistical department (VOWI) which was formed by Dr. Ilgner in 1929. ... This departments tremendous compilation of data on foreign populations, unemployment, production, consumption, agricultural and industrial capacities, currency circulation, taxes and duties, deposits and capital of banks, capitalization of important private companies, etc., most of which obviously had no value to I.G. as a chemical and dyestuffs manufacturer, was indispensable to the government of a country preparing for world conquest. ... N.W. 7 became in fact a recognized collaborator of the Statistische Reichsamt, the Reichsbank, the Ministry of Economics, the Foreign Office, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry of Finance. With the outbreak of war, N.W.7 became the focal point of request for economic intelligence from many Nazi agencies and became, formally, a quasi-governmental agency. ... [Ilgner's] three deputies [at NW7] were Dr. Frank-Fahle, Dr. Gattineau, and Dr. Reithinger. Dr. Frank Fahle was one of the younger directors in I.G. Farben. He received his training and acquired his expert knowledge of foreign currency regulations in the United States with Hallgarten Co. in New York and also the American I.G. Chemical Corp. Dr. Frank-Fahle was in charge of the Central Finance Administration (ZEFI) which dealt with many over-all financial matters and with problems of foreign currency, foreign exchange, and foreign exchange credits. Dr. Frank-Fahle also had under his supervision the Bureau of the Commercial Committee (B.d.K.A.)..."; August 12, 1975, De Spiegel, 'Erste Rate an MF Munich: US-Senat untersucht Lockheed-Geschäfte in der Bundesrepublik' ('First installment of MF Munich: U.S. Senate investigated Lockheed's operations in the German Federal Republic'): "On December 4 Landauer told his readers about the new Hauser-accusations: Lockheed-money should be wired in the direction of CSU througha compamy representative Guenther Frank-Fahle, of the Frankfurt trading company Commerz GmbH. However, Frank-Fahle, 78, a former IG. Farben director, a friend of German banker Hermann Josef Abs, ... refused to forward the money to the CSU, according to the Hauser papers. He claimed the payment as a commission to himself alone. Then Lockheed got on the Munich Bankhaus Merck, Finck & Co. (Hauser abbreviation "MF Munich") to pay directly to Strauss' CSU."), arrested after war, Bernhard said to them, as inspector-general of the Dutch military, that he would find it very difficult to lead Dutch troops in battle against the Germans. When the German attack began the Oranges moved to London. Bernhard went back for a few days, suggested to execute a few Dutch collaborators of the Germans (which didn't happen), went to Paris, and back again to London. For some reason, this short trip would make him a legendary hero. In the UK Bernhard wasn't trusted and Ian Flemming, the later James Bond author and a MI6/Naval Intelligence officer, was sent to spy on him. Sefton Delmer (Naval Intelligence; the Beaverbrook employee), Ian Flemming, and Prince Bernhard spent a lot of time together, but it seems that Flemming couldn't find any pro-nazi connections to Bernhard. Flemming later incorporated the character Count Lippe, a low level member of a worldwide secret criminal group (SPECTRE) involved in drug trade and extortion of NATO, in his James Bond movie 'Thunderball'. Some have speculated this character might be a reference to Prince Bernhard, who was born as Count von Lippe-Biesterfeld. Flemming would slowly move out of Bernhard's life. Through Delmer, Bernhard came into contact with Lord Beaverbrook (Aitken family; wanted peace with Hitler, like Hitler himself wanted with the British Empire; close to Hitler and Hess) and became very close with Penelope Aitken (married a nephew of Lord Beaverbrook), who was the mother of Jonathan Aitken, a later MI6 agent and head of Le Cercle. During this time Bernhard (who recruited the son of Lord Beaverbrook in the 1001 Club) also came into contact with mystery man Joseph H. Retinger (raised by Polish nobility; MI6 and likely a Jesuit or SMOM member; later founder of Bilderberg). Anthony Drexel Biddle Jr., US Ambassador to the European governments in exile in London during WWII, a Pilgrims Society member, and a person that informed US intelligence about the Synarchist Movement of Empire in France, became a good friend of Bernhard. Allen Dulles (Cap & Gown; Pilgrims Society; OSS; CIA director; SMOM; nephew of a Jesuit; Paperclip; co-founder US Military-Industrial Complex; Warren Commission), John J. McCloy (Pilgrims Society; Rockefeller guy; chair CFR; released the most important nazis; Warren Commission), McGeorge Bundy (Skull & Bones; Army Intelligence; chair Ford Foundation), general Walter Bedell Smith (Pilgrims; Chief of Staff of SHAEF; CIA director), and general Eisenhower became other close associates and friends of Bernhard during WWII. FDR had always been a good friend of the Oranges. In the late 1940, Bernhard started to work as a liaison officer between the newly established Dutch Central Intelligence Agency (CID) and the SIS and SOE. Head of the CID became Francois van 't Sant, the most important agent of the Oranges. Bernhards reputation got another dent when Englandspiel came out in 1943, even though he didn't have a direct role in the affair. During Englandspiel dozens of Dutch intelligence agents, which were flown in from England, were immediately caught by waiting Germans over a period of about a year. Captured agents sent plenty of messages that the operation had been penetrated by the Germans, but the SOE ignored them for some unknown reason. In 1944, after the Allied invasion of Europe, Bernhard flew across the front and asked both the Pope in Italy and Retinger in Poland to try and look out after his family members that were still in Germany. It seemed however that especially his mother could take care of herself with all the contacts she had within IG Farben. In 1944, during the allied siege of the Netherlands, Bernhard became head of the Domestic Forces (BS), which was the coordination center for the Dutch resistance. His headquarters, complete with wine cellar, was located in Hotel Metropole in Brussels and consisted of members of MI6, the SOE, and Dutch resistance. One of his closest friends here was Gerben Sonderman who used to work with SS officer Klaus "Butcher of Lyon" Barbie. Barbie dreamed up Hitler's Final Solution and was responsible for the rape, torture, and murder of thousands of people. At Nuremberg Barbie was released by Pilgrims Society member John J. McCloy and ended up in Bolivia where he became responsible for setting up the local US-allied death squads and the early drug exporting routes to the US via Columbia. After the failed Battle of Arnhem in September 1944, which was part of the larger Operation Market Garden, it turned out that Christiaan "King Kong" Lindemans had given information about this operation to the Germans. Lindemans, a hero of the resistance, worked in Bernhard's office and supposedly was "turned" by the Germans in 1944. This became just another dent in Bernhard's image, just as the fact that he was starting to gather war loot around this time, like expensive BMWs and small airplanes. After the liberation Bernhard's Gestapo" started to become a menace to the Dutch people, so his organization is not allowed to make arrests anymore. Bernhard's II BD intelligence service now started to map all fascist and anti-communist elements within Dutch society. One of his closest associates has the surname Van Houten and is suspected by British Intelligence to have been the same Van Houten on papers King Kong, the spy who informed the Germans about the upcoming Battle of Arnhem, had been carrying during the time of his arrest. Due to a lack of proof the issue is dropped. When the Dutch government is restored again, Bernhard is in favor of increased influence of the Royal House in state affairs. It won't happen. Because of his ambitions Bernhard did became the point man for the Anglo-American globalists from this moment on. Bernhard started to work more with the United States. One of these persons is Henry Luce agent C.D. Jackson (deputy chief of the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF; one of the "the Park Avenue Cowboys"; vice president of Time-Life and one of the most trusted aides of Henry Luce; advisor to the President for Psychological Warfare; member Operations Coordinating Board during his time as advisor; president of the National Committee for a Free Europe; co-founder Radio Free Europe and the American Committee for Cultural Freedom; thought the Zapruder film was too shocking to release to the public; trustee Carnegie Corporation). Jackson will largely be responsible for setting up the post WWII psywar and US intelligence division in the Netherlands and other parts of Western Europe. In 1945, the Dutch intelligence group BVD was set up and Bernhard catapulted a lot of his friends in it. There is some infighting however between Bernhard's friends and employees who don't want anything to do with him. In 1946 King Kong is about to be investigated by the BVD and Bernhard's friends fear he might release some compromising information about the prince. Subsequently King Kong dies under suspicious circumstances. BVD investigations into Englandspiel are also done only very superficially. After the war, Bernhard made sure a lot of his former nazi buddies were protected from prosecution and helped them back into prominent positions. In 1948, it was discovered that Bernhard was a member of the NSDAP. It is covered up and the press won't report on it until 1976, after the Lockheed Affair. After WWII, Bernhard acted as representative for the Dutch government and multinationals. Doing business with the Fascist regime in Argentine, together with all the fled nazis in that country, wasn't a problem for him. Also worked for the CIA. Commander of
the Dutch domestic army 1946-1976. Inspector-General of the Dutch
Air Force, Army, and Navy 1946-1976. The Greet Hofmans-Affair from 1948 to 1956
created tensions between the Prince and the Queen. The investigation results
are still being withheld, but it is known that Bernhard and the CIA were displeased with Juliana's "communist" tendencies of disarmament of Europe to such an extent that they were preparing to put her into a mental hospital. Some believe Greet Hofmans actually was some kind of Soviet spy. Bernhard held a speech at the University Club in New York in 1953 where he called for European integration and a common currency. Approached by his friend Joseph Retinger
to establish Bilderberg, which was founded in 1954 and sponsored by the CIA. Bilderberg chairman 1954-1976. Bernhard got along very well Paul Henri Spaak, Paul van Zeeland, Jean Monnet, Pierre Trudeau, JFK, Nixon, Ford, the Shah of Iran, and countless other international individuals. He loved to duck hunt with Stavros Niarchos (family
of Onassis and also a 1001 Club member). His wife, queen Juliana, invited UFO contactee George Adamski to their home in 1959. First chairman
of the WWF in 1961. President of the WWF until his death. Co-founder of the 1001 Club in the early 1970s. Edmund
de Rothschild is the godfather of Alexia Grinda, one of his extramarital
daughters. Bernhard met the mother, the 18-year old Helene Grinda (of the noble Roussel family), in 1966, at a swimming pool of the Rothschild family. In 1974, Prince Bernhard sold his Castle Warmelo to the Evlyma Trust in Liechtenstein, a subsidiary of Tibor Rosenbaum's (1001 Club; Mossad agent; criminal) BCI. The Trust was managed by 1001 Club member Herbert Batliner. Friends of Bernhard included David Rockefeller, H.J. Heinz, Gianni Agnelli, Henry Ford II, Henry Luce, Tibor Rosenbaum, Robert Vesco, Mobutu, Suharto, Cornelis Verolme, the Loudons of Shell, Ernst van Eeghen, Ernst van den Beugel (KLM), and Freddie Heineken. Accused of taking bribes from Lockheed and likely
also Northrop in 1976. Invested in KAS Enterprises, which became a front for the SAS in their struggle against Mandela's ANC. In 1980 the Oranges had a capital of 650 million euros. A conservative estimate shows that this capital has grown to at least 1,4 billion euros today. Most of this capital is invested in real estate and shares in corporations like Shell.
April 5, 1976, Newsweek, 'A Slap for the Prince': "In short order, "[Prince Bernhard] was named to the board of several government companies, among them KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Fokker aircraft industries and the Hoogovens steelworks. The stylish, multilingual Prince performed well. In 1951, he came home from Buenos Aires with a $60 million order from Juan Peron's government for Dutch railroad equipment; at the time, the only quid pro quo was thought to be a Dutch decoration for Peron's wife, Eva. But in early March this year, the Netherlands Government disclosed that the deal had also involved a payoff of $12 million in cash for the Perons, $1 million in jewelry for Evita and a de luxe private train for them both. Ironically, one of the "three wise men" now officially investigating Bernhard, Marius Holtrop, was president of the central bank of Holland, which had approved the payments. ... * The 1976 [Bilderberg] meeting was recently canceled, reportedly at the request of American businessmen concerned about the allegations against Prince Bernhard. Many of the Bilderbergers also became contributors to Bernhard's principal charity, the World Wildlife Fund, of which he is president. To finance its work, he set up a "1,001 Club" operating from the fund's headquarters in Switzerland. Bernhard himself was the "1"-and the only membership requirement for the 1,000 others was a $10,000 donation. "I need a bunch of rich people to drop $10,000 each in a bucket and by this my wildlife fund can operate," the Prince once told NEWSWEEK. "I want to make use of the fact that they might think it is important that I am a Prince. ... Mistake: Knowledgeable sources say the Prince would sometimes mix his old "drinking pals" with the nabobs of European business-a blend that sometimes worked and sometimes didn't. "On one bright morning, I found myself on his private plane en route for Paris, with the champagne already flowing freely on board," recalls a prominent Dutch businessman. "After we arrived, we went to a plush hotel where more cold champagne and oysters were waiting. At 11 a.m., I was seeing stars, and at 2 p.m., I passed out." The businessman also recalls a supply of attractive women-a frequent feature of Bernhard's parties. The next morning, he says, "I called to say, 'P.B., I like you very much but this is not my kind of entertainment and you know it.' The Prince replied: 'My friend, I made a little mistake. I'm sorry, it won't happen again.'" There has been considerable speculation as to where Bernhard got his money. It is known that he had relatively little in 1937, but by 1966 he had reportedly accumulated $12 million in Exxon stock alone. His allowance from the Dutch Government is tax-free and keyed to inflation, and now totals $300,000 a year. But his expenses are also said to be demanding. Dutch newspapers recently quoted U.S. Senate sources as saying Bernhard used $100,000 of his income from Lockheed to pay for expensive Paris apartment occupied by a woman and her 9-year-old daughter allegedly fathered by the Prince. Bernhard himself has told friends that the Lockheed money must have wound up in somebody else's pocket-a possibility that, at least in part, investigators don't rule out.But they also suspect that Bernhard may have had other sources of income, and attention has focused on his relationships with Vesco and Rosenbaum and his efforts to provide entree for them in Dutch business circles." |
Queen Juliana of Orange |
Source(s): 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008); 1987, 1001 Club, confidential membership list, in memoriam (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008)
Queen of the Netherlands from 1948 to 1980, when her daughter Beatrix became queen. Husband of Prince Bernhard.
Caused problems in the 1950s when Juliana became involved with faith healer Greet Hofmans, who influenced the queen towards pacifism and disarmament, something not appreciated by Bernhard and his American friends. November 25, 2008, NRC Handelsblad, 'De prins en ik' ('The prince and I'): "During the Hofmans affair the story circulated that CIA chief Allen Dulles [an old friend of Bernhard] had traveled to Soestdijk to be warned by the prince of the commnist danger the faith healer would pose. That's what Bernhard believed, even though it was fiction. Hofmans was not an agent of Moscow. When I asked Bernard about thisyears later, in the mid 1960s ... he said: "I can't talk about that." "U say it isn't true?", I said. "Ah, I really can't talk about that," was the repeated answer. No confirmation, but also no denial." |
Alfred H. Balm |
Source(s): 1978, 1987 and 2010 lists (joined in 1978)
Dutch born billionaire. Near the top of the Quote 500, the Dutch version of the Fortune 500. Educated in architecture, Mr. Balm joined International Technical Assistance in the nineteen-fifties and was involved in the construction of large projects located in a variety of locations and funded by the World Bank, Development Funds and Government-to-Government arrangements. Founder and chairman of the Emergo Group. Through one of his companies, FRACMASTER Ltd., he was instrumental in rejuvenating the Russian oil industry after “perestroika”, signing the second ever joint venture between Russia and a western company. Mr. Balm was invited to represent Canada as energy advisor during the 1993 meeting of the G7 in Tokyo, and was appointed a board member of the World Petroleum Congress in 2000. He was nominated for Emerging Markets CEO of the year award 1994 at the Joint Annual Meeting of the World Bank and IMF in Madrid. |
W. J. A. Beerkens |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Family intermarried with the Brenninkmeijers (C&A) and Dreesmanns (V&D), both of the 1001 Club. In 1957 Wilhelmus Johannes Antonius Beerkens (1928-2003) married Christa Anna Elisabeth Brenninckmeijer (1934-circa 1970). Chairman of the Houtvoorlichtingsinstituut (Wood Information Institute) in the 1970s.
Frans J. E. Beerkens married Marianne Brenninkmeijer. Their fifth son is Boudewijn Beerkens, CFO of Steenkolen Handels Vereniging (SHV) Holdings, who worked as CFO of Wolters Kluwer publishers 2002 and 2013 and before that as managing partner of Pricewaterhousecoopers. A Marc Dreesmann prominently appears in Boudewijn's LinkedIn.
Board Ingeborg Douwes Stichting for psychosocial care anno 2014: "The board of the Ingeborg Douwes Stichting: Dhr. Evert J.M. Douwes - chairman. Dhr. Paul P.A. Beerkens - secretary. Jhr. drs. Harry A.N. de Brauw - treasurer. Mevr. mr. M.A.V.E. Dreesmann-Beerkens - director. Dhr. John W.M. Brenninkmeijer - director." |
Baroness Gabrielle Bentinck van Schoonheten |
Source(s): 1978 list
Lives in France, but from a Dutch family. A Dutch member of the family, Baron W.O. Bentinck van Schoonheten, is president of the elite Haagsche Club and used to be an ambassador to Spain and London. March 9, 1980, Milwaukee Journal, 'Wildlife Fund A World Away From Jackpine Savages': "The [WWF] benefit ommittee included W. Averell Harriman, Sen. and Mrs. Claiborne Pell, Mrs. William Randolph Hearst, and the Duke and Duchess de La Rochefoucauld, the Baroness Gabrielle Bentinck Van Schoonheten and the Prince and Princess Sadruddin Aga Khan." |
Sidney van den Bergh |
Source(s): 1978 (list in memoriam)
1898-1977. Member van den Bergh family which used to control the Margarine Unie. When the Margarine Unie merged with the British Lever Brothers in 1930, this led to the creation of Unilever. Rose to the rank of reserve-general in November 1945. Minister of defense 1959. Politician at the state level after this, as well as an 8-year senator. Appointed to the advisory board of the large Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad in 1964. Died in 1977.
Nephew Hans van den Bergh, a son of Sidney's brother George, was chairman of the Republican Society.
Lily van den Bergh (cousin of Sidney and Hans van den Bergh; freelancer for Vrij Nederland and De Groene Amsterdammer; also active for VPRO and VARA. Republican Society. |
Hendrik Jan Engelbert van Beuningen |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1971)
Van Beuningen family:
Key shareholders of Smit International throughout the 20th century. Smit International was founded in 1923 with a merger between competing tugboat operators (today salvaging also plays a mojor role) Smit & Co. and Internationale Sleepdienst. Co-founders Holland Amerika Lijn. Hr van Beuningen heeft ook het Feyenoord station laten bouwen. Deze man wilde gezonde werknemers want die werkten beter enz., daardoor heeft een woning corporatie waar hij het meeste geld ik stak diverse woonwijken zoals vreewijk en sportdorp laten bouwen
Hendrik Adriaan van Beuningen (1841-1908), a congressman between 1891 and 1894, was a co-founder of the Steenkolen Handels Vereeniging (SHV) in 1896. The family withdrew from the SHV in 1954, because there was no one to join the board. At that point the Fentener van Vlissingen family, which had also been involved from the beginning in the SHV, took over the helm.
His son, Daniel George van Beuningen (1877-1955), helped found the Rotterdam Harbor Hospital (Havenziekenhuis, specialized in exotic deseases) and was a co-financier of the Feyenoord stadium in 1937, together with De Monchy of the Holland-Amerika Lijn (Holland-America Line). Earlier, in 1919, Daniel and Fop Smit organized the Spido, a serviced that transported people to river and seaships. For the past several decades the Spido is the premier tourist vessel operater in the Rotterdam harbor. Much of the family's art collection can be found at the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Dutch comment (not sure which real estate company this is): "This man wanted healthy employees, because these worked better, etc. That's why a real estate company in which he put the most money built Vreewijk and Sportdorp [districts in southern Rotterdam - where today for 90 percent consists of Arabs and people from the Caribbean]." Daniel joined the advisory board of Robeco, de Rotterdamse Bank Vereniging (Rotterdam Bank Association) and the Holland Amerika Lijn (Holland-America Line).
Hendrik Jan:
Advisory board Smit International (since 2010 part of Royal Boskalis Westminster) in the 1970s. Also the president of Vigilanter in the 1970s, which, together with Nedlloyd, held about 80 percent of the shares in Smit International until the late 1990s. In the 1960s a director and important shareholder of Pakhuismeesteren (translated as: Warehouse Supervisors) in the Rotterdam harbor. Founded in 1818, Pakhuismeesteren took over part of the tea trade of the old Dutch East India Company. In 1967 Pakhuismeesteren merged with Blauwhoed (founded in 1816) into Pakhoed, in which Hendrik Jan played a key role. After a merger in 1999 Pakhoed became known as Royal Vopak (Koninklijke Vopak). |
Mrs. E. A. van Beuningen |
Source(s): 1978 list
Member of the family that was the premier shareholder of Smit International throughout the 20th century. |
Mrs. W. F. van Beuningen |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Member of the family that was the premier shareholder of Smit International throughout the 20th century. |
Mrs. W. J. van Beuningen-Velders |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Member of the family that was the premier shareholder of Smit International throughout the 20th century. |
Dr. Pieter A. Blaisse |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Secretary Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken NV 1935-1940. Supervisory board Elsevier, AMRO bank, Thyssen-Bornemisza, and half a dozen other companies. Member European Parliament in the 1960s. Bilderberg 1958, 1963 and 1965. |
E. Bloembergen |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Director Amsterdam Chemie Farmacie (ACF) Holding NV in the 1970s. |
R. W. Brenninkmeijer |
Source(s): 1978 list alone (died before 1984)
Most likely (but not certain) candidate: Robert Wolfgang Brenninkmeijer (1923-1977), whose son was Jeroen Brenninkmeijer (1959-2008). His father was Otto Brenninkmeijer. Prominent family head in the 1970s. Known for his statement: "Openness is weakness."
Whom it cannot be: Rudolf Wilhelm Brenninkmeijer: Born in 1933 as the third son of Rudolf Brenninkmeijer in Berlin and the great-grandson of August Brenninkmeijer (1819-1892) , co-founder of the Textile Group C. & A. Brenninkmeijer. Studied at the Catholic University of Tilburg, the Netherlands. Succeeded Franz Brenninkmeijer (1890-1972) on the family council in the early 1970s. Director of low-pofile companies Hyde Park Finance Holdings and Derby Trust PLC 1991-1994.
Super-secretive and super-Catholic Dutch family which has build up a fortune estimated up 21 billion euros in 2010 (24 billion in 2008), shared among roughly 200 family members. Members can be found in the Knights of Malta, the Jesuits, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and as very important financial supporters of the Jesuits and Opus Dei.
World War II "Jan Eduard de Quay (1901-1975) was a Dutch politicus. Member of an old Brabant and Catholic family, he became active during the German occupation of the Netherlands as one of three heads of the [collaborist] Nederlandse Unie. ... In high school Jan was educated by the Jesuits of Katwijk, but, in contrast to what was epected of him, did not pursue priesthood. Instead, in the early 1920s he decided to study psychology. ... Almost immediately after graduation, De Quay was appointed lecturer at the Catholic Economic College of Tilburg. ... Contacts in the corporate world he established in those days as a psychotechnical advisor at the PTT and the firm C&A Brenninkmeyer." Jan E. de Quay archives: "Correspondence with R.W. Brenninkmeijer in Amsterdam, 1974 ... Public from: 2050."
June 21, 2011, Vrij Nederland, 'C&A: zuiver arisch in de oorlog': "Brenninckmeijers cooperated with the Nazis to keep and boost their business interests in Germany. In 1934 they donated 750,000 euros in today's money to the NSDAP after a speech of Joseph Goebbels. They sent bribes to Hermann Goring beginning in 1937 and even came up with the occasional anti-Jewish argument to satisfy the Nazi leadership. Even after WWII had begun, from 1940 to 1942, the Brenninkmeijer sent expensive gifts to Goring. Their C&A clothing stores primarily created uniforms for the Nazi army, the work largely being done through forced labor. Inhume: "Dat was anders met de talrijke stukken grond en de diverse panden van Joodse eigenaren die op twijfelachtige wijze werden verworven. Naast het filiaal in Bremen lag de herenkledingzaak Adler van de Joodse mevrouw Bialystock. Zij voelde zich niet meer veilig in Duitsland en wilde vluchten naar Nederland, waar haar man al zat. Hierdoor kon C&A het pand in 1938 voor zevenentwintig procent minder dan de vraagprijs kopen, nadat het eerst de 'niet-arische' makelaar van de verkopende partij had afgewezen. Omdat mevrouw Bialystock nog papieren nodig had voor haar vertrek naar Nederland, verzocht zij in het pand te mogen blijven wonen totdat het rond was. Hiermee ging C&A niet akkoord. Wel wist het de volledige schade op haar te verhalen, nadat bruin- en zwarthemden tijdens de Kristallnacht haar winkel kort en klein hadden geslagen. De koop was gesloten, maar nog niet geregistreerd bij het kadaster. De heer en mevrouw Bialystock werden uiteindelijk in 1942 in Auschwitz vermoord. Na de oorlog verzette C&A zich tegen pogingen een aantal van dergelijke transacties via de rechter te herzien. Het liet zich daarbij verdedigen door een bedrijfsjurist die tijdens de oorlog als SS'er in Polen nog betrokken was geweest bij het gevangennemen van Joden." A historian hired by C&A itself dug up these facts and the company's latest generation made these facts available themselves."
April 25, 1971, Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 'Unicena directors leave earnings to the imagination': "Unicena NV (Ltd), the holding company controlling the world chains of C & A and Ohrbach department stores, may be the biggest clothing retail business around. Only the 19 directors of Unicena, 11 of whom bear the name Brenninkmeyer, know for sure. Like the elusive Howard Hughes, the Brenninkmeyers don't like to talk about themselves or have their pictures taken. ... C&A is the fourth largest company in Holland - after Shell, Unilever, and Philips... General agreement in business circles is that Rudolf Wilhelm Brenninkmeyer, 37, a doctor of economics, currently heads up the Unicena board. But a Unicena executive commented: "Officially there is no chairman of the board. Nor is there one unofficially." In each country where the business has branches, a member of the ruling family is in charge. In Germany it is Cornelius, 40; in Belgium, Ludwig, 42; in France, Herman, 42, and the United States, Anthony, 41. ... Unicena's rigid policy demanding retirement at 55, with enerous pension rights, has kept its corporate management image consistly young and forward looking. The family is staunchly Roman Catholic. Church officials say they never waste their time when they approach the Brenninkmeyers for support of a church project. "
September 5, 1983, New York Times, 'Secretive Brenninkmeyers: "In an unassuming building in Amsterdam's trim Weesper Straat, 50 or so executives meet four times a year to discuss the affairs of what is, by most standards, one of the world's most secretive business operations. The executives, all men, are members of the Brenninkmeyer clan, and they run what has been described as the world's largest retail clothing group. It is believed that some 200 family members, all bearing the Brenninkmeyer name - some use the Dutch form, Brenninkmeijer - operate in a dozen countries. Yet no one knows for sure. So secretive is the family that no one knows for certain how many stores it owns, how much clothing it sells or how much money it earns. None have ever granted an interview. 400 American Stores Still, analysts and public records are able to shed some light on the family and its holdings. In the United States, for example, it is known that the family owns and operates about 400 stores in 30 states, including Ohrbach's and Kreeger & Sons in New York City. Estimates of the group's annual world sales run as high as $6 billion, but some analysts regard even that figure as conservative. In West Germany, where the company's size mandates some disclosure, the C & A Brenninkmeyer subsidiary reported 1982 sales of $2.05 billion, a slight decline from 1981. ... The devoutly Roman Catholic family has been accused of religious bigotry, for example, and in a 1979 report, a group of trade unions in the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees, in Geneva, accused them of discriminating against non-Catholics and women and of squelching labor union activities. ... Today, Rudolf Wilhelm Brenninkmeyer, a man in his 50's, is believed to head the family and control its business interests through Intercena, the Amsterdam-based holding company that is the hub of the family's business activities. ....... The Brenninkmeyers entered the United States in 1961, when they acquired the Ohrbach's chain of clothing stores, which now has six stores in New York and six in Los Angeles. The family has since acquired five more chains: De Lodge's, Harvard Square, Maurice's, Miller's and Kreeger & Sons, which it controls through the Amcena Corporation, in New York. Amcena's president is Anthony Brenninkmeyer, 53, one of several family members working in the United States."
June 16, 2000,, 'De mythe van de Brenninkmeijers, de C&A-clan' ('The mythe of the Brenninkmeyers, the C&A clan'): "The Brenninkmeyers call themselves the B's. These days there exist about a thousand of these B's. In principle those are all equal. But some are more equal than others. After all, not everyone is "partner". Such a partner is similar to a shareholder of one of the family companies. The C&A holding is only one of the many [companies] in the family empire. ... The statutes of the company have been written in such a way that there is not one obligation to publish any kind of figure. Which is what the chain never did until two years ago. And even now only as little as possible. The central rgan of the B's is the family council. Apparently it meets about 3 to 5 times a year. Who is represented in that council is not known. But women are unlikely to be present. Female Brenninkmeyers are always bought out, although Herman Brenninkmeyer promised that this would change in his controversial interview. The story goes round that during the solemn sessions of the council always an empty seat is reserved: for God. Because Catholic is what they are, the Brenninkmeyers. At least several marriages of prominent B's were blessed by the pope in person. Just as the fact that during the opening of a new branch a representative of the church can never be absent. ... Since forever the the family has been one of the most generous donors to the Catholic Church. In former times young Brenninkmeyers were raised with iron fist. Whenever they reached their early 20s, they were always sent to a so-called "bull monastery", host families spread out over the entire world who were known for their loyalty to "papal" ideology. There was abslutely no partying. A strict curfew (11 o'clock) was enforced. As soon as they were married, adultery and divorces were not done. Who did something like that, was excommunicated. The B's only talked about their finances in secret code language. Insight in the company's finances was a privilige only reserved for the B's, although that has been changing a little bit in recent years. But a strict oath of secrecy remains the rule."
July 19, 2010, Quote, 'Egeria wil van FD en NRC 'winnaar' maken ' ('Egeria wants to make a winner of the FD and NRC'): ""Egeria, the Brenninkmeyer founded investment vehicle ... wants to merge the Financieele Dagblad and the NRC Handelsblad into thé quality paper of the Netherlands."
In 2012 Albert Brenninkmeijer (born 1974) married Princess Carolina of Bourbon-Parma, a cousin of King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, on 21 April 2012. The Dutch royals, including Mabel Wisse-Smit were present at the wedding.
Jesuit involvement
April 20, 2009, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 'Jezuïetenonderwijs had veel invloed' ('Jesuit education had a lot of influence'): "Without this [Jesuit] education the Roman Catholic community would have had considerably less influence the past two centuries than is the case now, is the conclusion of Tom van den Beld. Last week he was promoted at Radbout University in Nijmegen, based on the investigation 'Catholic boys from the cultured class: the Jesuit boarding school in Katwijk aan de Rijn, The Hague and Zeist'. 'Katwijk' educated scores of well-known Dutchmen, like former prime minister Jan de Quay and the kids of the department store family Vroom, Dreesmann and Brenninkmeijer. Ruud Lubbers and Hans van Mierlo came from the Canisius College in Nijmegen. The Jesuits shape to educate boys into intellectual people with a sense of responsibility and the skills to operate independently. The education was primarily aimed at the elite, as examples of impeccable, Roman catholc behavior."
April 11, 2009, Trouw, 'Katholieke kweekvijver voor de macht' ('Jesuit cultivation pond for the powerful'): "At this [Jesuit] school [Katwijk a/d Rijn] generations of prominent Catholics were educated, like prime minister Jan de Quay, congressional chair Frans-Josef van Thiel, professor and politician Erik Jurgens, as well as numerous members of illustrious families as Brenninkmeijer, Houben, Ruys de Beerenbrouck, Van Lanschot and Michiels van Kessenich."
May 30, 2012, Trouw newspaper, 'Echtpaar Brenninkmeijer fel gekant tegen benoeming Eijk - Vatileaks: C&A-familie schreef brief aan paus over kardinaal' ('Brenninkmeyer couple firmly opposed to appointment Eijk - Vatileaks: C&A family wrote a letter to the peope about cardinal'): "Uitgelekte documenten laten een interne strijd in het Vaticaan zien, maar ook bewijs dat de vermogende katholieke familie Brenninkmeijer bij de paus bezwaren geuit heeft tegen aartsbisschop Eijk. Onder de uitgelekte documenten van het Vaticaan zit een brief waarin het echtpaar Hubert en Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer kritiek levert op aartsbisschop Eijk. "Waarom worden in Europa bisschoppen benoemd die noch contact hebben met noch het vertrouwen genieten van de aan hen toevertrouwde kudde", schrijven ze aan de Spaanse jezuïet Adolfo Nicolas, de wereldwijde leider van de orde van de jezuïeten. Ze noemen daarbij de naam van aartsbisschop Eijk. De katholieke familie Brenninkmeijer, rijk geworden met C&A, geeft veel geld aan de rooms-katholieke kerk. Adolfo Nicolas noemt hen als weldoeners van de 'Kerk en de Sociëteit van Jezus'. Hij heeft deze brief van Hubert en Aldegonde Brenninkmeijer doorgegeven aan paus Benedictus XVI. De correspondentie staat in het boek 'Zijne Heiligheid' van de Italiaanse onderzoeksjournalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, dat ruim een week geleden uitkwam. ... De cultuurstrijd, met bijbehorende ondoorzichtige benoemingen en vriendjespolitiek, is naar buiten gekomen door kardinaal Vigano, die begin vorig jaar vertrouwelijke stuken hierover naar buiten bracht. Hij werd weggepromoveerd naar Washington. Officieel een erepositie, maar in de praktijk een straf.", 'In memoriam: deceased Dutch Jesuits' (accessed: June 2, 2014): "2008-2009: ... Harry VAN VOORST TOT VOORST. ... 2005-2006: ... Clemens BRENNINKMEIJER... 2003-2004: ... Godfried VAN VOORST TOT VOORST..."
SMOM involvement
September 1, 2012, The [Catholic] Tablet , 'Moves to heal 'malaise' in British Order of Malta': "A NEW council has been set up to reform the embattled British branch of the Order of Malta. A “caretaker council” will be responsible for implementing changes to the British Association of the Order of Malta (BASMOM) following concerns about the handling of a sacristan who was convicted of child pornography offences. The council includes Mark Brenninkmeyer, former chairman of the C&A clothing chain; Richard Fitzalan-Howard, a financier and cousin of the Duke of Norfolk; and Stephen MacklowSmith, a managing director at JP Morgan bank."
Winter 2011-2012, Order of Malta UK newsletter: "Dear Companions, Before Christmas becomes too much of a distant memory, thank you to everyone who supported the Companions’ Carols in London and Conversazione in Scotland. Both events were a great success. In London we raised over £8k and in Scotland some £4k plus very substantial donation. If I can speak for south of the border, thank you very much to my committee for the Carols: Marisa Brenninkmeyer, Paola Fudakowska, Helena Letman, Irina Liedekerke, Stefan Benardzyk, Philip Habsburg and James Pavey."
Jan Brenninkmeijer: lead secretary of Meldpunt Seksueel Misbruik RKK (Hotline Sexual Abuse RCC [Roman Catholic Church]) since 2011. Member Friends of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta. Member Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem (headed by Michael Brenninkmeijer since 2013). Involved in the pharmaceuticalindustry 1984-1994. Co-owner and director bij Brenninkmeijer & Teeuwen 1996-2001. Active within the CDA (Christian Democratic Appeal). Former prime minister Jan Peter Balkende of the CDA shows up prominently at his LinkedIn account. Member CDA's Management Association.
Opus Dei support
December 22, 2011, Handelszeitung, issue 51/52, 'Geheimbund Gottes - Gebot des Schweigens' (God's secret society - Law of silence'): "We find the names of big business families supporting the Opus Dei. The head canon of the diocese of Chur, Franz Stampfli, recalls a conversation with the legal counsel of a C & A-related foundation. He confirmed to him that the sponsors, members the Brenninkmeijer family, among other church projects, did not just support his diocese of Chur, but also the Opus Dei. Brenninkmeijers do not want to take a position out of "general considerations" for the private affairs of family members. Franz Stampfli is one of the stalwarts of the Diocese of Chur. For a time he was considered a candidate for bishop. Now he is retired, but still works as a pastor. He has had very few good experiences with the Opus Dei. In the late 1970s, when parents complained about religious teachers in middle schools in the diocese, his boss, the then vicar general, told him to investigate the matter. Stampfli found that the teachers were Opus Dei members and abused their position to tutor and bring young people into Opus Dei camps or Opus Dei youth organizations."
More Vatican involvement
Jan Brenninkmeijer: lead secretary of Meldpunt Seksueel Misbruik RKK (Hotline Sexual Abuse RCC [Roman Catholic Church]) since 2011.
Directors of the National Leadership Roundtable on [Catholic] Church Management in the United States: Anthony Brenninkmeyer, followed by Hans Brenninkmeyer. CIA head Leon Panetta could also be found on the board.
Example of (Catholic) family ties, 'Maurits van Hövell tot Westerflier' (accessed: June 2, 2014): "Education: Delft University of Technology. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus. University Citicorp Institute for Global Finance, New York Past: Coverage Banker at Rabobank Utrecht e.o. ... Senior Banker, Managing Director Merchant Banking at Fortis Bank. Wholesale Banker ... at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. ... Director at Deutsche Bank. ... Viewers of this profile also viewed: ... Zweder van Hovell tot Westerflier [Education: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, University of Oklahoma, Universiteit Utrecht. ... Past: Business Manager M&A at Rabobank International. Recruiter Corporate Management Traineeship at Rabobank Nederland.] ... Dereck Hövell tot Westerflier, van [Rabobank]... PC van Oranje-Nassau ["Chairman at Dutch Association of Security Managers (VBN). Board Member at Dutch Red Cross"] ... Aimée van Oranje ... John Bentinck van Schoonheten [old 1001 Club family] ... Diederik Van Hovell tot Westerflier ... Mimi Van Hovell tot Westerflier ["investigator at Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie. Past: ... policy advisor at Police Amsterdam-Amstelland. Employee international relations at Politie Amsterdam-Amstelland"] ... Bregje de Beaufort-Bosch van Drakestein ... Hein Brenninkmeijer ["Finance Director at Heineken Italia. Past: ... Director at Heineken International BV. (Executive) Director at Fortis. ... Associate (Director) at MeesPierson / Fortis ... Intern [at] Rothschild ... July 1996 – August 1996"] ... Roderic Van Voorst Tot Voorst [ABN AMRO]... Pieter Six ["Current Business Manager, Corporate Banking Asia at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Past: Business Manager ING South Asia at ING ... Senior Marketing Manager Nationale-Nederlanden"]..." |
Johannes Roelof Maria "Jan" van den Brink |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Born in 1915. Member Dutch delegation of the Round Table Conference about West-Indies (Nederlandse delegatie Ronde Tafel Conferentie over West-Indië) in January 1946. Economics minister of the Catholic Folk Party (KVP: Katholieke Volkspartij) On the supervisory board of the Amsterdam Bank, Robeco, AKU, SVU, Nederlandse Spoorwegen (1952-1985), Ford Netherlands, and almost a dozen other companies, beginning in the 1940s.
Director Amsterdam Bank 1954-1965. Director AMRO Bank 1964-1978. Chairman Dutch Bankers Association 1970-1977. Supervisory board AMRO Bank 1978-1986 and AEGON 1983-1986. Died in 2006. |
Rudolf Engelbert Maria van den Brink |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Born in 1919 and brother of fellow-1001 Club member Jan van den Brink. Became president-director of Elsevier in 1954 and still chairman around 1980. Retired from Elsevier in 1987. Did his best to acquire NRC Handelsblad, but failed. Founding chairman of the in 1972 set up Modern Media Foundation (SMM: Stichting Moderne Media). 2012, Pien van der Hoeven, 'Het succes van een kwaliteitskrant: history of the NRC Handelsblad' (digital): "In turn, [1001 Club Frits J.] Philips had been approached by H.A. Lunshof [Henk Lunshof; co-founder and chief editor Elsevier Weekly 1945-1947, editor 1953-1959, chief editor 1959-1965, continued as a writer until 1973; died in 1978], who was on a crusade against the leftist tendencies in the liberal press. The controversial Lunshof was columnist and chief editor of Elsevier. His position was in jeopardy, however, because the anti-communist course of the weekly magazine under his leadership wasn't doing the suscription growth any good. ... In the advisory meeting of 25 March 1964 Van den Bergh told that he had heard from [Philips director] Guepin that at Philips 'serious consternation has arisen about the editorial course of the NRC and that they were willing to make funds available to change this course.' According to van Lennep these same feelings towards the NRC could also be found in Rotterdam business circles. In a next meeting Van den Bergh, who at that point could hardly still take Lunshof serious, said that Lunshof claimed to have gotten insight in dossiers of the German secret service through German president [Heinrich] Lubke. From these it became clear to him that the communists were trying to infiltrate the Dutch newspapers and that they had succeeded in this at the Handelsblad and the NRC with several young editors. So the worries of Lunshof and the NRC did not just go for the NRC, but also, to a lesser extent, the Handelsblad, of which 'many prominent Amsterdammers', according to Lunshof, thought 'there was a threat that it would move too far into leftist water, especially due to deputy editor Hofland.' To increase the pressure, Lunshof hinted to Van den Bergh of a potential withdrawal of Elsevier as publisher of the Handelsblad and the erection of a rival newspaper. Van den Bergh and other commissioners of the Handelsblad didn't trust the manipulating Lunshof even the slighest, but did share his worries about the "red ideas" of the NRC. However, in discussions with the NRC management and their colleagues the commissioners of the Handelsblad were quickly satisfied [commissioners tend to be much more powerful than officially given credit for] after finding out that over there they also were not interesting in the red virus and that banning leftist ideas from the newspaper could be seen as a joint objective." Died in 1997.
Dolf van den Brink (b. 1948): Former member of the Managing Board of ABN AMRO Bank. Professor Financial Institutions, University of Amsterdam. Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of Elsevier Reed Finance B.V., Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. and Center Parcs Europe N.V. Supervisory Director of Legal & General Nederland B.V., KBC Bank and De Heus Nederland B.V. Chairman of the Audit Committee as of January 1, 2006.
Dolf van den Brink (b. 1973): Mr. van den Brink graduated from the University of Groningen with a dual Masters degree in Business Administration and Philosophy. Also participated in the advanced management program at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School and is conversant in five languages. Began as a commerical manageent trainee at Heineken in 1998. International channel development manager Heineken 2003-2005. Commercial director and deputy general manager of Heineken Congo 2005-2009. Mr. Dolf van den Brink has been the Chief Executive Officer and President of Heineken USA Incorporated since October 2009. |
Henk Brusse |
Source(s): History at Buttonboss website; 2010 list (member since 1996)
of Buttonboss (button producer in the UK, Netherlands and Germany).
Heavy donor to the WWF since 1982. Prince Bernhard attended some of
the companies parties and offered him membership in the 1001 in 1996.
He has been to Palace Soestdijk. |
Wouter Bruynzeel |
Source(s): 1978 list
Quite possibly a member of the Bruynzeel Kitchens family, which started out in 1897 under the name C. Bruynzeel & Sons. |
H. A. Burgerhout |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Seemingly a descendant of owner of the 1910 to 1932 Rotterdam shipyard Burgerhout's Machinefabriek en Scheepswerf NV. At least four generation in the family have ben named Hendrik Adolph Burgerhout. One of them lived from 1910 to 1992. |
Maurits "Maup" Caransa |
Source(s): 1978 list
Born in 1916. Portuguese-Jew who survived the war, together with his sister. The rest of his family died. In 1945 he began a trade in second-hand cars, goods, oil and coals. In part he sold old allied army supplies. The fortune he made, he stuck in real estate. In Amsterdam he bought houses on the expensive Kalverstraat, around Rembrandtplein, Leidseplein and became owner of the Doelen Hotel, the Schiller Hotel, Hotel Américain, Amstel Hotel and Caransa Hotel. Accused of unethical business practices. Founded the Caransa Group in 1964. Investor in Ajax, one of the Netherlands' three leading soccer clubs. The Rote Armee Fraktion took responsibility for the kidnapping, but apparently this wasn't the case. He managed to negotiate his way out by paying 4 million euros. It was the first kidnapping of a famous person in the Netherlands, later followed by co-1001 Club member Freddie Heineken. Largely disappeared into obscurity after the kidnapping. Died in 2009.
Note: Pieter Herman Bakker Schut was a lawyer for the Rote Armee Fraktion, gang bosses Sam Klepper and Mink Kok, and almost also of Fortuyn killer Pim Fortuyn. In 2002 Volkert van der Graaf also asked to be defended by him. Her wife was later involved in the Bakker Schut Foundation with IRT affair culprit (CIA linked) Klaas Langendoen in manipulations surrounding Justice Department secretary general Joris Demmink (Minerva fraternity, like Bakker Schut), who allegedly raped boys. |
Michael C. B. Cook |
Source(s): 1987 list
President of the U.S.-based June Oil & Gas and chairman of Cook Oil and Gas in the 1970s and 1980s. |
C. H. van Dam |
Source(s): 1987 list
A C. H. van Dam was president of Rotterdam Zoo in the 1910s. Quite possible not a relationship at all, but still interesting: Dick van Dam: Born in 1924. In the resistance during World War II. Manager Heineken in Singapore, Port Moresby, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Ghana 1955-1970. Chairman Rotterdam Zoo (Diergaarde) 1970-1988. Manager Natuur Historisch Museum in Rotterdam. Died in 2008. |
Baron Willem van Dedem |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1996)
Born 1929. Member of an old noble family. Still the Utrecht manager of Van Lanschot Bankiers in 1999. Member BirdLife International's Rare Bird Club in the 1990s, together with Prince Bernhard, former Queen Juliana, Peter Wallenberg, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, Luc Hoffmann, Andre Hoffmann, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Andre van Gils, and Henk Brusse. Art collector. Director Museum Booijmans Van Beuningen and chairman of TEFAF in Maastricht. |
Joke E. van Dieten Maasland |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1979)
Back in the 1970s she was an importer of Ferraris and Maseratis, and a dealer of Alfa Romero sports cars. Certainly by the 1980s she went deep into the ultra-fringe new age. Over the years she came into the possession of 11 crystal skulls from all over the world, which she calls: Janus, ET, Oceana, Shui Ting Er, Mansur, Baby Luv, the Jesuit, Magnificant Fire, Darth Vader, Clouds, and Jut and Jul. (accessed: March 23, 2012): "A meditation journey for world peace with 9 crystal skulls in a Hummer H1 around the world. According to the Mayans the crystal skull E.T. has come from the Pleiades. ... Dear people, thank you for reading this epistel about the crystal skulls, for which I am chosen to be the guardian. All the crystal skulls are calling their ancient human size authentic crystal friends, who did not yet connect to their fellow friends in Holland, so I hope that your guardian wants to let you travel to our guardian, Joky van Dieten. Thank you and Joky hopes to hear from you." (accessed: Oct. 6, 2003): "In may 2002 I visited Damanhur with my skulls." (accessed: Oct. 6, 2003): "Founded in 1977, Damanhur is an internationally renowned center for spiritual research. Situated in Valchiusella Valley, in the Alpine foothills of northern Italy, Damanhur is a Federation of Communities and Regions with over 800 citizens, a social and political structure, a Constitution, 40 economic activities, its own currency, schools and a daily paper." (accessed: Oct. 6, 2003): "The Temples of Humankind, built in the heart of the mountain, are a series of underground Halls where art and beauty become a means of communication with the Divine. The rooms are connected to each other on different levels in a pathway that is liked to the journey that every human being undertakes from birth to death and again at rebirth: the Temples of Humankind for those who enter represent a real initiate path." (accessed: March 23, 2012): "My name is Joky Van Dieten. I was born in Holland where I lived on and off for 40 years before immigrating to Canada. My background is in business, to be specific -- importing Ferraris and Maseratis, and a dealer of Alfa Romero sports cars. When I was younger, I raced sportscars such as Ferrari, Jaguar, Alfa Romeo, etc ... (I was the first women's racing car driver in Europe) and I did ralley [sic] driving (Ferrari, Jaguar XK120, BMW 326, Alfa Romeo), and also practiced sports like ocean sailracing (always winning), skiing, figure skating, adventure traveling. I love studying, on a daily base on my white concert harp, where ever I go my harp goes. I have a son in Canada and a daughter in America and had the oldest stamp auction house in the world. My parents, besides being loving, honest and coming from high integrity, my master teachers. I never heard any spiritual comments from them but I consider them to be the utmost examples of spiritual beings. I have learned a great deal from visiting various indigenous people from all over the world especially their wisdom and love for the Earth.
"The crystal skull "ET" came to me in 1991, before I had a large tumor removed from head, (the size of an orange ... the doctors couldn't believe that I was able to walk around or wasn't already dead) ... as I had not a clue why I was carrying "ET" in my backpack around the world ... or why I had this skull in the first place. The answer came in the form of a very fast healing after two major brain surgeries (to remove the tumor) and during the last surgery, I experienced a NDE (near death experience) which is when I understood why "ET" had chosen me as his caretaker. I walked out of the hospital 7 days after the second surgery and never went back.) I have always been fascinated by the natural healing potentials that we all have (inside of us). "My goal on my journey will be offering to provide opportunities for other people to have a personal experience with my old and ancient crystal skulls. I believe that the crystal skulls are an example of a number of ancient tools that are being re-discovered and that will assist humanity into an awakening of our divine origins as well as share a powerful energy for Peace and Harmony for our world. (see more meditation pictures [people meditating while holding the skulls in their hands]) "
February 26, 2011, Dawn magazine, 'Myths and mysteries: The 13 crystal skulls: Who made them & why?': "Then we have MAX, the Texas skull, which was in the possession of a Tibetan healer, Norbu Chen, who gave it to Carl and Jo Parks against a debt. It was only after Jo found out that the skull was of archaeological interest worldwide that she took it out of her closet and had it examined by an expert. It was indeed found to be ancient. Another crystal skull enthusiast Joke Van Dieten Maasland has a smoky quartz crystal skull, which was discovered in 1906 during the excavation of a Mayan temple in Guatemala. Joke states that the skull has healing powers and helped heal a brain tumour in a book she has written titled, Messengers of Ancient Wisdom. The skull is named E.T. because it has a pointed head and an exaggerated jaw with an overbite, which makes it look like it an alien-shaped head. The rose quartz crystal skull is very much like the Mitchell Hedges skull and was found near the border of Honduras and Guatemala. Its lower jaw is movable just like the above mentioned one." mcmlove/ crystalskullsthreefoldwomen: "KLM brought me to Amsterdam Airport to meet finally with Vicki Cunningham aka Elmera, from Australia. She had been holidaying first for two weeks in cropcricle-land near Glastonbury and we will go to meet with the 'Dutch Indiana Jones' with her ten crystal skulls, Joky van Dieten. To get together, to exchange and REMEMBER and make big new plans. Joky in fact wants to part from her crystal friends, that came to her in the last twenty years. She celebrated her eightiest birthday this summer, still going strong, but forgetting a lot and I promised to assist her in finding a new caretaker for her family of ten crystal skulls lead by the ancient and worldfamous ET. Vicki is interested, already since very long, especially to re-connect with ET and that's why Vicki sponsored me to form a female threesome in Joky's bungalow near the coast and sandy beaches of Noordwijkerhout. Vicki and I meet at a socalled WolfSong (the ninth) with Elders from allover the world in 1998 and the very first time at least five crystal skulls are in the Netherlands under the lead of the expert in the field F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino and his ancient skull Sha-Na-Ra. Vicki was accompanied by her skull Ebmnagine (at the time she called him Skully or Inlak'esh= I am another You) and I organized her a tour thrue Holland to bring the phenomenon under the attention of loads of folks. Got connected to Ebmnagine as well, he taught me that ,,I am a galactic being that can heal myself'. (See story about WolfsongIX, published in 1998, ... Joky van Dieten (Maasland) and I meet in 2001 in the office of Klaus Dona right at the start of a huge conference and exhibition of World Mysteries in the Museum of History in Vienna in Austria. The six skulls in Joky's care are the very first large amount of skulls to be seen alltogether for a long period of time for the public. Joky was planning a world peace tour in the Hummer she had bought in the United States and had shipped to the Netherlands. She asked me to be her partner during this three year long trip around the world and its worldleaders to meditate for worldpeace and a healthy enivironment with the crystal skulls. Due to the fact I couldn't leave my HeartsHotel in Hungary for such a long time on end and some other reasons the cooperation didn't take place. Some years after she asked Vicki the same question. Vicki actually went in 2005 with Joky and the skulls (eight by that time) to the Swiss park/exhibition Mystery Park of Erich von Daniken in Interlaken. The skulls stayed there for months to be again exhibited for the public. ... Vicki and myself know by now that the whole of mankind is standing on the threshold of a 'big leap forward' in consciousness, to REMEMBER and know that we all are changing from being carbon based into crystalline beings to become finally these androgyn godmen on an octave higher consciousness level and to be All-One." |
Hubertus J. van Doorne |
Source(s): 1978 list
1900-1979. In 1928, together with his brother Wim van Doorne, the founder of Van Doorne's Aanhangwagenfabriek (Trailer factory) and Van Doorne's Automobielfabriek (vehicle factory), best known as DAF, which still sells trucks today. |
Anton Caspar Rudolphus "Anton" Dreesmann |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
1923-2000. Grandson of one of the founders of Vroom & Dreesmann, better know as V & D, a famous Dutch department store chain. A great uncle, Anton August Sigismund Dreesmann (1897-1945), married Leonie Brenninkmeijer (1903-1994). His great aunt on the same side, Anna Dreesmann (1856-1929), married Bernhard Rosenmoller (1840-1928), from whom Groenlinks/Greenleft leader Paul Rosenmoller descended. Managing director V&D in the Hague 1954-1973. Chairman V&D's holding company Vendex 1973-1988. Advisory board tobacco firm Oscar Rothe & Jiskoot NV. Family married into the noble Van Hovell tot Westerflier family. April 12, 2002, NRC, ''Veilen die boel!'': "Anton Dreesmann had ook een enorme videotheek met 700 banden van de National Geographic Society, "over hoe de boomkikvors paart in de bossen van Borneo, dat soort onderwerpen", aldus zoon Pieter."
Extra family details:
Dr Anton C.R. Dreesmann (1923-2000) was the son of Wilhelmus Josephus Rudolphus Dreesmann (1885-1954), grandson of Anton Caspar Rudolph Dreesmann (1854-1934), and great-grandson of Anton August Sigismund Dreesmann (1813-1898). (pictures and documents on the Vroom and Dreesman family members): "Rudolf (1881-1971), Bernhard (1883-1974) and Georg Rosenmoller (1888-1976), [all] sons of Bernard Rosenmoller (1840-1928) and Anna Dreesmann (1856-1929)... [Picure:] Maria Rosenmoller (1885-1978), daughter of Bernard Rosenmoller (1840-1928) and Anna Dreesmann (1856-1929)... Anton August Sigismund Dreesmann (1897-1945; a great-uncle of the 1001 Club member) ... and his wife Leonie Brenninkmeijer (1903-1994) [who gave birth to Anton Gerrit Dreesmann, born in 1933]"
Paul Rosenmoller was born in 1956 in a wealthy, Catholic family. His father was CEO of and shareholder of Vroom and Dreesman. 2002, (mainstream media), 'Portrait: Rosenmuller: scherp debater': "Father George [Rosenmuller] is V&D director in the Haarlem region: with families Vroom, Dreesman, Vehmeijer, Peek and Berendsen the family Rosenmuller heads the V&D corporation. ... To the dismay of his parents, in 1976, shortly before candidacy Sociology at the University of Amsterdam, he goes to the harbor of Rotterdam. There he quickly climbs up to strike leader." During his study Rosenmöller became associated with radical socialist, maoist groups. Became labor union leader. Received national fame because of his radical position in these negotiations and strikes. He was a member of Group of Marxist-Leninists/Red Dawn from 1976 to 1982. In 1989, he became member of the newly founded party GroenLinks. Congressman for Groenlinks 1989-2003. Chairman of the Groenlinks party 1994-2003. Greatly opposed Pim Fortuyn in the elections, panting him as an extreme right figure. The new leader of the GroenLinks party in 2003 became Femke Halsema, a member of the Republican Society - of which Pim Frtuyn was also a member.
May 3, 2005, De Telegraaf, 'Kassa Rosenmöller rinkelt': "Former Greenleft-chairman Paul Rosenmoller has become embroiled in controversy due to his chairmanship of the integration committee, which, after two years, will be discontinued soon, for which he received over 140,000 euros. The activities of the so-named PaVem Commission, in which Princess Maxima also takes part, take up about one day a week on average. ... It turns out that the former Greenleft-candidate received a standard pay of 1360 euros a day. ... For every working day, the ex-politician gets another 15 percent for expenses made." |
Pieter Dreesmann |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1998)
Born in 1958. Son of Anton Dreesmann.
July 20, 2022,, 'Prinses Amalia huurt haar studentenkamer van miljardairsfamilie Dreesmann': "Het pand waar zij volgens Weekend dus haar corporale dinnetjes gaat ontvangen staat op naam van Stichting Calella dat is opgericht door Dreesmann-telg Marc die het familievermogen van de V&D-familie beheert."
July 27, 2022, Elle, 'Studenten uit huis gezet door verhuizing prinses Amalia, en gaat ze nog bij het studentencorps? Amalia liet in haar biografie weten heel graag bij het studentencorps te willen. Nu nog steeds?': "'Prinses Amalia is dankbaar dat ze een kamer heeft gevonden in Amsterdam ondanks de woningnood', zo lezen vele koppen in de media een maand geleden. ...
Het huis waarin Amalia een kamer huurt - dat Marc Dreesmann in 2018 voor zo'n twee miljoen kocht - stond niet leeg. Zijn zoon en vrienden woonden in het pand, maar moeten volgens Weekend nu verhuizen. Shownieuws heeft beelden waarin we zien dat de jongens auto's volladen met meubels en andere spullen." |
Johannes M. Driessen |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1971)
Manager OPAL Associates Holding AG, a global leader in the AutoID field since 1996. |
Jan van den Driest |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1978)
President of AKZO in the1970s. ALternatate chaiman of AKZO subsidiary Enka Glanzstoff. Director Holec and Volker Stevin.
Mr. Carel J. van den Driest [Jan's son] serves as an Honorary Consul-General to Singapore. Mr. Van den Driest served as the Chief Executive Officer of Royal Vopak NV from 2002 to 2005. He served as the Chairman and Member of Executive Board at Royal Vopak NV from June 29, 2002 to January 1, 2006. Previously, he served as Chairman of the Board of Management at Royal Vopak NV from 1995 to 2003. He served at Royal Shell Group in 1971. He joined Van Ommeren in 1974. He served as Chief Executive Officer of Van Ommeren Matex from 1991 to 1999. He served various positions, amongst others Managing Director of the terminal in Singapore and of Van Ommeren Rotterdam (Agencies & Transport). He served as Chairman of Van Ommeren from 1991 to 1999 and served as its Member of the Executive Board since 1988. He served as the President, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Europe Combined Terminals B.V. [ECT: Europe Container Terminals] and served as its Chairman since 2000. Mr. Van den Driest serves as the Chairman of Supervisory Board of Van Oord Groep NV. He serves as the Chairman of Supervisory board at Anthony Veder Group N.V., Van Oord NV., Darlin N.V. and Dura Vermeer Group N.V. He served as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Royal Vopak from 2002 to 2005. He serves as a Director of Carelshaven B.V. He serves as a Director of Darlin N.V., Nederland Maritiem Land, Curatorium Havenziekenhuis, Anthony Veder Group N.V.; Dura Vermeer Groep N.V.; Goudse Verzekeringen B.V. and Van der Hoop Effectenbank N.V. He has been a Member of Supervisory Board at Stork Technical Services HOLDCO B.V., since January 4, 2013, NV Nederlandse Spoorwegen since October 24, 2012 and AVR Van Gansewinkel N.V. since April 22, 2009. He has been a Member of Supervisory Board at Vopak Internationaal B.V. and Royal Vopak NV since April 27, 2006. He serves as a Member of Supervisory Board at Stichting ING Aandelen. He served as a Member of Supervisory Board at Van Gansewinkel Groep B.V. since April 1, 2009. He served as a Member of Supervisory Board at Holding AVR-Bedrijven N.V. since April 22, 2009. He served as a Supervisory Director of HES Beheer NV since May 16, 2001. He served as a Director of Brostrom AB from 2004 to October 2008. He served as a Member of Supervisory Board of Stork B.V since March 10, 2006. He serves as Vice-Chairman of Club Rotterdam. Mr. Van den Driest completed his studies in Business Economics and holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration. He studied Economics and Administration at the University of Groningen. Director of The Royal Bank of Scotland NV. |
Daan J. M. Dura |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1978)
4th generation member heading construction firm Dura, which constructed in Rotterdam the Groothandelsgebouw, the Hilton, the arrival hall of the Holland-Amerikalijn, the Thaliabioscoop and the Lijnbaan. In 1998 Dura merged with the Vermeer Group, created Dura Vermeer, one of Holland's largest construction companies. Dura stayed on the board of Dura Vermeer until 2003. His sons Job and Age took over the management. Through Puissance Hlding, Dura did keep control of the shares. Together with Jacques Schoufour a major financier of the horse-riding event Concours Hippique International Officiel (CHIO). Died in 2011. |
Peter Dura |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1998)
Unkown relative of Daan. |
Feijo Durksz |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1992)
Feijo Durksz serves as a Member of the Supervisory Board of Kuhne + Heitz N.V. Mr. Feijo was reappointed in 2002. He was former president, director of Staten Bank Holland NV and Chairman of foundation “The trust, a foundation for young people”. |
Ernst H. van Eeghen |
Source(s): 1978 list and 1987 lists
1920-2007. Member of a reasonably prominent trade and banking family. Christiaan Pieter van Eeghen (1880-1968) was president van De Nederlandsche Bank. Ernst was honorair consul of the Netherlands in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 1950-1962. In 1954 he inherited Domain Berkenrode, where he went to live in 1962. Honorair consul of Tanzania in the Netherlands 1962-1972. Tanzania's first president, from 1964 to 1985, is known to have stayed at Domain Berkenrode. In 1962 he became head of the family firm, the Van Eeghen Group, established in 1662. Also controlled the private bank Oyens & Van Eeghen, established 1797. Member of Christian Democrat (CDA) workgroup Christian Radicals. Member of the Conference of European Churches in Geneve and smuggled boxes of bibles to Moscow and Leningrad. Important financier of the Dutch intelligence-ran Interdoc network of Cees van der Heuvel in the 1970s. April 23, 2010,, 'Lockheed-commisie vroeg Bernhard naar kind in Californië': "In March of that year [1976] the [Lockheed] commission received a letter of the Dutch-American Tonny van Renterghem [about a likely extra-marital child of Bernhard], a former army officer and resistance hero.... After the war he worked on the staff of Prince Bernhard for over two years. ... Soon thereafter Van Renterghem received a letter from an old military buddy, Ernst van Eeghen. That one had 'recently' learned that Van Renterghem wanted to reveal something about Prince Bernhard in relation to the Lockheed scandal. He strongly asked Van Renterghem not to go through with this. Even if it were true, Van Eeghen wrote, Prince Bernhard and also others would be 'deeply hurt'. Van Eeghen turns out to have been a friend of Bernhard. Bernhard regularly came over the floor, his son told the NOS." Member 1981 parliamentary defense delegation in Moscow. Founder of the Darthouth-inspired De Burght Conferences, organized under the De Burght Foundation, from 1984 to at least the mid-1990s between Dutch businessmen and Russian experts. The wives of Jimmy Carter and Valerie Giscard d'Estaing have been spotted jogging at his Domain Berkenrode. Established Stichting Voedselhulp aan Russen (Foundation for Food Aid to the Russians) in 1991. Later worked on projects to bring Jews and Arabs closer together, a process in which he met with Arafat. Retired from the advisory board of the Van Eeghem Group in 1995. One of his sons studied at INSEAD. |
Robbie van Erven Dorens |
Source(s): 1978, 1987 and 2010 lists (joined in 1971)
Dutch amateur golf champion. 6x European champion and 3x world champion. Founder golf promotion REVED International in 1980. REVED takes over the Dutch Open (KLM Open) golf tournament. |
F. H. Fentener van Vlissingen |
Source(s): 1978 list and 1987 list "in memoriam 1984-1986"
Born in 1906. Oldest son of Frederik Hendrik Fentener van Vlissingen (1882-1962). Johan Marius Fentener van Vlissingen (1907-1987) was his brother. In 1964 he married Monique van Lanschot. Died in 1985.
Monique van Lanschot (1912-1992), born at castle Maurik, and a daughter of August Willem Johan van Lanschot (1867-1923), a former mayor of Vught, and the sister of 1001 Club member Willem "Bib" van Lanschot, who was part of Prince Bernhard's intelligence and special operations clique. Bib also had a daughter with name Monique.
No. 5, 2002, Historisch Nieuwsblad, 'Ondernemer Paul Fentener van Vlissingen: 'Ik moest iets studeren waarmee ik altijd mijn boterham kon verdienen'': "The SVH came into existence in 1896, when eight related families from the German Rheinische-Westfälisches Kohlen Syndikat (RWKS) acquired a monopoly over the Dutch coal trade. The families united under the chairmanship of Paul's great-grandfather Frederik Hendrik (1849-1918). in the Coal Trade Association (SVH: Steenkolen Handelsvereeniging). The company's size was greatly increased by his son, Frederik Hendrik Fentener van Vlissingen (1882-1962), who, next to that, was active in numerous other corporations. "Dr. F.H.", as he was often called by other, was co-founder of Fokker [aircraft builder], KLM (airlines), Hoogovens (smelting) and the AKU, predecessor of the president chemical concern Akzo Nobel. ... After the First World War the British and French victors asked F. H. Fentener van Vlissingen for advise on the Treaty of Versailles. 'In the basement of the company we still have a piece of paper with the concent treaty. On that, in the byline, you see in my gandfather's writing the remark that Germany will never be able to pay for reparations. Including a calculation. Well, that is exactly what happened. ,,, As chairman of the Netherlands-German Chamber of Commerce between 1931 and 1939 he was even received twice by Adolf Hitler. Van Vlissingen: '... My father was also chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris and in that function was approached by several western countries- especially America, but also England. They asked him if he couldn't negotiate with the Germans. My grandather was fuent in German and also knew many Germans. Back then he put a lot of effort in this. ... In 1938 an important part of the shares were moved to America, so during the war they managed to keep these out of the hands of the Germans.' ... Grandfather Frits strongly disapproved of the German invasion, which he called a "scandalous act". Initially he still tried to cooperate with the Germans, this by setting up the National Committee for Economic Cooperation (NCES: Nationaal Comité voor Economische Samenwerking) with eleven other top figures from the corporate world. The Germans didn't approve of this Dutch power bloc and within several months the committee was abolished. In the final years of the war grandfather Frits and his son Jan were hiding people wanted by the Germans and was the SHV active in the resistance. Paul van Vlissingen: 'The company financed actions and strikes like the railroad strike in 1944, but also provided jobs for people in the resistence who needed a cover. At the end of the war not many coals were left to be sold.' Jan van Vlissingen already went into the Utrecht resistence in 1941. 'My father suffered badly during the war,' his son tells. 'Most of his comrades have been executed b firing squad. He himself was also arrested twice. The last time he was sentenced to death, but this was shortly before the liberation and the sentence wasn't executed. ... Shortly after the liberation in 1945 Frits van Fentener van Vlissingen handed over the chairmanship to his son, Jan. Under his guidance the SHV expanded from a coal company to an enterprise with supermarket chains, a coffee producer, construction companies, a computer service company, oil, gas and refining companies, and a large shareholding in Martinair. When Jan became sick about fifteen years later [1960], Barend Pruijt... took over. ... In the early 1970s the SVH transferred its holding to the Dutch Antilles. 'Just as during the years prior to the Second World War, we decided to transfer part of the capital to another hemisphere.' It weren't just the Russians the SVH-leadership was afraid of, but they also feared the rise of socialism in Europe. 'For the first time France and Italy were about to get communist governments. And the left of the Labour Party in England was also very significant. If it were to come between a monster alliance between them and Brezhnev and the socialist structures in Europe, we would be able to continue with the company outside Europe. ... Politics already was nothing for him, he thought, but Van Vlissingen developen a deep-seeded distrust only after the Makro (supermarket) fires, who only began a year after his chairmanship. In September 1985 terror group RARA set fighter to the Makro in Amsterdam, because of the presence of Makro branches in South Africa. The building was completely destroyed. In December 1986 and n January 1987 also the Makro's in Duiven and Nuth went up in flames. RARA announced that more fires would follow within weeks. That's when the SHV withdrew from South Africa. Van Vlissingen: 'It was one of the hardest decisions we ever made. While RARA demanded that we leave, our black employee council begged: 'Don't leave!' and the ANC gave a public statement to absolutely not support the attacks. Everybody knew that we were resisting Apartheid in our own way. Against South-African law I scrapped apartheid at the restrooms. Employees working for the ANC and who were arrested, we continued to pay. That's also what got us into trouble with the Apartheid regime.' Van Vlissingen thinks it is incomprihensible that nobody has ever been been sentenced for the biggest terrorist attack in the Netherlands after the war. 'Cabinet Lubbers was just talking nonsense. When I asked the minister of domestic affairs to preventively put a police car at the Makro branches, I couldn't get that, because there was no personnel for that.'" |
Johannes M. Fentener "Jan" van Vlissingen (and wife) |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Youngest son Frederik Hendrik Fentener van Vlissingen (1882-1962). His wife also was a 1001 Club member. His three sons:
Frits H. Fentener van Vlissingen (1933-2006). Born in Dusseldorf, Germany. Chairman Steenkolen Handels Vereeniging (SHV) (Coal Trade Union - controls De Makro corporate supermarket) from about 1973 to 1984. Member advisory board AMRO Bank 1974-1991, and, since 1991, ABN AMRO Bank. Advisory board AkzoNobel 1984-2004. Advisory board Draka NV (part of Philips 1970-1986) 1984-2006. Advisory board Unilever 1990-2003. Estimated personal fortune of 2 billion euros. The whole family is estimated to be worth 9 billion euros. His daughter, Annemiek, joined SHV on the advisory board in 2003.
John (1939): On the board of SHV.
Paul Fentener van Vlissingen (1941-2006): Economics student in Groningen, Netherlands 1959-1963. Among his student buddies was later Bilderberg steering comittee member and first European Central Bank president Wim Duisenberg. Ater his study, internally educated at Amoco oil corporation in California 1964-1965. Offered an overseas position at Amoco, but his fathered persuaded him to join SHV instead, starting in 1965. SHV was involved in negotiations with Caltex at the time. Chairman SHV 1985-1998. Richest man of Scotland in 2005 with a 1.4 billion pound fortune. Contributed to the development of game reserves in Africa. Worried about global warming since the early 1990s. Loved nature. |
W. H. "Wim" Fockema Andreae |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Born in 1909. Public servant Foreign Ministery 1937, and General Ministry 1937-1940. Acting chief of staff of the minister of education, the arts and sciences 1940-1941. Secretary secretariaat Nederlandse Unie 1940. Katholiek Documentatie Centrum, Radboud Universiteit, 'Commissie inzake Driemanschap der Nederlandsche Unie': "Commissie inzake Driemanschap der Nederlandsche Unie (1945-1946) De Commissie inzake Driemanschap der Nederlandsche Unie is in 1945 gevormd door minister-president Schermerhorn, op verzoek van het driemanschap zelf. De commissie stelde een onderzoek in naar het doen en laten van de Unie. Voorzitter was J.P. Fockema Andreae [an uncle of Wim; queen's commissioner]. De Nederlandsche Unie werd op 24 juli 1940 opgericht door prof. J.E. de Quay (hoogleraar te Tilburg), J. Linthorst-Homan (commissaris van de koningin in Groningen) en L. Einthoven (commissaris van politie te Rotterdam). Deze politieke organisatie wilde het Nederlandse volk onder de gewijzigde omstandigheden leiding geven. Dat de Duitsers heel Europa ingenomen hadden werd aanvankelijk als een fait accompli aanvaard. Velen zagen het als een 'goed' alternatief voor de NSB. Vanwege de vrij loyale houding t.o.v. de Duitse bezetter, kon de Unie aanvankelijk haar gang gaan. Toen de Duitsers in juni 1941 steun van de Unie eisten in hun strijd tegen Rusland, ging dit de Unie te ver: zij weigerden. Als gevolg van deze weigering werd de Unie weldra getroffen door allerlei verbodsbepalingen. In december 1941 werd de Unie opgeheven." Directeur Central Bureau for Rijn and Inland Navigation 1941-1945. Director banking firm R. Mees & Zoonen 1946-1949. Chairman National Harbor Council 1948-1949. Secretary of War 1949-1950. Director Mees & Hope in Rotterdam 1950-1971. Advsirory council NDU (Nederlandse Dagblad Unie), NCM (Nederlandse Credietverzekerings Maatschappij), Delta Lloyd Group, Bank of Brussel, Pakhoed Holding, Gist-Brocades, Van Nelle (tobacco), Bouwcentrum te Rotterdam, P & H Group, NRC Handelsblad. Chairman Nedeco (Netherlands Engineering Consultants). Chairman Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel in Nederland. Chairman Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken te Rotterdam 1969-1974. Director Centrale Commissie voor de Statistiek around 1970. Died in 1996. |
Andre C. A. van Gils |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1982)
President and treasurer of the in 1982 founded Andrill Oil Corporation. Member BirdLife International's Rare Bird Club in the 1990s, together with Prince Bernhard, former Queen Juliana, Peter Wallenberg, Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan, Luc Hoffmann, Andre Hoffmann, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Baron W. van Dedem and Henk Brusse. Anne-Marie van Gils was another 1001 Club member. |
Ferdinand Grapperhaus, Sr. |
Source(s): 2004, Philip Dröge, 'Het Oranjekapitaal'; 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008); 1987, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008)
Born in Utrecht, the Netherlands in 1927. Ph.D in 1952. Involved with Comtrax, a Dutch financial transaction firm which acted as a front company for British intelligence. It was founded in 1940 by Guillaume Meertens who also was the favorite agent of Klaus Barbie. Professor of tax-history. Secretary of finance 1967-1971. President-director Bank Mees & Hope since 1971. Professor of fiscal law Leiden University. Died in 2010.
Son is Ferdinand Grapperhaus, Jr.: Born in 1959. Professor of European labor law at the University of Maastricht. Member European Employment Lawyers Association and the International Federation of Labour Lawyers. Member of the Dutch Social Economic Council (SER). Partner in Allen & Overy since 1998. |
Dick Haentjes Dekker |
Source(s): 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008); 1987, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008)
Director ABN Bank 1970s. 1976, Jane's Major Companies of Europe, p. A-2: "Algemene Bank Nederland N.V. [ABN Bank] Vijselstraat 32, Amsterdam-C, The Netherlands. ... Financial Year Ending: December 31, 1974. Supervisory Board: P. L. Justman Jacob (Chairman) [1001 Club]; ... H. M. van Mourik Broekman [1001 Club]; R. A. de Monchy; Prof. Dr. E. H. van der Beugel [Bilderberg secretary, Ditchley, etc.]; ... Jonkheer W. van Andringa de Kempenaer; ... A. H. Heineken [1001 Club]... Executive Board: Dr. A. Batenburg (Chairman); D. Haentjes Dekker [1001 Club]..." |
Alfred "Freddie" Heineken |
Source(s): 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008); 1987, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008)
Became one of the wealthiest persons in the Netherlands. Freddy Heineken joined the firm in 1942, the same year that his family lost controlling interest. By 1948 he had personally created a market share for Heineken beer in the U.S., and in 1954 he reacquired a majority of the company stock. He served as Heineken NV’s chairman of the executive board (1971–89) and remained chairman of the supervisory board until 1995. Heineken lived a largely reclusive personal life after a highly publicized kidnapping in 1983, when he was held in a concrete cell for three weeks before being rescued by police. Founding director of Cineuropa BV (1963-1968). Member of the Supervisory Board of Thyssen Bornemisza and British Petroleum (BP) Maatschappij Nederland BV and the Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) NV.1976, Jane's Major Companies of Europe, p. A-2: "Algemene Bank Nederland N.V. [ABN Bank] Vijselstraat 32, Amsterdam-C, The Netherlands. ... Financial Year Ending: December 31, 1974. Supervisory Board: P. L. Justman Jacob (Chairman) [1001 Club]; ... H. M. van Mourik Broekman [1001 Club]; R. A. de Monchy; Prof. Dr. E. H. van der Beugel [Bilderberg secretary, Ditchley, etc.]; ... Jonkheer W. van Andringa de Kempenaer; ... A. H. Heineken [1001 Club]... Executive Board: Dr. A. Batenburg (Chairman); D. Haentjes Dekker [1001 Club]..." |
Anthony H. L. Hertzberger |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1995)
Coureur and the son of Eddie Hertzberger:
Eddie Hertzberger: Owned a successful clothing factory in Rotterdam. He won the 1936 Frontières Grand Prix for sports cars at Chimay, Belgium, and the 1937 Voiturette race at the same event. He also competed in the 1935 and 1937 24 Hours of Le Mans races. His factory, including his Bugatti Stelvio, which was parked inside, was completely destroyed at the outbreak of World War II during the bombardment of Rotterdam. Hertzberger escaped the Netherlands through Belgium and France to Switzerland, where he stayed for more than a year. Later he travelled through Vichy France to reach Spain. In Madrid Hertzberger became a member of the intelligence service of the Dutch government, which was based in London during WWII. After the war, Hertzberger rebuilt his factory and lived both in the Netherlands and New York. Later he moved to Switzerland, where he died in 1993. |
Eleonore Hertzberger |
Source(s): 1987 and 2010 lists (joined in 1979)
Wife of Eddie Hertzberger. Knew Prince Bernhard. |
W. A. H. van Houtert |
Source(s): 1978 list (in memoriam)
General manager of Schreiner Airways in the 1960s. |
Guy J. G. Huet |
Source(s): 1978, 1987 and 2010 lists (joined in 1972)
Capital Gold Corporation. |
Paul A. Huet |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Younger person with the same name: COO Premier Gold Mines Ltd. Director Source Exploration Corp. President and CEO of Klondex Mines Ltd., a gold and silver mining company in nevada. Director Nevada Mining Association. |
Gerard B. Huiskamp |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1972)
Born in 1914. Retired as manager of Thyssen-Bornemisza Netherlands in 1976. |
Edward J. A. de Jager |
Director Whittington Group Pte. Limited and other companies. CEO Kids WorkOut Factory, which helped produce the international hit Chloe's Closet. Advisory board Sparta football club. Chairman Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema Award Foundation, named after the WWII intelligence agent and author of Soldaat van Oranje (Soldier of Orange). Patron is Princess Irene, a daughter of Prince Bernhard. Pieter van Vollenhoven, married to another daughter of Prince Bernhard, is a board member. Another board member is Roelf Rogaar, chairman of Theodoor Gilissen Bankiers N.V. Advsiory board members include Air Force General Dick Berlijn (chief of the defense staff 2004-2008), Bilderberg veteran Victor Halberstadt, Herman Spruijt (chair International Publishers Association), Dr. Frits van Oostrom (Utrecht University professor of religion and philosophy), W.J. Deetman (Privy Council), and political author Nigel Hamilton. |
Eric Albada Jelgersma |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1989)
Controlled Unigro wholesale since 1980. In 1987 people tried to kidnap him. After his daughter opened the door, she was kidnapped. She was later released without ransom. In 1996 he took over supermarket chain De Boer, followed in 1998 by Edah and Basismarkt. Beginning in 1995, he bought several wineries. Paralyzed since breaking his neck in 2005. |
Jan Janssen |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Allard Jiskoot |
Source(s): 1978 list
His father married a member of the Pierson banking family. President of the tobacco firm Oscar Rothe & Jiskoot NV. Director of AMRO bank. Chairman Bank Pierson, Heldring & Pierson 1975-1981. On the advisory boards of BAM-holding, Canadian Pacific, Deli-maatschappij, Elsevier, Heineken, Hudig-Langeveldt, KNP, ODS, Wessanenbank and other corporations. Vice chairman of the Dutch branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland. Treasurer of the Red Cross. archive, description of a photo: "Philips. On July 8, 1970 Mr. Van der Putten (left), vice president of Philips, signs a loan agreement between the N.V. Philips and a banking syndicate in the office of banking house Rothschild in London for nearly a billion guilders. Sitting, f.l.t.r.: Mr. O. Vogelzang, Mr. Van der Putten, Jacob Rothschild, Mr. J.R. Schaafsma. Standing, f.l.t.r.: M. Zombanakis, Mr. J. Jansen, Mr. A. Jiskoot en Mr. Van Eyle." Chairman Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer (Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets). A younger relative, Wilco Jiskoot, later held top positions at ABN AMRO Bank and sat on the boards of Jumbo, Wehkamp and Bank Oyens & Van Eeghen |
Dr. Joseph de Jong van Coevorden |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists, with his wife
Wife also a member. Maybe spelled as Jozef. May have been a Dutch surgeon who died in Switzerland in 1997. An Aleid de Jong van Coevorden was consulate general of the Netherlands in Geneve, Switzerland, 2005-2011. |
Paul Louis Justman Jacob |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Born in Kopenhagen, Denmark. In the early 20th century a businessman with the name J. L. Justman Jacob (a unique name to one family) existed who was active in the Netherlands, New York City and Japan. In 1910 this person is mentioned as a member of the Japan Society, which was later taken over by the Rockefellers. Paul Louis joined Koninklijke Hoogovens in 1936. Involved in negotiations of the 1949 Schuman Plan, which soon created the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the core of the European Union. Secretary of Koninklijke Hoogovens in the 1950s, chairman in the early 1970s. Much later, in 1999, after a merger with British Steel, the company became known as Corus Steel. Bilderberg 1974. On the Crowley CIA list. 1976, Jane's Major Companies of Europe, p. A-2: "Algemene Bank Nederland N.V. [ABN Bank] Vijselstraat 32, Amsterdam-C, The Netherlands. ... Financial Year Ending: December 31, 1974. Supervisory Board: P. L. Justman Jacob (Chairman) [1001 Club]; ... H. M. van Mourik Broekman [1001 Club]; R. A. de Monchy; Prof. Dr. E. H. van der Beugel [Bilderberg secretary, Ditchley, etc.]; ... Jonkheer W. van Andringa de Kempenaer; ... A. H. Heineken [1001 Club]... Executive Board: Dr. A. Batenburg (Chairman); D. Haentjes Dekker [1001 Club]..." ABN Bank also had branches in the Middle East: Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Iran, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Morocco - just about everywhere. 1979, Jane's Major Companies of Europe, p. 44: "Pakhoed [warehouse operator going back to the Dutch East India Company]: ... Supervisory Board: ... P.L. Justman Jacob (Deputy Chairman) [1001 Club]; H.J.E. van Beuningen [1001 Club] ... Executive Board: ... R.A. de Monchy." Chairman of construction corporation Volker-Stedin in 1980. Nothing is known about Justman Jacob from 1980 and on, at least not at this point., 'Koninklijke Nederlandsche Hoogovens en Staalfabrieken NV': "Incorporated: 1918 ... With the support of major industrialists such as the brothers, Stork, owners of a machine factory; J. Muysken, transport; H. Colijn, Royal Dutch/Shell; F.H. Fentener van Vlissingen, Steenkolen Handelsvereniging (SHV); and A.F. Philips, in the incandescent lamps industry, a large part of the capital needed was acquired by subscription. The national interest and considerations of business prestige marked the nexus of personal relations between government officials and financiers. Without the contribution of Dfl 7.5 million from the Dutch state and of Dfl 5 million from the municipality of Amsterdam, the Dfl 30 million required could not have been raised. Participation by the state proved to be of crucial importance in enabling the company to stand up to the powerful competition in Europe. The execution of the major project, a blast furnace, steel, and rolling-mill works, was spread over a lengthy period because of the rapidly rising costs. Not until 1953 was it put into full effect." |
P. E. E. "Piet" Kleyn van Willigen |
Source(s): 1987 list
Born in 1917. Director Smit International Group, who rose to become chairman in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Closely involved with Nedlloyd in the Rotterdam harbor. Chairman Maritime Research Institute Netherlands. Died in 2008. |
Arie A. de Koning |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Co-founder Konischokdemperfabriek, the largest industrial plant in Oud-Beijerland. It produced the Kon-i shock absorber. |
K. K. K. de Koning |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Co-founder Konischokdemperfabriek. |
Henri J. de Koster |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
President Federation of Netherlands Industries 1960s. Bilderberg 1964-1965, 1972. Dutch Minister of defense 1971-1973. Congressional member 1978-1981. President Europa Nostra in the 1980s-early 1990s. Died in 1993. |
Johannes Kraayevelt van Heemert |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1973 with his wife)
14-year chairman of Royal Boskalis, his long-time family firm that specializes in dredging. In the 1990s a supervisory board member of Boskalis, Smit International and Fortis Bank. Chairman Chamber of Commerce. |
Baron Guup Kraijenhoff |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1973)
Played an important role in the merger that because AKZO Nobel in 1960. Management chair 1960-1978 and supervisory chair until 1993. President-commissioner Douwe Egberts Coffee. Chairman Dutch Red Cross for 20 years. In 1969 his daughter married Jonkheer Siebren Erik Beelaerts van Blokland, the son of a sister of "Soldier of Orange" Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, whom Kraijenhoff had known since WWII in London. Here Kraijenhoff lived at the home of Francois van 't Sant for some time, head of the Centrale Inlichtingen Dienst and confidant of Queen Wilhelmina and Juliana. Close friend of Prince Bernhard his entire life. |
Willem "Bib" van Lanschot |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Member of a private banking family. Parents owned Castle Maurick. Raised Catholic. April 11, 2009, Trouw, 'Katholieke kweekvijver voor de macht' ('Jesuit cultivation pond for the powerful'): "At this [Jesuit] school [Katwijk a/d Rijn] generations of prominent Catholics were educated, like prime minister Jan de Quay, congressional chair Frans-Josef van Thiel, professor and politician Erik Jurgens, as well as numerous members of illustrious families as Brenninkmeijer, Houben, Ruys de Beerenbrouck, Van Lanschot and Michiels van Kessenich." His sister Monique married the super-wealthy F. H. Fentener van Vlissingen, another member of the 1001 Club. Heard a speech of Hitler in 1935 and began to assume that war was inevitable. Became a military officer. Became a close friend of Prince Bernhard in 1938. Liaison and intelligence officer during the 5-day war with Germany. Very imortant figure in the resistance in the first two years of the war. Captured by the Germans and almost worked to death by 1945. Founder of the Netherlands Association of Military War Victims (BNMO: Bond van Nederlandse Militaire Oorlogsslachtoffers) in 1945 and kept deeply involved for decades (roughly: president 1965-1978, chair 1979-1980). Founder Stichting BNMO-Van Lanschot Fund in 1975 (merged with the Prince Bernhard Foundation in 2008). Continued to work for the Ministery of Defense until 1949. Helped prosecute war criminals and find potential survivors. Career as Treasurer general of the World Veterans Federation (WVF) 1951-1957, president 1957-1994, and honorary president until his death in 2001. Traveled all over Europe and North America in this position to attend meetings. Head of public relations and general secretary at Philips and later director of its Middle East and Far East departments 1949-1966. (Dutch archive): "Papers relating to the involvement of Mr. W. Ch. J. M. van Lanschot in the Netherlands Arabic Circle [Nederlands Arabische Kring] 1959-1960." Vice chair Lutfia Rabbani Foundation. Managing director and president F. van Lanschot Bankers 1966-1984. Involved in the Netherlands-Korea Committee for Economic Cooperation (Nederlands-Koreaans Comite voor Economische Samenwerking) 1976-1981. Founder and chair Nationaal Comite Verzetsherdenkingskruis in the 1980-1987 period. Died in 2001.
2008, Free Palestine Bulletin, special edition, '"In de oude kippen zit het vet"' ['"The fat is in the old chickens"'], p. 6. "Kees Wagtendonk (75) is co-founder and still active as the secretary of the Netherlands Palestine Committee. He is hoisting banners, organizes demonstrations and stood in front of the Albert Heijn supermarkets for years every two weeks to protest the sale of Israeli products. ... [Wagtendonk:] I traveled to Amman, and there I stayed with a family of a Palestine living in the Netherlands, Elias Rantisi, a Christian Palestine from Jaffa. In order to learn to speak Arabic I got his name from the Netherlands-Arabic Circle [Nederlands-Arabische Kring]."
J. Brouwers e.a. (red.), Brabantse biografieën. Levensbeschrijvingen van bekende en onbekende Noord-Brabanders. Deel 6 (Stichting Brabantse Regionale Geschiedbeoefening, 's-Hertogenbosch 2003) (,-willem-(bib)-van): "In 1938 he became lieutenant with the Kees Wagtendonk First Regiment Huzaren in Amersfoort. That's where he got to know Prince Bernhard, the brand new husband of the crown princess who was in education at Amersfoort. Together they regularly trained for military horse parades and spent a lot of time at the golf course. That how a friendship was born., which would have great influence on the career of Van lanschot. But with the announcement of the mobilization in late 1939 the happy years were over for the time being. He became liaison and intelligence officer at the staff of the Light Brigade in North Brabant. On may 10, 1940 and over the next few days he received his first combat experience as the Germans invaded]... [involved in the most significant resistance network, but was caught and barely survived the war.] ... The prince [Bernhard] took him up in his staff [at the end of the war] ... Until 1949 he stayed in the service of the Ministry of Defense. ... [helped find war victims and prosecute nazis] ... In August 1945, by the way, he was one of the founders of the Federation of Dutch Military War Victims (BNMO: Bond van Nederlandse Militaire Oorlogsslachtoffers). ... From 1949 to 1966 he was in the employ of Philips NV, first as head public relations, then as general secretary and still later as director of Philips corporations in the Middle and Far East. In 1950, as director of the BNMO, Van Lanschot was also very much involved in the founding f the World Veteran Foundation (WVF) [which he headed for decades]... In 1966 Van Lanschot still transferred to the board of his old family company, the bank F. van Lanschot. Until 1978 he introduced there a new financial structure with major international shareholders: Van Lanschot Bankiers NV. From 1978 to 1984 he was president-commissioner of this international bank, which only in name was reminiscent of the old family company. ... In the late 1970s, as an extension of his contacts from his Philips years, he set up the Netherlands-Arabic Circle [Nederlands Arabische Kring]. .. With one of the members, the honorary consul general of Kuwait in the Netherlands, Mahoud Rabbani [fellow 1001 Club member], Van Lanschot became a friend and he also became vice chairman of the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation, named after his mother. Also [van Lanschot's] Verzetsherdenkingskruis in 1980 was rather unorthodox and controversial. "
April 19, 1997, Trouw newspaper, 'De duiveluitdrijver die van Nijenrode kwam': "Hij is nog geen jaar priester. Maar het dorp waar hij een maand na zijn wijding aantrad zette hij binnen de kortste keren op stelten. Pastoor Marc van Rossem (34) trok ten strijde tegen afgodsbeeldjes en krissen, vertelde kinderen dat de duivel bestaat en is tot ver in België bezig satan uit te drijven. ... Vooral tijdens zijn eerste studiejaar leeft Van Rossem, naar eigen zeggen, als een beest. "Je moet behalve oorspronkelijk, ruig, keihard en bot zijn, anderen afzeiken en zeker niet soft, anders hou je het in de mini-cultuur van Nijenrode niet lang vol. Je maakt ook vijanden. Ik voelde me daardoor na enige tijd leeg en ongelukkig." ... Zijn ambivalente leven als enerzijds decadent student en anderzijds belijdend katholiek, uit zich in voor Nijenrode ongekende taferelen. “Ik maakte eerst een kruisteken en ging dan met eten gooien.” Na een maand bidden voelt hij zich al een stuk beter. ... Thuis in Vught blijft de metamorfose niet onopgemerkt, zeker niet als zijn moeder, in plaats van meer ruige lectuur, de bijbel naast zijn bed vindt. Zij brengt haar zoon in contact met enkele leden van de streng katholieke beweging Opus Dei. ... Als tweedejaars student laat hij zich intussen ook niet onbetuigd en blijft daardoor zeer gerespecteerd. “Ik had veel vriendinnen maar ging er in die tijd steeds zuiverder mee om. Dat beviel me veel beter.” Wel gooit hij nog steeds met eten en ook is hij nog van de partij als er 'gezumbat' wordt, een ritueel waarbij de intieme organen met bier worden besprenkeld. Voorts drinkt hij veel en kijkt met de overige corpsleden naar pornofilms. Maar als absoluut dieptepunt ervaart hij achteraf toch het bezoek aan een Amsterdams bordeel. Na drie jaar Nijenrode vertrekt hij, in het kader van een studentenuitwisseling, voor een jaar naar de San Jose State-university in Californie. Elk weekend bezoekt hij er Opus Dei in San Francisco. “Door wat ik daar beleefde, ben ik sterk in mijn geloof gegroeid. De mensen stonden in de rij voor de biechtstoel. Doordeweeks waren er drie missen per dag! Ik ging elke dag naar de kerk en bad de rozenkrans.” Hij heeft er een bruin leven, maar na een jaar hockeyen, surfen, hamburgers eten en my name is Mike, heeft hij het wel gezien. ... In Parijs geeft hij zich op voor INSEAD, een topopleiding op het gebied van bedrijfskunde. Hij komt door de eerste ronde, maar wacht het vervolg niet af. “Die opleiding is zo intensief dat ik weinig aan bidden toegekomen zou zijn.” Het wordt daarom het IESE-instituut van Opus Dei in Barcelona, een onderdeel van de universiteit van Navarra. Hij studeert er van 1985 tot 1987 en woont in een naast het instituut gelegen Opus Dei-huis. “Ik heb gedisciplineerd kunnen studeren, ook al omdat alles voor me gedaan werd: gekookt, m'n kamer schoongemaakt, m'n sokken gestopt, noem maar op. En we hadden een eigen priester in huis.” Het laatste jaar van zijn studie loopt hij stage bij Van Lanschot Bankiers in Den Bosch. “Het was in die periode dat ik een priester de Heilige Mis zag opdragen en toen gebeurde het. Ik dacht bij mezelf: 'is dat niks voor jou?' Ik schrok er erg van. Je bereidt je zo intens voor op een werelds leven en dan dat... " ... Terug in Nederland wordt hij, als allereerste, aangenomen op het (controversiële) seminarie van Ter Schure. Het kan de decadente student van weleer namelijk niet streng genoeg zijn. ... Alles wat zweemt naar enig liberalisme binnen de katholieke kerk, keurt hij daarentegen af... Zijn gezondheid laat het niet toe het strenge leven aan het seminarie weer op te pikken en hij kiest voor een studie theologie. Niet aan een Nederlandse universiteit, waar elk sprankje katholiciteit volgens hem ver te zoeken is, maar (op aanraden van Opus Dei) aan de theologische faculteit van Ierland in Maynooth. Hij verblijft er een jaar, geniet er van de traditionele sfeer tijdens de Tridentijnse Mis en leert er Guinness drinken. “Echt smullen zo'n pint.” Na Ierland trekt de afgestudeerd bedrijfskundige (opnieuw) voor een jaar naar Amerika, dit keer naar Steubenville in Ohio, om er zijn masters degree theologie te behalen. ... Na de studie in Amerika keert hij terug naar het seminarie in Den Bosch. Hij studeert er razendsnel af en wordt op 1 juni 1996 tot priester gewijd. Precies een maand later is hij pastoor van de parochie Onze Lieve Vrouw Middelares in Brouwhuis, vroeger een dorpje, nu een vooral uit nieuwbouw bestaande Helmondse stadswijk van 9200 zielen. ... Mensen, ook ouders met kinderen, komen via, via, naar de pastorie in Brouwhuis omdat ze zich zorgen maken over bovennatuurlijke fenomenen. Op zijn kamer, op de eerste etage, 'onderdrukt' de pastoor demonen. Maar ook buiten zijn parochie, tot in België toe, draaft hij op om duivels uit te drijven. “Ik ben er niet met die intentie aan begonnen, maar het satanisme groeit”, verklaart hij. “Als je gaat bidden manifesteren demonen zich meestal vrij snel. Je bidt en praat en volgt een ritueel dat stapsgewijs verloopt. Aanvankelijk schrik je ervan. Er kunnen grote krachten vrijkomen. Het is een heel gevaarlijk terrein. Bij kinderen hou ik het altijd rustig.” De demonische bezigheden van de pastoor (“een fractie van mijn pastorale werk”) blijven in het dorpse Brouwhuis niet onopgemerkt. De meest fantastische verhalen doen op een bepaald moment de ronde... Zijn oude vrienden van Nijenrode ziet hij zo nu en dan nog. “De meesten wonen in Amsterdam. Ik ga er af en toe heen en drink een biertje. We hebben afgesproken dat er dan niet gevloekt wordt en dat er in mijn bijzijn niet al te intiem over vrouwen wordt gepraat. We gooien trouwens ook niet meer met eten.”", National Archive, the Hague document description, 'Groep van 19': "Het dossier bevat de volgende documenten: (genummerd en geordend per datum.) 1. 6-1-88: In een bestuursvergadering van de Stichting Dienstencentrum 1945-200 stelt voorzitter W.Ch.J.M. van Lanschot de kwestie "Twee van Breda" ter discussie. ... 14 persoenen, alsmede de 7 bestuursleden van de Stichting Dienstcentrum 1945-2000, worden uitgenodigd voor een eerste oriënterende bespreking in Hotel Promenade te Den Haag op 23 maart 1988. ... 11-4-88: Notitie Nijsse aan [Cees] Van den Heuvel, mede n.a.v. een telefoongesprek met Vz. van Lanschot ... Derde bijeenkomst in Hotel Promenade. Het besprokene is niet genotuleerd. In deze vergadering wordt de definitieve tekst vastgesteld van een brief aan de genoemde bewindslieden, die met het oog op de gewenste geheimhouding niet per post zal worden verzonden, doch aan hen zal worden overhandigd tijdens een telefonisch door de Vz. aan te vragen gesprek, waaraan namens de Groep van 22 zal worden deelgenomen door de dames mr. L.A. Barendsen- Cleveringa, M. Gardeniers- Berendsen en de heren W. Ch.J.M van Lanschot, mr. Th. J. A. M. van Lier, prof. mr. d. Simons en H.J. Teengs Gerritsen. "
Jan Portein, 'Het schaduwcommando van de prins - deel 1' on the site of Theo van Gogh (murdered, as was his friend Pim Fortuyn), 'Dit vond ik tussen mijn e-mail...' and Kleintje Muurkrant, no. 337, October 22, 1999: "Teengs Gerritsen werkte in die periode voor de KLM en fungeerde daarnaast als agent van GS III, de Nederlandse militaire inlichtingendienst. Wie eenmaal aan het "cloak and dagger"-huisje heeft geknabbeld is verloren. Of je zus nou Grietje heet of niet. Een vaste regel die ook voor deze vrienden voor het leven gold. Dat bleek voor Teengs Gerritsen bijvoorbeeld zo'n vijftig jaar later toen hij samen met bankierstelg Bib van Lanschot en oud-BVD topman Cees van den Heuvel de bal aan het rollen bracht voor een actie tot vrijlating van Aus der Funten en Fischer. De laatste twee Duitse oorlogsmisdadigers die in de koepel van Breda met hun barbaarse herinneringen leefden. De initiatiefnemers hadden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog alledrie tot het verzet behoord. Teengs Gerritsen en Van Lanschot maakten deel uit van de inlichtingendienst van de OD (6), Van den Heuvel van de groep Albrecht (7). Met name Van den Heuvel kon bogen op een glanzende subversieve carrière. Na zo'n zeventien jaar BVD-eieren te hebben uitgebroed werd hij in 1962 onder zijn voormalige BVD-chef L. Einthoven de drijvende kracht achter het beruchte ultra- rechtse informatiebureau Interdoc en vervolgens van allerlei stichtingen en instituten die serums verstrekten tegen het rode virus. Daartoe behoorden onder andere het zogenaamde Dienstencentrum 1945 (waarvan Teengs Gerritsen en Van Lanschot eveneens het lidmaatschap hadden verworven) en het Oost-West Instituut, beide aan de Scheveningseweg 11 in Den Haag. Van den Heuvel ondervond daarbij vrijwel vanaf het begin de krachtige steun van CIA-agent en WACL-voorganger Carl Armfelt, die eveneens op goede voet raakte met Hans Teengs Gerritsen (8). Tot de groep van uiteindelijk negentien complotteurs die de maatschappelijke verontwaardiging aan hun laars lapten en Lubbers in 1989 bewogen om de twee oude Duitse zielepieten uit hun Breda'se kooi te halen behoorden ondermeer: - Th. van Lier (oud-lid van de groep Albrecht, lid van de Raad van State, voormalig coördinator van O en I); - M. van der Stoel (oud-minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, lid van de Raad van State, volgens sommige publicaties voormalig coördinator O en I); - S.W. Couwenberg (ex-Interdoc, hoofdredacteur van het huisorgaan van het Oost-West Instituut, Civis Mundi); - G. Peijnenburg (oud-secretaris generaal ministerie van Defensie, oud-staatsecretaris van Defensie, lid van het Dienstencentrum); - E. Roest (admiraal b.d., oud-chef militair huis van de koningin, lid van het Dienstencentrum). Geen gezelschap dat je dagelijks tegenkomt in Walibi. Meer een club waarvan je mag vermoeden dat de spelers ervan een elleboogje in het gebit van hun tegenstanders planten als de scheids even niet kijkt. Dat Teengs Gerritsen ook tot de spelersgroep van O en I behoorde of van een andere club uit de parallellencompetitie valt hier niet één twee drie uit te destilleren. Maar wat te denken van de volgende zinnen uit een vrij recente brief van Slobodan Mitric? "Ik heb een brief naar u gestuurd met een kopie-foto van de zoon van de overleden Hans Teengs Gerritsen. Mijn dierbare, trouwe, beschaafde Hans Teengs Gerritsen. Hij heeft mij verteld dat hij niet in staat is verder te knokken om mij te helpen via de BVD. Omdat zijn kinderen met de dood bedreigd werden. Hij heeft mij beloofd rechtstreeks met de koningin contact op te nemen om onder vier ogen te vertellen wat er allemaal rond mijn zaak speelt. Een week daarna hebben ze geregeld dat TITANI (kennelijk de codenaam die Mitric voor Teengs Gerritsen gebruikte) een hartinfarct kreeg". Bij dat laatste valt misschien een tuiltje vraagtekens te plaatsen maar de rest sluit aardig aan bij een alinea uit een dit jaar verschenen boek van Willem Oltmans (9): "Teengs Gerritsen had een postbus in de buurt van het Noordeinde. Op een ochtend stond hij op het trottoir een zojuist ontvangen brief te lezen, omdat hij nieuwsgierig was naar de inhoud. Het was 8.30 uur en een auto stopte langszij. Het raam werd opengedraaid en Beatrix vroeg: "Oom Hans, is dat een brief die het daglicht kan verdragen?" De koningin kende haar pappenheimers uitstekend." Tot die pappenheimers hoorde ook ene Blok, een districtsvertegenwoordiger van de Stichting 40/45 uit Oosterbeek en een fanatiek jager en filmer. Een citaat uit een brief dd. 12/8/77 van Coen Janssen, toenmalig lid van de verzetsclub Expogé (ex politieke gevangenen) en ex-beroepsmilitair: "Ze zijn met zes man in Tanganjika geweest. ZKH, Blok, Teengs Gerritsen en nog drie anderen. Zijn daar op safari geweest. Blok filmt zeer goed. Heeft films van naakte danseressen gemaakt. Hij beschikte over het geheime telefoonnummer van Soestdijk. Hij was ook kind aan huis bij ZKH's moeder. Kende haar Poolse vriend (ex-Kolonel) zeer goed. Blok was er vrijwel dagelijks. Hij heeft wapens gehaald uit Tsjecho-Slowakije. Werd op Schiphol door de douane niet gecontroleerd. Ook Teengs Gerritsen was in Warmelo kind aan huis". Bestond er enig verband tussen Blok's steelse import van Tsjechische handwapens, Warmelo en de mogelijk parallelle praktijken van Teengs Gerritsen? En hoe en waarom zou deze de hulp hebben ingeroepen van de in de wereld van de oosterse vechtsporten met groot respect behandelde Slobodan Radojev Mitric, alias "Karate Bob"? We moeten terug in de tijd."
Also the following account is absolutely, breathtakingly stunning. There are only a tiny handful of Dutch and Belgian researchers who could put this story together, but it appears this is a genuine insider account of illegal covert operations due to the manner in which it is written. Obviously the author did pay attention to scandals that have come out over the years involving his former associates. The fact that the story appeared on the blog of Harry van Bommel, a member of the anti-monarchist Dutch Republican Society, together with Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn, indicates this person is helping to discredit the house of Orange. He may have had a personal reason: it appears the CIA and Bernhard's friend, Cees van den Heuvel, tried to assassinate him. forum/viewtopic.php?id=6043 (post of Novemer 9, 2009 of Anansi9 - original is not available anymore; so ridiculously detailed that no outsider could produce a text like this, certainly not in 2009; maybe disinfo here and there, but overall seems stunningly accurate): "Over tori's gesproken, Neus. Dit staat vandaag te lezen op de weblog van Harrie van Bommel: Gefeliciteerd met het bereikte resultaat over de door de Nederlandse regering eerst ontkende invasieplannen van 1986 in Suriname. Ook de door mij voorbereide invasiecoupplannen in 1982 en 1983 werden op vragen van u in 2009 door de toenmalige Nederlandse regering ontkend. Niet alleen werden de geplande invasies ontkend er werd zelfs gesteld dat ik nooit in dienst zou zijn geweest. Nu de bal eenmaal aan het rollen is, stuur ik u hierbij het hele verhaal en de achtergrond van de door mij genoemde invasiecoupplannen uit die tijd. ... [story on how he was recruited] ... Na het vervullen van mijn dienstplicht ging ik terug naar Zeeland, trouwde, kreeg een baan en ging in de avonduren studeren. Ook nu weer werd ik benaderd, ditmaal door een ambtenarentype die refereerde aan het werk dat ik in Suriname voor de S2 verricht had en vroeg mij dat nu te doen voor een andere organisatie die hij “De Dienst’ noemde. Ik hapte toe, na een nepsollicitatie en keuring bij de toenmalige GEWA (Gestichtswacht) die hiervoor faciliteerde, kon ik aan de opleiding beginnen. De naam was goed gekozen, ‘De Dienst’ werd zo genoemd omdat iedereen dan dacht: O ja, dat zal die dienst wel zijn. Het ging om een stay-behind organisatie die werkte als een parallelle inlichtingendienst, was onderdeel van Interdoc, een bureau gericht op misleiding en desinformatie en de Stichting 40-45, eerst gevestigd aan de Van Stolkweg 10 te Den Haag, later aan de Scheveningseweg 11, was opgericht door Louis Einthoven, Cees van den Heuvel, Hans Teengs Gerritsen [like everyone else, close to Bernhard] en Bib van Lanschot en werd geleid door Cees van den Heuvel en de CIA-agent Carl Armfelt. Deze man, een Amerikaan van Zweedse afkomst woonde, net als ik, in Zeeland, hij verzorgde de opleiding en de uitrusting, ook regelde hij, via zijn vele connecties trainingsfaciliteiten bij het Nederlandse en Belgische leger. Het was nog echt de tijd van de koude oorlog. De stemming was erg anticommunistisch. Vooral Armfelt was een communistenvreter en de acties van ‘De Dienst’ waren daar ook naar. Het ging hier niet om een showdienst of om mensen die geheim agentje wilden spelen. Nee, het was een strak geleide dienst met cellenstructuur zodat je alleen bekend was met de mensen in je eigen cel. Voor mij lag dit wat anders. Ik heb zelf cellen opgericht, ben bij veel acties betrokken geweest zodat ik met verschillende andere cellen contact had. Daaruit bleek dat het niet alleen om het pesten van communisten ging. .... In mei 1981 hoorde ik van Armfelt dat Desi Bouterse samen met Harvey Naarendorp een bezoek bracht aan Cuba. Dit was een indicatie dat Suriname nu echt de communistische kant op ging. Ondertussen was Ronald Reagan president van Amerika geworden. Dit had tot gevolg dat behalve de CIA ook de Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) en de National Security Councel (NSC), waar Oliver North de leiding had, zich aansloot bij plannen voor een eventuele overname van Suriname. Vanaf mei werd mij verteld actiever aan het werk te gaan met het voorbereiden van een eventuele overname, dat, indien het nodig was ze gelijk in konden grijpen. Het leek mij doordat de opdracht van Armfelt kwam op een Amerikaanse operatie maar op mijn vragen hierover kreeg ik te horen dat er geen Amerikanen bij betrokken mochten worden. Hij dacht meer aan Nederlanders, Belgen en Fransen. Gedacht werd ook aan huurlingen met een militaire achtergrond. Weer kwamen dezelfde vragen naar voren: welke wapens? Hoe komen we daaraan? Hoe wordt alles gefinancierd? Maar meer nog, wie zou ik als back-up hebben in Suriname? Vanaf dat moment gingen de trainingen echt van start. Dit ging in samenwerking met de Westland New Post, een Belgische stay-behind organisatie opgericht in opdracht van Armfelt, waar een groot gedeelte van de opleidingen en werving plaatsvond. Door Armfelt werd ik in contact gebracht met een vriend en zakenpartner van hem, en wapenhandelaar die ik eerder ontmoet had op Cyprus, Faez Al Ajjaz. Ook stelde hij mij voor aan Madani Bouhouche. Hij was lid van groep G (Groupe ‘d action Politique) binnen de Rijkswacht van België. Later bleek dat Al Ajjaz voor de financiering zou zorgen en Bouhouche een liquidatie team zou leiden om Bouterse, Alibux en Naarendorp te vermoorden. Al Ajjaz bracht mij in contact met een goede vriend van hem, de huurlingenleider Bob Denard, die mij in twee weekenden een spoedcursus gaf in het plegen van een staatsgreep. Trainingswapens kregen wij via mijn directe meerdere kolonel Kurt Görlitz. Hij regelde ook faciliteiten zoals het gebruik van militaire schietbanen en gezamenlijke militaire trainingen met de Natres en O & I, de Nederlandse Gladio. Binnen deze groep werden ook deelnemers voor de coup geworven. Bouhouche zorgde voor de speciale aanvalswapens middels diefstallen uit Nato-depots en door een inbraak op 1 januari 1982 bij de elite eenheid DYANA van de Rijkswacht waarbij onder andere tien moderne Heckler en Koch automatische pistoolmitrailleurs met geluidsdempers en patroonmagazijnen met munitie werden gestolen. Deze waren bestemd voor speciale doelwitten bij de aanval in Suriname. De rekrutering, financiering en training liep gesmeerd, er was alleen nog geen datum bekend en ook nog geen vervoer richting Suriname geregeld. De vraag was nog steeds, zou het er ook van komen? Dit veranderde na de mislukte coup van Surendre Rambocus op 11 en 12 maart 1982. Naar aanleiding van die mislukte coup kreeg ik op 15 maart ’82 van mijn meerdere Kurt Görlitz uiteindelijk groen licht om de machtsovername in Suriname uit te werken. Ik produceerde toen een schema waarbij ik er van uitging dat de machtsomwenteling binnen 300 dagen zou moeten plaatsvinden met een marge van 50 dagen voor of 50 dagen na deze 300 dagen. Dit schema werd geaccepteerd bij een vergadering in België. Hierbij waren aanwezig, de militaire leiding, mensen van ‘De Dienst’, waaronder Cees van den Heuvel en Cal Armfelt en ook de financier en wapenhandelaar Faez Al Ajjaz. Er werd gesproken over: Welke wapens er al waren en wat er verder benodigd was, op welke manier zou de omwenteling moeten plaatsvinden. Wie zorgde er voor politieke rugdekking. De mate van toepassing van geweld. Die toepassing werd ruim geïnterpreteerd, een dodenaantal tussen de 800 en 1200 slachtoffers werd acceptabel geacht. Tijdens die vergadering werd ik belast met de militaire leiding. Er werd tevens besloten dat er geen Surinamers deel uit zouden maken van mijn team. Armfelt en Van den Heuvel gaven een beeld van de politieke back-up, de mensen die na de machtsovername de nieuwe regering zouden vormen en de ondersteuning door de Surinaamse media. ... Verder vernam ik tijdens die vergadering, dat door of namens de familie Rambocus een groot bedrag ter beschikking was gesteld teneinde meer speciale wapens voor de machtsovername te kunnen kopen. Deze wapens zijn ook inderdaad gekocht. Het ging hier om o.a. een XM 18 (thans bekend als MM1) een soort tommy-gun waarmee granaten afgeschoten konden worden en honderd LAW’s (antitankwapens) speciaal voor een eventuele aanval op pantserwagens en Fort Zeelandia. Ook is er moderne communicatie apparatuur aangeschaft voor contact tussen de verschillende groepen. De voorwaarde voor het verstrekken van het geld door de familie Rambocus was dat Surendre Rambocus bevrijd moest worden en een taak in de nieuwe militaire leiding zou krijgen. De streefdatum voor de operatie was inmiddels bekend. Na overleg waren we uitgekomen op de nacht van 24 op 25 december 1982. De staatsgreep zou uitgevoerd worden door 2 pelotons, verdeeld in zes groepen. Elke groep bestaande uit 12 man met een officier als leider. Begin november ’82 kreeg ik te horen dat het vervoer ook geregeld was. Door de CIA was een C-130 (groot militair transport vliegtuig) beschikbaar gesteld. Dit toestel zou vertrekken vanaf Curaçao. Het aanvalsteam zou in kleine groepen naar de plaats van vertrek toegaan. Een groep zou reeds eerder vertrekken om via Frans Guyana naar Suriname te gaan. Deze groep moest de beveiliging bij vliegveld Zanderij uitschakelen en de luchtverkeerstoren bezetten. Via het Nederlandse leger kregen wij stafkaarten van Suriname toegespeeld en we kregen te horen dat een peloton mariniers stand-by gehouden zou worden voor het geval er iets mis zou lopen tijdens de operatie. Ook kreeg ik de namen van contactpersonen en van een safehouse, waar ik tijdens of na de coup naar toe kon gaan, voor hulp of informatie. De belangrijkste van die tussenpersonen was Kolonel Bas van Tussenbroek, op dat moment de Nederlandse militaire attaché. De gebeurtenissen van 7 en 8 december 1982 in het Fort Zeelandia zorgden er voor dat de inval niet is doorgegaan. In één klap was onze politieke back-up er niet meer. Na 8 december hadden wij geen contacten meer in Suriname. Het gehele plan voor de machtsomwenteling werd afgeblazen, het ging niet meer door. De situatie daar was erg onzeker. Niemand wilde zich branden op dat moment. Ongeveer midden januari 1983 werd ik benaderd door kolonel Görlitz met de mededeling dat Armfelt nieuwe mogelijkheden zag. Er was sprake van een nieuwe back-up groep in Suriname, zodat de coup misschien toch door kon gaan. Het bleek dat er een deal was gesloten tussen Chin a Sen en Haakmat en dat er met verschillende Surinaamse verzetsgroepen overleg was. ... Enkele weken voor palmpasen kreeg ik te horen dat Chin a Sen met Somohardjo binnen twee weken in samenwerking met de CIA een coup uit zou voeren met huurlingen via Venezuela. De planning hiervan bleek aan alle kanten te rammelen zodat ik in overleg met Armfelt, Van den Heuvel en Görlitz wat druk zette op Somohardjo, zodat deze de geplande couppoging niet durfde uitvoeren. ... Ook is nooit gesproken over de rol van Hans Teengs Gerritsen, die mij twee van de piloten liet tonen aan Prins Bernhard op het vliegveld Lelystad, waar de prins een lunch had met zijn vroegere vliegvrienden. Het betrof hier twee piloten van Surinaamse afkomst, een oud-gezagvoerder van de SLM en een gevluchte ex-piloot met de naam Nassir, uit de Surinaamse luchtmacht. Dit impliceert dat ook prins Bernhard van de voorgenomen staatsgreep op de hoogte was. Verder is er nooit iets geplaatst over de Belgische betrokkenheid bij de plannen voor de staatsgreep of over de rol hierin van de oud-ministerpresident van België, Paul Vanden Boeynants en zijn vele dubieuze vrienden. Hij zag dat alles als een voorbereiding voor een staatsgreep in België als dat nodig mocht zijn. Er is ook niet geschreven over het Belgische liquidatieteam dat Bouterse c.s. moest vermoorden met een techniek bekend uit het Practical Shooting, de “Pirate, Mammoth, Sniper’ techniek, die later ook werd gebruikt door de Bende van Nijvel. Waarschijnlijk betrof het hier dezelfde mensen; Madani Bouhouche, de zigeuner Farkas, die door iedereen ‘Pinta’ werd genoemd en Claude Delperdange. Maar het belangrijkste is denk ik de rol van Carl Armfelt, de spin in het web, van veel gebeurtenissen uit die tijd. Graaf Carl Magnus Torsten Armfelt, geboren op 1 januari 1918, van Zweeds/Finse afkomst, was de zoon van de toenmalige ambassadeur in de Verenigde Staten en kwam voor het eerst in de belangstelling van geheime diensten in Amerika toen hij in februari en maart 1946 moest getuigen voor de Senaatscommissie in Washington, die belast was met het onderzoek naar de onwettige internering van in Amerika geboren inwoners gedurende de tweede wereldoorlog. Het ging over een proces tegen 5 vooraanstaande burgers uit Honolulu en tegen 5 generaals uit het Amerikaanse leger. Eind van de jaren vijftig zette Armfelt met William Colby in Zweden een stay-behind organisatie op genaamd Sveaborg. Later werd Armfelt naar Nederland gestuurd om Cees van den Heuvel te assisteren bij Interdoc en kreeg tevens de opdracht om stay-behind organisaties op te zetten in België en Nederland. Zowel in Nederland als België waren reeds stay-behind organisaties maar vanaf het begin van de jaren zestig werd elke nationale stay-behind gedubbeld door een Amerikaans netwerk. Bij ons en bij de Belgen was dat de taak van Armfelt. In Nederland deed hij dat met het opzetten van 'De Dienst' en de WACL (World Anti Communist League) en in België, de WACL, de Westland New Post en was hij volgens mij ook betrokken bij de Bende van Nijvel en de CCC, beide groepen pleegden aanslagen in de jaren tachtig. Ik kom tot een dergelijke stelling omdat Armfelt in gesprekken die ik met hem voerde, aangaf dat hij een organisatie op zou gaan richten die in staat moest zijn in geval van nood het land te destabiliseren. Dat moest een uiterst rechtse organisatie worden. Hij zei dat tegen mij in de periode dat ik met mensen uit de WNP trainde die er later van verdacht werden leden van de Bende van Nijvel te zijn. Maar het wordt nog vreemder. Hij zei dat hij dan niet alleen een rechtse terreurorganisatie op zou richten, maar ook een linkse. Niemand weet dan nog waar hij aan toe is en wie er achter zit, waren zijn woorden. Precies zoals tussen 1983 en 1986 gebeurd is in België. Frappant is ook dat na de laatste aanslag van de bende van Nijvel in november 1985 en de arrestatie van de leden van de CCC op 16 december 1985, negen dagen later, Armfelt zonder enige waarschuwing vooraf, hals over kop, met zijn Poolse vrouw en kinderen naar Port Rowan in Canada vertrok. Er werd toen gesuggereerd dat dit te maken zou hebben met de voorgenomen aanslag op Olaf Palme, volgens mij vluchtte hij uit angst, dat door deze arrestaties zijn rol hierin bekend zou worden. Ook was er sprake van bedreigingen in andere zaken. Op 8 november 2005 is hij in Simcoe, Ontario overleden. De machtsovername is gestopt na een aanslag op mijn leven. Op 15 juni 1983 zou het vertrek naar Suriname geregeld worden. Ik stond in de hal van het centraal station in Amsterdam te wachten op kolonel Görlitz die mij zou vergezellen naar het verzamelpunt. Tot mijn verbazing ontmoette ik niet hem maar de drie mannen die tot het liquidatieteam behoorden die Bouterse uit moesten schakelen. Zij sloten mij in en vertelden dat zij opdracht hadden mij naar Den Haag te brengen voor een laatste overleg. Het lukte mij om hen te misleiden toen ik enkele politiemensen zag aankomen. Ik wist een van de belagers neer te slaan en kon het op een lopen zetten. Ik ben toen ondergedoken onder een andere naam in een hotelletje in oud-zuid en maakte de andere dag telefonisch contact met Kolonel Görlitz. Hij vertelde mij dat diezelfde nacht, Peter Meijer vermoord was en dat zij het ook op mij gemunt hadden. Peter Meijer was iemand met wie ik contact had over Suriname. Hij was werkzaam geweest bij de militaire missie in Suriname en op de hoogte van de betrokkenheid van Kolonel Valk en zijn missie bij de coup van Desi Bouterse. Peter Meijer zou die nacht met zijn volkswagen kever uit de bocht gevlogen zijn in een flauwe bocht nabij Delft. Görlitz vertelde mij ook dat het ongeluk in scene gezet was en dat het de bedoeling was geweest dat ik samen met Peter Meijer in die auto zou zitten. Volgens hem waren Armfelt en Van den Heuvel bij de aanslag betrokken en adviseerde mij om ondergedoken te blijven. Dit zijn natuurlijk alleen de grote lijnen, mocht u verdere details willen weten, dan kunt u mij via e-mail bereiken." |
Cees van Lede |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 2002)
Born in 1942. University of Leiden. Minerva fraternity. INSEAD. Royal Dutch Shell (-1969). McKinsey & Company Management Consultant (1969-76). Koninklijke Nederhorst Bouw BV President & CEO (1977-80). Federation of Netherlands Industry Chairman (1984-91). Went to Bilderberg in 1989. Vice chairman The Conference Board in the 1990s; Aarnout Loudon was a counselor. Union of Industrial and Employers Confederations of Europe VP (1991-94). Akzo Nobel Management Board (1991-92). Akzo Nobel Vice Chairman, Management Board (1992-94. Chairman of Akzo Nobel NV 1994-2003. Join The Carlyle Group's European advisory board in 2003. Member of the Board of Air France-KLM (2004-) Member of the Board of Air Liquide. Member of the Board of Hollandse Beton Groep (1982-84.) Member of the Board of Heineken. Member of the Board of Philips. Member of the Board of Reed Elsevier. Member of the Board of Sara Lee (2002-). International advisory council JPMorgan Chase. |
M. M. H. Lips |
Source(s): 1978 list
M.M.H. Lips Beheer BV, a financial holding company. |
Angela Loudon |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1979)
No details. |
Jonkheer Frederik W. Loudon |
Source(s): 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008); 1987, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008)
The brother of John H. Loudon. In 1999 his daughter Pauline married Alexander van Rengers, a member of a noble family quite deeply involved in the sustainable development movement. |
Mrs. George E. Loudon |
Source(s): 1987 list
Unknown husband. Husband: a George Edmond Loudon, Jr. lived from 1919 to 2008.
Another George E. Loudon: Educated in Holland, at Balliol College Oxford, and at Johns Hopkins University in the USA. Management Consultant of McKinsey & Co. from 1971 to 1976. CEO Midland Montagu. Chairman of Helix Associates Ltd., Altius Holdings Ltd., and Pall Mall Capital Ltd. Vice-chairman of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange 1983-1988. Director Viking River Cruises AG , Harrison/Parrott Ltd and Cambridge Capital Partners. Director 1988-1992. Executive director Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank NV and Midland Bank PLC. Director of Evolution Group PLC (Formerly, Beeson Gregory Group plc) 2002-2004. Director of CMG 1998-2002, InnoCap NV and CMG PLC, Logica PLC. Trustee Royal Botanic Gardens. Member of The Tate Gallery’s International Council, of the Acquisitions Committee of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and a Director of the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation. Founding Director of EASDAQ 1995-1998. Director of the European Association of Securities Dealers 1996-1999. |
Jonkheer John H. Loudon |
Source(s): August 1, 1980, Private Eye Magazine, 'Lowlife Fund', p. 19 (acquired a "highly confidential" 1978 membership list of the 1001 Club); November 1994, Executive Intelligence Review, Special Report: 'The coming fall of the House of Windsor' (acquired several 1980s membership lists, according to Steinberg of EIR); 2002, Philip Dröge, 'Beroep: Meesterspion', p. 216; 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008); 1987, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008)
Born in 1905. Born into a prominent Anglo-Dutch family: his grandfather was the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, while his father had succeeded the legendary Deterding as president of Royal Dutch. Loudon's parents wanted him to join the Diplomatic Service, but he had already become fascinated by the international oil business and in 1930. Spent some time with Shell Oil at its Houston headquarters until 1937. General manager of Shell's Venezuelan operations 1944-1947. Director of Royal Dutch Shell 1947-1952, responsible for Shell's American interests. Loudon himself was widely praised for the deft way he handled negotiations with Mossadeq during the Iranian oil crisis in 1951. Chairman
of Shell Oil 1952-1965. In this period Shell funds helped set up the Foundation for the Investigation of Ecological Problems (its US branch linked to MK-ULTRA) in the Netherlands, as well as the equally anti-communist INTERDOC think tank. Impressed David Rockefeller at the Bilderberg meeting of 1965. First chairman of Chase Manhattan's International Advisory Council 1965-1977. Loudon would help Chase with recruiting additional members of its IAC board, among them later 1001 Club members Gianni Agnelli and Sir Y.K. Pao. Successor
of Prince Bernhard in the WWF presidency 1976-1981. Berhard considered him a good friend. Received the WWF Member of Honour Award in 1981. Knight of the Order of The Netherlands, a Grand-Officer of the Order of Orange-Naussau and, in 1960, was appointed an honorary KBE. Member Atlantic Institute for International
Affairs and the 1001 Club. Died in 1996. February 9, 1996, New York Times, 'John Loudon, 90, Ex-Head Of Royal Dutch/Shell Group': "Mr. Loudon was born in 1905 in The Hague into a prominent Dutch family. His father, Hugo Loudon, was one of the pioneers who built up Royal Dutch and became president of its board. ... Mr. Loudon used his friendships with the sheiks ... A tall athletic man who spoke five languages, he moved easily in the realm of political leaders as diverse as de Gaulle and the Shah of Iran. He kept close friendships with such business leaders as David Rockefeller and Henry Ford II. ... When David Rockfeller, the president of Chase Manhattan Bank, set up an advisory committee in 1965 to counsel the bank on its growing international business, Mr. Loudon was named as chairman."
Who's Who: Doctor of Law, 1929. Joined Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Cos, 1930; served in USA, 1932–38; Venezuela, 1938–47 (Gen. Man., 1944–47); Man. Dir, 1947–52, Pres., 1952–65, Chm., 1965–76, Royal Dutch Petroleum Co.; former Chm., Shell Oil Co. (New York); Vice-Chm. Bd, Royal Netherlands Blast-furnaces & Steelworks, NV, 1971–76; Director: Orion Bank Ltd, 1971–81; Chase Manhattan Corp., 1971–76; Estel NV Hoesch-Hoogovens, 1972–76; Russell Reynolds Assocs Inc., 1977–; Adv. Dir, Bd, Arrow Partners CV, NY, 1983–. Chairman: Internat. Adv. Cttee, Chase Manhattan Bank, 1965–77; Bd, Atlantic Inst., 1969–84; European Adv. Cttee, Ford Motor Co., 1976–83. Internat. Bd Mem., Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires, 1971–; Mem., Rockefeller Univ. Council, NY, 1978–95; Mem. Bd Trustees, Ford Foundation, 1966–75; Internat. Pres., World Wildlife Fund, 1977–81. Officer, Légion d’Honneur (France); held other decorations.
John Loudon's son, John, became a director at Lazard Brothers London in 1964 and was appointed the bank's foreign manager in 1969 (until 1970). Appointed executive director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons Ltd in 1970 and worked under the guidance of Jacob Rothschild and Rodney Leach. Appointed director of SHV Holdings in 1978. Became managing director of overseas operations at N. M. Rothschild & Sons in 1981.
John Loudon's other son, Joris: director Amro Bank (later ABN-Amro) until 1988; director Midland Bank in England since 1988. Art collector. Director Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam until 2009. Director Van den Berch van Heemstede Foundation anno 2014.
John Francis Loudon (1821-1895): valet to the Dutch king. co-founder mining company Billiton, today BHP Billiton.
Aarnout Loudon (b. 1936): from the family who founded Shell; his father, Hugo Alexander Loudon, died in WWII; in 1947 his mother remarried with Baron Gijs van Hardenbroek (1902-1960), a member of the High Council of Nobility and thesaurier and master of ceremony for Queen Juliana; vice chair Koninklijke Staalfabrieken en Hoogovens (Royal Steel factories and Smelters) 1980-1994 (today part of Corus); chair Akzo Nobel 1982-1994; international council J. P. Morgan in New York in 1986-1994; director IBM Europe 1988-1995; chair supervisory board ABN AMRO Holding N.V. 1996-; supervisory board The Netherlands Bank 1990-1994, and Heidemij/Arcadis since 1994; chair supervisory board Akzo Nobel 1995-2006; advisory board Allianz since 1990, and Lehman Brothers Europe; Bilderberg 1984; counselor Conference Board, New York; VVD Senator 1995-1999; supervisory board Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., a subsidiary of Shell Transport & Trading, since 1997; director Shell, the old family firm, 2004-2007.
Various other Loudons have held positions as secretary of state, ambassador and colonial governor. |
Paul Lubbers |
Source(s): 2010, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Peter Carr in September 2010)
Probably a brother of Ruud Lubbers. Commercial director of Energés, a company that is investing in large scale solar panel projects in Spain. |
Ruud Lubbers |
Source(s): 2010, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Peter Carr in September 2010)
Catholic who received his early education by the Jesuits. Prime minister of the Netherlands from 1982 to 1994 and head of the Christian Democratic Party (CDA). Seen as the Dutch version of Margaret Thatcher. Ultra-free market and ultra-globlalist. Professor of Globalization at the University of Tilburg 1995-2000. Visiting professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, in Cambridge. Vice chairman of the Independent World Commission on the Oceans and president of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in 2000. Promoted the Earth Charter initiative of Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev. Member of the executive committee of the Club of Rome. Member of the Jacques Delors Foundation. Chairman of the International Advisory Council of the Netherlands Institute for International Affairs (Clingendael). Chairman of the United Nations Refugee Council 2001-2005 (asked by Kofi Annan). Voltairenet: "Speaking to incredulous journalists, Rudd Lubbers-who was not the official candidate for the position-commented on his nomination stating, «It is a great surprise, I don’t know how Kofi Annan came up with me.» According to journalistic investigation realeased by a French association advocating greater freedom of expression in civil society, Opus Die directed the effort and used its pressured over the preceding months to win this strategic position, one that would allow Lubbers to help strengthen charitable Catholic organizations." There have been plenty of rumors that Ruud Lubbers is a member of Opus Dei. He is not an official member, but certainly seems to have an alliange to this group. Eventually removed from the UN Refugee Office after a sexual harressment complaint by employee Cynthia Brzak. The complaint read: "With several staff members still in the room, Defendant Lubbers placed his hands on Plaintiff's Brzak's waist, pulled her back towards him, pushed his groin into her buttocks and held her briefly in that position before releasing her. ... Defendant Mr. Werner Blatter, the then Director of the UNHCR's Division of Human Resources Management, who was present at the above meeting, tried to re-enact the incident..." On the one hand not a very severe accusation. On the other, it seems the wishes of Brzak to be left alone were not respected by Lubbers and his colleagues. Lubbers tried to intimidate Brzak that she would be fired if she wouldn't withdraw the accusation. Eventually she indeed was fired. March 23, 2006, Dr. Ludwig De Braeckeleer for Canada Free Press, 'Why did the CIA resist the arrest of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan?': "Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan has been demonized for selling nuclear technology around the world. ... Dr. Kahn used a factory in Malaysia to manufacture key parts for centrifuges. One of his collaborators, B.S.A. Tahir, ran a front company in Dubai to ship centrifuge components to Libya, North Korea, Iran and possibly other countries. ... On May 18 1974, India conducted its first nuclear test. In September, Khan wrote to Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to offer his expertise to Pakistan. ... Over the last few months, this story has taken a new twist. Ruud Lubbers, a former Dutch prime minister, revealed in August 2005 that the Netherlands was prepared to arrest Abdul Qadeer Khan 30 years ago. Dutch authorities came close to arresting Khan twice, first in 1975 and later in 1986, but the CIA requested that they let him act freely. This revelation is embarrassing to both the CIA and Dutch minister of Justice P. H. Donner, who was previously asked about possible CIA action concerning Khan, and told parliament ''that nothing of the kind has happened. The CIA had nothing to do with it''. Dutch intelligence had suspicions that Khan was stealing nuclear secrets in the Netherlands. They began to monitor him as soon as he arrived at the Physical Dynamic Research Laboratory. However, according to Lubbers, the country's security agency asked the Ministry of Economic Affairs in 1975, then headed by him, not to act against Khan. "I think the American intelligence agency put into practice what is very common there; just give us all the information. And do not arrest that man; just let him go ahead. We will have him followed and that way gain more information," Lubbers told VPRO Argos Radio in an interview. The CIA's pressure against the Dutch authorities and its handling of Kahn's activities resulted in a disaster. Khan skilfully outplayed the CIA, manoeuvred around the international export controls of the IAEA, and acquired all the equipment needed for the fabrication of the A-bomb. Dr. Kahn would later recall: "My long stay in Europe and intimate knowledge of various countries and their manufacturing firms was an asset. Within two years we had put up working prototypes of centrifuges and were going at full speed to build the facilities at Kahuta [Pakistan]." Lubbers said that, while he was Prime Minister in 1983, Dutch authorities could have reopened the case after the verdict was quashed. Once again, the Dutch authorities did not do so because of US pressure. "The man was followed for almost ten years and obviously he was a serious problem. But again I was told that the secret services could handle it more effectively," Lubbers said. "The Hague did not have the final say in the matter. Washington did." The State Department declined to elaborate about Lubber's remarks. ... Lubbers suspects that Washington allowed Khan's activities because Pakistan was a key ally in the fight against the Soviets. At the time, the US government funded and armed mujahideen such Osama bin Laden. They were trained by Pakistani intelligence to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Anwar Iqbal, Washington correspondent for the Pakistani newspaper Dawn, told ISN Security Watch that Lubbers' assertions may be correct. "This was part of a long-term foolish strategy. The US knew Pakistan was developing nuclear weapons but couldn't care less because it was not going to be used against them. It was a deterrent against India and possibly the Soviets." By September 10 2005, this story had taken yet another new twist. The Amsterdam court, which sentenced Abdul Qadeer Khan to four years in prison in 1983, has lost Khan's legal files. The court's vice-president, Judge Anita Leeser, suspects the CIA had a hand in the documents' disappearance. ... Mr. Lubbers admitted that succumbing to CIA pressure was a mistake but emphasized that in the cold war era "you had to listen to the Americans". Lubbers also claimed that Dr. Khan continued to "slip in and out of Holland illegally" and the CIA knew about it. Regrettably, the fact that the CIA forbade the Dutch secret service to arrest Khan allowed him to become, in the words of President George W. Bush, the "primary salesman of an extensive international network for the proliferation of nuclear technology and know-how"." |
John G. van Marle |
Source(s): 1978 list
1901-1979. Ere-lid van de Club van Nederlandse Vogelkundigen (Limosa 50,63-66,1977) en van 1944 tot 1957 bestuurslid en penningmeester van de Nederlandse Ornithologische Vereniging, later Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie. Lid en onder-voorzitter (vanaf 1962) van de Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken voor Amsterdam (1951-1972) en lid van acht van haar commissies. Bovendien benoemd of voorgedragen door de Kamer in nog eens tenminste dertien andere functies, waaronder bestuurslid van de Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland (1962-1966), voorzitter van de Commissie Europese Aangelegenheden van de Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en lid van de Conference Permanente des Chambres de Commerce de la C.E.E. (vanaf 1963). Voorts ere-lid van de Nederlandse Cacao en Cacaoproducten Vereniging. |
Reinhart van Marwijk Kooy |
Source(s): 1978 list
Apparent grandson: Graduated from Leiden and Utrecht universities. Senior relationship manager Dresdner VPV 2006-2009. Partner in Ophorst Van Marwijk Kooy Vermogensbeheer NV since 2009. |
Hans Melchers |
Source(s): 2010, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (joined in 1989)
Born in 1938. Dutch. Friend of Prince Bernhard and avid hunter on his hunting farm in Namibia (Africa). A roughly 15 percent shareholder in the Holland-Amerika Lijn (Holland-America Line) since 1987. Owner of the international chemical concern Melchemie. This company has been accused of being part of the whole Iraqgate and related Iran Contra scandal. article (Stop the Weapons; translated from Dutch to English): "Maybe the most notorious is the Melchemie case. In the mid-1980s the Arnhem-based producer of artificial fertilizer and pesticides became embroiled in an affair. It turned out that between November 1984 and January 1985 the company has shipped 20,000 kilos of phosphoroxychloride, an indispensable component for nerve gas [mustard gas], to Iraq. In the war between Iran and Iraq, which at that point was going on in full intensity, nerve gas was used on a large scale. The judge ordered Melchemie to pay 100,000 guilders, the highest possible fine for export without the necessary papers." Melchers suffered some family drama in more recent years. In 1996 Melchers was briefly married to a woman named Anna Maria Lievens. She died in 1999, apparently after having falling from the stairs. The children had pointed to Melchers as potentially having been behind the death of their mother. In 1998 these four children of Lievens had been kidnapped for a brief period. In 2005 his daughter Claudia was kidnapped for several days and then released, apparently without a ransom having been paid. However, initially 300 kg of cocaine was demanded, later substituted for 5 million in cash. Apparently nothing was ever paid.
September 14, 2005, The Independent, 'Armed men kidnap daughter of 'chemical weapons dealer'': "Hans Melchers, left, is believed to be worth more than £300m. His daughter, Claudia Melchers, was kidnapped last night The daughter of a Dutch multimillionaire accused of selling prohibited chemicals to Iraq in the 1980s was kidnapped from her home in Amsterdam last night by armed men. Claudia Melchers, 37, was at home with her two young children and a neighbour when the men burst in. The daughter of Hans Melchers, the Dutch chemicals magnate, her family is one of the wealthiest in the Netherlands, with an estimated personal fortune of EUR460m (£301m). The men bound and gagged the neighbour before abducting Ms Melchers, police in Amsterdam said. Their children, one of whom managed to untie the neighbour left, were not harmed. Mr Melchers' company, Melchemie Holland BV has been at the centre of accusations of illegally supplying banned chemicals to Iraq, but has consistently denied intentionally violating export restrictions. A statement posted on the company web site acknowledged that gas which could have been used to make chemical weapons, was inadvertently included in a shipment which formed part of an export deal with Iraq in 1984. But the company say they recalled the shipment. It called the shipment 'a one-time mistake' for which it paid a fine of 100,000 guilders (£30,000). In 1989 it was again under the media spotlight, again accused of supplying chemicals to Iraq. The company admits that it did so, but insists those chemicals were not under any international bans."
September 15, 2005, The Daily Reflector: "Melchers father, Hans Melchers whose chemical company is based in Arnhem, is one of the richest men in the Netherlands, with a personal fortune estimated at $651 million. ... Police assigned a 60-person team to investigate the case [of Claudia's kidnapping], but had no idea where the woman was until she appeared at the Arnhem train station, 68 miles east of Amsterdam near the German border. The abduction of Melchers' daughter revived news stories in the Dutch media about his past. Hans Melchers is owner of Melchemie Holland BV, which had supplied chemicals to Iraq in the 1980s and was once fined for a shipment of banned chemicals, which it called a "one-time mistake." Melchers' ex-wife, Anna Maria Lievens, was found dead at the bottom of the stairs of her home in Malta in 1999, apparently after a fall. Dutch media reported Lievens had contacted Dutch financial authorities alleging her husband's company sold chemicals to Iraq, Syria and Libya. Hans Melchers has not commented publicly on the case." September 9, 2001,, "From a Journalistic source we once received the information that Anna Marie Lievens, the Belgian ex-wife of the very rich industrial and castle owner Hans Melchers, was linked to sexual exhibitions at Vervoordt's [owns a castle filled with art; accused by one person of trading in drugs and children; also a neighbor of the de Caters family which has been intimely tied to sadistic child abuse by X1]. Lievens died in March 1999 in her home on Malta after falling from the stairs. Just before she had been in contact with the Amsterdam police and had left documents that possibly could be evidence of Melchers' illegal trade in chemical supplies to dictatorships in the Middle East." Melchers vehimently denies every allegation and has taken plenty of legal steps to quell any mainstream media or even internet speculation.
September 15, 2005, Associated Press, 'Kidnappers release daughter of Dutch multimillionaire, police say': "Kidnappers released a Dutch multimillionaire's daughter unharmed, but it was unclear if any ransom was paid to the abductors, who had demanded 660 pounds of cocaine, police said Thursday. ... "We don't know why she was released," said police Commissioner Willem Woelders. He said as far as police know, no ransom was paid and the family didn't have any contact with the kidnappers. Her father, Hans Melchers, is one of the richest men in the Netherlands, with a personal fortune estimated at $650 million. Woelders said police did not know why the kidnappers demanded cocaine, or whether such a delivery could have been arranged on such short notice. "That's a tough question for a policeman because it is not my daily business. ... The quantity is very large and you would need to have the right contacts to do it quickly. I think it is unlikely." The kidnapping came a month after customs authorities seized 10,000 pounds of cocaine in the Port of Rotterdam, in one of the largest drug busts by Dutch authorities. It was not clear if there was a connection with the kidnappers. Woelders said that Claudia Melchers told police she was held in an empty room of a house, got clothes and food, and was allowed to bathe. She said she saw three men, two who appeared to be Latin Americans and one who was black."
September 16, 2005, The Courier Mail (Queensland, Australia), ' Kidnap heiress set free': "Melchers' ex-wife, Anna Maria Lievens, was found dead at the bottom of the stairs of her home in Malta in 1999, reportedly after a fall. Dutch media said Lievens had contacted Dutch financial authorities alleging her husband's company sold chemicals to Iraq, Syria and Libya."
September 15, 2005, Nieuwsblad (Belgium), 'Vader Hans Melchers is superrijk maar niet onbesproken': "Zijn veel jongere tweede vrouw, Anna Marie Lievens, bleef echter verhalen rondstrooien dat hij verboden stoffen bleef leveren aan Irak. De twee traden in het huwelijk halfweg de jaren negentig, maar gingen al na anderhalf jaar weer uiteen. In het voorjaar van 1998 werden vier van Lievens zes kinderen korte tijd ontvoerd op Sicilië. Een jaar later overleed Lievens op het eiland Malta, onder onduidelijke omstandigheden. Lievens' familie vermoedde zowel bij de ontvoering als bij het overlijden de betrokkenheid van Melchers. Zelf deed hij die verhalen af als laster." |
Leon N. Melchior |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1972)
Near the top of the Quote 500, the Dutch version of the Fortune 500. Grew up in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Son of a German father and Dutch mother. Hitlerjugend and SS soldier on the eastern front, possibly because it was impossible for him to get a job in the Netherlands at the time. At the end of the war he was sentenced to 13 months in prison and lost his Dutch nationaity. Received a Belgian passport in 1974 and went to live right at the border with Maastricht. In the 1980s and 1990s he received fame for his horse stuff. Chairman of MVV Maastricht, a soccer club. Controlled the Hans Anders opticiens chain. |
Charlotte Michiels van Kessenich |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1973)
From a noble family. Baron Willem Michiels van Kessenich was mayor of Beek 1933-1937 and mayor of Maastricht 1937-1967. His son also had some political influence. |
Mrs. M. E. de Monchy-van Lennep |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1973)
Lawyer who is a member of the Nederlandse Adelsvereniging (Dutch Nobility Association). De Monchy and van Lennep families have both been important banking/business families. |
Henri M. van Mourik Broekman |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Member of an engeering and artistic family linked to the Dutch royal family. Director ABN Bank. 1976, Jane's Major Companies of Europe, p. A-2: "Algemene Bank Nederland N.V. [ABN Bank] Vijselstraat 32, Amsterdam-C, The Netherlands. ... Financial Year Ending: December 31, 1974. Supervisory Board: P. L. Justman Jacob (Chairman) [1001 Club]; ... H. M. van Mourik Broekman [1001 Club]; R. A. de Monchy; Prof. Dr. E. H. van der Beugel [Bilderberg secretary, Ditchley, etc.]; ... Jonkheer W. van Andringa de Kempenaer; ... A. H. Heineken [1001 Club]..." |
Jean P. F. M. Neree tot Babberich |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Dutch noble family, originally from Normandy, France. Various members have been active as artists and politicians. This family member is not high profile. | A. Onderdijk |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1973)
President of Transol Group, focused on oil and, to a lesser extent, real estate. Founded in the 1960s with a few thousand dollars start-up capital, Transol surpassed 1 billion in revenues within 10 years. Member of the supervisory board of Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. |
Alexander Orlow |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
President of Turmac Tobacco Co. Director of Rothmans International since 1972. Lived at Mansion Amstelrust in Amsterdam from 1972 to 1999. |
Anton E. Pannenborg |
Source(s): 2010 (joined in 1973)
Personal assistant to Theodoor Tromp at Philips 1952-1955. Vice president Philips in the 1970s ad 1980s. In 1982 he was part of JASON Foundation exchange with the United States in which Richard Perle, Eugene Rostow, Adm. Dennis Blair and Frans Alting von Geusau participated. Chairman Commission on Government Spending (Commissie Overheidsbestedingen) in 1985. . |
Frits J. Philips |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Son of Royal Philips N.V. co-founder Anton. Joined the company in 1930 as a department head. President Philips 1961-1971 and chairman after that. Chairman Eindhoven Chamber of Commerce. Director Dutch Employers Association. Vice-president Labor Foundation. Founder Eindhoven University of Technology. Bilderberg 1973. |
Jan Lodewijk Pierson |
Source(s): 1978 list
Member of the Pierson & Co. banking family. Studied in Japan in the early 1920s. Professor at Utrecht University. Married Lucy Mary Franssen (pseudonym Ellen Forest; 1878-1959), who translated four books of Mussolini, whom the couple admired and was friendly with. Put in jail during the Nazi invasion in 1940 for his activities in the National Socialist Movement (NSB), the Dutch fascist movement. Rehabilitated after WWII. |
Boy H. M. Plieger |
Source(s): 2010 (joined in 1992)
Chairman and owener of Plieger Group Netherlands, a leader in bathroom appliances. |
Poecke, Marcel van |
Source(s): 2010 list (member since 2002)
Commercial director Calpam International Petroleum Company B.V. 1990-1992. Managing director of the Vanol Group, a Dutch company engaged in the storage, trading and marketing of crude oil and refined products. Co-founder and co-CEO of Petroplus since 1993-2006. Large shareholder in Emergya Wind Technologies. Rotterdam School of Management. Advisory Board, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Secretary Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values, which works along the line of the Earth Charter Guide to Religion and Climate Change. Chairman of the supervisory board of Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. |
Mahmoud S. Rabbani |
Source(s): 1987 list
Honorary consul of Kuwait and Jordan in the Netherlands. Supporter of the Palestinian cause, but occasionally also criticized Arafat. In 1969 he was a co-founder of the Nederlands Palestina Komitee (Dutch Palestine Committee) with Kees Wagtendonk, a rather obvious agent of Dutch intelligence. Became a close friend of Willem "Bib" van Lanschot, reportedly a founder of the Dutch branch of the CIA's Stay Behind network, together with Prince Bernhard. Van Lanschot had also been active for Philips in the Middle East. |
Baron Albert J. J. van Welderen Rengers |
Source(s): 1978, 1987 and 2010 lists (joined in 1973)
Member of a Dutch noble family. In 1962 he married Jonkvrouw Cornelia Francisca Beelaerts van Blokland, a member of another prominent noble family.
August 8, 1998, Landgoed bij Heino, 'Landgoed bij Heino': "Het is een gemêleerd gezelschap op de 300 hectare grond van het landgoed van baron ir. A. J. J. van Welderen Rengers. Pachters, krakers, gewone burgermensen en de baron zelf bevolken het terrein. Hijzelf bewoont het kasteel dat vanaf de weg tussen Raalte en Heino te zien is. Zijn grootvader bouwde dit aardige optrekje in 1910. De huidige baron heeft er zijn hele leven -"met uitzondering van de perioden waarin ik studeerde"- gewoond. ... De kans zit erin dat twee huizen van het landgoed op de rijksmonumentenlijst komen te staan. In maart dit jaar heeft de gemeentelijke commissie zich hierover gebogen. In aanmerking komen het koetshuis en nummer 15, de gekraakte boerderij die aan het einde van de lange oprijlaan staat. Dit pand dateert van 1920. De woordvoerder van de gemeente Raalte kan niet zeggen in welk stadium de aanvraag is." This is a 40 minute drive from the illegally occupied farm where Pauline van Tuyll was arrested.
Oldest son (1963): Also called Albert: investment banker at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. In 2004 he married Samantha Deane, a childhood friend of Princess Maxima, the wife of King Willem Alexander of Orange.
Another son (1965): Alexander Rengers: Sales & logistics manager Archer Daniels Midland Company 1994-1997. Commercial manager oils, fats & emulsifiers Unilever 1997-2000. Managing director Asolfil 2001–2003 ("Market introduction environmental biobased weedkiller for professional use.") Managing director Private equity 2003–2005 ("Market launch of innovative climate conditioning equipment."). Founder INSAS Sustainability Auditing Services 2007–2010. Director Responsible Investment & Corporate Sustainability Services Europe Sustainalytics since 2010.
In 1999 Alexander Rengers married Pauline Rengers-Loudon, a daughter of 1001 Club member Frederik Willem Loudon. According to Pauline's LinkedIn, she is close to John Loudon of the Peace Parks Foundation (whose father or grandfather was also in the 1001 Club). |
Jonkheer Hendrik van Riemsdijk |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Noble family. Joined Philips in 1934. In 1938 he married Henriette Anna Philips, the daughter of Philips co-founder Anton Philips. Director Philips 1963-1968, vice chair 1968-1971, chair 1971-1977, supervisory board chair 1977-1986. Deeply involved in leading Dutch soccer club PSV. |
Cornelis van Rietschoten |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1972)
Retired industrialist who won the Volvo Ocean Race twice. |
Willem M. J. Russell |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Born in 1918. First married to Carla Brenninkmeijer in 1948. Carla died in 1952 at the age of 25. Russell subsequently married Helena Brenninkmeijer in 1953. Founder Russell Advocaten (Russell Attorneys) in 1943. Chief of the import division of Mercedes-Benz Netherlands 1945-1948. Senator for the Catholic Folk Party (KVP: Katholieke Volkspartij) 1971-1974. Senator for the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) 1981-1983. Advisory board Citroen Nederland BV 1980-1990. Advisory boards of Inalfa, Brugman Heybroek, Hategro and Bumac. Honorair consul of Brazil. Willem and Helena died in 1993. |
Paul W. L. Russell |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1979)
Son of Willem Russell and Helena Anna Maria Brenninkmeijer. Member of the foreign commission of the Christian Democratic Party (CDA) representative of its European branch. CDA senator 2003-2009, 2010-2011, specializing in foreign affairs and defense. Honorair vice-consul of Brazil. Honorair consul-general of Luxembourg and vice president of the Consulair Corps in Amsterdam. |
Reinier W. L. Russell |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1988)
Born in 1965. Brother of Paul. Attorney since 1990 and managing partner of Russell Advocaten (Russell Attorneys) since 1998. In 2007 he bought the villa of the in 2004 murdered Willem Endstra. Anno 2014 on the advisory board of Plan Nederland (previously Foster Parents Plan), together with chairman Onno Ruding (minister of finance; AMRO bank; IMF), Anthony Burgmans (BP, Akzo Nobel, Aegon, SHV, WWF Netherlands, Bilderberg), Gen. Marcel Urlings, Ehsan Turabaz (IKEA; Co -founder of the Foundation Friends of Afghanistan in 2005 and its chairman; founder Netherlands-Afghanistan Business Council in 2006 and its president; honorary consul general of Afghanistan in Amsterdam & Rotterdam), and the young Erik Thijs Wedershoven (member Round Table of World Connectors, the Global Youth Action Network, the Earth Charter Initiative, and youth representative of the Dutch government delegation to the General Meeting of the United Nations). |
Willem O. Russell |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1979)
Vrije University of Amsterdam Civil Law degree 1974. University of Amsterdam Notarial Law degree 1975. Lawyer at Warendorf attorneys and notaries, together with Alex M. Brenninkmeijer.
Honorary consul of Mexico. Member International Bar Association. One of five governors of the Stichting Fonds Instituut Clingendael and its Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP), which is closely affiliated with the Clingendael Institute, also known as the Netherlands Institute of International Relations. Supervisory Board Member of the PANTAR Group. Anno 2014 the PANTAR Group/Groep is still extremely unknown, but seems to b active in and around Amsterdam. Ma 1, 2013, DARE Blog: "last Friday, April 26, 1.3 million children in the Netherlands participated in the King's Games [Koningsspelen]. Under the leadership of the Johan Cruyff Foundation [famous soccer player] and the Richard Krajicek Foundation [famous tennis player] this became the "biggest sports day ever" organized. Corporations who helped make this possible include, amongst other, KLM, PostNL, the Pantar Group, Interimage and Jumbo..." Chairman of the Dutch branch of the Peace Parks Foundation. Secretary of the Dutch branch of the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund. Lists himself as a member of the 1001 Nature Trust. |
Anthony Ruys |
Source(s): 1978 (in memoriam)
Member of major shipping/shipyard family that controlled Nedlloyd.
Anthony Ruys (b. 1947): September 13, 2009, Trouw, 'Rederszoon Anthony Ruys nieuwe topman bij Heineken' ('Shipyard son Anthony Ruys new top man at Heineken'): "In April Heineken gets a new top man whose name might well be just as prestigious as the name of Heineken itself; Anthony Ruys, the on July 20, 1947-born member of the famous shipyard family..." Marketing director Unilever. Chairman of Unilever subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Colombia and Italy from 1974 to 1992. Chairman Heineken NV 2003-2005. Supervisory board of Gtech Holdings Corporation, Sara Lee / DE International BV, British American Tobacco (BAT), ABN AMRO, Schiphol airport, National Fund for the Preservation of Art Treasures, Veerstichting, the National Fund for the Preservation of Art Treasures (with Susan Eisenhower), Foundation The Rijksmuseum and Stichting laluz (with Herman Wijffels). Director Value of The Value Agency. Co-chair ECR Europe. Member of the Board of Netherlands Society for International Affairs. Advisory board AIESEC Netherlands. European Advisory Board of Harvard Business School. Director SIFE Netherlands. |
Lucien P. Ruys |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1997)
Born in 1909 in a major shipping/shipyard family. Graduated as an engineer in 1933. Partner in Ruys en Co. in Antwerp since 1938. During World War II involved in the Netherlands Shipping and Trade Commission (Nederlandsche Scheepvaart- en Handelscommissie), which temporarily managed the Dutch national fleet. In 1944 Since 1950 a partner in Wm Ruys en Zoon, which controlled shipping corporation Nedlloyd, of which Ruys became a long-term director. Chairman of Nedlloyd 1974-1979. Chairman Royal Dutch Shipping Association (Koninklijke Nederlandse Redersvereniging), the International Chamber of Shipping in Londen, and chairman of the shipping committee of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. Investor in Dutch airline Martinair. Advisory board Nedlloyd 1979-1984. In 1996 Nedlloyd merged with the British P&O Shipping, also represented in the 1001 Club, forming P&O Nedlloyd. In 2005 P&O Nedlloyd was taken over by the Danish corporation Maersk, already at that point the largest container ship operator in the world. Died in 2003. |
Mrs. C.E. Sandberg-de Vlieger |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1997)
Director Tesselschade-Arbeid Adelt, located in the Kurhaus, Scheveningen. Nothing known about this person, except that she was upper class. |
Otto Schoemaker |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1971)
VVD member in the 1980s who wrote a note on South Africa that will be classified until 2017. In 1999 a key founder of the elite Soestdijk Palace-located Golf Society Laage Vuursche, together with his apparent son, Gait Jan Schoemaker. The latter is chairman of Chemimpo South Africa (Pty) Ltd., a manufacturer of petroleum products as lubricating oil, grease, plastics and synthetic rubber. Chemimpo was founded in 1972. 1999, De Telegraaf, 'Niet voor een habbekrats': "Het is geen ordinaire club, maar een sociëteit. Je betaalt er niet een paar duizend gulden voor een aandeeltje, maar een stevige 24.750 gulden. Ook de contributie is van niveau met zijn 2700 gulden per jaar per persoon. En denk niet dat je er straks bij de opening over precies een jaar, maar meteen bij mag horen. Getikt degene die dat in zijn hoofd durft te halen. Neen, de Golfsociëteit De Lage Vuursche is echt exclusief en het is een hele eer als je je geld in die richting mag brengen. Want nog voordat dit pronkjuweel tussen de Hilversumse en De Pan volgend jaar wordt bespeeld is er nu al geen lid meer nodig [700 in total]. Vol is vol en precies die slogan is op dit unieke project in de koninklijke achtertuin van het Paleis Soestdijk van toepassing. Er waren nauwelijks twee inschrijving-campagnes voor nodig... Zo werd op initiatief destijds van Otto Schoemaker het gehele project door Burgholding B.V. geconcipieerd waarna 23 zogeheten founders met elkaar 22 miljoen lapten om de CV Golfvast het leven te kunnen laten zien. Gronden, eigendommen en erfpacht werden door CV Golfvast verworven en de aanleg kon in gang worden gezet. Bekende namen in Golfvast zijn Pon, Jelle Brouwer, Jaap (huishoudartikelen-imperium)Blokker, Parelberg, Paul West en Peter Krudde, om er maar een paar te noemen." |
Jacques S. C. Schoufour |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1973)
Born in 1927. From 1953 to the 1980s director of Frans Swarttouw's Harbor Company (Havenbedrijf), including the position as managing director. Schoufour has been considered a godson of Frans Swarttouw (Swarttouw was chairman of aircraft builder Fokker, which, even with massive government bailouts, was doomed to failure. He also sat on the advisory board of rival container shipping companies ECT and Nedlloyd). Swarttouw's Havenbedrijf was one of the largest bulk trans-shipment corporations in the Rotterdam harbor. In the late 1980s it also developed new deepwater harbors in Rotterdam. In 1973 a co-founder of the European Dry Bulk Terminal (EMO), the biggest bulk terminal in western Europe, at the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam. Maersk (formerly Nedlloyd), Europe Container Terminals (ECT) and Euromax are all located at the Maasvlakte and for some years turned Rotterdam in the largest harber in the world. Director of Thyssen-Bornemisza Europe 1976-1985. 30-year director of Cooperating Transport and Sea Harbor corporations (SVZ: Samenwerkende Vervoer- en Zeehavenondernemingen), from 1985 to 1987 as chairman. Bernard Ruys of Nedlloyd and Sir William van der Vorm (Holland-Amerika Lijn) were other SVZ directors. |
Bernardus "Bob" Schreiner |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Born in 1915. Founder Schreiner Airways, a charter and cargo airline located at Brussels Airport (BRU), Rotterdam Airport (RTM), Den Helder Airport (DHR) and Schiphol International Airport (AMS). Its Schreiner North Sea Helicopters serviced oil platforms in the North Sea. In 1959 it founded Aero Contractors Company of Nigeria Limited, in which the Nigerian government got a 40% stake in 1973 and 60% stake in 1976. Schreiner Airways existed from 1945 to 2005. Died in 1994. |
Martin Schroder |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1973)
Founder, president and CEO of Dutch airline Martinair 1958-1998. Chairman of African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) Flying Doctors Netherlands 1975-1976. Trustee Fokker Foundation, of the aircraft builder. President Royal Frans Maas Group and DPA Holding. Advisory board Hal Holding. Until 2006 vice chairman of the advisory board of Royal Dutch Mint, the official Dutch coin producer since 1567 (Ruud Lubbers on the board with him). Member College van Advies Militair Luchtvaartmuseum (Advisory Committee of the Museum for Military Aviation) , the Raad van Advies Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor de Luchtvaart (Advisory Council of the Royal Dutch Society for Aviation), the Raad van Toezicht van Stichting Koninklijk Militair Historisch Museum (Advisory Council of the Royal Military Historical Museum Foundation). Trustee Van den Bergh Van Heemstede Aviation Fund. |
Jonkheer Feyo O. J. Sickinghe |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Born in 1926. Chairman of Stork, formerly an important Dutch industrial concern, in the 1970s. Advisory board Nedlloyd. Bilderberg 1977. Died in 2006.
Son: Duco Sickinghe. Chairman of Telenet Belgium. November 10, 2010,, 'Genomineerde 5: Duco Sickinghe (Telenet), de blijver uit Mechelen': "[Duco] Sickinghe is de zoon van wijlen Feyo Sickinghe, de voormalige gedelegeerd bestuurder van het Stork concern in Nederland, die in zijn tijd zowat de Karel Vinck van Nederland was. Zijn uistekende relaties in de Nederlandse hogere kringen blijken uit het bestuurszitje van prins Friso van Oranje bij Telenet."
Daughter: Jonkvrouw Wilhelmine Jeanne Mathilde Elisabeth Sickinghe (b. 1956). She married Henri Giscard d'Estaing (b. 1956), a son of the former president of France, Valery Giscard d'Estaing. Henri has been involved in Danone, Club Mediterranee and Groupe Casino. |
Hendrik A. "Henk" Sijthoff |
Source(s): 1987 list (not on 2010 list anymore, probably due to conviction)
Family in the publishing busines. Founder of the important Dutch newspaper Financieel Dagblad (Financial Daily). Forced to sell his shares to relative Willem Sijthoff in 1997 for 38 million euros. Henk's son, Bob, sat on the advisory board of the Financial Dagblad. Bob has been accused of using Dutch gang boss Willem Holleeder as an intermediary to buy two apartments for his children. These apartments were bought from the in 2004 murdered real estate businessman Willem Endstra. In 2009 Bob was convicted of threatening and physically abusing his Swiss banker. |
Fredrik W. "Freddy" Sijthoff |
Source(s): 1978, 1987, 2010 (in memoriam 2008-2009) lists
Until 1983 a director of the Haagsche Courant, a Dutch newspaper founded by his grandfather. Sold his shares in 1994, but kept involved in the newspaper. |
Alexander Strachoff |
Source(s): 1987 list
1904-2004. Russian-born obscure industrialist who lived in Eindhoven. |
Jonkheer Alidius Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer |
Source(s): 1978 list
Nobleman. Queen's commissioner in Groningen 1925–1933. Queen's envoy to Brussels 1933-1936. The last Dutch colonial governor-general of Indonesia 1936-1942. Annual book 1936-1940, Vereniging tot Behoud van Natuurmonumenten Nederland: "Under the protection of H.M. the Queen, HRH Princess Juliana and HRH Prince Bernhard. Management: ... Mr. S. Baron van Heemstra, Arnhem, vice chairman... Dr. J. P. Fockema Andreae... Mr. F.I.J. Janssen... Jhr. Mr. W. Michiels van Kessenich... W. A. A. J. Baron Schimmelpennink van der Oye... Jhr. Mr. A.W.L. Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer... Mr. A. E. Baron Voorst tot Voorst... Mr. Dr. R. H. Baron de Vos van Steenwijk... Financial Commission: ... Mr. Chr. P. van Eeghen..." Dutch ambassador to France 1945–1948. Dutch representative to NATO 1950-1956. Co-founder 1956 advisory committee on the Greet Hofmans affair. Chair Dutch Carnegie Foundation and the Peace Palace 1958-1963. Died in 1978. |
Theodoor P. Tromp |
Source(s): 1978 list alone
1903-1984. Joined Philips in 1927. Send to Berlin in the 1930s to run a Philips factory there. Active role in British and Dutch intelligence during World War II. Minister of public works in the Dutch World War II war cabinet in England. Founder Nederlands Instituut voor Vliegtuigontwikkeling (Netherlands Institute for Aircraft Development) after the war. In 1947 he advised the government to provide Fokker with the government contract to build the Gloster Meteor airplane. Director of Philips 1947-1957, vice president 1957-1967. Remained active in Philips after that. In 1971 he was in London at a "industrial psychologists' conference". |
Baron F. W. W. "Freddie" van Tuyll Van Serooskerken |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 (in memoriam 1984-1986) lists
Frederik Willem Walter van Tuyll van Serooskerken (1911-1985). Member of a family that has lived at Castle Heeze in the south of the Netherlands since 1760. Himself lived at Domain Reigersbergen and Domain Clingendael (where today the Dutch Institute of International Relations is located). Partner in the bank Landry & van Till until the early 1970s. Close to the Dutch and British royal family.
Last common ancestor with Baroness Pauline: Frederik Christiaan Hendrik van Tuyll van Serooskerken (1742-1805).
Crazy relatives
Baron Willem, his wife Bobbie, and a cousin of Willem, Trudy cooperated in Stichting Boer en Vee in 2001. Spent half a million dollars proceedings against the government. Trudy ends up in Fortuyn's LPF while Bobbie gets involved wfith the Party for Animals. In 2002 it is cousin Pauline van Tuyll van Serooskerken (b. 1974) who throws a cake in the face of Pim Fortuyn.
Baroness Bobbie van Tuyll van Serooskerken
April 28, 2001, De Groene Amsterdammer, 'Boeren, baronnen en buitenlui': "Onder de bezielende leiding van mr. Willem baron van Tuyll van Serooskerken trekt de pas opgerichte Stichting Boer en Vee ten strijde tegen de massamoord op onschuldige dieren. ... Mr. Willem baron van Tuyll van Serooskerken werd door zijn echtgenote [Bobbie] op het idee gebracht. ... Het mond- en klauwzeervirus (MKZ) maakte toen al enige weken Nederland onveilig. Zowel in Kootwijkerbroek als in de IJsselvallei — een gebied binnen de later afgesloten stedendriehoek Apeldoorn-Zwolle-Deventer — waren boerenbedrijven besmet verklaard. Massaal was begonnen met het afmaken van alle vee dat zich in een kilometerstraal rond de besmettingshaard bevond. De televisie toonde beelden van grijpers met dode dierenlijven. «Voor iedereen die van beesten houdt was het een verschrikking om aan te zien ... », zegt Bobbie van Tuyll. ... Willem van Tuyll: ... "Als ik zie hoe enorme aantallen dieren over de kling gejaagd worden om exportbelangen veilig te stellen, gaat m'n bloed koken. Maar wie komt in verzet tegen de ruiming van zo vele gezonde en weerloze dieren? ... Preventief enten en stoppen met ruimen is de beste manier om de MKZ-crisis te beheersen, anders dan de stamp-out-methode waar het ministerie van LNV zo krampachtig aan vasthoudt. ... We zullen weer respect moeten ontwikkelen voor het leven van andere wezens. Ik hoop dat meer niet-actievoerders zoals ik in verzet zullen komen tegen een overheid die verstrikt is geraakt in een web van economische belangen." ... Later op de dag zocht [Baron Willem] telefonisch contact met een nicht, Trudy barones van Tuyll van Serooskerken. Te Kootwijkerbroek drijft zij een fysiotherapiepraktijk. Onder haar clientèle bevonden zich nogal wat agrariërs die op de kneedbank geëmotioneerd melding maakten van de ongewenste slachtingen op hun bedrijven. Trudy van Tuyll had de kwestie reeds besproken met drie goede vrienden, waaronder de Vaassense dominee Hans Bok. ... In het weekend van 31 maart kwam het vijftal bijeen en werd besloten tot oprichting van de Stichting Boer en Vee. De notariële inkt was nog niet droog of de stichting spande namens een twaalftal Kootwijkerbroekse boeren een kort geding aan tegen de staat. De ijlings in de arm genomen advocaat Hayo Bronkhorst had ontdekt dat minister Brinkhorst Europese regelgeving schond door niet alleen op besmette maar ook op verdachte bedrijven tot ruiming over te gaan. Boer en Vee eiste tevens dat direct preventief ingeënt zou worden, teneinde het nutteloos doden van dieren te voorkomen. ... Bobbie van Tuyll [zag] zich tevens gedwongen zag haar dagelijkse bezigheden als goudsmid op te schorten. ... Om niet drie «Van Tuyll-en» binnen één stichting actief te hebben, maakt Bobbie van Tuyll officieel geen onderdeel uit van Boer en Vee. De hele dag echter is zij met de stichting bezig: faxen versturen, de anderen op de hoogte houden en tongblaar-gerelateerde gebeurtenissen aflopen. ... Van Tuyll en Bok berekenen dat de stichting er alleen aan proceskosten al een halve ton doorheen heeft gedraaid. Maar zelfs als al het procederen uiteindelijk niets zou opleveren, zouden de twee geen spijt hebben. «Je hebt tenminste het gevoel dat je iets geprobeerd hebt», zegt Van Tuyll." (accessed: December 8, 2002): "Kandidatenlijst Partij voor de Dieren: 1. mr Thieme, M.L. (Marianne) (v) Maarssen [member extremist Seventh-Day Adventist Church], Beleidsmedewerker stichting Bont voor Dieren; 2. Saaman, D.M. (Diana) (v) Wehl, Biologisch varkenshouder en landbouwjournalist; 3. drs Stoop, L.A.M. (Bert) (m) Groningen Webredacteur Animal Freedom. ... 6. Jonkvrouw van Holthe, S.A.T. (Selby) (v) Houten, Huisvrouw / psychotherapeut ... 14. Barones van Tuyll van Serooskerken, M.E. (Bobbie)(v) Doorn Edelsmid..."
May 25, 2005, Volkskrant, 'Het complot van Kootwijkerbroek': "Twee maanden na de MKZ-rellen is Kootwijkerbroek nog altijd in de ban van HET GROTE COMPLOT. Wie je ook spreekt, een ding staat voor iedereen vast: áls er al MKZ was in Kootwijkerbroek, is het bewust gebracht. ... Geruchten zijn er genoeg, ongerijmdheden ook, maar bewijzen zijn er niet of nauwelijks. Daar wordt driftig naar gezocht. Los van het Openbaar Ministerie in Arnhem, zijn veeboeren, zakenlui en burgers zelf op zoek naar de waarheid over Kootwijkerbroek. Zo is daar de Stichting Boer en Vee die, anders dan de naam doet vermoeden, vooral bestaat uit verontwaardigde particulieren, onder wie een dominee en een baron. De stichting wordt aangevoerd door Trudy van Tuyll van Serooskerken, een opgewonden fysiotherapeute uit Barneveld, die geen ander vee heeft dan twee prijswinnende west highland white terriërs. Boer en Vee heeft een privé-detective ingeschakeld die een 'geheim spoor' volgt, waarover Van Tuyll van Serooskerken zwijgt als het graf. 'Het ministerie van Landbouw hoort alles.' Een ander opmerkelijk gezelschap vormen drie zakenlieden uit de omgeving, die de Stichting Onderzoek MKZ hebben opgericht. Initiatiefnemer is Lau Jansen, directeur van een consultantsbureau in Amersfoort dat voor Philips en KPN-Telecom werkt. De stichting heeft een wetenschapster aangesteld die fulltime alle sporen onderzoekt. Zijn stichting is volkomen onafhankelijk, zegt Jansen in zijn prestigieuze directiekantoor. 'Het rechtsgevoel heeft een knauw gekregen. Wij zoeken de waarheid.' Jansen laat vooralsnog alle theorieën open, van een echte besmetting tot boze opzet. En dan zijn er natuurlijk de veeboeren van de Verenigde Boeren Kootwijkerbroek (VBK), met als voornaamste woordvoerder Jürgen Schreuder, ingenieur en zoon van een jurist die een varkensmesterij in Kootwijkerbroek runt vanuit een nieuwbouwhuis in Voorthuizen. De VBK opteert voor de ministeriële complottheorie en laat zich juridisch bijstaan door strafpleiter A. Moszkowicz. [famous but questionable lawyer Abraham "Bram" Moszkowicz]"
Trudy van Tuyll van Serooskerken
In 2001 involved in the Stichting Boer en Vee (Foundation Farmer and Livestock) with Baroness Bobbie and Baron Willem van Tuyll van Serooskerken.
Involved in the LPF of Pim Fortyun, possibly before but certainly after the would-be prime minister had been assassinated. It's interesting, because Fortuyn was hated by environmental and animal rights activists, as well as anyone supportive of unlimited 3rd world immigration. May 8, 2002, Trouw, 'Impopulair bij dierenactivisten': "Wat zeker is: Pim Fortuyn maakte zich met zijn plannen om varkens in een varkensflat te fokken en het opheffen van het fokverbod voor nertsen zeer impopulair onder dierenactivisten." (accessed October 8, 2002): "Gelderland. Op 20 september j.l. is de LPF-Gelderland gesticht en hebben bestuursverkiezingen plaats gevonden. Het Gelderse LPF bestuur bestaat uit: -, voorzitter Olof Wullinker [INSEAD; Catholic Radboud University]; - Leontien van Nieuwenhuijzen, secretaris [active at Erasmus and Radbout universities]; - Anne Zweers, penningmeester [Pastor - "spiritual caretaker" - Dutch military]; - Rob van der Zee, alg. bestuurslid; - Trudy van Tuyll van Serooskerken - van der Heide, [owner physical therapy practice since 1970] alg. bestuurslid."
January 10, 2003, forum: "Trudy van Tuyll: Hallo allemaal, Iemand van jullie forum zond mij een mail betreffende dit Forum. Voor alle duidelijkheid hierin worden een paar zaken verward en dat is voor mij hoogst ongelukkig. Ik ben niet de taartgooister, maar wel een aktief lid van de LPF zittende in het bestuur Gelderland. Tevens heb ik me voor de LPF kandidaat gesteld voor de Provinciale Staten en ben zelf geen dieraktiviste of wat dan ook maar. Tegen het zinloos vernietigen van dieren ben ik wel ten strijde getrokken dmv de Stichting Boer en Vee. Die distantieerd zich echter van alle aktiviteiten die te maken hebben met de andere familieleden. Verder ben ik hoogst aktief in de Partij en wil dit ook blijven, maar dan wel graag zonder alle negatieve gezeur daar omheen. We hebben het al lastig genoeg met z'n allen en meer rompslomp is niet nodig, lijkt me. Op de kunt alles wat U over mij wilt weten lezen. Trudy"
Pauline van Tuyll van Serooskerken
"Koningin Juliana aan Pauline Tuyll van Serooskerken, 2 juni 1957, archief Van Maasdijk, privécollectie." /paulinevantuyll (accessed: May 31, 2014): "Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - Master of Arts, Psychologie 1995 – 2002. ... vennoot Tuyll-Goris Producties October 2003 – December 2010. ... Radbouduniversiteit Nijmegen Social Geography 2009 – 2010. Activiteiten en verenigingen: Mastercursussen Sociale Geografie; Internationale Migratie, Globalisering en Ontwikkeling, Multiculturele Samenleving & Cross-border Governance. ... Diverse internetfilms, oa Milieudefensie 2010. Authors: Pauline van Tuyll. ... Birsen FAIRbeeld Producties, April 2, 2013, Authors: Pauline van Tuyll. ... Health Care for international students and staff of Wageningen UR, Wageningen University and Research Center, August 20, 2013. Authors: Pauline van Tuyll, Gerda Wink."
May 14, 2002, Rijnmond TV (RTV), 'Taartengooister Fortuyn blijkt barones te zijn': "Justitie heeft dinsdag drie mensen aangehouden die op 14 maart taarten zouden hebben gegooid naar Pim Fortuyn. Eén van de taartengooisters blijkt een barones uit een vermaard adellijk geslacht te zijn, weet De Telegraaf. De links-radicale barones studeerde onlangs af in de psychologie aan de universiteit van Groningen. Ze woonde in een gekraakte boerderij in Hoenderloo, samen met een tweede taartensmijter. Daar werden ze dinsdag ook door een arrestatieteam in de boeien geslagen. De taartgooiers hebben geen relatie met Volkert van der G. Dat zegt één van hun advocaten tegen De Volkskrant. De taartgooiers worden verdacht van openlijke geweldpleging. Het Openbaar Ministerie zegt nog steeds geen aanwijzingen te hebben dat Van der G. medeplichtigen had. Het taartincident deed zich voor tijdens de presentatie van het boek van Pim Fortuyn 'De puinhopen van acht jaar Paars' in het Haagse perscentrum Nieuwspoort. De verdachten zouden zich volgens het Openbaar Ministerie schuldig hebben gemaakt aan openlijke geweldpleging. De taartaanslag is opgeëist door de groepering met de naam Biologische Bakkers Brigade. "
May 15, 2002, De Telegraaf, 'Taartengooister blijkt barones': "Een van de drie opgepakte activisten die Pim Fortuyn met 'taarten' van braaksel en uitwerpselen besmeurden, blijkt een barones uit een vermaard adellijk geslacht te zijn. Het gaat om de 27-jarige Pauline van T. van S., wier ouders in Duitsland wonen. De links-radicale barones stuurde onlangs af in psychologie aan de universiteit in Groningen. Volgens haar familie verbleef zij op een hen onbekend adres. Haar onderkomen blijkt een gekraakte boerderij op het Hoenderloose landgoed Deelerwoud, waar de adellijke activiste gisterochtend rond vijf uur samen met een tweede taartensmijter, Jelle G., in de boeien werd geslagen door arrestatieteams. De krakers hadden 'hun' onderkomen gebarricadeerd en de oprit afgesloten met hekken en kettingen. Omwonenden die door het tumult rond de politieactie werden gewekt, meldden dat hun kinderen regelmatig contact hadden met de krakers, onder wie Pauline van T. van S. en Jelle G. "Ze zijn altijd bijzonder vriendelijk. Maar de krakers gebruiken waarschijnlijk veel drugs. We hebben vaak vuile spuiten en naalden zien rondslingeren." Volgens de eigenaar jonkheer [Volker] Repelaar [Repelaer] van landgoed Deelerwoud werd zijn boerderij een halfjaar geleden gekraakt. "Ik heb daarvan vergeefs aangifte gedaan. Nu politie en justitie, nota bene pas twee maanden later, dat tuig hebben geïdentificeerd en blijkt dat mijn pand een broeinest van illegale activiteiten is geworden, wordt er opeens wel opgetreden. Ik ben daar woest over." Een team van 55 rechercheurs onderzoekt of de drie banden hebben met Fortuyns vermoedelijke moordenaar Volkert van der G. Volgens hun advocate, mevrouw mr. Van den Brûle, heeft het drietal inmiddels verklaard Van der G. niet te kennen."
Mei 3, 2010, De Stentor, 'Eigenaar tegen verbod jacht heeft zelf gefokte herten': "Eigenaar jonkheer V. Repelaer van landgoed Deelerwoud in Hoenderloo is naar de Raad van State gestapt omdat hij van het ministerie van Landbouw Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) niet meer mag jagen op edelherten en wilde zwijnen. Het bijzondere aan deze zaak is Repelaer de edelherten en zwijnen zelf fokt en uitzet op zijn 600 hectare grote landgoed."
September 5, 2013,, ''Geheimzinnig landgoed met waas van romantiek'': " In 1918 verkoopt de familie Brantsen-Whiting het Apeldoorns deel van Deelerwoud aan jonkheer Paulus Johan Repelaer van Spijkenisse (1878-1941) ... Jonkheer Volker Günther Friedemann Repelaer (1938-) neemt in de jaren zestig het beheer van landgoed Deelerwoud op zich dat hij tot nu toe zelfstandig en zeer eigenzinnig voortzet. ... We vragen zijn 'buurman' Seger baron van Voorst tot Voorst [member of the most important Knights of Malta family in the Netherlands; chairman Knights of Malta Netherlands 1992-2002; managing director Stichting Het Nationale Park De Hoge Veluwe; directeur BV Landgoed Den Alerdinck II; vice president Friends of the Countryside; member Steering Committee Wildlife Estates; vice-chairman Nederlandse delegatie Internationale Jachtraad; voorzitter Essent [energy company] Sustainability Development Council; regent Stichting Hofje van Hoogelande; advisory board Burgers' Zoo and Staatsbosbeheer] om zijn mening over de betekenis van de jonkheer. Van Voorst tot Voorst is directeur van Nationaal Park De Hoge Veluwe dat pal aan het Deelerwoud grenst. Hij antwoordt zeer beslist:"Jonkheer Repelaer is niet alleen een aimabel man, maar ook een dapper mens. Hij wijkt nimmer voor zijn overtuigingen die hij met verve in den lande verdedigt. Hij doet niks voor zichzelf, maar alles voor zijn landgoed. De heer Repelaer heeft zeer grote verdiensten voor het particulier grondbezit in Nederland. Dankzij hem is veel extra onheil alsnog aan de landgoederen voorbij gegaan. Wij allen mogen hem zeer dankbaar zijn.""
Repelaer's sister Gune married Willem van Nassau (b. 1915). 1909, Fourth Annual Report, Hudson-Fulton Celebration, pp. 238-242: "The Netherlands Hudson-Fulton Celebration Committee. Patron: His Royal Highness... Officers of the committee: ...S. P. van Eeghem ... Baron W. J. van Wlderen Rengers, Member of the First Chamber of Representatives. ... Baron J. E. N. Schimmelpenninck van der Oye van Hoevelaken, President of the First Chamber of Representatives. ... Baron C. J. van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Comptroller of the Crown Lands. ... Guarantors: ...W. Jiskoot; ... H. Loudon; ... Donors: ... F. A. G. Beelaerts van Blokland; ... A. W. van Eeghen; Chr. P. van Eeghen; ... Mrs. Loudon-de Seteurs; Dr. J. Loudon; ... A. G. van Lennep; ... M. J. de Monchy; M. R. de Monchy; ... O. J. A. Repelaer van Driel; B. W. F. van Riemsdijk; ... W. Six... Baron H. W. J. van Tuyll van Serooskerken; ... Baron J. J. G. van Voorst to Voorst..." (Adelsvereninging): Repelaer, Jhr. V.G.F., Hoenderloo and wife G.M.A. Over 15 members Tuyll van Serooskerken and over 23 members of the Voorst tot Voorst family, including the wife of Baron Seger V tot V. April 23, 2009, Press release of the Nederlandse Waterschapsbank NV: "Voorts hebben de aandeelhouders ingestemd met de voordracht door de Raad van Commissarissen tot benoeming van mr. B.J.M. baron van Voorst tot Voorst en tot herbenoeming van de heer ir. E.H. baron van Tuyll van Serooskerken [director Unie van Waterschappen 1994-2002; advisory council Nederlandse Waterschapsbank NV 2001-2012. died in 2013] als commissarissen van de vennootschap."
March 22, 2003, Reformatorisch Dagblad, 'Drie taarten, vijf kogels: Over Biologische Bakkers Brigade zal Volkert van der G. ongetwijfeld het stilzwijgen bewaren': "Op 14 mei 2002 rijdt een arrestatieteam in de vroege ochtend het prachtige bosgebied van het dorp Hoenderloo binnen. De agenten doen een inval in een kleine boerderij en lichten Pauline van Tuyll van Serooskerken en Jelle Goezinnen van hun bed. De derde verdachte, Margriet Goris, wordt in Leiden gearresteerd. Het is acht dagen na de moord op Fortuyn en twee maanden na de taartactie; pas nu besteedt justitie aandacht aan de leden van de Biologische Bakkers Brigade. De boerderij waarin twee van de activisten worden gearresteerd, behoort tot het landgoed Deelerwoud en is in december 2001 gekraakt. Om een wit voetje te halen bij de lokale bevolking hebben de krakers in een gebouwtje vlak bij de weg een "weggeefwinkel" ingericht. Potten en pannen, boeken en allerhande prullaria staan er uitgestald. Desgevraagd zegt een aantal dorpsbewoners geen last te hebben van die "vreemde en een beetje vieze types." "De bewoners wisselen met de dag", zegt een wandelaar. Het zijn geen lokalen, maar mensen uit Apeldoorn, Utrecht en Leiden. Op 17 mei zijn de activisten weer vrij. Er zijn volgens de rechter-commissaris geen wettelijke gronden om ze langer vast te houden. ... Op de publieke tribune zit de goeroe van de internationale taartbeweging, Noël Godin. De Brusselaar wordt gezien als het lichtende voorbeeld van de beweging: hij besmeurde meer dan dertig mensen, onder wie Microsoft-topman Bill Gates. Hem werd eens gevraagd of Haider op zijn taartlijst staat. "Haider kun je niet met slagroom bestrijden", antwoordde Godin. "Voor Haider adviseer ik vitriooltaarten (zuur). Ook een dynamiettaart is denkbaar. () Haider moet je definitief verhinderen nog verder grote schade aan te richten." Deze uitspraak krijgt een bijzondere betekenis als bedacht wordt dat de Nederlandse actievoerders Fortuyn betitelden als de "Hollandse Haider." Ook Kees Hudig, campagnemedewerker bij de extreem linkse financieringsorganisatie XminY, is bij het proces aanwezig. Onder de schuilnaam Kees Stad leidt hij een eigen taartbrigade, "Banketbakkers zonder grenzen", en publiceert hij opruiende teksten. Dat hij met de taartgooiers sympathiseert, bleek al in maart 2002. Toen schreef hij vol leedvermaak over de taartaanslag op Fortuyn: "Het effect was dat het zelfingenomen heerschap op tv en in de kranten voor het eerst heel anders afgebeeld werd dan hij zelf wilde en dan het publiek gewend was. Niet een triomfantelijk lachende en enigszins olijke nette heer, maar een beteuterde, wanhopige of woedende smeerkees werd getoond." Anderhalve week voor de moord op Fortuyn is Hudig aanwezig op een bijeenkomst van antiglobalisten, waar wordt besloten op 11 mei 2002 tegen Fortuyn te gaan demonstreren. Voor die datum is Fortuyn al dood. Twee van de taartactivisten, Jelle Goezinnen en Margriet Goris, waren aan het Leidse anarchistenbolwerk Eurodusnie verbonden, dat achter veel eerdere taartacties zat. Goezinnen kwam in 1999 in het nieuws toen hij minister Zalm een slagroomtaart in het gezicht drukte. Ooit werd de activist voorgeleid bij een hulpofficier van justitie in Amsterdam, die hem beschuldigde van radicale acties, zoals het loslaten van nertsen. Daarom is het opmerkelijk dat het zo lang moest duren voordat hij werd gearresteerd naar aanleiding van de Fortuyn-actie. Ook veel eerdere taartacties waren te herleiden naar de Leidse krakers. ... Steeds weer duiken er geruchten op over de banden die Fortuyns moordenaar en zijn vriendin met de taartgooiers zouden hebben. Op internet staan de meest fantastische verhalen. Het OM ontkende tot tweemaal toe een verband. Onderzoeker Peter Siebelt gaat in het nieuwste nummer van zijn nieuwsbrief Wetenswaardigheden dieper op de zaak in. Siebelt, een internationale vraagbaak op het gebied van actiegroepen en terrorisme, is al maanden bezig het netwerk rond Volkert van der G. in kaart te brengen. Van der G.''s vroegere woonplaats Wageningen speelt hierin een belangrijke rol. Siebelt laat aan de hand van een stapel documentiemateriaal zien hoe diverse actiegroepen in de universiteitsstad met elkaar verbonden waren: taartgooiers en Volkert van der G. behoorden tot dezelfde kringen. "De schakel tussen Van der G. en de taartbrigades is Judith Scheltema", vertelt Siebelt. "Van der G., zijn vriendin Petra L. en Scheltema waren goede vrienden. Gezamenlijk was het drietal jarenlang in Wageningen actief tegen onder meer genetisch gemanipuleerd voedsel - Scheltema in de actiegroep NoGen, Petra L. in de Stichting Lekker Dier en Van der G. in de actiegroep de Ziedende Bintjes." Volgens Siebelt woonde Scheltema enkele jaren samen met Van der G. op het alternatieve Wageningse wooncomplex Droevendaal. Momenteel bivakkeert ze met haar organisatie Vluchtelingen Onder Dak in het activistenbolwerk de Wilde Wereld, dat nauwe banden onderhoudt met het Leidse taartersbolwerk Eurodusnie. Bezoek van vreemden wordt niet op prijs gesteld in de Wilde Wereld. De politie is er al helemaal niet welkom. Scheltema was zelf ook bij een taartactie betrokken. Op 23 januari 2001 protesteerde zij samen met een dertigtal anderen tegen een voorlichtingsbijeenkomst van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND) over de nieuwe vreemdelingenwet. Op hun borden stonden teksten als "Stop racistische bevolkingspolitiek". Tijdens de bijeenkomst sprak Bea Peters van de IND over de nieuwe vreemdelingenwet. Tijdens haar betoog werd Peters herhaaldelijk onderbroken door boze opmerkingen, zoals de mening dat de IND zich schuldig maakt aan "deportatie" en het verwijt dat er voor de demonstrerende asielzoekers geen tolk aanwezig was. Siebelt: "Wanneer Peters het pand verlaat krijgt zij een stuk taart in haar gezicht. En een dag na de moord op Fortuyn zegt Judith Scheltema tegen een journaliste dat Volkert zo''n lieve, rustige jongen is." Als de onderzoeker zijn materiaal overziet, kan hij de taartacties onmogelijk als ludieke en tamelijk onschuldige pesterijtjes zien. "De taartgooiers geven zelf aan dat ze gezaghebbende figuren willen beschadigen." Ook vindt hij dat justitie het netwerk van Volkert onvoldoende heeft uitgekamd. Hij kan de drie taarten en de vijf kogels niet los van elkaar zien. "Voor mij is duidelijk dat er wel degelijk een verband is tussen de wereld van de taartgooiers en die van Volkert van der G.""
May 14, 2002, De Telegraaf (mainstream Dutch newspaper), 'Volkert is bekende van taartensmijters': "Er komen steeds meer aanwijzingen dat ook de drie taartengooiers die Pim Fortuyn eerder in het Haagse perscentrum Nieuwspoort besmeurden, afkomstig zijn uit extreem-linkse hoek en dat zij Volkert van der G. kennen. Verklaringen van de actievoerders zijn op het internet terug te vinden op de sites van de radicale groeperingen Eurodusnie en Ravage. Beide organisaties distantiëren zich officieel van de actie. Een van de adressen van Eurodusnie in Leiden komt echter voor op een website van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Veganisme (NVV). Een medewerkster van deze organisatie is door veehouders en nertsenfokkers geïdentificeerd als iemand die Van der G. regelmatig vergezelde bij het voeren van procedures. De vrouw wilde niet reageren."
May 16, 2002, Theo van Gogh ( Vries.html): "Klaas de Vries, PvdA minister van Binnenlandse Zaken, wist al drie dagen dat één van de taartgooisters een samenlevingscontract was aangegaan met de moordenaar van Fortuyn. Dit nieuws is over de verkiezingen heen getild om PvdA en VVD alsnog te sparen. Zoiets noemen we bij ons thuis kiezersbedrog. Oscar Hammerstein houdt er niet van als bron te worden opgevoerd. En toch belde hij mij gistermiddag, 15 mei, kwart over twaalf op om mij dit nieuwtje te melden. Hammerstein: 'Vannacht werd ik al gebeld door 2Vandaag of ik één of ander kon bevestigen. Justitie ontkent noch bevestigt. Ik weet wat ik denken moet.' Ik zat er niet ver naast nu blijkt dat de taartgooister een 'boezemvriendin' is van Mevrouw Van der G., de echtgenoot van de moordenaar van Fortuyn. Wat oprechte damesliefde al niet vermag...." Scan of an unknown newspaper at Vries.html in a May 16, 2002 post, 'OM onderzoekt relate Petra L. en taartgooister': "AMSTERDAM - Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) in Amsterdam zal opnieuw bekijken of er relatie bestaat tussen Petra L., de vriendin van Volkert van der G., en de vrouw die voorjaar 2002 Pim Fortuyn een taart in het gezicht gooide. Marten Fortuyn meldde dat op een LPF-congres iemand vertelde dat Petra L. een boezemvriendin was van de taartgooister."
February 13, 2003, Rijnmond TV (RTV), 'OM: vriendin Van der G. geen banden met taartengooister': "Nieuw onderzoek naar de vriendin van Volkert van der G. heeft niks opgeleverd. Dat heeft het Openbaar Ministerie in Amsterdam laten weten. Het onderzoek richtte zich op de mogelijke contacten tussen vriendin Petra en de vrouw die in maart vorig jaar Pim Fortuyn een taart in het gezicht gooide. Marten Fortuyn zei vorige maand dat hij over informatie beschikte die erop zou kunnen wijzen dat Petra en de taartengooister elkaar kenden, maar volgens het OM is dat dus niet zo."
The press is so vague a lot of the time, because there were two female cake throwers.
Cornelis van Tuyll
Father of Pauline. May 15, 2002, De Telegraaf, 'Taartengooister blijkt barones': "Een van de drie opgepakte activisten die Pim Fortuyn met 'taarten' van braaksel en uitwerpselen besmeurden, blijkt een barones uit een vermaard adellijk geslacht te zijn. Het gaat om de 27-jarige Pauline van T. van S., wier ouders in Duitsland wonen. De links-radicale barones stuurde onlangs af in psychologie aan de universiteit in Groningen. Volgens haar familie verbleef zij op een hen onbekend adres."
March 27, 2012, Studentenvereniging voor Internationale Betrekkingen, 'Managing Towards a Sustainable Future': "First, on a multilateral level, prof. dr. Hartwig de Haen will talk in specific about the global governance of food (in)security. ... dr. Cornelis van Tuyll will aim at the bilateral level and will show what is needed in practice to make change management possible. He will show that capacity development is a key instrument in development cooperation, to get from input to impact. Dr. Cornelis van Tuyll had several functions for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)."
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation) or GIZ is an international enterprise owned by the German Federal Government, operating in many fields across more than 130 countries. It primarily works with states, state agencies, and the private sector. The organisation was established in 2011 through a merger of the Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst (DED), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), and InWEnt. The GIZ mainly operates on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Further clients are other departments of the government, international donors like the European Union, World Bank or the United Nations, partner countries and the private sector. The cooperation with private enterprises is an emerging field, promoted under the name of sustainable development. The GIZ is set up with International Services (IS) and the Public Private Partnership (PPP)[3] in this area. With a turnover of € 2.1 billion in 2012, some € 1.87 billion came from projects and programmes for public clients, such as the BMZ, other German federal ministries or the EU.
COMMONWEALTH FORESTRY ASSOCIATION: "Cornelis Van Tuyll is from the Netherlands and special- ises in planning, management and administration. Dr. Van Tuyll is the Senior Adviser of Division, forest management, forest products and conservation of nature at GTZ in Frank- furt/Main Germany." /pubs/cmnr/cmnr_int.html, 'Co-management of Natural Resources: Introductory material': "Foreword: Is it possible to go beyond what the State declares to be the best way to manage natural resources? If yes, how? To these questions GTZ and the IUCN attempt to provide some answers with this publication – a practical manual for natural-resource managers interested in negotiating multi-party agreements and institutions, and in learning by doing. .. August 2000. Dr. Cornelis van Tuyll, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Head of Division Rural Development; Assitou Ndinga, IUCN–The World Conservation Union, Regional Director, Central Africa. ... The advice and technical inputs provided by [many people, including] Emmanuel de Merode..."
Peter Siebels' peculiar role
Peter Siebels: "GroenLinks en de Socialistische Partij, twee parlementaire vertegenwoordigers van de actiegroepen, hebben banden met allerlei buitenlandse terreurbewegingen. Dat bleek laatst nog toen de SP-Utrecht een ETA-lid uitnodigde voor een lezing.[3] Ik vreesde dat een terrorist tegen Pim zou worden ingeschakeld."
Peter Siebelt (founder of Siebelt Security; advised corporations how to deal with upcoming strikes of personnel; Offered risk analyses on countries as Israel and South America; gathered data on corporations and action groups as Parlementariërs tegen Apartheid by picking up their old paper; produced the 2003 book 'Eco Nostra' on how the radical environment groups (underground cells) are ultimately controlled by left wing political parties as Groen-Links and the Socialist Party, and how these parties support the terrorist that killed Fortuyn.) seems to have been a suspect of having known van der Graaf) on Wetenswaardigheden.html (accessed: May 31, 2002): " De snelheid waarmee de woordvoerder Robert Meulenbroek van het OM in Amsterdam op 3 februari 2003 de relatie tussen de vriendin van Volkert van der Graaf, Petra Lievense en taartengooiers ontkracht, roept om een antwoord. Volgens Justitie blijkt er geen relatie te zijn tussen haar en de mensen die Pim Fortuyn met een taart besmeurden. In directe zin klopt dat maar in indirecte zin is dat klinkklare nonsens. Volgens Justitie heeft men de mogelijke relatie onderzocht door de tipgeefster te ondervragen. De tipgeefster is een goede bekende van een van de taartgooisters die Fortuyn besmeurde maar kon geen hard bewijs overleggen en verwees naar iemand anders. Volgens justitie kon ook die persoon een verhouding tussen de twee niet bevestigen. Volgens insiders en de tipgeefster is die persoon Peter Siebelt. Dat is hoogst merkwaardig want Justitie is nooit bij Siebelt aan de deur is geweest. Om deze gemiste kans alsnog op te vullen een kort bericht om de relatie tussen de taartgooiers en Petera Lievense nader toe te lichten. De Wageningse link met de taartgooiers is Judith Scheltema, woordvoerster van Vluchteling Onder Dak (VOD) in Wageningen [what happened to the cake thrower's direct link to Petra Lievense?]. Zij is een zéér goede vriendin van Volkert van der Graaf en zijn vriendin Petra Lievense. Scheltema woonde enkele jaren samen met Volkert op het alternatieve Wageningse wooncomplex Droevendaal. Gezamenlijk waren zij jarenlang actief tegen onder anderen genetisch gemanipuleerd voedsel. Scheltema op een enigszins gematigde wijze via de actiegroep NoGen, Lievense via de Stichting Lekker Dier en Volkert op een ietwat drastische wijze via de actiegroep De Ziedende Bintjes. Momenteel bivakkeert Scheltema met haar organisatie VOD in het pand De Wilde Wereld in Wageningen. Een zogenaamde vrijstaat waar meerdere actiegroepen gehuisvest zijn waaronder het radicale Politiek Infocentrum. Bezoek van vreemden waaronder de politie wordt niet op prijs gesteld. Scheltema houdt van koken en weet ook iets van taarten. Een voorbeeld: Op 23 januari 2001 protesteerde Scheltema met haar organisatie VOD, haar partners van het Infocentrum en tientallen bewoners van het asielzoekerscentrum (AZC) 'De Leemkuil' tegen een voorlichting van de IND over de Nieuwe vreemdelingenwet. ... Toen de IND vrouw het pand verliet (NB: hotel de wereld waar de militaire capitulatie van Nazi-Duitsland is getekend) werd zij getrakteerd op een stuk taart, midden in haar gezicht. Ter verduidelijking: Scheltema behoort dus niet direct tot de taartgooiers die Pim Fortuyn besmeurde maar behoort wel indirect tot een netwerk met dezelfde praktijken. Waaruit bestaat die directe relatie? ... In Nederland zijn tientallen kraakpanden, wel of niet gelegaliseerd. Ze worden bewoond en beheerd door anarchistische collectieven. Bij voorbeeld: in De Wilde Wereld in Wageningen, Vrankrijk in Amsterdam, de Blauwe aanslag in Den Haag, ACU in Utrecht, de Grote Broek in Nijmegen of Eurodusnie in Leiden. In deze panden zijn tientallen organisaties actief. Onder anderen milieu-, dieren- en vluchtelingenorganisaties. Landelijk werkt men nauw samen in diverse projecten. Ook in het demoniseringsproces tegen Pim Fortuyn. Ieder collectief beschikt over een zogenaamde taartbrigade. De Pim Fortuyn-taarters kwamen uit Leiden, uit Eurodusnie. Ze ontwikkelen en adviseren in taartrecepten en -methoden en staan in verbinding met de andere collectieven. In de praktijk behoren Volkert van der Graaf, Petra Lievense en Judith Scheltema tot het samenwerkingsverband binnen dit netwerk. In deze context is er een directe relatie met de taartgooiers van Pim Fortuyn. Waarom heeft justitie deze feiten niet onderzocht en aan het publiek laten weten? Jammer: een gemiste kans om aan de steeds opdoemende geruchten een einde te maken.
Volkert van der Graaf
December 15, 1999, De Toren, 'Milieuorganisaties in het geweer': "Milieudefensie en de vereniging Milieu-offensief [VMO, of Volkert van der Graaf] hebben een reeks milieuvergunningen van de gemeente Hardenberg voorgedragen voor vernietiging door de Raad van State." May 8, 2002, Trouw, 'Impopulair bij dierenactivisten': "Wat zeker is: Pim Fortuyn maakte zich met zijn plannen om varkens in een varkensflat te fokken en het opheffen van het fokverbod voor nertsen zeer impopulair onder dierenactivisten. ... Uit welke motieven Fortuyn is vermoord, is onduidelijk. De dader werkte bij de Vereniging Milieu-offensief, een milieu-organisatie die via juridische procedures de bio-industrie bestrijdt. De club werkt samen met het veel grotere Milieudefensie [Dutch branch Friends of the Earth]. Eind jaren '90 procedeerden ze samen tegen de uitbreiding van veehouderijen. ... Milieu-offensief is een vrij kleine club, met een kantoor in Wageningen." (August 18, 2007): "Milieudefensie is the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth International." |
Baron G. C. W. van Tuyll Van Serooskerken |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1977)
Baron George Catharinus Willem Van Tuyll Van Serooskerken was born in 1946 as the son of Baron Freddie van Tuyll Van Serooskerken and Mary van Tets (1914-2009; her father was very close to Queen Wilhelmina). The couple was divorved around 1950. Director of Awardsystem Limited in the early 1990s. Wildlife Conservation Trust, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, p. 4: ""Council as of 1 January 2013: Patron: HRH The Duke of Edinburgh KG, KT, OM, GBE [Prince Philip] ... Vice-Chairmen of the Trustees: The Hon. P. D. P. Astor ... Elected Trustees: ... The Hon. Nicholas Soames MP [Pilgrims] ... President: The Most Hon. the Marquess of Salisbury PC, DL [Cecil] ... Vice presidents: His Grace the Duke of Wellington KG, LVO, OBE, MC ... G. C. W. Baron van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Sir Rudolph Agnew... His Grace the Duke of Westminster KG, CB, OBE, TD, CD, DL..."." |
Frans Verbunt |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1972)
From a family that owns wineries. |
Edwin Vernede |
Source(s): 1978 list
Secretary of Prince Bernhard 1960s-1970s. Mar 29, 1976, Monessen Valley Independent, '' "Newsweek magazine reports Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands may be formally reprimanded for allegedly taking a million payoff from Lockheed Aircraft. ... The magazine, quoting Dutch sources, said Bernard's secretary of the past 10 years, Edwin Vernede, "will probably be cast as a scapegoat and eased out for not protecting the prince against infiltrators."" |
Cornelis Verolme |
Source(s): 1978, 1001 Club, confidential membership list (provided by Kevin Dowling in September 2008)
1900-1981. Founder and president-director of Verolme United Shipyards, which included the building of mammoth tankers, 1955-1970. A more limited involvement after that. |
Dik Wessels |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 2002)
Near the top of the Quote 500, the Dutch version of the Fortune 500. Director Royal Volker Wessels Stevin Nv since 1990, which he joind in 1963. From March to September 2003, Mr. Wessels stood down as an active member of the board of management of Royal Volker Wessels Stevin NV. Managing director of Wessels Beheer. Advisory board Royal Volker Wessels Stevin Nv since May 2007. Wessels and Marcel van Poecke were shareholders in Argos Oil. Good friends with the royal family. Worked with Wilco Jiskoot in Reggeborgh. Fortune of 3 billion euros. October 31, 2012, Tubantia, 'Dik Wessels sluit megadeal met Russen': "Zakenman Dik Wessels heeft met zijn investeringsbedrijf Reggeborgh een megadeal gesloten met het Russische concern Sistema. Wessels en zijn compagnons verkochten oliedistributeur Argos-North Sea aan de Russen. Dat Nederlandse bedrijf is met een jaaromzet van circa 13,5 miljard euro de grootste niet beursgenoteerde oliehandel van West-Europa. ... Wessels heeft de meerderheid van aandelen van Argos-North Sea." |
J. F. H. Wijsen |
Source(s): 1978 and 1987 lists
Director-general of the middle-class and tourism in the 1960s. In the 1970s chairman Nederlandse Middenstands Bank, which became known as ING Bank in 1991. |
Dr. Cor van Zadelhoff |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1988)
Founder Zadelhoff Makelaars (real estate) in 1968. Since 1990 Zadelhoff is an international consulting agency on corporate real estate. Chairman of the in 2004 founded Stichting Fondsenwerving en –beheer uitbreiding en renovatie Stedelijk Museum. Billionaire Joop van den Ende is on the board with him. |
Baron Thierry van Zuylen |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1974)
His family has owned the large Castle de Haar since 1449. His grandmother was Helene de Rothschild (1863-1947). Egmont van Zuylen van Nyevelt (1890-1960) was a Belgian diplomat. His sister, Marie-Helene, married Baron Guy de Rothschild (1909-2007). MBA from Harvard. Worked at Banque Seligman in Paris 1955-1957. Began to work for Femmes d'Aujourdhui in 1958. Chairman Femmes d'Aujourdhui since 1972. |
Peter S. Zwart |
Source(s): 2010 list (joined in 1997)
Founder and chair GIM Group (General Investment Management) 1971-1999. 12-year board member Amsterdamse Effectenbeurs N.V. Chairman of Ameribanc in Virginia, U.S., in 1980-1995, when it was taken over. Founder Wealtheon Group in 2005. |